#for waverly it's upstate new york
wildmelon · 5 months
spending my morning finally deciding which state wayhaven is in for each of my mcs...
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route22ny · 7 years
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Victorian mansion on Route 17C in Waverly, New York.  At the curb was a stone apparatus with the name Sawyer carved into it; I assume this dates back to when horses might be tied in front of the place and perhaps this held water for them.  It looked like part of it had been cut away to accommodate the sidewalk.  Of course I might be spectacularly wrong (again) about all of this.
Waverly has a large number of Victorian residences in various conditions (see this) and there is a street named Sawyer also, but I didn’t have any luck in a quick google search trying to find out more about this place.  Photo taken October 11, 2017.
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Sudden Movements
I wrote this a while ago but I can’t find it anywhere on here, so I’m reposting it! I love the “character wakes up in a mental institution trope.” Please enjoy my self-indulgence! 
Fandom: The Man from U.N.C.L.E
(CW: Forced Sedation, Mental Institutions, Restraints)
        It was late morning when Illya resurfaced, thirsty and aching.
        His tongue felt too thick in his mouth. Light played off the beige walls.They were far removed from the dank, concrete walls of the other place.
        Where, then? And why?
        His sluggish mind supplied no answers. The inability to immediately translate stimuli into meaning grated on him, and made his heart rate pick up. Sweat spiked on his brow, and when he tried to raise a hand to brush it away he found that his wrists were bound to the bed. His ankles, too. He tried to lift his upper body to afford himself a better view, but the heavy leather strap across his chest prevented that. His breathing escalated as he began to struggle. The binds had limited slack, though the cuffs were padded. He was not meant to do damage to himself, then. He supposed he should have been grateful they weren’t steel manacles, but this was a different sort of captivity.
        The more he moved his hand, the more he felt the vein in his left hand burning. There was a needle there. He didn’t have to see it to know it. His eyes traced up the IV line, though he couldn’t see where it terminated. That explained why his mind and body were so slow, but he didn’t know what chemical was being fed directly into his veins. The thought made him tug harder, but without any real coordination.
        “It’s alright,” someone said. The unfamiliar voice coupled with the hand that was placed on his thigh was the final straw.
        “Nyet! ” The word was out of his mouth before he could stop it, and the fear in his voice jumbled with the effects of whatever drug he was on created a foreign sound, utterly devoid of self or sense. He struggled even harder.
        “You’re safe, Mr. Kuryakin. Please try to calm yourself.”
        The pressure of the hand became more assertive, and the voice attached to it had raised in volume, but remained calm and entirely reasonable. For a moment, the man at his side had been someone else. Someone he didn’t think he’d ever escape.
        He’s dead, Illya reminded himself.
        With his energy flagging, Illya’s breath hitched and he turned his head on his pillow to see the voice’s owner. His eyes were gray, and downturned at the corners. They appeared kind. He had white hair and a white beard. He sported a paunch. His mouth was a thin line, but that fact did nothing to detract from the friendliness of the smile that greeted Illya.
        “ Gde? ” He rasped.
        He gave a final, pitiful tug at the restraint on his left wrist as his unhealed wounds dogged him as well. He drew in a juddering breath, and translated himself on his exhalation.
        He searched the stranger’s face. The man nodded, and with a pat on Illya’s leg, he leaned back in his chair.
        “You’re safe,” he said with an understanding smile. “You’re-”
        “Where?!” Illya’s entire body tensed and pulled at the leather restraints before panting with the exertion and hating how scared he sounded. “Who are you?!”
        The man’s eyes narrowed, not in anger. Rather, they seemed to focus even more intently on Illya. Another figure stood -How long had he been there? -with his arms crossed. He cut an imposing figure, and he looked down at Illya with disapproval. Illya’s muscles tensed even more, and his eyes flashed a warning despite the fact these people could do anything to him, and there was nothing he could do to stop them. The thought made him want to both fight and scuttle away, but neither was a viable option.
        “Everything okay?
        “Everything’s fine, Paul.”
        “I’ll be outside,” Paul said before casting another dubious look at Illya and disappearing out the door. Illya glared after him until the doctor spoke.
        “My name is Doctor Vaughn,” he said. He kept his tone slow, and careful as though he worried Illya would misunderstand. “This is a private facility in upstate New York. You suffered a mental breakdown after your rescue, after which Alexander Waverly had you brought here for your own safety.”
        Illya’s head swam.
        He’d spent over a month denying he’d ever heard the name Alexander Waverly. Now here it was, casually stated. A fact. One of the people responsible for saving him. The person who put him here.
        “You’re…” Illya trailed off. Vaughn was what? Lying? Playing a horrible joke? Crazy?
        Illya swallowed and really regarded Vaughn, who looked down at him with what appeared to be earnest sympathy. Perhaps he was waiting for Illya to continue with that tack. Illya laid his head back on the pillow. Waverly wouldn’t betray him like this. No, there had to be a good reason.
        “Why?” he whispered.
        Vaughn nodded and scratched his chin as though he were pondering the parameters of Illya’s question. Illya opened his mouth to ask again -why was any of this happening? -but Vaughn laced his fingers in his lap and began to answer.
        “What you went through on your last mission -your imprisonment, torture, the loss of a younger agent -”
        Morgan, he thought.
        Illya closed his eyes and shook his head. The darkness did nothing to curb the disorientation. Or the guilt. He was surprised by his binds again when he tried to cover his ears. He groaned. He couldn’t prevent Vaughn from saying those things anymore than he could prevent himself from hearing them.
        “-these things have left you compromised. Hurting.”
        Illya opened his eyes to meet Vaughn’s. There hadn’t been any condemnation or ire in Vaughn’s voice, but Illya flinched just the same. He was a broken thing to be fixed. A lump formed in Illya’s throat and he choked back the words ‘I’m fine.’ The ridiculousness of the thought didn’t escape him, even in his drugged state. A dark chuckle dredged its way out of him. It was a sludgy sound that in no way qualified as laughter.
        “We want to help you process. To heal. We’ve been trying to stabilize you this past week...”
        Illya opened his mouth to insist he needed no such help, but fell silent when Vaughn’s words sunk in. A week?! That wasn’t right. It couldn’t be, could it? He’d been rescued, and returned to U.N.C.L.E.’s headquarters, and then…
        “You were, understandably, having difficulty adjusting after your rescue. A few weeks afterward, you suffered a collapse of sorts. Do you remember?”
        Illya’s body went hot and he was certain he was going to be ill. There were patches of memory, but what led here? Illya swallowed his dread and remained silent.
        “It seems you had an episode, during which you broke a fellow agent's arm, and the nose of another,” Vaughn continued.
        A tiny noise escaped Illya’s throat. He could remember that old, familiar loss of control; everything going red. But there had been something else, too. There hadn’t been just rage. There had also been fear, and the need to escape. That same hideous desperation was clawing at the edges of his consciousness now. The memory of crunching bone made his stomach roil. It was less the recollection of the sound than it was the memory of the force and unmitigated fear that had propelled his actions; the lack of control.
        “I understand spells like these, these dissociations, are not necessarily a new affliction for you.”
        There was no accusation in Vaughn’s voice, but Illya didn’t respond.Those spells rendered him dangerous. He knew that, but never against his fellow agents.
         Illya wanted to weep. He could have pulled in great, gasping breaths, but he clenched his jaws as though to keep his agony behind them. He dragged air in and out through his nose. He was aware of the pitiable sound it made. Tears stung his eyes. He swallowed hard and finally gasped for breath.
         “I cannot be here,” Illya said as his eyes searched Vaughn’s. He began to pull at the restraints again, though he knew full well they wouldn't give. He couldn’t help it. He dug his feet into the mattress to compensate for his upper body's lack of mobility. He strained against the strap across his chest.
         “It’s okay, Mr. Kuryakin,” Vaughn said as he stood. He did so with the fluidity of a man many years his junior. He disappeared from the room for a moment, but returned shortly thereafter with Paul in tow. “I appreciate that this is difficult, but I promise we are here to help you. We’re not going to hurt you.”
          Illya caught sight of the syringe Paul had, and redoubled his efforts. He panted and cursed, not caring how crazed he might look; how dazed, and stupid, and ineffectual. Or how afraid. The restraints dug into his skin as he pulled. Vaughn advanced on him reciting calm, practiced assurances, the bulk of which were lost on Illya.
          “Ssshhh, it's okay, Illya. It’s alright,” Vaughn said as he placed one hand on Illya’s left shoulder, and another on his left forearm. “You need the IV in for now. Paul is just giving you something to help you calm down. It’ll help. It”ll help.”
           Paul loomed somewhere out of Illya’s line of sight, and Illya could hear similar, less sincere assuagements from him. Vaughn patted Illya’s shoulder. It was difficult to say if there was any condescension in the gesture, but the audacity of the gentleness made Illya wild with mistrust and the need to be free. The muscles and blood vessels in Illya’s neck and throat stood out in alarming relief as he continued to lunge, pull, and twist to try to see Paul.
           “Do not touch me!” he snapped as his attention shifted between the two men. “No! No!”
            It was too late.
Paul walked back into his field of vision. A cold burn crept through his veins, the source of which was stealing what remained of his senses. He willed himself to keep fighting, but thought did not translate to action. The forcefulness of his resistance ebbed, and the sound of his own erratic breathing filled his ears.
             This isn't fair, he wanted to say as he felt his muscles go lax. The frown on Vaughn’s face told Illya that he would sympathize. Paul and Vaughn gently moved Illya’s limbs so that they were not bent uncomfortably.
            “Nuh…” Illya mumbled. The shapelessness of the word ignited something in Illya, but it was snuffed out as quickly as it sparked. His world tilted and blurred.
            “Rest,” Vaughn said. “This will pass.”
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ao3-feedwayhaught · 5 years
Lonely Roller
by jessandl
When in Vegas, Nicole was whatever she wanted to be--a model from upstate New York, a tech developer from Silicon Valley, maybe a doctor from Seattle, or a prized boxer from the Ukraine. It didn't matter, as long as Nicole didn't have to be herself, as long as she didn't have to talk about her actual life, she could be whoever she wanted to be in Vegas--and make heaps of money doing it too.
Words: 9938, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Nicole Haught, Xavier Dolls
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught
Additional Tags: Fluff, dark nicole, sleazy nicole, player nicole, Casino AU, Drunk Nicole Haught, drunk waverly earp, Hurt, Romance, Lesbian Nicole Haught, Bisexual Waverly Earp, nicole haught in suits, nicole needs a hug, Las Vegas, Wayhaught - Freeform
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/19159618
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wayhaughtao3feed · 5 years
Hey baby, I wanna know, if you'll be my girl
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KSjtBu
by AnEarpCreampuff
Waverly Earp and her family are going on one last summer getaway to a resort in upstate New York before she heads off to college in the fall. She's ready to have the best summer of her life with her sister and best friend by her side, but becomes uneasy when the town the resort is located in, seems to be a little stuck in the 60's. Her luck turns around, however, when she gets to resort and realizes that not everything is as it seems. While there, she meets Nicole, the resorts best dance instructor and suddenly her world is turned upside down. When Nicole's dance partner suffer's an unforeseen injury, she enlists Waverly as her new dance partner and the two soon begin to realize there's more to their connection then just dancing.
Words: 3892, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Nicole Haught, Chrissy Nedley, Randy Nedley, Curtis McCready, Gus McCready, Doc Holliday (Wynonna Earp), Xavier Dolls, Rosita Bustillos, Jeremy Chetri, Robin (Wynonna Earp), Mercedes Gardner, Beth Gardner, Bobo Del Rey | Robert Svane, Shae Pressman, Champ Hardy
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Wynonna Earp, Waverly Earp & Chrissy Nedley, Rosita Bustillos & Nicole Haught, Rosita Bustillos & Waverly Earp
Additional Tags: Wayhaught - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Dirty Dancing/Modern Dirty Dancing, Humor, Slow Burn, Fluff, Angst, Romance, Some Depictions of Homophobia, mild depictions of violence
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2KSjtBu
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nicolamarchette · 3 years
Here With Me
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“I didn’t think you were coming.”
“I almost didn’t.” She admitted. “I could never stay away.”
The statement she made was at least half true. When it came to him she couldn’t stay away except for when she took off. Everything had become too much and she just couldn’t deal with everything the way that she should have been. Of course that didn’t keep him from tracking her down. Against better judgement they had reconciled. She knew the risks involved but it didn’t matter. All that mattered  was that they were together. He watched her face for a long minute with his blue eyes. “Are you sure you want to come in?” He asked.
“I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t sure.”  He stepped aside as she entered. This place was special to both of them for many different reasons. It was one of the few places where they couldn’t be found. They had spent many nights in this place when they first had gotten together. She smiled remembering the first time that they had met. She knew that he was trouble but it was the kind of trouble that she didn’t mind. She couldn’t believe that he had kept the place. She smiled softly.  It was simple and minimalistic and far from the city. They didn’t have to worry about the hustle and bustle or the city lights. Sometimes the city made her feel suffocated and he knew that about her. She didn’t need anything fancy…all she needed was him. The feeling between them began just like a spark and exploded in the dark.
She could be with anyone but she was with him. She remembered making up lies and excuses to get away to see him. She didn’t trust a lot of people. She kept her walls up but around him it was different. Biting her lip, she gave in and completely let her down her walls. She closed her eyes as she could hear the thunder in the distance and the start of the rain. Experiencing a storm outside of the city was different. In that moment everything went still,even her sometimes noisy chaotic mind. Time seemed to just stop all together.  “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” He asked. She  could feel his thumb caressing the crease in between her brows. It was something that he used to do whenever she was stressed more than she let on. She felt his hand move and rest against her cheek before sliding down her jaw and neck. She closed her eyes as she felt his thumb caress the spot behind her ear, the spot that he would touch before he kissed her.
“Fuck it.” He whispered before pressing his lips into hers. His hands were gentle as they moved her along her body. A soft moan escaped her lips as she felt his hands dance around her back. His lips were as soft and tender as she remembered and they whispered nothing but promises as their bodies moved in unison together. His eyes remained on her, taking everything in. She blushed as she watched his blue eyes. She felt like she could get lost in his eyes. It was the first thing she had noticed about him when they had gotten together and it was one of the many things she loved about him. She smiled softly as she laid next to him. The rain was growing more and more intense which meant that they were stuck for a while.  “Whatever you are thinking about just forget it for now.” She snuggled into his side. She felt nothing but warmth and support. His arms protected her, made her feel safe. It didn’t take long before Nicola fell asleep.
5:58 AM
It was quiet. The sun was barely up. Nicola was exhausted but satisfied and comfortable. For the first time in a long time she felt like she was home. She smiled as she still felt his arms around her. She groaned as she heard her phone going off. She was never up this early but she had to make sure that she wasn’t dreaming because if it was a dream she didn’t want to wake up from it. She picked up her phone up off the table. It was a FaceTime request from Gabe. “Fuck.” She muttered under her breathe. She slowly moved Ryan’s arm from around her. She reached down and grabbed his shirt and put it on. She ran her fingers through her hair trying to fix it a little bit. She leaned over and kissed Ryan on the cheek. She slowly tip toed out of the room and into another.
She shook her head. She knew that she would have some explaining to do. Answering the call she smiled softly. “Where are you?” Nicola sighed. “I’m alive. I’m in upstate New York.” Gabe groaned. “A text would have been nice to let me know that you weren’t in a ditch somewhere.” She sighed as she leaned up against a counter. “I know. I’m sorry. It came a really big storm and I…I lost service for a few hours.” It was a small lie but hopefully things could be smoothed over. “Waverly missed you. You could have warned me that she is a rough sleeper.” Nicola laughed. “I’m sorry…..if she had her way she would be all over the bed.” Gabe shook his head. “Ohhhh I know. Does she normally wake up early?” Nicola raised an eyebrow. “Not always. It’s usually like 9 sometimes.” Gabe shook his head. “Try again.” Nicola laughed. “Is she up now?” “Uhmmmmm yeah she’s been going since like 4:30.” Nicola winced. “I am so sorry. Let me talk to her.”
Nicola shook her head as she could hear Waverly in the background. “Momma!” Nicola couldn’t help but smile. “Yes baby girl.” “When…..is you coming home?” “I will be home later on today. Now…..why do you have your Uncle Gabe up right now?” Waverly giggled. “Cause.” Nicola sighed. “Because why?” “Cuz I….I….. couldn’t sweep and…and……Uncky J was making funny noises.” Nicola couldn’t help but laugh. “Waverly Eryn Marchette……I think Uncky G and Uncky J would probably like to sleep and I am sure that they will play with you when it’s not really early.” Waverly giggled. “Uncky G is alreawdy up.” Nicola shook her head. “Waverly I love you but it’s time to go back to sleep. When I get home I’ll read you that story you love.” Waverly yawned and smirked. “But Mommy……” “Waverly Eryn you get your butt back in the bed right now and give your Uncky G the phone.”
Waverly pouted. “Otay. I sorrwy Uncky G. Love you momma.” “I love you too.” Waverly gave the phone back to Gabe. “I am so sorry. Normally she’s not like this. I will make it up to you I swear.” Gabe smirked. “Well for starters….you could tell me one thing.” Nicola raised an eyebrow. “What?” “Whose shirt are you wearing? Is that a hickey on your neck?” Nicola blushed. “Uhmmmmmmmm that’s a story for another time. Just give Waverly my love.” “I will.” Nicola hung up. She sighed. She sat her phone down. She had been deep in thought when she heard her name. She jumped a little. “Jesus Ryan….you scared me.” “Sorry.” She smiled softly. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around neck. “We could go back to bed.” He smirked as he looked at her, his arms going around her waist pulling her close. “I forgot how good you look in my shirt. Can I ask you something?” She nodded her head. “You can ask me anything.”
She looked into his blue eyes. “Who is Waverly?” She sighed as she looked at him. “How—how long were you standing there?” He looked at her, keeping her close. “I woke up and you weren’t there. I was thirsty so I came here. I heard a voice and I didn’t want to disturb you.” Nicola looked down and then back up at him. “Waverly is my daughter.” “How old is she?” Nicola could feel herself starting to tear up a little. She felt his thumb caress her face. “A year and a half.” She said simply. He watched her for a moment before speaking again. “Is she mine?” Nicola didn’t know what to say. “Don’t….don’t do that! Don’t pull away from me like you used to? Is she my daughter?” “I….” He shook his head as he pulled away from her. “Just tell me the truth.”
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They’re Counting On the Unpredictable
Actors who look nothing alike playing siblings who defy movie traditions? Yep, that was the plan.
November 05, 2000  LA Times
|JOHN CLARK | John Clark is a regular contributor to Calendar
Among the many things to marvel at in Kenneth Lonergan’s “You Can Count on Me” is the fact that the two principals, a brother and sister played by Mark Ruffalo and Laura Linney, look nothing alike. And nobody who has seen this movie, which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January and shared the grand jury prize and won the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award, has noticed. Nobody.
“We don’t have the same vocal mannerisms, we don’t have the same skin tone, we don’t walk alike, we got nothing going,” says Linney (blond hair, blue eyes). “It reaffirms to me to get the best people you can and the rest of it will be OK.”
“You Can Count on Me,” despite its awkwardly earnest title, is more than OK, primarily because the characters learn something about themselves, but not too much–certainly not enough to change in any profound way. The Sony Classics film, which opens Friday, is a welcome respite from the gooey uplift and market-tested psychology of most Hollywood fare.
“People have a revelation in their life, and then it takes them five years to implement, to change,” says Ruffalo (dark hair, olive skin). “We might see the glimpses of the beginnings of a change in them, but it doesn’t work like that, where people are like, ‘I see the light.’ ”
The movie starts with a jolt: Ruffalo and Linney’s characters (Terry and Sam) lose their parents in a car accident when they are young children. Years pass. Terry has grown up to be a drifter and returns to his hometown to borrow money from Sam, the responsible one, who works in a bank and is raising a son by herself. He ends up staying with her for a while, and they undergo a kind of role reversal: She loosens up, he takes a paternal interest in her kid. Then they revert back to type.
But an appealing aspect of the movie is that the role reversals are not out of character–and there is no type. It’s funny and maybe even exhilarating when Sam has a fling with the new bank manager (Matthew Broderick) and smokes a joint, but somehow it’s not surprising. Likewise, we see Terry seem to get a handle on his life, only to lose it again–repeatedly. Audiences expecting a typical character arc are in for a surprise.
“I just don’t know anyone who’s that predictable,” says Lonergan, who wrote and directed the film. “I don’t know anybody who doesn’t shift around, depending on the circumstances. One thing that really interests me is how people are struggling with their own horrible characteristics and with the horrible characteristics of the people who are close in their lives.
"Mark said a nice thing about the characters in the movie. He said they work so hard to make such a marginal improvement, but that’s what makes it lifelike.”
“You Can Count on Me” is Lonergan’s first film as a director (he’s directed theater). He has been a highly praised playwright (“This Is Our Youth,” “The Waverly Gallery”) and a screenwriter with mixed success (the hit “Analyze This” and the flop “The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle”), and exudes a dry, nebbishy air–in the film, he plays a befuddled priest–but this is a bit misleading. His opinions are confident and acute, and he had the savvy to enlist Martin Scorsese as executive producer to protect the film from meddlesome studio suits.
Not surprisingly, these suits wanted a name actress for the female lead. Although Lonergan wanted Linney, he dutifully had other actresses read and then cast her anyway. They also had a problem with Ruffalo and Linney’s obvious physical differences, but a table reading of the script revealed a chemistry between them that would surmount that.
The shoot itself was no picnic (or it was the sort of picnic plagued by sand and red ants). They shot in upstate New York for 28 days, often working 16- and 18-hour days. There was no place for the actors to go between shots, so they were housed in a former chicken coop. It was unbearably hot. The script, which Lonergan had been honing for two years, had 250 scenes, which is more like “Ben-Hur” than an independent movie. (This film, though, is less than two hours long.)
And then there was the issue of Lonergan’s inexperience. It wasn’t a problem for Ruffalo because they’d worked together before onstage–Ruffalo starred in Lonergan’s “This Is Our Youth”–and had developed a kind of shorthand. It was a different story for Linney and Broderick (despite the fact that Broderick is a childhood friend of Lonergan’s). Lonergan says he wasn’t used to the time constraints on a film set and found it difficult to communicate what he wanted without being excessively specific.
“They didn’t mistrust me, but I think they felt I was a little too micro-managerial,” he says. “They were totally nice about it, and we didn’t have any fights, but they were a little bit tenser in the early stages. I think they ended up very happy with their performances. At least I hope they are. They should be.”
They are. Linney says, “I didn’t understand that he understood his own material as well as he did. The things that he was really right about dealt with the inner rhythms of the movie. Use of language and things like that. Every word, every single 'um,’ 'like,’ 'I mean,’ 'you know,’ is in that script.
"There were times when a scene would be stopped because I would say 'um’ instead of 'that’s.’ So I would get frustrated by that, and then I got used to it. There were other things that I think he wasn’t right about, but it doesn’t matter.”
Whatever they were, they’re not apparent on-screen, nor are they enough to prevent Lonergan from directing again, though you’d never know it from talking to him. Like a lot of people who are funny, he has a somewhat dark outlook. Reached minutes after he won those awards at Sundance, he seemed gloomy, as if waiting for the other shoe to drop. But he’s got a script in development for Scorsese (though not for Lonergan to direct), called “The Lost Army,” and he admits, with characteristic honesty, the seldom-mentioned pleasures of directing (aside from protecting your script).
“I don’t know what pejorative to use, but it’s such a head trip, with everyone running around saying, 'Kenny’s on his way to the bathroom,’ 'Kenny’s on his way to the set,’ 'Kenny, what do you think, what do you think?’ ” he says, grinning. “So I definitely see how people get into it, whether they have anything to say or not.”
For Ruffalo, “You Can Count on Me” seems like another rung–OK, maybe two or three–up the ladder. In addition to this film, which allows him to display his Brando-esque, offhand volatile quality, he was seen last year in Barry Levinson’s canceled cop show, “The Beat,” and he’s currently shooting a John Woo movie, “'Windtalkers,” in Hawaii.
Certainly another beneficiary of “You Can Count on Me” will be Linney, who’s hovered on the margins of Hollywood for years. Many will remember her as Jim Carrey’s phony wife in “The Truman Show.” (She also gives an amusingly nasty performance as an adulterous wife in the upcoming “House of Mirth.”) Here she’s front and center, a single mom who is by turns maternal, spiritual, sexual, confused, clear. She’s taking the long view of what the film means, however.
“A lot of people have said to me, 'This is it, this is the one,’ ” she says. “I’ve heard that so many times before, and you sort of learn that ultimately the thing that’s great about it is there are a few things that I am really proud of. Now I have one more.
"I know that when I’m 82 and I’m in the Actors Home in New Jersey, I’m going to be damn proud. There will be a few things that will make me feel proud, and this is definitely one of them.”
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joshuamshea84 · 6 years
How to Eat in New York City on a Budget
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Posted: 10/29/2018 | October 29th, 2018
New York City has a reputation for being one of the most expensive dining destinations in the world. It’s easy to wander into high-end restaurants without realizing it and walk away with the idea that dining out in NYC is wallet busting.
And while it is true that New York is home to a lot of $500 set-menu restaurants and restaurants where a “nice” “simple” dinner with wine can top $100, the city is also home to starving artists, working-class folks, and un(der)paid interns trying to make it in the big city — and they can’t afford any of those fancy meals.
Heck, not many people can.
I mean who can drop $100 on dinner all the time? Not me! Not you! Not the majority of these people!
Because of that, New York City also has a variety of cheap eats, happy hours, and food deals that make it easy to eat in NYC on a budget. However, as a visitor, it’s often hard to know where to find those holes-in-the-wall and markets. This is definitely a place where you need to be in the know for a lot of this deals. There are thousands of restaurants in the city. How do you navigate them all?
You need someone on the inside. (That person is me!)
So, today, I am going to share my tips on how you can eat out in NYC on a budget and give you some of the knowledge I’ve accumulated by always eating out in the city:
Eating in NYC Tip #1: Hit the Oyster Happy Hours
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During the week, you can find countless oyster happy hours, which are one of the most popular things to do (especially in the summer when you can sit outside). They start around 4pm and go until 6 or 7pm, and the oysters range from $1 to $1.50. Arrive early, as most restaurants fill up quickly and build up impossible wait times. My favorite (and the best) oyster happy hours in NYC are:
Jeffrey’s Grocery (172 Waverly Place, West Village, +1 646-398-7630)
The Dead Rabbit (30 Water St, +1 646-422-7906)
Good Night Sonny (134 First Ave, +1 646-692-3254)
Upstate Craft Beer & Oyster Bar (95 First Ave, +1 646-791-5400)
The Mermaid Inn (96 Second Ave, East Village, +1 212-674-5870)
John Dory Oyster House (1196 Broadway, +1 212-792-9000)
Grand Central Oyster Bar (lower level, Grand Central Terminal, 89 East 42nd St, +1 212-490-6650)
Zadie’s Oyster Room (413 East 12th St)
Cull & Pistol Oyster Bar (Chelsea Market, 75 Ninth Ave, +1 646-568-1223)
The Ten Bells (247 Broome St, +1 212-228-4450)
Sagaponack Bar & Grill (4 West 22nd St, +1 212-229-2226)
Greenpoint Fish &- Lobster Co. (114 Nassau Ave, Brooklyn, +1 718-349-0400)
Brazen Fox (106 Third Ave, +1 212-353-1063)
Littleneck (288 Third Ave, +1 718-522-1921)
The Jeffrey (311 East 60th St, +1 212-355-2337)
Atrium DUMBO (15 Main St, +1 718-858-1095)
Catfish (1433 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, +1 347-305-3233)
Eating in NYC Tip #2: Bottomless Brunch
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New York City runs on the bottomless brunch, where for around $35 you get unlimited drinks with your food. This is a weekend-only thing and a staple of the city’s social scene. There are countless bottomless brunches, so it would be impossible to include them all here, but below are some of the most affordable and best value bunches in the city:
Agave (140 Seventh Ave S, +1 212-989-2100) – A two-hour bottomless brunch for $33.
The Flying Cock (497 Third Ave, +1 212-689-6900) – Pay $19 for bottomless Bloody Marys, mimosas, or Bellinis for 90 minutes.
Poco NYC (33 Avenue B at Third St, +1 212-228-4461) – Pay $35 for an entrée and 1.5 hours of bottomless mimosas, sangria, or Bloody Marys. Cash only.
Pardon My French (103 Avenue B, +1 212-358-9683) – For $29.95, you get a meal and bottomless Bloody Marys or mimosas for 90 minutes.
Mezetto (161 East Houston St, +1 212-933-4587) – It’s just $20 for 90 minutes of unlimited mimosas.
Cuba (222 Thompson St, +1 212-420-7878) – For $18, you’ll get bottomless cocktails (including mojitos) for 90 minutes.
Harry’s Italian Pizza Bar (2 Gold St, +1 212-747-0797) – For $28.95, get a meal and unlimited Bloody Marys and mimosas for two whole hours.
Tio Pepe (168 West 4th St, +1 212-242-6480) – From from 12pm to 4pm, get 90 minutes of bottomless mimosas (including flavored ones), Bloody Marys, and margaritas for $14 (when you get a meal).
The Malt House (206 Thompson St, +1 212-228-7713) – Spend $20 for two hours of unlimited cocktails.
Blind Pig (233 East 14th St, +1 212-209-1573) – Spend $30 for two hours of mimosas or Bloody Marys.
La Flaca (384 Grand St, +1 646-692-9259) – For $29, you get any menu item along with bottomless margaritas, sangrias, Bloody Marys, and more, for 90 minutes.
Eating in NYC Tip #3: Grab a Pizza Slice
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NYC and pizza go together like white on rice. You can’t separate the two, and in my opinion, the New York slice is probably one of the best pizzas in the country (sorry, Chicago)! If you’re looking to eat on a budget, grabbing a slice is one of the best ways to save money in New York. Slices range from $1 to $4, though $2 is the max I’ll pay (unless it’s really good). Below is a list of my favorite dollar-slice joints (and a couple non-dollar slices just because they are that good):
Percy’s Pizza (190 Bleecker St)
Joe’s Pizza (150 East 14th St and other locations)
2 Bros (601 Sixth Ave)
Ivana’s Pizzeria (2373 Arthur Ave, Bronx, +1 718-365-4322)
99 Cents Fresh Pizza (151 East 43rd St; 473 Lexington Ave; 201 East 34th St B)
9th Ave the Best Pizza (748 Ninth Ave)
NY Fresh Pizza (787 Ninth Ave)
Joey Pepperoni’s Pizza (381 Broadway; 493 Second Ave; 114 East Fordham Rd, Bronx)
One Dollar Pizza (578 Ninth Ave, +1 212-967-3310)
Vinny Vincenz Pizza (231 1st Ave, 212-674-0707)
Eating in NYC Tip #4: Munch on Dumplings
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Chinese dumplings are also one of the best value meals in the city because you can get huge plates of dumplings for literally just a few dollars (and if you get them frozen for later, they are even cheaper). They’ll fill you up for lunch and you’ll still have leftovers for dinner. And, thanks to the city’s large Chinese immigrant population, the dumplings are incredibly authentic. This is the real deal here. Here’s a list of the best spots to get dumplings in NYC:
Lan Zhou Handmade Noodle (40 Bowery St, +1 646-683-0939) – 9-11 dumplings for $3.
Vanessa’s Dumpling House (220 East 14th St, Union Square, +1 212-529-1328) – 5-10 for just $2 or less.
Noodle Q (2 East Broadway, +1 212-219-8223) – A big plate for $6.
Tasty Dumpling (42 Mulberry St, +1 212-349-007, visit the website for other locations) – Five for $1.25.
East Dumpling (46 Eldridge St, +1 212-219-2268) – 10 for $3.
Tim Ho Wan (85 Fourth Ave, +1 212-228-2800) – $5 dishes.
Shu Jiao Fu Zhou (118 Eldridge St, +1 212-625-2532) – 6 for $2.50.
Jin Mei Dumpling (25B Henry St, +1 212-608-8962) – $2 for a big plate.
Fried Dumpling (106 Mosco St, +1 212-693-1060) – Five for $1.25.
New Sheng Wang Inc. (27 Eldridge St, +1 212-925-0805) – Large plate for $3.
Spicy Village (68B Forsyth St) – 12 for about $6.
Kai Feng Fu Dumpling House (4801 Eighth Ave, +1 718-437-3542) – 5 dumplings for $1.50.
North Dumpling (27A Essex St, +1 646-421-8823) – 12 for $3.
YOZ Shanghai (4128 Main St, +1 718-321-2663) – 12 for $4.50.
Eating in NYC Tip #5: Grab a Dog
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Hot dog shops litter the street corners of New York. They might not be the healthiest meal but they are super cheap and make for a quick lunch. Though the hot dog has been around for centuries, the modern dog was popularized by Nathan Handwerker, a Jewish immigrant from Poland, living in NYC. In 1915, he worked at a hot dog stand at Coney Island. He started his own stand (Nathan’s Famous) and undercut his former boss to sell his own dogs and the rest is hot dog history. You can get a big, juicy dog with lots of fixings for between $2 and $5. Here are the best hot dog shops in New York City:
Gray’s Papaya (2090 Broadway, visit the website for more locations)
Crif Dogs (113 St Mark’s Pl, +1 212-614-2728)
Rudy’s (627 9th Ave, +1 646-707-0890) – This dive bar gives you a free hot dog when you order a drink.
Nathan’s Famous (visit the website for locations)
Feltman’s Kitchen (80 St Mark’s Pl, visit the website for other locations)
Dickson’s Farmstand Meats (Chelsea Market, +1 212-242-2630)
Papaya King (179 East 86th St, +1 212-369-0648)
Tony Dragon’s Grill (Madison Ave & East 62nd St, +1 917-299-1550)
Paul’s Da Burger Joint (131 2nd Ave, +1 212-529-3033)
Dominick’s Hot Dog Truck (Woodhaven Blvd & 67th Ave)
Deli & Dogz food truck (visit the website for locations)
Harlem Shake (100 West 124th St)
Shake Shack (visit the website for locations)
Eating in NYC Tip #6: Food Trucks
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If you’re looking for cheap eats, check out the food trucks around town that are a staple for the office workers. You’ll find shawarma, hot dogs, gyros, halal items, and lots more grab-and-go food. They tend to be located near big parks like Central Park or Union Square, Midtown, or the big squares in the financial district. Their cheap, quick eats are what we have for breakfast and lunch (though many are around during the evening too). Most meals costs $5-7 USD.
Eating in NYC Tip #7: Make Your Own Food
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Sure, New York City has tons of delicious and expensive restaurants, but go to the supermarket, grab either a premade meal or ingredients to make your own, and head to one of the parks and eat outside. Or back to your Airbnb to make your meal. Most supermarkets also have areas where you can eat inside too. My favorite grocery stores in the city are:
Whole Foods – Whole Foods has affordable natural and organic foods primarily from local vendors.
Trader Joe’s – A grocery store chain with super low prices all the time.
Food Emporium – Another supermarket chain that also has lots of imported food options.
Eating in NYC Tip #8: Try Meal Pal (for the extended traveler)
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If you’re looking to be in town for a while, consider signing up for the service MealPal. It’s $120 USD for a month ($6 a meal), which works out to be a super cheap way to eat. Monday through Friday at lunch you get to choose a preset meal from thousands of restaurants. Think of it like a lunch menu at your fingertips. It’s a good way to try new restaurants as well as eat cheap.
Eating in NYC Tip #9: Eat Outside Manhattan
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I love Manhattan. It’s my favorite borough in the city, but whenever I leave it, I’m always reminded of how expensive it is. The other boroughs are like half the price of Manhattan. In Queens, for example, you’ll find a ton of great and cheap ethnic food.
Eating in NYC Tip #10: Use the Apps
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Looking for cheap eats? Crowdsource. Use apps to search for people’s favorite restaurants or what is affordable near you. My suggested apps are:
Yelp – Yelp lets you find places to eat and drink in your area, and there are usually tons of reviews left by patrons.
Foursquare – Find out where the locals are eating and unlock special deals when you check into a place.
OpenTable – Check local restaurant reviews, and then reserve your table.
Roaming Hunger – Find out which food trucks are in your area!
Eating in NYC Tip #11: Eat Bagels
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The NYC bagel is as famous as the NYC slice. We take our bagels seriously here (Just ask all the ex-NYers living in LA if they can find a good bagel there! They’ll say no and lament that’s one thing they miss the most). Most bagels will cost $3-4 with cream cheese, more if you want lox (which you should). A bagel sandwich will cost around $5-6. Here’s a list of my favorite bagel spots:
Ess-a-Bagel (831 Third Ave, +1 212-980-1010)
Murray’s Bagels (500 Avenue of the Americas, +1 212-462-2830)
Lenny’s Bagels (2601 Broadway, +1 212-222-0410)
Bagelsmith (189 Bedford Ave, Brooklyn, +1 718-218-7414, visit the website for more locations)
Russ & Daughters (127 Orchard St, Lower East Side, +1 212 475 4880)
Baz Bagel (181 Grand St, +1 212-335-0609)
Absolute Bagel (2788 Broadway, +1 212-932-2105)
Best Bagel & Coffee (225 West 35th St A, +1 212-564-4409)
Kossar’s (367 Grand St, +1 212-473-4810)
Brooklyn Bagel & Coffee Company (286 Eighth Ave, +1 718-204-0141)
Black Seed (170 Elizabeth St, +1 212-730-1950, visit the website for more locations)
Tompkins Square Bagels (165 Avenue A, +1 646-351-6520)
David’s Bagels (273 First Ave, +1 212-780-2308)
Zucker’s Bagels (370 Lexington Ave, +1 212-608-5844)
Bagel Supreme (9401 Fifth Ave, +1 718-745-1108)
Bo’s Bagels (235 West 116th St, 917-902-8345)
Daniel’s Bagels (569 Third Ave)
Eating in NYC Tip #12: Do Restaurant Week
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If you’re here during July or October (the exact dates change each year), New York City’s Restaurant Week has some amazing deals, as over 380 of New York’s best restaurants offer $26 lunch menus and $42 three-course dinners. This gives you a chance to sample the best restaurants in town at a fraction of the regular price. Visit the official page for all the details and to book your table. You’ll also be able to browse restaurants by neighborhood, cuisine, lunch or dinner options, and more: nycgo.com/restaurant-week.
BONUS: 13 Affordable Restaurants in NYC
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Want some specific restaurants? Here are some of my favorite cheap restaurants to eat at when you visit:
The Bao (13 St Mark’s Pl, East Village, +1 212 388 9238) – With its sleek, modern decor, this restaurant is a wonderful spot for Chinese food. Its dumplings, fried rice, and pork buns are delicious. There’s always a wait on the weekends, so try to get there on the early side.
Bennie’s Thai Café (88 Fulton St, Financial District, +1 212 587 8930) – As someone who has lived in Thailand, I’m quite picky about my Thai, but this restaurant is legit. It’s a popular lunch spot with the working crowd and serves incredible curry. It’s one of the few locations where I can get an authentic Thai iced tea too! Service is a little too fast and abrupt, but who cares? The food is incredible.
Corner Bistro (331 West 4th St, West Village, +1 212 242 9502) – This place has world-famous thick and greasy hamburgers, some of the best in NYC. It’s sort of an institution, and if you love burgers as much as I do, I would highly recommend coming here. Cash only.
Masala Times (194 Bleecker St, Greenwich Village, +1 212 995 5100) – Serving Bombay-style street food, this spot has some of the best Indian cuisine I’ve found. I can’t get enough of it. The plates are shareable, and you get rice and bread too. Try the fish tikka — it’s delicious!
Panna II Garden (93 First Ave, 2nd floor, East Village, +1 212 598 4610) – Christmas lights cover the ceiling and walls of this festive Indian restaurant (and the neighboring restaurants too, so if Panna II is packed, walk next door). It’s cramped, but a unique experience. The food is delicious! Cash only.
S’MAC (197 First Ave, East Village, +1 212 358 7917) – A mac-and-cheese shop that takes this traditional dish and makes it even better. It’s heavenly, cheesy goodness. The four-cheese mac and cheeseburger mac are my favorites.
Sao Mai (203 First Ave, East Village, +1 212 358 8880) – This traditional Vietnamese spot is located near my old apartment. The pho rocks! The portions are huge, and prices are not. It offers $10 lunch specials.
SriPraPhai Thai Restaurant (64–13 39th Ave, Flushing, Queens, +1 718 899 9599) – This is my favorite Thai restaurant in New York. I have very high standards for Thai food, and this exceeds them all. If you only eat at one Thai restaurant, make it this one.
Xi’an Famous Foods (313 Sixth Ave) – New Yorkers love this small chain of Chinese restaurants, with 12 locations around town. Grab some hand-ripped noodles with beef to go, and it’ll only cost you about $8.
Mamoun’s Falafel (119 MacDougal St) – You will find inexpensive falafel and gyro stands all over Manhattan, but the best one is Mamoun’s. You can pick up a classic falafel with tahini and salad for less than $5, but all the options here are tasty and affordable.
Little Saigon Pearl (9 Bay 35th St, Brooklyn, +1 718-996-8808) – Little Saigon is another great Vietnamese eatery to pick up lunch, as most of its menu items are under $8. Try the chicken lemongrass.
Kopitiam (151 East Broadway, +1 646-609-3785) – If you want affordable Malaysian food, you have to go to Kopitiam, especially for breakfast. Most menu items are around $8, including nasi lemak (the national dish of Malaysia).
Mama’s Empanadas (3241 Steinway St) – Mama’s Empanadas is one of the best spots for a bite of Colombian food in Queens. You can get some really cheap empanadas here, including a spinach and cheese for just $2.
New York City may be one of the most of the expensive cities in the world, but it doesn’t have to break your bank. Remember, this is a city of eight million people, and if you break away from the tourists and into the fabric of the city, you’re going to unearth a plethora of restaurants and bars to eat and drink at on a budget.
NEXT STEP —> Get My Guide and See More of NYC for Less!
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See New York City the way it’s meant to be seen. You’ll get off the beaten path, away from crowds, and see the local side of New York City visiting my favorite sights, restaurants, bars, and attractions!
Get the NYC Guide Now!
Book Your Trip to Europe: Logistical Tips and Tricks
Get Your Guide Check out my detailed guide to planning a visit to NYC with suggested itineraries, places to stay, things to do, where to eat, and how to get around. Just click here to get the guide and continue planning today!
Book Your Flight Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.
Book Your Accommodation You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay elsewhere, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time. My favorite places to stay in New York City are:
HI NYC Hostel – One of the biggest and most popular hostels in the city with a ton of space, an outdoor patio, free Wi-Fi, events, activities, and a huge kitchen.
Jazz on Columbus Circle – My favorite hostel in NYC, with comfy dorms and a friendly environment.
Pod Times Square – Incredibly tiny private rooms, but with an excellent quiet location near Times Square.
Don’t Forget Travel Insurance Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:
World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
Insure My Trip (for those over 70)
Looking for the best companies to save money with? Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!
Photo credits: 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14
The post How to Eat in New York City on a Budget appeared first on Nomadic Matt's Travel Site.
from Traveling News https://www.nomadicmatt.com/travel-blogs/budget-nyc-eating/
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mmcgui12-gmu · 4 years
After the Black Cat Chapter 1: Introducing Mel
It's the fall of 2010, the school year after Warnings at Waverly Academy, and all the valedictorian candidate girls have all gotten into their choice universities. Mel Corbalis and Leela Yadav both end up going to the same small school. And as fate would have it, they have no idea that the housing department made these former childhood friends college roommates. 
Read on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20399605/chapters/48385990
If anyone wants to join in as the coauthor writing as Leela, let me know in the AO3 comment section.
Hello... Future roommate.
I hate that this university is making us write an intro letter to each other before school starts when we could just meet up during freshman orientation. Or during move-in weekend. But I guess this is to sort out "compatibility issues" in case we ever need to change roommates at some point.
Whatever, though.
I'm Mel Corbalis (only known by Melody when my mom's pissed at me). I play cello, and I'm a music major.
The last four years of my life were at the hellsite that is Waverly Academy, a very competitive all-girls' boarding school in upstate New York. I was a legacy student there, and if I have any say in it, I'm not having any daughters go there.
While being a valedictorian candidate at Waverly last year may've looked good on my college applications, I didn't actually get the title (the full ride scholarship that went with it would've been nice).
Anyway, I'm done talking about me.
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westernmanews · 6 years
EASTHAMPTON — Effective Jan. 1, Smith Brothers Insurance, with offices in Easthampton and West Springfield, and the Partners Insurance Agency, an independent insurance agency located in Vestal, Owego, and Waverly, N.Y., have merged together. This merger expands the Smith Brothers Insurance footprint into upstate New York, where the Partners will maintain local presence while leveraging the resources of Smith Brothers Insurance, one of the nation’s top 100 independent brokers.  Owners of the New York offices — Don Patterson, Bill Soprano, Phil Wiles, John Carlin, Michael Constantine, and Chris Hutchings — will stay fully engaged in client service and business development. Constantine will run the New York region, continuing to serve clients with the same team of insurance professionals who have also become employees of Smith Brothers Insurance.
“The Partners brings us presence in New York and allows personal and commercial clients of the Partners to gain access to additional carriers, coverages, and risk-management services. Those who own or operate a business will benefit from additional value-added services, such as human resources, employee well-being, safety, compliance, and financial services,” said Joe Smith, president and CEO of Smith Brothers Insurance. “Both agencies have strong ties to serve our clients and give back to the communities where we live and work.”
Added Constantine, “as we have gotten to know Joe and members of the Smith Brothers team, it is clear we share the same values. Smith Brothers’ commitment to exceptional client service, continued growth, and being a great place to work is so exciting to our team and aligns with our commitment to be the best we can be for our clients, partners, and the community.”
The post Smith Brothers Insurance and the Partners Insurance Agency Merge appeared first on BusinessWest.
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ao3-feedwayhaught · 5 years
Hey baby, I wanna know, if you'll be my girl
by AnEarpCreampuff
Waverly Earp and her family are going on one last summer getaway to a resort in upstate New York before she heads off to college in the fall. She's ready to have the best summer of her life with her sister and best friend by her side, but becomes uneasy when the town the resort is located in, seems to be a little stuck in the 60's. Her luck turns around, however, when she gets to resort and realizes that not everything is as it seems. While there, she meets Nicole, the resorts best dance instructor and suddenly her world is turned upside down. When Nicole's dance partner suffer's an unforeseen injury, she enlists Waverly as her new dance partner and the two soon begin to realize there's more to their connection then just dancing.
Words: 3892, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, M/M
Characters: Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Nicole Haught, Chrissy Nedley, Randy Nedley, Curtis McCready, Gus McCready, Doc Holliday (Wynonna Earp), Xavier Dolls, Rosita Bustillos, Jeremy Chetri, Robin (Wynonna Earp), Mercedes Gardner, Beth Gardner, Bobo Del Rey | Robert Svane, Shae Pressman, Champ Hardy
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Wynonna Earp, Waverly Earp & Chrissy Nedley, Rosita Bustillos & Nicole Haught, Rosita Bustillos & Waverly Earp
Additional Tags: Wayhaught - Freeform, Alternate Universe, Dirty Dancing/Modern Dirty Dancing, Humor, Slow Burn, Fluff, Angst, Romance, Some Depictions of Homophobia, mild depictions of violence
source http://archiveofourown.org/works/20371717
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wayhaughtao3feed · 5 years
Savin' Me
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2NaEbQ5
by jessandl
Waverly Earp thought she was living the dream in Upstate New York. She had the fame and fortune until that was all ripped out from under her in the blink of an eye thanks to her now ex-husband, Champ Hardy. Will a particular redhead be able to convince Waverly that life in New York can still be as grand without the life she was so used to?
Words: 3811, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, Gen
Characters: Waverly Earp, Champ Hardy, Wynonna Earp, Doc Holliday (Wynonna Earp), Nicole Haught
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Wynonna Earp, Waverly Earp/Champ Hardy
Additional Tags: New York AU, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, West Coaster tries to write about the East Coast, im not sorry for that, Angst with a Happy Ending, I promise, Wayhaught - Freeform, WayHaught Au, haimsbians lemme hear ya scream, Lesbian Nicole Haught, Bisexual Waverly Earp
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2NaEbQ5
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onthegoinmco · 8 years
Aladdin at the New Amsterdam Theatre
Recently I took my first trip to New York City in December. This was a pretty big deal for me since I’d driven by it, flown through it, and even lived upstate for years, and never set foot on the island of Manhattan until a couple months ago. I finally made this trip happen, but wanted to squeeze in some Disney into my vacation to the Big Apple.
Standing in front of the Aladdin poster
Although we weren’t catching a Broadway show this trip, everyone knows there have been many hits from Disney in New York City from Beauty and the Beast, to Newsies, Mary Poppins, The Little Mermaid, Aida, The Lion King, and Tarzan. I did get to go by the New Amsterdam Theatre many times since we were staying just a few blocks from Times Square, so of course I had to get my picture in front of the Aladdin posters. Also in Times Square is a large Disney Store with an escalator that is fun to ride if for other reason than to see the beautiful lanterns from Tangled and the decor. Going to the second floor to see more exclusive NYC merchandise is a good reason too. I ended up getting an awesome New York City shirt at the Disney Store.
Disney Store in Times Square
New York City Disney Store merchandise
My NYC Disney shirt
Another Mickey NYC shirt
New York shirt
I Heart NY pin
New York City Apple pin
Minnie Lady Liberty pin
Not a lot of people realize this, but Walt Disney lived in New York City for a period of time. He had a place in Greenwich Village, where Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. had also lived at one point, called Twin Peaks at 102 Bedford St. This is just a couple houses down from where the Friends building exterior shots are. It is a very cool neighborhood where Cary Grant also lived. This was one of my favorite places in the city that seemed a bit more chill, aside from all the tour groups trying to take pictures outside of Monica and Rachel’s apartment.
Walt Disney’s house Twin Peaks
There are also a ton of Disney tv and movie connections to New York City. Every time I’d catch a glimpse of the Chrysler Building, I’d think of the Disney/ABC TV 1999 Adaptation of Annie, which is my favorite version. Of course, the Avengers, and Captain America were on my mind anytime I rode the subway and saw signs for Brooklyn, or when I was near Grand Central Terminal where their final battle is in the first movie. The Empire State Building reminded me of James and the Giant Peach, and I thought of Enchanted when I went by Central Park. When I was in the Village, I had to look for Waverly Place and see if there were any Wizards around, but I didn’t find any (Selena Gomez must have been busy). There are many more set in the city like Oliver and Company, Bolt, The Rescuers have their headquarters under the United Nations, the tv shows Jessie, and Girl Meets World were also set in New York City.
Chrysler Building top shining
Grand Central Terminal
Empire State Building minus the Peach
Central Park
Now even with the Disney Cruise Line having a port with departures leaving from New York City, it is even easier to find little bits of Disney magic in the city. There are new Broadway shows in development like Frozen. The ABC Studios at Times Square where Good Morning America broadcasts live during the week often feature actors from Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, and Pixar movies that debut soon. You also have Adventures by Disney with a New York City Itinerary that lets you see Aladdin, attend a taping of GMA, museums, restaurants, free time to explore the city and more! There are a variety of ways to experience Disney in NYC and I’m glad I finally got to see a few of them, but there are so many more. The new Festival of the Arts at Epcot has me clamoring to get back to see a show on Broadway after seeing these fantastic performances.
The post Finding Disney in New York City appeared first on On the Go in MCO.
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wayhaughtao3feed · 5 years
Lonely Roller
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2F1kZxN
by jessandl
When in Vegas, Nicole was whatever she wanted to be--a model from upstate New York, a tech developer from Silicon Valley, maybe a doctor from Seattle, or a prized boxer from the Ukraine. It didn't matter, as long as Nicole didn't have to be herself, as long as she didn't have to talk about her actual life, she could be whoever she wanted to be in Vegas--and make heaps of money doing it too.
Words: 9938, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Wynonna Earp (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Waverly Earp, Wynonna Earp, Nicole Haught, Xavier Dolls
Relationships: Waverly Earp/Nicole Haught, Waverly Earp & Nicole Haught
Additional Tags: Fluff, dark nicole, sleazy nicole, player nicole, Casino AU, Drunk Nicole Haught, drunk waverly earp, Hurt, Romance, Lesbian Nicole Haught, Bisexual Waverly Earp, nicole haught in suits, nicole needs a hug, Las Vegas
read it on the AO3 at http://bit.ly/2F1kZxN
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