#for obvious reasons....cuz wtf
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cocogum · 8 hours ago
Sipho seemed to have really liked her in season 4 😀😀😀
But the real question is, if the Elante was supposed to be the last of her kind even back in the Wakfu Era, then how the fuck did she get pregnant??? What, does her species reproduce by cell division?????????
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astranauticus · 6 months ago
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Director of the False Last Act
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katiekatdragon27 · 3 months ago
Dandy's World Roleplay servers are so wild and unhinged that it makes me come up with AUs. And yes, it's shinyshrimp. I'm so cringe <333
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So, while in the roleplay server, I got into an argument with a Shrimpo as Glisten about not being able to see proper reflections though Glisten's face. Then a Goob showed up (my sibling) and asked if Shrimpo was a vampire. Then they asked if Glisten (me) was a vampire. Then we asked the Goob if he was a vampire, and he turned emo. And then I shared this experience with my friends, and they egged me on to make an AU about it lol.
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Glisten: So. Is this the part where we make out, orrr-?? Shrimpo: WHAT??!
Dandy: No cuz it's genius! If they hate each other, that's two less annoying people to deal with! (He underestimated the power of enemies to lovers)
The general plot is Glisten is a monster hunter and Shrimpo is a human turned vampire-werewolf (he has no memory of how that happened btw). Glisten is specifically hired by Dandicus to hunt down and kill Shrimpo. Glisten manages to hunt Shrimpo down, but since Shimpo hasn't been non-human for that long, he puts up a kinda pathetic fight. Glisten puts Shimpo's arrogant ass in place and refuses to kill him so they can fight honorably. Shrimpo takes this personally lol and strives to get better at fighting so he can show up Glisten.
Badabing badaboom, enemies to lovers setup.
Dandy did not see that coming and it pisses him off lol.
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Shrimpo: I HATE YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO- Astro (to himself): WTF is up with this guy?
This was a doodle recommended by an awesome artist in a server I'm in (dunno if they wanna be tagged lol). Astro being a moon moth thing causes Shrimpo to howl at him lol. Also part of the reason Dandy dislikes Shrimpo lol. Also also, Astro is a witch.
Also also also, here's the emo Goob my sibling became when discussing vampires. He unemos when he becomes a weredog lol.
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Below is a buncha doodles all about Glisten (and his failing mental health).
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You guys know Wiggle from Bugsnax? You guys know Millie from Helluva Boss? Yeah. They were the main inspos for this design hc lol (the buck teeth part not the insecurity part).
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I have this goofy hc that Glisten's og design never intended to give him buck teeth. When being made, the ichor messed up and gave it to him. Learning about this is his first instance of feeling insecure about himself, and he develops the mannerism of covering his mouth when laughing (bc it makes his teeth really obvious lol)
And since Glisten now has buck teeth, that means Shimmer also gets buck teeth! However, her reaction to them was completely different to how her dad reacted to his.
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I have this hc that Glisten can't handle backlash that well. With the machine messing up with his face (his teeth), and his general vibe being disliked by many people of the time of Gardenview (prob bc the 90s and very queer-coded kids' character didn't exactly mix well), he feels this crippling pressure to be the "perfect" version of himself.
If he deems you lower than him, your words don't matter. He doesn't care what you think about him
However, if he views you as an equal or higher, any kind of negative opinion said to him will be taken personally, and will either be repressed into self-hatred, or actively worked upon in order to be "better" (which ends up hurting him more depending on the situation.) His need for perfecting also makes him a workaholic when in a spiral, leading him to self-isolate and just kinda hide away from everyone for a couple days, and sometimes injure himself trying to get better on his own (he has a tendency to scratch his arms and face too, only fueling his need for isolation).
He refuses to open the door and get food outside, so ppl will slide him snacks and things under the door. People still care about him, but he'll never them see him cry.
Glisten has such horrid insecurity that he will never let anyone see. However, not everything is bleak for the guy.
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Shimmer: Hey Dad! Guess what!? My teeth grew in! Now I look like you! Isn't that cool?!
She was not born with them unlike Glisten. Instead, they grew in near her "10th" birthday. She was very happy to have them. I like to think that seeing Shimmer be so happy to have a very sensitive trait of Glisten and loving every second of it helps him heal a bit of his insecurity.
After all, how can he hate a part of himself that his kid adores?
Kids don't fix everything, but they can aid in healing lol
Have a good one dudes^^
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briebysabs · 2 years ago
Across the Spider-verse spoilers///
Miguel fine af but Miles really should’ve beat his fat ass harder cuz wtf you mean calling him a mistake and blaming him for his Peter dying?? I’m sorry that pissed me off so much like Miles didn’t ask to get bit. Miles isn’t the one who made the collider, Miles didn’t bring Earth 42’s spider to his world GOD.
There’s a lot of anger, resentment, projecting and borderline envy going on. But I really liked how complex Miguel was in this movie. But some of y’all need to see he is wrong or at the very least, his way of going about things is wrong. Also explain to me why I’ve seen more hate targeted towards Gwen, someone who was conflicted the entire movie and Jess. Who should’ve stuck up for Gwen but clearly shows remorse at the end. More than Miguel bro make it make sense.
If you’re able to understand where Miguel is coming from, why can’t you also understand Gwen? Or did people straight up ignore the first 15 minutes of the movie? Like I too was disappointed with Gwen’s lying but one of the main reasons she did all this IS SO SHE DOESN’T GET SENT BACK HOME.
Where her father knows her identity and tried to arrest her. Where she currently has nowhere to live and crashes at Hobie’s place. How about we call out the adults that used that as leverage against a 16-17 year old, adults that watched it all go down too. Like people act like she had it against Miles when you see clearly that she only wants to protect him. She can’t lose another friend and obviously it backfired on her.
This is an amazing film but I’ve heard some absolutely dumb takes already. Some going as far to call Miguel racist WHICH MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. Yeah we were joking and there are obvious metaphors to the ‘Miles being a Afro-latino Spider Man backlash’ but no idiot, he doesn’t hate black people. Miles could be any race Miguel would still react the way he did.
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11queensupreme11 · 5 days ago
cú chulainn does have a favorite lowkey but because he's one of the yans who actually loves his kids, it's not that obvious. it's not like poseidon who makes it DAMN obvious that his fav kid is percy. cú chulainn's not blatant with it and it's more like "this kid's my favorite cuz she causes me the least panic" and not like "this kid is my favorite because she's the only one i love, i couldn't care less about the other worthless children" (like poseidon LMAO) 😭😭😭
since i don't have the other kids' personalities ready yet, i can't say which would be his fav
i can list out these fun facts tho:
luisne once demanded tanzania, brazil, and russia because they produce the most gemstones or certain ones that she likes. cú chulainn ACTUALLY was gonna take over those countries, but percy stopped him 💀
luisne eats with gem-encrusted utensils. she also eats with gem-encrusted bowls, plates, goblets, etc
luisne once cried because cearbhall sat on one of her tiaras and his stupid fat ass broke it. cú chulainn yelled at him 😭😭😭
her first word was "GIMME 👹" and she was pointing at some random goddess' ruby diadem. cú chulainn snatched it right off the poor lady's head so he could give it to his baby 💀 percy was not impressed
luisne has an entire floor to herself at the palace and over a hundred rooms on that floor are full of her things
she is a kleptomaniac, but not the sneaky kind 😭 if she sees something she likes, she takes it and doesn't care if anyone sees. it's hers now. people let her do it because if they try to take it back, her daddy would kill them 😭
everyone is terrified whenever her birthday comes. because percy is percy and she loves her kids, she ALWAYS celebrates her babies' birthdays every year. luisne's birthday parties are terrifying because if she doesn't like a present, cú chulainn would actually try to kill the gifter for daring to give her a "bad present" 💀
cearbhall and cú chulainn kill at least 50 servants per year because they did something luisne didn't like (didn't clean one her gems well enough, didn't prepare for her a dress she liked, etc.). the reason the number's so low is because percy is sometimes around to actually stop them 💀
when poseidon or beelzebub are nearby, she actually behaves and sticks close to her parents or siblings. this is because those two genuinely scare her 💀💀💀 they've never done anything to her so dw, but they're just TERRIFYING to be around 💀💀💀
when she was little, she ate a diamond but they didn't taste good so she decided not to eat her gems anymore
she DOES however, eat meals with edible gold leaves. all her meals henceforth have gold leaves. percy incorporates gold leaves into every meal she cooks or bakes because she knows luisne likes them 💖💖💖
when cú chulainn learned of this, he had no idea wtf that was and got her an actual leaf made of gold for her to eat and she got angry and threw it at him 😭
she doesn't like any of the luxury brands in midgard because they're too ugly and cheap for her 😂😂😂
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changbinsboobs · 4 months ago
pls do chan tea session how he views his teammates? thanks very much!
Omg y'all THIS has been the reading we've all been waiting for😭🙌🏻🙌🏻😂 i swear i couldn't stop gasping and tacking a moment after each card to gather myself cuz WTF IS ALL THIS😂😳🫣 yk i did a tea/vent reading with changbin a few weeks ago and i thought its gonna be a banger but we couldn't get one "bad word" out of his mouth - he wasn't serving AT ALL😤 and i got a bit discouraged to continue the series but im so happy i did and did it with CHAN cuz my guys's spilling so much😂 tbh idk what i think of it all and if i agree, in fact i was quite shocked at a few cuz i really did bot expect such answers and i pulled several cards as confirmation and it all pointed painfully obvious to what the first card was already showing. So im just gonna start and ya'll are gonna see foe yourselfs😂
Oh also my tea series was initially not really meant to be focused on the group but more in general but at least with the last reading with changbin i found it difficult to take such a vast field of topics and distill it so if you have suggestions on what else they could have things to vent about or tea to spill send ask. Please be specific tho about something specific that interests you / preferably with a specific member:) ok moving on
Ok not really i forgot to mention that i asked about his opinion on the members WITHOUT FILTER and leaning more on the tea side. So, very important - this is not Chan's absolute opinion on the members, but a small, "scandalous" fraction if the opinion he has build on them over the years. It doesn't mean that this is all he thinks of them - remember humans are complex beings and can have conflicting thoughts and feelings:)
Tea Series: Chan's opinion on the members
Lee Know
I was SHOCKED but he kinda thinks of him as a bit of a dumbo. Not in the sense that he really is stupid but to Chan it looks like he's just a bit out of it and there's a vibe of a whole geoup laughing about a joke that lee know doesn't get, and not necessarily cuz he's stupid, its just he doesn't care to get it😂😭 this baffles him and im actually seeing a similar energy with him regarding lee know as i did with changbin in the previous reading where Chan just feels a bit weirded out by lee know at times and just sometimes gets annoyed cuz he just doesn't understand him. Yk how people are disgusted/scared by spider no reason? This is something similar, it just icks him how he cant understand lee know. He accepts it tho, more than changbin for sure. And im feeling that its actually even charming to him sometimes. Im hearing "a genius dumbo". So yeah, they're very different apparently, and to chan lee know just seems way waaayyy out of the circle, way above it all, way to out of it and he doesn't even want to get in and that BAFFLES him so much!
This one's not hot at all, im seeing this pile along with felix's being the most melow ones. So I see that chan really sees changbin as his equal, possibly the only guy in the group he sees as one. Not in the way that others are below him but rather he's to the same level of matureness, toughness, headspace etc according to him (not that i agree😂). He views him as a bro and really enjoys spending time with him and "talking like men" or whatever its called😂 im actually seeing them going out for drinks or having late night talks with some strong alcohol (although im not really seeing chan drinking very hard i think the alcohol's more for changbin to loosen his tongue and for both of them to feel like adult men😂🙌🏻) Also another thing thats coming up which made me laugh is that chan thinks changbins bad at love and always has bad luck in it (and is kinda a simp) and he(cb) should learn a thing or two from him(chan). This gives me such huge sleepover vibes i live it so much - all of chans readings have that feeling to it and im always giggling when reading his energy😂💗 So yeah im also seeing them having lots of chats about women too🌝 and...sex👀👀👀 but for that i think it needs to be a bit deeper in the night and the bottle should be close to empty for that conversation to open. But it does, pretty often (not often like every other day but often only within their "meetings" so if they have a hangout every other months, and have had 6 this year, in 4 out of 6 this conversation happens - thats what i mean by often).
Fo hyunjin he thinks he's very impulsive and very pushy but on the inside(?). He also thinks he's very appreciation hungry and attention greedy. Not attention whore-y tho (contrary to han), but rather ifjgkkf like someone who lives for the applause. Someone who's a performer. Not only on stage but also in private. I think he thinks that hyunjin's actually a bit insecure (not the kind of looks-insecurity, but the primal one like having security in your own being and the person who you are, having trust that you got ur own back) and that he's compensating that insecurity with others validation and admiration. And if he doesn't get that or feels like he doesn't he gets spiky/prickly. And thats where his impulsivity comes up and where this pushy energy happens. He may behave normal on the outside but on the inside he's going crazy and thinking of all the ways he can fix that and if you spend time with him long enough you begin to see that eagerness and spikiness - according to chan.
According to chan he's pretty isolated and a tad bit odd. Probably thats why he gets along with lee know the best. He's also a bit infantile in chans eyes, like an annoying 12 year old fortnite little cousing that spits when he speaks and knows now personal space. Not saying hans like that - just creating a vibe to describe how he feels to chan sometimes😂 idk if nuisance is the right word but im getting the feeling that when 3racha's doing their thing, hans kind of the odd one out and he can see that han wants to belong and tries to but chan feels like he's that little cousin that wants to hang out with the cool old bros and, yeah sometimes feels liek a bit of a nuisance i would say. Cuz chan does include him, when he maybe would not. I could see that being a theme during their time in the 4/4 dorms. And here's the part i mentioned above - i think chan might view han sometimes like an attention-wh*re, making a clown of himself, and embarrassing himself quite offten to appeal to them or maybe others he fancies and wants to impress. Another thing is, that as i said he might be a bit odd and at times overexcert his boundaries? Or have weird boundaries? Like he hates when people touch his blanket or he only has to wear orange socks and if someone put the laundry and forgot one of his sock and now only one's clean he gets really pissed over nothing - stuff of that sort.
I would say thats the only pile where he had nothing "bad" to say about him and i pulled 4 cards for him cuz there had to be something - but there wasn't so i guess chan really really likes Felix and holds him in very high regards☺️ he thinks that he is muchs tronger than he looks and can defend himself and his loved ones very well. In fact i believe when chan saw this side of him he was really shocked because felix seems really sweet but when it comes to protecting what he loves he gets very fierce and that was very shocking to witness. Theres just admiration, admiration and more admiration in this reading he thinks felix has that royalty vibe to himself and really just has it all. Im getting a slight whiff of jealousy, but a friendly type of jealousy. Like he just thinks he's so amazing and sometime she wishes he were like that. He wishes he were as cool as him, as lighthearted as him, as bright and positive as him, he were as liked by him and i also feel like chan feels that stuff may often be just very effortless for felix and even if he's bad at something its still with grace. Theres this aura to felix that he can never do anything wrong and he just sometimes feels that felix has it too easy and must be really lucky or like gods favourite and thinks he must have really good karma for that.
He thinks seungmins too sharp and that his words hurt. Im also seeing lots of bickering...no actually fights. So either chan often gets the urge to just throw it all and start a fight with him or drop the manners and just tell him off - or they actually do that often. I do get the feeling that this is exaggerated in his head and that maybe to seungmin their fights aren't nearly as bad but once again i feel like chan might be holding back a lot and seungmin might'be much sharper and meaner for others than he thinks he is.
Finally the last one😮‍💨 he thinks he's a mamas boy and sees him still as a kid. That one's pretty obvious but to be honest i expected something else cuz im getting a much maturer energy from him, the other guys have said that too but still, here im getting that he's just a kid and doesnt know "of the real world", relies too much on mom and dad etc. Tbh i don't think thats the case😂 but rather that chans having a bit of a parent syndrom where he actaully feels like i.ns big bro or some sort of a parent figure or whatever and he literary watched him grow from a child to a man so i think that image of him from a few years back has stayed with chan and maybe its difficult for him to let go of that impression if i.n being still just a little kid being full of wonder, innocent and still dependant.
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isaacz · 1 year ago
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not a big piece but i really wanted to share my ideas/headcanons for omori character design's! (already apologize for any english errors, i'm writting this at 2 am on a school night help) -HEADSPACE- -My first idea was to have all of headspace characters to look like cartoons, with wompy anatomy and shapes, it's even the reason why i try my best to draw eyes in the omori style, normally i wouldn't but i think it has it's charm. If i ever animated them aswell they would just have very exaggerated movement and reactions, like old cartoons -All of the main cast has different shades of purple! except for basil and omori ofc, basil being shades of green/cyan and omori being shades of darkblue/blue (in game lore it makes completely sense why he doesn't have color but for painting+drawing purposes i made him shades of blue to make the illustrations more interesthing haha)
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Might be obvious by now but the characters have lil stars on their hairs and tips of their body parts (props to the omori fandom you guys are creative af, and mostly zipsunz cuz i got it from him) omori ofc doesn't have that BUT he does have a lil shade of dark blue that goes all the way to the end of his hands, i wanted to do that to kinda make a ref to black space, kinda like he has a part of blackspace with him at all times (also yes that hair light is supossed to be something's eye)
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-FARAWAY- -WEll if headspace characters are cartoony, then faraway characters seems more real (as real as it can get on my style at least), it's just omori characters in my original style that's it -For sunny i headcanon that he had to constantly cut his hair while in isolation cuz long hair reminded of his sister, so when i draw him i try to make the back look as shitty as possible, cuz let's be honest i don't think he would cut his hair properly... (this btw was completely taken from the amazing headcanon comic made by v3ratrix, i really liked the idea so i wanted to include on my own drawings aswell! thanks v3ratrix!) -i like to make kel's hair curly cuz.. i like him with curly hair, and since him and hero are brothers, i made hero with a bit of curly hair aswell! they also have opposite moles from each other :)
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-Since i have no idea wtf happend for Aubrey's eyes to turn blue, i like to imagine that she has to use glasses but uses contacts most of the time
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-I like to think Kel and Hero are hispanic, and Mari and Sunny japanese american ! (cuz it fits them and also KEL AND HERO SPEAKING SPANISH SUPREMACY!!) -Basil learns portuguese later on because he thinks it's funny that his name sounds like Brazil (ofc i'm going to have a self indulgent headcanon his name is literally perfect for it!) THIS IS IT FOR ALL OF MY HEADCANONS :D tysm for reading until the end, i appreciate people liking my ideas and i hope i can make proper pieces in the future, for now i'm procastinating on projects and drawings in general PLEASE make sure to check out both v3ratrix comic and zipsunz artwork that were mentioned in this post, they're very good and i don't want to take credit from stuff that i got from them alright buh bye !
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itsclydebitches · 7 months ago
Hi. Feel free to totally ignore to ignore this ask I just needed to vent to someone. Have a great day! 
I hate little. (Or somewhat now). I hate this stupid mouse that accomplished nothing for the entire volume.
They were a terrible guide, they weren't funny, they were ugly. And they didn't help Ruby at all.(honestly I would also talk for hours on how much I hated Ruby depression arc especially her breakdown but that's not important now) Hell for the most part I forgot they were even there.
And honestly I probably wouldn't care that much if it wasn't for the fact that then they try to tug our heartstrings by having Neo stomp them.
No! I don't care! This scene was already traumatic enough you seriously didn't need that!
Then they try to connect with this theme how the smallest act can impact someone's life. Which I call bias cuz the only thing Rwby did for them was to give them cheese. They tag along on their own after being lost. Ruby wanted them to leave but they insisted and that got them killed.
And it's not like the paper pleasers who were unhappy about their lives and wanted to ascend little was rather fulfilled and happy with his life. Then wtf all that was for.
Also they shouldn't have wasted an episode of rwby beyond on them.
Please vent away! :D
Little feels like such a wasted opportunity to me (if, you know, we resign ourselves to having some version of Volume 9) because:
a) I love cute familiar-like characters b) I love the fairy tale, butterfly effect lesson of 'One small act can lead to huge results, often times in ways you'll never fully understand' c) Little is the one consistent new character the group gets this Volume and thus should, by virtue of being the first they meet/the longest to hang around, the most developed and significant to the conflict.
But they're functionally useless. Worse, they're boring and (to me) annoying. Ruby helps Little get some cheese. Cute meeting! Would love to better understand why they're trying to gather food when they clearly can't do it on their own and why their tribe is otherwise engaged in hunting Blake (she barely even looks like a cat! Her ears blend into her hair and everything else is human!). Looking back, it feels like there are seeds of Little being an outsider here (why are they gathering alone when that's clearly a multi-mouse endeavor? Is it unusual for a mouse to not have a purpose at their age?), which would have helped to explain their motivation for leaving with Ruby, but as it stands it all just feels so rushed and disjointed.
In repayment for the cheese, Little agrees to be Team RWBY's guide. Great, that's very logical and helpful! Except Little spends the whole Volume engaging in a sleeping gag and reminding the girls (the viewer) that they don't actually know anything outside of their tiny territory.
They're emotionally available to Ruby when she's at her lowest? Sort of, but beyond whether you think those scenes feel forced or not (I personally do), I question why that role isn't given to someone we already care about. You all know I've got plenty to say about the previous Volume, but at least those later episodes had the wherewithal to send Yang after Ruby on the staircase. I honestly believe that part of the reason why some people are upset with Yang's response to the depression arc is not simply what she does do (compare Ruby to Ironwood, physically imply that she's siding with Blake, seemingly ignore Ruby's VERY obvious symptoms, etc.), but what she doesn't do too. By giving Ruby this new companion and trying to make Little an emotional center of the Volume, it deprives the other characters (including Ruby's sister) with that role. Granted, it could have been compelling to double-down on those feelings of alienation, culminating in Yang witnessing Ruby's suicide and regretting the choices that lead them there... but the show decided to turn Ruby's "ascension" into this supposedly feel-good moment instead.
Their death is the tipping point that sends Ruby over the edge? I admittedly like the idea. Giving us a small animal, one that many people are afraid of/find nasty, and equating it to a 'simple soul' could have helped sell the idea that all life - ALL LIFE - is precious. Hell, I wonder if it would have been better if Little was just a mouse. No talking, no magic, nothing but an (arguably) cute animal for the audience to cheer for. I can imagine a version of the dining room scene where Ruby is haunted by the people who have died, but she's also still centered enough to argue how those deaths weren't her fault, only for Neo to senselessly kill this little mouse on top of everything else. Maybe it scurries over when Ruby is beaten and bloody, gives her a little lick, something akin to a smile, this moment where she's connecting with a soul that is literally simple, and vulnerable, and doesn't care what Ruby may or may not have done because it's just another creature she's trying to protect... and then crunch comes the boot. It's a completely unnecessary act of cruelty on Neo's fault and the audience must sit with the death of an animal (something that always tugs at the heartstrings) rather than the arguable relief of being rid of Little.
Don't even get me started on their ascension. It straight up doesn't make sense and has the same kind of 'rule' structure as wishing for Penny to get a new body.
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devilsrecreation · 11 months ago
More thoughts on TLG episodes
The Savannah Summit:
First things first, major kudos to Makuu for actually being responsible and caring about what’s best for his float
You really can’t blame Kion and everyone else to be super skeptical about Makuu. I know he changed for the better, but he’s done…a lot since he beat Pua
“but to invite him to the Savannah Summit? With all these other peaceful animals?”—I hate to break it to you, Kion, but just bc an animal is an herbivore doesn’t mean they’re peaceful and friendly. If anything, it means survivor
Crocs at the Summit worked with Pua cuz everybody loves him 😎
“Makuu has more enemies than friends!”—So does Bunga lmao
The song is great. I love how everyone seems annoyed at first but near the end, it’s all 🎶Kumbaya, my lord! 🎶. Except Makuu…dude looks like he’s lowkey regretting his life choices he did NOT ask for a bs song
I’m totally on Makuu’s side. He was genuinely trying to be civil here, especially when it comes to Bupu
At least Beshte was trying to be the mediator cuz he looks at Makuu AND Bupu, Kion was just being kinda speciesist
Shut up, Bupu, you started the whole thing
Vuruga Vuruga saying “buffalo eat whatever we want” is actually pretty accurate. They, like other animals, don’t care. I read that buffalo will occasionally eat insects if it were an option. Even Twiga could sucking on a bone if she wanted to. Seriously, look it up
If Zazu had a nickel for every time a rhino used him as a chair, he’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice (great nod to the OG movie)
Rafiki is such a mood “not the official painting” you old ass gremlin/aff
I remember Athena P criticizing Simba for blaming Kion about ruining the Summit after Makuu understandably leaves and I agree. Wtf Simba he’s 10. Go easy on him, come on 😭
The part that irks me the most is that when Mufasa asks “What has Makuu done to make you think this way?”, Kion says “Nothing, really”. BRO WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘NOTHING REALLY’?! I understand Mufasa meant what Makuu has done today but there are a LOT of things Makuu’s done in the past that Kion should have told his grandpa. In fact, here’s a whole list:
-Taking over Big Springs when he became leader, resulting in all the animals to scatter
-Challenging kids to fight
-Taking over the flood plains
-Trying to eat Basi which would have been just him being a crocodile if not for the fact that the reason is so he wouldn’t have to follow any rules (says so on the wiki)
-TAKING NALA HOSTAGE (seriously did Simba even KNOW about that? Did Nala or Kion bother to tell him?)
-Generally being a dick to animals
Makuu I know you did nothing wrong in this episode, but you can’t blame Kion for acting this way
I’m not placing any blame on Mtoto. He’s a good boy and all he did was tell the guard what he heard and that’s it
Twiga and Vuruga Vuruga coming up with the trap doesn’t surprise me. Cape buffalo are actually really vengeful irl so it makes sense how she wanted to teach Makuu a lesson. They ain’t called “Black Death” or “Widow Maker” for nothing
It’s cool how Makuu took the prank well. Respect.
Wonder how Makuu felt about animals fighting over him lmao?
Let Sleeping Crocs Lie
Once again this episode would be VERY different if my oc Piga was still alive
Kiburi has a right to be mad. I’m not excusing what he does later in the episode but I’d be pissed too if someone woke me up
Okay but Nduli sleeping next to Kiburi is adorable. Adds to my hc how close they are
Serious question: Why exactly can’t the crocs go back to sleep after they’ve been woken up? The obvious answer is bc it drives the plot forward, but is it true in actual crocodiles? I kinda wanna know the scientific reason
Good on Makuu for going the pacifism route. He’d really do anything for his float
Love how Kiburi was like “Yeah yeah, whatever you say” but the second Makuu left, he was like “ANARCHY!”
Idk if any of you caught this, but when Ushari’s like “we reptiles will rule the pridelands under your leadership, right?” Scar actually hesitated before going “sure bud”. That makes me think he was going to betray Ushari the moment he and his army get rid of Simba and the Lion Guard
Crocs really DO need a lot of water, otherwise their lives are on the line. Makuu was really more concerned than upset
“KIBURI! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”—Fighting a child, what’s it look like
Side hc: I like to think something similar happened with Pua, Piga, and Kujivunia. Pua saw Piga antagonizing some poor young animal and he was all “Piga! What in the Pridelands do you think you’re doing?” and Kujivunia (who happened to be there), with her typical sarcasm was like “Performing a dance number, Pua 🙄”
There go the skinks again. Njano with his cuteness and Shupavu…doing her best Grinch face
“At least you’ll be close to all your friends!”Awww Beshte trying to be positive 🥺
Kiburi saying “we crocs deserve better!” brings me back to my hc that Kiburi had good intentions (again, until further in the episode), he just went about it the wrong way. He’s almost like an activist in a way. He’s not trying to be selfish, he just wanted a better watering hole. Now going as far as to rule the Pridelands…..yeah too far
The background crocodiles who were like 😦 when Kiburi called for the mashindano are so me. I’m the one going “Ooooooh shit!”
Still not getting over that super gay conversation between Kiburi and Ushari
Nduli looks so derpy I love him
Lmao Nduli just gave up like “Fuck it you win”
Love the parallels of Makuu pinning down Kiburi like he did to Pua
Kiburi, I love you but what the hell did you expect? You literally confessed to like 500 animals about your plan and then you get surprised when Simba and Makuu banish you? What did you think was gonna happen? You got way too cocky, I swear
Saying this again, Tamka and Nduli looked worried/traumatized when they were exiled
“Now you’re calling me a reptile?”—My love, you ARE a reptile. I thought crocodiles were supposed to be smart omg
Kiburi’s actually showing emotion for the first time
Full disclosure: “I have a plan” is mediocre at best. It has nothing on Be Prepared. That being said, I love Kiburi’s “Aiight I’m in” smile
That’s pretty much it. Maybe I’ll do more in the future
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zeherili-ankhein · 5 months ago
I love how Mitra challenges the way we typically see Asuras cuz Mitra is an Asur (atleast in the Vedic times) but he's also a Sun deity whose physical features deter from every single stereotype an Asur is faced with.
I love when Asurs in myths aren't the stereotypes we see in modern adaptations (which also lowkey give me racist/colorist vibes lmao)
LMFAO no but I like to imagine there are enough deities who'd somewhat act like the Asurs, like Varuni for sure because of obvious reasons.
Also personal headcanon, but I imagine the Devtas and Asurs to not be too much different in looks, like yeah there are differences ofcourse like maybe the teeth or eyes or something but at the end all of them looks pretty much normal.
Mitra is the epitome of that I mean XD he looks like Sura but acts like an Asura lol
I know those modern day adaptations would cry if the ACTUALLY go through them properly.
There are so many Asurs who were like GOOD like actually good. And like it's not even that hard to potray 😭😭
Shachi is an Asur and she's one of the Matrikas, some of the most important Goddesses. And people are out there making all the Asurs villains 🤌🤌
The racist thing is so true omgggg they pretend as if the Asurs are some foreign people all evil and bad looking like WTF DO YOU ALL FORGET THE DEVTAS AND ASURAS ARE BROTHERS LEGIT BROTHERS.
It pisses me off so much ksjshshsbddv smh
Anyways all that matters is Mitra is the middle ground between Asurs and Devtas sksjdhdhd
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xoluvdia · 1 month ago
no fr like idk everything abt the ban but it's so obvious it was to get gen z & younger ppl to like trump cuz he “saved" tiktok r whatever but isn't he the reason it was getting banned in the first place?? likeee it’s so dumb
no way they said “president trumps efforts” pls wtf that’s embarrassing. I swear he’s not even the president yet??
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so embarrassing, sad, cringe, gross .. the list goes on.
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tainted-liquor · 1 year ago
this was specifically requested BY Bree, so here we go🤷🏽‍♀️
“Hood Princess” bree
For starters, I wanna just get a little background info out the way before I do anything. Bree is Bahamian, says she doesn’t experience racism, and its v likely that she has never lived outside of the Bahamas. The official language of the Bahamas is English and Haitian Creole, as many people of Haitian decent LIVE on the island. Haitian Creole derived from FRENCH, lets keep this in mind.
so first I wanna address Bree’s ignorance/marginalization of Caribbean people.
In the DC server I said “maldito mamaguevo” right after having a disagreement over…this message
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I thought it was obvious this was in a playful/joking manner, but maybe she took this as a personal attack/accusation. I would just like to say that if I suspected Bree abt this anon (which I didn’t because she had Honey BLOCKED for some reason during this), I wouldn’t have made a joke abt it. Not sent the SS to her. I would’ve made a mental note of it and kept it pushing.
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When Bree first sent this message I was confused, because as you know I have Dominican family. I speak Dominican Spanish, and generally only rlly know Dominican slang that I’ve learned from my brother and his side of the family. So obvi I was confused because Bree makes it known she’s very much Bahamian, so I googled what language the Bahamas speaks and if it’s anything like Dominican Spanish !
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As you can see, they don’t speak Spanish…so what was the point of saying “I’m Caribbean I know what this means?” Anyone can be Caribbean…White black Asian Latino. If you’re born in the Caribbean you’re Caribbean…so why does this equate to her speaking spanish?
so naturally i went to Dalia abt it cuz even tho I myself could feel this was iffy, I wanted to ask someone else who is more submerged in Dominican culture. And Dalia said this felt iffy, because she has marginalized the Caribbean before and hopped between different dialects that are…not her own! Like Jamaican patois
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But besides that, lets address another issue w Bree before we dive into her history of supporting a miles smut writer.
As some of you may know, Bree used to refer to herself as a “hood princess” and used PLENTYYYYY of AAVE and african american culture in her works…lets break this down rq
Bree has earned herself a reputation as a rather aggressive and obnoxious blogger, doing absolutely nothing but fighting w gwiles Stans and “speaking her mind” abt things nobody really paid any attention to. She said she was a pale “natural blonde” girl (I haven’t seen shawty so idk wtf she looks like)
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So why does she run around claiming the title of a “hood princess” when she 1, did not grow up in an American hood, and 2, is probably white passing from her own mouth?
for black children who grew up in the hood, you know it’s nothing to brag about. It’s a low income neighborhood, a “bootleg” version of a neighborHOOD. Hence the name. It’s an incomplete neighborhood.
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When I had a general discussion w her about the fetishization of African American culture a week ago, she seemed mad avid to defend making the hood be your whole personality..trying to justify it by saying it “makes you think and act a certain way” which is v true! However I’ve never once tried to make myself into a sexxyred “hood princess” js cuz I grew up in a low income area. She even agreed that african american culture was fetishized, so I’m so confused as to why she was offended by my post yesterday?
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So as to why she’s mad…idk. When I’ve talked to her abt this issue before, and I’ve literally just taken the issue online this time as a black creator
now let’s move on to Bree’s ableism☠️
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I got her so mad she tried to tell me I was “half a chromosome away from a learning disability”…ok!!
But besides that, lets talk about her defending Anika!
So this summer, a popular creator by the name Anikaluv made a fic where miles had readers…nudes in his phone😭
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Children should not be sending, keeping, or taking nudes of themselves or anyone else. Wether that’s 14, 15, 16, 17. Just DON’T! It’s illegal, and this fic glosses over the fact that it’s a disgusting crime. Not only that, but miles mother SEES the readers nudes…so😭
Bree immediately took to defend Anika, showing her support for her and saying if we keep complaining we won’t have anything to read☠️☠️
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When this is Anika…and Bree DEFENDING Anika
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Anika also wrote about the reader buying miles a thong?? At 15?? You don’t ���read miles smut” but you sure read anikas work !
FYI…Anika was going to write about Reader and miles GRINDING in said lingerie. And Anika said she despises miles smut, and so did you! But at the end of the day that doesn’t change what you said
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Here’s the screenshot you wanted ms. “People are gonna do what they do”
mouthful, but there we go
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certified-pinkwasher · 2 months ago
anyway i watched season 2 of squid game and i gotta say. WHY IS EVERY SHOW I LIKE RELEASING A NEW SEASON WITH A DEEPLY UNSATISFYING ENDING WITHIN A MONTH????????
this is lowkey killing any excitement for future tv shows cuz wtf is all this?????? arcane ends on jinx "dying" with obvious but still not explicit signs she survived and with everyone being all happy with the cops, the dragon prince basically spent the whole season focusing on interpersonal relationships and pushed off the serious conflict (how to trap aaravos forever again) for another 3 seasons that might never come, and now squid game ended what felt like 20 minutes early, immediately after the climax without giving literally any time for aftermath, which would suck in a much faster paced show but with how slow it feels like squid game is just feels like they couldnt figure out a reason to leave our main character alive but also didnt want to kill him in case they can squeeze another season out of him
idk im just so damn disappointed. literally all 3 of these were So well built up tension wise and got me really emotionally invested in these characters and they all dropped the ball to varying levels.
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cobrasx · 2 months ago
Me siento PÉSIMO, creo que lo único que me puede hacer sentir mejor es UNA RESPUESTA TUYA A MIS PREGUNTAS PREGUNTOSAS QUE MANDO UN SÁBADO A LAS 3 DE LA MAÑANA 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣
Ajam, como sea, yo te dije que te quería hacer más preguntas. Firmaste tu condena MUAJAJAJAJAJJAJAA
• ¿Cuál es tu episodio favorito? ¿Por qué?
• ¿Qué episodio no te gusta? ¿Por qué?
• Headcanon de algún personaje
Eso sería todo, gracias 💙💙💙
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HAVE NO FEAR PESCADITO I GOTCHU BRO (i say, contractually obligated)!!! JOKING LIKE THE JOKLER OFC I LUV UR ASKS PAN TRUST <333 i would have responded so much sooner but i really had to sit and think for these ones HELP AHAHHSHHSHHAHS BEFORE ANYTHING!!! i hope ur doing great gurl!! im so very happy to hear from u, i gen hope ur feeling better! remember to HYDRATE!! NOW ON WITH THIS THANG
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¿Cuál es tu episodio favorito? ¿Por qué?
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i thought there was no other media that could possibly make me worse. then i watched dtmg phantom of the popera... i love this ep sm n im sure this is on many other ppl's s-tier lists too. funniest concept ever - billy having one-sided beef with a child - but honestly there's so much to pick apart here. we got this new superstar sensation that bjc actively wants to sabotage. WHY?? CAUSE HES MAD INSECURE BUT ITS OKAY ITS OKAY SHHSHSHHSHHHHHHH. billys over here taking things too personally, probably thinking that the world will just move on to some other dude, and he cant let that happen cuz he's THE billy joe cobra!! debatably the most influential man of all time! hellooo!? u cant just MOVE ON from that! n u certainly cant cover his super goated songs into steaming dog pile oblivion (ALLEGEDLY.) n it gets to a point. BJCs breaking point. obviously spencer doesn't wanna b on the cobra enemy list and attend the jtt concert. they already experienced a fallout after the mess that was the bjc museum - BUT I MEAN MALLORYS THERE AND ITS NOT LIKE HES GOING FOR JTT,,,, SO MMMMMAYBE HE CAN KEEP IT ALL UNDER WRAPS?? he doesn't. he feels terrible breaking bjcs trust, he feels terrible if he's the one at fault for their second and potentially last do-all end-all fallout. BUT YKW? BJC PULLS THRU. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 OUR MAN PULLS THROUGH YALL 'CAUSE IF THERES ANYTHING MORE IMPORTANT THAN HIS PRIDE ITS HIS LOVE FOR HIS LITTLE BROTHER. so willing to set his ego aside for his lil bro and damn dawg i LOVE THAT OMLLLLL IM HEAD OVER HEELS FOR THIS BITCH IM LITERALLY SQUEALING AND KICKING MY FEET AT FREQUENCIES BEYOND MAN'S COMPREHENSION. and the way he says honeyyyy? WITH SO MUCH SOFTNESS???? BABE WHAT A BBBAAAAABBBBEEEEEEE!! THERE HAS NEVER BEEN SMTH SO ATTRACTIVE IN A GHOST BEFORE BBBBBBRRRUUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHH SO VERY DOWN BAD I WANNA KISS A TRAIL FROM HIS WRIST UP TO HIS SHOULDER HES SO BEAUTIFUL, MY HEART IS GLOWING, IT'D BE GLOWING 'CAUSE HE! OH MY, OH MY GOD! 예상했어 나 I WAS REALLY HOPING THAT HE WILL COME THROUGH OH MY, OH MY GOD! 단 너뿐이야 ASKING ALL THE TIME ABOUT WHAT I SHOULD DO 너와 나  we do not talk abt hoover.
we do, however, talk abt how buck was so ready to beat a bitch up for assaulting his guest <3333
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Qué episodio no te gusta? ¿Por qué?
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"the sleepover", i feel, is dtmg at its worst. things happen, but there isn't a pay off. the episode wants to treat the plot as some convoluted mystery, but nothing actually leads anywhere. hoover was here until he wasn't; i don't think it would've mattered at all if he wasnt included in the ep. his existence just prolongs the reveal,, N THATS IT LMAOAOA. its obvious that hoover had nothing to do with billys "disappearance", but we follow the kids trying to uphold their end of a non-existent deal for.... NO REAL REASON ACTUALLY. that whole thing w ponzi and lorenzo happens, BUT WHAT PURPOSE DID PONZI SERVE IN ALL THIS LIKE HOOVER GOT HIS 30 DOLLARS YEAH N HE BOOKED IT BUT CRASHED N WTF WHAT WAS IT ALL FOORRRRRRR. HE WAS NEVER ACTUALLY GONNA GET ENOUGH MONEY TO LEAVE MADAME X AND START A PUPPY DRESSUP BUSINESS BFFR. DOES HE THINK HE'S IN A SHOW WHERE CHANGE SHAKES UP THE STATUS QUO??? WHAT IS HE?!?! DELUSIONAL!?!??! HOOVER BABY PLEASE!!!!😓😓😓 WHY DID WE EVEN FOLLOW THIS PLOT THREAD WE GAINED ABSOLUTELY NOTHING-- IT WAS A WASTE OF TIME!!! n it's such a huge BUH BUH BUMMER bc with the resolution in mind - when they finally find out the WHY of billy going m.i.a. - it becomes more apparent that this could have been such an enjoyable episode had they gone for making everything take place during the school dance. SUCH A MISSED OPPORTUNITY. YALL HAD THE ASSETS, WE COULD HAVE DONE SMTH NEW!!! DELICIOUSLY NEW!!! AND WHILE IM AT IT, DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY GAF ABT PONZI AND HIS STUPID ASS PIGEON?? PONZI GETS A PASS I GUESS IK THERES AT LEAST ONE PONZI ENJOYER IN THIS FANDOM BUT THE PIGEON? WE CANT KEEP PROPER CONTINUITY IN THIS SHOW, BUT WE GET TO KEEP THE PIGEON?????? THE PIGEON?????????????? THE ONLY THING SAVING THIS EPISODE FROM TOUCHING THE FIERY PITS OF DOOMED WRITING IS BILLY JOE COBRA NIBBLING ON A SLICE OF PEPPERONI PIZZA. THE SLEEPOVER?? MIGHT AS WELL HAVE BEEN CALLED THE SNOOZFEST - i say, rationally and calmly and
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Headcanon de algún personaje?
YOU WANT TO ASK ME ABOUT MY DTMG CHARACTER HEADCANONS?!?!?!?! IVE BEEN WAITING YEARS FOR SOMEONE TO ASK ME ABOUT MY DTMG CHARACTER HEADCANONS!!!!!!! HANG ON, I HAVE A MODEL!!! no but seriously omigosh im so stoked!! id love love LOVE to talk abt hugh wright especially. AND I WILL!!!
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this isn't even an original hc, but it's a narrative that im choosing to believe n abide by cuz it feels so (W)RIGHT! from what i remember, dating way wayyyy back to "spencer spooks", hugh was apparently a rockstar pre- and post- the family move. since theres no indication that hugh has associated w this lifestyle in dtmg, i decided to settle for a little twist that i think exists in another spencer property. that being he's a former rocker, now retired. pretty much, he left that whole situation behind him, turning over a new leaf n all that- opting to take on the responsibility of being a proper father to his kid (kids* later on) than pursuing a now dead dream. besides, there are other creative outlets to explore, and he, for one, loves to tinker around w things!
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there's this episode that mentions how he was a former cheerleading coach. we had no context for this prior to this episode, but i don't necessarily want to ignore that (even if it WAS just mentioned for the sake of one episode). i figure that the whole cheerleading bit also happened while jane was pregnant - a profession more stable in terms of income, but not quite. getting a degree in accounting was that last resort. that, and i also just REALLY REALLY like the idea of "gravity's rainbow" being a stunt that had originated from his past performances. IM TAKING IN HUGH LORE A LITTLE TOO SERIOUSLY HE SAID SMTH ABT MOVING BACK TO COW COUNTRY BRUH WHAT HAVENT YOU DONE BYE
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jane was also a rockstar in the show's prior concepts i think, but uhhh i highkey fw the idea that jane was hugh's former groupie turned hairstylist. they fell in love, obvi, and rather than forego her hobby, she just stuck true and blue with it n ultimately decided to make that her career.
this is such a scatterbrained jumbled mess so im just gonna drop bullet notes in nonsensical order AHHAHAHHSHAHH
. hugh was an underground hard rocker w a few close friends as his bandmates - their bond now rendered a distant memory. he used to live life on the road, jamming from one open venue to another. he was the lead guitarist, certainly no jimi hendrix. anyone within earshot of his sound, n those w even an ounce of sense, could tell he was no disciplined guitarist. he loved to play, and when he played, he played LOUD w a voice to boot. he wrote songs occasionally, and they were pretty straightforward. his lyrics weren’t exactly “highbrow” either, far from it. they were mostly just about how he felt at that moment in time - very "youth rebellion" where either nothing mattered anymore or everything did. he wasn't all too concerned with selling those lyrics out, though. . hugh never really drew in much of a crowd with his music. it didnt warrant a complete audience, not exactly. maybe rounded up a few enjoyers here and there, but none of them were really any dedicated (save for a very enthusiastic red head who kept appearing at every one of his shows). as with his eccentric personality, he never much minded any of that. music for him was just a form of expression. sure, he dreamed big, but it was never about being signed into a label or appealing to people. moreover, he HATED labels and in concept, their controlling nature. . spencer and jessica are completely unaware of their father's past. hugh and jane didnt have a specific reason for not telling them about what they were up to way back when. i have it in mind that at some point, they'd probably mention it through some offhand comment w the excuse that "it just never came up!" . hugh never burned his songs into cds, or any tapes for that matter. a shame, now that his kids would rather much have their hands on audible proof rather than rambunctious nights captured in cheap little polaroids. he'd comment that it had never occurred to him at the time, but jane chimes in. she's got it all covered in a camcorder, stored who knows where, but as far as she knows it's definitely in their home somewhere. a search party montage later they find it, but they can hardly make out the static being recorded - yet another shame. he confesses he still has his guitar, something he could never bring himself to part ways with, and he's asked if he remembers the chords, lyrics - anything. he does, vaguely, but for his family, well, he figures he can come up with something on the spot. that's how he worked after all! (it's certainly something. music? debatable. jane falls in love all over again. as for the kids? opinions are mixed, but one thing is for sure: their dad is pretty cool. a certain ghost seems to agree.) . i hc that the rest of the wrights would eventually be introduced to billy proper. theyd b able to see him - the whole nine yards! i saw this little doodle of dirk n the old man, and im a SUCKER for these kinds of thingssss i dunnooo. im ALSO a sucker for the ppl around billy influencing him for the better, and i can totally see hugh playing a part in potentially inspiring billy to do just that in the hugh-est way possible. i picture them mindlessly jamming together freestyle; bonding over their shared love and appreciation for music not just as an outlet, but as an entity- to reconnect w it by any n every intrinsic means necessary. It's a long way's home from "perfect". composed solely on improv n zero structure, its disorderly at best, but it helps in breaking the habit of having to constantly perform for someone to performing for absolutely no one at all. a sound no one else will hear: an art for no one! its hardly ever that serious with these these two, and ykw that's okay! they get each other. they're on their own little wave-length :)
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. before i call this post quits, there's this one scene that i like to perceive in a specific way. in axe maniac, there's this flashback - a christmas with the wright's and their little spence. one of the wrapped gifts is a guitar, and ik it may seem reasonable to believe that it was given to spencer on billy's behalf, but me personally, i like to think that the gift was from hugh !! as enthusiastic as he was to introduce spence to the world of music, his boy did not end up picking up after him. doesnt matter! it's not in hugh's nature to force this kind of thing onto him. he's always been supportive of spencer's hobbies no matter how peculiar, and if there's one thing that makes him happy and connected enough, it's their shared moments being captured through the lense of his son's camera <333
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thank you so much again for giving me the opportunity to ramble almost endlessly abt dtmg!!! another message in your inbox is closer than u think. BEWARE <33333
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11queensupreme11 · 1 year ago
In your Loki is Percy’s mother AU, Thor is one of her love interests (if not the main love interest). So I would like to know what his reaction would be to Percy’s relationship with Anthonius. Forgive me for this, but it’s just that Thor is one of my most favorite characters in Record of Ragnarok, and I found the other yanderes jealousy of Anthonius extremely funny.
even as a yandere, i don't see thor as the type to get jealous.......... right away 😏
this guy would be head over heels over percy, but it wouldn't be obvious. he'd be like 😐 on the outside, but 🥰 on the inside whenever percy's around. he is a TOTAL SIMP, but he only ever focuses on percy. anthonius who?
it would be LOKI who tells him about anthonius, but in true loki fashion, he'd paint anthonius as some perverted lecher who's desperate for percy's heart to trigger thor's protective instincts. thanks to loki's lies, thor is now wholly convinced that anthonius is a threat that he needed to get rid of 💀
thor is still (somewhat) reasonable, so rather than going for the kill right away, he'd talk to percy about his concerns (we love a communication king! 😍). percy, naturally, would go "wtf???" cuz anthonius is NONE of those things and she'd try to tell him that loki was lying to him, but that would just make thor think "oh no 🥺 my beloved's been brainwashed! 😭 i MUST save her 😡"
and that's how anthonius got onto yet another god's shit list 💀
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wisecrackingeric-2 · 1 year ago
Idk if you've done it before but got any serenedy hcs?👉👈
Edit: this turned into a glorified fanfic but sssssssssshhuddup
. Luis is Like one of those dogs who are really massive but don’t realise they’re massive so they try to be lap dogs and all you can do is just sit there and accept it. You know the dogs right. Yeah that’s Luis to me; he’s tall and he’s lanky and he’s 95% limbs and he INSISTS on sitting on Leon’s lap or being the little spoon and Leon lets him every single time no matter how uncomfortable it is
. They’re both Transgender Capcom actually told me so but also I think it’d be hilarious if Leon was pre-top surgery when he went on that initial mission and first met Luis so when he tells him Luis is like “??????????????YOUVE BEEN RUNNING AROUND HIS ENTIRE TIME WITH A BINDER ON?????? WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU??????????????”
. They take their t-shots together (Capcom told me so)
. Leon goes out of his way to find the specific and exact brand of cigarettes Luis likes even though they’re really expensive and hard to find (this isnt even a headcannon the brand of cigarettes he smokes in-game are E X P E N S I V E )
. Luis would ABSOLUTELY be disabled if he DID survive the knife to the back cuz speaking from a family members experience there is NO WAY he’d be walking again with a giant hole in his spine like that
. So when Luis first started using a wheelchair and moved in with Leon at first in the mornings when they’d both just get up and Leon would be getting ready for work, Luis would always ask Leon to crouch down so he could fix his suit collar, and for the first few times alone would wave him off (classic I-can-do-it-myself Leon) but after a couple times Luis explained that being able to help Leon even with something small like that gives him a sense of agency that he’s lost so Leon immediately apologised and now every morning it’s a habit for Leon to wake up, get his suit on, and crouch down in front of Luis to let him fix the collar up (and give him a kiss on the cheek)
. They both have really weird work scheduled so most of the time Luis will stay up in the labs until midnight meanwhile Leon has a super early start but their lunch breaks line up so that they get a few hours in the afternoon to spend together, and usually that just involves them sleeping away in their shared bed hdbehdbdhdnxhxn
. Leon is one to pick Luis up from the labs (because he’s the only one with a legal licence dhbshdbshdnd) and Luis usually finishes an hour or so earlier than him so he waits at the door for Leon like a little kid and he gets super excited every single time when he sees him in the doorway no matter how many times they’ve done this BDBSHDBDHD
. I’ve said rhis before and I’ll say it again. Luis sleeps starfish style. He has every limb thrown over Leon at all times and he always somehow ends up on the floor in the mornings
. Luis buys Leon new jackets all the time. Which like. Yknow. SOUNDS cute on paper. Except he’s using Leon’s credit card cuz he doesn’t have one HXNHWNWUSNSIZMS
. Leon keeps a photo of Luis in his pocket whenever he’s on missions. Yknow. For reasons.
. Leon brought Luis a brand new copy of Don Quixote when they first moved in and as a joke Luis asked Leon to read it to him but then it became a tradition every night except Leon is a REAAAAALLYYY slow reader and he has a BAAAAD reading voice like he struggles to get through a sentance out loud and Luis finds it SO so so endearing he encourages Leon to do it more often
. Luis is allergic to cats, and he’s also not much of a dog person (for obvious reasons) but he’d LOVE to have a pet of some kind someday
. Also I will keep spreading this propaganda but Luis IS A HORSE BOY LUIS IS A HORSE BOY AND HED LOVE TO TEACH LEON HOW TO RIDE
. Luis really likes feeding birds outside and it gives Leon an excuse to slow down and chill out so he does it with him whenever he can
. Also spreading my propaganda that Leon can’t cook. What did he eat before he met Luis? God knows. Chris found him raiding his fridge for pieces of cheese multiple times. Now Luis always makes sure to cook Leon a big nice breakfast and dinner no matter how much leon insists he doesn’t have to
. Also a self indulgent headcannon that Luis is a wee bit of an artist. He learnt how to do quick realistic sketches of anomalies during his time with Umbrella so every now and then when Leon’s off in his own world doing work at the table or just staring out the window Luis will do tiny lil sketches of him just to admire him. But he’d never admit that to leon he’s way too shy HCSHNESHSNHS
. Leon isn’t very good at audibly asking for attention or phsyical contact, so the two of them have come up with a system where Leon will wrap his arms around Luis’ waist or shoulders and Luis will immediately know that he wants a cuddle for whatever reason. He doesn’t pry, either; he knows that sometimes Leon just has Bad Days and needs some physical support and to feel wanted
. Leon pretends to not know how to smoke a joint just so Luis will teach him and baby him through it. He gets all clingy when he’s high ok
. I don’t think Luis would still be religious after a l l t h a t BDNEHENHEJS but I Imagine he still prays every now and then just for some comfort and he always asks Leon to sit with him while he does for some support
. Pulling this straight from my own fanfic but I think Luis would propose to Leon with one of his own rings BXNEHENEHENE and they would DEFINITELY get married with literally zero witnesses just for themselves too
. Luis forced Leon to get a car cuz he’s scared shitless of motorcycles
. Leon always helps massage Luis’ back whenever his pain is flaring up
. Leon is secretly a lot clingier than Luis and cries to himself whenever they have to be apart for whatever reason he is a big crybaby to M E
. Luis likes swimming cuz it helps his chronic pain and Leon sucks up his fear of big open waters for him HSHEHENEHDNDJ
. Luis is very very proud of his appearance and so him showing up all messy for Leon is a lil act of love <<33
. Also they accidentally steal each others clothes all the time and they look ridiculous
. Finally, this is FULLY self-Indulgent, but I do think Luis would wanna be a dad someday. Idk about Leon, but I think Luis still truly does look up to his Grandfather and wants to be the same kind of man he was and raise a kid of his own and see that kid grow and not have to abandon him the same way his Grandfather did (And I think Leon would share similar emotions too)
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