#for the first time in years ..
abovethemists · 2 months
When you fall face first back into a decade old hyperfixation.
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kg-clark-inthedark · 9 months
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Here’s my piece for @dishonoredgiftexchange’s 2023 Winter Feast gift exchange! This is for @magnumdarkin25 and I chose your prompt, “Genderswap your favorite character and your least favorite character.”
I had a lot of fun doing this. Hope you enjoy!
It probably goes without saying, but Corvo is my favorite and Burrows is my least favorite. The Outsider’s one quote about Burrows, featured here as the comic’s narration, has always stuck out to me. There’s something so satisfying, as a player, to hear from him that you frighten Burrows, you know?
The original full-size versions of the half-body character drawings included in the comic pages are below the cut:
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yakultii · 3 months
omg I completely forgot that on my main I had saved to drafts some of the very first poems I wrote and had not posted (back in November last year I wrote them - a few months before I rejoined tumblr/created my blog at end of feb this yr) and I’m reading them just now and I’m like for one, these are so bad but also these are so sad, I don’t even want to post them now or ever because I want to keep the journey moving but they are proof that things are changing !!!!!!!!! I thought everything stayed the same but I think I’m making moves????? Small ones for sure but I’m still moving!!! Not just with my writing, as even if you scroll back to the ones I first posted on main I think it’s obvious there has been at least some improvement in this time (and I hope there will continue to be!!!) but also with my mindset, I’m learning to pick myself up multiple times each day quicker than before and again and again and again
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lunarpiscesangel · 4 months
my brain is truly at its limit now I just remembered I forgot my childhood bestfriends birthday it was like 3 weeks ago and I just remembered at 4am
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nat-seal-well · 4 months
I love eating something and realizing it’ll be all I want for the next four weeks
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ao3screenshotss · 6 months
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DEVASTATING REALIZATION: My gender may well be 'lumberjack'
-Plaid flannel enjoyment
-Gender envy in face of big bushy beards
-Canadian residency
-Gender euphoria derived from working in hardware department
-EVEN BIGGER gender euphoria from holding heavy axes/splitter mauls
FOLLOWUP EXPERIMENT: Determine if gender euphoria is experienced during/after chopping wood
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ireallydohateyou2 · 8 months
Think I'm gonna....
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shokuto · 1 year
Dangerously close to rereading Batman and Son
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meetinginsamarra · 1 year
Thank God, I'm in tumblr back again!!!
I openened the bookmark in my browser just like always and tumblr wants me to log in... for the first in... years? Why? I am practically online half of the day most days. Had to search for my password and all that rot. Thankfully, I wrote it down somewhere, real old-school on paper.
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sonkfan005 · 11 months
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judesstfrancis · 2 years
favorite thing about my online presence is that people will follow me for fandom/writing reasons and I have to be like sorry boss we post hockey here
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torreshalstead · 1 year
Okay but how much do we bet that 10x18 is going to have no reference to Burzek and their lamp breaking moment… like even though it’s Adam centric I just feel like they are going to go straight into undercover and we will get maybe 2 worried Kim looks
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lornrocks · 2 years
hi yes I’m completely normal rn
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henbased · 1 year
todays gonna be a good day #affirmations🙏
but the dread is creeping. the bonedeep terror is on standby. the sadness is sitting next to me.
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silverfox66 · 1 year
It's King's Day 🎉🎉
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