#for real though i did very much get more done the past week without also needing to do the comic update
someone-always-cares · 3 months
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[ID: a drawing of a computer popup style notifications titled "SAC BOOK" with a loading bar like 80-90% done with the description "book kickstarter preperation in progress!". below is is a traditionally drawn sketch that has been scanned and shaded digitally, of the artist holding a clipboard titled "burnout avoidance strategy" and staring at it with their tongue out. next to them is the words "we'll be right back!" end id]
okay so little better rested currently so brief update! so realised that there is still a fair bit that needs doing but making regular comic updates does take up about half or more of the time i have to work on art stuff, so i've made the decision to swap around kickstarter preperation and comic updates on my priority list!
unfortunatly the struggles of making comics while having a day job means that trying to do both will just make me burnt out and make both projects half assed so i'm pausing the regular comic updates to put my focus on preparing to print the comic. can't burn the candle at both ends, you'll just burn yourself and get wax all over the carpet
current (self imposed) timeline estimate: work on (and hopefully finish) preperations in july, have the kickstarter be live in time for august (so i can advertise it in the 3 conventions i have that month), resume comic updates in august also (hopefully. again, 3 conventions. will let you all know how it turns out) and print everything in september!
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cillianhead · 11 months
Hey hey, I just found your blog and I really like your writing - especially Sitting Pretty since I'm a sucker for those Crane fics. :3
Would you maybe be up for some kind of comfort/fluff fic with Crane?
I am always up for some comfort/fluff when it comes to Dr Jonathan Crane. He's so babygirl <3
Anyway, I hope you enjoy.... thank you so much for your request!
Nothing's Gonna Hurt You Baby || Jonathan Crane x Reader
warnings: none really, some brief mentions of violence, crying, angsty but also fluffy and comforting at the end, not really anything that bad to be honest, sort of non-canonical to anything that actually happened in the films.
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It had been around a week since you had seen your boyfriend of three years. This was the longest you had gone without seeing Jonathan, without even hearing a peep from him. You even went to his work, he hadn't been there either. You knew what sort of dangerous work he did outside of Arkham and also within it, you knew the dangers and the risks he faced every time he left your apartment. You were still hopelessly devoted to him, despite the bad things that he has done and continues to do. You knew he would never hurt you. Him being gone felt like someone had ripped your heart out... like your soul was slowly being eaten away. Where was he? Was he even still alive? No. You mustn't think like that.
It was only a week, maybe he just needed some time away. Though he would've at least taken time off work, surely? His work told you he hadn't called in sick but he was supposed to be there. But he wasn't.
You hadn't cried. You found yourself growing more and more numb to the absence of Jonathan. It was like your body trying to reject a foreign object, trying to spit him out of your heart. It was painful and agonizingly slow, you knew you could never get over him, especially if you never got to say goodbye. His things lying around your apartment were a painful reminder of the fact he was gone. And he probably was never coming back.
You hadn't slept, at least not very well, in four days. You'd barely been eating either, maybe a stale cracker or two every now and then but you couldn't bring yourself to eat any proper meals. The best you could do was stare at the tiled wall as you stood in the scalding hot shower, trying to burn away the grief.
With the growing hunger and the fact you barely slept, paranoia was also sprouting within you, like some sort of sickly weed. You were worried that if Jonathan had been captured, whatever got him, was coming for you next. Every tiny little noise, every rumble, or car horn outside sent you running to the comfort of your shared bed. The one that smelt like him. You really couldn't sleep. Every shadow looked like some sort of evil horned figure ready to devour you whole, your eyes wide and frozen, helplessly full of fear. You thought about how Jonathan would assess this situation, how nerdy he got when you were afraid, in its own way you found it comforting the way he explained the body's reaction to fear and the way he explained the mind's power over the body.
The sleep you did get would be full of nightmares or vividly heartbreaking dreams. There was one you couldn't get over, a dream so sweet, more like a memory than anything else. Jonathan coming home from work, taking off his clothes and crawling into bed with you. His hands caressed your back softly, arms cradling you like you could shatter at any moment if he held you too tight. It felt so painfully real, that even when you began to wake up you could still feel him there. Still feeling his arms around you.
"Jonathan..." You whispered a sigh of relief, his arms pulled away from you as your heart raced with joy. Sitting up and looking around to find yourself just as alone as you had been for the past week. That's when you began to cry. "Jonathan..." You sobbed into your hands, you couldn't fall asleep after that. It was four in the morning, and the room was pretty much pitch black as you cried to yourself like a baby needing its mother.
Even more time passed. You were hysterical, you didn't pick up your phone when your friends called, you didn't leave the house, you didn't eat, and you most definitely didn't sleep. You were in bad shape, to say the least. It was that time of the year when the rain began to pour, your glass walls showed the bruised sky and the lightning it unleashed upon Gotham. You didn't work, Jonathan insisted on you staying at home, for him to provide for you. You were pretty happy staying at home and doing as you pleased. But now... it felt so different, there was no one to come home to you. You were pretty certain that the love of your life had died and you were going to spend the rest of your time alone. You knew you could never love again.
As if the sky knew how you felt, it only rained harder, it rained for days and it never stopped. You sat on the couch with a blanket draped over you as you lifelessly stared out at the dark sky. It was the middle of the night, and you thought about sweet nothings you and Jonathan shared. You thought about how lucky you were to see that side of him, so lucky you weren't on the other end, seeing the scarecrow, full of fear toxin. You thought about Jonathan humming while he made you pancakes, thought about the way he wrote you love letters almost every morning before he left for work, thought about the way you both were ready to get married soon. You remembered him holding your stomach while you brushed your teeth before bed and saying in that beautiful voice of his; "One day, you and I, are gonna have a bunch of beautiful babies and we'll live far far away from here. Everything will be perfect."
You sobbed and nothing brought you out of it. The pain in your chest was unbearable, no stupid fucking sad song or badly written poem could ever express it. There was no comprehensible word in any language that could truly explain away the agony you were in. You were no longer paranoid that something was going to come and hurt you, in fact, if there was someone or something out there coming to get you, you'd happily let it come in and put you out of your goddamn misery.
It was two soft raps on your bedroom window from the fire escape that caught your attention. You froze and stopped your crying, listening for it again, wondering if maybe you were just hearing things.
It's when you hear them again that you manage to stand up on shaky legs and wander into your bedroom that you see a shadow, leaning its weight against the window tiredly. It was him. With all the energy you could muster up, you ran to the window and slid it open before grabbing ahold of him and pulling him into your bedroom. You felt like you were going to have a heart attack.
"Y/N," Jonathan whispered. You didn't say a word, just turned on the lamp to light up the room. If this was a dream, you were going to try and enjoy every second of it. If this was the only way you could see your Jonny then you would take in every moment. "I... I missed you." And when you turned around, ready to scold him, ready to scream your lungs out at him for being gone, your heart broke all over again. His clothes were torn and covered in dried-up blood. Jonathan's neck was covered in bruises in the shape of handprints and his eyes were tired and void of any life. "Jonathan..." You whimpered, approaching him, he winced a bit as you placed your hands softly on his face. "Where have you been? What happened to you?" You were going to be angry at him before but now you understood... it wasn't his fault. He was soaking wet and you could see he had been crying too.
"I... I can't... really remember... I was drugged..." He mumbled, Jonathan's fingers curled around your waist and pulled you into a bone-crunching hug. He breathed you in, embracing you again was the only medicine he needed. Holding you was the only thing that could tell him was truly okay. "The Batman got me... I don't know how I managed to escape... just ended up here... I've been walking for days."
"Jonny..." You were crying as you sat him gently down on the bed. "I thought you..." You whispered. The strength was not in you to say it. "I thought you were..."
"Dead?" Jonathan croaked out, his voice was hoarse in a way that told you he had spent days on end screaming, from the torture he had been put through. "Yeah, me too." He said dryly.
You helped him undress. The clothes were pretty much useless so you tossed them on the floor in a pile to throw away later. "Let me clean you up..."
"No." He said. "Not right now..." Jonathan shook his head as he grabbed you and pulled you into his chest as you laid down in the bed with him again. "I just need to feel you..." His voice broke and in the process, your heart broke too. You could hear how defeated he was. "Need to feel you there." You understood, not saying another word as you clung to him. You listened to the sound of his heart, ear pressed right against his bare and bruised chest. You heard him sniffle, immediately causing you to pull away. "Oh, baby..." You cooed sadly, brushing a tear off his wounded cheek. The dam gates were open now as he began to cry, wincing at the salty tears mixing in with his busted face. "I'm so sorry... I'm so sorry that happened to you... I was so worried... you're here now... you're here with me... my baby."
"I thought about you every second," He sobbed. Jonathan looked like a helpless little child at that moment, his blue eyes were pitiful. "I thought I was going to die... thought I was never gonna get the chance to say goodbye to you..."
Together you sat crying, both with relief and sorrow as the rain poured outside, the heaven's crying with you. Everything felt okay again, for the both of you, now that you were with one another. "It's okay, Jonny." You tried to console him. Things had happened to him before, he'd been beaten up or caught in dangerous situations but he usually came home shrugging it off, this time you could tell he was severely traumatized, you could tell this was going to take a while for him to get over. Jonathan had that thousand-yard stare, that mischievous fire that usually lit up his eyes had been extinguished and now reflected the dreary weather outside. "I love you, baby, it's okay... nothing's ever going to hurt you again." You whispered, he leaned in, pressing a kiss to your lips. You kissed him as gently as you could, knowing his lip was swollen and split open, you could taste the metallic blood from his mouth and the saltiness of his tears.
"Y/N..." Jonathan wept, his face now buried in between your neck and your jaw. "It hurts." The tone of his voice was the most heart-shattering thing you'd ever heard.
"I know, my baby," You hushed as you laid back down again, caressing his hair that was still wet from the rain. "Nothing will ever hurt you again." You reassured once again. "Nothing's going to take you from my side."
You cried your own tears of sadness, relieved he was back in your arms, relieved that you were there to take care of him and nurse him back to health. The morning sun had begun to rise by the time you two had properly nestled into your bed, skin pressed together, legs intertwined. Jonathan slept in your arms, you held him like a baby, you couldn't sleep, too happy to have him in your arms again.
"As long as you're with me, you'll be just fine..." You whispered softly into his hair.
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futbol16 · 2 years
As your Captain ・ Barcelona Femení
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This one is for these two requests although I have slightly changed it, I might have forgotten what the original request was, but I hope you enjoy!
Requests: "Can we have some angst/hurt with Barcelona girls or lionesses?"
"Hopping in on the request because you are the best 🤩🤩🤩🤩 Would you write one where the girls wrongfully got the message that Y/N would move to Lyon or worse Real Madrid and the team gives her the cold shoulder and very angry training sessions, Y/N notices after a few days and every attempt of dialogue fails. Having enough Y/N lets all her frustration out when no one expected it, lots of tears and anger and most importantly disappointment. She disappears for hours and it's freezing cold and the girls in the meantime found it was a lie to jeopardize the time. They’re all frantically searching for her and trying to call, she comes to training the next morning, none of the girls sleeps, soaked in rain and not able to talk to her cold temperature and shivering.  She catches a intense flu and the team has absolutely never felt worse"
Word count: 1,9k
The final whistle of the match is blown and you excitedly run towards Mapi before jumping on her back and the two of you join the rest of the team celebrating.
Your team had won 5-0 to Real Madrid with you assisting a goal and scoring one of your own as well.
As you glance over to the other side of the field you take in the way Misa lazily picks up her goalie gloves she had previously thrown to the ground. A frown takes over your features when you see her try to wipe her tears away, tears that obviously weren’t anywhere near stopping.
You were always one to respect your opponents especially if they were on the same national team as you, you had seen the way Misa desperately tried to get her team together in the match. She was captain and truthfully she was the only one actually playing for Real Madrid today.
You don’t wait long as you make your way towards her and gently pull the taller girl into your arms, whispering praises into her ear as you try to comfort her.
Misa was your friend on the Spanish team and you knew she’d be more disappointed in her own performance than anyone else’s.
She holds onto you as well, burying her face into your shoulder, occasionally nodding at your words and she thanks you when you tell her you need to get back to your team.
Your actions didn’t go unnoticed by the Barca girls, or the cameras and fans at that and they all watched, confused. 
No one thinks about it for too long though as you and the girls get back to the locker room and celebrate the wonderful win.
A few days after the match you notice the sudden change in air from your teammates.
You feel their eyes on you, watching your every step, yet when you’d turn around they would already be busy with something.
They also haven’t said much, at least not to you which was very unusual as usually you and most of the younger girls would be joking around, loudly laughing at each other whenever you got the chance.
Not now though.
Training has been a bit different, your training partner, Patri had switched with someone else and now you had Marta.
It’s not that you didn’t like the girl, you really did, but you were used to training with Patri and her switching up without a word left you hurt and confused.
You knew the defenders on your team could be aggressive, but what you were experiencing right now was far from how teammates would challenge each other.
Their main target seemed to be you and you only. Tackles were sent your way left and right at every drill and you were sure that someone also tripped you up on purpose when you were walking to the back of the line.
It hurt. You didn’t know why they had been avoiding you and why so suddenly. You had thought over everything you had done in the past week that could have made 22 people have it out for you, but nothing came to mind.
Team chemistry was off. It was obvious to you, to your teammates and most importantly to the coach and staff members.
Jonatan had also taken notice of how you seemed to always end up on the ground in drills that on any other day you could have done in your sleep.
It isn’t until you’re clutching your ankle, laying on the turf as you try to breathe through the pain, that he actually intervenes.
As a medic makes his way over to you, Jonatan calls your name from not too far at the sidelines.
“Y/L/N, I want you in my office after practice!”
Your ankle had been fine after checking it out but you did have a small limp as you walked into the coach’s office, ready to talk with him.
As you take a seat in front of Jonatan, he doesn’t waste time as he gets right into it.
“Y/N I’ve noticed how the team isn’t connecting and I know you have too. As captain, and especially now since Alexia isn’t here, I need you to figure out what happened.
Whatever it is, you need to fix it, talk to them. We can’t go into a match like this.” you nod at his words and as you get excused, you immediately walk to the changing room where you knew the rest of the girls would be.
For the first time in a week they acknowledge your presence as you walk in and instantly take notice of the hard look on your face.
You looked mad, something that scared them since you rarely showed this side of you to them. The girls in the room freeze in their movements as they look up at you, silence overtaking the room and they watch as you slightly limp towards your bag.
Shoving your shin guards into it you also turn towards them. Your voice is cold and eerily emotionless as you start to speak.
“I have no idea what happened or if I’ve done something but it’s clearly affecting our performance as a team and I won’t have that. I’m telling you this as your captain, if you don’t get yourselves together and communicate what you’re feeling then I’ll gladly sit you out on our next game.
As captain it is my job to take care of the players but I can not do that if you guys ignore my existence. This is unacceptable and I don’t think I deserve this!”
The last part is spoken harshly and some of the girls visibly shiver at your tone.
Looking around the changing room most of your teammates’ heads are lowered, a guilty look on their faces, but Mapi, Patri and Mariona glare at you, a look you can only give back to them.
You leave the room at the silence you receive and make your way to one of the other offices.
Back in the changing-room Irene takes the team's silence as her chance to speak up, she had been one of the few who hadn’t totally ignored your presence after the ElClásico.
The barca team finds themselves in Jonatan’s office less than fifteen minutes after you’ve left and Jonatan looks at them panicked as he’s bombarded with questions.
“What? Repeat that question?” he asks as utter confusion and surprise is written all over his face.
“Has Y/N already signed with Real Madrid?” Aitana questions again, this time saying it slower, but the coach only stares at the group of football players standing in front of him.
They shuffle uncomfortably under the man’s gaze before he talks.
“Now where the hell did you hear that from?” it’s now the team’s turn to stare at him now as they take in what he’s saying.
“So wait, Y/N isn’t transferring to Real?” Patri is the one who voices her thoughts first.
“No, no of course not!” Jonatan laughs at the idea of you ever wearing the Real Madrid badge over your heart, you had made your distaste towards the club clear to him.
“But everyone keeps talking about it!” 
“Who’s everyone? Girls, don’t tell me you got this information from the internet, you didn’t believe another rumor now, did you?” the coach looks at them expectantly before sighing at their guilty faces and he rubs at his face for a second.
“It was only because of the whole Lyon thing from last time, people kept saying she’d transfer to them and well, yeah, we believed another rumor.” Pina admits, her voice growing quieter by the end.
“But we also discussed last time that it was only because she signed the contract extension with Barca late, right?” they nod at his words.
“Look, I understand that you misunderstood the situation and I now also know why you guys haven’t been doing too well in training, but this is very immature of you all.
No one is transferring anywhere unless your captain or I say so. And the way you’ve handled this is disappointing, Y/N is your teammate, she’s family and family shouldn't be treated like this.”
As he lectures the girls, they all nod along, admitting they’ve been wrong and that they’d like to fix it.
“Y/N is in another meeting right now, but I suggest you talk with her first thing tomorrow at training.”
When the team walks into the training center the next day they take notice of your bag already sitting in your cubby, or rather still sitting there.
Training soon starts and as they try to get a look at you they see the dark circles under your eyes and your somewhat puffy cheeks. You looked exhausted and you were barely halfway through training. 
A sloppy move from Lucy results in you sitting on the turf as you try to catch your breath and she is instantly standing in front of you, helping you up and apologizing.
You dismiss her and start towards the beginning of the drill when you stumble slightly. The brunette is there to catch you when your body decides to give up and you pass out.
The team runs over worriedly as the medics make space to get you off the field. They watch as you’re carried into the medical room before having to resume practice.
Thirty minutes later they’re all crowded in the unusually spacious medical room and Claudia takes a hold of your hand when she sees the state you’re in.
You have cooling rags placed all over your body and you look exhausted as you breathe slowly. The medic fills them in on the diagnosis, telling them that you’ve got a fever and have also overworked your body.
When some of the girls look at her weird she goes into detail.
“Y/N stays the night at the facility sometimes to get in extra training or work on something. Security has gotten used to her being here at this point and let her have the pitch to herself for the night.
Unfortunately Y/N over here has forgotten that temperatures have dropped during the night and she’s caught a cold now.” she tells them with an amused chuckle and the team looks at you sadly.
Mapi walks over, gently running her finger through your hair and she smiles when you lean into her touch slightly.
A sneeze breaks the team out of their trance and you reach for a tissue as you blow out your nose.
The room is immediately in chaos as everyone tries to apologize for their behavior and you smile up at them gently when both Pina and Mapi explain the situation.
As they calm down a bit they make a show of apologizing to you one by one before promising that they wouldn’t believe another rumor unless you’d tell them yourself.
You’re taken care of by your teammates for the next week until you get better and they shower you in love and small acts of kindness, still feeling incredibly bad for how they’ve treated you.
You soak up the love you’ve missed out on, but you still couldn’t have asked to be part of a better family.
Barcelona was your home and you wouldn’t trade it for any other team.
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xer-melody · 2 years
A Worshiper of Magic (For a Date) part 3
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Wednesday Addams x male!witch!reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 4
Warning: None.
Words: 1414
Summary: After looking through your surveillance archive you see someone that definitely shouldn't be on campus, instead of going to any official authorities, you go to Wednesday.
(a/n: idk if I really like this one, not much romance mostly just trying to move the plot along to get to the romance lol)
You didn't interact Wednesday for a few days after that. You've seen her around and she's seen you, but your maximum interaction has been a polite nod or wave. You'd also seen her on your surveillance system, but she probably didn't know that.
It had held strong and over the next week all the painful, bloody backlash it had caused faded. You were grateful, you didn't realize how difficult life could become with a giant gaping wound on your stomach until you actually had one.
You monitored your area regularly, having seen things that you'd rather not have but for the safety of the school you didn't mind.
Then, completely out of the blue, you see someone…unfamiliar sneaking onto campus. While you didn't know everyone personally, you knew who did and didn't go to your school. He definitely did not. A young man that you had a mild recollection of, hiding behind walls and running “sneakily” around before entering Ms. Thornhill’s office. You couldn't see into Thornhill’s office, but you could see her open the door for him. No threat, no force, just the simple opening and closing of the door. You could hear vague chatter behind it, but it wasn't fully legible.
You only caught a few words,
And, “These monsters!” Thornhill practically shouted in an outraged voice.
The boy kept his voice quiet, you'd almost forgotten he was in the room with her until he walked back out the door a few minutes later. Looking just as pleased as she did.
One thing you knew you had to do was speak to Wednesday.
While she wasn't officially on the case, she was definitely making more progress than the real police had. You're sure she’d tell them about it eventually, but as far as you're concerned she was the only person who needed to know.
It wasn't hard to find Wednesday, you shared a class but didn't sit near each other. So as you past her on the way to your seat you leaned down and whispered,
“I need to show you something, meet me in my dorm later.”
She didn't say anything back, just giving you a look, but you figured she understood.
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Almost three and a half hours worth of classes later, you sat in your dorm, waiting, you were done with your classes for the day and presumably, so should Wednesday. To pass the time you made a small little hex bag, nothing too severe, it only causes mild discomfort and a bit of insomnia. You just used it as practice, maybe you’d gift it to another witch…
A knock on the door pulled you away from your thoughts. Pushing yourself away from your desk and to the front door, opening it to see Wednesday, who had changed out of her school uniform and into a checkered sweater, long straight leg pants and a pair of slightly worn lace-up boots, all keeping her monochrome color scheme. You’ve never seen Wednesday out of her uniform, seeing her personal style was definitely a nice change. She looks good, but you're sure she already knew that as you moved to the side without a word, letting her in.
“You said you had something to show me..”
“Oh, right. So do you remember the surveillance system I put up.”
“The one that nearly caused you to bleed out? Vaguely.”
You gave her a slightly amused look, “Ha, very funny. Anyways, I saw something, just wanted to see if you knew anything about it.”
“You saw something?”
You sighed, “Yes, well, someone. Some guy onto campus and to Thornhill’s office, the weirdest thing about it though was that Thornhill just let this guy in.”
Her face scrunched a bit, but she held her permanent glare on you, “Who? Who snuck into Thornhills office..”
You paused for a moment.
“Some normie, I don't know his name but I've seen him before.”
Wednesday's expression changed slightly, her brows turning slightly, taking a seat on your desk chair, “Show me.”
You almost laughed, not at her but at what you’d have to do next.
“It’s…not that easy..” You sighed, going over to your roommate's side of the room and stealing his desk chair, rolling it over to Wednesday before sitting in it. “Everything that happens in the surveillanced area goes straight to my brain, it’s a spell so there's no camera or screen I can show it to you on out here.”
“Out here?” She repeated.
“Yeah, well. Technically I can show it to you, it’s just… weird..”
“You’re a witch.”
You let out a short, awkward laugh, “True, but I’d literally have to take you into my mind palace in order for you to see it.”
The mind palace, one of the great overlaps of witches and psychics. It was quite a bit different from the normie concept of a mind palace, it was more of a mental pocket dimension for people like you and Wednesday. While mind palace development classes don’t start until next year it didn’t stop you from doing as much as you can to develop your own. Which is where you stored all the information from the surveillance spell.
Now, you liked Wednesday, she was kind in her own way, her humor amused you, and you could admit that you genuinely enjoyed being around her. But letting her into your mind palace was something you didn’t even consider before asking to come here. It was intimate to say the least, reserved for those that you held in the highest regard. While you didn’t have anybody like that, you did have a young detective in need of evidence. So you were going to throw tradition out the window for a few minutes in order to give it to her, while also attempting to not become extremely flustered in the process.
She seemingly understood this, her mother was a psychic after all, she must have at least mentioned it.
“Alright.” She said stiffly, “What do we do?”
You sighed at her, dragging your roommate's chair from across the room and taking a seat right in front of her. Your knees bumped hers.
“Ok just…put your hands out like this.” you turned your palms out to her, she copied you, her hands just above yours.
Clearing your throat, sitting up a bit straighter, and with a bit of hesitation, cupped her hands from underneath.
“I really have to do most of the work..” you said quietly, lit perfectly audible in the silent stillness of your room. “Just close your eyes, and clear your mind.”
She gave you a short, unreadable look before shutting her eyes.
“Okay…” you muttered, “just relax..”
After attempting to calm your rapidly beating heart, and sending another quick glance at Wednesday, you closed your eyes.
A moment later you felt like you were falling through the floor.
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You stood in front of a door, dark wood as all the doors in Nevermore were, except this one wasn't in Nevermore, it wasn't anywhere. This one doesn't exist at all, not out there at least. It was the entrance to a room in your mind palace that didn't exist until very recently.
It was the direct feed from your area on campus, and you had something specific to show this detective.
Pushing the door open, you were greeted by the familiar halls that lead to Ms. Thornhill’s office, then the boy came, in plain clothes and a shady look about him.
Wednesday was frozen, watching as Thornhill let Tyler Galpin into her office. Indistinct words were exchanged behind the closed door.
You stood behind her, watching as her hand clenched into fist as the memory went on.
You let her sit and try to decipher their word for a few minutes before Tyler exited the office and disappeared around the corner.
Slowly, as though approaching a wild animal, or more accurately, a bomb, you walked up to her, gently as you could, placing a hand on her shoulder in a meek attempt at comfort.
“We should go..” you said, still attempting to calm the fury that clearly bubbled under her skin.
“Yes,” she practically hissed, “we should.”
And just like that it was over.
You felt like you were grabbed by the front of your shirt and dragged back to the real world.
The moment she opened her eyes, Wednesday snatched her hands from yours. Standing, she pushed her chair back and stormed out of the room.
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theflyindutchwoman · 9 months
It's been a while without the rookie so between the fanfics, the wishes for chenford and the ideas of what chenford could be and others shows who focus more on relationships, maybe it got lost that the rookie isn't as angsty that what some peoples think it is right now. Angela/wesley for the past 3 seasons, nolan/bailey in s4 with the ex husband, they got their up and downs but they don't break up. Once they have their endgames the show don't throw breakups for the fun or angst of it. The show priorites isn't relationships dramas, if it was they could have done SO MUCH MORE in s4 with chris,ashley and chenford. This is also why I respectfully don't understand peoples who think a breakup would be fun for angst because the only angst you'll have is them looking at each other for 3 sec if we are lucky like in 5x3 and then they'd be off doing their cops things. Waiting week after weeks for this would be boring and annoying as hell after waiting 5 years. And I know some peoples are worried about it, but a breakup wouldn't be spoiled.
Honestly, I just think people were simply stating what they wished to see. Someone asked them a question and they answered. It was about their preferences… I know that when I received a similar ask in the past, the logistics of the show didn't necessarily factor in my reply.
I can't speak for anyone who would like to see a breakup - or anyone else for that matter - but I think it's pretty fair to assume that what they want is a separation that makes sense, that is properly developed, with decent screentime and a real storyline that involves far more than just 3 seconds of pining here and there. The same way I want to see Lucy and Tim face some ups and downs : it's under the assumption that it is going to be written in a beautiful way and not rushed. And it is technically doable. Take episodes 5.08 to 5.12 for instance : Tim and Lucy had a fair amount of screentime dedicated to their relationship. The writers could easily use that same amount for a more angsty storyline or a breakup. Especially if it's related to UC : it could be linked to a case. A bit like 5.20 and 5.21. Though a shorter season does present a bigger challenge, that's for sure.
And you're right, the show doesn't really do 'breakups/reconciliation' storylines. Actually, it doesn't really do 'breakups'… Rachel, Gino and Isaac are still waiting for one. Jokes aside, the show did have a storyline like this for Wesley/Angela, but that was at the very beginning… I don't know if Bailey/Nolan broke up once it was revealed she was still married, but since it was solved by the next episode, I guess it's a moot point. Same with Nyla/James. And with her sleeping with her ex-husband, there was a reason to go there (though I'm grateful we were spared a 'who's the father' storyline). All these arcs could have been much more dramatic, that's for sure. So far, the show hasn't really leaned into that side. That's why I'm a bit sceptical that they would do a plotline like this. On the other hand, Tim and Lucy's relationship has been far more developed… So it wouldn't be completely beyond the realms of possibility either.
I also doubt that Eric would spoil something like that. More than once. Then again, this is the same guy who made a video last year with his new uniform, spoiling his promotion in the process. So who knows?! I have to say though, the timing of this makes me curious. As far I can tell, he only started talking about breakups after he was directly asked about his opinion on the matter. Not before. I mean, I may be wrong on the timeline here since I don't check his cameos. But that's the way it appeared to me. It could be that he received more information in-between… In which case, talk about perfect timing. That said, I get why some would rather be prepared or are worried. That's not my place to judge them.
(I won't take the risk of tagging anyone here, not in this volatile atmosphere, but feel free to pitch in or correct me).
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toastytrusty · 1 year
if u have any more romelukas headcanons to share I would love to hear them 👀 this ship is so underrated
oooooo okokok omg
to #me they started getting close before the gojo deal, with rome kinda seeking lukas out now and then when he needed to get away from Family Drama (tm), and lukas always let him because at least with roman around things are a little less boring. personality wise they keep each other in check really well, roman having a kind of delusional manic optimism towards the world and lukas having a much more nihilistic realistic worldview. they balance each other out yk. i think lukas probably had a thing for rome pretty early on but rome is so oblivious to both lukas' feelings and his own and also is on the aroace spectrum (ace panaroflux) and just. does Not pick up on Anyyything so they suffer the necessary queer situationship for like a year. rome is also probably very flippant and dismissive of lukas trying to connect, because he is just. so scared of attatchment and being genuine. but they'd do mundane shit like watch movies and play video games and go boating on that bigass lake. lukas would try to get rome to open up to him but he never would, not yet at least.
i think romes explosion on the mountain started a kind of a temporary fall out period; lukas realized rome was not like. in a good enough mental place or situation with his family to persue any real relationship so they both kinda back off but but it also makes lukas want the company even more bc he realizes how badly rome needs out of it.
after the gojo deal i think rome takes a lot of time away from the company and his family and everyone he knows in general, maybe for about a year, just kinda traveling the world and learning how to be a person without anyone else's influence, because he needs that. get a dog, eat some steak, yk. not talking to anyone, just off on his own. i think what would eventually draw him back is shiv's baby; it would probably take him a few months to actually see them, but once he did he would realize how badly he missed having people around him, and even though he didn’t regret his journey of self discovery, he knew he was done with it. after spending a few weeks with shiv and baby, he would find himself reaching back out to lukas, and eventually make his way to wherever tf lukas lives in sweden, and kinda just. never leaves.
i imagine roman would move in without ever really making it a thing? he would just show up one day and follow lukas around, and lukas would never really comment on it or ask where he was or why he suddenly wanted to stay. maybe he had a guest house or guest room waiting, hoping that rome would come back eventually. rome never reapplies for waystar or any of lukas' various assets, he is chronically unemployed and just. hangs out. they give each other something to do; hiking and late night campfires and general company through all things. it's like a petty unspoken challenge to see how long they can go without either of them acknowledging that there is anything past Pals going on. like gay chicken except they are actually gay. i see them as endgame in the way that they never really. Acknowledge? anything between them? they just kiss and hold hands and sleep in the same bed every night. but like, in a bro way. totally. don't think too hard about it. over time they come to understand each other better than anyone else and spend like all their time together.
i can totally see roman spontaneously proposing out of the blue one day, in the way he did with both tabitha and gerri, a kind of insecure need to be reassured that he isn't going to be abandoned, as well as having this kind of transactional perspective on relationships and being deserving of love. i feel like they could adopt a kid at some point, and compete to see who could be the better parent. roman would try sooooo hard to be a better dad than logan was and end up being really indulgent, and lukas would have to be the voice of reason. while roman would go for overcorrection to try and make up for his shitty childhood, i feel like lukas would be a lot more timid to be super involved, but would ease into it and do a really good job.
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servin-up-surveys · 2 months
survey #223
Are any of your friendships on a fine line? Nope! Very grateful for that.
If I search your room, will I find birth control? No. My pills are in the kitchen with my other meds.
Have you ever witnessed a birth? Only cats personally, other animals through videos that would circulate. I NEVER want to see a human birth, I don't even like seeing animals do it.
Are you often the last one to understand a joke? Yes, honestly. I wouldn't say always, but it definitely happens.
Have you ever slept in a tent, indoors or out? Yes to both. Never beyond my own yard though, haha. As kids, Dad would sometimes do it with us kids.
Are you mad right now? No.
Have you ever been on a farm? I have, briefly. We were picking up my sister from her friend's house, and she lived on a farm.
What are you listening to? I'm watching an episode of John Wolfe's Still Wakes the Deep LP.
Would you rather date someone five years older or five years younger than you? Older.
If you had to live off one type of fruit, which would you pick? Probably apples. I prefer strawberries and kiwi, but I more consistently enjoy apples.
How often do you drink Monster? I hate Monster. To be fair though, I'm not much better health-wise than Monster enjoyers, because after all, I fucking love Mountain Dew. So unhealthy it's not produced in I think the UK.
Are you short? I'm average height for a North American woman my age.
Can you ever get enough of mac ‘n’ cheese? I'm certain I could.
Are you allergic to nuts or dairy products? No.
Do you have trust issues? Yes, but they're not as bad as they were in the past. I also know that I tend to be maybe overly trusting towards women that appear motherly and very empathetic.
Do you think age matters in relationships? If a minor is involved, it absofuckinglutely does. Relationships with considerably large age gaps aren't for me personally, but adults can do what adults want in their own consenting relationships.
Has anyone ever called the cops on you? No.
Is the last person of the opposite sex you texted single? My dad is remarried.
Could you go a week without brushing your teeth? ... This is fucking humiliating, but I've done this. Executive dysfunction and debilitating depression. I paid for this though, I've had intense teeth work after this neglect, and it taught me good. I'm still not where I should be in caring for myself, but by god have I made progress.
Are you usually awake at midnight? Not usually, no.
Have you ever been peer pressured to smoke pot? No. I've never really been peer pressured, but even then, I've always been very good at sticking to my guns with this kinda stuff.
Do you ever actually drink milk alone? Yes, I love milk.
If you don’t have one already, would you consider getting an iPhone? No; I prefer Androids between the two.
What year were you born in? 1996.
Do you get jealous easily? Nah. I'm more prone to envy.
Have you ever done anything illegal? I've always been a person downloading shit illegally.
Do you use Twitter? No.
Who was the last person you hugged? My mom.
Do you listen to All Time Low? No.
Do you get leg cramps often? I've had a tendency lately of waking up and getting leg cramps? Especially if I stretch my leg even a smidge. It's not fun.
Have you ever met a celebrity? No.
Who was your first kiss? Jason, my first "real" boyfriend when I was 16.
What is your favourite food? I could say chocolate lmao, but that certainly doesn't count as like, real "food." My favorite *real* food is cheeseburgers, then I also like boneless hot wings and pizza and other unhealthy shit I shouldn't touch lol.
Do you use Skype? No.
Does it bother you when people have a collar turned up? The fuck should I care what people wear and how they wear it
As a kid did you like Barney, Baby Bop, or DJ more? Barney. I don't know what the other two are.
Have you been to the Bzoink Forums yet? I never had an account there, but I understand it shut down.
Have you ever pet a monkey? No.
Have you ever ridden a camel? No.
Do you like cupcakes? I do. I never knew I couldn't like cupcakes until my sister's husband made them for the kids, his are inedible to me.
Orange or lemon flavoring? Lemon.
Have you ever been to a Disney theme park? Disney World in Orlando.
Do you watch or listen to the news? No, shit's depressing.
What world issues concern you the most? A fucking lot, I don't even want to think of this right now.
Do you think that a woman can be an effective president? What a dumb fucking question.
Do you feel differently about love and sex now than you did at 17? OH YES
Would you ever join the military? Why or why not? lmfao hell no. Even if I was mentally well enough to join, I would never be fodder for the rich man's wars. They can solve their own goddamn problems without bringing violence into it. Maybe one day people in power will act like goddamn adults.
Do you or anyone you know play the violin? Not that I know of.
What is one of your favorite breakup songs? Maybe "If You Can't Hang" by Sleeping With Sirens, idk.
Are you someone who gets easily agitated by hearing someone chewing? Only if it's extremely obnoxious. Otherwise I don't tend to notice.
What's your favorite kind of oatmeal/porridge? Cinnamon apple. And it HAS to be cooked with milk, water is awful.
Have you ever ate a whole pizza in one sitting? No, at least, not a normal pizza. Maybe one of those smaller personal-sized pizzas you can get at the store.
What's something that always makes you cringe? Musicals. I wish I didn't have a cringe reaction to anything, cringe culture is so dumb.
What's something that always makes you emotional? Actually good dads. I didn't exactly get a great one.
What's your favorite pasta? Just normal spaghetti with tomato sauce and meatballs.
What's a social media site you have no interest in? Twitter.
Are you afraid of the dark? No.
Do you watch American Horror Story? No, I haven't for many years. I did enjoy the first season, though. Season two didn't do it for me (but I didn't finish it) and then I just didn't watch it after that.
Does your hometown have any urban legends/scary stories? My hometown is probably way too small for that.
What’s the scariest nightmare you remember having? I have some sort of condition where I have nightmares/terrors chronically so I could list plenty, but I don't want to. I just had one a few days ago that left me bawling to my mom.
Are you medicated? I've been bouncing between psych meds since fucking middle school.
Does your family/friends have a nickname for you? I mean, "Britt," but that's my nickname from everyone. My mom always gave her kids sweets nicknames though, and mine was "Twinkie." She still uses it occasionally lol.
Who’s some of your favorite YouTubers? I don't really watch Mark anymore, but Markiplier is still my favorite of all-time, I was fucking obsessed and he's still one of my biggest inspirations as a person. I love and respect him immensely. Some that are more relevant to me today include (in no real order) Game Grumps, Snake Discovery, John Wolfe, jacksepticeye, tarantula kat, NKFherping, Gab Smolders, others.
Do you have any phobias? Pregnancy, parasites (especially internal), vomit, general social phobia, whale sharks, slugs, heights (conditional), and I'm certain there's more I'm forgetting in the moment.
Are there any scented candles in the room you’re in? No.
Pancakes or French toast? Hmmm... I love both. I certainly eat more pancakes, though. I guess it depends on what I'm feeling at the time and how well they're prepared.
Did you have anything for breakfast today? Uh... what did I eat? Cereal, I think?
Are there any apps you’re addicted to? Not addicted, no. I have apps I like, but certainly no addictions to them. I know what addictions feel like, I'd know.
Did you have a favorite stuffed animal as a child? Yes, a moose I got from a Cabela's store in Ohio that I named Brownie. I still have him and as I redecorate my room, I think I'm gonna sit him on my bedside table since it's kinda bare right now.
Do you still collect stuffed animals? Not so much anymore, but I CERTAINLY did growing up.
How do you feel about Spongebob? I love Spongebob, it has no reason to be as funny as it is for all ages imo lol. I don't seek out watching it, but it's on sometimes when Mom and I watch my sister's kids, and I enjoy it just fine. I watched it regularly growing up.
Do you have any nervous habits? Most prominently, I wring and knead my hands together. I avoid eye contact. I stutter. I sometimes even cry just because I'm uncomfortable. After getting gauges in my ears, me tampering with these became as common as messing with my hands.
Do you shape/fill in your eyebrows? No.
What’s your favorite comfort food to eat? Comfort food, ice cream. But my true comfort edible... thing is a drink, Mountain Dew Voltage.
What’s the last movie you watched in theaters? I literally have not been to the theater since I tried watching The Black Phone. I WANT to, badly, I was desperate to see the Barbie movie but didn't get to, and now I really wanna see Inside Out 2. We're just extremely in the hole money-wise right now, going to the theater isn't on our table right now.
Do you/did you ever have a Neopets account? Yes, I fucking loved Neopets growing up. I still love the art style and even tried making an account this past year, the naming system just annoyed me too much lmao, I gave up. I don't like adding numbers n shit to character names, it's just a pet peeve.
When’s the last time you were camping? I've never actually been camping.
Have you ever had eggs cooked over a campfire? No.
If you do drink, what’s your favorite alcoholic beverage? Sangrias. I only really like fruity stuff.
Are there any songs you’ve been listening to repetitively lately? I haven't been doing this too much lately, but the two I've been doing this most with lately is "Zwitter" and the full band version of "Los," both by Rammstein.
Do you have social anxiety? Severely. Severely. It's a lot more prominent offline than online, though. It is still very present online too though, especially when I'm dealing with unfamiliar people.
Have you ever had fried pickles? I have, but I don't think I've had good ones. To my memory, I wasn't impressed, and I know these are typically super adored.
Where’s your favorite place to go out to eat? Meh, depends on my mood. Most often I simply want McDonald's (I feel like I'm the only adult alive that genuinely enjoys McD's lmao), other times Bojangle's, but my favorite fast food place is actually Sonic, I'm just less often in the mood for it.
Cereal, granola, or oatmeal? I like all of these, but I definitely eat cereal the most.
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bbrissonn · 2 years
𝐌𝐎𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐒 | ʙʀᴇɴᴅᴀɴ ʙʀɪꜱꜱᴏɴ
disclaimer: english is not my first language and this is not proofread so please excuse any errors and if any words are missing add them in your head :) also this is a work of fiction, this doesn’t reflect how these boys act in real life, and it isn’t how i imagine them acting 
warnings: slight swearing, not proofread,  
pairing: brendan brisson x brianna garcia (my oc, she doesn’t have a face claim so imagine her however you please) 
wc: 7.2k (including the lyrics) 
bold italic are lyrics, italics are either flashbacks or text messages (some parts of the story don’t along with the part of the song that it is under and that is totally normal!!) 
this takes place from march 2022 to january 2023 
au masterlist
Tumblr media
movies, movies 
i want a love like the movies 
brianna watched from her seat as the boy all cheered together, taking off their helmets and hugging each other. they had done it, they were going to the frozen four, one step closer to winning the championship. the garcia girl hugged all of the boys’ girlfriends, along with some of the parents she was close to, like brendan’s and luke’s.
the bordeleau boy had wanted her to be there, she was his best friend after all, and he had made sure it was okay with brendan if she came before asking her. thomas was over the moon when she accepted, but he knew deep down she wasn’t only agreeing for him, but for brendan as well. but he didn’t blame her, thom would do the same thing in her situation, getting any chance she has to spend the slightest amount of time near brendan. 
the two had exchanged a couple of smiles and looks through the last week and some small hello’s, but no conversation we held. brianna had texted him before the team left, wishing him good luck, to with he answered with a thank you and a small heart, which was way more than she expected from him. 
contrary to what brianna thought, brendan didn’t hate her, he never did and he probably never will, he loved her too much to ever feel the slightest amount of hatred towards her. she had done so much good in his life, helped him grow as a person and change bad habits he had, and even though he went back to how he was before, he would still forever be thankful for what she had done. 
“shit, sorry.” a voice said as brianna ran into a solid chest almost an hour after the game had ended. she didn’t see who she ran into, but she’d recognized that voice from miles away, making her quickly look up with big eyes. his brown eyes met with her’s and he gave her an awkward small smile, rubbing the back of his head.
“it’s… okay. don’t worry ‘bout it.” she whispered, her eyes still locked with his. 
“i-i didn’t know you were here.” 
“thom asked me to come so… here i am.” she answered with a small smile her face, finally looking away from his brown eyes. brendan didn’t know why, but a pang of jealous hit him when he realized she had came because of his best friend, well at least he thought so. that pang increased even more when said best friend wrapped his arms around her waist, pushing past brendan. 
“you came!” 
“of course i did, tommy.” she said with a laugh as he picked her up. brendan knew he shouldn’t be this jealous about thom, the two of them had been friends before he ever met brianna, but it still annoyed him. seeing bordy hugging her like that instead of him, bordy making her laugh like he used to. it was all too much for him, so without saying a word, he walked away, going to find his parents. 
“hey, where’d bren go?” brianna asked once thomas pulled away from her and she realized the brisson boy was no longer standing in front of her. 
“probably went to his parents. doesn’t matter, we won, bri! we’re going to the frozen four!” thom said with a big smile on his face, and brianna could tell how truly happy and excited he was about it. she let out a small chuckle as he hugged her again, seeing the hughes making their way over to them. 
the garcia and hughes families has a very tight connection, being neighbors ever since the hockey family moved next door to them when jack started playing at the ntdp. even though brianna was a year younger than him, and a year older than luke, she helped them settle into school. and soon she met all of his hockey friends, and quickly became good friends with them. which meant that when the ‘02 ntdp team arrived, the garcia girl was also introduced to them, which led to her and thomas becoming best friend. 
i look at you like you’re perfect for me 
if you are the diamond, then i am the ring 
all of our friends think of us jealously 
we’re so sweet, so sweet 
built us a world and i gave you the key 
still can’t believe that this isn’t a dream 
falling in love with a damn fantasy 
that’s so me, so me 
when the team got back from allentown, they of course decided to throw a big party, just for them. they were all over the moon about their win, something that didn’t go unnoticed by all of the cheers and yelling in the senior house. brianna noticed that brendan wasn’t trying to avoid her anymore, she’d even catch him staring at her a couple times throughout the night, but neither of them tried to approach the other. 
brianna felt like she was having deja vu when she walked out the bathroom and ran into brendan’s chest once again, making him let out a small groan from the contact. 
“i’m starting to think i need to by a bell or something so you know where i am.” brendan joked as he placed both of his hands on her shoulders so she didn’t fall backwards because of the contact. brianna let out a awkward chuckle as she played with the end of her sweater. 
“yeah, sorry about that.” 
“‘s all good.” he said with a small smile as the two of them stared at each other for the second time in less than 24 hours. well that was until brendan coughed a bit, and pointed between the girl. 
“i, uh, i need to use the bathroom.” he said awkwardly, looking at the floor, making brianna snap out of whatever weird trance she was is. 
“right, yeah. go ahead.” she said with a small cough, stepping aside so he could enter the small room. he did after a couple of seconds, before turning around and sending her a small smile. 
“hope i didn’t ruin your plan of sneaking out the window again.” he said with a small laugh before closing the door, making brianna’s check flush. she knew it was a joke, not only from his laugh but the way he said it, the way there was no anger behind it, no frustration, nothing. it just a simple joke he made, something he hadn’t done to her in what felt like months. 
the girl stood in her spot for a bit, smiling and blushing, feeling small butterflies in her stomach, before walking back over to the living room. her change in mood was something that didn’t go unnoticed by anyone, especially the younger hughes. 
“why’re smiling so much?” he asked, grabbing her arm as she walked past him. 
“don’t worry about it, lukey. listen, i’m gonna go home, so i’ll see you tomorrow alright?” 
“make sure to tell, bords!” he called out as she walked away, deciding to just drop the whole smiling situation. brianna made her way over to her best friend, who was clearly wasted, before tapping his shoulder lightly.
“bri bri!” thom yelled with a loopy smile once he realized who was standing in front of him. the garcia girl let out a small laugh before answering him. 
“hi, t. i’m heading home for the night, i’ll text you when i get home, and you do the same for me, okay? i’ll come by with breakfast tomorrow morning.” she explained, and the bordeleau boy nodded his head a bit before drinking the rest of his drink.
“mkay, see you tomorrow.” he said hugging her, before letting go and going to fill his cup back up. brianna shaked her head a bit before going to find the hoodie she had been wearing early and making her way to the front door. she was about to grab the handle when someone caught her arm. 
“you’re leaving?” brendan’s voice asked from behind, making her turn around with a small smile on her face.
“i have class tomorrow morning.” she answered, her voice small and soft, making brendan’s heart skip a couple of beats. it was a phrase she’d use often when they were dating and brendan tried to get her to do something fun late at night, which meant they’d always end up just cuddling in her bed, him on his phone as she slowly drifted off to sleep on his chest. 
“it’s late, i can walk you back–” 
“it’s okay, brenny. it’s 5 minutes, i’ll be okay.” she cut him off, using the nickname no one had used for him in months, making him almost fall backwards because of it. 
“i can’t let you–” 
“bren, please, i appreciate it, i really do. but it’s okay. i’ll text you when i got home, alright?” she cut him off again, placing a hand on his arms as she did so. he looked down at her hand when he realized where it was, he blinked a couple of times, staring at it, before looking back up to her.
“o-okay. just, be careful, alright?” 
“always.” she answered with a small smile before letting go of his arm, grabbing the handle of the door, and leaving the house. once she had made it home, she texted the brisson boy, just like she had said, changing clothes and getting in bed. 
back in the senior household, brendan took out his phone when he felt it vibrate in his pocket. a smile grew on his face as he read the text on his screen. 
got home safe, enjoy your night :) 
“why’re you smiling so much?” mackie asked, slightly hitting briss on the shoulder. the california native didn’t look away from his phone as he typed back and answered mackie at the same time. 
i will, good night bri xxx 
it only took a couple of seconds before the girl answered him, and the text made his heart skip a couple of beats again.
night night xxx 
but i’ve been livin’  
life ain’t fiction 
the next night when brianna walked back into the senior household, she felt good. for the first time in months, she felt good, her interactions with brendan the previous night being the reason for her mood. she felt good as she hugged all of her friends, greeting them all with a big smile, all of them noticing how happy she was. 
but not all good things last forever, and that was proven when she walked into the kitchen, brendan being the only other person in there, and as she was about to say something, he pushed past her, leaving the small room. brianna stood in her spot for a bit, confused about what had just happened. 
“you alright?” thom asked his best friend as he walked into the kitchen as well. brianna turned around at his and blinked a couple of times before answering. 
“yeah– yeah i’m okay.” she lied, making thom scoff a bit as he leaned on the counter and crossed his arms, staring at her with a ‘are you kidding me?’ look. the gracia girl sighed a bit before speaking a bit. 
“i guess– it’s just– we only have 2 weeks left. like no matter what happens in boston, we’re never gonna be able to see each other every day after that.” brianna said, her words hitting her exactly as she said them. she hadn’t realized that was she was saying was actually true, meaning thom believed her this time. his face fell a bit as he also realized what she had said. they had spent the last 4 years seeing each other almost every day, and now he was moving across the country in two weeks. 
thom had never actually told her he’d be leaving after this year, because he didn’t need to, she knew. she had a feeling during the beginning of the year that this could be the last one, and as the year went by, she could feel his energy and the way he reacted everytime she mentioned san jose, and she just knew. 
“i guess so, eh?” bordy sighed, and suddenly he didn’t want the frozen four to come so quickly. ever since they won, all he had been thinking of was the frozen four being so soon, yet in so long, and how he wished it could be right now. but now he didn’t, he didn’t at all. he wasn’t ready to leave all of his friends, he wasn’t ready to leave michigan, he wasn’t ready to leave. but he was ready to turn pro, and that was what’s more important. he’d still be able to come to michigan during the summer and once during the season, he’d be able to call all his friend any time he wanted. but it wouldn’t be the same. 
“i’m gonna miss you.” brianna whispered, her eyes welling up a bit, making the bordeleau boy open his arms. she walked into his chest, wrapping her arms around his shoulders as his wrapped around her waist, the bottom half of his face leaning on the top of her head. 
“i’m gonna miss you too, bri.” 
“promise we’ll talk every day? i don’t care if it’s just a hi, i just– i don’t wanna lose you too.” she said as tears started falling down her face. thom wasn’t exactly sure what she meant by ‘lose you too’ but he had a feeling this was about brendan. he had seen what happened earlier, he knew she wasn’t okay when he asked her, he just wished she would’ve told him the truth. 
“you won’t lose me, bri. never.” 
“pinky promise?” 
“pinky promise.” 
in my head, we’re dancing under the dark 
in my head, we kiss under the stars 
but we know that’s not what we’re doing 
‘cause, baby, this ain’t like the movies 
2 weeks later, brianna found herself walking into the senior house yet again, but under such different circumstances. the boys were leaving. not all of them, but a lot of them. the first she had noticed was thom’s, fully packed with everything that he had in his house, parked in front of the house. he was leaving before everyone else since he had to drive down to montreal to leave his stuff at his parent’s house, before flying to san jose. 
when she stepped into the house, she could already feel how different the energy felt than normally. there was usually always music playing, or people yelling, but not this time. it was quiet, dead quiet. the first person she noticed was brendan, since he was sitting on the stairs right in front of the front door. his elbows were leaning on his knees, his head in between them as a loud sigh left his mouth. brianna hesitated for a couple of seconds, before going over to sit next to him. 
“hey.” she whispered, making him look up a bit, but his eyes didn’t look in her direction, instead staring at the wall in front of them.
“when are you leaving?” she asked in a small voice, not wanting to ruin the silence that had set over the senior household. brendan let out another sigh before finally looking over at her, their eyes locking together. 
“monday.” 3 days. brianna let out a shaky breath before speaking again. 
“i’m sorry. for everything. i shouldn’t– asking you to be friends it was– i’m sorry, bren, i’m so fucking sorry. f-for hurting you and just fucking everything up between us i–” she started, but she cut herself, not knowing how to say what she was feeling. but brendan could hear the honesty in her voice, making him smile a bit. 
“it’s ok–” 
“no it’s not, b. i-i thought breaking up with you would make me happier because i wouldn’t have to deal with you coming home drunk every night, but i was wrong. i was so fucking wrong, bren. i missed you, but i knew that it was the right thing to do ‘cause it wasn’t heatly anymore, b. and that’s why i wanted to stop with the gifts because i knew that i’d go back to you as soon as you asked me and i couldn’t let that happen, i couldn’t do that to myself, bren. you truly did nothing wrong, i just can’t keep up with your lifestyle. i want to, i really do, but i can’t, it’s not who i am, and i can’t ask you to just stop being you for me, i cann’t.” she explained, a couple of tears falling from her eyes as she looked away from the boy and down at her lap. 
“bri, i understand. i want you to be happy, and if that means us not being together then i’m okay with it. i mean, of course i wish i could make you happy, and i like to think i do, but i can’t make you as happy as you were before we were together, and i’m okay with that.” he answered, making the girl nod her head a bit. it was silent after that. then, brianna felt the sudden urge to rest her head on his shoulder, something she had so many times. so she did, her breath stopping until she felt the brisson boy lean his head on top of hers. 
“it’s gonna be weird without you next year.” she spoke after a couple of seconds, making the boy laugh a bit. 
“you’ll be okay.” 
“no i won’t. i’m gonna be stuck taking care of mackie alone, and steve’s gonna want to show me all his weird little homework.” she answered with sass, making the both of them laugh a bit. 
“you’ll be okay, i know you will.” brendan said with more confidence this time, making all of the nerves inside the garcia girl disappear, something she considered a bad habit of hers. she’ll always believe him, she trusts him too much to not believe him. 
“it’s still gonna be weird.” she sighed, making the brisson boy let out a small sigh of his own. 
“i’ll be in town at some point, if im with the team for the game.” he said with a little bit of excitement, but there was also some small sadness behind it. 
“you will, i know it.” brianna answered the same way the brisson boy had done only a couple of moments ago. 
“can you– can you be there at my first game, whenever that is?” he asked quietly after a couple of seconds, his voice breaking a bit at the beginning. 
“gimme a place, time and day and i’ll be there.” she spoke back with a smile on her face, making a brendan grow a smile of his own. the boy was about to say something else when bordy’s voice echoed through the house. 
“bri?” he said loudly, making brianna and brendan jump a bit. thom’s footsteps came closer and closer to where the two of them were sitting, but neither of the two showed any signs of wanting to move. when the bordeleau boy arrived at the bottom of the staircase, his jaw dropped a bit at the sight of his two best friends, making both of their cheeks turn red a bit, but his jaw quickly closed when he remembered why he had came in to find the girl.
“i’m leaving, like right now.” he whispered softly, making the garcia girl stand up and walk down the couple of stairs to wrap her arms around his shoulders. a couple of tears fell from her eyes as they hugged each other. 
“i’m gonna miss you.” the garcia girl whispered as her grip around her best friend’s shoulder tightened. 
“i’m gonna miss you too, bri.” 
“you’ll come back this summer, right?” she asked, talking about michigan but more precisely about plymouth. 
“of course i will.” he said, before the two of them let go of each other and brendan walked over and hugged the smaller boy as well. 
“take care, bro. i’ll see you soon.” 
“you too, bro.” bordy answered before the two boys let go of each other as well and bordy slowly made his way out of the door, sending a small smile to the two of them. brianna let out a sigh, making the brisson boy look over at her. he wrapped his arms around her shoulder and brought her into his chest, pressing a small kiss to the top of her head. 
“it’s gonna be okay, bri.” 
movies, movies 
i want a love like the movies 
brendan’s couple of weeks in the ahl went pretty good, signing his ecl just days after their season ended and with his dad being an agent, he thankfully already knew the type of contract he would be signing after college before his first one. he easily got along with the other guys in the team and he felt great about the way he was playing.
brianna had tried her hardest to stay up late at night and watch his game, but he played at the same time as bordy a couple of times, and sadly wasn’t able to watch all of his game completely, having to switch from one game to another. but the two had stayed in touch quite a lot, the girl helping him adjust to his new life, while he helped her prepare for her end of the year exams. 
when brendan returned home, he invited the girl to come stay just for a week or two, but the gracia girl told him it would be a bad idea. now brendan understood that, and he agreed with her, but a part of him still hoped she would’ve said yes. instead, he spent all of his days training and all of his nights going out with his friends, making out and hooking up with girls almost every night, but brianna was always in the back of his mind. 
none of them were like her, they all wanted every boy’s attention, while brianna always preferred to just blend in with people and be more discreet. all the girls liked to take charge and be rough, will brianna was a more slowly and steady type of girl, taking her time with everything and wanting the both of them to have equal power over what was happening. in short, they were the complete opposite of her. 
and brendan used to love that, but now he hates it more than anything. hates how none of them really know how to seduce him, turn him on, and overall just don’t know him and don’t really care about him. hates how none of their lips feel the same way as hers, or how none of them can make him melt just by resting their hand on his arm. but he doesn’t want any of them to make him feel the same way she does, he only wants her. but he knows he can’t have her, so his mind just tells him to settle for what he can get. 
he likes to tell himself that it’s karma for the way he used to act, leaving girls early in the morning without a word, giving most of them fake hopes of seeing him again, giving all of them a fake phone number. tells himself he deserves it and it’s just the way his life is supposed to be and that he can’t really complain because he doesn’t have to worry about money, getting paid to play the sport he loves. 
but it wasn’t exactly like the previous years, he never stayed over at a girl’s house anymore, always leaving right after and going to sleep in his own bed, making sure to text the garcia girl to tell her he got safe home, along with a ‘goodnight xxx’. he’d wake up to the message being liked the next morning along with a ‘good morning sleepy head xxx’ and then he’d answer her, but no other communication would be done until night time. although there was a couple of nights or afternoon here and there where the two of them called just to catch up or talk about any problems they had, but that was about it. and it was for the whole summer, until the whole 2021-2022 team came to michigan to be celebrated during one of the football games. the two of them were so excited to see each other again, and had promised to talk more, which surely happened the second brendan left for vegas. 
we go to parties with people we know 
we’re holdin’ hands but it’s all just for show 
‘cause monday through friday we both barely spoke 
they don’t know, they can’t know 
that just on the drive here, i was lookin’ through your texts 
i was scremin’ my damn head off “how you still love your ex?” 
and you say that it’s over, but why does she call you 
at 3 a.m. and 4 a.m.? that’s a funny way of staying friends 
the season had started a little over a month ago, and brendan had already found himself at a team event. now, yes, it was only for the silver knights, but at least he was playing pro. to be more precise, this was a couples team event, meaning brendan had to bring someone with him, and he had picked the girl he was currently “seeing” but he knew it wasn’t gonna go any further than them hooking up maybe once or twice. they barely spoke during the day, only when one of them was bored and wanted to have sex. 
hell, brendan barely even remembered his name, which he knew was bad, but he didn’t care, she wasn’t brianna. but people didn’t need to know that, his teammates of course though that the two of them were way more than they actually are when he told them about the girl he was bringing, but brendan didn’t care yet again. he knew it’d be too complicated to explain everything to them, and quite frankly, he didn’t want to. 
which lead to him and jessica, at least that’s what he thinks her names his, he knows it starts with a ‘j’ but there’s so many options that he just went with the first one that came to mind. the two of them were sitting in his car on their way to the event when brendan received a text. 
“shit, can you check that for me please? just like put the phone in front of me to open it.” he asked her, keeping his eyes on the road in front of him. 
“sure.” she said before doing what he had asked. 
“it’s more, she just said to have a good time.” she spoke again after a couple of seconds. 
“k, can you like the message and sent a thank you, please?” 
“yeah, sure.” and she did, but before closing his phone, another message popped up, but this one didn’t make any noise, meaning brendan had no idea it was there. the contact name was ‘bordy’ and she knew who that was, making intrigue as to what they were talking about, but the message itself made her even more intrigued. 
does bri know abt this? 
it said, and the girl couldn’t fight the urge to just click on it and read their conversation. 
yooo have you figured out who ur gonna bring tonight bro 
yeah dude im taking this girl jessica i think, idk we’ve been hooking for a bit so yeah 
bro it’s not like that, you know i still love bri 
dude i know im not stupid, does bri know abt this? 
was their latest conversation, and the blond girl wasted no time to tell the brisson boy to stop the car. 
“what’s up?” he asked once they were in the side of the road, and the girl sitting in his passenger seat simply just shoved the phone in his face angrily. 
“what the fuck is this?” she asked, her voice full of anger. brendan sighed a bit before moving the phone back a bit for he could read it. 
“why the fuck are you going through my phone?” he asked her, his eyebrows furrowed– in anger, as he grabbed his phone out of her hands. 
“my name’s abby! do you not know my name?” she yelled, making brendan roll his eyes. 
“you’re being dramatic.” 
“oh, i’m being dramatic because you asked me to go to an event with you but you don’t even know my name? babe–” 
“don’t call me that.” brendan cut her off harshly, no one had called him babe in years except for brianna. 
“i’m bringing you home.” brendan cut her off again before starting the car again and driving the girl home. the car was silent the whole way until she started getting out of the car. 
“don’t bother texting again.” brendan said with no emotions in his voice. 
“are you breaking up with me?” 
“we were never together. i don’t know who told you we were or what made you think we were, but we weren’t.” he quickly said, still no emotions behind his voice. 
“whatever.” she answered harshly before slamming the car door closed and making her way into her apartment. brendan let out a long sigh before texting the guys to tell them he wouldn’t make it to the event and then driving home. 
later that night, when he was all comfortable in his bed, he felt the urge to talk to brianna. so he called her, he realized how late it was on the east coast, but he just needed to talk to her. 
“bren?” she asked sleepily as soon as she picked up the phone. 
“hi. i’m sorry for waking you up.” 
“it’s okay, bubs. is everything alright? how was the event?” she asked, sounding a little more awake then she had a couple of seconds ago. 
“i, uh, i didn’t go. i was on the way there, with the girl i told you about.” he started, but he stopped, waiting for an answer. 
“and she went through my phone and saw my conversation with bordy… a-and she saw some things i said and then she got mad. b-but then she called me babe and i just– fuck, bri, i miss you so much. i miss you so fucking much, you have no idea bri.” 
“no! i– let me talk, please. i need you with me, bri. it’s like i don’t know what i’m doing without and i hate it. i hate it so much. i’ve tried to move on like you told me to, but i can’t. i only want you. the girls, they’re nice and all, but they’re not you, none of them even come close to making me feel the same way you do and i just– i need you here with me, bri.” he said, slowly breaking down. brianna heart ached more and more as he kept going, trying to keep her tears. 
“brenny, i miss you too, so so so much, but i can’t. you know i want to, but i can’t.” she answered, finally letting her tears fall down her cheeks. brendan let out a small sob before speaking again. 
“i know, i know. but i don’t know what i’m doing anymore, bri. everything makes me think about you, everywhere i go, everything i do, i see something that makes me think of you and it hurts so much. just– just give me one more chance, please! i’ll stop drinking, i’ll do anything, just please, bri, i need you.” 
“goodnight, bren.” she whispered softly, after a couple of seconds of silence. 
“please–” he tried to beg but it was too late, she had hung up. brendan let out a sigh before letting his phone fall on his face. he was feeling numb, numb from all the pain and anger he had inside of him. he just wanted his old life back, being in michigan, having brianna by his side, being surrounded by his best friends everyday. he wanted it all back. 
in my head, we’re dancing in the dark 
in my head, we kiss under the stars 
but we know that’s not what we’re doing 
‘cause, baby, this ain’t like the movies 
in my head, we never grow apart 
in my head, you never break my heart 
but we both know that’s not what we’re doing 
‘cause, baby, this ain’t like the movies 
“bri, you really don’t have to.” thom argued with her over the phone. it was now mid-december, the holidays were coming up which meant brianna soon had a couple of weeks off from school. she loved the holidays almost as much as she loved books, and just winter in general. the softness and coziness the season brought to the world made her feel in her element. being able to just stay home all the time, reading with the fireplace on because of how cold it is outside, she loved it. 
and thomas did too, being able to go home and see his family for a couple of days, but he couldn’t have that this year, his schedule didn’t allow it. which meant he would be spending christmas away from his family and friends for the first time of his life. he’d probably be spending the whole day alone in his apartment, face-timing people and just watching movies like he used to do as a kid. and brianna felt bad for him, so she had bought a plane ticket to come see him for a couple of days, something the bordeleau kid appreciated a lot, but didn’t think was necessary. 
“yes i do. i can’t let you spend christmas all alone, t. i’m coming, whether you like it or not, you better be ready to have a roommate for a couple of days.” she answered him with a smile on her, he rolled his eyes a bit before smiling at her through his phone screen. 
“fine, i guess you can come.” he said jokingly, making brianna let out a small laugh. 
“oh, silly you. i wasn’t asking to come, i was stating that i’m coming. i already bought the plane ticket and everything–” 
“i’ll pay you back for that.” 
“thom, it’s okay. i want to come see you, you don’t have to pay for anything.” she spoke softly with a smile on her face.
“okay. i have to go to practice, but i’ll see you soon. love you.” he said with a smile on his face as well. 
“love you too, drive safe.” she replied before hanging up the phone and going up the stairs to her room to start packing her suit case. 
“why is it so hot here?” brianna complained as she threw herself down on thom’s couch. he let out a laugh before sitting down next to her head and running a hand through her hair. 
“you’ll get used to it.” he shrugged making her look up at him with a death stare. 
“i’m sweating, thomas. i’m sweating in fucking december.” she said seriously, making the bordeleau boy laugh again as she sat up properly on the couch, leaning her head on his shoulder. 
“welcome to california, bri.” he smiled at her, holding in another laugh when she sent him a fake smile. the room was silent after that, well besides the movie that was playing on the tv screen, until bordy spoke up again. 
“i bought you a plane ticket.” 
“what? thom you know i already bought the one to go back home–” she started but the boy cut her off, his eyes staring into the tv. 
“to vegas. to go see briss.” he said, shifting uncomfortably in his seat, making brianna look at him confused. 
“he’s alone too, you know. okus, i think it’d be good for the both of you to see each other and talk about that night.” he explained calmly to her, rubbing her shoulder with the arm he had thrown over the back of the couch. 
“i-i don’t know.” 
“yes you know, bri. you want to be with him, i know you do. and i’m not just talking like physically being with him, you want to date him again and don’t even try to deny it. you guys love each other and i really don’t understand why you refused to go back to him, he makes you so happy, he treats you well, and yeah maybe he fucked up before, but he’s changed so much, he’s changed for you. he wants to be better for you, bri. i get that maybe you’re scared, but he loves you more than anything. and i know for a fact that you do too. so just, please, go see him and talk it out.” he argued, and brianna let out a shaky sigh before slowly nodding her head. 
movies, movies 
i want a love like the movies 
movies, movies 
i want a love like the movies 
“bri?” brendan asked, shocked, his jaw slightly opened as his eyes stared at the girl in front of him. 
“hi.” she whispered, a small smile on her face. 
“what are you– what are you doing here?” he asked, a small smile of his own growing on his face as well. 
“i came to see you.” 
“but– i thought you were in san jose with bordy.” he said confused as he opened the door fully and stepped aside so she could walk in, her suitcase following behind her. 
“i was, but now i’m here.” she answer shyly, taking a look around his condo. 
“in my house.” 
“in your house.” she confirmed with a small laugh as brendan shook his head, still a little confused but clearly happy at the same time.
“cool. cool, cool, cool. i’ll, uh, i’ll give you a tour.” he told her as he turned his back to her, but she quickly grabbed his wrist and turned him back around. the two of them stared at each other, their faces barely inches away. brianna tried to keep her breathing normal as one of her reached up to cup his cheeks, slowly stroking his cheekbone. 
“i’ve missed you so much, bren.” she said softly, staring into his brow eyes, making brendan smile at her. brendan was about to say something when brianna pushed herself up onto her tippy toes, her other hand reaching for his other cheek, before pulling his face to her, pressing their lips together for the first time in what felt like years. 
brendan let out a small gasp and blinked a couple of times, before letting himself get taken away by the kiss. his eyes slowly closed as he finally kissed her back, smiling to himself about it while his hands reached for her waist and pulled her closer to him. then, after about a minute or so, the two of them pulled away, brendan leaning his forehead on hers, their eyes locked together. 
“wow.” brendan said after a couple of seconds, a big smile plastered on his face making brianna laugh a bit. 
“i want you to be my boyfriend again.” brianna admitted in a small, soft voice, making brendan’s heart flutter inside his rib cage. his jaw dropped a bit as his eyes filled with happiness before he talked. 
“really? like, you’re being dead serious right now? ‘cause i swear bri if this is some sort of joke–” 
“it’s not. i love you, bren, so much.” she said, making brendan’s smile even wider than before. 
“i love you.”   
baby, we lost all this love we have 
and i can’t pretend that i’ll never come back 
and i think you’re seeing right through me 
but, baby, this ain’t like the movies 
“hey, what’s wrong?” brendan asked later that night as the two of them laid in bed together. brianna head was resting on brendan’s bare chest, her arms wrapped around his torso while his were keeping her closer around her shoulders. 
“nothing’s wrong, babes.” 
“don’t lie to me, bri.” he said softly, making the gracia let out a soft small sigh. 
“it’s stupid. i– it’s just– you haven’t ask me to be your girlfriend yet…” she trailed off, trying not to make it sound like she cared too much. but she did, she cared so much. 
“oh. i thought– i thought that after this afternoon we were kinda just like dating already.” 
“bren, have you ever read a book where the boy never asked the girl out?”
“no?” he answered confused as to what books had to do with any of this. brianna let out a small sigh, shaking her head slightly. 
“you really clueless aren’t you?” 
“you love it.” 
“mmm, do i?” she teased, making him push a shoulder a bit as a laugh slipped past her lips. brendan moved around a bit in the bed, so the two of them would be laying face to face, before cupping both of her cheeks into his hands. 
“do you, brianna garcia, agree to be my beautiful, incredibly smart and amazing girlfriend?” he asked her seriously, making her blush a little. 
“yes.” she answered shyly, her cheeks fully turning red before brendan leaned in and connected their lips together. when the two of them pulled apart, brendan wrapped his arms around her head and pulled her into his chest, pressing kisses all over the top of her head. 
“i love you. i love you. i love you. i love you.” brendan repeated over and over again after each kiss that he pressed to her head, making brianna laugh against his chest. 
“you love me!” he said in a singing tone, making brianna roll her eyes with a small smile on her face.
“you’re still an idiot.” she stated in a duh tone, making the brisson boy roll his eyes as well. 
“yeah, but i’m your idiot, so…” he said before leaning in again and connecting their lips together. the garcia girl hummed in agreement before grabbing his chain and pulling him closer to her. 
i want a love like the movies 
“so, you guys are like back back together? like dating and all?” thom asked face-time the next day as the couple was laying in bed together, both of them wearing the other’s hoodie. 
“yes. but, we don’t really wanna tell people like right now, you know.” brendan answered his best friend, hinting to him that he better stay quiet about this. 
“yeah, no, dude. i won’t say anything.” 
“thanks, tommy.” brianna answered with a thankful smile on her face. 
“you guys are stupid, though.” the bordeleau kid sassed, making brianna let out a gasp. 
“rude!” she exclaimed before hanging up the face-time. 
“babe. why?” brendan asked with a laugh. 
“he was being mean. he called us stupid!” she said in an accusing tone, making brendan laugh even more. 
“stop laughing!” 
“please never change.” brendan said through his laugh, making his girlfriend a bit confused, but instead of asking questions, she simply just pressed her lips to his for a couple of seconds before pulling back. 
“only if you don’t.” she whispered before connecting their lips again.
taglist <3 @mack-samo @hugheshugs @nickblankenburgg @studsccsnackavoybambi @blanksbae @doyouevenplayhockey @dracoswhore007 @bemybinarystar @ancient-remnants-of-love @power2myheart @emsully2002 @jamiedryssdale @jayda12 @marcoskasper @mackieraymonds @bowen-power @sidcrosbyspuck @arianabordeleau @bordeleau @sslafkovsky @dora-the-exploraah @sophia-bordeleau @ellabellabus07
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Six Sentence Sunday
Thanks for the tag @captain-aralias! And thank you so much @aristocratic-otter, @shrekgogurt and @thehoneyedhufflepuff for tagging me on Wednesday. I’ve been a little down on myself this week for not getting more writing done, and I hate that I haven’t completed anything in a good month and a half. I guess that’s not true, I did manage to get my erotic gropefest entry in under the wire, I just haven’t been able to look at it since, lol. Anyway, no one wants to hear me whine.
I’d kind of like to talk about the crucible-marriage AU I keep posting bits from, but I doubt anyone needs to hear about my struggles with that either. The process has been very different from how I usually write, so maybe thinking out loud about it would help get me past the couple of issues I’m having and/or help me finish it, but I don’t know. I’ll hold off on unloading about it for now. In the meantime, so. No new writing to speak of, so I’m posting a little bit from earlier in the fic. It’s more than six sentences, sorry 😑 Simon discovered the Pitch’s pool and is gung-ho to get in, even though he can’t swim.
It’s true, the pool is well hidden, even from most of the house. You’d have to be looking out from the upstairs windows to make it out at all, and even then it’s fairly well obscured. It would be impossible to see if someone were skinny-dipping late at night, with the lights out…I cough, adjusting myself in my trunks. That line of thinking can only make things worse. I emerge from my own stall at the same moment that Simon thunders out of his, head and wings trapped inside his t-shirt. “Fucking hell!” he exclaims furiously.
I bite my lip. His legs and chest aren’t as pale as mine, but they’re a few shades lighter than his golden face and forearms. Simon’s thighs are thick and muscular, his shoulders and chest broad, but there’s just the faintest hint of pudge above the waistband of his trunks; Crowley, I would die for him. His curls are bouncing wildly over the top of the shirt’s neckhole as he careens from one side of the changing room to the next. Laughing, I grab him by the waist. “Snow! Breathe.”
He lifts his arms up and growls at me through thin white cotton. I pat where I think his cheek is and then stroke his shoulders. “Surely you get out of your shirts every night without help,” I say.
He struggles a moment, then stops once more. “I got overexcited,” he mumbles in an embarrassed voice. “I think one of my spikes is hooked in the cloth.”
“Let me check.” Fuck me, Simon Snow’s arse should be illegal. Not only is his decidedly bubble-shaped backside done every favor in the world by snug swim trunks, but said trunks are also resting low on his hips to let his tail swing loose. It coils firmly around my calf as I begin inspecting the lumpy, spiky heap of rucked-up cotton on his back. “Yes…here. I think I have it. Calm down and stay still, please.” Against my expectations, Snow actually does as I ask, though his tail does tighten its grip while I pick his wings free from the t-shirt. “There we go!”
Simon glances back at me sheepishly after pulling the shirt off. “Thanks, Baz.”
“Mm.” I rest my palm between his wings, feeling the taut muscles he must need to achieve flight. “You’re welcome, Snow.”
He turns toward me, close enough that I can feel the heat radiating off him as though he were made of fire. At this angle, he has to tip his chin up to look into my face, and I trace the underside of his lower lip with the pad of my thumb. His eyes flutter closed. ‘Baz…” he whispers.
“So,” I say, breaking away and digging through a bin by the door. “Water wings.” Snow recoils when I hold up a pair of bright yellow arm bands. I’m certain the vests we have wouldn’t fit his broad shoulders, never mind his very real wings. “Don’t give me that face; I’ll teach you how to swim!”
He fights me, and in the end the water wings prove sized only for the spindly arms of my young sisters, so Simon escapes through the poolhouse door, brimming with laughter and ready to sink.
Edited: I have literally no idea why tumblr keeps cutting off the parts of my posts where I write something after the snippet. I’m sorry I didn’t tag anyone, but I really do love reading/seeing everything you all post! It’s a bright spot in my day ❤️
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otakween · 7 months
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Digital Monsters Card Game Ver. WonderSwan Color
Another stupidly named Digimon game. This one was so fun!! I technically started it exactly a month ago, but there was also a week break in there, so it took me around 3 weeks to finish.
Difficulty-wise this game was kind of strange. I feel like it was like 40% strategy and 60% luck. I guess a lot of card games are like that. I will admit, I did use some save state trickery to get through a few battles, but only because each one took like 20 minutes (real time) to beat and having to start from scratch because of one stupid move was devastating at times. In the end though, I got pretty darn good at the game and could hold my own without relying too much on emulator tricks.
I'm totally not a TCG person IRL, so it's such a pleasant surprise to me that I'm loving these card-based video games! Of course they're not going to win in terms of things like story or visuals, but the gameplay is so satisfying! Most games let me zone out, but these really require focus and brain power.
Not a lot of people are talking about this game, but the gamefaqs are still really good, so kudos to the people on there. I also watched a bit of a German let's play lol
Not gonna lie, this game has a VERY steep learning curve at the start. It was my first vertical Wonderswan game so just figuring out the controls was tricky. I then had to learn a whole new TCG system because this Digimon game is different from past digimon games. I think I was most confused with what to do with the cards that assist in digivolving, even now I don't fully get them. I basically lost a lot at first while I was figuring things out. No perfect score for me!
You get a decent starter deck at the start of the game and you can auto-build decks which helps things be less overwhelming. I chose Terriermon because I love him. He served me well.
The UI for this game was really nice once I got the hang of things. I felt that decks were a lot easier to edit than past games and the cards were organized very nicely. I loved being able to pull up the card art which perfectly fit the vertical Wonderswan and the holo-cards were also a nice touch.
I never ended up beating Impmon...oops. This game has a lot of "optional" battles. There's one you can only beat after you've beat 80 battles but like...I have a life, so no thanks (I left the game at 25 battles).
Takeru was randomly the hardest opponent in the game and he was like...very early in the game. He was the one I had to use save states on the most I think. Tricky bastard.
You can obtain cards via passwords found on the actual IRL cards themselves and I think that's pretty genius. Of course, I just pulled the cards up online lol.
The option cards in this game allowed for a lot of interesting strategies. I liked that I could beat an ultimate at champion level by playing my cards right. It was also satisfying that if you beat a digimon of a higher level, their "loss points" would go down faster.
I think I'm done with the Wonderswan games, woohoo!! It will be interesting to see what other card games are out there on more modern systems. I give this one (not typing that name out again lol) a 7 out of 10!
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harrypotterfuryroad · 8 months
fjakdsfjkl they're checking children's genitals in Ohio & florida and y'all radfems totally sided with them to get it done, much like your calls for censorship silenced lesbian authors in the nineties (see the feminist sex wars/porn wars and/or struggles of the little sisters canadian bookshop).
wow, amazing. you STILL, even after fucking LINKING it, very obviously failed to read the whole thing. she absolutely described radical feminist ideology. and being well-read is something you guys pride yourselves on...that's pretty sad. i'm not even saying this is a premier source against your crock of shit ideology; i frequently cite many others. yet you failed--multiple times, now--to properly read the one single tumblr post i brought to your attention.
by far the most obnoxious conversation to have with you people is the "sex is binary" conversation. it's so eerily like talking to the scientologist freaks i grew up around, it's like a deja vu nightmare. biology is complex. also, it doesn't care. not "it doesn't care and that's why women are fucked by it!" no, it just doesn't fucking care. period. it's neutral. why in hell are you treating biological sex like it's spiritual...oh, that's right, because of your incessant and childish need to feel like a victim, which matters more than other people and certainly more than the truth. intersex people exist. you guys deny it alot, but they do. they're about as common as redheads. are redheads fucking fictitious, "harrypotterfuryroad"?
i am a cis woman, and i'm annoyed with what influence (feeble though it is, it's still important because you quite literally endanger lives) you've managed to have over the very important, real conversation about systemic misogyny. the irony is that you have made it harder to talk about. you have hindered progress. by oppressing women you have *omg you'll never guess, cue drumroll* fucking oppressed women.
as that post said, you don't own the definition of womanhood. society does. and it and i (hello, a cis woman born with your same genitals and born into the same oppression you've faced, not that it matters!) don't agree with you. get the fuck over yourself and grow up.
name one radfem that supported genital checks and follow that up by explaining why men belong in women's sports in the first place
and am i supposed to be shocked that anti-porn feminists were anti-porn regardless of who was producing it? are you shocked? did you think you had some kind of gotcha by saying that anti-porn arguments were coopted by homophobes? that horse is long past dead
she described it, sure, but she didn't define it. and a lot of those descriptive statements were total asspulls anyway. like, imagine you ask me what a square is, and i give you "it isn't a circle," "sometimes they're blue," and "they're related to trapezoids" as descriptive statements. all of these can be true, but they're not useful in gauging if i actually know what makes a square a square. so yeah i'm gonna go ahead and reject a pile of descriptive and spuriously ascriptive statements as a coherent definition, thanks. throwing out things like "TERFs think they're leftists" and "TERFs are inherently fascist" doesn't give any clear picture of what (again) a radfem is, especially with the implicit split between radfems and "TERFs"
and likewise i'll breeze right past your attention-grabbing link to scientology, i posted a few weeks ago about why that isn't productive without much more detail. i'm not treating biology like it's spiritual; i'm treating sex like it's binary. you're the one taking that spiritually by acting like i'm making some kind of individual moral judgment based on it. the redhead frequency thing is fucking stupid, because just like redheads still have hair, intersex people are still male or female (and they're also not there to be used as pawns by you)
also please tell me how it's been made harder to talk about systemic misogyny with specific examples because i'm curious about that
and finally the womanhood thing was the exact line that made it clear that the writer of that post had no idea what she was talking about. the boundaries that feminists have drawn around womanhood are really lenient and really broad. nothing about behavior or dress or class or race disqualifies you from "womanhood." there's no wrong way to be a woman except by being male, and there's no point in taking that personally
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auriel187 · 2 years
The More Things Change (S1 E5)
Word Count: 3142
Series Masterlist
A/N: If anyone doesn't like the fact that the oc is black, go away.
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Sitting in Mr. Feeny's classroom, I had been sketching for the past ten minutes while Shawn was using my class notes to do the worksheets. "I have graded last week's geography examination... and the highest score was achieved by..." but he was interrupted by Cory.
"Minkus. Was it achieved by Minkus? Does it go to Minkus? Minkus, right?" The curly haired boy exclaimed and Shawn looked over at him and turned back to my notes. "Mr. Minkus." Mr. Feeny confirmed my crazy friend's theory.
"That's a shock." Cory rolled his eyes as Shawn took my sketchbook off my desk and stared at the unfinished images. He smiled at them even though they weren't that good. He pinched my cheek when he handed it back to me.
"Thank you, Mr. Feeny. Your bonus question was a real stumper." I heard Minkus say and I rolled my eyes. Shawn threw a rolled up piece of paper at the shorter blonde's head.
"Miss Owens, excellent. Mr. Baker, very nice. Mr. Matthews... Well, there it is." Mr. Feeny said as he continued passing the tests around. Shawn didn't even care when he got his test back. "Miss Archer, remarkable work." My teacher said to me as he placed my test over my sketch book. A large A marked the top of my paper.
"A "C"? But I actually studied for this test. Why did I get a "C"?" Cory asked exhaustedly. "Let's see. Where to begin. Well, for one thing, Mr. Matthews... this section of the map is not East Germany." I kept drawing, my little sketch turning into a super heroine with a glamorous dress. She kind of looked like Storm.
"It's not?" Cory sounded baffled.
"Perhaps you heard of a little incident... with the Berlin Wall?" I looked over at Cory as he pondered the answer. "Was that during baseball season?" I rolled my neck before I leaned forward.
"There is no East Germany anymore, Cory." I whispered. That did absolutely nothing to ease his confusion.
"But the textbook says it's right next to West Germany." He looked between our teacher and myself.
"Yes, well, the textbook also says that Alaska and Hawaii... will make fine states someday. Things change, Mr. Matthews. Unfortunately, the Board of Education... doesn't have the funds to keep up." Mr. Feeny explained as he continued handing out the tests.
"Then how am I supposed to keep up?" Cory asked. "Watch the news. Pay attention in class. Look at the mimeographs I give you... before you turn them into paper airplanes." Just as he said that, Shawn took his now folded test and had it glide into Minkus's head.
"Ow." The scrawny blonde muttered monotonously.
"What good would it do? They keep changing geography. Why can't it be like all the other subjects? Math... 2 plus 2 is always 4. Uh, science... the Earth always goes around the Sun. History... Lincoln always gets shot in the head." Cory finished his monologue by throwing his hands in the air.
"Lincoln got off easy." I chuckled.
"You'd be surprised what people used to think about the earth." I laughed to myself, I could feel a few eyes turn to me.
The day went on without much chaos but I suppose that was wishful thinking, when I started packing up the last of my stuff when Mr. Feeny stood in the middle of the class. "All right, heads up. In these last few moments of class... I want to make an announcement... about this year's regional geography tournament. As some of you may know, for the past five years... I have always fielded a champion... and I expect to do the same this year. So, based on his outstanding scholastic achievement... I have selected as this year's entrant..." But Cory interrupted him similar to how he'd done earlier.
"Minkus. Have you selected Minkus?"
"Isn't Sunshine smarter than Minkus?" Shawn whispered to Cory who just shrugged and looked over at me.
"Mr. Minkus. And this year's first prize will be..." This time Minkus interrupted.
"A Mercator projection pull-down wall map?"
"No. Uh... This year's winner will be bat boy... at the opening game of the World Series."
I looked up at Mr. Feeny then at my boys. "Did you hear that?" Cory asked Shawn and I.
"Yeah. So?" Shawn looked completely unbothered. I had given him my sketch book and now he was colouring in all the stupid ugly little things I had drawn.
"So I'm seeing my dream come true here." Cory pleaded his case and I tried to suppress my smile at his enthusiasm as I looked over Shawn's shoulder to see how he was colouring it in. He cheekily pushed me away, attempting to keep it secret.
"Oh, right. Like Feeny's going to take you... to the geography tournament. You didn't even know... they tore down the Berlitz Wall." Shawn mumbled still colouring.
"Berlin wall, Shawnie." I mutter.
He didn't look up at me when he said "You did it again, Sunshine." I could hear the smile in his voice. Cory gagged.
Shawn had his arm over my shoulders as we as a group essentially kidnapped Minkus and brought him to Cory's house.
"Mom, have you met my good friend Minkus?" Cory hollered as he entered the kitchen. Everyone aside from Minkus had a fake smile plastered on our faces.
"It's nice to meet you, Minkus?" She smiled down at the blonde boy.
"Call my mother." Minkus says fearfully.
"What?" Mrs. Matthews looked at the rest of us. Shawn looked down at me. He gave me a little shove and I looked at Amy.
"He's a little nervous, Mrs. Matthews. We're gonna take him upstairs now." I say quickly. The boys led Minkus upstairs as I slowly walked up with the seven books they had me carrying.
"I'm glad you could come over, Minkus." I heard Cory say as I huffed into the room.
"Real nice to be here. Can I go now?" Minkus pleaded.
"Chill." ELlis said to Minkus, pushing him onto Cory's bed.
"I don't understand what that means." Minkus looked around the room but I was too busy trying to place the books on the desk Cory and Eric had in the back of the room.
"It means that out of every four people is a nerd. So when you look around this room... and you don't see one, you're it." Shawn responded. Just as I toppled over with the books. I looked over to see all four boys looking at me. "Or you're the embodiment of pure Sunshine." Shawn told Minkus before picking up the books for me.
"Thanks, Pup." I thanked him as I went and sat down on Eric's bed.
"But we can help you change." Ellis said as he shook his head to continue the conversation.
"Maybe I like how I am." Minkus tried to reason.
"You like everyone always making fun of you?" Ellis asked, to which Minkus said no.
"You like always being the last one picked for teams?" Cory asked and again, Mikus said no.
"You like everyone pulling your underwear up your butt all the time?" Shawn asked and Minkus replied with "It's not so bad." Everyone groaned in disgust.
"Minkus, let us help you." Shawn added a fake sincerity to his voice, I couldn't help but laugh a little.
"We're here for you, man." Ellis encouraged...or discouraged based on which way you look at it.
"It's early in the year. You can still change your image." Cory spoke calmly. These guys were starting to remind me of the guy from those infomercials. The ones that try to get you to be strange things you don't really need.
"What do I do?" Minkus looked over at me.
"The geography tournament... you don't want to do it. It'll brand you for life." I leaned forward on the bed to face the blond.
"But I love geography, my Ethiopian queen. I'm drawn by the adventure and exoticism of it. Hey. Perhaps you fellows would like to join... the Future Cartographers of America Club with me." He looked right at me as I leaned further back on the bed, shaking my head.
"Let it go, man." Ellis pleaded.
"If I don't do the tournament, will you guys like me?" Minkus asked.
"No." We all said unanimously.
"Then I don't see what's in it for me." Minkus crossed his arms over his chest.
"All right, name your price, you little creep." Shawn leered threateningly over the desk.
"I want a kiss from Raven-Anniya." Minkus said simply. I moved further away from him.
"Not happening." Shawn moved to stand beside me. Ready to attack in my honour, hence why I call him puppy. Well one of the many.
"Let the lady decide for herself." Minkus replied, confident in his charm.
"Not in a million years." I spoke plainly. Shawn squeezed my shoulder before he turned to Minkus.
"When you guys play Bombardment... could you not aim the ball at my head anymore?" Minkus negotiated, we all turned to Cory.
"Deal." The curly haired boy nodded. Shawn laid down on Eric's bed alongside me.
"What's the point of playing if we can't throw the ball at his head?" Ellis whined.
The boys and I were watching as Minkus walked over to our teacher. Shawn was sitting on my desk, trying to solve my Rubik's cube. Cory gagged when we smiled at each other when he got it. I told him he could.
"Mr. Feeny, I'm afraid I must tender my resignation from the geography tournament." Minkus excitedly said to Mr. Feeny.
"Mr. Minkus, I'm aware that the changing geopolitical face of the globe offers a difficult challenge." Mr. Feeny conceded as Shawn and I started to slowly slip out of the classroom. We were at the door just out of sight so we could still hear everything. Not that we were listening.
"You have dance class later, Sunshine?" He was twirling the end of my hair. I look over at him and he's leaning against the wall. I chuckled.
"Yes, Shawnie." I rested my head on his shoulder.
"Am I walking you there?" He asked, looking at my hair as he continued twisting it around his fingers.
"Depends on if you want to. You could have dinner with us. We might have tacos tonight." I replied.
"I'm not sure, I wouldn't want to disturb you guys." He was still playing with my hair. He's so weird.
"I mean, if you want to come for dinner I'm sure Brianna would be happy to let you have dinner with us." I said with a smile.
"What dance class do you have tonight?" He looked at me.
"I have hip hop, Pup." I elbowed him on the ribs.
"Why do you call me pup?" Shawn pondered out loud, my hair curling at the end of his finger. I looked at him oddly.
"You're loyal, you're playful and you have puppy eyes." I poked him on the forehead between his eyes. He smiled and pushed his forehead forward. We stayed silent. I peered into the classroom to see Feeny and Minkus just at the door.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Mr. Minkus. You were the only student I ever had who could locate Thrace on a map of the ancient world." Mr. Feeny said openly. He was baiting Minkus, I knew it.
Ah, that's easy. Just go north from the Aegean and... I know what you're doing, Mr. Feeny and it isn't going to... ain't going to work." Minkus concluded and walked out the door colliding with Shawn and I.
"I shall miss you, Mr. Minkus. I only wish I knew... how I was going to replace you." We waited a few minutes before walking away. If Mr. Feeny didn't throw Cory out immediately, the plan was a success.
"So...Home for tacos, Pup?" I adjusted my books in my hand before Shawn took them from me.
"Sure thing...Princess?" He tried testing a new nickname, but I hate it!
"No!" I shook my head. "If you ever call me that again, I will never talk to you ever!" He held his hands up in surrender.
"Deal...I didn't like it either. I'm just trying to even us out." I just poked him and we went to my house.
We walked up to the door and I immediately started taking off my shoes. "I like that you take off your shoes." Shawn said as he copied me, careful not to drop my books that he was still holding. I chuckled.
"Thanks, Pup." I replied and he smiled and followed me in. We went to the kitchen, immediately placing our bags on the floor and our books on the table. I caught Shawn observing little things I did on the daily. I don't know why he did it but I think it's funny.
"What are you going to do first?" Shawn asked, looking at all the books I had on the table. I looked at all of them before choosing math. "Aww math. I hate math!" The blue eyed boy whined.
"Why?" I asked.
"It's boring. I don't like being bored." He answered, scratching at something in his book. I laughed about it for a second before my brain started doing that thing it does that I hate. I must've looked nuts, jumping from the table and running to my room and returning with my DSM-III and a stopwatch.
"I want to do some tests." I exclaimed. Moving my chair to sit directly in front of him.
"On me?" He asked fearfully. I nodded. I wasn't easing his anxiety at all.
"You'll be fine. Just look at me." I squeezed his face. When our eyes locked, I started the stopwatch. He kept eye contact for a few seconds before he started to drift away temporarily. He was still technically looking at me but he easily turned his focus on something else. I stopped the stopwatch when he looked at the table.
One minute, thirty six seconds.
"What was the test for?" He asked, frantically looking for something under his books.
"I'll tell you when I'm done, what are you looking for?" I asked.
"My button." He crawled under the table.
"The button that popped off your shirt earlier?" I asked.
"Yeah, I was gonna ask if my mom could sew it back on." He was now on the other side of the table.
"Pup, come here." And he did. I reached into the pocket of his shirt and pulled out his button. "You put it there so you wouldn't forget about it."
"Oh..." He lowered his head sheepishly.
He jumped away from me when the front door opened, Brianna and Jazmyne entering the house.
"Hi, Raven. How was your day?" Brianna asked, not fully paying attention as she headed to the fridge to get dinner started.
"It was okay. Cory's being weird and I'm trying to see if Shawn has ADD/H. Speaking of which, can he stay for tacos?" I said quickly.
"Sure. Just as long as his parents say it's okay." Jazmyne mocked her mother only to receive one of Brianna's deadly glares.
"Yes, Shawn can stay. But stop treating the boy like a lab rat." I shook my head.
"I'm trying to help. Maybe I can find a way to make learning fun and help bring up his grades." I say before seeing Shawn looking at my riddle problem sheets with genuine intrigue. He's a lot smarter than he gives himself credit for. "Math time, Hunter."
He groaned, throwing his head back. "I don't wanna."
"I'll make it fun, I promise." He rolled his eyes.
"Okay, close your eyes." I say. As he does, I grab some cake. We were learning about measurements, fractions and geometric shapes...also it's Shawn and he responds well to cake.
"Okay, Shawnie. I have a cake with a radius of 4.5 inches. What's the diameter?"
He looked at the cake for a few seconds. "Is the diameter the half line or the around line?" He asked.
"The diameter is the line that would cut the cake in half, the circumference is the outline of the cake." I explained and he read my math notes.
"Nine inches?" He didn't sound sure but he was putting in an honest effort.
"Correct!" I say, cutting the cake. It came out in a nice neat triangular slice. "Now, if the entire cake is 360 degrees and this slice is 30...ish degrees, how many even slices can we make?"
"I thought we were going to the park?" Shawn whined, clutching an old basketball.
"Come on, man, you're studying too much. The teachers are starting to notice." Ellis said in a judgmental tone.
"Yeah, they're calling you a good student. They're saying you have potential." I said sarcastically. Not sarcastic in regards to what they said but in regards to the fact that it's a bad thing. Not that Cory was listening.
"Wow! The highest and lowest points in the continental United States are only miles apart... Death Valley and Mount Whitney. I find that extraordinary." Cory stated, clutching a magnifying glass and sniffling.
"Extraordinary?" I said in shock. The last time I heard Cory say a word that long was when we tried to sing Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
"He's mutating, man." Ellis turned to Shawn and I. I could see the little gears in Shawn's head turning as he picked up a pine cone and threw it at Cory's head.
"Ow." Cory sounded like Minkus. I jumped back quickly. Oh, that's terrifying. I grabbed Shawn's hand to head to the park when I saw Minkus walking into Cory's backyard wearing a horrendous pair of giant yellow pants.
"Hey, dudes. What's up?" He asked and Ellis decided that it wasn't worth losing his sanity to stay here.
"Too Weird for me. I'm out of here." Shawn pulled with him as he headed to our park.
When we got there we noticed that there were a few people here with their young children. We walked to the basketball net. "Is there a reason why you told me to bring this?" Holding his basketball.
"We're going to work on spelling today." I say and he groans but tosses me the ball. "Lucrative. L-U-C-R-A-T-I-V-E." for every letter I dribbled the ball. I toss the ball back to Shawn. "You got this, Pup. Lucrative. Spell it or shoot it." I pointed to the net.
We stayed out here for hours and to no one's surprise, Shawn took shots more than he spelled the words but again, he tried. That's all that mattered to me.
He may not win an international spelling bee, but he did the best he could.
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my sandrock ocs and their pairings  :)
also a wip doodle of sonia and fang lmao
(current patch spoilers under cut)
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Sonia and Fang, main save and also the one I care the most about lmao
Completely opposite personalities: Sonia has pretty much limitless energy, can talk for hours off of one tangent, very extroverted, just really excited to be around people and likes getting to know all sorts of folks, while Fang is... not any of that.
Both are the type to get absorbed into their work, but Fang gets in his own head over whether or not he's done something wrong to make Sonia stay away, but in reality Sonia kinda just forgot that she existed for a week lol
Tangentially related to the above: Sonia is so incredibly clumsy in day to day life. She trips over her own feet, falls out of chairs, stumbles when she stands in the same spot for too long, walks into walls, stubs her toes, etc. Fang first saw this after Sonia fell off of the observation table at his clinic, and thought that she had some type of balancing issue, but in actuality she just doesn't pay attention when she feels comfortable.
Because of this Fang is understandably Very Anxious about Sonia being involved with the Civil Corps, even though she is very much capable of keeping herself alive in combat situations
Sonia is usually the one making date plans, which both parties are happy about, though Sonia would like Fang to be more open about his needs.
sonia, preparing for a dangerous event: "nah dude, dude, dude i'm fine, i have hella plot armor i'm aight dude trust me"  
fang, remembering their last date at the saloon where sonia dunked her hand into blazing hot coffee after being warned that it was in fact boiling hot not once, not twice, but five times by owen: "...no."
As far as Fang's canon romance storyline goes: Fang slowly comes out of his shell over the course of Sonia's time at Sandrock, and their friendship (and eventual romance) is a very slow burn (that I still have to outline but I'll get to it when I get to it)
Sonia could not cook at all before coming to Sandrock. She ate raw potatoes out of the ground, dirt and all, "that's where the REAL nutrients are!" she would say. It was really only after Arvio's comedic failure with the Spicy Bean Paste that she gave cooking a genuine try. 
Fang was not aware of this until Juno joked about it during their first wedding anniversary. Something about Sonia putting in the time to develop a completely new skill on the off chance it could make him happy... made him emotional for a bit.  
There's one particular line from "Words to Betray the Heart" that say something about the Builder being so perfect and how Fang would be a burden on someone like that etc etc etc, and uh. Man. Can't really articulate it rn but in short it's rather important of a trigger for Sonia, so there's absolutely self esteem issues in both parties that have to get ironed out if this relationship can be healthy
Sonia did do the medical trials, and it went something like:
sonia: hm.
fang: ...
sonia: hey.
fang: ...?
sonia: i'm gonna drink all three of these at once.
fang: ?!?! 
sonia: *devours all contents of the bottles faster than lightning and passes out immediately*
fang: ?????????????? 
^ repeated for a comical amount of time until Fang finally bans her from FREE MED WEDNESDAY/FRIDAYS (TM)
Juno and Logan, the secondary save and heavily dependent on main story updates AND romance update in june/may :))))) so this is going to be rewritten without a question when the proper romance quests come out
so how normal are we about logan :)
Surface level: Juno is a Civil Corps monster hunter, Logan’s Pa was a monster hunter (and Logan is too lol) so they bond over sharing knowledge of the desert’s beasties and train together in remote areas of the desert.
Very early on, Juno develops a keen sense of... secrecy around Logan and the real nature of his departure and relationship to Sandrock as a whole, and ends up confiding in Elsie about his suspicions, but not much is really going on until Water Tower Moment (Gone Wrong)
Juno is, in short, the truest definition of orphan you can get. There is no one that ever knew his family, nor his parents’ names, or if he had any siblings. His memory only really starts around the time that he met Sonia, and being in Sandrock is only distressing him further about his lack of memories
That’s part of the reason that Juno is so drawn to Logan. The plot just doesn’t make sense to him. 
Can someone really love their Pa so much that the grief destroys everything they once loved? Can Juno ever know that type of love? (and other hurty questions)
Logan is tied to Sandrock, and keeps his hometown so near and dear to his heart. Juno... doesn’t have anything like that. If he died tomorrow, only Sonia would notice and care. No one else would even bat an eye. 
During the Duvos invasion, Juno goes missing. Logan is concerned, but quickly realizes that his concern is based in something more than simple comradery, and makes the super duper mega healthy decision to suppress his feelings. 
oh what’s this? oh boy oh boy! work in progress ocs!
Lily and Mi-an, the planned save for full release and a Builder power couple (and admittedly Mi-an the one I know the least about romance wise, but builder power couple cute)
With Yan arrested and awaiting trial in Atara, Sandrock is down a Workshop and Builder, which is especially bad news for the more remote villages around Sandrock. Sonia writes to her old friend Lily (her godparents’ daughter) and invites her to fill the position on behalf of City Hall. Lily is ecstatic and jumps on the opportunity.
Lily and Mi-an immediately hit it off and spend hours talking about various builder nerd stuff.
Out of the relationships I’m writing, this one is definitely the most casually, normally paced. 
Romance wise, they present a Heart Knot to each other at the same time, so they are on the same wavelength most of the time.
Mi-an has bouts of self confidence issues, but Lily is rather quick to hype her up and comfort her if needed
Similarly, Lily sometimes needs scheduling help, so Mi-an is happy to help coordinate commissions for Ultimate Productivity (So We Have Time To Watch Old World Romance Movies)
Armaros (they/she) and Owen, Schrodinger’s save (as in I have renamed this oc like 7 times and will probably rename her another 5 times) as well as the bachelor that I am going to take the most creative liberties with edit 4/23: mhm, i did in fact change their name an eighth time lmaoooo
Rose is completely, totally mute. They never spoken a word and never will, as it is physiologically impossible for them to verbalize their thoughts. No amount of “encouragement” will change this and they are very exhausted arguing this. 
Rose visited Sonia (former coworkers) in Sandrock about a couple months or so into her contract, and stayed at the Blue Moon during her week long visit.
Owen and Rose’s initial meeting is, well, awkward to say the least. It took Owen a little bit to catch on to why the blond wasn’t saying anything in response to him and only pointing to menu items, and he was very apologetic once Rose passed a note to him explaining themself.
Owen wouldn’t exactly admit that it was immediate love, but he was captivated by their general vibe and wanted to get to know them better
Of course, Rose did go back home to Highwind, but the two stayed in contact via letters. Owen writes very kind, cordial letters, and Rose writes in an elegant, poetic style. Soon the content of their letters would turn more romantic and emotional.
Rose has the special, unparalleled ability to quickly get people comfortable with them. Owen and Rose have similar warm vibes, but accomplish this through different ways. Owen talks to you like you’ve known each other forever, and Rose is a gentle attentive listener that takes her time responding/giving advice to someone.
Rose is pretty Church of Light religious in comparison to other ocs, so they do utilize some scripture and similar sentiments in their letters to Owen.
Until there is more Owen content, there’s not much else canon I can play with, so I will probably rewrite portions, but the general idea is going to be the same.
Bonus: a Rose and Fang interaction
Rose: :)
fang: ...Have needs, query X.
Rose: :|
fang: ...
Rose, holding up her notepad: (I’m mute. Please be patient with me. -w-)
fang: ...oh. (internally: thank you, peach...)
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I saw your reblog And took that personally more COURIER SIX PL E ASE
What's his favorite thing, does he loot the random things
Most importantly; did he get the winning lottery ticket
Mirek my beloved
I haven't got much for his pre-game backstory, but he probably hasn't been Courier for super long, but he's very dedicated to the job. After shit starts getting real, his identity as a Courier becomes sort of an anchor to cling to for at least some tiny sense of normalcy.
He is not having a good time out there.
The gunshot to his head took his left eye and caused a fracture to the supraorbital bone and the bullet got stuck somewhere in the back of the brain. It missed the most important brain parts only by sheer luck. Weeks after recovery he still has quite some struggle with memory (both remembering pre-injury events and forming new memories, the pip-boy comes really handy as a notepad) and the lack of depth perception and issues with fine motor function in his fingers makes him a less than decent shooter. But he's managing.
The near-death experience also left him deeply shaken and a lot more sensitive about death than he remembers being before. Seeing his own grave empty like it's waiting for him was less than comforting.
In general, he tries to avoid violence as much as possible. Back in the before times as a courier he was quite good at sneaking past potentially dangerous people without being noticed. This is now harder since he stumbles more and can't keep as quiet as before. When he has to fight, he tries to go only as far as injuring and forcing the enemy to disengage. He would rather run than engage in a fight even if he could win. The only people he's killed were powder gangers that absolutely would not have let him live.
Since recently, he makes an exception though. Seeing what the Legion has done in Nipton, he still does not seek out violence but he feels absolutely zero guilt if a legion soldier dies by his hand. After all that Vulpes Inculta said, after seeing the still living people on the crosses, the burnt and beheaded corpses, the bodies in the town hall that he spent so much time lining up to give them at least the bare minimum respect in death instead of lying scattered in piles, something broke in him. He promised himself he would pull that dog hoodie off of that man's corpse himself if he gets the chance.
Overall, he tries his best to be polite and has trouble saying no to requests for help. For some reason he has a strong liking to robots, unlike most people who seem to distrust them, he feels an odd comfort when meeting one. Possibly for the fact that robots are simpler to understand and deal with, since one can typically know what to expect.
He vibes with the music played on Radio New Vegas, but when things get very, very bad (like when he walked out of the ruins of Nipton completely broken), his go-to comfort is to switch to Mojave Music Radio. Usually the music lets him keep The Horrors at bay long enough to reach the nearest place with alcohol.
As for clothes he generally just wears whatever is the most practical, and is constantly on the lookout for some good headwear that would somewhat cover his missing eye. Thinks he looks good in pre-war clothes.
His ancestors came to America in the 2050s during the European-Middle Eastern War. He does not speak their language and knows pretty much nothing about where his family came from. All he has left from that is his name suggested by his grandparents, and the melody of a lullaby, the lyrics of which have been lost to time generations ago, but Mirek could remember that melody even if Benny's bullet took every other memory he has.
Considering making this his theme song
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faultychips · 2 years
Back to Indies With Tidings and Tides
Hey there, and happy holidays! Breaks are always a bit more busy than would be ideal but I’ve gotten a couple good indies in during the past week. Stuff on the more emotional and personal side, though certainly in their own fairly different ways. Without further ado…
This first game is one I’ve been really itching to play for a while; There Swings a Skull: Grim Tidings. I got the first iteration of this game (now technically a demo) in some itch.io bundle a long time ago. It immediately caught my eye when I first saw it, but it fell into the category of “things I want to save for when I’m ready and in the right mood” which unfortunately caused me to procrastinate on it for longer than I really needed to. But fortunately for me, when I finally wrapped back around to it, it had gotten a full release!! Lucky me
I guessed that the demo was probably a little too long to get into and I would be annoyed to get that far in the game and then have to start over with the full release. As far as I can tell, I was right, though I think if you want to pick this game up for yourself, the demo can be useful for playing exactly how much of the game you need to in order to decide if you want to buy the whole thing. Personally I liked what I saw in trailers enough to just grab it outright, and I’m really happy I did. Grim Tidings feels like the rare kind of personal gem only indie RPGs can provide. The atmosphere is impeccable. Set in a town surrounded by dirt for miles, where everything is slowly burning under a malevolent sun, you play as married couple Anatoli and Pyotr as they try to keep themselves and their relationship together as the world falls apart around them. It’s a wonderfully done fictional setting and circumstance (the atmosphere almost reminds me of Welcome to Nightvale?) but it taps into real life sentiments of stress, despair, and in my opinion most importantly, love and connection. It’s hard to think of a more thoughtful way to say “god as a guy who likes guys, I love a good story about gay married men, and I love how this one feels so genuine, it really speaks to my own experience”, but just so you know. I’m also thinking about that too.
Grim Tidings really encapsulates the feeling of trying to face the weight of the world alongside your significant other, who you want to always protect, but aren’t always sure you can. This game says, to me at least, that no matter what happens, you can at least be there for each other, and sometimes that’s the best and most important thing you can do. That really spoke to me. I would be lying if I said I didn’t choke up at the end. Also, interactions between Anatoli and Pyotr (which make up most of this game) are so sweet, funny, heartfelt and emotional. Even in the sad and tense moments, their connection struck me. Generally everything about this one hits an RPG Maker game sweet spot. The dialogue flows nicely and I love when it gets especially moody and poetic. The art is also fantastic and really sets the tone, and the music is extremely RPGMaker styled and extremely good as well. Just on all artful fronts, this game is unambiguously quality.
If there’s anything I would say that surprised me, it would be the “true” ending. I don’t want to spoil anything, so I won’t go into detail, but I felt the twist it pulls was a little jarring. I wouldn’t say I didn’t like it, but it was a shame to see some of the tone that was building up get tossed a little near the end. But ah well. The rest of the game is rich with it anyhow, especially right up before said twist. Also, there are multiple endings, but it will probably be very obvious what the “correct” choices are. Make sure to save often if you aren’t sure though! The “incorrect” choices will end up exactly how you expect, so unless you’re dead-set on *seeing everything* I don’t think there’s much use in checking them out. Even the game tells you as much if you boot it up again afterwards: most people don’t return to Pareildas (and you can rest now).
Basically, I really really really liked it. It feels more like a compliment than a complaint to say that I wish I could spend a little longer in this kind of game. Luckily for me, the dev of Grim Tidings also made An Outcry, which is *another* RPGMaker game with a nice looking aesthetic that’s been on my radar for a good little while now… hopefully sometime I’ll come around to playing it and reviewing it on here as well ... >:-] !
The second and decently longer of the two games I played this week was Perfect Tides, which I think describes itself quite well as “a point and click adventure game about the agony and anticipation of being a teen”. While it’s set in the year 2000, I find that (assuming a lot of this game is based off of personal experience) a lot of what being a 16 year old is like has not changed much in the almost-two-decades between then and when I was at that age. Especially the experience of building relationships online! Mara is in many ways a mirror back into the past, to a time of knowing fairly little and assuming you know everything. There’s an almost nostalgic feeling to seeing her make various mistakes and assumptions and thinking “Yeah, I remember thinking that way too”, but it also leaves a poignant sadness. She doesn’t get it, but you didn’t get it either. The game follows Mara around for around a year’s time, as she struggles with life in general, and relationships to the people around her in specific. It seems like the *point * of the game is to place you there beside her, and experience that with her, and I think the game generally does a wonderful job with that. There are really only two things that may get in the way of that weighing on my mind, so I’ll punch them out of the way real quick:
Firstly, the UI is…kind of painful sometimes. I wasn’t really tuned into the height of the 2000s point and click adventure game scene, so I can’t speak to how authentic it is, but boy it can be hard to figure out what the game wants from you sometimes! A quick few tips: save often and in many slots, the little different colored pixel on your hand cursor is usually where you are *actually* clicking on things from, you can use the right-click mouse button to switch through interaction options when you can’t open the toolbar at the top, and if you ever get stuck for more than a few minutes, just use a guide (like this in depth one I used for basically my whole playthrough; many thanks to Mason Blue!). These should make your game experience flow much easier and lead to less frustration.
Secondly, there are some parts of Perfect Tides that are obviously, pointedly, gross and/or uncomfortable, sometimes so much so that they tread into agonizing and painful territory. When these moments have service to the story and Mara’s feelings and thoughts, I feel like they are fine and pointed, but sometimes scenes like these (just a few in particular stand out in my mind) just feel like they’re there to make the viewer harrowingly disturbed, and they don’t seem to have a bearing on the story or Mara at all as they never really are brought up again after. I don’t want to say they have absolutely no place or purpose, and it’s not like they were “unrealistic”, but personally I don’t think I ever felt their necessity beyond their shock value. BUT! They’re not a dealbreaker for this game, not at all; just something I feel is worth mentioning, especially to people interested in playing themselves.
The reason I got this game in the first place is because it was sold to me as an incredibly emotional and honest story about being a teen, and I can confirm it absolutely sells on this premise. There are many and plenty of moments that tug on your heart, especially the ending (as long as you got the best one like I did; don't forget to develop your photos!) that owe much of their success to charming artwork and dialogue full of personality, especially the inner monologues. Like I mentioned before, you’re always right there with Mara. The experience is certainly not always a fun romp, especially not from her perspective, but it’s a very intimate one, both very unique and very familiar. I’m happy I got to participate in it, for both of those aspects, and I feel like there’s a lot of value in it that easily makes it worth recommending. If you’ll play it yourself, take note of what I’ve mentioned here, and most importantly: have a favorite song of yours as an .mp3 on your computer. Trust me on this. You’re gonna need it!
Annnd that's all I have for this week! Two decently sized games; not too short but not too crazy long! I hope to finish another switch title soon, but you'll find out if I have by the next blog post, heheh. I'll admit it...my dusty itch.io collections call me evermore...so see you next time!!
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There Swings a Skull: Grim Tidings is available for $6.98 on: Itchio, Steam (+ EasyRPG non-Windows support!)
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Perfect Tides is available for $14.99 on: Itchio, Steam
Thanks for reading, and see you next week!
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pbandjesse · 1 year
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My post isn't going to be very exciting. Because I didn't feel great and slept a lot of the day. I would like to go back to sleep now. I honestly just feel very bad.
Last night the wedding was so fun. Like it took forever to get anyone to come back but once they did they were all so lovely and had amazing questions and it was a lot of fun!! When I was leaning on the banister looking over where the bar was, the car was down there too and I kept jokingly telling people who were taking pictures sitting in it that they can't drink and drive. Which I thought was hilarious.
I helped Angie move some tables. And then I went home.
On my drive back home I saw a guy laying on the side of the road and I stopped to ask the homeless guy if he was okay and he said he thought so. I was surprised that a cop just drove past and said as much and he was like the cops don't care about us and I was like. You are so right. I hope they are both okay.
I got home and was able to fall apart again. And I did. I would start to feel like I had a fever again. Without having the fever. My whole body ached and was tender and I just wanted to lay there and be held for a while.
I would eat a little but it still made me feel terrible. Everything I've eaten since Thursday has made me feel terrible. I hate it.
Sleeping helped a bit. I would struggle to fall asleep but would sleep deeply after that. I barely remember James leaving.
I woke up at 9 and would just lay in bed until almost 10. I finally got up. Made the bed. And opened the back door. While we did sleep with the AC in it would be really cool today and I didn't need that at all.
I would get washed and dressed. This is the first time I've worn this jumpsuit and it's great. Nice and flowy. Though the buttons are real and I think I'll sew them down to avoid gaps. But I felt cute. I decided not to do my eyeliner. Since it's almost camp and I don't wear eyeliner at camp. Have to get used to my face again.
I would have a little breakfast of angel food cake. And got right into working on my Native American feild trip proposal. I would spend the next two hours working on that. And it's not done but I made great progress. I'm like half way done I think. But it took a lot out of me. I have more research to do for sure. But I think my basic outline is there and that feels like huge progress.
It was right before 1 at this point. And I was just. Done. I felt exhausted. I didn't want to do anything. I also didn't want to feel guilty about it. So I just went and got in bed. I watched videos for a while. I asked James if we could have pizza for dinner. And then at some point I fell asleep.
I woke up and Jess told me she drove past the two houses she wants to buy. She got pre-approved for her loans this week and the one house I love. She's going to go see it later this week. I am going to be so excited for her if it works out. And she will have more info to help me and James when we start actually getting into trying to buy somewhere as well.
James would get home and start laundry and then went to pick up pizza. And while at the time it wasn't hurting, almost as soon as dinner was done I felt terrible and swollen. I don't know what is up with me. But it makes me want to cry.
James would also bring me a gift from our friend Lane, a Polly pocket set! With the Polly's!! I told them to text her that I "love these little blonde bitches." And she said it wouldn't be Polly pocket without the little blonde bitches and she's so real for that.
James held me on the couch for a little. And then I took a hot bath which helped a little bit I mostly just want to go to sleep.
James made a plan for us to go to a far away state park tomorrow. I am looking forward to being outside with them. I hope my body isn't stupid and doesn't act like it has the last couple days.
I hope you all have a great night. I hope you all feel good. Sleep well everyone!
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