#for Months
regular-gnome · 1 year
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Archiving is an important job
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mipexch · 1 year
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dance with me one last time
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dovewingkinnie · 8 months
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when the evil gameshow host gets a crush on you
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theghostshost · 1 year
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kenyukisser · 1 year
so right, what's wrong?
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Being NAGI SEISHIRO’s best friend wasn’t easy, he’s not the best with his emotions, and an absolute asshole to be paired with in group projects, but if you asked him, he’d try to find the right words to tell you all the stars in the universe were smiling in his direction when he’s with you.
You know Nagi like how you know the back of your hand, you don’t. tracing the veins in your hands, sometimes, it’s there. Sometimes, it’s not. Nagi who wasn’t made for loving, or the warmth of having a real friend to lean on. He’s not used to it, not used to you.
Yet, the way the dark shade of blue reflected on your skin, the way your skin brushes through his, as you try to make him look at the water-dwelling plants, and the various kinds of fishes on the aquarium. He thinks it’s boring, and a hassle to even spare the fishes some sort of glance, but seeing you with the biggest smile plastered on your face? It made his dull world brighten.
No. He doesn’t want to let go of you now. Not now, not ever.
“Sei? Are you okay? You’re spacing out.” You snap your fingers, causing him to retort back to reality.
“Huh?” his half-lidded eyes widened slightly at the distortion, before he spoke again. “yeah ‘m fine, was just thinking.”
“About?” You ask, voice laced with curiosity as you looked at him as his mind wanders off, thinking of what to say next.
“nun” he shrugs, placing his hands on the pockets of his hoodie, it’s as white as snow, just like his hair. For someone like him, it’s impressive how clean it is.
“Nun of your business.”
“Sei!” The way the crinkles underneath your eyes disappeared, as your smile turns into a small pout. He saw it all. The pang of guilt in his chest that he covered up, he was feeling it. and if he had it in him. He’d stay with you till the end of time.
And can you remember when?
When the hot air of summer breezes through your hair, the hot sun shining down on your pretty face as Reo splashes you with the salty water of the beach. While he stayed underneath the shade of the parasol, his usual excuse was ‘it’s such a pain’ but maybe, just maybe... He loved seeing you smile, even if it wasn’t him who made you smile. He watched you keenly, the way the tips of your hair got wet. You’ve always wanted to see the sun shining so brightly, but to him, you were his sun, shining so brightly.
And he didn’t understand it, why he felt like this, and why it had to be you. But he knew it had to be you. Reo has had his fair share of dating women, which affected his perspective of love too, the type of love he’d think would be a hassle, a responsibility, and newsflash: That’s a really big word for him.
Likewise, he was amazing, but there were times where…
Where the rain would be pouring, and he’d come over with nothing but his phone in hand, while you’d open the door, greeted by his 6-foot figure, too frustrated about your shared project that was due tomorrow, the way you’d ramble about how the two of you forgot to do it, sharing small laughs as you wrote down ideas for the project.
You ended up falling asleep on his shoulder, while he annotated and worked on your shared project.
Love did many things to a person, Seishiro knew this. He loved the way your face lit up when you saw the perfect score your teacher gave the two of you.
A rose only blooms in the right soil, and seeing you smile like that? He’d like to think you’re a rose. So delicate, the sweetest flower nature could yield, just like your unfolding heart. You set his world on fire, burning red like a rose that’s freshly bloomed. the thoughts that ran through his own head made him sicken, because he wanted to be your soil.
He’s only 19, with a pocket that’s filled with tragedy. You are his biggest tragedy.
And the world is cruel, so there he was, at the airport. And much to his dismay, a strifeful of words to say to you. The words you’ll never hear, because he can’t see you again, he’s accepting it. He’s going to be Manshine’s genius, after all.
does this need a part 2??!?!?!? | yes it did. give it a read!!
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chicinlicin · 1 month
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pulled into orbit
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celestialscribbler · 1 year
Wittebane fandom: Can I propose something crazy?
Ok, so Watching and Dreaming was great, but despite knowing in my heart we weren't going to get the wittebane story I wanted i still cant help but feel kinda disappointed. But there's so many talented artists and animators in our little corner of the fandom. Any chance we could band together and make a fan episode focusing on their story? Probably an animatic. Maybe reply or reach out if you may be interested in being involved?
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cametotheshowinsd · 1 year
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Who would you be sad with? And who would you deal with when they were sad? Grey skies every day for months, would you still stay?
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pineapplesaresweet · 1 year
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This is on the last page of my 2 year old sketchbook
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bitit · 8 months
idk if tumblr cares much for undigitized school doodles but id like to share anyways
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wis-art · 1 year
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she move (a little)
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keeperthemultiversemom · 11 months
hey hey peacekeeper, I saw the other multiverse bird and he as tall as you too! a harbinger or something. Do you know him???
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short-wooloo · 1 year
No, The world between worlds is not in Rise of Skywalker
People will just come up with anything won't they?
Apparently it's a not too uncommon belief that the wbw is in ROS
Well, there seems to be 2 reasons given for why
1. Because during the final battle with Palpatine Rey looks up to the starry sky and hears voices...
Ok, this one is deeply rooted in "it looks/sounds the same therefore it is the same"
Additionally, this is not how the world between worlds works
The world between worlds is explicitly another dimension (and we'll cover how you even get there later) that has windows into different points in time, past and future, the people in said windows cannot interact with you because they exist in their own points in time
In ROS, Rey hears the voice of multiple deceased Jedi, people who she has never met, addressing her directly, that alone is proof that it is not the wbw (I mean there's a lot of easy definitive proof that this isn't the wbw because the basis for it being such is flimsy but I digress), because the wbw offers windows into the past/present/future, and more importantly, the people in those windows cannot interact with a person seeing them through the wbw
Furthermore, Rey communing with the deceased Jedi is a case of narrative payoff
In her first scene the film establishes that Rey has been trying to commune with the spirits of past Jedi, this scene is her finally accomplishing that goal, this isn't anything deeper, it's basic story structure, you set your protagonist up with a goal, and you have the achieve it at the climax/near the end
Reason 2.
Frikken books
See, apparently because the one of the sacred Jedi texts talks about the wbw, that equals it being in the film
Now I actually own and have read the ROS visual dictionary, and here's what it has to say about the wbw:
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"Unattributed visualization of the chain wotlrlds theorem, also known as the world between worlds, or vergence scatter"
That's it, that's the full extent of the wbw being "in" ROS, it's never is brought up in the movie, we never read the book it's in, all we have is a visual dictionary saying "this page of this book has doodles of the wbw"
Also, something people really need to understand is that these books don't really mean anything
They're not hard immutable canon that the films must adhere to, they're written by different people from the movies often with little input between the two
Visual dictionaries don't really matter, they're just "books of neat facts"
By the way, this whole page is not something that should be taken at face value, it is noted here that these books are rich in metaphor a blend myth and history
So yeah, wbw ain't in ROS
So why do people want it to be in ROS?
So they can have a way to undo the sequels
(Thanks to @tarisilmarwen for this)
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Yeah, the wbw can't do that
That's kinda what the whole episode of Rebels is about, Ezra can't use it to change time, and why can't he do so? Well, because:
A. He doesn't know what will happen, butterfly effect and whatnot, the results could spiral out of control and he could just make things worse
B. Paradox, the bigger issue, if Ezra saves Kanan, well that means Kanan is no longer holding back the explosion, thus Sabine, Hera, and most importantly, Ezra himself will die
C. Its wrong to change time, it's fundamentally un-Jedi like, its taking the universe and countless lives and bending them to what you want, its selfish, that's not what the Jedi are, a true Jedi would never do this, to change time like this is what a sith would do
Which gets into
Temptation, the wbw is temptation for Ezra
That is the narrative purpose of the wbw in Rebels, it comes at a point where Ezra is at his lowest, its a test for him, will he remain true to the way of the Jedi? Or will he give in to the dark side?
But why he could save ahsoka?
Well here’s the thing, did he?  Did he save ahsoka?
Or was that always meant to happen?
See, saving ahsoka doesn't cause a paradox because we already knew ahsoka survived, we saw her reenter the malachor temple at the end of Season 2 (there’s a serious bit of revisionist history going on here where people either forget this or outright ignore this fact) she was already alive, Ezra didn’t change the past, he caused it to happen the way it happened, its a closed loop
“But what about Palpatine?”  Surely him trying to gain control over the wbw proves that you can in fact use it to change time right?
Palpatine’s attempt to control the wbw doesn’t mean it can change time
Palpatine certainly thinks he can rule time, but more importantly he doesn’t care if messing with time causes paradoxes or catastrophic consequences
Whether the rules regarding changing the past are soft (you can't change the past because you have no idea what will happen) or hard (you can't change the past because you'll create reality destroying paradoxes), Palpatine would do so anyways
Palpatine is fundamentally a selfish sociopathic person, he'll destroy everything if he can rule the ruins
And even if he can't alter time, the knowledge the wbw grants is dangerous, its a window into the past and future, using it Palpatine could have learned of the existence of the Skywalker twins early, or where surviving Jedi have hidden, or seen how he dies, Palpatine knowing these things could lead to disastrous consequences
Lastly we get to how one enters the wbw, (and why it's obvious that the wbw isn't in ROS)
For starters, you can't just accidentally end up in the wbw, as the claim for it being in ROS relies on, to get to the wbw, you need to be in the right place, and actively trying to get there
In Rebels Ezra enters the wbw through a gateway in the Lothal Jedi Temple
So yeah, you can't just stumble through it randomly
But more importantly, it's a Jedi Temple that he enters through, aka a place of the light
So why in God's name would you be able to just accidentally enter the wbw on exegol, aka sith cult planet?
The answer: you can't
(Also if a way into the wbw is on exegol why isn't Palpatine focusing on that?)
The wbw, a place that is specifically out of reach of the sith/dark side, has only ever been accessed through gateways in areas of the light
That's why Palpatine needed Ezra to get it, that's why he had to use a dark side ritual to try and capture Ezra and Ahsoka while they were in the wbw, he could effect them but not it, and of course it is why the wbw is not in Rise of Skywalker
Goodbye, and use critical thinking skills
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I think my cousin has had enough of my shit
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He still brings up the "going through Vox posts for 14 hours straight" incident, but that was back in February. I usually do the healthy 5 hours like a normal person
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boncottontail · 1 year
Sorry but when Cellbit and Roier drop their first meetup photo in Brazil I will never stop talking about it ever. It will be my personality. My lifeline, my oxygen. I’ll have the photo tattooed in my corneas. And you all will be forced to deal with my insanity.
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wolfavens · 1 year
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ghost car of barna road
track 2 - slop 1/2
i woke up early and stashed last night's bottle of whiskey into my backpack. the sky was a turbulent cyan, beyond the window of my childhood bedroom. aside from a single suitcase all my things were still in the car. there was no dress change until i brough the boxes in.
but coffe first.
i opened the door on a dark empty staircase, walked the 2 steps toward the creaking stairs, bumped my head on a decorative element, slipped, cussed, got to the kitchen and reached for the kettle just in time for an assault.
someone yelled and barelled towards me.
i threw the kettle at them.
glass and tiny elecrical parts scattered over the floor to my cried. “what the fuck, mom!!! what the actual fuck!!! jesus, for fuck’s sake!!!”
“yes!” i yelled, pushing my shaking hands into my hair while sampling the damage. “of course it’s me, who the fuck do you fucking think it could be?!!”
cool and collected my mother lowered the decorative giraffe statue she was armed with and smoothed out her mauve nightgown. “there are break-ins now, you know. dangerous criminal elements. the news said so.”
i glowered at her. “where would the fucking criminal element get the keys?”
“don’t cuss,’ she replied. then, turning to the stairs called up, “it’s fiadh, mark! tell the garda everything is alright, now”
i sighed, lowering my face into my palms while she stashed away her girrafe and enveloped me in a tight hug. her body felt warm and small. she used to be so much taller than me. she used to be taller than the world.
i pulled away, attempting a smile that felt short. “coffe?”
“oh, i’m afraid the kettle is busted.”
“i can use a top,” I proposed, opening a cupboard and looking in. i wondered where, among all this colourful junk, will i ever be able to stash my earless prague mug.
my mom pursed her lips. “well… they have kettles at lidl this week.”
i stopped and pulled my head back to look at her. if her face was any indication she was not fucking joking. “it’s quite early and…”
“they open in 4 minutes.”
“are you seriou…”
“yes, now that i think about it there is this one cyan option i've had my eye on…”
“mom, i didn’t have my coffee yet and this is just…”
“yes, baby,” she said in a very calming voice, pointing at a supermarket ad, ‘that is why we need the kettle, see? oh, and while you’re there maybe grab some eggs and rolls? i’ll make us a nice omellete.”
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