#for her to come to that conclusion with snatcher- she has no idea why there’s two of him running around now but she doesn’t like either of
hats-paradox · 1 year
im curious abt starbound; does she have anything to do with moonjumper, narratively speaking? they got that cool sun/moon visual dichotomy (and hes on her shit list so) :0
Currently speaking, they mostly just serve as opposites to each other- Moon is very physically cold to touch (I’m gonna say djsjsjsj) and she’s very physically hot to touch (trying to figure out if it would burn to touch her. Right now I’m leaning towards yes? Think I might give her some gloves for her plants.)
She’s free to wander around the forest (possibly limited to the warmer parts of it?) while Moon is stuck in the horizon (I could see there being weird moon phase shenanigans, like on full moons Moonjumper can physically wander around the forest while Starbound maybe is limited to literal fires, or something like that?)
It’s all pretty up in the air right now djdjdjjd, I wanna say the reason she even exists is cause at like. 2am a while back I was thinking about the florist and being a spirit and pretty quickly came to her being the sun because Moon is, well, a moon.)
As far as Moon being on her shit list goes, it’s mostly because 1, she recognizes him as the Prince (she definitely blames the royalty for what happened to Subcon), and 2, because it’s Subcon and everyone there is at least a little bit manipulative/evil-y (Moon being no acceptation to that rule) and he is definitely part of the ongoing turf war between himself, Snatcher, and Vanessa. (Starbound is mostly concerned about keeping her own chunk of the forest, she doesn’t really care about taking all of it for herself or anything)
So currently speaking, not yet! I would like to have something narrative between them though, cause it would be a little weird to have a sun and moon character not interact/have anything really going on between them? (Maybe it could just be something as simple as the way their magic interacts??)
If you have any ideas, I’d love to hear them! ^^
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cardansriddle · 4 years
Draco Malfoy x Granger!Reader- Forbidden Fruit
A/N: This was requested. I am trying to write all of your requests, thank you for sending them in! Some are taking longer to write because of the difficult context, so my apologies for those who are waiting.
Warnings: Torture, sad, semi-happy ending.
Summary: The reader is on a run with the Golden Trio when they stumble upon Snatchers who take them to the Malfoy Manor. Things get heated when Lucious recognizes the girl who has been on Draco’s mind while the Dark Lord was performing Lgeilimency on him. 
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Being on a run with the Golden Trio was probably not the brightest idea. But being Hermione Granger's little sister put me in danger, so after an emotional debate, we came to the conclusion that I would join her and the boys in the quest of defeating Voldemort. I knew going back to Hogwarts was not an option, since I was a muggleborn, but the reality of accepting the truth terrified me. All of this brought me to the situation I am in right now, arguing with the trio.
"I'm telling you this is a stupid idea! We will get caught as soon as we step a foot in there!" I yell, waving my hands around angrily. Hermione sides with me on this one, understanding the risk and the disadvantages of Harry Potter's ridiculously stupid plan.
"Do you have any other ideas? I saw this in my dream, we need to go there!" He shouts back at me and I try to refrain myself from punching his face.
"Merlin, you're dafter than Crabbe and Goyle! You-know-who will expect you to be there." I chuckle bitterly. Hermione puts a hand on my shoulder to calm me down, but I brush it off.
"Harry, she has a point, it's extremely risky..." Hermione trails off and I sense a 'but' coming, "But I can't lie, I was also thinking about going to the Godric's hollow," She says and I feel my blood boil once again. Harry's eyes light up and he looks at me hopefully. I shake my head in disapproval and he groans, running his hand through his hair. He looks at Ron, but he avoids his eyes, making it obvious he agrees with me rather than with his best friend.
I grin triumphantly. For the first time in his life, Ron made a sensible decision.
"Then Hermione and I will go, you two can stay here." He huffs before climbing in his bed.
"Absolutely not!" Both Ron and I object. Harry grins and I roll my eyes once I realize he knew we would not stay here.
Fuck him and his stupid scar that got us in this mess in the first place.
"Ok, off to bed all of you. Tomorrow we'll discuss this." Hermione sighs tiredly before kissing my forehead affectionately. I pull back and glare at her disappointedly, before laying down on my bed and facing away from her. I try not to overthink about the possibilities of tomorrow's events and drift off into a deep slumber.
I leave the Slytherin common room in a hurry, checking my wristwatch only to groan at the time. I am late to the D.A. meeting. Again.
Lost in my thoughts, I bump into a hard chest causing me to lose my balance. Before I can hit the ground, a hand wraps around my waist and pulls me back up. Once I regain my balance I look up to thank my saviour, but the words die on my tongue once my eyes land on the familiar face of Draco Malfoy. He pulls his hands away immediately once he realizes he caught me, and sneers.
"Watch where you're going, Granger." He spits and I roll my eyes in annoyance.
"Just move before I lose my patience and hex you, git," I reply and try to push past him, but he blocks my way. I look up at him in expectance, hoping he would get it over with so I could go. "Yes, Malfoy? I already know what you're going to say. That I am a stupid mudblood who doesn't deserve to be in Slytherin, bla bla bla. Let's not waste our time here." I put my hand on his chest and push him back harshly. He doesn't budge.
"Are you going to Potty's secret meeting?" He asks suspiciously. I furrow my eyebrows in fake confusion.
"I think you had too many Butterbeers." I say with an overly sweet smile and move past him successfully. I turn around to make sure he is not following me and grin triumphantly once I realize he left me alone. I slip into the Room of Requirements and am immediately greeted by the friendly faces of my friends. I avoid their questions about my whereabouts and start training.
As I fire a spell at Hermione, who dodges it easily, the room starts shaking. I glance at her in confusion and her face mirrors my expression. We all gather around the whall which is where the sound is coming from. Harry steps closer to the wall in order to peek at the other side.
I realize what is happening and immediately slip out of the room and make sure no one sees me. Dumbledore's Army is getting caught. If Umbridge would see me, a Slytherin there, things would get ugly, so I start sprinting towards my common room.
Before I can round around a corner, a hand reaches out and grips my arm before pulling me into an abandoned classroom. I try to scream but the other hand covers my mouth so my scream would be muffled.
"Be quiet, Granger, or do you want Umbridge to find you?" A familiar voice whispers in my ear and I turn around to see Malfoy standing in front of me with his signature sneer. "If you would turn around that corner, Parkinson would happily greet you with a hex." He drawls.
"So what? Am I supposed to thank you? Why did you pull me in here?" I ask and his muscles tens visibly. He clears his throat and avoids my eyes.
"I did not want your stupidity making us lose house points." He says and I scoff. Of course. Why else would he save my arse from Parkinson? I cursed the hopeful part of my brain which thought he did it for me. How naive of me.
I wake up to the voice of Hermione trying to wake me up. I assure her I am now wide awake and sit up groggily. I try to push the dream (which was actually a memory) I just had back.
While changing I cannot help but let my mind drift away to Draco. I know that he is on the side of Death Eaters, fighting amongst them against us, but a part of me keeps telling that it is involuntarily. The state that he was in the sixth year made it obvious. I remember how he isolated himself from everyone and barely threw insults my way. His mind was always somewhere else and he would constantly skip meals and disappear for hours. Hell, he even missed classes, which was unusual, since he was one of the best students. I remember my urge to approach him, comfort him, offer a shoulder to lean upon, but the status of my blood and the surname I was born with would always come in the way. I knew he would never let me close to him. He was the forbidden fruit I could never have.
After we pack everything we leave the tent. However, we stop in our tracks once we notice a group of men dressed in filthy clothes moving past us. I silently hope that they wouldn't notice us, but the leader does and raises his hands so the others would halt, and glances at us curiously.
"Run," Hermione whispers loud enough for us to hear, and we do not hesitate before breaking into a sprint. I dodge branches and the spells the men are casting my way while running, glancing back once in a while to check if any of them were close enough to catch me. I run like my life depends on it because it actually does. I realise I cannot see the trio and I start panicking slightly. I look around frantically trying to locate one of my friends, but my distraction causes me to stumble upon a fallen tree and I crash face-first into the ground. Before I can get up, the man behind me fires a spell and I feel ropes tightening around my ankles causing me to scream in frustration.
Two of the men pull me into a standing position as the leader approaches me, and only then I notice my friends being dragged behind him. I try to squirm out of their hold but they only tighten their grip. I kick one of the man's knee as hard as I can, and a small smile makes its way onto my lips when I hear his yelp as he falls on one knee.
"Fiesty." The leader who is now too close for my liking chuckles as his eyes dance over my features. His fingers trace over my cheekbones and I turn my face away from him.
"Go to hell." I hiss, but he only smiles in return.
"We're taking them back to Malfoy Manor. Who knows, maybe they'll be worth some galleons." He says and the others nod in agreement. I try not to let panic show on my face as my eyes connect with Hermione's and she seems to be thinking the same thing as I am.
Without a warning, they apparate us, and we are in front of the dark Manor which is enormous. A crazed looking woman with dishevelled hair opens the gate and I recognize her from the posters all around the place. Bellatrix Lestrange. Goosebumps rise on my skin as I recall the story of Neville's parents and try to shove the fear down. The man whispers something to her and her eyes fall upon us, observing each individual. Her eyes seem to linger on me for a moment too long before she smirks and lets us inside.
We are brought to the living room, where I see Lucius Malfoy and her wife standing in the corner, observing the situation. Then my eyes fall upon the familiar figure and my breath catches in my throat.
His eyes find mine and I see an emotion flicker behind his cold eyes before he masks it and it's back to looking indifferent. I block the argument between the adults out as I stare at him. His eyes never leave mine as he grips his wand tighter, causing his knuckles to whiten.
"Isn't this the girl...the Dark Lord was talking about? The girl that was distracting Draco's thoughts?" Lucious asks, causing my head to snap in his direction. His eyes stay on me as he observes me with a sneer.
"The mudblood?" Bellatrix chuckles. "Is it true Draco? Did the Dark Lord see her in your thoughts?" His aunt asks him while her gaze stays glued to me. He gulps nervously before responding.
"Why would I care about a filthy mudblood?" He replies, venom dripping from his every word and I try not to flinch at his words.
"Are you quite sure, Draco?" His aunt taunts, "Let's put that to the test, shall we?" She smiles evilly before raising her wand. "Crucio!"
I drop to the ground in a second, excruciating pain spreading over my body like wildfire. I do not register the screams of my friends as I myself scream in agony. I shut my eyes close and pray to whatever higher power there is to end this nightmare. I feel like my bones are cracking everywhere, and at that moment, I wish for death to come and envelope me, for it would be better to die rather than go through this torture for another second.
"Enough." I hear a female voice say who I assume it's Narcissa. Bellatrix looks back in surprise at whoever dared to interrupt her and I physically do not have the strength to open my eyes or listen to the commotion around me. Before I know it, someone scoops into their arms and I'm being carried away. I cannot control the tears staining my cheeks, and try to muffle a sob.
"It's okay, I've got you." A familiar voice whispers and I lean my head on his chest, clutching my hand around his black suit. He gently places me on the hard ground, and I open my eyes to make sure I am not imagining it. "I'm sorry." He whispers as he starts muttering healing charms under his breath.
Suddenly an ear-deafening scream echoes through the Manor, and it takes me a second to realize it's my sister. I sit up quickly, immediately regretting doing so as I feel my ribs hurt from the sudden movement. My sister is being tortured...and I have no power to stop it. The thought burdens my mind and I force back the tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
I hear the metal bars opening before they close shut, and I look to see Harry and Ron laying on the ground. They both look very angry and upset as they look around helplessly before their eyes settle on me and the hunched figure next to me. Draco looks back at them and points his wand towards my friends.
"Move and I'll hex you." He threatens. Harry looks at me worriedly but I shake my head, silently begging him to not intervene. After all, Draco was healing me. They do not step towards me but stay put and continue watching as Draco turns back and focuses on me.
"Thank you," I whisper but he shakes his head.
"Don't thank me. This happened to you because of me." He snaps back and I can tell he is frustrated with himself.
"What did they mean when they said I was in your thoughts when Voldemort was invading your head?" I ask after a moment of silence. He sighs and runs his hand through his platinum blonde hair.
"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to, Granger," Draco says and I scoff. He smiles at the action before running his fingers through my hair and my eyes closed involuntarily at the gentle and soothing action.
"Will she be ok?" Harry's soft voice echoes in the large basement and Draco looks up in surprise. He nods before resting his gaze on me and smiles. It feels like Harry and Draco form an unspoken truce after this brief interaction and Harry pulls a hesitant Ron away from us and they sit down and start whispering amongst themselves, undoubtedly planning an escape.
I raise my hand hesitantly and trace Draco's defined jawline and sculptured cheekbones as he leans into my touch. My palm cups his cheek and he hesitates before leaning in and capturing my lips in a gentle kiss. I kiss back immediately and despite being tortured moments ago, I feel like I'm on cloud nine as he embraces me.
"Draco!" Someone calls and he pulls back. He sighs tiredly and releases his hold on me.
"I'll see you soon, I promise. Try to stay alive, yeah?" He smiles sadly and pecks my lips one more time before standing up. He casts a lingering look my way before disappearing from my sight. I sigh at the emptiness I feel after he leaves and pray to Merlin that this would not be the last time I see him.
I just got my hands on the forbidden fruit, I could not bear losing him after years of hiding my love for the boy who had no choice.
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writeyouin · 5 years
How will the rescue bots react when they find out their s/o has a symbiote? (And maybe the rescue bots academy too? Please if not it’s ok)
Rescue Bots / Academy X Reader Drabbles - Symbiote
A/N – This isn’t in my usual format, but there are so many rescue bots that it felt easier to write it this way, so if you would like full stories anon, then please just tell me and I’ll fix this.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Heatwave was speechless. He always thought you were keeping something from him, but he never imagined it would be anything as insane as this. How could you keep a Symbiote from him? More importantly, if he hadn’t walked in on you and that THING talking to one another, how long would you have kept it from him? Forever?
For the past three weeks, he has avoided seeing you, yelling at you the few times you’ve tried to call. He pretends to be mad at you, but mostly he is furious at himself. How hadn’t he noticed something as big as this? There were days when you were the sweetest person in the world, and there were days that you were completely distant from him; now he knows the distant part of you was actually the Symbiote, telling you Heatwave wasn’t worth your time.
One day, amidst a fire which is too much for the bots to handle alone, Heatwave sees you running inside the burning building, the Symbiote providing an organic armour so the smoke inhalation doesn’t affect you. You stay well away from the flames, instead using your Symbiote strength to lift debris off the victims, carrying them out two at a time.
After a week of thinking about the applications of the Symbiote in rescue work, Heatwave visits you and sheepishly apologises for his behaviour. If you have a Symbiote, then he will respect that; he still doesn’t love the idea, but he doesn’t say that.
At his admission of respect, the Symbiote no longer tries to turn you against Heatwave; in fact, the Symbiote even admits that it respects Heatwave’s strength and bravery in the field.
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From the second you tell him about it, Chase does not like the Symbiote one bit. He has tried to argue his point logically to you in a sophisticated five-hour power point presentation and is willing to go as far as structured debate when you still disagree with him.
All you keep telling him is that the Symbiote is a part of you, but Chase is adamant that it doesn’t have to be; if only you could see that you could have a different, safer life wherein a parasite isn’t feeding off you.
It’s only when you argue that all sentient life has value and therefore must be protected that Chase starts to listen. He could never deny the statement, so it only perplexes him further when you point out that without you, the Symbiote will die. Chase loves you, and so he will make peace with the creature inside you, if it makes you happy. However, just because he maintains a peaceful relationship with the creature doesn’t mean he won’t watch your every move to make sure it isn’t going to hurt you. Chase is a protector; it will take a long time for him to trust the Symbiote fully.
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Blades saw something like this once in one of those Earth movies, Invasion of the Body Snatchers. He makes a big deal of telling you this, and constantly asking if the Symbiote is going to rip through your chest and kill everybody on Griffin Rock, just like that other movie.
“(Y/N), you’ve gotta make it leave,” He tries to warn you. “First, it makes you think it’s your friend then it eats your brain or turns you into a zombie.”
The Symbiote hears this and covers the entirety of your body, making you bigger, faster and stronger. “Say that to my face!” The Symbiote hisses at Blades.
Blades throws up his arms and runs away screaming, afraid the Symbiote is going to kill him.
Once you are in charge again and the Symbiote is only a tiny blob on your shoulder, you sigh. “Why did you have to do that? Now I have to spend the afternoon calming him down. He was already spooked enough about you.”
Your Symbiote simply laughs darkly, “Ah, but who could resist? He is so adorable when he is running away. I see the appeal in a relationship with this one.”
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When you sit Boulder down and tell him of your Symbiote, you expect him to be upset that you kept the secret from him, or perhaps to be angry, or even a little concerned. Instead, he immediately asks to meet the Symbiote, if that’s okay with the two of you.
Silently, the Symbiote appears on your shoulder, staring at Boulder with a curious gaze and only transmitting its thoughts to you. It becomes clear that Boulder’s curiosity has got the better of him when he asks if the two of you will undergo some voluntary tests in the name of science.
Your Symbiote discusses the idea privately with you, agreeing to do so, but only if you set some ground-rules about what is and isn’t allowed. You begin mediating between the two, until they are finally on talking terms to discuss the matter themselves.
Honestly, Boulder isn’t sure what to think of your Symbiote, but he will decide based on the conclusion of the upcoming tests.
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When Hoist finds out about the Symbiote, he pretends to accept it to hide his anxiety. He is too scared to ask you if this is normal for humans, so instead he goes to the one person who might know about these things; Professor Boulder.
Boulder tells him what little he knows about Symbiotes, and after that he suggests that Hoist should be open with you and the Symbiote about his feelings. After hearing the good advice, Hoist takes you to the Engineering room for a little privacy and he asks if you and the Symbiote would be okay answering a few of his questions. By the end, he feels like this experience has made your relationship stronger and he is thankful for that and eager to welcome the Symbiote with open arms.
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Medix found out about the Symbiote when he was giving you a health check and the results were unusual. After confronting you about it, your Symbiote revealed itself, explaining to the young doctor what was going on.
Immediately, Medix is fascinated, and he is asking you every question he can think of. When it’s revealed that the Symbiote can regenerate your cellular structure, he is absolutely ecstatic.
Immediately, he starts running tests, not even waiting for permission before he’s taken a scan of the two of you. He cannot wait to see if this can advance organic medical procedures.
He’s so occupied, you sarcastically comment that you should leave the Symbiote with him.
You roll your eyes when he replies, “That would be great, thank you.”
Your Symbiote rests on your shoulder, whispering, “Should we tell him I can’t leave you.”
You whisper back, “Hang on, see how long it takes him to notice that I’m still here.”
The two of you will be waiting a long time while Medix draws up some charts.
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Wedge finds out about your Symbiote when you get trapped in a collapsed building. He thought you’d died, but as he started digging you out, he hears somebody calling his name. It’s a creature like nothing he’s ever seen. Once the Symbiote returns to the inside of your body and it’s just you Wedge can see, he starts to calm down, putting the pieces of the puzzle together that the Symbiote had protected you.
As someone who wants to be leader of a future team, Wedge is trying to be logical about this, but he can’t help being a little insecure about it.
What if you think you can handle a situation when you can’t? Just because you’re stronger and more resilient than the average organic doesn’t mean he wants you putting yourself in danger. He makes you and the Symbiote promise you won’t do anything dangerous, just because you can, and it’s only when the two of you agree that he calms down about the entire thing.
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Hotshot came to check on you one night after a horror film. He is prepared to tell you that he’s coming to check on you but really, he just wants to cuddle because he’s terrified. His fears are only increased when he finds you talking to a slimy thing coming from your neck.
Before you know what’s going on, he’s ran in screaming and is hosing you down. It’s only when Heatwave comes in and holds him back that you get your chance to explain what a Symbiote is and how you came to have one.
After that, Hotshot makes you show him everything the Symbiote can do in the simulator room. Instantly, he becomes indignant about that- that THING.
How are you going to pay attention to all the cool things he can do, when you can do things just as cool with the help of your Symbiote? It’s not fair. He wanted to be the hero of the relationship, not you. How can there possibly be enough attention for both him and your Symbiote?
You finally reassure him when you say there’ll be twice as much love for him, but he’s still not sure he likes it.
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Whirl was practicing her stealth skills and followed you all the way from the training grounds to your room in the Academy. There, she saw you talking to your Symbiote. After watching for a few minutes to establish that the creature was non-hostile, Whirl ran in excitedly.
She loves you already and since you’re so great then you’re Symbiote will be JUST AS GREAT. There will be so much more to talk about. How long did it take the Symbiote to learn about Earth? IT LEARNT FROM YOUR MEMORIES? NO KIDDING, THAT’S GREAT. The three of you have to go on a triple date RIGHT NOW.
Whirl cannot wait to take a trip down memory lane and hear all about how the two of you met.
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pi-cat000 · 5 years
MSA time travel idea (part 35)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, Vivi POV, 8, 9, 10, Lewis POV, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, Lance POV 18, 19, Lewis POV 2, 21 , 22, Vivi POV 2, 24, 25  Lewis POV 3,  Mystery POV , Vivi POV 3, 29, Lewis POV 4, 31, ViVi POV 4 , 33, 34
Part 36: here
Whereas he barely felt the knife stabbing into him, Lewis definitely feels it come out. It doesn’t help that the thing pretending to be Arthur seems to be going out of its way to cause as much pain as possible. And yes, there is a lot of pain. Even with a whole lot of adrenaline smoothing over the worst of it, it is probably the worst thing Lewis has ever experienced. It briefly whites out his vision, so he almost misses Arthur as he steps out of the torchlight. What Lewis does see, in amongst the white spots, is that twisted uncanny smile, smug and self-assured. Nothing like any expression he has seen Arthur make before. It’s all wrong.
Lewis doesn’t remember kneeling, but he must have because suddenly Vivi is crouched in front of him, supporting his weight, preventing from face-planting into the concrete. Quickly, she ties her scarf around his side.
“I’m fine,” He mutters, trying to wave her away, “Go after Arthur.”
“You’ve been stabbed,” Vivi objects, frustrated, adding, “…and I can’t,” blue eyes meeting his before flicking over to Mystery who is blocking her way. The dog is glowing red, and his growls make Lewis’s neck prickle with unease despite not being the target. Right. Because, not only is Arthur possessed by that thing, but Mystery is a supernatural whatever as well. If he weren’t in so much pain, the revelation would be more impactful.
His next words are drowned out by another louder shout.
Both he and Vivi turn. Lewis stares openly at the middle-aged man who seems to have materialised from the gloom, holding a shotgun that moves between all three of them, landing on Arthur.
“Nobody move.” Is ordered in a tone consisting of visibly uncontained rage which doesn’t bode well in the slightest. Just when Lewis thinks they are done with the nasty surprises, another one comes crawling from the woodwork. Lewis struggles to stand so he’s ready to run if need be, his side throbs with a spike of intense pain.
The man, Lewis vaguely recognises him but, with the darkened surroundings, he is hard to really place, addresses Vivi, “Never heard of Arthur huh?”
Vivi stiffens, and Lewis realises, with a quick note of leather clothing, that this must be the leather-wearing crazy guy from earlier. Though, given the circumstances, perhaps he isn’t as crazy as initially thought.
“Good thing I didn’t believe yah now isn’t. You kids are in some real shit,” The man glowers past them, “I finally got ya. Nowhere to run now.”
“I’m sorry. Have we met? You human’s all look alike,” The body snatcher, Lewis refuses to think of this thing as Arthur, sounds mildly irritated.
“You fucking know who I am!”
“Oh, don’t flatter yourself.” Lewis recognises one of his chef knives as it is waved around flippantly.
“Sonofabitch. You’re going to regret messing with…”
“Hold it. Wait…” The body snatcher interrupts, clicking its fingers, “I remember. Wait. No…I’ve lost it. Maybe give me a hint?”
The man’s face twists into a snarl of furry, “Slimy rat-bastard…If you think for one…”
“Oh! I’ve got it! Mickey. No. Micky. Yes. Apologies. You were such a useless, forgettable host that it completely slipped my mind.” If the body snatcher is trying to make the other man mad, it is succeeding. Worried, Lewis observes the livid expression on the gunman’s face. Even in the dark, the rage is very apparent.
“How is that gunshot wound treating you? It looks infected.”
“How about I give you a matching one, and you can tell me all about it!?”
“Tch,” Arthur’s green eyes narrow losing some of their humour. Then, seemingly addressing none of the people present, it comments, “And this is exactly why leaving hosts alive always backfires.”
Before, when the creature had been supposedly conversing with Mystery, it had made clear eye-contact with the dog. Now, it gestures loosely into the middle distance. It’s talking to Arthur, he realises, and it simultaneously fills him with hope and makes him sick to the stomach.
“They all get this notion in their head that it’s my fault their pathetic lives went down the toilet. And then it’s all ‘you’ll pay for this’ and whatnot.” It turns Arthur’s eyes back to Micky, “I suppose you’re still mad about your brother. Dan was it?”
“Don’t say you dare say his name!”
“Dan? Short for Daniel? The most promising exorcist in three generations and far better than you could ever be? That Daniel? …Maybe if you’d been even half of what he was, you wouldn’t have been possessed so damn easily. I mean, this kid put up more of a fight, and he’s pretty much a walking collection of neurosis.’”
“I said shut the fuck up!”
“Did you even go back to bury him, or did you just leave him there? What happened to all the ritual, funeral nonsense to send his soul on its merry way? How disrespectful.”
The gun clicks. It’s like it wants to get shot! Lewis feels Vivi tense beside him and knows that she has come to the same conclusion.
“Stop!” Vivi lurches uprights, trying and failing to dodge around Mystery. “If you shoot, you’ll kill Arthur!”
“That fucking brat sent us to our deaths. He’s just as guilty.”
The body snatcher sniggers, “I’m sure Dan would be very unimpressed at how you’re threatening this poor innocent human. I mean, if he weren’t a shish-kebab at the bottom of a cave.”
A loud, almost animalistic, yell. In the fraction of an instant before the gun goes off, Arthur’s body lurches to the right. For a moment, it looks like Arthur might manage to dodge. Lewis’s breath catches.
The gun fires. Arthur flickers. It is as if, for a split second, there are two people overlayed atop each other. If the body snatcher is planning to dodge, protecting both itself and Arthur, it fails, stumbling, visibly hurt.
Next, there is an explosion of energy, briefly lighting the space with ominous red. From the flash leaps a giant canid creature with many lashing tails, obstructing his view. The gunman, obviously just as surprised by its appearance, turns wildly, aiming the gun at the new threat. A second shot discharges with another loud crack, point-blank, right into second monster’s chest. The giant- Lewis thinks it might be a fox- doesn’t falter, slamming into the gun-wielding maniac, jaws closing on the weapon.
“Arthur!” Vivi’s voice snaps his attention back to Arthur. Lewis is not sure where the bullet has hit but the way the body snatcher’s face twists, spitting to itself, “You little shit,” before toppling over backwards, means it hit somewhere. He struggles to follow Vivi, who has already run forward, ignoring how his side burns and his breath is more laboured than it should be. Lewis hurries up to his prone friend, spotting the quickly spreading stain of red on Arthur’s left shoulder.
“Shit. Shit. Shit.” Vivi mutters, “Bleeding…that’s a lot of blood. Need to control the bleeding.” She pulls off her shirt, placing it over the wound, pressing down. Arthur’s eyes snap open, bright green, focusing on Vivi and then on him. They flicker to golden-brown.
“Arthur?” Vivi breaths, also noticing the change.
“Shh. Don’t speak. Everything will be okay. I don’t think its hit anything important. Just lie still.”
Gold flickers to green again, and Arthur grins, “What’s…up. You…goin…watch him die …with me?” The words get chocked off when the gold returns. The smiles twists into something more pained. Lewis leans in as Arthur tries to speak again.
“No.” Vivi puts out a hand, leaving a red mark on his shirt, “Don’t make skin contact.”
Green and gold flicker again, so fast that the two colours bleed into each other like coloured ink running together. “Even if …you save him…I’ll be here. You’ll never get me out…He’ll be mine for…” It’s the body snatcher, struggling to form words as blood trickles out the corner of Arthur’s mouth.
“Don’t talk,” Vivi snaps. The hand nearest to him twitches, trying to touch her wrist. But the blood loss has made it slow and lethargic, allowing Vivi to draw away.
“Lewis, hold his arm down so it doesn’t try to grab me. I need to keep pressure on this. Do you have your phone on you? We need to call for help, like an ambulance, and….”
Vivi’s instructions wash over him as he stares at the hand then back at Arthur. If they do save Arthur, then they would be right back to where they started, with this thing piloting around his friend’s body. Probably, hurting Arthur in the process because he can’t imagine that it’s a present experience. Lewis takes his phone from his back pocket and places in on the ground.
“Lew…is.” It’s Arthur again, barely managing to speak, breathing hard as Vivi pushes down, stemming the worst of the flow. Even the two words sound so defeated and sad. Lewis can’t just do nothing. Not when he can save Arthur from this thing. In that moment, in the seconds between Arthur’s breathing and the sounds of fighting behind him, Lewis reaches to take Arthur’s hand.
“Look after Arthur.” He orders. Vivi makes a brief noise of objection, but it is too late.
Skin against skin.
Arthur’s hand is unnaturally cold.
There is a sharp pain in his palm which travels up the limb. Quickly, he lurches upright, stumbling two steps back to get as far away from Vivi and Arthur as possible. A portion of his arm begins to turn a sickly green, which travels up towards his shoulder. Arthur, the real Arthur, is now the picture of horror.
“W…hy?” His friend coughs. Lewis finds he can’t respond, body frozen. Slowly, green creeps, inching along, making his skin crawl.
Then, a heavy weight hits him from behind, causing him to stagger. Jaws and sharp teeth clamp down around his upper arm, halting the green. One large, red eye stares at him, almost apologetic. As if moving in slow motion, Lewis sees the fox bite and hears the crunch of bone splintering. Blood droplets spin hypnotically in the air.
It is probably fortunate that, right then, Lewis is yanked back and away. If he can’t handle the pain of a stab wound, he can’t imagine enjoying the sensation of having his arm ripped apart. This is what Lewis thinks while he falls into deeper, more complete darkness.
He is falling, nothingness surrounding him. He is falling right up until he isn’t.
Above him, a ceiling fades into view. Confused, he blinks at the pale grey roof overhead. Is he dead? He doesn’t feel dead. Hurriedly, Lewis sits upright, grasping for his arm. It is still there, attached to his shoulder, no worse for wear. Except, Lewis’s eyes widen, watching the limb flicker, disappearing then reappearing. He can feel it and move it, but when he stares at it for too long, it doesn’t seem real. Transparent.
“…have known… too good to be true….It’s always too good to be true…” The irritated voice, though muffled, is familiar. Lewis twists, searching for its source, finding himself on the floor of a grey-coloured version of the Kingsman workshop. However, unlike Kingsman Mechanics, which was always alive with activity and the sound of machinery, everything here is still and eerily silent. Through the open garage doors, instead of the Tempo desert, Lewis sees an expanse of endless grey void. Across the floor and ceiling spreads several jagged cracks like the room is seconds from falling to pieces.
“…there was no way in any of the hells that some punk human would get away with breaking The Rules and not have it blow up in their stupid face...”
Leaning against the workbench, a few feet away, is Arthur. Only, it’s not Arthur. The skin is tinted green, not unlike his arm in those brief moments before Lewis was pulled down here.
“…and I just got suckered in like some witless porn.” Growling, kicking the bench irritably, not-Arthur grumbles, “What a waste of potential.”
Slowly, Lewis tries to climb to his feet without catching its attention. He is unsuccessful because, no sooner has he moved, its eyes snap to him. Now, instead of bright green, they are flecked with golden yellow.
“Hello Lewis,” It greets in a voice so like Arthur’s that it grates on Lewis’s ears. A larger crack appears across the ceiling, lengthening, almost splitting the room in half. Grey dust rains down around them, and the room shakes.
“Nice of you to stop by, even if it is for a few seconds. I was so looking forward to possessing you too. It really is a shame.”
Lewis glares at the twisted, mock version of his friend, who, despite everything, is still grinning. Now his mind is no longer muddled with the pain of a stab wound, there is new mounting anger. He clenches a fist.
“What’s the matter big guy? Had a rough day? Not often you get stabbed by your best friend now is it?”
Lewis should be scared. This thing has made it apparent that it didn’t give two shits about killing him. Hell, this bastard had stabbed him. Lewis glances briefly at his side. There is no wound to be seen. In his mind’s eye, he sees the last few minutes flash past. He can see Arthur, in pain. His best friend had looked so defeated. Somehow he knows it is this things fault. Everything until now, all the supernatural weirdness and confusion, this thing is at the centre of it all. No, Lewis isn’t scared. He's furious.
"There's the Lewis I was waiting to see. None of that sentimental concerned crap…only anger,” The fake-Arthur grins wider, noting his rage.
"This is your fault." He snaps in lieu of a proper come-back, taking an aggressive step forward clenching and unclenching his fist. "What did you do to Arthur.”
“Hehe, still more worried about Arthur? You really should adjust your priorities, considering there is a high chance that my removal will kill you. Losing an arm isn’t pretty.”
Lewis twitches. The rage builds. It builds in waves, expanding to fill his chest and, before he knows it, he’s across the room, picking the fake-Arthur up by the shirt, and slamming into a wall. There is no real-Arthur here to hold him back. He wants to wipe that smile off its face and make it pay for all the stress and hurt it has forced on all of them in the last few days.
“What happened to Arthur!”
A scoff of contempt. “Nothing happened to Artie, aside from getting shot, he’s back in his body. All he had to do was sit back and not interfere, but instead, he got in the way like the suicidal little shit he is. I’d watch out for that, your friend is a real basket case.”
Lewis sees fire and red. He slams the creature against the wall, causing new cracks to form and spread like a spider web. It feels unevenly satisfying to hurt this creature. It feels good right up until the body snatcher turns its face into something that looks almost exactly like Arthur. No smug smile. Just pain. If it weren’t for the green skin, Lewis might have believed it.
“So willing to hurt Arthur. You’re giving me goosebumps.”
His grip falters. “You’re not Arthur,” He retorts.
“No. But I look like him.  Not that that matters when assigning blame. No wonder Arthur is scared of you.”
His anger simmers down into something more akin to apprehension. Before, outside his family diner, the demon had said something about knowing the truth behind Arthur’s reason for avoiding him. What did this thing know?
Lewis grits his teeth, "I didn't do anything to Arthur. I couldn’t of. It must be something else. Another variable." That’s what Vivi said, and she is right. Why does it sound like he's trying to convince himself now?
"Is that what you think, or is that what our good friend Vivi thinks? She's smart, I'll give you that, a real catch, but you can't rely on her for everything. You have to make your own decisions based on what you want. You know Arthur is scared. You saw it. Pure fear."
The body snatcher gives him a shove in the chest, forcing Lewis to drop the other to the floor. Tense, he watches it spend a moment straitening its shirt in a very Arthur-like move. Suddenly, he feels very guilty despite knowing this was only a replica of his friend.
It grins again, glancing up, “I can show you, you know. I have Arthur’s memories. I can leave them behind before I’m forced to leave." More cracks are appearing now, covering every surface like one half of the room is about to fall away. Deliberately, fake-Arthur leans towards him, “What do you say?”
“Arthur will tell me the truth when he’s ready.” Lewis wants to object further but finds the words stuck.
It laughs, an unpleasant sound, full of malice, “Not if he thinks the truth will hurt you. He’ll continue lying for forever if he thinks it’ll protect you. Besides, you might die right now, so Arthur might not even get the chance. Then you’ll never know.”
Uneasy, Lewis swallows, realising that it is right. Arthur would lie to protect him and Vivi. It is probably the reason why he’d been lying for the last few weeks.  Lewis frowns down at the ground, breaking eye contact, trying to work through what he actually wants and not liking the answer. Its got him. Despite knowing that having Arthur’s memories is a bad idea that it will cause more harm than good, he finds he doesn’t care.
"Well, do you want the truth or not? Quickly now, I don't have a lot of time here."
Why is Arthur scared? He needs to know why. He desperately needs to know.
“I want to know.” He says it before he can really help it.
One elongated step and the body snatcher is suddenly close, acting before Lewis can change his mind. He attempts to move back, but the body snatcher is reaching up, grabbing his collar, yanking him down to eye level, “Good choice.”
Lewis instinctively pulls back, but the faker's eyes swirl hypnotically, shifting to a more potent green, holding him in place.
"It’s been nice talking, I think I’m beginning to see why Arthur’s so damn obsessed with you, so much delicious internal conflict...but alas our time is up.”
The walls around them crumble, splintering apart.
“It may be a day, a year or even a few decades, but I’ll be back so we’ll meet again. That's a promise."
The workshop dissolves.
"Until then, enjoy Arthur’s memories. And remember, you wanted this."
Note: Lewis joins Arthur in the pit of bad decisions. 
Part 36: here
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Reliving An Old Nightmare - Chapter 18
<= Chapter 17
Summary : Snatcher has a lot of things to say. Also available on AO3 : https://archiveofourown.org/works/22337299/chapters/58252951
CHAPTER 18 IS HERE !!! I hope you’ll like it ! ALSO : I commissionned Puyo-Proto to voice a bit of Snatcher in this scene !!! The result is amazing, I’m so happy with it, thank you again !! You’re so talented ! YOU CAN LISTEN TO IT HERE !! OF COURSE, MAJOR SPOILERS FOR THE CHAPTER, so I advise you to read said chapter first! Check out his amazing voice acting ! Here’s his twitter !
Chapter 18
Snatcher had thought that he had experienced pain in the most unenjoyable ways… But, oh, he had been so wrong. The ghost’s consciousness started to emerge again, slowly waking up to awful pains in all parts of his body. But what hurt the most was his head: the shade could feel every heartbeat resonating inside of his skull, as if someone was hammering the walls around his brain. He just wanted the sensation to go away. He was so tired, so nauseous, everything was so painful!
The spirit barely realized he had let out a whimper as his mind was way too foggy to care. All he wanted was to ignore the growing pain in his body and go back to sleep, where everything was so much more peaceful…
-“Snatcher?” said a soft and sad little voice on his right. The shade felt his consciousness be stimulated by the cry for help next to him. What was happening? The question appeared in the ghost’s mind as he couldn’t help but have a very bad feeling. Why did he feel this way? Why couldn’t he think clearly? Why did he feel himself be stuck against something, while his lower body dangled in the air? Why couldn’t he move his hands?
And why did this all feel so extremely familiar?
The sudden realization hit him hard, pure horror engulfing him. He knew exactly what was happening, he remembered everything his body was currently experiencing. He had gone through that kind of suffering in the past when-
He opened his eyes, panicked. He felt his heart sinking in his chest as he immediately recognized the room he was in: damp walls made of stones, a cobblestone floor, several casks scattered around the place, huge kegs, humid and cold air… Snatcher was in the cellar again. His hands just like his torso were shackled to the wall, exactly like hundreds of years ago.
His breathing got caught in his throat from the shock. No, he couldn’t be there again, he couldn’t go through this torture again! Once was already more than enough! Why was he here again?!
-“Snatcher! Snap out of it!”
His attention got back to the small child next to him. She was shackled to the wall just like he was. It is only then that he noticed he had been hyperventilating. His ears were ringing from the panic and his mouth was dry. The little girl had tears marks on her cheeks and her eyes were red from all the crying she must have done while he was still unconscious. She didn’t have her hat on and the accessory was nowhere in sight. She didn’t seem to be injured, which was a relief to the spirit. He tried his best to calm himself down, still very much scared and confused by his current situation.
-“What… Why are we…” he tried to ask, yet couldn’t say the words, for some unknown reason. Maybe it was the shock, maybe it was all the trauma coming back to him after all those years… Or maybe his throat was too dry to make any sound. In any case, he wasn’t able to finish this sentence and hoped the brat would understand what he had meant: “what happened? Why are we here?”
Given the context, his ex-contractor had no problem to decipher what he had tried to say. She attempted to move, but the chains on her wrists prevented her to move too much. She winced in the process, certainly from the pain it caused. And oh, Snatcher knew very well how painful it could be.
-“We… We got caught,” explained the child with a weak voice: “I was going to blow up the padlock with my hat, but… The butler knocked you out…”
The memories were now coming back to the ghost like vivid visions in his mind. He could remember the sudden pain on the back of his head, the cries coming from the little girl… She had begged him to help her, to stand up and fight… But he had lost consciousness.
And now they were in the cellar. The last place he wanted to see or be in again.
Snatcher pulled on the chains, yet it was all in vain: as a mere human, he wouldn’t be able to get free. He knew that. However, he kept trying, feeling a mix of fear and anger powering his attempts. He couldn’t stay here, he couldn’t, not again, not a second time… And even less with the kid next to him, in the same situation as him. He would definitely not allow it. The very idea of having her going through that hell just made him livid: never, he would never allow it! If she had to suffer, it was going to be through him and no one else!
And so, the ghost screamed. No matter how much the little girl jumped beside him, no matter how much his throat ached, and no matter how much time it would take… He was going to get out and kill Vanessa and her accomplice, once and for all. He hadn’t finished the job the first time and it had been one of his biggest mistakes… A mistake he wouldn’t repeat. Even if he had to die in the process.
Rage had engulfed him whole as he tried to pull on the chains, again and again and again… The sound of the chains resonated in the room just like his pants from his effort. But he was far, far from being over! If he had to break his own wrists to get out of these chains, he would! This wouldn't be the first time anyway!
-“Snatcher! Snatcher stop!” begged the hatless brat. Though, the spirit wasn’t listening. He didn’t want to listen.
He was going to get out, he was going to get out, he was going to get out! His screams were deafening and became feral-like the more he screamed. He could hear the child trying to calm him down next to him, but the shade didn’t care. He didn’t have to care in his situation! How could anyone expect him to stay calm when he had to relive his worst nightmare?
And then, all of a sudden, the air around them became awfully chilly. The spirit stopped abruptly, confusion replacing his anger for just a moment.
“Why…?” Though, his bewilderment didn’t last long as he quickly put the missing piece of the puzzle. It was her, it could only be her. The sound of muffled steps behind the door of the cellar only confirmed his suspicions. Vanessa was there. Whether she had come because of his screams or just because she wanted to bathe in his hatred for her and his rage… It didn’t change the fact that she was behind the door. Even as a simple human, the spirit could still sense her presence behind the wooden surface. As for the little girl, she seemed to have come to the same conclusion as him. She was standing deadly still, probably terrified, if the look on her face was any indication. The shade had been scared too, the first time. However, now, pure fury radiated from him. He hated her, loathed her!
How could she come after shackling them up on a wall again? How could she?
The ghost’s rage intensified even more as he clenched his teeth. Why? Why would she do that again? When she had explicitly said to him that she wanted to make things right this time? Then again, she had also said that everything had been his fault from the start…
He started yelling again, even more furious than before:
-“How dare you!” the words left his mouth as he pulled on his restraints once again: “All this talk about how mature you said you were compared to me! How better you wanted everything to be!”
The ghost could feel his throat hurt from how dry it was. How long had he stayed unconscious? How long had it been since the last time he drank water? The anger quickly made him forget those thoughts as he continued screaming:
-“Well newsflash, Vanessa! You screwed everything up! You’ll never be the mature person! You’re just a heartless monster!” he paused, and then scoffed almost for himself, though he knew very well she could hear him: “And I was the liar? Me? You were the liar all along!”
His body radiated heat the more he yelled, but the ghost purposely ignored it. It wasn’t important. Even though he could feel his body changing from the inside, he was just blinded by the fury and the resentment he had towards the Queen. Nothing else was important. Not even the cries on his right as he opened his mouth again:
-“And you know what’s fun?” he asked with a mix of bitterness and sarcasm: “You never took a good look at yourself! You destroyed an entire village, killed all its inhabitants, murdered your dear fiance, and somehow it was my fault? You’re so full of yourself it’s hilarious!”
The spirit laughed, but it sounded terribly maniacal and insincere. His skin had changed colour, now purple like his ghostly form, yet his body remained tangible just like his human form. His face radiated a yellowish light and his mouth had changed, showing fangs instead of normal teeth.
Snatcher was livid and his body was reacting in consequence.
-“And you actually thought I would love you again? Forget everything that you did just because you created a perfect little alternate reality?” The spirit laughed again, yet his laughter ended with a sad tone. A minute passed in silence, but he knew she was still there.
-“You never cared about me,” affirmed Snatcher bitterly: “All you cared about was the idea of living the perfect princess life, falling in love, just like in a fairytale. But you were the villain all along, you were the unstable witch becoming crazy when something didn’t go your way!”
Snatcher stopped again, shutting his eyes hard and clenching his fists as he questioned in a desperate, loud voice:
-“Why are you still here?!” He demanded as his words resonated in the cellar, echoing all around him and the kid: “Go away! If you want us to die here so much, then get lost!”
He took a deep breath and screamed as much as he could, all his rage and fury fuelling his last words:
-“I hate you, Vanessa! I loathe you! Get lost!”
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Snatcher thought it would be enough. Snatcher really thought she would leave them alone to die, just like she intended… But instead, he still felt her presence behind the door, as the air cooled down again. She wasn’t leaving. And then, after a few seconds, the door opened and a silhouette entered the room, holding something tight against her chest.
It was Vanessa, wearing her light green nightshirt. Her face was full of sadness and guilt, and she couldn’t bear looking at the ghost in the eyes.
And, in her hands, was the brat’s magical hat.
See you on the next chapter ! :D
Chapter 19 =>
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imagine-loki · 5 years
The Slutty Webs One Weaves
Title : The Slutty Webs one Weaves
Chapter NO. 2 of 10?
ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki’s Asgardian wife learns women write fanfiction about him on a trip to Midgard. She’s edgy for the duration and lets him have it when they get back.
Author: lokilover9
Rating: M
Notes: Hello everyone. I will get to writing another chapter of Irked, but for now, here’s a mini crack fic. Should be good for a laugh or two.
When Loki and Astrid entered their vehicle in the Towers underground, he opened portal, exiting in the woods on Staten Island and she pouted.
"Not hiking again, Loki. Skunks are mean."
He tisked. "Bushy tailed scoundrels. I did warn you to keep away."
"I thought it was cute. Where are we?"
"A dumping location of one golden eyed jester. No matter." He conjured a cabin and opened its door. "Still wish to get naked?"
They fucked for hours until Astrid lay spent, resembling a deflating blow up doll.
"Dress now my lovely? I'll gather your belongings from the truck."
With her brain afloat in subspace, she hazily replied. "Yes Master." *****
They entered Asgard and Heimdall arched a brow at her bedraggled appearance. "Welcome back, my lady."
"Midgardians make edible panties."
Loki scooped her into his arms. "Nothing a good slumber can't fix. Ta ta, jester." He chuckled upon pulling a key from his pocket when undressing. "I dare to ponder your predicament before realizing this missing, Cootyoodles." *****
Weeks passed while down on Midgard, several burglaries had occurred in rich homes around New Jersey. Only cash was ever stolen, yet the thieves exceptional skill at avoiding detection was a growing concern.
Pepper and Tony sat watching the news.
~ "Another burglary in Jersey last night left police no closer to identifying a suspect. More at eleven." ~
"Didn't the thiefasaurous make a peanut butter and banana sandwich at the last house,? I'd love to know how they're hacking the security cameras. Clever bastard."
"Could be a woman, but definitely a pro."
"There's an erotic vision. You dressed as a bandit, searching a homeowner's porn reserve while snickering at their amatuer bondage supplies."
"Why risk imprisonment? Were the porn in your 'Butch's Bitch' file dvd's, they'd line a path from here to Miami."
"Ooooh, does that mean we're on the same page?"
"Mmm..no. You're horny and I'm craving nachos. Please unravel yourself from my thigh?"
Stark playfully gnawed on it. "And if I don't? What then, Mistress?" He obeyed when the lights flickered and Jarvis announced a security breach. "Speaking of bandits, ours is an Alien God breaking a promise."
"Jarvis never detected him before."
"Likely an impish forewarning attempt. I'd bet a thousand he's hoping I'm shackled to the coffee table, sucking a rubber cock for his own amusement."
'Note to self.' Thought Pepper. 'Add to 'to do' list.' "What makes you think him so savage?"
"Loki's a sexual deviant."
'Blabbermouth. Now she's intrigued.' "Everything back to normal, Jarvis?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Told ya and I know just where to find the prick." Tony stepped onto the sixtieth floor to find it minimally illuminated by the moon. "Nice touch, Snowflake. A prelude to another smug entrance? Consider it your last." When met with silence, he angrily strolled to the rooms center. "Show yourself! NOW!"
More silence, except for the hum of the approaching elevator.
"Huh. Never pegged you for a coward." Tony didn't intend to fight Loki. Merely to end their friendship, while emphasizing the seriousness of his boundaries being overstepped.
The intruder judged otherwise.
The door slid open and from behind the bar, came a sphere of light travelling at warp speed, making a whooshing sound as it encompassed his suit pieces, halting their pursuit, then dropping them to the floor in a clanging heap.
Stark sat crouched on his knees, enthralled by a figure slowly emerging from the shadows.
"I am not a coward Iron M..Man."
He lurched forward and the swaying soul fell limp in his arms as the rooms lights flickered on. "What the hell?" Moments later, he rushed off the elevator to a shocked Pepper. "Meet our intruder."
"A child???"
She offered a warm cloth as he timed the wee souls pulse. "Heart rates good."
"Didn't get a name." Clad in males clothing a size too big and a snug fitting Captain America cap, the child was filthy. Upon removing it, a mass of knotted, raven hair fell over his arm.
"He's a she?"
"Apparently." Desperate to rouse her, Tony kept talking, while wiping her face. "Can you hear me, kid? Come on, wake up." His actions revealed flawless, alabaster skin, high cheekbones, a perfect nose and overly pink lips. Her fingers were long and slender, as were her limbs and the more he looked at her, everything began to click. "If her eyes are green, someone has some 'splaining to do, Lucy."
The girl stirred, scrambled from his lap, bolted across the room and halted in a battle stance, fists raised, brows furrowed and her piercing green eyes, wildly darting between him and Pepper.
He slowly rose, arms in the surrender position. "Easy, Little Warrior. We won't hurt you."
"Where's my hat?" She sternly demanded.
Tony slid it across the floor and she planted it sideways on her head, sloppily tucked her hair inside and returned to battle stance. "Liar! I came to you for help and was almost attacked!"
"My goof, kid. Ya scared me. What's your name?"
"Brianna. It means strong, virtuous and honorable."
"Perfect for a female warrior. A brave one too."
Pepper cut in. "Hi Brianna, I'm..."
"Virginia Potts, born September 27nth, 1972 in Arlington, Virginia, CEO of Stark Industries and one badass role model. Nice to meet you."
She smiled. "Ditto. Are you injured at all?"
The girls fists lowered. "No, just hungry and exhausted."
"Unacceptable." Said Tony. "What can we get ya?"
"A peanut butter and banana sandwich?" They threw it together and she wolfed it down with a glass of milk. "Have any tater tots?"
"Sure do. Brianna, is there anyone we should call?"
Her scowl returned and an unseen force, swiftly elevated their phones, suspending them inches below the twenty foot ceiling. "Mom's awal, and Daddy's unknown. Alert anyone of my whereabouts and after escaping their captivity, I'll return 'undetected' to enact revenge."
"O-kaaay. Any ideas on the spunk doner, Virginia?"
"Really, Tony?"
"Just sayin'. We promise not to alert anyone without your permission kid, if first, I get a promise or two in return."
"You dare making commands knowing what I'm capable of?"
"Hear me out, Little Warrior. Please?"
She chomped into a tater tot. "I'm listening."
"I've some questions."
"You can ask, but don't expect answers for every one. What else?"
"You stay a while. At least until finding a Tower to call your own."
"No way, Jose. I'm the restless type."
"A month then?"
Stark played the puppy eyes card as Brianna sized him up like a scheming Clint Eastwood might a brazen saloon patron.
"A week and we take it from there."
Once their phones safely landed, she asked to use the bathroom. Pepper lead her to a guest room and was stopped at the door. "Thanks. A little privacy, please?"
After it closed, Tony snuck into the hall and quietly relayed of first encountering the girl. "It's irrefutable. That's Loki's mini me in there."
"Her powers are undeniably similar, but without a paternity test..."
"And how do we achieve that? Shimmy up the bifrost and demand Prince Jezebel see a phlebotomist? Fuck, if they're not related, where 'did' she come from? Maybe we're being invaded by the real Body Snatchers."
"Who've begun with a child in a Captain America hat, they specifically sent here?"
"Have any better conclusions? I suspect she's the burglar too."
"Why, because they like the same sandwich?"
"Think, Butch. If she can break in here, houses are a piece of cake."
"Think, Cootyoodles. Even with powers to hack security systems, how does a child that young burglarize nine houses without being seen, heard or leaving behind any dna?"
"Never underestimate your opponent." As Tony rambled on about examples, she seemed distant. "Butch?"
"I just realized something. Brianna said her Mom was awal. We're avid news watchers and there hasn't been a local Amber Alert for months. What if she isn't looking for her? What if no one is?"
"Perhaps we're both getting carried away and Brianna's…a special breed of Leprechaun that eats feet. We sleep in my suit boots and problem solved."
Pepper smirked. "What exactly happened to you in space? Stay here while I check on her?" Soon she called to him in a whisper. "Come look at your opponent."
Stark's real heart melted when seeing Brianna asleep in the large tub. A bath towel covered her little body and another lay folded beneath her head. "Poor kid. I'll move her to the bed."
"No don't, Tony. I think she crawled in there to feel safe." *****
In the morning, they found an open box of Count Chocula cereal beside a dirty bowl in the kitchen.
"I hadn't opened that yet."
Pepper yawned. "And?"
"It's half empty."
"Awesome. If she's anything like you jacked up on sugar, please hide it?"
He popped a handful into his mouth. "I thought you liked my inner child?"
"Not when he's Dash from the Incredibles. What's that noise?"
"I'll go look." Stark opened Brianna's door to a six inch knife whizzing towards it. "Morn..WHOA!" He closed it within an inch as she aimed another. "DROP the weapon, Little Warrior!"
She casually tossed it onto the bed. "'Sup?"
"'Sup?!? Those aren't toys, young lady! You could've removed half my face!"
"Nah, my aims too polished. See for yourself."
Pepper arrived to find him gawking at the wall. "Hi Brianna. Tony?"
"Iron Man's upset 'cause I short circuited his Arc Reactor."
"Kinda. Feast your eyes on why, Virginia."
A wooden cutting board hung centimeters from the door frame, impaled by eight knives and Brianna sighed. "I'd almost made a perfect x, until interrupted."
"Hey, I knocked..once."
"But didn't wait for permission to enter."
"Let's not argue, hm? Coffee's done, Tony. Would you like a bath, Brianna?"
"With bubbles?"
"Raspberry Sorbet, scented."
Butch later regretted leaving behind the bottle as Little Warrior had a blast, pouncing into the mountainous sea of bubbles the Jacuzzi's jets summoned and soaking the floor. After loaning her a small t shirt and a pair of leggings she secured around her waist, she watched in amazement as like with their phones, an unseen force carefully lowered the cutting board into the girls awaiting arms.
"Ready, Badass."
"Call me Pepper, please?"
Once in the kitchen, Tony learned of her trick. "Just another checkmark on the growing listy poo of spunky d' evidence, Virginia. Thanks kid, I'll take that." The board seemed super glued to the island as he tried apprehending it. "Make that two checkmarks."
The silverware drawer opened, nudging his butt, as Brianna climbed onto a stool with a mischievous smirk and hovered a fist over the knives. "Scooch your booty, or be turned into swiss cheese." Her hand opened, releasing a pea sized light that burst into a mist with the snap of her fingers. As she slid back, it encompassed only the board, individually plucked each knife from its surface, neatly steered them into the drawer and vanished after it closed.
Tony's mind was projecting a vision of Loki on a cheesy, 70's era game show, its animated host announcing; "Our grand prize winner, ladies and gentlemen! The willy nilly, cock weilding, Prince Jezebelll!"
Brianna's voice silenced the fanfare. "I promise not to play with knives anymore."
"Erm..that's great. About those questions, kid."
"Why the target practice?"
"Saw it on tv once. It kills boredom."
'And a charging rhinoceros, no doubt.' "These balls of light…"
"I call them my magic and maneuvered this one slower, to give you an idea of how they work. Neat, huh?"
"Very and the one used on my suit?"
"Nothing special."
"How do you create them and the unseen force?"
"Have you greater abilities?"
"Enough to make David Copperfield seem a quack."
"How did you break into my tower?"
"Top Secret."
"How did you get here?"
"Walking, buses, taxis, trains and one bicycle."
"By yourself?"
"How long was your trip?"
"Nine days."
"How did you afford it?"
"My allowance."
"Why the boys clothing?"
"You already know."
"Where are you from?"
"Are you done insulting me?"
He froze. "Excuse me?"
"Nearly every question, except number 5, were tests to see if I'd slip up and surpass revealing the basics. Magic aside, you're trying to assess my intelligence, so here's some insight. Every response minus 'target practice', was either a lie, or half truth. Why? I am never going home and therefore will never reveal more about myself than I decide necessary. If that's unacceptable, tell me now, I'll thank you for the hospitality and be on my way. Oh, and the ball used on your suit? It was bigger, faster, and more powerful out of necessity."
The only person Tony felt might know more about Brianna was Thor, but couldn't risk breaking his promise. She was brilliant, yet seemingly naive to the constant danger she was in. Iron Man would protect her, whilst awaiting further guidance from wherever the cosmos were plotting to chuck it. The heavens, perhaps? The tooth fairy? Captain Kangaroo?
"We'd much prefer you stayed." Said Pepper. "Please don't be angry with Tony? It's difficult not to think of how frantic we'd be if our child went missing."
Brianna's face softened for merely a second, before she re poised herself. "You would?..Look, I'm a survivor, so don't bother worrying about me. May I make my request now?"
"Please do, Little Warrior."
"Your fellow Avenger, Thor. Do you trust him?"
'All this for the God of Thunder?' Thought Stark. "With my life. Is he your favorite and you'd like an autograph, or a picture together?"
"Don't have a favorite Avenger. Just need you introduce us."
'Wut?' "I could, but that means alerting him you're here."
"If you trust him, I trust him."
"I'm grateful for your faith in me. He'll ask why?"
"I need him to set up a second meeting with is brother, Loki."
And there was Tony's guidance. A beam of light, trailing from the realm of Asgard, down through Earth's clouds and settling on P.J.'s prodigy, igniting her aglow.
"Eh he. Why not? Nothin' like those warm and fuzzy feelings amongst kin, right Virginia? Pardon me ladies. Cootyoodles has a call to make and a suit to tweak."
Brianna giggled. "Who gave Iron Man that name?"
"A friend, but he prefers Tony. Feel like watching a movie with a badass role model?"
"Okay, but none of that fairy tail, princessy stuff. Ever see Bram Stoker's Dracula?"
"Isn't that violent for someone your age?"
"Nope and guuurl, what a love story. The blood and guts are awesome too."
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lokilover9 · 5 years
The Slutty Webs on Weaves
They entered Asgard and Heimdall arched a brow at her disheveled appearance. "Welcome back, my lady." 
"Midgardians make edible panties." 
Loki scooped her into his arms. "Nothing a good slumber can't fix. Ta ta, jester." He chuckled upon pulling a key from his pocket when undressing. "I dare to ponder your predicament before realizing this missing, Cootyoodles."
Weeks passed while down on Midgard, several burglaries had occurred in rich homes around New Jersey. Only cash was ever stolen, yet the thieves exceptional skill at avoiding detection was a growing concern. 
Pepper and Tony sat watching the news.
~ "Another burglary in Jersey last night left police no closer to identifying a suspect. More at eleven." ~  
"Didn't the thiefasaurous make a peanut butter and banana sandwich at the last house,? I'd love to know how they're hacking the security cameras. Clever bastard."
"Could be a she, but definitely a pro."
"There's an erotic vision. You dressed as a bandit, searching  a homeowner's porn reserve while snickering at their amatuer bondage supplies."
"Why risk imprisonment? Were the porn in your 'Butch's Bitch' file dvd's, they'd line a path from here to Miami."
"Ooooh, does this mean we're on the same page?"
"Mmm..no. You're horny and I'm craving nachos. Please unravel yourself from my thigh?"
Stark playfully gnawed on it. "And if I don't? What then, Mistress?" He obeyed when the lights flickered and Jarvis announced a security breach. "Speaking of bandits, ours is an Alien God breaking a promise."
"Jarvis never detected him before." 
"Likely an impish forewarning attempt. I'd bet a thousand he's hoping I'm shackled to the coffee table, sucking a rubber cock for his own amusement."
'Note to self.' Thought Pepper. 'Add to 'to do' list.' "What makes you think him so savage?"
"Loki's a sexual deviant." 
'Blabbermouth. Now she's intrigued.' "Everything back to normal, Jarvis?"
"Yes, Sir."
"Told ya and I know just where to find the prick." Tony stepped onto the sixtieth floor to find it minimally illuminated by the moon. "Nice touch, Snowflake. A prelude to another smug entrance? Consider it your last." When met with silence, he angrily strolled to the rooms center. "Show yourself! NOW!" 
More silence, except for the hum of the approaching elevator. 
 "Huh. Never pegged you for a coward." Tony didn't intend to fight Loki. Merely to end their friendship, while emphasizing the seriousness of his boundaries being overstepped. 
The intruder judged otherwise.
The door slid open and from behind the bar, came a sphere of light travelling at warp speed, making a whooshing sound as it encompassed his suit pieces, halting their pursuit, then dropping them to the floor in a clanging heap. 
Stark sat crouched on his knees, enthralled by a figure slowly emerging from the shadows. 
"I am not a coward Iron M..Man."
He lurched forward and the swaying soul fell limp in his arms as the rooms lights flickered on. "What the hell?" Moments later, he rushed off the elevator to a shocked Pepper. "Meet our intruder." 
"A child???" 
She offered a warm cloth as he timed the wee souls pulse. "Heart rates good."
"Didn't get a name." Clad in males clothing a size too big and a snug fitting Captain America cap, the child was filthy. Upon removing it, a mass of knotted, raven hair fell over his arm.
"He's a she?" 
"Apparently." Desperate to rouse her, Tony kept talking, while wiping her face. "Can you hear me, kid? Come on, wake up." His actions revealed flawless, alabaster skin, high cheekbones, a perfect nose and overly pink lips. Her fingers were long and slender, as were her limbs and the more he looked at her, everything began to click. "If her eyes are green, someone has some 'splaining to do, Lucy." 
The girl stirred, scrambled from his lap, bolted across the room and halted in a battle stance, fists raised, brows furrowed and her piercing green eyes, wildly darting between him and Pepper.
He slowly rose, arms in the surrender position. "Easy, Little Warrior. We won't hurt you."
"Where's my hat?" She sternly demanded. 
Tony slid it across the floor and she planted it sideways on her head, sloppily tucked her hair inside and returned to battle stance. "Liar! I came to you for help and was  almost attacked!"
"My goof, kid. Ya scared me. What's your name?"
"Brianna. It means strong, virtuous and honorable."
"Perfect for a female warrior. A brave one too."  
Pepper cut in. "Hi Brianna, I'm..."
"Virginia Potts, born September 27nth, 1972 in Arlington, Virginia, CEO of Stark Industries and one badass role model. Nice to meet you."
She smiled. "Ditto. Are you injured at all?"
"No, just...hungry and exhausted." 
"Unacceptable." Said Tony. "What can we get ya?" 
The girls fists lowered. "A peanut butter and banana sandwich?" They threw it together and she wolfed it down with a glass of milk. "Have any tater tots?" 
"Sure do. Brianna, is there anyone we should call?" 
Her scowl returned and an unseen force, swiftly elevated his phone, suspending it inches below the twenty foot ceiling. "Mom's awal, and Daddy's unknown. Alert anyone of my whereabouts and after escaping their captivity, I'll return 'undetected' to enact revenge." 
"O-kaaay. Any ideas on the spunk doner, Virginia?" 
"Really, Tony?"
"Just sayin'. We promise not to alert anyone without your permission kid, if first, I get a promise or two in return." 
"You dare making commands knowing what I'm capable of?" 
"Hear me out, Little Warrior. Please?" 
She chomped into a tater tot. "I'm listening." 
"I've some questions." 
"You can ask, but don't expect answers for every one. What else?"
"You stay a while. At least until finding a Tower to call your own."
"No way, Jose. I'm the restless type." 
"A month then?" 
Stark played the puppy eyes card as Brianna sized him up like a scheming Clint Eastwood might a brazen saloon patron.
"A week and we take it from there."
Once their phones safely landed, she asked to use the bathroom. Pepper lead her to a guest room and was stopped at the door. "Thanks. A little privacy, please?"
After it closed, Tony snuck into the hall and quietly relayed of first encountering the girl. "It's irrefutable. That's Loki's mini me in there."
"Her powers are undeniably similar, but without a paternity test..."
"And how do we achieve that? Shimmy up the bifrost and demand Prince Jezebel see a phlebotomist? Fuck, if they're not related, where 'did' she come from? Maybe we're being invaded by the real Body Snatchers." 
"Who've begun with a child in a Captain America hat, they specifically sent here?""Have any better conclusions? I suspect she's the burglar too." 
"Why, because they like the same sandwich?"
"Think, Butch. If she can break in here, houses are a piece of cake."
"Think, Cootyoodles. Even with powers to hack security systems, how does a child that young burglarize nine houses without being seen, heard or leaving behind any dna?" 
"Never underestimate your opponent." As Tony rambled on about examples, she seemed distant. "Butch?"
"I just realized something. Brianna said her Mom was awal. We're avid news watchers and there hasn't been a local Amber Alert for months. What if she isn't looking for her? What if no one is?"
"Perhaps we're both getting carried away and Brianna's just…a special breed of Leprechaun that eats feet? We sleep in my suit boots and problem solved."  
Pepper smirked. "What exactly happened to you in space? Stay here while I check on her?" Soon she called to him in a whisper. "Come look at your opponent." 
Stark's real heart melted when seeing Brianna asleep in the large tub. A bath towel covered her little body and another lay folded beneath her head. "Poor kid. I'll move her to the bed."
"No don't, Tony. I think she crawled in there to feel safe."
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homesoutofhuman · 6 years
Season of mists: John Wick/reader AU Pt 2
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On the weekends you’re quite content to wrap yourself in a cosy sweater, light some candles and curl up with a good book. However your friend Richard has other ideas, forbidding you to be a hermit, and luring you out of the house with the promise of ‘fall fun’. You are sceptical, but when he mentions buying pumpkins you relent.
The nearest farm is an hour’s drive from the city and by the time you get there you’re eager to get out the car, flinging your arms wide and stretching your legs. The pumpkins are strewn around the ground between autumn leaves and you grin at your friend, grateful he persuaded you to come out and see such beauty. 
He snorts at you and starts complaining about his boyfriend in a good-natured way. You listen while trying to pick out a good pumpkin, fearful that most of the best ones have already been taken. You spot a lovely round bright orange one a few yards off and leave Richard, marching in your green wellies to grab it.
You bend down to see how heavy it is to lift when two hands thump down on the orange flesh, moving it out of your reach.
You stand, swinging your scarf back over your shoulder and are about to tell the interloper that this is your fucking pumpkin when….
“You must be kidding me!” the pumpkin snatcher gives a belly laugh, his malteser eyes dancing with mirth.
It’s Mr Wick. Mr John. Mr Boss man John. Oh fuck.
“We have to stop running into each other huh?” says John, still laughing like it’s the funniest thing ever. You scowl, kicking your boots into the leaves, trying to work out how to reply.
“You’re here getting a pumpkin?”
“Oh sure..yeah...I’m here with my niece and nephew…”
You look around. “I don’t see them.” you don’t know why you’re so suspicious and John’s smile fades a bit.
“They’re just back there…” he gestures and you see two small children nearby, playing on the swings that the farm set up.
You breathe a sigh of relief that he’s not some crazy maniac stalker. 
John looks you up and down and you feel suddenly very aware of your faded jeans, old sweater and fluffy scarf, your hair blown messy by the wind.
“Yeah…” he confirms with a smirk and you press your hands on your cheeks feeling them burning.
John bends to lift the pumpkin and you start to protest but he shakes his head.
 “Relax, you can have it...it’s just heavy...let me lift it to your car?”
“Thanks…” you mutter, stunned, and move back through the pumpkin patch towards Richard. You introduce him to your friend as ‘John’ not mentioning he owns the store where you work.
John balances the pumpkin in his arms and gives Richard a funny look. 
“Sorry...this pumpkin is heavy...can we move this along?”
You open the trunk and watch as John places the pumpkin inside. You cannot help notice how thick his arms are. It’s the first time you’ve seen him not in a suit, he’s wearing a white baseball shirt and dark jeans. His hair is soft around his face. He looks, in short, like the most handsome man you ever saw.
Two small curly haired adorable children rush up and start hitting him playfully. John holds up his hands in mock submission and they burst into loud giggles.
John gives them a playful glare. “May I introduce Lottie and Charlie? This is Y/N…”
He rumbles your name in his deep voice and you gape at him, before moving yourself to greet the children.
“We were going to go get hot chocolate…” you say cautiously “would you like to join us?”
John looks sceptical, eyeing Richard who is watching the scene with some amusement. “I’m not sure…that’s a lot of sugar for them..”
“Aw please…” says Lottie, batting her lashes at her uncle and you can see she has him wrapped around her little finger.
“Yeah….please…?” you add, pouting your lips and batting your lashes a bit for fun. The look John gives you in return is hardly playful, it’s so heated you feel way too warm in your sweater and you unwind your scarf from around your neck.
“Fine. Let’s go.”
The children cheer and race towards the snack cabin, Richard follows. You and John hang back a little. Somehow you’re in no rush to catch up.
“I’m surprised to see you here John.” you say, trying to sound casual as you use his first name.
“I could tell.”  he smirks, taking your scarf off you as you almost drop it in the mud. “You think I live in an office counting money, right? I know what the booksellers say about me.”
“Actually they focus more on your mysterious love life...apparently you’ve dated both supermodels and Hollywood actresses…”
John gives a loud barking laugh. “That’s not true. It was only one supermodel…”
You giggle, surprised at his humorous side and John’s eyes dart to your face.
 “You realise you look adorable right? I just want to check…”
You gape, once more a fish and he smiles almost in triumph, if it wasn’t so soft, shy and genuine, giving his eyes a warm glow.
“I…..I guess that’s where I’ve been going wrong. I’ll make sure to wear wellington boots next date I go on..”
“Isn’t Richard your boyfriend?” John looks confused.
You smile fondly back. “I think his boyfriend would have something to say if he was…”
“Oh….” John looks back and forth between you and your friend as if puzzle pieces are falling into place. For some reason, whatever conclusion he comes to seems to relax him, his shoulders falling and the lines on his forehead smoothing out.
He pulls his wallet out to pay for the six drinks and Richard gives a low whistle, whispering to you.
“Did you see that fat wad in his wallet? Actually...scratch that..did you see that fat wad in his jeans?”
You cover your face with embarrassment. “Shush! He’ll hear you.”
“Who the hell is he?” asks Richard, but you don’t have time to explain as John, Lottie and Charlie are back.
You sit on a bench, John opposite you. Charlie wriggles in beside you and you chat to him, asking him what his favourite books are, his favourite thing about fall.
You are so caught up in conversation that you don’t notice John staring at you, his own drink forgotten. It’s only when Lottie throws a marshmallow at her uncle and tells him to ‘stop being weird’ that you look up and see the expression of his face.
He looks guilty, having been caught, but he does not move his eyes from your face, rather he keeps them glued there. You scratch your neck feeling itchy where your scarf had been and his eyes track your movements like a sniper. Everyone finishes their drinks and moves outside and John takes advantage of the commotion to touch your neck with the soft pad of his fingers.
You startle and look up at him quizzically. “Your skin looks sore…” he replies by way of explanation. “Let me kiss it better…” he whispers.
You stare at him, not sure if you imagined the second part of his sentence, but the way he is looking at you, blushing and slightly nervous but with an unmistakable hunger in his eyes, you think you didn’t.
“John?” you say in a wondering tone
“Can I see you? Tonight?” he whispers hurriedly in your ear as you walk to the car. You nod dumbly and he grins in response, pushing a scrap of paper into your palm.
You stumble into the car, Richard asking a million questions as you start to drive away and open the paper. When you see it’s his phone number you almost throw it down like a cursed object, but then you grip it tight with shaking hands, knowing you have to find out what the hell this thing between is between you and John Wick.
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Warning: this next bit is NSFW
You agree to meet John in a coffee shop down the street, not quite ready to let him into your tiny apartment, and he chooses a pumpkin latte, and you tease him about it.
“I just wondered what it tasted like in a cup...rather than all over me…”
You burrow your face into his thick wool coat, shaking with laughter and he pets your hair with a large gentle hand. You lift your face to look at him and are hit with a fond look that’s almost too much.
“Come on...let’s sit down…”
You sip your coffee to distract yourself and are instantly scalded, wincing and searching for water. John fusses over you with concern, moving closer and putting a hand on your back.
“Let me see…”
You frown but obey, opening your mouth and sticking out your tongue at him. He puts on a serious face, tilting his head to inspect it.
“Not life threatening.”
You pout and he leans in, suddenly closer than ever. “I have to confess something. I want to kiss you so badly…”
His pronouncement is earnest, his eyes flicking over your face. He looks almost fearful you will reject him so you reach out and touch his cheek, caresses there, feeling his stubble rub pleasantly against your fingertips.
“Why?” you ask, not sure how to respond so saying the first thing that comes into your head.
“Why?” John looks stunned, not expecting that response. “Because you’re cute...you’re sassy as hell...you were adorable with my nephew...because you spilt coffee on me and I can’t stop thinking about you…”
“Oh….” you nod, as if weighing it up, then you lean in until your lips are almost touching his. “then go ahead...”
He tastes of coffee and spice, deep and warm and delicious and holy crap you think he’s the best kisser you’ve ever known. He holds your face in his palms until you feel like you’re being swallowed up and takes command of the kiss, ravaging your mouth with a controlled passion that makes you throb.
When you part John is breathing hard and he drops his hands from your face, placing them on his thighs as if he doesn’t trust them not to strip off your clothes right there in the coffee shop.
“My apartment is just around the corner” he murmurs, looking at you with a puppy dog pleading glance and you nod before you can stop yourself.
He grabs your hand as you walk, holding it tight and warm against the cold autumn evening. He presses the elevator button for the penthouse and you hold your breath as you whizz high up, the view from the top is indeed dizzying. John pours a couple of glasses of wine and follows you onto the balcony. You shiver feeling a bit chilly but the view it worth it. He pulls you back against his chest and wraps his arms around you, kissing the side of your neck.
You turn in his arms and chase his lips, pressing your body against his, feeling his warmth spread into you. Your cold hands move under his shirt and he moans into your mouth. You know it’s fast, but it feels so right to be close to him that you’ve give up caring. John nuzzles your cold nose with his and tugs you hand back inside.
“Come on...let me warm you up…”
He flicks a remote and the fire lights up. You sit on the couch and watch him with round eyes as he loses his coat, kneeling next to you and tugging your sweater up and over your head. You’re only wearing a bra underneath and his eyes go dark, bending to kiss your collarbone. 
His gaze strays to your cleavage and you see him lick his lips. The motion goes straight through you and you grab his face, almost pushing him into your breasts. John makes a muffled sound of pleasure, kissing there before moving a hand round your back to unhook your bra. You let him, feeling helpless with want, and he covers your bare breasts with his palms, warming them before thumbing your nipples. Once he’s satisfied they are hard from desire rather than the cold he moves his mouth to them. He kisses down your stomach to your jeans and runs a teasing finger down the seam of the zipper, cupping you. You are sure he can feel your wetness even through the denim.
You arch under him, the most sinful sounds you’ve ever heard yourself make escaping from your lips. There’s something about him that makes you practically wild as though in heat. You tug at his shirt and he pulls it off, letting you stare at his chest, muscled down to a softer stomach which you trail your nails against fondly. The growl that comes from his chest is deep and masculine, making your head spin.
“I don’t normally...do this…” his struggles, his voice low and scratchy and you slide a hand on his knee to reassure him. Unfortunately it has the opposite effect, as you see his cock pressing against his jeans and you cannot resist squeezing it.
John yelps, sweating a bit and staring at you with almost black eyes. “I need to say...you’re my employee...technically….so...let me know...if you don’t want this…”
You push him back against the couch cushions and move to straddle his lap, your lips hovering over his as you talk.
“I want you John, I don’t care about your last name…”
He moves his head to try and capture your mouth and you move it playfully out of the way. His hands come to your hips then move to your butt, squeezing it and pulling you flush against his chest. Your bare breasts brush his chest hair making your tingle.
“Say it again…” he mutters, giving up trying to kiss you and instead moving his mouth to your ear, talking there.
You grind down against him, wishing you were both fully naked. “I want you….”
“Again…” he commands, moving his mouth back to your neck and sucking there. You whimper and grasp onto his shoulders as he simultaneously slips a hand into your jeans and rubs your pussy.
“Fuck…” you mouth falls open and lift yourself, trying to help him get a better angle as he slips a finger inside you.
“I said again.” he says, his voice staying surprisingly steady even as you start to fuck yourself onto his fingers.
“I….I want you…” you pant desperately, kissing him deeply then.
John stands up, putting his hands under your butt to lift you and you wrap your legs around his waist, never breaking the kiss which is turning dirtier and sloppier by the second. He carries you into his bedroom and you fall against silk burgundy sheets. He crawls over you like a predator, pulling your jeans off with a quick impatient motion and then doing the same with your underwear so that you’re laying, completely naked and exposed beneath him.
He looks you over as if assessing a valuer commodity. “God damn….who hired you? I need to send them a thank you card…”
You fidget with embarrassment. “John they hired me because I’m good at my job..stop teasing…”
He nods, standing and undoing his belt, which for some reason makes you shiver and almost leak against his bed. He raises an eyebrow watching you squirming on his sheets as his jeans drop to the floor revealing muscled thighs and a very prominent erection.  
“I know...but I feel like they hired you for me...such an amazing treat….”
His head is between your legs before you can even process his words and he is licking at you with enthusiasm.
Your cheeks burn hot with self-consciousness, but it feels so good you can’t help grinding down a bit against his tongue. His beard brushes against your inner thigh and you would eagerly agree to have him rub it all over you. He patiently works at making you come, his long fingers deep inside you, his tongue against your clit and it’s heaven.
Amongst a tirade of swear words you try to find the words to encourage him, but just end up begging, “Please John...oh please…”
Your words spur him on, glancing at you with hungry eyes he moves over your body. You feel the wetness of his cock brush your thigh and you know you both are close to losing it. You swallow and try to use your words.
“I want to feel you…inside me…”
John groans in response, pulling on a condom and pushing your legs wide so he can slip inside your wetness. He fills you and you almost sigh in relief. It’s such an amazing feeling and you savour it for a few moments before he starts moving, his beard grazing your neck as he leans down against you.
You know you should try and make it last but John already looks wrecked, his beautiful brown eyes almost closing but staying focused on yours, his hands trailing on your breasts before grabbing your legs and gently pushing them higher with a pleading look on his face. In response you wrap them around his back, letting him hit the spot deep inside you, so hard you almost jolt off the bed.
You like it rough, and his desperation is contagious, especially when he moves his fingers to rub at you while sliding smoothly in and out, his thick cock stretching you deliciously.
“Oh please…” you hear yourself begging again, and it seems to be John’s undoing. He gives a few more messy thrusts, his teeth moving to your shoulder almost folding you in two and his thumb rubbing circles on you in just the right way to make you come. You feel it, the pleasure that starts in your lower belly and builds up, before you reach the peak of it and let go, feeling it wash all over your body down to your toes, clenching around the man inside you who gives out a choked yelp, his hips stuttering as he comes hard.
When he drops beside you on the bed you can see his muscled frame is covered with a sheen of sweat and you run a hand over his chest feeling strangely possessive. John catches your wrists and kisses your hand, his eyes soft and trying to convey his feelings.
“Just give me a second…” he pants. “I’m trying to recover from the best sex I’ve ever had…”
You giggle and hide your face in his shoulder. “Shut up…”
He turns on his side to face you, warming to his topic and delighting in your response. “Oh yeah..I mean to be fair it didn’t last the longest...I was ready to come ever since I kissed you…but we’ll make up for that in the future…”
You stare at him, speechless and he smirks. “Not so smart mouthed now are you?”
“The future…?” You stammer, having figured this was just a one time thing to him.
John frowns “I didn’t even get to do half the things I wanted with you…”
You gape for a moment but manage to recover more quickly this time, matching his smirk and pressing an open mouthed kiss to his stomach. “Me too…”
John whimpers and pushes his damp hair off his face. “Such a dirty mind. I meant I want to curve pumpkins with you...and walk in the woods...and eat Halloween candy.”
Your heart melts and you push yourself into his arms. John chuckles, kissing your head and cuddling you close. “I can take that as affirmation?”
You nod, suddenly feeling small in his arms. “But no more pumpkin lattes…”
His lips skim the curve of your cheek and you feel your eyes grow heavy. “I found something that tastes better anyway…”
You push against him, feeling yourself growing wet again and he sighs, his thumb stroking down your spine to your lower back.
“We should sleep….it’s been a while since I’ve done that and I need to recover…”
You settle with your head on his chest, too shocked by the fact he wants to keep you close to argue.
“All right...” 
John closes his eyes and just before you drift off to sleep you see the trees outside moving gently in the breeze. The vivid orange leaves are tumbling to the ground and you are warm and cosy, lulled by the gentle breathing of the man beside you. Autumn truly is your favourite season. 
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(but then they get a dog)
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konan720 · 6 years
Sgt. Frog/AHiT AU: Stranded
Description: A young recon squad of three crash land on earth after shortly arriving to the planet. Separated and lost; they look for a place to stay until they can find a way home.
(Chapter one: Mayday!)
‘Mayday! mayday! This is Recon ship Zeta! Engine failure! Requesting rescue!’
A voice played on, over and over throughout the vast void of space; the voice came from a downed ship, small for a normal sized ship of their kind. The beings that dwelled within it long since gone. The wreckage was now in the side of a large mountainous region of an island far from a major city.
In this island, stayed a quiet little town. The world they crashed on is referred to them as pekopon- living there are pekoponians;
But to the natives?
They know themselves as humans, who live on the planet earth.
Small ‘plap’ sounded off in a steady pattern, as a small being wondered though the empty streets of a neighborhood; it was raining heavily that day- Sky dark and unrelenting; though the small being didn’t seem to mind all that much.
She was more worried about being lost- and alone; scared she was, as she looked for her squad. Entering the planet was not in the plan, some unseen and unfortunate events occurred. They were only to study and give information back to the ones in charge, waiting back home-
They were to young to see any major battles yet; but they had special privileges. Asking enough times can also get you pretty far.
Finally coming to the conclusion that this small being wasn’t going to find her friends here, she sat down and started sniffling; stifled little sobs barely heard over the rain.
Earlier this morning, two young adults clambered around their neat two story house; they were both getting ready for today. “Moon! Get moving! We’re going to be late!” One could hear shouting from inside the house if they stand close enough “and bring an umbrella, it’s going to rain today!”
“Oh relax, bother- I’m always prepared!” A more calm tone follows after a loud one “Snatcher, what’s gotten into you today? You seem more agitated the usual.”
Identical twins stood at the entrance of their modern style doorstep. William, and Mathews- but to everyone else they grew up with;
MoonJumper and Snatcher.
“Mid terms.” Snatcher deadpanned
A simple ‘Ah’ followed after as the two walked onward to school. They had to keep moving as thy talked, it wasn’t going to wait for no one. Especially when it's college.
“And then there’s Vanessa!” He emphasized, raising his hands to the sky “she won’t stop bothering me! Even after I’ve broken up with her, she thinks we’re still dating!”
“You broken up with her; when did this happen?” MoonJumper asked
“A week ago- and boy; that wasn’t pretty..” Snatcher put a hand to his face; slightly traumatized by the display of displeasure she showed.
“I would imagine, she seems to be missing a few screws..” moon said, earning a nod from his brother.
being identical mostly twins, they had looked the same from birth, besides their eye colors, all the way to Middle school; during High school is when their styles changed-
Snatcher, bored of his brown hair, died it a dark shade of purple- a shade that looks indefinitely black at first if not looking at it with a bright light source.
MoonJumper still kept his natural brown color, but upon his face he wore glasses, his vision not as bad, but from time to time he'll use them. Mostly when he goes to school, because his seat was positioned in the far back.
The only thing that was still identical, was the fact they still have their hair at shoulder length. Fluffy, one would say, And smooth to boot.
As they left the neighborhood, and into the streets of town, they passed by many kinds of people. A sweet lady in her mid thirties waved them hello, she was a chef at- and quiet possibly, the best restaurant on the island. Owned and ran it with a few relatives.
Then there were the two men who always yelled at each other- well, one did, the other sauntered around and made sassy comeback. Apparently they were directors visiting the island for potential movie ideas- to bad they can't cooperate with each other. They could really make a good movie if one just puts their differences aside.
Then there's the mayor, the boss with his goons; there's something shady about them- but surprisingly they run the town just fine. Nobody really complains, everyone knows each other in some way. These are perks of living in a small town, on an island, far from any major excitement-
"God, this place is boring!" Snatcher suddenly yelled to himself. Earning a small chuckle from his brother.
Up ahead, you could see the college building, sitting just at the borders of the forest the led to the mountains. The mountain sat in the middle of the island, and branched off quite some ways to the northeast, creating a spiky peninsula dubbed- ship wreck isle. Their entire island, from above, comically looked like a frying pan!
"Let's hurry and get to class before Vanessa finds me.." The dark purple haired man said, a whisper as if she was already here.
"I honestly don't see what you saw in her." Moonjumper shook his head, "didn't the others say, 'stay away from her'?"
"Tell me; since when do I listen to other people's opinions?" He snapped back
"And now look where that's gotten you?" Moon raised an unimpressed brow "a crazy ex girlfriend- who by the way, has an unhealthy obsession over you. And is currently stalking you right now." He mumbled something hat last part, noticing movement out of the corner of his eye.
"What, where?!" Without needing an answer or a position, Snatcher took off; Leaving his brother behind. Shortly after, moon hears shuffling, and clapping of slippers chasing after twin. He only shook his head "we might need to call a restraining order.."
To some of the students class was boring, however, to Snatcher- it was going to help him with his dream of becoming lawyer. Unlike some of the students who doodle in their book, and stare out the window, he was one of the students to actually pay attention.
Him and his brother were both trying to achieve their dreams.
What a duo; a lawyer and an astronomer.
With Snatcher's noise in law, Moonjumper aimed for the skies. Hence why he'd gotten the name Moonjumper. Snatcher had received his because at any good opportunity he'd take it and take advantage of it.
As the bell rang for lunch, Snatcher took the chance to stretch out his arms as he watched every one else pack up and leave for their hangout spots. Today, he’ll be coming home alone; for some reason- Rachael; the School’s head of the florist club, has asked for his brother’s help.
Snatcher thinks there’s something going on between the two, because at how fast he had accepted the invitation- thinking back on it, he only chuckled more. Quickly looking out the window before taking his leave, he saw how fast the storm was approaching; it was looking nasty out there.
So nasty, at a point he could have sworn he saw something Strike the mountain side.
It was probably lightning.
“Time to hide for lunch again..” he mumbled to himself. It’s always hard to find a nice spot where Vanessa isn’t watching him- or breathing down his neck.
Once school was over, Snatcher found himself walking down the streets as the rain pelted down on his umbrella... it was nice; peaceful.
Tap tap tap, the steps he took could be heard as he walked- but what was that-? Was that crying..? No, couldn’t have been, who would be out in this weather- at this time of evening? Snatcher paused, just to see if he was just hearing things..
But there it was, almost silent sobs; of what sounded like a child! Turning his head towards a dead end ally, he took action- hurrying over a few trash bags, and making sure he didn’t trip into old sludge, he found himself near and opening- a lamppost shined down on a slumped over figure.
It was so small.. and.. definitely not human. What.. what was it? It was purple, white, and wearing what looked like a tan top hat with flaps. It hadn’t noticed him yet, thankfully-
Should he leave? Before it sees him? It could be dangerous; it could have rabies-
As he stepped back, Snatcher accidentally stepped in a puddle, the splash makes the small head rise, and he got a more clear picture of its face. The bottom half was white, while the top part seemed to be purple. Big strange teal eyes looked back at him- and they were filed with tears. It looked like a small half tadpole that could walk like a human..
And then it spoke-
“I’m lost..” it.. she sniffed, rubbing her eyes “I don’t know where I am..”
it’s speaks English.
“You.. can talk..”
She nodded “can you help me..?” She approached him, and he backed up out of caution. “Don’t be scared pekoponian! I don’t mean any harm!..” she trailed off “I mean.. I as a single being.. the rest of my race is kinda..”
She was just rambling now, he couldn’t take his eyes off or her; Snatcher had to admit, she was cute- but what was that he was just called.. pekoponian..?
“Are you an alien..?” There’s no way something like this is native to earth, and hasn’t been discovered yet.
“I’m not supposed to answer question from a pekoponian-“ but she looked back and forth, making sure no one else was around “but.. yeah- I am!” She smiled.
The two stood there in the rain, after confirming this claim, it took awhile for the collage student to wrap his head around this. Should he just go for it? Just run? Or help her out? By the sound of it- she was the equivalent of a child; but she’s from space and alone- and let’s not forget soaking wet from the rain.
But she was an amphibious life form.. did the rain even bother her?
Snatcher closed his eyes, clinching his umbrella with his back to the alien; he could hear it start to cry again- as if feeling he was thinking about leaving.
“Please.. I’m all by myself right now- I don’t know what this planet will do to me!” She pleaded.
And that triggered thoughts to flood his head- she was an alien; is the government found out about her.. only bad things came to mind. Or what if she got road killed because she couldn’t understand crossing the road?
She probably doesn’t know much about this planet..
Taking a huge sigh, he finally caved in. Looking to the small little being, he extended his free hand. “Come on, kiddo..”
She smiled widely at the tall man, and he started walking off- keeping with his pace; the little frog followed.
“I’m Hakiki!” She smiled, “what’s your name?”
“You can call me.. Snatcher for now..” giving the small being a neutral look.
This will be posted to Wattpad for now; Fanfiction.net, and Ao3 Soon!
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kurtty-drabbles · 5 years
Scooby au(The end)
N/A: Now, finally the conclusion...Do I know how to make a mystery? Look, the problem is that something can´t be unsolved for long, so, if the new mutants want answers…IT will give to him.
@djinmer4 @dannybagpipesarecalling @sailorstar9 @discordsworld @look-ma-no-hands336
Scott Summers is a young boy that has nightmares, or better yet, has painful memories he remembers vividly. His deadbeat father leaving him, how he lost his younger brother and how people did react to his mutation.  However, this dream/nightmare is different. For starts, it feels way too real and Scott is not known for having such lucid dreams.
Second, he can see Rogue, Bobby and the New Mutants (along with Logan and Ororo, and, even Professor X) in the same place and both of them are equally confused. “Not a dream?” Scott asked and Prof X already proof it was not, in fact, the man has no idea where they all are.
The place was a pitch black, yet, they can see each other perfectly. Rogue is not having a good feeling and takes her gloves out in case a villain tries to attack, except, when she takes her glove her skin starts to melt. “What?!” she screams in panic and soon Rogue herself is melting, until, there´s no Rogue.
A voice laughs at their pain and fears. Yana conjure her soulsword in the hopes this would make whatever happening over, sadly, it only makes the laugh go maniacal and…unhuman. “Cute girls and their cute swords, let me take that” the voice speaks and then the soulsword is gone as well Magik.
Sunspot is shooting at anything in a desperate fashion, it was supposed to come out the fire, instead, is ice…that is slowly engulfing his person. Dani is morphed into something she never liked, a bear, and Rhane is a small dog, Sam is turned into smokes and Ororo can´t breathe as she´s trapped in a small place(she´s in a box again)
Scott tries to shoot at the voice, tries to get Ororo free same as Logan, yet, nothing solves. Soon, Logan becomes ageing until he´s nothing but a sack of old bones, too old to do anything, even think properly.
“See, Scott, she asked me to spare you, but, I disagree, if you´re going to let vampires hunters gone free you must be punished as the others, however, at Pheonix´s insistence, at Jean´s plead…Your punishment will be bland” the voice has a smile set with sharp teeth “of course, my concept of bland may differ from yours”
“What are you?” Professor X tries to use his power but nothing, only a burst of amused laughter comes at this pathetic try. “Are you the Shadow King?” Prof X asked afraid, he once, and only once, meet the Shadow King. He does not wish to repeat that experience.
“Shadow King? That´s what you come up to? No, Bald man, I´m something far worse than a body snatcher” and a big claw materialized out of nowhere holding Prof X in captivity “I´m an elder god, oh, my manners” and in a minute the heads of the New Mutants pop up in the ground of this hellish dimension, along with the others X-men. “the gang was up to investigate what was going on and never get a clear solution, I would love to see all of you going mad as you  go further and further to know what is going on, but, Kitty wants you all to remain sane, so, spoilers” the big and demonic smiles is back “forgive me for this, but, Kitty is really adamant about your mental health” his tone is apologetic and is almost as if he´s sincere and that makes the situation even more bizarre.
“I´m Nyarlathotep” the sinister smile is back with a politeness that is not helping disguise the horrific revelation “also know as Kurt Wagner, Kitty is Zaorva, Jean Grey is the Pheonix and Jubilee, as you find out brilliantly may I add, is an ancient vampire” the revelation has the exact effect as IT was hoping for. “Now, send Blade to kill Jubilee was not a good move and is the reason for all of this, personally? I´d admit enjoying this more than I should” It concludes and suddenly a sound of crunching is heard as Prof X is a nice snack.
“And you, Scott Summers, here´s your punishment” IT speaks as Scott wakes up sweating in dread, for a moment, Scott would like to think it was a mere nightmare, however, the marks on his arm prove otherwise.
On the next day, the mood is devoid of any sound as all the members are moulding over what they just dream. Ororo admits to not like vampires and is not fond of intimidation, yet, she does not have that nightmare again nor she wants to send Blade to kill an Ancient vampire again.
“Then, what we do?” Logan asked feeling fear for the first time in his life, at least, showing fear for once in his life. “we can´t kick them out, we have 3 elder gods and one ancient vampire here…what we do?”
The New Mutants, for once in their lives, are the ones giving orders to the adults. “Look, they are far too powerful, even if we managed to gather all the mutants to fight against them, all the magical users, it would be in vain” Magik adds.
Sunspot is remembering how he turns into ice and how Bobby was forgotten in the shadows of that place, they´re still sane, still the same, yet, they are marked. “What we can do” Dani pipes in “is hope for a peaceful co-existence” and the answer was not well liked, but, no one refused.
“Scott, the Pheonix seems to like you, maybe, you could talk to her about…keeping IT out of our dreams” Rhane suggested and Scott nods remembering the jokes Bobby did for his taste in girls “you love dangerous girls, the most dangerous the better” and yes, it seems Bobby is right.
“And…Zaorva?” Ororo and Rogue asked. “Isn´t she the good one?”
Dani shakes her head. “She´s still an elder god, and she´s…IT´s girlfriend/wife, I´m not clear, either way, she´ll pick IT´s side no matter what, yes, she´s deemed as good, but, don´t confuse goodness with weakness, Zaorva can do a lot more damage than IT”
“And…Jubilee, what we do about that? She can´t suck blood from the students” Scott asked and Magik nods as she gives a solution. “We can try talk with Jubilee and make an agreement, no sucking blood from the students and we won´t call any more Blades, we can even talk with Pheonix about this, but, she´ll stay as long she wants”
They all gulp and wonder why the elder gods, among so many people in this world, are so interested in the X-men. It was a silent question, that sadly for them, was answer it. “Oh, is because you defeat Apocalypse, that impressed me very much” Kitty materialized in the room with a smile, some feels a comfort (now, is a bit alien as Kitty was never human) gives the unasked question. “You know, there´s a universe where you guys didn´t defeat Apocalypse so quickly and…that version was not really good, that´s why I had to change it, anyway, you all impressed and I want to see more of what the X-men of this dimension can do” Kitty clap her hands to prove her point and then speaks how the food is going to be ready in 10 minutes.
Once gone, They all pinch their noses for a moment, as now they have 3 elder gods and one ancient vampire under their roof, it would be almost a sitcom if it wasn´t so scary.
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Pride and Joy
A/N: Part 7 in the “Hunting for Home” Series. 
Dean Winchester x Reader; Sam x Charlie x OFC (friendly)
Song: Pride and Joy by Stevie Ray Vaughn
Each chapter includes a song and dialogue prompt when requested.
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Summary: The wait is on to see if her forgetful nature will prove Iris’ Prophecy to come true. In the meantime, Dean and Sam get a call for help from Charlie on a case that leaves her stumped. Deciding to take Iris on her first hunt, the whole lot heads out for what was supposed to be a routine job, but ultimately has serious consequences. Could an old friend be behind some of the goings on?
Warnings: Canon Divergence, mild violence, fluff, 
Words: 6403
Everything Tags: @his-paradox @sorenmarie87  @lefthologramdeer @grace-for-sale  @redm81 @becs-bunker  @docharleythegeekqueen
SPN Tags: @soythedemonqueen  @kazosa @lucifer-in-leather  @perseusandmedusa @tiquismiquis  @mrsbarnes-rogers @yorkeylover @through-thesilver-lining @illysamorgan @fictionalabyss   @gettinjoyful @auntsalgal  @stuckupstucky @miss-spnm0mma
“It’s been more than three weeks,” Iris paused, looked around to be sure no one was eavesdropping, “are you ever going to find out?”
You looked up from the book in front of you and gave her an exasperated expression. “Iris, three weeks isn’t nearly enough time. It’s usually a good month before you can take a test and get an accurate response.”
Iris sat back in a huff and crossed her arms over her chest. “This is torture, you know?”
“Then don’t think about it,” you said, not taking your eyes off the book. “I’m not.”
“Then you’re insane. Because it’s all I can think about and it’s not even my baby.”
“Will you please keep your voice down!?” you reprimanded. Now it was your turn to scan the bunker for any curious ears. Luckily the boys were off doing their own thing while you and Iris were taking on the task of research.
“Maybe I should just go home, I only seem to be irritating you lately,” she whined and sat back in her chair, hands clasped worriedly in her lap.
You closed the book and leaned on it, giving her an apologetic half smile.
“Iris, I’m sorry. I know I’ve been snippy lately. I am nervous, ok? I am petrified of being pregnant. Not only because of what you saw but the whole idea of pregnancy and a family was never really on my to-do list. Please, stay. We still have a lot to figure out and I really do need your help.”
“But you love him, don’t you?” she continued, ignoring the last part of what you said. “Why wouldn’t you want to start a family?”
“Yes,” you smiled wistfully, “I love Dean, very much. But our lives are not fit to raise children. No hunters I know, who have kids, wind up with their happy ending.”
“You could stop hunting,” Iris shrugged. “I mean, it’s not like the world will stop rotating if you stop hunting.”
“It’s not that simple. Hunting isn’t just something you do. It’s who you are. Being a hunter is a calling… a way of life. It's accepting that your life comes second to others most of the time. That your path is to monitor the things that go bump in the night. Parents who are also hunters will leave their kids behind well before they should. It’s happened to all of us.”
“I’m sorry,” she said, though her tone was less than sympathetic. “I guess I just don’t understand. I mean, you were raised in the life, I assume… why follow in their footsteps. Why not go to school, get a degree? Make a new path?”
“Because you will always end up getting sucked back in,” Sam said from behind you as he entered the room. “Trust me. I speak from experience.”
Iris looked concerned but didn’t continue to press the issue. “I’m gonna go grab something to eat.” She quietly got up and walked slowly from the room lost somewhere deep in thought. Sam watched her go and turned to you before heading to the archives.
“What’s up with her?” he asked, “She trying to convince you to quit hunting?”
“No, just curious as to why we do it and don’t stop. You know, considering the price of it all.”
It was Sam’s turn to be quiet now. He rifled through a few of the drawers, found what he was looking for, but didn’t close it right away. Instead, he leaned against the cabinet and asked, “Why do you keep doing it?”
“Same reason you do, Sam. Because we aren’t fit to do anything else.”
Sam’s brow furrowed as he considered your answer. Closing the drawer, he continued down into the library to retrieve the books he needed. You assumed the conversation was over and went back to the book that sat before you. But your mind couldn’t concentrate on research. You felt the need to be proactive; to go and hunt… something.
“Hey, Sam, any idea where that big brother of yours got off to?” you asked, sliding the large text away from you.
“Garage I think. Probably doing something to the car.”
“As long as it’s his car and not mine… Blanche is a very finicky girl. Doesn’t like just anyone touching her.”
Sam just shook his head. His attention was diverted by his cell phone buzzing in his pocket, and you noticed his eyes light up when he saw the caller.
“Charlie! Yeah, good. How’s it going?” he answered, his voice drifting off to nothing as he headed away to take the call.
You took this chance to leave quietly and go find Dean.
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 You found him in the garage, his legs sticking out from beneath the Impala. The music was playing loud, and even obscured by the car, you could hear him singing along. Leaning against the door, you just watched him for a minute or two. Your hand absently floated down to your abdomen and wondered, if you were really growing a body snatcher. You tried to imagine co-parenting with Dean, and you kept coming back to the same conclusion, there’s just no way it could work…
Your train of thought was interrupted by Dean sliding out from beneath the car. He didn’t see you right away; nor did he stop singing. His voice mixed with that of Stevie Ray Vaughn’s made you smile. Bopping his head along and sliding across the garage floor to where his tools were, Dean kept on grooving, completely unaware of your presence.
 “Yeah I love my baby, heart and soul Love like ours won't never grow old…
She's my sweet little thang, she's my pride and joy She's my sweet little baby, I'm her little lover boy”
 “Are you singing about me or are you singing about your car?” you asked, unable to help yourself.
Dean whirled around on one boot heel, smiling, but completely embarrassed that he was caught mid-concert.
“Heyyyy… babe. What, uh, whatcha doing in here? Thought you and Iris were hitting the books.” He walked over and kissed you sweetly, most likely hoping you would forget what you saw when you had come in.
“We were. She needed a break, and I needed… something else.”
Dean raised his brows suggestively and gave you a knowing wink. “Gimme five minutes to get cleaned up and—”
“Ugh, no, perv. Well, at least night right now,” you laughed and playfully hit his chest. “But hold that thought for later.”
Frustrated, Dean sighed. You, trying not to bust out laughing at the pout now apparent on his face, tried to ignore it. “Actually, I need to kill something. Let’s find a hunt, or, I don’t know—there’s gotta be something that needs killing, right?”
“I got nothing right now. Sorry, sweetheart. What’s going on? Why the need to kill something?”
“Because we’ve been sitting around this place for a few weeks. We promised Iris a hunt before she headed home, and I think she’s ready to go. Besides, I miss being on the road. I love it here, you know that, but sometimes—”
“Its fine, I get it. I’ve been there, trust me. But do you think she’s really ready? It’s only been a few weeks.”
“Were you ready for your first hunt?” you asked, as Dean leaned against the other side of the door frame facing you.
“I guess not. Not really. But I certainly had more than three weeks experience and plenty of knowledge drilled into my head by the old man before I picked up a machete and went after something.”
“Well, Winchester, I say she’s ready. I’ll take responsibility for her. I think it’s time we give that girl a machete and point her in the right direction. It’s why she stayed, after all. She wanted to be prepared if something should come after her again.”
Dean scowled and pushed off the frame. Wiping the grease from his hands, he slowly made his way back to the Impala. Sliding the dolly out of the way, he closed up the toolbox and went about cleaning up the garage. You knew he was mulling it over and gave him the time to consider what you said. Not to mention that simply watching Dean walk around a room was a sight you could never tire of.
“I mean, I guess—”
“Hey,” Sam called out from just outside the entrance. “Charlie called. She’s got a case for us.”
You looked over at Dean and shrugged. “Guess that solves it, huh?”
  You and Iris rode in Blanche, while Sam and Dean led the way in the Impala. On the four-hour drive to meet Charlie, you broke down the case and tried to give her as many tips, and valuable information as you could.
“Iron is your friend here. Salt, too. Ghosts aren’t exactly hard to dispel,” you said, “but they can be a real pain in the ass if you can’t find their bones or the objects they’re attached too.”
“To burn? Right?”
“Yup, to burn.”
Iris nodded and took out the small notebook she’d been carrying around. You glanced over at her, scribbling away in the dimly lit interior; a hint of a smile touching your lips.
“You know, Sam and Dean’s dad kept a journal. Dean told me about it a while back. They grew up in the life, but their dad didn’t. Even though he was a Men of Letters Legacy, he didn’t know anything about this world ‘til after their mom died. Then he started the journal to track everything he learned.”
“And she was a hunter…” Iris mumbled more than asked.
“She was, yeah.”
“And how did she die, again?”
“Painfully,” you said and turned the wheel to follow the Impala into the parking lot of a small diner. “A demon, Azazel, he killed her. John made it his mission to kill Azazel.”
“Did he?”
You tilted your head and gave her a knowing look. “What do you think?”
“I think their dad is dead.”
“Right. He died, saving Dean. Dean was the one who killed the demon in the end.”
You turned off the engine and turned to face Iris who was again scribbling in her notebook. “Iris, I need to be sure this is what you want. This life is no joke, and while I doubt you’ll be digging for cases, I want to be sure that you want to do this before we involve you any further.”
“Y/N, I appreciate that, but I am ready. I need to do this before I try and go back home. I want to know how to protect myself and my family.”
You touched her shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Alright then, here we go.”
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 No one else picked up on it, but you saw Iris’ face light up when she saw Charlie. You had only met Charlie twice before this, both times were brief, but you liked her a lot and could easily see why the boys loved when she came around.
Iris looked as if she’d seen an angel; a good one, not the dicks you were used to dealing with. Her dark eyes sparkled like you hadn’t seen before and it finally made sense as to why Iris never mentioned a boyfriend or showed any interest in Sam (even though you may have suggested it a few times).
Dean made the formal introductions, Iris simply nodding in the redhead’s direction with a goofy smile as she shook her hand. Sam watched it unfold, too, and you could tell he was just as amused at Iris’ instant crush.
“Let’s eat, I’m starving,” Charlie said after hugging you hello. “I got the corner booth, so we could talk. Oh, Dean, the pie here… you have to—”
“Already on it,” he said starring dreamily into the dessert case, lightly biting his bottom lip. “I see a slice of blueberry with my name all over it.”
Once you were sat in the booth, food and coffee ordered, Charlie broke down the specifics of the case. A newly renovated house in town had gone through five buyers in the span of two years. At least one family member from each group that had bought it died on the premises. The local paper did a small blurb on the 100-year-old restored estate and that’s where Charlie caught the case.
“Honestly, I can’t find any reason for the haunting. If, that’s what it is,” Charlie explained and passed Sam the newspaper clipping.
“If?” Dean asked before shoveling a piece of pie in his mouth.
“I’m open to possibilities Dean. I have no solid proof it’s a haunting. But I don’t know what else it could be. Either way, there is something that keeps killing the people that move into that house. That’s why I called Sam. Thought you guys might have a different take on it.”
“Well, first things first. Let’s finish our pie, then head on over. Place empty?”
Charlie nodded.
“Alright then, we start at the empty house.”
  You and Iris were once again following the Impala. From the corner of your eye you could see her stealing glances at you, wanting to say something but kept stopping herself. Even though you had a feeling what it was, you let her debate on it a bit longer before finally just saying it for her.
“You like Charlie, huh?”
“How did—I mean. Damn. That obvious?”
“A little. At least to me.”
“She’s so pretty. Honestly the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen,” Iris mused wistfully as she watched the darkened streets and scenery go by. “I’ve never had a boyfriend or girlfriend. My parents wouldn’t let me date. Especially not a girl.”
“They’re from the old country. Dating didn’t happen until it was a marriage arrangement, and they are tolerable, but wouldn’t stand for their daughter to date or marry a woman.”
You wanted to say something, offer her a bit of comfort, but you saw Dean pulling off on the side of the road and followed.
“I’m sorry, Iris. I can’t imagine having to contend with that. But just know this… you are safe with us, there’s zero judgment here. Plus, Charlie likes girls better too. You absolutely have a chance. But, more on that later.”
You winked at her and a giant grin spread across her face. “Now, it’s time to go to work.”
With your entire entourage out of the cars, you grabbed the necessary equipment from the trunks and made your way to the back of the house. Sam picked the backdoor lock, while Dean stood watch. Not that there was any harm of being spotted, the closest neighbor was more than a mile away. The slightest wave of dizziness hit you, making you lean on Iris for support.
She looked at you curiously, “You alright?” she whispered.
You nodded and steadied yourself. Just as you did, Sam got the door open and you all went inside. Dean paused as he entered the house and lightly grabbed your shoulder.
“You look green. You ok?”
“Yeah. Maybe bad chow at the diner. I’m fine.”
He cradled the back of your hair and left a kiss on the top of your head. “Just be careful.”
You nodded and gave him a wan smile before continuing to investigate.
The main foyer was grandiose in size and décor. Even for it being remodeled recently, there were ornate gold fixtures that were more akin to something from the Victorian era, than modern day. A mix of pinks and soft greens were splashed through the paintings and curtains giving the room a pastel effect that seemed out of place.
A large, sweeping staircase led to at least two more levels that you could see, with a two-tier balcony overlooking the foyer. The air was heavy and ominous, and you were clearly not the only one to feel it. Iris stood close to you, shaking, but not shying away from whatever lay ahead. In the side of the staircase was a small door; the kind that would open to a closet or storage area.
Sam opened it cautiously and saw that it led to another set of stairs that descended to the basement.
Dean and Sam shared a silent exchange. They did a quick round of rock, paper, scissors; Dean lost, then hung his head in defeat.  
“Alright. Sam, you and Charlie head up to the second floor. Y/N, why don’t you take Iris to the third floor and start there. I’ll take the demonic door to Narnia. Let’s see what we can find and then report back.”
Everyone split off to their assigned locations and started looking around for what could be causing the trouble. An hour passed, because of the house’s size, you and Iris had only made it through half of the third story rooms. In the middle of the hallway, there was another smaller, oddly shaped door.
Giving it a tug, you realized it was locked. “A locked room always has something to tell you,” you said to Iris before taking a step back. Raising your foot, you gave it a good kick, but it didn’t budge.
“Let me try,” Iris said and approached the door. From her back pocket, she pulled out a lockpick set. Despite her shaky hands, she managed to get it open within several minutes time, leaving you more than a little impressed.
“Damn, Iris. You do learn fast,” you chuckled; a feeling of pride washing over you.
You drew your gun from your rear pocket and held it, along with your flashlight up to both see and prepare to defend yourself.
“Please tell me that gun is loaded with something other than bullets. You can’t really kill what is already dead.”
You stopped, turned to look at her and rolled your eyes. “Seriously? Give me a little credit. Bullets made with rock salt. It won’t get rid of a ghost, but it will get them off your ass for a bit.”
Carefully climbing the stairs, you could feel the temperature drop considerably. Enough that both you and Iris could see the breath expelling from your mouths.
“Stay close,” you whispered as you reached the landing and surveyed the attic.
The room was large, but sparse in what contained. A few pieces of furniture covered with dusty linens, an assortment of boxes in one corner and the broken remnants of a carousel horse.
Movement from the shadows behind the horse caught your eye and you motioned for Iris to stop. There was no noise, and it felt like no air in the room. Though you could still feel the chill, it was hard to breathe, like something was sucking the air from the atmosphere. All the hair on your arms and neck began to stand at attention, and a light buzzing began in your ears.
“Iris,” you said as calmly as possible, though it was a struggle, “go… go get the others, now.”
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 Dean was emerging from the basement when he first heard Iris’ frantic call. He rushed into the foyer as she was bounding down the steps two-by-two and falling into him.
“What? What is it?!” he asked, holding her up by both shoulders. “Where’s Y/N?!”
Iris was breathless, trying to explain through gasps of much-needed air. “She’s… up… stairs… attic… door…”
“Dammit,” Dean cursed under his breath. “Here, sit. I gotta go up –”
“What happened?” Sam called down from the second-floor balcony. “She alright?”
“Sam, Y/N is in the attic, go see—”
A sound of wood breaking caused all the conversation to stop. Everyone looked up at the same time to see your body falling from the third-floor landing. Splintered pieces of wood from the railing reigned down beside you. Your back was racing towards the floor, but for Dean, everything moved in slow motion.
His body was paralyzed as he saw your arms flailing, feet scrambling to try and turn, to land face down so maybe you could brace yourself. But you couldn’t. Your body hit the ground with a sickening thud.
Dean was at your side within a second, checking for any signs of life he could find. Anything that would tell him you were alright.
“No... no, no, baby, come on…” he pleaded, tears filling his eyes while he lifted your head to try and stop the blood that was now all over his hands.
He felt for a pulse. It was there, weak, but there. Sam and Charlie were standing over you, Iris crouched on the ground, praying for a miracle. Time was of the essence, but still, everything was moving in a slowed down state.
“We need to get her to a hospital. NOW!” he barked, which seemed to kick everything back into motion.
Charlie hurriedly took off the button-down flannel she wore over her GamerGirl t-shirt and thrust it at Dean to use for pressure against the back of your head. He scooped you up as Sam rushed to get the front door open. Once back at the cars, Dean carefully laid you in the back seat of the Impala and motioned for Sam to drive. Iris and Charlie hopped in your car and followed close behind as Sam rushed you to the nearest hospital.
  There was a severe ache in your lower back. Anytime you tried to move, a ripple of searing pain tore through your head and down your neck. You were trying to wake up; you could feel your eyelids fluttering, doing their best to open.
Voices were muffled as if there were a thick layer of plastic or foam between you and the source. No idea how long you’d been struggling to wake up, you were tired but more than determined to open your eyes. You needed to see Dean, to be sure he was alright; you needed to tell him that you were alright.
The next time you tried to open them, they relented. You were drowsy, but you could see your surroundings after a minute or two adjusting to the room’s illumination. It wasn’t bright, just enough for you to make out the figure near your bed to be Dean.
The hospital room, and you knew it was that from the various beeping machines and horribly colored walls, was otherwise empty. Dean was asleep, his head fell to one side, hands clasped on his chest and lightly snoring.
You tried to speak, but your throat felt like you’d swallowed a bucket of sand. You moaned slightly as you tried to move, but it was enough to wake Dean from his nap.
The sight of you awake both elated and terrified him. He blinked the sleep from his eyes and leaned his elbows on your bed. Taking your hand that wasn’t stuck with an IV or attached to a wire, he raised it to his lips and kissed it before pressing it to his cheek.
“Welcome back,” he said roughly, his own voice still thick and full of exhaustion. “You gave me a hell of a scare, woman.”
You furrowed your brow and remembered how scratchy your throat felt. Looking at the pitcher of water, Dean took your cue and poured some into a cup, stuck in a straw and helped you take a sip. The water was blissfully cool on your tongue and helped clear up the dense taste of cotton laden throughout your mouth.
“Dean,” managed to rasp from your lips, but he just shushed you.
“Don’t try to talk. Just relax. I’m gonna get the doc, ok? She’s gonna want to know you’re awake.”
No, you wanted to scream, don’t go! But nothing came out. Instead, you shook your head slightly, despite the pain that it caused.
“I’ll be right back, promise,” he kissed your hand again and stepped out of the room.
Barely two minutes later he was back with your doctor, who was a very tall, leggy blonde and not at all what you expected. She introduced herself as Dr. Shari and curtly asked Dean to leave the room so she could give you an exam. He reluctantly complied but didn’t miss the opportunity to give her a dirty look as he left.
Once she performed her initial exam, which consisted of turning you on your side and hovering her hands over your back, she helped you get comfortable again and started asking questions.
“You took quite a fall,” she said, pulling up the chair beside your bed. “How are you feeling?”
“Sore,” you managed through the grit still lodged in your throat. “Tired.”
She leaned in closer to you, her amber eyes sparkling with mischief and an odd familiarity that you couldn’t quite place. “Makes sense. Do you remember anything about that day?”
You shook your head no.
“Do you know what today is?” she asked, making a little checkmark in her notes.
Again, you shook your head.
“To be expected. You hit your head severely when you landed, I assumed there would be some memory loss. You’ve been here for six days, Y/N. We were beginning to worry you wouldn’t wake up at all.”
“Six days?”
“Mhm. You also fracture some of your ribs, and an ankle, plus had bleeding on the brain. Thankfully they were able to stop it and there was no permanent damage. Of course, we’ll have to do some assessments, but right now, you and your baby’s prognosis—”
You felt your heart pounding and a lump form in your throat. Did she just say, “Baby?”
“You didn’t know? Best I could tell you’re about six weeks along. Honestly, I’m surprised it survived the fall. That must be a pretty strong little peanut M&M you got growing in there.”
There was something odd about her and her bedside manner, but the revelation of the pregnancy far outweighed the feeling gnawing at your gut.
“I’m six weeks pregnant?” you whispered more to yourself than to her.  But how was that possible? That meant you were pregnant before Crowley took you before Iris was even in your lives. The more you tried to wrap your mind around it, the more the pain radiated through your body.
“About that, yes. Would you like me to run the test again?” she asked with an air of indignance. “I will, but I assure you, you are pregnant.”
You shook your head in sheer disbelief and sighed shakily. The door to your room opened and Dean came back in loaded with an armful of snacks and drinks from the vending machine.
“Sorry to interrupt, thought you’d be done by now,” he said, grinning from ear to ear staring at you. “But, since you’re here, can she have this stuff? I mean, it can’t be any worse then what I saw wheeled by before.”
“We’re done. She’s going to be fine. Just needs to take it easy, heal those  bones and take care of every…thing.”
Dean furrowed his brow and looked confusedly between you and Dr. Shari. “Uh, what does that mean?”
“I’ll explain later,” you said, now eyeing the bottles of juice he’d brought you.
“Alright, I’ll leave you two to it. I’ll have them update your chart as far as your meals go and get you up and moving around in no time. We’ll try and get you out of here in the next day or so.”
When she was gone, Dean dumped all the snacks into his chair, leaving the cans of soda and juice on the nightstand. He sat beside you on the bed and caressed your cheek with his thumb.
Dean chuckled darkly; his face turned serious and pensive. “I really thought I lost you there for a minute. You can’t scare me like that.”
“Sorry, I wish I could tell you what happened… we were on a case, right?”
“Yeah. Turned out to be a poltergeist. Must have come after you once you sent Iris down to get us.”
“Iris… oh God, that’s right, she was with me! Is she alright? Did she get hurt?”
Dean smiled and tutted, “Shh, she’s fine, I promise. Sam took her and Charlie back to the house a couple of days ago and took care of it. Shouldn’t be hurting anyone anymore.”
Relief washed over you at knowing both Iris and Charlie were safe, and that no one else would die at the hands of that vengeful spirit.
“Dean, I need to tell you something,” you started, but a fit of dry coughs prevented you from talking. He got you the water and once you were done and dealing with the shards of pain it caused throughout your body, you drank it, much more greedily this time.
“Whatever it is, it can wait. Sam, Charlie, and Iris are here, they want to see you.”
“It can’t wait,” you said, feebly grabbing at his shirt before he could get up. “Dean, I--uh, I’m pregnant. From what the doc said, probably happened that night of our first date.”
Dean stared at you processing the information you just gave him. You didn’t know what to expect from him, but it certainly wasn’t laughing. He snorted a laugh or two through his nose at first, shaking his head in near disbelief. That soon turned to a full-on belly laugh where he couldn’t quite get out what he wanted to say.
“So, that night, Cas was right after all,” he tried to control his breathing and rubbed a hand over his stubbled cheek with a sigh of disbelief. “Pregnant? We’re--we’re gonna have a baby?” he had finally stopped laughing, but the grin remained on his face. It was hopeful and happy, making those cute little crinkles at the corner of his eyes appear.
“You’re not freaked out? I mean, with everything…”
Dean shook his head. “No, not anymore. After you got hurt, and I sat here watching you fight for your life, I prayed. I prayed harder than I ever had before, Y/N. I prayed for you to be alright, for us to have everything we ever wanted. If that meant throwing a kid into the mix, I told God I was ready. Cause, darlin’, if I do it with you, I can do anything.”
“Dean, this is going to be hard. Like, the hardest thing ever.”
“Eh, I don’t know. I think there have been a few things that were a bit harder… trying to put Lucifer in his cage. That was tough. Leviathans… yikes. Then there was the time—”
“Alright, I get it, smart ass.”
“No matter what it is, we can handle it. We got a team out there, you know. Sam, Charlie… hell, even Iris. They’re on our team. Cas, too. Whatever comes, we got this.”
Dean was confident in what he was promising you; it was written all over his face that he really believed what he was saying. You could also feel it; in his gaze, in his touch. If he could have faith in your ability to be parents, maybe you could too.
“You remember when you found me in the garage? Before we left?”
You nodded and smiled at the memory.
“I never did answer you…”
You furrowed your brow but couldn’t recall what you’d asked him.
“The song,” he said and moved closer to you. “You asked me if I was singing about you or the car.”
“Ohhh, right,” you snickered and remembered how cute he’d looked singing when he didn’t know anyone was watching.
“I was thinking about you. You really are my pride and joy. I’d do anything—” he paused and cleared his throat of the building emotion; smiling to cover up the intense feelings that were overwhelming him, “—anything for you.”
“Would you… sing it for me now?” you couldn’t help but ask and tease him a little in the process.”
“No,” he smiled and wagged a finger at you. “That’s where I draw the line. But, I can tell you that, I do love you, heart and soul. And, that a love like ours, will never grow old. You’re my sweet little baby, and I’m your—”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” you laughed, unable to bear to hear him speak any more of the lyrics with the face he was making. “Just for the record, I love you too.”
You could feel yourself healing just from him being there. The tension in your body began to lessen; even the pain that was present when you moved seemed to be diminishing as well. With Dean’s help, you sat up straighter in bed and felt your stomach rumble. Looking at the stash of snacks on the chair, you asked for him to open some of what he’d brought.
“I better get more, since there’s two of you now,” he teased as he handed you the bag of animal crackers. “Speaking of, do we tell everyone? I mean, is it too early?”
“I have no idea,” you said snatching the cookies from his hand. Your appetite was immediate and slightly ravenous. Trying to remember the doctor’s words, you ate them slowly, but you really wanted to just scarf the whole bag.
“I guess your exam went well?” he asked curiously, as he watched you tear into the bag of children’s cookies.
“Mhm, she said I’m healing well. A few broken bones, but otherwise great. Baby is strong and healthy.”
“Just never saw someone so hungry after being unconscious for almost a week.”
“I don’t know, I just know that after the exam she did on my back, I am feeling a lot better. Sore, and still tired, but I can move with minimal pain and I am hungry as hell.”
“Guess she’s got the magic touch, huh?” he said with a smile, but it wasn’t his real smile.
“Guess so. Hey, did you say the others were here? Grab them and let’s tell them the absolute insane news.”
“Yeah, alright,” Dean said, bending down to kiss you on the head. “I’ll be back.”
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 Dean entered the hallway and found Sam, Iris, and Charlie talking lowly near the small waiting area. He raised his chin in a greeting and looked around for any people that may be within earshot.
“Hey,” he started and paused as a doctor passed by. “She’s up, and apparently very hungry. Good news, just a few fractured bones. Doc seems to think she could be out in a day or two.”
“What? That’s—that’s amazing,” Sam exclaimed looking between them. “A bit shocking, but amazing.”
Charlie examined Dean’s expression closely. “Something is up… what’s up?”
“I don’t know, but… she could barely move when she woke up. Couldn’t really talk. Pain was written all over her face. Doc comes in, kicks me out, and suddenly, she’s ready to walk on out of here and hit the nearest fast food joint.”
“Could you just be paranoid?” Iris asked. “I mean no offense, and it was a rough fall, but the human body can do some amazing things.”
“I appreciate your perspective, Iris, but in our world, when something seems fishy, its usually for good reason. There’s something very off about this, and that doctor. When we brought her in, they told us to expect the worse. Now, she’s ready to be discharged?”
“What could it be?” Sam asked, his mind racing through a million random facts on lore and monsters but coming up empty. “Who would want to secretly heal someone? I mean, other than angels—”
“Son of a bitch,” Dean mumbled and hung his head.
Charlie and Iris exchanged a confused glance, while Sam tried to understand what Dean could have realized. A thought struck him, even though it seemed impossible, but it was all his mind could keep coming back to.
“Dean… you think?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“But, he’s dead. We saw him die.”
“Did we?” Dean asked and immediately felt ridiculous for assuming that the death they witnessed had been real at all.
“It has been years, how would—why would—”
Dean shrugged and shook his head. “Listen, let’s keep this to us for now, alright? She’s got enough going on and doesn’t need to know.”
“Know what? Enough with the brospeak, guys. Wanna share with the rest of us who don’t speak Winchester?” Charlie asked, not without a bit of sarcasm.
“Gabriel,” Dean said with a sigh.
“The Trickster? But you saw him die?” Charlie mused, eliciting an eye roll from Dean.
“Did we?” he asked again, returning her sarcastic tone.
Iris shook her head softly. “I’m so lost.”
“Forget it for now,” Dean waved her off. “Just drop it for now and we’ll figure it out. Besides, there’s something you guys need to know.”
“She’s pregnant,” Iris said with a shrug. “I tried to tell her…”
“What?!” Sam and Charlie sang in unison, while Dean couldn’t hide the enormous grin that engulfed his face.
“Dude!” Sam grabbed and embraced his brother roughly.
Charlie punched Dean’s should and silently squealed with excitement.
From behind them, the door to your hospital room opened and they saw you hobbling out in your cast, rolling your IV pole with one hand and shaking the second bag of snacks into your mouth with the other.
“I thought you were coming back… heard the commotion out here and thought I’d come to you guys instead. Besides, I am starving. I wanted to try and catch you to see if there’s a pizza place around here or something.”
You watched as Dean, Sam, Charlie, and Iris all exchanged a knowing glance and then collectively looked back at you in amazement. It didn’t dawn on you that you shouldn’t be able to be walking around or be feeling as hungry as you did.
Assuming it was due to Dean not being able to stay quiet about the baby, you scowled at him. “I guess you couldn’t wait to tell them, huh?”
“Uh, no. Iris guessed it,” he said and slipped an arm around your lower back. He kissed your cheek and tried not to worry about your “speedy” recovery. “Let’s get you back in bed, and you can visit with the girls. Sam and I will go and grab some grub. Deal?”
You nodded enthusiastically and went back into your room. It was once your back was turned to the group, did they all get a communal appearance of concern across their faces.
“When we get her home,” Sam whispered to Dean, as Dean nodded in approval.
“When we get home,” Dean repeated and followed you into your hospital room.
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inhumansforever · 7 years
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Ms. Marvel #27 Review
spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers spoilers
It’s the courageous Kamala Korps versus the dreaded Inventor as the Teenage Wasteland story-arc continues from the creative team of G. Willow Wilson, Nico Leon and Ian Herring.  Quick recap and review following the jump.  
Zoe is missing!  She had donned her makeshift Ms. Marvel costume and thought she could take on The Inventor on her own.  She’s been gone for a while now and her friends are quite worried.  Fortunately, Zoe is rarely without her phone and Nakia has the technical wherewithal to triangulate the global positioning system on Zoe’s phone and lead Red Dagger and The rest of the Kamala Korps to her location.  
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Nakia, Mike and Gabe are looking pretty fly in their ersatz Ms. Marvel costumes; though still outshine by The Red Dagger’s dreamy hair and superior parkour skills.  
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Not too far away, Zoe finds herself tied up alongside her codger compatriot, Roger, in The Inventor’s layer.  The narrative catches up with her just in time for The Inventor to go off on a rather standard issue super villain monologue.  
The Inventor’s whole raison d'etre is all about the streamlining of society wherein the less useful members of the population are used as a source of much needed energy for those he deems worthy and useful.  
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In his first scheme, The Inventor had abducted a group of teenagers, seeing them as shiftless parasites on society better used as energy producing batteries.  He was foiled in this plot by Ms. Marvel in one of her first adventures.  Having recently been released from prison, The Inventor has modified his plans, now setting his sights on seiner citizens, whom he also sees as providing no value to society as a whole. It’s a weird hang-up and, despite what The Matrix movies might have us believe, human bodies actually make for rather poor batteries.  All of that aside, The Inventor does possess a good deal of inventive prowess and has been able to use the various old folks he’s collected to power a bevy of oddly cobbled together monstrosities.
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The Inventor’s monologue in interrupted by the timely arrival of The Dagger and the Kamala Korps.  Although these young heroes are a lot better at striking impressive poses than they are fighting monster and all manner of mayhem ensues as the Inventor sicks his creatures on the interlopers.  And herein we’re treated to a truly wonderful panel illustrated by Nico Leon and Ian Herring showing poor Gabe being chased be a mechanized pineapple…  it’s moments like this that remind me why I so love comics :3
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Zoe is able to free herself and joins the fight just in time to heroically save Nakia from being zapped by a giant cyborg turtle.  It’s crazy…  When the dust settles, the heroes have saved the abducted senior citizens and The Inventor and along with many of his monstrous creations have escaped into greater Jersey City.   Although they saved the day, Red Dagger is forced to admit that they all might be a bit out of their depth.  They can fill in for the real Ms. Marvel when it comes to thwarting muggers and purse snatchers, but a legitimate super villain is clearly it of their league; they’re going to need some help.  
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And fortunately, Mike has an idea about how to get it.  
Way back in the Civil War II story arc, Ms. Marvel had a terrible falling out with her hero and inspiration, Captain Marvel.  Captain Marvel’s effort to utilize the predictive powers of Ulysses to stop crimes before they happened led to calamitous results, including poor Bruno being severely injured.  It was the last straw and Ms. Marvel quit Captain Marvel’s junior preventative justice squad.  As she did, she tossed away the signal device that could be used to call the Captain in case of emergency.  
Mike had secretly watched this all go down and she went and retrieved the signal device as a memento for safe keeping.  Having collected it from her home, she and the gang now stand on a rooftop and use it to call for Captain Marvel.  
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The good captain arrives with her usual panache for dramatic entrances; and Leon and Herring do not miss the opportunity for a very cool splash panel.  
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At first Captain Marvel seems irked.  Why is it that these cosplay kids have called her?  They better not be wasting her time…  And yet the reason for her being beckoned becomes quite evident as they look out on the Jersey City skyline in time see a series of green mushroom clouds detonating all over.  Clearly the Inventor has triggered his engage and it looks to be disastrous.  
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Whether or not Captain Marvel and the Kamala Korps will be up to this new challenge remains to be seen and will have to wait until the next installment as it is here that the issue ends with the promise of conclusion next month.  
Another fun ride with lots of great moments…  although at this point I’m definitely starting to miss the real Kamala.  The issue starts off with a quick prologue showing Kamala’s lunchtime buddy, Neftali, and his ongoing search to find his missing pal.  I can definitely relate to young Neftali; I’m missing kamala as well and hoping she comes back soon.
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In the meantime, it’s been wonderful getting to see the extended cast further cultivated in terms of character development; especially Zoe who is rapidly becoming a favorite.  Wilson really excels at offering Zoe up some very funny, self-depreciating one-lingers.  
During the exchange between Zoe and The Inventor, their banter ventures into the territory of animosities between the baby boomer generation and the so-called ‘millennials.’  The Inventor is perplexed that Zoe should try and stick up for the older generation considering all the social frictions existent between the two groups.  Zoe admits that she does have angry feelings toward her elders, blaming them for ruining the economy and environment and their general slowness in accepting young people.  Still, she’s unwilling to cast so wide a net of contempt as to just write off an entire generation… especially considering all the sacrifices they made.  
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It’s all a bit ham-fisted and the whole millennial versus baby boom subtext might have been better left implied instead of overtly expressed.  Although in a story that involves mechanized frogs and knife-wielding pineapples perhaps subtly isn’t really called for.  
What is handled with a smoother hand is a nice exchange between Zoe and Roger about the importance of symbols and aspiring to be super.  Zoe explains that knowing Ms. Marvel was out there just made everything feel better; it created a sense of security and helped to make a hectic world seem all the more tolerable.  With her missing, Zoe and her friends felt it their responsibility to fill her shoes and maintain that sense of security for other people.  Having been captured by The inventor, Zoe has come to realize there is much more to being a super hero than dressing the part...  She feels she is missing the magic, the key ingredient that makes a super hero super.  Yet Roger disagrees.  He sees Zoe standing up to The Inventor, sticking to her principles despite the direness of the situation and he is very impressed with her.  She may not have super powers, but she’s brave and strong and doesn’t back down.  As far as Roger is concerned Zoe is just as magical and heroic as any super powered caped crusader out there.   It’s a nice moment.
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The whole issue is just a joy to read, the illustration and coloring is top notch and I’m very much looking forward to seeing how the whole arc wraps up.  While other books are relying on gimmicks and twists to generate buzz, Ms. Marvel has continued to truck on providing top quality comic book fun.  Definitely recommended.  Four out of Five Lockjaws!
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chibinekochan · 7 years
Cracked Dream - part 3
part 1 I  part 2
Ft. Yoosung x Reader
Summary : You are in your last year as medical assistant ,and everything’s good until Rika comes suddenly back.
Note: This is a request from an anon. It contained plot spoilers, so I post it like this.
This is the last part I hope you enjoy it.
You can only watch him leave with Rika. You barely even realize what just happened, you can only go back to your home.
You check your messages. You see one from Zen.
Zen: I hope everything went well [Name] !
[Name]: No, sadly it backfired. We had a fight and now we take a break.
Zen:That sounds awful. What happened ?
[Name]:Well Yoosung thinks that I want to separate him from Rika, it just escalated when she came.
Zen:How can he think that ? This boy really is a brick head sometimes. I'll give him a piece of my mind.
[Name]:It's a nice thought, but I think it will only make it worth. I will just give him time to figure out what he wants.
Zen:You are way too nice [Name]. If you need anything I'm here for you.
Zen: I'll tell him everything was my idea.
[Name]: Thanks Zen, but today was just the climax of a deeper issue. I honestly need some time too.
Zen:I understand [Name], but don't forget my offer, if you want to talk or just come over just message me !
[Name]:Yeah I will.
You don't even know what to think or feel right now. You decide to take a shower, and then just go to bed.
When you enter your bathroom, you find a hairpin from Yoosung.
You take it and then you start to cry, you sink down on the floor and just cry. It takes a while till you can get up again, and can take your shower. It's not really helping the tears not stop until hours later.
You can't even sleep.
It is really hard the next few days. You can't log into the messenger anymore, you just can't face Yoosung.
The only thing that keeps you distracted is studying.
A week after your last contact with Yoosung, you get an email from your family.
It's always nice to hear from them, they have some great news. A really great job opportunity in your home country.
Just a while ago you were set on staying in Korea with Yoosung, but now you don't even know what to do.
You have no idea if Yoosung even wants a future with you. How it right now is it's impossible. Rika clearly is more important than you right now. This is not what you want, specially since you know that Rika is manipulating Yoosung.
You really feel devastated, at this moment you get a phone call.
You can see it's Luciel, you figure it's best to let him know that you are still alive.
“Hey Luciel.”
“[Name] I'm glad that you pick up. I have heard it from Zen, but I wanted to give you some time.”
“I appreciate that…”
“So now, I done my duty to check if you still alive. Is there anything I can do ?”
“Not really unless you can hack Yoosung's brain, and make him understand that I only care about him.”
“I will add that to my to-do list. I mean I'm sure he understands it somewhere.”
“I really don't know anymore, and I just don't know what to do…”
“If I can do anything for you then just say so I'll do it.”
“It's just about what I will do once my training is done. My exams are soon....I got this awesome offer, but it's back in my home country…”
You sigh slightly.
“You know just a while ago, I got an offer for a job in Korea. I never even got to tell this to Yoosung, and now I just don't even know what I'm doing here.”
“That sounds like a really difficult decision [Name]. I want you to stay with everyone here of course, but more than that I want you to be happy. So whatever you do I will support you, we are pretty much family after all.”
“That is so nice of you to say. I really have to think about this. I have still a bit time left…”
“Just come over if you need to really talk about everything.”
“Thanks Luciel. I might do that if I get stuck.”
“Anytime [Name].”
You both hang up. You still hope that Yoosung calls you. That everything is going to be okay. If you could only really talk then maybe you still have a chance.
The day of your finals come closer. You still hope that Yoosung calls you, or at least wishes you good luck. Sadly it's not happening.
You keep on thinking about everything, and nothing is holding you here. Maybe leaving Korea would be the best. Leaving all this bad memories behind sounds good. You not really feel like being a part of the RFA anymore.
It just hurts too much to be in the chat room.
The Day of the final arrives, and your decision is made.
Right after you have the confirmation that you passed the exam you open the chat room.
This is the last time I log in. I know it's not really a surprise, but I decided to leave the RFA. We can still keep in contact over emails, or a different messenger. I will also leave Korea since I got a great job offer in my home country. I really miss my family. I really had a nice time with you all I hope you are not too mad.
After that you log out and turn your phone off. It really hurts you to leave like this, but it has to be.
A few hours later someone one rings on your door. You briefly hope it's Yoosung, but it's Luciel.
You open for him.
“[Name] you have decided. I wanted you to stay at least in the RFA.”
“I know, but I just can't stand it currently.”
“I can understand that [Name]. You really want to leave the country hmm ?”
“It's just the best right now, I need some distance.”
“That is what you are saying, but you still are waiting right ? I mean your face when you opened the door said everything.”
“Yeah you are right. Sorry it's not like I don't like seeing you…”
“I know I take no offense, but really [Name] I know that Yoosung loves you, why don't you just stay a bit longer ?”
“I really don't think that's true right now. I need to go, it just hurts so much around here.”
“I understand it [Name], just don't forget you only need to call, and I'll get you a plane ticket.”
“That's really nice of you. You not need to worry you can always contact me, and hey if you ever want you can come and visit.”
“Sure that would be nice. If you need any help, I know some guys that can carry heavy stuff.”
“I not have much to take back. Only some clothes.”
“Ah I see, well then just tell me when you go, okay ?”
“Sure, if you promise to not set something up to stop me.”
“Aww there goes that idea, but okay I promise I will behave.”
“I appreciate it.”
“You should get some rest now. We will talk again.”
“Yeah, get some rest too !”
You return to your room, and start to prepare your trip back home.
It's really hard to leave everything behind like this, but staying here is just pointless now.
Till the very moment your airplane takes of, you still have hope that Yoosung will come and stop you, sadly it's not happening.
You take this as the final sign that it's really over.
Meanwhile, by Yoosung
He had kept up with your success, and how much he wanted to celebrate this with you.
It just became more and more difficult for him to contact you after he been so cold to you.
Zen really let him have it for being so stupid. Yoosung could only agree.
He knows that he has to change in order to not lose you completely.
Yoosung's plan is to make a grand surprise party once your exam is over.
Rika supports him, but on the actual day he reads that you want to leave the RFA, and that you are leave the country.
Yoosung tries to reach you, but your phone is off.
He comes to the sad conclusion that you really not want to be with him anymore. Yoosung knows that's just what he deserves, he did nothing but making you wait. Putting Rika first, and then leaching out at you for being right.
The worst he did was being a coward. Yoosung wants at least apologize to you, so he goes to your place.
Midway to you Rika calls again, it's an emergency. A guy just followed her and it sounds like it could be really dangerous. Yoosung calms Rika down, he tells her to call the police, or at least Jumin or Luciel.
She agrees, but Yoosung has to go to her still.
It's really terrible timing, once he arrives at her apartment it turns out that the guy only tried to return a wallet that Rika had dropped.
Yoosung is glad that it was just that, but it really is more than odd that every time he wants to go to you something is happening to Rika.
It really can't be only a coincidence.
Sadly this took so long that it's way too late to go to your place.
He keeps trying to reach you but it's pointless.
Yoosung then calls Luciel.
“Hello Yoosung. What can I do for Rika this time ?”
“I know you are mad at me, and I deserve it, but I really need your help.”
“Oho, have you been replaced by a body snatcher ?”
“Please Luciel. I know I have been really bad to [Name], and I know there is a good chance that [Name] hates me... but I want to tell [Name] that I'm really sorry, and that I've been a terrible idiot.”
“I see you came to your senses, but don't think that empty words will convince [Name].”
“I know I will have to earn her forgiveness, so where is [Name] right now ?”
“On the way to the airport, you should hurry.”
“Thank you Luciel I owe you one.”
“You really owe [Name], if anything.”
“Understood, I will run now.”
“Good luck…”
Yoosung never ran this fast before, jumping in the nearest cap and rushing to the airport.
He tries to find your plane and goes to find the right check in area.
Yoosung still has a bit time left, but the boarding for your plane is already starting.
He thinks over what to do now when he gets back massage from Luciel. It contains a link to a digital plane ticket.
Yoosung is glad that he has such a good friend.
He gets into the security check when he suddenly gets pulled back by Rika.
She looks like she is in a panic.
“Yoosung please don't leave me…”
“What Rika ? What are you doing here ? I won't leave you. I just want to stop [Name].”
Yoosung has no idea how Rika even knows that he is here.
“You don't need [Name], you have me.”
Rika really seems strange right now, almost crazy.
“What are you even saying ? I love [Name], you are my family, but I want to be with [Name]. If it's not too late…”
Yoosung never seen Rika like this it's unsettling.
“I can be that for you too, all you have to do is forget [Name].”
“I will never forget [Name]...and I don't love you the way I love [Name].”
“I'm much better than her though, just be my light, please Yoosung…”
“No, you aren't better than [Name]…”
Yoosung just can't believe it, where is the usually so nice Rika ?
She had been different ever since her return, but Yoosung tried his best to make her better.
“Just stay with me…”
“I think you need more help than I can offer you, and as soon as I talked to [Name]. I will make sure you get treatment…”
It's hard for Yoosung to admit this, but when he says these words he knows it's right.
Rika's face says everything, she looks like a twisted mirror of herself.
“If you go now you not will find me anymore Yoosung.”
“Are you really asking me to decide between you and [Name] ? I never thought you would be this cruel. Fine, if that's what you want then I choose [Name].”
Rika is in shock, but she still reached her goal and your plane takes off.
Yoosung is devastated.
At least Rika has calmed down again, she looks like she won.
Yoosung is really angry at her.
He texts Luciel and tells him what just happened.
It not takes long till he arrives in person.
“I never thought that this would happen... I guess I really lost [Name] for good now... I really should had said sorry earlier. Now [Name] hates me and I won't ever be able to probably tell [Name] how stupid I'm.”
“You will tell [Name] how stupid you are. I already got a ticket for the next flight. I kinda had a feeling that Rika would do something like this.”
“You did ?”
“Well, she was behaving really strange when ever you were with [Name]. You just were too blind to see it.”
“You are right, but [Name] won't be happy to see me…”
“Yeah if [Name] would really hate you, but [Name] doesn't hate you. In fact [Name] was ever hoping, that you would realize that they only care about you, and stop them from going.”
“Give me the ticket Luciel.”
“Sure, but what are you doing with Rika ?”
“I do what I should had done from the start. I ask for help, Luciel please call Jumin and make sure she gets the best treatment.”
“Sure thing Yoosung, you should go now. Get [Name] back for everyone.”
“I will do my best !”
With that Yoosung is rushing of, and gets in the next plane to chase after you.
You have no idea what happened on the airport.
Your flight goes quite uneventful.
While you look forward meeting your family again, your thoughts are by Yoosung.
Why did it had to end this way ?
After a long flight, you finally arrive at the airport. You are greeted by your family. Everyone is really happy to see you, and you are too.
It makes you forget the past month for a brief moment. It feels good being back here.
You get in the car, and try to avoid talking about what happened. You are just tired and want to rest.
Your family understands that, and they know pretty much what happened. You are happy that they leave you space.
It feels really good to be in your old home, even when it feels strange. You feel so tired, that you just go to sleep.
This night you slept quite good, despite everything. Maybe here your wounds will start to heal.
You have a good breakfast with your family. It almost feels like you are a child again. You feel happy about it, but everything is reminding you of Yoosung.
Later the day an unexpected guest is arriving.
It is a very tired looking Yoosung. You are really surprised to see him. It's almost like you are dreaming.
“Yoosung ? What are you doing here ?”
“I just had to talk to you in person. I wanted to do it at the airport and even before that...but something came in between…”
Yoosung is sighing.
“That something is Rika, right ?”
“Yes… Rika. She stopped me, but that doesn't excuse my behavior.”
“Where is she right now ?”
“I asked Luciel to take her to Jumin... I'm sure he will find a good place for her, so she can get treatment.”
You find this really surprising.
“I know you have all right to hate me, and I know I have no right to ask this, but can we talk [Name]?”
“Fine come in...I mean you came here at least…”
You are not sure how you feel right now, it's just hard to believe.
You sit down in the living room.
Opposite from Yoosung.
“First of all I am really sorry [Name]. I was a real idiot, and also a huge jerk.”
“You are not wrong with that...I can only imagine how it feels to get someone back that you admired, but you just forget about everything else…”
“I know, and I know I should had listened to you...to everyone really, but I been so blind. No... I just not wanted to see the truth. Rika manipulated me, and I let it happen.”
“It was really hard for you…”
“It was much harder for you.”
“I know just admitting that will not fix anything. Coming here is nothing. I know you will need more than that. I don't even know if you still even want to give me a chance right now…”
Yoosung looks honestly sad, it quite breaks your heart.
You don't really know what to say right now. What is even right anymore ?
“I know you need time to really think about everything, but I will prove to you that I'm serious about making it better. I really love you [Name]. I not said it lately and we still need much time to really get over this, but I really hope that you can forgive me at some point.”
You really had not heard it for a very long time. You are happy, but Yoosung is right.
“I need more than words Yoosung, that you came here is a good step. I won't go back with you to Korea right now. I need some time to think. I still love you, but I was really hurt…”
Yoosung looks relieved.
“[Name]…I understand that. I accept that I really have to fight to get you back, but I will do that.”
You can see determination in Yoosung's eyes, you feel that maybe you have a chance.
It takes awhile to get over the damages in your relationship.
For the most part Yoosung finishes his studies. During your vacation you both decide to have a long-distance relationship until Yoosung is done with his degree. You can't just leave without fulfilling your contacts and you really enjoy spending time in your home country for a while.
It is hard and you really miss each other, but it also helps you both to really focus on your goals. Yoosung keeps his determination to never screw up again. He still cares about Rika, but he knows that he can't just life for her.
She is getting treated, and Yoosung keeps a healthy distance to her.
After another three years you return to Korea. Right after Yoosung is done making his doctor title.
He worked really hard to save the money for a small wedding. It's really romantic.
You both build up an animal hospital together. The money you earned, and your work experience really helps a lot.
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