#for my Davidism folks
spooksicl-e · 5 months
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he was a man of habits, narrow and concentrated habits, and i had become one of them… i was a whetstone for his mind. i stimulated him.
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xoxoemynn · 3 months
Seeing David Jenkins retweet so many posts of fans sharing how OFMD helped them embrace their authentic selves, knowing that he probably read every single one of those tweets... man, I'm just weeping.
I'm so glad he knows we didn't disappear with the cancellation.
I'm so glad he knows to many of us, it was never "just a show."
I'm so glad he knows how grateful we are for all that he gave us.
The genuine, profound impact he had on so many lives — helping them understand that it's never too late, that there will be people who love you for who you are and for all of your parts, that hope is a beautiful thing meant to be cherished — cannot be overstated.
I hope that love and gratitude takes some of the sting of cancellation away. And I hope he carries it with him always.
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swiftzeldas · 7 months
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The X-Files 8.20: Essence
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
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"Can't wait to see you lose" "Goodnight from me and my favorite loser"
Move along. Nothing to see here...
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efingcod · 4 months
I have a Black Ops 2 playthrough going while I work and I actually forgot a lot. I played through it so quickly 3 years ago and haven't played it again because 😭 (also I'm not looking forward to the strike force missions). But damn.
But I'm also getting a little mad. Because if you think Woods is stupid and or impulsive yeah you haven't played this game. You haven't even watched a playthrough. You haven't even touched it.
I knew I was right. I internalized his characterization but forgot about specific moments. But there's SO MUCH solid evidence in this game (also in BO1 which I have played multiple times, it's my favorite ok?).
I don't want to write an essay but I MIGHT.
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Took these from Hollow's playthrough (that's why he's there). But I think this has me motivated to pick up Black Ops 2 even though I'm BIG SAD about the canon ending. So I'll take my own pics then.
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the-fandom-finder · 2 months
This is the last time I’m gonna be talking about this for a little bit on here unless something big happens but today I was looking through the comments on a video about good omens, and no one seem to know about the allegations. It’s very disheartening that no big new source has taken this up. The only way most people know this is by being in fandom circles or online a lot or even just in the book scene. I mean, I know he’s a popular figure but even then I’ve still seen people much bigger than him at least get an article about an allegation against them, even if those articles are very condescending. At the very least more than a single conservative news organization in Britain alone should be talking about this. I don’t know. I think this is just more important than going after a cis woman boxer, who would just was good at her job. This added with the fact that not single person that I have personally seen that has worked with him in the past or present has said anything. I’m just saying this is messed up and just all around and weird. 
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dreameroftheblue · 10 months
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mentally I am chewing on him like a stim toy
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baura-bear · 1 year
Ok it may not be Thursday where I am (it is in fact 6pm on Wednesday) BUT it’s Thursday in the land of @ftm-megamind so of course HAPPY JAVID THURSDAY!!!!
Ignore the fact that I obviously just got done crying (thank u @noxexistant for prompting the autistic Davey chat 🫡) this is the surprise… part 1 (the hell site won’t let me post 2 videos on one post)
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thunderbone · 1 month
David Bowie and Peter Schilling's Major Tom
English Hi guys, today I decided to share with you a series of fanarts that I've made over the years. In 1969, David Bowie released Space Oddity, one of the best songs of his musical career. The song is about an astronaut named Major Tom who went to space but never returned to Earth. After the song's resounding success, Bowie decided to continue using his character in other songs, such as Ashes to Ashes, Hallo Spaceboy and Blackstar. In 1982, Peter Schilling released Major Tom (Coming Home), a song that made him world famous, becoming an even bigger success than Space Oddity. The song is a reinterpretation of Space Oddity, where astronaut Major Tom manages to return to Earth, providing a happy ending for Bowie's character. Yes, both singers used the same character in their songs and after Schilling's song was released, several other singers also ended up using Bowie's character in their songs, either reinterpreting one of his songs, or telling a new story for the character and so on. Schilling's music really marked my childhood and remains one of my favorite rock songs, but Bowie's music is certainly an absolute classic, being a bubblegum song that keeps playing in my mind because it's so catchy, It's also one of my favorite rock songs. Anyway, in 2019, I made the first fanart of these two singers, in which they are representing Major Tom wearing astronaut clothes.
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Furthermore, this was also one of the first drawings I outlined before painting and as you can see, the outline is very crooked, horrible hahaha Not to mention the poorly done painting right lol In 2020, I made the second fanart of David Bowie and Peter Schilling. It was supposed to be a realistic drawing, but everything went wrong LMFAO
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Think about an ugly drawing, it's definitely one of the worst drawings I've ever done in my entire life… Like, look at David Bowie, I was supposed to aim at him but I ended up getting right on Kevin Bacon XD
In 2021, I made the third fanart. It was the second time I tried to make a realistic drawing of David Bowie and Peter Schilling, but this time it was a thousand times better than the previous fanart, which was already shit.
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I'm not very good at making realistic drawings, but this drawing here is good for a beginner. And this was the last fanart I made of these two singers in 2023.
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I had the idea of doing a redraw/remake of the first fanart, but instead of doing an anime drawing, I decided to use my "semi-realistic" style, a style that reminds me of comic books. In addition to drawing Bowie and Schilling, I also had the idea of drawing two furry characters to represent them, so I decided to draw two characters from Lackadaisy: Zib and Joey. After I made this fanart, I really wanted to paint, but my painting is very simple (it's as if a child had painted all my drawings) and I wanted a really cool painting, a well-done painting, you know. Even a friend of mine who does amazing digital arts was going to paint my drawing, but unfortunately she couldn't do it because she was very busy. Almost a year later, I was finally able to find someone who was available to paint my drawing, which in this case is Camila Vytória. This isn't the first time we've done a collab together, as we've done other collabs since 2022, where I drew and she painted the drawing. She is a super talented artist who makes realistic art and watercolor paintings, as well as being a very nice and kind person. After she painted my fanart, I saw that she made a small mistake. She painted Joey using the wrong color LMFAO Despite that, I had the idea that this cat was no longer Joey, now he's my new OC. Then meet Cosmo, a feline astronaut who loves traveling and adventuring through space. I still don't know if he'll be a Lackadaisy OC or a completely original character with no connection to this comic, but I'm still thinking about it. Thank you very much for doing another collab with me, you don't know how grateful I am for that. Seriously, I really loved the painting of this drawing, it was incredibly beautiful ❤️ If you want to see her work, click here: https://www.instagram.com/vcamilart/
Well, I hope you liked these fanarts I made over the years 😊
Português (Brasil) Oi pessoal, hoje resolvi compartilhar com vocês uma série de fanarts que eu fiz ao longo dos anos. Em 1969, David Bowie lançou Space Oddity, uma das melhores músicas de sua carreira musical. A música é sobre um astronauta chamado Major Tom que foi viajar pro espaço mas nunca mais voltou pra Terra. Após o sucesso estrondoso da música, Bowie resolveu continuar a usar seu personagem em outras músicas, como Ashes to Ashes, Hallo Spaceboy e Blackstar. Em 1982, Peter Schilling lançou Major Tom (Coming Home), uma música que o tornou mundialmente famoso, fazendo um sucesso ainda maior que Space Oddity. A música é uma releitura de Space Oddity, onde o astronauta Major Tom consegue voltar pra Terra, sendo um final feliz pro personagem de Bowie. Sim, ambos os cantores usaram o mesmo personagem em suas músicas e depois que a música de Schilling lançou, vários outros cantores também acabaram usando o personagem de Bowie em suas músicas, seja fazendo uma releitura de uma de suas músicas, ou contando uma nova história pro personagem e etc. A música de Schilling marcou muito a minha infância e continua sendo uma das minhas músicas de rock favoritas, mas a música de Bowie com certeza é um clássico absoluto, sendo uma música chiclete que não para de tocar em minha mente de tão cativante que é, sendo também uma das minhas músicas de rock favoritas. Enfim, em 2019, fiz a primeira fanart desses dois cantores, no qual estão representando o Major Tom usando roupas de astronauta.
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Além disso, esse também foi um dos primeiros desenhos que contornei antes de pintar e como deram pra notar, o contorno tá muito torto, horrível ksksksksksksks Sem contar a pintura mal feita XD Essa primeira fanart era pra ser anime, mas acho que não deu muito certo rsrs Em 2020, fiz a segunda fanart do David Bowie e Peter Schilling. Era pra ser um desenho realista, mas deu tudo errado sksksksks
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Pensa num desenho feio, com certeza é um dos piores desenhos que já fiz em toda a minha vida… Tipo, olha pro David Bowie, era pra mirar nele mas acabei acertando no Kevin Bacon XD Em 2021, fiz a terceira fanart. Foi a segunda vez que tentei fazer um desenho realista do David Bowie e do Peter Schilling, só que desta vez ficou mil vezes melhor do que a fanart anterior, que já era uma merda.
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Eu não sou muito bom em fazer desenhos realistas, mas esse desenho aqui até que ficou bom pra um iniciante. E essa foi a última fanart que fiz desses dois cantores em 2023.
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Tive a ideia de fazer um redesenho/remake da primeira fanart, só que ao invés de fazer um desenho em anime, resolvi usar o meu estilo "semi realista", um estilo que lembra de HQs. Além de eu ter desenhado Bowie e Schilling, também tive a ideia de desenhar dois personagens furry pra representá-los, então resolvi desenhar dois personagens de Lackadaisy: Zib e Joey. Depois que fiz essa fanart, eu queria muito pintar, mas a minha pintura é muito simples (é como se uma criança tivesse pintado todos os meus desenhos) e eu queria uma pintura muito foda, uma pintura bem feita, sabe. Inclusive uma amiga minha que faz incríveis artes digitais ia pintar o meu desenho, mas infelizmente ela não pôde fazer isso por estar bastante ocupada. Quase um ano depois, eu finalmente pude achar alguém que estivesse disponível pra pintar o meu desenho, que no caso é a Camila Vytória. Essa não é a primeira vez que fizemos uma collab juntos, pois nós já fizemos outras collabs desde 2022, onde eu desenhava e ela pintava o desenho. Ela é uma artista super talentosa que faz artes realistas e pinturas em aquarela, além de ser uma pessoa muito legal e gentil. Depois que ela pintou a minha fanart, vi que ela cometeu um pequeno erro. Ela pintou o Joey usando uma cor errada ksksksksksksksks Apesar disso, tive a ideia desse gato não ser mais o Joey, agora ele é o meu novo OC. Então conheçam Cosmo, um astronauta felino que adora viajar e se aventurar pelo espaço. Eu ainda não sei se ele vai ser um Lackadaisy OC ou um personagem totalmente original sem qualquer ligação com essa HQ, mas ainda estou pensando nisso. Muito obrigado por fazer mais uma collab comigo, não sabe o quão sou grato por isso. Sério, eu amei demais a pintura desse desenho, ficou incrivelmente lindo ❤️ Caso queiram conhecer o trabalho dela, cliquem aqui: https://www.instagram.com/vcamilart/
Bom, espero que tenham gostado dessas fanarts que fiz ao longo dos anos 😊
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dxvidtennxnt · 8 months
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we back 🔪📲
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uservalentine · 1 year
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who cares? it a fucking friendly!
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marchentraume · 2 months
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Nonsense posting of my wives lol
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The more I think about it, the more I realise how much I prefer 11 over to 10 and 14. Matt Smith is such a wonderful, underrated and talented actor, and although he didn't always have the best scripts, he made do with what he had and he made it work.
He had the wonderful balance of capturing his Doctor's darker and lighter moments, and yet still maintaining that message about kindness and friendship.
In other words, I miss the Eleventh Doctor.
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
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New Insta story from Georgia. Because nothing screams "supportive spouse" like "Can't wait to see you lose"...
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nachosncheezies · 2 months
I'm curious-- did you ever end up listening to DD's podcast?
I like it the more it unfolds; but also, your tags got me interested to learn about Fred Armisen because I had no clue (or interest in, at the time) who he was. I like him already, so thanks for that. >:D (And the convo's neat, too.)
I haven't! To be honest, I've never really followed DD; his work outside The X Files never really interested me. There was a time he had a certain kind of reputation that was not really compatible with anything about me, and there's just something about his whole vibe that I'm still kind of wary tbh. Someone on here commented recently about knowing these sort of boys and I felt like I knew exactly what they meant. I can't really explain it any better than that. 🙊🫣
That said! There's something interesting about the artistic polymath archetype in general, and it seems like he's done a good job of presenting himself in that light more recently. And Fred Armisen has always appeared to me to have that, and been genuine and very unassuming about it from the start. I think it's wild I've not seen Fred as Fred (not his impressions/characters) much, considering how very many things he has featured and guested in, and some of the people who have worked with him and sung his praises (The gen x NYC/Chicago improv/writers crew stands out - think Tina Fey, Seth Myers, Amy Poehler, etc). The few times I've seen him interviewed were mostly about his music, so speaking with another actor? I'm certainly at least interested to hear what they have to say.
This hubub over Gillian potentially being a guest has my attention too, of COURSE!
I have to figure out where/how to access it first though. I'm a bit of an idiot about these things tbh 😂 is it free? got a link?
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starlightseraph · 1 year
i have spent way too much time thinking about how doctor who exists in the good omens universe. either crowley played the doctor under the alias of david tennant, or he has a doppelgänger running around somewhere. if crowley had some double life as an actor (wouldn’t put it past him tbh), he would’ve played one of the most adorably earnest characters ever (fun to think about, but unlikely imo). if david tennant the actor exists as a completely separate entity, it’s rather miraculous that no one’s noticed crowley looks just like him.
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