#for the past couple weeks it’s just been me watching video after video about how to DIY things
silvermizuki · 10 months
It’s so funny to me that I’ve started to finally learn about cars after I’ve started having issues with mine
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begginmonty · 11 months
working with mike
(this doesn't follow the plot directly and mike works like more than just 3 shifts, also this is legit 2k words long i got so so so carried away im just so in love with mike, apologies!! its also not been proofread sorry <3)
before mike is hired alongside you, steve raglan had given you the job a week or so ago after you had lost your last job over a silly customer dispute (the customer is never right) and steve was your last hope at job, and bingo he had one. here you are 2 weeks later, waiting by your car outside the rundown pizzeria, waiting to train the new guy whose supposed to help you
a car pulls up and out comes a very pretty, but very tired/drained, looking guy, you introduce yourself with a small smile and he doesn’t return it, and is like “im mike”, you give him the benefit of the doubt that he hasn't smiled at you, new jobs are stressful.
the first shift goes fine, you tell him the basics and show him the training video tape, which alongside your commentary of making fun of some of it and nit-picking little things finally gets an amused smile from him. you can see him ease up a little. he doesn’t talk as much as you do but he seems to enjoy your ramblings. 
you show him the showtime performance after he looks confused about ‘animatronics’ . watching his reaction of the animatronics rendition of talking in your sleep by the romantics is a little amusing to you but you were the same way when vanessa had shown you originally.
“its something isn’t it?” he doesn't reply, he just stood looking in disbelief. 
when morning rolls around, you show him how to lock up and then give him his own key that steve had given you. 
“wasn’t so bad was it?” 
“it was..different” 
the second shift alongside mike is different but a good different. he’s running a little late and walks in on your blasting an 80s hot pop hits tape over the old speakers, vacuuming the main dining area. a smile, that melts his heart a little, lights up your face as you see him walk in.
“im sorry i’m late the babysi-”
“hey, dont stress it. you still made it!” 
he is not used to someone being so nice and friendly to him??  its foreign but he finally cracks you a small smile, watching you as you turn on the vacuum and continue listening to the music. (i need to hug him i stg)
he hasn't met anyone as nice as you in a long long time, it’s refreshing for him
and not in a creepy way !!!!!!!!!!! but he watches the cameras and watches as you just listen to the music as if the world isn’t there and continue to clean the area. 
“need a hand?” 
mike speaks up as you take a break leaning against a table, facing the main stage, the curtains open (as your next task is going to clean around the animatronics, it’s getting too dusty), music turned down quietly. he comes and leans against the table with you. you start small talk, saying something about the animatronics and you guys talk a little.
“so, you said something about a babysitter, do you have, like, a kid or something? sorry if im being too nosy, please tell me to shut up or something” mike cannot get over how nice you are
and then mike explains his living situation, and then the two of you get into a discussion about how families can suck and be shitty ect
and mike really likes how you don't pry or ask him lots of questions like others have done in the past, this man is really liking you and he’s only know you for two days
“this guy…must’ve been on something to make this place” and mike laughs a little !!! for the first time you got him to laugh !!
“yeah it’s something isn’t it..” both of you are sat against a table just staring at the animatronics in front of you
the two of you make small talk as you wipe down the dust covered tables but you can see how tired he is, he’s yawning a little bit.
“hey, you know, you can like sleep on the job by the way?” he looks up at you from the table, “sometimes i take a good couple hours nap in the office, no ones breaking into this place anytime soon”
he tries to protest and mentions towards the cleaning products and you brush him off, “go, you need it”
mike feels a strange warmth in his heart the hasn't felt, maybe ever? and he naps for a few hours whilst you continue to clean around. cleaning isn't in your job description but honestly you’re worried about the level of dust entering your lungs y'know
a loud thud and chair scraping noise comes from the office and you run to it and see mike on the floor, he looks confused and you help him to sit up. you ask if he’s okay but he seems out of it, “mike, whats wrong?”
sitting on the floor together, mike explains everything to you and opens up to you about a little brother he had, and tells you about his dream issues and sleep issues and you can see he’s upset and shaken by this dream. He shows you the sleeping pills and he explains the dream theory he’s been reading about.
“this is the part where somebody usually calls me crazy” 
“you aren’t crazy, mike” mike notices how kind you eyes are and how warm your voice is, “i’ve seen crazy. you are far from it” you joke a little and he has the faintest smile tug at his lips. 
finally home time woo !! as you lock up the gate, you watch as mike goes to his car, “mike wait!”
he turns around almost instantly at your voice as you run up to him, you pull something out from your hoodie a fazbear security badge and hand it to him, “you’re officially security now” he takes it from you and thanks you with that small smile. 
3rd shift passes (you could’ve sworn foxy was standing in a different spot and bonnie’s hand placement looked completely different) and vanessa comes for her weekly visit and meets mike. when you aren’t with them, vanessa brings up the fact that you’re one of the kindest and nicest people she’s ever met and mike agrees. 
next shift goes by and another and you guys have a long conversation about everything and you tell him more about yourself. hes never really been romantically involved with anyone but somebodysss got a crush (its him and well, you do too). and then you let him sleep and decide to tackle the old kitchen. (you could’ve sworn you heard someone walk down the hallway but you double check and no ones there)
mike dreams again and you swear you hear a groan and you walk to the office to see him, out of breath, breathing, clutching his arm and theres blood coming from it and he looks up at you trembling. “oh my god mike, what happened?”
you sit opposite him, patch him up and make him a hot drink, and he's explaining everything to you and you can tell he’s really getting bothered by these dreams. (you also think hes hurt himself from falling off the chair somehow..unbeknownst to you)
he’s tearing up a little and you just hold his hand in yours, and he's looking at your kind eyes and he doesn’t know how to react to being touched, he stops talking (mike is incredibly touch starved oh my god) and, carefully, you lean forward and hug him very gently.
he’s stiff at first but you can feel him relax into the hug and he wraps his non-injured arm around you and grips onto your back, “its okay mike. you’re okay” you can tell he really needs this hug and you can tell no one has really hugged him in a long time.
when the shift ends and you say goodbye for the day, your car just refuses to start. you cannot start it at all. you get out the car and look at it in a huff, but lucky for you mike hasnt driven a way yet
he gets out his car and you explain to him about your car, and he offers if you want a lift home or at least back to his house (his house is much closer than yours) and you can call someone about the car and you agree.
the drive is nice, you notice he has a great taste in music
meeting abby!! mike excuses himself for a shower whilst you're ringing the mechanics for your car, and he accidentally falls asleep on his bed after. when he wakes up (a good hour or so later, which you really don't mind) he walks into the living room to see you and abby sat on the floor colouring together with a cartoon on the tv, and you guys are really getting along and she’s wearing your security guard vest and badge. (her friends told her to trust you)
“uh abby, why dont you get ready for school?” mike speaks up, causing you both to look in his direction. 
you can't fight the fact that he looks hot with joggers and shirt on, looking sleepy as hell aHHH
“okay” abby smiles and gives you back your stuff and runs off to her room to get ready for school. 
he walks over to you and sits down on the couch, “im sorry for falling asleep-”
you sit next to him and place your hand on his arm and smile, “its fine, mike, really. your sister is lovely”
mike looks up from your hand and looks at your face. he looks sleepy and gorgeous and you look gorgeous to him and your eyes are so kind and theres a moment. some sort of magnetic force kinda pulls your faces closer together.
“im gonna be late!” says abby running into the room.
mike drops abby to school and you stay in his house, waiting for the mechanic to eventually call you back like he says he will. you feel a little awkward sitting on his couch watching tv but you have nothing better to do.
he comes back he offers you a shower and some of his clothes as he feels bad for you having to sit in work clothes. 
the way his heart feels when he see’s you walk out to the bathroom and back to the couch next to him wearing one of his sweatshirts and a pair of his joggers as well hMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmm (too early for love?)
he smells good
you must both drop off to sleep, as a few hours later mike opens his eyes for a minute to the TV showing some drama show, and then he notices a heavy feeling on his chest. there you are, passed out, in his clothes, head on his chest peacefully asleep. 
this is something he’s never felt before !1!!1 
he blushes (thank god you’re asleep) and brushes a hair out of your face, staring down at your sleeping face (uh oh someones in love) before grabbing the worn blanket from behind him and throwing it over your exposed legs.
you stirr a little, your arm wrapping around his lower half and he's so flustered and sleepy and aHHHH
he wraps his arm around your shoulders gently and passes out again (PART 2??)
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barcaatthemoon · 1 month
say it back || lia walti x reader ||
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you try a tiktok trend, and everything goes very wrong.
you were known as the tiktok influencer of arsenal. you spent hours making all sorts of tiktoks and little videos for the internet. you loved giving the people a little look into your life and some of the things you did at practice. of course, you were no stranger to the occasional trend, and unfortunately for lia, you found one that you really liked.
the first part of it was the most difficult. you needed to get to training on your own and set up a couple of little cameras for the footage. lia usually took you to training most days unless one of you were needed earlier. today was a normal day, so lia was suspicious whenever she noticed your car was not in your building's parking lot.
"good morning lia," you greeted her happily. lia smiled as you pulled her in for a kiss. a couple of your teammates were around, but it was nothing that any of them weren't already used to.
"good morning gorgeous. i was thinking that you could come stay with me tonight to make up for our lost time this morning?" lia suggested. you nodded, honestly wanting nothing more than to be around lia for a few days. you just hoped that by the time you were finished with this little tiktok thing, she'd still want you.
"i like the sound of that. now, if you don't mind, i need to fill my bottle before i go on the field," you told her.
"okay, i love you." lia pressed a quick kiss to your cheek as you left. you were glad that you weren't looking at lia when you walked away because you knew that she was frowning and pouting at you.
"hey wally, what's wrong?" beth asked. she wrapped her arm around lia's shoulders as lia stared sadly at you.
"it's probably nothing," lia mumbled.
unfortunately for lia, it wasn't just nothing. you continued to just brush past all of the little 'i love you's and compliments that lia gave you. it was hard not to jump into her arms and cry about how much you loved her, especially when she looked so genuinely hurt all day. still, you wanted to finish the video, and you knew that you'd make it up to her by showering her in all of the love you'd been holding in all day.
"oi, why are you being a dickhead?" katie asked as she grabbed you by the back of your neck. it was lunchtime and lia had immediately gone to sit with leah, beth, and alessia. you sat down at a table by yourself, unable to bring yourself over there. being around lia when she was sad felt unbearable to you.
"i'm not being a dickhead katie, piss off," you grumbled. that evidently wasn't the right thing to say as katie's hand hit the back of your head harder than she had ever hit you before. the smack echoed a little in the cafeteria, and despite drawing attention, nobody made a move to break up the two of you.
you and katie were close, but everybody knew that things tended to get heated between the two of you. this didn't look quite as bad as when you found out and katie and caitlin after consoling lia for an entire week, but it was obvious that neither one of you were in a good mood. there were eyes watching you, but aside from caitlin being prepared to step in for katie, nobody looked like they were going to interfere.
"oh yeah? is it some kind of weird foreplay making your girlfriend miserable all day? damn, i get why m-," katie was promptly cut off as you stood up and grabbed her collar.
"finish it mccabe. finish the sentence, please," you told her. katie, who was usually never someone to back down from a fight or challenge looked genuinely scared. several of your teammates came over to break it up, but none of them were lia. you didn't wait for anybody to come talk to you before you were storming out of the cafeteria towards the locker room to get your things.
you made it all of the way there without anybody disturbing you, but it was lia who stopped you on your way to the parking lot. kim and leah were in the hallway with her, but they kept their distance. you knew that leah was protective of your girlfriend, and that she was there in case you lost your cool like with katie, but kim was there for you. it wasn't like you to cause problems like this, not in the decades that kim had known you.
"training isn't over, you can't just leave," lia told you.
"i just want to get out of here, please let me go." lia's face fell at your tone. she shooed kim and leah away as she walked you into one of the empty offices to talk. "we're going to start from the beginning, and you are going to tell me what is going on with you today. why did you leave so early?"
"to get cameras for a tiktok," you told her. lia pinched the bridge of her nose as she sighed, immediately knowing where this was going. "it was for a trend where one partner doesn't say 'i love you' back."
"that's stupid," lia stated as she crossed her arms over her chest. "it explains a lot of your behavior today, but it's still stupid. now, what happened in the cafeteria? why didn't you come sit with me?"
"you kept saying it, and i couldn't say it back because of the video. then, i'd look at you and you looked sad, so i felt really bad and got down on myself. i didn't think i deserved to sit with anyone because i hadn't made it up to you yet, and then katie came over. she gets on my nerves sometimes, and it's worse when she's mad at me because she knows how to hurt me. i hurt you, so she took a low blow at me, and i lost it."
"give kim your keys and go wait in my car," lia told you. "now!"
you rushed to find your fellow scotswoman and handed over your keys. leah was glaring at you, but obviously didn't trust that you were calm enough not to get into it with her as well. you walked back towards the parking lot, now without your keys, but before you could get all the way out of the doors, lia stopped you.
"come here." lia opened her arms for you. immediately, you let yourself sink into her embrace. lia could definitely feel your tears on her shoulder as you started crying. "hey, i love you. you know that right? just because you did this stupid thing doesn't mean i don't love you any less."
"i love you too," you managed to get out through tears. lia pressed a couple of kisses to the side of your face before she gently pushed you through the doors. you knew that there would be absolute hell to pay whenever you came back to training later in the week, but you were just glad that lia wasn't actually mad at you for today. katie would probably have your ass the next time she saw you, but that wasn't anything you couldn't handle.
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alotofpockets · 30 days
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Hard launch | Florence Pugh x Singer!Reader
Where you and Florence hard launch your relationship and your new album
A/n: faceclaim for this is Florence as Taylor Swift and Reader as Gracie Abrams
Marvel masterlist | Words: 2.6k
Over the past few months you have been all over the world. Your world tour started out in America and after a little break, you had continued to the European leg of the tour. While you loved touring, performing, and spending time with your fans, you craved the feeling of home. 
There were multiple places in the world that you called home. But only one of them was a constant, and you were about to walk into her arms, as you turned the keys to open her front door.
As soon as you opened the door, your girlfriend was in your arms. “Hi baby, I’ve missed you so much.” You whisper into her shoulder as you hold her close. “Why didn’t you say you were coming home today? I would’ve picked you up.” Your girlfriend had been at a couple of your shows, but since she was on set for most of your tour, your schedules didn’t often line up. 
You still had a few shows left in London, but you had the weekend off before you were performing 6 shows at Wembley. “I wanted to surprise you.” You leave your bags at the door as she pulls you into the home. Both your jobs required you to be in different parts of the world often, that’s why you decided that instead of moving into one of your houses, you just moved in together and kept both your places. Meaning that you shared her home in London, and yours in Los Angeles. 
After catching up for a bit, during which you lay cuddled up together on the couch, you told her you had really missed her food, with all the simple and easy meals you had during the tour. “Well, I was planning on filming a Cooking with Flo, so you are in luck, my love.” 
She was getting the ingredients laid out, while you set up her camera for her. You had been there from the start of her Cooking with Flo series, where she would film little videos on her phone and post them to her instagram story. You had been in London for work when covid hit, and you weren’t able to travel back to the US. There weren’t a lot of people that you knew who lived in London, except Florence who you had met a couple weeks prior, you shot her a message and moved in with her the same week.
The difference a couple of years could make. The two of you went from strangers, to roommates, to best friends, and finally to lovers. Florence her cooking show had also expanded. No more wobbly iPhone uploads to her Instagram story, but proper camera setup on a tripod and streaming the show live on YouTube.
“You know how I’ve been having special guests on the show?” You nodded. Even when you were away you kept up with her cooking videos. “Would you want to join me tonight?” The two of you kept your relationship away from the public, though many people had their suspicions, neither one of you had ever spoken out about it. 
That’s why Flo fully expected you to say no to her questions, but you surprised her by saying yes. “Really?” She asked excitedly. “Yes really. We can give them a little teaser for what’s to come, right?”
You had been working on a new album, where you wanted to put focus on what fame had been like for you. The way that everything you did was criticised by the media. That had been one of the reasons that you and Florence kept your relationship away from the public. 
Over the years you have hidden not only your relationship, but also parts of yourself. When you were younger it felt like something you just had to live with now, but you didn’t want to anymore. You wanted to be yourself and not care what people thought, and your next album would be the first step.
“Alright, ready to go whenever you are.” Florence says once she has checked everything over one last time. “Yeah, let me just finish this post and then I’ll be ready.” Your girlfriend walked over and leaned on your shoulders and watched you write the little caption you were giving your post from the last show.
y/n_y/l/n just posted
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y/n_y/l/n: Thank you to everyone that came out last night, it was an honour to play in front of a crowd like you! I can't believe we are nearing the end of the European leg, this tour has been amazing so far, and that is all thanks you x
You put your phone away and set up the laptop for the livestream. A little countdown started counting down a minute while Florence got ready behind the kitchen island. You turned on the camera and waited to the side waiting for Florence to introduce you.
The countdown on the screen ticked down and Florence got ready to start. “It’s Cooking with Flo, bitches! Today we’re joined by a very special guest. You’ve been asking for this for a while now, and I have finally convinced her to join me. Please welcome Y/n to the show!”
You stepped up beside her. “Hi everyone! I’m so excited to be here.” You spoke nervously. Florence chuckled lightly, you were used to performing in front of thousands of people, but standing in front of this camera got you nervous. “I am so glad you’ve finally agreed to come on the show. Do you want to tell them what we’re cooking?”
“Yeah, for sure. We are making truffle pasta with one of Florence's own recipes today, and I for one cannot wait to try it.” Florence laughed, “But before we get to that part, we will show you exactly how to make it.”
Florence explained every step to the camera and you followed her lead on what to do. The conversation flowed easily between the two of you, the familiar banter making it feel like it was just another evening at home. A sense of familiarity you’ve been missing so dearly while you have been on tour.
She handed you a whisk and told you to mix up the ingredients you had just put in the bowl to make the sauce. Out of the two of you, Florence was definitely the one cooking most of the time, she was amazing and you were.. Well you were nearly decent. 
“Careful there,” Florence teased, “we don’t want the sauce all over the kitchen.” You laughed at your hand covered with the sauce, because it had definitely gone over the edge of the bowl. “No? I thought you were wanting to redecorate the kitchen. This seems like the perfect colour for the walls.” You joke back.
While your cooking and playful banter went on, the chat was blowing up with comments. Many of them were excited about seeing the two of you together and noting the chemistry that was evident on the screen.
You stayed on the easy tasks while Florence did all the hard work, but neither one of you minded, you were just enjoying the time you were able to spend together. 
With the pasta and the sauce presented on two plates, you thought the dish was done. “It smells so good, I cannot wait to taste it!” You already reached for a fork, but Florence stopped you. “Hold on, it’s not done yet.” She grabbed a truffle and the grater and got to work.
With the most serious expression, Florence delicately shaved the truffle over the pasta, her concentration made you giggle. “What’s so funny?” She asked with a raised eyebrow. “It’s just that you look like you’re performing surgery on that truffle.” You have to try hard to hold back your laughter.
“This is art, okay?” You don’t just throw truffles around.” You burst out laughing, unable to contain it any longer. Her serious tone combined with the silly way of putting on the truffle fully sends you over the edge.
“Hey, this is important stuff!” Florence tried hard to stay in her serious character, but failed as she watched the tears spring in your eyes from your laughter. “Truffles are a very delicate matter!” She got out through her own giggles.
You doubled over, clutching your stomach, and before you knew it, you had collapsed onto the kitchen floor, laughing uncontrollably. “Oh no, we’ve lost her!” Florence exclaimed, setting down the truffles on the counter to check on you. “I think I've broken Y/n.”
Florence always had the ability to make you laugh, but right now she got you so far that you could barely breathe, and the tears were streaming down your face. Florence snapped a quick picture before turning to the camera again. “Don’t worry, I will share that with you later. Now, let’s try this pasta.” 
You stood up as you were wiping your tears. “Wait for me! I wanna try.” Both of you take a bite at the same time. “Oh my god, this is so good!” Florence smiled proudly. “You heard it here first, people, you can even impress mega pop stars with this meal, so try it out at home.” You rolled your eyes playfully, “Food easily impresses me, but you should definitely try this recipe, because this was delicious.”
“And that’s all we have for tonight. We are going to enjoy this meal and soon Y/n will head to Wembley for her final shows of her Europe tour. Thank you for watching, and I’ll see you next time!” You both wave to the camera before it shuts off.
“I’ve missed you so much.” You say as you walk into her arms. “No one can make me laugh as much as you do.” She held you tight while telling you she missed you as well. 
"I can't believe we did that. The fans are going to lose their minds." Florence says as she walks both your plates over to the dining table. You smiled, feeling a warmth in your chest as you looked at her. "I think we just gave them something to remember." Florence smiled and leaned in to kiss your cheek. "And this is just the beginning, my love."
florencepugh just posted
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florencepugh: An all new Cooking with Flo out with special guest Y/n Y/l/n! Watch how she takes a break from her tour to spend some time on my floor 😂
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y/n_y/l/n: In my defense, the floor was very comfortable
Your next few shows in London were incredible. A sold out Wembley night after night, was something you didn’t even dare to dream of a few years back. But now you were playing your sixth and final sold out Wembley show of this tour.
Nervous was an understatement. You had announced things on tour before, but this, this was something on an entirely different level. While your piano was being set up on the stage you talked with your fans. 
“Most of you have been with me for a very long time, and have stuck with me through the many changes I have gone through as a person and with my music, and that is something I am eternally grateful for. The support I get from each and everyone of you, is what gives me the strength to evolve.” 
While you were still nervous, you also felt a sense of serenity. The fans in the stadium were excited even when they had no clue what was coming.
“Growing up in the spotlight for me came with a lot of negativity. Something I haven’t spoken about often. It has made me hide parts of my life, parts that no one should have to hide.” 
You didn’t think you’d get this emotional, but you had to wipe a tear that had started rolling down your cheek.
“I decided that I no longer want to hide these parts of me to make other people happy. I am the one that should be able to share my happiness, and that is something I’ve been working on this past year. I’ve taken a deep dive into what fame has been like for me, the struggles, and the things that I’ve had to hide away.”
You paused for a moment, taking in the crowd that was listening to your every word. The people that have allowed you to continue to make music. The people that loved you unconditionally, no matter what the media had put out about you. The people that have defended your honour again and again.
“All of that, I’ve put it into something that I am very proud of.” The noise of the crowd grew with anticipation. “And I cannot wait to share it with you… so I won’t! New music coming soon on my next album "The Secret of Us.” 
The screen filled with the announcement and the crowd went insane. You stood there basking in the love the fans were throwing your way. The clapping didn’t stop for minutes. You sat down on the stage, looking up at the audience with tears in your eyes.
You got up again, because you weren’t done yet. “And if you’ll let me, I would love to perform one of the songs from the album for you tonight.” You smiled as they cheered even louder. 
“This song is called Close To You, and it’s one of the most meaningful songs I have ever written. The reason that it is so meaningful is because it’s about someone who means the world to me. This person has been so supportive of me throughout my career, they are a big part of my happiness. The things I want to let you be a part of from now on.”
There really was no turning back anymore, that made you extra nervous, but also excited, you didn’t want to turn back, you only wanted to move forward.
“Performing this song with me tonight, as well as on the album, is my girlfriend Florence Pugh. Please welcome her to the stage!”
You watched as she walked onto the stage in her yellow dress, a big smile on her face as she waved to the crowd who was loudly cheering.
You started playing the first chords to the song as Florence made her way to the microphone stand that was just placed next to your piano for her.
I don't got a single problem with provocative See the bodies, how they burn, it's just the way it is Smoky, dark, crowded room, I need nothing Under pink light in June 
You start singing, while making eye contact with your girlfriend, who started strumming the guitar. 
I was so cool, but then, all of a sudden You saw me look at you Florence joined you in the next verse, like you had practised so many times.
I burn for you And you don't even know my name If you asked me toI'd give up everything To be close to you
The two of you continued singing until the final verse. It was just you singing the final part.
You should be mine for life, I'll be signing Every dotted line Chemical override, ultraviolet You could be mine tonight
The crowd went absolutely crazy and you could not believe that you had just done that and gotten instant support from thousands of fans. Florence looked at you with nothing but pride as she opened her arms for you.
You hug her, “I am so proud of you.” She tells you loud enough for you to hear over the cheering. In response you grab her face and place a kiss on her cheek. “Thank you.” With tears falling down your cheeks you turn to the audience and wave and thank them too.
Florence left the stage again and you continued performing the rest of your set like nothing happened, though internally you felt amazing.
florencepugh just posted
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florencepugh: Incredibly proud of you, always. Thank you for letting me be a part of this amazing album, I cannot wait for the world to hear your briliance.
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After a couple more songs you closed off the show by thanking the fans over and over again. “You’ve made this tour incredible, I will never forget the memories we’ve made here. Thank you!”
The moment you get backstage, Florence flies into your arms. “You did it, my love!” 
y/n_y/l/n just posted
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y/n_y/l/n: What a way to end this leg of the tour. I am incredibly thankful for all of your support, and cannot wait to share my new album with you soon! And Florence, thank you for being my biggest supporter though it all 🫶🏻
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florencepugh: So proud of you 🫶🏻
fan1: New music and a new favourite ship? that was not on my bingo list
fan2: The hardest of hard launches
y/n_y/l/n_updates just posted
y/n_y/l/n_updates: Y/n and Florence Pugh after performing their love song from Y/n's upcoming album.
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fan1: They are so cute!
fan2: I want what they have
fan3: So happy she finally doesn't care anymore. All the best to them
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vinomino · 3 months
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A Little Link
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Pairing: Sakura Haruka x F!Reader
Warnings: mdni 18+, oral(m!receiving), inexperienced!Sakura, experienced!Reader
WC: 872
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Sakura didn’t even know what to do. Tsugeura had sent a link in the group chat. A porn link. Sure Sakura had seen a few magazines of gravure idols that some of the boys in the neighborhood he grew up in left around, but he hadn’t had the faintest idea that you could watch videos of couples actually doing it on your cell phone.
He was about to go to sleep when he noticed the class group chat blowing up. People were commenting on a link Tsugeura had sent and in curiosity he decided to see what the fuss was about. Immediately prompted with an “Are you 18+?” sign, he clicked yes. Sakura threw his phone across the room when a video popped up and started playing.
What the hell? Is it that CGI something stuff people have been talking about lately? Sakura picked up his phone again, feeling like his head was about to explode from how hot it was getting. Tiny sounds were coming from his phone as he stared at his screen. The woman in the video takes the guy into her mouth and moves her head up and down— the sound of his front door suddenly opening caused him to throw his phone again.
You finished studying and brought some fruit cake to share with Sakura. Eagerly opening the door to his apartment to see your boyfriend, “Haruka! I got some cake, let’s share—“ You rounded the corner and saw Sakura’s phone laying on the ground at your feet. “Hm?” You picked it up, turned the screen and froze. After a few moments you look up at Sakura whose entire body is bright red. “W-W-WAIT!” He shouted and grabbed his phone back.
Sakura had his head in his hands, too embarrassed to look at you. Breaking the silence, “Haruka, do you want me to do this to you?” You tried not sounding too excited. You and Sakura have been dating for a few months, but you’ve only got as far as calling each other by your first names, let alone holding hands or kissing. Sure you were willing to wait for Sakura to get comfortable, but he was so good as turning you on by doing anything you felt like bashing your head against the wall sometimes. You started to wonder if Sakura even knew what sex was.
“W-wha—WHAT?! N-NO!” He flailed his arms around. “Oh, uh, I got some fruit cake for you…I’ll just leave it here…” You stood up and headed straight for the door, cursing yourself as to why you even suggested that. Sakura winced before shooting up and grabbing your wrist. “E—Er, don’t…be upset…you can if…you want to…” Sakura wanted to punch himself in the face, had he lost his mind?
“R-Really? Really?!” You couldn’t stop yourself from smiling. You’ve been fantasizing about him every night for the past weeks. Having him in your mouth, his cock stretching you out, and pounding your pussy—
Now Sakura was sitting on his futon with you crouched down between his legs. He was biting his bottom lip that was also red, much like the rest of him. “Can I…?” You looped your fingers in the waistband of his boxers, the front had a little damp circle from his pre cum which had you drooling at the sight. Sakura nodded and lifted his hips for you to pull off his boxers. His erection smacked against his lower stomach when it sprung free, all angry and veiny. His pubes match his hair, black and white. He was a bit bigger and girthy than you’ve been imagining and you weren’t complaining.
He chokes out a whimper when you wrap your hand around his base, “If you want me to ever stop, just say so, I will.” You looked into his eyes as he slowly nodded. Stop? Sakura wouldn’t in a million years say stop when he has your pretty fingers wrapped around his cock.
You kissed along his inner thighs and made your way to his base and length before pressing a final kiss on the tip, smearing a bead of pre cum on your lips. Sakura gasps and muffles a moan as he clenches at the futon below. You give a little kitten lick as he jerks his hips. Giggling you spit on your hand and begin stroking him, taking the top of his cock into your mouth, running your tongue on the bottom side. Bobbing your head up and down and using your hand on what you couldn’t fit in your mouth.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck—“ Sakura starts panting and squeezes his eyes shut, if this was a wet dream he never wanted to wake up. The wet, sloppy sounds of your mouth were sending him into overdrive. He moans when you take his entire length into your mouth, the tip hitting the back of your throat and nuzzling your nose against his happy trail. He opens his eyes and immediately cums at the sight, shooting his load down your throat. Tears blurring his vision from how hard he came. You mewl and swallow it all, feeling him soften a bit before pulling him out of your mouth with a lewd pop.
You lick your lips, “Haru, do you know what sex is?” Poof, Sakura explodes.
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I feel like Tsugeura would be enough of a freak to send porn links lol…
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noisyquokka · 5 months
Try Again
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PAIRING - Hyunjin x GN!Reader
SYNOPSIS - After a short-lived relationship ends, Hyunjin struggles with the idea of “just friends”. Three years later, it seems you haven’t lost interest either.
WARNINGS - lovers to friends to …., mutual pining, jealous!Hyunjin, a lil playful banter/angst that turns kinda steamy, kinda left open-ended... part 2 perhaps? 🤨
A/N - Literal WEEKS late, but uhhh… that’s never stopped me before! 🤭 My little addition for Hyune Day! Enjoy, Darlings! 💛
(Based loosely on Try Again - PRETTYMUCH cause I've been listening to it on repeat and it feels like a Hyunjin song to me, personally. I also wrote this to satisfy my insatiable love for watching him practice, cause let's be honest... choreographer!Hyunjin just hits different iykyk)
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“Would you at least take some videos if you’re gonna bury your head in your phone?”
Your eyes sweep up to the shadow of the man who pauses his movement in the middle of the studio. Hyunjin straightens up, his fingers reaching for the brim of his hat. He pulls it off and runs his fingers through his dampened tresses, already sweaty from the past hour of practice.
“Well, excuse me, Hwang,” you mutter, resting your hand on your thigh. “I didn’t know I was summoned here to be your videographer.”
“You’re supposed to be critiquing my choreo so far.”
He’s been working on this choreo for his new solo, and while he didn’t expect you to drop in, he knows Minho has some part in you ending up here. Why? Because he was stupid enough to spill his feelings to him in full confidence that Minho would keep his mouth shut. One could say he kept his word, but still, he plays with fire in his process.
“Ah, right…” God, is it fun to ponder your next remark. You smirk as you watch him reach for the open water bottle near him. “Not enough sneaker squeaks.”
His hand pauses mid-drink, bourbon eyes cutting to your proud little grin. Your eyes are already back on the phone in your grip, tapping away like you’re texting someone. For a moment, Hyunjin is itching to know who it could be. But then he reminds himself that you’re not together anymore. He tilts his head slightly, tries not to let it bother him.
“You’re so unserious, my god,” Hyunjin mutters, and swipes at his forehead with a huff.
Your grin turns into a playful lip bite, and you can’t help but tease him a little.
“I’m being completely serious.” Your eyes find him again, and he exhales heavily. “The sneaker squeaks are an essential part of the performance. How will anyone memorize your routine if they can’t count the squeaks?”
“Okay.” He scoffs, pushing his hair back and putting his hat back on, swiftly turning back to his Bluetooth. You mock him with your typical Hwang Hyunjin voice, not noticing the way he shakes his head and smirks to himself.
Hyunjin taps the play button on his phone, taking a deep breath as he readies himself for another run-through.
It’s been hours since he started working on this specific number, and while the comeback wasn’t for a couple of months, he thought getting ahead of schedule would be nice. However, your being around brought on a difficulty to slip into the choreographer head space. Ever since his conversation with Minho, and Minho's comment about how you quote-unquote very well feel the same, I mean, have you seen the way they look at you?!, he’s been the embodiment of a goldfish in a bowl. He wishes things would’ve started off better because apparently, this lovers-to-friends plot line was only digging his early grave. Hyunjin’s fairly certain that after you two broke up, you only agreed to stay friends because you made good connections with the rest of the boys.
The rational side of him knows that’s not the truth.
Fucking less than five months and the metaphorical flames fizzle like a defective sparkler.
The only problem is that those feelings never fizzled for him. Even now, his heart stutters in his chest when you lock eyes with him. When you give him one of your little grins and cock your head as if to say you’ve won in the various dumb debates that you love to drag each other into.
Like right now.
“Seungmin agrees with me,” you say, standing up and shoving your phone at him right as he begins the dance. Hyunjin’s brows raise, blinking and tilting his head in a non-verbal question to get you to move.
“Seungmin agrees with you because it’s a dumb argument… and it’s you versus me.” he mutters the last part, watching you roll your eyes and backtracking to your spot.
“If you’re so confident in this, why am I still here?”
“You could leave,” Hyunjin says, his exertion making his comment sound harsher than he meant it to be. He locks eyes with yours in the mirror, his dark tresses falling in his line of sight. The smirk that threatens to quirk his lips sneaks in when you seemingly freeze on the spot, your eyes wider than usual. “I know you’ve got work in the morning.”
You’re mulling it over in your head now — a glimmer in your eye that Hyunjin pinpoints as he attempts to keep track of where he is in the choreography. He watches your eyes sweep to the phone, most likely checking the time. It’s roughly 1:00 am. You lock eyes again, the answer clear before you speak.
“Well, now I’m not leaving since you want me to.”
He gives a sardonic laugh, rolls his eyes as his foot slips and he misses a beat. Distractions…
“I didn’t say that,” he replies lowly, snatching the towel off the top of the stereo.
“You’re mumbling…”
“I said I didn’t say that,” Hyunjin speaks up, his hand bringing the fabric to his face to pat the sweat from his skin. You watch the drops of sweat as they drip off the ends of his hair when he pulls his hat off, and you feel the need to clear your throat. And then the towel is thrown haphazardly over his shoulder. All it has you doing is a double-take on the black tee shirt he’s wearing. The way it hugs his shoulders and chest should be outlawed, you think.
But then he reaches for the open bottle of water again, and you purse your lips. It’s another short swig, a singular drop of water escaping from the corner of his mouth. It travels down his chin, slowly slipping down the length of his neck, your eyes trained on the path it follows. It stops just before the collar of his black tee and you question why it’s suddenly hotter in the studio.
You swallow, forcing your gaze away and back to your phone before Hyunjin can witness any more of your blatant ogling. As you return your gaze to your phone, you feel the heat rising to your cheeks. You’re not embarrassed, not really, but the idea of getting caught sends your brain into overdrive.
“Still waiting on some critique I can work with~” he sing-songs, placing the bottle and towel back beside his phone.
“Maybe I don’t have anything to say,” you reply, and he chuckles.
“You?! With nothing to say? That’s a first.” He walks over, leaning against the wall and folding his arms over his chest.
With the wave of feelings you’re dealing with, Hyunjin’s comment has you bristling. You glare up at him as he arches a brow at you as if challenging you to say something. That stupid smirk quirks his lips. Butterflies swarm in your gut.
“Fine, then.” You lean forward, propping your forearm on your knee as the two of you stare each other down. “You’ve been favoring your right leg through the entire first verse of the song, your hip rolls aren’t deep enough during the chorus, you seem undecided on whether the overall choreo should be slower or faster—” You list off each critique on your fingers, and while Hyunjin wanted your genuine criticism to work toward a better overall performance, he’s clocked out to what you’re saying. His eyes sweep over your face as you continue listing the things he could improve, and he grins at the way your eyes seem to glow in the studio lighting. A fire. Passion for the things he’s passionate about.
“—And another… thing…” Your voice drops to a surprised whisper almost instantly when you feel Hyunjin’s fingers curl under your chin, feather-light against your skin. You blink, realizing just how close he’s gotten, having bent down so his elbows rest on his knees. His head cocks slightly, tongue darting out to lick the corner of his lips. Brown eyes flicker down to yours a moment later.
“Another thing?” Hyunjin repeats, his tone a low murmur. His breaths mingle with yours, your heart beating erratically in such close proximity. His index finger runs the span of your jaw as he stares, a tangible connection that still feels natural and electric to him. A reminder of the silent tension that has always lingered.
The familiar scent of his cologne clouds your senses. It brings you back to the nights he used to spend at your apartment, with the two of you watching K-dramas until 3:00 am. Your bodies a mess of limbs in your bed, his distracting kisses up your neck until you’d try to playfully shove him away. He’d reach for your jaw to pull you in for soft kisses that would evolve into slow and lazy make-outs in his arms. Your eyes dart down at the reminder, and you mentally curse yourself.
“I, Uh.” you stammer out a few words before falling silent, your eyes fixated on his. The moment hangs in the air, the tension between you thick and palpable.
Something, something, boundaries… Something, something, self-control…
Hyunjin can’t help the sly grin, feeling the skin under his touch move when you swallow. All logic has left you in favor of longing for those familiar caresses you had years ago. It sure hasn’t changed, every subtle brush of his fingers ushers forth shivers down your spine. You are teetering on the edge of a cliff, the question being do you jump? You want to. Hell, with the way Hyunjin’s gaze keeps darting down, you can’t help but wonder if he’s feeling the same way.
You attempt to regain control of yourself, but it’s futile — your focus is lost, distracted by the proximity of his lips. Fuck, is he leaning in…
“Your expressions.” You finally manage, the only lingering critique swirling around in your head. “They, uh, could be sharper…” You say, watching Hyunjin sharpen his gaze like a conniving fox. And like a trickster, his fingers drag from your jaw to your neck, dark eyes following its path until the steady thrum of your pulse halts his journey. Your eyes drink him in, lips parted as Hyunjin’s brow twitches in a knowing gesture.
We can’t do this, not after all this time.
The silence crackles with anticipation. You’re fairly certain that Hyunjin knows some part of this is dangerous cause he hesitates for a moment. But then he’s leaning in, his thumb tracing circles against your neck. You mirror his movements, so close that this sliver of distance feels like a challenge. Unspoken desire hums between you two, a heat that has always lingered, just waiting for the right moment to reignite.
Just friends…
The soft brush of Hyunjin’s lips against yours slams the factory reset on your thoughts, mental gymnastics be damned. The tension snaps like a rubber band. You finally give in, capturing his mouth in a meaningful liplock. It feels like no time has passed - he still kisses you with the same careful tenderness that he always has. That familiar heat runs through your body as you sink into him, chasing his lips when he pulls away for a split second only to recapture yours with a fervor.
Your phone is forgotten in your lap, hands sliding up his chest in a new wave of confidence. You pull him closer and Hyunjin groans softly, his free hand coming up to brace his weight against the wall behind you. Your mouths move together in a seamless rhythm, your kisses growing hungrier and more desperate. The brim of his hat grazes your forehead and you slip one of your hands higher into his hair, hooking your finger around the strap. It falls to the floor with a dull thud, allowing your fingers to rake freely through his dark tresses. A subtle pull that has him smirking against your mouth.
Hyunjin pulls back slightly, his fingers sliding from your neck to your jaw. Your lips part in a sigh as you both sit there on the floor of the dance studio, panting against each other’s mouths. Eyes closed, you feel his forehead rest against yours, your noses brushing. You bite your lip, savoring the warmth of his skin on yours.
“I’ve missed this,” he tells you, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Me too.” You murmur, lashes fluttering. God, what an understatement. You’ve been close even after you ended things, with friendly shoves and your usual back-and-forth banter. But the feel of his warm hands against your skin, the comfort of his close presence, his plush lips. This is what you’ve truly been craving.
His scent lingers in your lungs, his heart beating steady beneath your palm. You feel Hyunjin’s fingers knead the skin of your jaw, tilting your head up so he can come back for another chaste kiss that soothes the ache in your chest. He pulls back, pressing his lips to your forehead as he shifts to sit beside you on the studio floor, his back to the wall. You lean back, resting your head against the wall, your eyes locked on the ceiling.
Silence… as comfortable as it’s always been with the man beside you, you despise it right now. It only has you in your head after both of your confessions. What does it mean for you two?
Your gaze wanders back to his. Only those browns are already looking back, a softness in them that has always been there when they’re looking at you. Hyunjin gives you a half grin, reaching out for your nearest hand and slipping his fingers between your own. His thumb caresses the back of your hand as you both sit there, minutes passing by.
“You’re not going to say anything, are you?” Hyunjin’s voice shatters the silence, staring up at the ceiling.
“We should be running through what not to do when you stay friends with your ex right about now,” You’re half joking, but your tone is more tense than nonchalant. Hyunjin laughs under his breath, looking at you from the corner of his eye. You don’t look at him, but you feel him squeeze your hand lightly.
“You should know how difficult it is to stay friends with an ex.”
“Oh, is it?” A small huff escapes your mouth, and you steal another glance, licking your lips.
“You don’t need me to tell you why, do you?” Hyunjin replies, his voice a low murmur. His head turns to you, his gaze fixed on your lips as you bite at them nervously. “You could have cut all contact with me. You could have moved on and we would have gone our separate ways…”
“I didn’t want to do that.” You admit. Your fingers twitch in his palm, pads running over small callouses and lines as you try to distract yourself with something. Anything. His hand wraps around yours again, squeezing firmer this time. A gesture of reassurance.
“I didn’t either.”
You swallow, picking your gaze off your entwined hands, and your heart skips a beat when you meet his eyes.
“We’re gonna have to decide what this is, aren’t we?” You say, the words sounding more serious than intended. Hyunjin does respond immediately. He just stares, his eyes awash in a mix of emotions you can’t quite decipher. He breathes in, tilting his head slightly.
“Yeah…” He says, his voice low and steady. The weight of that realization settles on his chest, but Hyunjin shakes his head and offers you a genuine grin. “Maybe after a good night’s rest.”
“And a shower.” You smirk, pulling away from him in a joking fashion. But he pulls you back into him, wrapping his arm around your shoulder. You screw your face up and he rolls his eyes.
“Didn’t hear you complaining with my lips on yours just a moment ago.” He teases, nuzzling his nose against your cheek. You huff a laugh, leaning back against him.
“Hard to complain when you’re a good kisser.” you counter, bringing a hand up to his shoulder.
“Ah, couldn’t forget that over the years?” Hyunjin mutters, a hint of playfulness in his tone. His lips connect to the junction of your jaw, slowly trailing kisses down the hollow of your neck. Your fingers dig into his shoulder blade, your lashes fluttering over your cheeks.
“I don’t think I ever could.”
Your words send a rush of satisfaction through him and he nips at the sensitive skin just behind your ear. This closeness and playful back and forth is what he’s missed. A comfort that he never wanted to let go of. Even now, as the clock nears 2:00 am.
You capture his face in your hands and pull him back up with little argument, your thumb tracing the corner of his lips.
You don’t realize he’s leaning in again until you feel his lips on yours. It’s a slow and tender kiss this time, but the passion behind it burns hot. You revel in the subtle way he pulls you in, his hand falling off your shoulder to find purchase at your lower back.
Hyunjin eases up, and you’re left breathless yet again, your heart thumping in your chest.
“You gonna be able to sleep after this?” He asks, a sly grin curling his lips.
“Old habits die hard…” You breathe, pulling him in once again.
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Psst!! If you've made it this far, thank you for taking the time to read my work 💕 I appreciate you!
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hamiltonaf · 1 year
Hi bestie, can i request how lewis would help you when you have insomnia? Mine is really a pain in the ass this week, could use a distraction
Night Owl | Lewis Hamilton
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Pairing: Lewis Hamilton x Female Reader
Word Count: 1.3K
Warnings: None
A/N: Hello loves ! Apologies for the delay in writing requests…I fell really ill over the week and was so out of writing :( but I’m back. Thanks anon for requesting, I hope you enjoy. Requests are still open .xx
Another night that I found it hard to sleep. It was like this for over a week because of stress and anxiety. I don’t even have anything to stress about, it’s just how my mind works when my brains thinks I have so much to do and I won’t complete everything I want to do in time.
It wasn’t that big of a deal to sleep at early hours of the morning all alone because I didn’t have Lewis with me so I’d wake up late. However, now that Lewis is around, I feel the need to sleep and wake up at a normal time so that we could do more things together as a couple since I hardly see him anyway.
Once in a while I’ll experience an adrenaline rush in the middle of the night and I’m so full of energy, I could literally eat a whole meal, probably even host my own fake concert and I still wouldn’t be tired till around 4 or 5am.
I joined Lewis and his family for the start of the summer break before Lewis was off on his boys trip. I was over the moon to see Lewis after a whole 2 weeks. Doesn’t seem that long but felt like a lifetime for me.
We spent the day with the family catching up and playing with Kaiden and Willow. We played countless rounds of Uno and spent most of our time out in the sun. Watching Lewis with kids and spending time with him had me thinking about him leaving on his boys trip soon - anxiety trigger because the thought of us being apart again soon.
I swear I’m not selfish… we video call everyday and I physically see him every weekend or every second weekend, but with our schedules clashing I can’t even spend time with him when I’m free because I’m working. Race weekends also fly by so quickly, before you know it, it’s already Sunday and I’m on a flight back home whilst he takes a flight to another race.
I just would’ve wanted to spend some more time with him during this summer break and it could make up for the lost time.
I didn’t even realise I was daydreaming until Lewis snapped his fingers in front of me. “We’re at the hotel… you’ve been so quiet for the past 15 minutes. Is everything okay ?” He asked softly. “Oh yeah. Uhm everything is fine… don’t worry” I faked a smile and exited the car. He followed behind me back to our room, it was quite evident to Lewis that I wasn’t my usual self. When we reached our room, he grabbed me by my hand and pulled me flush against his chest. “Are you sure you’re okay ? You seem off. Is something bothering you ?” He raised a brow.
“I’m fine really” I gave him a soft smile then pecked his cheek. Just as I was about to leave his grasp, he held me tighter. “Babe I can literally tell when you’re lying. You pull that fake smile on me when something is bother you” he pointed out. I immediately felt embarrassed. “What ? No” I scoffed and giggled. “And you do that as well” he said as he crossed his arms over his chest.
“Okay well I’m not in the mood to discuss it right now, maybe later” I trailed as I pecked his lips and walked over to the bathroom. I had a shower and to my surprise, Lewis had fallen off to sleep. I on the other hand was full of energy, but might as well try to sleep.
I got into bed and cuddled up close to him. In hopes I would fall off to sleep, unfortunately I was too restless and ended up turning from side to side. I know he’s a light sleeper and I felt bad at the thought of him waking up because of me. A whole hour of trying to sleep and I gave up. I jumped out of bed and went to our lounge to watch something to pass some time. About half and hour into the movie, I got a shock when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
The movie I was watching had me in a depresso mode where I was bawling my eyes out. “Oh my- love are you okay ?” He asked concerned. “Oh my god. Babe you scared me” I screamed as I placed a hand on my heart. “Didn’t mean to scare you, if anything, you scared me… why did you leave me alone in bed ?” He pouted as he jumped over the couch to sit right next to me. “I can’t sleep” I sighed. “No worries, I can help” he smiled. “Lew it’s not one of those nights where I randomly can’t sleep, I have insomnia. It’s much harder to sleep when you’re an insomniac” I pouted and laid my head on his shoulder. “Well what’s keeping my girl up ? You didn’t tell me earlier, I wanna hear it from you now because I’m concerned” he said as he turned to look at me.
“Okay don’t take this the wrong way. My brain overthinks the smallest of things, when normally I couldn’t care. We’ll blame it on some chemical reaction on my brain, maybe lack of serotonin I think-“ he cut me off. “Babe. You’re rambling. Calm down. Deep breaths and tell me straight up how you’re feeling” he smiled as he cupped my face. “Look, you know how much I love you and it hurts me how little we see each other. My mind for some odd reason isn’t its normal self because all my mind thinks about is how little time we actually spend together …” I said embarrassed. “Look I’m all for you going on your boys trip, but I had to be honest with what’s on my mind” I gave him a soft smile.
“Aww baby you’re so cute. You want me all to yourself ?” He smirked and raised a brow. “Low-key yes, but no” I said as I then slapped my forehead in embarrassment. “I’m so sorry that sounds so dumb” I covered my whole face with my hands. “Darling, it’s nothing to be embarrassed about” he said as he pulled my hands away from my face and caressed my cheek with his thumb. “I’m just glad you’re honest with me. Sorry babe for hurting you, why didn’t you tell me sooner ?” He cooed. “I thought it was stupid and I was just being dumb” I shrugged.
“Never. Your feelings are valid, always. Consider me all yours for the rest of the summer” he smiled as he pulled me in for a short kiss. “Wait, what ? Lew no ! You can’t not go on your boys trip” I argued. “This is not a debate love” he grinned. “But Lew, you can’t not-“ “End of discussion. Let’s go” he cut me off as he stood up and carried me in his arms towards our bedroom.
“Now I definitely won’t sleep, you’re making me feel awful as if I’m holding you back which I’m really not. My mind is just racing at the thought of how quickly time is going and how we’re barely together, this has nothing to do with your mates by the way because I think they’re all amazing. My brain is just not braining these past few days” I pouted as he laid me in bed and jumped in to cuddle me closer to him.
“Babe just don’t worry about it, that’s the least of my concerns right now” he said as he nuzzled his face into my neck. “Lew !” I groaned. “You need to sleep and I’m doing my best to help put an end to your insomnia” he smiled into my neck as he snaked an arm around my waist. He placed soft kisses along my shoulders before turning me around in his grasp. “I really love you” he smiled. “I really love you too Lew Lew” I felt my cheeks flush as he pulled my face closer and connected our lips.
I felt so at ease in his embrace knowing he’s right with me after quite a while of being apart. I guess all I needed was a goodnight kiss.
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waratah-moon · 2 years
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Four times Dustin was clueless, and the one time Lucas spelled it out for him. Shout out to @lfaewrites for proofreading & encouragement!
masterlist / read on ao3 < bonus smutty drabble posted there ;) I Think We’re Alone Now < smut add on
Pairing: dad!Eddie x mom!reader
Word count: 5.1k
Warnings: Teen pregnancy (not elaborated on), cheerleader!reader, shitty parents, enemies to friends platonic!steddie Steal my writing and I will hex you
1. Eddie’s trailer
Eddie opened the door of his trailer and was very surprised to see Dustin Henderson on his doorstep.
Dustin didn't wait to be invited inside, pushing past a bewildered Eddie, “do you have my book report? I lost it after the last Hellfire meeting and I really don't want to rewrite it."
He'd never been inside Eddie's trailer before. It was slightly cluttered but in a homey-lived-in kind of way. The walls were lined with baseball caps, and a collection of novelty mugs hung above the couch.
“What, no hello? You need to work on your manners, Henderson.”
“Sorry,” Dustin looked around the living room, taking in an array of stuffed animals on one end of the couch and a pile of picture books on the coffee table. He wasn’t about to judge what Eddie Munson did in his spare time. “Nice place. Do you have my book report?”
"The one on Grapes of Wrath? I wondered who that belonged to. Let me find it," Eddie disappeared into what Dustin could only assume was his bedroom.
Dustin looked around the trailer, eyes landing on a couple of baby photos that he guessed were of Eddie. He stepped forward to get a closer look, but stopped when he felt something under his foot; it was a small toy that looked a lot like the Muppet Babies version of Fozzie Bear. Before he could investigate further, the phone rang.
Eddie came racing out of his room and breathlessly answered the phone. "Hello?" He waited for the person on the other end to respond, a smile crossing his face when they answered. “I mean, maybe. How difficult is it?” Eddie was grinning now and Dustin could swear he was twirling the phone cord like a teenage girl. “I think I can manage that. How did Gremlin do?”
Eddie's smile turned to a soft pout. He spotted Dustin out of the corner of his eye and turned away,  “I’ll see you soon, okay?” Dustin heard him mumble something into the receiver, but couldn't quite make out the words.
Once Eddie hung up the phone he walked into the kitchen and began fiddling with the knobs on the oven.
“Eddie?” Dustin raised his eyebrows as Eddie pulled a casserole dish out of the freezer and put it on the bench.
“Oh, shit. Your thing. Right. I think I know where it is. It got mixed up with the one shot we did last week,” he disappeared again, and Dustin thought he could see a glimpse of a floral patterned bedspread through the door of his room.
Eddie reappeared and handed him a few pieces of paper. "Thanks, man.” Dustin looked at the casserole dish on the bench. “So what’s for dinner?”
Suddenly, Eddie was herding him out of the trailer, “as much as I’d love for you to stay, I have a hot date.”
2. Family Video
Dustin was sitting behind the counter at family video, something Keith had adamantly stated was not allowed. Steve was the only one working, and he didn't care what Dustin did, just happy to have company during the slow part of his shift. Dustin had brought takeout from the diner up the road, only offering to share his fries when Steve had complained. "C'mon, dude, it's gonna stink of fast food in here."
The door jingled and Steve absentmindedly began his ‘welcome to Family Video’ spiel while twisting a Rubik’s cube, only stopping when he looked up at the woman who’d arrived at the counter.
“Real customer-focused service you’ve got here,” you smiled, hoisting the toddler you were holding higher up on your hip.
“Oh hey!” Steve grinned, ducking down so he was on eye level with the little girl, “how’s my favourite Cabbage Patch Kid doing?”
Cabbage Patch Kid? Dustin thought, pushing his food aside to watch the interaction.
The little girl smiled shyly, hiding her head of dark brown curls into the crook of your neck. 
You sighed, “Steve, I’ve told you before, stop insinuating my child looks like a Cabbage Patch Kid.”
“But she has the dimples,” he stood up straighter, poking his tongue out when the little girl showed her face, causing her to emit the world's cutest giggle.
“She gets those from her father, not Coleco,” you kissed your daughter's cheek, smoothing down her unruly hair. “Did Care Bears come in?”
“Sure did,” Steve pulled a tape from the counter below, scanning it.
“Great!” You looked around the store, eyes landing back on Steve. “Can you watch her for a sec while I grab a couple more?”
“‘Course!” Dustin watched as Steve held out his arms and you passed the toddler to him. The little girl’s hands instantly reached to pull for his hair while you darted off to the horror section.
“Not the hair,” Steve groaned, attempting to tilt his head backwards and away from the prying hands.
“Pretty,” the little girl mumbled, tugging a lock of Steve’s hair. Dustin stifled a laugh.
“Me? Why thank you, I think you’re very pretty too, the prettiest little Cabbage Patch Kid around,” he bumped his nose against the toddler’s, kissing her forehead. Dustin gagged. 
The scene was adorable, but it went against everything he thought he knew about Steve Harrington.
You'd found what you were looking for and arrived back at the counter, setting down two more tapes; A Nightmare on Elm Street and Splash.
“Interesting double feature,” Steve remarked, the toddler now clutching her arms tightly around his neck, refusing to let go.
“Date night,” you grinned sheepishly, holding out your arms to collect your daughter. Steve attempted to pry her off his neck, but she was clinging on for dear life.
"Seevie stay," she whined, tightening her grip on the man.
Steve scanned the tapes using his free hand, seemingly unfazed. “Oh, did you hear about Ethan Carroway?”
You dug around in your purse, finding the correct amount of money to pay for the tapes, “and Ivy Tech? I know! How dumb can you be?” You handed over cash.
“I mean, he seemed like the type though, right?” He put the tapes in a plastic bag, a bit of a challenge with only one hand but he managed, handing the bag across the counter to you.
You hummed in agreement. “Some people just don’t change. Others surprise you,” you smiled, taking in the sight of 'King Steve' Harrington pulling faces at your two year old. "C'mon Gremlin, let's get home and see if Dad taped Muppet Babies."
"Aminal?" Your daughter loosened her grip on Steve and looked at you.
"Yep," you held out your arms and she finally let Steve pass her back. You smiled at the man behind the counter. “Thanks Steve, I’ll see you later.”
"See ya," Steve called after you as you exited the store.
Dustin was gobsmacked, his mouth hanging open as he watched Steve go back to fiddling with the Rubik's cube on the counter.
"What the hell was that?" Steve jumped when Dustin spoke, seeming to have forgotten about the young teen's presence.
He managed to keep his cool, nonchalant tone, "what was what?"
"Were you just flirting with her?"
"What?!" Steve sounded offended. "With her? Of course not."
"She has a kid, Steve."
"I know," Steve had turned to look at Dustin now, leaning with his back against the register. "She has a boyfriend too. We went to high school together. She was a cheerleader, I was on the basketball team. We're friends."
"I didn't know you had other friends," Dustin cocked his eyebrow with a grin. He vaguely remembered his mom gossiping with Mrs. Wheeler about a cheerleader who got pregnant a few years ago.
Steve rolled his eyes, turning back to face the front door, "and you don't know as much about your friends as you think you do, Henderson."
Dustin frowned, "what's that supposed to mean?"
"Eat your burger."
3. Max’s trailer
Storm clouds hung over Hawkins, and rain had been attempting to sprinkle all morning. Riding their bikes all the way to the Forest Hill Trailer Park probably wasn't the smartest idea, but it was Dustin and Lucas's only mode of transport since Steve decided to pick up more shifts at Family Video.
They pulled up to Max’s trailer, the wheels of their bikes spitting up gravel as they skidded to a halt. Max had watched them ride up from the window, and she was already standing in the doorway when they reached the porch.
“What are you two doing here?”
“We were wondering if you wanted to see a movie, or go to the arcade," Lucas asked, he always sounded nervous talking to Max.
"Or do anything," Dustin added. "We're so bored." It was true. Mike was on his weekly phone call to El, and since the mall had burnt down the activities in Hawkins had become severely limited.
“I can’t," she had her headphones slung around the base of her neck, her trusty Walkman in her hand. "I’m babysitting.”
"Babysitting? Since when do you babysit?" Dustin peered over her shoulder inside the trailer, but Max moved to block his view. Over her shoulder he could see an animated movie playing on the TV, it looked like the Care Bears.
“Since we moved in here,” she shrugged.
"I like her parents, they're cool, so I offered to look after Gremlin whenever they wanted some alone time. Plus her mom always brings over cookies. This time it’s peanut butter chocolate."
"You offered?"
"Is that so hard to believe?" She squinted, her tone accusatory.
"Kind of, yeah," Dustin said, groaning when Lucas elbowed him in the ribcage.
“What Dustin means is that you seem to have other interests that don’t coincide with babysitting.”
Max rolled her eyes, moving to put her headphones back on.
“Wait! Can we at least come in and hang out?”
“Nope. I’ve got other interests that don’t coincide with hanging out,” her smile didn’t reach her eyes as she shut the door in their faces.
Lucas sighed, but Dustin was already making his way to the trailer opposite Max’s.
“What are you doing?” Lucas watched, before quickly following after his friend.
“Eddie’s home, his van is out front.”
“And there's another car next to it, he has someone over," Lucas added, pointing at the red Ford Fairmont parked next to the van.
But Dustin was already knocking on the trailer door to listen to Lucas.
The door swung open, revealing a flushed and wild haired Eddie. His eyes were dark, and his tee-shirt was on inside out; when he took in that it was Dustin at the door, his expression turned from annoyed to pissed.
"Henderson? What the fuck are you doing here?"
"We were in the area," he started, turning to see that Lucas had not joined him on the porch but had stopped halfway between Eddie and Max's trailer. He continued, "do you want to hang out?"
"I'm a bit busy right now, dude," Eddie folded his arms across his chest, still glaring at Dustin.
"Do you have a girl over?" Dustin tried to peer into the trailer but only managed to spot a bowl of popcorn and a couple of VHS tapes on the coffee table.
Eddie rolled his eyes, "sure let's go with that. Are we done here?" He started to shut the door, but Dustin stuck his arm out.
"Wait! Who is it? Is it Shelley Keibler? She was totally flirting with you at lunch last week."
Eddie looked disgusted, "ugh, no, dude. She buys from me and she was flirting to get a discount; which I didn't give her, by the way."
"Then who?"
"Don't worry about it, Henderson. I’ll see you on Monday." He grinned and shut the door.
4. Hawkins High
Dustin thought Eddie was acting strange. He hadn’t said anything about Dustin’s ill timed visit when he saw him on Monday, and he hadn’t been in the cafeteria at lunch on Tuesday or Wednesday. Mike had sworn he’d seen Eddie in the library when he’d gone to get money off his sister. He seemed back to his old loud, rambunctious self on Thursday, but during Hellfire on Friday he was constantly watching the clock. When the clock struck 6pm, he was packing up, even though they were in the middle of a high tension fight.
“I’m sorry guys, I have places to be.”
“Oh, that little bar on the corner of nunya and business,” he grinned, stuffing his binders in his bag.
Dustin followed him out to the parking lot, expecting to watch him get in his van and drive off. Instead he was greeted with the same red Fairmont coupe that had been parked in front of his trailer. 
The following week proceeded much the same as the week prior, except this week Eddie cancelled Hellfire. And Eddie never cancelled Hellfire. The table erupted in disgruntled yelling when he broke the news over lunch on Friday, but he just sat back in silence, letting the members spit their disdain.
Dustin finally got a chance to speak with Eddie after school was let out, catching up to him in the parking lot as he was leaving.
“What’s going on? Why are you suddenly acting all weird?”
Eddie sighed, looking over at the red Ford that was parked next to Steve’s BMW. “You do know I have a life outside high school and Hellfire, right? I don’t only exist to further your quest, Henderson.”
“I know that-”
“I’ve been busy, alright? I’ve got some stuff going on.” He studied Dustin’s face, as if he was trying to figure out damage caused by a d20. “Look there’s a one shot I’ve been working on,” he grabbed a notebook out of his bag, ripped out a page, and scribbled something down before handing it to Dustin. “Come to this address tomorrow night, 7pm. Bring Wheeler and Sinclair.”
+1. Hellfire Club
Dustin, Mike, and Lucas weren’t sure where they were going, but surprisingly Steve did. In fact Steve hadn’t put up any kind of fight when Dustin asked if he could drive them somewhere for DnD. Sure he’d sighed, but that sigh was quickly followed by a shrug and a “sure.”
Steve pulled up in front of a small one story house, parking his car behind Gareth’s. Two cars were already in the driveway, a two-toned station wagon, and the red Ford Fairmont that seemed to be everywhere.
Eddie swung the door open, a grin on his face. “You’re here!” He glanced over the boys in front of him before his eyes landed on Steve. “Harrington?”
Steve held his hands up. “Don’t worry, I’m just dropping them off. Thought I’d say hi.” He pointed to the station wagon in the driveway. “Is that your new car?” Eddie nodded and Steve added, “a wagon. Very sensible.”
“I’ll have you know that’s a ‘74 AMC Matador. It has a V8 401 engine, 230 horsepower-”
“I’m going to stop you right there, I have no idea what any of that means.”
“You drive an E23. Dude, a 733i!”
“Doesn’t mean I know anything about it,” Steve shrugged. “Finally traded in the van for a family car, hey?”
Eddie rolled his eyes and turned into the house. “Babe, Harrington’s here,” he called out, before turning back to glare at Steve.
After a moment, you appeared behind Eddie, wiping your hands on a dish towel. “Steve, hey!” Dustin recognised you instantly as the woman from Family Video.
“Hey,” Steve smiled, giving you a little wave. “Wanted to see your new place.”
“Can you stay for a soda? I’ll give you the tour.”
Before Steve could move into the house, Dustin held his arm out to stop him. “Uh,” Dustin looked from you, to Steve, to Eddie, and finally to Mike and Lucas. “What’s going on?”
“Oh right! You guys haven’t met,” Eddie wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you close to his side, and introduced you to the teens. “This is my girlfriend.”
Once the shock had worn off, Eddie had led the boys inside to the dining room table, where the older Hellfire members were already sitting. You lead Steve in the other direction, making good on your promise of a house tour.
“So this is your place?” Mike took in the surroundings; they were sitting in a dining room that was attached to a small kitchen. Various picture frames dotted the walls and a large potted plant sat next to the china cabinet.
“Yep, we moved in last weekend. The trailer was getting too crowded now that Gremlin’s decided to grow into a tiny human,” Mike had no idea what Eddie was talking about, but Eddie sounded horribly offended at the idea of Gremlin growing. “We’ve been planning the move for ages, but we finally had enough money to do it. Wayne seemed sad to see us go, but I think he’s happy to have the place to himself. Kind of annoying we lost Mayfield as a babysitter, though.”
Dustin seemed to have a faint inkling as to what Eddie was talking about, “I saw your girlfriend at Family Video a few weeks ago with her daughter.”
As if this was the craziest news in the world, Mike blurted out, “a kid?” His eyes darted around the room, finally taking in the several picture frames embedded with the image of a curly haired toddler.
“Yeah, Eddie’s girlfriend has a kid,” Dustin said casually, proud that he’d figured out this fact about his mentor before Mike. “It’s pretty cool you’re a stepdad.”
Eddie’s eyes widened, but Gareth, Jeff, and Grant just laughed. “Stepdad ? Henderson, no, no, no.”
Lucas shook his head, pointing to the closest picture frame; the little toddler was sitting on Eddie’s shoulders, her fingers gripping his dark brown curls, identical to her own unruly mess of hair. She looked like a mini version of him, both had mischief gleaming in their chocolate button eyes. “That’s obviously his kid.” 
Like a sign from above signifying the revelation, an egg timer went off in the kitchen.
Dustin choked on his soda. “You have a kid? How did that happen?”
Lucas whacked him on the back, attempting to stop his friend's spluttering. “How do you think it happened, dipshit?” It seemed to work.
“No,” the tips of Dustin’s ears turned pink, his voice still hoarse. “I meant-”
“You want the story,” Eddie grinned, and Gareth, Jeff, and Grant groaned. He leaned back in his chair, his hands clasped behind his head. “Settle in boys, for this is a tale for the ages.”
Gareth snorted, “What the hell are you talking about? Indie is the product of too much alcohol and an expired condom.”
“Excuse me, but Gremlin was born from an epic love story that crossed not only class barriers, but changed Hawkins society as we know it.”
Steve entered the dining room with a can of cola, you following close behind him. 
“Babe,” you rolled your eyes, having heard the conversation. You set a plate of pizza rolls down in front of the boys. “I think Gareth is a little closer to the truth. It wasn’t West Side Story .”
“You don’t think our story is romantic?”
“Our story? Sure. Teen pregnancy? Not so much.” Steve snorted.
Dustin had calmed down a bit, but he still had a lot of questions. “Wait, I’m confused. Steve said you were a cheerleader. How did you get with Eddie? You’re way out of his league.”
Surprisingly, Eddie didn’t look offended, instead he pulled you into his lap and tucked his chin over your shoulder, looking at the young teens. “You’re dead right, Henderson, she is way out of my league.” You scoffed, ready to disagree with him but he cut you off, “do you want to tell the story, babe?”
You adjusted yourself so you were sitting on Eddie’s thigh, his hands firmly gripping your waist. “My family moved to Hawkins at the start of my sophomore year. I didn’t really notice Eddie much that first year, he was a junior and we ran in very different circles.”
“I noticed her though. Straight away. Especially when she wore her cheer uniform-”
You flicked him on the shoulder, continuing with your story. “Anyway, school was out for the summer. Remember the heatwave in ‘83? I was driving down Millbrook and it was at least 100 degrees outside and the hood of my car started smoking. So I pulled over and began freaking out, because you know Millbrook, it’s all farmland and there’s no one around for miles.”
“But I just happened to be driving down Millbrook.”
“Yeah, Eddie was my knight in a Metallica cut off. He figured out what was wrong with my car, drove us to the auto shop, bought whatever it was that my car needed and fixed it for me.”
“It was super easy, she’d just run out of-”
You cut him off before he could begin to ramble about cars and the importance of checking the coolant level. “I bought him a milkshake to thank him and we’ve been together ever since.”
“And your kid?” Mike asked through a mouthful of pizza rolls.
“Gareth wasn’t far off. Pretty sure it happened after the homecoming dance that Eddie refused to attend. He snuck in my window when I got home with a bottle of peppermint schnapps and…” you drifted off, noticing the wide eyes at the table, as well as Steve's smirk. “I’ll spare you the details. Nine months later Indie was born.”
"Indie? Like Indiana?" Lucas asked, he wouldn’t admit it but the story was romantic.
"No, Indie like Indigo. Indigo Ripley Munson," Eddie said proudly, and you smiled. He'd snuck Ripley on the birth certificate before you could protest, but you had to admit your daughter couldn't ask for a better role model than the badass heroine from Alien.
It was as if her name summoned her. A bleary eyed toddler in pink footie pajamas entered the dining room, rubbing her eyes.
“Hi sweet pea,” you hoped off Eddie’s thigh, picking up your daughter and smoothing her hair. “Did we wake you?”
“Not tired,” she said, instantly contradicting herself by yawning. “Want Dadda to tell me a story,” she pushed away from you, reaching for Eddie. “With princesses.” 
As much as you wanted to be her favourite, it warmed your heart knowing how much she loved her Dad.
Eddie held out his arms to take her from you and she instantly snuggled against him. "Dad’s playing a game with his friends, do you want to listen? There’s no princesses but there are lots of monsters." She nodded, smiling. 
You knew it was futile to try and get her to go back to sleep now that Eddie had promised her a story. Knowing Eddie it would be a gory and violent story, but having sat in on many of Hellfire's campaigns, Indie was used to it. You thought it was creepy that she was enamoured with monsters, Eddie thought it was adorable.
You crouched down next to Eddie so you were on eye level with your daughter. "See those boys over there? That's Dustin, Lucas, and Mike. Do you want to say hi?"
She stuck out her bottom lip, contemplating the question before shaking her head. Dustin grinned, he liked this kid, she had spirit.
"How did you manage graduating with a kid? I mean Eddie obviously didn't," Mike said. The table went silent. Surprisingly, it was Steve that spoke up.
"He could have graduated, he just chose to put his family first, right Munson?"
Eddie looked at Steve and smiled. You stood up to glare at Mike, "Steve's right, Eddie should have graduated in '84, but he had different priorities that year."
Turning his attention to Mike, Eddie sighed, “My first senior year was when we found out about the pregnancy. My uncle got me a job working nights at the plant, so I slept through most of my morning classes. But the money was good and we were able to afford most of the stuff we needed for a new baby without asking for help. But I failed pretty much all my classes.”
You nodded. “My parents cut me off when they found out we were keeping the baby. They already hated that I was with Eddie and were looking for a reason to disown me; teen pregnancy was it. So aside from the secondhand stuff we got from the Holts’ and the Mitchells’, and that Wayne never made us pay rent, we did it pretty much all on our own. Eddie’s second senior year was also my senior year, but it was our first year with Indie too.”
“I didn’t want her skipping class, she’s too smart to not graduate. So I stayed home with Gremlin. Wayne helped out when he could, but I still managed to miss most of my classes.”
“But now, I have a job that lets us afford daycare and rent, and Eddie’s been working real hard at school. You know what they say, third times the charm.”
“This is my year, I can feel it.”
“Damn right, babe.” You leant down to kiss his cheek. “And Indie and I will be right there cheering you on when you cross that stage.”
It was all too much for Dustin to handle, hearing about this part of Eddie’s life; his girlfriend, his daughter, his connection to Steve. Tears pricked at the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill at any moment. He was filled with a newfound desire to protect his friend; he had a family to think about after all, hell he’d traded in his ratty old van for a station wagon.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Dustin wasn’t sure if he felt more hurt or betrayed that Eddie had kept such a big part of his life a secret.
“I never hid it, Henderson, you just never asked.”
Dustin thought back to what Steve had said all those weeks ago, ‘you don't know as much about your friends as you think you do.’ He was right, Dustin didn’t know that much about Eddie. He knew he was in a band and liked metal music, but he hadn’t asked him much in the way of personal questions.
“I’m sorry Eddie, I-”
Eddie cut him off with a lazy grin, “Relax, Dustin, we’ve got the rest of the year right?” For some reason the use of his first name instantly put Dustin at ease. He let out a breath and smiled at Eddie. “Now are we playing?”
“And that’s our cue,” you nodded at Steve, leaving the boys and Indie to their game.
Later that night, after everyone had gone home and Indie was finally tucked up in bed, Eddie said something that surprised you.
“I think we should make Steve Indie’s godfather.”
“What? You’re not religious.”
“No, I know. I don’t mean it in the whole ‘teaching faith’ way. I just,” he ran his hand through his hair. “I know he’s important to you, and he loves Indie. If something was to happen to us, I know he’d take good care of her.”
“I think that’s a great idea, babe. Is this about what he said to Wheeler?”
Eddie’s cheeks flushed, he hadn’t wanted to admit that Steve’s approval had affected him. “Maybe.”
You grinned. Steve had been your friend for a long time, since you first moved to Hawkins. You’d known him through his douchebag phase, and you were his only friend from his high school days he’d kept in touch with since he’d mellowed out. But he and Eddie had never gotten along; Eddie was too loud and brash, and Steve still held an air of elitism that although he’d mostly gotten rid of, still reared its ugly head whenever Eddie was around. 
Today, though, the two of them somewhat made an attempt at a truce. “How about we invite him for lunch and ask him?”
Eddie groaned, “ugh, can’t you just ask him?”
“It was your idea!”
“Fine, we’ll do it together.”
Baby steps.
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Okay okay... I would really appreciate feedback as I worked my ass off on this one. And guys... I was so nervous my mum read this... that's the first time she's read my writing since I was in high school. @a-lil-pr1ncess @livsters
1K notes · View notes
itsangelll · 6 months
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ℳℴ𝓋ℯ𝒹 ℴ𝓃?
angst to fluff
2010 era!
A/n: I wanna give huge credits to @bunniesthoughts thank you for helping me with this me and her made this together we hope you guys enjoy <3
minors can interact
word count:1k
“GET OUT THEN” I said my voice getting louder by the minute, Tom’s eyes were getting more teary and with that Tom pushed past me and stormed out of the house. Hours pass by Tom hadn’t come back yet “shit pick up pick up please” I tried calling him but no answer my mind was overclouding with thoughts my anxiety was getting worse no text no calls at all.
-time skip
It’s been weeks and tom still hasn’t come back, I’m trying not too overthink anything but it keeps creeping up in the back of my mind. So to take my mind off things, I go sit down and turn on the tv to mtv and I see pictures and videos of Tom and some girl named Anna “what the fuck” I feel tears sting the corner of my eyes, all of the overthinking came true, it wasn’t just a thought it was all real life. I need to talk to him asap.
and the best way was to show up to their concert it took me ages to get there but I made it finally, people were crowded fans screaming and yelling. They came out of the tour bus, my life flashed before my eyes, The rumours were true his arm snug around her waist her beautiful eyes he moved on already?
I felt sick to my stomach, Tom saw me his face was shocked but I didn’t care I ran not daring to look back I could hear him yelling my name and running after me. My eyes were perking up with tears I felt like I was going to collapse. I ended up falling over my knees were bruised my hands were shaking Tom finally caught up and he kneeled down infront of me, “Y/n I didn’t want you to find out like this.” His voice was trembling it sounded like he was about to cry, “You never really loved me did you” my voice was breaking I couldn’t help it, he cupped my face in his hands his dark brown eyes staring into me “I’m sorry but after that fight I didn’t know what to do I thought we were broken up” he said his voice with unbreakable emotion I looked away. We just sat in silence not even saying a word till his twin brother and the rest of the band started calling out to him he got up and walked off.
-time skip
A few weeks had passed me and Tom haven’t spoken at all I see photos of them everyday together, but today I got invited to a interview with Tom to talk about why broke up and how it happened. I didn’t feel like going because the media would’ve twisted my words but then I changed my mind I mean it’s best to get my feelings out? After I got ready I left my apartment and went to the interview. When I got there the interviewer was really nice and told me how what was going to happen, I looked around and I didn’t see Tom anywhere which was off cause he’s never shows up late.
The Interviewer sat me down she asked me a couple of questions about how I knew Tom how we started dating, asked me about their music and everything. Then she asked this “Y/n I know this must be hard for you but would you ever want to try and works out thing with Tom?”
I swear I couldn’t hear her for a second I felt sick, I took a deep breath “I hope I can, him and I instantly click and at the end of the day I miss him heaps”. I said my voice cracking a bit, she nodded after a little while of what seemed like hours the interview was wrapped up and I was on my walking home till I heard someone yelling out to me.
I turned around. It was Tom he came up to me catching his breath it looked like he was gonna collapse Christ “Y/n I saw your interview and there’s so much I wanna say but I can’t say it here”. “Huh? What do you me-“ he put a hand over my mouth and handed me a piece of paper he smiled at me then walked away.
I watch tom walk away, as I grip the piece of paper in my hand once he’s out of sight I open the paper “meet at the lake at 6”- tom I look at the note confused as why he wanted to meet, I mean I’ve seen he has a girlfriend, but I shrug and I get into my car driving to our old spot.
I see Tom sitting on the hood of his car lighting up a cigarette. I park and get out walking up to him “hey” I say softly trying not to startle him “hey.. I wanna talk with you if that’s okay”, he says as he gets off the hood of his car throwing away his cigarette I nod letting him know that I’m listening. “listen I know you saw me with her but truly I didn’t want that to happen, I miss you I don’t know why I didn’t come back and went to go with her. I thought we were done but I miss you.” Tom says as his voice starts to crack.
I go to speak but Tom stops me, “I broke up with her..I wanna give us another try, you were my everything” he says as his eyes start to go glossy and so do mine. “alright I’ll give us another chance” Tom looks at me and a smile forms on his face as he grabs me and pulls me into a tight hug, putting his face in my neck.
“I love you so much meine liebe I promise this will never happen again” I nod as I listen to him pulling away as a tear drips down my cheek “I love you too” I whisper softly as I lean up and softly kiss his lips and lay my head on his chest.
A/n: i hope you guys enjoyed me and @bunniesthoughts loved making this go check her out!! once again thank you for helping me make this I couldn’t have done without you. Anyways bye cuties mwah <3
105 notes · View notes
slytherinshua · 9 months
genre. fluff. warnings. kissing. pairing. jihoon x fem!reader. wc. 941. a/n. so... that pic made me just a little delusional, huh?
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“Stop, baby, I’m about to get a highscore-“ Jihoon muttered, eyes entirely focused on the game displayed on his phone. He was tapping with his fingers, controlling the small fighter to shoot at his opponents. You didn’t mind your boyfriend playing video games, you knew it was a stress reliever for him, but you wanted his attention so badly at the moment and weren’t particularly happy about a video gaming winning over you for his affection.
If you had counted correctly, it had been 8 days since you had last kissed Jihoon properly. He had been busy and tired while filming his new drama, so quick pecks before he left in the morning were all you had been getting for the last couple days. It was finally his day off today, and while you were overjoyed to be able to cuddle in his lap after so long— the lack of proper attention was starting to frustrate you.
Was the video game really better than his girlfriend?
You had been thinking of the perfect counter tactic to get back Jihoon’s attention as you sat, curled up in his lap. There was one thing that should be foolproof: kisses. If you reminded Jihoon of what he had been missing out on for the past several days, eventually he would realize that he’d much rather spend his time kissing his lovely girlfriend than playing some dumb shooting game.
You had started 2 minutes ago, conservatively kissing the back of his hand just to test out the waters. You didn’t get much of a reaction from that, just a subtle smile that might as well have been from the game. You started to get a little more daring as your patience ran thin, pressing multiple kisses to his cheek which seemed to distract him enough to protest. 
“Stop, baby, I’m about to get a highscore-“ 
You contemplated just waiting for him to stop playing on his own, or at least finish the round since he was so close to beating his personal record. But that thought vanished after about 2 seconds, and you proceeded to kiss his cheek again and scold your brain for the silly thought. 
Patience wasn’t the answer for this situation. Or, at least it wasn’t the answer that you liked. It wasn’t like you were harming him— in fact, it was known that Jihoon was more addicted to kisses than you in the relationship. Besides, you had already been patient for over a week. And now Jihoon’s pretty lips were right in front of you. There was no reason why you should hold back.
He dug his head further into the hood of his hoodie to try to make it harder for you to access face. Though he was subtle with it, you still caught onto his every move. The fact that he was now actively trying to evade you excited you, because it meant he was close to breaking. 
Though his face was now unobtainable to you, with a little craning of your head, you managed to access his neck to give him yet another kiss. This is what finally got him to break. You watched in satisfaction as he switched off his phone, still 2 minutes away from finishing his round.
“You’re teasing me on purpose, aren’t you?” He muttered, giving you a knowing look, though his lips were lifting into a small smile.
“How else was I supposed to get your attention off the game?” You asked with a giggle.
“I lost the game because of you.” He whispered, pulling you closer to his chest by your hips and giving you his first kiss, one on the cheek.
“Are you mad about it?” 
“Mmh, I’m very upset, baby.” He said, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.
“You don’t seem very upset, though?” You caught onto his lie with a smile, and kissed his nose softly. He scrunched it up in response and pressed his lips together stubbornly. 
He didn’t say anything else, silently admitting that he wasn’t really mad at all. His hand slid up to your cheek and he gently pulled your face closer to his, meeting his soft lips with yours after what had felt like an eternity. He let the kiss last long enough to satisfy both of you, and by the time he pulled away, you were both slightly out of breath.
You frowned despite the butterflies that he had summoned in your stomach, “Did you film kiss scenes for the drama?”
His eyes widened slightly, “No! No. There’s no kissing in this drama.” He quickly defended.
You raised an eyebrow in skepticism, “It’s a fantasy romance drama, Jihoon.”
His lips formed an ‘o’ shape as his brain quickly thought of his next lie, “It was a stunt double that filmed those scenes.” 
You laughed at his awful attempt at pretending like he was innocent. Teasing your boyfriend never failed to entertain you. You were perfectly confident in your boyfriend’s loyalty to you, and were quite sure that every on screen kiss was only acting and nothing else, but you still loved to bring it up every once and a while.
“Does she kiss as well as I do?” You asked finally, biting back a amused smile.
“Not even close.” He responded, and you could feel the sincerity from his shiny eyes.
“Just making sure.” You smiled, leaning down to reconnect your lips again. Jihoon was like a dream to kiss. His lips were soft and gentle, and each time he pressed them to yours you felt your heart swell. Each kiss was like a soft reminder of how much you loved him.
↳ misc taglist (let's be real, it's more like park jihoon taglist): @yeonjuns-redhair,, @wolfmoonmusic,, @edensgardenn,, @cyberpunksunwoo
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straykidzwifey · 5 months
Concert Concerns (Han Jisung X Reader)
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As I anxiously watched the concert footage for what seemed like the hundredth time, my mind was consumed with worry. The images and videos of him performing only added to my unease. I couldn't bear to sit still any longer and paused the video on my laptop. My hand instinctively reached for my phone, pulling up a contact that was all too familiar. But as I debated whether or not to call, doubts crept in, and I wondered if I was just being paranoid.
But then, with a resolute whisper to myself, "Frick it," I pressed the button and waited anxiously. The ringing stopped and I could hear shuffling on the other end before a voice I knew all too well answered, "(Y/N)? Hey, what's up?”
A small sigh of relief escaped me before I replied, "Hey Chris. Is Jisung with you right now?" The shuffling continued before he responded, "Um, no. Him and Minho went out to grab some takeout. Why do you ask?”
I shook my head, realizing he couldn't see me from the other end. "I just wanted to make sure he wasn't around when I asked you this. Actually, can we facetime?" A quick agreement came from the other end, and I switched over to facetime, needing that extra reassurance that everything was okay.
As the video call connected, Chris's concerned face filled the screen in a matter of seconds. I could see the worry etched into his features, and it mirrored my own as I began to speak.
"So, what's going on?" His voice was laced with genuine concern, and I took a deep breath before answering.
"That's what I wanted to ask you. I've been watching the footage from the concerts and fan meets you guys have been doing for the past couple of weeks, and Jisung looks...stressed. He hasn't smiled once." My fingers fidgeted nervously as I spoke, my eyes scanning over Chris's face for any sign of understanding or explanation.
"The only time he even attempts to grin is when he's around Minho. And when I ask him about it on our calls, he just says he's tired." My voice trailed off, unable to fully express my worries. The silence that followed felt heavy and suffocating, as if we were both struggling to find the right words to convey our concerns.
Chris let out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his hair as he processed my words. The worry in his eyes deepened, and for a moment, I saw a flicker of something unfamiliar - fear.
"(Y/N), I've noticed it too," he finally admitted, his voice barely above a whisper as if afraid someone might overhear. "But it's not just exhaustion. There's something going on with Jisung, something... off.”
My heart clenched at his words, confirming the unsettling feeling that had been gnawing at me for days. "What do you mean, Chris? Has he said anything to you?" I urged, my mind racing with possibilities and dread.
Chris hesitated, chewing on his lower lip as he debated how much to reveal. "He... he's been having nightmares," he confessed slowly. "Nightmares that leave him shaking and sweating when he wakes up. And sometimes... sometimes he spaces out, like he's not really here.”
My fingers ran through my hair in frustration, the tips scratching against my scalp. My mind raced as I tried to process the words that Chris had just told me. We sat in tense silence, both lost in our own thoughts. Finally, I let out a deep sigh and looked at him with a weak smile on my lips. "I think I have a plan," I said, my voice wavering slightly. "But I'm going to need your help." Chris straightened up, his body language letting me know he was ready to listen and assist however he could. “So, here’s the plan.”
I looked out the window of the black SUV, sitting in silence with the boy’s manager as we drove to the concert hall, where the guys were performing. I was excited to see my boyfriend again after a whole year of not seeing each other in person, but the weight of the reason I was actually here had my stomach in knots.
I had already gone over my strategy with Chris during our phone call. I explained that I would fly to South Korea on the day of their next concert, not only to surprise Jisung but also to catch him off guard and get him to open up about what's been going on. While they are performing on stage for the first half of the show, their manager will discreetly bring me backstage. Then, during the intermission when they're changing outfits, I can finally spring my surprise on him.
The rest of the group was already aware of the plan, and they all quickly agreed to it. They were all concerned about him, but no one, not even Minho, knew what was causing his distress.
My thoughts were disrupted as we pulled up to the back gate. I squirmed in my seat out of anticipation, nervousness, and excitement. The parking lot was packed to the brim, fans that didn’t have tickets but still wanted to catch a glimpse of the boys were all piled outside the stadium.
I took in a deep breath to steady my racing heart as we stepped out of the SUV and were immediately met by security. They ushered us inside quickly, guiding us through the maze of hallways and corridors that led backstage. The distant sounds of the music and the crowd grew louder with each step, heightening my excitement and nerves.
As we approached the door to the backstage area, I could feel a surge of adrenaline coursing through me. This was it. The moment I had been waiting for—to finally see Jisung after what felt like an eternity and hopefully get to the bottom of whatever was troubling him.
The manager gave me a reassuring nod before opening the door, revealing a whirlwind of activity backstage. People hurried back and forth, carrying equipment and costumes, their voices blending into a chaotic symphony. I spotted familiar faces among the crew members, their expressions a mix of exhaustion and anticipation for the performance.
I followed closely behind the manager as he navigated through the backstage hustle and bustle, my heart pounding in my chest with each passing moment. The air was charged with nervous energy, a stark contrast to the cool exterior I tried to maintain. As we approached the boys' dressing room, my palms grew clammy, and I felt a lump form in my throat.
The manager gave a sharp knock on the door before gesturing for me to enter the room. As I stepped inside, my senses were immediately overwhelmed by the flurry of activity unfolding in front of me. The workers rushed around, making final preparations for when the boys would arrive to begin their performance. I positioned myself by the door, nervously waiting for their arrival. One by one they filtered into the room, starting with Jeongin whose contagious smile was the first thing that greeted me. He pulled me into a quick hug, offering a few words of encouragement before heading over to his stylist. Seungmin and Felix followed suit, offering warm hugs and words of greeting before joining Jeongin in getting ready. Minho and Chan were next, both flashing bright smiles as they caught sight of me and offered friendly greetings. Finally, Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jisung entered the room, with Jisung being the last to join us. His eyes were initially downcast but as soon as he looked up and saw me, he froze in surprise.
"Hi, Hannie," I spoke softly with a smile as I approached him. His shocked expression slowly morphed into tearful relief as he stood frozen in place. Without hesitation, I opened my arms and beckoned him towards me. He took hesitant steps forward until we were finally wrapped in a tight embrace. His arms clung tightly to my waist and his head buried in the crook of my neck. I wrapped one arm around his back and my other hand went into his now long curly hair. The warmth of his body against mine and the gentle rise and fall of his sobs comforted me in a way that words couldn't express. Tears streamed down his face, leaving wet trails on my skin as I rubbed soothing circles on his back. Despite the circumstances that brought us together, being able to finally hold him in my arms brought a sense of peace and completeness that had been missing for far too long. My own tears threatened to spill as I wrapped my arms around him, holding him tightly. After nearly a year apart, the relief of finally being able to physically see each other was overwhelming. But in that moment, my focus was on comforting and cheering him up. I pushed aside my own emotions to be there for him. Our reunion was like a bittersweet embrace, filled with joy and sadness all at once.
Jisung's sobs eventually subsided, and he pulled back slightly to look at me with tear-stained eyes. "I didn't know you were coming," he whispered, his voice raw with emotion. His vulnerability tore at my heart, and I cupped his face in my hands, gently wiping away his tears with my thumb.
"I wanted to surprise you," I replied, my voice soft and reassuring. "But more importantly, I wanted to be here for you. Chris told me about the nightmares, about how you've been struggling.”
Jisung's eyes widened in surprise, a flicker of fear passing through them before he quickly masked it with a forced smile. "It's nothing, really," he muttered, avoiding my gaze. But I saw through his facade, recognizing the walls he had built around himself.
I gently placed my hands on his face and looked into his eyes. Our time together in person was always too short, but I could read him like a book just by studying the expression on his face. And right now, it was clear that something was bothering him deeply. With a concerned tone, I asked, "What's really going on? I know we don’t get to see each other in person very much but I can see it in your face.”
Jisung hesitated, his gaze flickering between my eyes as if searching for an answer to my question. He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it again, the internal struggle evident on his face. I could feel the weight of his unspoken words hanging heavily in the air, a barrier between us that begged to be broken.
Finally, he let out a long sigh, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "I don't even know where to start," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper. "It's like... like I'm drowning in my own thoughts, and I can't seem to find a way out.”
My heart ached at his words, at the raw vulnerability in his voice. I reached out and took his hand in mine, offering what little comfort I could. "You don't have to face this alone," I reassured him, my voice gentle yet firm. "We'll figure this out together. Just start from the beginning.”
Jisung's grip tightened around mine, his eyes searching mine for any sign of judgement or rejection. Finding none, he took a deep breath and began to speak, his words tumbling out in a rush as if he had been holding them in for too long.
“It started about a month ago,” he confessed, his voice wavering from emotion. “I thought it was just stress from our hectic schedule, but then… then the nightmares began.” His grip on my hand tightened even more, as if anchoring himself to reality.
I hesitated before asking him, "What were you having nightmares about?" He took a deep breath before answering, "It's pretty silly, actually." "Jisung, it's not silly if it's affecting you." I looked into his eyes and urged him to tell me. "They were about us breaking up. About how I wasn't good enough for you. Not seeing you in person for so long has really gotten to me. I'm constantly afraid that we won't last because our relationship is difficult. We live in different countries and my work keeps me busy all the time. I wish I could hold you every day, take you out on dates, and have movie nights together like a normal couple. And on top of everything, my stressful schedule and social anxiety only been adding to the stress.”
Tears welled up in my eyes as I listened to Jisung pour his heart out. His words cut through me, exposing the depth of his fears and insecurities. I squeezed his hand tighter, a silent promise that I wasn't going anywhere.
"You are more than enough, Jisung," I said, my voice unwavering. "Our love is stronger than any distance or obstacle. I don't need fancy dates or constant physical presence to know how much you mean to me. You, just the way you are, are everything I've ever wanted.”
His eyes searched mine, as if seeking the truth in my words. I brought his hand to my lips, placing a gentle kiss on his knuckles. "I love you for who you are, for your passion and dedication, for the way you light up a room with your smile. And I'll be here every step of the way, helping you navigate through the darkness until we find the light together.”
Jisung's eyes glistened with unshed tears, his walls crumbling under the weight of my love and reassurance. His grip on my hand softened, allowing vulnerability to seep through as he gazed at me with a mixture of gratitude and disbelief. "I don't know what I did to deserve you," he whispered, his voice barely audible in the bustling room. "But I'm grateful every day that you're in my life.”
A smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I leaned in to press a soft kiss to his forehead. "You don't have to 'deserve' love, Jisung. It's freely given, unconditionally." The weight of his burdens seemed to ease slightly as he took a shaky breath, his gaze locked with mine in a silent conversation that spoke volumes.
As the final touches were made for the boys' performance, Jisung and I found solace in our own little world amidst the chaos surrounding us. The loud clamor of last-minute preparations and excited chatter faded into a distant buzz as we gazed into each other's eyes. A sudden urge to confess swept over me, and I leaned in closer.
"You know I wanted to wait to tell you this, but now that we're talking about it, I think it's time." Jisung's expression shifted from confusion to curiosity, his eyes searching mine for answers. Suppressing a giggle, I continued.
"I'm moving to Seoul in two weeks." His reaction was priceless - his eyes widened like saucers and a wide grin spread across his face. "What?! Why?" I couldn't help but laugh at his eagerness, catching the attention of the others around us. Biting my lip, I tried not to give away my excitement. It had been my secret plan to surprise them all with this news.
"Well, apparently the Stray Kids' graphic designer for your team is leaving due to family reasons, so they were looking for someone new. And JYP remembered that I am a graphic designer from when I visited you at the company last time, so they contacted me about the job last month." Jisung's already bright smile grew even bigger - something I didn't think was possible.
"Wait, so not only are you moving to the same city as me, but we'll be working together every day too?" His excitement was contagious, and I couldn't help but nod eagerly. In excitement, he picked me up and spun me around. I squealed in surprise but laughed and told him to put me down. As he put me down, I heard cheers of excitement behind us.
The rest of the group had gathered around, their faces filled with joy at the unexpected news. Chan was the first to hug us both, his enthusiasm infectious as he congratulated us on our new adventure. Changbin and Hyunjin soon followed suit, their teasing and playful banter bringing laughter to the group. Felix’s eyes sparkled with happiness as he enveloped us in a warm embrace, his excitement palpable. Seungmin and Jeongin were practically bouncing on their feet, unable to contain their joy at the prospect of me joining their team. The room was filled with elation and love, a sense of unity and togetherness that bounded us all like family.
Despite my desire to continue our private moment, the cheers from the audience were growing louder and more insistent. "As much as I would love to stay here with you," I interjected, raising my voice over the joyful noise, "you guys need to get back on stage." My arm swept out to encompass the rest of the band members. A chorus of affirmative responses filled the air as they began hurrying towards the stage. Turning to face Jisung, my eyes took in his disheveled appearance, and I couldn't help but smile. "And you," I said, lightly poking his chest with my finger, "need to freshen up before your performance." Giving me a small salute and a firm ‘yes ma’am’ he leaned in for a quick kiss before being whisked away by his stylist. Assuring him I would be in the crowd watching, I watched him go with a fond gaze.
The rest of the night was a blur of excitement and chaos. Jisung was back to his usual energetic and playful self, and it brought me immense joy to see him enjoying himself so much. As I stood among the cheering fans, I couldn't help but feel grateful for this life and this moment with my love by my side. Everything seemed perfect in that moment.
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muffinpink02 · 6 months
Bronze Is Better Then Gold
part 2 here
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Summary - Ona has transferred to a new police force, she meets her partner, Lucy Bronze. The girls hit it off right away, flirting at every chance they can get. But will Lucy’s past get in the way?
This is an AU story, but its got most of the girls from the lionesses featuring. People seem to like it so thought you guys might too.
Warnings - some suggestive scenes (lets keep it 18 and above) lots of angst, gun violence, smut to come in last chapter (chapter 4)
Ona shivered from the crisp cold morning air. It had just hit the start of October and the signs of autumn were already showing. Even after nearly five years of living in the UK the Spaniard still hadn’t got used to the cold English weather.
She drank the last sip of her coffee, taking in the grey building in front of her. Her new place of work.
She watched as a couple of uniformed police officers walked into the building, talking amongst themselves. She took in a deep breath, trying her best to shake off the first day nerves.
It was her first day at the new firm. She had been personally scouted from the Chief Constable to have a chat. When asked if she wanted to transfer it was an easy yes for Ona. The building was closer to home, it was a day shorter in the working week with Mondays off. And the Chief Constable was well known to be excellent at her job. Her team was one of the best in the city of London. She was definitely someone Ona wanted to be working under.
She dashed her empty coffee cup in a nearby bin and made her way to the buildings reception, where she was greeted by a very overly happy receptionist. Not something that she was used to back in her old firm or in London for that matter.
“Hello, how can I help you today?” The blonde smiled brightly up at Ona.
Ona cleared her throat. “Good morning, I’m Ona Battle, it’s my first day today, I was told to go to reception.”
“Ohh lovely! Welcome! I have all the bits you’ll need.”
Ona smiled at the bubbly blonde. She glanced at her name tag, Esme Morgan.
The blonde grabbed a folder that had lots of paper work inside, she handed it over to Ona.
“Right here’s all the bits you’ll need from me, I’ll take you over to Sarina, the ‘important’ part of the building. I’m Esme by the way. Follow me.”
The blonde was taller than Ona expected her to be, but that wasn’t hard in Ona’s experience, most people in the room were always taller than the Spaniard, unless they were under the age of ten.
“You’ve met Sarina right?” The blonde smiled.
Esme reminded Ona of an excited puppy in the nicest possible way, the girl was full of beans.
“Ahh yes, on video call. She’s really nice.”
“Oh yeah she is, she’s like a mum away from your own mum. Well that’s how I see her.”
Ona smiled, she liked this girl, she wasn’t like your usual Brit, she was genuinely cheery. Not fake cheery, but someone who actually seemed happy.
They walked down a long green corridor, Ona looked over at the pictures on the wall of police officers from across the years, even going back as far as the 18th century.
“We’ve heard such good things about you. I know Sarinas really happy that you joined us.”
“Yeah, I’ve heard good things about this branch. I could never have said no.”
Esme smiled, she had a happy bounce to her as she walked, her cheerful character was almost infectious.
“Ahh that’s great. I hope you like it here, we’ve got a lovely bunch on the team. Do you know who your partner is?”
“Ahh that’s good to hear. Erm I’m going to be working with Gold.”
“Gold? Who’s Gold? I didn’t know we had a gold.” Esme’s face scrunched in confusion.
Ona rattled her brain for the right translation, she was sure it was gold, or was it?
“Oh do you mean Bronze?”
Ona laughed, just slightly embarrassed of her mix up.
“Ahh yes, sorry I haven’t got my elements down.”
Esme smiled widely, Ona couldn’t help but smile back.
“Oh yeah, neither have I, don’t worry about it.” She laughed to herself, turning a corner with Ona following.
“Yeah Bronze is a lovely girl. She’s such a hard worker, one of the hardest workers on the team actually. You’re lucky to have her as your partner.”
Ona smiled, she already liked the sound of her new partner, but she had to try and forget ‘Gold’ and remember Bronze.
But little did Ona know that wouldn’t be hard.
They stopped outside a room with a plaque ingrained with ‘S Weigman’ on the door. Esme knocked a cheery tune.
In a heartbeat she heard a women’s voice coming from inside.
“Come in Esme.”
Esme opened the door motioning for Ona to enter.
“Right, here we are, this is where I leave you. Sarina will take it from here. Good luck today and if you need anything you know where to find me.”
“Thank you Esme, it was lovely to meet you.”
Esme nodded, a happy smile still sitting on her face.
“Oh by the way, Claudia called, she’s had to cancel the 10 o’clock meeting.”
Sarina nodded, smiling fondly at the blonde, it was as if she was looking at a young child.
“Thank you Esme, and thank you for bringing Ona.”
The bubbly blonde nodded and bounced off, waving at everyone she passed in the corridor. Ona couldn’t help but smile again at the brightness that Esme left on her mood.
“Ona! Please come in. It’s so good to finally meet you in person, I can’t tell you how happy I am that you’ve joined us. Come take a seat. Do you want a tea or coffee, a cold drink?”
Ona took a seat in front of Sarinas desk.
“Oh no, I’m okay, I just had a coffee. Thank you.”
Sarina nodded, smiling at the young girl in front of her.
“Okay, well firstly welcome. I know I’ve said it already but I’m so excited to have you on the team. Emma told me how much of a hard worker you are, you’ve accomplished so much at such a young age. It’s incredible. Emma did not let you go easy! But I’m glad you were happy to move to us.”
Ona smiled at her feet, feeling slightly shy at the compliments.
“Ahh thank you. It’s just part of the role, I really enjoy my job. And yes the move felt right, I had been there since I moved to London, so it was nice for a change. I’ve also heard a lot about you and your team. You’re well known how efficient your squad run.”
Sarina smiled and nodded, taking in the girl in front of her.
“So where are you from? That’s not a British accent I can hear.”
Ona laughed. “I’m from Spain, Catalonia. I’ve been in the UK nearly five years.”
“I see, so why police here and not Spain? What made you move here?”
Ona played with her fingers. “I was in the police force back in Spain, I joined when I was 18 but I wanted a change. I love my city but things didn’t work out how I wanted. I’ve always loved the UK and the people. There’s something special about it.”
Sarina nodded again, smiling warmly at the younger girl.
“I can understand, I’m originally from the Netherlands. I came here to study and never left. I then found my now husband and have lived here ever since.”
Ona nodded, smiling at the women. “The UK spoke to both of us.”
Sarina hummed in agreement. “It did indeed. Do you ever go back home much?”
Ona played with her fingers again, feeling a little uncomfortable. She kept her eyes casted down.
“Erm, not really. I went back once but that’s all.”
Sarina noticed the change in the younger women. She didn’t want to push so she changed the subject.
“Well, these next couple of days I just want you to get to know the team and the building and how we work here. I don’t want to throw you right in the deep end, even though I know you can handle it. I like my staff to feel comfortable first. Bronze and the team will be going on a raid next week. You’ll be joining them.”
Ona nodded. “Okay, that sounds good. I’m really looking forward to meeting everyone and getting stuck in.” She smiled at the older women.
“And I want you to know I am always here if you need to talk about anything, from work, to general life. We have our therapist on site that we ask you to at least see once every two weeks but you can go as much as you want.
Ona now understood what Esme meant about Sarina being a mother figure, she could sense a genuine care from the older women but also a firmness to her.
The Spaniard nodded and smiled. “Thank you.”
“Great, I’ll take you on a tour of the building and you can meet the team and meet your partner.”
Sarina showed Ona around the building, stopping off at certain floors that Ona would need in the future.
They then walked into the main office, where it looked like most of the staff worked. Ona suddenly felt a little nervous, she was fine with meeting new people, she was a social butterfly really, but it was always daunting meeting your new work colleagues.
“Nobbs, Stokes, come and meet Ona Battle, it’s her first day and I want you to make sure she settles in.”
Two short women smiled brightly at Ona, both walking towards her.
“Hello, I’m Jordan or Nobbs. It’s nice to meet you.” She reached her hand out to shake Ona’s.
“Hello Jordan, lovely to meet you.”
“I’m Demi or Stokes. Really happy to have you on the team.” The slightly taller woman also holding her hand out for Ona.
Ona smiled, shaking Demis hand.
“Hello Demi. Also lovely to meet you.”
“You’ll be working a lot with DC Nobbs and DC Stokes. They’re some of the best Detective Constables I’ve ever worked with.”
Serina patted Demi on the back. Looking at the girls like a proud mum.
“Yeah, yeah. You say that about everyone.” Demi rolled her eyes, joking with her superior.
“No? Do I? Oh just the good ones then.” Sarina winked at the Spaniard. Causing the group to laugh.
Ona once again could see the pride this woman had for her team, it was refreshing to see. It definitely wasn’t something she was used to in her old firm.
Demi then spoke. “We’ve heard only good things about you Ona.”
A slight tint of pink rushed to Ona’s cheeks.
“I’m scared I’ve got to live up to this reputation now.”
All four of the women laughed.
“Don’t worry. You have Bronze as a partner, she’ll make sure you live up to it.” A new voice entered the chat.
Ona turned around to face a women even taller then Esme. A cup of coffee in hand.
“Don’t try and scare her Scott.” Jordan scolded the older women.
The taller women laughed at her own joke. She stuck her hand out for Ona to take.
“I’m only joking. I’m Scott, it’s good to have you on the team.”
Ona noticed her thick Northern accent, she knew she’d have to listen extra hard when speaking with the tall woman.
“Thank you, it’s great to meet you.” Ona smiled.
“Ona, this is our SFC Jill Scott, one of the best I’ve ever worked with.”
“That’s true.” Jill took a sip of her coffee looking pleased with herself, while the other two girls rolled their eyes at the banter.
“Where is Bronze?” Sarina looked around the room.
“Gym.” In unison all three of the girls replied.
Ona quirked an eye brow at the response
“That girl! I told her to be here to meet Ona.”
“She probably wanted her muscles to look extra big to show off.” Jordan laughed.
“Yeah, like she needs them any bigger.” Jill took another sip of her coffee.
“Jealousy is a shit trait to have Scott.”
Another voice entered the conversation.
“Ahh Luce, you know I’m only joking. I am indeed just jealous.” Jill laughed.
Ona turned around wanting to give the new voice a face.
Ona nearly forgot how to breathe, the woman standing in front of her was stunning. She took in the girl in front of her, she had almond shaped eyes, filled with a beautiful intense shade of green. Like Ona she had a face covered in freckles but a lot less dark and less condensed.
Her face was strong and soft at the same time, her jawline was perfectly defined, yet her other features were soft and feminine, she was gorgeous.
Her face was flushed, a thin layer of sweat glistening over her muscular arms and neck. Her dark hair was wet and scraped back, small curls escaping the messy bun, clearly wet from the gym that the girls had mentioned.
Ona was lost for words, the girl was beautiful.
“Ona this is CI Bronze, she’s going to be there for whatever you need, all of the girls will be, but Bronze is your go to girl.”
Lucy couldn’t hold back the smile that appeared on her face, Ona was breathtaking. It was her eyes that Lucy noticed first, she had wide, soft doe eyes, innocent looking eyes. A beautiful chocolate brown surrounded her iris, making her face warm and inviting.
Dark freckles covered her face, another feature Lucy couldn’t help but admire. Her skin was slightly tanned but not bronze, more of a milk colour. Lucy imagined that was because of the English weather.
It was when Ona smiled that Lucy felt her stomach flutter. She thought her face was beautiful and soft before, but her smile made her perfect. She noticed how chiseled her jawline was when she smiled, how perfectly it fit with her features. The girl was utterly beautiful.
Lucy held out her hand for Ona’s to shake.
Ona had to kick her brain into gear to move, she took Lucy’s hand, instantly loving how soft her skin was against hers.
“It’s great to have you on the team Ona, and like Sarina said, I’m here for whatever you need.”
“Thank you, I can’t wait to work with you.”
They held hands for a second longer than the usual handshake would normally last.
The interaction wasn’t missed by the other women, Jordan and Demi eyed up the the older brunette, smiling between each other as Lucy and Ona kept eye contact for a second too long.
“Okay, well. I’ll let Lucy take care of you from here, if you need anything let the girls know, or if you need anything from me you know where I am.”
The older lady smiled warmly at Ona, leaving her with her new co-workers.
“Let me show you your desk, it’s next to mine.”
“Great.” Ona followed.
Lucy walked towards a row of desks with computers and files of paper work neatly piled on each space. But there was one desk with only a computer that Ona assumed was hers.
“This is you. I apologise in advance my desk can get a little messy now and again.”
“Ahh that doesn’t bother me.” Ona couldn’t keep the smile off her face.
“I’ll try keep and keep it tidy though.”
“She won’t Ona, she’s lying.” Jordan poked her head over Lucy’s computer. Hers and Demis desk both opposite their own.
“Shut it Nobbs,”
Jordan smiled cheekily at the older brunette.
“Trust me Ona, give it a week.” Jordan smiled.
Ona laughed at the banter between the girls, she wondered if her and Lucy would ever get as close.
“Ignore her. I’m going to quickly head for the showers. I know you’ve got all that paper work to go through, so you can just chill here. Kitchen is just over there, help yourself to a drink. Once I’m back I’ll go through some bits with you.” Lucy smiled at the younger girl.
“Sure, sounds good. Enjoy your shower.” Ona had to stop herself from thinking too hard about Lucy in the shower. She looked around the room, noticing other people at their desks working, she was going to have to try and remember a lot of names today.
She started to read through her paper work, it was mostly rules and work conducts she had to read and agree to.
Eight pages in to her paper work she felt Lucy hover over her.
“God I hate all of this, it’s so boring, but I get it, it has to be done.” Lucy rolled her eyes.
Ona smiled, she agreed but she wasn’t going to make it obvious. “Ahh yeah, I know. Nearly done though.”
Lucy nodded. “Do you fancy a tea or coffee? I’m going to make one.”
“Coffee please.” - “Tea for me.” Jordan and Demi loudly put their order in.
Lucy rolled her eyes. “I wasn’t asking you!”
“Don’t be like that, you’re going anyways.” Demi shouted back.
“Fine. Ona?” Lucy started to get up.
“Erm, tea please? With two sugars please.” Ona smiled.
Lucy had to hold herself back from saying the ‘you’re sweet enough’ line.
“No problem.” Lucy made her way to the kitchen.
Ona smiled as she read on with her paper work.
Ona drank her tea that Lucy made, listening to the brunette talk about what investigations the team was working on.
“But don’t stress too much, I’ll have you sitting in the catch up on Friday, so you can get an idea. I’ll send over some bits so you can read them in your own time. I know the first day can be a lot.”
If Ona was honest she was more than grateful for the slow introduction to the work. She was finding it hard to concentrate with Lucy. She’d never been one for distractions with work, but she was having to listen extra carefully to Lucy, instead of watching her lips, wondering what they would feel like against her own.
Ona nodded. “Yeah that’s great. I’ll go over that tonight, thank you Lucy.”
“Great. It’s nearly lunch, Sarina has insisted we go for lunch together to get to know each other. Partners and all that. But don’t feel like you hav-.”
“Yes!” Ona internally winced at her own eagerness
Lucy chuckled.
“I mean yeah, that’s sounds great. It’s a good idea.”
“Cool, do you like pizza?”
“I love pizza.”
“Oi, don’t try and par us off, we was CC’d on that email too.” Jordan’s head pocked over the computer.
Lucy rolled her eyes once again at her friend.
The conversation between the girls came naturally, they spoke about why they got into the police force, and some of their hardest cases.
Ona explained that she fell in love with London, and how she always wanted to be a police officer when she was young. She kept some bits brief, not wanting to get into certain bits of her life.
She noticed those greens eyes watching her throughout the meal, every time she caught her, the older brunette would dart her eyes to something or someone else, but she was caught every time.
By the end of the day Ona was tired, she’d already not slept great the night before down to nerves. She had met everyone else in the office after lunch, so by five she was yawning.
Lucy was on her computer sending Ona some notes to read.
“Right, don’t stress about reading this tonight. It’s been a long day.”
“But don’t be tired on Friday, we’re going to The Rose and Crown. And it’s the rules, you have to come.” Jill had come up behind Ona.
“Well it doesn’t sound like I have a choice, you can buy my first drink.” Ona smiled, getting used to the girls banter.
All the girls laughed, Jill put her hand on Ona shoulder giving her a squeeze.
“I like this one.”
Lucy was watching Ona, a bright smile on her face, Ona felt her heart beat just a little faster.
By day two Ona was obsessed with Lucy’s laugh, the girl had a serious nature to her, but once Ona made her laugh she couldn’t stop. She wanted to hear that beautiful sound whenever she could. It was a good thing Lucy actually seemed to find her funny. Ona felt a rush of excitement go through her, even at a glimpse of Lucy’s beautiful smile, the girl did have a beautiful smile.
By day three Lucy had to physically stop herself from staring at Ona. The younger girl would be doing the simplest of tasks and Lucy seemed to find it fascinating. She watched the Spaniard making them tea in the kitchen, talking and laughing with others in the office. Lucy maybe even getting a little jealous when someone made the shorter girl laugh hard.
Ona may have noticed the eyes on her and was loving every second of it. Making sure to laugh a little harder at something someone would say.
By day end of day there neither girl could keep the other out of their head. Lucy thought about Ona as she made dinner at home, wondering if Ona would like her cooking. Meanwhile Ona got comfy on her sofa to watch a film, wondering what it would be like to have Lucy cozied up next to her.
By Friday morning, Ona thought about Lucy as she ate her porridge, wondering what her morning routine looked like. As Lucy finished her workout in the gym she wondered if Ona was a morning person. She wondered what it would be like to wake up next to a groggy Ona. The thought made her body heat up.
“We have eyes on Harvey Smith aka ‘Bugz’ and Frank Smith aka ‘Slims’. We know the brothers are highly dangerous to the public. We believe Slims is the brains behind most of the drug operations and Bugz is mostly muscles for Slims. On Wednesday at seven hundred hours, our teams will raid the location that we suspect they will be. We’ll have Scott and her team ready with arms. Carter will have the K9s unit, Bright and Greenwood will have their teams ready on site.”
Lucy looked over at her team.
“Any questions?”
Everyone shook their heads, and Ona wasn’t surprised. Lucy was clear with her instructions, she’d gone through many different stages of the plan. Ona understood why she was in this role.
“If you have any please come to me.”
Lucy looked her watch. “It’s 4.45 and Friday let’s call it a day.”
The room hummed in agreement, light chatter broke out as people started to leave the room.
Ona went to her desk to grab her bag and jacket, she felt a pair of hands on her shoulders.
“Ready for the pub?”
Lucy’s voice filtered into her ears, Ona nearly shivered at how close the brunette was.
“Sii. I’m ready.”
“Great. Nobbs, Stokes, Scott, let’s go.”
Most of the staff from the office were at the pub, clearly a favourite of theirs. They made their way upstairs to a booth next to a fire place, Ona instantly felt the warmth from the fire kissing her cheeks.
“Right, I’ll get first round who wants what?” Lucy stayed standing.
The girls gave in their orders. Before Ona could offer to help with the drinks and also just have an excuse to be with Lucy, Jill got in there first.
“Right come on then, I’ll help ya.”
At the bar Lucy gave in the orders. She knew Jill wanted to say something as the Geordie had never offered to help anyone with the drinks since working with her.
“Go on then, what do you have to say?” Lucy looked hard at the taller women.
Jill smiled smugly. “Nothing gets past you.”
Lucy hummed.
“Just noticed you’ve been a lot more chirpier around the office. A lot more happy. Started since our new Detective Inspector started.”
Lucy felt the knot in her stomach, was she that obvious? Did Ona notice? Who else noticed? Either way Lucy wasn’t going to fess up.
“You chat shit Scott.”
Jill laughed loudly.
“You know I don’t. Come on it’s okay, no harm in it. Just happy to see you happy to be honest. It’s been a while since I’ve seen that smile on your face.”
Lucy knew what Jill really meant when she said that. She could tell the older women said it with her own hint of sadness to her voice. If she was being honest, it was the first time this year she had felt a little happier. And it was all because of the short Spanish girl sitting upstairs.
“So Ona are you seeing anyone at the moment?” Jordan asked.
“No, I’m not seeing anyone. I’m a single, how do you say? Dingle?”
The girls laughed. “Pringle, a single Pringle.” Demi corrected.
Ona laughed. “Ahh that’s it. Single Pringle. What about you guys?”
“Demi here’s engaged, with a baby.” Jordan smiled.
“Ahh that’s lovely.” Ona smiled.
“And Jordan has a little thing going on with a blonde in the HR team.”
“Oi, shut up.” Jordan looked panicked.
“Oh come on Jordan, everyone knows. You guys really aren’t subtle.” Demi laughed at her friend.
“Who’s not subtle?” Lucy placed the tray full of drinks on the table, sceptically looking at her friends.
“Just Jordan and Leah.”
Lucy let out a breath she didn’t realise she was holding.
“Oh yeah, you guys aren’t subtle.”
“You can talk.” Jordan muttered.
Ona didn’t miss the daggers Lucy shot at Jordan.
The evening was full of laughter, Ona couldn’t help but feel a little sense of relief that these were her colleagues. They instantly made her feel like she was part of the team, it felt like she had been there longer than four days, it felt like she’d known these girls in another lifetime.
The pub bell rang.
“Last orders!” A bar girl shouted.
“One more for the road?” Lucy looked around the table.
“Not me, I’m at a coffee tour tomorrow.” Jill sipped on her pint.
“Yeah me too. I’m a plus one for a 2 year olds birthday party tomorrow.” Demi slumped in her seat.
“Yeah I’ve got to head off. I’m meeting a friend tomorrow.” Jordan cleared her throat.
“Yeah ‘friend’.” Demi laughed.
“I’ll stay for another.” Ona looked at Lucy.
Lucy had to hold back the excitement that bubbled up in her chest. Herself and Ona hadn’t really gotten any one on one time since the girl joined the team.
“Finally! Someone who isn’t a lightweight. Same again?” Lucy looked at Ona.
“It’s my turn. I’ll get this.” Ona shot up, going down to the bar before Lucy could argue.
Once the Spaniard was gone all three of the girls looked at Lucy, smirks on their faces.
“What?” Lucy looked at her friends.
“Oh come off it Luce, you like the girl.” Jordan nudged Lucy’s arm.
“What? No I don’t.” The brunette tried to defend herself.
She looked at Jill, hoping for some back up.
“I’m staying out of it. I’ve already said enough.“ She shook her head putting her coat on.
“Come on Bronzey. You can tell just by the way you look at her.” Demi laughed.
The smirk that creeped on her lips gave her feelings away.
“Is it that obvious?”
All three girls smiled happily at the brunette.
“Awww our girls got a crush.” Jordan grabbed the back of Lucy’s neck, making the girl duck her head.
“Get off.” She laughed.
“She’s single.” Demi quirked.
“Yeah but I don’t even know if she’s into girls.”
All three of the girls laughed hard then.
“Come on Luce, I thought you was a detective. The girl looks at you like you’re the best thing since sliced bread. I think this its a mutual feeling.” Jill lightly chuckled.
Lucy scoffed. “I doubt that.”
Before the girls could harass Lucy anymore Ona returned.
“Right I’m off. I hope you’ve enjoyed your first week Ona. The real work starts on Wednesday.” Jill winked.
“Sii, I’m looking forward to it. And thank you girls for making me feel so welcome. I appreciate it.” Ona smiled at the girls.
“It’s been a pleasure Ona.” Jordan smiled.
“Yeah, you fit in so well Ona, so glad we got you on our team.” Demi grabbed Ona’s shoulder.
“Look after her Bronze.” Jill pointed at the older brunette.
“Oh, she will.” Jordan winked at Lucy.
Ona didn’t miss the comment, or the way Lucy’s face went a shade of pink. Before Lucy could think of a come back the girls were gone.
Suddenly the room became quiet and the air between, Lucy and Ona felt thick. It was the first time Lucy had felt nervous, they had never been alone before, with no one sticking their nose into their conversations.
Ona was buzzing, don’t get her wrong, she loved getting to know her other colleges, loved being a part of the team but she had wanted some alone time with Lucy since she met her.
The fire made a loud cracking noise, the pub still had a few people nursing their drinks.
Lucy had forgotten all words, she hadn’t been able to think about nothing else since this girl came into her life only four days ago, and now her mind had gone blank.
After ten seconds of silence that actually felt like hours, finally Lucy’s brain woke up.
“So speaking about first weeks, how has yours been?”
Ona took a sip of her new drink, smiling.
“It’s been amazing. Everyone has been so friendly, so welcoming. It’s been great.”
Lucy nodded, smiling. She was happy to hear Ona was feeling welcome, she understood it was hard to start a new job anywhere.
“You especially have made me feel so welcome, I’m really happy that you’re my partner Lucy.”
Ona’s smile was shy, she looked at Lucy with those big beautiful brown eyes.
Lucy’s face had definitely changed in colour, she couldn’t hold back the dorky smile that plastered her face.
“I’m glad I have.”
Lucy smiled with her brilliant teeth.
“And yeah, you’re not too bad yourself. Definitely need to get you better at making tea, then you’ll be perfect.” She smiled cheekly at Ona.
Ona laughed hard. “Aye it’s not that bad!”
Lucy drank her drink, looking around making a point to not look at Ona.
“You’ll have to teach me.” Ona didn’t mean to sound sexy, but Lucy couldn’t help but think her voice got an octave lower.
Lucy pointed between herself and Ona. “If this is gong to work, then yeah, I’ll teach you.”
“Fine.” Ona smiled.
“No puedo esperar.” (I can’t wait)
Ona definitely lowered her voice that time. Lucy felt the heat rise up in her cheeks. Lucy laughed trying to gain her nerve back. She tried to change the subject before her face went any redder.
“Are you going back to Spain for Christmas?”
Ona’s smile dropped, she hadn’t told anyone the real reason for leaving Spain. It wasn’t because she was ashamed, it was just still a hard thing for her to digest. But if she could tell anyone Lucy would be the best person.
“No, I, ……. my parents don’t talk to me because I am gay.”
Lucy’s own smile dropped. She could see the sadness in Ona’s eyes, it broke her heart.
“Oh, Ona. I’m so sorry. When did they do that?”
“It happened when I was 19. They found out and kicked me out of my home. They blocked me and never spoke to me again. So I moved here. I wanted to move here at some point anyways, but it was sooner than I’d have liked.”
Lucy could feel her own tears well in her eyes.
“Have you spoken to them since?”
Ona looked down at her drink.
“After a year of living here I went back to Spain, to see if they would speak to me. But when I got to my home my mum closed the door on my face. I tried to reach out in many ways but they won’t talk to me.”
Lucy couldn’t believe how anyone could purposefully hurt the girl in front of her, let alone her own parents. It made her angry but Ona didn’t need that kind of response. She reached out her hand, gently grabbing Ona’s.
“I know we haven’t known each other that long but I am here if you ever wanna talk. Or if you ever just want an ear, I’m all yours.”
Ona smiled at Lucy, she heard everything she had said but mostly ‘I’m yours’ stood out most to her. “Thank you Lucy. I appreciate it.”
Lucy squeezed Ona’s hand, not ever wanting to let go, her hand felt so small and delicate in her own.
“Hi guys we’re closing up now.” The girl from behind the bar shouted loudly.
The last thing she wanted to do was leave Ona now. She wanted to do nothing else then scoop the girl up and hug her until she could smile again, even then Lucy wouldn’t want to let go.
“I guess we better leave.” Ona smiled sadly.
“You hungry?”
Ona nodded. “Starving.”
“Do you like chips?”
Ona nodded again, gaining back a smile.
“Right, come on then. I know the best place.”
“Okay don’t tell no one but I prefer curry sauce with my chips, and as a northerner that’s a bit of a crime. The northerners prefer gravy, I like both but the curry sauce just tastes so good.”
“I don’t think I’ve had it with chips before.”
“What? Okay, I’m about to blow your mind Battle.”
Ona laughed hard, she loved this excited version of Lucy, it probably was the fact that they were both tipsy and not in the office but it was nice to see the girl relaxed.
They left the chippy with their precious chips in hand.
“There’s a bench nearby if you want to eat there?”
“Yes, let’s do that. I want to give my full attention to your curry sauce.” Ona giggled.
“Thats what I like to hear. It’s just five minutes from here. It’s worth the walk.”
Ona followed Lucy down the coberrly streets of London. She watched as some business men stumbled into a black cab as they passed a posh looking restaurant.
They came to a busy road, with a few more pubs and bars lining the street. She felt Lucy link her arm into hers as she guided them easily through the crowds. Her heart skipped three beats from the simple gesture, just like it did in the pub when Lucy took her hand.
“Just down here.”
They got to a dark stair case leading down, Ona followed the older women, she would follow her anywhere at this point, no questions asked.
And as they got down the steps she saw why Lucy brought her here.
It was the perfect skylight of London. Ona had lived in London for nearly 5 years. She had seen the skylight in many different ways. Different times of the day, different seasons, different angles but this was the prettiest she’d ever seen it.
“Wow! It’s beautiful.”
“Yeah.” Lucy was looking at Ona. Agreeing with both views.
“I come here sometimes when I need to think. Or just needing some time alone. Come sit.”
They sat on the bench facing the Thames, the lights of London lighting up the sky.
“Right, get your chip and dip.”
Lucy held out the curry sauce.
Ona dipped a thick chip in the sauce, she already liked the smell of it, so she hoped she’d like it. And she did, she loved it.
“Oh wow, that’s so good.” She dipped another chip.
“Yes! I knew you’d like it. Get in.”
Lucy dipped her own chip then, a satisfactory smile on her face.
Ona watched the girl, smiling at her. There was something about Lucy, something that seemed like a comfort that she had known before, a comfort she hadn’t felt in years.
The girls spoke about random things, laughing at the one another as they ate their chips.
Once they had finished their food a comfortable silence settled between them.
Until Ona yawned.
“Yeah, it’s late. Where are you from here? We can maybe share an Uber” Lucy picked up her phone.
“I’m in Battersea.”
Lucy’s eyes brightened. “I’m in Wandsworth. Nearly neighbours.”
Ona loved the thought of them being so close. She couldn’t help but wonder if Lucy would ever meet up with her on a weekend.
Ona gave Lucy her address for the Uber.
“Cool, they’ll be here in two minutes.”
They walked to the pick up destination, both suddenly quiet. It felt like neither girl wanted the night to end.
The Uber picked them up, both girls jumping in the back. It was at least a 20 minute drive to get home, so Ona grabbed the aux cord.
She put on Rosalía - BESO. Lucy turned to her smiling. The older brunette began to sing perfect Spanish like it was nothing. Ona’s mouth fell open in complete surprise.
“What? You can speak Spanish?”
Lucy laughed at the girls shock. “Yeah a little bit.”
She didn’t know why but it turned Ona on to know Lucy could speak Spanish, not just Spanish but Catalonian, it was hot.
The girls sang mostly to Rosalia all the way. Lucy was first the be dropped off. She turned to Ona.
“Night Ona. I’ll see you Tuesday.”
“Lucy wait, I should have your number.”
“Oh yeah, you should. Pass it here.”
Ona handed her phone and Lucy put her number in it, she called her phone to save Ona’s.
“Text me when you’re in please.”
“I will.” Ona smiled at the older women.
Lucy slid out the car and walked towards her home. Ona and the Uber driver watched as she walked into her house.
As soon as Ona got in she texted Lucy to tell her she was home.
Ona - Hola! I’m home. I owe you for the ride x
Lucy replied instantly .
Lucy - don’t worry about it x
Lucy - actually you can pay me back by making better teas 🤔 x
Ona - Fine! I’ll do better! I’ll make your tea better then you do for yourself 💪 x
Lucy laughed to herself.
Lucy - hmmm bit confident, we’ll see x
Ona - got to be confident in yourself 💅🏼 thank you for a good night Lucy, I really enjoyed myself xx
Lucy - you’re right! And you’re welcome, I really enjoyed myself too. And always here if you need a chat xx
Ona - thank you Lucy ❤️ good night xx
Lucy - good night xx
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goldfades · 5 months
Okay, so I’ve actually been thinking about this non-stop, but I’m no writer, so you’ll have to bear with me: Manager y/n, who is doing ‘research’ for the Paige edits, gets super into TikTok for like a week before they have to cut themselves off.
And during this week, they’re not just watching videos – no, they’re posting them. I’m talking like 5 a day MINIMUM. It all starts when they see the “who’s afraid of little old me” sound is trending and promptly post a slideshow, beginning with a soft, smile-filled picture of them with the team before “you should be” is sung out, and it cuts to a like 10-second compilation they had seen of them and the team screaming at refs or just looking super pissed off on the sidelines (as others have mentioned, the rbf is no joke).
Fans, of course, go crazy because, omg they’re posting on their account now? (It’s chalked up to KK’s influence.) And when their first video blows up, Manager y/n is officially hooked.
After seeing Paige’s Tru Fru video, they use the song to make an edit of them and the team using mostly unseen pictures and videos from the Europe trip to “I was over love and I’d had enough ‘till I found you”. It’s just so painfully sweet and a little bit sappy; people love it.
Things take a dramatic turn, though, when they discover thirst traps. NOW, they only post one, but one is enough to send people spiraling. “That’s my playpen, borderline thinking like Barbie.”
Lives are lost that day.
And the team’s reaction? Let's just say they've never hit the repost button faster. Paige has it saved and favorited in her camera roll, but you didn’t hear that from me.
“Now I’m down bad, crying at the gym” is posted to a video from when they tried to do the team’s conditioning day with them, and things didn’t go well. Manager y/n is strong, but this is a whole other level; they don’t even make it past the first hour before tears are shed. The whole team finds it hilarious (and it is).
KK gets them into dances too; there’s at least three posted to “Get it sexyy” before the day is done. And there’s soooo much more. “There must have been an angel by my side” is posted with Ice and Azzi. A “You know how to ball, I know Aristotle” ‘fit check with Paige goes triple platinum on the platform. And there are a perhaps unreasonable number of videos posted to “make her disappear just like poof, then she’s gone, addicted don’t know what the fuck I’m on” from a particularly fun night out (they had to take frantically down half of them when they woke up, but we won’t talk about that).
But perhaps the true pièce de résistance is ‘Man eater’. It was supposed to just be a ‘fit check after they got particularly dressed up for a team dinner/fundraiser but simply put, the people couldn’t take it. It took less than an hour for edits to start rolling in, and when some multiple people in their classes the next day (INCLUDING THEIR FAVORITE PROFESSOR) tells them they saw it , Manager y/n decided to take a step back (they can handle online attention, but in person is a whole different ball game).
After all, “we can’t have too many celebrities on this team.”
Last notes: This brief deep dive does dramatically affect the quality of the edits they make though; there was just so much inspiration to be taken (for research purposes only of course). 2 weeks after they stop posting on their personal account, a Paige and Nika hype edit to ‘Carnival’ is posted on the UConn page. They almost get in trouble for it, but they gain a couple of thousand followers and it quickly becomes the most liked video on their page. And who’s going to get mad at someone for what turns out to be a stroke of marketing genius (explicit lyrics be damned)?
absolutely, and i feel like after the week is over she’s on the same level as paige — there are fan edits EVERYWHERE and manager is getting so much attention from everyone (ofc she doesn’t mind tho)
when she stops posting as much as she used to i can def see everyone begging for scraps 😭😭 they reuse the same 10 clips they have and the scraps they can find up until queen y/n posts again 😭😭
pls send more thoughts this was so much reading through it!
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killa-trav · 6 months
Oliver Bearman: No lunch, hug from Lewis and a bad back - my F1 Debut
Ferrari's 18-year-old might not have realised his dream had his parents decided on a carpet for Christmas over buying their eldest child a go-kart when he was six
The first grand prix video game that Oliver Bearman played on his Xbox in his Chelmsford home was F1 2012, for which the advertisers’ tagline read: “Be the Driver. Live the Life. Go Compete”. When he was choosing which driver to adopt as his in-game persona, Bearman would alternate. “I used to always pick Jenson Button or Lewis Hamilton,” he says. “They were the home heroes.”
Last weekend on the helter-skelter street circuit in Jeddah, he was given a more three-dimensional experience of Hamilton’s racing. As one of Ferrari’s reserve drivers, the 18-year-old was catapulted from the F2 meeting in which he had secured pole position to compete in his first Formula 1 race, with Carlos Sainz struck down by an appendicitis. He became the youngest British driver to race in a grand prix and the third youngest of any nationality.
In the closing stages, he found himself pursued by Hamilton and Lando Norris, both on fresher tyres and expected to gain ground quickly on Bearman’s Ferrari. Remarkably, the teenager held them off, finishing in seventh place, and the first person to greet him as he strode unsteadily out of his car was Hamilton, the seven-times world champion.
“I can’t really remember what he said,” Bearman says. “He shook my hand, gave me a hug, which was a great moment. I’ve grown up watching these guys and to have shared a track with them was just an honour. To have recognition from Lewis, one of the greatest in our sport, was a very proud moment.”
What Bearman had just done would have seemed, to most teenagers, like stepping directly through the screen and into one of those video games. Be the driver? Tick. Go compete? Tick. Live the life? Well, he did for one weekend, even if he was back that night, after the race, in the budget Ibis hotel where all the F2 drivers had been billeted.
This week he returned to a dose of relative normality at his flat in Modena, from where he spoke to The Times. He is based at the Ferrari Driver Academy and walking into the company factory on Tuesday, he glanced at the big screens around the building that are usually showing footage of Sainz and Charles Leclerc in action. Bearman had to pause momentarily when he looked up to see his own image.
Over the past couple of days he has been testing near Venice with his F2 team, Prema, beginning preparations for his next race in Australia, for which he flies out on Saturday. As Sainz is expected to have recovered, Bearman should be back in his F2 car in Melbourne, but last weekend demonstrated the need to be ready for anything and Bearman, with composure beyond his years, showed that he was more than equal to the task.
May the G-force be with you
When he eventually made it back to his hotel room, the first thing he did, naturally, was to watch the entire race back. “The race finished about 10pm, you have about 1½ hours of media and then you’re into a debrief with the team,” he says. “By the time I got back to the hotel, it was 1am, and by the time I got to sleep it was half two, because I had to watch the race. We had a flight at 11am, so I slept for five hours, which didn’t help because I needed some recovery. But I had to watch the race. I’ve watched it maybe five times now.”
How did it feel watching it back? “The first time I was like, ‘Ah, I missed a bit of lap time there, I should have overtaken there,’ ” he says. “But now I’m really happy with what I achieved. I don’t think I could have asked much more of myself, considering the circumstances.”
The next morning he had breakfast with his F2 team and realised how gingerly he was walking, having experienced the G-force — up to about 5G — of an F1 car for the first time, in a race almost twice the length of his usual outings, with over 50 laps and about 1hr 40min of time on the track. His seat had been swiftly installed in Sainz’s car and the indentations in his headrest gave an indication of how he had been jolted around.
“Most of the pain was from my lower back,” he says. “The neck is a given, but Jeddah is one of the most difficult tracks. Even the straights, they twist quite a bit, which doesn’t look much, but when you repeat it 50 times, there’s no rest. With my back, I’m quite tall [6ft 2in], F1 cars are very tight and not built for comfort. Everything was very last minute. When I made the seat, I didn’t think I’d be having to use it.”
Bearman was struck by the physical differences from F2. “We don’t have as much downforce or G-force in F2, so the strain is much less,” he says. “But we don’t have power steering in F2, so the steering work is super-heavy. When I’ve finished an F2 race, my arms are usually tired, but apart from that I’m fine. In F1, the steering is very light, but it’s everything else. You’re just getting thrown around. Muscles you don’t feel like you’re engaging, they’re aching the next day.
“And it’s exhausting; you lose a lot of water, I couldn’t believe how sweaty I was. The race is so long. Every time you cross the finish line, the dash pops up with how many laps [there are] to go. I could have sworn that number stayed frozen for a couple of laps. When I got to 25 laps, I was like, ‘Wow, we’re only halfway!’ It was a big challenge. But I really enjoyed it.”
'I realised this is really happening'
Ever since he sat behind the wheel of his first go-kart, a Christmas present at the age of six, Bearman has displayed a relish for the challenges of racing, with an exceptional ability to learn quickly. It is only 3½ years since he moved from karting to racing cars and his progress has been swift. His prowess in karting led to a Formula 4 opportunity in 2021 with the same Van Amersfoort Racing team with whom Max Verstappen had driven, and his results were spectacular. The next season he drove in Formula 3, the next in Formula 2, finishing sixth last year in the drivers’ standings.
But the step he was being asked to take on Friday, shortly after ordering chicken and rice for lunch in his Jeddah hotel, was something else altogether. After securing pole position for the F2 race, he had enjoyed a relaxing morning and was ready to eat alongside his father, David, his manager, Chris Harfield, Jamie Smith, his former kart mechanic, and other members of his team.
“I was feeling really chilled, I’d been in the gym and we didn’t have to be on the track until 3pm,” he says. “And then I got the call.” That came from Frédéric Vasseur, the Ferrari team principal. “I could guess what was about to be said,” Bearman says. “Something just clicked and I was, like, ‘Right, this is it.’ They said we had to be at the track in half an hour. My food didn’t even come out. I skipped lunch completely and went straight to the track.”
Within three hours he would be in the final practice session, with qualifying to come that evening. “When I got to the track, the news hadn’t been announced, so no one was taking any notice of me,” he says. “By the time I was walking to the car, everyone knew, and I was shocked at the amount of people gathering. That was very nerve-racking; I’m not used to that attention. And I got nervous when I saw some of the big stars. But that all made me realise: this is really happening.”
From kart track to street circuit
On the fastest street circuit in the F1 calendar, despite less than an hour of practising in the car, Bearman drove admirably in qualifying, coming 11th and only missing out on the final ten-car session by finishing 0.036sec behind Hamilton. For the first few laps of the race the next day, he achieved the aim of keeping out of trouble before the chance to exhibit his native racing instincts presented itself.
On the 11th lap, shortly after a safety car interlude, Bearman found himself behind the RB-Honda of Yuki Tsunoda. He dummied to pass on the right, prompting Tsunoda to cover his tracks, only to duck inside and pass on the left.
“It was a nice overtake, I was happy with that one, I’ve watched it back quite a few times,” Bearman says. “A lot of your racecraft comes from karting; I remember from eight, nine years old, racing bumper to bumper for the entire race. Those dummy moves are perfect, especially in karting without wing mirrors. It still works if you time it well.”
From an early age, Bearman had developed a passion for cars, inherited from his father. David had raced at club level and Bearman would go along to the track whenever possible. He developed a knack for identifying the makes and models of cars. “I’d have been able to name every single car on the road,” he says. “I was a bit of a nerd with that. At home, I had a bunch of model cars. A lot of kids have their thing, mine was model cars. I had a Bentley, a Ferrari, a jeep. I had my own little world there. Once I’d got my first kart, I just couldn’t wait to go racing.”
Perfect Christmas present for a boy racer
That first kart, bought in Christmas 2011, might not have come his way if his parents — David and his mum, Terri — had opted instead to buy the new carpet that was sorely needed at the family home. “We had some old lino that I absolutely hated,” David says. “We were either getting the carpet for Christmas or the go-kart. We scraped together the £1,500 for the go-kart and knew it was worth it the first time he jumped in; he just had a beaming smile all over his face.”
Once Bearman had given some early glimpses of his talent, at the age of eight he was entered into the British Championships, which meant long weekends on the road up and down the country for father and son. Bearman was often the youngest in his race, experiences that would prove formative. “One race, at Buckmore Park, I was up against some 12-year-olds and they just looked huge compared to me,” he says. “I remember the nerves. It was a rolling start and I got spun round before the race even started. They saw I was a novice and said, ‘Let’s get rid of this guy.’ But I loved those weekends and I learnt a lot.”
The problem was that the better Bearman became, the greater the cost involved in financing the hobby. His father knew from his own attempts to compete in motorsport how prohibitive the costs could be and realised he needed to be prepared. He had started an insurance broking firm in east London with his sister and brother and realised that the business needed to bring in more money if he was going to be able to support his son’s hobby, with two other children as well, Thomas, now 14, another budding racer, and Amalie, now 12.
In Ollie’s early teens, the next competitive step would have been to start travelling around Europe to compete in the FIA Karting Championship, but that was not a viable option. “You get the best karters in Europe, but the problem for us was twofold,” David says. “One, it’s very expensive, and we couldn’t afford it. Two, you’re taking the kids out of education, some of them at ten or 11. Yes, we were supporting him in sport but we didn’t know it was potentially a career. There are no guarantees in life and his education was really important.”
The insurance business, Aventum, has grown considerably, is now housed in smart offices in the City and has been one of Ollie’s primary sponsors. “We’ve had to keep upping our game and attracting more sponsors,” David says. “If you look at Ollie’s F2 car, every little bit is covered in sponsorship. I don’t own our business, we’re all shareholders; we can’t blow money just because it’s Ollie, there has to be a genuine return.
“But people look at this sport and think it’s for the elite only. Anyone can do it if you work hard enough and have the right mindset. Ollie is the proof of that.”
Passed GCSEs and a failed driving test
It was when Ollie’s success in F4 attracted the attention of Ferrari that the possibility of a career in the sport became tangible. He had just completed his GCSEs, with glowing results, at King Edward’s, a grammar school in Chelmsford, and a place at the Ferrari Driver Academy was an exciting prospect, but he had only just turned 16 and the idea of moving abroad without his family was daunting. “At the start, I missed my family and I tried to get home as much as possible to see them, it was tough and I was lonely,” Ollie says. “Now I still miss them, but I’ve got lots of friends here and I’ve grown up a bit.”
Learning the language was another challenge into which Bearman threw himself. A little more than two years later, he has picked up Italian to the extent that even his spoken English now comes with something of a lilt. “My friends do make fun of me for sounding a bit international,” he says. “Latin was compulsory at my school and I remember thinking, ‘I’m never going to need this,’ but it’s come in handy.”
On his returns to Essex, he now has the luxury of being able to drive on English roads, having passed his driving test 18 months ago. While he had already been identified by Ferrari as a future world champion, it was not something that impressed his driving examiner. “I failed my test the first time, which was really embarrassing. I asked [the examiner] if he liked F1, he said he hated it, and he failed me because he reckoned I didn’t stop at a stop sign. It was so difficult for me, things like how they want you to feed the [steering] wheel, it’s counterintuitive for me. I had to put a lot of thinking into that. I only took one lesson, I thought it would be easy. I found out the hard way that it wasn’t.”
He spends three or four days per month in England now and every time he returns home he hopes that he is still recognised by his dogs, Freddie, an English bull terrier, and Ruby, a Boston terrier. “I can’t Facetime them like I can my family,” he says. “But they always seem excited to see me.”
He still misses his family, but he knows that he is in the right place to continue his exhilarating progress towards one of those coveted regular seats in F1. “I’ve been making sacrifices all my life,” he says. “When I was younger, it was little things like birthday parties when I was away karting on weekends. My schoolmates would laugh when I said in year three that I wanted to be an F1 driver. Now I miss out on seeing family and friends. But I’d do it again in a heartbeat and I’ll keep doing it to make my dream a reality.”
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lulubelle814 · 3 months
A Marriage of Convenience - Part 4
Part 5
A Marriage of Convenience Masterlist
Main Masterlist
Any trigger warnings are listed in the tags.
1 year into the fake marriage
Although today was a holiday, Loki still had to go into the office because of some big project and turned down Eva’s offer to come and help.  He’d been a bit distant the past few days, but work was also a mess.  She used this time to herself to walk to the nearby bookstore and browse their collection.  It was a unique kind of bookstore called The Reading Nook.  The store had a comfortable, homey feel that she loved.  Looking around the store, her eye caught a book with a pretty cover: The Invisible Life of Addie Larue.  Reading the description, it sounded intriguing.  A girl who makes a deal with a dark god to have her freedom with a catch: once she’s out of sight, she is no longer remembered by whomever was around.  There were other details she found interesting and decided to buy the book after reading the first few pages.
One other book caught her eye: Neil Gaiman’s Norse Mythology.  He was a favorite author of hers and thought Loki might like it, seeing as his namesake is in more than one of the stories.  Up at the register, Clark scanned the books and bagged them.  Hopefully it would at least give him a bit of a laugh.  
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On the walk back home, she had an idea, something his mother had mentioned, one that might help cheer up Loki after having to work on one of his few days off.  Stopping by the store on her way home, she unbagged everything and turned on the oven to preheat.  Picking up her phone, she started one of her playlists almost at full blast (not wanting to disturb any neighbors who might be home).  Pulling out the big pot, she followed the directions his mother had given her a while back.  While the stew simmered on the stove, she started on the dessert: lemon bars.  
With the loud music, she didn’t hear the front door open, nor did she notice Loki having found her in the kitchen, leaning against the wall watching.  He pulled out his phone to take a couple of pictures quickly as well as record a short video of it; however, she saw him as he was taking the video and got her squeaking in embarrassment on video.  “You can’t sneak up on a girl like that!”  She threw a kitchen towel at him which hit him in the chest as he laughed.  “I couldn’t help myself, darling.  Are you making stew?”  Eva smiled and nodded.  “I got the recipe from your mother a couple of weeks ago.  I know you’ve been stressed with work and thought you’d like some comfort food.”
Loki couldn’t hold himself back from enveloping her in his arms.  He kissed her on the cheek before pointing to the other thing she was working on.  “Are those lemon bars?”
“They are!  I know how you like your sweets, and I found a recipe I wanted to try.”
He lightly gripped her arms, giving her a quick kiss on the mouth.  “You really are the best.”  As he went to take a closer look, her hand touched her lips, thinking about the unsolicited kiss.  Sure they’d kissed before, but it was always in public and always as part of the charade, but no one else was here.  Was he even aware of what he’d just done?
She turned to see him swiping a bit of the lemon filling on his finger to taste and lightly smacked his hand.  “Oi! Not until after they’re done you silly man.”  Loki laughed at her response, holding up his hands in defeat.  “Yes, ma’am.”  Slowly, his good mood faded, and the sound of his voice turning sour.  “I have to go on a business trip Monday.  I’ll be gone a few days.”  
“I’m sorry.”  Then she suddenly remembered.  “I got something for you.  You could take it on your trip if you’d like.”  His eyebrows scrunched.  “You didn’t have to get me anything.”  It only took a moment to remember where she’d put the book bag and pulled out the norse mythology book, handing it to him.  When he saw it, a grin spread across his face.  “I love Neil Gaiman!”  He hugged her, kissing the top of her head.  “Thank you, darling.  I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of this.  And this book is definitely coming with me.”
She stepped back, leaning against the counter.  “How long will you be gone?”
Another sigh.  “Most of the week.  I should be back no later than Friday though.  I wish I didn’t have to go at all, but Odin isn’t feeling well.  Apparently that’s why he had me go into the office today.”
“I’m so sorry.  I hope he feels better soon.”  Eva turned back to the stove to stir the stew.  Loki came up and held her from behind.  “Yeah, but you’ve made this day so much better with all of this.  I haven’t had this stew since I was a boy.”  She held up a spoonful for him to try.  “What do you think?  Does it need more salt?”  The smile on his face said everything.  “It’s perfect.”
While she finished up and placed the lemon bars in the oven, Loki set the table, pulling out bowls and spoons.  The soup was poured into a nicer container, one that had a lid and could be put into the fridge later.
Loki was gone for a few days on a business trip.  Eva got so used to having him around that it felt lonely with him gone.  So she tried to keep herself occupied like she had before this contracted marriage: reading books, watching a bit of tv, etc, but none of it held the same joy that it had before.
Things at work continued to go well.  With Loki on the business trip, her days were less busy, and she was eager for Loki to come back, not that he felt the same way about her.  In the time they’d been cohabiting in this ruse, her deep seeded crush was turning into requited love, and she was doing what she could to squash it: going to movies by herself, running errands alone, and the like.  Distractions were good.  Distractions helped keep her mind off it.
Meanwhile, Loki was getting bored in the meetings he was forced to attend on this trip, his mind wandering back to that weekend, the soup, the sweets, and the book.  He kept looking at the pictures on his phone of her dancing in the kitchen and watching the video on mute. A small smile formed across his face as he spaced out thinking about it.  When someone asked for his comment on a matter, he pretended he was listening but didn’t understand what they’d said, asking them to clarify.
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Back in the main office, Steve noticed Loki was gone for the week and used the opportunity to get closer to Eva, becoming bolder than he had before, touching her hand when purposefully going to reach for the same thing, brushing against her back in the breakroom.  The further into the week they got, the more aggressive he became.  She did everything she could to avoid being in the same room as Steve.  When Thursday came around, he made his move, finding her alone in the supply closet.  Closing and locking it behind him, he pinned her against a set of shelves by her neck.  “Get off of me!”  She tried to push him off of her, but he was stronger than he looked.  “Nah nah, baby girl.  I’ve seen how you are in the office.  You like me, admit it.”
Shaking her head, tears started to fall.  “I don’t!  I’m married to Loki.  You know this.”  She tried to show him her giant engagement/wedding ring.  Instead, he grabbed the hand, using it to help pin her.  “If you really didn’t want me, then why haven’t you reported me?”  A spin chilling grin spread across his face.  Pulling her other hand up, he held both with one hand while the other started groping her.  The dam holding her tears back burst.  “Stop!”  This time, her voice was louder, hoping someone would hear.  It didn’t stop him.  In fact, he started kissing around her face as his hand wandered further down her body.  As he reached her nether region, he fondled her folds through her underwear.  “You know you want this, baby.”  Shaking her head, she cried loudly, continuing to protest.
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Downstairs, Loki arrived back early, the meetings having gone well.  He knew his wife would still be at the office and thought he’d stop in to offer her a ride home.  Not sure where she was assigned that day, he started towards his office.  While walking down one of the hallways, a terrifying sound interrupted him from his thoughts.  Someone was screaming for help.  Following the sound, it was coming from the supply closet.  Trying to open it, he found it was locked.  The screaming and crying inside continued.  Rather than demand the door be opened, he followed his instincts and kicked the door down, finding his wife being assaulted.  All he could see was red, ripping Steve away and punching him in the face.  He continued to kick him when the assaulter fell on the floor.  With the door now open, the sounds reached farther in the office, people running to see what was going on.  Two gentlemen who came had to pull Loki off of Steve before he killed him.  Another held Steve so that he couldn’t run.  Someone called the police and said they were on their way.  
Loki shrugged the two men off to check on Eva.  He moved gently so as to not scare or startle her.  “Darling, are you alright?  Did he hurt you?”  He scanned her to see any signs of injury and spotted the bruises showing up on her wrists and neck.  Just as he turned to take his rage out on her assaulter, the police arrived.  Steve was swiftly arrested, and the detectives took statements from both Loki and Eva.  Eva had a hard time trying to tell them, feeling so overwhelmed and broken that they called an ambulance for her.  Loki went with her to the hospital, holding her hand gently the entire time.
At the A&E, a female doctor was assigned to help her, to help minimize the trauma.  Loki refused to leave her side but looked away out of respect when they inspected her more delicate areas.  Thankfully there were no other injuries to be found.  Eva was given something to help her calm.  “This will help, but it will very likely make you fall asleep.”  True to their word, she was asleep a few minutes later.  They wrote a script for Xanax, advising Loki that she’ll likely need it over the next few days at least and released her to go home.  He was able to get the script filled at the hospital so that she wouldn’t be alone even for a few minutes in the car, feeling she was safer in the A&E while he got it done.
When they arrived home, she was still completely knackered from the sedative.  He didn’t want to leave her alone and laid her down in his bed rather than her own so he could be there should he have nightmares, or at least to be there whenever she woke up so she’d know she wasn’t alone.  When she awoke later that night, the first thing she saw was Loki and was flooded with relief.  Starting to cry again, he held her close, stroking her hair and telling her over and over that it’s okay, that he was right there and wouldn’t leave her alone.
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From that night on, she spent more time sleeping in Loki’s bed, feeling safer with him so close, and her things slowly migrated into his room, not that he minded one bit, even making room in his closet and drawers for her.
Dividers by @jiyascepter
Taglist: @vbecker10 @eleniblue @msdjsg7 @lovingchoices14
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24carathoney · 9 months
Crimson Ties | C.SC | Chapter 1
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Pairing: Vampire!Choi Seungcheol x Witch!FemReader
“Yes. Or in other words, you're his mate. The one he spends the rest of his life with.”
Summary: Follow Y/N as her world is flipped upside down when she discovers the truth about her bloodline.
Warnings: Fluff // Angst // Smut (later) // Violence // Blood // Character Death // Name Calling (Not the good kind) // Mingyu is a dick //
WC: 4.8k
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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Tonight was a night that you just wanted to be left alone. But your friends demanded that you come to hang out with them since it's been weeks since you've seen them. With work being a pain in the ass and your best friend Joshua being busy with promotions left and right, living the life of an idol, you couldn't say no. You had reluctantly agreed as Joshua would be in town for a couple of weeks. There was so much for the two of you to catch up on. You reached the bar in no time, not noticing the presence lurking from a distance. Your boots tapped against the wood floors as you walked inside with a wide grin when Joshua and Lillian came into view. The younger bartender, Rayven, greeted you with a soft smile and you sent her a wave. You quickly ran into Joshua's arms as he lifted you off the ground. “I missed you guys!” You beamed as you hugged Lillian after. 
“Where the fuck have you been?” She laughed and you sighed. “Work has been so chaotic the past few weeks. Being promised promotions and then watching them give it to someone else.” 
“Y/N what happened to dropping that bullshit ass job? You said you were done.” Lillian said and you nodded. “I know. But money has been tight and the checks look really nice.” 
“The checks can be better if you apply some of that medical talent you have into a hospital or something.” She rolled her eyes at your reasoning and you opened your purse to fish out your phone. 
“Well most places require you to have a diploma. Something I don’t possess. So, that won't work out well.” You gave a shrug, turning to the man next to you. “What about you Josh? How’s the idol life treating you?”
“It’s a change that's for sure. But my group is amazing. They’ve been with me through thick and thin. We got a new mv coming out soon so there’s that.” He gave a small smile and both you and Lillian gasped.
“A comeback? I’ll have to tune in when it drops. Maybe upload a little reaction video.” You joked and the three of you laughed. As the two continued to speak on the topic, your eyes shifted to the window where a man stood with his hands in his pockets. Staring directly at you. You put your attention back into the conversation trying to shake the uneasy feeling bubbling in your gut. After a couple minutes you checked back to the window and he was gone. Letting out a sigh of relief you went back to searching for your phone.
“Shit. I left my phone in the car. I'll be right back.” You stepped out into the street walking across to your car. Swiping the device off the front seat you shut the door, feeling a chill as the wind blew past you. You came to a halt as a figure stood across the street from you with their hands in their pockets. 
“What you got going on tonight pretty?” He asked and you shrugged. “Hanging out with some friends. Been awhile.” You replied and he chuckled. “Why don't we have some fun first?” He had blocked your way inside and you shook your head nervously. “No thanks.” You went to push him but he grabbed your arm. His eyes flickered red and you immediately snatched your arm from his grasp and backed away to give you some space. You balled your hand into a fist as you cursed yourself for getting in this situation. Should've stayed inside with Lillian and Josh. The man in front of you gave a sinister grin as his sharp canines peaked through his lips. “It won't hurt to have dinner early.” You ducked as he rushed towards you with a snarl. He kicked your ankle from under you, laughing at your attempts to get away. Your adrenaline was rushing and you kicked him in his face, causing him to fall back with a grunt. You looked him dead in the eyes with anger in your form. You'd be damned if you died in an alleyway. You felt a light burn in the palm of your hands before seeing them turn purple. Your confusion had the man staring at you with wide eyes. “Spellcaster huh? Makes tonight's meal even better.” He brought his hand down and you covered your face, feeling a sharp sting run down your arm. His nails had sharpened and sliced your skin, letting your blood drip to the ground. He brought his hand up to his lips and licked the blood off his finger. You narrowed your eyes as he bared his teeth and you shuddered at how sharp they were. “What the fuck are you?” 
“Doesn't matter. You won't live long enough to find out.” Before he could lunge at you again two arms wrapped around his neck before a sickening crack was heard. His body fell to the ground with a thud and you gasped at the sight. Not knowing if you should run or stay and thank the man. You stood to your feet and noticed your savior had a familiar haircut. “Shua?” You muttered and Joshua turned to you with fear in his eyes. “Y/N…I…..” You had so many questions running through your mind as he held up his hands to show you that you were safe. “You're hurt.” You took a deep breath as his eyes shimmered a gold hue. 
“What was that? Who was that guy? You just killed him.” You asked, trying to catch your breath. Not missing the way Joshua never moved towards you. You hold your arm with a frown, staring down at the body on the ground as it slowly disintegrates right in front of you. “Joshua…”
“I can explain everything but I guarantee you won't believe me.” He quickly said and you scoffed. “A guy just tried to bite my head off. Try me.” Boy if you knew just how wrong you were. Joshua had just told you about how supernatural the world around you is. Witches, werewolves, shapeshifters. Oh and your best friend of 23 years is a vampire. You had to sit in one of the bar stools for a second as he explained everything while fixing the puff on your head. “I turned when I was 17. I see the world much differently than you do. My hearing is enhanced. I'm stronger than the average person. I don’t even have a steady heartbeat if I’m being honest.” He chuckled and you gave a small nod. 
“So you drink blood? From people?” you asked in a low voice and he shook his head. “Only once, years ago. Essentially to keep me alive at the time but I survive off of animal blood, even some human food. Wish I could say the same for my coven brothers though.” He gave a small smile but you could see the sadness behind his eyes. “How many of you are there?” He looked back up at you surprised you even asked and sat the gauze down. “Thirteen.” You nodded, rubbing your now bandaged arm. “Your idol group? I'm assuming.” He gave a short nod. 
“That man or whatever he was. He called me a spellcaster. What does that mean?” You asked and he frowned. 
“Spellcaster? Did you fight back?” Lillian suddenly asked and your brows furrowed. She didn’t sound as surprised as you were. What else are they not telling you?
“Not much. But I was just….angry instead of scared. My skin felt like it was on fire and the palms of my hands…..they turned dark. Black almost. Why?” Joshua gave a small nod as he held your hands. You shivered at how cold they were and he let out a long sigh as he let go.
“Your powers are starting to awaken. You may not remember but, your grandmother and great grandmother also had certain abilities. They did their best to keep you in the dark. Even in death.” He mumbled the last part leaving you in silence. “Come on. We can all hang out at Lillian’s place. Talk more about this.” He reached for your hand and before you could stop yourself, you snatched your hand away. Sadness swam in his dark orbs as you felt your heart rate quicken. “Y/N I know this is a lot but you have to believe me.” 
“How long have you known? About me I mean?” You asked and his gaze fell to the floor before answering in a small voice. “Since your grandmother died.” You let out a scoff as your eyes watered and Joshua was starting to panic a little.
“I do believe you, Shua. I just…..I need to walk.” You said quickly, grabbing your purse and dashing out the door. Joshua tried to go after you but Lillian grabbed his arm. “Let her go. She has to get her thoughts together. She'll be okay.” She retorted and Joshua swallowed his worries. 
You walked and walked. Not even realizing how far out you walked. You finally looked up to an empty street. “Fuck.” You wrapped your hands around your body as the leaves crunched under your feet. Scared. Confused. Alone. It was stupid of you to come out here by yourself. But you were overwhelmed with so many emotions, you didn't know what else to do. The distinct sound of a twig snapping nearby made you jump and you quickly scanned your surroundings. You saw no one but couldn't shake the feeling of someone watching you. You picked a direction and began walking before a voice cut through you like a hot knife. “It's dangerous out here for a girl like you.” You turned to see a man in a suit. His hand nestled in his pants pockets as he eyed you down. 
“A man like you shouldn't sneak up on people.” He chuckled at your response before leaning against a fence.
“Well you seemed to be tangled up in your own thoughts. Would've been rude to just tap you on your shoulder. Had you been paying attention, you would've heard me coming.” He stared at you as you bit the inside of your cheek. “You're pretty far out from home don't you think.” His words struck a nerve and you slowly backed away from him. Trying to give yourself some distance. 
“I'm quite capable of handling myself.” You said and he laughed. “You sure about that little one?” Something about the man made you uneasy as you fumbled with the bracelet in your pocket, that slowly got warmer. You turned to see a back road behind you and went to tell him you'd be on your way but when you looked back at him, he was gone. That was until a deep voice muttered in your ear. “Boo.” You jumped back as the man was now next to you with his jacket over his shoulder. “I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you.” 
“How did you-”
“You're not that great at paying attention.” He smirked and you nearly missed the way his canines sharpened. Memories of his face began to rush to you as you thought about Joshua. You remember when he mentioned his coven brothers and the realization hit you like a freight train as the picture suddenly became clear. “I know you.” Your voice trembled as he raised an eyebrow with a grin. 
“Do you know me? Who am I?”
“You're Kim Mingyu. Part of that one group. Seventeen is it?” You asked, backing away. He threw his head back letting out a loud laugh. “Aww a fan. I'm touched.”
“Don't flatter yourself. Shouldn't you be at a dance practice or something?” You said with as much confidence you could muster up. He remained silent but had a smirk on his lips. Your heart felt as if it was about to beat out of your chest and you turned on your heels to run. He made no move to chase you but instead stood with his head back laughing at you. Before you knew it he was in front of you, grabbing hold of your wrist. He let go as if he had been burned and on instinct you forced him away, purple energy flowing to your palm. His body flew into a nearby house and you stood confused as you stared down at your hand. Fingers tingling from whatever the hell it was you just did. Breaking from your thoughts his gaze snapped to yours before you ran again. This time making it to a familiar street and turning to check if he followed. But there was no one. The wind blew your hair into your face and you stared off into the distance. His presence was gone. 
“Y/N! Where have you been? We’ve been worried sick!” A voice called out and you turned to see Lillian and Joshua. You sighed as you made your way to them with your arms around your body. You planned to remain silent about your run in with Mingyu but Joshua already had his eyes set in the direction you just came from. You followed his gaze and saw the man you encountered. “Go inside. Lock the door and don’t let anyone in if it isn’t me.” Before you could ask questions he made his way down the street and Lillian dragged you into the house. Joshua held a scowl as Mingyu carelessly leaned against the light pole, dusting off his shirt. “What did you do?”
“Me? I didn't do anything. We were having a pleasant conversation. Then your little witch attacked me. Does Seungcheol hyung know you're hiding her?” He smirked and Joshsua balled his fist. “A vampire being friends with a witch is unheard of.” 
“I'm not hiding her. She didn't know anything about the supernatural. Barely even believed it. You showing up probably awakened her abilities she didn't even know she had.” Josh sneered and he shrugged. 
“She knows enough, Josh. She knows about us. But you know that.” Another voice cut in and the man snapped his head to see Seungkwan standing with his hands in his pockets. “He isn't going to let that slide. She could expose us.”
“She won't.”
“And how do you know?” Joshua froze at the sound of Jeonghan's icy voice before looking past Mingyu at the blonde. “She could open her mouth. Not saying people would believe her but still. If it was Seungcheol instead of Mingyu, your little witch would've been killed out there. But you know that. I have to do my duty as second in command to report this to him. He'll have her head.”
“She's no threat to us.” Joshua couldn't find the words to say as challenging Jeonghan would be suicide. “We'll see about that.” Jeonghan held a sadistic smirk that made Joshua's body run cold.
“See about what?” Another voice cut into the conversation and Joshua swore his vampire blood ran cold. He turned just as Seungcheol arrived with the rest of the coven and shut his eyes with a sigh. “What will we see about?” Everyone remained quiet and Seungcheol narrowed his eyes at his coven's silence. “I won't ask again.”
“Go ahead, tell him Joshua.” Joshua locked eyes with his coven leader and felt his heart drop to his stomach.
You’d been sitting there in silence for half an hour and you couldn’t help but think about Josh. Was he okay? Did he get hurt? What of Mingyu? The thoughts became unbearable and you stood to your feet, heading over to the window. Glancing out past the curtains into the empty street. There was nothing. No one. “He should've been back by now.” You muttered walking to the door as Lillian ran a hand through her hair. “Don't even think about it. We stay put like he said.” You turned to face her and noticed her mixing different spices she had in her cabinet. “How can you be cooking at a time like this?” 
“I'm not. I'm brewing a protection spell.” She answered and you frowned. “Spell? As in a witch spell?” 
“Y/N there's still so much you have to learn.” She started and you felt your eyes water. She gave a small sigh as she finished the concoction and hung it over the door. “You and I come from a long line of witches. As Joshua told you earlier, your great grandmother and grandmother were witches as well. Some excelled in spellcasting while others were able to master healing magic. You seem to have both as I noticed the burns immediately heal from your power. Which is extremely rare and with everyone keeping you in the dark, you never learned how to use them. Have you ever been able to lift something with a wave of your hand? Pushing things, pulling things? With your mind.” As she explained everything started to become clearer. You had always thought that it was your mind playing tricks on you. But now it all makes sense. Too much sense. “I'm going to enchant the house. You should get some rest. I do understand it's a lot to take in.”
“But Josh…” She held your shoulders as she led you to the couch. “I'll be on the lookout for him. Now go rest.” She gave your hair a small pat and you had tried your best to stay awake. Watching Lillian carry around a glass throughout the house before your eyes fluttered closed. 
Leaves crunched under your feet as you ran as fast as you could carry yourself. Everywhere you looked he was there. A man with dark hair and blood red eyes. His chuckle echoed through the forest surrounding you as you tried to catch your breath. But no matter how far you got he always seemed to be two steps ahead. You backed up into a body and turned to find him smirking down at you. He raised an eyebrow before his head shot out and wrapped around your throat. Leaning close to your ear you felt him smirk against your skin. “You should know little one, I love when they run.” 
You shot up off the couch covered in sweat, noticing you're still in Lillian’s house. She sat on the other couch with a dagger in her hand. She rushed to your side upon noticing your distraught breathing. “You're okay. It was just a dream.” She mumbled rubbing your arms. You brought your hand to your face with a sigh. “What time is it?” 
“11:30 I'm about to make breakfast. Joshua should be back tonight. Go wash up.” She said before you go up to head to the bathroom. You shut the door and looked at yourself in the mirror. Your brown eyes were puffy and your curls disheveled. But your wide eyed gaze went down to your neck. Where a dark bruise started to form along your skin. Right where his hand had been. You took a quick shower and walked past the kitchen. “I have to grab some things from home. I'll be back in a bit.” You closed the door before she could say anything else and made a dash down the empty sidewalk. Your mind was occupied with everything you've been told floating around like fish. Not even paying attention to the world around you. A hand pressed over your lips and you thrashed as you were dragged behind an abandoned house. The person let go and you scoffed, looking up at Joshua. 
“You can't just ask me to talk like a normal person?!” You shouted and he rubbed the back of his neck. “Sorry. I just wanted to make sure you were safe.”
“I was worried sick!” 
“I know. I know. Y/N there’s more you have to know. With you being a witch and all. I just needed to tell you to watch your back out here. There's more covens out there than just us.” He told you and you felt your stomach drop. “Once others get word of a witch in the area, you'll be a target. So you have to keep it a secret. No one but Lillian can know about…….” 
He paused his sentence and looked at you with sad eyes. “You need to get out of here.”
“Josh wha…”
“But we just got here. She shouldn't leave now.” You looked over Joshua's shoulder as four figures stood around the two of you. Lee Jihoon, Jeon Wonwoo, Kwon Soonyoung and Kim Mingyu. You recognized them as some of his group mates. Wonwoo placed a hand on the back of Joshua's neck causing him to fall to his knees with his eyes closed. “You've done enough.” A low voice said in his ear as he was pulled away from you before you could grab onto him. You found yourself rooted to the ground as the four of them had you surrounded. “You seem scared little dove. We don't bite.” 
“Hard.” Jihoon grinned as you felt a wall behind you. You had no choice but to fight. Again. You moved to defend yourself but Soonyoung was already behind you, Pinning your hands behind your back. You hissed in pain as his grip tightened the more you struggled. “Soonyoung is the fastest out of all of us. You won't even get a spell off with him here.” You brought your hand up to his wrist and squeezed, causing him to shout in pain as searing heat emitted from your palm. Mingyu took the chance to kick your leg from under you but you turned in time to deflect with your own kick. It won't do much damage but it will give you distance. Soonyoung dashed towards you and you pulled a hidden dagger from your boot, swinging in time to cut his cheek. He brought a hand up to wipe the cut as his eyes flickered a dark crimson color before rushing at you at full speed. You felt your fear spike and crouched a small barrier appearing before you. You forced Soonyoung away from you before the man relaxed into a carefree stance. You grew confused until his eyes locked behind you and Mingyu rubbed a hand under his chin. 
“You're in trouble now girl.” You suddenly felt a presence behind you and quickly threw up a barrier before a fist collided with the purple aura. The man immediately threw another punch without giving you time to recover, shattering the barrier before you and wrapping a hand around your throat. “Let go!” You pleaded but your words fell on deaf ears as you were lifted off your feet and closer to the man. Your vision blurred as he tossed you into the wall. You back stung as you coughed trying to catch your breath. Before you could react he grabbed a fist full of your hair, his fingers tangled in your curls while bearing his teeth at you. Your eyes clenched shut at the sting surging through your scalp. Mingyu chuckled at your struggle as you clawed at the hand in your hair. When your eyes shot open you were met with a dark crimson iris staring down at you. He lifted your head to catch your unfocused brown eyes and his grip loosened. You missed how his expression softened for a split second as he dropped you to the floor. You went into a coughing fit as the others watched on with confused stares. Jeonghan stood in the alleyway as he exchanged a knowing look with the woman next to him.
“Everyone back to the dorm, we’ll hunt tomorrow night.” Jeonghan said abruptly and all eyes flickered to his relaxed form. 
“Come on Jeonghan, she cut me.” Soonyoung whined but the blonde was not impressed.
“None of you were supposed to be out here in the first place. Do not make me repeat myself.” One by one they all walked past you in silence as Jeonghan approached his leader. “You too Seungcheol.” He looked down at you one last time before walking away with his head down. The mysterious woman reached a hand out to you and you reluctantly accepted her help. She nodded to the blonde before he too left the area, leaving the two of you alone. 
What the fuck was that? Why did he stop himself?
“Honesty I'm not quite sure.” She spoke as if she read your mind. “When it comes to the boys, Seungcheol isn't one to hesitate. He loves them as if they were his own and would do anything to keep them safe. That includes killing. Which brings up the million dollar question, why did he stop himself from killing you?” You stared up at her with confusion floating in your dark orbs trying to make sense of everything. “Anyway. I have a strong feeling they won't be bothering you anymore. But you should take Joshua's words into consideration. Watch your back out here.” With that she gave you a small smile as she turned her back and left the area, leaving you alone.
Back at the dorm Joshua felt all eyes on him. He had already tried to explain his story but Seungkwan and Mingyu were not having any of it. “She's a danger to all of us! We should've killed her when we had the chance.” Seungkwan’s words made Joshua wince and Mingyu laughed at his brother's anger.
“This is Joshua's fault. He should have never told her. I'll see to it that it's quick and painless.” Another voice spoke and Joshua looked over at Jun. “Like hell you will.” 
“After all this you're still protecting her? For what?” Wonwoo questioned and Joshua sighed. “She's my best friend. She has been there with me through thick and thin. I'm not going to hurt her because she knows the truth.” He spoke quickly before Soonyoung cut in once more. “If she betrays you then what? You're putting us all in jeopardy for someone who doesn't even know what she's capable of.” 
“What's the point when none of you are listening to me?” Joshua sighed and Mingyu stood to his feet. “Fuck what you have to say! I'm sick of you and your little --”
“ENOUGH.” Another voice boomed, silencing any debates and everyone turned to see Seungcheol taking a seat on a nearby stool suppressing his coughs. No one dared speak when their leader walked into the room. “This girl could potentially be a threat to us if she puts her mind to it. She could be dangerous. From here on out no one is going to go near her. Let the other covens deal with her. She lives out her life out there. We live out ours here.” Joshua froze as his coven leader's piercing eyes landed on him. “And I do mean no one. Unless any of you have an objection.”
To say you were on edge was the understatement of the century. You still have yet to see or hear from Joshua and it's been 3 days. Everyday you wake up in hopes that he would be downstairs while Lillian made breakfast. Running a hand through your hair you stalked downstairs with your mind made up not letting Lillian get her greeting out. “Hey how are….”
“I want to learn how to properly use my powers.” You said with slight determination as she sat down the bowl of biscuits on the table. “O-okay. I can teach you the basics but after breakfast. It won't do you any good on an empty stomach.” The next couple of hours weren't easy for you. You kept trying to lift random items Lillian placed in front of you with no luck. They would shake but never floated or moved. Lillian pointed her finger and gave you a slight shock every time you failed. “Ow! Would you stop that!”
“Not. Until. You. Get. It. Right.” After each word she sent another jolt through you and you clenched your jaw. “How do you think you'll help Joshua if you can't even do a simple exercise? Being one with the world of sorcery isn't for the weak Y/N.” You grew tired of her talking down on you and gave the space in front of you a forceful push out of pure frustration. The vase was thrown back into a tree, shattering into pieces upon impact and Lillian gave you a knowing smile. You stood in shock as you brought your hand to your face. “Is that all I can do?” 
“Most likely not. But other abilities manifest based on situations. The basics is all I can teach you.” You looked down at your feet and she sighed. “Meditation is the key. You'll learn to open your eyes in the world of the supernatural. But you have to open your mind first.” She said and you raised an eyebrow. “Now you want to talk in riddles?” The training went on for a couple more hours and the sun was beginning to set. You wiped sweat from your forehead and leaned against the tree. 
“This is only the beginning Y/N. What comes next won't be easy.”
“I know.”
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