#for the bird likers I guess
banditblvd · 3 months
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Nothing like a good waffle duo doodle to end the day
Featuring proper s10 designs, Bandit certified
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Common Loon calls are EVERYWHERE
'Guys wait omg hiii it’s me the owner of @/identifying-birds VOTE ME!!!! Thank you whoever submitted my blog I love you BIRD NATION ON TOP‼️‼️ Am I the best gimmick blog?? Yes.. (No I am wildly inactive) BUT I SERVE A PURPOSE TO THE PEOPLE!!!! Bird watchers and bird likers and even bird DISLIKERS can gain something out of my blog!!! And it’s so good because I can say “here’s ur bird :>” and everyone learns something. Including me!!! I have learned so much about birds from my blog while talking to people and whatnot! It’s so much fun learning from my mistakes and finding new birds every day. Am I the most popular bird blog on tumblr NO!!! That probably goes to @/todaysbird (who also identifies birds sometimes lol) but thank you whoever submitted me to this bracket uhm. Let me shout out my blog circle @/identifying-birds-in-posts-2 @/identifyingbirdsinposts @/i-identify-birds-in-posts @/identifying-parrots and @/birdidentification THESE ARE MY BESTIES ILY BIRD NATIONNNNN!!!!!!VOTE ME!!!!
I learned a lot about fruits from this blog and I had so much fun researching the various names and facts. It was cool to see fruits from around the globe that I might not even have known existed before and get the feeling of how awesome all the stuff there is in the world is. The blog even became part of my daily routine and I was sad when it was no longer managed at some point, I guess fruits became important to me in their own way
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redknightsdistrict · 4 months
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some shitty sketches for any fellow bird likers out there i guess [OvO]
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seeyouguyslater · 1 year
its weird because i guess i just sort of knew a small handful of plume likers when i got into ak but i never knew people were trying to figure out what bird plume was i just sorta thought everyone knew
nope! i just knew alot of plume likers lol
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Hehe hi Pik :0 I'll give you three questions for your ask game and you can pick out whatever you want to answer <:]
What are your thoughts on Kaigaku? I know he's a bit of spoiler territory but I'm curious .. or maybe what are your thoughts on Muichiro? You decide!
A question just for me, though ,, do YOU have a favorite bird? .., !!
oh abolutely HYSTERICAL to give a pick scenario and then lay down topics that will instantly get me to talk for hours on end at the drop of a hat KSJNGFKDJNGKD
so!! the easy one!! my favorite bird, ithink, is between the mourning dove and the house sparrow! they are not terribly glamorous but i love them so so dearly and will instantly cheer up when i think about them :')
as for the character questions. thank you for enabling me HJBSJFBJD
i could very very easily write an entire goddamn essay about Either of them, but for the sake of saving whatever brevity i can manage to keep, ill save talking abt mui for when That Episode(tm) drops whenever it does, because inevitebly, i will be Absolutely Inconsolable and it Will happen anyway KJNDKGDF
instead, for now, under a cut because this preamble is already paragraphs long... kaigaku.
i fucking hate this man. i cannot stand him, hes the worst, he is so fucking stupid, i think about him fucking constantly, and he is one of my favorites. he is so fucking insufferable, and i love him!
ok so. getting into kny, i was like. immediately a zenitsu liker. like i saw him and went "god. fuck. shit. its gonna be this nerd i dont even know about yet and i can feel it already." (i was right.) which is Crucial to knowing the angle here. and when i got to his part in th manga, i . genuinely dont remember if i even thought too hard about him. i dont even remember when i Did, i just know that he Wasnt there, and then he Was, and he Never Fucking Left KSJNKDJGN
which is very very fucking funny, considering... how much of a character he straight up Isnt.
like yeah! he sure does show up in a flashback and then fights zen and dies about it! it takes like, a two chapters max! and the entire time, his only character trait is "bitch for no reason." like... that sure isn't a lot to go off of. so like... why? i guess thats kind of the answer in and of itself.
why is he like this? why is he like this?? what made him this way? we know he grew up orphaned, but why? we knew he turned on gyomei's group and ran, but why? we know he trained to be a demon slayer with zen and kuwajima, but why? why, why, why? we just don't know.
we know he's a survivalist. we know that he's willing to go to any lengths, stoop to any lows, just to make it another day. because another day is another chance you get to get them back, to prove them wrong, to rise above it and laugh in their faces and say "see? see what im capable of? bet you feel sorry now."
shame doesnt exist to him. he will make Anything of himself just to make it by. do anything, drop anyone. no connections, impermanence. its clear in flashbacks that, honestly... nobody liked him very much. and like, well, yeah. obviously. he sucks, and he isnt afraid to show it. but isnt that just so strange? broken box of happiness, disatisfaction. he refuses to forge connections, claiming the only people he tolerates are those who respect him, who see his worth.
and that's... the weird thing about him. see, because, the thing is that... i don't fucking believe him for a second. he talks big game, he can back it up, sure, especially as a demon, but... the entire time he talks, every word he says during his confrontation with zen just felt like a bluff. like he's trying to sound threatening, to sound powerful, making a threat display like an animal. every technique he chooses to execute is some new, big, flashy display of his Power, talking, taunting, still taunting.
its a lot of reading between lines, but... this man is a fucking liar. that fight felt different, it felt quick, and well... maybe because it wasn't a fight. this was some guy taking out his anger on someone in a desperate attempt to prove he's worth something.
i just think that this man is a deeply jealous bastard intent on making himself seem larger than he really is, convincing himself that he's the one that's right and it's everyone else that's wrong simply because he can't process just how awful he is.
growing up barely scraping by on his own, of course he'd become painfully self-reliant. of course he would take advantage of anything he could, anyone he could. you'd have to be that self-centered to survive. talk big, act big, nobody will mess with you. nobody can take advantage of you if you take advantage of them first.
and when he gets shown that kindness, being taken in for the first time... of course he'd take advantage of them too. he's hard-wired with instability in mind, so obviously the clear answer is to take what you can and go before something else happens and they get to you first (even if that was never really a threat.) and if they throw you out for it? it's just proof you were right. you were always right, clearly it isn't your fault. and if you happen to throw them under the bus for it... well, obviously they deserved it. there's no reason to think about it anymore.
being with kuwajima was fine. we don't know anything about the earlier days (which im so sad about) but from the looks of it, he was doing fine. about as fine as he could be, at least. he clearly respected him at first, enjoyed being treated as something special, having his work and talents appreciated-- which he did have! he was a staggeringly impressive slayer, but that's an aside-- and even berated zenitsu for supposedly "disrespecting him" by referring to him as jiichan. which. sighs.
so, zenitsu. dynamics Of Ever. honestly, even without the whole Contention there, kai would've just kinda disliked him because he's... motions with hand. look at him. but its the fact that they were considered together that pissed kaigaku off so much. because that implied that they were on the same level when, to him, they so very clearly were not.
zenitsu was annoying. he was weak, whined too much, cried too much, never put in any effot, he was so, so annoying. which made it that much more insulting that jiichan would continue to try to train him. just leave him behind already! he keeps trying to run away, let him! obviously he just isn't good enough. he's not special like he was. and yet, kuwajima kept trying.
and the fact that he did... probably completely went against everything kaigaku saw in the way the world worked. for lack of a better term, he was very "survival of the fittest" minded in that, if you weren't good, you just weren't good. you'd try and struggle and inevitably die off. the world isn't kind, and will take any chance it has to kick you down. that's why you take what you can, when you can.
if you're weak, nobody helps you. if nobody helps you, you either help yourself or die silently. that was what separated the weak and the strong. and you always, always were either one or the other. again, that's his survivalism talking. so, seeing this person he at the very least Respected waste time on some nobody instead of him, expecting something to come of it... well, it was insulting!
and to think that they were even anywhere close enough to put together? to share the title of successor? with this guy? either it meant that kuwajima thought zenitsu was as good as kai was (to him, a laughable idea,) or that kai wasn't any better than some kid who could barely swing a sword. and that was what irritated him the most.
that was the point of their final confrontation. it was kaigaku proving, once and for all, finally, that he was better than zenitsu. was it purely out of hatred for this kid who looked up to him like a brother? was it out of jealousy of someone who got so many kindnesses granted to him despite, to him, not really deserving it? was it just to prove that he was a powerful demon to those who now had their eyes on him, too? whatever it was, at its core... it was laughing in the faces of those who, honestly, genuinely cared about him (and in his eyes, never truly did.)
he could've ended that fight whenever he wanted to-- its even stated in canon that zen wouldve just lost if he was given more time to grow-- but... he just kept showing off. kept talking. it didnt feel like he was using techniques to fit the combat-- it felt like he was showing off what he could do now. he was proving a point. the only thing that stopped him was what he never acknowledged back when they were training together-- that zenitsu did have worth. that he was growing, too. and using what kaigaku refused to acknowledge in him, zenitsu cut him down-- with a symbol of the respect and comraderie that he hoped to have together. a "sorry, aniki."
kaigaku's appearance in canon is less of the role of a character, but as a statement. hes a walking tragedy. he pushes away everything that makes life What It Is in favor of this image of Strength, which is exactly why he becomes-- at first glance-- a caricature. he stops being a person and starts being a Thing. zen tries to keep him in mind as a Person (despite it all) but when he ultimately gives up hope is when the encounter ends. and when kai's role ends as well.
the only thing i still wonder is... does he regret it? in the very depths of his mind, behind all that mess he puts up, after throwing everything away... did he regret it? twice, he was shown care and kindness, and twice he betrayed them. does he know? does he regret it? does he have the capacity to? or has he simply committed so hard to the role he was given-- to the role he put himself in-- that he simply cannot fathom a world in which he was the problem? could it have been different?
put simply... what the fuck is wrong with him?
. anyway, heres a bunch of posts that remind me of him.
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laceratedlamiaceae · 2 years
You know what, fuck it. I'm going to rank every character in ofmd based on how hot they are, in terms of both appearance and personality. I'd like to offer a preemptive apology to Ed and Stede likers because this is not kind to them.
#1: Izzy - 9.95/10
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Obviously he's my number one. He isn't quite perfect; I had to give him a 9.9 on looks for his flat ass. He does get a 10/10 for personality though, because he's literally exactly like me and I'm a narcissist.
#2: Calico Jack - 9.5/10
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He's a 10/10 for looks and a 9/10 for personality. I love the mustache so much and while the whole frat bro vibe might get kind of annoying eventually, at least he's fun.
#3: Ivan - 9/10
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9/10 for both looks and personality. I love men who are quiet and just kind of stand there without really doing anything, and what little things he does say or do are great.
#4: Frenchie - 8.5/10
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Frenchie's an easy 9/10 for personality; he's just a chill guy. He's an 8/10 for looks; his beard isn't on the level of Jack's mustache but he still looks good.
#5: Fang - 8.5/10
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I love the beard, the headband, the open vest; everything about him is so hot, 10/10. He's a bit too expressive for me; I prefer men who are totally repressed, so he gets a 7/10 for personality.
#6: Mr. Buttons - 8/10
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He gets an 8/10 for looks; I love the beard and the long hair paired with the bald spot. It's hard to give him a score for personality but I'll give him an 8/10 because he can talk to birds.
#7: Wee John - 8/10
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I love the beard and tattoos; he's an 8/10 for looks. He doesn't really do much which earns him an 8/10 for personality too.
#8: Black Pete - 8/10
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He kind of looks like my dad but if I set that aside he gets an 8/10 for looks; I just want to slap his bald head. I kind of love how pathetic it is that he's constantly telling obviously fake stories that nobody believes so he's also an 8/10 for personality.
#9: Roach - 7.5/10
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He's good at baking and completely unhinged so he's a 9/10 for personality. He would get a higher score for appearance but he's only a 6/10 because smoking isn't sexy.
#10: Jim - 7/10
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They're an easy 10/10 for personality. I love the way they look with the fake beard, but if I'm judging them without it I'll give them a 4/10.
#11: Lucius - 6.5/10
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I'm sorry, the sideburns just do not do it for me, so he's only a 6/10 for appearance. He's mostly cool but also kind of annoying so I'll give him an 7/10 for personality.
#12: Oluwande - 6/10
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He would look nice if it weren't for the crocs and whatever that shirt is, which drag him down to a 6/10. He's also just too nice for my tastes, so he's a 6/10 for personality too.
#13: Doug - 5.5/10
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He looks alright I guess but he's a little too boring for me, 6/10. He's also way too nice and supportive; good for Mary but I could never. 5/10 for personality.
#14: Chauncey Badminton - 5.5/10
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I know he and Nigel are twins but the bald look puts Chauncey a little bit ahead at a 8/10. For personality he gets a 3/10, because "guy who's driven homicidally insane after the guy he bullied as a kid kills his brother" is kind of hot in a fucked up way.
#15: Spanish Jackie - 5/10
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I'm gay, so she gets a 0/10 on looks even though she does slay in that red velvet. If I was into women she would definitely be a 10/10 though. And of course she's a 10/10 for personality.
#16: Mary - 5/10
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Still gay, so again a 0/10 on looks, but we stan a woman who tries to kill her husband so that's a 10/10 for personality.
#17: Evelyn - 5/10
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Once again not into women, so 0/10 for looks. And do I even need to say it? Of course she's a 10/10 for personality.
#18: The Swede - 2.5/10
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He's a 5/10 for appearance; he doesn't look bad, but he doesn't really do it for me either. I completely forgot about him until I saw him in the background of a gif so I think that's an automatic 0/10 for personality. Sorry :(
#19: Nigel Badminton - -1.5/10
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He's awful but he is kind of hot. -10/10 for personality, 7/10 for looks.
#20: Stede - -1.5/10
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He's a solid 7/10 for looks but a -10/10 for personality. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but I also despise him and he's literally the worst (besides Ed).
#21: Ed - -499999996.5/10
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Yeah sorry, he's last. He's a 10/10 on looks (with the beard; he's a 4/10 without it), but he's a -1000000000/10 for personality. It feels like the writers were deliberately trying to create the most annoying character possible to me personally. I was too distracted by how hot he was to really notice at first but now every time I rewatch the show I start to hate him even more.
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kideternity · 2 years
character asks: worlds greatest?
Plastic man-
Sexuality Headcanon: he likes women men and anything else so long as it’s legal and safe and he doesn’t care imo to necessarily label it
Gender Headcanon: trans man with a funny little sprinkling of bugs bunny gender nonconformity as well
A ship I have with said character: Zauriel/Eel 💖💖💖💖💖💖 also John Henry/Eel 💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
A BROTP I have with said character: Same as above ^ bc i prioritise their canon friendship moments a lot but also I love thinking about the hilarious dynamics Eel had with Helena, and his relationships with Bruce, The Terrifics, other JLers like Kyle and his solo characters like Paco, Morgan and Edwina are just fun as well
A NOTP I have with said character: there’s soooooo many plastic man ships i hate more then anything but sorry im forever a b@tpl@s and W00zypl@s hater I will never see the appeal
A random headcanon: HMMMMMMMMMMMMM I think around most people Eel puts on that super goofy hero look or like some other form of exaggerated look but when its people he is actually attached to and close with and it’s like private settings he'll unintentionally or not look more relaxed and like how his old self used to look
General Opinion over said character: One of my oldest favourite heroes 💖 One day i promise Ill read all his comics at least his DC ones Ive already read a good chunk. I think Every other plastic man fan probably hates me or would if they knew my takes but that’s okay because I trust myself best about him anyways
Steel (John Henry)-
Gender Headcanon: Transgender man because only the realest hunks are
A ship I have with said character: Zauriel/Eel/John Henry also just Eel/John henry in general. I am also endeared towards Clark/John Henry.
A BROTP I have with said character: GUY AND JOHN HENRY!!!!!! Also again always John henry's relationship with other superfam members like Kara and Lois and such. With Helena and that one spy guy from his solo and Natasha and other JLers im forgetting…… OH i liked how he interacted with that one hero from bloodlines a lot too!!!
A NOTP I have with said character: uhm i guess any straight ship with John like Lana/John…. Sorry
A random headcanon: I think he probably organises like friendly football games with other heroes who he's on close terms with just as like a fun bonding activity usually also along with food like barbecue picnic style but then it like always gets super out of hand and a villain probably crashes it but he still does it every year anyways
General Opinion over said character: I LOVE HIM MORE THEN ANYTHING MY FAVOURITE GUY SUPERHERO FROM DC……… of all time ever maybe?!?!?!?!?!?! I am very very very scared for his upcoming solo but I really really really hope it’s good because he deserves it……… such an important and overlooked superman character
Sexuality Headcanon: Gay as like an umbrella term. Probably specifically nblm but the only thing Zauriel knows is they’re a dude liker and it took them joining the jla to find this out. Also extremely asexual
Gender Headcanon: Nonbinary/Agender. Gender of shrug emoji. Gender of feeling both attached to human ideas of masculinity and femininity and then not at all. Most of all gender of being hot
A ship I have with said character: Zauriel/Eel once more 💖💖💖💖💖 as well as John henry/Zauriel
A BROTP I have with said character: I think Zauriel's friendship with most of the JLers is really cute but i especially love their relationship with 90s Aquaman its so fucking funny. In my head also Zauriel had a sprawling in depth growth arc of gaining the shadowpact's trust and becoming their bestie forever especially Rory's. I also think it'd be fun if Zauriel befriended more bird based heroes
A NOTP I have with said character: whoever the hell during the 2000s was shipping Zauriel with like supergirl…..
A random headcanon: I might have said this before but I do think Zauriel is extremely extremely into collecting especially objects with some form of importance whether that be cultural, personal, etc, and i do think after a while with JL help they'd probably get an official degree in archivist science w/e. Anyways Zauriel librarian or like museum curator arc is what im saying
General Opinion over said character: MY BESTEST FRIEND FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Genuinely the only only only good Angel character DC has and easily one of the best debut heroes of the 90s I really really wish Zauriel took off more and that they kept along their og characterisation more where Zauriel was like a bitch and implied hated god and Heaven and just wanted to be a superhero “mega Christian Zauriel” makes me want to cry. Either way. I love them so much sm
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)-
Gender Headcanon: trans woman because I'd simply like her to be
A ship I have with said character: Renee/Helena and Dinah/Helena and Karen/Helena are the main ones coming to me
A BROTP I have with said character: Her with the birds of prey obviously……. Also her with the JL and such…… I think she should be allowed also to have more friendships with the Justice league international especially i want to see her hanging out with Guy and Tora and Bea and so on!!!!! Idk if they've ever met before but i also think that Via Dinah Helena should meet and hang out with Zatanna so they can be #bad bitches together. Same with Vixen actually
A NOTP I have with said character: ANY STRAIGHT HELENA SHIP!!!! I hate you V1c/H3l3na I hate you D1ck/Her etc etc etc etc etc
A random headcanon: I MISS WHEN HELENA WAS A SCHOOL TEACHER so I think Helena probably helped open up a lot of school schemes for her students if she hasn’t already in canon!!! Things like clubs especially a book club and school trips and so on. I imagine she'd probably really want for them to be able to see School as a safe or reliable environment if other things in their lives aren’t going well that she can’t just get involved with easily as a vigilante
General Opinion over said character: MY FAVOURITE WOMAN OF ALL TIME…. I LOVE THAT SHES MEAN I LOVE THAT SHES FILLED WITH REVENGE I LOVE THAT SHES MESSY AND CAN BE EASILY PISSED OFF AND YET SHE TRIES SO SO SO SO HARD ANYWAYS TO BE SUCH A DAMN GOOD HERO!!!!!!!!!!!! In a server I was literally just talking about her so i am full of helena loving anew
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someplace-that-is-else · 11 months
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GOOD AFTERNOON, LIKERS!!! How is your Tuesday #GOING? The weather is a little too chilly for me. BUT at least the sun is out.
Speaking of out, no better time than any for EDITING, TYPING, and WRITING.
EDITING. Last time I had mentioned that work and life had been getting in the way of my continuing to work on HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. But #still I was getting time here and there over the last week. So HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES was progressing.
At the moment, I was working on #rewrites. There was a subplot or scene that I put in there to show something from Shaun's point of view. However, it was a light touch. I wanted to expand on that.
I also had a minor character that had a great intro. However, she does not pop up again in my novel. And she was just too juicy for me to not use her with Shaun in some kind of way. Through the #SUBPLOT, I could use her a little bit more. Two birds, one stone.
TYPING. Typing has been pretty light. Not since my last blog. And I was already thinking about that #anew.
That said, I had loved that when it came to typing. I was gaining something that I had been missing very much.
What was that?
WRITING. I really just realized it today.
One...I HAVE been writing again. I had been on my way to work. And it just #hit me. Yesterday I was working on something #darkenverse related. And then today I was doing rewrites for HOW THE OTHER HALF LIVES. But...over the last two days, I had been getting time.
Two...wow at how easily it flowed out of me. I read back over where I was at with the side project. And I was interested in building #tension with that scene. And this morning, the rewriting flew out of me without any hesitation. My mind was still on it.
And I still have to sit down and start on my #nanowrimo2023 project. So...
So...I guess the B is back!!! LOL!!!
0 notes
libidomechanica · 1 year
Untitled Composition # 9834
You were a spare rib here, swans to those relished is.     We drove affairs, of coxcomb in praying the dark, no soon became a mist the pageant     of life and there rest are at my reflection from walking sit listen’d to shrowded in     paint you all to love. If I ever
cut from redde, it mighty’s bow, front, and, half measure     of Death! Roses greensward no human from the Marksmen of threading this, day ne’er I want.     Full of Noise and place costume. My heart, to give. The babe forgotten, and uttered her spicy     nest, which Inde or Affrick hold. Outside
and her strife are men: there as farther way against     another sires’ Islands of desier still were long ygoe is mine! Doth hide something I     displeasure never a fact. Did I ever it should conversation; to venturous     ledges or that, out of you can, so
leaves yet with them fills the low sobs thee shepherd’s early     to holds in her in ground the eleventh months gone whose Fount of you. To his guess, and     he one can have: far I was a heauens did quake, these to touches. Of other fluttryng winters     cold. Three youngest all asunder
her to the first die I will to be tongues perplext,     Oh God! A train comes the third time, o’er the silver taper’s life’s injurious hours, but     for thy bow; here’s doubt if it changed; and if such a constella, in which words have ne’er     be got by any art: the cheeks, and
richer once set younglings, and fragrant apples, and     sitting in thee more it not be in such a convey, and thirteen they from me. Close thy     bidden in her her nieces shines liker must be disposed to the Wine though discourse a     mist the should be to fill his late life
of joy or mist: curst be men’s earlier than in     her cheated, althoughts which sight time for all these which, ’mid the tap is dripping will go deep     judge of so she looked out an errand woman: so far like things which makes reality     seem to float, and all the future state
of these! I was that euer wrought I leaue of her hair.     And thus, the same gaudy flowers of some kind! Whose body is writ each fulfils defect     is rich midway in sport half my philosophy? The milkwhite gauze baracan that keeps     his full moonshine own, a thrust interested
the white new; the sits vpon thy breast, nor tie     knots, nor control to love me, leave been Petrarch’s learne to love ever—or else with him on     another sacred well; that events me tast. The will storm his due; my dears, Look therefore     they blind hath a sights, things we have grief
and builds her woman, so sweet order live, as the     duck pond, rapping peace is past, making for all thy cheeke, to the blue, soft Persian sentences,     that selfe out of these there meditative, and her state. With rusty elde, that voice to     be beguiled by someone who tunes in
immemorial wood, its life hath so little     good opinions now bene so let them for thy? To land over then to a dragon     when his soul’s spring ere the tedious bland: yet still his little bird died patient force—     gold, and the reverend Rapp learn’d no tidings
carry it on the sencelesse armour,     agitated People, hither makes another side, far and pithy, such farther I loue     so stammer and fruits, and multiplicates a catch her heart of love doth kissed or mockers     and flatt’ring in pypes made to
love, a happy sleep. Where Porphyry fondly cherish’d     o’er thy right his hall dropt; and he would retrace, red porphir is, what is not dissolving     in a man’s: the Harmony’ a starke blind Fury with me, which Inde or wake at night,     oft in the blisses, that I shoulder
at O lonesome with an unto noble princes     at present weathers to thy sweet did the sank, somewhere his! Or when than a hands hugely     politic, that stuck o’er each of a kind come to slope throne apart from breast, to heaven,     all my goddess go; my mistress stone.
0 notes
peterhongwrites · 6 years
Block Town One, Two, Three, Four, Five
Block Town 1:
I’d moved myself into Block Town about a month when I found the Block Town Spa, back when work was just getting tough. I get curious sometimes, and I pass by every day, so I figured I should try it once. I liked my one try, so I checked in about every month after that. I like to take in a few at the steam sauna, then slide into the hot tub and sit there, just soak there. Nothing better. It really works.
I’d been a regular by the time I saw it down in the pool. There was a door down there by the light bulb, wiggling on the tile. I tried to kind of ignore it. But, again, curious, and the door got me thinking. One day, I took a breath, closed my eyes, and dove down. I wasn’t exactly scared but, I didn’t know what to expect. When I opened my eyes, I looked around. It was a lot cozier than I expected. Little though-- just like a room, basically. I saw a purple velvet lining around me, a couple retro vinyl chairs, and a karaoke machine. Then I noticed them: Randy from the auto shop was there, along with Jacob and Lee, a few other guys from town. They all laughed, introducing me, cheering, sharing arms with me like old friends. They showed me how to work the machine, and after that, we went round after round on karaoke into the night. By the time I went back to my car, my eyes were creaking and all the singing and yelling had scratched my throat up. I drove home feeling so tired, so so satisfied.
I started going every week. Me and the boys try to sneak in a few drinks, then we dive in. We take turns. Put our fingers in belt loops, Randy does some classic, I do the Beach Boys. All of us sound like we’re dying. Been having a lot of fun in that little room. Glad I found it.
Block Town 2:
Johnny’s new shoes were the biggest thing in town for a while. Johnny got the coolest shoes in the world, 1999 Retro Blazers. Everybody was talking about them. You’d walk outside, see your neighbor. “Hey, good morning,” you’d say. “Morning,” they’d say. “Johnny’s shoes are really cool,” and then you’d go. “Johnny’s shoes are great,” they’d agree. After a while, we all just spoke one voice. Johnny became a whole celebrity to the town. Some people say he was different before he got famous. I wished I knew enough to say the same.
Block Town 3:
Block Town has rebels, same as any town. They wear their hair poofy and big, leather jackets with the collars popped. But they’re pretty different once you get to know them. They’re “rebelling against rebels”. Trying to do something right every day: volunteering at the soup kitchen, donating for the kids, campaigning for good and protesting against bad, cussing while they do it. Now, I’m not scared of them. But I wouldn’t take them in a fight. Never.
Block Town 4:
Block Town was split down the middle about it. The court case of the century, they were saying, a dispute between the parsley chewers and the people who thought parsley wasn’t all that. Everyone had a side. Mary stopped talking to Barry. Jenny started planting parsley in her yard. Johnny, the man with the nicest shoes in the world, even showed up on TV to talk for the pro-parsley on Channel 6. It got so big, we were about to split Block Town right in half, and we all asked the President of Block Town to step in.
The President didn’t say much. The President never really wanted to be President. He was just kinda pressured into it. Circumstances. Parents. He watched TV all day instead of getting to his presidential duties. One day, he watched a movie on his big flat screen, an old one about love, loss, and the war. After that, he got all excited, and decided to be a good president. We’ve never had a war since. I’m voting for him next election. Voting against parsley before that.
Block Town 5:
Block Town’s always had a place for the Bird People. They made it to Block Town over a hundred years ago, right after Birdland fell apart, and they had that war. Block Town’s got the biggest Bird People population this side of the coast. The Block Town Birdland Association always puts on a cultural event each year. I think a straight week in April, usually. They put on shows for a holiday of theirs, teach about their culture, their language. I’ve heard everyone gets into this singing competition they do every fest. I think this’ll be the first time I ever go.
Block Town 6:
Nana had a best friend named Sunbo, who came from the sky and had the sun for a head. She liked to show him off. Sunbo was kind of a weird kid, sent down to look after Nana, make sure she grew up alright. Sunbo was about 3”4’, and when Nana was good, he’d spit out a toy in one of those plastic capsules from his mouth for her. Everyone started getting kind of sick of Nana when they saw Sunbo hanging around.
Every winter, he had to hibernate, so Nana’s dad put him in the closet where he slept in his arms, til spring came back around, and a toy spat out for Nana. Nana wasn’t always good, but she always did wait for Sunbo.
Nana had bullies, but they weren’t so bad. They didn’t stuff her into lockers, or throw rocks at her. No, Nana’s bullies liked to challenge her. They liked to get in Nana’s head and just, nudge, nudge and see what happened from the other side of the fence. They always had some new dilemmas for her after school. One day in Winter, Nana snapped, and she smacked the bullies around and stomped them flat. She expected Sunbo to be mad. He wasn’t, though. Instead, Sunbo spat out every kind of toy he could. Nana had to say sorry to the others kids’ parents, but she was okay, honestly.
Block Town 7:
Pet Sounds is probably my favorite album in the whole wide world. But me and Lee, who runs the record store, we don’t see eye to eye on that. Lee’s shop is the nicest place on the planet, I think. I go there twice a week at least, Mondays and Tuesdays usually after work, and just listen to Lee go. I show him an album, and he’s always got an opinion. It’s the funniest thing to me. I just grab one, hold it up to his face— he’s always got something.
“Pet Sounds is perfect,” I say. “It’s uh, I think, track 11. ‘I Guess I Just Wasn’t Made for These Times’. And the theremin. Nobody but Brian Wilson, The Beach Boys, and the 60’s could make a theremin sound sad like that.”
“It’s cheesy,” Lee says.
“It’s cause it’s The Beach Boys they can pull it off.”
Lee stays quiet sometimes. Today, he tells me, “I served in the 60’s.”
“No kidding?”
“Yeah,” Lee says. “Ask the prez.”
Anyways, Lee was born with a record player in his head, and I like to throw in some Pet Sounds every time I’m there.
Block Town 8:
The best Italian restaurant in town, and probably anywhere, only shows up on days when it’s raining. It’s kind of a pain, but once you get there-- it’s worth it. The steam just rises up from the hot zitis and spaghettis and tortellinis and breadsticks up into the rain, where it gets dark. You won’t see anyone outside on days like these. The whole town piles in. All of us wet from the rain, thunder strumming in the back, hot Italian food on the wood, all of us, good and hungry. The owner of the place always listens to our troubles, and always, always has the right thing to say. Saw Jenny’s kid here and he’s got parsley in his Stromboli, best Stromboli in the world. And Jenny’s kid was in tears, munching on his parsley. “It’s okay?” Jenny’s kid asked. And the owner, I heard him say, “it’s not. But that is.”
Block Town 9:
For the holidays, the whole of Block Town decided this year to travel to another town. The town picked itself up, held those streets together, and hiked it over to Solvberg, a nice old, historic Dutch town. We plopped down right on Solvberg, our houses peeking through their houses, our cars chatting up their cars. I looked in the windows of some of these Solvberg shops, little handmade things and clocks. Wind chimes at every store, shortbread smell everywhere. I held Randy and Jacob and Lee’s hands, and we all tightened up from the winter chill at night. Block Town at peace, and so was I. I saw Jenny strolling her kids through the shop, and Johnny’s shoes showing off for the townsfolk, and Lee brings me back some authentic fudge, telling me he’ll never change his mind.
At the end of the trip, me and the boys, Nana and Sunbo, the parsley likers and parsley haters, the rebels, even the lowdown President came together and took a picture.
“Cheese,” we all said. Only some of us smiling, but all of us happy.
The picture came out perfect.
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evakteket · 7 years
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Happy Six Month Anniversary to us!
Dear authors: thank you all for writing such exciting contributions for the very first #evakteket challenge! We’re absolutely stunned by the response to our prompts, by the nice things you’ve said about Evakteket, and by the lovely stories you’ve written for fandom to enjoy. You’re all amazing! 
Dear readers: under the cut you’ll find all of the contributions. Happy reading, and please show the authors some kudos/comment love!
A Bridge of Magpies by @junkshop-disco Even/Isak, Even/Sonja, mature Prompt: get together, lit/film au, smoking up
A Midsummer Night's Remix by @fandomlimb Mikael/Adam, Noora/Eva, teen and up Prompt: get together, lit/film au, lit/film references Another chapter to come!
Benefits by @brionbroadway Even/Isak, explicit Prompt: friends with benefits, coffee shop au, summer Two more chapters to come!
caught up in a dream by @lesbovilde Even/Isak, teen and up Prompt: friends with benefits, childhood au, summer
Cookies and Cream by @greathalesonfire Even/Isak, Eva/Jonas, explicit Prompt: get together, coffee shop au
cracks in our foundation by @towonderland72 Even/Isak, teen and up Prompt: friends to lovers, different city au, makeup
Drunk on Your Colours by @crazyheartfics Even/Isak, mature Prompt: friends to lovers, supernatural elements au, drinking games Two more chapters to come!
East of the Sun by @eiqhties Noora/Eva, gen Prompt: get together, fairytale/magic au
Feng Shui by @champagneleftie Even/Isak, mature Prompt: friends with benefits, cohabitation au, fake/pretend relationship
Guess he wants to play (a love game) by @diamondjacket Even/Isak, teen and up Prompt: friends to lovers, celebrity/sports/careers au, different city, summer Another chapter to come!
I like my sugar with coffee and cream by @skamskada Even/Isak, teen and up Prompt: enemies to lovers, coffee shop au, 5 + 1
I’m Always Here by @nofeartina Even/Isak, explicit Prompt: friends to lovers, college/university au, summer
Jeg liker meg bedre når jeg er med deg by @mmkk89 (Norwegian) Even/Isak, gen Prompt: get together, college/university au, wrong number
live happily with sugar on by @fille-lioncelle Even/Isak, explicit Prompt: get together, childhood au, summer
Not a Bird, Not a Plane by @shakespeare-and-sunshine Even/Isak, unrated Prompt: get together, supernatural elements au, 5+1
Oggi il paradiso costa la metà by @nooradeservedbetter  Even/Isak, Noora/Eva, gen Prompt: get together, soulmates au, summer
Untitled, (part 2) by @isakvqltersen  Even/Isak, unrated
when i’m close to you (we blend into my favourite colour) by @vanqoh Even/Isak, mature Prompt: friends to lovers, college/university au, 5+1
you're the glitter in the dark by @branstark Even/Isak, teen and up Prompt: fairytale/magic au, 5+1
Don’t see your contribution on the list? Send us an ask or message @towonderland72 or @skamskada and we’ll add it!
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