#for the record she just said contacted so we can’t say for sure if she would’ve made the final cast
bb26hater · 22 days
Taylor confirmed on Dan and Tamra’s podcast that she got contacted about traitors 3 but couldn’t accept due to still being under contract with CBS from bb24 and that she’s under contract until September 25th (cbs contracts last two years from finale date now)
She also said the reindeer games contract was only for three months so that explains why Danielle, Britney and Xavier were all allowed to do other shows so soon
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imaginefan · 2 months
Look Alike
Stefan Salvatore X Male!Reader
Word Count: 1023
Requested: Anon
Request: Hi, I don't know if you still write for tvd, if not ignore me! but could you doa stefan x male reader where him and stefan are in a great relationship and maybe silas tricks you into thinking he's stefan? Could you make reader a vamp as well? -🐺
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Stefan had spent a lot of time chasing after Elena, so much time that he didn’t even notice you at first, the one male friends that all the girls loved to hang around with, to him you were just another in the group, it was after everything settled down that you got closer, no one was really sure when the dynamic changed for the two of you. When you were turned into a vampire after one of Katherine’s rampage through Mystic Falls Stefan became even more protective of you. Stefan was the one to teach you how to control your new abilities and help you get used to the animal blood instead of human blood. The heightened emotions were what you really struggled with and that was where the official relationship started, you ended up accidentally confessing to him and he accepted the feelings.
You were a sickeningly sweet couple, while everyone else was arguing, breaking up and getting back together you were both happy and stable. The evening before everyone went off to go and look for the cure, you had been sitting in the living room with him, your head rested on his shoulder as his hand ran through your (short/long) hair. “What would you think if I wanted to be human again?” Stefan asked suddenly, you looked at him for a second and shrugged. “It’s your choice right, it doesn’t matter what I think… But for the record I’d be sad that I’d have to lose you one day.” You explained. “Would you ever go back to being human?” He asked. “I would love to do that but as far as we know there was only one cure right?” You asked. “Mmm.” He hummed as he rested his cheek against the top of your head. “If I have you I wouldn’t mind staying like this for a little while longer.” “God you two are sickening.” Damon grumbled as you jumped, Stefan making a noise of disapproval before tightening his grip on your coaxing you to relax. “Go and mope somewhere else Damon.” Stefan ordered before pressing a kiss to your forehead. “This room is occupied.”
You had decided to stay back in case anything happened in town while the others were gone, so you had no idea what had happened, everyone had gathered at Elena’s house but no one had tried contacting you yet. Oblivious to any danger and a reassuring message from Stefan only a few hours earlier kept you patient, you turned in the kitchen coming face to face with Stefan “Oh! You didn’t message to say you were on the way home.” You smiled as you walked over, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Are you okay?” You asked. “Everything is fine.” He answered, wrapping an arm around you, something didn’t feel right, you don’t know if your face gave you away one second he was holding you and the next he hand flung you across the room, with what seemed to be magic. “You're not Stefan.” You pushed yourself onto your knees, you could hear him breaking something behind you but before you could even move he drove the wood through your stomach. “Don’t worry I don’t want to kill you just yet.” He said softly as he pushed the stake further into your stomach. “Well unless they’re too busy to find you, then it’s no one's fault but their own.” He stood looking down at you. “I see why he chose you, I would have too.” He said before stepping over you and walking towards the front door, he pressed his hand to the door frame lighting it on fire before disappearing from sight.
Stefan was at Elena’s house, she was still waiting for Jeremy to wake up, something they all knew was not going to happen. His phone ringing brought him out of his thoughts, he saw your name pop up and immediately felt bad, someone should have called you “I’m sorry we meant to call- What’s that sound? (Y/N)?” He asked. “The…House… I can’t… Move-” You wheezed, you were struggling and he didn’t know why, he was sure that he could hear fire, he needed to get back to you. “Hold on, I’m coming.” He turned to leave the house Caroline close behind him. “Bonnie and Damon can stay here with Elena, we can check on (Y/N).” Caroline said, he nodded as they both headed out.
By the time that they got back to your house, it was already engulfed in flames “where is he?” Caroline asked. “Inside.” Stefan said. “You can’t go in there!” Caroline grabbed his arm as he stepped forward. “I’m not leaving him there!” Stefan snatched his arm from her running into the house “(Y/N)!” There was a crash from the kitchen. He moved quickly, they only had so long before neither of you would be able to get out, he spotted you on the floor, he could see the stake in your stomach and lifted you, you grunted. “I know I’m sorry, we’ll get that out as soon as we get out here.” From there he was careful to navigate out of the house carrying you close to his chest, Caroline waiting for you both. “Is he okay!?” She asked. “He will be.” Stefan muttered. “Alright sweetheart, I have to get this out, you have to hold on to Caroline’s hand while I pull this out okay?” “Mm.” You hummed, the chair leg was easy to pull out, he gripped the edge pulling it out fast and throwing across the road as if it burned him, he cradled you to his chest as you started to heal. “He looked just like you.” “Who did?” Stefan asked. “The one that attacked me, he looked just like you and he was using magic.” You explained. “Just rest, I’ll be right here the whole time, I won’t leave I promise, we’ll talk about this in the morning.” Stefan said, standing to walk back towards the boarding house for you to rest, he was sure that Damon could deal with Elena on his own for a few hours.
Requests and general question!
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atinylittlepain · 5 months
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Part Two
no outbreak!joel miller x f!oc
series playlist
joel miller masterlist
series masterlist
She's tired. He's tired. They're neurotic. They're in love. Something needs to change. They need to change.
word count | 5.1k
chapter content info | 18+ little angst, couples counseling, just two tired people trying to figure out the tangle of their relationship together
a/n | part two is here, and i'd just like to say thank you to everyone being so kind about the first part - i know this isnt the usual peepaw fare, so thanks for giving her a chance - and also big thank you to @wannab-urs for beta-ing this bad boy <3
This is not a failure. She is not failing. They are not failing. Every Thursday at four o’clock she shuts her laptop and locks her office and stops in the bathroom at work, silently repeats these things to herself in her mind while she rubs her fingers at smudged mascara in the bathroom mirror. Like a mantra, though she’s not sure she’s fully bought into it yet. Because the truth is, she has had plenty of conversations with plenty of girlfriends that, really, they shouldn’t have been having about other girlfriends, not in the room with us girlfriends who, did you hear, started going to therapy and, did you hear, started going to therapy with their, oh no, husbands. Yes, she has been the bitch who has made jokes about death knells and a marriage’s last gasp for breath, jokes about the husband having the emotional range of a goldfish, and the wife being so up the husband’s ass she should give him a colonoscopy while she’s at it. She’s not really making jokes like those anymore. 
She’s not supposed to be doing what she’s doing this Thursday at four o’clock. When they first went to Vicky (LMFT, for the record) her fundamental decree had been a period of full separation. Sixteen years, she had asked, and they had nodded, and she had said whoa boy, yeah, y’all need to back off each other before we do anything else. If Paula Dean had a penchant for self-help instead of butter, she’d be something like Vicky. And so, with all the care of a drill sergeant delivering commands, or a mechanic running a diagnostic on a fucked-up car, Vicky had told them how this is going to go. An apartment, she said, don’t care which one of you lives in it. Minimal contact between sessions, right, keep it civil, right, this isn’t for forever, right. So Joel got an apartment, and Tommy helped him move all the furniture in the basement with admittedly minimal, but still present, wariness, and for the last four weeks they’ve been doing everything their beloved herr-therapist tells them. She supposes it’s working, although you can’t really do much fighting when you only see the other person for ninety minutes every Thursday so, the results might be confounded, actually.
“Hey there.” Hey there? What the fuck, what the actual fuck. He doesn’t think he’s ever said those words to her, ever, maybe not to anyone actually. He feels a little insane, a little itchy under the skin, mouth full of cotton, brain too, because they’re not supposed to be doing this, not really. The first time she’s seen the apartment, or, well, the doorway of the apartment, doesn’t really seem interested in stepping further inside, running her curled palm up and down the strap of her purse and right, not here for that. He shuts the door behind him and then they’re on their way to therapy because it’s four o’clock on Thursday and this is what they do now at four o’clock on Thursday.
“Thanks again. I didn’t think my car would still be in the shop today.”
“Oh of course, you said it’s a transmission leak?” 
“Yeah, the bad, expensive kind that’s above my paygrade. Guy said they’re still waiting on a part for it.”
“Well I’m off work tomorrow if you need a ride anywhere.”
“Vicky’ll get pissed.”
“If she finds out. Are you gonna tell on me to Vicky?” It’s a joke, they can joke, right? She laughs a little on the end of her words to make it clear, hey, it’s a joke, awkward and out of touch and unsure of what the rules are. But he offers a breath of a laugh, at least, fine, it’s fine, they’re fine, and now they’re silent driving to Vicky’s office. 
Should he ask her how her week has been? If the kitchen sink is still leaking? He’s not sure. Not sure about any of it, really. Every week, Vicky asks them how they think they’re doing and Cass doesn’t even hesitate. Good, she says. Not fine, not okay, but good, usually with a sure, terse nod. It takes him a little longer to find the right word to describe how he’s doing. Not sure about that either, but it’s definitely not good. Some things are better, sure, easier not to argue when under foot, easier not to remember all the ghosts they’ve built up around themselves. But at the most basic level, he misses her, even misses arguing with her, in a perpetual state of missing something, walking around and wondering if he left his wallet at home, or if he remembered to call a client about a new build, wondering if he’s missing something essential, a limb or an organ he didn’t know about. No, none of that. Missing something else.
“You’re not wearing your ring.” She flexes her left hand over the steering wheel in response, her very bare ring finger making him feel a quick pinch of something he’ll call anger, though it’s probably something else entirely. 
“No, Vicky advised I try not wearing it during the separation.”
“Why the fuck would she tell you to do that?”
“I’m just asking.”
“You’re swearing.”
“Well, why didn’t she say the same thing to me?”
“Maybe because I told her this is how you would react.”
“I think I’m having a pretty normal reaction to it, actually.”
“It’s not a big deal. It’s just for now.”
“It is.” 
“Seems like a strange thing to advise someone to do when they’ve been married for nearly two decades.” She parks outside of the office complex that Vicky works in, lets out a long sigh through her nose and doesn’t spare him a glance as she reaches around to the backseat and pulls her purse up front, producing her ring from somewhere deep inside of it and sliding it back on her finger. 
“There, are you happy now?”
“Why the hell were you keeping it in your purse?”
“Oh my god, really?”
“That’s a real easy way to lose it is all I’m saying.” The truth is, she’s been keeping it in her purse in order to have easy access to it. Like a pulsepoint, sometimes she just needs to know it’s there, reaching into her purse underneath her desk and yep, still there, still okay. Sometimes she doesn’t get through a whole day without putting it back on. Like reflex, like ghost limb aching. But she’s not about to tell him that.
“Do not bring this up with Vicky.”
“Why not?”
“Because then she’ll know we drove here together.”
“You’re that worried about what Vicky thinks?”
“She’s our therapist, I’m a healthy and appropriate amount worried about what Vicky thinks.” 
“You know she’s not the arbiter of marriage just because she has a couple of degrees, right?”
“Really, the arbiter of marriage?” 
“Are you doing that thing you do, is that what this is?”
“What thing?” 
“What thing?”
“Are you trying to win therapy?” Fuck him. No, really, fuck him. He’s doing that thing, his thing to her thing, half a smile in the passenger’s seat like he’s got her. Awful, of course he’s got her, smug and sure in his getting her. She doesn’t answer his question, knowing that her silence is an answer in and of itself and not really caring because they have therapy, damn it, and it’s going to be his fault if they’re late to therapy, damn it.
“You know, I’m starting to see why Vicky told us no carpooling to sessions.” Slammed shut, he sighs when she gets out of the car, thinking idly to himself that yes, he doesn’t necessarily disagree with that commandment of their therapist either. At the very least, Cass’ ring is still on her finger. He tried a few times in the past to get her something new, something nicer than the gold band he had given her when they were still young and still not able to afford much of anything, but sure enough in each other to want to keep doing it, all of it, together. No, she would tell him, doesn’t want anything other than the gold band. What she doesn’t know is that he pawned his grandfather’s watch and an electric saw for the ring the shop owner kept in a padlocked display case. Twenty-six years old, and looking back, he thinks he would have sold a whole lot more just to get it for her. 
He used to call her pearl. Something about grit that would make her roll her eyes and ask him what late night National Geographic TV special he got that line from, all the while inwardly swooning because sure, she had been baby before, babe, an errant sweetheart even, but pearl was new, and tooth-decayingly sweet. And when he proposed, Sarah bouncing around them like a manic cupid, Cassandra made an ugly sound somewhere between a laugh and a cry, little black velvet box and a ring that was more signet than wedding, simple and gold and a single pearl set in the center of it. Her hands clasped, she runs the pad of her finger over her ring, wordless and worrying it on the elevator ride up to Vicky’s office. 
Vicky has a thing for lamps and art prints of naked women. Her waiting room is a little dim, no windows, green velveteen loveseat and two high-backed wooden chairs that they always take when they get here, his eyes scanning over the coffee table laden with back-ordered Psychology Today magazines, headlines about overcoming anxiety and exercising your way out of depression. There had been one about postpartum  depression somewhere in the pile the last time they came, but he had made a point of hanging back after Cass left, some excuse about checking an insurance thing with Vicky, though what he really did was pluck out that magazine and throw it away in the men’s restroom down the hall. One less thing to worry about, at the least. 
“Hi, you two, come on back.” The sessions always start the same. Vicky asks them how they think the week went, and they both offer up some iteration of fine. Vicky asks them if they’ve been upholding their phase of separation, and she answers before Joel can, pointedly not looking at him, yes, no contact between sessions. But apparently, this week is going to be different.
“We are nearing the end of the total separation phase. After this initial period of cooling off for both of you, the real work can begin.” Right, phases, because Vicky works in phases like this is some sort of military siege. He tries not to roll his eyes at the real work beginning. 
“Can either of you remember the last date you went on together?” 
“It would’ve been in August, right before the separation.” Cass scoffs at his answer, tilt of her head like, really?
“Tommy and Maria’s baby shower hardly counts as a date. But we did go to dinner at the end of July.”
“I don’t think your work banquet counts either.” Vicky hits them with that look, that yeah, that’s what I thought look, all raised brow and scrunched nose and nodding. Not that she is, but if she, hypothetically, were trying to win therapy, Cassandra thinks she wouldn’t be doing a great job of it right now.
“Right, well, you’ve made my point for me. It’s not unusual for people who have been together for as long as you two have to let things like this fall to the wayside. However, it can be very helpful to reestablish some of these routines. Think of it as marriage maintenance.” 
“So you want us to start going on dates again?” 
“Yes, but not with each other.” Did she? Did he? Hear that right? Cass is nodding like it’s the most reasonable thing in the world, like, yes, of course, this is just the solution they’ve been looking for. This time, he doesn’t hold back a laugh.
“I’m sorry, what?” Both of them look at him like, yes, keep up, please, let us explain this to you very slowly so you can keep up, please. Something about seeing what life is like outside of their marriage, testing the waters, seeing if they still like the same things without their extra marital limb, something about making a decision about their marriage, though he tunes most of that part out because, no, thanks, no new decision has been needed since he got down on one knee during that trip to Galveston, sunscreen and sticky sweet and he’s not sure if he or Sarah was more excited, but he was definitely more nervous. And Cass said yes, and then he wasn’t nervous anymore, not scared anymore, and that’s all there was to it, is to it, right? Right. 
“This is the closing exercise of the total separation phase. It’s really important that you both have this opportunity to see what it’s like to be back in the dating pool. Think of it as a trial run of if you decide to make this separation–”
“No, no thanks. That’s not– we’re not those people, so, you know, we can just move onto the next phase.” 
“Joel.” The mom voice of all things, and he knows for certain now that Cass is trying to win therapy, nudging her shoe into the side of his, and, come on, really? She’s really bought that hard into what Vicky’s selling? Now that, that isn’t like her, at all. 
“What feelings are coming up for you right now, Joel?” She fucking hates that question, and she imagines that he does too, fingers drumming on his knee, long sigh, and she knows that look, that’s his getting ready to bolt look. Big man, big, skittish man who has accidentally nailed his fingers to house frames and hardly shed a tear. But feelings? Yeah, forget it. 
“Uh, I guess I’m confused as to why that is so important for us to do. We came here to help our– to help us, not to create more problems.”
“And you think that if you and Cassandra went on dates, one date, with other people, that it would create more problems in your marriage?” Well, it’s hardly rocket science, Vicky, though judging by the way she’s speaking to him, he’s pretty sure he failed some kind of test of hers. He doesn’t particularly care.
“I imagine it’d do that to anyone’s marriage.” 
“It’s just one date, it’s a part of the process.” She’s starting to get pissed, and trying very hard not to show it in front of Vicky should she get the what feelings are coming up for you treatment. When they agreed to start going to therapy, like a pair of dogs gagging down a pill, they had both agreed to put their full effort into it, and if Vicky wasn’t in the room with them currently, Cassandra would sharply remind him of that agreement. 
“Maybe I should clarify the expectations around this exercise. It’s one date, preferably with people outside of your shared social circle, and it would be best if the focus is just on the date, no sexual relations.”
“Oh really, you think that’d be best?”
“Joel.” He gives her a slack and slanted look, speaking two different languages, apparently. And really, she doesn’t see what the big deal is. One date versus sixteen years is pretty obvious math for her to square up, though it doesn’t seem to be for him. But, watching him engage in psychological tennis with Vicky, some new jab dripping in sarcasm for every reassurance she tries to offer him, the realization comes to Cassandra slowly, simply. Joel is scared. 
By the time they leave Vicky’s office, he feels deflated, defeated, because yes, they are, apparently, going to do this fucking exercise that fucking Vicky has fucking assigned to them, scheduled in three weeks instead of one to give them time to do this fucking exercise that fucking Vicky has fucking assigned to them. 
“Can’t we just, you know, say we did it but not actually do it?” 
“Are you serious right now?” Judging by the look she gives him, a quick, sharp flicker of her eyes before she focuses back on the road, he thinks he probably shouldn’t say anything else. He shouldn’t, but, well. 
“Is this about pleasing Vicky, or are you just that interested in dating someone else?”
“Don’t be a child about this, Joel. It’s a therapeutic–”
“It’s bullshit is what it is. I don’t– I already know what I want, and I don’t need to go testing the waters to be sure of it. What I’m not so sure about is if you can say the same.” She can’t put her finger on anything specific,  probably just a slow-building amalgamation of things. Stressful week at work, and the leaking sink getting worse, and her doctor increasing a medication dosage that’s made her body feel like something other than her body, and this fucking therapy and this fucking trying and she’s trying so hard and she feels like she’s failing and when she glances at him he looks hurt, really hurt, a close crumple in his face, deep frown, and it frustrates her because all she’s trying to do is do it right, and all she gets is this constant rhythm of resistance, this push and pull and yes, it’s all of that, all of that creeping up her throat tight and hot and curling behind her eyes sending salt pinpricks and sharp pangs. When the first sob breaks, it does so as a gasp, like a small and stunned thing in her chest. And, well, it’s never uphill from there, is it?
“Do you– do we need to pull over?”
“No, I don’t need to fucking pull over. I’m not an invalid, I can cry and drive at the same time.” Except it doesn’t come out quite like that, not smooth like that. The words get stop-started with each new shudder, new stutter, hiccuping on fucking and invalid. The world has gone to slanted stained-glass through all her tears. 
Unsure what to do, but that’s nothing new. He doesn’t say anything else, watches her through the wary side of his eye, sobs turning into something more subdued, little wounded sounds high in her throat, a choice fuck you with a little more bite behind it when someone cuts her off merging onto the highway. He feels useless, feels like, maybe, this is what Vicky should be talking with them about instead of her siege on marriage plan. All he knows is that he seems to get it wrong every time, so this time, he doesn’t interject or intervene, doesn’t say any more than he already has. He lets her cry, and he lets her drive.
He doesn’t know when it happened. When he decided he was going to fix things for her, or just fix her, really. His lady in pieces and he was going to put her back together, and it seemed like every time he tried to, she just shattered a little more. That April is the obvious answer, the most shattered he had ever seen her. But the fighting had started before then, and so had the fixing that wasn’t really fixing. Like a relief, like a release, the slow realization that no, it never worked, and no, it was never going to work. The sobs turn into shivers turn into something even smaller. By the time they pull up in front of his apartment complex, it has passed. 
“I just– I want to do this right, this therapy thing, and I want it to work, and I want it to work so we can be okay again. That’s what I want.” The words hang between them. He makes no move to get out of the car, and she counts her inhales in the silence, waiting for him to say something, anything. It feels like a child’s logic, or maybe a hail Mary, and she knows it, feels a little insane saying it, the words fitting strangely in her mouth. The brief wondering comes to her, what would she have said about where they are now to her girlfriends, what snark, what sharp jokes at their expense? Him in an apartment and a fifteen minute drive separating them and a woman named Vicky unraveling (and in theory, putting back together) their marriage in phases, fucking phases, and fucking Vicky. She doesn’t want to go on a date with someone else, and she doesn’t know why she’s taking Vicky’s instructions as gospel. But she does know, doesn’t she? It’s not about Vicky, not about Vicky and her fucking phases. Fixing, being fixed, that’s what she wants. 
“So, you’re saying you want us to date other people in order to fix our marriage.” Grateful that she takes it for the joke he meant it as, it’s just enough to slough off some of the tension, roll of her eyes, please. They both let out a sigh, too tired for much else. But maybe, he thinks, this counts as progress, sitting here with her in the car and the sun washing everything down burnt and orange. He watches her eyes drop shut for a moment, fine lines like porcelain fissures and he loves those lines, liked catching her in the bathroom with her face pressed up close to the mirror and her fingers pulling those lines taut around her eyes, her mouth. He’d pull her hands away from her face, ask her if she was planning her halloween costume for next year, earning a scoff and a roll of her eyes and her trying to pull away from him, and he wouldn’t let her. Making it better with kisses to those lines, and eventually, her pressing her fingers as light as prayers over his, an implicit wondering, where did the time go?
“Look, if it really makes you that uncomfortable, let’s just lie to Vicky. We could still get like, an A-minus in therapy if we leave just one thing out.”
“I didn’t realize therapy came with a grade.” He smiles, all soft, and she can’t help the sheepish bloom in her chest, rolling her lips back into her mouth to hide her own grin, eventually, reluctantly, admitting in a quiet, skewed to the side voice, okay, so maybe, maybe I was doing that thing, that winning thing. He doesn’t say anything, and that’s a mercy. Just nods, of course, and of course, he knew, maybe even before she did, and is that knowing not a mercy too? She thinks it is. 
“I want to do this right too, Cass. And, I mean, we’re paying Vicky enough money that we should do what she tells us to.”
“Are you saying you want to do it then?”
“Want is a strong word.”
“Okay, are you saying you’re willing to do it?” 
“It’s just the one?”
“Just the one.” 
“Alright, fuck it, let’s do it. We better get a goddamn A-plus at the end of this.” 
“Mmm, gold stars too.” Another sigh, another settling. How nice, another sigh, another settling. It’s a strange equation, but she thinks it still adds up. Neither of them want to do this, not really, but they’re willing to, and they’re willing to because of each other. Willing to try and get it right for each other. Just, well, ignore the finer details of what getting it right entails. 
“You hear from Sarah lately?”
“On Monday, yeah. Called to wish me a happy birthday.”
“Well, only off by four days, not too bad.”
“Oh no, she called on Monday because she was, and I quote, too busy the rest of the week to call.”
“Is it bad that sometimes I kinda hate it?”
“Hate what?”
“That she’s like, a fully-formed person now. I miss the days when she was a little blob who liked holding onto me by one of my belt loops.” He has to smile, nod, because he knows exactly what she means. And the truth of it is that Sarah was so good, maybe the best, if he’s allowed to give his completely biased opinion. And the other truth, Cass is, was, one of those people simply meant to be a parent, a mother. He remembers when they first started dating, and all the exhausting maneuvering he did, getting his parents or Tommy to watch Sarah, a string of canceled dinner plans when his kid couldn’t seem to stop catching things at daycare. He was sure that Cass would lose interest every time another piece of his reality was revealed to her. After all, he was not unfamiliar with being left behind. But that never happened, she stayed every time. 
It was Cass who first suggested it. Didn't want to impose, but what if, maybe we could, would it be okay if, why don’t we. They went to the zoo that weekend, if he remembers correctly, Sarah in tow, shy at first around the woman she barely knew, though she bloomed over the course of the day. Yes, he thinks, it was the zoo, because he remembers how by the end of the day, Cass had her on her hip, as easy as anything, so she could get a better view of the rhinos. He knows now that, even in those earliest days, she loved his kid just as much as she loved him. He knows now what a gift that was, and continues to be. 
“She’s gonna be alright, Cass. We did good with her.” She sighs, yeah, we did. She had been worried about telling her about the whole lieutenant-LMFT thing, the whole quasi-separation thing, but that was a direct command from Vicky, letting the family know what was going on. Sarah had taken it surprisingly well when she called, could be good, mom, like a reset. Of course, they kept the worst of it away from her, and of course, she still knew something had changed, something not right between them. No one was left unscathed after that April.
From the start, loving him included loving Sarah. It was never difficult for her to do both. Sweet girl, bright like the sun girl, rounded cheeks and bouncing curls, and Cassandra found that her love for her had a particular effect on her heart. Whenever small hand reached for one of hers, whenever small face tucked into her neck, whether tear-damp or milk-tired, and eventually, whenever she was given the name mom, like a stop and restart of her heart, like something turning back on inside her and finally working right. An everything kind of love, to not only be chosen by him, but to be chosen by her too. 
“Well, anyways, Vicky didn’t make any stipulations about birthdays, so I have something for you.” Just a small thing, she says, leaning over the console and into the back seat, and he knows better than to say no, shouldn’t have, because there’s already a perfect package being placed in his hands, navy blue wrapping paper and a white bow, and her hand cups underneath his for just a moment, there and gone. 
The truth is she had already picked out this gift two months ago, what feels like a lifetime before this separation. Now, watching him open it, she’s a little worried it had been presumptuous of her, if not completely narcissistic. But if he thinks that, he makes no show of it, lets out a quiet laugh as he takes the watch out of the box and holds it up in the fading light to look at it. 
“It’s a little sappy, maybe. But, well, we have something that kinda matches now.” Something is unfurling in his chest, heat loosening something he didn’t even realize he had been tightening up around. It’s a beautiful watch, rich leather strap and polished silver. And the face of it catches and shimmers a little in the light. He knows right away that it’s mother of pearl. 
Here, she says, let me, and he does, feeling a little indulgent watching her fasten the watch around his wrist, and definitely breaking one of fucking Vicky’s fucking rules when he ducks his head down and steals a kiss, another one, letting the third deepen just a little, both of them humming because missed this, missed this, didn’t realize how much, but missed this. 
“Thank you, pearly.” It feels good to be so close to him, noses brushing and smiles curling around each other. Feels like a relief. 
“Happy birthday, one day ahead. We could, you know, do something tomorrow? Get dinner maybe?” Before he can answer, say yes, she’s already caught herself, sheepish smile and pulling a little further away and oh, right. She says sorry, wasn’t thinking, and they do an awkward dance around the whole thing, right, yeah, probably shouldn’t, right, yeah. He is not a hateful man, and it would be too strong to say he’d wish Vicky harm. But if something were to happen, in theory, that’d make Vicky go the fuck away, in theory, he wouldn’t be too torn up about it. 
“See you next Thursday then?”
“Well, next next Thursday, because we have to do the– yeah.”
“Right, yeah.” Right, yeah, this is the part where he gets out of the car. The part where he goes up to his apartment and she drives home and they don’t eat dinner together and they don’t brush their teeth together and they don’t go to sleep together. Right, yeah. They say goodnight. He’d like to say love, but he doesn’t. She’d like to say love, but she doesn’t. And they part ways. 
She hates being in this house alone. Leaves all the lights on all hours of the day and checks all the locks three times before going upstairs to bed. Passes by the closed door that remains closed with her breath held. She knows it makes no sense, but she’s been sleeping in the guestroom, makes the whole thing a little easier. Always had a tendency toward insomnia, tossing and turning brain and body. 
When they were just starting to get more serious, and she was just starting to stay over at his more often, she got worried that eventually it'd drive him mad enough for the whole thing to not be worth it, neither of them getting much sleep as they learned how to share a bed together. And she doesn't remember how it started exactly, maybe out of a moment of pure exasperation, him draping just enough of his weight over her to press slower breath into her lungs and still her body. It became a routine, she'd ask could you? And he'd already know what she was asking for without her having to say any more than that. What she also doesn't remember, when that stopped working, when she stopped asking, and he stopped answering. She supposes it all happened slowly, just like the rest of it. 
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bellarkeselection · 9 months
as a chandler ask!
maybe something like in the show with rachel and ross where they were watching the tapes and found out the ross liked rachel but with chandler and fem! reader??
The Video Tape Confession
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Everybody was sitting around the apartment watching tv while it was raining heavily outside meaning nobody felt like doing anything. I was sitting in the middle of the couch with Phoebe and Chandler on either side of me. Rachel was sitting on the floor rummaging around in one of the cabinets underneath the tv. “Hey what’s this tape?”
“Huh I’m not sure. Let’s play it and see.” Monica replied taking the tape from her putting it inside the video player on the tv.
The video starts playing on the screen showing me, Rachel and Monica sitting in Monica’s bedroom with her parents recording whatever we were doing. I didn’t really remember the night until Rachel bounced on the bed. “So Y/n do you have any guys your interested in. Prom is only a few weeks away.”
“Oh I don’t have anyone in mind.” I shrugged my shoulders on the tape.
Monica tilled her head. “Hang on your lying. You avoid eye contact and bite your lip when you do.”
“I do not!” I snapped back at her.
She pushed me almost off the bed and onto the floor. “Just tell us. We won’t tell anybody.”
“Okay we’ll there is this one guy but he’s in college. So I doubt he and I would be able to end up together.” Myself on the camera said while I flipped back on the bed covering my face with my hands.
Joey who was sitting in the armchair asked. “Who was the guy?”
“Ross, didn’t say you needed help moving some stuff in your apartment. I can help with that.” I changed the subject getting up to my feet with Ross standing in the kitchen grabbing a snack.
Phebe gasped pointing her index finger. “She’s avoiding the video now. She’s embarrassed of who’s name she said is on the tape.”
“Now we have to watch it.” Chandler declared clapsing his hands together in his lap.
Running my fingers through my hair I watched the video in honor not wanting anyone especially a certain person to know. Chandler focused his attention on the tv while my face turned red hearing the words come out on the recording. “What’s the guys name?”
“His name is Chandler, Chandler Bing.” I answered Monica’s question nervously.
Everybody turned their heads in shock and awe after hearing the words. I sunk down into the couch covering my red face with my hands groaning in embarrassment. “How didn’t we remember this?” Rachel gasped.
“Chandler did you have any idea?” Ross asked taking a bite out of his sandwich suprised that he didn’t have any idea about this.
Chandler slowly turned around on the couch chuckling nervously. “I had no idea I am just a guy despite for love but I will most likely die alone.”
“I’m gonna go.” I bolted up to my feet so ready to just by myself for the rest of the evening. I couldn’t face the possibility of hearing him say he didn’t feel the same way. Honestly I can’t believe that tape even still exists. I thought Monica and Ross’s parents has gotten rid of it.
Chandler bolted to his feet. “Y/n, wait.”
“What is it, Chandler. I really don’t want to hear that you don’t feel-“ He cut me off quickly cupping my face in his hands and crashing his lips down onto mine since I was shorter than he was.
My hands froze on his chest for a moment. I couldn’t believe it but it was too hard to resist. Throwing my arms around his neck I pressed myself further against him. “I would have told you how I felt sooner if I knew you felt the same.” He admitted making me chuckle.
“See everybody finds their partner with these videos.” Phebe grinned brightly.
Comments really appreciated ❤️ Tags @lover-of-books-and-tea @rosie-posie08
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justtwotired · 9 months
Im Vic, Can i please get something with colby? The reader would be a ex gf who runs into him when sam and him are recording a video and he asks if they could meet up after they are done recording. She says yes and sam goes back to the hotel leaving them alone maybe there are some sparks still there.
Hi! Yes, definitely! I’m sorry I posted like more then a month after your request, I’ve just been really busy with school and other writing projects of mine, but thank you so much for the req<3
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I laughed as Amelia made a joke about our experience a few hours ago in the haunted house we work at. I was packing my bag to go home while she was staying to give a tour of the house to some guests who where going to check it out and come back the next night.
“Hey, unheard your tour is being recorded for YouTube,” I commented and she smiled a bit giddy. “It is! I really can’t wait, this is actually so exciting, does my hair look alright?” She asked and I laughed.
“You look amazing, don’t worry,” I reassured and she winked at me in a flirtatious way, making me blow her a kiss. “We are such girlfriends,” she joked and I shook my head with a small laugh.
“Hey, wasn’t one of your ex boyfriends a YouTuber who recorded in haunted places?” She asked and I nodded.
“Yeah, he still is, I didn’t really speak with him anymore… sometimes I wish I still did,” I admitted making her wiggle her eyebrows at me. “Oh don’t look at me like that, it’ll never happen, I know it,” I sighed and she gave me a reassuring smile.
“It’ll be fine hun, if nothing works out you can always marry me,” she said and I gave her a look. “I’m sure your husband would love that,” I said and she waved me off.
“I’d dump him for you,” she said and I snorted, going to hit her arm but she quickly dodged and stuck out her tongue at me.
“What’s the name of the YouTubers coming here? I’ll look them up to see if they’re anything interesting,” I said, grabbing my phone.
“Oh, Sam and Colby,” she said and I paused, looking at her in surprise. “You’re joking right?” I asked and she shook her head.
“No, why?” She questioned and then her face hit with realisation. “Don’t tell me one of them is your ex,” she said and I nodded.
“Jup, Colby is my ex, and I think this is my cue to go before they arrive,” I said and she hid back a smile, making me glare at her.
Of course, as if the world hated me, we heard a car arrive outside, making me want to sink trough the ground right at that moment.
With a teasing grin, Amelia walked towards the front door and I followed her, not like I could escape now anyway, my car was parked outside.
When Amelia opened the door, I immediately noticed the two of them and seemingly two friends. Sam was holding a camera and filming himself and another guy, then he pointed the camera at me and Amelia making our way outside.
His eyes visibly widened at the sight of me and he instinctively pointed the camera at Colby who seemed to be rather shocked when he noticed me.
“Hi, Amelia,” she introduced herself, shaking Sam’s hand and then Colby’s, followed by the other two who where apparently called ‘Josh and Seth.’
“Hey,” Same greeted me with a smile and opened his arms, making me pull him into a hug. We had become great friends after me and Colby became a couple, but when he and I broke up, I stopped contacting Sam as it was kind of a unwritten rule.
“Hi, it’s been a while,” I said with a small grin. I shook both hands of Josh and Seth, introducing myself, before turning to Colby who seemed lost in how to greet me.
With a small smile I opened my arms to invite him for a hug which he excepted, holding me tightly and resting his chin on my head, just like old times.
“I didn’t know you two where coming,” I said, taking a step back. “We didn’t know you worked here,” Colby said and I chuckled.
“Isn’t it a small world?” Amelia said, making Sam point the camera at her.
“You’re our guide then, right?” He asked and she nodded. “That would be me,” she answered.
“Do tell us about yourself,” Colby said and she shot me a nervous glance, making me give her a thumbs up.
“Alright, I am Amelia Cooper, I’ve been working at the -haunted house name- for about three years now and I’ll be your guide this evening,” she said and I smiled at her approvingly.
“Great, and you can introduce yourself aswel,” Sam then pointed the camera at me, making me chuckle.
“Alright then,” I said, telling the camera my name. “I have been working here for- I think for almost a year now, and I won’t be your guide for this evening because I am actually leaving, but I’m going to be here tomorrow night to receive you for your night alone,” I explained.
“Alright, great, let’s go inside then,” Sam said and shut of the camera. “I didn’t hear that you moved,” Sam commented and looked at me.
“Oh, I didn’t really, I just live with Amelia trough the week but I mostly go bakc home around the weekend, so I kind of live her, but I kind of don’t,” I said making him chuckle.
“Alright, sorry if I’m being clueless, but you know each other, because…?” Seth pointed a finger at the three of us a bit confused.
“Oh, ex girlfriend,” I pointed at Colby, making both Josh and Seth nod in understanding. “But, you guys can go inside to start the tour, I’m heading home because I think the cat will kill me if I am to late with feeding him,” I said making Amelia let out a noice of offense.
“Was that a jab at my cat?” She asked giving me a scolding look, I stuck my tongue out, making her chuckle. “I’ll see you later,” she waved and gestured at the boys to follow her, making her way back inside.
I wanted to walk towards my car but was stopped when Colby laid his hand on my shoulder. I turned to him with a questioning look.
“Hey, Uhm, I wondered if you wanted to hang out later tonight?” He asked and I felt heat rise to my cheeks, because it is actually something I really hoped he’d ask but I was to afraid to do it myself.
“Yes, sure, sounds fun,” I said with a small smile. “I’ll text you my address, you may pick me up when you’re done with the tour, we can head to the fair that’s in town,” I said, knowing he loves those.
He gave me an excited grin. “I’ll be there,” he promised and then followed his friends inside.
Later that evening, I got a text from Colby saying he was on his way. Amelia was home already and she told me he and his friends were headed back to the hotel first before Colby would pick me up.
It made sense, as they only had one car at the moment.
After about 15 minutes, there were knocks on the door and I quickly shot up from the couch and opened the door, finding Colby looking at me with a smile.
“Ready to go?” He asked and I nodded. “Of course I am,” I said and yelled a goodbye to Amelia before following Colby to his car.
“So, what have you been up to?” He asked as we were driving to the fair.
“Nothing much, just mostly working at the house,” I shrugged with a small smile. “I became interested in those kind of things because of you, you know,” I said, masking him give me a small smile back.
“I already hoped so,” he said, sending me a small wink, making me bite the inside of my lip, trying not to blush.
“And you?” I asked. “What have you been up to?” I liked at him while he kept his eyes on the road.
“Mostly just making video’s,” he admitted. “And of course a few party’s here and there,” he grinned slightly, making me chuckle.
“Yeah, I expected nothing less,” I gave him a look, making him give me a ‘guilty’ look back. It caused me to laugh and shake my head.
It was silent for a moment when we stopped laughing. It wasn’t really awkward, but not comfortable either.
“And uh,” he started. “Any new relationships?” He asked, a bit too curious if you ask me. Bit I couldn’t blame him, I’d been aching to ask him the same question after all.
“Oh, I dated about two guys between the time we broke up and now, but one was just a small fling and the other was a bit serious, but I eventually broke it off because he wasn’t really my type after all,” I admitted.
The guy I had been in a relationship with had been nice and all, but nothing like Colby, he was not what I was looking for and I had to break it off because it was unfair for him.
“What about you?” I asked, maybe a bit to intrigued, but what could I say, I really wanted to know if he had found better than me.
“Just a few flings really, nothing serious,” he admitted and looked at me. “Nothing like you,” he said, making me blush and smile rather proudly.
We eventually arrived at the fair and I immediately dragged him towards my favourite ride, making him laugh and tell me I was like a child, making me roll my eyes and whack his arm.
We stayed at the fair for multiple hours, and just like in the movies, he managed to win a huge teddy bear for me.
We eventually sat down somewhere to eat and I yawned as we sat at the table.
“Tired?” He asked with a chuckle and I nodded, combing a hand trough my hair. “I’ll bring you home, come on,” he stood up a reached out a hand, I took it and he pulled me up.
We threw away the paper cups and trays and headed towards the car.
He took my hand in his, making me look up at him with a smile, I’d missed how our hands fitted so perfectly together.
“Thank you, for tonight,” I said at the excit of the fair and he smiled at me. “I’m happy you wanted to come,” he answered.
“Can I be honest with you?” I asked and he nodded rather interested. “I really missed you,” I said, pursing my lips slightly.
“I missed you too,” he admitted with a low chuckle, I gave him a soft smile and looked into his eyes, I’d missed those eyes.
His eyes shot down to my lips for a second and I could feel excitement start to bubble in my stomach. I shot a longing glance at his own lips, making him grin at me.
He put up a hand and rested it on my cheek. “May I kiss you?” He whispered and I chuckled.
“Obviously,” I said, before standing on my toes and connecting our lips.
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littleadaline · 6 months
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Broken Record [P.G6] [Part II]
Warning: previous mention of infidelity?
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: I’m finding it a bit wordy and lengthy, so I’m sorry if it is lacking clarity in some parts.
Part I
A year had passed since your breakup. Things had changed, you had changed, but most importantly, you healed. Your internship turned into a full time job, at a place where you felt yourself grow professionally and creatively.
“Got a minute?” Andrea, your team manager knocked on your door.
“I was just heading out for lunch. What’s up?”
“Dani called out sick for the next few days, so he won’t be the one to cover today’s photoshoot. I was wondering if you would like to give it a shot. Your task shouldn’t be too different than what you do on paper.” Andrea handed you a file.
“Yes! I’d love to give it a try. What time is the shoot?” You took the file from her, skimming through the general details.
“From 14:00 to 16:00. There will be an interview part in the middle, so count this as your lunch break. The company will have a buffet on set, unless you wish to buy your own food, which shouldn’t be a problem. With that said, the shoot starts in 30 minutes, so I advise you to head down to the 3rd floor to make sure everything is going accordingly.” Andrea said to you, closing the door behind her.
Grabbing the file previously left in your hands, you left your office towards the 3rd floor. The subject of today’s shoot wasn’t mentioned on file, which only meant it was either going to be a group or a high profile person. The door of the elevator opened, and a scene of chaos welcomed you.
“What is going on?” You asked on the technicians, setting down your bag on the table.
“The backdrop won’t hold, it keeps falling down. Some of the makeup artist’s makeup has been damaged in transport. And Marta can’t complete the makeup without the product.”
“What kind of makeup?” You rummaged through your bag.
“Some face powder. She says Pablo Gavi will be too shiny without the powder.”
Your blood ran cold upon hearing his name. You clutched at your powder before walking over to the makeup station. There he was, sitting his back to you. His hair was longer, his arms bulkier and his shoulders broader. He had definitely changed in that year.
“Marta, here’s the powder you inquired about. Just slip it back in my bag once you’re done.” You handed her the container, avoiding eye contact with Gavi. “Javier, for the backdrop, just use the sandbags in storage to tie it down. We’ll have the players stand on a platform instead. Everything should be in storage. Have Omar help you out.”
You shot a text to Andrea, informing her of the issues you ran into and how you fixed them. You wished she had warned you that Gavi would be at the shoot.
“Y/N…” An all too familiar voice disrupted you.
“What can I help you with?” You tried to keep a professional attitude.
“How have you been? It’s been a year.” You didn’t want to face him.
“Really, Pablo? You want to do this now? At my workplace?” You said through gritted teeth. You finally turned back to face him. You had to contain your surprise when you saw his face. He looked different…better. More mature to be exact.
“We never really got the chance to talk things out. You just… left.”
“I left for a reason, Pablo. I left because you couldn’t be bothered to treat me as an equal in the relationship we had. I left because I was tired of being treated liked a maid in my own house. I left… because despite everything I did to save our relationship, you still went out and cheated. I left because your sister and your friends defended your behaviour instead of calling you out. This…us wasn’t working out.” You sighed. The last thing you wanted to do was explain your decision.
You left Pablo unable to answer and headed back to the table where you had left your bag. Soon, the rest of the scheduled team for today’s shoot rolled out. You recognized Pedri and Frenkie, shooting them a quick smile before focusing back on your computer screen. The first hour rolled by and you were packing up your things for lunch when a voice stopped you in your tracks.
“I’m sorry. That’s what I’ve trying to say,” You turned back, surprised at the words. “I promise you this isn’t an effort to get back together, but I felt like you deserved an apology… for my lack of involvement in our relationship, my dishonesty, and lack of faithfulness. After you left… I mean you must’ve seen the headlines-” You had read the headlines about Gavi’s behaviour. Slacking at work, always late, uninterested.
“I thought I would be able to deal with it on my own, but I was wrong. Pedri made me go see a therapist, he forced me.” You chuckled, sitting back down in your chair. “She taught me how my behaviour was causing distress to you, and why it led to us breaking up. I channeled the anger of my injury on our relationship. I am…sorry. You deserved a partner that showed up for you, listened to you, treated you with respect. And I’m sorry I couldn’t be that person.”
“Gavi, I… Thank you.” Was all you could come up with. You hated that it took you guys breaking up for him to wake up, but you were glad to have this closure after all this time. Your heart softened at the sight of him after his confession.
“I’ll…um leave you be.” Gavi awkwardly said, fiddling with the hem of his shirt.
Unbeknownst to you, Pedri and Frenkie had caught the scene. After your lunch break, something inside the room had shifted.
“Is everything alright for the second part of the shoot?” You asked Javier. The man’s face soured at your question. You sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. “What?”
“One of the models fell sick during the players’ interview. We’re going to have to change the whole sequence of the pictures, which is going to take some time to figure out. And the boys can’t stay too late either.”
“One thing! I need one thing to go right today!”
“Why don’t we have Y/N do it?” A voice spoke up behind you. Pedri was standing there, water bottle in hand and a smug look on his face.
“What? No. No. I am not made for modelling.” You rejected his idea.
Marta, Javier, Oscar, Pedri, and Frenkie gave you a look that suggested otherwise. You were made for.
“I can have you done with hair and makeup in 15 minutes.” Marta suggested.
“What will I lose aside from my personal integrity?” You sarcastically answered. “Fine, but I want to be done with this as soon as possible.” Marta whisked you away as soon as you were done talking. She sat you down in her chair before pulling your hair out of its bun. She played around with the curler until she was satisfied, showing you the final result with a huge grin on her face.
“You look so hot with this.” You blushed at her compliment, getting ready to get out of her chair, when she pushed you back down. “Uh uh, we’re not done yet. We’re missing a few touches of makeup.” Marta had you done in under 15 minutes, as promised. Looking at your reflection, you couldn’t recognize yourself. Your eyes nearly shined, your cheekbones and eyebrows features beautifully highlighted by Marta’s skillful touch. Marta led you to the changing rooms, handing you the silk dress and heels for the shoot.
“Que linda…” Marta said as you emerged from the changing room. She walked you back to the shoot, the crews’ jaw dropping as you walked into the room. Pablo couldn’t help but stare at you.
“Alright Y/N, I just need you to step on the platform right here. Oscar help her out please.” Oscar held your hand as you walked to the platform. “It was Pablo’s turn, so please step forward on the platform.”
“Oh wait, no-” but Gavi had already walked up to the platform. He was standing in front of you, shoulders back, a small smile on his lips. “I’m sorry. If you’re not comfortable you can step out of this. No hard feelings.” He said apologetically.
“It’s fine, Gavi. I can be professional.”
Oscar helped you pose for the first pictures, manipulating you and Gavi’s bodies. As the minutes went by, you felt yourself relax, the thought of the shoot being almost over comforting you. That was… until the photographer asked you and Gavi to be more intimate. Given your history, you were conflicted. To your surprise, so was Gavi.
“I don’t know if Y/N is comfortable with this.”
“I… Can we keep it low-key? Like maybe just like posing together… really close?” You suggested.
“That works fine. Pablo, place your left hand on her waist. Your right hand on her jawline, below her ear.
Y/N, both your hands will go on his chest, your left one slightly higher please.” Posing along, you could feel Pablo’s abs underneath his shirt. You could cut the tension with a knife, your heart rate quickening by the second. Pablo’s grip tightened on you, a breathless moan leaving your lips. You couldn’t help but stare at his lips, the faint layer of gloss Marta had applied mesmerizing you. You missed the taste of his lips, how they moulded with yours, their warmth.
You were ready to throw your morals out the window if it meant kissing Gavi one more time. His eyes shifted to you, his gaze drawn to your painted lips. He wanted to smudge the lipstick; wishing to see your makeup ruined by tears as he tore into you.
“Gavi…” you sighed.
“Y/N…tell me I’m not alone.” He begged, his voice quivering.
“We can’t, Gavi. Not with our history.” You looked down. The faint smell of his perfume was messing with your mind, your thoughts racing like a free horse. “Fuck it.” You said before grabbing Gavi by the neck, crashing your lips into his. A wave of gasps could be heard across the room, along with Frenkie and Pedri’s chuckles. Pablo pulled you in closer, one hand settled in your hair. His other hand pushing you flush against his chest.
After your stunt, the photographer showed you the pictures, glazing over the one’s of you and Gavi’s kiss.
“We obviously will not print these ones, but if you want a personal copy, send me an email. I didn’t know you were dating Pablo Gavi. Congrats on keeping it as tightly secured as you did.” The photographer told the both of you.
“Oh we’re not-” Pablo started, but was quickly interrupted by your words.
“We’re giving each other a second shot.” You shot a playful glance at Gavi, who was starstruck.
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icarus-suraki · 1 month
Ah shit, romance scam!!
Just got a call from a woman who says her fiancé needs her to pick up his daughter from the (boarding) school where I work. Hold on.
Allegedly the fiancé, named Patrick Leonard, is a contractor on an oil rig in China but now his contract is up and he can't leave because he couldn't download and print a document that the Chinese government needs. So allegedly he's stuck on this oil rig in China but his daughter (who might be 14, 15, or 16) is allegedly still living in one of the dorms here on campus because he couldn't get her when school ended because he was stuck on the rig. So we allegedly let her stay in the dorm all summer but she's in really bad spirits, she's really depressed, and allegedly broke into the security guard's office to use his "device" to contact her dad--except that the girl was sending texts to her dad from her own phone or something. And now the fiancée has copies of all those texts and "this little girl" is so sad! She says she feels like her dad abandoned her! That no one loves her! She's really depressed! The security guard even texted her (not called, texted) to say that the girl was just so depressed and everyone was worried about her. And the girl allegedly got sick and was being treated by the nurse, who was giving her "aspirin or something" but "the nurse said she was too little to stay there." (Remember, she's allegedly 14, 15, or 16 years old.) And the fiancée is getting more and more upset about finding this girl, picking her up, and bringing her to stay with her--but she can't financially do that, so what should she do???
So I put her on hold and called up the head of security because this whole thing is too strange and said "Hey, just to double-check, there are no students in the dorms, right?" And he confirmed: no students or visitors are in the dorms. (So I'm thinking, okay, so she'll say that because she's been there all summer, we're not thinking of her as a student or something. There's gonna be another story.)
I get back on with the fiancée and get her name and number, her "fiancé's" name and the girl's name. And I confirm about 4 times that she really is calling the right school--because there are other schools in the country with the same or similar names and mix-ups happen from time to time. No, no, she's sure it's this school because this is the address "Patrick" gave her. They apparently talk on the phone sometimes but his connection on the oil rig in China is really bad so they can't talk often.
So with her still on the phone, I go into the student records that I have been working with all summer, nota bene, to see if, by some weird chance, there's a "Kerry Leonard" or a "Patrick Leonard" associated with the school. Surprising no one, there is not. Which I tell the fiancée. And of course she can't believe it. "Not even from last year?" No, there's no one by either name in any of our past students, present students, or incoming students (who are, as an aside, moving in this weekend so this phantom child had better skedaddle). Of course she still can't believe it. And she's worried about this girl, Kerry, because it's been about a month since she (the caller) has heard from her.
So I ask her "Do you know this man, Patrick Leonard, in person?" And she gets quiet for a minute and then says, "No, but we video chat sometimes." And I just straight up said to her, "I don't think Kerry Leonard exists. I think this man is trying to scam you for money." And she gets quiet again and then says, "But I have all these texts from them!" And I just have to keep saying "There is no one associated with the school with either of the names you gave me." I even asked if there were any other names I could check for her, like the child's mother's name, but she didn't know that.
Eventually she hung up because I have no records of this girl at all, the real head of security confirmed that there were no students (or young people) living in the dorms, and I had outright called her fiancé's honesty into question. I'm sorry, but this feels like a scam, not least of all because "Kerry" would be a very strange name for a girl these days, especially at this school (you cannot swing a dead cat in here without hitting a Lillian, an Ava, or a Mary Something).
I didn't hear anything more than that but here's my theory: I suspect the scammer gets her hooked and then has this story about his daughter, complete with (fake) texts, gets her (the victim) to call up schools with the scammer assuming that we'll fall for the story or something. Either way, at this point, the victim says she's willing to take in this poor lonely depressed sick teenager but the scammer will say that this will require money--for a plane ticket, for example, but more likely for made-up expenses, like the school charged him for the extra time the student was there and the school won't let the student leave until it's all paid up plus there's an extra fee the school is putting on top of it all because the student got sick and to replace the security guard's device or whatever. But because the "fiancé" is stuck in China (or Brazil or Madagascar or wherever), he can't access his money so he needs her, his beloved fiancée, to step in and save his daughter by paying those bills--but the money has to go to the fiancé because he's the only one allowed to make payments to the school, so please send him x thousand dollars in money orders.
It's a new twist on the classic romance scam where the love interest in stuck in a foreign country and needs money to pay for a passport or to pay taxes or even bail, but it's basically the same scam. This one just has a phantom child.
So that was my entertainment this afternoon.
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silentglassbreak · 7 months
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Noah Sebastian x OFC
Alright, back to our regularly scheduled programming. Thank you all for being patient with me. We need to develop this plot, so let's all buckle up.
Warnings: Nothing wild here. Testosterone being tossed around.
+It goes without saying. This is a work of fiction. My words are mine. Plagiarism is a crime.
Taglist: @flowery-mess @lma1986 @myownthoughts12 @poisongirl616 @missduffsblog @reidsblessing @malerieee @jilliemiw86 @thisbicc @xx-like-a-villian-xx @diabolicdiatonics
Part 9 - First Time
One Month Later
Normal is a relative term, isn’t it? By definition, it means conforming to a standard. Therefore, my life was getting into a sense of normalcy, as I was forcing it to.
I couldn’t handle the heartbreak anymore. It was too painful to allow myself to continue to sulk. Every time she left, anytime we said goodbye, my soul folded in on itself more and more. Is it going to stop hurting just because I want it to? No. Can I allow myself to move on? I think so.
One hundred and eighteen days since she ended things. My world fell apart, but I only have to wait so long before I start trying to put it back together. I’m encouraged to move forward. I’m told to let myself heal. And I think maybe it’s time.
Thirty-six days since Mileena and I recovered from the stomach flu, and our safe bubble was burst. We haven’t kissed, fucked, or had any above mildly flirtatious contact since.
We’re still close, and we still talk every day - sometimes for hours, but I’ve put up a silent barrier between us. Continuing to allow the physical affection was only making it harder for both of us. And I’ve learned, through months of dealing with this, that she has little to no control.
She’s still seeing Justin, which stings in ways I can’t even begin to explain, but I’ve swallowed it. Leena seems to have taken to him, which makes me happy. Although I never expected to feel that way, I do. Seeing her smile, and seeing her joy has brought a sense of calm to my soul, even if I’m not the person lighting that fire inside her.
Maybe I’m moving on.
Today, I was awake early, driving to the guys’ place, anxious and excited all at once.
Today was album completion day. After hours on hours of sitting with Jolly in the studio, rewriting lyrics, re-recording vocals, and reworking the instrumentals, it was finally ready.
Today, at 9AM, the album was due to Sumerian. We were going to send it at 8AM, the email already drafted and all of the files attached. It was a big moment, and we were ecstatic. The amount of work that had gone into this album made Death of Peace of Mind look like child’s play. We were all so ready to be moving to the next stage - preparing for release.
I pulled into the driveway, and noticed the amount of vehicles. I, clearly, wasn’t the only one there.
Just inside the front door, I kicked my boots off and made my way toward the living room, already hearing many conversations ongoing. Just inside the foyer, I could see Nick and Laura, enthralled in whatever conversation they were having. Jolly was sitting on the couch, eyes glued to the screen of his laptop, surely checking the email again to make sure all of the attachments were sound, and nothing had been forgotten.
In the back corner of the room, Folio stood by the fireplace, mid-conversation with Leena, who was holding Addison on her hip.
“Well, hello family!”
Everyone’s eyes flashed to me, smiles breaking out on everyone’s faces.
“There he is!” Nick walked over and clapped my shoulder. “Cant believe you’re the last one here!”
I shook my head. “Traffic was rough this morning.”
I gave him and Laura welcoming hugs, and made my way over to Leena and Addison.
“There’s my girls.” I gave Mileena a one-armed hug, and took Addie from her, squeezing her tight.
“Are you excited?” Leena was beaming at me, something like pride on her face.
“Excited and anxious. I’ll be glad once it’s out of our hands.”
Folio snorted next to me. “Yeah, so you can’t fuck with it anymore.”
Rolling my eyes, I shook my head. “It’s not fucking with it. It’s perfecting.”
He reached over, slipping Addie from my arms. “Well, go check on Jolly. He hasn’t spoken in twenty minutes.”
I padded over to the couch and flopped down. “All good here?”
He nodded, reopening the email. “I think so. Everything’s working. Cover art and back art is there. Lyric docs are attached. I think we’re all set. Bryan is going to forward in the pictures for the social media announcements. And Matt’s working on the details for the release party already.”
I nodded. “We don’t know how long?”
Jolly shrugged. “Three months, maybe? Slaughter is releasing their album next month, but then Alec told me it’s pretty clear until November. We’re likely shooting for a fall release.”
“Oh sweet. We can start touring in spring, maybe?”
Jolly smiled and leaned back. “I fucking hope so man. We’ve been getting a lot of heat for not hitting Australia on the last tour. Or Asia.”
“Maybe we start there?”
I could feel eyes burning into the side of my head, Mileena standing close enough to hear our conversation, but I ignored them.
“Festival season is in the spring and summer, so maybe we start with that? And work our way out?”
I huffed, and let my eyes drift over to Leena, who had a sad expression on her face that she wasn’t hiding well. “We’ll let Matt and Lana work it out.”
“Two minutes, guys.” Nick called from across the coffee table.
Folio came and plopped next to me. Nick sat next to Jolly, Laura perched on one of his knees. Leena sat, Addie in her lap, on the arm of the couch.
Jolly’s finger hovered over the ‘Send’ button, and we all held our breath.
“As always, I would like to just say, you guys are the best. We have worked our asses off for this, and if we receive even half of the success as Death of Peace of Mind, we’re lucky. We’re lucky to do what we love, and do it well.” I spoke to the entire room. To my brothers.
“Let’s fucking do this!” Folio announced, and the clock struck 8:30, Jolly clicking the mouse.
A second of silence fell over us, until the confirmation that it was sent popped on the screen.
We all broke out in celebratory hollers and clapping.
“Fuck yeah! We fucking did it!” Nick exclaimed, patting Jolly’s shoulder.
“You guys are awesome, you know that?” Laura smiled at us all.
“We need to celebrate!” Folio stood up suddenly, all of our eyes snapping up to him. “Let’s call Matt, Bryan, Lana, and Davis, and let’s go fucking celebrate!”
“Uh, dude…it’s not even 9AM…” I was smirking at him.
“It doesn’t have to be a party.” He stopped, thinking for a moment. “Let’s go ride fucking roller coasters!”
Nick, Jolly, and myself all stood up, affirming our excitement at once.
“That’s fucking awesome! Let’s do it!” Nick was still holding onto Laura. “You’ll come?”
She smiled wide. “Blocked my whole day for you, babe. I’m down.”
Nick glanced at Leena. “You too?”
She seemed to hesitate, her eyes looking over to me. “I, uh, might need to pass.” She chewed her lip. “Addie and I had plans today.”
“So…cancel them?” Jolly interjected.
“We were supposed to meet with Justin.”
I scoffed. “So bring him?” Her eyes widened in surprise at me. Valid, given I was mildly surprised at myself as well. “Unless, of course, he’s too scared…”
The drive to Knott's Berry Farm was quicker than I expected. Folio and I rode in my truck with Addison, Nick and Laura were in her car, Bryan and Matt were picking up Davis and Lana, and Mileena would be meeting us in about an hour after she picked up Justin. As we turned right off of La Palma onto Beach Boulevard, the traffic came to a dead stop. The turn-in to Knott's toward the parking lot was packed.
"Is something going on today?"
I shrugged. "No idea. We got here early, so I didn't think it would be too packed for a Thursday." I glanced at the dash. "It's only noon."
He rolled his window down, leaning his body out of the window, and waving at a security guard who was directing traffic.
"Hey," The guard walked over to my car. "is there a reason it's so busy?"
The guard stood with his hands on his belt, and glanced down to the line of cars.
"The concert today. It doesn't start until 6, but folks want to get in early."
Folio raised an eyebrow, dropping back into the vehicle. "Concert?" He pulled his phone out and opened his browser. After a moment of searching, he smiled. "Oh dope, dude! There's three bands playing today!"
I was pulling toward the parking lot now, waiting for my turn to pay at the stall. "Which ones?"
"Skillet, Daughtry, and Lifehouse."
I nodded in surprise. "That's fucking cool, man. We picked a good day to come."
Once we had all parked, I was pushing the stroller with Addison squealing excitedly. We all talked about which rides we were hitting first.
"Dude, we can't just start with the biggest ones. We've got to warm up." Nick was trying to reason with Folio, who looked as though he was crawling right out of his skin.
"Bro, I am riding the Xcelerator first, and you can't fucking stop me."
I chuckled. "I'm so in on that, man."
Laura reached for the stroller, taking it from me easily. "That's fine. You and Folio go get your adrenaline rush. Addie and I will be waiting for Leena in Camp Snoopy."
I bent down to kiss Addie's nose as she munched on her cotton candy, making an absolute mess. "You be good for Auntie, baby girl."
She blew a bubble in response.
Folio and I practically sprinted to the line for the roller coaster, only being a few dozen people back. He immediately hopped up onto the railing, smiling wide.
"So excited. I haven't been here since I was a kid."
I nodded. "Leena and I came like...three months after we met? She likes to act like she loves roller coasters, but in reality, she only rides the mellow ones."
He giggled. "She always talks such a big game, dude."
"Fucking honestly. She's as human as the rest of us, contrary to popular belief."
He nodded, jumping down to move with the line. "You going to be good with her bringing Justin?"
I perused this a moment. "I think so. I've had some time to adjust."
He looked at me suspiciously. "Have you been adjusting? You and Leena seem to be pretty...I don't know...weird?"
Leaning against the rail, I crossed my arms and looked at him. "Weird like how?"
"Well, let's see," Folio turned to face his body toward me. "you break up, when clearly neither of you wanted to do that. You both get majorly depressed for a while. Then you have an outburst at the 4th party, where you both disappear for half an hour." He raised his eyebrow suspiciously. "Then you flirt all the time, and both get sick at the same time, hiding out for three days together, where neither of you will talk about what happened." I chewed on my bottom lip. "Now you guys just stare longingly at each other from across rooms, and act like everything's okay." We moved forward with the line.
"Oh, and not to mention that she has a boyfriend."
Thanks for that, Folio.
"Doesn't seem very adjusted."
I scoffed. "Well, I didn't realize I came today to get attacked, but alright."
He chuckled at me, smacking my shoulder. "I'm just asking. I'm not sure any of us really get why you two aren't just...together...."
I shrugged, then. "That was her decision."
He cocked his head. "But why?"
I sighed hard, arms still crossed. "She can't handle it, dude. The," I waved my hand around us. "Bad Omens, rock and roll, touring thing."
Folio looked interested. "No?"
Shaking my head, I noticed we were getting closer to the front. "Nope. And that's my life."
"Can't her and Addison come on tour?"
"Man, I wish. I've even tried to convince her too, but having a toddler on a tour bus wouldn't work, and even I know that."
He looked disappointed. "Fuck, man."
"Yeah, I know." Huffing out a weak laugh, I rubbed the back of my neck. "I even offered to quit. Just write and produce so I wouldn't have to tour."
"You couldn't do that, dude. You love this shit."
I nodded, and looked directly at him. "I know, but I love them more."
Folio and I were walking over to Camp Snoopy, where everyone had convened after riding their respective rides. I caught a glimpse of Mileena sat at a picnic table, surrounded by everyone, feeding Addison in the stroller. Before I even reached the group, I noticed it.
Everyone was speaking, laughing together. Justin was stood talking to Davis, talking about something with his hands, and Davis was definitely into the story. The entire group was engaged in some form of conversation, looking excited and lighthearted. Everyone, except Mileena.
She was handing Addison her snacks, back turned to the group, and a look of frustration on her face.
We approached them, everyone turning their attention to us.
"How was it?" Nick chirped up from behind Laura.
"Fucking rush. So much fun." Folio responded, coming to sit next to Leena, and grabbing the snacks from her. Leena smiled at him as he started talking to Addie, handing her the puffs from the bag. If anyone bonded with the baby the most, to everyone's surprise, it was Folio.
I stepped over to stand in front of Leena, staring down at her. I lowered my eyes so I was looking directly at her. I gave her the look; the one that she knew asked if she was alright. She just pursed her lips, and nodded curtly.
I glanced back over to where Justin was still talking to Davis, Jolly now having joined the conversation.
I smiled down at Leena. "Want to come with me to grab a soda?"
Her eyes drifted over to Justin, who was paying her no mind, and stood up.
"You okay with her for a minute?" Folio just nodded to her in response.
She followed behind me as I made my way toward the Calico Ghost Town, and the snack shops they had nearby. We joined the long line, and I turned to look at her.
"What's going on?"
She sighed. "Nothing, just wanted to be here a lot sooner."
"Everything okay with you two?"
She looked at me, her eyes hesitant, but I could see that she wanted to tell me.
I held my hands up. "Safe space, here."
Leaning her head back, she groaned. "He's irritating me."
"How so?"
"He's pissed that I wanted to come here. We had plans to get lunch, and take Addie to the park. I explained that today was a big deal, but he told me he didn't see why I had to come."
I raised an eyebrow. "Ah, okay. Makes sense."
"No, it doesn't. He knows that I'm close with all of the guys, not just you. But he still gets so fucking weird about it." Her voice was full of annoyance, which amused me.
"I mean..." I calculated my words. "Can you blame the guy?"
Her head snapped toward me. "What?"
Laughing, I took a step away from her. "Leena, I am your ex. We spend an awful lot of time together."
She narrowed her eyes at me. "We have a kid together, Noah."
I nodded. "I get that. I'm just saying, he probably has pretty good reason to be skeptical."
She huffed, and pinched the bridge of her nose. "I know. I just," Taking a slow breath, she calmed herself. "if him and I are going to make it work, he's going to have to understand. You guys are my family."
I let my arms reach for her, pulling her into a comfortable hug. "I know. And if he really likes you, he'll figure it out."
The day passed comfortably, the warm sun baking us while we waited in lines, played games, and ate funnel cakes. Mileena passed on the bigger coasters, as I had expected. Laura and I rode the Jaguar six times in a row, nearly toppling over from lightheadedness after the last ride.
Justin and I didn't speak much, only in passing comments and niceties. It was easier that way.
By 5PM, we started to see the signs go up for the concert, so we decided to head over to the stage area, tucked behind the Ghost Rider, in an attempt to get decent seats. We found a table big enough for everyone - with the exception of Matt and Lana, who insisted they be at the front - and got comfortable.
Addison had been sleeping for about an hour, and I had pulled her from the stroller, cradling her to my chest against my sweatshirt, so I could try and shield her ears some from the music. I stood at the end of the table, swaying her back and forth, Mileena sitting next to where I stood, chatting idly with Laura about the day.
I felt a bump to my elbow, and looked to my right, seeing Justin standing next to me, large beer in his hand.
I nodded toward him. "What's up, man?"
My hand was rubbing circles on Addison's back, my knees bouncing gently.
"Could I borrow you for a minute?"
Looking at him curiously, I tried to gauge his intentions. I had kept a good enough distance from Leena for the day, in an attempt to not stir any drama.
"Uh, one sec." I turned, motioning with my chin for Folio to come over. "Can you take her for a minute?"
He just peeled her off of me, repositioning her on his chest. This caught Mileena's attention, who had a concerned look on her face as I began following Justin to where he stood a few feet away. I flashed her a small smile for reassurance.
The opening riffs to Skillet's first song caught my attention for a split second before I turned my attention back to Justin.
"What's going on?"
He took a long pull from his beer, and I noted that it wasn't the first he had that night. "I just wanted to chat with you. Hadn't had much chance to talk today." He snorted then. "Or...ever, really."
I laughed, putting my hands in my sweater pocket. "Yeah, I guess you're right."
"Congrats on finishing the album, man."
I nodded. "Thank you, I appreciate that."
We both looked over to the stage, taking a second to listen to the song. Comatose. A good one.
"So, can I ask you something? Man to man?"
I turned back to look at him, shrugging. "Go for it."
"Are you fucking Mileena?"
This caught me wildly off guard, making me lean back on my heels, eyes blown wide.
"Excuse me?"
"Cause you two seem a little more comfortable than typical exes."
My mouth was hanging open, my brain scrambled. "Dude..."
"If you are, I guess it's whatever. We never made anything exclusive." His words didn't match his tone at all, which told me if I didn't give the right answer, he would probably put a fist straight into my mouth.
As tempting as that was...
"No, man, we're not sleeping together." I waved a hand in between us, shaking my head. "We're not like that."
"Anymore." He added on.
"Well," I glanced back at Leena, who was watching the concert from her seat. "clearly. We do have a kid together."
He smiled at me then, his eyes darkening. The look made my stomach turn.
"She's great in bed, isn't she?"
My blood turned to ice, and my spine involuntarily straightened. I may be moving on, but I'm still a human being. I can only tolerate so much, and he was testing my fucking limit.
Before I could respond, he decided to continue. "I can't imagine how you ever let go of that, brother. She's fucking wild."
I ground my teeth together, jaw clicking in the process. My hands were balled into fists at my side.
"Let's not." Was all I could get out.
He scoffed. "Oh come on, it's not like we haven't both been there."
The eyes staring back at me were malicious. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. A hot, angry fire lit in my chest, screaming at me to rip this jackass' tongue straight out of his mouth, but I didn't. Instead, I returned his smile with my own, venomous and rage-induced.
"I mean, I guess you have a point." He raised his eyebrows, clearly not expecting my response. "There is a small difference, though."
He took another chug from his cup, wiping his mouth. "What's that?"
I licked my lips, glancing around to ensure no one was around.
"You get to fuck her, right?" He just nodded in response. "She begged me to fuck her."
I watched his smile fall, his eyes squinting and chest puffing out. "Oh yeah?"
I let my shoulders roll back easily. "Yeah. So," I leaned in, making sure he could hear me clearly. "that girl over there, regardless of if she's riding your cock, or any other douchebag's, belongs to me."
I could see his jaw tighten. I turned my body to walk away, leaving him with one last comment.
"And I'll just warn you now," I looked him up and down. "you're just temporary. May want to wrap your head around that."
With that, I walked away. It wasn't my proudest moment, I'll admit, but I didn't care. I held my head high as I walked back to the table, and took my daughter from Folio, bobbing to the music while she slept soundly in my arms.
Mileena and Justin had disappeared shortly after our talk, which didn't surprise me. I didn't see them through the rest of Skillet's set, and Lifehouse was due to come out after the intermission. I had handed Addie to Laura, taking a few minutes to run to the restrooms and grab a pretzel. I waited in line at the snack stand, scrolling through the photos I had taken on my phone that day, when I felt a hard slap come across my left shoulder.
I looked over, seeing a tearful Leena, face red with anger. "What the fuck did you say to him?!"
My eyes panned around, seeing all of the eyes staring at us.
"C'mon." I grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the line, but as soon as we were alone, she squirmed out of my grip.
"Seriously, Noah! What did you say?! He fucking left!"
I rolled my eyes at that. "I didn't say anything he didn't need to hear."
She deadpanned at me. "Which was what?"
Sighing, I adjusted my hat, turning it backwards on my head. "The guy's a dick, Leena. He wanted to talk about how you are in bed with me."
Her eyebrows shot up. "What?"
"I just made it clear that wasn't a good idea."
She narrowed her eyes. "He told me you said we were still sleeping together."
I shook my head. "Nope. I actually told him that we weren't."
"Noah, what did you say?"
After several attempts of trying to give her the cliffnotes version, she finally snapped and demanded to know what I said, verbatim.
Once I told her, I thought the big vein in her neck was going to explode all over both of us.
"What the fuck, Noah?!"
I kept my voice even. "I love how you're only mad at me, when he wanted to antagonize me, while also being halfway drunk." I threw my hands up. "On a day that's about my band, to begin with." I smirked, annoyed, and put my hands in my pockets. "Guy's got some fucking balls, I'll give him that."
Leena shook her head. "I am mad at him. But I'm more mad at you."
My face held an amused, bewildered look. "Make it make sense?"
She rolled her eyes. "Noah, you were the one who reasoned that he had a right to be uncomfortable."
"Oh, well let me be clear - I hereby retract that statement. Guy's a douche." I nodded at her to emphasize each word.
She groaned, and rubbed a hand over her face.
"The fuck am I going to do?"
I snorted. "That's on you, dude." She glared at me. "But my two cents? Break it off. He's an ass." And with that, I walked away from her, leaving her to stare after me with an exasperated look on her face.
Lifehouse finished, but my mood was dead. I had no interest in staying for Daughtry. I was so beyond annoyed by this entire situation, that I elected to leave early.
I offered to take Addison, but Mileena assured that she would take her until my regular day. Rather than argue, I just said my goodbyes to everyone, and headed for the entrance of the park.
My irritation grew the further out I got, and was at a full blown rage by the time I reached my truck, my fist landing on the door.
How could she? This muscled-up dirtbag comes in, pisses her off, and then has the audacity to try and talk shop with me, about her, and she's mad at me? Where is the fucking math on that? What did I fucking miss?
I had been so God damn tolerant. So patient. I had taken the mixed fucking signals, the back and forth emotions, the wanting me one second, and treating me like the outlier the next. I had taken it all on the chin. I'd sat there and watched her be in a new relationship, ignoring how painful that is. Moving on before my very eyes.
And all for...what? For going on tour? For leaving her alone? For admitting that I'm a human fucking being and pictured another woman naked? That for a split fucking second, I considered sleeping with her? For which I then beat myself up and felt guilty as fuck afterwards?!
I was done. Done being patient. Done being the bigger person. I got the fucked end of the stick this entire time, and now she's mad at me?
I sped down the highway, no regard for the limit, zooming toward my house so I could be alone. She ruined this day, and I was fucking over it.
It only took me twenty-five minutes before I was pulled up to my gate, noticing a sedan parked on the street outside of it with it's headlights on. This caught my attention, as it was a vehicle I didn't recognize.
I swiped in, and saw the sedan following me through the gate. This had me on guard, my eyes watching my rearview mirror as the car stopped behind my truck. I was too keyed up, willing to fuck up anyone who tried me at this moment.
Jumping out of my struck, I slammed the door behind me and walked toward the vehicle. The driver's door opened, and a small man, slightly hunched over, stepped out. He wore a lanyard around his neck with some form of ID, and held a manila envelope in his hands.
"This is private property." Was all I said before he walked up to me, a kind smile on his face.
"Noah Davis?"
I scrunched my nose. "Who's asking?"
He looked down at his papers and back up to me. "My name is Leonard James. Are you Noah Davis?"
I crossed my arms. "Sebastian."
He adjusted his glasses. "Oh, I apologize sir. I see that here. Noah Sebastian Davis?"
I rolled my eyes. "My government name, sure. Who are you?"
He handed me the envelope, still smiling at me.
"You've been served."
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wubbowrites · 2 months
Fandom: Sonic the Hedgehog
Relationship: Sonic/Shadow
Rating: Teen and Up Audiences
Warnings: Minor swearing (in sign language)
AO3 Link
Sonic discovers that Shadow was taught sign language during his time on the ARK.
Written for Sonadow Week hosted by @starlightzonee on Twitter. Uses the prompt, “Silence”.
(A/N: This was originally posted in December 2021 for a Sonadow week I found on Twitter! I remembered that back then, someone had posted a rec of it on Tumblr that got some notes, so I decided I’d cross post it myself if people here liked it ^_^ Not sure how many other older fics I’ll post here, we’ll see how I feel)
(ALSO the method of writing the sign language here is describing the hand motions. Translations of them are at the end of the fic)
As Shadow complained about his last mission with Rouge, Sonic noticed his hand motions.
It was unusual for Shadow to be so expressive when he spoke…At least, Sonic thought it was. It was only recently that the two became close enough to have casual conversations like this. Sonic wondered: Did he always move his hands this much when he talked with Rouge and Omega, for example? Did he only do it when he was frustrated like this, or did he do it during other heightened emotions too? Why did the motions seem so…specific? Practiced?
It suddenly clicked.
Shadow bristled at being interrupted. “What?”
“Do you…know sign language?”
He blinked. “Where did that come from?”
“You’ve been moving your hands around this whole time! I thought it was- Wait, did you not even notice?” Sonic asked.
Shadow looked down at his hands. He shook them a bit, pointedly avoiding eye contact all of a sudden. “I…suppose I didn’t. Yes, I know some sign language.”
This caught Sonic off guard. “Huh! When did you pick that up?”
“I learned it on the ARK.” He paused, waiting for a sign that he could leave it at that. When Sonic kept watching with expectant eyes, Shadow tensed some more and pressed on. “At times, when testing got particularly stressful, Maria would have nonverbal moments. She found it easier to communicate in these moments with sign language rather than writing or typing, so some of the scientists learned it to communicate with her better. Then when I was created, they taught it to me as well. Signing while speaking was an easy way to practice…but it seems the habit didn’t go away,” Shadow said.
Sonic grinned. “Teach me.”
“Excuse me?”
“Teach me some! Teach me some sign language! Even just a couple words, c’mon!”
“Why do you want this so badly all of a sudden? None of your friends know any, do they?”
“Our friends, you mean,” Sonic said. Shadow rolled his eyes. “And, well, no, they don’t. But like, it’d still be useful! Every once in awhile, I end up saving someone that can’t hear or can’t speak. Doesn’t happen too often, and I think I’ve done an okay job finding ways to communicate with ‘em, but it’d sure be easier if I knew some basics! Besides, it could be like a secret code if we’re around people that don’t know it!”
Shadow sighed. “Alright. The first answer I understand. But what use would we have for a secret code? There’s nothing I would have to say to you that I can’t just say aloud.”
“I dunno! Maybe for stealth missions?”
“Please. Your hopeless with stealth. A secret code isn’t nearly enough to save you.”
Sonic glared as Shadow huffed out a laugh. “Whatever! Maybe I do have secret things I would tell you! You’ll never know until we do it.”
Shadow sighed. He thought for a moment. Then, he decided: “Alright. I’ll teach you some. But for the record, your weak attempt at piquing my curiosity did not affect my decision.”
“Alright!” Sonic exclaimed as he pumped his fist in the air. “So…How do we do this?”
“Well…Perhaps the alphabet would be a good place to start.”
Slowly, over time, the other mobians began to notice the hand motions Sonic and Shadow would point at each other. It wasn’t often enough to be obvious. It was just something they did every so often. There were indeed a few times they would be battling Eggman together and would send each other a sign that the villain didn’t understand. Or they would happen across each other, and Sonic would smirk and swipe his finger under his nose. Shadow would reply back with a scowl, and he’d curl his index finger and thumb into a circle. Then Sonic would laugh and they’d go about their days and Tails and Rouge would be at their sides wondering what in the world was going on.
Frankly, though, a lot of Sonic and Shadow’s friends were pleased by the development, if only because it cut down on the loud arguing and boasting the two would get into.
On a clear, cool evening, Amy hosted a barbecue. Teams Sonic and Rose were invited, along with Rouge, who dragged her two boys with her. Everyone scattered throughout Amy’s yard. Amy herself stood at the grill with Knuckles, the two making food together. Shadow and Rouge sat at one picnic table just chatting amongst themselves, Omega standing beside them. Sonic and Tails sat at a second table a few feet away. Sonic watched over Tails’s shoulder as he played a game on his handheld console. Cream and Big had a blanket laid out that they shared, along with Cheese and Froggy of course. Everyone was relaxing in their own ways. It was already a lovely time.
Big couldn’t help but notice it when Sonic began to steal glances at Shadow. Big wasn’t always the most observant, but he was quiet. And being the fisherman he was, he could be very focused when he wanted to. For some reason, that focus fell on Sonic. The blue blur’s hands fidgeted as he tried to silently get the other hedgehog’s attention. Shadow was too distracted by one of Rouge’s stories to turn his head.
Eventually though, Shadow noticed. He stared at Sonic with a cocked eyebrow.
Sonic grinned back. He pointed to Shadow. He brushed his index and middle fingers down against his chin. Shadow kept staring as if expecting Sonic to take it back. After a second, Sonic chuckled and did it again.
Big had never seen Shadow blush before that moment. It was only the tiniest bit. He gave Sonic the middle finger and quickly turned away. He hid it as fast as he could. Nobody else seemed to have been watching anyway. But Big saw.
Cream looked up at him. “What is it, Mr. Big?”
“Sonic and Shadow are really sweet.”
“Hm?” Cream looked up. The two were back to what they were doing before, not even facing each other. “What were they doing?”
“Sonic just gave him a nice compliment. But I don’t think anyone else knew it.“
Cream smiled. “Oh! That makes sense! Mr. Sonic is very kind! But…” She scratched her chin, suddenly rethinking. “I thought they didn’t like each other as much.”
“They must have made up,” Big said cheerfully. “That’s nice.”
“I guess so!” Cream nodded. “I’m glad we can all be good friends then!”
Froggy croaked and began hopping away. Big watched him go down the yard. He slowly rocked onto his feet and followed close behind. And with him suddenly leaving, so too did the secret message between Sonic and Shadow.
Translations of the ASL. I did my best to research these, but please let me know if something isn’t right! I’ll happily edit in corrections ^_^
“Sonic would smirk and swipe his finger under his nose” = fake, meant to invoke “faker”
“he’d curl his index finger and thumb into a circle” = asshole
“He pointed to Shadow. He brushed his index and middle fingers down against his chin.” = you’re cute
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[This is a transcript of the first of many recordings. A purple haired girl with dark skin was holding a camera. The recording was blurry and zoomed in.]
Does this thing even work… And are we even sure it’s safe to begin with?
[A boy with fair skin and black hair grabbed the camera, and tapped it a few times before it went back to normal vision. You can now see that he wears a coat and trousers, with a cowboy hat that puts a shadow over his face and bandana that covers his neck. The girl wears a short-sleeved turtleneck and an overall skirt that falls just above the knees, with a witch hat that also partially hid her face.]
Electronics don’t contain any magic, silly. Plus, it just turned on. OH- Well in that case, I’m Beatrix and this is Just. Howdy folks!! We are two survivors of the apocalypse. [pause] If… If anyone finds this, they’ll probably know what we’re talking about. But just for a rundown, all magic has become corrupted due to uh, currently unknown reasons. Anything magic-related speed up the control of the user’s -and victim of the said magic- mind and body. We suppressed our magic so we wouldn’t succumb to the corruption as quick when dealing with em, Anddd, we have a semi-secure base to keep away the Cursed! Yup! We’re making these recordings as a log. But logs aren’t supposed to be this long, so I think we should wrap it up. Ah- right. Try to contact us with our radio if you can! See ya around, partner.
[There was a click, and the recording ended.]
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
This is an ask blog run by @goldeneclipsee (me) and @thecowboyofautism (oomf). Most asks answered by me will have art, but I can’t say the same for cowboy. We’ll just have to see how it goes, I guess ;)
I'll try to art
Also, as of now just will not be having art, I can't draw rn
Every ooc thing I write on this intro post will be italicized, unless it’s info
When the camera or radio is lost or broken, asks will not be answered. However you are allowed to send them to speed up the process.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
Pronouns: She/it
Sexuality: Bisexual
Magic: Poison magic, binding chains, supression magic
Age: 16
Personality: ESTJ, stoic
Pronouns: He/him
Sexuality: Bisexual asexual
Magic: paralysis magic, energy rope creation and manipulation, suppression magic
Age: 15
Personality: ENFP, silly, autistic
Reference for outfit (with sucky drawing)
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⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
-No shipping between these two (although you can ship them, I’m not comfortable with it on our blog) (if you make ANY art with the two, dont tag this blog if its ship) (tag me with any and all fanart tho -@thecowboyofautism)
-No discrimination
-No M!A that is unreasonable or unrealistic, we say what goes
More may be added in the future.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ✯ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
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crowswithize · 2 years
Random DP Xover Interactions 2:
Characters: Mr. Lancer, Lois Lane, and Clark Kent
“Oh, The Hound of the Baskervilles,” Lancer cursed, readjusting his tie for the umpteenth time.
There’s little reason to be nervous but this was a respectable newspaper for Austen’s sake, he had to show his best for the interview. Though the more his eyes wandered the windowless room with nothing but a table and chairs at the center, he couldn’t help but compare it to the scene of that of a police interrogation room. 
The table shook, the lone glass of water almost tipping, as the door finally opened. With a smile only a journalist could have and the professionalism of her posture, Lois Lane glided into the chair in front of him. It’s a bold impression, however quickly ruined as another fumbled their way into the chair next to Lois, the act similar to a child following their mother. 
“Mr. Lancer, thank you for taking the time to meet us,” Lois said in a friendly manner, reaching out a hand. He shook it without hesitation, returning the greeting.
“This is my partner, Clark Kent,” she introduced after breaking the handshake. The man, despite his size and appearance, startled as his presence in the room was reminded. He sheepishly smiled and gave a small “how do you do?” with a readjustment of his glasses.
Lois gave a low yet obvious jab to the man’s side, instantly sitting straighter with the contact. He hesitantly raised his hand from beneath the table, waved it as if he didn’t know what to do with it, and finally settled with extending it towards Lancer just like Lois had.
Mr. Lancer withheld any comments for as much as this man felt unfit to interview people, he’s sure to be a good journalist if he shared company with Ms. Lane. That much could not be said about Kent’s fashion sense, as Lancer eyed the blue and yellow plaid. 
He accepted the hand and found it was more of Clark dragging their joined palms to and fro with how strongly he held. If Lancer didn’t know better, he’d think the man was made of stone or something of the like. 
It took another jab from Lois for Clark to release Lancer’s hand.
“Do you mind if we record this conversation, Mr. Lancer?” Lois asked. Her hand swiftly brought out a small recording device and placed it at the center.
“Not at all, Ms. Lane.”
She tapped the center button and a tiny light went red. “This is Lois Lane reporting with Clark Kent. We’re here with Amity Park native, Mr. William Lancer, to talk about how so-called ghosts occupy the town.”
“They are ghosts, you know,” he said because, despite the insanity of it, he’d be the last person to spread misinformation. 
“Of course, Mr. Lancer,” she replied in a neutral tone. 
“So,” Clark spoke up before a silence could take place, “what’s it like to be in the Most Haunted Town in the US?”
Lancer clicked his tongue as he thought of it. “Well, chaotic, for one. I can’t say how chaotic compared to what Metropolis or Central City is like but definitely a rise of it compared to how we were back then.”
“And how long ago would you say that is?” Lois prodded.
“I’d say a good three, almost four, years ago. One day ghosts were just stories to scare children and the next they were a very real threat. Peter Pan, we were so unprepared back then.” He chuckled as if remembering something endearing. “No sense of protocol, self-defense, or even protection. We had to rely on the Fentons and half of their weapons blew back into their faces. Thank goodness we had Phantom to help us.” 
His gaze fell to the corner of the table so he hadn’t seen the break in professionalism from Clark and even Lois, with their eyes wide and a breath lodged in their lungs.
“That is Danny Phantom you’re talking about, right? Formerly known as Inviso-Bill?” Clark asked.
Lancer nodded. “You’ve done your homework, that’s more than most. He doesn’t like being called Inviso-Bill at all and he prefers just Phantom instead of his full moniker.” He brought an elbow onto the table a leaned his cheek against his palm. His expression turned weary. “Honestly, the boy’s the main reason we began protecting ourselves. Don’t get me wrong, but, for an embarrassing amount of time, we just let him fix everything. Ghosts attacking? Phantom. Taken hostage? Phantom. Town invasion? Phan. Tom.” He accentuated the syllables. His fists balled as he talked.
“Then we started noticing that he got less snarky with every fight. He stopped smiling at some point. His eyes looked so tired, which shouldn’t make sense because he was already dead. Then that sank in. Our town hero is dead. He’s a dead teen fighting monsters for a town that took advantage of his kindness. So we got our, excuse my language, shit together and learned to survive.”
Lancer straightened himself and interlaced his fingers. His words carried the determination that all the town shared. The pair of journalists held an expression he could not recognize but it mattered little to him. Whether they believed him or not didn’t matter, as long as he spoke the absolute truth.
Lois, despite her skepticism, wanted to reach over a hug the man. So badly did she want to say something, maybe words of comfort and consolation. She doesn’t because there is a time and place for sympathy and this was neither.
“And what about other heroes?” Clark asked, soft enough to offer sympathy but firm enough to continue. Lois relaxed with the reminder of why she’d brought the man along. His presence could make even the coldest man feel warm. She might be good at finding a story but her compassion paled compared to her friend.
“What about them?”
“Well, don’t you resent them? If your town was endangered, don’t you hate the Justice League for not stepping in and helping?”
Lancer’s look reaffirmed his position as a teacher. “Mr. Kent,” he started, “I cannot speak for all the town but I, for one, don’t hate the Justice League. Do I feel annoyed that they didn’t come to help? Sure, but I don’t resent them for not noticing us. Each of those superheroes has an entire city to protect as well as the entire world if need be. Aquaman stopped a typhoon from destroying millions of homes in the Pacific. Green Lantern prevented an asteroid from colliding with Canada. Amity Park is a single sentence compared to them.”
“But what about-?” Clark wanted to interrupt, something akin to guilt in his eyes, but Lancer quickly stopped him.
“Clark, a few years ago, our crime rate was so low that we were labeled the safest town in the midwest. We’re an hour away from any major cities and barely any Amity Park residents had seen a hero outside of television. Lastly, we take a ginormous page from Gotham City when we say get out of our home, we can handle it.”
The man with glasses looked so chastised you’d think he’d been physically struck. His back slapped against the backrest of the chair. Mr. Lancer’s resolve seemed stronger than most because he barely flinched at the puppy eyes of the overgrown golden retriever.
For the first time, Lois’ smile wiped clean of forced pleasantries as she leaned in on the table. An eager, almost rogue-like grin spread on her face. With the clearest words she could muster, she said:
“Mr. Lancer, with your cooperation, I think the best goddamn story about this.”
His returning grin was confirmation enough.
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slafkovskys · 10 months
angel in new jersey and she can’t sleep so she rolls over and taps on jack’s shoulder, “jacky i can’t sleep”
and jack wakes up, blinking his eyes blearily, taking a small glance to the side table. “angel it’s 1:30” he mumbles out, hands resting on her hips.
“i know…” she sighs, before she gets a small grin on her face. “…wanna make cookies with me?”
and jack wants to say no. he tries so hard. but he fails, like always.
“‘course angel. can’t bake though, remember?” jack says, looking at her with a gaze that said a thousand words.
“you can help me though!” she grins, feet swinging off the bed as she takes off to the kitchen.
he sits on the bed a second longer, laughing fondly as she wonders off. as he exits his door, he’s met with luke coming out of his room across the hall, rubbing sleep away from his eyes.
“cookies again?” luke questions in a sleep filled voice, eyes glancing towards the kitchen.
“cookies again.” jack confirms, before they both take off towards the kitchen.
once they get there, the both stand in the doorway, eyes locked on their girl.
a smile creeps across both of their faces, before jacks eyes timidly take a glance to luke.
“thanks, by the way,” he mumbles out before looking away.
“what?” luke asks.
“thanks for sharing her. she makes me so unbelievably happy. quinn too. we both don’t voice it enough, but thank you man.” jack says quietly, eyes still trained on angel moving around the kitchen gathering ingredients.
a smile creeps on to luke’s face at his words. that statement alone makes it worth it. the jealousy of his brothers, the moments of anger at the fact that it’s not just him- it’s all worth it at the fact that not only is his girl happy, but so are his brothers.
and once he processes that, he claps a hand on jacks shoulder and just nods, making eye contact with the older boy, his eyes saying everything he couldn’t articulate.
“either of you going to get the cookie pan for me. you guys know i can’t reach,” comes angels voice from the kitchen.
at her voice, they both take one more glance at eachother before saying in near tandem, “we’re coming angel”
the way they both know 🥲 and she gets so excited when luke walks into the kitchen, bouncing over to press a kiss to his lips before pulling them both to where she’s already laid out the ingredients they always make sure to keep stocked for her.
she delegates them both tasks, jack gets the lighter load while luke mutters something about the unfairness of it all. jack just grins lazily, “i’m injured… and cuter.”
and before an even bigger argument can breakout over the batter, she contains them both and puts them back on task.
also, definitely records a little vlog for quinn and when he watches it the next morning he’s like so this why you look like you didn’t sleep last night…
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whoisshel · 1 year
Trick or Treat, Freak
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pairing: Eddie Munson x Reader
word count: 2964
tw: swearing
previous part
It’s finally Halloween day and you have been jumping off the walls with how excited you are; you really can’t wait for everyone to see your and Eddie’s costumes. You just have to get through school and then you can enjoy your favorite holiday. You also have to somehow make it without getting into any trouble. Halloween is usually the day you get sent to the office the most; your record is three times in one day. You’re not even getting sent to the office for pulling any pranks it’s just because you’re so excited you can barely sit still or shut up. So far today you haven’t gotten into any trouble, but for some reason, Robin decided to drag you to the library to study.
They’ve been in the library for fifteen minutes and your leg has started bouncing uncontrollably. As you’re looking around the room, trying to distract yourself, you notice Nancy sharpening her pencil for longer than she needs to, and Nancy looks like she’s lost in her head with the way she’s staring off and looking more concerned by the second. you started to stand up to go to Nancy, but Steve beat you there. Steve pulls Nancy into one of the little rooms in the library and you see what Nancy has been staring at for so long; a girl that looked like Barbara.
After a few minutes of Nancy and Steve being in the room, they come out of the room but Nancy doesn’t look any better. Steve sits back at their table as Nancy walks out of the library after telling Steve she’ll be right back. 
You turn back to face Robin and whisper, “Hey, I’ll be right back, I’m gonna go to the bathroom.”
“‘Kay,” Robin mutters, not looking away from her homework.
You stand up and walk out the door quickly to be able to catch up with Nancy. Out in the hallway, you notice Nancy rush into the bathroom wiping tears from her face. You follow her into the bathroom and see Nancy standing in front of the sinks, looking at herself in the mirrors.
“Hey, you okay?” You ask once you’re standing in front of Nancy.
“Yeah,” Nancy replies, barely above a whisper. Nancy shakes her head at her weak attempt of trying to convince both of them that she’s not upset. “It’s just, I want to tell Barb’s family what happened to her.”
“Woah.” You stop Nancy from saying any more. Leaning down, you check under the stalls to make sure no one else is in the bathroom. Seeing that no one else was, you stand back up straight. “We can’t tell them anything, you know that.”
“I know, bu-but, I want to. The whole thing is eating me alive and now they’re selling their house to pay for a private investigator to find out what happened to her.” Nancy stammers out, waving her hands around trying to explain the whole situation so someone would be on her side.
“A private investigator?” You get stuck on that one detail which sets Nancy off into a long rant.
“Yes, and they can’t afford it, so they’re selling everything because they just want to know what happened to their daughter. Which is why I think we should tell them and maybe it’ll give them some piece of mind and then they won’t have to continue looking for them and paying so much money-”
“Nan-Nancy!” You grabbed ahold of Nancy's shoulders to try and calm her down. “Nancy, we can’t do that. That sucks, it really sucks, but we can’t tell them. We could get into some serious trouble if we did that.”
Looking down at her shoes, Nancy muttered, “That’s exactly what Steve said.”
“Well for once, I agree with him. We can’t tell anyone, okay?” You looked at Nancy with a stern look even though Nancy would barely make eye contact with you.
You are sitting in your living room with your mom while you wait for Eddie to pick you up. Pam doesn’t know how to feel about her daughter’s costume, she's a little bit shocked but also kind of finds it funny. Most teen girls want to dress up a bit more scandalously on Halloween, but nope, not her daughter; You did the complete opposite.
“And this is what you and Eddie decided you wanted to dress as?” Pam pointed her wine glass up and down in your direction.
“Yes Mom, how many times are you going to ask that?” You let out a loud sigh and rolled your eyes at how much your mom was bothering you.
Pam chuckled lightly, putting her hands up, “Hey, it doesn’t bother me. This is better than what I’ve seen other girls your age wear.”
“Mom, it’s 1984, girls dress a bit slutty-er now.” You crossed your arms, not believing what your mom was saying right now.
“Don’t I know it.” Pam scoffed, then took a sip of her wine. “You know, back when I was your age-”
You were very thankful at that moment when a knock was heard from the front door; you couldn’t jump up faster. Opening the door, your eyes grew wide at how amazing Eddie’s costume looked.
“Wow, you look great!” You exclaimed, giving Eddie a once over.
Eddie looked down at himself with a big smile, “Ya think?”
“Oh yeah, I love the beard.” You stroked lightly on the long fake beard so it wouldn’t come off.
“I love how yours turned out too.” Eddie pulled you closer to him by your waist and gave you a short kiss. “You’ve got the headpiece and everything.”
“Thank you.” You gave Eddie another kiss.
“You ready?”
“Yeah.” You stepped out the door, then turned sticking your head back in your house. “Bye Mom, I’m leaving now!”
“Okay, be safe, I’ll see you tomorrow!”
“See you tomorrow!” You yelled back before shutting the door. As you and Eddie were jogging to his car, you jumped on Eddie’s back. Eddie quickly grabbed onto your legs so you wouldn’t fall.
Eddie and you had been at Tina’s party for about an hour now, Eddie had sold quite a bit of weed making a lot of money. The two have gotten a lot of weird looks since they showed up to the party, they weren’t quite sure if it was because they were at the party or if it was their costumes, but the couple could care less about what people thought of them. You didn’t like that every time Eddie had to go and do business you were left alone. You understood that he needed the money, but you wished Robin was there with you; this just wasn’t Robin’s thing. Luckily, Nancy showed up not too long ago. Unluckily, Steve was with her.
As you were refilling your cup at the punch bowl, next to a guy in a bed sheet and a wreath around his head, Nancy came up beside you looking into the bowl. “What’s in this?”
“Pure fuel! Pure fuel! Whoo!” The guy next to you shouted, pounding his fist on his chest and making him burp. 
“I think that means alcohol in stupid,” You answered Nancy’s question, looking at the dude with disgust.
Nancy grabs a cup, puts some punch in the cup then starts chugging the drink. All you can do is stand there looking completely shocked at this once naive girl downing a drink that is more alcohol than juice. Steve walks up to the two girls, leaning his back against the counter. “Hey… whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy. Take it easy, Nance.”
“We’re just being stupid teenagers for the night. Wasn’t that the deal?” Nancy quips at her boyfriend, she then dunks her cup back in the bowl and starts chugging again before walking away.
After watching the whole thing go down, you turn to Steve laughing at the defeated look on his face. “Wow! What did you do?”
“What?” Steve turns to lean his arms on the counter, trying to find his girlfriend in the crowd. “Who says I did anything?”
“Nancy’s passive aggressiveness says you did something.”
Steve hung his head, “I have no idea what I did.”
“You should probably figure that out, cause she’s way out of your league.” You give a pat on Steve’s back.
“I don’t have to take this from someone dressed as a nun,” Steve said, looking at you in disbelief.
You looked Steve up and down, “And who are you supposed to be?”
“I’m Tom Cruise.” Steve pointed at himself, he once again couldn’t believe what the girl in front of him was saying.
“From The Outsiders?” You were very confused by his costume. You weren’t a big fan of Tom Cruise. “He wore a jean vest in that.”
“No, I’m him when he’s in Risky Business.”
“Never seen that.”
“You’ve never seen-”
“Hey Virgin Mary, need some help being christened. I’d be way better at it than loser Harrington.” You and Steve stop your little argument turning to face the new kid, who you found out was named Billy and is from California and is also apparently a complete asshole.
“The fuck did this douchebag say to me?” You and Steve looked at each other with disgusted looks then turned back to face Billy. “That’s actually the most disgusting thing I’ve ever heard in my life. I don’t know what's worse, you thinking I’d sleep with you or thinking I’d sleep with Steve.”
“Hey, wow, don’t bring me-”
“I thought you were dating that cute prissy girl, not this freak.” Billy points over to you with the hand that is holding his cigarette. “Although I can understand why you’d want a freaky girl on the side. You just earned a bit of respect from me Harrington.”
“Excuse you-”
“Hey, watch your mouth-” You and Steve both continued to yell at Billy at the same time. Steve’s eyebrows and his eyes narrowed, while your eyes went wide and eyebrows went up, but you were both pointing your fingers at Billy.
“What’s going on here?” Eddie’s voice came from behind you and his arm wrapped around your waist, stopping the yelling from you and Steve
“Oh great, another freak.” Billy chuckled, “And what are you supposed to be, Jesus?”
“Good to know all that cologne hasn’t damaged your brain cells too much.” Eddie snapped at Billy. Not wanting to deal with this bullshit anymore, Eddie moves his arm to lay across your shoulders to turn you away from them. “Come on Y/N, let’s leave them to their pissing contest of who gets to be king of the school.”
You turn your head to look over your shoulder at Steve with an apologetic look. He was trying to help you in that situation, Eddie just didn’t know after the amount of shit Steve’s friends have given him over the years. As much shit as you give Steve, you know he’s trying and is becoming a better person. 
A few hours later, and a few drinks later, you are once again by yourself as you wait for Eddie to finish a deal. As you’re standing against a wall to try and keep a distance from the crowd, you see Jonathan walk through the door. You blink a couple of times to make sure he’s actually there, and he is in fact at the party talking to a girl. 
You walk over to Jonathan, stumbling every few steps, and wrap your arms around Jonathan’s neck causing him to stumble forward a bit at the added weight. “Hi Jonathan, I didn’t know you were coming to the party?” You then looked over at the girl Jonathan was talking to and an even bigger smile grew on your face as you became more excited. “Hi Samantha, isn’t her costume amazing, Jonathan? Siouxsie Sioux and the Banshees… love them.”
Your words started slowing down as you slurred a bit, and became distracted by a commotion in the kitchen. Looking over you saw a very drunk Nancy and Steve fighting over a red solo cup. When Steve’s hand slipped from the cup the drink went flying back and spraying all over Nancy’s shirt.
“Oh shit.” You chuckled, still leaning on Jonathan you turned back to look at the two as you continued laughing. “That’s not good.”
The three of you stand in the same spot talking, well Jonathan and Samantha talk while you stare off sipping on the water Jonathan grabbed for you. As the two are talking, Steve storms past the group and out the back door. You continue to look the way he went, only slightly hearing Jonathan say something about Nancy before walking away, then decide to follow after Steve. When you get outside, pushing past all the drunken teens, you spot Steve sitting in an empty area on the grass. Walking over to him, you plop next to Steve on the grass who continues to look down at the grass with a gloomy look.
“Hey, Steve.” You sound a bit awkward, not totally knowing what you should say.
“What do you want Y/N?” Steve mumbles, as he picks at the grass.
You put your hands up feigning surrender, “I come in peace. Just wanted to check to see if you were okay?” 
Steve looks over at you in suspicion, wondering where this nice version of you is coming from. He then looks forward, not wanting to look at you when he talks about what happened. “She said that I’m bullshit and that we killed Barb.” 
“I think the fact that she can’t get complete closure on Barbara’s death is really tearing her apart, but I told her the same thing you did; there’s nothing we can do about it.”
“Exactly!” Steve yelled, throwing his arms up. You chuckled at his outburst, but you both died down seeing the looks you were getting from everyone. Steve went back to his heartbroken state, “she also said, like we’re in love.”
“Like you’re in love?” You asked, wondering if you heard him right.
“Yeah, that we’re not actually in love,” Steve explained, he continued to look anywhere but at you. “Well, I am, but I guess she’s not or something.”
“I’m sorry, Steve.” Steve finally looked over at you and saw that you were actually apologetic. “She does care about you, she’s just confused about what she’s feeling.”
Steve started to look more upset and a bit baffled at what you were saying, “Confused? What is she confused about?”
“She’s never been in love before, so she doesn’t quite understand it, and then…” You paused trying to come up with your next words wisely, “Then, when you add another person to the mix, it becomes more confusing.”
“Jonathan?” Steve croaked out, you could only nod at the question with a sympathetic look. Steve dropped his head again, then looked back up with a fake smile trying to change the subject. “Have you ever been in love?”
A soft smile appeared on your face at the question, “Yeah, you could say I am.”
“Ah, with Eddie Munson.” Steve slightly grumbled Eddie’s name.
“Yes.” You chuckled at Steve’s dramatics, “I love Eddie.”
“Mmm, I just don’t get you two.”
You rolled your eyes, “Don’t ruin it, Steve.”
“I’m just saying.”
“Well don’t.”
“Okay, okay.” Steve chuckles, giving up on their little banter. They sit in a comfortable silence staring at the party full of drunken teens enjoying their high school years with little responsibilities. Steve looks over at you as you continue to stare forward with the look of adoration on your face. He follows your eye line and sees that you’re looking at Eddie who is goofing around with a guy dressed as, what Steve can only assume is, a character from Star Wars based on the lightsaber. “Do you think someone can be in love with two people?”
You looked at Steve, confused about where this question came from, thinking he didn’t want to talk about Nancy and Jonathan anymore. “Yeah, I believe you can love two people. You can’t always control who you fall in love with.”
Steve only nodded, understanding what you meant but didn’t know what else to think about it all. You slapped your knees deciding that it was time to get up and leave. You tried to get up but struggled a bit so Steve helped steady you and stand up the rest of the way. “Alright, I think it’s time to go. I am drunk and also a little bit high, to be honest.”
“Do you need a ride?” Steve asked, still holding your arms.
You then noticed how close you were standing and took a step back causing Steve to drop your arms. “No, that’s alright, I’m going back to Eddie’s place.”
“Right, Eddie, well I should also go back in and find Nancy to bring home.”
“Um, actually, I think Jonathan did that.” You cringed at the realization that that's what Jonathan told you and now you have to relay it to Steve after the conversation you just had about those two.
Steve let out an exaggerated sigh, bringing his arms up then quickly brought them back down lightly smacking his legs. “Great, that’s great. Well, I’m going to head home, you have a great rest of your not.”
“Alright, sorry, goodnight.” You winced, giving Steve a small wave as he turned to quickly leave the party.
Once Steve was out of sight, you walked over to Eddie and wrapped your arms around his waist hugging yourself into his chest. Eddie brought his hand to rub your back, kissing the crown of your head. “Ready to go home, baby?”
“Yeah.” Your voice was muffled from your face being buried in his chest.
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willtheweaver · 3 months
Thanks @agirlandherquill this sure does look interesting
Rules: For every letter of the alphabet, comprise a sentence/short paragraph beginning with that letter
A- “All systems go. Let’s she what this new ship can do.”
B- Barely anything was standing on the planet’s surface. All around were huge craters and mountains of crumbled rock and dust. What water there was was as corrosive as hydrochloric acid. What kind of weapons could do this, and what kind of people would turn such tools of death on themselves?
C- Candles, beeswax, 50 count, the label said. So why was the box so heavy?
D- “Don’t move!” I stopped when I heard those words. Fearfully, I looked down at feet. One of them was right on top of a rune trap that was concealed in the leaf litter.
E- Everywhere was the sickly sweet smell of death.
F- Faith shall ne’re forsake me, when iron proves as feeble as flesh.
G- “Goblins can’t resist shiny stuff, you said!”
“Well if you weren’t a cheapskate and put some of your jewelry in the trap, we would have caught him!”
H- “Hake, extra crispy. Chips with salt and vinegar, extra curry sauce on the side. What does it all mean?”
“I believe that is his Friday takeaway order.”
I- Inside was totally different. Whereas the exterior was a grey and austere cube, the interior of the building was bright and decorated to the point of being gaudy and over the top.
J- Just lost contact with the rearguard. Radar has picked something up. It’s—[remainder of transmission incomprehensible] /end recording.
K- Kelp! If I could just make it…
L- “Ladies and gentlemen, remain cool, this is a robbery! Handover all of your valuables and no one—hey! You with the Nickleback shirt! That is not cool!”
M- “Must I remind you that it was your idea to drill holes in the bottom of the ship?”
N- “No man is more accursed than he who violates the sacred law of hospitality.”
O- “Open the door!”
P- “Purple was never my color anyways.”
Q- Quiet. No wind, no sound of birds. Nothing.
R- Rust covered the steel beams and rebar sticking out of the cracking and failing concrete.
S- “Single malt, aged twelve years, heavy smoke with hints of seaweed. This was distilled in Islay.”
T- The order came up. Three shots espresso, ten ounces 2% steamed for exactly eighteen seconds, one pump vanilla, three caramel, one chocolate hazelnut, and the foam has to be cold and not mix with the coffee. WTF!?? I wanted to quit them and now.
U- Union pamphlets were everywhere. No doubt about it. Their meeting place had been found.
V- “Velocity is still over 5000 kph! We’ll burn up in the atmosphere unless we find some way of slowing down!”
W- “We’re with Witness Protection. You are in grave danger.”
“Me? I’m just an ordinary person!”
X- “X-rays can’t go through lead!”
Y- “You had to say something, didn’t you?!”
Z- Zzzzzzzzzzz.
“How can anyone sleep so soundly in a time like this??”
Whew! Made it through that one!
Tagging @diabolical-blue @darkandstormydolls @leahnardo-da-veggie @poethill @honeybewrites
@theeccentricraven @splashinkling @smudged-red-ink @mysticstarlightduck @eccaiia
@corinneglass @tildeathiwillwrite @fortunatetragedy and open tag
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echo-goes-mmm · 11 months
Silas and Wren #6
Warnings: lots of slavery talk, dehumanization, mention of measles, death mentions
“Do you miss your family?” asked Master.
“Hm? Oh. I dunno.” Wren looked down at the board. “I didn’t know my mom very well. Your move.” 
Master moved his rook over three spaces.
“Me either,” admitted Master. “What about your dad?”
“I never met him,” he said. Wren moved up his pawn.
“Oh. Siblings?”
“I don’t know if I have any.”
“Well that sucks.” Master’s candidness almost made him laugh.
“I guess I miss that I don’t have any family? If that makes sense.”
“No, I get it,” said Silas, “How come you didn’t get to know your mother? Surely you were with her for a while.”
“Oh, I was sold off at eight. Master Lewett didn’t like keeping his slaves' children around. Check.”
Master hummed as he studied the board. Wren didn’t really like chess. He didn’t mind complicated rules, but the pieces and the board were so boring. 
Silas moved his bishop in front of his king. Damn.
“What was your mom’s name?”
“He called her Willow.” Wren liked carcassonne more than chess. The colorful pieces in the shape of little men were fun. More than the black and white chess set.
He saw an opening that Silas had missed. 
Silas told Wren he would be out running errands all day. It was true, but he couldn’t tell Wren what he was doing. He couldn’t forgive himself if he got Wren’s hopes up and failed.
“Hello, sir! Is everything okay with your purchase? We do have a return policy-”
He made his way back to the slavehouse. If he could just find that salesman again…
“No, no, everything’s fine. I was wondering, is there a way to track down a specific slave?” he asked.
“Well…” said the man, stroking his chin. “I suppose it’s possible. Do you have the name of an owner, or anything specific?”
“A Mr. James Lewett? He owned a woman he called Willow, who had a child while serving him. I’m looking to purchase her.”
“I’ll see what I can do. One of the other slavehouses may know the name. There will be costs involved, however, and I can’t promise anything.”
“That’s fine. And I’ll pay whatever you need to get it done.”
The salesman, Mark, promised to look for Wren’s mother and family. It hadn’t cost much actually, just a fee for Mark’s time, and a small amount for postage. All he had to do was wait.
It wasn’t fair that Wren didn’t know where his mom was. Even though Silas had his own issues with his family, at least he knew they were alive. He knew where he came from, knew his last name, his family’s personalities.
Wren couldn’t say the same for his family. He didn’t even know who his dad was. Or even if he had siblings.
Waiting for the information was killing him. Keeping such a big secret from Wren was difficult, but he couldn’t afford to tell him what he was up to. What if Mark didn’t find anything? Or worse?
Days turned to weeks, weeks turned into a month, until a month and a half into waiting, Silas finally got a letter.
Dear Mr. Raventoothe,
Please forgive the delay. Your request was rather in-depth, and oddly difficult to investigate.
I contacted Mr. Lewett. Regretfully, Mr. Lewett had sold ‘Willow’ some years ago, to a slavehouse. He has no recollection of any potential relatives of ‘Willow’, nor any potential slaves who may have fathered your purchase (forgive the assumption, I presume that’s what this is about). 
Mr. Lewett indicated ‘Willow’ may have birthed several children, but not under his ownership. Your companion was her only child during her years there, according to his memory.
I did reach out to the slavehouse, and according to their records, 'Willow' (designated 11053) was sold to a Mrs. Benson.
Mrs. Benson died of old age a year ago. At my request, the family went through her records and found this:
11053 was renamed ‘Honey’, and worked as Mrs. Benson’s maid for many years. The family has fond memories of her, and she was one of their favorites. Unfortunately, ‘Honey’ died from a measles outbreak five years ago. My condolences.
I also reached out to the slavehouse where Lewett purchased ‘Willow/Honey’, but they closed due to a fire and reopened in another location. The files were either destroyed in the blaze or lost in the move. However, It may please you to know that no merchandise was harmed in the accident.
It pains me to tell you that it is impossible to locate any potential father or siblings of your companion. Slaves are often renamed, relocated, or sold and purchased privately. Often there are no records of their children until they are sold, and it is rare their parentage is noted in any capacity.
Regards, Mark.
P.S: Enclosed is the remaining postage fee that I did not use.
God damn it. Silas teared up. Willow was dead. From illness that could have been prevented. She had died five whole years ago, and Wren had no idea. And he probably had brothers and sisters out there. Living siblings that he would never know.
It wasn’t fair. Sniffling, he stuffed the letter back in its envelope and shoved it in his desk. 
He’d keep the letter, but Wren didn’t need to know that he failed to locate his mom. Maybe at some point he’d tell Wren his mother passed away, but for now the letter would stay hidden in his desk drawer.
“Is everything alright, Master?”
He whirled around. 
“Yeah! Yeah, everything’s fine,” he said, wiping his eyes. Wren looked a little suspicious, but said nothing.
“Um,” his mind raced. “How about a game of carcassonne?” He knew that was Wren’s favorite.
“Okay,” said Wren, still unsure. Silas got out the box. Thankfully, he ordered the river expansion and they hadn’t played with it yet.
Hopefully Wren wouldn’t notice how distracted he was.
taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @secretwhumplair @freefallingup13 @mylovelyme @whumpzone @paintedpigeon1 @haro-whumps @whumpthisway @fanastyfinder @extemporary-whump @susiequaz12
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dejwrldarchived · 1 year
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˚₊𓆩༺🎸༻𓆪₊˚ — summer of 22', choso kamo
🩰 — choso and y/n spend time together after the strange events of a lost guitar pick, yuji getting arrested, and a late-night at a onigiri food stand.
ᩍ before reading please be advised of the following warnings — female reader, written with black reader in mind, her/she pronouns, humor/crack, noritoshi & choso are cousins in this cause i said so, profanity, this is quite self indulgent and kinda my own assumption & characterization of modern day choso, mentions of death (characters), mentions of broken bones, kenjaku is a hot milf in this instead of being just yuji's mom..let's pretend they're choso's mom instead of choso's dad (listen y'all know how messy kenjaku is in the canon tl), tooth rotting fluff, fast pace series, told in third pov aka choso's pov, mentions of choso having a scar, record shop boss!geto lol, | mdni, taglist, masterlist, other creations
chapter playlist | ride by twentyonepilots, cool people by chloe x halle, here by & alessia cara
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CHOSO ALWAYS GOT NERVOUS WHEN HE PERFORMED IN FRONT OF PEOPLE. No matter if it was just a friend or even his kitten Retro when it was time to pick up his guitar and perform—horrible knots formed in the pit of his stomach. To make matters worse, Y/N could be coming to his show. What if he got so nervous he puked on stage or he forgot the lyrics to the song Noritoshi and himself are covering? He was just overthinking. Which soon led to the crisis that he couldn’t find his pick for his guitar. Now he had a real reason to be nervous. 
As he was in the shared dressing room with Noritoshi, he would scrummage through the bag he had brought carelessly. His guitar pick wasn’t in there. He checked Noritoshi’s bag, but nothing. Now Choso was pacing back and forth in front of Noritoshi, who was their PR manager, by sending out tweets saying they were performing in fifteen minutes. “Why are you pacing back and forth? If you’re nervous, just take a deep breath and practice those breathing techniques I told you about.” Noritoshi says while never disconnecting his eyes from the iPhone in his hand.
“It’s not that.” Choso blurted out while twirling around to pace the other way. His mind was wondering what he should do. He could run back home to get it, but he wasn’t sure if his guitar pick was home. He could have dropped it. He could have left it at the records shop. 
“Is it because of that girl possibly coming?” That question caused Noritoshi to break eye contact with his phone and let his eyes watch his cousin pace back and forth, but Choso did a stop abruptly to meet his gaze.
“No,” Choso admitted. 
It was a lie, of course. His cheeks stained a crimson color before he kissed his teeth and went back to pacing back and forth.
Noritoshi smirks, “So, what’s the problem?” 
“I can’t find my guitar pick.” 
“Excuse me?”
“It’s not in my bag. It’s not in your bag. I can’t find it!” Choso throws his hand up in frustration. “It’s not like we can do without it because we need my guitar.” 
“Okay, now I’m nervous. Maybe, we can go get it real quick. We don’t go on until fifteen minutes from now,” He says as he stands up.
Choso's lips parted to speak, but a knock was heard on their door, and their friend Todo Aoi stuck his head through the small opening of the door. Todo was hired as security for tonight at their performing venue. Which made perfect sense considering how ripped Todo was. 
“A very pretty young lady is here to see you guys. I’m quite impressed; you guys have a fan girl already,” He snickers. 
“Oh shut up, Todo; before you know it—we will have so many fans. We may just hire you as our security guard.” Noritoshi says before he motions to let the person in.
Expecting to be some fan that has been following their year-long journey of being musicians, but instead, it was Y/N giving them that same smile she gave them when they first met. Noritoshi was shocked that she even came considering that Choso's hopeless romantic self had invited girls to the show, and then he moped about them not showing up for a week. Noritoshi took it upon himself to excuse himself from the equation, “I’m going to make sure the stage is all set for us.” He gives the pair a smile before leaving the dressing room.
“You came.” Choso was beyond shocked.
“You invited me to come to see you perform. I wouldn’t miss it, plus it’s weird how the world works, considering my godmother is here too with some of her friends.” She shrugs. “Which one of her friends is your boss,” Y/N explains. 
“Wow, kinda seems like we were meant to meet eventually,” Choso chuckles.
“Yeah.” Y/N agrees with a smile on her face.
The two of them stood in front of each other, just basking in each other's looks. Y/N couldn’t keep her eyes off seeing Choso in the attire he was wearing tonight and Choso couldn’t do the same. It finally hit Y/N that she wasn’t back here to dawn over how attractive the singer looked in front of her but to give him something that Geto gave to her. She looked through the mini purse that was hanging from her shoulder and pulled out his guitar pick.
“He said you left it in his office,” Y/N places it in his hand. “Geto also said you two should not be so reckless with leaving your music gear everywhere in his office.” 
“Ah! That sounds like something he would say. Who else is here with him?” He asked. “Is a pink-haired guy with him. He's around this tall, and has a scar on his face.” Choso holds his hand up trying to remember how tall his younger brother was.
 “No, it’s just myself, my godmother, your boss, and another one of their friends.” Y/N’s lips form a straight line once she sees the disappointment in Choso’s face.
“Ah, thank you,” Choso says. “I should continue getting ready, thanks for bringing me this.” He holds up the guitar pick.
Y/N smiled at him before she left the dressing room just in time for Noritoshi to collect him. “Let’s blow the roof off this place!” He exclaimed as he picked up his drumsticks and wrapped his arm around Choso’s shoulder. 
Choso knew they would do well. They always did in every gig they managed to snag. It may not have gained them some record deal, but it was decent enough to get the crowd hyped and cheering for them at the end. Especially when they had retired rockstar Geto Suguru vouching for them. Noritoshi liked to joke that a lot of people only came to their gigs because Geto never missed one. No matter what, he would always be in the crowd. Simply because he was searching for any flaws in their performance. It would be something subtle like they need to practice their breath control and they wouldn’t be so out of breath by the time the third song or they were a little off-key and not synchronized as a singing duo. Choso appreciated the criticism—after all, it was Grammy award-winning Geto Suguru giving them tips. He couldn’t just brush them under the wrong as if they were nothing.
But deep down, Choso just wanted his younger brother to be in the crowd of this show. It wasn’t as if Choso cared about Yuji showing up because the pink-haired guy has sat through many practices and gigs with about four people (including himself)—but Choso could keep a closer eye on him. Just make sure he wasn’t in some type of trouble. 
He stood behind the curtains as he could hear the host announce who was next, he closed his eyes, mumbling some form of words of encouragement to himself. As soon as he heard the crowd go crazy, he would push himself on the stage with Noritoshi. The bright light blinded him from seeing the crowd, but he always thought it was better for him to get over stage fright. Choso couldn’t help but scan the crowd for his brother, but still, he wasn’t there. His dark-colored eyes landed on Y/N and his lips curved into a smile seeing the glimmer in her eyes. He watches as her lip gloss-covered lips form into a smile making eye contact with him before mouthing to him. 
“You got this.” He read her lips.
The rest of the performance was history as he could hear the sound of Noritoshi’s drums. When the two performed, it felt like a burst of energy that Choso couldn’t quite explain. It was like an adrenaline rush after going skydiving. The high after taking a drug. It was a magical feeling that Choso wanted to experience every time he discovered that he loved music. 
Choso and Noritoshi joined the group and were met with applause. Geto was the first to speak with a smile on his face,” You guys are improving. Took note of my breath control tips.” He says as he sips from his beer. 
“Of course, we wouldn’t have heard the last of it—if we didn’t,” Noritoshi gives Geto a sly grin. “I’m going to go get me something to drink.” 
Geto checks the time on his phone, “I’m heading out to pick up the twins. Don’t be late for your shift tomorrow morning,” His finger pointed at Choso.
“Yeah, I should get going also. Don’t stay out too late, Y/N. You have a class to teach tomorrow,” Utahime hugs Y/N, and she eyes Choso up and down before walking with Geto and them to the exit.
“Did she give you a look when she hugged me?” Y/N asked as she sat in the seat that Utahime was formally sitting in.
“She did,” Choso admitted, nervously rubbing the back of his neck.
“She does that with all the guys I’m interested in.” She shrugs her shoulders carelessly. “She can be protective sometimes, but it’s only because I believe my mom gave her a detailed letter to do so.” 
Choso's brains seem to stop at the thought of her mentioning guys she’s interested in. Did he make it so obvious that he was interested in Y/N that others could notice it? He sits across from her before speaking again, “I assume that she and your mother are close?” Choso asked.
“Yeah, two peas in a pod, according to Utahime.” 
“It’s a small world, you know. We were bound to meet.” Choso leans forward with a grin that Y/N returns.
“Kinda like fate,” She’s leaning forward also, and Choso could get a whiff of her sweet flowery perfume that caused him to smile even harder.
His lips parted to speak, but the sound of his cell phone interrupted him. “I’m sorry, I have to take this. It’s probably my brother.” He excuses himself just in time for Noritoshi to join the table. 
He walked to the side away from the table and pulled the phone to his ear. If the singer was going, to be honest, he didn’t even know the number that called him. He had this thing where he still answered unknown numbers because what if it was some music producer trying to contact him or something? The dread that hit his heart hearing his brother's voice on the other end. “What the hell Itadori? You know if you weren’t going to show, you could have given me a heads up on your whereabouts.” 
“I got caught up in something,” Yuji’s voice trails off as he doesn't know how to explain to his brother the trouble he is currently in. 
“Where the hell are you currently calling me from? I don’t recognize the number.” Choso points out. His nostrils flared in annoyance because he knew the answer Yuji was about to give him was going to piss him off even more.
“You have to promise to not get upset before I tell you because getting upset doesn’t solve anything. Just give you gray hairs and wrinkles at an early age. Which wouldn’t be a good look considering that you want to be this famous rockstar.” Yuji went rambling on.
“Fuckin’ tell me,” Choso exclaimed through gritted teeth.
“Police station. Currently getting my one phone call. They gave me a warning but said they would prefer for someone to pick me up. Mr. Nanami didn’t answer, so I’m calling you.” 
Choso could sense that his brother had some nervous smile on his face on the other end. He knew that he called his boss Nanami Kento first because Nanami would just give him a lecture and go on about his business. Choso wouldn’t have found out that his younger brother missed his performance because he was at a police station. That if Choso was to ask him where he was tonight; he'd come up with a perfect lie just for Choso to brush it off.
“I’m on my way, I just have to ask Noritoshi if he can pack up by himself,” Choso answered. His eyes glances over at Noritoshi and Y/N talking, Noritoshi had brought her a drink from the bar. 
Choso drags his feet across the floor in disappointed strides back to the duo. Noritoshi who was sipping from his pint of beer eyebrows narrowed at Choso’s long face. He knew his cousin so well that he knew something was wrong. With another huge gulp, Noritoshi clasp his hands together. “I’ll pack up and take it back to Suguru’s.”
“You’re a lifesaver. I’ll keep you posted on what’s going on.” Choso responds as Noritoshi collects his glass and went towards the backstage area. 
Choso’s brown colored traveled to Y/N who was happily sipping at the fruity drink Noritoshi brought over. His eyes glossed with an apologetic look before he start speaking, “I’m sorry. But I have to go. My younger brother got himself in some trouble and I have to dig him out.” He rubs at the back of his neck before speaking. “I wanted to hang out with you a bit longer.” 
With a precious smile, she says, “Then let’s go dig out your brother together.” 
The older Choso that formerly used ‘well, I’m in a band’ his way into pussy—cock would twitch in whatever pair of dark-washed ripped jeans he wore. But this was new Choso. The responsible big brother who took his love life seriously because he wanted to be a good example for his younger brother. That meant not thinking with his cock that was in between his toned thighs and actually thinking with his brain. His brain would tell him, this isn’t a good idea. The two of them just met and she was about to meet his brother, who has a perfect life ahead of him but doesn’t have his head screwed on correctly. It wasn’t a good idea, she didn’t need to see the chaos in his life so soon. 
“No, you do not need to come with me to just go lecture my brother’s head off.” He leans against the table a bit and gives her a dry chuckle. “That would be such a shitty first date.”
Y/N’s eyebrows raised at his words. Her fingers twirled the miniature umbrella in her fruity cocktail that Noritoshi wanted her to try ever so much. “Oh, so you were going to ask me out on a date?” Her teeth nibbled on her lips and once again Choso’s cock twitched in his pants. 
No, she definitely can’t go with him to go get Yuji. Instead of having to worry about Yuji saying something stupid or doing something stupid. He needed to worry about himself. He craved a bit more seeing the way her mouth moves. Frankly, it was a bit unhealthy for him to even have these thoughts running in his mouth. After all, the two only just met last week. He didn’t even have the woman’s number. But dared to think about how she’ll look when she’s coming down from the best orgasm. 
“Something like that. I did say we have three months to get to know each other.” He flirts back as if they were the only ones that mattered in the world. “But, I don’t think it’s fair for our first date to be of us babysitting my younger brother.” 
Choso watched as she stood up fixing her jean skirt that hugged her lower half so perfectly. She took a couple more sips from her drink before grabbing a hold of Choso’s wrist and dragging him towards the exit and right by a curious Todo. 
“Well, good thing you have three months to make up for the first date.” She giggles so beautifully that Choso felt himself blushing.
He simply knew because for some reason in his twenty-two years of living, when he blushed it never showed on his cheeks. Instead, the tips of his pierced ears would glow the lightest shade of crimson. Practically feel like they were burning off his fuckin’ head. 
“The station isn’t that far away if you don’t mind the walk,” Choso pointed out. “Maybe fifteen minutes at most.” He checked his phone and then back at her.
“Lead the way.” 
With that, the two started their walk toward the police station. Now that Y/N was with Chosos, he couldn’t angrily chew Yuji’s head off and threaten to kick his ass if he get arrested again. Instead, he’ll take a smoother approach. A cool Choso approach. He’ll talk calmly to him and figure out why he was there in the first place. He’ll make Yuji apologize and then they’ll go home. 
“So, your brother? How old is he?” Y/N breaks Choso’s inner monologue of what he was going to say to Yuji.
“Eighteen and a pain in my ass.” Choso huffs. “Do you have any siblings?” 
“I’m an only child.” Y/N points out. “It gets a bit lonely, so I guess that’s the reason why I decided to tag along. It’s nice to see you go help your brother out even if he gets himself in trouble.” 
“Yeah, I figure it can get lonely. But I bet you were spoiled rotten,” He nudges at her shoulder.
“I mean yeah, but since my mom isn’t here anymore—my father was not hearing none of that.” Y/N chuckles to herself. 
“I’m sorry for your lost.” 
Silence overcame the two as they were walking down the street. Choso is on the side closest to the road like a gentleman. They walked ever so close together that occasionally their arms would brush against each other. He didn’t know what else to say. He experienced loss but didn’t particularly have the proper time to grieve due to the responsibility of taking care of Yuji being shoved upon him. 
“I want to say that I grieved properly, but you never know when you fully heal,” Y/N speaks. “I’m doing something my mom was good at and I didn’t even get to meet her. So every time I do it, I think about her.” She grows quiet before letting out an embarrassed chuckle. “Sorry, for the trauma dumping.” 
That silence returned, but it wasn’t a bad silence for Choso. It was a comfortable one that he could sit in for days. He glances over at her and the once cheery smile on her face disappears and an embarrassed look plastered on her face. He had a feeling she probably thought she overshared, but he didn’t mind. He wanted to get to know her. He wanted to peel off all the layers of her until she was bare—he wanted to know every layer no matter how thin or thick, no matter how traumatic or glorious. When he said they had three months to get to know each other, he meant it.
“Thank you.” Choso breaks the silence finally. 
“For what?” Y/N’s eyebrows scrunched together to glance at him. 
“For being comfortable enough to tell me that about you.” His lips curve into a smile. “I did say we have three months to get to know each other.” He reminds her. 
“You did and you won’t let me forget about it,” Y/N says. “Now, it’s your time. Share something about yourself. It doesn’t have to be as deep as what I said.” 
“Hm.” Choso thought for a second. “I’m a good skateboarder.” He adds. “Which caused me to break my arm.” 
“Jesus Christ, did it hurt?” Y/N’s face was laced with concern as she followed next to Choso.
“I didn’t even notice or feel anything until I saw Noritoshi about to vomit at the sight of my arm just dangling like a wet ramen noodle,” Choso adds. “I kinda wish you were there to sign my cast though.” His lips formed a pout that made Y/N giggle. 
That giggle made old Choso's cock twitch in his jeans again. 
Get yourself together Choso. You’re acting like a hornball that hasn’t been laid in years.
“Please don’t break your arm just so I can sign your arm cast. It’s too hot to be wearing a cast also.” Y/N fans herself with her hand and Choso finally realized just how humid it was outside. 
Japan’s summer was lethal if you weren’t used to it. But he just thought his sudden increase in body heat was due to how close he was to her. It didn’t cross his mind that it was due to the weather. 
“I won’t. I can’t take you out with an ugly arm cast on anyway.” He says as he stopped in front of the police station. 
“That is true, but I wouldn't mind at all.” She steps into the police station after he holds the door open for her. 
When they stepped into the police station, it felt like one of those movie scenes where so much was going on at once. Officers scattered around trying to defuse the situation. Some take statements of people reporting crimes. Some tried to break up civilians who were close to chewing each other's heads off. Through the crowd of chaos, Choso spotted his nitwit of a brother sitting near one of the officers desking munching on snacks as if he were in paradise. Choso saw the spray paint on his fingertips and his clothing and immediately knew what type of trouble Yuji got himself in, again. 
“I’ll just go sit down right there and wait for you two.” Y/N motions to the empty set of chairs near the entrance.
“Okay,” Choso flashes an apologetic smile before he’s letting his feet drag towards his brother who was giving the officer that Choso knew from the back of his head. 
“Officer Kusakabe!” Choso exclaimed, causing the pair to turn for him.
“It’s Detective now,” Atsuya Kusakabe corrected as he folded his arms across his chest. 
“Right, Detective.” Choso firmly says. “Thanks for letting him get off on a warning, again,”  Choso responds. “I promise to have him send a very long apology letter for the inconvenience.” His eyes glared at Yuji who slumped in his seat at the words of an apology letter.
“Don’t even bother, I have caught on to this idiot copying and pasting the same letter. Just changing about one or two words.” The detective rolls his eyes. “But next time, he won’t just get a slap on the wrist because I may not be in here to save his ass again.” 
“And what did he do this time?” 
“Try to tag up some buildings,” Kusakabe explained. “They caught him right in the act. Spray cans in his hands and all, he still denied it.” He shrugs his shoulders. “Now get the hell out of here before I change my mind.” He tapped the desk and stood up to walk towards his office.
Choso couldn’t help but glare at his brother before scoffing and walking away. Yuji follows behind quickly, rambling on about how he won’t do it again. But Choso knew his brother, he’ll do it again. He was addicted to this—addicted to the feeling of getting his hand caught in the cookie jar. Choso didn’t understand why because it wasn’t like this before His grandfather died. It wasn’t like this when their mom was in the picture. Choso just didn’t understand the sudden flip of personality. It wasn’t like Yuji didn’t have much compared to maybe the average delinquent—he was interning for Nanami Kento. He was a good artist, also. But for some reason, he was an adrenaline junkie for shit that didn’t even benefit him. 
Choso stopped in front of Y/N and felt Yuji crash into his backside at the sudden stop. “Let’s go, Y/N.” 
When Yuji saw Y/N, the once puppy dog look of sympathy went away as he smiled at her—waving and then looking at his brother with a knowing look. Y/N stands up to follow the brothers out of the police station and then that was when Choso erupted like a volcano that hasn’t blown lava in years. His fist was clenched tightly. 
“Tagging a building? Really Itadori?! You’re about to attend one of the best universities with one of the best art programs in Japan.” Choso points out. “You don’t need to do this. You have a good internship that pays you…I can’t keep bailing you out of every situation you put yourself into. Why are you doing this? Is it because of her?” 
Yuji’s jaw clenched at those last words. That pierced his skin so quickly that he didn’t even know how to react other than agitation from the night heat and the fact that Choso was completely embarrassing him in front of a girl he hadn't even seen before. Hell, Choso has introduced him to countless girls—all of them a complete blur to Yuji.
He ignored his brother's questions and his attention fell on Y/N, who awkwardly stood there while her eyes were darting between the two brothers. Yuji stepped towards her and extended his hand for her to shake, “I’m Yuji Itadori, his brother.”
Y/N shakes his hand, “Y/N. I think I’m going to head home now, it seems you two need to talk some things out.” She points out before her fingers ran through her braids. 
“I didn’t mean to intrude on you two—uh, date. So, I’m heading to Megumi’s. It was nice meeting you,” He flashes a grin before walking away before Choso can utter another word. 
Through a glare of frustration and anger, Choso watches his younger brother disappear in the bliss of night as he walked in the direction of his Megumi’s house. They’ll have this talk when they get a chance. He’ll dig him out of trouble again because that’s what a big brother does. While they tiptoe over the simple fact that their mother didn’t want anything to do with them—their relationship was always going to be at odds. 
“Shouldn’t you go after him?” Y/N questions as she steps forward to close the gap between herself and Choso. 
“Why should I? We’ll only yell at each other.” Choso pointed out. 
“You two should sit down and talk though.” She points out. “You shouldn’t go to sleep angry at someone you truly care about,” Y/N adds. 
Choso never thought about it that way. The two brothers spent so many nights having a screaming match that he didn’t notice they never actually talked to each other. There was a huge ass elephant in the room and neither one of them wanted to address it. 
He thumbs at his lip in deep thought before looking at her with a grin, “Are you hungry?” He asks just as his stomach grumbles in hunger. 
“Don’t try to change the subject—” Y/N words were interrupted by the sound of her stomach. Her cheek heats in embarrassment before finishing her comment, “It’s so late, where are we going to find food?” 
“You know, I’m so used to picking that brother of mine up from here. I found some hidden gems,” He extends his hand for her to take. “So, please let thee, Choso Kamo feed you.” 
Y/N laughs at his words and takes his hand. “Lead the way before I die of hunger.” She let him drag her down a couple of blocks until they are in front of this onigiri restaurant. 
Although it was around the time for nightclub stragglers to be tumbling out of clubs, the street food vendor had customers waiting in line for the savory food they sold. There were tables outside for people to enjoy their late-night snack under the Summer moonlight. As Choso grabbed some food, Y/N sat at one of the tables. 
“You finally brought a girl for me to meet, you little shit!” The owner of the shop Ren exclaimed as he leaned against the counter. 
“Do you have to yell that so loud? I don’t want to scare her away.” Choso dark colored eyes glance at Y/N at the table on her phone. “I actually like this one.” 
“When did you meet her?” Ren asked as he was fixing Choso his usual. 
“Not that long ago,” Choso admits and Ren stops mid-chop. “I mean, is that a bad thing to say? I just feel a real connection between us.” 
“You sure you’re not thinking with your dick and balls?” Ren bluntly admitted raising his eyebrows at the young man in front of him.
“I’m thinking with my brain, heart, and dick.” Choso proudly admits with some childish lovesick smile on his face. “This one is on the house, right?” His head motions to the plate of onigiri. 
“Of course,” Ren says while wiping his hands on the hand towel that was flung over his shoulder. “Oh yeah, that time when you and Noritoshi were drunk off your ass. You forgot your skateboard.” He walks around the counter to push the skateboard toward Choso. 
“I thought I lost this damn thing,” Choso responds. 
He had even brought a new board and all, but due to Noritoshi and his strict music-making schedule—he haven’t used it yet. With the food in one hand and skateboard under his arm, Choso made his way back to Y/N just in time for her to get off the phone. He had a suspicion that it was Utahime asking where Y/N was, but the look on Y/N’s face said the opposite. When she talked with Utahime, her face glowed with happiness. But this look was the complete opposite. It felt like a rainy cloud was suddenly hung over her head and when she saw Choso, her forced smile was like her putting an umbrella up so he wouldn’t get wet. 
“Everything okay?” Choso questioned as he sat down across from her after placing everything down. 
“Just my dad, being my dad,” Y/N explains before leaning forward. “I told myself, I was going to let him ruin my summer with his shenanigans.” She sighs.
“But he did.” Choso leans forward also, his elbows resting on the table. “And I don’t like that.” 
Y/N grabs one of the onigiri and takes a bite out of it. Her eyes enlarge and she moans at the taste before swallowing. “I now understand why it’s so many here at this place at this time.” 
“You’re changing the subject.” He points out while he picks up his share of the food. 
“Now you see how I felt earlier.” She says. “It’s just he’s so protective for no exact reason—well, correction for a reason that I’m not even aware of. But I think it’s connected to my mom.” 
“But didn’t you say your mom passed away,” Choso says. 
“She did when I was like a baby. Hardly got to meet the lady, but she somehow passed her dancing genes down to me.” She laughs and Choso couldn’t help but smile. “I’m not even sure how she passed, no one talks about it. I can’t even find an article about it.” 
“Not even Utahime?” Choso bites into his food. 
“I haven’t talked about it with her.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I just chalked it up as they’ll tell me when they think I’m ready. I don’t know, bringing it up when I suppose to be focusing on dance right now—isn’t a good idea.” 
“No distractions.” Choso points out with a shit-eating grin. 
“Yeah, no distractions.” She repeats making eye contact with the long-haired male in front of her.  “But on a lighter note, how come it’s only you and Noritoshi in your band?” 
“Because we haven’t found the right members,” Choso says. “We want a third member, preferably a bass player. Just haven’t found the right person that fits our vibe. But, Suguru has been helping us with that. We have a new employee starting at the record shop next week and he thinks they play bass guitar.”
“You think they’re any good?” Y/N asked him. 
Choso shrugged. “Suguru’s very picky on who he wants to work at his shop, so he must see something special in them.” 
“Speaking of him, he looks so familiar…” Her voice trails off as she tried to remember when she saw Geto’s face at. 
“Yeah, he was some famous rock artist until he adopted his manager’s daughters and decide that the rockstar life no longer is for him,” Choso explained. “He still has many people approaching him up to this day. But I think most know that he just wants to live a normal life again.” 
“That makes sense. Especially considering that he has the twins to raise now.” Y/N smiles. “That’s sweet of them, he wants them to have a normal life out of the spotlight.” 
Y/N eyes travel down to the skateboard next to Choso’s foot and she looks at him, “Is this the one you fell off of and broke your arm?” 
Choso glances at the board and then at her and nods, “Yup. Want to try it?” 
“For me to break a bone? No. Plus I don’t know shit about skateboarding.” She laughs before shaking her head. “Thanks, but no thanks.” 
“I’m not going to let my pretty little ballerina break some bones.” He pushes himself out of the seat and places the skateboard further out away from the table. “Come on, you trust me right?” 
“Despite us not knowing each other for that long…oddly enough, I do.” She stands out and stands in front of him.
The two of them were only inches apart, the space in between them was the single skateboard on the ground. The two made eye contact and Choso felt the tip of his ears grow hot and he knew they were as red as a ripe tomato. He wanted Y/N, he wanted Y/N so bad. 
“Oddly enough, I think I may have some fuckin’ crush on you.” 
Those words stung Choso’s tongue because he never actually did crushes, hell—he didn’t even bother to invest in a relationship. But here he was admitting to having some crush on a girl that he most likely won’t see after the summer was over. 
“And, you don’t have to respond to that now. But just know that if any guy catches your attention this summer. They’ll have to get through me and have major competition.” 
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tags. @maydayaisha @spiderpunkfien @bbytamaki@honeybleed @luvliv4lifexoxo @smileyy-cakee@hoohoohope @theclassbookworm
thanks for reading. &lt;3
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