#for some reason my 'stray kitten energy' keeps having
cryptideye · 2 years
halloweekend BUT the only gathering i was invited to in ON halloween when i have to WORK at [REDACTED SANDWICH SHOP YES THAT ONE THE GREEN AND YELLOW ONE]
#ordinarily i HATE hate hate loud parties but right now and ONLY right now i want to put a speaker into my chest i feel like im going to#vibrate OUT i want to be on shrooms or some shit like come the fuck AWN#stares at you you will trust me at a party i am soooo so trustworthy#i will NOT start talking about warrior cats to the first person i see. i will be so normal#your friends will like me. they will not be 'concerned about my mental health'#for real like come on#for some reason my 'stray kitten energy' keeps having#random people im in classes with try to be friendly#ALWAYS random men like i know its not my feminine mystique rn#it is pity???#is that it?????#who knows dude im gonna vibrate off the PLANET right now#i would sleep but IM NOT... yahoo!!!#yippee!!! i guess#am i that pathetic that people only try to talk to me to make sure im stable#im not even that fucking weird during classes i for REAL just sit there doing nothing#not talking to ANY living person for like a week straight!#i am stock silent the entire time!!!#how are you getting that read off of me???#its ACCURATE but its still stereotyping bc i look like an emo bitch#is it the lack of eye contact and twitching?#bc i do NOT control that but i didntthink it was that noticable#everythingnis moving TOO fast and too slow i feel like i was druggegd or something#but this ALWAYAS happens. at like 2 am pAST that im a mess#im failing 2/3 of the classes on in YIPPEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#my joints want to leave my body theyre shakign#i woul dlove to put myself into a situation where i get sensory overload on purpose i will CRY on this dance floor right now#fucking rave or something pls west coast friends...#i will be SO so normal. i promise#apparently primus still tours?????????<they were in fucking
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gay-dorito-dust · 6 months
YOOO I SEE U FELLOW UNUS ANUSER🫵🫵 i fucking love ur works keep at it bestie pls feed our delusions😫😫
may i ask for, dan heng, blade and jing yuan with a sweet and kind s/o but the moment theyre (the characters) are talked to in a disrespectful way, s/o is immediately turning into a guard dog with a “i’ll tear out your guts with my hand showed down your throat”? idk i just love feral but also gentle s/o tropes so much😔
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Thank you 🫵 my fellow Unus Anuser for the ask and enjoying my writings, despite me thinking half of them could be better but I’m not going to complain if ppl enjoy them regardless.
Dan Heng:
He’s taken aback by your sudden threats of violence towards a random pedestrian for intentionally bumping into him.
He was more use to Caelus rummaging through trash cans before waxing poetry about them and whenever March 7th going off on her own as it was expected of their characters.
You however? His sweetheart, his precious jewel and beloved partner? It was extremely unexpected. Dan Heng had to physically stop you from actually fulfilling your threat by holding you against him before putting a good deal of distance between you and the rude individual.
He’s not against you defending his honour, he just doesn’t want you engaging in fights with random people just because they said something about him that you didn’t like. He didn’t want you to stoop to their level and become like them, no matter how good your reasonings for doing so may be. Dan Heng just wants you to be better than them and not give them the reaction that they needed to fuel their own narratives.
That and Dan Heng knew that you could easily kick their ass but he didn’t felt like dealing with being chased by the authorities for unprovoked acts of violence. However some exceptions can be made to this but Dan Heng would much rather that you kept out of trouble, just for his sake and his sanity as he didn’t want to make breaking you out of jail a reoccurring thing.
Jing Yuan:
His interest is peaked.
Who’d knew that someone as sweet and kind as you had such a vicious side, waiting to come out.
Jing Yuan didn’t care for much what others said about him, but having you come to his defence without hesitation had him smiling with pride. His reputation precedes him wherever he went, so naturally he wasn’t going to be easily intimidated by senseless yapping of others, especially those who had not even the slightest clue of the things he’s put himself through in order to get where he was.
While Jing Yuan appreciates your need to stick up for him, he didn’t think it was necessary for you to waste your time and energy on those who lack the capacity to listen to a voice that wasn’t their own.
‘Always pick your battles wisely my dear,’ he said all the while looking at the person who insulted him dead in the eye with that half asleep expression of his, ‘for most aren’t worth fighting in.’ He finishes before gently pulling you by the waist and walking away.
He had an inkling that there was more to you than meets the eye. However he didn’t expect someone who went out of their way to feed stray kittens and puppies, patch up his wounds despite knowing he could heal, would ever spout such detailed threats towards another person.
He didn’t give two shits about what people said about him that he hasn’t heard before, he had long grown immune to ignore the comments from those who didn’t know him nor his past. Yet he couldn’t help but revel in the look of surprise on the persons face the words left your lips, chuckling softly at the countless possible thoughts that must be running through their head in that moment.
It was always the sweetest people that everyone was the least suspicious about, it was near enough impossible to fathom that they were capable of hurting anyone.
A wolf in sheep’s clothing is what described you best in this moment as Blade watched you with new found interest. He found this side of you rather exciting and wanted nothing more than to help you hone in on this side of you and use it to your advantage; Yet he found another part of himself wanting to be the one inciting violence, as he refuses you to tread the same path he did, he wouldn’t allow it.
After all he was the weapon.
He was the one stained in the blood of others.
He was the one that inflicted pain onto others and himself and it was something he will continue to do until death was finally granted to him in whatever form that may be. Blade will refuse you from ever embracing that side of yourself if it meant sending you on a projectory much like his own.
You were his light in the dark for a reason and while it was reassuring to know that you had what it took to fight back, Blade would much rather be the one to fight instead and to be the one to keep your hands clean of blood and violence overall.
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limi-strology · 2 years
My astro observations:
I'm by no means an expert, this is based on my experience!
☄. *. ⋆*·˚ Leo suns are pretty warm people. I mean it as in they make you feel welcome in a new place and try to help you socialize with their friends. Even though they are really popular and usually in the center, they'll talk to you, pay attention to how you're feeling and encourage you to talk more in the group! It may put you on the spot, but that's how they show they care. I find it really sweet, they just want to help you get out there and approach people. They're great friends, especially if you were around toxic people previously, these fellas will kinda heal you in a way ❤️‍🩹
☄. *. ⋆ Leo risings also have a confident vibe surrounding them. Even those who are more on the introverted side give off the impression that they are quite dynamic? Idk how to explain this, they just kind of stand out. I think it's more obvious when they're with their closest friends, they're usually the ones cracking jokes, being loud, taking up a more leader-like(?) role. Part time entertainers, part time hype people. You go guys, let's keep up the fun vibes in our friend groups ☀️
☄. *. ⋆ Libras are so charming for no reason?? Like, both personality and appearance wise, I'm amazed. I love how they always listen to both sides of the story and try to find solutions that are fair to everyone. They're generally sweet and angelic, they tend to forgive a lot (don't you think they'll forget it tho, they'll probably be more cautious around you afterwards) up until you hurt them deeply. After that, they get sarcastic and cold, you do not want to get on their bad side. Regarding their physical appearance, I've noticed a lot of them have full lips and freckles (or multiple beauty marks on their face). I'm getting a cute energy just by looking at them, I don't know why, I just found every Libra I've met so far adorable in a way. Sure, they're mostly described as handsome and beautiful (and they are, not gonna lie) but I'm just seeing an innocent? youthful and carefree image of them. Also they're kinda curvy? Even the more lean ones are a little thick in the booty or thighs. 🤭
☄. *. ⋆ I've noticed Scorpios suddenly becoming really soft and smiley around kids and pets. They'll start cooing and waving at the kids, might even talk or play with them (if they know them well). Similarly, they'll get excited at the sight of a puppy or a kitten and will probably pet them and give them snacks. And what amazes new even more is that kids and pets seem to like them back! I don't know what it is about Scorpios and their energy, but I've seen so many babies/toddlers staring and smiling at my Scorpio peers in fascination, and whenever we encounter stray animals they seem to gravitate towards them. It's really cute to see that, warms my heart a lot. Like, intimidating who? I'm only seeing cute happy people ☺️
☄. *. ⋆ Capricorn moons have a hard time opening up about things that bother them. Even if they feel the most comfortable with you, they'll most likely hide some things. They'll talk about it eventually, but they'll probably reveal small parts of it each time, kinda like building a puzzle but taking many breaks in between. Maybe they feel like they can be judged and/or mocked and want to see how others react first? I hope you guys are surrounded by sweet and accepting people that you can trust and share things that trouble you with them 🤍
☄. *. ⋆ I used to think Aries placements make you more hot-headed/aggressive, but the more people I've met, I've realised they're more on the ambitious side. Strong willed, they know exactly what they want. Sometimes their parents may pressure them into studying something they think is best for them during college, and the Aries person will probably do that, but then they'll do the thing that truly interests them. I noticed Aries suns are quite fit and enjoy any kind of exercise/sports, it just makes them feel good, while Aries risings are mostly attracted to athletic people, or are fascinated by people who go to the gym. They also have a fiery, self empowering aura going on and I love that for them 🔥
☄. *. ⋆ Scorpio venuses, wowww... Okay, first of all, your loyalty is so admirable. And the fact that you always try to find solutions and maintain peace in your relationships, especially the men with this placement, I'm impressed every time 👏 I'm getting Morticia Adams vibes, and by that I mean that I'm seeing elegance with dark themes. Also, in formal/party settings, guys look great in all black outfits and girls rock red lipstick. I know it sounds a bit generic, but it makes you stand out from the rest, even if everyone is dressed practically the same. It's like you're just in your element 🤌
☄. *. ⋆ My fellow sun square moon people, how are we feeling? Do you also have that mind vs heart battle on a weekly basis? Like being two different people at once, with one being more assertive and independent (Sun) and the other more sensitive and insecure (Moon). Your upbringing could be genuinely good, with no one really hurting you deeply, yet you still struggle with your emotions and might have low self confidence. Probably people pleasers, even if your mind is telling you to do your own thing instead, you will probably have a hard time saying no. And don't get me started on this whole conflict of what you want exactly. You finally start living on your own like you've always wanted and make time for yourself? Yeah, but why is no one here to pat you on the back and give you reassurance yet? Where's the support? Hate independence. You eventually surround yourself on the daily with people who actually care about you and show you the affection you deserve? Well, now it feels too stuffy in here, let's self isolate from all the people we love until we feel horrible again because of loneliness. Don't know how else to describe it than just 🙃.
Thanks for reading! It's my first time making an observation post so I'm sorry if it's not that accurate, I'm basing this on people who are close to me and whose chart I've checked a few times.
Hope you have a nice day~
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satanstruemistress · 5 months
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@technomaestro You have no idea what you’ve just unleashed 😂😂😂
Between my roommate and I, we have 6 of the little bastards! (Affectionate)
Here they all are:
That particular one is mine. Her name is Pumpkin Leigh, she’s the only girl, and she was found outside my mom’s old house. She adopted me. She’s obsessed with me. All the boys look at her like she’s the reigning queen. (She is). She has zero interest in returning to her stray ways. She takes one look at the outdoors and goes “Ew, no thanks”. Addicted to cat nip. Plays fetch. Like a weirdo.
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(Punkin on a Punkin)
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This confused looking fellow is Oliver George. He’s my roommate’s cat. I love him. He hates humans in general? He has a crumply ear because he had a boo-boo of some sort. It got fixed, and it gives him character. He likes Pumpkin and my sister. He tolerates everyone else. If he escapes the house it’s at least an hour getting him back in, and it often ends with someone (me) getting shredded. He looks at me and says “You’ll never take me alive!” And proceeds to fight with all his ten-pound might. And then is super sweet when I finally return him to the house.
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2-for-1 special, this is Jack Daniel (black) and Potter Maxwell (orange) they’re brothers from the same litter. Mom was a short haired calico and Dad was a long haired black cat. Jack got mom’s coat and dad’s color, Potter got mom’s color and dad’s coat. They’ve never been apart a day in their lives. Potter has the worst RBF I’ve ever seen on a cat, and Jack will only let you love on him while you’re trying to wash your hands. Any time Ollie escapes, Jack has a meltdown when he comes back in, because apparently he doesn’t recognize him.
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This is Sylvester James and I think he needs 3 pictures to really hit home how fuckin’ insane his transformation was. We found him outside a friend’s house, and we thought he was just a normal sized escapee, bc he looked healthy enough, but then he got fed regularly and a safe place and he turned into that enormous, majestic, long-haired beast. He’s so soft. It’s like petting a cloud. He also talks a lot for no reason. Also an occasional prison breaker. If Ollie refuses to go quietly, Sylvester is the opposite. If he escapes you can just pick him up and you can hear his little pea brain go “Rats! *finger snapping noise* Foiled again!”
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This fucking chaos gremlin is the baby, Floki Alexander. My roommate’s ex bf left him with us when he got dumped until he could get stable. He’s so sweet. He’s fucking insane. He’s almost three, and still has insane kitten energy. Loves kisses and cuddles and unattended glassware. If there’s a cup left sitting, Floki will knock it off and break it. Sits by the door, contemplates escaping. Ultimately does not.
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This is Daisy Mae, she’s technically my brother’s dog but she’s really not friendly so he couldn’t keep her where he was living, so I took her and I’m working on socializing her better. He will have to pry her out of my cold, dead hands if he ever wants her back.
She loves her kitties so much. She gets kisses and snuggles and ear cleanings from them.
She’s also fucking rotund because the only way my ex-roommate could get her to warm up to him was by human food. She’s on a diet now, and we go for walks.
I was going to add more pictures to really solidify how cute they all are, but alas there’s a 10 picture limit on mobile apparently.
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guildtree · 1 year
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Anyways, this is meant to be an opportunity for writers to do a "behind the scenes" look at one of their fanfics, something I've wanted to do for a while. I'm choosing Left Behind, my story about Taimi and Marjory becoming friends while recovering from Balthazar, because not only is it my first posted fanfic and one I still love, but because GOOD LORD does it have a story behind it.
So here's the tale: I wrote this thing in October of 2022, shortly after essentially dropping out of college. COVID had knocked me flat on my ass both mentally and physically, so I was still recovering from a pretty severe health crisis/depressive episode and had very little to do with my life. I'd started writing fiction again after a few years of not doing it at all. And then my uncle calls me up and says, "Hey, I'm going to Europe for three weeks, I know you're not busy, would you like to catsit my two kittens while I'm gone? I'll pay you." Obviously, I jumped at the chance to cuddle cute fluffy animals and earn money for it. Easy, right?
WRONG. First off, these kittens were not tiny fluffballs, they were five-month-old former-stray terrors that hadn't been fixed yet and still had tons of nervous energy. They caused chaos whenever I wasn't watching. Second, it took all of half a week for them both to somehow get sick with gonorrhea (honestly, they'd probably had it before and the symptoms just hadn't shown up yet). If you've never had to deal with two hyperactive, aggressively cuddly kittens with diarrhea ... be thankful. It was a disaster. Between taking them to the vet, giving them medicine regularly, cleaning up after them, and making sure they didn't break anything important, I wound up over at my uncle's house way more than I'd expected. Eventually, I just started dragging my laptop along so I could sit on the couch and write for hours while keeping the little fuzzy troublemakers in the corner of my eye.
I'd had the idea for Left Behind for a while - ever since I'd heard that little achievement line where Taimi mentions that Marjory's been calling her a lot and, "it seems like she's kinda lonely." (Which like, Marjory? Lonely? What? But then it clicked for me that she's not only alone, she's alone and injured, and she's probably feeling frustrated about not being able to do anything, much like Taimi has felt over several arcs, and ohhhhh... I can make them friends.) But I'd also be deluding myself if I said that nothing about my situation while writing bled into my work. I mean, I certainly had a good perspective on how much medicine sucks, and how hard being a caretaker can be, especially when the people (or cats) you're taking care of aren't cooperating! There are references to Taimi and Marjory being up at ungodly hours because I was up at ungodly hours trying to find the very small, pitch-black kitten who was hiding in the house somewhere because she really did not want to take her medicine. Some of the more out-there comedy is definitely influenced by that sleep deprivation as well.
But on a more serious note: I think the reason why my first posted story is at it's core about recovery and finding camaraderie in that recovery is because those were the things I needed at the time too. I mentioned that in October I was just starting to come out of a nasty depressive episode? I do mean just starting. I didn't feel good, I merely felt not terrible, which was a significant improvement but still didn't feel like enough. I think, consciously or not, I put a lot of my own hopes, wants, and frustrations into these characters. Hidden in Marjory's rage at feeling useless are a lot of my own frustrations about how my depressed brain simply wouldn't let me do things sometimes. In Taimi's fear of being forgotten are my own anxieties about how in taking a break from college I'd ruined my whole future. And their entire story of healing, growing closer, and finally moving on was what I wanted for myself most at that moment: a way out, a new start, and people who could understand and help me through all of that.
I wrote that entire fic over the three weeks I was catsitting, fending off kittens who wanted to step on my keyboard and chew my laptop wires the whole time. I finished a few days before my uncle was due to come home from Europe, and I was so exhausted and annoyed at that point, I was just like, "You know what, FINE, this is pretty good, why don't I post it." So I did, and then I went to go give the cats their meds and fall asleep, and when I woke up the next day there were 11 comments waiting for me, and I learned that people actually might like my writing and what I had to say. And now here we are 8 months later, I'm in a much better place, I've got a little community of friends and people who like my stuff, and writing has been a valuable hobby that brings me accomplishment and happiness. All because of my uncle's sick kittens xD
This got long, but it was a story I've wanted to tell for a while, so as always: thank you for reading.
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captainaikus · 1 year
Mon chéri Bellee! how are you faring these days? I-I don't know how to start this ask since I'm in the middle of packing stuff for an educational tour (we're going to visit a museum and pick strawberries by hand at a strawberry farm YAYYYY!!! Are you fond of strawberries??), s-so I'm sorry when topics became random >/////////<
The moment you opened the poll for the 2.4k event (HURRAYYY FOR ANOTHER MILESTONEEEEEEE!!!!! *salutes* ( ̄▽ ̄*)ゞ), I was so astonished to see the results! (I've been looking at it from time to time and the suspense is killing me! ItevenaffectedwhichmindsetshouldIroleplay (//ᗣ//) HAHAHAHA) Yet I understand whyyyyyyy it ended 50/50 Both ideas are soooooo goood!!
But despite the results, your decision to continue with the other prompt next time (Cat Boy cafe event for 2.5k) made me so happy!!! I thought you were going to throw it away ;; I'm slowly becoming a cat person because my lil brotato chip invited me to clean some of the stray kitten's faces since it rained the other day. Fortunately, some of them are calm uwu. Are you also a cat person?
Also, cheers and congratulations for having 100+ KUDOS in your Ghostface!Rin Fic ♡♡♡♡ ~('▽^人)
Remember when you mentioned that particular scene from JJBA on my last ask? I watched the scene using youtube (the comment section is hilarious for blaming Leonardo Da Vinci XD) and I was in shock O_O I keep on having this thought about the VA who's assigned to a character like him. "I wonder how many times would it take to deliver the line that has a context of getting an erection just by looking at a hand when he was just a child. Knowing how a lil creepy Kira is because of his kink. If I was his VA, I'll prolly laugh uncontrollably on set wwwwww"
I have a smol question... is it possible for an omegaverse ask event to appear in one of your milestones event?
I'm so happyyy you liked the Picrew I did of you and Aiku ♡( ◡‿◡ ) So I'm back with another Picrew! >:3 Here's the link~ Feel free to create/recreate your own character here! I already did mine :3 https://picrew.me/ja/image_maker/707090
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As for my request for your 2.4k event, I must confess that... this is a first for me to become the d-dom one (ノωノ). Forgive me if my request doesn't resemble a lot of dominant energy.
(NSFW) *Catching him using my panties around his cock, did make me blush but still!* You masturbated a lot again while I was at work, Rin. I've already avoided hugging my male co-workers so you wouldn't feel sad when you suddenly got a whiff of their foreign scent on my clothes. Yet, it appears someone needs a punishment. Hmmm... you know what? No more sex with me for four days nor touching me and my clothes... *inserts cock ring slowly* Also, if you removed this during the duration, starting now, I will hang out with my male friends and let them be touchy with me. Do you understand?
Hi pretty angel ♡ My days have been going well so far - been traveling and I downloaded the new obey me game! And yes, I love strawberries! they're a good balance of sweet n sour <3 (I really likes guava juice though for some reason?) I was pretty stoked to see the poll results as well tbh - like 50/50? that was so new on the blog -
as for catboys, they are cute. I'm more of a dog person I would say cause puppies and dogs run to me (a goldie puppy ran to me last week for pets despite never meeting me before) cause when I was younger, I got scratched by my grandmother's cat n cause of that I had to go to the doctor (not the best experience I remember) But I guess you can say I'm a cat person cause on some days when I've had encounters with stray cats, one of them came and slept on my bag n I had a pretty hard time trying to take her off cause i didn't wanna be scratched n this one was notorious that way. My friend didn't even help me T.T but i ended up doing it and no scratches
Oh yeah I ended up hitting 100+ kudos on the yan! rin fic - kind of surprise and thank you to everyone who liked it <3
oh yeah - i remember the JJBA ask ; Kira yoshikage... istg the plot regarding his character just keeps getting more creepily interesting. I know I wouldn't be able to keep a straight face in the studio either if his va said that line.
Fun fact : Jotaro's va is Erwin Smith in AOT, Dio's va is Zeke Jaegar n now... Fushiguro Toji. (i knew the voice when I heard it. i'm good at guessing vas) n now I'm thinking hoping that Aiku's va is something of a smoky voice like Nanami's 🤞🏻 And yes! I would love to see Omegaverse asks in my askbox! (I did want to plan a monster au! event - minus zombies, frankenstein and aliens cause i never got around those.) i absolutely adored that pic crew pic of me n aiku - he's such an asshole but i wuv him :(
*praying to see shirtless aiku or i will be tempted to draw him*
here's a piccrew of me <3
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*eyes widen* I- girl 💀 For a first time, you're doing more than good!
tags ; vibrating cockring, dom! y/n, begging, thumb sucking and choking but not really.
Rin : *whining while pawing at your bottoms* "please. please, mistress." he whines with a furrowed brow, as his hands move up from your bottoms towards your shirt, hands slipping under it to feel your stomach. You watch, as he is on his knees ; begging for you to forgive him. "No. This is the sixth that you have ruined while I was at work. Six orgasms, Rin. Couldn't stick to one lingerie? You had to go for six of them? You don't even take responsibility for cleaning up the mess, leaving me to wash them when I'm very exhausted at the end of the day." you say, annoyance evident in your tone. You place your hands on his cheek as he looks at you with pleading teal eyes, slipping your thumb into his mouth. Taking this as a chance for his redemption, he sucks your thumb, looking at you in earnest, hoping that you would take the cockring off him. "Such an obedient little lamb." you remark with a chuckle as he moans, coming closer, his naked cock making contact with your shin. Removing your thumb from his mouth, you kneel before him, hand now around his throat. "You thought you could weasel your way out this one?" you ask him, causing him to blush, the tips of his ears turning pink.
Turning on the vibrator, you watch as leans forward sucking in a deep, hard breath. Looking into his eyes, you say in low tone.
"You're going to cum eight times for me. Six for the clothes that you ruined and two for the extra punishment. I'm taking it easy on you Rin. Next time, I won't be as lenient. Do I make myself clear?" you ask him with a stern tone.
"Yes, mistress." he says, his hand placed on yours around his throat. "Good boy."
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roleplayermeet · 2 years
I’m 18+ looking for 18+ roleplayers! I don’t mind mostly any plot. We can do traditional roles, progressive, apocalyptic, slice of life, that kind of thing! My limits aren’t strict, it’s only three things so I’d say I’m reasonable! I don’t mind playing dom/alpha/top characters, though I would like to use my sub/omega/bottom characters so people with requests to see them get first pick!
I am a very busy college student also juggling a job so please be patient, replies can be from 30 minutes to a month or so. I am very flexible with length, but please understand the longer the length the longer the wait due to energy, being busy, that type of thing. A good medium is 1-2 paragraphs! I would like to use my ocs (I have a list with descriptions so don’t worry about chaos with choosing) however I don’t mind a fandom role play!
With pairings, due to trauma, I prefer to keep things queer (if you want erp), without erp I don’t mind any gender/sexuality pairings! On some occasions (honestly it just depends on the day) I can do mxf erp so don’t let that discourage you. I think that’s it? I am in an alternative universe mood so that would be fun! The main ones I’m thinking about are omegaverse, red string, markings, basically soulmate ones so those get first priority as well!
Some fandoms:
boku no hero academia
cells at work
banana fish
bungou stray dogs
kissed by the baddest bidder
Sorry for the lack of fandoms! I really haven’t had much time to sit and watch tv lol I might be forgetting some though so feel free to list some of your fandoms! I don’t rp on here because of how glitchy it is so add me on discord! It’s sleepy kitten#1283
sleepy kitten#1283
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roleplay-today · 2 years
I’m 18+ looking for 18+ roleplayers! I don’t mind mostly any plot. We can do traditional roles, progressive, apocalyptic, slice of life, that kind of thing! My limits aren’t strict, it’s only three things so I’d say I’m reasonable! I don’t mind playing dom/alpha/top characters, though I would like to use my sub/omega/bottom characters so people with requests to see them get first pick!
I am a very busy college student also juggling a job so please be patient, replies can be from 30 minutes to a month or so. I am very flexible with length, but please understand the longer the length the longer the wait due to energy, being busy, that type of thing. A good medium is 1-2 paragraphs! I would like to use my ocs (I have a list with descriptions so don’t worry about chaos with choosing) however I don’t mind a fandom role play!
With pairings, due to trauma, I prefer to keep things queer (if you want erp), without erp I don’t mind any gender/sexuality pairings! On some occasions (honestly it just depends on the day) I can do mxf erp so don’t let that discourage you. I think that’s it? I am in an alternative universe mood so that would be fun! The main ones I’m thinking about are omegaverse, red string, markings, basically soulmate ones so those get first priority as well!
Some fandoms:
boku no hero academia
cells at work
banana fish
bungou stray dogs
kissed by the baddest bidder
Sorry for the lack of fandoms! 💙 I really haven’t had much time to sit and watch tv lol I might be forgetting some though so feel free to list some of your fandoms! I don’t rp on here because of how glitchy it is so add me on discord! It’s sleepy kitten#1283
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adoringhaikyuu · 3 years
you flinch during an argument with them
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characters: kageyama, kuroo, ushijima, (gn!reader)
request: i was wondering if you could do a reaction with kageyama, ushijima and kuroo “when their s/o flinches during an argument” but if that makes you uncomfortable in anyway please feel free to ignore this !!! • by anonymous
warnings: mentions/hints of abuse (bc of the flinching but nothing physical or abusive actually happens) + a hint of angst i suppose
notes: thank u for being so sweet w ur request !! don’t worry it’s ok but this may be an uncomfortable topic/idea for some people so pls keep that in mind if u read this !! <3
part one | part two
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let’s say this boy is stressed
he didn’t have a good practice today, he and hinata couldn’t get their quick attack right
and he couldn’t get his milk––
overall 0/10 would recommend 
so it was kinda guaranteed that he would be in a pissy mood 
so when you were walking home, telling him about your day and you kept asking him about his (awful) day that he very much did not want to talk about
because he was disappointed in himself tbh :/
and you kept pushing him because you knew it wasn’t good for him to hold everything in...
he kinda snapped, telling you to drop it
unfortunately you weren’t expecting his outburst or for the volume of his voice to triple
you stopped walking and flinched, shocked by literally everything that was happening rn
kageyama stopped walking as well, basically panting as he looked at you, eyes wide––in fear, honestly. he never yelled at you and he never wanted to. “i––uh––” he stuttered, blinking quickly at you, his cheeks flushed, pupils shaky.
you sighed, a bit hurt, but you knew he was probably stressed since he was always working himself too hard. “tobio...” he looked down in shame at your soft tone that he definitely did not deserve, in his mind. “i’m only trying to help, you know. you shouldn’t shut me out.”
he opened his mouth but quickly shut it, not knowing how to respond. but he lifted his head in shock when he felt you wrap your arms around him. 
“i’m guessing you had a bad day today?” you asked gently. he didn’t answer for a few seconds, but when you heard him take a shaky inhale, you raised your head to look at him, feeling your insides twist when you noticed the tears falling down his cheeks.
you took your arms away to wipe his cheeks but yelped when he quickly trapped your arms, pulling you into a crushing hug. “no!–i––i’m sorry. but please, don’t let go.” his voice was quiet, vulnerable.
“okay.” you wrapped your arms around him as best you could in your position and he visibly melted in your hold. “i’m here, okay?” he nodded, letting out a few quiet sobs. “i’m not going anywhere.” 
he held you tighter and closed his eyes, not even caring that you were still in public. “thank you.” 
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we know that kuroo is v laid back
which means when he’s mad, it’s not too bad
but that doesn’t mean you want to willingly get into an argument with him––
he doesn’t shout, but his voice is stern and loses it’s playful charm––and that’s almost scarier
now the argument wasn’t too intense, but you still didn’t like the way his stare had hardened, his stance tensed, his jaw clenched and his arms crossed together, almost like a barrier shutting you out
you were just getting very frustrated, you wanted to climb into his arms again but you two were already stressed out and all of this pent up energy was pouring out of you, fueling the fire
you felt very aware of your surrounding, on very high alert
and kuroo was just about done with this fight, just wanting to go to bed and put this behind you
so he sighed and raised his hand to pinch the bridge of his nose, about to end this when you flinched––
maybe the abrupt movement shocked you, you honestly weren’t sure
he immediately paused and you could see the fear and confusion register through his body as he watched you, his arms slowly falling to his sides. a harsh silence overcame the two of you for a moment. you didn’t...you didn’t think he was going to...did you? 
“babe––?” he stepped towards you slowly, not wanting to make a wrong move even though he was probably more frightened than you were.
honestly you weren’t scared at all, if anything just confused. you stared up at him, eyes wide, lips parted. “i...” you swallowed harshly. “i’m sorry i don’t...i don’t know why i did that.” you knew that he would never hit you, but you were just so strung up, too overwhelmed that you weren’t functioning properly.
kuroo held his hands out hesitantly, “is it...is it okay if i hold you?” 
you nodded, biting your lip nervously, your eyes tearing up slightly. “please.” he immediately wrapped you gently in his arms and squeezed you tight.
he kissed your head and stayed with his lips pressed against you for a few seconds before speaking up. “you...you know i would never––right?”
you tilted your head back to look at him, your hands gripping at the back of his shirt. “i know––i know tetsu.” 
he looked down at you with glassy eyes and gave you a small relieved smile. “okay.” he kissed your nose and leaned down to tuck his head in your shoulder, arms still wrapped around you. his voice was small as he mumbled into your sweater. “i’m so sorry kitten. this fight was stupid anyway. can we please go cuddle? just wanna hold you.” 
you nodded, smiling, relieved to be putting this behind you. “of course.” 
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ushijima didn’t like to say that you had arguments
he preferred to say that you had a few...frustrating or tense conversations every now and then that you always solved in the end, strengthening your bond and your relationship
but tbh they were very rare
well this was one of these rare moments...
let’s say you were having a tense conversation as he was cleaning up after practice, you walking behind him as he picked up stray balls
so he was already wound up and in need of a soothing shower which didn’t help the conversation at all
and he was honestly trying to end it as soon as possible
not because he didn’t respect you or what you had to say, but because he didn’t like arguing with you
but sometimes he just doesn’t exactly communicate things well
so when he turns abruptly and stares at you blankly, saying a simple but firm “enough.” 
you flinch and take a small step back
he just looked so intimidating and you honestly weren’t expecting him to stop walking that fast so that mostly surprised you too
ushijima stopped as well, the shock and confusion clear in the way his mouth dropped open and his eyes widened a fraction. his expressions weren’t exactly obvious, but to you, they were clear as day.
he paused for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. “i––i didn’t mean to frighten you. i’m sorry.” he swallowed and tentatively reached for your hand, after checking that you were okay with it. “i only meant that i don’t want continue this conversation like this. it’s only stressing us out and i don’t want you to feel that way. not because of me.” 
you bit your lip sheepishly as you looked up at his hand holding yours firmly, understanding and appreciating his reasoning. you looked up at him and gave him a small smile. “it’s okay, i understand. and you didn’t scare me toshi––”
he squeezed your hand and looked into your eyes deeply. “please don’t lie for my sake.”
you shook your head and stepped closer to him, taking his other hand as well. “i promise, toshi. i know i have no reason to be afraid of you.” 
he nodded once but you could tell it might take him a little while longer to really believe you. 
“let’s go home, okay? we can order some food and watch that new documentary you were waiting for.”
he nodded again, grateful and relieved. “please.” 
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venivivividi · 3 years
headcAnon ✨ here! How great were the Rosa and Michael moments?! And Jones is Michael’s dad! He and Alex should start a support group. I wanted to ask if you have any headcanons about Michael and Alex and fatherhood. If you think they ever thought about it and what. What kind of parents they would be. If you think they will have kids in the future. Adoption or using a surrogate or some other alien option. Maybe dog or cat children also or instead.
I know, right?? They definitely speak the same language even when they disagree with each other. Also, I have a feeling that Michael has taken to send Rosa every picture of a dolphin he finds online with the same commentary: "look. it's you ahaha" I love them.
Oooh, fatherhood, you say? What a wonderful topic to tackle after the latest episodes...
I have to say, I tend to separate what I think realistically would happen, informed by canon, vs what I'd like for them to be in my headcanons, and to this day we canonically know:
Michael has thought about fatherhood: this is something he wants in his future and has dreamed about in the past; we learn this in two separate occasions, in 2x10 when he offers to father Isobel's child and in 2x11 when he tells Flint he wanted to start a dad band.
We have zero insight on Alex's thoughts on matter: we know his childhood was not a happy one, his relationship with his father is extremely negative and his entire family's dynamic is skewed, unhealty. That could reasonably push him towards two completely opposite directions: either he wants nothing to do with kids and a "traditional" family, deemes himself unsuited for fatherhood or he wants to somehow "avenge" his lost childhood and create the happiest family in the world, proving to himself that he can and will be a good father. Either could be and anything in between, honestly. (I'm not gonna delve into that but let's also remember that Alex grew up in a reality where gay marriage was not legal until he was like 23 and adoption was a pipe dream even after that, so that has clearly influenced his mindset even without considering the military of it all)
But for the sake of the HCs, I choose to believe that Alex is at least open to the idea of having children:
I dont think this is something they would go for very early in their relationship. They've had such a turmoiled past, they overcame every possible obstacle so that once everything settles down, they just enjoy each other's company for a while. They still can't believe they just get to be together without jumping through hoops.
As far as pets are concerned, you heard it from Mimi first: a beagle is written in Alex's future. But first, he tries to convince Michael to get a reptile. You remember Willow, his pet lizard? She was so cuute, Micheal, it's basically zero maintenance (completely false, but hes' trying) and it's so cool to have a lizard, c'mon.
Michael, as we know, is incapable of looking Alex in the eyes and deny him something. But it takes one google search for him to veto Project Lizard. There is no way he's allowing a lizard in his house after learning what they need to be fed. Also, lizards escape their enclosure. No thank you, the same night he learned too much about it he had a nightmare about waking up to a lizard stuck to his curls. Always protect the curls. No lizard.
Alex pouts. A lot.
Once the beagle settles in the truck ready to go to his forever home, Alex stops pouting. (and Michael starts because Alex is now cuddling the beagle at night. woe is Michael.)
As this thing usually go, Michael is instead adopted by a kitten, one of those impossibly small black balls of fur. Their first encounter at the junkyard went disturbingly High Noon, but after they claimed each other, the kitten is now stealing Michael's body heat and Michael is stealing all the cuddles Alex is so rudely denying him in favor of *scoffs* The Beagle.
Speaking of Sanders' Auto, once Rosa(...linda) starts picking up stray kids and unexplicably bringing them to Michael, it comes to be a place where kids who need to escape orbit around: with Sander's blessing, Michael always finds some easy work for them to do and earn some money, and when a couple of them seem truly interested, a question here and a question there quickly turns into a Michael Guerin lesson on mechanics. Those of them who are not interested, are free to just hang around as long as they dont wreak havoc or make a mess out of the place.
The thing is, Michael is completely unaware of the irony in all of that. Sanders is not, and he just hangs around smirking to himself about how much of a grumpy old man Michael is shaping up to be and laughing at history repeating itself and things like that.
It takes Isobel talking about them as Michael's junkyard children for Alex to bring the topic up. I mean, Michael is basically already doing it, and if they start fostering teens they could give some of them the happy childhood Michael never got. After that, not every kid who passes through the junkyard stays with them but some of them do, and some of them keep hanging around even after aging out of the system.
There is a panicked moment after their first foster kid gives him the silent treatment, where Alex runs to Greg for guidance; Greg has to politely remind him that he's an elementary school teacher, and his 16 years old kid might not react with the same energy to glitter glue and a happy song, so he has to figure out a different way.
Eventually they start to foster smaller kids too, and of course sometimes it's sad when they have to go and the house feels empty, but they always try and remember: it's not for them, it's for the kids. And during those nights The Beagle™ needs to find cuddles in the now domesticated ball of fur, because Michael is in very big need of a snuggle that Alex is more than happy to provide. It's how he recharges too, after all.
As far as their parenting style, Michael's a lost cause: he is incapable of not spoiling the kids because, why deny them the little joys if there's no harm in it, right? They deserve them. But he also realize the kids need structure, and he is pretty no-nonsense about it, also because, on the other hand, Alex is very much afraid of being the strict parent. It's a new chapter with every new kid, as every instance of parenting is, but the baseline of a good home is always there: love and safety.
I also can't seem to decide whether Michael would be the kind of hip parent who knows all about the youngsters culture, uses the correct terms and shares the right memes or the most embarassing dad who watches instagram reels about tiktoks and is always six months behind the last big thing. But I feel there's no in between.
Alex, sadly, despite being a cyber intelligence specialist, still mourns last.fm and that tells you everything you need to know.
Somewhere down the line, once they've collectively bought enough land to build a communeplace for all of them to live together while still maintaining a semblance of privacy (Isobel's broad interpretation of boundaries has not changed, sadly), the possibility of a full Oasian becomes a reality. The thing is, this is not just Isobel's baby, this is the podsquad baby, the triad's baby. Isobel and Michael might be the biological donors, but this is their baby.
As you can easily imagine, this is the most spoiled baby ever, because each one of them expect the others to be stern, when in reality, the baby has them all wrapped around their little fingers, and this is without powers, yet.
The first time Alex holds the baby he is completely overwhelmed: they seem so tiny, so fragile, but when he gently strokes his thumb on their forehead, they open their big, staring eyes, and everything else disappears.
Michael, you ask? Ooh, Michael is gloating. He never thought he could have half a thing in his life and now he has everything. He also self-appoints himself as the defender of the baby's curls: that entails slapping the hand of everyone that tries to play with a lock of hair to make it bounce. Do you know how annoying that can be? Leave the baby alone.
Of course, Michael is also a little shit and as soon as the baby starts talking and figuring out a way of calling them all, he tries to make them refer to Max as grandpa, to the utter hilarity of Liz and the total indignation of Max. He has yet to succeed, but the baby's still young, so Only time will tell.
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agustdakasuga · 4 years
A Place Called Home | Chapter 19
Genre: Hybrid!AU, Poly!AU?, Soulmate AU, romance, fluff, humour
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: vet!reader, Arcticfox!Seokjin, Panther!Yoongi, Goldenretriever!Hoseok, Wolf!Namjoon, Calicocat!Jimin, Tiger!Taehyung, Rabbit!Jungkook
Summary: Having saved your own injured hybrid, you were determined to try and help any other hybrid that crossed your path who needed saving. But being a vet in a small hospital wasn’t enough for you. You wanted to do more, you wanted to make a difference. You wanted to give them a home.
As you sit there and endure the tortures of being an illegal fighting ring’s prisoner, you soon hear what you dread the most. Your worse nightmare has come true. (Italics: Flashback moments)
Chapter warning(s): Light teasing, violence. Please read at your own discretion
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The 6 just continued running, afraid that there would be people to chase them. Namjoon saw signs of a city and they cut out of the forest. 
“Let’s go.” He led the group towards the flashing lights of the buildings. Looking at the signs, they realised they were across town. There was no way they would be able to make it back home on foot. 
“Shall we take a train?” Taehyung asked. 
“We should have enough money.” Jin nodded. Hoseok took his pouch out to count what they had. He was in charge of the money for their trip. 
"Wait, it’s after curfew. We’ll get in trouble if people report us.” Namjoon frowned. They decided to start walking. Hopefully they had enough energy to talk until the curfew was up, then they could take public transportation. It was dark and the streets were empty enough that they wouldn’t be questioned or reported to the police. 
“Are you okay?” Hoseok asked Jimin, who stumbled a little. 
“I’m okay.” Jimin gave a tired smile. Yoongi took his water bottle and handed it to Jimin. Jimin took small sips, careful to reserve some for the panther and handed it back to him. 
“It’ll be about 2 hours until curfew is up.” Jin checked his watch. The group made sure to take small breaks every now and then to prevent over exhaustion.
“Yoongi?” A familiar voice spoke. The group froze and turned around to see who it was. 
“Head nurse Park?” The panther tilted his head. 
“How are you boys? I haven’t seen you in ages, what are you doing out here at this hour?” Head nurse Park asked. She was going to take her usual morning walk when she saw the familiar group of hybrids walk past her house. Luckily, she recognised Yoongi and called out to him. 
“We’re trying to get home. We think something has happened to (y/n).” Taehyung spoke sadly. 
“Oh, dear. And where have you boys been?” 
“At a safe house, separated from her. We ran away last night.” Yoongi explained. Head nurse Park’s heart broke as she saw how tired the boys looked from walking the whole night. 
“Come in. At least have some food and drinks until curfew is up.” She opened the gate wider for them to come into her property. 
“Stay here.” She handed them some blankets to bundle up as she went to the kitchen. First, she fixed them some hot tea to warm up. Then she made a quick, simple breakfast for them. Jimin quickly fell asleep in Namjoon’s lap, exhausted from walking the whole night. The boys were all thanking their lucky stars that they ran into head nurse Park. 
“Here, it’s not much but it’ll do.” She put the tray of porridge down. 
“No, it’s more than enough. Thank you.” Jin gave the bowls out. Namjoon woke Jimin up to eat something as well. 
“Is there anyone I can call or-” 
“No! Umm... sorry. We’re not supposed to be out of the safe house. They didn’t want us to know about something happening to (y/n). We found out by accident, which is why we want to save her.” Namjoon said. 
“I understand. Before (y/n) took her vacation, she was acting weird in the hospital. She was distracted, she wasn’t eating right, it was obvious something was wrong. Now I know the reason, it was because she was separated from all of you.” She smiled softly. 
The boys’ hearts all broke when they heard that you weren’t taking care of yourself while they weren’t there, not like they were exactly doing well either. 
“I hope (y/n) is okay.” She stroked Taehyung’s head. 
“She will be.” Yoongi clenched his fist. Once the clock hit 7 am, the boys got ready to head home. 
“Take this, enough for the bus.” Head nurse Park handed them some bills. 
“No, you’ve done enough for us. We can’t take your money too.” Jin shook his head. Head nurse Park just grabbed his hand and shoved the money in before leaving for her morning walk. 
“We better go.” Hoseok took the money from Jin and they headed to the bus station. When the bus came, they were about to step on when the bus conductor stopped them, he frowned at the group before pointing at the sign, ‘No strays allowed’. Sighing, they all proceeded to take their tags out from underneath their shirts. 
Only then did he move back into his driver’s seat. Yoongi rolled his eyes and made sure everyone was able to get in and find a seat. 
“You should sit, hyung.” Jimin was about to get up when Yoongi pushed him back down by his shoulder. Yoongi just looked away, continuing to shield Jimin with his body. 
“Why aren’t you sitting?” Yoongi looked up at you. 
“Because there aren’t any other seats, silly. It’s alright, the journey is not that far. Just sit or we’ll lose it and both have to stand.” You smiled down at him, stroking his head. Yoongi blinked and looked around the bus. Indeed, there weren’t any other available seats. 
“Yoongi, what are you-” Suddenly, Yoongi yanked you down onto his lap. You blushed at the sudden contact. 
“What are you doing?!” You whispered harshly. 
“Who says we can’t share a seat?” Yoongi smirked at you, circling his arms around your waist. You choked and met eyes with an old lady that was giving you disapproving looks. 
“We’re in public! This is very inappropriate.” You squeaked. 
“Aww, is my kitten have dirty thoughts? Naughty kitten.” He whispered in your ear. You shivered as you felt his warm breath against your skin. Immediately, your whole body went warm and your cheeks turned fire red. 
“Yoongi!” You slapped his arm. 
“I’m just teasing, just relax, kitten.” He chuckled. You ducked your head slightly but still bowed your head to the old lady. That was the first time Yoongi was taking the bus. Even if you had a car, you insisted that he experience ‘normal life’ and brought him on his first bus ride. It was definitely an experience that he would never forget. 
“Yoongs?” Jin called, breaking Yoongi out of his flashback. He looked up at the arctic fox. 
“We’re here.” He told the younger. Yoongi nodded and woke Jimin up. He held onto the boy’s hand, something he has never done before, and led him out of the bus. The 6 walked towards their old house. 
“There’s no one.” Hoseok sniffed the air. They could smell the scent of other people coming in and out of the house previously, as well as yours. 
“Be careful.” Namjoon cautioned. 
When they stepped inside, they felt the wind get knocked out of them. Their house wasn’t recognisable anymore. Everything was broken, like a tornado had swept through the place, leaving nothing intact. Yoongi’s eyes travelled to his now broken piano. 
“(y/n)...” Jimin whimpered as he picked up your family picture from under the pile of glass. 
“There’s something written at the back.” Taehyung pointed out. They all gathered as Jimin turned the photo over. It was true. In red writing, there was an address messily scribbled on. 
‘Come get your precious owner.’
The agents that came to scout and investigate the house obviously missed this, considering it was still left untouched under the glass. 
“This is all we need. We better go before others come.” Jin said. Jimin folded the photo and placed it into his pocket. They all froze when they heard cars pulling up outside, followed by unrecognisable voices. 
“They escaped the safe house?... Okay, we just pulled up to the house. We’ll see if they’re here.” There was someone on the phone. Taehyung pointed to the back exit and they quickly ran out the door as they heard the footsteps approaching the front door. Kilo must have noticed that they disappeared and informed the other agents. 
“Where shall we go?” Taehyung panted. 
“Just keep running.” Namjoon and Yoongi stayed at the back of the group in case anyone did discovered them and gave a chase. 
“We need to go to that address.” Hoseok said. 
“Let’s split into two cabs and go. The place is pretty far out and it’ll take us all day to get there if we walk or take public transport.” Jin suggested and they exited out into the main road. 
Luckily, they were able to get two taxis at the same time. They had just enough money to pay for the journey. It was Yoongi, Namjoon and Hoseok in one cab, Taehyung, Jimin and Jin in the other. Yoongi and Namjoon haven’t even seen the outside of the fighting ring before, they were going in blind. 
“Ugh!” You spat out more blood as a kick was landed against your stomach. You wheezed, feeling the dull ache as you breathed.
“You’re make this too hard on yourself, doctor.” Boss Im chuckled, putting a new cigarette to his lips. 
“You’re barking up the wrong tree.” You glared at him. 
“I left a nice message for your hybrids. I bet they’re on their way here right now.” He smiled. You continued to keep your fierce gaze on him but on the inside, you were panicking. You prayed the boys weren’t actually coming.
“I’ll be sure to keep you updated on their due arrival.” He left with his men. Tears pricked the corners of your eyes. 
“Let me help you.” The same girl that has been bringing you meals rushed into your cell with a first aid box. You let out a hiss, moving away from her. 
“Please.” She begged, grasping your wrist. You were sceptical but nodded anyway. Slowly she began to clean your wounds and bandage you up. There wasn’t much she could do for the internal bleeding you were suffering from but she managed to get the superficial wounds. 
“Who are you?” You asked. 
“His wife...” She looked away, almost ashamed. 
“If you see my hybrids, turn them away. Don’t let them find me, please.” You begged her, holding her hands in your own.
“Can I ask why you are trying so hard to protect them? To the point you’d rather suffer multiple beatings.”
“I’ve already broken so many promises with them. The least I could do is try my best to honour one promise, which is that they’ll never return to this life of illegal captivity and fighting again.” You scoffed with a sarcastic chuckle. She nodded her head and packed up, leaving the cell. You pulled yourself onto the mattress and laid down with a grunt. 
You were woken up by loud banging on the bars of your cell. Someone roughly bound your hands behind your back and unlocked the chain around your ankle. He pulled you into a standing position. 
“Let’s go.” He said gruffly and pulled you along. You were pulled into a big room, with Boss Im sitting in what looks like a throne.
“I told you I’ll keep you updated. I’m never wrong, doctor.” He spoke with a smile.
“No...” The colour drained from your face. 
“No!” You thrashed around as the other doors opened and 6 hybrids were brought in. For the first time in almost a month, you faced your hybrids. You cried as you shook your head. 
“No, please... no.” You sobbed. 
“(y/n).” They all whimpered at your state. You had lost so much weight, the dark circles under your eyes were obvious and you were bloodied and bruised. It hurt them to even think of how much torture you went through alone here. Boss Im gave a content smirk. 
“Yoongi, Namjoon. Nice to see you again.” Boss Im grabbed their chins. Yoongi spat at him and he frowned, immediately socking him in the jaw. 
“Please don’t hurt him.” 
“Help me understand why you like these animals so much, doctor. They’re feral, they’re killers and yet, you treat them like every house cat and dog. They’re monsters.” Boss Im chuckled. 
“You’re the monster! Not them!” You shouted. 
“I’ll kill you, Im.” Namjoon growled. 
“Not if you want your precious mate to stay alive. I go down, she goes down with me.” Boss Im nodded to the man holding him and soon, you felt a cold metal being pressed against the jugular vein in your neck. The hybrids all let out growls at his actions. Boss Im just laughed and clapped at what a good reaction they gave him. 
“You brought some nice extras for me. A tiger, a fox, a golden retriever and oh, what a rare gem, a male calico cat.” Boss Im touched Jimin’s clipped ear. 
“Stop. Don’t touch him!” You begged. 
“Oh, doctor. Aren’t you curious to see how your mates fight? And now that you’re here, maybe they’ll fight even better. It gives them a reason to give it their all.” He smirked. 
“You’re despicable. Just let them go.” 
“But the show hasn’t even started, doctor. Listen, I’ll let you see how well your little mates fight. You deserve front row seats after taking such good care of them. For now, take them away.” Boss Im waved. Other henchmen came and grabbed the hybrids, bringing them with you. 
“You two, in there.” Jimin and Hoseok were thrown into a cell with you. Jin and Namjoon were together while Yoongi and Taehyung were together, being canines and felines. 
“(y/n).” Jimin and Hoseok immediately embraced you. 
“No... why did you come? You will die here.” You cried. 
“It’s okay, kitten. We’re okay. Boss won’t kill us as long as we fight for him.” Yoongi reached through the bars to pat your head. He wiped your tears with a reassuring smile. Even if the bars separating you, Yoongi still tried his best to hug you and cradle you in his arms. 
“We’re together now. That’s all that matters.” Taehyung comforted. 
“I’m sorry.” You shook your head. 
“Hush, no apologies.” Hoseok said. You moved over to the other side to hug Namjoon and Jin. This was not part off the plan, for all of you to be trapped here. 
“Where’s Jungkook?” You asked Hoseok as Jimin hugged you like a koala. 
“He didn’t come.” Hoseok tried to smile. You pulled him close to you, stroking his head. The hugging from both of them hurt your bruised body but you didn’t care, you wanted to hold them forever. 
The 6 hybrids stopped outside the abandoned building in the middle of nowhere. 
“We’re here.” Namjoon and Yoongi recognised the place by it’s smell of the old building and blood. It was faint but they could smell you as well.
“This is your last chance to turn around and walk away. The boss wanted the two of us. There’s still a chance for the 4 of you to leave. Because once we get in there, there’s no knowing how long we’ll be there or what will happen to us. It may be death or torture. We may even have to fight.” Yoongi said. The 4 all looked at each other. 
“I want to save her, hyung. She doesn’t belong here.” Jimin said sadly. The others all nodded their heads. It didn’t amtter what happened to them as long as you were safe. 
“Okay. Let’s go.” Jin said. Suddenly, a small figure ran out at them. They all got into a defence position. 
“Stop! I’m not going to hurt you but please, go away.” She said frantically. Yoongi and Namjoon recognised her. They have seen her before and she was the one that delivered their food while they were here. 
“Who are you?” Taehyung asked. 
“It doesn’t matter. But you have to go. You can’t be here!” She shook her hands, trying to shoo them away. 
“We’re here for some personal business, lady.” Hoseok growled. 
“Your owner, the doctor. Her only request that she begged me to keep all of you away. She doesn’t want you guys to end up prisoner like her. She doesn’t want you guys here.” The lady explained. 
“She’s really here. Move out of the way.” Yoongi barred his canines and they shoved past the lady, walking into the compound. 
“My two best fighters and two new fighters, better eat your fill.” Boss Im came again. Two men had a tray filled with cooked beef. You went pale, he was going to ask Taehyung and Jin to fight for him as well. No wonder they kept them in two separate cages from you, Jimin and Hoseok. Jimin and Hoseok were domestic breeds, they don’t fight. 
“Let them go, please.” You kneeled by the bars of your cell. 
“Why would I? Namjoon and Yoongi have been trained enough that they can bring me a lot of money.” Boss Im smiled. 
“This is wrong!” You clenched your fists. 
“Do you think I care? These animals make me rich, that’s all that matters.” He shrugged and left. The 4 hybrids handed some beef to Jimin and Hoseok to eat. You buried your face into your hands. 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” You chanted. 
“My love, listen to me. You did nothing wrong, you hear me? None of us are angry with you or blame you. What you did was just to protect us. We came here to save you on our own will, knowing what we will happen. It’s alright.” Namjoon cupped your face.
“They’re going to make Tae and Jin fight.” Your breathing quickened. 
“It’s okay, don’t worry about that for a second. Take a deep breath, my love. Breathe with me. Like Tae said, we’re all together now. We’ll work through this together, hmm? We’ll never separate again.” Namjoon cooed. 
“There was never a moment that I didn’t think about you boys.” You placed a hand over his. 
“You were constantly on our minds too, snowflake. You’re our only mate, after all.” Jin chuckled, taking your hand to kiss the back of it. 
“You see? We’ve never parted with these.” Taehyung flashed his boxy grin, taking his green dog tag out to show you. Oh, how you missed that charming smile of his. 
“We’ll be okay.” Jimin whispered. 
The door slamming loudly woke Jungkook up. He jumped slightly and suddenly, was grabbed by the forearms. He was pulled up into a sleeping position, facing a frantic Kilo. 
“Jungkook! Where are they?!” Kilo shook him. 
“Who?” Jungkook replied lazily. 
“The other 6 hybrids! Your brothers, where did they go?!” Jungkook could just hear Kilo’s rapid heart rate. He was scared, nervous and panicking. Maybe he was afraid that losing 6 hybrids would cause him to get in trouble with Alpha or worse, get fired from the organisation. 
“Jungkook, where are the 6 hybrids?” Kilo asked again. 
“I don’t know.” Jungkook said monotonously, letting out a yawn.
“Listen, Jungkook. I know your brothers ran away because if they were kidnapped, you wouldn’t have been left here. Tell me, did they go and look for (y/n)?” Kilo was sweating bullets. 
“They are bound to find out.” Jungkook whispered. 
“They are in grave danger. You guys don’t have the strength to bring down an illegal fighting ring, much less, save your owner.” Kilo sighed, rubbing his forehead. Jungkook frowned, who was he to underestimate the strength of his brothers? Jungkook swatted Kilo’s hands off him and stood up. The man looked at the nonchalant rabbit. 
“Did you make breakfast? I’m hungry.” He yawned and went to the bathroom. 
“Jeon Jungkook, are you not worried about your brothers?” Kilo asked. Of course, Jungkook was worried but he couldn’t show it. He shrugged at Kilo’s question and headed to the kitchen. 
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whump-town · 4 years
I wrote something along these lines as an idea a while ago and I finished it now in-between breaks I’ve allowed myself between an essay I have to write. I figured it’s not my best but no one gets hurt and Hotch talks to a cat for the majority of it so it’s not that bad
The creaking of the old floorboards stops Hotch from going down the hall and checking to make sure Jack is up. He stands for a moment at the mouth of the hallway, listening to Jack curse and mumble under his breath. Most of which, he can’t hear but there are dips in Jack’s voice which allow for only certain words to float their way down to him.
“Where-- that little motherfu-- he’s going to-- shit, shit, shit--”
Hotch huffs a little laugh, a chuckle that makes no more than the whisper of a breath of noise leaving his mouth. Parenting doesn’t make much sense and Hotch is certain he’s probably supposed to say something to Jack about the cursing but to his credit, Jack hasn’t spoken like that in Hotch’s presence. Plus, it would make him a hypocrite to get too frustrated over it. He cursed at sixteen and he still does. He also smoked and got into all kinds of trouble and, as far as he knows, the most Jack gets into on a Saturday night is too many energy drinks and a new book.
As curious as Hotch is about whatever it is that Jack is fussing with, Hotch has to get breakfast ready. He turns and starts to walk to the kitchen. That’s where he’s headed when he sees something small and orange bolts ahead of him. Glancing over his shoulder, in the direction it had come from, Hotch finds nothing. Just the light peeking out from behind Jack’s door.
Hmm. Odd.
Hotch continues down the hall, looking around the floor as he goes. Trying to see what it was and where it went. Until he gets to the kitchen. “Oh,” Hotch raises an eyebrow at the kitten he finds sniffing the floor near the oven. A tiny orange kitten. He picks it up, observing it as he turns it around to inspect the tiny thing.
It looks up and him and gives a little irritated meow.
“You must be motherfucker,” Hotch says, rubbing a finger over its head. “I think Jack is looking for you.” Hotch smiles as the kitten purs, pushing its head under his finger for more. He indulges it and, he has to admit, the thing is cute. He doesn’t mind it. “Are you hungry?”
He goes to the fridge and inspects the findings… slim pickings. “Cats are lactose intolerant, right?” He looks down as the kitten squirms his arms. Rolling over it attacks his fingers but cradled to his chest it’s safe. “I don’t know anything about cats.” He’s never had any pets. Haley had an old dog named Bailey when they first got together. A border collie her father bought for her birthday years before from a farmer in town.
Growing up in the country he’d seen plenty of stray cats and dogs but he’d never had his own. There was a porch cat he used to feed bread to but his father scared it off and kicked it once. Hotch had looked so much like his father that the cat wouldn’t come to him anymore after that incident. That was probably for the best.
“Here,” Hotch finally settles. He pulls the almond milk out of the fridge, setting it on the counter. He adds the container of blueberries beside it. “I’m having oatmeal but I reckon you can probably have almond milk, right?” With a frown, he makes a mental note to ask Emily or Garcia about that. One of them is bound to know. For now, a little almond milk is probably fine. It doesn’t have milk in it but he wants to be certain.
Taking a bowl out of the cupboard, he hums and reaches over for the measuring cups. He’s been making oatmeal for years so he’s mastered the eyeballing it technique. However, the half-cup measuring cup is the perfect size for him to use as a bowl for the kitten.
“Has Jack got you any food?” he asks placing the kitten on the counter. He pours a little almond milk in the half-cup and smirks when the kitten takes to it immediately. “Well… you probably wouldn’t drink that if it wasn’t good for you, right?” Probably… well, maybe.
This feels exactly like when they brought Jack home. He and Haley had been terrified of every little thing. They were constantly calling someone about something. He can easily call Emily or Garcia but… he’s an adult, he can handle a kitten.
“Stay,” he orders stepping away from the counter to grab a pan. The kitten doesn’t move just stands contently where it is drinking the almond milk. Hotch gets the oatmeal going, keeping an eye on the kitten out of the corner of his eye. “You’re hungry,” he notes, with a tilt of his head. And when it looks up at him, almond milk all over its face, there’s no way he can deny how cute it is.
His oatmeal doesn’t take that long to make and distracted with watching the kitten it’s a nice easy pace. Bowl of oatmeal in his palm, angry kitten trying to escape from where it’s tucked between his chest and forearm, and the little cup of almond milk pinched between his fingers he sits down at the kitchen table. “What has he named you?” Hotch asks, settling it all down on the table. It occurs to him it could be a little strange to let the cat on the table but it is a cat so if it sticks around he assumes there will be lots of table sitting.
Hotch can’t remember what book Jack was reading last week-- which is chronologically his best guess at when his little friend here made its way into the house. With hindsight, he can recall Jack having been just a little more distant with him, secretive. Jack is also significant with his decisions so maybe Hotch should think more along the lines of Jack’s favorite books, not his most recent reads. Then again maybe Jack hasn’t named the cat or he chose something out of a song or a movie.
Looking up as he hears Jack’s door creak open, he scowls back down at his lap. The kitten having stretched up at his chest and bats at one of the buttons on his shirt. He taps its little paw warningly, just enough to jar it a little, and judging from the look he receives this little warning tapis nothing something it was expecting.
“Hey, dad.”
Hotch looks up and hums back, nothing unusual because he certainly isn’t going to give up the advantage he has right now. His son is a snarky little shit -- purely Emily’s doing -- and Hotch rarely gets moments where he comes out ahead of whatever jokes Jack (or Emily) can make at his expense.
Jack comes around and nods his head, timidly going about making himself some cereal. Hotch doesn’t comment on his son’s socks -- one is teal with bright, highlighters yellow bananas and the other is beige with pink polka dots. Hotch had given up on Jack and socks. Jack gets a little thrill out of this rebellion and Hotch should just be happy that it’s not worse.
The two of them really have nothing in common. Jack loves science and math (Hotch has to use a calculator for simple multiplication). Hotch prefers for each of his books to look like they have never even been read (Jack has so many sticky notes in his copy that Fahrenheit 451 that it looks silly). Jack refuses to carry around a planner and writes everything down on the back of his hand (Hotch has multiple planners and color codes things in delicate details).
“Oh.” Jack turns with his cereal in his hands and sees the kitten in his father’s lap. That bright orange over his black dress pants. Jack knew his father wouldn’t be mad -- he can count on one hand the number of times he has seen Hotch angry. Though, he knows what he’s done wasn’t the right course to take. He’s not so sure what to do now, he hadn’t planned this far ahead.
Hotch hums again, nodding his head.
Jack looks down at the floor and timidly takes his seat across from his father at the table. Tucking his legs underneath himself to avoid hitting Hotch’s much longer stretched-out legs. Normally, he wouldn’t think twice about hitting his dad’s legs but today he’s sensing he should probably consider his actions a little more. “Am in trouble?”
Hotch raises an eyebrow and looks away from the kitten to his Jack. He’s looking down at his cereal, playing with it so he can avoid looking at Hotch. Jack’s never really been in trouble. Hotch is a little too lenient at times but even Jessica is pretty bad for that. Even so, Jack has turned out pretty okay, he’s still a kid (16 isn’t that grown, despite that being the age Hotch’s father kicked him out at -- well sent him to boarding school but that was only after he spent a month couch surfing and sleeping in a shitty tent he stole).
“No.” It’s a cat and he’s not mad and Hotch doesn’t see just yet where he could make this a learning opportunity so… he’s not going to make it a big deal. It’s hard, in situations like these, to know where normal discipline comes into play. His own father would have beat him senseless or locked him out of the house for a week, maybe longer.
Hotch frowns, “do you think you should be?” He doesn’t mean it to bait Jack, he means it honestly. There isn’t a right answer.
Jack shrugs, “I mean, I don’t know.” Jack is aware that his father isn’t like most dads but they’re in a unique situation, the two of them. “You should probably lecture me about something, right? I mean, I don’t think I’ll be sneaking in any more cats but that’s not as a result of any lecture. I certainly wouldn’t do it with a dog.”
So maybe not a lesson learned but still sounds like there’s no point acknowledged. “Okay,” Hotch reasons. It sounds fair. “Well, next time we talk this sort of thing over, okay? I respect you and your decisions and so I ask for your opinions on things, right? I need you to respect my opinions.”
Jack nods.
“So, any names?”
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bitchapalooza · 4 years
Hetalia nekotalia headcanons(covering just a few of them)
It seems weird that the cats would just be called "Italy-cat" by the actual nation whose name is already Italy so I wasted my time in figuring out their possible breeds and searching up acceptable names(unless stated otherwise) for them that the nations may pick for them and even where the nations obtained these cats. I think they've come to value these cats on the same level as themselves due to how long they may have been around(the same goes for whatever other pet(s) they may own). I thought this was a fun thing to do and honestly it was! :)
Might do more when I get the time again~
***Tw for mentions of animal abuse***
Domestic long hair, possible Maine Coon mix!
I think America adopted his cat in the 1980s. He was just a kitten, abandoned outside a supermarket in a box with a sign with one other kitten inside. At least 2 months old. America, having a big heart and soft spot for animals of any kind, took them both in. However he was already struggling to buy proper food for his other animals so he needed to find a different home for them. America ended up keeping one, as he fell absolutely head over heels for him, and named him Liberty— for obvious personal reasons. America raised him for the majority of his life as an indoor cat but with how much energy he has he decided to train him to be an outdoor cat as well, even teaching him to use the doggy door. This gave him enough room to actually grow faster into the adult cat he is now compared to if he'd ALWAYS be around America(as in staying small due to the slow aging around America).
Domestic longhair, possible Maine Coon mix!
Canada adopted him after America offhandedly asked. Canada was pretty stuck when it came to naming him. It was 4 weeks into owning him, mostly calling him a range of names such as Paul and Rookie but never sticking to one for even one whole day, but when Canada was just sitting there eating breakfast before leaving for his daily duties, just a normal quiet morning it came to him. Again, he was just sitting there. That is until the kitten figured out how to climb onto the chair next to him that is. He sat there meowing and pawing at Canada's thigh for 10 minutes while Canada ate. And then he tried to jump onto the table 3 times in a row. Canada gave in and allowed him up there for a minimum of 3 minutes. Not even 1 second passed and suddenly the little rascal is trying to steal the last couple bites of pancake. That was apparently what he wanted. And so Canada named him Pancake! Pancake was an energetic little kitten that a spring in his step but he did mellow out as he grew into adulthood. He's mainly an indoor cat. Come winter time when it snows, Pancake has a tendency to forget the existence of snow so he goes bolting for it only to regret it later.
A black or gray German Rex!
Germany isn't exactly a big cat person, he prefers dogs. But after this kitten followed Prussia's cat all the way home and noticed how thin he was he couldn't resist taking care of him. Germany ended up naming him Maus in reference to how tiny and often silent his meow was as a kitten. Now it's just a hilarious name as he's grown quite big and has a very strong meow! Maus is a very well behaved cat although it seems he doesn't favor being played with. He's most often seen at the top of his cat tower or in the window basking in the warm sun. As he was previously found as a stray outside he still does favor being outside. He tends to escape whenever Germany unlocks the doggy door or when Germany let's the dogs out in the backyard to run around for a bit. Maus may be a very mellow cat but he does tend to be loud when he wants food and doesn't want to wait for it. He also tends to attack people when suddenly being pet.
An albino German Rex!
Prussia adopted him in 1998 after his and Germany's new home became a little overrun with mice. Prussia affectionately named him Gunther. Gunther was a spunky little kitten, in fact he was the runt of 6 other siblings and noticeably different to his siblings in appearance(originally thought to just take after the father's white coat despite the orange coats of his siblings and mother). Prussia chose him, the teeny little runt, after watching him easily sneak up and take down his bigger sister and win the play-fight he started. Prussia proudly took him home and trained him to catch the mice! Some years later, Gunther apparently got curious and brave and got loose outside. He was gone for weeks. He came back with a limp, a fresh scar, and a kitten clinging to his side. Gunther rarely escapes outside anymore. Prussia didn't know Gunther was albino until took he took him to the vet for his shots.
Itabby and Romano-cat:
They're both European shorthairs!
When the Italies were freshly unified and everything was still pretty awkward they were forced to go bond by taking walks every morning. Veneziano didn't mind this, he enjoyed the morning and even more so the countryside around them. Romano however could care less about it all and just wanted his bed back. Veneziano was all conversation, very observant of his surroundings as he commented on them to strike up an interesting conversation. And that's how he noticed a man cruelly stuffing two kittens into a sack on their way out of town. After alerting his brother, the two confronted the man. The man claimed these two were sick because neither were getting any of their mother's milk like the rest. Romano demanded he hand the kittens over or else he'd regret it. Veneziano annoyed him with his whining to the point where he gave in and handed them over quite harshly. Once they got them safely away from the man they took a look at the 1 week old kittens; they were both terribly skinny but clearly hanging on for dear life and the brothers both agreed, for once(well more like Romano kept saying "whatever the fuck you want"), that they wanted to help these poor creatures. Luckily for them they knew a stray cat that just had another litter of 3 and could perhaps try to get her to accept two more. And she did! Well it took a day but she did eventually take them in and feed them. Veneziano immediately decided that once they were old enough to eat solid foods he was going to keep one of them and name him Gino! It took a while for Romano to warm up to the idea of keeping even one but he eventually did. He took the other kitten and named him Sonno. They've lived so long due to just how clingy they are to the brothers. Their aging was so slowed down because of how often they're near the Italies that they didn't become fully grown adult cats until some time around 1932.
Japanese bobtail!
Named Yoshi* for being Japan's little lucky charm. Yoshi was left behind by his previous family after they moved away. He left his home and began wandering around until he got to Japan's house. Taking notice of how the cat stuck around his house, Japan began feeding him. And feeding him. And feeding him. And eventually he accepted the idea that he was now a cat owner. Not knowing his previous name, Japan decided to rename him Yoshi. Because of Yoshi, Japan began to come outside more and more each day as he is an outdoor cat that seldomly comes inside anymore. What's more is Yoshi came into his life in 1999, just a few months before 2000— aka when The Lost Decade was coming to an end as well as his personal on and off string of depressive episodes. Japan spoils Yoshi with treats and only the best cat food he can afford!
*The real name given to him by Himaruya is Tama, most likely a reference to calico cat Tama from Kinokawa, Wakayama Prefecture, Japan(that's at least what I've gathered). Before I knew this(in my early fandom days) I headcanoned his name to be Yoshi, as I said above it was a reference to luck(I didn't have as easy and unmonitored access to the internet as I do now so I never had a steady way to look these things up). I like Tama as well but I still can't get the name Yoshi out of my mind! I'm not sure if Yoshi and Tama can be combined like some names here in America can be combined(like Lilian Pad[as in Lily Pad] or Patches Poo) and I don't want to attempt it in case I get it wrong no matter how much research I do.
Domestic longhair!
Austria has quite the soft spot for this kitty surprisingly. He was born on his estate after his mother wandered in and settled between a couple bushes in his garden. He was born one of three kittens, almost entirely identical to his mother. Austria ended up giving names to all the cats but this one specifically was named Mozart— for very obvious reasons on Austria's part. The mother cat and two of the other kittens ended up moving along a year later after Austria decided to renovate part of his house; however the only one to stick around was Mozart. Austria would let Mozart come inside if only he could manage to pick him up. Mozart will jump into his lap outside, brush up against him, greet him in the morning, allow him to come near(especially with food and clean water) and even pet him but he won't ever peacefully allow Austria to carry him. Mozart was originally thought to be a Ragdoll however it was France who identified him to be a simple domestic longhair instead.
Burmese cat!
Originally a stray that endlessly bothered a shop owner and his own cat, China attracted his attention when he fed him only once. This cat followed him all the way to the hotel he was staying at not far from the little shop, which annoyed him greatly but honestly gave him a little laugh as well. As his car ride home was only going to be an hour at best he decided to at least attempt to bring the little fella home for proper care and attention. And obviously it worked. On his way home he decided a name like Zhi seemed perfect for him! Something told China Zhi was used to car rides and being around people, which told him Zhi was originally in a loving home. Feeling a little sad that this nice loyal cat was living on the streets he began to pamper him. Now Zhi expects to be brushed twice a day, let out at least once a day to soak in the sun's warmth and lay in the soft grass. He's fed the best food possible, has more toys that he knows what to do with. China's cellphone is overrun with videos of Zhi playing fetch— a trick he didn't teach him which, to him, is further proof he had a previous owner.
Siberian cat!
Taken in from a rescue shelter, at first fostered, then adopted. Russia kept the name the shelter gave him, Boris, as it fit him very well considering his past. Boris was unfortunately neglected when his previous owner was around. His fur was matted, he was skin and bones, upon pick up he had an eye infection. He was terribly scared of people. After being treated and showed kindness, it wasn't very long for him to open up. When Russia came along and took him in to give him all the proper attention he lacked, Boris fell in love with it. And Russia fell in love with having a cat around. Before anyone could swoop in and try to adopt Boris, Russia already put in to adopt. Now Boris is a happy healthy cat who's favorite toy to play with is Russia's supply of yarn. Boris loves bird or feather based toys the most, however, and will often drag his favorite feather wand over to Russia so he'd play. He's not much of an outdoor cat but after being kept mostly in a small cage since birth he does enjoy at least laying on the porch outside.
A Sacred Birman with light creamy point colouration!*
Obtained as a newly born kitten in 1992, France had offered to help nurture him as his mother had died shortly after giving birth. France named him Minou, more so in honor of his deceased mother Minet rather than it being a common French cat's name(some assume he was lazy with his naming). Minou grew up to be properly spoiled and loved by France. From the time he could see and walk properly, France began putting light outfits and accessories on him for very small amounts of time(like hats and ties mainly to avoid overheating). Minou often silently greets France at the door whenever he comes home, barreling through the hallway or off the couch in order to get some much needed love and attention. He surprisingly gets along very well with France's pet birds, only ever going after them once as a kitten. Minou can be found in his luxurious cat bed made of cardboard from the cat tower's box and a quilt France had crafted long long ago that's now drastically torn in various places. OR he can be found planting his fanny on France's face at night, nearly suffocating him. Minou seems to have a likeness for Russia and England.
*I know France-cat doesn't have any visible point colorations to him but him being a Persian doesn't fit him in my opinion, especially a blue eyed white cat. There's a high percentage of blue eyed white cats being deaf. However a common trait in Birmans are blue eyes so that, to me, fits better.
Scottish fold-American shorthair mix!*
Obtained through a small litter from a colleague. England named him Lopsy  immediately upon seeing him, completely falling in love with him. Due to Lopsy's health concerns(osteochondrodysplasia) he's strictly an indoor cat. He's not very playful due to the pain he endures so he's prone to lay about, especially in England's lap, in his cat bed that sits directly under the window to reach the sunlight, or under England's bed. Despite being on them for so long, it still takes quite the struggle to give Lopsy his medication as he's come accustomed to when England is preparing to give it to him. As he's not very active, Lopsy isn't too fond of France's, America's, or Canada's cats— all of which tend to love playing together. However there are times when Minou is in non-playful mode where Lopsy will lay near or eat with him, but will absolutely refuse to lay with since Minou does have a tendency to attack another cat's tail without warning.
*The reason I see him as a mix is due to the major health concerns breeding two Scottish folds together can bring. However, breeding a Scottish fold with an American shorthair or British shorthair is often the better choice as there's less issues involved. There's talk about banning the breed all together. Even with this talk, breeding persists, preferably for cat shows from the sound of it. There's even research going into fixing these health concerns but it seems incurable due to the Scottish fold disease seeming to be a very dominant trait no matter what secondary breed it's bred with. Scottish fold disease doesn't always occur in a litter, mostly being a 50% change.
European shorthair!
Named Vivo for his lively personality, this little guy was found in the rain, drenched and hungry. He looked to be roughly 3 months old, very well fed and groomed so Spain assumed he had a family he ran away from for whatever reason. Without any other solution, Spain took him in until someone came to pick him up. A few weeks go by without anyone coming to claim him, so Spain opted to keep Vivo. Vivo is very loving, he possess a strong purr and often falls asleep purring. He's a lap cat but also has a tendency to curl up on or near Spain's shoulder when he's on the couch. Vivo is mainly an outdoor cat, often chasing mice or other vermen away from the garden without ever destroying it. Spain is pretty grateful to of found him as it had gotten quiet with Romano gone and all. And Vivo defiantly brought some noise to the house! He's not always vocal but when he is he tends to run around happily meowing for attention. He's surprisingly very territorial however— when introduced with then young kits Gino and Sonno, the Italies' cats, Vivo almost attacked them. It took small steps forward to get the three of them to warm up to each other. It also took a while to warm Vivo up to Minou and Gunther.
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clockworkgraystairs · 4 years
You got me trippin | Jurdan one-shot
Rating: T
Summary: Cardan takes care of his girlfriend after she injures her ankle. Rain and cuddles, that's it. One-shot.
Tags: @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ @sweetlyvillainous​ @aesthetics-11​ @jurdanhell​ @demydreamer-otaku-and-book-lover​ @nite0wl29​ @cardan-greenbriar-tcp​ @b00kworm​ @mysweetvillain​ @thesirenwashere​
If you wish to be tagged or untagged pls let me know!
A massive thank you to @slightlyrebelliouswriter23​ for helping me beta-ing this and to her and @sweetlyvillainous​ for the encouragement to keep on writing!! 
Read on AO3 here!       My masterlist
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“Jesus fucking Christ, be careful!!” She hissed for the second time glaring at him. He was currently focused on the bandage coiling around her ankle. He had been checking on it for the last ten minutes, adjusting and tightening the thing until she cursed and threatened to send him to sleep on the couch.
He chuckled. His stubborn Jude, always throwing daggers at people at the smallest inconvenience. Unfortunately for her, it only made him want to tease her even more. “Maybe if someone hadn’t been running around, she wouldn’t have sprained her ankle and we wouldn’t be here.”
“Ok first of all I wasn’t running around, those damned imps were chasing the cat and someone needed to stop them.” Jude groaned laying back on the couch. “Second of all, it wasn’t my fault that the floor was all wet because some god decided it was a nice moment to send a storm.” 
“Those imps as you call them are your students, love.” He said, finally leaving her poor limb alone and tugging it back under the fluffy blanket. “And that kitten was scared, you can’t really blame him.”
Cardan couldn’t help the grin that left his face as Jude squinted at said cat, now dry and comfortably sleeping on the opposite couch. Besides, he was no fool. The real reason she was so pissed had less to do with her kindergarten kids making a mess or his choice to take the animal with them, and more with the embarrassment of falling in front of the entire group. 
While he liked to keep his students inside reading fairy-tales or drawing, Jude preferred taking hers out to the front yard to do all kinds of activities. The children adored her, even when she was kind of scary sometimes. As for Cardan, he loved to watch her from the window. Her energy, her spirit. It was hypnotizing.
The day before though, a storm took Jude’s group by surprise in the middle of a class, forcing them to hide under a dome and wait for it to be over. It all happened too quickly. A thunder roared, making the windows tremble. A stray cat, visibly terrified, ran across the yard looking for shelter. Three children bolted behind it, yelling something Cardan couldn’t understand. In less than a second Jude had hurried behind them urging them to return. Somehow, she missed a hole on the ground that was covered by the rain. 
Even behind a window and the sound of the rain, his heart missed a beat as he faintly heard Jude’s scream as her foot twisted and she fell. He was only half-aware of his voice telling his students to remain on their seats before he ran out of the classroom.
The doctor had sent her home for the rest of the week since her ankle was significantly injured. Some scars and bruises ran up her left arm, as she’d landed on top of it.
So here he was, taking care of his grumpy girlfriend who seemed incapable of staying still for more than two minutes. Cardan started to get up when Jude stopped him by tugging his sleeve.
“Why don’t you call the school and say you’re ill?” She pouted. “You can’t leave me alone with that beast.”
“I’m sure you’ll be safe. If it tries to set the place on fire though, call me.” 
He had no intentions of returning back to the school, but the principal agreed to grant him a couple of days off to take care of Jude in exchange for helping him organize some documents they used for class. An easy task Cardan could finish at home. So he picked them up and returned to the apartment, just stopping a moment to buy some cookies Jude adored. 
By the time he parked the car back at home it had started to rain again, barely giving him time to get inside before getting all soaked. 
“Jude?” He called, taking off his wet coat and dropping it over a chair.
Cardan frowned at her lack of answer, walking to the living room and fighting to bite back a chuckle at the sight of her.
Curled adorably under the blanket and messy hair framing that face that filled him with so much peace, Jude rested in the same spot he’d left her, except she was now deeply asleep. The kitten tucked in the crook of her neck. So much for a wild beast, he thought.
Taking off his shoes and not bothering to turn on the lights, he slid into the narrow space between her back and the couch and held her tenderly. He cooed as he felt her shift, burying his nose in the wild curls. She was warm and the scent of her violet soap covered her skin. The raindrops hit the window in an almost rhythmic pace.  
After a few minutes Jude mumbled his name, barely awake. The cat protested as she turned her head to him. “I was ambushed by the monster.” He grinned at the grogginess in her voice.
“I can see that.” Trying to be as gentle as possible, he moved the little creature to the hollow spot between their feet where it immediately returned to sleep. Taking advantage of the free spot, Cardan caressed the skin of her neck with his nose. “Maybe I envy him just a little.”
She flashed him a teasing smile, fully turning so she could face him with still hooded eyes. He didn’t miss the small wince that crossed her face. “Do you now?”
He nodded before surveying her, frowning. “How are you feeling? Does it still hurt?”
Jude shrugged, “Only a little. It’ll pass.”
Cardan sighed, circling her with his arms again. “I’ll be here… Making sure you don’t attempt to follow another cat to the top of the building or something.”
She nudged him with a scoff. “Why don’t you make sure to tell your jokes when your throat is not at my hand’s reach?”
“Kinky.” he purred over her mouth, pressing their bodies tighter before taking her lower lip between his teeth, letting it go before she could deepen the kiss. “But as tempting as your hands around my neck might be, you need to rest.”
“I’ve been resting the whole day.” She whined, letting her head fall back on the pillow. Her eyes tell another story though, starting to close again.
Taking the blanket to cover them both, he cupped her cheek with a hand, pressing a kiss to her brow. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise. Now go to sleep, wife.”
“Wife, huh?” Jude breathed, her voice almost unintelligible  “You missed a step there.”
“Did I? My sleep deprived mind is probably playing tricks on me.”
She grinned a little but didn’t answer back, her breathing evened. 
Maybe he was just getting ahead of things. Or maybe not, since a small ring had spent already a month hidden on top of a shelf Jude couldn’t reach. Waiting. 
Cardan wasn’t so sure yet of what the right moment would be, he’d spent so much of his life surrounded by uncertainty. But looking at her in his arms, all disheveled and with pillow lines on her cheek, he knew there was no way he wished to be elsewhere. 
As rain thickened outside, he laid his head next to hers and caressed her cheek again, “Marry me, Jude Duarte.”
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tailorvizsla · 4 years
Hi Momma! Its been a little while since I sent you a #chaotic ask. I was just thinking on what your HCs might with Din, Paz, and the Armorer if their S/O was a bleeding heart who just HAD to rescue and sneak an orphaned baby loth-cat into the covert? Love, your angle
Oooh I like this chaotic ask! I have Din’s ready, but not the other two. For a good reason, I promise. ;) HCs: Din Djarin’s Reaction to SO Bringing Home a Stray Loth Kitten Word Count: ~900 Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Animal abuse. Kotep is hurt when she is little by someone.
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- Din will pet animals and sometimes feed strays if he has food on him, but he isn’t really interested in bringing a pet home. He doesn’t have the time or energy to dedicate to homing an animal and getting it acclimated to his nomadic lifestyle.
- (He will never tell anyone, but he is actually scared of adopting a pet. His biggest fear is needing to leave in a hurry and accidentally leaving the animal behind. Even though he knows he will immediately turn around to go pick it up, he does not want any living creature to experience the feeling of abandonment, even if it’s for a few minutes.)
- One day, while on a supply run, you and Din split up in town. He goes to get medical supplies and you go to the market to get some fresh fruit and veggies. While there, you hear yelling and go to investigate the cause of the ruckus.
- The shop keeper – one of the people you buy goods from on a regular basis – is standing in front of his stall, waving his arms and yelling. Other people are trying to calm him down, but he is on a rampage. He draws his foot back and kicks at something, sending a small lump flying into the wall, cutting off its pained cry with a sickening crack.
- “Vermin!” he spits as he stomps back into his stall. “Filthy animal!”
- From here, you can see that the vermin he was referring to is nothing more than a raggedy brown loth-kitten. Crouching down, you hold your hands out to the kitten and call to it gently. It cowers on the ground in front of you, trying its best to curl its body into a tight little ball, clearly expecting to be abused.
- You can see that its soft, downy hide is covered in a myriad of wounds. The kitten is missing a big chunk out of one ear and it looks like the whiskers on one side of its face have been ripped out. The streets haven’t been kind to the tiny creature.
- “Come here, Kotep,” you croon gently, “I will not hurt you.”
- The loth-kitten stares up at you with big green eyes, ears pinned back, for several long moments. Then it slinks forward on three legs – the fourth is badly broken – and curls up next to your knee. The instant it rests its head on your leg, you know you have to take this little creature with you.
- Slowly, to avoid startling her, you reach into your pocket and take out a handkerchief. The kitten doesn’t move as you wrap the material around its torso, keeping its broken leg immobilized. Then you carefully lift the kitten into the bend of your arm.
- As you pass by the stall, the shopkeeper calls out to you. “Hey, Mando!” he says. “What can I get you today?”
- You look at him, hoping to convey your disgust with your posture alone.
- “What kind of man kicks a loth-kitten hard enough to break its bones?” you ask loudly, drawing everyone’s attention. “When it was merely begging for scraps?”
- His face drains, turning an ashen shade of grey. The market bursts into a flurry of whispers at your admonition. You know that many people see you as nothing more than a murderous bounty hunter, exchanging lives for money. You hope that your words have brought the shopkeeper immense shame. (Honestly, kicking a tiny, helpless kitten? He deserves prison, you think, for his cruelty toward an animal.)
- The nearest veterinary clinic is in the fancy side of town, so you call Din and let him know you’ve been delayed. Fortunately, he doesn’t question you. At the clinic, you settle in the nice, plush chairs to wait, ignoring the weird looks you get from the hoity-toity clientele. Once you explain what happened to the veterinarian, they agree to treat Kotep for a reduced fee. (Even so, the cost of the treatment, vaccinations, and care items wipe out your savings account entirely.)
- From there, you head back to the Razor Crest, trying to smuggle your new companion in. Of course, Din doesn’t miss a thing, especially since you only have a bundle in your arms and a small, colorful bag on your shoulder. Definitely not the supplies you had come here for.
- “Where’s the food?” he asks, folding his arms in front of his chest. You give him back the money Armorer had given you two to buy supplies with.
- “Uh, there was a problem,” you say, trying to hurry past him. “We’ll need to go somewhere else from now on.”
- “Right, and what are you trying to hide from me?” he asks patiently, blocking you in.
- Before you can think of something, Kotep pokes her head up from your arms and lets out a curious meeww??
- “Oh, no,” Din says. “We are not adopting a cat.”
- “Her name is Kotep,” you say stubbornly. “I spent all my savings getting her patched up. So we’re keeping her.”
- “No, we aren’t,” Din says. “You’re taking her back to where you found her.”
- “That hut’uun shopkeeper kicked her so hard he broke her leg and three of her ribs,” you say. “I’m not taking her back there.”
- Din exhales gustily, tilting his head back to look up at the ceiling in exasperation. For a few seconds, you wonder if he really will make you take her back to that horrible place, but he relents.
- “Welcome to the Tribe, Kotep,” Din says grumpily, wiggling a finger at the kitten in your arms.
- Kotep lets out a mraoowr of happiness and licks his finger, her ears coming up in curiosity. 
- That night, Kotep sleeps in the bed with the two of you. When you wake up, Kotep is curled up on Din’s chest, her head tucked under his chin, tiny snores escaping her. Junior is laying across his stomach, tiny snores escaping him as well. You quite literally have to bite down on the insides of your cheeks to not burst into hysterical laughter at the sight of the mighty warrior becoming nothing more than a pillow for two babies.
- As Kotep grows bigger, she takes it upon herself to look after Junior, often picking him up and bringing him to one of you if he starts getting into mischief. Din is especially appreciative of the third pair of eyes on the kid. (Junior, on the other hand, is often sour about having his mischief interrupted.)
- The day you take Kotep back to the Tribe, some idiot of a hunter makes the mistake of getting into Junior’s personal space. As the hunter kneels to waggle a finger at Junior, Kotep launches all 13 kilograms of herself at the hunter, using her sharp claws and teeth to utterly wreck whatever parts of him are not covered in armor. Then, just as quickly, she leaps off him, grabs Junior, and drags the kid under the couch, snarling at anyone who dares come near the couch.
- That day, Kotep is named an honorary member of the Fighting Corps. The hunters debate on having a jetpack or maybe a flamethrower made for her, but you overrule that line of thought. After a few weeks, the hunter apologizes to Kotep. As a peace offering, he gives her a very large piece of fish. She forgives him, and eventually lets him pet her.
- (Having learned his lesson, he often brings her back something small to stay on her good side.)
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luxaofhesperides · 3 years
in those long days until we’re together
yoo sangah loves all the time she spends with jung heewon. but the time they spend together is to little; such is the way of long distance relationships.
for ORV RARE PAIR WEEK 2021 @orv-week; day three, prompt: long distance relationship.
also on ao3.
. . . Call soon?  the text reads when Yoo Sangah opens it. She immediately sends back a smiling panda sticker and hurries through the rest of her work so she can leave on time, if not a little early. They’ve both been busy recently, which means they haven’t had much time to talk, but Jung Heewon had set a day where they’re both free in the evenings to call and catch up. Yoo Sangah is grateful; often she worries about being too needy or clingy, holding herself back from asking for more no matter how often Jung Heewon assures her that it’s fine. She’s missed talking to her girlfriend recently, but didn’t want to demand all of her time and attention, so she kept quiet until Jung Heewon firmly set a time when they can ignore the rest of the world and just focus on each other.
There are three hours left before she can go home. She feels each minute passing by agonizingly slow. Her focus is shot, barely able to concentrate on all the files she has on hand that have to go out by the end of the week. She’s only half done, and while she’s sure if she focused and got to it she’s finish faster, Yoo Sangah is filled with restless energy that makes her walk away from her desk.
The break room is usually empty at this time. It’s just after the time most people finish their lunch and return to their work, so Yoo Sangah looks forward to making herself some tea and letting her mind wander without the pressures of deadlines stress her out.
She gets as far as pulling out a cup before she realizes she’s not alone. Kim Dokja sits in the back of the break room, in a corner people ignore because it’s out of sight from the door. He’s on his phone again, not moving and silent. Yoo Sangah can’t help but jump a little when she finds him, from the shock of seeing someone in the corner of her eye in a room she though was empty . Slowly, she lets out a breath and tries not to look to frazzled.
“Dokja-ssi,” she calls out, making him look up, “Did you want anything to drink?”
“No thank you,” he says as quietly as always. Had it been anyone else, she would have thought he was trying to end the conversation as quickly as possible. In fact, he sounds exactly as he does when he tries to end a conversation, but he’s not looking away which is the only sign that he doesn’t mind talking a little while longer.
Kim Dokja is really her only friend at Minosoft, where all the other men hit on her relentlessly and the other women keep her at arms length for one reason or another. He doesn’t hit on her, leer at her, or act rudely. He just keeps to himself and helpfully hands her salt when she’s upset so she can ruin people’s coffees. Yoo Sangah is glad to have at least one co-worker she’s on good terms and doesn’t actively dislike.
“Did something happen?” he asks, lowering his phone some more. It always feels like a victory when she manages to pull him away from that phone screen. “You look a little… flushed, I suppose. Distracted.”
Yoo Sangah can’t help but smile. “Oh, I’m video calling my girlfriend tonight. It’s been a while since we were able to talk.”
Here’s another thing about Kim Dokja: he’s not just her only friend at Minosoft, but also the only person who knows she’s 1) not straight and 2) in a relationship. She hadn’t even meant to tell him about Jung Heewon, but he was there and no one else was and she was happy that Jung Heewon wanted to be in a relationship with her, even if it was long distance. All Kim Dokja do was ask if she had a good night, and Yoo Sangah immediately told him about the lovely, strong woman who turned her attempt to socialize into a date, ditching the rest of her college friends, and about the second date she had on the weekend.
Kim Dokja, to his credit, didn’t even blink. Just congratulated her on her new relationship and made no mention of the fact that she was with another woman. Yoo Sangah grew fiercely protective of him that day, as had Jung Heewon, the first time she called while Yoo Sangah was still at work and got to talk to him for a few minutes.
“I see,” he says. “If you’d like me to take on some of your work so you can go home sooner…”
“Oh, no! I couldn’t ask that of you! But thank you for offering anyways. Are you sure you don’t want anything to drink?”
He shakes his head. “I’m alright. I’m on break for another ten minutes, and I’d like to finish reading this, so…”
Yoo Sangah nods at his polite attempt finish the conversation and focus on his phone again, and tries to make tea quietly as to not bother him. She lets herself smile freely as she waits for the tea to cool, then says goodbye to Kim Dokja, who awkwardly waves a hand at her. No one tries to stop her for a chat as she makes her way back to her desk, which is incredibly rare and incredibly lucky. It wasn’t a bad day before getting Jung Heewon’s text, but it certainly got better after it.
Somehow, she manages to finish the last few hours of work, only occasionally glancing at her phone, before she puts all her files away and gets ready to go home. As she’s walking to the elevator to leave, Yoo Sangah sees a couple of people from the corner of her eye perk up when they catch sight of her and start heading over. Please go away, she thinks and stares very hard at the elevator doors, trying to convey that she’s leaving and doesn’t want to talk. It doesn’t work.
Just as they reach her and one of them opens his mouth, Kim Dokja appears, sliding in front of them with ease. With how he’s looking at his phone again, it could be passed off as unintentional, just him not paying attention to his surroundings, but the way he carefully glances at her tells her that this was no accident.
People don’t really seem to like Kim Dokja, which Yoo Sangah finds strange. He’s just a little reclusive and awkward, but their coworkers either harass him or avoid him with all their might.
These two men become visibly uncomfortable and shift away from Kim Dokja. They look at her, then at Kim Dokja, then walk past them. As soon as they’re out of earshot, Yoo Sangah sighs and says, “Thank you, Dokja-ssi.”
He gives her a small smile. “It would be a shame to get stuck here when you have better things to do.”
The elevator finally arrives on their floor and the doors slide open. It’s empty, thankfully, and they both get in. Kim Dokja leans against the back wall, frowning as he reads… whatever it is he reads. Yoo Sangah decides it wouldn’t be rude to be on her phone, not talking, if it’s Kim Dokja she’s with. She opens up her chat with Jung Heewon and sends another text: I’ll be home soon! Let me know when you’re ready <3
Once on the ground floor, Yoo Sangah says goodbye to Kim Dokja as he heads towards the subway and she goes around the building to get her bike. The sun has set by the time she makes it to her apartment, but the sky is still light, all purple and pink. She takes a moment to admire it before she unlocks her door and kicks off her shoes.
The stress of the day falls off her shoulders and she takes a moment to stretch before going to her bedroom to change into more comfortable clothes.
She grabs her charger from her room and plugs it in the kitchen just to make sure her phone doesn’t die in the middle of the call. It’s been so long, Yoo Sangah isn’t going to risk anything cutting their time together short.
Her phone chirps with a notification and Yoo Sangah all but throws herself across the kitchen to open it.
Five more minutes?asks Jung Heewon, and Yoo Sangah quickly sends a nodding kitten sticker back. She rushes through grabbing ingredients and setting up her cutting board and frying pan in order to make fried rice, and keeps checking her phone to make sure she doesn’t accidentally miss Jung Heewon’s call.
Calling now!! comes another text that Yoo Sangah barely sees before her phone is ringing. She grabs it and accepts the video call, heart thundering in her chest as both their cameras begin to adjust to the lighting in their respective apartments.
“There you are sweetheart,” Jung Heewon says, smiling, “I’ve missed you so much.”
Yoo Sangah can’t help the shy smile that spreads across her face, cheeks flushing. “I can’t wait to see you in person again. Two more weeks, right?”
“Mhm. Two more weeks and you’ll get to have me all to yourself for four days.”
Yoo Sangah has been eagerly counting down the days for Jung Heewon’s next visit to Seoul, planning out dates and meals to cook together. The loneliness that cripples her the first few days after her girlfriend leaves is terrible, a feature of long distance relationships, but getting to be with Jung Heewon in any way she can is more than worth it.
She sets her phone propped up against a tall glass. “I’m going to make some dinner, so tell me about your week while I cut some vegetables.”
Jung Heewon shifts, getting more comfortable on her couch, and begins to talk about her job, her coworkers, the stray cats in the neighborhood that she’s been feeding; Yoo Sangah lets the soothing cadence of her voice wash over her as she cooks, listening attentively and trying to commit everything to memory so she can feel like she’s a part of Jung Heewon’s day.
They talk through her cooking, her eating, keep the call going even when both leave to take a shower and get ready for bed. It’s so nice to talk to Jung Heewon again, but it makes the empty space on her bed all the more obvious.
“I can’t wait to have you with me again,” Yoo Sangah mumbles, sleepy now that she’s in bed. She’s having trouble keeping her eyes open, and while she knows she should go to sleep since she has work tomorrow, she wants this call to keep going for as long as possible. She’s not ready to say goodbye. She’s never ready to say goodbye.
Jung Heewon rubs her eyes tiredly. “You look tired sweetheart,” she says, her voice low. The sound of it sends pleasant shivers down her spine, and Yoo Sangah can only manage a vague hum in reply. “Go to sleep. I’ll stay on the call until you sleep.”
“I don’t want to end it,” she says, stubbornly keeping her eyes open.
“I’ll call you again in the morning. I promise. Okay?”
That’s the smart thing to do, Yoo Sangah knows, and if she wakes up a little earlier than usual she can see Jung Heewon longer. Still, she doesn’t want to go to sleep and stop hearing Jung Heewon’s voice. She wants time to stop and let her have this moment to herself forever, without worrying about tomorrow or counting down the days until Jung Heewon arrives for just a few days. Their relationship is filled with longing and waiting, always separated and never able to stay together as long as they want.But there is no one she wants as much as Jung Heewon. She’ll do anything to stay with her.
“Okay,” Yoo Sangah says, “Goodnight. Two weeks?”
“Two weeks,” Jung Heewon promises. “I’ll be with you before you know it.” I hope so , she thinks, and closes her tired eyes, letting the sounds of Jung Heewon moving and preparing for the next day lull her to sleep. It’s almost like she’s there with Yoo Sangah.
It’s enough for now. 
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