#for her to be so squeaky clean
klkirbles · 11 months
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an-abyss-of-stars · 10 months
Not a new chapter, BUT I have updated/made a new moodboard for:
☾ He Saw Her At Daybreak ☾
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I feel like this new moodboard captures the energy of what this fic is/will become! Like yes, the fluffy erotic explicit sex/smut will still be at the forefront of this fic, but I'm planning a lot more moody drama, conflicts, and some more on brand Targaryen violence and murder to take place later on in future chapters (again, no main characters are in danger of dying! So don't worry about that! But they may get hurt.) This fic really has become its own thing at this point, so if I haven't said it before: It's Visceral And It's Cruel will no longer be converging into this fic and vice versa 😂😂😂 I'M SORRY, I know I said this was a sort of epilogue/sequel series, but with the way I've plotted out IV&IC now, it's not going to lead into this story in the same way I thought it would when I started it.
SO consider this fic its own separate universe! If anyone actually wants to see a precursor to this fic, like a genuine one, then I'll definitely consider it for later 😂😂
I've also started chapter 9 already, I'm thinking I might trim some of the plotlines I have laid out for it, move them around so that I CAN have Rhaena give birth to their first baby by chapter 10 instead of pushing it further. So fingers crossed on that!
Anyways, this was just a minor update. Really just so I wouldn't confuse anyone when I start posting more chapter updates with a new image 💖💖💖
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age-of-moonknight · 11 months
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What If…? Dark: Moon Knight (Vol. 1/2023), #1.
Writer: Erica Schultz; Penciler and Inker: Edgar Salazar; Colorist: Arif Prianto; Letterer: Cory Petit
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bluest-planet · 10 months
A Lesson in Darkness, Snippet
Small bit I wrote on a whim for my OC, Yoruhua and Vanitas based on this art we drew. Some Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles references and fan lore. Anyways, onto adoptive sibling bonding moment shenanigans;
Vanitas scoffed, leaning against the much taller Yoruhua. He was completely unimpressed with what he was looking at, "so this was what you were so excited about? It's just another dead Keyblade. We saw plenty of those in the Graveyard."
A large boney gloved hand gently ruffled his hair from behind, which he tried to swat away to get them to stop- earning him some scratchy chuckles.
He looked up at them and frowned (but from their perspective seemed like adorable pouting,) getting them to stop.
Yoruhua simply smiled back peacefully to him, old tearstain marks over their discovery long since dried but still evident. It was embarrassing to him, how were they not? The look was so ill fitting on another creature of Darkness- especially for one so ancient and powerful as they claimed to be.
So weak, so mushy, so soft.
So unlike him.
Too much like those of the Light. Like Ventus.
"you're right, oscuritó, however... Out of all the blades from before; copies, mimics, mass produced... This is one of my design. We're getting closer to finding her, me, my Heart's Promise. It's a good sign..." He said quietly, though his voice was still rough from disuse the past eons, trapped within Void Gear.
The homunculus moved forward, forcing him to stand on his own, and pulled the old keyblade from the poisoned earth around it with no issue, unlike Vanitas had earlier; unable to pry it from centuries worth of weathering and miasma clinging to it. Not even he could do it.
It irked him seeing how easy it came to them. But if she really did helped create it, her ability to wield almost any keyblade was stupid useful in their quest and in his training.
In Yoruhua's grasp, she gently rotated it to see it from all angles. As if it weighed nothing at all, despite its hefty design- but if he was going to be honest, he had no idea how they were able to recognize it so quick with how dirty it was. Crusted in mud, muck, and bent all out of shape. He wouldn't have even notice if he hadn't tripped on the damn thing- it's Dark signature so hidden under all the poison it was undetectable.
But Yoruhua held it as if it was made just for her, instead of by her; light as a feather, just forged.
He still glared at it, "it's useless, not even worth the scrap metal all messed up like that. Worse than the ones in the graveyard."
She hummed, "well, its been eons since it's last wielder even held it. It's name is Breath of Achlys. Its what's oozing all this Miasma; still loyal to my fellow homunculi's dying wish to bring permanent ruin wherever they went." She slowly trailed the twisted blade's flat side with a finger starting from its broken teeth to the deformed hilt.
A wry, half-hearted smile on her lips, "ironically, I made it to purify the Miasma as an alternative to dangerously collecting drops of Myrrh. It was supposed to assist Orichalchemi's caravan in restoring their Tribal Crystal, make things easier for them all... Until a fellow homunculi slayed the Wielder it was made for, and made it her own."
He was mildly fascinated seeing it come to life in seconds with just a pinch of Darkness to revitalize something loss to time, back to its former glory. He's never seen Darkness being used in such a way.
He channels some of his power into the blade, both of them watching as the rust crumbled away revealing stark lilac steel, and twisted back into a curved, winding snake like shape. It's teeth reforming into a gaping spitting cobra, and the hilt slowly opening like the leaves of a corpse flower to shield the wielder's hand from its volatile poisons. The handle covered in a snakeskin leather.
Now that, was a true keyblade. Pity it was made for one of the Light originally.
"So, still think it's useless?" Yoruhua teased Vanitas.
He huffed, "I thought you had to be bequeathed in order to wield a Keyblade. Or prove yourself, so how could some other Darkness hold what was once held Light? Let alone a Light holding something made by the Dark in the first place."
Yoruhua twirled the blade again, watching it flash purple for a second, and started to suck in the poison around them. The effect wasn't immediate, but Vanitas could feel the shift in the air. Cleaning the area up to find any hidden clues.
He nodded, "asking the important questions- good." He lowered the keyblade for him to get a better look, "let's just say the way keyblades are made and used now barely resemble at all what they were originally created for."
"Just like the current worlds don't resemble the past world I came from. Life itself, changes relentlessly. Back then, Hearts and Light were still so new- like fresh clay they were easy to mold and much more adaptable. Before they set and dried into what they are now."
She smirked, "but that, will also inevitably change. It's a never ending cycle, little brother. Besides, what's important is that it still recognizes my authority as its creator."
He sneered at them, "what a lousy explanation. You're no better than the old man at explaining things. And don't call me 'brother' I've already got two of those already. I don't need anymore."
Yoruhua shrugged, "I never said I was any good at teaching; it's hard to explain things to someone so detached from the collective." She used her spare hand to point at his chest, right at his heart, "I speak in a way that I thought you would understand better; but evidently, just as I said, things change. The connection all those from the Dark should share, the language and the inheritance... It's lost on you. Just as you call Sora and Ventus brothers due to how your Heart and body are connected. So too do I call you brother in honor of that past connection."
Vanitas looked at them in deep thought, a scowl permanently etched in his face, before coming to a begrudging acceptance, "if I had... Existed, back then, would we have been connected like that? Within one another's shadow."
He felt amusement at the perplexing look on Vanitas' face, dumbing their speech down, they follow up with, "Back during the Dawn of Light's Era, all within the Darkness were inherently connected; me, before I made a Heart's Promise to Orichalchemi, and the other homunculi,"
"We could understand each other without words, each an extension of the others. Of course we had self consciousness separately, but we were more like... Trees, if you will."
She shifted in place, "we each controlled weaker Dark beings, the leaves and branches- us being the trunk and roots protected by bark, our physical bodies- and linked between a roots system, the collective... Err... 'mycelium' to communicate a need. Be it sharing resources or warning about danger."
Yoruhua let out a snort as if laughing at their own joke, "a bit odd to explain it like that- it is... Much more complex than that. Just as all things are. But I hope that helps you understand why I do and say the things that I do."
He almost didn't believe in it; the idea that anything would just. Unconsciously understand him and his needs, and to share anything with him at all without asking for anything in return. He refused to believe it would be anything like the how the Light would do it. The Light who make you ask for it, the Light who makes you have to prove yourself worthy enough to have it. The Light who always demanded something in return, be it friendship or good deeds instead of simply providing it because he was a part of it.
Ventus was selfish like that. Keeping his own identity, face, and keyblade- to keep the body that was not constantly plagued with emptiness and pain, away from Vanitas. For keeping that away from him and leaving him with a half existance, and envy in its place.
Yoruhua's eyes briefly glazed over with nostalgia as she looked over Vanitas' smaller form, moving her hand from his shoulder to gently pet his hair again, "I used to hide in my my siblings' shadows when I was little, taking solace in that endless black. However unintentional, you freed me from my prison. To you; my shadow is yours to make even darker, Vanitas."
When he looked back, all he saw was an expression of pride on Yoruhua's face as she reached out a gloved hand for him to push away, but he didn't. Allowing them to gently rest it on his shoulder, firm and grounding, "I don't need a inherit connection to recognize you as one of my own; we are shadows, long since cast in the burning Light. Blending within one another when cool night falls."
"Perhaps this generation of Darkness has forgotten what we once were; an unstoppable, unified force. The Light might have severed that connection when it introduced its potent, and addicting individuality- making us think it is more beneficial to work alone than it is as a whole- but even when I do find my Lighter half- I will never forsake my Darkness for it. That includes your place in it, oscuritó."
#kh#kingdom hearts#kh vanitas#kh oc#kh fanfic#snippet#starry stories#theres uh. a lotta unexplained or even potentially wrong lore here lol bc of Yoruhua's origin.#a lot of it is also based in the final fantasy chrystal chronicles games hfhfhf#so if u know u know!#might actually write a fic about em but it needs build up cause im working on a vanitas fic rn#just know that darkness is a lot more fluid it what it is than what we have in kh rn#but also. they're not squeaky clean darkness just used to be more of like a hive mind that worked toegther to do darkness stuff before#and Yoru is so weirded out by the fact they cant read Vanitas' mind basically lol#also. Yoru and other physical darkness/dark humans are called homunculi for Reasons#not vanitas tho kinda#and theyre both kinda unreliable narrators or what they day doesnt 100% refect the truth and what i think F#Yoru just doesnt care that he did evil things more that he didn't get a choice in being created to work for Xehanort#and for getting split up in two halves without consent since he willingly shares her heart with Ori#anyways she supports whatever he wants to do regardless if its darkness or not lol he can still be a bit evil as a treat#but now with a sister who's proud of his violence fbfnbf#Yoru really said: damn we need to unionize again were getting our asses beat by light since we seperated#Xehanort: *breathes* Yoru: I KNOW MORE THAN U#shes a sweetheart tho#she doesn't hate dark more like just at peace w being a dark creature lol she kinda doesn't care about it at all
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mihai-florescu · 11 months
Speedran apartment cleaning with my business school roommate because mother (our other roommate) is returning in the next hour from her month long trip back home. We are responsible adults who only get shit done when we dont want to disappoint her
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birdmenmanga · 4 months
unfortunately I don't think Roy mustang could live down the fact he grew up in a brothel if he were a girl... it's one thing to have a reputation of playing around with prostitutes and an entirely different thing to have rumors that you ARE a prostitute. not saying that it therefore becomes impossible to achieve what he did in canon only that it becomes far far far more difficult because people are going to use that to discredit him rather than not seeing him as a threat, because a woman rising in the ranks of a male dominated system is already a threat period. and also I think the sexual harassment he would experience would be insane
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jlf23tumble · 1 year
I'm really trying to understand. I know Joshua does take good pics but some of his pics are awful and they still get so much praise. I'm seeing comments "I know the pic is blurry but it fits Louis' tour aesthetics". Seriously? Is that the excuse now? "This pic looks like shit but it fits Louis' tour aesthetics". Since that pic Harry posted on IG that was super super blurry, which I think he was trying to make a point with. That fans don't control him. I thought Lloyd's pics have got better since. They show more of the audience. I really like his recent pics that show Harry and the audience. They give a vintage postcard kind of feel. Old school. But he's still being trashed as ever. Sometimes I'll see a pic and think... that's not that bad so surely they won't be trashing that. But they will be, always are. He can't do any right. But Joshua can't do any wrong. I think it could be partly because Joshua talks to the fans on twitter. So they feel 'closer' to him. They're still incredibly bitter about the iHeart? tour photography award going to Lloyd, while also saying that it means nothing. If it means nothing then why still so bitter? Why the desperate push to vote for Joshua? They say that Lloyd only won the award because of Harries. Well yes. If Joshua won the award it would be because of Louies and Larries. That's how fan voted awards go. If anyone does like Lloyd's pics they get insulted for having bad taste. They really despise Lloyd and they just don't stop complaining about him. Why is it always like this? That everyone Harry works with is hated by the fandom and everyone Louis works with is loved?
I'm sitting here, nodding my head as I read this like a goddamned kitsch toy dog on the dashboard of someone's bitchin' Camaro because yeah, YEAH. I have some thoughts about it that I'm sure I'm not all that articulate about, so I'll take it to the tags and let your ask just shine up here, uninterrupted yet fully appreciated
#a lot of my thoughts go on pure vibes and gut instinct vs. proof#so take it with a grain of salt#but there's SUCH a weirdness in the fandom reaction to harry's photographers vs. louis's when louis's admit they love and emulate harry's!#and i don't know if it's larries exclusively or if it's beyond that#with helene it was fucked up STRAIGHT UP misogyny from the larrie camp#super telling on so many levels and even more so because her pictures absolutely mirror his (see: his super artsy ig posts)#and the stuff she does professionally is so varied that it's even MORE telling when said people tried to say she was a shitty photographer#she's not--not even a little--and she outright said he picked the shots that she took that he loved the most and chose them to post#and that's true for both anthony and lloyd by the way: harry is looking for a certain aesthetic and they are providing it#and he is both paying them and selecting the pictures he likes best to share#if he thought they were awful--he'd fire 'em (just like he has with actual people in his band lol i kid)#i've long wondered if he is just so sick of the slick perfect idealized shots of himself that fans create and manipulate#shots that echo the manmade boybandness of it all#and he has his own eye for what he finds beautiful or interesting and it just merges in what he wants to represent himself#it's so FASCINATING it's multilayered and yet you STILL have these dumdums out there bitching about how much they hate lloyd#as if it's HIS fault his boss is pushing for a specific type of aesthetic--if you hate it take it up with his boss#and if you 'don't understand it' take it up with his boss#the fandom urge for this squeaky clean perfect image that absolutely matches simon cowell's for the same is mighty funny in a real venn way#me? i cannot fathom why you wouldn't want to see what a celeb is actually choosing to use to represent themselves#ESPECIALLY when it's not pretty-pret#and then to turn around and blow some smoke up the ass of someone who is doing the thing you HATE SO MUCH with your other fave#yet you have special stupid baby tags for it when it's someone else?#i don't think it's any subconcious hatred of louis or anything when it's from the biggies repping larr nation#but it's mighty curious when you have at least two photographers from louis's camp#doing the EXACT same thing as harry's photographers#and at least one of them citing at least one of his as an icon to emulate#yet....silence#and even worse this weirdo urge to push some kind of larrie interaction on joshua and lloyd#the fan-voted thing was extra funny to me on so many levels my god#i'll shut up now i've officially entered old man yells at cloud territory
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leatherbookmark · 7 months
there was a post on i don't remember where at this point rddt about idols doing grossdisgusting things and it was all shit like "there was footage of X scratching his ass!", or "sooo many times X took a bite/sip of something and then Y drank/ate the rest", or "X's dog licked her mouth/licked into her mouth!", or such stuff, with everyone doing their best to convey just how disgusted they were, full on gagging and heaving, not to mention the charming "it just proves that even your faves are still men, and men will do the most disgusting shit without batting an eye, women aren't like that", and it's like oh boy, i've got bad news to you about the human condition
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mummer · 9 months
the elayne thom daddy issues stuff is genuinely so gross and weird and horrible why would you fucking do this robert?!?!?!??!?!?!? WHERE AM I. freud is crying. look at him. Hes in the corner crying
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prvtocol · 1 year
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𝓓𝓲𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓸𝓻 𝓑𝓻𝓲𝓪𝓷𝓷𝓮 𝓛𝓪𝓷𝓭𝓻𝔂, 𝒦𝒾𝓇𝑜𝓈𝒽𝒾 𝒮𝒸𝒶𝓃 [ Ⓒ ]
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arlathen · 10 months
smart brain: gale says he doesn't like taking his clothes off in front of people so he probably wouldn't--
horny brain: marian and gale taking baths together 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
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sanguine-tenshi · 1 year
If the show starts another wave of imbeciles screeching about Joel making the wrong choice I am going to murder someone.
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My mother is visiting for an indeterminate amount of time. Honest reaction:
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The final Miracle Candies which Melmo saved until her adulthood, were eaten not by her, but by her newborn infant daughter... who the soul of her mother who she lost as a small child, resided in to speak to Melmo, having been permitted to reunite with her daughter for just one minute.
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nightly-ruse · 1 year
I think about the two sides of Mapleshade’s ending so much.
Like the idea of the death of her kits, murders, and own death going on the make a Queen’s Right thing is SO COOL I just eat that up (recommend bonefall’s au he did this and it’s sick)
But also the idea of either never being found out and just living her life know her kids aren’t Birchface’s but raising that way, lying to her whole new family, and still living. Is incredibly interesting. Or the idea of her running off to the farm and raising her kits there.
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abyssmalice · 1 year
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As a Harbinger, the subject of morals bears a more complicated answer.
The title is indifferent to things like age or innocence - for the sake of duty, she had to dirty her hands. It is a strange situation of needing to love the world to the point that she  should be willing to do anything and everything for it, from the best to the worst of actions. It is her Tsaritsa’s ambition, the path she laid for everyone who wants to walk with her to take down the stars.
And of course, Tonia doesn’t give two shits about how the Tsaritsa regards the world. There is no doubt that the Archon has very respectable goals, but the means never justify the ends—the good labor to foolishness, to an extremity of cruelty and monstrosity.
How unfortunate, that her hands must be so bloody for this bright, cold war.
But knowing that, it is all the more important that Tonia remains firm in her moralities, personal and general. To know what is good, what is right - what is bad, what is wrong. What is beyond these stifling categories, what is both, either, neither.
And so, for all the sins she perceives - indeed, she will acknowledge them as so. For no matter how terrible of a person she is, it would be worse if she couldn’t recognize the horrible extent of her deeds. Certainly, she will be blase about it, she may not harbor as much guilt as she should—but she will never, ever, say with sincerity that she is in the right.
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