#for me the last two are just bracelets not tiaras
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Today, on 8th February, 1976 - Queen Story!
New York, NY, USA, Beacon Theater
'A Night At The Opera Tour'
🔸Freddie Mercury was taking tea on the 47th floor of his New York hotel. In his suite. The Royal suite, of course. It was the morning after yet another triumph for Queen - that brilliant and highly original British rock band built around the outrageous ideas and stage presence of the exotic Mr.
Mercury. They had played their fourth concert in as many nights at the battered but fashionable Beacon Theatre, and wvith an album and a single in the American charts, they were riding high.
Warm tea was permitted to slide down Mr. Mercury's regal throat as he prodded gingerly at some nasty looking bruises on the side of his neck.
He explained, My very promising pop career nearly came to an untimely end last night. Two young girls outside the theatre decided to claim my scarf as a souvenir. They quite forgot that it was wrapped around my neck at the time, and they very nearly strangled me. I'm sure Her Majesty doesn't have to put up with this sort of thing. But then, she doesn't have anything in the charts at the moment does she?"
He is a wicked man, Mr. Mercury.
He is also everything that a rock idol is supposed to be, and New York has been quick to recognise this. Like Mick Jagger, Freddie has off-beat good looks. Jagger has those pneumatic lips, and Freddie has the most out- spoken set of teeth ever to have found their way on to a pop fan's wall. He also enjoys the lifestyle of a true superstar - he lives out our fantasies for us far more effectively than we could ever manage to do for our- selves. Even if we had his kind of money.
His dress sense is sensational. He seldom looks less than spectacular, and he is not the sort of chap who believes in going unnoticed. Satin is his favourite fabric, with silk coming a close second. And he loves those loose, floppy, Japanese-style jackets.
But as he is quick to point out, There is a quiet side to me too, you know.
My home life is very civilised, and I hardly ever dress up to watch the tele- vision. Unless I am watching a Royal occasion of course. Then, my dear, it's on with the tiara and the emine ..
the LOT!
But Freddie felt there were better things to do in the city of New York than sit around sipping tea and discussing sartorial matters. He in- vited photographer Terry 0ʻNeill and me to join him on a shopping expedition, and it seemed a reason- able idea. Freddie was his casual self in short fur coat, white satin slacks, white clogs and silver snake bracelet.
The problems we encountered were little ones. Like young girls sobbing softly outside the door of a shoe shop while Freddie sought some- thing for the regal feet inside. And then there was the confusion of the young lady in Bloomingdale's depart- ment store who began to give Freddie a free manicure, only to discover that the nails on his left hand were already painted with black lacquer.
Freddie said, I love America. But l cant imagine ever coming here to live.
Our music is successful over here because it is so distinctively English.
We must keep it that way. I have just bought a new house in London, and an enormous car that looks like a boat on wheels. I could never leave all that.
And I have far too much fun ever to worry about a silly little thing like tax.
I know l'm terribly extravagant.
I always have been. My life these days is one perpetual spending spree. So I suppose l am the sort of person who needs to find ways of reducing tax.
But it's all such a bore. Why don't you buy a pair of these beautiful glitter shoes? They 're outrageous. And they 're cheap. And they re much more interesting than tax, don't you think?
I did think so. But I decided against buying the lurid footwear. You have to be a star to wear shoes like that.
Somebody rather like Freddie Mercury, in fact.
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tiaramania · 2 years
UK/South Africa State Banquet Tiara Predictions
I want to preface this by saying that I think it's very likely we won't get any major jewelry upgrades tomorrow. This is the first state banquet of the new reign and I assume they are going to want to show that it's just business as usual and any big jewelry surprises would get unwelcome coverage. But that also makes me feel like I'm raining on everyone's parade so I'm going to make two predictions for each person with pessimist Tiara Mania on the left and optimist Tiara Mania on the right.
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Queen Camilla - Greville Honeycomb Tiara & Queen Alexandra's Kokoshnik Tiara - Queen Camilla is the most likely person on the list to show up in a new tiara and I've long wanted her to wear the Kokoshnik. It was worn by QEII during the last state visit from South Africa in 2010 and the Honeycomb was worn by the Queen Mother for the first time during a state visit to South Africa in 1947 so really there’s a connection with both tiaras. I'm also hoping she wears anything other than one of her pearl choker necklaces because I want to see something different.
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Princess of Wales - Queen Mary's Lovers Knot Tiara & Queen Mary's Sapphire Bandeau Tiara - The Lotus Flower Tiara would be a great choice too but really I just want her to wear anything other than the Lovers Knot. I'm choosing the Sapphire Bandeau because it hasn't been seen in forever and I’m in the mood for something colorful.
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Princess Anne - Festoon Tiara & the Queen Mother's Double Meander Tiara - She's already worn the Double Meander once but I really want to see it again and hopefully get better pictures this time.
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Countess of Wessex - Aquamarine Necklace Tiara & Anthemion Tiara - I can't believe I'm saying this but I actually want Sophie to wear the Anthemion Tiara because I want a better picture of the new configuration.
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Duchess of Gloucester - Queen Mary's Honeysuckle Tiara with the emerald center & the Teck Turquoise Tiara - Birgitte is the only person who will wear two tiaras since she will also be attending the Guildhall Banquet on Wednesday so these choices are for the two different events instead of my expectation vs. wish. I want the Teck Turquoise to be second because we usually get better pictures from the Guildhall Banquet and it's been awhile since we've gotten decent ones of this tiara.
Princess Alexandra and Princess Michael of Kent may also attend but it's not a guarantee. Mostly I just want King Charles to change the position of the photographers and/or allow more of them because I'm tired of the grainy shots from a mile away.
Then there's some other jewelry related to South Africa that I'd like to see worn during the state visit.
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First the Mandela Peacock Sunrise Brooch, which was a gift from Nelson Mandela on behalf of the South African people in 1995. It was made by Johan Louw of Uwe Koetter Jewellers and features diamonds, onyx, and tourmalines set in white and yellow gold. QEII only wore the brooch twice that I can find, during state visits from South Africa in 2001 and 2010. This would be a good choice for Queen Camilla to wear during the daytime events tomorrow which include a visit to the Mandela Memorial Stone at Westminster Abbey.
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The South African Diamond Necklace & Bracelet or as Queen Elizabeth II supposedly called them her “best diamonds” are some of my favorite of her jewels. They were a gift from the South African government for her 21st birthday in 1947 while she was there with her parents. She later added an extra diamond that was a gift from De Beers and had the necklace shortened to create a bracelet. I'm thinking Catherine instead of Camilla for these just because I like Camilla in bigger necklaces for formal events but really I'd be happy with it on anybody.
What are your tiara predictions?
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walmarttrashbag · 3 months
Day Of A Princess
Warnings: Swearing, Fight, Anger Issues
This is not not something I usually do but I thought it'd be fun to write for the night!
Today was gonna be a strange day for me.
I was gonna get my pre-teen tiara swapped out and be shoved into the crowd and it probably wouldn't be fun.
I was sadly a princess. Why? Cause that's just how it works!
I'm Princess Astrid Star, the one and only daughter and sole heiress to the Treasure Kingdom throne of King Cosmo and Queen Heavenly Star.
I'm not just a princess, I'm a space princess. I live on the planet Hespera and we're a combined kingdom of two.
If it was just my monarchy it would've been called the Interstellar Kingdom, but it's called Treasure Kingdom because my parents couldn't come up with any other name because we're combined with the Hellbent Kingdom of King Discord and Queen Wonder and their sons Prince Dusk and Prince Helios Flare who I strangely have yet to meet.
We're not the only kingdom though. There are two other other kingdoms. The Floral and Bubblegum Kingdom.
I'm not too sure what the Bubblegum Kingdom is all about, but I heard there was King Cake, Queen Pie, Princess Sugar, Princess Taffy, and Princess Cookie.
But for the Floral Kingdom, I displeasingly knew them. Especially Prince Sage. That freak has had a massive crush on me ever since we met and last night he sent me like the five hundred millionth letter ever. He's such a creep.
I looked into my mirror, and beside myself, I was looking at who I was. One of the Hespera princesses. My eyes were a light pink just like my mom's, and my hair was a silky seafoam green, like my dad's. There were small natural crystals in my hair. Mainly Sapphires and Rubies and gems like those.
I was wearing a rose-thorn dress, but I'd never wear it if f I didn't have to. The petals were at the top, masking my chest and stomach, and the thorns were on top of the actual dress, which was a beautiful light blue. It was curtesy of the Floral Kingdom.
My mom walked into my room. "Astrid, dear, are you done yet?" She questioned me. I turned and looked at her.
"Yes, Mom," I mumbled, turning back to place my tiara on. It was a constellation tiara, and it would be swapped for a new tiara in just a few minutes.
"Good. Come on now, we mustn't be late for your ceremony," She grabbed my arm and dragged me along out of my room through the hallway of the castle. We eventually got to the grand balcony, where I could see my friends down in the audience, cheering my name. I could see other people I didn't know too. It was a bit of a terrifying experience to be in this.
The trumpets sounded, and the audience went silent.
My father cleared his throat and began in a proper voice. "Welcome one, welcome all. I, King Cosmo Star of the Treasure Kingdom, have humbly announced my daughter is officially a teenager fit for her crown on this day of the summer months," Everyone began to clap for me, then stopped. "She, just like I, and my father before me, and his father before him, and his mother before him, and so on have all had this ceremony, and it is truly something beautiful to be held. Bring out the tiara," He ordered.
A group of butterflies fluttered in and were placed on my head, and just like that, my tiara was replaced with a new tiara. One that symbolized who I was gonna be now. Everyone clapped, and as soon as it started, the ceremony had been completed. It was faster than I thought it'd be.
I changed out of my dress and something more comfortable and my style. I changed into a cute short dress that was light pink with light blue stars stitched into it. I put my light green with bellberry patterned tights on. I put my dark blue earth-benders on and got my choker, grabbing my gossamer silk white cape and putting it on. I made sure my twinkle charm bracelets were on, put my embroidered black silk gloves on, and finally grabbed my scepter and shoved it in my heart backpack with my tiara, slinging it over my shoulder and running out of the castle to find my friends out there waiting for me!
There was Pippa Zip, my fairy friend who had beautiful glass wings, Zipper Sky, who was an elf who could brew potions and things like that, Nova Twinkle, who was a regular old human but had an enchanted necklace, and Roxy Comet, who was a sun-vampire who could be out in the sun for hours and never burn to death.
"Astrid!" Nova began. "Your ceremony rocked! Your dress was so pretty!" She complimented me, making me smile.
"Thank you, the Floral Kingdom made it just for my ceremony!" I responded excitedly, twirling around and happy it was over.
Pippa grimaced. "That means Prince Sage was probably breathing all over it just because he knew you'd be the princess wearing it," She commented, making us all shiver.
I stopped twirling, pressing my lips together. "Nasty," I replied, shaking my head. "Makes me regret even having that ceremony after thinking about that,"
Zipper piped up quickly. "Come on, let's ditch that thought and go hang out by Juniper's Lake," We all agreed and she used a spell that got us all there fast.
We all sat by the lake and talked about things.
"I've heard the Bubblegum Kingdom is gonna try to get some more land for more pegasus stables," Nova brought up.
"They have like the most pegasi in the world! Why on Earth would they need more?" Pippa questioned, looking at Roxy who shrugged.
"Maybe to house more to eventually give them away?" I suggested, and before Nova could say something to be a part of the conversation, a voice behind the girls commented.
"You're so naïve it's funny,"
The girls looked behind themselves to the voice, and there was a group of boys. A horned and winged demon in the front, a vampire by the demon, a werewolf by his other side, and a centaur behind the three.
"Who are you?" I asked, looking at the demon boy, getting a little defensive over myself.
"Psh, why should I tell you? You don't look anything special to me," He growled, his third eye closing as he crossed his arms.
"You know she's the Treasure Kingdom's princess, right? She could have you thrown in the dungeon!" Nova butt in, and the demon's smug smile turned into a surprised look.
"Really? Well, that doesn't bother me because I'm Treasure Kingdom's Prince. Prince Helios Flare," He addressed, suddenly flying up, swooping in, and grabbing my backpack.
"Hey!" I yelled, standing up quickly. "Give that back you jerk!"
Pippa and Roxy got into the air and chased around Helios as he laughed like a prick. Nova stayed by me and we watched them until Zipper used a spell on Helios making his charcoal skeleton wings feel like metal and have him drop to the ground, making him growl in pure rage.
"HEY!" He screamed at Zipper. Zipper, scared, giggled nervously before using a teleportation spell that took everyone but me. How thoughtful. Helios's friends ran off, and it was just us now. I was scared beyond belief because I didn't know how powerful this demon prince really was. Helios tried to fly, but the spell wasn't so easy to wear off, so he stood up and brushed himself off of dust and dirt, still holding my backpack in his pale hand. He walked over to me, a mean and menacing glare was burned into his eyes. "You have no one now. I could kick your ass if I wanted to, princess little shit," He swore, surprising me. I didn't like swearing, so I accidentally pushed him further into anger.
"You kiss your mother with that mouth?" I retorted, before my eyes widened in shock of what I said.
Helios's eyes became burning red with rage, fire began to erupt in a ring around us, and he punched me square in the face, making me fall and dirty up my pretty clothes. My nose hurt so bad as it gushed so much blood. I cupped it my nose to try to stop the heavy pour as tears welled up in my eyes. He threw my backpack at me. "Shut your fucking mouth next time or else it'll be a lot worse," He threatened, his eyes going back to their purple color and the ring of fire dying down, letting him walk away since his wings hurt to fly.
I began to cry, my hand full of blood and it staining my dress below. My friends came back with weapons and pain potions.
"Where is he?! I'm ready to kill him!" Zipper yelled, and the girls looked around. It was too late, and Helios was gone.
"Oh my lord! Astrid!" Pippa screamed. My friends circled me, their voices cutting into each other as they asked me what was wrong. I looked up and they all winced.
"You have a giant bruise on your nose..." Nova commented, and Roxy wiped the remaining blood from my nose.
I sniffed, my nose hurting so bad. "He punched me... He's so mean... I- Oh god, it hurts so much..." I cried out. Zipper rummaged through her bag and found a healing potion.
"Drink up, it'll make you feel nothing ever happened," She told me. I quickly drank the bottle up and my nose was healed instantly, and I took a deep breath, rubbing my eyes.
"Thank you. I'm kind of salty you all ditched me though," I told my friends, and they nodded.
"We left to grab things, and because Zipper was being a wuss," Roxy teased, making Zipper blush embarrassedly.
"He looked at me like he was gonna kill me! I had to prepare! I should've taken you with us, I'm sorry Astrid," Zipper rambled, looking down.
"It's okay. I'm better now because of your potion. Thanks for helping me," I thanked, and we all hugged each other.
"Come on, it's getting a little late," Pippa piped in, helping me up. I grabbed my backpack and placed it back on me, nodding.
"Yeah, it is. I hope I never see that jerk ever again," I mumbled, giggling a little bit. "He needs serious counseling,"
"Oh, definitely!" Nova nodded, and Zipper used the teleportation spell, teleporting everyone to their respective homes. I got home and was dropped onto my bed.
I looked out the window that was by my big old comfy bed and saw the wall and bridge that lead to the other side of Treasure Kingdom where the Flare Monarchy lived. I couldn't believe I had met my match in that way. He was a real mean teen, but I wasn't gonna snitch. I was too scared to do that.
If we meet again, I might just give him a piece of my mind.
Should I make a pt.2?
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vee-crytraps · 5 months
Good Luck, Babe! | Ch 1-6 | Ice Cream for Breakfast
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{Trigger Warning/Themes Masterlist} This is split into a billion parts because it's long as hell! Read on Ao3 to avoid the headache!
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The wind howls as it rolls over the rooftop, the stale smoke in the Gotham night air filling your lungs. Silas slaps his palm against the brick wall, right next to your head. “Who was that?” If you're intimidated, you don't let it show. You cross your arms, keeping your voice level as you answer. “He’s a friend of Damian’s. From like…Kansas.” “Kansas.” He repeats, huffing out a laugh as he leans away. "Right, okay."
You seem to have said the right thing, as you watch the tension in his posture melt away. “Yeah? Silas, what’s-“ “Sorry. It’s just. You seemed real friendly with him, y’know. You just. Fuck, you look so good tonight, and so happy, and you were dancing with that prick and I just-“ “Just what?” Your brows furrow, and you try to slot the pieces together in your mind. No matter how much you think it through, you can't find anything that changed between now and your call this afternoon. “It’s nothing, baby.” The pet name makes you freeze. You can taste the remnants of his iced coffee on his lips as he presses them to yours with the confidence of a boyfriend.  Confusion rolls through you, but you manage to act nonetheless.  You rest your hands flush against his chest and gently try to push him backwards. “Uh…?” “What’s wrong?” He mumbles against your lips, his fingers curling in the front of your sash. You couldn't see it hours earlier, through your pre-party jitters and the barrier of a screen. It's clear now, that he's looking at you through a much different lens. “Si. Come on,” A nervous chuckle escapes you, and you suddenly regret not moving from your position against the wall the moment you could.  “We’re not like…like that.” You try, tensing as you feel his grip tighten in his sash. You're somewhat relieved when his lips fall away from your own, his head resting on your shoulder as he registered your response.  It was clearly not the one he was hoping for. “What about-” His voice dies, and you can feel him take that deep, shuddering breath that often comes before rage. "Last week, I thought..." “Last week was different.” You remind him, refusing to shrink away. Everything about your little pact had been platonic down to a science. You'd had discussions, made a plan and followed through. He hadn't even kissed you! Sure, Silas is cute, but the only way the sex could have been any more clinical is if you did it through a hole in the sheet. He releases your sash, the cheap glitter sticking to his palm as he begins to pace. You rub at your temples, beneath the prongs of your plastic tiara. “We hooked up two times, okay? Like, for the bit. And you swore that it wouldn’t be weird-” “Well it is fucking weird!” He shouts, and you push off from the wall before he can become tempted to trap you against it.  You hate this- the way your body instantly taps into the fear response that comes with being along with an angry man.  “It…it’s so weird, princess. Too weird.” “Si,” You try, taking a hesitant step forward as he runs his hands through his hair- slicked back just like you requested. "You said-" “I know what I said." He snaps, but you recognize the look in his eye. He's clearly more upset with himself than with you.  "I’m just tired, alright?! I can't keep fucking pretending like I don't want to text you every minute of the day, or hold your hand, or kiss you breathless-” He yanks his friendship bracelet off of his wrist with a little too much force. The white plastic beads that spell your name on scatter across the concrete.  “Your friendship means so much to me, princess, but I've been out of my mind all week. I want more.” Silas reaches for your wrist, holding you steady as he goes for your bracelet. “I just want-“ Someone calls your last name, and you turn to spot Damian in the doorway, Jon peaking over his shoulder. “What’s going on?” Part 7
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simshousewindsor · 2 years
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[Buckingsim Palace, Buckingsimshire]
Martin Lavelle [P.S.]: Your Majesty, the Queen’s portrait sitting in the Throne Room should be ending shortly.
King George: Thank you, Martin. Say, did that letters patent pass in Parliament yet? I’d like to present it to Prince Vester as soon as we arrive at Sumpterson.
Martin Lavelle [P.S.]: I will contact the Prime Ministers office for a status update, Your Majesty.
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(Indistinct chatter)
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Brandon [Director]: Let’s get a few shots with you wearing your sash, Your Majesty.
Queen Rowena: I’ll need about five minutes to put it on.
Brandon [Director]: Perfect! We can reset. (to crew) Let’s take five, everyone!
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Queen Rowena: I didn't know you were back.
King George: I got back after midnight. Martin said your shoot was ending and I wanted to say hi before you left for your next engagement. This looks like a large production. My portrait sittings only consist of me and, at max, two others.
Queen Rowena: There’s wardrobe, makeup, hair, the photographers and director and even a handler of the jewels!
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King George: You look absolutely beautiful, Ro! (surprised) The Pearl Sunburst tiara!
Queen Rowena: Thank you, George.
King George: My mother loaned you her favorite tiara?
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Queen Rowena: In addition to the tiara, she also loaned me pieces from previous consorts!
King George: Really? The Queen Mother? Wow! Old age is softening her heart.
Queen Rowena: I’m wearing Queen Lara-Leigh’s pearls, Queen Adaline’s Ruby Teardrop earrings and her famous fan. These patthama bracelets were commissioned by Queen Lara-Leigh and are from the same Sapphire stone used to create Queen Isabella’s engagement ring, now my ring!
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King George: Ro, I know I’ve neglected you the last few weeks and I apologize. You mean more to me than searching for any stone in the world. Let’s go to Sumpterson for the weekend, just us!
Queen Rowena: (gasps) Really? George, I...
King George: Before you say no, Martin already checked and your schedule will allow for a weekend break. Plus, I’m the King! (laughs)
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Queen Rowena: I’d love to!
King George: “Great, I’ll have Martin make the arrangements.”
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Queen Rowena: (reluctant) I’m trusting you, George.
King George: This will be a memorable trip, Ro! Trust me. A trip of surprises!
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Queen Rowena: It appears my schedule for the weekend must be cleared. Can you make that happen?
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Lady Delores [P.S.]: I don't think cancelling engagements would be such a good idea, Your Majesty. We are still rebuilding your image and you have quite a few engagements to attend tomorrow.
Queen Rowena: Whatever you need to do, Delores. If I can't leave with George tomorrow, I will leave the day after.
Lady Delores [P.S.]: Yes, Your Majesty.
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King George: Proceed with travel to Sumpterson. I’d like the Queen and I to leave tomorrow.
Martin Lavelle [P.S.]: Will this be for the weekend, as previously noted?
King George: Yes, Martin. We will just be gone for the weekend. I would thoroughly like to shoot some hares while I'm there. Secure a group to join me.
Martin Lavelle [P.S.]: Yes, Your Majesty.
Previous | Beginning | Next - continue The Amethysts Quest (story)
Previous | Beginning | Next - continue Consort Redemption (story)
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filypadreams · 2 years
Cater's Birthday Gift! (Finale- ' It's sleepy time but a lot is still left unsaid')
For part 1| part 2 | part 3|
Finally we reach the finish line after some bounding with all the dorms. As gifts are open and regret spilled, Cater stays behind to deliver his message.
" Please no, I don't want to nurse Kalim from 'juice poisoning'..."
" What are the Dorm rules?!"
I raise an eyebrow at Kalim's question.
" What he means is that each Dorm has their way of doing stuff including activities. The way me and Azul-shi plan the rules in the Board Game Club could be totally different from how Riddle-shi prefers to play them. If he plays at all that is~"
For the first time that evening, Idia speaks without a stutter, ending with a wide grin and a teasing voice.
" I do fine with card games, thank you for wondering."
" No need to get your crown in a twist just because you are a noob..."
" What did you just call me-?!"
There's a camera flash.
" Alright, how about I start? We can figure the rules along the way, it's a simple game anyways."
It was not a simple game. For every 'I have', someone, anyone would drink their fill. In last place, as predicted, was Kalim. In first place was the ever enigmatic Malleus.
The desserts had arrived and he still had to drink his third cup...
" Malleus-san sure is full of mysteries."
" Either that or he is just lonely..."
Sebek glares at Azul and Ruggie.
" That's just how powerful Waka-sama is!"
" Ok, ok then to end this... Never Have I Ever... felt lonely!"
... ..... ........
All drink in one gulp.
"Nyah? Even the tweels?"
" Lonely together counts, right?"
Floyd wonders while massaging the back of his neck.
Everyone ends the game with a smile, a sense of companionship left.
The cake finally arrives, everyone sings this weird birthday song I never heard before. Must be a Wonderland custom.
My eyes are bright, even when looking at the huge pile of gifts.
" Yep, we surely went overboard. Maaan...I should have gotten some seashells or rocks from the deep sea and made an acessory like Jack's...maybe a bracelet~"
" So kind of you Floyd, fufu~"
" I'm serious Jade! Those two small fires got the best end of the deal, Kantokusei seems to love your Underwater Potion, Azul."
" Maybe a free course at Monstro Lounge? No... VIP for a month? Too long..."
" Everyone knows how to take care of aquariums, right? Maybe instead of a terrarium, I'll start working on that next year~"
" Doesn't it feel weird imprisoning fish for entertainment?"
Deuce ponders.
" Have you ever asked a mushroom if they minded being eaten? Of course not, mushroom people aren't easy to come by."
"Oh. I see..."
" I was do busy with those darn envelopes- I mean, origami! Here's some paper cranes! Don't worry I made sure they wouldn't lose their luster. Although I might have exaggerated on the number..."
I find myself with around 50 crystallized paper cranes to decorate the Dorm.
" It's fine, I'm sure I'll find a use for them... thanks Epel!"
Vil classically hands me a set of his own line of beauty products. It's the latest one though and he was kind enough to add instructions of how to keep a daily beauty routine almost flawlessly! I could use the tips...
Rook hands me a scarf...the fur feels real. So real that both Ruggie and Jack were taken aback.
Even Grim doesn't want to get close to it.
Kalim keeps apologizing for not getting me a gift. He was indecisive and a little forgetful.
Riddle hands me a tiara. He says he made it using two sections of alchemy. Making the basic materials, and advanced alchemy where you create something with said materials. I couldn't be more grateful with his determination.
More gifts are open and the party goes on until 10 pm. That's Jack's curfew.
" Although it was a stressful disaster...thank you! Thank you guys for all the effort."
" It was our pleasure. Please repay in kind and don't forget about us."
Riddle makes that simple wish before gathering his dorm and parting ways.
" Our parties are of higher caliber but, as long as you look presentable, please do visit Pomefiore. Epel and Rook would certainly be ecstatic."
" I wouldn't mind staying to help clean but Kalim's bed time is coming to a close and Scarabia has been unsupervised for long enough. We had fun though, thanks for being a great host."
" I agree with Jamil, this was a great party! Jamil finally had some rest. On that note, you are always welcomed to join our feasts (Y/N), hahaha!"
And with that most of Heartslabyul, Pomefiore and Scarabia are gone. Jack had returned to his Dorm sooner so he could get ready for bed and Leona is waitting for Ruggie to finish cleaning his part.
" You are not bad Herbivore. Visit us if you dare~"
Savanaclaw is also gone. Octavinelle doesn't depart before advertising Mostro Lounge, mentioning they are always open for a new contract and a tight squeeze from Floyd.
" See you shrimpy~"
" Akka, agh! Those are so tight, nya!"
Grimm says in between coughs. Malleus is staying for a while until the decorations are taken off. Only now did he mention how his magic is keeping this place from degrading...or falling apart. Of course Lilia stays to help and both Sebek and Silver gakw turns switching from guard duty to cleaning duty.
Trey is cleaning the kitchen and Cater... seems to be checking his MagiCam.
Idia and Ortho are not in a hurry and help Lilia take care of the lights. Apparently the fix didn't make the century old things less unstable.
" Thanks for working so hard everyone! Specially you Tsunotaru, there was no need to tire your magic reserves for...this!"
" I wholly agree with the Human!"
" Sebek..."
" What? Lilia-sama it's midnight already-"
" Sebek, switch with Silver."
" Y-Yes Master Malleus! I apologise master!!!"
He promptly runs out and soon Silver comes in slightly confused but ready to work.
" This was nothing Child of Man. I enjoyed being part of an event for once."
Malleus chuckles and Lilia playfully ruffles my hair to my chagrin. I walk towards Cater.
" So...is that the new trend? Heart colar?"
Cater looks up with a small smile.
" You wish but not even Cay-Cay can make these a thing~ I bet you are wondering where my gift is."
He adds with a wink.
" Wait, what? No, I... you were not the only one."
" Kantokusei-chan thinks so little of me? How mean~. Sometimes I prefer to not be the center of attention."
He explains.
It's a group project but I still worked hard on the details."
" More like, you hired tech mages to do most of the work..."
" I'm good with technology, not at making it! Plus, I think my requests were logical and simple..."
" Say that to my tired fingers."
Idia retorts in a bored manner...or maybe he's getting tired.
Cater tries to defend himself but Ortho's puppy dog eyes win me over.
" Really? What was it you made them do that tired Ortho out?!"
I open the orange and blue box he handed me. It's sturdy and well packed inside. After taking the wrapper off...
" ... An actual phone...?"
" I figured, you could make your own MagiCam account and take your own photos. So I don't have to print them in events like these~ How about I share them with you instead and you decide what to do with them next?"
He looks at me, with sincerity this time, no mischief behind those usually empty green eyes hidden by a mask of nonchalance and beauty.
" Wait, (Y/N)-shi! MagiCam is not the only app we installed so...p-please check everything thoroughly and come to Ignihyde if...if you need help! Eep!"
"B-Big Bro?! Where are you going, we aren't done yet-!"
With that, Idia disappears. His social meter drained. Ortho goes after him.
" I was ready to take a nap but guess someone has to clean this place. Henchman you better help me once you are done chit chatting!"
Grim flies away from the sofa, joining Malleus in taking down the weird but memorable Birthday Banner.
" Everyone's contacts are also here...what's this? A2? OctaTrio...are these social groups?"
I laugh at the idea of Azul using a phone to share info between his enforcers, much less talk with others that much. I can see how Ace and Deuce have their own. And of course there's one for each Dorm too.
" Now you don't have any excuse for missing the latest news, kay? I'll make sure to ping you 100 times if needed..."
Cater gives a not so adorable smile.
" Thank you Cater! I love it. This explains Ortho's stickers..."
I get distracted playing with my new 'toy', not seeing or even hearing Cater loudly exhale and relax.
' I wonder if you truly know what loneliness is. Hopefully from now on, you can use this tool, a gift of mine to share all your problems. No one should fight alone.
Kudos, Cay-Cay ◇'
The End
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A Snowpoint Wedding, Part1
In which I very much just rewrote a roleplay one of the cowriters and I did to make it work better for me
(despite my misgivings about how likely Jay is to actually get married but it's fiiiiine she feels she gotta)
[2] [3]
 I smooth the dress out and step out from behind the screen. “Um… does that look alright?”
 Mam looks up first and smiles, eyes bright with tears. “Oh, Jay… you look lovely!”
 “Still reckon my dress was better,” Joanna says, but she nods.
 Mam purses her lips, shooting Joanna a glare.
 “How ‘bout you get changed?” I say quickly, moving towards the chair in front of the mirror. “Your dress is waiting back there.”
 “What is it, a jynx?” Joanna shudders, moving past.
 I snort. “Now there’s an idea.”
 Mam takes up the hairbrush and attacks my thick mane. I just sit there and grit my teeth as she rips out tugs. It isn’t as bad as it could have been, possibly to do with the fact that it’s still slightly damp from the shower.
 “Bit dark for a wedding, isn’t it?”
 “Just put it on,” I call back.
 Mam puts down the brush and hurries behind the screen, eliciting a yell from Joanna. “Oh hush, you’ll need help doing up the back.”
 I gingerly apply makeup, wishing Candice could be here to do it for me. But she’d shown me how it would look best, and I could emulate it… hopefully.
 “Take off the jewellery as well,” mam says.
 “Ok, the necklace, the metal bracelet, and the claw, fine… but I’m keeping the berry bracelet and my wedding ring.”
 “I wasn’t suggesting you take that off,” mam retorts, bustling back out and returning to fix up my hair.
 “Is it just me, or is this dress warm?” Joanna steps out in a dress with a lilac torso and a shimmering blackberry-blue panelled skirt.
 “Volcarona scales in the bodice. Figured you’d appreciate it.” I shot her a smile via the mirror, finishing off the mascara.
 “Ooh… nice.” She grabs the brush, pulling it through her own hair once or twice. “Should’ve redone the highlights…”
 Mam’s lips thin as she starts small plaits in my hair, threading beads and feathers onto them.
 “Still got time, I think?”
 “I don’t have the stuff with me.” Joanna shrugs, putting the brush down.
 “It works quite well faded, anyway.”
 Mam puts the last band in and turns to pick up the circlet from its place on top of the veil. I offer my reflection a tight smile and stand up.
 “I… I don’t have to put on makeup, do I?” Joanna eyes the table with trepidation.
 “Not if you don’t want to.” I shake my head. “Not like anyone’s going to be looking at you, anyway.”
 Joanna laughs, watching as my mam sets the circlet on my head. I pull the gloves – fancy arm warmers, really – up to my elbows, slipping the loops over my middle fingers and making sure they’re lying right. Mam fusses for a moment getting the veil to lie right across my head and down my back, and then there’s a knock at the door.
 “Is everyone ready?” Dad calls through it.
 “Yes,” I reply, gesturing for Joanna to open it.
 She catches up her cloak – not her usual one, a far smarter one – and opens the door.
 Dad says nothing, just stares at us. I smile at him, stepping out of the dressing room towards him.
 “You look beautiful,” he breathes, taking my arm.
 I shift to properly hug him. “Thank you.” I rest my chin on his shoulder, pressing my nose into his neck.
 “Jay, dear, try not to mess the two of you.”
 “I’m not,” I reply, releasing my father. “Shall we?”
 He smiles back, and leads us down the corridor.
 Pie is waiting by the door, and erects a bubble shield around us as we leave the building.
 My pack is waiting there, and form a secondary escort just outside of the forcefield as we walk to the temple. Venus slips through the forcefield to Joanna’s side, sleek and wearing a smart collar. Vulp is not far behind her, looking primped and preened, with a lopsided tiara of her own looped around one ear.
 Candice and Molly are waiting on the temple steps, and I am not quick enough to stop Molly from squealing and flinging her arms around me, near clouting me in the head with her bouquet of flowers.
 “Ok – thanks,” I gasp, hugging her in return.
 Candice passes Joanna a bunch of smoky red flowers to contrast with Molly’s light blue ones. “The small flower girls are waiting inside. They got cold.”
 “Thanks.” I smile at her, taking the bouquet of white flowers – lilies, snow drops – that she passes me.
 “Don’t trip.” She grins. “Come on, Joy.”
 The two of them enter the temple.
 I take a breath, steadying my nerves. This was stupid. I couldn’t be getting nervous at this, could I?
 “Any worries?” Joanna murmurs from behind me. “You know I could always call Whitetip or Flare, and you could make a run for it.”
 “Where would I run to?”
 “Anywhere. You could go free, live however you like.”
 My dad places a hand on the door. “Ready?”
 I nod. “I am. Livin’ how I like. We’re free. I can do this.”
 Dad pushes open the door and holds his arm out for mine. I slip my arm through the crook of his elbow and walk with him down the aisle, Joanna and Molly – and two smaller girls, the flower girls I assume – following us.
 The temple is warmer than usual. There are tapestries hanging between the arches, candles in sconces – I think a few might actually be litwick – and a carpet underfoot. Not even starting on the flowers.
 The music that is cascading through the hall is about the only reason I can keep walking. The walk seems long, far longer than I ever remember it being in the practices.
 But Jayden is waiting, with Alyss beyond him and Henry to his side. He’s watching Alyss just now, not the aisle. My dad’s hand on my arm is probably the only thing keeping me from speeding up, from getting this over with.
 He’s wearing a blue suit with a red shirt, I see as he turns. He raises his hands, allowing me to see the feather cufflinks. Braviary.
 “Oh, braviary, nice,” Joanna says quietly behind me.
 I meet Jayden’s eyes properly, and smile as I notice that the bird keeper calm has not been enough to stop the awe and wonder transfix his face as we walk closer.
 Dad pulls us to a halt opposite Jayden and leaves for his seat.
 “Oh, they look perfect, don’t they!”  Molly squeaks, tugging Joanna into place behind me.
 Alyss laughs silently for a moment before assuming her ‘elder face’ and waiting for everyone to calm down. The flower girls giggle, swinging their baskets from side to side before running to the side. The music slows to an aching finish and leaves us in silence.
 I smile at Jayden, lifting the veil away from my face awkwardly, trying to keep the flowers from going everywhere.
 “Welcome, Snowpoint.” Alyss’ voice is strong and confident, a far cry from the teenage elder I first knew. “Welcome, those of Mistralton.” She dips her head to Jayden’s family and friends. “And, of course, welcome to Lavaridge.” She looks to Joanna briefly before raising her head to gaze over the entirety of the temple.
 I don’t look back, fearing to see exactly how many people had turned up.
 “Welcome to Snowpoint, welcome to this binding.”
 Jayden hasn’t quite managed to stop staring yet. I try not to fiddle with the flowers in my hands too much.
 “These two swear now, before everyone here, to fly true with each other, sail before whatever wind may guide their path, and work together for the same purpose.”
 I smile. These amended vows worked so much better than the originals.
 “But they have not sworn it yet,” Brith says from behind me, and though I knew that it was going to happen, I still tense up. “I contest this right, as they have yet to speak a word before us.”
 I force myself to relax. All normal, all was fine. Of course it was.
 “I swear it, now.” Jayden finally tears his eyes from my face to look past me, to Brith. “I swear to fly true, sail before the wind, and work with Jay, always, for our joint purpose.”
 “You hear it?” Brith asks.
 “We hear it,” the crowd rumbles back.
 As their noise dies away, I hear Molly hushing Joanna.
 “Then they have sworn and I witness true to keep their sails straight.” Brith pads forward to stand at Alyss’ side.
 She is wearing a band of silver on her head, from which thin chains trial down to wrap thin blue feathers around her aura sensors, matching the ones that hang from her ears. I bite back most of the gasp, but part still escapes me and I see Brith twitch a small smile.
 “Only one has yet sworn.” Soise steps from the shadows behind Jayden. “I call you, NightGale, make good on the oath this man has already sworn to you.”
 Her usual pink scarf has been set aside in favour of a circlet like Brith’s and a silver tracery that holds her mane in place. Blue feathers hang from her ears and lie across her face like fine tattoos.
 I lick dry lips. My turn. “Then I swear it.” I lift my head, looking past Jayden to meet Soise’s eyes. “I swear to fly true, sail before the wind and work with Jayden for ever purpose we see fit to pursue.”
 Soise turns to the crowd, raising her arms. “You hear it?”
 “We hear it.”
 “Then I, too, witness that they have sworn, and I will keep their words straight with you.” Soise turns to Brith and Alyss, bowing.
 “And now they have sworn before you all,” Alyss says, calling the attention back easily as Soise steps to stand beside her, “We hold them before Rayquaza, Lord of our Town, and Articuno, Queen of the Ice. May these travellers be blessed by winds and weather ever fair to their needs.”
 As Jayden and I turn back to face each other, two altaria – one sparkling gold, the other resplendent in blue – swoop down from the arched roof above us, holding a sail carefully between them.
 Molly and Henry step forward to take the sail, bowing to the two altaria as they land.
 Jayden and I step back to give them space to walk to Alyss. Nestled in the centre of the sail are the rings, one dark blue and the other light blue – a braviary’s colouring and an altaria’s.
 Alyss takes them and Molly and Henry step back to their places, Molly expertly folding the sail. She passes the dark blue one to Jayden and the light blue one to me. We step closer, and Jayden takes my left hand first. Without speaking a word, he slips the ring onto my finger, where it fits perfectly. I do the same for him, and the altaria take off.
 The crowd gasps as the air around us is suffused with a soft blue light and above us – above us, an altaria and a braviary are circling, dancing.
 “Rayquaza sees your bond,” Alyss speaks up, “And holds you to keep true through the rest of your lives.”
 “We will never break the bond that we have sworn.” Jayden and I speak together. “We will hold it as high as the skies, letting it rest with the one who guides our paths.”
 The birds above us lock claws and dive straight for us.
 “Holy Groudon,” Joanna says, but I can see Soise grinning, and so I stand firm.
 The birds dive and, as they reach us, they fade and disintegrate into confetti that disappears as it lands.
 “They are bound now, by word and by sky to hold this forever. It is – well done.” Alyss nods and bows.
 The big stained glass window behind her – showing Uxie and Rayquaza appearing to the first settlers – erupts with light, throwing shards of colour through the temple. The smaller windows were lit up as well, but through the big one the silhouettes of two dragonite can be seen, twisting together.
 And music ekes out into the hall once more and swells, and Jayden steps back with a gesture for me to spin. I spread my arms – my wings – and twirl.
 The crowd applauds, and Venus lets loose a volley of sparks. Jayden catches me and I lean into his chest, smiling as I catch sight of Joanna, crossing her arms across her chest in the Lavaridge way.
 “To the hall?” Jayden asks, kissing my temple.
 Alyss nods. “Lead the way.”
 “Thank you, Alyss.” I smile at her. “Really.”
 “My pleasure.” She bows.
 Most people are still in their seats, and only shift once we’re past them. Pie is waiting by the door with Elise, and she shields us once again as we leave the temple, stepping away down the cleared walkways to the hall.
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gabriellademonaco · 5 years
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Tiaras worn by Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie of Luxembourg:
Diamond Vine Leaves Tiara
Grand Duchess Marie-Adélaïde’s Sapphire Tiara
The Lannoy Tiara
Chaumet Diamond and Pearl Choker Tiara
Luxembourg Turquoise Tiara
The Butterfly Tiara
Topaz (or Citrine) and Pearl Bandeau
Amethyst and Pearl Bandeau
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Confessions of an Imperial Concubine
Chapter Two: Stupid Little Rich Boy
AO3 Author’s note/glossary/info one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven epilogue
All my work is 18+.
Throw me in the dirt pit; don’t think about the choices that you make. Throw me in the water; don’t think about the splash I will create.- Daughter, Landfill
Sera had no idea why she was being led through the elaborately decorated halls of the Emperor’s home. She had no idea why she’d been bathed, but she had. In fact, she’d been scrubbed within an inch of her life in places she didn’t think needed special attention. The women attending to her, however, had disagreed, insisting on the scrubbing, lotioning, and perfuming of her skin. Her pale blonde curls had been washed, combed, and intricately styled, and she’d been dressed in a flowing green gown with a strange contraption to hold her breasts up. She had no idea why she hadn’t been permitted to use her own breast bindings or why she’d been put in a smooth, shiny fabric, but there she was, walking behind the Emperor himself with the soft fabric of her gown trailing behind her.
The floors were made of marble that had been polished to the point that she could see her own reflection. She could also see the reflection of the Emperor, which she found greatly displeasing because his appearance was not remotely displeasing. Sera attributed this to the fact that he was a stupid little rich boy who was the product of a stupid little privileged breeding program. 
He wouldn’t have such a ridiculous face, she thought furiously, if he’d been made organically like the rest of us.
The walls and ceilings of his rich-boy palace were a soft cream color—she’d never seen walls or ceilings that had color before—, beautifully painted with scenes so intricate, she didn’t have time to take them all in. The hallways were lined with vases of flowers and even statues, the walls adorned with paintings. By the time he stopped in front of a set of carved double doors, she was fairly certain he could feed her entire planet for a good few months at least. She was fuming.
The Emperor was living in luxury while Sera's people were being left to starve in slums, and she wanted to spit on him for it. She’d already known nobility was made up entirely of scum—especially royalty, whether their titles were inherited or stolen—but all of this solidified it. She’d never expected to see the proof firsthand, and yet here it was.
He opened the large doors and gestured for her to step through. Sera did so with her head held high, not contemplating what she might be walking into.
What she was walking into, in fact, was a room filled with jewelry.
There were large displays of crowns, tiaras, headdresses, bracelets connected to rings with hand chains—as well as separate rings and bracelets—, and necklaces, each more elaborate and ostentatious than the last.
Some of them appeared to be grouped separately; namely the headdresses, hand chains, and some of the necklaces. The crowns and tiaras were separate as well; likely because they were intended for royalty only. The Emperor stepped just inside the door and shut it behind him.
“You’re free to come back later and choose anything from these tables—“ he gestured to the tables with the rings, bracelets, and necklaces— “whenever you’d like. For now, however,” he went on, stepping towards the elaborately jeweled hand chains, “it’s important you choose one of these.”
Sera stared at him for several seconds.“Why?”
The Emperor tilted his head slightly to the side as if in thought. “You’re living under me from this moment on,” he said after a few seconds. “Every woman living under me must select one to wear. It signifies that you serve me now.”
Fueled by the fire his words lit in her veins, Sera lifted her chin defiantly at him and declared, “I’ll die before I lower myself to be your servant, Atreides.”
A slow, soft smile spread across his infuriatingly beautiful features, his glowing blue gaze fixed on her. “You will be many things in your life, Lady Seraphine of the Atreides,” he told her in a quiet, knowing voice, as if certain his words were fact, a foregone conclusion. “A servant is not one of them.”
She was too scared to ask, but she couldn’t help but wonder:
Then what am I?
And then, a much more horrifying thought:
He called me Lady Seraphine of the Atreides. What am I?
When she did nothing but stare up at him in stunned silence for several terrifying thuds of her heart, he said, “Emeralds would match your eyes.”
The eyes in question narrowed, and she informed him, “I’d prefer if you didn’t look at my eyes.” After a moment of thought, she added, “Or look at me at all, in fact.”
The Emperor only smiled slightly and shook his head.
Sera turned away from him, though she felt his gaze on her still. She told herself the emerald hand chain she selected had nothing to do with what he’d said, but she didn’t miss his soft smile when he saw her choice.
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“I won’t do it,” Sera insisted firmly, staring down at the exasperated dressmaker. “I won’t undress with him present.” She jerked her chin in the direction of the man in question, who was looking increasingly annoyed.
The dressmaker sighed and turned towards the intruder. “You really needn’t be here, Majesty,” the older woman informed him. “It took additional time for me to make the extra trips to Her Ladyship’s chamber so as to bring my supplies, and I’ve done this many times before, as you well know—“
“I realize that,” the Emperor told her with forced patience, “but I’m afraid I must stay and ensure this is done correctly. She’s too important to take risks with, even on something so small.”
Sera was about to ask what in the hell he meant by risk when he added, “But if it will speed things up, I’ll turn around.”
He did so, and Sera stripped out of her gown hastily. Glancing down at her slippered feet, a truly marvelous thought suddenly occurred to her. Stepping out of her shoes, she reached down, took one in hand, reared her arm back, and let fly.
The dainty slipper sailed through the air in an arc, and a self-satisfied grin spread across Sera’s face when it smacked the Emperor square in the back of the head. 
To her horror, however, he immediately whipped his head around, and she saw his eyes trail the length of her bare body no less than two times before he turned back around.
She was sputtering in abject fury when he said, “Don’t throw things at me if you don’t want me to look at you.”
Sera glared fiercely at the back of his stupidly beautiful head, but chose to remain silent.
If she spoke to him, he might turn around again, and she couldn’t risk that, now could she?
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“I must measure Your Ladyship’s bosom,” the dressmaker said exasperatedly.
“Yes,” Sera agreed in annoyance, “around my torso, I understand that, but the lengths you are measuring here, the positions—“
“Your Ladyship’s gowns require precise measurements of her entire body,” the older woman informed her. “The backside is next, and then the thighs—“
“The what?” Sera hissed. “Whatever could you need to measure those things for?”
“Precision,” the dressmaker insisted. “Now if Your Ladyship would please position her bosom as I’ve requested—“
“Fine,” Sera snapped, primarily conceding because the Emperor’s hands were twitching at his sides and she was afraid he’d turn back around and set his freaky, glowing, spice-addicted eyes on her.
She did as requested, positioning her breasts at whichever odd angles the dressmaker bade her until the older woman decided she was done. Sera watched the Emperor the entire time, hoping the occasional twitching of his hands was only coincidental in its precedence of the dressmaker mentioning a part of her body. Her backside didn’t require as much positioning, thank god, nor did her thighs.
A full hour passed before she was allowed to don her clothes again and the dressmaker was sent on her way.
It was around the time that Sera was no longer being poked and prodded that her attention was drawn to the room around her.
The dressmaker had implied that this was Sera’s room. This was very odd indeed for a multitude of reasons. First, Sera had never been in possession of her own room. She’d been lucky enough to only have to share a room with her sisters rather than her brothers as well. She’d had her own bed at one point, but her eldest sister, Maeve, had been born only a year after her, and they’d shared a bed every since. As such, Sera had no idea what having a bed to oneself might be like. Her house was sizable—at least as far as houses on Beakkal went—and even so, the room she currently stood in would likely fit her entire home quite comfortably. It felt strange—wrong—for one person to occupy so much space.
Like the rest of the palace, the cream-colored walls and ceilings were painted with scenes she wanted to spend hours studying, and there was gold around the corners of the ceilings. Lavish rugs adorned the floors, so thick her feet sank into them and she couldn’t see her toes.
There was a vanity table of carved wood with various jeweled bottles and jars set atop it as well as two large wardrobes pushed into one corner with an ornate chair between them. In another corner was a table and chair set with a vase in the center of the table. There were two intricately carved archways, as well— one that was rather small and had fabric covering it that prevented any visibility through it, and one that was wide and had a more sheer fabric concealing what was behind it. It appeared to be the sleeping section of the room, based on the large bed that she could make out beyond it. There were windows that were arched in the same way, and they had glass. She had glass. In her own room.
The fabrics that adorned the room were unlike anything she’d ever seen, too— they were lustrous in a way that reminded her of still water.
She was fairly certain that the bed she saw was intended for her and her alone, which was astonishing in and of itself. She’d been able to make out at least five thick, fluffy pillows, which was exceedingly strange to her given that she’d spent her life fighting for one flat pillow on a shared mattress with Maeve. 
Much to Sera’s dismay, however, the Emperor had shut the doors behind the older woman when she’d left rather than following after her, and Sera had been focused far too much on the room to even consider its other inhabitant.
“This is…” Sera gulped when he turned his gaze on her— he was always so unnerving. “This is my room?”
He tilted his head to the side slightly and nodded.
The shoe she’d thrown at him was a few feet to his left. This would’ve been much more amusing to her if it didn’t remind her of what he’d seen after it hit him.
“Why?” she asked, afraid of the answer. “Shouldn’t I be in a… a dungeon or something?”
He smiled softly at her and took several steps forward.
She fought the urge to run. 
“Why?” he parroted back at her, his voice gentle in a way that made her blood turn to ice. “Would you prefer a dungeon?”
Sera narrowed her eyes at him. “I’d prefer to go home.”
The Emperor said nothing, choosing to stare at her instead.
The dress she’d been given to wear revealed too much of her breasts. It pushed them upwards in a way she was unused to. And worse yet, he’d… he’d seen her.
“What am I?” she finally asked. “Why do I have a fancy room, or… this?” She lifted the hand chain up and jingled it, the emeralds winking in the light. “I’m not a servant, so what am I? A slave?”
“No,” the Emperor said with a soft chuckle, “you’re not a slave. You’re a kept woman.” He paused for a moment before saying, “Any woman living under me is one of the Kept, and they are given a number of things; status, respect, clothes, jewels, whatever else they wish for. You are one of them now.”
Sera stared at him for several seconds and had to fight the urge to back away. She’d heard of girls on Beakkal getting noticed by local officials and being taken to live with them; it was transactional. They got wealth and luxury in exchange for their bodies. “That sounds a lot like a concubine,” she said shakily.
The Emperor shrugged slightly. “If that’s what you choose to call it.”
This time, she did back away from him. She couldn’t help herself.
“I’m not letting you touch me,” she spat, furiously looking around the room for something to use as a weapon. “I’ll die first.”
He watched her with laughter in his eyes and a small smile gracing his too-perfect lips. “I have no interest in touching you until you want me to. Everything between us will be consensual.”
Until?! she thought furiously.
“You’ll be waiting a very long time, then.”
There was that soft smile again. “That’s fine,” he assured her gently. “I can wait.”
He left after that, quietly shutting the doors behind him, and Sera glared fiercely at the doorway he’d just walked through.
“Then you’ll be waiting the rest of your freakishly long life, you glow-eyed, spice-addicted bastard.”
She told herself that the peal of laughter she heard on the other side of the door was entirely unrelated.
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In collaboration with @dunefandomevents for the Dune Mini Bang 2022. Art by @alexagirlie, moodboard by me, brainstorming with @meetmyothersoulss, and betaing by @patronsaintofthetwinks
Tag list: @meetmyothersouls @ellamaianderson @shika1200 @blackqueenstarseed1 @gatoenlaciudad @esmaada @mariaelizabeth21-blog1 @softhecreator @timolaurence
To be added, please ask 💗
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andrew-mason · 2 years
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“Do my eyes deceive me, or is that Andrew Mason lurking around my display on ancient Elven artefacts?” Andrew paused, a hand hovering over an intricately-crafted silver tiara perched on a faceless bust. Straightening his posture, he turned and smiled warmly to the tall, willowy man. 
“Hey, Mads. Long time no—” 
“Put them back, Andrew,” Mads intoned. 
“Put what back?” Andrew replied, brows knit in innocent confusion. Mads gave a weary sigh. 
“The earrings and the pocketwatch in your vest, the commemorative coronation spoon in your shoe, the Zandalari fertility bracelet in your pants, and the raw sapphire you shoved down your shirt,” he replied as he held out a hand. Dutifully, Andrew removed the items from their hiding places and dropped them into the other man’s outstretched palm. 
“That’s all I got,” he said earnestly as Mads gave him an appraising look down the length of his thin nose. 
“Is it? I think I would also like back the emerald ring you’re hiding under your thieving little tongue,” he added. His nose wrinkled as Andrew spat out a ring onto the top of the small pile of goods. “You’re an animal, you know.” 
Andrew shoved his hands into his empty pockets and shrugged lightly. “I know.” 
Mads swept around him and deposited the items into a drawer behind the counter, locked it with a tap of his wand, and turned to face Andrew once more as he used a handkerchief to wipe spittle from his palm. 
“I assume you’re here on business, and not simply to rob an honest shopkeeper of his hard-earned goods?” A snort answered him first. 
“I'm not sure anything in here was acquired honestly, Mads. But yeah— I’m here on business.” 
“And that business is…?” 
“Forgery. I’m looking to pick up some more work— art, documents, whatever you got.” 
Mads arched an eyebrow. “Your cut from the work you did on the Silvermoon job wasn’t enough? You need another cool million?” he asked, to which Andrew waved a hand. 
“I don’t care about the money, I’m just… I dunno. Bored, I guess?” 
“You’re bored.” 
“I know you heard me— look, just give me anything. You got any new rubes you’re looking to fleece? Some competitor you want to embarrass?” he asked. Mads tapped his chin in thought. 
“You know, there is something I've had in mind for a while— it will require the utmost skill and discretion, of course—” 
“Of course.” 
“The benefit for me is that it will finally ruin the shop up the street.” 
“You still got beef with Faustus?” 
“I don’t know what ‘got beef’ means, but if it means he is my sworn nemesis and I wish to see his world crumble around him, then yes.” 
“Wasn’t the Silvermoon job enough? The flack he got when those people figured out he’d sold them fakes, and then they came rushing to you to get the real ones— which Quai made sure you got, of course—” 
“Of course.” 
“Wasn’t that enough?” 
“To put it simply: no. But one more good blunder and in the eyes of the black market art community, he will be dead weight.” 
“And you’ll reap all the rewards.” 
“Or at least his last few high-paying clients.” 
“What, you need another cool million?” Andrew teased. 
“I assure you,” Mads replied haughtily, “the payout will be significantly higher— and made all the sweeter by the professional demise of Mister Faustus.” Andrew ran a hand through his hair. 
“Alright, so what do you need?” 
“Tea first, I think,” Mads replied as he moved towards the back room of his shop. Dutifully, Andrew followed along after him. 
“Just sugar in mine,” Andrew said as he slid into a chair. He watched as Mads lazily waved his wand: a kettle and an old teapot sprang into action at the counter, one filling with water as the other opened its lid to accept a scoop of loose leaves that rose of their own accord from a tin on a shelf. Once two of cups had slid to a stop on the table between them and the kettle had settled itself onto a stove burner, Mads fixed his gaze once more on Andrew. 
“The job I need you to do is in two parts,” he began. He snapped his fingers and a tin of gingersnaps flew across the room to bump Andrew politely on the arm. 
“Cool, two parts,” Andrew replied as he took a biscuit and shoved it into his mouth, then took two more. 
“You are going to reproduce a priceless vase. To do this, you will need clay and water from a very specific spot in eastern Pandaria, and feldspar from the top of Mount Neverest. These are the only two places you can acquire what you need— the water and clay are both found in a specific underground cave through which a spring flows, and though I don’t know if the feldspar from the top of Neverest makes a difference from feldspar found outside of Stormwind, I think it best not to risk it on a job like this.” 
“Mmf— stho those’re—” 
“Chew and swallow, please.” 
Andrew did as instructed, then gestured towards Mads. “So those are the two parts to this?” 
“No. Then there is a set of paints you will need in order to paint this replica— they are only found in one monastery that has been using the same paints for centuries. They produced hundreds of them and they stored them in a guarded underground vault somewhere in the Jade Forest.” 
“So that’s the second part.” 
“No. You will then need to craft the vase—” 
“With the feldspar from the mountain and the clay and the spring water from the cave—” 
“—In one of the monastery’s crafting rooms. You will need to use their kiln to fire the vase and the stamps they have on hand to mark the bottom of it once it comes out— the wood they burn and the temperature at which they burn it is a closely-guarded secret unique to that monastery, and they have been doing it that way for centuries. You can do the painting here, of course,” Mads added. 
“Of course. So that’s the second part.” 
“No. Then, once the vase is painted, you will need to sneak it into the home of its owner and replace it with the one you made. I want the original.” 
“Why not just sell my very convincing fake?” 
“Because I do not sell fakes, Andrew, which is how I keep my sterling reputation. You will be setting the fake in place of the genuine vase, for which I have a buyer."
At that moment, the kettle started to whistle. Andrew gestured with a biscuit as Mads summoned the kettle over to the table.
“I can get the feldspar and the clay and the spring water, no problem— it’s the paints and the kiln and the breaking in stuff I’ll need help with. I don’t even know where we’re breaking into, and d’you know how long it takes to fire a vase? Eight hours at least, for the first firing—” 
“— and at least twelve hours for glazing—” 
“I haven’t even told you where you will be breaking into in order to switch out the real vase for the fake.” 
“If it’s the Silvermoon City Met again, I think they might just close up shop after this, none of their art will be real anymore—” 
“It is not the Met.” 
Andrew shoved another cookie into his mouth. 
“Well? Where ith it?” he asked as he chewed. Mads leaned in, long fingers tented beneath his chin. 
“You know Stormwind is currently without its boy king, yes?” 
“Yeah, the uh… what’s his name, the grizzled-looking paladin type is sittin' on the big chair.” 
“Turalyon is currently on the throne, yes. And while he holds young Wrynn’s spot on the throne, he does not live in the king’s chambers,” Mads explained. “Tell me— what do you know about the king’s private art gallery?” 
((Mentioned: @quai-mason ))
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serenityseventeen · 3 years
Jeonghan (윤정한):
“Love Poem 2”
synopsis: As the days go by and the wedding day ticks closer, you find yourself falling further and further for Jeonghan, one of the princes in Kingdom Svuentin; while Jeonghan begins to fall in love with you, the princess of Kingdom Caerat.
parts: 1 - “Love Poem” | 2 - “Love Poem 2”
genre: royal!au
pairing: prince!jeonghan x princess!fem!reader
a/n: Please he's so freaking gorgeous ugh + Make sure to vote for Seventeen for BBMAs Top Social Artist on Twitter and the website!
The wedding is in two weeks.
It has been a week since you met your arranged partner, Prince Jeonghan. He showed you many things in the Svuentin Kingdom, such as flying lanterns, flying squirrels, rivers and waterfalls, swords and bows, libraries, food, and horses.
Every day, you guys spent with each other.
The day after you arrived at Kingdom Svuentin, he offered to take you somewhere he said he knew you'd like.
“How do you know I'll like it when we barely know each other?” You asked. This time, your dress was red. It was less puffy than your white one yesterday and you didn't need to worry about a cape.
The dress was flowy like water and would sway at every touch from the wind.
Jeonghan was in royal black clothes this time.
“Just trust me,” Jeonghan said with a smile that seemed somewhat mischievous.
“I don't know if I can trust you after-”
You couldn't even finish your sentence because he just took your hand and dragged you somewhere, leaving you to pick up your dress and race with him.
You two walked through the town. Whenever people walked by, they would bow politely and then talk. You were a bit skeptical to be walking around so many people since any one of them could snatch your tiara off your head.
However, it seemed that with Jeonghan there, everyone held respect. Like mad respect. They seemed to like him a lot.
Jeonghan stopped in front of a stand.
“Is this where you want to take me?” You asked, your eyes wandering off to a cherry blossom tree that was shedding petals.
“No, the real thing is at night,” he bought this candy from the stand, making the owner of the stand overjoyed.
He handed it to you. “Here, try this. I bet you've never even seen anything like this.”
He was right. It was nothing like you've seen before. It seemed like some random, crazy dribbles of syrup, but the syrup was like glass stuck onto a stick.
Jeonghan wandered off and you stayed behind, watching as he walked away.
“Excuse me, you're the 2nd Prince's bride, right? The princess of Caerat?”
You nodded, turning to him.
He suddenly smiled brightly, like that of a father who just watched his son or daughter win.
“That's good. The 2nd prince is a good prince. He may not seem like the average prince because of his intelligent and strategic mind, but when it comes to battle, he and the other 12 princes can save the entire kingdom in just one battle!” The stand holder suddenly handed you another candy. “I admire the 2nd prince a lot. Especially when he rides a horse, he looks phenomenal. When he's focused on something, you can see the passion burning in his eyes. He's a handsome, talented, and strong prince. You chose a great man.”
As you got drawn into the compliments from this elderly man, Jeonghan walked over to one of the other stands.
It was a jewelry stand, with hairclips and hairpins, brooches, simple earrings,s and bracelets made of beads.
Jeonghan saw this one specific bracelet made of beautiful green jade. He bought it right away, along with a cute hairpin with a flower on it, that reminded him of you.
He turned back to see you still at the candy stand, holding two pieces of candy, listening intently to what the old man was saying.
Jeonghan walked toward you and began to listen in from behind. The old man didn't seem to have noticed Jeonghan's presence either.
“Last year, he saved the country with his genius plan.”
“What did he do? Was it the war between Svuentin and Vual?”
“You didn't hear about it? He caused a whole ruckus in the Vaul castle because he convinced the princes to overthrow their parents!”
Your eyes widened, your mouth sucking the sugary candy.
“I think I read about it in the newspaper! It was like a scene from a book!”
Jeonghan smiled, hearing your little excited voice made his heart jump.
“Do you also know? The 2nd prince has been behind you the whole time?” Jeonghan asked, grinning, his hands behind his back, holding onto the bracelet and hairpin.
You straightened your posture.
Jeonghan chuckled and fixed your crown.
“Why are you eating it like that? You look so cute.”
You blushed and quickly thanked the old man before walking away. Jeonghan followed, unable to get that picture of you listening intently to his heroic actions out of his mind.
His heart fluttered.
Later that evening, after wanding from stand to stand, and going back to the castle to rest, Jeonghan finally took you somewhere.
It was getting dark.
He clasped his hand with yours and dragged you to the back quickly, across the stone bridge, through the forest, and forward. You were a bit scared because of the deep woods, afraid that something would pop up, but with Jeonghan's hand a small lamp lighting the way, you two finally reached the destination.
It was a small clearing that led to the ocean. It was a bit strange but seemed mystical. You couldn't help but let out a little “woah” as you looked at the full moon.
Jeonghan smiled, still holding your hand.
“Wait,” he said, covering your eyes with his hands. “At a count of three, you'll open your eyes, okay?”
You nodded, not thinking much of it.
It's a dark night.
Just the daydream in his eyes.
Lighting up the sky.
“Open,” he said in a whisper voice. He removed his hand and in front of you was his face, so close that you wanted to just kiss him, but without knowing how, you just met his eyes.
He smiled and then moved.
In the night were orange lanterns, flying higher and higher. You were even more amazed because you couldn't see that type of thing in Kingdom Caerat.
In your red dress, both of you sat down on the grass to look at the moving stars.
You were so focused on the lights that you didn't realize that to Jeonghan, your beautiful eyes and smile were illuminating his night.
Even after the little light show ended, you kept talking about it. He watched carefully as you talked, rambling on and on.
When he got into bed, he kept thinking about it, about what he should do next to see you smile more.
That was the second day of staying at Kingdom Svuentin. You were going to stay for a week before heading back. Your parents were busy preparing for the wedding and negotiating.
On the third day, Jeonghan overslept.
The other princes were busy with training and Jeonghan was late. They tried to wake him up but that strange prince was sleeping like a log, so they sent you to wake him while they left for training.
You went down to his room and knocked, to find no answer. Quietly, you opened his door and saw him curled up in bed.
You walked to him in your long-sleeved, knee-length, peach dress. Instead of wearing your usual tiara, your mother took it back for safekeeping and gave you a special necklace passed down from the Caerat royal family.
You sat down on his bed, gazing at his sleeping face. His bookshelves did not have many books in them but carved wooden figures.
As he slept peacefully, you brought your hand to his hair, soft and smooth. With your hand stroking his hair, he slowly fluttered awake. At this point, from holding your hand, he was able to recognize your touch.
He stayed quiet in bed, you didn't realize he was awake. After playing with his hair for a bit, thinking he was asleep, you decided to wake him up, shake him a little.
He woke up almost immediately.
There was an area for archery, an area for sword fighting, and horse riding, as well as other physical courses when you arrived at the training center.
You had offered to drop off Jeonghan's lunch for him, even though you were a princess, your royal princess life had seemed to become more normal with him around.
Jeonghan was in the archery section.
You walked up to him, who was holding the bow professionally. His focused expression made your heart flutter.
“Jeonghan,” you called. “There's some lunch for you.”
“Oh Y/N,” he turned to you, looking down at his hand. “I think I cut my finger...”
“What??” You rushed over to him and took his hand, examining it only to see no blood or cut. “Come on, don't play jokes like these.”
He chuckled and offered to help you learn how to shoot an arrow. His hands would brush against yours and hold you tightly, your back pressed against his chest.
Slowly, a smile would appear on your face.
Those were just some of the things that happened on your week with him, the prince you were going to marry.
You didn't think that you would like him.
When the week passed and it was time for you to go back to Kingdom Caerat, your servants packed your things and the carriages arrived.
Jeonghan was at the training center and you were almost one hundred percent sure that he wouldn't make it to see you off. However, you said goodbye to him in the morning, so you didn't feel that much heartache.
In another one of your dresses, you lifted your dress and made your way to the carriage.
Just as you were about to board, you heard someone call your name. Your heart thumped nervously and anticipatingly.
You turned to see Jeonghan, on a majestical white horse, galloping toward you. He slowed down in front of you and hopped off, before running to hug you.
You were a bit surprised. Thankfully, your parents were already in the carriage. The servants and guards turned their heads to you.
You felt yourself blush, your heart racing.
Jeonghan leaned down and planted a kiss on your lips, one that was passionate but sweet. His hands went up to your neck and massaged your jawline.
The servants and guards looked away at once.
When Jeonghan finally broke off, he whispered, “Come back soon, I can't wait for you to be my wife.”
“I didn't think I'd like you, but now, I think I like you a lot.” Your words spoke before you could. You hated how the truth would just spill from your mouth.
He smiled and patted your head.
“I think I love you,” you blushed when those words came from his mouth to your ears. He took your hand and placed a jade bracelet around your wrist. He stuck a hairpin in your bun. “Have a safe trip back, my wife.”
Jeonghan watched as you boarded the carriage.
You two continued to look at each other until you couldn't anymore.
You reached for the pen and notebook you stuffed in the carriage. Thankfully, it was still untouched.
Softly, you began to write about your fluttering heart.
‘The nights will be long
thinking about my strange hero
thump, my heart goes on.
I will wonder things,
if my beauty was enough,
Daring, driven man
dancing all throughout the nights
dreamy, dovey eyes.
Love wasn't listed.
He was able to change it.
Make my heart blow up.
Now, anticipate.
Separation feels too long
until my wedding.
My goodbyes will come,
a new family I'll be
a new life, a new me.
The past, I'll linger
memories preciously kept
“bye bye my daughter”.’
© serenityseventeen
5/13/21 - 11:50 pm
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wortvermis · 3 years
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Asked for characters to do the six fanarts challenge over at Twitter and Instagram and here are the results! Still working on this kind of usage of brushes and colours but I get more comfortable with it while practicing. c: 
I put them in the order i drew them and I can see how I became more confident with the brush. A yay for practicing! (Do I have to work on the drawing I want to paint in this style now?)
IDs and single pics under the cut!
[Image description: The template of the #SixFanarts Challenge with the instruction “give me six characters to make fanart of!” at the top and the Hashtag at the bottom. From top left to bottom right are Persephone from The Raven Cycle by Maggie Stiefvater, Sakura Chiyo from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Takashi Shirogane from Voltron: Legendary Defender, VIperion from Miraculous Ladybug, Suki from Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Raine Whispers from The Owl House / more specific ids under the individual pics]
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[Image description: A digital drawing of Persephone from The Raven Cycle. She is a very light-skinned person with light hair and dark blue eyes. She is shown from the knees up looking directly at the viewer reaching her hand out to them. She wears a long blue dress and a moon necklace, in her left hand is a tarot deck. Her hair flies slightly in a breeze, a bit messy and wavy. There are blue highlights in her hair. The background is sandy beige. / end id]
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[image description: A digital drawing of Sakura Chiyo from Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun. She is a light-skinned person with big purple anime eyes, long orange hair and a bright smile. She is shown from the chest up, showing the viewer a peace sign. She wears her school uniform with a grey blazer, a white shirt und a purple satin-y ribbon. In her hair are two ribbons on both sides of her face made of red fabric with white dots. The background is purple. / end id]
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[image description: A digital drawing of Takashi Shirogane from Voltron: Legendary Defender. He is shown as his Monster&Mana character Takashi Shirogane (Paladin) in a grey armor with white and yellow details like a big belt. He’s also gpt a purple cape flowing behind him. He is a light-skinned person with short dark brown hair and eyes and is shown from the hip up holding a sword over his head. The sword also has yellow details and kinda... little arm-thingys? Like... thorns? idk. He looks up thoughtfully and wears a friggin tiara. The backgroudn is... nondescript beige or something. Look - he looks utterly soft and I love him a lot. / end id]
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{image description: A digital drawing of Viperion, the superhero alter ego of Luka Couffaine, from Miraculous Ladybug. He is a light-skinned boy with a turquoise-teal-darkish gradient hair colour, which is cut into a standard cartoon character cut. He is shown from the bust up doing his “Second Chance!”-gesture where he uses a button with his right hand at his bracelet on his left. He wears his teal and turquoise coloured hero suit with yellow details and his matching mask. His eyes are bright yellow (just because). The background is yellow. / end id]
omg two more to go.
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]image description: A digital drawing of Suki from Avatar: The Last Airbender in her Kyoshi warrior uniform wielding her golden weapon fans. She is a person with brown hair in a bob and grey eyes, her face is painted with white make-up, a black eyeliner and eyebrows, a bright red eyeshadow and dark red lips. She also wears a golden head piece. She is shown from the hip up in a fighting position with her weight on her left leg, while the other is on the groung. Her body is shown from the sight, but her face is turned to the viewer. Her armor is brown harnish and greenish other clothes like a big skirt and boots. I am so sorry I suck at ids, lol. The background is beige-brownish (yes, again.) /end id]
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a yay for enby characters!!
[image description: A digital drawing of Raine Whispers from The Owl House. It is a head-shot of them. They are a brown-skinned person with elf ears and short whitey-green hair, that does a little mullet-thing at their neck. Their eyes are dark green behind round glasses. They are wearing a white cape, hold with a triangular golden... thing that holds capes. a... broche? Or something like that? The background is brownish. / end id]
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spotofimagines · 3 years
Tea Party ~ Calum Chambers
A/N: @footballffbarbiex ​ is running another writing challenge so here i am again! happy father's day and enjoy :)
Warnings: kids - reader is female
Summary: What your little girl wants, your little girl gets. That statement might be changing from now on...
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Walking through the door, Mum in tow this time, you're surprised to find the house quiet and relatively tidy, just as you left it. You nudge your head round the door frame to see no one in the living room as you slip your shoes off and it makes you frown a little. Their afternoon alone together certainly would have caused more chaos than this.
Guessing your two troublemakers must be busy upstairs, you venture that way, shouting their names to let them know you're home whilst your Mum makes herself comfortable. 
You can hear your boyfriend's muffled voice and a bunch of objects moving around as you walk. It's only when you reach the landing that your daughter makes an appearance speeding towards you.
She is decked out head to toe in items from her dressing-up box; her most used princess dress on with her grey pyjamas still underneath, plastic heel slides, and a tiara in her messy hair that you can already tell is knotted in place. Her favourite elephant teddy is seconds from falling out from under her little arm, but there's no sign of her slowing down to wait for that to happen.
You quickly scoot to the side as she whizzes past, saying a cheerful "hi" without looking up before she's off down the stairs to Grandma.
You take a breath as you ready yourself to see what mess the toys on the floor have spilled away from in her bedroom. When you reach her doorway, that's where you find the man you were searching for, in the process of slowly standing up from the ground.
Now there's no doubting what has happened while you were gone. The small purple table is in the middle of the room covered in all the toy teacups she owns, and a few extras from the kitchen. A few pink chairs sit around the table occupied by her most treasured teddies, with the rest left to sit haphazardly on her bed to watch the festivities from afar. 
But no one looks as prepared for this royal tea party as Calum. He is adorned in a pink cowboy hat encrusted with a diamante star, a purple feather boa neatly wrapped around his neck over his athletic top, and enough plastic jewellery to accessorise a crowd.
You have to stifle a laugh so you don't startle him, but when Cal turns and sees you in the doorway with your hand on your mouth, he starts chuckling himself. He defeatedly drops his yellow cup on the table as your laugh gladly fills the room at the sight of him.
“That's the last time I do that,” He says, glad to be done with it but struggling to keep himself from smiling no matter how hard he’s trying, “Half an hour it was. My knees are killing me.” You mockingly 'aw' at him whilst he places the rings he'd been wearing on top of a set of drawers and plods across the carpet to you. He isn't too used to spending time with your daughter completely alone like this and it's made him tired you can tell. But he also looks pretty satisfied with how the day has been spent, or more, how happy the day has made your little girl.
He huffs and you rub your hands over his chest and shoulders a few times before sharing a quick greeting kiss. Only then do you notice the glitter in his hair. Lord knows how that got involved, but you decide to keep to yourself the fact he’ll probably still be sporting that look in training tomorrow morning. 
“Thirty minutes isn't that long you know...” You point out, taking the bracelet off his wrist and dropping it in the dress-up box where it belongs. You’ve been caught up for hours at a time playing make belief with her when Cal has been away with Arsenal and you know by now, just thirty minutes sitting on her bedroom floor is a blessing. 
His face falls flat as he widens his eyes a little. “Alright then, you can be Sheriff Bubblegum next time if you want,” He says sarcastically, putting the pink cowboy hat on your head now with a chuckle. Your hair falls everywhere as he slides the hat down your face, both your laughs growing a little. His other hand grabs your waist to move you to the side and he pushes you behind him into the room playfully, walking down the hall with a big grin before you can get to him. 
Regretfully, your poor boyfriend leaves too early and in the midst of seeing you get distracted enough to leave his feather boa around his neck, meaning his vow not to attend another tea party hosted by your daughter won't even last for the rest of the afternoon. 
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 60
And that's a wrap on my season 3!!! I really hope you guys like this chapter. At the very least, I hope it's better than the actual miracle queen episode. I'm happy that I even got to work in some lore as well :D anyway, I'll be starting on my 'season four' which have a few oc akumas and other season 3 akumas I haven't used yet. It will also explore the guardians and their history and of course, we'll be seeing more of Mila and the Western holders. Speaking of them, two of them are characters in the actual show so feel free to guess who they might be. Will these heroes be returning? Maybe but they might not necessarily be wearing those miraculous again. Also I will be drawing up their designs at some point. Anyway, the next chapter will be one of the OC akumas, Neon Queen. Should be fun to see how that goes.
Chapter Sixty: Miracle Queen (2/2)
~The Guardian's Temple~
  Mila opened her eyes as she looked up at the sky. She was laid on the ground underneath a cherry blossom tree. She sat up and glanced around, making a frown as she did. She could see the entrance to the guardian's temple on her right, making her frown even more as she realized where she was. She hadn't been here in over three hundreds years. She slowly got up and looked at the tree before walking over to it's trunk and placing her hand on it, holding back tears as she did. The last time she had seen it was the day before her beloved was killed. The two of them considered this tree their special place. It was where their love had formed. They spoke underneath it's leaves and spend their nights gazing at the stars in it's branches. Her beloved had even asked her to marry him here. She quickly wiped her tears from her cheeks as she shook her head. No, this wasn't the real tree. That had been buried, along with the temple a century ago. This was a dream but why was she dreaming of it? She hadn't dreamt of this place in decades so why now? What had changed? Her eyes snapped open as she heard the soft sound of someone playing a pipa nearby. She looked over and saw a young man, barely in his twenties. His hair was long and dark in color with a silver ribbon tied to part of it. He wore a blue tang shirt with silver detail and light gray pants. His legs had bandages over them and he wore black shoes while he wore dark blue gloves that were elbow length and fingerless on his hands. He was sat near the tree, gently playing the pipa with his eyes closed. He slowly came to a stop and opened them, revealing they were silver in color as Mila stared in shock. He smiled softly, putting the pipa down and walking over to her as tears filled her eyes.
  "T-Tóutāi..." She gasped as he stood in front of her. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she covered her mouth, trying to hold back a sob.
"Don't not cry, my flower," He whispered, cupping her face with his hand. She leaned into it as he wiped her tears away with his thumb. 
  "This can't be real..." She gasped, looking up at him. "This is just a dream..."
  "Maybe," He smiled, making her chuckle. "Or maybe it isn't,"
  "Either way, I don't want to wake," She whispered as he gently pressed his forehead against hers. "I have missed you, beloved... but how are you in my dreams? I thought that traitor had permanently killed you,"
  "The time for answers will come soon enough, my flower," He whispered back, making her frown but at the same time, she didn't mind. He always was cryptic. She guess it came with been the celestial guardian. "For now, I must relay an important task to you... for you are the only one currently protected by my magic,"
  "What is it, my love?" She asked, looking up at him.
"The balance is in danger," He stated, making her blink. "The moth has made a deadly move in the game he plays and without help, the children of creation and destruction will lose themselves to the song of the fox. The time to step from the shadows is now, my flower. Help them,"
  "Tóutāi... I don't know if I can..." She gasped, looking down. "I'm not the same woman you fell in love with..."
  "Of course you are," He stated, gently pressing his hand over her heart. Mila gasped softly as she felt all the love and hope he felt for her. "You are still the brave and determined woman I fell in love with. They need your help,"
  "I'll do what I can," She whispered before pressing her lips to his. He cupped her face as he kissed back before they pulled away. "Goodbye, beloved,"
  Tóutāi gave her a sad smile as the scene around them began to fade around them, causing everything to disappear including him.
  ~Mila's Office, Paris~
  Mila opened her eyes as she came around from her dream. She sat up and glanced around, frowning as she heard the sound of a flute playing. She walked over to the window and glanced outside, gasping as she saw everyone around her just stood eerily still. They were staring with glowing orange eyes, making her frown deeply. This must be what Tóutāi had warned her about. However, she wasn't affected by it. Tóutāi had given her a flower necklace on their wedding day as a gift. He had explained that he had enchanted it to protect her from anyone's magic. She had never taken it off, even after his death. She placed her hand around it, mentally thanking him before she turned on her heel. She noticed her phone had a missed call, causing her to pick it up and dial voicemail. She hit play to listen to it.
  "Mistress, it's Renée. Um you told me to report in if I ever came across Anatis. Well, I just did. He seemed nic-" The sound of a flute caused her to cut off, causing Mulan to frown before she heard the phone drop and it hung up. Renée and Elise had been at the Grand Paris Hotel for the anniversary of Mr and Mrs Rossi. Their daughter, Lila, had invited them to it and they decided to go since they wanted to kill time before they went to Anatis' medal ceremony in the evening. She was also planning to attend but now she had to deal with this situation. She hung up her phone and walked over to her desk. She sat down and pressed several hidden panels that caused a secret draw to pop open, revealing a circular box with the symbol of the guardians on it. She took it out and opened the lid, revealing a layer inside that was split into sessions. From the out section, she took out the cuff links and the key chain. She placed them in little boxes that resembled the miracle box. She then took all three of the miraculous from the center section, She placed two of them into the small boxes but placed the bracelet on her wrist, causing a kwami to manifest as it changed to a simple gold chain. It was light blue and green in color and resembled an octopus. It opened her eyes and blinked at her before bowing.
  "Master Mulan, it is a honor to see you again," She stated, making her bow back.
  "It is good to see you again, Kraak but I require your help," She stated as it nodded before she held up her wrist. "Kraak, Unleash!"
  Kraak got sucked into her bracelet, transforming it into a bracelet that resembled tentacles. Mila swiped her hand over her face, creating a mask that resembled tentacles and changing her eye color to lilac color before throwing her hands up in the air. A light blue light spread from her fingers, creating her outfit and shoes. She wore a high neck vest with no sleeves that was turquoise blue in color and loose turquoise green pants that were tied at her knees. Armored panels appeared on her shoulders and hips before a blue belt appeared around her waist. She had turquoise blue fingerless gloves on and her vest had a deep blue zipper. Her hair turned into a midnight blue shade and was styled into a bun with strands of hair by the side of her head. A tentacle shaped tiara appeared on her head and a flexible claw appeared on her hip before finally her shoes manifested, completing her transformation. She grabbed the boxes and placed them into her pockets before going into a different draw and grabbing a handful of ear plugs. She shoved them in her pockets as well before going over to the window and jumping out. She took out her weapon and used it to swing through the city. She landed on a building and stopped as she narrowed her eyes. On the street below was Anatis and Lady Noir but they were walking calming and ignoring everyone who was stood staring. She jumped down and landed in front of them before glancing at them. Like the other citizens, their eyes were glowing orange, making her frown. However, they completely ignored her and walked past her. She grabbed Anatis but to her surprise, he grabbed her arm and slammed her into the ground before walking off. She got back up and frowned deeply. If she hadn't been wearing a miraculous, he would have broken her arm. She threw her claw back up and made her way across the rooftops as they continued to walk through the street. She narrowed her eyes as she determined how to neutralize them. However, a shiver went down her spine, causing her to look around. There was no one around but she felt someone nearby. To her surprise, a feeling overtook her, telling her not to attack them but to find others for the miraculous she grabbed to help wake them up. Somehow, she knew that she wouldn't get close enough to use her ability on them on her own. She looked down at the heroes who were still walking through the street before sighing and jumping across to the Grand Paris hotel where Elise and Renée should be. She landed on the roof and walked across before noticing the two girls stood by the pool, staring into space. She rushed out and placed her hands on Renée's shoulders.
  "Renée?" She gasped as the girl just stared with the same glowing eyes. She looked over at Elise who was doing the same before taking a deep breathe and placing her hand on Renée's forehead. "Mind break,"
  Renée suddenly gasped as the orange in her eyes shattered and disappeared before she stepped back and looked around as Mila moved over to Elise and repeated the ability, waking her up as well.
  "Mistress?" She asked as Elise blinked and looked around. "What happened?"
  "There's an akuma who's put everyone under some sort of spell," She explained, taking out a couple of ear plugs and giving them to the two girls. "It's the music so wear these,"
  "Yes, Mistress," Renée replied as they nodded and took some from her. They placed them in their ears before Mila took out two of the boxes in her pockets. "Mistress?"
  "Renée, this is the miraculous of the Wyvern," She stated, giving the box to the girl. "And Elise, this is the miraculous of the Penguin. I need you both to go and distract Lady Noir and Anatis while I go find two others to help us with this mission,"
  "Why are we distracting them?" Renée asked as she took the box and put on the jacket earring. A green dragon like kwami manifested, causing her to smile. "Hello, Vernn,"
  "Miss Renée! It is my honour to see you again,"
  "They have been affected by this akuma and seem to be heading somewhere that I fear will lead to their doom," Mila explained as Elise took the box from her and opening it. A small penguin like kwami manifested as she put the cuff links into her sleeves. "I just need you to distract them but if you are able to restrain them then do so but please be careful. They are been mind controlled,"
  "We'll be careful," Elise replied before transforming into her hero look. She looked like a magician, wearing a black tail coat over a white shirt and full length black pants. Her hair turned black with white strips and her iris turned white while her scleras turned black. A half black and half white mask appeared over her eyes and a wand appeared in her hand. She placed it on her back as Renée transformed as well. Her outfit was a one piece suit with a tail coat over it. The tail on the coat resembled a dragon's tail and it was green in color. Her main suit was the same dark green but had a light green section across her stomach and chest. Her hair turned green as well and a scaled mask appeared over her eyes as they became lizard like before her boots and gloves appeared. Finally a sword appeared by her side, completing her transformation.
  "Let's go," She declared before jumping off with Elise as Mila went her own way. The two landed on a building near the Louvre Museum. They glanced around at everyone who was just stood eerily still before they noticed Lady Noir and Anatis walking past everyone, completely ignoring them. "There they are,"
  Elise nodded and jumped down with Renée. landing in front of the heroes. The two of them stopped and stared at the newcomers with blank expressions but before they could do anything else, Anatis' eyes widen as if surprised before they flickered back to blue. He gripped his head as if he had a headache, making the two girls look at each other as Lady Noir just stared at them. Elise took a step forward.
  "Anaits?" She gasped as he gasped before the sound of the flute got louder, making them both frown. It seemed to over take his mind again as his hands dropped from his head before he reopened his eyes. The blue faded back to orange and he took out his yoyo, spinning it. Lady Noir took out her baton as they both got into a fighting stance. Elise held up her hands as Renée held out her sword. "Please, we don't want to fight you,"
  Renée pulled her back and blocked Anatis' yoyo with her sword as he tried to hit her with it. Lady Noir charged at Elise, causing her to block her baton with her wand. Anatis grabbed Renée's art and reached for her miraculous but she stomped his foot and knocked him back as Elise dodged Lady Noir's attack. Anatis growled and went to throw up his yoyo.
  "Lu-" He went to declare but Renée kicked him, stopping him from summoning his lucky charm before she tried to grab his yoyo. He jumped back and dodged her as she charged at him. Meanwhile, Lady Noir threw Elise into a building. She held out her hand and was about to summon her cataclysm, causing Elise to try and crawl away from her but before she could, a figure jumped down in front of her.
  "Fire Phoenix!" He declared, causing his form to become in engulfed in flames that blinded the heroine, causing her to gasp and stumble back as she covered her eyes, hissing. Anatis knocked Renée back and turned to charge at the newcomer but he suddenly gripped his head again as his eyes flickered back to blue, causing the newcomer to gasp. "Anatis!"
  Anatis groaned as he stepped back but like the first time, the music increased and his eyes turned back orange. He titled his head to the side and charged at the newcomer, spinning his yoyo. Renée rushed over and helped Elise to her feet before they blocked Lady Noir's attack as she had recovered. She hissed and tried to scratch as the newcomer tried to block Anatis' attack with his fans. He managed to knock back the hero before going in front the attack.
  "Guys! Hold your breathe!" A voice shouted, causing the group to look confused as a girl in an outfit that looked like a skunk summoned what appeared to be some sort of grenade. She threw it inbetween Anatis and Lady Noir, causing it go release a pink smoke. Elise, Renée and the other hero covered their mouths as Anatis jumped back, also covering his mouth but Lady Noir moved too late. To their surprise, she slumped to the ground as the smoke cleared. The girl jumped down and gave everyone a sweet smile as they took her in. She was wearing a black and white romper with a slash across her hips that resembled a tail. She had black knee high boots on and black tights with white details. Her hair was short and spiky and she had elbow length gloves on that were half black and half white. It was black with white tips in highlights and her eyes were an aquamarine color. On top of her head were two animal ears and she had a black mask over her eyes. "Hi, I'm Aroma,"
  "Phénix rouge," The boy who set himself on fire stated, nodding sternly. Now that they could see him, they saw he was wearing dark red trousers with a matching waistcoat and an orange shirt. On his waist coat, he had a brooch pinned to it and his hair was bright yellow. In fact, it appeared to be glowing. His boots were dark red and knee length and his eyes were orange. Like the others, he had a mask across his eyes. It was orange and yellow, similar to a sunset. He had black fingerless gloves on hands and his fans were hooked onto his hips. He had his arms crossed and looked moody as he glanced around at Elise and Renée. "Who are you two?"
  "I'm Dame," Renée replied, getting a nod of everyone.
  "And I'm Snowbird!" Elise smiled as Mila jumped down and joined them. "Mistress!"
  Mila held up her hand and looked around before turning her attention to the still unconscious Lady Noir. However, Anatis had managed to get away. She frowned to herself before walking over and placing her hand on the heroine's head, closing her own eyes.
  "Mind Break," She declared, causing her hand to glow blue again before Lady Noir's eyes snapped open. The orange in them shattered and disappeared, causing them to return to their normal form as Mila let go.
  "Annie!" She cried out before she looked around and saw the group. She instantly jumped up and held out her baton. "Who the hell are you guys and where is Anatis?!"
  "Lady Noir, my name is Koro," Mila stated, walking forward. "These are my students. Phénix rouge, Dame, Snowbird and Aroma. As for Anatis... he escaped before we could free him,"
  "Free him?" Lady Noir asked, blinking as she noticed all expect Koro were wearing earbuds. She then looked around panicked as she realized that she had no idea how she got to the Louvre. They had been in Master Fu's apartment and were just about to leave when they heard a flute then she woke up her. Her eyes widen in fear as she realized that they must have been under the spell of who ever is playing the flute. She put her baton away and turned to leap away but Koro grabbed her shoulder, making her look at her. "I need to to find Anatis! He's-"
  "Still under the spell I know," She replied, making Lady Noir frown. "We're coming with you. You're gonna need my ability to free him from the spell and having back up will help. Especially if Hawkmoth makes an appearance. Now here,"
  She shoved a pair of ear plugs into her hands, causing Lady Noir to put them in.
  "Where were you heading?" She asked, making Lady Noir frown as she tried to remember. She could hear a voice in her head and it said to come to them. Somehow, they knew where she was, making her frown.
  "The Trocadéro Gardens," She answered, making them frown. "And you're right. I am gonna need help to save him but this doesn't mean I trust you. Understood?"
  "Got it," Koro replied, nodding before turning to her students. "Before we head there, did anything unusual happen while you were fighting?"
  "Anatis almost broke out of the mind control," Dame stated, making the two blink. "He saw me and his eyes flickered back to blue and then he gripped his head like he was trying to fight it but the music increased and he went back to been controlled,"
  "The same happened when he saw me," Phénix stated, making both Lady Noir and Koro frown. "Is that important?"
  "I don't know..." Koro stated, frowning. "Either way, head to the Trocadéro Gardens,"
  The group nodded and jumped away, following Koro and Lady Noir.
  ~Trocadéro Gardens~
  Miracle Queen frowned as Anatis landed in front of her and bowed towards her. She was sure she had gotten control over Lady Noir as well so where the hell was her? She growled and walked up to him. She took his yoyo, just in case he wasn't really under her spell. However, he did nothing to stop her, causing her to smirk. Meanwhile, Hawkmoth frowned from his position above Miracle Queen. Her music should have put Lady Noir under the same spell yet only Anatis was here. He opened up the connection between him and Miracle Queen, making her blink.
  "Where is Lady Noir?" He asked, causing Miracle Queen sigh and look at her nails with boredom.
  "I don't know," She gasped, annoyed. "But I'm sure she'll turn up soon. I'm certain she's under my spell but even if she's not, we have her boyfriend. She'll do anything to ensure that we won't hurt him,"
  "Find out where she is!" He snarled, closing the connection as Myura stood next to him. "Lady Noir should be here,"
  "Bug boy, where is the mangy cat?!" Miracle Queen demanded, causing him to look up at her but he didn't answer her right away. Instead, he just stood there and said nothing as he stared. "Answer me!"
  "Asleep," He stated, making her look at him with annoyance as Hawkmoth rose his eyebrow. She slammed her flute into the side of his face before turning on her heel as he stood there. Mayura frowned as blood dripped down his forehead.
  "What the hell do you mean asleep?!"
  "We were attacked by other miraculous holders," He stated, causing Hawkmoth and Mayura to gasp as Miracle Queen rolled her eyes. "They used some sort of grenade to put Lady Noir to sleep. I got away..."
  "Well, there is no point in taking your miraculous yet then. I want that dumb cat to be around when I take it so I can hers too and then wake you up so you can see my success!" She growled, spinning his yoyo before she turned back to him. "Now! Tell me how amazing I am!"
  "You're the most amazing person in the world, Miracle Queen," He stated in a motionless voice. She frowned before she knew he didn't mean it but it was still fun to make him say things. She went to tell him to declare that Marinette was a nasty creature but Hawkmoth jumped down and held up her hand, making her look at him before rolling her eyes and walking away. Anatis continued to stare into space.
  "Anatis, who were the other holders?" Hawkmoth asked, smirking. He might be able to get the identities of his allies, which in turn would lead him to gain the other miraculous. "Did you pick them?"
  "No, I've never seen them before in my life," He stated, surprising Hawkmoth. 
  "But your master picked them?"
  "No, their miraculous are not part of our box," He stated, making Hawkmoth frown but before he could question him farther, Lady Noir threw her baton at him, causing him to step back and jump up to where Mayura was as Miracle Queen glared at them.
  "Miracle Queen, don't let them free Anatis from your control!" Hawkmoth shouted, causing Miracle Queen to growl.
  "He's mine! I won't let you take him from me!!" She screamed before playing her flute. She threw up the ball of light, causing an explosion to appear before it cleared, revealing hundreds of copies of her. Koro threw her claw and used it to grab Lady Noir's baton throwing it to her before the six of them charged at the illusions. Miracle Queen grabbed Anatis and pulled him away from the fight, causing Lady Noir to run follow them as the others took down her illusions. Koro went to follow but Hawkmoth landed in front of her, making her narrow her eyes.
  "I assume you're the one who gave out these miraculous," He stated as she held out her hand, ready to fight.
  "I am Hua Mulan, Guardian of the Western Box and I find you, Hawkmoth, guilty of misuse of the butterfly miraculous," She declared, causing him to smirk before he took out his cane and charged at her.
  "Mistress!!" Snowbird gasped, going to run after them but she gasped and fell back as a huge moth sentimonster appeared. It went to charge at him, causing Dame to jump front of her and block it's stinger with her sword. Phénix helped Snowbird to her feet and ran after Lady Noir as Dame and Aroma took on the giant bug. 
  ~Back to Lady Noir and Miracle Queen~
  "Let him go!" Lady Noir growled as she charged at Miracle Queen, going to hit her with her baton. Miracle Queen blocked it with her flute and knocked her back, causing Lady Noir to slide back. She smirked and spun her flute, playing the tune on it. She threw it to the sky again, increasing the song playing and causing Anatis to grip his head. "Anatis!"
  "Take her miraculous, my servant!" Miracle Queen ordered, causing Lady Noir to gasp as she gave him back his yoyo. He took it and instantly began to attack her relentlessly. She blocked his attack and fought back, causing Miracle Queen to laugh as she watched. It wasn't like how they fought during training. Anatis wasn't holding back and he was using everything he could against her. He slammed his body into her, causing her to fall. He grabbed her leg and threw her into a tree, causing her to groan as she got up. She went to punch him, causing him to grab her hand. He went to take her miraculous but she managed to wrap her legs around him and slam him onto the floor as Snowbird and Phénix appeared, causing Miracle Queen to growl as she played her flute again. "Come my servants and defeat me again these losers!"
  To their surprise, a number of civilians turned up and began to trying to fight them as Miracle Queen turned her attention back to Anatis and Lady Noir, who had him pinned down. However, he knocked her back, causing her to backflip as he stood back up. He charged at her, causing her to block his arms and kick him. He countered her counter as they fought.
  "Anatis! Fight against her!" She gasped, blocking his fist. He grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder, slamming her into the floor as Miracle Queen smirked evilly.
  "Kill her first then take her miraculous off her cold corpse!" She ordered, causing Anatis to wrap his hands around Lady Noir's neck. She gasped and tried to fight him, struggling to get him off her. She kicked out and dug her nails into his hands as he tightened his grip. Her eyes widen as her skin began to turn blue and her grip began to weaken. Phénix slammed one of the civilians into the ground as he rushed over towards them. Lady Noir's eyes were slipping closed as she began to lose consciousness but Miracle Queen jumped and landed in front of him before he could reach them. "I don't think so, birdie!"
  She hit him in the stomach with her flute, causing him to gasp and fall to the ground. She smirked and lifted it above her head to hit him with it but Snowbird pulled out of her wand, spinning it.
  "Glacier!" She declared, charging it up with a blue glow before tapping the ground with it. Instantly, the ground turned blue, causing Miracle Queen to suddenly fall over. She tried to get up but kept sliding over, allowing Phénix to get up and rush back over to Anatis and Lady Noir. Anatis still had his hands wrapped around her throat, causing Phénix to see red. He went to charge at him but stopped when Lady Noir suddenly gasped for air, coughing as Anatis shook before he gripped his head again. Lady Noir slowly sat up as he groaned and yanked at his hair.
  "A-Annie?!" She gasped as he backed away from her.
  "N-No!" He gasped, causing Phénix to rush over. He helped Lady Noir to her feet as Anatis stepped back, still gripping his head. "Get out of my head!"
  "Annie!" Lady Noir gasped, pulling out of Phénix's grip and rushing over as Anatis fell onto his knees. She went to run over as Phénix grabbed her arm. "Let me go! I have to help him!"
  "Noir, stay back!" Phénix called out, trying to pull her away from him. "He's under that akuma's control!"
  "I can get through to him!" She called out, pulling out his grip and rushing over to Anatis. She cupped his face as he looked at her. His eyes were flicking between orange and blue as tears rolled down his face. "Annie, it's me. It's Lady Noir. Your best friend... remember? We're best friends!"
  "Kill her!" Miracle Queen screamed as she tried to get back up again, causing her to slip over again. Anatis' eyes went to blank and orange again as he went to wrap his hands around Lady Noir's neck.
  "Annie, don't listen to her!" She gasped, flinching but he stopped as his eyes flickered blue again. His eyes flickered orange again before he suddenly covered his ears and let out a loud scream, surprising everyone before he slumped against Lady Noir. "Annie?... Annie!?"
  ~Luka's POV~
  Luka screamed once again as he tried to block out the sound of the flute as it played loudly in his head. He was more than aware of what he was doing but despite that, he couldn't stop himself. He had tears rolling down his face as he walked towards the source of the music with Lady Noir. He tried to shout at himself and stop himself when those other miraculous holders turned up and when he began to attack them. He abandoned his friend when they got the upper hand and left her at their mercy. He didn't know if they were trying to help them or not but if they weren't, he had just left her and all because of the music in his head. Music that was drowning him. He wanted to scream and break free but he couldn't stop hearing it. It briefly stopped playing when he saw that girl in the wyvern miraculous. For a second, he had seen a knight stood there instead but then the music came back and he was back under her control. It happened again when he saw the boy with the phoenix miraculous. Like the girl, he had seen someone else stood there but once again, Miracle Queen took control. It made him feel sick. He could feel her inside his head, trying to find out who he was really. Luckily, he had kept her at bay but he didn't know how long that would hold. Right now, he was trying not to listen, hoping that he could break her control before he killed Lady Noir. He didn't want to hurt her. His voice hurt from shouting but he was still strangling her.
  "Glacier!" He heard one of the new guys declare, causing Miracle Queen to slip and fall. For a second, the music lessened. However it was enough for him to notice. 
  "Stop hurting her!" He called out, causing his body to stop strangling Lady Noir. She suddenly gasped for air, coughing as he shook. He gripped his head as the music began to increase again. "No! I won't listen!!".
  "A-Annie?!" Her voice echoed, causing his body to back away from her. He was semi in control but it was still hard to break free. He could still hear the music and miracle queen inside his head.
  "N-No!" He gasped, still gripping his head. "Get out of my head!"
  "Annie!" Lady Noir gasped, her voice echoing. "Let me go! I have to help him!"
  "Noir, stay back!" The phoenix boy's voice declared. "He's under that akuma's control!"
  "I can get through to him!" She called out. He flinched as he felt her hands on his face. "Annie, it's me. It's Lady Noir. Your best friend... remember? We're best friends!"
  "Kill her!" Miracle Queen's voice echoed, causing the music to increase as he tried to stop himself from wrapping his hands around her throat.
  "Annie, don't listen to her!"
  "Annie?!" Lady Noir screamed before it completely turned black...
  ~Luka's Mind Hut~
  Luka gasped as he opened his eyes, finding himself in the hut where Feng lives. He frowned to himself as he looked around. In the distance, he could still hear Miracle Queen's music but it wasn't as loud. He stood up as he sensed someone with him, causing him to turn around as he expected it to be Feng. However, the man sat calmly in front of him wasn't Feng but only resembled him. His hair was long and black. Part of it had a silver ribbon tied to it and he wore a blue tang shirt with silver detail and light gray pants. His legs had bandages over them and he wore black shoes while he wore dark blue gloves that were elbow length and fingerless on his hands. His eyes were closed, causing Luka to frown a little before he opened them and looked at him. Like Feng's, they were silver.
  "Hello, Luka," He sat, making Luka blink as for a moment, the man's outfit changed to one that resembled the phoenix miraculous.
  ".... You used the phoenix miraculous, didn't you?" He asked, causing him to nod before a name came into Luka's mind. "Tóutāi... that's your name?"
  "Yes," He replied, making Luka frown as he looked around. "Feng is somewhere else. I know you're more familiar with him but..."
  "You can help me?" He asked, causing Tóutāi to nod. "Miracle Queen's song... it's controlling me... how do I stop it? I can't stop hearing it,"
  "You're a musical empath right?" He asked, making Luka nod. "So use your music,"
  "My... music?" He asked, confused. "But I don't have my guitar,"
  "This is your place as much as it's ours," Tóutāi replied, making Luka blink as he held a pipa and began to play it. "So if you want your guitar, you just have to think about it,"
  "My... guitar..." Luka muttered, confused but then he felt his acoustic in his hand. He looked down and saw it. He moved his fingers across the board and closed his eyes, beginning to play. At first, it was quiet and he wasn't sure what to play but then he began to play louder and better as he started to play Marinette's song, pouring his emotions into his music and slowly but surely, he felt Miracle Queen's control slipping even more. He closed his eyes as he slipped into the song, feeling the emotions he felt when he wrote it. When he next opened his eyes, he was no longer in his hut but leaning against Lady Noir's chest as she held him, causing his face to heat up as he pulled away.
  "Annie?!" She gasped, surprised as he looked around. Miracle Queen saw him and pointed at him.
  "Finish them!" She screamed, causing him glare at her before he got up. "What?! Answer your queen!"
  "You are not my queen!" He snarled, making everyone gasp in surprise as he glared at her. "Time to end this! Lucky charm!"
  He threw his yoyo in the air and caught the teapot before gasping as he worked out what it mean. He hooked it to his belt and picked up Lady Noir, making her blink as he jumped away and across Paris. She held onto him as he did.
  "I'm sorry..." He whispered, making her look at him. "I... I nearly killed-"
  "Shh," She stated as they reached Master Fu's. "It's ok. You were under her spell but you're free now,"
  "I'm still sorry," He muttered as they came through the window. Anatis frowned as his miraculous beeped. He needed to detransform but he wasn't sure if Miracle Queen could see through Master Fu, who was stood staring with orange eyes. He grabbed a blanket and threw it over him as Lady Noir covered her eyes, allowing him to detransform. He caught Tikki and gave her a cookie before he walked over to the phonograph and put in the secret code. He took out the miracle box and opened it, grabbing the dragon miraculous and the snake miraculous before turning to Lady Noir and placed the miraculous in her free hand. "Time to show Hawkmoth and Miracle Queen that they don't get to mess with us or our heads,"
  "Sounds like a plan to me," Lady Noir grinned, taking the choker and putting it as he transformed back into Anatis before opening her eyes and greeting Longg. He put the snake miraculous on before closing the box and putting it back in the phonograph as Lady Noir held out her hands. "Plagg, Long. Unify!"
  A red glow covered her outfit as it gave her a red tail with gold detail on her left leg. Her right leg got a thigh boot and her gloves turned red with gold detail. Her ears got red insides with a gold strip while two horns appeared below them,. Her collar turned red with a gold trim and her mask gained red and gold triangles. A red circle appeared on her chest with a water drop, a cloud and a lightning strike in the middle. The ring around it was green and her eyes had turned green with yellow scleras. Finally a sword appeared on her back as Anatis held out his hands.
  "Tikki, Sass. Unify!" He declared, causing a green light to engulf him, turning him back into Red Mamba. "Ready to go, Black Dragon?"
  "Let's go kick Lila's butt!" She grinned, causing the two heroes to jump out of the window, heading back to the Trocadéro Gardens. It didn't take them long to get there but when they did, Miracle Queen had gotten up and Mayura's moth monster was about to take down the new heroes while Hawkmoth and Koro were equally matched. Miracle Queen laughed as she twirled her flute. Red Mamba narrowed his eyes and flicked his bracelet, activating second chance.
  "I don't know how you broke out of my control, you dirty beetle but soon, I'll have you back under my control!" She declared before playing her flute and throwing the ball of light up in the air. It burst and amplified the tune already there, causing it to overtake everyone as she laughed before noticing he wasn't affected. She ordered them to attack him, causing him to jump back and flick his bracelet back. 
  "I don't know how you broke out of my control, you dirty beetle but soon, I'll have you back under my control!" She declared but he threw his yoyo, knocking back her flute. However, she dodged it and managed to get the tune out, controlling everyone again. He flicked his bracelet back again.
  "I don't know how you broke out of my control, you dirty beetle but soon, I'll have you back under my control!" She declared but this time he didn't hit her./
  "Black Dragon, use water dragon!" He ordered, causing Black Dragon to nod.
  "Water Dragon!" She declared, using her sword to create a shield around them as Miracle Queen used her power. However, this time it didn't affect Black Dragon. "Whoa!"
  "Water blocks sound," He replied, smirking before he threw up his yoyo. "Lucky charm!"
  A violin with appeared out of thin air, causing Red Mamba to grab it as he looked around to work out what to do.
  "Get them!" Miracle Queen screeched, pointing to them as Phénix, Dame, Aroma and Snowbird charged at them. "Get me their miraculous!!"
  The four heroes dived through the water but as soon as they did, their eyes returned back to their normal colors and they looked around confused as Miracle Queen screamed in annoyance and summoned civilians to try and attack them. Red Mamba saw Phénix and Dame light up before followed by the violin and Black Dragon's wind symbol. 
  "I have a plan," He stated, making everyone look at him before pointing at Dame. "I need you to use Empower on everyone in this bubble,"
  "Um..." She stated, confused as to how he knew that. As far as she knew, he had no idea what her miraculous was but Red Mamba turned to Phénix. 
  "Once Dame uses her power, you need to activate Ash Phoenix." He stated, making Phénix blink in surprise. "Black Dragon, I'll need you to release the water bubble then use Wind Dragon to direct Phénix at Miracle Queen. Once you're there, you need to grab her fox pendant,"
  "Sure thing, danger noodle," She grinned, giving him a salute. He smiled softly at her before Phénix cleared his voice.
  "And the mind control?" He asked as Red Mamba smirked and pointed to the violin.
  "That's what this is for," He replied, placing it under his chin. "Her song only controls if you can hear it, which is why we need Empower. Not only will it make your powers more powerful but it will amplify my own ability,"
  "Alright," Dame declared, holding up her sword before charging it up. "Empower!"
  A green glow appeared over the blade, causing her to tap each one with it. Red Mamba began to play the violin but he didn't just play the music, he played the emotions. On  a normal level, it was power but been amplified with empower, caused it to be much more powerful then Miracle Queen's song. Phénix took a deep breathe as he felt courage replace his fear.
  "Ash Phoenix!" He declared, turning into ash as Black Dragon released the water bubble.
  "Wind dragon!" She declared, transforming into the actual wind. When she combined with the ash that is Phénix, they became a small tornado, which knocked Miracle Queen off her feet. Phénix reformed and grabbed her fox pendant before throwing it to Black Dragon as she reformed.
  "Give that back!" Miracle Queen screamed as Black Dragon caught it.
  "Cataclysm!" She declared, causing it to turn to dust as Miracle Queen screamed out as the akuma escaped. They saw Hawkmoth glare down at the scene before he jumped onto the sentimonster with Mayura and flew away with Koro going after them. Red Mamba stopped playing, causing everyone to fall under her spell again, apart from him. He quickly catch the akuma and released it before throwing his violin into the air.
  "Miraculous Ladybugs!" He declared, causing it to burst into the cure and spread through Paris, fixing everything and freeing all from Miracle Queen's control. It came back and wrapped around the heroes, freeing them before disappearing. "Tikki, Sass. Divide,"
  Sass manifested as he turned back into Anatis, allowing him to catch him as Black Dragon blinked as the other heroes looked around.
  "Wow," Snowbird gasped, looking at Anatis with stars in her eyes. "You did it!!"
  "Of course, he did," Black Dragon grinned, making him blush a little. "Anyway... Plagg, Longg, divide,"
  She caught Longg as she turned back into Lady Noir, causing Anatis to smile at her before they turned their attention on Miracle Queen, who turned back into Lila. Anatis frowned deeply as he looked at her.
  "Lila Rossi, why am I not surprised?" He asked, making her blink and look at him. 
  "Oh, Anatis! I'm so sorry!" She gasped as fake tears filled her eyes. "I was just so upset about my parents-"
  "I get it," He stated, surprising everyone as he put the snake miraculous into the yoyo and walked over. He held out his hand for her, causing her to blink before she took it and he pulled her to her feet. However, his grip tightened and moved his lips close to ear, making her wince in surprise and pain. "I see you've made your choice, Rossi,"
  "W-What?" She gasped, genuinely caught off guard.
  "You've made it abundantly clear that we are playing on different sides of the board. You've decided to move against me and I know you're somehow working with Hawkmoth," He stated in a calm but chilling voice. It genuinely frightened her. "So let me make this very clear. You and I are at war and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you get what's coming to you, Rossi and do whatever it takes to expose you for the monster you are,"
  He pulled away and gave her a smile as a chill went down her spine. He was deadly serious and she knew it.
  "I'm sure you'll understand that we can't help you get home," He stated as his miraculous beeped, along with the others. "Let's go,"
  The heroes ran off, leaving Lila to shake in fear as Anatis' words haunted her.
  ~Later that Day~
  "I hereby name today Anatis day!" The mayor declared as everyone clapped. Anatis and Lady Noir hadn't turned up but no one was surprised. They had just dealt with a very dangerous akuma and as far as Paris was concerned, they were allowed a moment to themselves. Instead, they had returned to Master Fu's and given back the miraculous before taking him up to meet the other heroes and their leader Koro, which was where they were now. Anatis was leaning against the wall, unsure what to make off the whole situation. Lady Noir was stood next to him, making sure he was ok while Master Fu talked to Koro.
  "I thought all the guardians had perished," He stated, making the two heroes look over. Koro looked over at the Paris skyline.
  "I left before that," She explained, making them frown. Her heroes had gone home and she had reclaimed their miraculous in private. "I turned my back on the guardians long ago,"
  "Why now?" Anatis asked, making her look at him. "How long have you been in Paris and why appear now?!"
  "Annie," Lady Noir stated, making her blink as she gently rubbed his arm. He instantly calmed down as if her touch had soothed him. It reminded her of how Tóutāi would calm her down. Her expression softened as she looked at them. She knew young love when she saw it.
  "I've been in Paris since Hawkmoth's first attack," She admitted, making them all look at her. "I was just planning to observe as I didn't want to get involved,"
  "Then why did you?" Anatis asked, clearly annoyed by her answer. 
  "Because my beloved asked me to," She stated, placing a hand over her chest as the three of them gave her a confused look. "I am the guardian of the western box but also the wife of the celestial guardian,"
  "Su Han?" Master Fu asked but to their surprise, Koro growled.
  "Do not mention that traitor's name!" She growled, making them look at her. "He was not the true guardian! My beloved Tóutāi was!"
  "Tóutāi?" Anatis asked, making her look at him before she narrowed her eyes.
  "You recognize the name, don't you?" She asked, making him glance to the side. "I knew there was something different about you, Anatis. Not many can break free from mind control like you did and I know you knew what the powers of the wyvern and phoenix miraculous were. My students told me... just who... or what are you?"
  "Wouldn't you like to know?" He shoot back, making her glare at him as he pushed off the wall. "I'm going home. Koro, thanks for your help but stay out of my way... since that's what you want,"
  "You don't trust me," She declared but she didn't sound hurt.
  "It's not like the feeling isn't mutual," He stated, coolly before turning to Lady Noir. "See you later, Kitten,"
  With that, he jumped off and swung away. It didn't take him long but soon he landed on the liberty and slipped through the porthole, detransforming as he did. He caught Tikki and gave her a cookie before lying down on his bed and letting out a sigh. Today had been difficult to say the least. He let out a sigh and curled up as Tikki floated over. 
  "Hmm?" She asked as she ate the cookie.
  "Who is Tóutāi?" He asked, making her look at him in surprise. "You know him don't you?"
  "He was one of the celestial guardians of the miraculous," She stated, making him frown. "There's been six in total. Master Feng was the first but then there was Master Khnurn, Master Alpheus, Master Rene, Master Tóutāi and Master Su Han..."
  "Koro called Su Han a traitor,"
  "Well... he's the only one who isn't like the others," She stated, looking at her paws. "It's rumored that the Celestial guardians were special. You see they are the reincarnations of Hao Feng,"
  "But Su Han isn't... is he?" Luka asked, frowning. Tikki shook her head. "So how did he become the next Celestial guardian and why isn't it the next reincarnation of Feng?"
  "I don't know, Luka," She explained, making him frown. "I don't know,"
  ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
  "Are you ok?" Nathalie asked as Gabriel sat, holding his head. She frowned and wrapped her arms around his shoulders. "I'm sorry that it didn't go the way you wanted..."
  "Miracle Queen may have been a failure but we learnt something else today," He stated, opening his eyes. "There is another guardian in Paris. One that even Anatis didn't know about and I want her miraculous but more importantly... there might be other miraculous in the world. Nathalie, I want you to search for them. If there are other then I must obtain them!"
  "Of course, Gabriel," She replied, nodding. "Once you have them, Anatis will fall,"
Next Chapter: Coming soon
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leahmovedagain · 4 years
Apparently HBO has a documentary about the unaired pilot and most of the cast and grrm commented about what was wrong with it and George said that he didn't like the Dany/Drogo bedding scene in episode one because in his books is not rape because Dany consented the act. I mean is he aware she's a 13 old girl with grow man???
Yeah I’d like to beat him with a stick for saying it was consensual. Just because she was flushed and her heart was pounding (aka her body responding to his touches), she didn’t want to marry him or consummate the marriage at all.
What’s confusing for me is that grrm makes it very very clear in Daenerys first two chapters that 1) she’s terrified of drogo 2) doesn’t want to marry him and 3) that this is not a simple betrothal, but she’s being sold to her new husband.
Dany could hear the singing of the red priests as they lit their night fires and the shouts of ragged children playing games beyond the walls of the estate. For a moment she wished she could be out there with them, barefoot and breathless and dressed in tatters, with no past and no future and no feast to attend at Khal Drogo’s manse.
The old woman washed her long, silver-pale hair and gently combed out the snags, all in silence. The girl scrubbed her back and her feet and told her how lucky she was. “Drogo is so rich that even his slaves wear golden collars. A hundred thousand men ride in his khalasar, and his palace in Vaes Dothrak has two hundred rooms and doors of solid silver.” There was more like that, so much more, what a handsome man the khal was, so tall and fierce, fearless in battle, the best rider ever to mount a horse, a demon archer. Daenerys said nothing. She had always assumed that she would wed Viserys when she came of age. For centuries the Targaryens had married brother to sister, since Aegon the Conqueror had taken his sisters to bride. The line must be kept pure, Viserys had told her a thousand times; theirs was the kingsblood, the golden blood of old Valyria, the blood of the dragon. Dragons did not mate with the beasts of the field, and Targaryens did not mingle their blood with that of lesser men. Yet now Viserys schemed to sell her to a stranger, a barbarian.
When she was clean, the slaves helped her from the water and toweled her dry. The girl brushed her hair until it shone like molten silver, while the old woman anointed her with the spiceflower perfume of the Dothraki plains, a dab on each wrist, behind her ears, on the tips of her breasts, and one last one, cool on her lips, down there between her legs. They dressed her in the wisps that Magister Illyrio had sent up, and then the gown, a deep plum silk to bring out the violet in her eyes. The girl slid the gilded sandals onto her feet, while the old woman fixed the tiara in her hair, and slid golden bracelets crusted with amethysts around her wrists. Last of all came the collar, a heavy golden torc emblazoned with ancient Valyrian glyphs.
“Now you look all a princess,” the girl said breathlessly when they were done. Dany glanced at her image in the silvered looking glass that Illyrio had so thoughtfully provided. A princess, she thought, but she remembered what the girl had said, how Khal Drogo was so rich even his slaves wore golden collars. She felt a sudden chill, and gooseflesh pimpled her bare arms.
“She’s too skinny,” Viserys said. His hair, the same silver-blond as hers, had been pulled back tightly behind his head and fastened with a dragonbone brooch. It was a severe look that emphasized the hard, gaunt lines of his face. He rested his hand on the hilt of the sword that Illyrio had lent him, and said, “Are you sure that Khal Drogo likes his women this young?”
“She has had her blood. She is old enough for the khal,” Illyrio told him, not for the first time. “Look at her. That silver-gold hair, those purple eyes … she is the blood of old Valyria, no doubt, no doubt … and highborn, daughter of the old king, sister to the new, she cannot fail to entrance our Drogo.” When he released her hand, Daenerys found herself trembling.
She was still looking at this strange man from the homeland she had never known when Magister Illyrio placed a moist hand on her bare shoulder. “Over there, sweet princess,” he whispered, “there is the khal himself.”
Dany wanted to run and hide, but her brother was looking at her, and if she displeased him she knew she would wake the dragon. Anxiously, she turned and looked at the man Viserys hoped would ask to wed her before the night was done.
Dany looked at Khal Drogo. His face was hard and cruel, his eyes as cold and dark as onyx. Her brother hurt her sometimes, when she woke the dragon, but he did not frighten her the way this man frightened her. “I don’t want to be his queen,” she heard herself say in a small, thin voice. “Please, please, Viserys, I don’t want to, I want to go home.”
“Home!” He kept his voice low, but she could hear the fury in his tone. “How are we to go home, sweet sister? They took our home from us!” He drew her into the shadows, out of sight, his fingers digging into her skin. “How are we to go home?” he repeated, meaning King’s Landing, and Dragonstone, and all the realm they had lost.
Dany had only meant their rooms in Illyrio’s estate, no true home surely, though all they had, but her brother did not want to hear that. There was no home there for him. Even the big house with the red door had not been home for him. His fingers dug hard into her arm, demanding an answer. “I don’t know …” she said at last, her voice breaking. Tears welled in her eyes.
“I do,” he said sharply. “We go home with an army, sweet sister. With Khal Drogo’s army, that is how we go home. And if you must wed him and bed him for that, you will.” He smiled at her. “I’d let his whole khalasar fuck you if need be, sweet sister, all forty thousand men, and their horses too if that was what it took to get my army. Be grateful it is only Drogo. In time you may even learn to like him. Now dry your eyes. Illyrio is bringing him over, and he will not see you crying.”
Dany turned and saw that it was true. Magister Illyrio, all smiles and bows, was escorting Khal Drogo over to where they stood. She brushed away unfallen tears with the back of her hand.
“Smile,” Viserys whispered nervously, his hand falling to the hilt of his sword. “And stand up straight. Let him see that you have breasts. Gods know, you have little enough as is.”
Daenerys smiled, and stood up straight.
Daenerys Targaryen wed Khal Drogo with fear and barbaric splendor in a field beyond the walls of Pentos, for the Dothraki believed that all things of importance in a man’s life must be done beneath the open sky.
Yet that night she dreamt of one. Viserys was hitting her, hurting her. She was naked, clumsy with fear. She ran from him, but her body seemed thick and ungainly. He struck her again. She stumbled and fell. “You woke the dragon,” he screamed as he kicked her. “You woke the dragon, you woke the dragon.” Her thighs were slick with blood. She closed her eyes and whimpered. As if in answer, there was a hideous ripping sound and the crackling of some great fire. When she looked again, Viserys was gone, great columns of flame rose all around, and in the midst of them was the dragon. It turned its great head slowly. When its molten eyes found hers, she woke, shaking and covered with a fine sheen of sweat. She had never been so afraid……until the day of her wedding came at last.
Dany had never felt so alone as she did seated in the midst of that vast horde. Her brother had told her to smile, and so she smiled until her face ached and the tears came unbidden to her eyes. She did her best to hide them, knowing how angry Viserys would be if he saw her crying, terrified of how Khal Drogo might react. Food was brought to her, steaming joints of meat and thick black sausages and Dothraki blood pies, and later fruits and sweetgrass stews and delicate pastries from the kitchens of Pentos, but she waved it all away. Her stomach was a roil, and she knew she could keep none of it down.
There was no one to talk to. Khal Drogo shouted commands and jests down to his bloodriders, and laughed at their replies, but he scarcely glanced at Dany beside him. They had no common language. Dothraki was incomprehensible to her, and the khal knew only a few words of the bastard Valyrian of the Free Cities, and none at all of the Common Tongue of the Seven Kingdoms. She would even have welcomed the conversation of Illyrio and her brother, but they were too far below to hear her.
So she sat in her wedding silks, nursing a cup of honeyed wine, afraid to eat, talking silently to herself. I am blood of the dragon, she told herself. I am Daenerys Stormborn, Princess of Dragonstone, of the blood and seed of Aegon the Conqueror.
As the hours passed, the terror grew in Dany, until it was all she could do not to scream. She was afraid of the Dothraki, whose ways seemed alien and monstrous, as if they were beasts in human skins and not true men at all. She was afraid of her brother, of what he might do if she failed him. Most of all, she was afraid of what would happen tonight under the stars, when her brother gave her up to the hulking giant who sat drinking beside her with a face as still and cruel as a bronze mask. I am the blood of the dragon, she told herself again.
And after the gifts, she knew, after the sun had gone down, it would be time for the first ride and the consummation of her marriage. Dany tried to put the thought aside, but it would not leave her. She hugged herself to try to keep from shaking.
The last sliver of sun vanished behind the high walls of Pentos to the west just then. Dany had lost all track of time. Khal Drogo commanded his bloodriders to bring forth his own horse, a lean red stallion. As the khal was saddling the horse, Viserys slid close to Dany on her silver, dug his fingers into her leg, and said, “Please him, sweet sister, or I swear, you will see the dragon wake as it has never woken before.”
The fear came back to her then, with her brother’s words. She felt like a child once more, only thirteen and all alone, not ready for what was about to happen to her.
They rode out together as the stars came out, leaving the khalasar and the grass palaces behind. Khal Drogo spoke no word to her, but drove his stallion at a hard trot through the gathering dusk. The tiny silver bells in his long braid rang softly as he rode. “I am the blood of the dragon,” she whispered aloud as she followed, trying to keep her courage up. “I am the blood of the dragon. I am the blood of the dragon.” The dragon was never afraid.
Afterward she could not say how far or how long they had ridden, but it was full dark when they stopped at a grassy place beside a small stream. Drogo swung off his horse and lifted her down from hers. She felt as fragile as glass in his hands, her limbs as weak as water. She stood there helpless and trembling in her wedding silks while he secured the horses, and when he turned to look at her, she began to cry.
He removed her silks one by one, carefully, while Dany sat unmoving, silent, looking at his eyes. When he bared her small breasts, she could not help herself. She averted her eyes and covered herself with her hands. “No,” Drogo said. He pulled her hands away from her breasts, gently but firmly, then lifted her face again to make her look at him. “No,” he repeated.
It’s just gross and confusing to me. I don’t understand why if he wanted to make it come off as consensual, why did he write her to be absolutely terrified of drogo, have her tremble and cry, make it clear she’s a glorified slave for him, make it clear she doesn’t want to consummate the marriage, to just then turn around and say “Well it was consensual.”
Does he know that just because a persons body responds physically doesn’t mean they’re consenting to a sexual act? Does he know that a child cannot consent to a sexual act? It’s concerning and confusing for me.
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leah-halliwell92 · 3 years
Daughter of Darkness
Summary: Leaving the island had been a backup plan...and a last resort. She didn’t want to leave home, but by Hera had their actions driven her to. She’d grown restless with their stares and whispers...no more. But little did she that leaving had set her on a path she could never have imagined. 
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It hadn't been a day, one damn day in Gotham and Anna could feel the foreboding chill in the summer air. She made quick work of her armor and donned her sword, laso, daggers and shield. She made her way to the roof of the hotel she was staying at and flew to where the Shades where guiding her.
“The souls are there mistresssss,” the main Shade said pointing to a shed in the docks.
Anna nodded and opened a portal with a swipe of her hand.
She heard laughing when she entered the, fairly large, shed. The laugh made her bones quiver in a way she had not felt in a long time. She ducked down behind some cargo boxes using the darkness to her will and keeping out fo sight. She saw a white faced man with green hair in a purple suit slowly pace in front of the two figures there were suspended in the air. They were both masked  and caped. However the one that surprised her most was grey/black suit donned by the batman.
‘So this is the famous Batman,’ she thought as she got closer to the trio.
The man, the clown, was pointing a knife at was clearly unconscious, which did not give her a good feeling. Men like the clown, enjoyed a show. She had no doubt he was going to do something to them both. But from the looks of it the clown’s main focus is to torture the man dressed as a bat.
“And with the bat down I can play with the birdy!” A white faced man said his already wide smile getting eerily wider as he approached batman with a zapping taser. 
“Stop!” the young man, Robin, cried as he valiantly struggled to get free from his chains. 
The screams that filled the shed chilled her to her bones. 
An injured, and clearly, exhausted batman panted as he came too.
“Good you’re awake,” the clown said in a high pitched tone, “Was afraid you’d miss the show.”
The clown put the taser down and picked up a crowbar. 
“Too bad Harley couldn’t be here to join the fun,” he said with a sigh.
But before he could do anything, Anna threw one of her daggers at the hand holding the crowbar.
The clown screamed as the knife went through his palm causing him to drop the crowbar. 
He went to take the dagger out when Anna said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
“And why ever not?” He asked
Anna’s eye twitched and with the flick of a finger an inky black tentacle wrapped around the knife and forcefully pulled it out tossing it in her direction. 
“That’s why,” she said calmly as she caught the dagger.
She walked to the center of the dimly lit shed the darkness dancing like fog about her body as it licked her legs and arms. She saw the Shades circling, whom were they waiting for she didn’t know, she just had to make sure it wasn’t the two heroes doing a rather authentic impression of pigs for slaughter.
“So you’re the famous, or infamous, Joker?” Anna asked nonchalantly.
The Joker grinned widely and said, “What’s it to you sweetheart?”
He pulled out a gun and shot Robin point blank in the stomach.
“No!” Batman yelled and grunted as he struggled to get to his partner.
Joker then began firing at her 
Anna easily dodged and deflected the bullets using her bracelets as she ran towards the Joker.
He in turn pulled out another gun and pointed it at Robin’s head..
“Come any closer sweetheart and I blow the boy wonder’s brains out,” he said cocking the gun as he moved to stand behind Robin.
Anna felt the Shades behind her hungry and hissing as they floated around the room.
Time seemed to slow as she made eye contact with the Batman trying to conveying that someone wasn’t going to leave here alive.
He nodded and closed his eyes.
“You can’t do it can you?” The Joker said cackling, “Can’t or won't kill just like the Bat!”
Anna growled at him, how dare this mortal! She pulled her dagger between her fingers ready to throw.
The Joker cackled again and said, “Girly can’t! Too good to kill are you!?”
Anna smirked at the Joker her eyes dark and predatory as she said, “You underestimate me for my sex. Typical man...You have one chance. Drop the gun and I’ll consider letting you live.”
The Joker cackled and pressed the gun harder against Robin’s temple.
“I don't think so, I’d much rather kill him than that,” he said and began to pull the trigger.
She swung her arm upward from where it lay at her sides, and with a twist of the wrist, the dagger went flying imbedding itself into the Joker’s skull. 
Anna waisted no time and went to Robin, tore a piece of his cape of and added pressure to the wound. 
She reached for the chain and pulled them apart with a firm tug.
Batman watching still in shock as this woman, the very same woman that had just killed the Joker, help his son down from where he hung. 
“Is he alive?” He asked stiffly, then again after receiving no answer from the still occupied woman “IS HE ALIVE!?”
She heard his pain through the modulator and looked up after she’d managed to stop the bleeding. 
“He’ll be alright for now,” she said rising from where she as kneeling over, a now unconscious, Robin, “The bleeding’s slowed and I’ve done my best to stop it until he receives proper medical attention.”
She turned to leave but was stopped by a hand to her upper arm.
She turned to the Batman a brow cocked, his grip on her arm tightened.
“Why did you do it?” He asked in barely contained anger.
“Most people say “thank you” and let things be,” Anna said pointedly, “If you’re asking about why I killed the Joker–”
“No one needed to die!” He yelled.
“What did you expect me to do!?” She yelled eyes glowing dangerously, “Incapacitate him while he held a gun to your partner’s head? Risk Robin getting killed?”
His grip tightened more around her arm and had to be at least a little impressed, this man whoever he is is stronger than the average mortal. He reminds her for a moment of the soldiers of old who’d seen and done things no other being had done. This one though, she could see that he’d seen too much possibly at too young an age. 
“Let. Me. Go,” she said forcefully, punctuating each word, “The longer you try to convince yourself the Joker did not need to die, the less likely it is for the boy to live.”
She pulled her arm from his grip roughly and stepped into the shadows, “And in case you forgot, I gave the Joker an out. He didn’t take it and was about to bathe you in brain matter. If I hadn’t taken the shot, so to speak, when I could then a real tragedy would have occurred.”
Batman looked around the room trying to pin point where she was batarang in hand. 
“Let me ask you this Batman,” she said evenly, “Was letting the Joker live more important than the life of your boy? I understand the need of such a rival, but when they prove too much to handle and end insight is what is needed.”
The fog of darkness lifted from the shed as she left, Bruce looked down at Robin and picked him up making quick work of getting him into the batmobile and rushing home. 
Anna dropped into her room with a sigh.
“The boy shall live misstresssss,” a straggling shade said with a bow.
“Thank you, now let’s hope he doesn’t think it wise to hunt me,” she said as she took off her tiara and bracelets.
“He carries much within him,” it said curiously, “He has evaded ussss for years my lady.”
“The Batman?” She asked putting her weapons away. She saw the shade nod and gave a small half smile, “He is an interesting one I have to say, carries a darkness I’ve not seen in a man in centuries. I think times are going to get more interesting from here on out.”
“I must insist master Bruce,” Alfred said as he followed a limping Bruce to where Dick slept.
“She just...killed him Alfred,” he said as he sat on the chair next to Dick with a heavy sigh. 
“Well, he was going to kill Master Dick, Sir,” Alfred said lightly.
“She gave him an out,” A hoarse voice said. 
The pair looked to Dick both men breathing sigh of relief that is awake.
“She gave him an out...” Alfred said confused.
Dick nodded with a wince, “She told him to drop the gun and she’d let him live. But the Joker being the psycho that he is, was, he just said that the best course was to just kill me.”
Alfred had to lean agains the foot of the bed when he heard this.
Bruce had a thoughtful look on his face but he looked a bit lost if Alfred did say so himself. He knew this was going to be an adjustment for Master Bruce, he just hoped it lay to rest a few of his demons. 
“I thought this would’ve had a grater effect on you Master Bruce,” he said instead of the former, “He had been a rather large part of Gotham’s criminal underground.”
“Oh it did,” Dick said laying back down, “He was beyond pissed, but I passed out from the blood loss before I could see or hear anything else.”
“She...made me chose in a way,” Bruce said quietly as he stared off avoiding any and all eye contact, “After killing the Joker, she asked me if letting him live was worth the risk of losing Dick...of losing my son.”
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