#Tuesday again no problem
tuesday again 10/1/2024
come getcher BOY in HOUSTON TX limited time DEAL he will be going to the shelter where they hopefully have more resources to place FIV+ cats on FRIDAY!!! he has gotten so sleek and healthy looking after only a month of unlimited kibble he will be SUCH a nice silly companion for someone but unfortunately that someone is not me
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^worried about the air purifier turning on
OWW. feat BUBBLE by Halo Boy is fun bc it’s fun to yell “gimme love bites like OWW!” brain empty just songs that are fun to blast in the car. not quite a candidate for the “SOMEBODY COME FUCK THIS (GAY)” playlist but certainly worthy of inclusion on the “SOMEBODY COME FUCK THIS (NOT GAY)” playlist
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i have a lot of uncomplimentary thoughts about frank lloyd wright. part of them revolve around the fact that buildings are really not meant to last forever, especially experimental buildings made with experimental materials. i am furious, however, that a cryptocurrency grifter couple bought his only skyscraper for $10 to "save it from bankruptcy" from a tiny nonprofit, seem to be hacking it up to sell the furnishings in pieces, and have put the building up for commercial sale on a site mostly used for fast food franchises and strip malls. the building, like many frank lloyd wright buildings, is in pretty rough shape. i've seen some walkthroughs and video tours and there's a ton of water damage and then extra water damage from oklahoma winter ice. i do not know if the building as a whole is reasonably salvageable without tens of millions put into it and a new foundation put in place to take care of it.
Liz Waytkus, the executive director of Docomomo US, an organization that works to preserve modern architecture, said it strongly opposes any sale of the Wright materials. “They’re trafficked goods,” Waytkus said. “The same that you would say of pottery or vases from Egypt or Mesopotamia that were obtained through illegal ways, these pieces from Frank Lloyd Wright should be thought of in the same exact way.”
i think the above quote is a little dramatic. what the crypto couple are doing is more in bad taste than anything, bc they do own the building. in my heart of hearts, i do think pieces and fixtures designed specifically for a site should stay with the site as long as reasonably possible. they're not going to look or function quite the same anywhere else. this is the unfortunate reality of getting a superstar architect to design The Whole Site and not just the building, you're kind of (in good taste and not legally) obligated to continue to preserve The Whole Site and not just the building.
another in the "not technically illegal but in bad taste" file, for both sides imo but i do think the misbehavior is greater on one side. idk if matt is like Unwell, or if he has tech founder brain and it's simply been more visible lately. oh my god i looked up how old he was (40) and he is local to me. ive probably seen him patio dining somewhere or walked past him at the rodeo and simply haven't noticed
But in a dispute that’s meant to clarify what is and isn’t WordPress, Mullenweg risks blurring the lines even more. WordPress.org and WordPress.com both have a point — but it looks an awful lot like they’re working together to make it.
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kind of a light week? i don’t have anything particularly interesting to say about any of these.
i did not plan this bc i was kidnapped last minute by my bestie to see Howl’s Moving Castle in theaters, which was a very fun movie to see on the big screen. i have not seen a movie in theaters since Birds of Prey in early 2020, kind of scary to be inside a theater again! wish covid had not so thoroughly broken my health and confidence and i also wish covid was Over over instead of a constantly rolling crisis!!
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i am going to preface this section with two facts: 1) i have been playing genshin impact since version 1.0, before the second major region in the game came out and 2) i have been unemployed since january and have spent more hours per day playing this game than really anyone should in the past couple months.
ive set a bunch of very silly goals for myself bc genshin impact is largely a game about making your own fun within the grindy gacha framework and i have hit two and a half of them. you can "ascend" a character six different times to up stats by a decent percentage, and i have now ascended all 64 characters the maximum 6 times. the last one was heizou bc 1) fuck a cop and 2) fuck the machine boss in the chasm for his mats. why did THREE characters need these mats. wretched.
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my next goal is to get all my characters to friendship level 10. you can increase this mostly by spending the in-game renewable resource "resin". getting your characters to friendship level 10 has no in-game benefits but does give you a fun little namecard for ur profile. i have been prioritizing my five-star characters and then going through the nations' characters in order. ive been done with the mondstadt kids for a while, i just maxed out my last five-star (dehya) today. as u can see by this list sorted by friendship level, i have five liyue characters and two inazuma characters left and just buckets and oodles of sumeru and fontaine characters.
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i haven't really done much with the newest natlan character, kachina, bc i do not enjoy playing as the small children characters. there are so many tall hot ladies in this game. speaking of, the next character i will be pulling for is this tall drink of water
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i have also caught one of every catachable animal! this one was very irritating bc u can only buy five nets a week. finding this one specific lizard was also very irritating. none of the point in the desert the official game map assured me were spawn points were actually spawning for some reason. had to go to several underwater caves and cross my fingers
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fallow week
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crownorclover · 2 years
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retrocandyart · 2 years
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Chainsaw Man Tuesday again? No problem........
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twerkyvulture · 5 months
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It's Terrible Tyrannosaurus Tuesday
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dimension20stuff · 2 months
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happy worlds beyond number tuesday to those who celebrate
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canis-goofus · 2 months
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doggust again? no problem
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sistersgrimandreaper · 4 months
tuesday is BINGO night
hello! long time reader of @girlfriendsofthegalaxy 's tuesday again no problem series and spinoffs, first time poster! i've wanted to do try this for a while and apparently today is the day!
format is subject to change. because i really wanted a fun name for this series and this is funny but not ideal. i don't even play bingo…
Best thing of the week: started a play by post ttrpg game with my partner! we're using the system dark heresy
musIc: king gizzard and the lizard wizard - catching smoke
makiNg: i have been crocheting! i am a beginner and i've been doing basic amigurumi patterns that i find on youtube and random blogs when i google free patterns. it's incredible how many things people will make into little plushies! i have scrolled past multiple crochet fried chicken buckets. i've been proud of some of these attempts (rose, whale, totoro) and i've frogged one or two (lumpy mouse) but i am most delighted by my attempt at following a polar bear pattern that turned into connetticut clark.
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i have made him shorts.
Gaming: mini metro! the mobile version. i've played mini motorways before but mini metro just plays better somehow? it's just the right sized bite of optimization fun for me. i started playing a bit over a week ago and it's been fun seeing my rank on the daily levels go up from bottom 30% to bottom 45%
loOking: watching spy x family with my family, and i really love the animation for the opening and closing credits with the different art styles. no further thoughts right now but it's good vibes.
free space: i'm excited to try keeping this up! i want some way to track the passage of time, because now that i'm done with school i want to make sure i'm regularly engaging with things that i like or at least think are interesting. but this can't be too high effort otherwise it will stop... we shall see how this evolves over time. for now, i got a BINGO this week!
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theghostiedyke · 2 years
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delta-orionis · 8 months
Tuesday Again No Problem 2/13/24
My friend @girlfriendsofthegalaxy has a weekly post series summing up things she listened to/watched/made/etc that week, and I'd like to give it a try myself. I tried to do something similar with my Synthwave Sunday posts, but those ended up being unsustainable for me in the long run. I think something in the middle of the week might be a bit easier for me to maintain, but I'm not going to hold myself to a strict standard or anything.
Without further ado:
Mostly the Rain World soundtrack. It’s good to put on when I’m focusing on something else.
That said, I also listened to Tangerine Dream’s album Hyperborea in its entirely the other day, and I ended up liking it quite a bit. I might have to look into more of their stuff. It’s full of good retro synths.
I finally started reading Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie earlier this week, after the poor book had been sitting on my bookshelf, unread, for nearly two years. Good friends of mine have been telling me I’d enjoy it that entire time, but I just never got around to starting it until now. I’m not very far into the book, but I like what I’ve read so far.
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I made a post a few days ago about why I think I have trouble reading books these days. Because of the way my brain works, I have a really hard time keeping characters from a piece of media straight in my head if it’s not a visual medium. I already know this book is going to throw a lot of characters at me, so I’ve been doing my best to write down a list of characters and their basic attributes as I read. I’m hoping it will make this book easier for me to parse, because I really do want to give it an honest shot.
I’ve been mostly reading during my downtime at work, which is few and far between these days, so I expect this book will take a long time for me to finish. Time will tell, I suppose.
Fallow week. Unless Rain World memes and Canopener Bridge videos count.
Still playing Rain World. I’m very close to beating Artificer’s campaign, but at this point I’m kind of just milling around getting passage tokens and finding pearls for Five Pebbles to read. I’m not going to be a completionist about it, I mostly just want to see how many pearls I can find before I start to get bored.
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(I’ve brought him seven so far.)
I’m continuing to work on my Five Pebbles amigurumi.
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I still need to finish and attach his arms, and then make his cloak. But he should be finished soon! Then I’ll start working on Looks to the Moon.
He ended up being much bigger than any amigurumi I’ve made before, but I’m fine with that. It’s an interesting challenge.
I’m also going to count my recent post about my Rain World iterator headcanons in the “making” section too, because fuck it, media analysis is a hobby too.
Rain World in particular has been a pretty good chew toy for my brain recently. The lore is kind of vague and confusing, but there’s enough there for you to begin to piece together the bigger picture. I recall reading in a devlog, “Some mysteries in Rain World aren’t meant to be solved”, but that doesn’t mean people aren’t going to try! And try I will, even if it does make me feel like that one scene from It’s Always Sunny sometimes.
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tuesday again 9/24/2024
you might be wondering “is my dear friend tumblr user girlfriendsofthegalaxy still unemployed?” the answer is yes. take this cat off my hands please i don’t think he’s causing the unemployment but he certainly isn’t helping
via Wendy @dying-suffering-french-stalkers, Huoy Meas' ប្រគល់ក្ដីស្នេហ៍មកខ្ញុំវិញ. figuring out what this incredibly zippy Cambodian rock song is named and what it's about was really difficult bc spotify is a bane upon this earth and won't let you fucking copy-paste and OCR was not working on the Khmer script. i ended up listening to the first couple seconds of each of her songs on apple music, and finally figured out this roughly translates to Give Me Back My Love and is about begging a fuckboy for closure.
via the spotify discover weekly, Night Club's Pretty Girls Do Ugly Things. all Night Club's songs sound the same so if you like one, great news! i had this song on for a full gregorian hour bc, i am only a tiny bit ashamed to say, i was storyboarding a The Man With No Name fancam to this. i think it would go pretty hard.
Smoke you like a cigarette Choke you like a lariat Fatalistic tourniquet Do you want more?
thank you mackintosh.
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i did not Adore any of these comics from the library. i sort of enjoyed Night of the Ghoul, a one-volume TPB by Scott Snyder and Francesco Francavilla. i think ive blogged about this before but every once in a while i'll get a bee in my bonnet to read some horror comics even though i am a giant baby about horror movies.
Night of the Ghoul is about how you can't save your dad from PTSD but also about a lost horror film and also about the extremely dad behavior of tracking down every scrap of info about an auteur. there's also a monster.
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the subtle art changes from present day to the remains of the film to the non-film flashbacks are well done, imo. the cover screams mignola but the inside pages are really fun pulp nonsense. i love a piece of genre writing that rolls around and delights in being a piece of genre writing.
im doing my level best not to get sucked into tiktok but i DO love watching this lady revive antique nail polish and look for dupes for shades from like the 20s. she found an almost exact dupe for a shade produced during wwii which is crazy insane to me!!!
The Asphalt Jungle (1950, dir. Huston), it's a very painterly heist noir. i even like Sterling Hayden in one of the more prominent roles, even though i think he generally has the appeal of undercooked dough.
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much like Fritz Lang's M, it presents the criminal element of the city as its own class with its own reputation and reference systems. it got in some trouble with the censors for having a VERY clearly laid out heist plan and execution. it's also got the babiest Marilyn Monroe in one of her earliest roles
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this was such a gloriously messy movie. everyone is such a fucking mess. this woman only known as Doll is heartbreakingly, head over heels in love with Sterling Hayden's character. she's a little flighty and bumbling and silly, but determined! they're constantly orbiting the gravitational weight of her desire for this man and desire for a real life with this man. and that's just one subplot! she has maybe five minutes total screentime! she should have gotten a supporting actress oscar!!! everyone acted their fucking hearts out and it was so much fun to watch!
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monument valley is in the netflix games library this month (i don't actually know what their liscencing agreements would even look like, they and the studios they worked with were very tightlipped about that when they were rolling this out three years ago) but i assume it's going to be on the service for a while. i have never played this game, which makes me feel a little bit like a bad gamer. you can tell it's ten years old from some of the color and texture choices, but WOW did literally everyone take inspiration from this game.
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this is the platonic ideal of a phone game. i get why everyone went insane about it and there was a brief boom of geometry-based puzzle mobile games. it is MUCH much harder now to get people to pay money to play a game that has a planned endpoint and planned number of levels, so netflix is a good home for it.
i was often frustrated but always delighted. the level below involves making something happening that made me genuinely gasp out loud in glee. well worth the annoyance of downloading the netflix app and scrolling through the poorly labeled and poorly sorted carousel of games.
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great retrospective, a bit about how you need to have tiny teams go off and just kind of fuck around and bring weird stuff back, and a lot about how they actually designed the levels
The end result had a pixel-perfect axonometric aesthetic that not only went hard on its references to Dutch master artist and printmaker Maurits Cornelis Escher, but also dug deep into classic video game design, going right back to early arcade machines and 8-bit titles. Each of the ten levels is like a piece of fine furniture, built with invisible dovetail joints and inlaid with marquetry, stuffed with secret compartments and little design flourishes. Gray cites the world of theatre and stage design, as well as graphics, as important keystones in the way the levels were constructed. ‘Ken would always talk about flower arranging, and how you frame a silhouette of a level on the screen,’ he says.
update on the Phantom Menace fabric: pinked the raw edges and threw it in the laundry again with a very large quantity of vinegar. 50% poly was too high for it to really do anything, which is interesting. it didn’t lessen the seam edge effects either, which is a little annoying bc the seams were so gigantic and that’s a good chunk of fabric to lose. i am going to buy a camp shirt pattern at some point when i have money again but for now it goes in The Box
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also! thrifted a pack of o-rings for jars for a dollar and finally put my grains etc in my pretty jars. they’re going to live in the pantry but today they live out on the countertop
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weirdwyvern · 9 months
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got to episode 17 and saw the title "Rohan Kishibe's Adventure," had a visceral response in the form of creating this meme
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honeyedheartss · 10 months
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I haven't seen him in months. gotta do everything myself around here
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bogkeep · 9 months
Haiz Birthday In A Week...
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shae-la-hyene · 9 months
First month of my tumblr themed bullet journal !
El muchacho monday
Tuesday again ? No problem
Wet beast wednesday
Out of touch thursday
Fat fuck friday
Fingers in his ass sunday
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continuants · 2 years
it’s giving tuesday
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irradiate-space · 1 year
Last Lunesday of the Week
Listening: Mostly going through my library on "random by album" (latest: FMAB, Alestorm) and the local dance/EDM mix radio station's archives.
Reading: Finished issue 1 of "Speculative North", an anthology that I received as a gift many years mack. Also finished What If 2, and shelved a Pope Francis cartoon bio and The Salmon of Doubt, a Doug Adams autobio from found documents on his posthumous hard drives. Not really a theme here beyond cleaning off my shelves.
Recent fun read was H. Beam Piper's The Cosmic Computer, which I found after finishing Little Fuzzy.
It's not a Heinlein story, but the way that Piper draws these frontier worlds feels like Heinlein's settings. But where Heinlein writes stories of things which are solved by individual action, Piper writes (n: 2) about stories which are solved by processes set in motion, and the orderly functioning of the dregs of bureaucracy. Piper believes that Government will function, in a way that is very different from anything else I've read lately besides glowfic.
Writing: Gearing up for NaNoWriMo with more Gundam Iliad prep work. Besides the cyberdeck project, I'm going to be starting a scene-by-scene flowchart of different takes on The Iliad.
Spite/Research: might be editing gundam.fandom.com to add a bunch of missing stuff for Johnny Ridden and some related things.
Watching: It was a two-shot weekend, so I binged Saga of Tanya The Evil on a rewatch. Now I have to go watch the movie.
Injuries: +1 flu shot, +1 COVID booster, +2 elbow needles, -4.5 vials of blood for routine bloodwork (half a tube wasted when the needle backed out accidentaly). Lost a fair-weather biking glove on my way back from the jab, so I'm out like $50 there.
Playing: More Tears of the Kingdom, trying to find more quest items and caves and wells, but not in any organized fashion. Doing this in an organized fashion would require getting one of the checklist apps or signing up for an app, which I do not want to do.
Crafting: On the recommendation of a friend, I've gone and acquired all the parts for making an Ikea Vindriktning into an IOT AQI logger. Should be interesting.
Gotta model some revisions for the next phase of my Pi cyberdeck project, but I'm having trouble getting that Rasbian to load phosh/phoc, which is very annoying. Maybe I should stop fucking around and just use GNOME. Once that's done, I still need to figure out I2C addressing.
Halloween approacheth; it's time to actually sit down and remodel my 2023 NASFiC costume into something that can be worn for more than 4h. Big messes of orange filament in my future; it may be time to build a printer enclosure.
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