#for the love of Primus
signanothername · 1 year
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He’s not impressed with your self destructive behavior
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gibbouschild · 2 months
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He couldn’t possibly do anything wrong, just look at him.
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shootingcookielover · 5 months
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Favorite version of my favorite boi!!!
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a mood... I mean what? I mean yea, I mean what? I mean I would , I mea-
+18 Version Here
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chopprface · 26 days
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quick shitpost i thought of before bed
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sinsydia · 8 months
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fishoutoflovebeach · 2 months
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s735 · 10 months
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I love you Tyrest
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catnipvodka · 18 days
My beloved big cat ear teddy bear boi(?)
I almost screamed in front of my classmates I just -
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Oh primus how precious he is 🫴
And so here's some celebration sketches
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I got a cool fop hc idea thingy kind of inspired by a book series I like.
So Cosmo and Wanda have these human disguises, right? But something that would be cool is if their hair wasn't so unnatural..like in their fairy forms, okay, I understand.
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But in their Human forms, why not instead of bright colored hair, it did a more Star Darlings Thing?
I used Libby as an example because I like her, and she looks similar to wanda
Like, in Fairy form, have the bright hair, but in human form, have a natural hair color with a streak of green or pink. Eye color neutralization is optional.
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primus-why · 8 months
Post-war mutual pining megop but it's the messiest fwb situation in the history of Cybertron.
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I love the Unicron "I guess I'm a Sire now" au, like I adore it. But also I vibe the au "humans are other and terrifying, borderline uncanny valley to bots " line of thought......sooooooo, hear me out:
Unicorn sees his offspring: they are very tiny and deceptively weak (at least in comparison to his brother creations), so he decides to meddle and gives us a boon, he changes us....a bit. Maybe he starts with the little ones (to him we are little ones) that are closest to the conflict: the tfp kids + associated humans, and giving it a test trial before moving to humanity as a whole
They still look as humanly possible, but its obvious that they are very other to an external expectator (even to other humans). But one thing is for sure, he made them into predators using human skin...
He builds them stronger, faster and more cunning than ever before, with superior senses. More resilient to the trials of time and less prone to injury or disease (giving his children immortality is anathema to him; chaos brings the possibility of change, which is inherent to them as much it is to him). He re-makes them with a general idea, but gives them a singular extra gift, to make them unique between each other, and as proof of his care snd devotion, but not su much as to isolate them from each other...
If ever asked, he will deny the possibility of partaking in favouritism like his brother. And yet, its a fact that he holds his most favored very close to his core (aka: the tfp kids, much to Papa Op infinite dismay). His children have faced dangers beyond the capabilities, and still, they have percevered despite all odds being against them, and he couldn't be any prouder (he knows that his kids will bring down empires if given the chance, well...HE WILL GIVE IT TO THEM)
In simpler words: I want the kids to become wholly other cause of Father Unicorn meddling, their reactions (and the bots + cons reactions)
This idea is FANTASTIC! I'm mad at myself for not writing for it sooner! Dang. Well I will try to make up for it with my work! Let's see how this turns out. I've always been a bit fan of cosmic horror and uncanny valley type situations. They are fun to write about.
Previous part here.
Not Quite Human Anymore
It was not his wish originally to change his creations. They had adapted and evolved just fine on their own without his interference. However now that Primus's children were involved, things were different. The playing field needed to be evened once Primus's children inevitably failed to protect his in a moment of hesitation or a lapse of judgement. Unicron refused to watch his children perish to forced that were unnatural to their world. They were HIS creations, and they would die in a manner he saw fit, not as victims to Primus's creations ridiculous war.
Thus while he used his avatar to keep an eye on the children who were most affected by Primus's creations, Unicron began to think and plan. He observed Primus's creations, he saw what they gained and what they lacked. He saw their mentalities and watched how they behaved. Then he observed his own children, watching how they preferred to act and what would suit them best.
It took months of careful planning, he couldn't risk hurting his little ones after all. However once he had come up with a plan he liked, he looked to his three most affected children and decided to use them to test his newest alteration. He had never done this to any of his creations, so they would be the first. If all went well, they would be leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of humanity, his little heralds. But if things went south, they would have Primus's creations to guard them, especially the Prime that seemed to taken with them.
Thus very quietly, Unicron began to act. He twisted the essence of the children, molding their flesh, their senses, and their minds to better endure the presence of Primus's eternal creations. It was a slow process, one that had the children growing taller rapidly. The team and the adult humans wrote it off as growth spurts kicking in... right up until they just kept growing. Jack reached a startling eight feet and didn't even seem to be suffering for it. Miko stopped at around seven feet, and Rafael at six. They towered over their peers and didn't even end up being disproportionate in any way.
They were taken to doctors and had Ratchet look over them when they began to start developing other adjustments. Their teeth sharpened, their eyes restructured entirely to be able to see in almost any light condition, and their sensory capabilities skyrocketed to the point of being on par with the bots. Their skin evidently became tougher, not invincible and still very capable of bruising but far less likely to tear. Their immune systems shot up in ability, warding off any and all diseases that weren't severe and lessening the pains of those that were meant to kill. They became faster, able to jump farther, last longer, and more importantly, their reaction times became increadible.
Overall they looked largely the same, if not for the fact that they were now the size of smaller minicons. The only other noticeable difference in them beyond their leap in capability was Rafael's new agility to sense fields, Miko's near total resistance to climate changes besides the worst of temperatures, and Jack's ability to handle pressure changes and hold his breath without fainting or being crushed. The children were rightly panicked, June and Fowler especially so. For the children's safety and to keep the government off them, they were kept with the bots until Ratchet could figure things out.
The team were startled and confused more than anything else when it came to the children, especially as their abilities became more obvious after their run in's with the Cons. Optimus nearly had a spark attack when Jack ended up flying high into the air after grabbing ahold of Laserbeak during battle and being carried off. He was retrieved but Optimus was expecting to find a corpse with how fast and how high the cassette had gone. Instead he found Jack right as rain clinging to Laserbeak's back as the cassette landed on the ground again. He nearly had a similar breakdown when Miko went through a groundbridge without them knowing that led straight to the Arctic. He once again expected to find a body, instead finding Miko rather unconcerned sitting in the snow building an igloo. As for Rafael? He didn't panic when the boy began asking why he was sad even when he was masking it, no instead he focused on helping Rafael figure out his gift if only so that it didn't overwhelm him.
The children startled Optimus, but he loved them all the same even if he had a vague inkling as to what was happening to them.
Ratchet straight up thought they were creepy. He still cared for the children and often found himself staring and running tests, but they worried him. He grew especially more concerned when after the children seemed to settle into their abilities, reports from around the globe began turning up pointing towards humans everywhere gaining a few extra inches and having an increase in strength, skill, and will.
Bulkhead and Wheeljack worried for the children but found their changes more relieving than anything else. Now the kids would be safer and less likely to die from random things that even their sparklings could endure. They found it especially fun to start chucking small lob balls (softly) at the children only to watch Jack or Miko catch it and toss it back. Bumblebee was also relieved, if a tad worried, but mainly took the changes in stride. He had a grand old time setting the children on his shoulders and not having to worry about them as much. Arcee was concerned and took little joy in the changes with how distressed they made the children in the beginning. Most of her time went toward trying to help them adapt while Ratchet tried to figure everything out.
The Decepticons didn't know all the details, but when the children did turn up on the battlefield, they found the vermin harder and harder to kill. A blaster shot just wasn't enough anymore, especially with that squirrel targeting them as well. Of course they grew more and more concerned about the whole thing when they too began noticing the reports of humanity changing into something... other. It reeked of divine influence and they began watching the children more closely to see if they could figure it out.
Unicron for his part simply began his work in relative silence. To ease the transition he sang to his children, every last one of them. During dreams he gave them visions of what they could do with their newfound frames. When they grew fearful he would hum softly to them in their minds through the bonds he forged through his touch. The humans didn't even know it was him, nor did they "hear" his song. But their souls knew him for what he was, their maker.
He tried not to play favorites, but he adored his three heralds. They were gifted, special, and so very unique. Not only that, but they had Optimus wrapped around their fingers. He adored them, and as he watched them grow and learn, he could see their ambitions and their drive. He would give them to the world.
Thus in dreams he sang to them. He showed them all they could be. And just to spite Optimus because he knew the Prime knew he was the one behind the changes, he became more bold with his usage of power around them, showing them marvels and warping the world to his desire.
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sistersavelorn · 15 days
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Lesbian Claypool or whatever his name is
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90sintruder · 1 year
He’s so real
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positively-peachy-143 · 6 months
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gibbouschild · 1 month
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(insert dial-up noises)
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