#for folks that are curious about this: initially this scene comes after their first kiss! and the confession comes soon after
idliketobeatree · 1 month
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painland week, day 3 : first kiss/confession of love "i knew you truly loved me, as i loved you, when everything swam in blue."
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kinktae · 5 years
bitchin’ || pt. 4 (M)
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The 80s were a time of choices. Which perm was right for you? What color neon would you wear next? None of these choices, however, were more questionable than a certain deal you made with Jeon Jungkook.
pairing: fratboy!jungkook x reader
word count: 5k
genre: 1980s au, eventual smut, e2l
warnings: multiple smut scenes, science talk, banter, jealousy, alcohol & LOTS of colorful 80s slang lmao
A/N: This fic was inspired by To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before. Thank you to @junqkook for letting me use her likeness!
01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10
“Ouch! Watch it, Yara! You’re stabbing me!”
Yara released her grip from the striped material of your sweater, letting it fall back down against your torso.
“I’m sorry… Is your personal tailoring experience not luxurious enough? Did you want some sparkling water? Some Crystal Light, perhaps?” The petite girl quipped, eyes narrowing.
You pressed your lips together, holding back the snarky remark that was wanting to come out from between them. You really weren’t in any position to complain. Yara had gone to the trouble of coming up with both your and Jungkook’s costumes, not to mention the fact that she was missing her scheduled viewing of Saved By The Bell just to help you get ready — truly honorable act on her part.
Shutting the pair of scissors with a sharp snip, your best friend placed them down onto the bathroom sink decisively, clearly satisfied with the holes she had carved into your oversized red and green sweater.
“What do you think? I can smear some more brown eyeshadow on the sweater if you want.”
Turning towards the mirror, you let your eyes fall over Yara’s handwork.
When Yara said you were going to be Freddie Krueger you should have expected that there would be no half-assing on her part. Jungkook was right in his assessment that the two of you were similar. Yara, although sometimes indolent, was absolutely unstoppable when she set her mind to something.
“It looks great. You went above and beyond as always.” You flashed her reflection a smile.
Reaching for the hat that sat on the counter, Yara plopped it onto your head, a satisfied grin finding her as she took in the completed look.
“So are you ready?” She inquired. “Tonight’s the big night. You nervous?”
“A little…” You confessed, shrugging. At your words, Yara adjusted your hat slightly.
“Don’t be. We went over the game plan last night, remember?”
Keeping still until your best friend’s creative vision for your hat was completed, you let out a sigh.
It should be easy; smile, hang onto Jungkook’s arm as if he was your life support, and be sure to kiss him somewhere everyone could see. Piece of cake. Totally.
Sensing a weight behind your tone, Yara offered you an encouraging smile, her hands finding yours.
“You’re gonna have a totally kick-ass time, I’m sure.” She enthused.
“As long as Jungkook doesn’t sneak off to go bang his ex and leave me alone. I don’t know anyone who is gonna be there.” You sulked, before tapping a finger against your chin in contemplation. “Then again, it wouldn’t be the worst thing ever. If he and Kiri get back together, I can finally stop pretending to date him.”
At your words, Yara’s eyebrows furrowed as if to tell you something you had said hadn’t sat well with her. Before she got the chance to express what that was, however, a loud series of knocks rang out.
“Speak of the devil and he shall appear.” You mused dryly causing Yara to laugh.
“I’ll go let him in, you stay here and try on the socks.” She ordered as she walked out, slamming the bathroom door behind her, leaving you without a choice.
You were curious however, ears tuned into the greeting that was just outside the door as Jungkook came in. Slipping on one of the socks, you brought it up to your knee, tugging at the fabric until it was no longer bunching around your ankle.
“What the hell? You cropped the shirt yourself, didn’t you? I told you I was gonna cut it for you.”
“Chill out. What’s your damage? I’m pretty sure I’m allowed to cut my own shirt.”
“Yeah, nice going, dipshit. It’s fucking crooked!”
You let out a sigh.
Your best friend and fake boyfriend could not be left unattended for even a minute without needing you to play referee, it seemed.
Pushing the bathroom door open, you poked your head out, “Children, children, let’s play nice–”
Jungkook’s head turned to you, expression softening from the irritated glare he was offering Yara just moments ago. You hardly noticed, however, too captivated by what he was wearing to pay the gentle way he looked at you any mind.
He was in a cropped white jersey, the number 10 plastered across his chest in blue just above the ragged seam of where the shirt ended, exposing inches of the lower half of his firm stomach, causing your face to flame.
Low on his hips was a pair of blue sweatpants, the ends of them tucked into his high top Chuck Taylor’s that were similar, if not the same, to the pair you had been planning on wearing.
Johnny Depp would surely be proud of Jungkook’s rendition of Glen Lantz, you decided. He even wore the same pair of silver headphones around his neck.
You cleared your throat, finally pulling your eyes away from your pretend lover’s torso.
“Wow… that’s crooked.”
“Hah! Told you.” Yara pressed, pleased at your assessment.
“Remind me why I put up with the two of you again?” Jungkook frowned, crossing his arms over his chest, unaware of the way it caused his already short shirt to ride up further.
Pulling yourself from the bathroom altogether, you walked over to the couch, plopping down onto it as you began to put on your other sock.
“Sick costume, nerd.” Jungkook praised, eyes fixated on you as you moved. “You’d make a hot serial killer.”
“Yeah, well, don’t cream your pants.” You teased, flashing him a grin.
“I can’t promise anything tonight. I’m a frisky drunk.” He winked back, causing you to roll your eyes.
“Ugh, barf me out. You’re the first on my list when I finally crack and go full homicidal.” You informed him, causing him to chuckle.
“Pleasure and pain. You really know how to get me going, Y/N.”
Yara was leaning up against the kitchen counter, quietly watching the two of you with increasing intrigue. Taking in the way the sides of your eyes creased in amusement as you continued your banter with your so-called fake boyfriend, she suppressed a smirk.
“Well…” Yara finally spoke up, a sly look on her face, “as endearing as I find your warped, semi-abusive way of flirting with one another... I have a show to catch so if you both could just hurry it up—”
“Woah, woah, woah, we’re not flirting.”
“Get real, as if I’d be flirting with him.”
Yara could only laugh at the way you both denied her accusation immediately, words overlapping with one another in unison.
“Whatever. I’ve got fake blood in the bathroom. Jungkook follow me.” She brushed the two of you off.
The costumed boy flashed you a funny look before ultimately trailing after your best friend.
Chewing on your bottom lip in silent contemplation, you let yourself ponder on your best friend’s words.
That wasn’t flirting, was it? No, that was just you and Jungkook’s usual playful banter. Sure, maybe the two of you had gotten more comfortable with one another as the days have ticked by, but it wasn’t as if it was anything more than that, right?
Lately, you had been catching yourself growing somewhat excited about seeing Jungkook, even though you saw him nearly every day. Somehow having the messy-haired boy in your life had become routine.
Having Jungkook by your side felt normal as if you wouldn’t mind it if things were always this way. And that scared you.
Shaking your head, you began to put on your shoes, tying up your laces solemnly.
The moment you held your event and Jungkook and Kiri were back together, things would go back to the way they were before. You didn’t want Jungkook to be someone you were going to miss, but it seemed like with every lopsided grin he threw at you he was cementing himself into your life more and more.
This business venture of yours was looking out to be more costly than you initially anticipated.
But as Jungkook and Yara walked out of the bathroom chatting excitedly, Yara’s hands stained and Jungkook’s jersey now smeared with fake blood, you couldn’t help but feel like you’d be willing to pay the price if it meant that this warm feeling in your chest would last just a little while longer.
“Are you sure you’re okay?” Jungkook asked you, hand gripping yours tighter.
You tried your best to meet his eyes. It was difficult considering how dimly lit the room was. Fitting though, considering this party was Halloween themed.
“Yes. You’ve asked me that four times now.” You told him loudly, trying to be heard over the loud sound of Michael Jackson’s Thriller playing throughout the house.
“I dunno, you’re not saying anything. It’s, like, freaking me out.” He admitted.
“I’m just… observing.”
“Observing what?”
He watched as your stare fixated itself on the beer pong tournament that was occurring across the room, excited shouts coming from several people as one of Jungkook’s brothers scored a point.
“Gorillas.” You said, finally. “In their natural habitat.”
Jungkook laughed, enjoying the way your nose scrunched up at them.
“Hey now, did we say before we got here?” He tutted disapprovingly, waging a finger at you. You followed the digit with the frown.
“Yeah, yeah, I promised no judging the common folk. This is how the intellectually lesser entertain themselves, I remember.” You sighed out, gaze flicking up to catch the amusement in Jungkook’s eyes.
The costumed boy nudged his shoulder into yours; he liked it when you joked around with him like this. It made him feel like you were comfortable around him and that you might even enjoy his company.
“Do you know what you need?” He began happily.
“I do not but my answer is already no.”
“A drink.” He continued, ignoring you.
Suddenly, you were yanked forward, Jungkook leading you by the hand towards where you assumed the drinks were.
You hadn’t been at the party for very long, but already the social interaction had exhausted you. Jungkook was far more popular than you had previously concluded; the two of you could hardly take two steps before running into someone who wanted to say hello to the frat boy attached to you.
It was daunting in a sense – the concept that every person that came up to him was going to leave the interaction with the impression that you were Jungkook’s girlfriend. Perhaps guilt wasn’t the right word, but something about the way the party’s attendees glanced down at yours and Jungkook’s intertwined hands caused your stomach to flip and neck to grow hot.
So you kept to yourself mainly, letting your socially confident boyfriend do all the talking. You didn’t mind, really; it was somewhat remarkable the way Jungkook could handle himself in a social situation. He had a way of acting like every person that stopped to chat was important.
As Jungkook and you made your way into the large fraternity house’s kitchen, you wondered if it wasn’t acting at all and if he was just that nice of a person.
“Righteous costume, JK!” A disembodied voice called out from somewhere, clearly directed at Jungkook.
You hardly had time to decipher where the voice had come from before an outrageously good looking boy draped in a white toga came forward, pulling Jungkook into a hug.
“You finally cut your hair. Looking good, Tae.” Jungkook laughed back, patting the handsome man’s back affectionately.
You watched their interaction with interest. This wasn’t acting, as far as you knew. Judging by the way Jungkook’s laugh has grown higher in pitch, something you had noticed occurred when he was genuinely happy, you knew you were witnessing genuine friendship, not just polite socializing.
“And who is this lovely lady who, might I add, looks killer? Pun totally intended.” The model man mused, eyes flashing your way.
You felt heat prickle at your cheeks.
“Taehyung, this is my girlfriend Y/N, Y/N this is Kim Taehyung. He’s head of our finance committee.” Jungkook introduced the two of you, causing your eyes to grow wide.
So this was the guy Jungkook had told you about. The guy who could help you throw your event.
Taehyung let out a scoff, “Seriously? That’s how you introduce me? The finance guy? I’m also your favorite brother, could’ve opened up with that one.”
“Taehyung’s my Big. He’s taken me under his wing or whatever.” Jungkook explained, running a hand through his dark hair.
A nervous giggle escaped you, taking Taehyung’s extended hand into yours to greet.
“Nice to finally meet you, Y/N. I’ve heard a lot about you.” The mulleted man grinned, causing one of your eyebrows to quirk up in surprise.
“You have?”
Taehyung put his hands up defensively, not noticing the way Jungkook’s expression had fallen beside him, “All good things, don’t worry. The kid talks about you nonstop—”
“Hey! So Y/N has been thinking about throwing an event here on campus, isn’t that right, babe?” Jungkook interrupted suddenly.
The arrival of the new pet name caught you off guard for a moment, before remembering that you and Jungkook were meant to be a couple after all.
“Oh yeah, Jungkook mentioned something like that to me. Tell me about it.” Taehyung said.
You stood silent for a moment, realizing that this moment was the one you had been anticipating all week long.
Relaxing your shoulders, you grinned at him.
It was now or never.
“Yeah! So the event is called STEM for FEM. I’ve got all kinds of games and pamphlets prepared. It’s basically meant to show girls that no matter what people think, there are in fact opportunities for us in the more traditionally male-dominated fields. It may be a steep road, but it’s one worth taking. And they’re not alone. There are programs out there that girls can reach out to. They offer all kinds of support; emotional, educational, financial—“
Jungkook reached for a cooler that sat by his feet, pulling out a beer. You didn’t need him for this. This was precisely what he had watched you practice into the mirror over and over; you were ready.
Popping open the can, he took a small sip, a small smile creeping on his face as he watched the way the fire in your eyes spread, your pretty lips wrapping around the words that you carried in your heart wherever you went.
“That’s radical, girl. It sounds like you’re really passionate about this stuff, huh?”
Jungkook caught Taehyung’s reply once he walked back over to you guys. He had gone off to make you a drink, figuring that cranberry juice and vodka would ease any sales pitch nerves you might have.
“Yeah, I am.” You smiled. “I’m a biology major myself.”
You tore your eyes away from the blond boy to take the red solo cup he was offering. Bringing the cup up to your nose, you sniffed it experimentally.
“Do you have a sponsor?”
You were grateful that you hadn’t taken a sip of your drink yet as had any liquid been inside your mouth you surely would have choked on it.
“Oh, uh! Not yet!” You squeaked out, causing Jungkook to fight down a chuckle.
“Because Beta Tau Sigma happens to be under our campus philanthropy quota and we’d love to support a cause like yours.” Taehyung offered, causing your heart to soar.
“Really?” You gaped.
“Sure! Just swing by anytime this week and I’m sure we can work out the details.”
This was happening. The event you had poured your absolute heart and soul into planning was actually going to happen… holy shit.
“Wow, that’s just… wow!” You replied, breathlessly. “Thank you! Thank you so much, seriously. I can’t even begin to thank you enough…”
Taehyung shook his head, clearly amused, “No need to thank me, it’s a worthy cause. Besides, think of it as a thank you.”
“A thank you? For what?”
“For dating my brother. You’re the reason he comes home every night grinning like an idiot after all.” He grinned cheesily.
A smile broke out onto your face despite yourself, but the good atmosphere didn’t last for long, as a hand finding yours caught your attention.
“Alright, alright, enough sappy shit.” Jungkook urged, cheeks tinted ever so slightly pink.
Much to the blushing boy’s chagrin, Taehyung reached over to rustle Jungkook’s long looks.
“I’m just teasing.” The blond laughed. “By the way, any chance you’ve seen Hobi?”
“No, why?”
“Dude is totally wasted. Heard someone say he was gonna jump off the roof into the pool.”
“The house doesn’t have a pool?” Jungkook blinked.
Taehyung flashed him a look as if to say ‘exactly.’
“Anyway, it was nice meeting you, Y/N. We’ll talk soon, yeah?” Taehyung asked.
“Absolutely.” You nodded.
“See ya later, man!” Taehyung called out through a crooked smile before slipping back into the crowd of people that lay just beyond the kitchen.
An excited squeal erupted from you, your hands reaching out towards Jungkook as he reciprocated your enthusiasm and embraced you in an elevated hug.
You let out a laugh, carefully holding onto the cup in your hand so as not to spill it before he set you back down.
“You did it!” He cheered.
“We did it.” You corrected.
“I didn’t do anything?” Jungkook looked at you in bewilderment.
You shook your head, “Not true. I would have never met Taehyung if it weren’t for you. Thank you, meathead.”
Jungkook looked at you warmly for a moment, knowing that despite the cruel nickname, your sincerity was genuine.
“Cheers, nerd. To a deal well done.” Jungkook said decidedly, holding out his beer.
Bumping your cup into his can, you took a swig of your drink, grimacing as the overwhelming taste of vodka made its way down your throat.
“Taehyung was awesome.” You began once you had downed a few more sips of the liquid poison. “I don’t know why I was expecting some ape-like barbarian.”
“Probably because of those gorillas you just saw over at the beer pong table.” Jungkook joked. “Yeah, Tae’s great. He’s a Legacy too, so everybody here loves him.”
You stared at him blankly, clearly not understanding the term.
Jungkook sighed, “I mean he comes from a long family of Beta Tau Sigma alumnae. His older brother Seokjin graduated last year—”
“Wait, Seokjin? You don’t mean… Kim Seokjin… our lab professor?” You furrowed your eyebrows.
“No way! But he’s so…” Your eyebrows furrowed, struggling for the right word.
“Smart?” Jungkook assumed flatly.
You fought back a smile, “I was not gonna say that.”
“Mhm, I’m so sure.”
“Anyway,” You smiled, poking a finger into Jungkook’s chest, “I had no clue you liked me so much.”
“What do you mean?”
“You talk about me? I’m the reason you come home grinning every night?” You recalled Taehyung’s words.
You watched in amusement as Jungkook visibly tensed.
“W-Well, duh. You’re my fake girlfriend, I mean, it would be weird if I didn’t do any of those things...” Jungkook defended, eyes narrowing at you suddenly. “Quit gloating.”
“I’m not gloating.” You smirked.
“Yes, you are. I can see it in your face. You’re a gloater.” He said decidedly, moving to make himself a drink.
“How very dare you! I am nothing of the sort.”
“Admit it, Y/N. You relish in my misfortune.” He poured some cranberry juice into a cup, clearly moving to recreate your drink.
“The fact that I relish in your misfortune has nothing to do with this.” You waved off quickly, sending the two of you into giggles.
You somehow managed to down your cup, flashing Jungkook a grateful smile as he began to make you a new one.
You were admiring the way Jungkook’s shoulders filled out his jersey when another voice made itself known, pushing its way into the kitchen.
“Kookie, is that you?”
It was Kiri. The way Jungkook jerked around immediately, eyes as wide as saucers, told you that much.
Turning to where Jungkook’s eyes were fixated, you came to find a tall and leather-clad girl, her curled hair unmoving as she strutted forward. You couldn’t hear anything over the hum of the music playing throughout the house but you’d imagined you would hear the sound of her bright red heels rapping against the tile floor if it were quiet.
Her top was black and off the shoulder, and it dawned on you that she was dressed as Sandy from Grease.
You watched in silence as Jungkook nodded at her, a grin on his face.
“Haven’t seen you in a while. Thought you were avoiding me.” Kiri smirked, teeth on full display.
“Avoid you? Never.” Jungkook teased.
Suddenly, a weird feeling bubbled in your stomach as you watched the two interact.
Strange. Must be the vodka.
“I’ve just been busy, I guess.” He shrugged, clearly trying to play it coy.
At his words, Kiri’s eyes flickered to you, causing you to freeze.
“So I’ve heard.” She said simply. You smiled at her awkwardly.
Clearing his throat, Jungkook jumped into action, “Y/N meet Kiri. Kiri meet Y/N, my girlfriend.”
“Y/N L/N, right? I’ve been looking forward to meeting you.” Kiri admitted, eyes shaded with something you couldn’t quite decipher.
“You, uh, have?”
“Of course!” She smiled, although it didn’t quite meet her eyes. “I like to keep tabs on all the girls in Greek life… or I guess in your case, have had Greek life in them.
You blinked.
Jungkook eyes quickly moved to you. Crap. He knew Kiri well enough to detect a catty comment from her no matter how innocently she presented it. You were smart; he was sure you had caught exactly what she was implying.
For a moment, no one said anything. Jungkook gripped his cup tighter, wondering if he should say something to ease the nearly palpable tension.
However, before he got the chance, you smiled, cocking your head to the side.
“No worries, I get it. You wanted to scope out your ex’s new girlfriend, right?”
Jungkook let out a breath, realizing that you weren’t looking for any kind of conflict.
You could tell you words pleased Kiri with the way the side of her painted lips turned upward.
“So, Jungkook told you about me. How flattering.”
“Actually, he hasn’t said a word.” You smiled.
You took a step forward; it wasn’t anything aggressive or confrontational, but it was enough to capture Jungkook’s attention.
“Let’s just say I also like to keep tabs on things involving those that go inside of me.” You lowered your voice, sending Kiri a small wink.
Jungkook must know you pretty well too because he also knew that your comment wasn’t nearly as lighthearted as you made it out to be. He fought back a grin.
Kiri straighten up suddenly, “So what are you two dressed up as? A dumb jock and dirty Waldo?”
‘Well, she’s certainly not being subtle anymore.’ Jungkook thought dryly.
“Freddie Krueger and Glen Lantz. Like from Nightmare at Elm’s Street.” Jungkook answered, no longer bothering to uphold a pleasant tone.
“Is that so? I don’t watch horror movies.” Kiri shrugged.
“I know you don’t.” He reminded her.
“So did you come alone? Or is there a Danny Zuko somewhere that you’re matching with?” You asked casually, not liking the way your insides churned every time Jungkook and Kiri spoke to one another.
“He’s over there by the booth. He’s in charge of the music.” She replied, polished finger directing you where to look.
Sure enough, across the room on an elevated platform was a DJ booth, the man who was operating the device sporting a leather jacket and greased hair.
A gasp fell through your lips as you took him in, recognizing him immediately.
“That’s—” You cut yourself off immediately, turning away from him. “...so cool! Him being a DJ and whatnot.”
Kiri nodded cautiously, clearly catching on to the way you had changed your tune suddenly.
“You know what, I think Jungkook and I are gonna head over to the dance floor. But it was really great meeting you, Kiri.” You told her, reaching for Jungkook’s hand.
Your fake boyfriend sensed your urgency and took your hand comfortably.
“Nice seeing you.” Jungkook called out to her breezily as the two of you began to walk away, not bothering to give Kiri another glance.
Your heart was pounding but you tried your best to look nonchalant, knowing Kiri was probably watching the two of you leave.
As you reached the dance floor, you allowed yourself a sparing glance around to make sure that Kiri was out of ear’s reach before you wrapped your arms around Jungkook’s neck and began to sway your hips.
Bringing your mouth to his ear, you spoke, “Kiri is dating Eunwoo.”
Jungkook sent you a look, “Yeah. I know.”
You shook your head as Jungkook’s hands found your waist, keeping up with your pace.
“You don’t understand. Eunwoo is Yara’s ex.”
“Wait– Really?”
You nodded.
“Great. So he’s banged two of my girlfriends then. I swear to god, Y/N, if he tries to get into your pants next I’m gonna kick his ass into the next decade.” Jungkook grunted. You laughed.
“I just don’t understand. I swear he was in love with Yara just last week. He used to slip love notes under our door for her, you know. I even didn’t know he was in a frat?” You frowned.
“He’s a new member. He was just initiated a little while back. Fucking prick.”
That made sense. From what you had gathered tonight, everyone within Jungkook’s fraternity seemed quite friendly with one another— it didn’t make sense that an active member would betray Jungkook like that.
“You handled that very well, by the way.” Your pretend lover spoke suddenly.
“What? Kiri? Whatever, I’ve dealt with worse girls in high school.” You shrugged easily, hand finding itself running in Jungkook’s hair.
He had mentioned once that he needed a haircut but it seems as if you had successfully managed to talk him out of it. You like his hair like this.
“She was trying to use an intimidation technique that Gamma Alpha Tau uses on possible pledges.” He explained. “I promise you she’s not always that…”
“Snarky? Judgmental? Standoffish?” You offered, quirking up a brow.
Jungkook rolled his eyes, “I just mean she’s usually better behaved than that.”
“Right. Well, either way, this is a good sign.”
“What is?”
“Her hating me. Just means she’s jealous and then we’re one step closer to closing your half of the deal.” You enthused.
“Speaking of the deal, I believe you owe me a kiss, Freddie.”
Jungkook’s words took you by surprise and as much as you wanted to wipe that slick grin off his face, you knew he was right.
Humming, you let go of his hair, moving closer so that his nose was brushed up against yours.
“Your move, meathead.” You urged, letting your bottom lip brush against his teasingly.
Pressed up against him like this, you could feel a low rumble erupt in his chest.
“You teasing me?” He mused lazily.
“Didn’t you say you liked your pleasure with some pain?”
If Jungkook had a reply, you didn’t catch it in time as his mouth found yours, distracting you from any trivial thoughts weighing you down.
Something was intoxicating about the way Jungkook kissed you; he wasn’t rushed or in any hurry, but the way his mouth moved against yours made your chest pound as you brought your fingers up to pull at his hair.
Maybe it was the alcohol, perhaps it was the sound of Rick James in the air, but when his hand found your jaw and his tongue ran itself along your bottom lip you happily obligated, whimpering as his tongue moved against yours with the same fervor as the kiss you shared on your bed.
Jungkook was trying his hardest to hold back, he really was, but with the way your fingers pulled against his scalp, he felt himself start to grow greedily, grinding his hips against yours.
A whimper left your mouth and before you could make left from right, Jungkook broke the kiss and turned you around, pressing his chest into your back.
Heat rocketed to your face as you were suddenly reminded that you were in a room full of people, kissing Jungkook like this.
Your worries were soon eased as he began to press a trail of kisses down your neck, causing you to sigh.
“Wanna blow this popsicle stand? I’ve got a bottle of Malibu in my room with our name on it.” He murmured into your neck.
For a moment, you wondered if you should say no. If Jungkook kept touching you like this, especially with alcohol in your system, there was no guarantee what you’d do.
You let out a squeak as Jungkook’s tongue found your neck, the hot muscle dancing against your skin.
Letting your eyes roll over the room, you froze as they met a familiar pair.
Kiri was stood by the DJ Booth, eyes fixated on you two, her stare cold and unmoving.
Suddenly, a feeling came over you. It felt hot and not in the nice way Jungkook had been making you feel. You hardened your stare, holding her eyes. Was this why Jungkook kissed you? Did he know Kiri was watching?
Sensing the way you had tense against him, Jungkook pulled away from your neck.
“Something wrong?”
Fine. If Jungkook wanted to put on a show for her, then you were happy to assist.
Instead of replying, you turned your head and answered with your mouth, kissing him in a way you knew Kiri wouldn’t be able to ignore.
“Let’s get outta here.” You breathed as you broke the kiss.
Jungkook’s eyes were dark, eyelids low as a positively devilish smirk crept over him.
Following him as he lead you out of the room, you couldn’t help but glance behind you, the sides of your mouth curling up as you met Kiri’s glare once more.
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littlemisssquiggles · 5 years
RWBY Musings #83: No Longer Together-Together. A Squiggle Meister’s Views on the Potential of a Renora Breakup in V7CH8.
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In light of Ren’s recent behaviour, this squiggle meister has a hunch. Since Ren has been shown to forget everything around him whenever he’s with Nora, I have a feeling that the one sure-fire way to snap Ren out of his ‘boot-licker’ attitude (as some folks are describing it) is Nora, herself, suggesting that the two should break up. 
One of the commonly highlighted aspects of Ren and Nora's relationship is how they’ve succeeded in sticking together for so many years while remaining close and supportive of each other since they were kids left to survive on their own with nothing but each other to depend on.
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I think Nora of all people suggesting the split would be what finally shakes Ren out of his rut. Because in spite of everything that’s happened with our beloved Flower Power pair for this season, my hunch still remains that Ren is behaving this way out of fear of losing all that he loved to Salem and her forces for a second time.
Ren already lost his parents and his home to the Creatures of Grimm---at least the ones that we could say were Salem's own creations. For him to lose his current loved ones ---especially Nora--- to her forces again, that is the last thing I believe Ren wants. Hence his current demeanour.
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I think Ren wishes to better himself as a warrior for the greater good of becoming strong enough to at least protect the people he cares about the most. There may not be any solution to stopping Salem at the moment but at the present; Ironwood is only one with a legit plan---even if it was concocted without all the pieces taken into full consideration.
Ren's actions may be questionable but I'd like to think that his motives are what's just. Hmm…starting to sound like someone familiar there but I can’t quite put my finger on whom exactly. Quite the enigma, right?
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In regards to his relationship with her, I’d like to believe that Ren is doing all of this because he wants to protect Nora and not lose her to Salem and her forces...even if his pursuit of that has made him increasingly more distant with her.
Hence why I think Nora asking Ren to "break up" will be what makes him come to his senses in a way. Call this weird but...I think part of the reason why Ren is distancing himself from Nora is because...maybe he perceives her as a distraction. 
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The one person that could make him put aside his duties. Nora, as odd as this might sound, has somewhat become the embodiment of Ren’s humanity. He’s most relaxed when he’s around her. Or at least she’s his constant reminder that there are things that should matter more to him than just dedication to the line of duty. There are people who matter. And that kind of also creates an emotional tug-o-war for Ren between his dedication to his duties to stopping Salem and the people around him that are being affected by the choices he’s made to ensure the success of said duties; if that makes sense.
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I think the next episode might lead to Renora breaking up as instigated by Nora. Harsh but I think it’s what the Writers have been building up to with them as part of their story for this season; among other things. I feel like at some point during or perhaps, before the Schnee Dinner party, Nora will grow fed up of Ren's behavior and say that they should split up and no be together-together anymore since that’s the impression she’s been getting from Ren this whole time.
Since Ren's thing is that he's never been good at talking then...call me weird but I kind of do want a Renora break up to happen at this point just for the sake of having Ren talk his way back into making up with Nora.
I'm feeling like there's going to be a Mr. and Mrs. Incredible from the first Incredibles movie moment between Ren and Nora with Ren yelling that he doesn’t want to lose Nora to Salem. 
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He doesn’t want to lose anyone he loves every again. 
As I said, Ren’s already lost his parents to Salem. He lost his home to Salem. Heck he even lost one of his teammates and closest friends (Pyrhha) to Salem. Salem has costed Ren so much loss in his life and he wasn’t about to let her take anyone else he loved from him again basically...maybe?
I think that’s the reason. But then again, these are only my views on the matter. Either way, Ren needs to talk to Nora and someone definitely needs to ask Nora what’s going on with her too. 
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The PLOT has been tiptoeing around some untold backstory for Nora, possibly in Mantle and for Pete’s sake; I just want someone to finally ask her what’s up with that. And what would awesome is if Ren is the one to ask her. These two kids need to talk. I’m not sure if the Schnee Dinner will be the appropriate setting for that but, it wouldn’t surprise me if it’s used as another catalyst to spark more development in the Renora love story for this season.
Since Nora initiated their first kiss, I'm still banking on Ren being the first to confess his love for Nora.
A part of me also feels as if Nora and Ren are going to attend the dinner party and the entire time Ren just ignores Nora. Even when she shows up looking all beautiful, like the goddess that she is in her dinner dress---I have a feeling that Ren still isn’t going to react much. He’ll probably give the same indifferent response as he did on the mission with the Ace Ops. If anything, what I’m hoping to see is a sort of Yule Ball Hermione moment for Nora. Like she shows up at the dinner looking so breathtakingly gorgeous that not even duties could stop Ren from just ogling at her.
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However this only lasts a minute and Ren looks away instead of complimenting his girlfriend since, in his mind, he's trying to remain vigilant just in case something bad happened at the dinner. Similar to the Watch Party, I bet Ren is going to be on very high maintenance at the Schnee Dinner.
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So much so that he’ll probably desire to spend less time in Nora’s company and more stick closely to Ironwood (perhaps even keep Oscar company since I’m assuming that Ironwood will wish for Oscar to remain close to him as well; at least until they’ve met Jacques since I’d also like to think that Oscar would stick close to James to lend him some morale support).
As a matter of fact, I actually like this idea. Ren is the one member of JNR I haven’t seen Oscar bond with yet. 
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So I think it’d be cool if Ren and Oscar got a chance to chat at the dinner leading to Oscar probably suggesting that Ren talk to Nora. Y’know, hit him with the ole “talk to the person you’re most afraid to” advice that he gave James.
Going to Nora: Heartbroken at Ren ignoring her at the party, let’s say… Nora starts chatting it up with some snooty Atlesian rich boys who start flirting with her.
This unfortunately ends up being a huge distraction for Ren. More than he anticipated. After all, who wouldn't be peeved by his girlfriend laughing it up with some random boys she just met who all stand around her, ogling her like a pack of wolves to a slab of meat. I'm actually very curious as to how a jealous Lie Ren would react. 
Somehow I’m picturing Ren being the type to be annoyed at other guys hitting on Nora but still humble enough to not let his annoyance get the better of him to cause a scene. I can more picture Ren taking Nora’s hand and pull her away to talk to her privately.
I actually really want to see this happen now.
Picture it. Ren and Nora show up to the dinner but separately. Ren accompanied Ironwood, Oscar and Winter while Nora remained with the rest of the team. Despite showing up looking the most stunning we’ve ever seen Nora (bonus if we got a scene with Nora being given a makeover by Blake and Yang), Ren barely even reacts to seeing her. Instead he turns the other cheek (to hide the deep blush creeping up on his face) and resumes his post at Ironwood’s side (like the bootlicker he has come to be apparently).
So Ren spends his time around the General instead of Nora. Fortunately he isn’t alone. Oscar is there with him for the most part until the two are excused to go join their friends at the party while Jacques and Ironwood discussed more private matters. However in spite of this, Oscar takes notice that Ren still doesn’t wish to go enjoy the party with Nora as he would expect him to. This leads to the two sharing a chat.
Perhaps Oscar confides in Ren that he’s been avoiding someone at the dinner too---Ruby. Let’s say…Oscar confesses to Ren that he wishes to resume his conversation with Ruby about disclosing the truth about Salem to Ironwood; highlighting his nervousness of how she might react to his words. Oscar even asked Ren for his advice since he’s usually the calm and collected one within their team.
However Ren doesn’t even answer Oscar since he was more focused on watching Nora laughing it up with a pair of Atlesian rich boys she had met at the party. Nonetheless, Ren still provides Oscar the answer he needed. Oscar tells Ren that he was going to talk to Ruby but not before advising Ren that he needs to talk to Nora about whatever was going on with them.
So Ren ends up approaching Nora. Let’s say…he confronts her just as she was starting to get annoyed with the rich boys after the topic of Mantle was brought up and similar to V4, these Atlesian rich boys show no remorse for the plight of the People of Mantle. Calmly Ren tries to speak to Nora. However…let’s say, unhappy with the way Ren has been treating her lately (and rightfully so) Nora decides to give Ren a taste of his own medicine and ignores him this time.
Still, Ren tries to still talk to Nora. He even takes her hand and tries to lead her away for them to talk. However…this ends up causing a scene where the rich boys try to take Nora back from Ren. One of them even insults Ren (or gets violent with him) and this leads into Nora scaring them off.
As the Atlesian Rich boys bolt away before Nora could lay the smack down on them with all the might in her thunder thighs, Ren tries to speak to Nora again but she sadly snaps at him. 
Let’s say, Nora was so upset with Ren at the moment that she didn’t even want to talk, much less look at him at him. 
Maybe Nora even mentions that she and Ren should break up for good. But before Ren could recover from the shock of that; perhaps a bell is rung signifying that pre-dinner mingling portion of the party was finished and now it was time for the main part of the night: the dinner.
So all the guests pool out of the main hall and into the dining area. Ren tries to speak to Nora again but for another time, she ignores him, still very much upset. She even goes to sit next to someone else at the table, maybe next to Jaune on the opposite side of the table or one of the RWBY girls. 
That’s my hunch for now. As per usual, these are only thoughts and ideas. Nonetheless, I do think it would be pretty cool if we got something like this done for Ren and Nora’s side of thing for the next episode.. But who knows? I could be all wrong my theories. I guess we’ll only know once the new episode drops on us this Saturday.
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More Squiggles’ RWBY Musings
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~LittleMissSquiggles (2019)
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findswoman · 5 years
My Zeb and Lasat Stories
Those who follow my blog have probably seen that I am fond of Zeb Orrelios from Star Wars: Rebels and of his species, the Lasat. So fond, in fact—and this is how I show my fondness for characters—that I have written several fan fiction stories about him. Most (but not all) of them take place during his years on his homeworld of Lasan, before the genocide and devastation committed there by the Empire. They feature a great deal of fanon and numerous OCs, both my own and some borrowed from my good friend Raissa_Baiard (who isn’t on Tumblr but is on AO3). And yes, many of them are romantic in nature, with the romantic interest being an OC.
I started writing stories about Zeb and the Lasat in 2017, and I’ve mainly shared them on a SW fanfiction forum that I've been part of since 2014. They've gotten pretty good traction there, but I’ve been shy about sharing them and talking about them in the broader fandom, including here on Tumblr and at AO3. This owes mainly to my own concerns and insecurities about fluffy, cringey, romantic, overwrought, self-indulgent, not using the dominant pairing associated with the character, and generally not as well done as other folks' stories on similar subjects.
Well, on this second Star Wars: Rebels day, I've decided I'm through being shy and insecure. So here, for anyone who may be curious, is a list of my Zeb and Lasat stories, or at least the ones that are so far posted on AO3 (where I have grouped them as my “Lasan Series”).
All links go to AO3. Stories are listed in the chronological order in which they take place in-universe, but in general it isn’t crucial to read them in order. Since Raissa_Baiard has also written in this universe (and indeed was the one who inspired me to start it to begin with), some of my stories reference events in her stories, and in such cases I’ve provided links in the story's author notes.
Sparks. G, short multichapter. A shy kit from a mining town on Lasan discovers powers she did not know she had while working in the mines during school break.
Sleeping Honor. G, one-shot. A young Zeb (equivalent to age 19), recovering in the infirmary of the Lasan High Honor Guard base after injuries sustained in rescuing his younger brother, Shai, receives a visitor.
Letter Perfect; or, The Letter under Zebby's Pillow. G, one-shot. Zeb's little brother has been reading his private correspondence...
Dinner with the Orrelioses. G, one-shot. Zeb brings Shulma to meet his family and dine with them for the first time.
The Sad, Sad Story of Porfozald Marballees! T, very short multichapter, CW for harassment and unwanted advances. The title character, a Lasat shaman initiate, makes an unsuccessful attempt to court Shulma. Followed by two short “outtakes”: Calm after the Storm (in which Shulma's friends comfort her after her harassment by Porfozald) and “I am my prayer to you” (in which Zeb accompanies Shulma on a pilgrimage after those events).
A Private Place. T, one-shot. Zeb surprises Shulma with a visit to her private study chamber at the Royal Lasat Academy of Shamans.
From the Mountain’s Heart. G, short multichapter. Zeb, now a gifted Senior Lieutenant in the Lasan High Honor Guard, embarks on a side quest of his own during maneuvers.
Romance among the Stones. G, very short multichapter. Direct sequel to From the Mountain’s Heart. Zeb plans something elaborate for Shulma, though it does not come off without setbacks.
Since that dear kiss... G, one-shot. Partial sequel to Romance among the Stones. Zeb and Shulma remember their shared tenderness before and after calamity and exile.
Light of Lasan. G, short multichapter. Zeb (now an Honor Guard officer) and Shulma (now a shaman of intermediate rank), are now betrothed and unexpectedly find themselves with important roles to perform at one of their homeworld’s most important ceremonies. Both encounter stresses and setbacks as they prepare.
Feel Safe at Night. M, very short multichapter. A wedding night scene for Zeb and Shulma, with a touch of humor.
Such a funny little bag of dirt... G, one-sentence story. Ezra finds a curious object potentially belonging to Zeb.
Return Again. T, one-shot. Zeb revisits Lasan after the genocide of his people.
And one related story in which one of the same OCs shows up (again, sticking with what I’ve got on AO3 for now):
Three Strands. G, one-shot. A Naboo wigmaker, now living and working on an Outer Rim world, sees the heroine of her favorite childhood tale in every woman who comes to her shop.
So that, at least for now, is the list, for anyone interested or curious, and more will be added. Questions and comments are welcome, and do feel free to share. Happy Rebels Day to all!
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collective-laugh · 5 years
Too Important - Alejandra x Muriel
I love my sweet baby and have been working on this for a minute, so please have this lmao. Can be paired with this sister piece I did
Warnings: near death experience, repetition, blood, memories, crying, Muriel Route Spoilers, some of the scenes and dialogue belong to the Arcana game as I’m simply telling them from my apprentice’s perspective
“Well, my Auntie Alma is comin’ to get me, so I won’t be able to stay in your club for long.” Alejandra crosses her arms over her chest, worrying about sounding mean, because these two were the nicest people she’d met on the docks so far, and she didn’t want to make them upset. 
“I guess you’re just too important for us.” The one called Muriel glares at the ground, and she wonders how long he’s been mad. 
Asra elbows him in the ribs, but he’s small, so she knows it doesn’t really hurt, “You can stick with us until she comes!” He smiles, wide and bright and all teeth, leaning a little too close to Alejandra, but she didn��t really mind. “We have to do the inititation first!”
“Initiation.” Muriel quietly corrects, and Alejandra sits, cross-legged, scooting closer to the two of them, some of the tide’s spray getting on her butt. 
“What’s the inititation?” She asks, much to Muriel’s annoyance. 
Asra puts his index finger to his chin like he’s thinking about it really, really hard, and Muriel rolls his eyes, turning to face the water while they do...whatever it is they’re doing. 
Asra grins, his smile pretty much covering all of his face - Alejandra thinks he looked kinda funny like that - and he exclaims, “You gotta find us a safe place to sleep tonight.”
Alejandra blows out her lips, putting her hands on her hips like Da used to, “I already have one of those.” She rolls her eyes, “If your stupid club is that easy to get into, why’s it still open?”
“It’s not stupid.” Asra narrows his eyes at her, “And we been sleeping on the docks. Where’s your safe place?”
Alejandra smiles, grabbing Asra by the hand and tugging him along, Muriel begrudgingly shuffling behind. She wondered what his deal was, but to herself, because Papa told her it was rude to “call people out”. 
Her safe place is the corner of an alley, a bundle of blankets she’s managed to collect in her short time on the streets, and she puffs her chest out proudly, “It don’t get too wet here, and I’ve got plenty of blankets.”
Alejandra is a sound twelve years old, still taller than Asra and coming up to Muriel’s shoulders, sticking with the little club through thick and thin, stuck on the docks, waiting for a woman who won’t come. 
She doesn’t remember what her fathers’ faces look like, and that terrifies her. 
But she hides it, with pretty dancing and healing fingers and bright smiles, and she is good, and she is kind regardless. 
She is reckless, of this she is unaware and blissfully so, keeping up with Asra and dragging Muriel along, and he warns her, foreboding as always. 
They’re just urchins, they all know, but it would be a pity to find any of them dead. Even the count would think so - rumor had it, at least. Adults hate to see a little body pulled from the water, or an alleyway, or a gutter, and they act as if it couldn’t have been prevented. 
But that day - Muriel remembers that particular day so vividly. 
Everything happens in slow motion. She slips off the docks. Asra screams. Muriel runs. She hits her head, and there’s blood.
Asra cries. Muriel cries. A little girl runs up to them with an old blanket, and Muriel pulls Alejandra from the depths of the water and she coughs up water, and he’s relieved to see that she’s breathing. Asra mends the cut on her head and they thank the strange little girl whose name they never learn - winter takes her. Not all the urchins are as lucky as the trio. 
Muriel brings her back to their damp little alley and holds her in the little girl’s blanket, snapping at curious urchins who wanted to get a look at the half-dead girl, and she insists that she’s alright, that she’ll be fine, and Muriel demands that she stay put, at least for the night.
Asra doesn’t stop crying until she can keep her eyes open and talk at the same time. 
“You’re too important to lose.” Muriel swears to her, letting her take his pallet, the largest of the three, “Dunno what we’d do without you.”
She smiled into the pillow, he remembers, wincing and looking at him, “You won’t have t’ know.” She swears, even after a scare like that. 
“I could work for the apothecary, maybe.” A fourteen year old Alejandra muses, head in Muriel’s lap and feet in Asra’s. “Or maybe the butcher is taking on apprentices.”
Asra scoffs, paging through a book he’d lifted - completely legally, he’d argue, but Muriel and Al both knew better - “Jandra, why the hell would you wanna work for that old fart?”
Alejandra leans up and asks, “Which? The shopkeep or the butcher?”
Muriel keeps his hands busy, twisting and tying a flower crown together, “Either.” 
Turning and glaring at him, she retorts, “It’s not like we can just make do without any money.” Muriel shrugs, but says nothing.
Asra, on the other hand, waves around them, “We seem to be doing just fine with what we have.” 
“Never mind.” She concedes, folding into herself. She knew she was right, knew that the three of them were destined for more than lifting lukewarm pies and blankets off clothing lines.
Muriel surprises her.
“You could heal people.” He suggests, tying off the flower crown, his voice cracking, “...set up shop and fix them.” 
“That’s…” She pauses, knowing damn well she was one of the best healers on the docks, “that’s not a bad idea.” She could kiss Muriel, she thinks, but she doesn’t. Instead, he places the flower crown atop her head, and Alejandra, in that moment, looks like a princess.
Asra certainly thinks so, and Muriel grins, the slightest pull of his lips, “Besides, you’re too important for the apothecary or the butcher.” 
“You’re too important to stay here.” Muriel stays put on the stretcher, careful not to upset her stitching, her handiwork, “The people need you, at the palace.”
Alejandra scoffs, putting her needle and thread away, focusing on the gash on his arm, “You need me, from the looks of it.” She shakes her head, purses her lips, and reproduces the sewing kit, “And the other gladiators. I won’t abandon you lot now.” ‘Especially with the plague’ dies on her tongue, they both know, and it hurts. He knows he’ll probably die here. He knows that she’ll die too if she stays. 
“You should go.” He insists, and it almost hurts, how bad he wants her to leave.
“You should sit still.” She purses her lips, willing the tears away, “You’ll undo all my hard work.”
Muriel does as she says, trying to find the words, to convince her to go. Nothing comes to mind, and, with Asra gone, he can see how much this job, this lifetime, hurts her, how cruel the world is to her. 
“You deserve better than this place.”
Her thumb idly traces the inside of his arm, and he notices just how dark the circles under her eyes are. 
“So do you.”
~~~ Sister piece happens here lol ~~~
“...do you know how to fish?” Muriel asks, knowing damn well that she used to - they had to learn, together, she and him and Asra so they wouldn’t starve when money was scarce, and he felt his world kind of...shatter when he realizes that all her memories, all their memories were just...gone. She didn’t remember the way Asra looked at her, or the way she danced on the docks in the middle of the night, or how…
“Not even a little.” It’s a lie, or...not a lie, but an untruth that she didn’t realize was wrong, and he doesn’t know how to tell her without hurting her. 
He doesn’t want to give her another headache. So, he thinks of the best phrasing he can to avoid it all, “I’m not surprised.”
Really, all it does is remind him of when they were kids. They were always at one another’s throats, poking and prodding until the other stormed off, until one day it became...softer. More playful, and happy and something he looked forward to. 
She puts both hands on her hips and looks up at him, not scared of him in the slightest. The more she stayed by his side, with him, the more he was convinced that she was really Alejandra, through and through, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
He laughs, a short little bark that has her grinning, and he shakes his head, crossing his arms over his chest, “You live in the city. People in the city are soft.”
Alejandra’s hair is much longer, he thinks, rather dumbly. It brushes past her shoulders, instead of being cropped around her ears.
So the guards couldn’t pull it, he thinks. He wonders if she always wanted to keep it long. 
“Soft and proud of it.” She smiles, stepping closer to him, and he swallows.
“Pfft.” He grins, not wide enough to really be considered such, “City folk.”
She matches his smile, “I know. We’re the worst, aren’t we? Can’t even catch our own food.” If only she knew, he thinks, and the thought makes him sad, “How do we survive?”
He’s struck with the thought of her, the plague chipping away at her until she was a shell with two glistening red eyes, the fire consuming her, the way he knew she must have thought he betrayed her.
He wished he had been able to say goodbye then. He barely manages to keep up the banter with a meek, “No idea.” And then, just like when he was a child, just as he is now, he stumbles over his words around her, “I could...teach you. If you wanted to learn.” Alejandra loved to learn, to help, that much was true. 
And, she loved a challenge.
“And if you think you can.”
That riles her up, furrowing her brow and making her smile, “I’d love learn.” She faces him - more like face to chest. 
He holds her steady, instructing her one keeping her footing steady in the water. He knew that, before, she was scared of the water, of drowning, after she…
After he nearly lost her, that day. 
“Grab it!”
She catches a fish, barely managing to hold onto it, and she plummets, face first into the water. He catches her almost immediately, never fast enough, and she’s against his chest in an instant, coughing and sputtering and shaking like a wet dog. 
“I-I said keep your footing steady!” He exclaims, so afraid of her being hurt, or afraid, or - 
Alejandra shakes her head, the heel of her hand coming to wipe the water from her eyes as she does her best to catch her breath, and she jokes, “Good thing you were there to catch me.”
He blushes, unsure of what name to call her. Instead, he mutters, setting her back down and ensuring she could stand, “Just...be careful. You’re too important to drown in a forest.”
Muriel is struck with a sense of deja vu. 
“I refuse.” Muriel shakes his head, backing away from the campfire, from Morga, from Alejandra, “I won’t hurt Alejandra!” He shakes his head wildly, some of the hair from his braids falling loose, and fear completely overtakes him. 
Alejandra takes a few steps closer, holding her hands out, as if to calm him, and as soon as she nearly touches him, he’s running, terrified of hurting her, as if even the slightest bit of contact will ruin her. 
She follows him, much to his dismay, and happens upon him crying, and he shakes his head, back away from her all over again, “I don’t want to hurt you!”
She swallows, looking at him like he was some pitiful, cornered rat, “I don’t want to hurt you either.”
He was a cornered rat, and he didn’t know how to tell her about everything he’d done, about the pain and the suffering and everything he’d done, “It’s not about me! It’s never - I don’t matter!” It’s the loudest she’s ever heard him, and she flinches.
It’s not, he realizes. Not the loudest she’s ever heard him. They’ve argued and screamed and yelled countless times before. And she doesn’t remember him.
“I trust you, Muriel.”
It’s enough to knock the wind right out of him, sobbing and shaking his head, “I don’t trust myself.” He gets to his feet, making to run away again, and she’s afraid, eyes wide and he’s going to hurt her, whether he touch her or run or stay, there’s no way he won’t damage her worse than he already has, and he’s so sorry, so greedy, so damn, damn sorry -
And she lurches forward, grabbing his wrist and throwing her other arm around his neck, drawing him down for a kiss. 
It’s just like he remembers, soft and pliant and far too much, far more than he deserves. It clanks and knocks and is messy, but she was his first kiss, and now, his second, and he’s so, so sorry that he nearly forgot what it felt like to hold her. She holds herself awkwardly against him, and he’s bent at one knee, and she clings for dear life, as if she couldn’t be close enough. Muriel’s hands ghost over her shoulders, as if he could touch her, debating if they should. 
She’s panting by the end of it, though it was chaste and short, and it’s enough to stun Muriel into silence.
“Wh...what are you doing?” 
Alejandra pauses, and for the first time in a long, long time, she’s completely quiet, blinking, before she tells him, “I was...kissing you.”
“Oh.” It’s an obvious answer, one he already knew, but he can’t help but think about it, “...why?”
She crosses her arms over her chest but doesn’t step away from him, “I...I was scared you were going to leave!” She exclaims, biting the inside of her cheek. 
“So you kissed me.”
Alejandra huffs indignantly, averting her gaze, “Yes!”
“...okay.” He swallows, his lips still tingling from...her...He nods a little to himself, and he can feel his cheeks burning like the blaze of a thousand suns, “...it was…” He can’t find the right words, and now is the worst time in the world for him to be tongue-tied, he knows.
And, as always, Alejandra finds the words for him, “Should I try again?”
He flushes all over again, “It wouldn’t be…” Muriel swallows, eyes wide, “Itwouldn’tbetheworstthingintheworldifyoudid.”
She furrows her brow, placing a hand on his forearm, “What was that?” She takes a miniscule step closer. 
“I said...it wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
She smiles, real and wide, and he knows he’s done for. “Oh. Ok.”
She grabs his cloak, slower this time, giving him an out, and he can’t thank her enough for that.
He meets her halfway once he decides that she’s much more interesting than the horizon, a simple brush of their lips, and his nose touches her cheek, very tentatively kissing back. His hands, one on her shoulder, the other on her waist, hold her close as her mouth works against him, drawing him closer, ever closer, and he’d never tire of this, of the feeling of her, and he never wants to breathe again, not if it would feel like this.
“You…” Muriel mutters, his lips still pressed against hers, “you are the most important thing.”
And he meant it, after all these years.
“I’m always going to be here when you need me.” Alejandra promises, holding him as he cries. He’s so pathetic, so tired, so…
But she makes it better, convinces him that he might be more important than...all of this, and it’s nice, to have someone be so nice, to believe in him, to make him do all these things that he hid from and he just…
The doubt consumes him, always, “...what if I never stop? What if I always need you around?”
She stays in his lap, and he realizes just how close she is, especially when she cups his cheeks and presses a sweet, simple kiss to his mouth that has fireworks erupting in his chest. 
“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Her thumb traces his stubble and she smiles. 
He shuts his eyes, resting his forehead against hers, aching to kiss her again, “Isn’t it? I was...I was fine, being alone, before.”
Alejandra isn’t having it - she never does, really - and she pulls away, arching a brow and challenging him, “Were you fine? Really?”
“No.” He shakes his head, sighing, relishing in the feeling of her being so damn close, “But I didn’t know any better. I didn’t know what I was missing.” He didn’t know he could have it, “But now I keep...feeling things. And talking to people. And going places.” He glares at her, mostly mocking, “It’s your fault.”
She rests a hand on his collar-free neck, her fingers cold as ice, and she laughs, throwing her head back and exposing the column of her throat. He’s convinced he’d like to kiss it.
Instead, he reaches for her hands, drawing them to his mouth, and he cups and blows on them, drawing her attention to them, and she…
She blushes, and red looks good on her. 
“Well.” She smiles, voice wavering but still, somehow, confident, “Are you feeling better, novio?”
He kisses one of her fingertips, and slowly, hesitantly, they both get to their feet. “...it’s a nice spot. Khamgalai was right, the sun does hit it just right.” 
He scoops up some flowers, for the parents he doesn’t remember, and he’s struck by the familiarity of it, of how he and Alejandra don’t remember their parents, or the love they gave them. 
“It followed me everywhere I went. Don’t talk too loud. Don’t eat too much. Don’t bother anyone.” He shakes his head, “Don’t be a burden.” He sighs, and looks up at her, “You’re too important, you know? For...all of this.”
He can tell she still doesn’t believe him. 
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achrafchachi · 4 years
How Can You Tell When Someone Has A Crush On You? Here Are 12 Signs a Person Is Interested
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How Can You Tell When Someone Has A Crush On You? Here Are 12 Signs a Person Is Interested
How are you able to tell if someone features a crush on you? Beyond that, how do couples even form these days? Frequently two people close completely intentionally via online dating, during which case there is no doubt about the intentions of the people involved. But if you only meet someone in the real world
, or are already friends with them, how does one know if someone likes you, or just, ya know, likes you? albeit, by the time we're adults, we've been anxiously picking apart the subtle signals and trying to discern crushes for whole decades, it still kinda seems like most folks are at a loss when it involves deciding whether or not someone is curious about us during a non-platonic way.
When you meet someone online or during a bar and otherwise do not know them in the least, it is easy to enter things with a swagger. you'll ask boring getting-to-know-you inquiries to pass time between first date marks and legit hear answers in surprise. When you're already friends with someone, you already know all about where they grew up, their hidden talent with dartboards, their knack for baking up the world's most perfect brownies... there is a lot less ground to hide while you lay your flirt game on. to not mention, stakes are high since the 2 of you have already got a relationship. If you lean certain a kiss and therefore the romantic feelings aren't reciprocated, meaning not only catastrophic embarrassment — that ill-advised move could lead on to absolutely the, definitive dissolve of what was once a completely rad, carefree friendship.
And if you develop a crush on someone you're employed with, you've got potentially even more room for confusion: Are they being friendly because they need to form out with you, or are they only being professionally cordial? Do they keep Gchatting you because they need to marry you and have 40 babies, or are they only, like, wondering what you would like for the office Chipotle order? HOW IS ANYONE alleged to KNOW THIS STUFF?
Breathe. One step at a time. There are ways to sort this out. If you recognize needless to say that you're romantically curious about someone, what we'd like to work out next is whether or not or not the opposite person also features a crush on you. Luckily, there are some scientific steps we will absorb assessing this matter. Here are 12 incredibly reliable signs that somebody is particularly into you:
They remember what you say
People remember far more details about interactions with someone they need a crush on, partially because they've likely been obsessing about those details, trying to find signs that you're curious about. Appearing curious about a conversation is even easier now our primary sort of communication is texting. Remembering tiny, inconsequential details of that conversation, however, is meaningful. Remember last week once you were complaining about your new standing desk making your heels sore? you would possibly not. But when somebody else remembers, and sends along to a link for non-fatigue rugs and offers a reduction through their official account? They're into you.
They look for excuses to speak with you
They use subtle laser focus to seek out you across the space at a crowded party and complement the (store-bought, totally unremarkable, non-praiseworthy) cookies you brought. They are not from scratch, a fact the 2 of you giggle over. But! They wanted a simple topic to spark conversation. and that they found it in your audacious plan to pass off Oreos as homemade. They probably find that detail adorable, because everything you are doing is adorable immediately. After all, this person features a crush on you.
They initiate conversation
We all know that feeling when your throat tightens as you see your crush go online to Gchat and you ignore them, trying to play it cool, all while secretly hoping that they ping you initially. If they always do, they're probably into you (and braver than you, BTW). If someone routinely shoots over the primary iMessage, or waves you down at parties, it's likely because this person likes you. it isn't complicated, but it is a reliable sign.
They subtweet you, during a non-contemptuous way
Social media is both an awesome and awful presence in our lives — and it complicates the hell out of dating. But if you and your crush are both active on social media, it is often quite telling of their true feelings. once you have a crush on someone, you almost can not help but be very conscious of their online presence — and yours will probably give that away at some point. for instance, you continue an indulgent, "don't care" Spotify spree, jamming every single Gin Blossoms song you'll find (we all know this is often a thing that happens), then a couple of minutes later, the thing Of Your Crushfection just happens to post a YouTube link to a scene from Empire Records featuring a Gin Blossoms song. it's like someone is trying to subconsciously tap into your line of vision and interests.
I'm aware that this seems like you'd need to be paying an insane amount of attention to every other's social media activity, and you're right. You would. Which you simply do when you're in deep crush mode.
They ask you to hold out one-on-one more often than groups
Obvious, but like, too obvious to not mention. If they're frequently foregoing the group hangs in favor of solo time with you, they're probably right down to clown, ifyouknowwhatImean. (, if you guys are already hanging out alone all the time, you're, uh, quite already dating maybe. check out that.)
They don't check out their phone
Not much says, "Hmm... I'm wondering what else I might be doing immediately that might be better than what I'm already doing" quite like coitus interruptus your phone during an interaction with another human. Sure, work emails and actual emergencies unfortunately happen, but considering most people's mobile device addiction, most of the people will disconnect when they're curious about whomever they're with. When you're together, it's all eyes and ears on you. there is no way in Hell they might idly start scrolling Facebook unless you wandered off to grab a second round from the bar.
They play with their hair
That's Decoding visual communication Basics 101. It might be associated with nerves or subconsciously showing off their shiny coif for you; a sort of peacocking. or even they wish they remembered to pocket a hairgrip this morning. Still! They probably only provides a damn due to your presence.
They consider your needs in little ways
Whether you're with a gaggle or not, they tend to suggest hanging out near your apartment or office. Did you mention en passant that your key chain was broken? Oh, look who just happened to select one up "because it had been near the checkout and that they remembered that yours was broken and it's kinda cute or whatever, no big deal."
They offer to drive or pay
Your friends likely love you an entire lot (and why wouldn't they? You rule), but unless you are a frightening driver or recently got laid off, they're probably not defaulting as your chauffeur or bill-flipper. If you've got a lover who suddenly seems more willing than usual to treat once you hang around, it might be a subtle (if not somewhat antiquated) approach to showing deeper interest.
They seem a touch nervous or flustered
Of course there are the lucky few who have the power to stay cool, calm, and picked up when conversing with a crush, but most of the attribute necessitates a significant case of hysteria when entering an in-depth range of somebody they're crushing on. Next time you're lecture the one that maybe is into, notice of whether or not they're more clumsy than usual or lose track of what they were saying mid-sentence. It's kinda cute, and a reasonably decent indicator of how nervous you're. And unless you guys happen to be tightrope walking whilst chatting, you gotta wonder where those nerves are coming from.
You bust them social media stalking you
Wait — did they only Like then Unlike a photograph you posted months ago? Yeah, they probably did. Because they were stalking you. and that they accidentally clicked where they didn't mean to, and swiftly tried to hide their tracks so you would not know they were rummaging through your archives because, duh, then you'd know they were drunk with lust and wanted to marry you so hard. If they did not have a crush on you, they would not feel ashamed getting caught creeping. It's those fluttery nerves flaring up again. unsure why they think you will not notice.
They'll tell you
While all the nerves we feel once we have a crush on someone remain unchanged from childhood until forever, adults have one thing going for them that youngsters don't: We are (sometimes, maybe) mature enough to travel after what we would like . which suggests it's completely possible that, while you're fretting over whether or not someone is curious about you, they'll just tell you, plainly, and without mixed messages. It takes guts to place yourself out there, but as an adult person, it's something we should always start making a habit of. there is a huge possibility the person with a crush on you would possibly never explicitly say so. That's fine. But that's also a sign of cowardice — and who has time for that? Which, incidentally, means you would possibly want to think about being straightforward with them about your feelings. Do you recognize what's hot? Confidence. end up some and do not accept somebody else who won't do the same
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thecloserkin · 5 years
fic rec: Where the Heart Is by Alixtii
fandom: Folgers “Home For the Holidays” Commercial
pairing: Folgercest
word count: 19k
Is it canon: Yes
Is it explicit: Is it ever
Is it endgame: Yes!!
Is it shippable: Yesssss
First off if there’s anyone who has not yet read the epic GQ Folgercest Fandom 10-year-retrospective which i still can’t believe was written by a bona fide journalist, RUN DO NOT WALK over there and do it now. I find it hard to believe there’s anyone with an internet connection who hasn’t seen it?? It’s fucking ubiquitous, there’s a finance & economics blog I follow that linked it lol.
There’s so many Folgercest stories where the tension builds & builds and I respect this one for being like NOPE here’s an explicit sex scene in the first chapter, merry christmas to MEEEEE. I thought the sex was dope but I also think it serves the important function of getting the “longing” & “pining” components out of the way so we can take seriously that the whole “go on the run & get fake married” proposition is a big ask. Luke asks Lexie to come away to Africa with him, and it takes her the seven days of Christmas + New Year’s to say “yes” (with Auld Lang Syne playing in the background)—ngl I may have emitted an actual squeeing noise when she said yes.
The setup for the New Year’s Kiss occurs as soon as Luke arrives home from Africa:
”it’ll be our first New Years after turning 21. We rented a limo and everything. Jane and her boyfriend just broke up a couple of weeks ago, though, so we have an extra ticket if you want to come."
This is pretty nearly “I accidentally-on-purpose brought my brother as a date” territory—it’s not the Most Formal of Formal Events like a wedding but it still puts her brother in a role her romantic partner would normally occupy, and we can expect either (1) lots of “is he single??” female interest or (2) fake relationship!!! Spoiler alert there wasn’t enough fake relationship to satisfy my trope-loving ass but when he let his teleconferencing coworkers assume the hot girl who wandered into camera range was his girlfriend that made me a happything.
It’s a very absorbing story with gobs of Catholic guilt thrown in but the thing that shook me most about this fic is probably that the alternative to “another round of morning sex” is “let’s build a snowman.” Like!!!! Could anything have been better calculated to push all my buttons.
Luke didn't expect to return to find her still a virgin--hell, he's not even sure she was a virgin when he left. Still, he can't help wonder how many times she's done this, with how many boys, and feels an incredible irrational, hypocritical resentment against them for defiling his sister.
This, THIS right here is what I came for. She’s still his baby sister and he can’t turn off a lifetime’s worth of protective instincts even if he’s the one defiling her now. It crops up again with his discomfort at her holding a beer he’s like is she even old enough to drink??? Lmao.
Btw I have zero complaints about the quantity of sneaking-around that occurs in this fic: They make out in their mom’s kitchen when Mom herself could pull into the driveway at any minute!! They park the car in the woods and give each other handjobs!!! Incredible. “What are we, teenagers again?” Luke wonders, and the entire point is they’re not, even if the woods are crawling with teenagers they are adults, and they’re making up for lost time. Luke made a conscious decision five years ago to leave rather than initiate a relationship with Lexie:
”I needed to get away so I could find myself. But, yeah, one of the things I needed to get away was that I couldn’t help spending every moment thinking about how much I wanted to fuck my sixteen-year old sister.”
Lexie studies him, curious. “And did that work?”
Luke shrugs. “Did I stop thinking about it? No. But at least it kept me from doing something I would regret.”
Lexie nods, thoughtful. “I’m not sixteen anymore, you know.”
“You’re still my sister,” he points out.
Oof. It’s a very different dynamic when you try to navigate these shoals as adults, instead of the scenario where you move seamlessly from platonic forehead-kisses to tongue-kisses. I appreciate Luke for attempting to do the whole courtship dance, take her out to the skating rink and the fancy French restaurant and meanwhile Lexie just wants to cuddle.
He said, “You never opened your present yesterday.” She smiles at him, a lascivious grin. “I really think I did.”
Damn but this callback to the iconic “You’re my present this year” line is unalloyed genius.
I did not expect this OC their cousin Gwen to play such a big role. She’s crushing on Luke and she ain’t subtle about it and since Luke can hardly tell his cousin “I’m not interested because I’m already fucking my sister,” the whole situation makes for comedic gold. At one point Lexie makes a quip about her and Gwen having similar taste in men and I was DYING:
“Oh, she was hitting on you hard,” agrees Lexie, “Not that I can blame her. She doesn’t know you’re already taken.” Luke puts his head in his hands. “God, this family is so fucked up.” “It could be worse,” points out Lexie. “It could have been Aunt Mary.”
That Lexie has got quite a mouth on her. The point of Gwen isn’t that Lexie feels threatened by her interest in Luke; it’s that Gwen may be a vexatious person who inserts herself where she is not wanted but she’s still family, and Luke and Lexie choose to take her wasted ass home with them rather than allow Gwen’s mother to witness her inebriated condition. Because you stick by your family. Even if it cuts into your limited one-on-one time with bae because now you have third wheel Gwen.
Side note I love that Luke is a huge nerd who’s lugged a whole roster of interesting books back from Africa, I realize this is a Folgercest fic and not a book blog but I swear my TBR just grows of its own volition. The payoff for all this geeking out on Luke’s part is, he gets a concussion and has a pretty surreal dream featuring some real, some fictional characters, and a good dollop of his own id. Later on, Lexie and Luke are quoting poetry at each other and when he casually dropped a line from’Tis Pity She’s a Whore I was legit s c r e a m i n g. For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, Tis Pity She’s a Whore is a Jacobean revenge tragedy prominently featuring a pair of incestuous siblings and while the genre is incompatible with happy endings, the incest is not presented at all unsympathetically. It’s worth reading even if you’re not into incest, it’s that wild of a ride.
All right folks this is how we go out with a bang:
The last five years--the last twenty-eight years, really--may have been long and difficult as he was forced to lose and find himself, but he knows they were all worth it, because they culminate in this moment. This is who he is: brother, lover, and companion, until death do them part.
they’re SOULMATES i can now die happy
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tastesoftamriel · 7 years
On a Riften autumn (a long tale by Talviel)
[Warning: this chapter contains a graphic sex scene. Please skip over that paragraph if that sort of thing makes you uncomfortable!]
Over the next couple of days, I was busy hauling around my donations to the orphanage and the Bee and Barb. Everyone was astounded and Keerava burst into tears, thanking me for my generosity. “No, thank you Keerava. I wouldn’t be the chef I am today if it weren’t for you.” I smiled, hugging her.
Finally I set out to do what I’d been putting off. Trembling, I ascended the steps to the Temple of Mara. I dropped a hefty donation into the collection bowl, and received an amulet of Mara in return. Temporarily pocketing my amulet of Talos, I set out, feeling dazed and meandering around town. I decided that some hunting in the forest would do me good, so I collected my bow and arrows from my parents, and set out the main gate.
A few hours later, coming back with a bunch of rabbits and a few large slabs of venison, I bumped into Brynjolf on my way past the forge. “Nice catch.” He grinned. “Come over tonight, I’m making hunter’s pie.” “Aye lass, I’ll take you up on that.” Suddenly, our eyes trailed to each other’s necks. “Is that…an amulet of Mara?” We asked in unison. “Interested in me, are you?” I teased, using the traditional Skyrim words of proposing. “I am. I’d be glad to stand by your side until the Divines take us, i..if you’ll have me.” Brynjolf grinned back, sticking to the script. “Oh Talos and the Nine Divines, Bryn. Are we…engaged?” I laughed nervously. “I guess we are, lass. Come here, I’m a happy man right now.” He pulled me close and kissed me hard, and I kissed him back. “Get a room!” Balimund yelled from the forge, and laughing, we made our way back to my parents.
My mother was the first to notice as soon as I’d tossed my catch on the kitchen counter. “Oh my. Am I seeing what I think I’m seeing?” she asked, agog. She screamed for my father, who burst out of the cellar as if expecting a burglar. Instead he saw me and Brynjolf awkwardly standing there. “What? What’s the problem?” He asked, looking confused. “They’re…they’re both wearing amulets of Mara.” My mother said, still in shock. My father’s jaw hit the ground. “You. Are. Marrying. Him?” He finally choked out. I nodded, unsure how to gauge his reaction. “For Talos’ sake, child, it’s been obvious since you joined the Guild that you were madly in love with Brynjolf, but I’m not sure what to say about this.” He said. “He’s a bloody thief!” My mother shrieked, and Brynjolf and I cringed.
“A thief I may be, Ma'am, but with all due respect, everyone’s got to make a living. Through whatever means they can.” Brynjolf countered bravely. I squeezed his hand. “He has a point, my dear wife. I was a sellsword when we met.” My father said gently, clearly coming around to the idea. “Oh Talos have mercy, who am I to be a hypocrite.” My mother muttered after a while. “But it’s one thing to be a sellsword, another thing to be the head of Tamriel’s biggest criminal empire.” “You honour me Ma'am, but I just do my job as best I can.” Brynjolf said modestly, trying to diffuse the situation once and for all.
“Well,” my father cleared his throat after an awkward pause. “Welcome to the family…son. When’s the wedding?” Brynjolf and I looked at each other uncertainly. “We haven’t talked about it yet, but tomorrow as is traditional is far too soon. Perhaps the week after next, so we can get everything in order?” I said. “Good thinking, lass. Still need to tell everyone at the Guild. And it would probably be wise to plan out our future.” “You mean you’re going back to the Guild?” My mother yelled. “You were doing so well as a chef, why stop now?” “For Talos’ sake, calm down, mother. No, I don’t think I’ll be joining the Guild again. Full time, anyway.” “Well, at least you’re not marrying someone from the Dark Brotherhood.” My father joked, provoking a laugh from all of us.
Brynjolf sat by the fireplace with my parents as I prepared my famous hunter’s pie for dinner. I caught smatterings of their conversation here and there, punctuated now and then by reassuring laughter. “And your folks, Brynjolf, will they be attending the ceremony?” “They’re long gone, I’m afraid.” Brynjolf smiled sadly. “The Guild has been my family most of my life, and now you are too, I suppose.” I smiled as I skinned a rabbit. After the initial fracas, I was glad things were warming up between them.
The pie was ready by six, and we all sat down at the dining table to eat, with my father breaking out a bottle of Black-Briar reserve in celebration. “Now Talviel, and Brynjolf too, you are absolutely not getting married in Thieves Guild armour.” My mother started to fret in between mouthfuls of pie, and Brynjolf and I groaned. It was our second skin, the first thing that bonded us together, and we were hoping our garments would be ignored. “The other week someone was passing out catalogues from Radiant Raiment in Solitude, I’m sure we can find something in there and have a rush order placed if we pay them a few more septims.” She continued rambling, while my father rolled his eyes. “And you, daughter. Look at the state of your hair! I know you had it changed by that face shaper or whatever their name is down in the Ratways, but when is the last time you had it cut? You look like bloody Mannimarco for crying out loud, all long and grey. You’re going to let me braid it at least, no questions asked. Oh, and I’ll have to arrange things with the florist…”
Brynjolf and I stumbled out of the house in a daze after dinner, having been subjected to my mother’s seemingly endless rambling about the wedding. “Riftweald?” He asked. “Sounds good to me. Oh Nocturnal, my head.” We made our way to the manor, stoked the fireplace, and grabbed some cushions to sit down on. “Well, the good news is that your mother seems to have taken care of all the wedding arrangements. So all that’s left to do, really, is choose a day and make an announcement to the Guild.” “Bryn, there are 35 members. The Temple is tiny, there’s no way we’ll fit everyone in. At best we can invite senior members only.” He sat in thought for a moment. “You’re right, lass. I feel bad for excluding the whole family, but we can have our own celebrations in the cistern after, I suppose.”
“Good thinking. Now, I’m thinking Middas or Turdas, since those are our quiet days usually.” “Ever practical, lass.” Brynjolf said, leaning on a cushion and playing with my hair. “You know, your mother’s right. Your hair does sort of look like Mannimarco’s.” He interjected suddenly. “How would you know? Have you ever met Mannimarco? And are you asking for another pillow fight?” I stabbed back. “Don’t you dare, Mannimarco.” Brynjolf laughed. Needless to say, the cushions were ruined and we had to find a broom to clear up the mess of feathers before rolling into bed.
Bryn was hard as he pushed against me, and I felt myself getting wetter by the second. Our lips met, our tongues intertwined, and he pinned me down to the bed. Reaching under it, he pulled out a coil of rope, a wad of cloth, and a riding crop he’d lifted from the stables. Submitting to him, I kneeled down, taking him in my mouth, breathing in his scent of cinnamon and cloves. I sucked while he grabbed at my hair, and after a couple of minutes he pushed me back to stop. He shoved the cloth in my mouth and tied it around my head before lifting me up and carrying me to the bed. Lying me down on my stomach, he tied my arms tightly behind me, arranged my body so my ass was in the air, then bound my legs together. I felt myself dripping in anticipation, and he stuck two fingers inside me. I moaned into the gag, and he leaned down to face level with me, showing me as he licked my juices off his fingers. The riding crop came down hard on my ass and thighs, and I wiggled feebly against the rope. This only made him laugh, and the whipping continued until I clicked my fingers for him to stop. Brynjolf put his head next to mine and kissed me on the forehead. “You alright, little Vi?” I nodded, unable to do anything else, and he got behind me and pushed his way in, moaning softly as he did. He pounded away at me in fervour as I moaned into the gag, feeling myself climax, my scream of pleasure muffled. He pulled out and finished across my back, while I lay still, relishing the warmth of his seed. He untied me slowly, fingers fumbling, clearly as dazed as I was. He removed the cloth from my mouth and used it to wipe off the excess juices between my legs and his seed off my back. We lay together, bodies entwined and panting hard. “You, lass, are the best lay I’ve ever had in my entire life.” I smiled, kissing him. “See? I’m a natural at other things besides thieving and cooking.”
The next day, Brynjolf and I made our way down to the cistern, trembling with excitement and ready to make our announcement. “Alright, gather round, every one of you. Grab whoever’s in the Flagon too, including Vekel.” He called out, clapping his hands for attention. In a matter of minutes, we were surrounded by almost all of our curious-looking thieves, who rarely were called to meetings. “As you all know, it’s a prosperous time for the Guild. We are, without doubt, the most powerful group of any sort in all of Tamriel, in Skyrim especially.” Cheers rang out from among the throng. “But that’s not why I’ve called you here today. Vi and I have a very important announcement to make. ”
All of a sudden, we heard the trapdoor open, and someone jumped nimbly into the cistern, breathing hard. We all turned around, reaching for our weapons, and Karliah raised her hands in a show of peace. We all relaxed, but were visibly shocked to see her. At most, Karliah would drop by the headquarters once every six months, and having not heard a peep from her personally despite us being Nightingales and risking our lives in Oblivion, Brynjolf and I were slightly peeved to see her suddenly show up. “I came as soon as I heard.” She panted, as if she’d just run a mile. “Heard what, Karliah?” Vex asked suspiciously. Karliah looked at Brynjolf and I, raised her eyebrows, and smiled suggestively. “Oh, I have eyes and ears everywhere, but I see the announcement hasn’t been made yet. Carry on.” She said, standing aside.
“Well, greetings Karliah, so nice of you to grace us with your presence.” Brynjolf said sarcastically. “Right…where was I. Vi, I think I’ll leave you to do the honours.” I gulped, having had a fear of public speaking all my life. “Well,” I squeaked, slowly pulling out the amulet of Mara I’d tucked beneath my armour. “Bryn and I are engaged, and the wedding is next Turdas. Unfortunately the Temple is only big enough to fit the senior Guild members, but we’ll be having a party down here for everyone once the ceremony is over.” There was an awkward silence as the thieves processed what I said, before the air was filled with whoops and congratulations. “I knew it!” Delvin yelled. “I called it just the other day and you denied it. You’re terrible at hiding your intentions for thieves, shame on you!” The Guild laughed, and one by one came up to us to extend their congratulations.
Karliah was last, standing to the side with a wry smile on her lips. “Well, about time, lovebirds. Congratulations.” She hugged us both. “Long time no see, Karliah, how goes it?” I asked. “Don’t get me started. I’ve been up to my neck in Nightingale business, and I would have contacted you sooner but didn’t dare for fear that spies would intercept my messages. I heard all about Oblivion, and I’ll never forgive myself for not being there with you. I’m sorry, I hope you’ll forgive me.” She said emotionally. “What’s done is done, Karliah. Where have you been? And why the sudden appearance?” Brynjolf asked quizzically. “Oh Nocturnal,“ she moaned, looking grief-stricken. “I was stuck in Black Marsh clearing out a group of bandits who thought they could rival the Guild when one of my little birds told me about your ridiculous mission, Brynjolf. I was unable to do anything as I too was cornered in a dangerous situation so all I could do was send a message to Talviel hoping that she would make it on time to Solstheim. I am so glad that you did, sister. All in all, my story pales in comparison to yours, and is simply messy business I’ll explain to you over a drink later. And as I said earlier, I have eyes and ears everywhere. I got wind that you both were safe and sound back in Riften and were getting married, so I rushed back as fast as I could to make sure I didn’t miss a thing. I owe you both that much.”
“Well then, looks like I owe you one for getting word to Talviel. Honestly don’t know what I was thinking, lass, going to Solstheim alone. Admittedly, you’re not the most reliable boss, Karliah, but thank you for coming all this way. The wedding wouldn’t be complete without you, lass.” Brynjolf smiled, with sincerity this time. “I hope you’re getting married in Nightingale armour, or I’m going to be very disappointed.” “Well, prepare to be disappointed then, Karliah, because my mother is picking out some infernal fancy outfits for us, and braiding my hair to boot.” I sighed, and Karliah sniggered. “Can’t wait to see it. Is there anything I can do while I’m here?” Brynjolf and I looked at each other. “Well lass, let’s meet at the Bee and Barb in an hour or so. I’ll get us a private room. This is serious stuff and I don’t want want the rest of the Guild to hear for now.” Karliah nodded in agreement. “I’ll see you there.”
Keerava shouted with joy when I told her about the wedding, and tried to ply Brynjolf and I with her best wine in celebration. “Save it for the reception, Keerava, we’ll probably need it more then.” Brynjolf asked her for a private meeting room, and she gave us the key usually reserved for Maven Black-Briar and her specially soundproofed room. We brought up a flagon of mead, and waited for Karliah. When she finally arrived, Brynjolf was looking simultaneously grim and sad. “Sit down, lass. There are some big changes coming to the Guild and I need your input on it.” He whispered. “I’m listening.” Said Karliah, leaning back in her chair.
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