#for Maximum Friend Annoyance
Okay, okay. I was thinking about how canonically, while Wally can't sing, dance, or play any instruments, he would be interested in playing the drums. And Julie is a big time sax-player.
You think in the modern au, that Julie would try to start a band from that, and while it never worked out, Wally and Julie meet to play their instruments every week?
omg thats so cute... they'd be the most rhythmless little band ever
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unluckywisher · 26 days
The LADS Lads™ if they suddenly turned into animals:
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Zayne turns into a tuxedo cat while he's typing away at his computer. He notices because suddenly he's sitting at his desk and pawing at the keyboard.
He goes "Mrawh!?" and tries to call you to come help, but he can't unlock his phone without his fingerprint. Luckily, you had an appointment a bit later in the day, so when you arrive, he starts bapping his Identification Card and meowing at you.
At first you don't know what's going on, obviously, why there's a cat in Zayne's office and not him, but you move closer and pick it up in your arms, and you recognize his eye color.
"Zayne?" You ask. He meows in response. He seems comfy in your arms though, purring away. You take him home for the day and make excuses to his coworkers.
He cozies up to you on the couch, loafing on your lap and closing his eyes in relaxation. Maybe he should turn into a cat more often, he thinks.
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Rafayel turns into a mermaid betta while he's on a videocall with you. Just- Poof, fish. He flops out of view and into the cup of water he had near him.
You rush to his house, and in the time you take to arrive, he blows a few bubbles and shakes his fins, clearly upset by this whole situation. He attempts to jump over to Reddie's tank, but he ends up on the floor.
Thankfully you arrive just then, and toss him into the tank with a relieved sigh. He bumps against the glass as if saying "What took you so long?" and turns his back on you. You reach into the tank and caress his tail, "I came as fast as I could, I swear!".
Eventually he warms up to your touch and swims between your fingers, in acceptance of your words. Still, you better get ready to spend the rest of the day with him since he "might get turned into a fish again, and you wouldn't want to leave me by myself, riiight?"
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Xavier turns into a mini lop rabbit in the middle of a mission. He's forced to flee combat, hopping away to the location your mission takes place in.
By the time he arrives, he might have taken a little nap under a bush since the run was so exhausting, but that's irrelevant, he has to find a way to let you know he's him.
You crouch to pet the cute bunny but stop short of it when he jumps to hit your Hunter’s Watch, somehow knowing how to call Xavier. The call doesn't go through, and the rabbit thumps the ground, then cleans his face. As strange as it seems, the situation dawns upon you.
He stands on his hind legs, waiting for you to pick him up. You do. On the way back home, he falls asleep again on your arms, ears tucked in. Why weren't you both born rabbits, he wonders.
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Sylus turns into a vampire bat while showing off his 'singing skills' to Luke and Kieran. "Wait, boss, you sound better now." They say before they realize what has happened.
He flaps his wings in annoyance and perches himself next to Mephisto, who is very confused and keeps tilting his head to study the new flying friend.
The twins, slightly panicked, call you and tell you to come over. Obviously you don't know how to fix it, but it's a funny situation and you weren't going to miss it.
When you arrive, the bat flies over to you and starts making chittering sounds. It seems like Sylus isn't going to miss this opportunity to show you his singing skills too now that he supposedly sounds ‘even better’.
He doesn't usually act this cute, so you shut up and happily pet his fuzzy head. Good luck when he turns back.
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Caleb turns into a bernese mountain dog as he’s cooking dinner. You're waiting in the living room, scrolling through Tumblr, when there's a crash at the kitchen.
He greets you with a joyful bark, wagging his tail at maximum speed. It seems like he was carrying the sauce from one place to another, and he got turned in the middle of the action, covering him in sauce. He starts licking himself but you stop him.
“Let's give you a bath.” You laugh, cleaning the floor. He doesn't seem to mind, he’s just happy to be there with you. You pet a clean part of his fur and he gives you what looks like a smile.
After the bath he shakes himself dry, splashing water all over you. He barks as if laughing. You consider feeding him actual dog food when he turns back in retaliation.
A/N: You might ask yourself, Irene, why did you transform Sylus into a bat instead of a crow? Well, I felt like it was too easy and too repetitive since Mephi is already a crow, and I feel like a bat represents him well too! Also, I really said “immersion” with that ‘scrolling through Tumblr’ bit, huh. LMAO. Why do I love changing LaDS characters into different versions of themselves is something that no one knows. Btw that Xavier part was completely inspired by Roxie (unbeknownst to her) so you can thank her.
- dividers by @/jiyascepter , @/kaitsawamura , @/saradika , @/drifting-moon , and last one made by me <3
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jaxon-exe · 1 year
Fighting for Friendship
So Danny ends up in Gotham, how is up to u, but he is put in the same class as Damian.
Now Gotham is weird. Amity Park is weird to. But they r two different kinds of weird. Like Amity park is the “oh ur a bit weird, cool, so is everyone” kinda weird where Gotham is the “wait ur weird?? Fuck ur gonna be a rogue ain’t u?? Get tf away from me. Go have ur villain origin story over there” kinda weird.
So Danny can’t really make any friends bc he’s weird weird. Tho he’s not the only one in his class with this problem. The other guy, Damian Wayne, mainly sticks to himself and seems to be the only sane person in this school. Well, to Danny at least. This made Danny want to befriend him. Even if only to not be alone in his suffering. More than that Danny can feel the traces of ectoplasm on him! Even more reason for him to be friend shaped.
The problem is Damian seems to be in denial about his friend shapeness. Well to bad for him if Danny is one thing it’s stubborn. But dammit Damian seems to be a new level of stubborn. Nothing Danny does works!! It’s almost like this kid is from a different world or at least a different time!! Before he gives up however he has one last attempt. All or nothing!!
So he spends an inter week annoying the fuck outta Damian!! Looks it’s not a smart plan but it is a desperate one. It is also a plan that works a bit better than expected!!
He started his plan on Monday and it took til Friday for Damian to crack. After a full day of maximum annoyance Danny started following Damian home. They made it several blocks before Damian dragged him into a nearby alley and started swinging.
Now this Danny understood!!!
The universal language of ghost, Violence!!!
So the two beat the shit out of each other and r pretty evenly matched. Both of them r on even levels when it comes to speed and battle awareness and while Damian is definitely the better trained Danny is stronger and more durable. Needless to say the fight goes on for awhile.
A few hours later Damian and Danny shuffle into Wayne manor looking like they lost a fight with a wood chipper and when Bruce goes to ask what happen Danny just smiles and goes- We’re friends now 
With Damian nodding in agreement
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You just moved in the house next door to Bucky’s and when he welcomes you to the neighborhood, he completely forgets what he was going to say cause he’s stunned by your beauty and he eventually asks you if you want to hangout with him and Steve which you immediately accept🥰
Never Been More Sure
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PAIRINGS: Construction Worker!James "Bucky" Barnes x Reader
WARNINGS: FLUFF, overworked reader, reader needs a break, loud music. Grumpy Bucky
*not proof-read*
His grip on the hammer tightens as he hears the base from the house next door increases.
“Jesus,” he mutters, Bucky looks at his watch as see that’s it three in the afternoon. He then looks at Steve, “who the hell would be listening to music this loud at this time of day?”
Steve looks up from the blueprints and squints his eyes at the house next to the one they’re working on and hears the bass he’s best friend was talking about. “Dunno man,” he shrugs.
The house flipping project was not knew to Bucky’s experience, but it was albeit different from his usual construction work, but when the man who own the company, who also happens to be his best friend, tells him he needs some help, Bucky’s up and ready to help.
He enjoyed renovating the house, but what he did not enjoy was the loud music playing from the house next door.
It would always be the same playlist every day, at the same hour, at maximum volume.
He’d always grit his teeth as he felt the vibrations through out the entirety of the house.
He parks his truck in the driveway and steps out, Bucky looks up into the sky and see’s the orange hue of the rising sun tainting the blue sky.
He sighs and walks into the house gets all the equipment up and ready for action.
Steve arrives a little while later and sets up too, they talk about random updates on their lives when Steve stops to a specific topic.
“Oh, and the person next door, the one that blasts the music is apparently new to the neighbourhood too,” he says as he uses a hammer to nail in some wooden floorboards.
Bucky pauses as he holds some tiles under his arm, “yeah?”
To which Steve nods too, “yeah.”
There is it, again.
The bass.
Bucky shakes his head in annoyance and rubs the bridge of his nose trying to push away the oncoming headache.
Steve had to go and get some caulk for the bathroom, so it was only Bucky working out some things.
“Fuck this shit,” he drops his tools and walks out of the house in his beige construction boots.
He was on the sidewalk to the house next door; he sees the plants on the porch and the little metal porch table and chair on the corner. With each step towards the house, the bass gets louder.
Walking up to the door he clenches his jaw as he hears his heart thumps to the beat of the base, he clenches his knuckles and knocks on the door a bit too loudly.
Your mind was too focused on working on your code and trying to find your bug and trying to understand why your program runs on an infinite loop, that you almost did not hear the loud knock on your door.
Your mind reels itself back into the real world, where Freddie Mercury screams through your house about some woman being a killer queen.
You walk to your front door, as you do you feel the base course through your body, providing you’re tension some sort of release. You open the door to see a 6’ something beefy man with hair till his shoulders, the bluest eyes you’ve seen, and a pair of construction vest and a hard hat.
You, however, are cladded in a tank top and red flannel pyjama pants.
“Uh hi, may I help you?” you look at him confuse, like you weren’t totally checking him out a few seconds ago.
I mean you really can’t blame you, when he is doing the exact same thing as you were: checking you out.
Bucky taps his foot impatiently waiting for the door to be opened, and when it does the string of cuss words that he had planned to use evaporates from his tongue.
He takes in your messy hairdo and the glasses that perch on your nose.
His heart stutters for a sec, he can’t even bring himself to answer the question you asked. And when you repeat it again, he just lets out a serious of “uh’s” and “um’s”.
You look at him questioningly, wondering what a construction worker would be doing around these parts. Then you remember the house that’s being renovated on your left.
“Oh you the guys working on house next to mine, yeah?” You say as you lean against your doorframe.
Bucky stands straighter and gets himself together. “Uh, yes ma’am,” he nods he scratches his stubble.
“I’m sorry for knocking so loud, ma’am. But I’ve been working on the house for a few weeks now and I can’t help but hear the…. music from your house,” he says looking into your eyes and stuffing his hands into the hands of his cargo shorts.
You blush immediately, “shit. Oh my god, I’m so sorry it’s just when I get locked into my work. I just need some loud base so it does get loud in the noggin’,” you say and tap on your temple, and then cringe.
To your luck, Bucky chuckles at your little stunt and nods.
“What work needs music so loud that it can break the sound barrier,” he crosses his arm and gives you a smirk.
Your legs almost turn to jelly at his smirk.
“Well, um, I code…...A lot. I work in Machine Learning,” you say as your wring your hands and laugh nervously.
Bucky raises a brow, impressed at your revelation of what you do for a living.
“Impressive. Well then, I really shouldn’t say anything that would affect your work-,” he starts but you cut immediately.
“No, no, no, it’s my fault I’ll reduce the volume. I should’ve done it sooner, but I was just seriously locked in. I’m like running on five cups of coffee, it’s literally insane. My boss thinks that I am able to code an entire authentication system in two weeks, and that’s where she her screws are loose in her head. Cuz, no one in the entire world can build an entire TWO-WAY authentication system in two weeks. Like who does she think I am Mark Zuckerberg, I can’t-,”
You pause as you realise, you’re going on a rant. Bucky’s eyes are slightly raised in shock.
“Sorry I really shouldn’t be rambling about my job to some stranger, I’ll lower the volume Mr…,” you drag the last bit hoping he’ll finish it off you.
“Barnes, James Barnes. But my friends call me Bucky,” he sticks his hand out and asks for yours, which you tell gladly.
“And don’t worry, we all have those days,” he says giving you a little nod of sympathy.
You smile softly at his efforts and thank him before giving a tight smile and a “See you later” and closing the door of your humble abode.
Bucky notices the reduced volume of the music in the following days, he smiles as he can only hear the traces of the 80’s/90’s music you play from your home.
Steve see’s the look Bucky has as he watches your house.
“Have you met ‘em?” Steve asks as he continues to tile the kitchen.
Bucky, without looking away from the house, responds with a yes.
Steve chuckles, “you gave ‘em a piece of your mind? Threaten ‘em? Is that why their music is barely audible now, hmm?”
Bucky shakes his head, “she’s gorgeous, Steve.” He remembers how you were dressed with you first opened the door and it made his heart flutter again.
“Yeah?” Steve asks, with a smirk on his face. Bucky death glares at Steve, to which Steve chuckles at.
The blonde looks at his watch as sighs, “well it’s time for lunch, wanna clock out?” To which Bucky nods to.
Soon they make it to Bucky’s truck and Bucky can’t help but stare at your house.
“Ask her if she wanna join,” Steve pushes Bucky in your direction.
“Should I? I dunno man,” the brunette scratches the back of his neck. Steve just rolls his eyes and shoves Bucky to the stairs leading up to your porch.
You excepted there would be a bug in your code. But what you didn’t expect was your doorbell to ring.
You got up and felt your grey sweats unstick from your thighs, you shudder at the feeling.
You make your way to the door and open it up to reveal the man you were secretly hoping it would be.
“Hey Bucky, gosh I hope the music isn’t loud again,” you laugh nervously to which Bucky shakes his head and reassures you.
“It’s perfect, doll. Greatly appreciated,” he smiles giving a soft smile.
You return with your own and then a confused look glazes your face, “oh, great. Then, why are you…?”
Bucky helps you finish the sentence, “My co-worker and I were heading to grab some lunch, just wanted to check in and ask if you wanted to join us?”
“Oh,” you look behind him and see and equally handsome blonde man waving in your direction with a 100-percent-typical-American-golden-boy smile. You nervously wave back and look back at Bucky, “Oh I don’t wanna impose.”
Bucky huffs and chuckles, “you ain’t imposing, Doll. I’m offering.” He raises a brow in question, waiting for your answer.
“How long have you been at your computer?” he asks straightforward. You reel you head back in slight confusion at the sudden change of topic, “uh, since this morning?”
Bucky nods and replies, “you need a break.”
That you didn’t disagree with, since you are desperate for one.
But you feel as though you’d disturb Bucky and his friends lunch.
“You sure I won’t be imposing?” you ask him as you bite your lip.
“Never been more sure of anything else in my life, doll.”
Hey Lovelies! this has been sitting in my drafts for a while now, and I FINALLY finished it. My deepest apologies @sergeantbarnessdoll for not completing it sooner, it isn't the same as you asked I hope that's all good 🤧🤧🤧.
This was also a fix I was planning to make! ( a fix that included a construction worker Bucky Barnes’s, cuz that AU is soooo underrated)
Lemme know what y'all think!
Till' then,
Stay Coquette-y,
Anya 🫶🏽🕊️🎀
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zombholic · 11 months
MASC DEALER DINA HC — dina woodward
description — masc dealer!dina, modern au, college au, mentions of drugs, drug usage, sfw & nsfw, MDI !!
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— You met her through a friend of a friend, she was really mean at first, didn’t get along too well but you were a customer so she had to provide.
— She liked to keep to herself, only having the maximum of three close friends which included Jesse and Ellie.
— There was a halloween party at one of the Sororities so you and your friend two friends dressed up like the trio in mean girls did.
— Dina was sat on the very big couch, manspreading with a blunt between her lips as she was lighting it with her match, hand covering the flame.
— You had a wave of confidence light through you that made you walk over to Dina and maybe converse with her.
— The whole night at the halloween party you and Dina chattered away, she offered you a hit and there you guys were high and talking about everything.
— You two started becoming closer, to her you guys were just friends but you started getting butterflies every time she was around.
— It was like everyone around you knew that you were heads over heels for Dina but her, she was under the impression that you were just very friendly.
— Whenever you two would be anywhere together you would be sat on her lap or cuddled up next to her, especially if she was selling or rolling up joints.
— Dina owns a gun, she doesn’t keep it strapped on her but she has it close enough in her apartment whenever a guy wants to start acting stupid.
— Dina was also known for not just selling weed, she had every drug under the sun but she would honestly rip your face off before she let you use anything other than weed and even with that she has a limit for you.
— She is very protective of her friends and especially you, you were in her words “kinda stupid.” so she was always ready to shoot a motherfucker if they even made you uncomfortable.
— One day your beloved showed up with another girl who was clinging onto her arm, Dina confessing that she was her girlfriend and you swore all you saw from then on was red.
— You started to ignore her, if your group was hanging out you would pretend she wasn’t there and it ticked her off, what really set her off was when you found another dealer.
“Y/n, wait.” Dina saw you leaving the cafeteria of your university, catching up to you she grabbed your forearm forcing you around to face her.
“What do you want?” Your face was filled with annoyance, your expressions never being subtle so she knew exactly what you were feelings.
“What the fuck is your issue? Why are you ignoring me and why the fuck did you find another dealer?” She was truly angry, her jaw clenching, the grip on your arm becoming stronger.
“Are you actually that stupid Dina? Did the damn weed catch up to your fucking brain?” You tried to pull your arm back causing her to only tighten her grip. Dina yanking you to the bathrooms she was quick to push your back against the cold tiled walls.
“Tell me what your issue is before I punch your damn face in.” You knew it wasn’t an empty threat.
— You gave in and told Dina why you were ignoring her, she was taken back from the sudden confession of your feelings towards her.
— It had been weeks since you spoke to her, during those weeks Dina broke up with her girlfriend after finding out she was stealing her shit.
— Dina was at your dorm banging on the door in the middle of the night, you thought the damn cops were at the door with how loud she was banging.
— She didn’t hesitate to grab your jaw, pressing her lips against yours so deeply.
— You didn’t pull back only when she did to catch her breath, all you could do was ask what the fuck.
— She dragged you to your room shoving your body down onto your bed, pinning your hands to the side of your face she leaned back down kissing you hungrily.
— The kissing led to her going down your jaw to your neck where she bit and sucked until you were covered in her love bites.
— Dina took her time, making you strip in front of her slowly, her hands roaming your body causing you to break out in goosebumps. She pulled you between her legs and kissed up your chest to your tits, sucking on one while her other fingers pinched and played with your other nipple.
— She made you ride her fingers, you gripped onto her shoulders mewls and whimpers spilling out from your lips, her dark brown eyes never leaving your face loving the way your expressions were just pure bliss.
— She manhandled you onto your stomach with your ass up in the air and back beautifully arched, she traced your arch with her hand. She didn’t keep her gun strapped but she did keep something else strapped.
— Her cock was too much for you to take, girthy with 7 inches inside of you. She was painfully slow with her thrusts, pulling out all the way only to slam back inside your drooling cunt.
— Dina used every curve on your body as a handle when she started quickening her pace.
“Oh— Di…ohmygod you fuck me so good.” You moaned between hiccups, she was fucking you stupid, her cock kissing your cervix, her thrusts were lethal and knocked every single breath out of your lungs.
Her hand sneaked to your aching clit, rubbing the puffy bud in fast circles as she slammed her cock inside of your wet, pink walls in an unforgivable pace. You swore you were seeing stars at this point, words not even forming properly anymore.
“Too much, oh fuck— s’too much please!” Your face was buried in your pillow, tears now streaming down your burning face.
“It’s too much baby? Oh, is my cock too much for your little cunt to handle?” She mocked, a grin formed on her face, she was in love with breaking you apart with her cock.
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authors note — do yall wanna see some other hc from different characters??
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what-if-i-just-did · 1 year
What about.. aliens and neurodivergents?
Like, they find out about body language, and facial expressions, and sayings, and all of that stuff. And the amount of poisons we drink for fun. And they're weirded out. And the humans don't know how to explain it, because they don't know any other.
Then the aliens meet neurodivergents. And at first they're like, wtf there are humans who don't understand humans? But then they realise, oh wait, these 'weird' humans can explain the 'normal' ones. And they start calling the neurodivergents 'h-w', 'humans weird'. So they talk about neurotypicals. And someone bring up how we poison ourselves for fun. And the neurodivergent is like, "Oh yeah, caffeine doesn't work on me, and I need like a whole wine bottle to get even tipsy and like six sigarettes for the nicotine to work but I had weed once and I got like wicked high instantly" and the alien is like wtf you're h-w you're supposed to be normal by galactic standards???
And say, the Kgrifu ship Hashalaiy has eight humans, which is almost the permitted maximum of ten, and only one of the eight are neurodivergent, and they tend to mask in public, even if the other humans aren't around. They usually turn down human applications but then they get one that states 'h-w, strong by human standards, frequently non-verbal' and they decide yes, let's hire this one, they're h-w, and if they're strong by human standards, they must be wicked-strong by galactic standards.
And this human, Bridge they call themself, introduces themselves to the other humans. The aliens look on with intrigue. Bridge keeps their eyes on the ground, talks softly, and fidgets with their sleeves. Seven of the other humans look them up and down, frown, and don't give them a second thought. The other h-w, though. Earth, her name is. She looks at them with curiousity, and exitement. When Bridge is done talking, Earth slowly walked towards them. She doesn't make eye-contact, like she usually does. "Autistic?" She asks in a soft voice. Bridge looks up, nods enthusiastically. Earth breaks out in a large grin. "ADHD with a side of OCD, on my side." The aliens don't know what those words mean. Then Bridge's expression changes slightly, and it isn't an expression any of the Kgrifu's know, but Earth immediatly replies verbally by saying "It's Earth."
The aliens observe Earth and Bridge interact the next few weeks. They're almost always around eachother, and barely talk to communicate. When they do talk, it's usually Earth- Bridge has said maybe a total of 20 sentences while around Earth, and usually they only really use one word. Rather than words, they use the 'body language' Earth claimed not to know, a few words from something called 'sign language' (an entire language of hand-movements!), simple noises such as hums, and, suprisingly.. touch. Earth will tap Bridge's right shoulder twice, or Bridge will run their fingers through Earth's hair (humans only have fur in four or five places on their bodies, and the fur on their heads are ridiculously long), and the both of them will recognise this as communication.
One time, ensign Ririfé sees/overhears (pretty much the same thing for xe's species) one of the 'normal' humans, Pietro, xe thinks his name is, look at such a non-verbal conversation with annoyance. Earth hums a specific melody, something best written as 'hmm-hmm-hmm-hhhhhhhh-hmm?', and then Bridge cocks their head to the left. Earth responds by doing a kind of half-shrug with one shoulder and saying "Tomorrow". Bridge thinks for a second before shrugging. Pietro calls out, saying: "Hey! Talk out loud, would ya!" This gets an identifiably 'angry' look from Earth, pointedly directed at Pietro, whereas Bridge, a large, muscular human, basically shrinks into themselves. Earth angles her head towards the door and looks back at Bridge. Without words exchanged, they leave. Pietro looks even more annoyed and goes over to his 'friends' (a human word for a non-biologically related pack consisting of humans (or other, sometimes!) of the general same age). Ririfé rushes to go tell the captain.
Alternatively, the aliens brand neurodivergents as the normal ones, and neurotypicals as the oddballs. The neurotypicals do not know how to handle this. I don't feel like writing a whole story for that right now but if you like the idea you should tell me.
Feel free to add on to this btw!
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smalls-words · 1 year
Summary: Early morning training sessions are fun, right?
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader (close friends/'something' by nature and history), Avengers x Reader (accquaintances).
Warnings: Nothing over the top but some dark concepts such as mental confusion/brainwashing.
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It was a good idea. At first. Maybe in hindsight, the Avengers should have thought about letting you train with them after only leaving the Red Room for four months.
You were stood across the mat from Natasha, the only opponent who could really match you. Steve had specifically designed today's training challenge that way; to make you push yourself to the maximum.
"Ready, Romanoff?" You grinned, watching her take her stance with a smirk on her face.
"Ready as ever."
When Steve blew his whistle, unlike the others, you two were trapped in a circling dance. Neither attacked, neither lunged, nor did you do much of anything - you analysed.
Natasha watched how your arms moved when you breathed. You watched how her legs moved her around in the circular pattern.
Then, you struck.
She glanced you away, using your momentum against you to try and trip you but she missed since you did a little jump. You turned and faced her just in time to block a kick to your side, hitting it back down to the floor with the base of your palm.
"Harder, Y/N. You know I can take more." She chuckled, going to kick you again but you caught her leg and spun her around.
She tried to grab your waist with her lower legs but you twisted out of her grip. Hands up, ready for anything as you faced her again.
You'd already built up a sweat beforehand, small beads on your forehead that you weren't distracted enough by to render a wipe. You didn't have time, either.
Natasha went again, going low this time, but you anticipated and stepped back like a fencer's retreat. Then you came back, hoping to elbow her ribs, but she caught you and pinned you down.
"Ha. Got you." She grinned. "You always fall for that."
You let out a huff of annoyance. "You don't have to say it every time."
"Go again!" Steve distracted the two of you.
Natasha climbed off and you stood, brushing off the sweat from your brow as you got into your readying stance again.
"Come on, Silanova - don't hold back."
Oh, how the turn tables.
You went again at her, this time with a certain tenacity she liked. This was the Y/N she liked to spar with, the one who didn't care much for injuries. The one who withstood the bruises, the mat burns, the carpet burns, everything.
"Xорошая маленькая Bдова. (Good little Widow.)" She teased.
You let out a huff through your nose, annoyed.
Natasha pinned you to the ground again with her thigh move, chuckling after. "Oh come on - you practically let me have that. Get up, let's go again."
You got to your feet, kicking off your shoes and socks to the side. Natasha raised an eyebrow before chuckling. "If you think the stench of your feet is going to help you, you're wrong - doing your laundry on my days has built me some immunity."
Strange... you didn't reply to that.
You put your hands up, ready to go again. Though... you didn't attack first. Natasha had to make the first move.
Every move you made was calculated. Every piece of force, every angle. Nothing was by accident.
"Damn, Y/N, alright. Who's pissed you off this time, huh?" She chuckled as you went to kick her face, something Steve had said was a no-no before training.
"Y/N - warning one. Don't." There he went. Ever the diligent soldier.
Natasha looked at you, confused at your unchanging expression and absence of apology. "Y/N?"
You kicked again at her side, making her block it but the force still pushed her arm into her side. "Jesus, Y/N, take it down a notch. This is training, not an actual battle."
Then, she saw your eyes. Open, yet empty.
"Y/N. Speak." She said firmly, confused before you threw three punches which she had to quickly defend.
"Y/N, answer me. Stop playing with me here."
She quickly pulled you into her and locked your arms against your chest. "Snap out of it, right now."
You pushed her out, kicking her stomach hard enough to wind her. You spun, ready to one-two kick-punch her in the face which would be enough to knock her out.
"Y/N, enough!" Steve growled, raising his voice and capturing the attention of everyone in the room.
You glanced over at him, his expression stressing. Natasha went to her knees, trying to catch her breath as she looked at you.
"Hey, hey. Don't... Don't look at him. Look at me." She coughed out, standing after a few seconds.
"Natasha, she's..." Wanda tried to explain but the expert Widow just put her hand up to silence her.
Your head cocked to the side, terrifying her when your playful smile didn't match it.
"Y/N... You're not there. You're here, with me." She cooed, taking a few steps towards you. "Take a few breaths now, krasivaya (beautiful)."
In a flurry of movement, your hand was wrapped around Natasha's hand, the slam of her body hitting the mats echoing around the gym. "No!" Wanda's magic reacted, shooting out of her like a missile and seeking you out until you smacked into the opposing wall.
Natasha coughed as she regained her lost air, staring up at the ceiling whilst others watched the carnage. You laid in an unconscious mess of sweat, the wall having a considerably large crack in it.
"Maximoff. A little overkill there, but well done." Steve coached before jogging over to Natasha, checking on her.
"Nat. Nat, are you alright?" He asked.
"Y/N. Get... Y/N." She said through a few breaths.
He looked up, noticing your groans as you stirred. He looked at his fellow Avengers, people he knew and trusted, and then compared them to you.
You were nothing compared to his family.
"Get her in a containment cell. Now." He ordered but Natasha let out a huff of frustration.
"She's scared. Do not put her in a cell."
Natasha stood, shuffling over to you. She had a bruise showing on her leg from your harsh kick and smaller yet more frequent bruises were forming on her neck. "Hey. Hey, Y/N. Look at me."
You hazily looked around, confused as you were on the floor and far away from the mats. "Where... What... How am I... the floor?" You glanced down, seeing your sweat-soaked tank top sticking to you.
"Oh gods..."
You shuffled away, struggling to as your shoulder had dislocated upon impact with the wall.
"Hey. Hey, hey, hey, no. Come back here, krasivaya. It's okay." Natasha cooed, watching painfully as tears began to well in your eyes.
"I thought I had it under control. You said I could do it. I-I had control this very morning, what the hell happened?!" You said, fear seeping into your words one syllable at a time.
"You... Y/N, it's okay, but-"
"You lost control. That's what." Steve said firmly, folding his arms in an annoyed stance.
"I... I lost it?" You murmured, confused.
Natasha sighed, your attention going back to her. Then you saw it - the damage done to her neck. It was getting clearer by the second. Dark semi-circles were dug into her skin, clearly marked around her airways in deadly manner.
"I... I did that?" You muttered gravely, holding your dislocated arm but hardly feeling the pain as your ears began to ring.
"You did, yes, but it's okay. Just stay calm for me, detka, okay? Let me fix your shoulder, Y/N." Natasha tried to keep you calm.
You flinched. Of all the people in the room, you - the damager, the cause, the very problem - flinched.
"No. No, get- get away from me." You stammered, shuffling away until you stood on two legs and bolted out of the gymnasium.
"Y/N, wait!" She called out, trying to catch up to you but the damage you'd done had made her compromised.
"Leave her be for now. We'll check up on her later." Steve murmured. "You need medical attention, Natasha. That whip onto the mat would not have been good for your head."
Natasha nodded and walked with Wanda to the medical office with a heavy heart.
It wasn't your fault...
A/N: Wow, it has been a long time since I wrote something on this account.
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applesooyoung · 3 months
sub!ricky in lacey thigh highs *drools* it would be such a pretty sight
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Genre: Smut !! | Wc: 1.472k | AFAB!Reader
Contains: sub sugar daddy!Ricky x dom sugar baby!Reader, Ricky wears vibrators out in public oohlala, Brat Ricky, petnames (reader calls Ricky "Angel", "Kitten and "Kitty"), mommy kink, lowkey petplay cuz Ricky dresses up as a pretty kitty, dress up, slightly Ricky feminization if you squint (just a teensy bit), fingering, finger sucking, gagballs cuz we spicy LMK IF I MISSED ANYTHING! ^^
A/N: I fucking love you for sending this ask jas, Istg ilysm that I turned your random Ricky hard thought into a full blown fic cuz I gotta make up for my absence and as a good friend, it is my job to relieve your Ricky brainrot, girlie 🤭 Hope u enjoyed this one~!
[Now playing: Kiss — NCT DOJAEJUNG]
꒷︶🖇 ̇ ̟ ෆ ‿︵‿୨♡୧‿💭 ‿ ෆ ̟ ̇ ︶꒷
Shopping has always been a thing and a little bonding time for you and Ricky, and he absolutely loved spoiling you. Oftentimes enough, people assume that just because he's your sugar daddy, he definitely takes on more of a leading role in a relationship—a provider, perhaps.
But who would've thought that this aloof and intimidating aura was just a facade?
Just like your typical Friday shopping spree with Ricky (as if it's not a shopping spree every day with Ricky's money, but please, I beg to differ) when a bunch of girls stared at him as he's stunning, from his Khaki Ralph Lauren pants to his gold Rolex watch—he's a gold digger's wet dream.
As he pays for all of your stuff, you can see the cashier hitting on him, and being the little bratty shit he is, of course he entertained the woman and flirted back. The cashier compliments him on his physique and asks if he'd like to go out with her sometime. Ricky smirks, flirting right back with a wink and a suggestive tone in his voice.
This made your eye twitch, as he always loves to get on your nerves, especially when you're seeing it in real time. So in return, you put his vibrator on its max setting. He flinched a bit, but probably not enough to concern the cashier that he was flirting with, he felt a sudden surge of pleasure as the vibrator is turned on and placed at maximum speed. He gasps, then laughs nervously as he tries to regain his composure. "What was that, mommy?" 
To mask your jealousy and annoyance, you smiled at the cashier, walking away with your hands on his beautiful waist to show that Ricky only belongs to you and ONLY YOU. Oh, that confusion and disdain on the cashier's face made your ego grow tenfold.
"You sure do like pissing the shit out of me, don't you, Ricky?" you said with an innocent tone as you tossed all your purchases into the backseat of the car before taking the driver's seat. He raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "What are you talking about, mommy?" He chuckles, knowing fully well that he loves getting a reaction out of you. He reaches over to place a hand on your thigh, his fingers lightly tracing patterns on your skin. 
"You're on thin ice, Ricky, thin ice," you said before parking your car in the garage. You got outside of the car, letting Ricky carry all of your stuff, and of course, that's not it! No, no, no, no, no! As your bratty boy carries all of the stacks of shoes and dresses you bought, you play with the vibrator's speed. He tried to keep it in, but he failed. He could feel his cock throb with the sudden highs and lows of the vibrator stuck to his pathetic cock. All he can do is keep his whimpers on and carry all of your stuff.
As the night deepens, you continue to give him the silent treatment. Despite his attempts to make you talk to him with those gentle neck kisses and honey-coated words, you remain silent in your space. But he had an idea; he's so sure that once you lay your eyes on him, you won't be able to keep your hands off him. He wanted your attention, and what Ricky wants, Ricky gets.
You notice Ricky enter his closet; his unusual behavior catches your eye as he gets your attention away from your laptop, but you just brush it off as you're aware that he's trying to get your attention. "Mommy~" he sang in almost a whisper, "I know you're upset with me, mommy, and I came here to apologize." 
That sounded new, Ricky Shen. Apologizing for being a brat? No fucking way.
As you shifted your eyes from your laptop, your eyes glimmered. "As you're buying your red bottoms earlier, I was buying these thigh highs, and I thought you would like them on me. What do you think, Mommy?" He was all dolled up. His luscious strawberry lip gloss complemented his favorite strawberry lotion. He wore a simple white t-shirt, but he made it more slutty by wearing his cat ears decorated with cat bells. And of course, the highlight of his show was his new lacey thigh highs.
He was so pretty, you just wanted to devour him right then and there. "Come here." You wriggled your fingers as you signed him to come close to you, and he obediently complied. "You look so pretty, angel. Is this your little show for mommy?" He beams with pride at your compliment and nods. He was pleased that he'd managed to capture your gaze. Ricky steps closer, letting the material of his new clothes brush against your arm. 
"You get me every time, kitty," you whisper to him before placing kisses all over his body, irking him to let out a soft and breathy moan. A shiver runs down his spine. He's caught off guard by the sudden show of affection and feels a warmth spread through him. "Thank you, Mommy." 
You could see his visible erection in his lace pants that matched his lovely thigh highs. "All that ignoring made you this hard, huh?" you softly mumbled before latching on his lips while stroking his now-exposed sex. His cheeks flush red at the sight of your gaze on his lace panties, and he can't help but feel a little embarrassed, yet all of the pleasure overrides any embarrassment as you stroke him through the silky fabric. "Hey, careful now..."
"Shh, I'll make sure you get what pretty little brats like you deserve." You traced your fingers on his jaw to his elegant collarbones. You got his gagball from the box inside your dresser and put it on him. Ricky's eyes widen in surprise as he feels the gag ball press against his lips, cutting off his words. He looks at you with a mix of desire and submission, intrigued by what's happening. "Mmmph," he mumbles around the gag, his eyes locked on yours; he was a sight to see.
"You asked for my attention, didn't you?" You let out a quiet, sadistic chuckle before bending him over your lap and starting to finger him. He gasped softly as he felt your fingers go in and out of him; his cheeks burned with embarrassment, but his cock twitched with each stroke of your fingers. You fastened the pace even more. His cock is rock hard and leaking all over with his precum.
You removed his gag to reveal all of his drool; he was so fucking into it. You tentatively took it off and made him suck your fingers while you stuck the vibrator on his filthy length and uttered, "Suck." Together with his hazy eyes, his mouth eagerly obeyed your commands and sucked your fingers. His body rocks with each thrust, his cries growing louder and more desperate. He's completely under your control, his mind and body consumed by pleasure. "Oh, f-fuck, mommy, more!" His cock is throbbing, the vibrations making him squirm with need.
Still thrusting your fingers, you leave kisses all over his back and his neck. This gave him shivers, adding more to his sensory overload; his body tenses, on the brink of release. They were so intense, and the feeling of your fingers inside him is almost too much. Everything about your room right now is so slutty; the moans of the pretty boy across your lap, infused with the tinkling noise of his cat bells, are enough to make you go crazy.
You remove your fingers from his mouth before putting the gag back into his mouth. You finger him faster, and unsurprisingly, this action made him cum in seconds, his orgasm tears through him. His beautiful brown eyes rolled back in his head as he released himself onto the bed and vibrator, you removed his gag. "God, mommy, you ruined me." He managed to make you chuckle even in his messed-up state. 
You leave a kiss on his cheek as he collapses on your shared bed. Catching his breath as he desperately gasps for air, "You did so well, Kitty," you cooed as he leaned and indulged in your touch. "Really?" He then looks up at you with a mix of awe and disbelief in his eyes, his usual smug demeanor replaced with a raw vulnerability.
"Get up," you said in a commanding manner as Ricky looked at you with his tired and hazy eyes. The shift in your demeanor was so sudden that all he could do was obey. "Yes, Mommy," he manages to croak out in a weak voice, still reeling from the intense pleasure you just gave him. You put him in place, aligning him with your strap. "We're just getting started, kitten."
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© applesooyoung
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nomercymaster11 · 8 months
Inked secrets
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A/N: Modern School AU. I inscribed his name on my notepad, sparking the creation of another one-shot story.
The classroom windows welcomed the late afternoon sun, allowing its golden rays to cast a warm glow upon the meticulously arranged desks. You sat alone at your desk, basking in the peaceful quiet of the room. You were jotting down notes from the blackboard to your notebook. Your mind, however, was occupied by the thoughts of your crush.
“T r a f a l g a r  L a w”
As you absentmindedly traced the letters of his name on the notebook, a silly smile played on your lips. The doodle was accompanied by a small heart, a secret declaration of your feelings. You leaned your elbow on the desk, resting your cheek on your hand, gazing at the window with a dreamy expression, lost in a blissful daydream.
You were suddenly jolted back to reality when a hand swiftly snatched the notebook from your desk.
Startled, you looked up to see Penguin, a mischievous grin on his face, holding your notebook. Panic and embarrassment flooded your senses as he flipped through the pages, landing on the one with Law's name and your doodle.
"Someone's had a crush on our friend." Penguin teased, raising an eyebrow as he continued to inspect the notebook.
"Give it back!" you exclaimed, your cheeks burning with embarrassment. You jumped to your feet, determination in your eyes, and lunged towards Penguin, who held the notebook just out of your reach.
Penguin, enjoying the situation, held the notebook high, stretching his arm to the maximum. As you attempted to snatch it back, he playfully pushed you away, eliciting a frustrated cry from you.
"Shachi! catch!" Penguin called out, tossing the notebook toward the unsuspecting Shachi who entered the scene. You followed the notebook's trajectory, your eyes widening as Shachi caught it with ease.
"Hey!" you shouted, chasing after Penguin and Shachi as they bolted out of the classroom. The pursuit continued up the stairs, the sound of your footsteps echoing through the corridors.
As the trio reached the rooftop, Law looked up from his peaceful rest on the bench, annoyance etching his usually calm features. The noise from downstairs had disrupted his moment of solitude, and he furrowed his brows at the chaotic scene unfolding before him.
Penguin and Shachi, grinning like school boys caught in mischief, stood at the rooftop's edge, your notebook still in Shachi's hands. You, breathless and determined, arrived at the scene, demanding the return of your precious possession. Law sighed, realizing that the tranquility he sought was now shattered by the whirlwind of emotions and laughter that enveloped the rooftop.
Law's measured steps brought him closer to Penguin and Shachi, a subtle authority emanated from him. His outstretched hand silently demanding the notebook's return. Shachi, understanding the unspoken command, handed over the prized possession to Law. You watched in anticipation as Law took hold of the notebook, his usually composed demeanor hinting at the slightest curiosity.
Penguin and Shachi, sensing the tension, walked past Law and stood behind you. The two exchanged glances, their mischievous grins turning into expectant expressions. Law approached you, his hand signaling for you to take back your notebook. Your hand reached out, eager to reclaim your doodle-filled sanctuary.
However, as your fingers brushed against the pages, Law pulled it away, his wrist folding upward in a surprising move.
"Kidding," Law declared, a hint of amusement in his voice. Your heart skipped a beat at the unexpected twist. He opened the notebook and scanned its contents. Your eyes widening in panic, leaving you frozen and anxious.
The moment felt like an eternity until Law sighed, closing the notebook.
"What's the fuss about this? It's just a bunch of doodles," he remarked, handing the notebook back to you. Relief washed over you, and you took it with a mix of gratitude and confusion.
(Maybe he didn't see it) you thought, trying to calm your racing heart.
Penguin tilted his head, confusion evident on his face. "Huh?"
Law's sharp gaze turned to Penguin and Shachi.
"Stop teasing her, will you? You guys even interrupted my rest," he scolded them, the annoyance returning to his voice.
Then, he focused on you. Your eyes met, and he delivered a stern message,
"A notebook is used for studying and not for anything else."
You frowned at Law's authoritative tone.
"You don't get to decide what I do with it!" you retorted, clutching the notebook to your chest and shooting a defiant look at him.
Turning away from Law, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You punched Penguin and Shachi on their arms, a mix of frustration and playfulness in your actions.
"Ouch!" Penguin yelped, rubbing his arm.
The three of you left the rooftop, chattering animatedly as you descended the stairs. Law stood still, left behind in the quiet solitude of the rooftop.
His right hand formed a fist, and he absentmindedly pressed it lightly against his lips. A subtle smile played on his lips, and his cheeks felt unusually warm, unable to conceal the amusement sparkling in his eyes.
A rare, softer side of him emerged as he recalled your face, the way you stood up for yourself. Without your knowledge, Law had decided to play along and lied about not seeing his name etched in your notebook, accompanied by a heart sign. To him, it was a cute and endearing gesture. He harbored feelings for you, much like you did for him, but he struggled with how to approach you.
With the knowledge of your secret now known to him, Law couldn't help but giggle like a kid. Deeply inhaling, he cleared his throat to bring himself back to his usual stoic demeanor.
"This is bad," Law whispered to himself, his thoughts consumed by you. As he stood alone on the rooftop, a newfound warmth spread within him, and he found himself unable to stop thinking about you.
The rooftop now held a shared secret, a subtle connection between the two of you that had unfolded in the most unexpected way.
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hazybisou · 1 year
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pairing: f!reader x luke hughes
overview: week 2: luke takes y/n out to the beach only for the both of them to be met with a surprise down the shore.
warnings: talks about being sick and possible death.
o. i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. au masterlist
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it was 4 am.
why was she awake at this ungodly hour? she didn’t know.
oh wait..she did.
her phone was on her nightstand, ringing like crazy. she was in the midst of sleeping when it began to buzz. it took her a while to wake but when she did, she wished she hadn’t.
y/n groaned and grabbed her phone as she looked at who had called and texted her.
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
she had over 26 messages and 2 missed phone calls. why was he calling her this early? she knew he still had yet to tell her all the info she needed for later but it could’ve waited another 3 hours.
she opened her contacts before pressing on luke’s contact. it rang as she sat up, against her headboard, rubbing her eyes from the tiredness she had endured.
“yea it’s me.” he replied.
y/n sighed, “why’d you call me?”
she could hear luke breath on the other side of the phones, “i just wanted to know if we were still on for later?”
she squeezed her eyes in annoyance, “that’s what you called me at 4 in the fucking morning for?” y/n questioned.
“well-yeah. i mean i was worried that you might’ve changed your mind last minute and so i couldn’t sleep and-”
y/n stopped his rant, “yes, we’re still on for later. i’m just waiting for you to tell me which beach it is and at what time.”
“oh right. text me your address.”
she blinked. “what?”
luke rolled his eyes. “just do it.”
“okay, jeez. bye luke.” you told him which a slight laugh.
“bye y/n. i’ll see you later.” and with that you hung up as you typed out your address before sending it to him.
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luke stayed awake after that call.
he was bouncing with excitement over something he had done in order to get to know a girl. sure, every guy had been excited over a girl but y/n wasn’t just any girl. she was his girl. he just had to make it official.
luke got up and out of bed at 9:30. he gathered his clothes for later and made a beeline towards the bathroom. he had got rid of his clothes before getting in the shower.
he had music playing in the bathroom as he showered. it was at maximum volume. luke knew his roommates would be pissed since it was so early in the morning, but did he care at the moment? not even the slightest.
he had finished 30 minutes later. he turned the water off and made his way out the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.
he got dressed into a pair of light blue swim trunks and a button up shirt, the first two buttons undone.
luke grabbed a pair of sunglasses and a towel that he had thrown onto his shoulder. he made his way out his bedroom and began to walk through the hallway towards the stairs.
as he passed by mackie’s room, he suddenly heard a door creak open. “luke, what the fuck?” it was ethan. “it’s 10 in the morning, why the fuck are you awake?” he asked the boy as he groggily rubbed his eyes.
“i-uh-i’m going to the beach..with a friend.” he responded. luke hadn’t told any of his teammates he was going out with y/n. he knew if he did, they’d find some way to interfere and make it a big deal. so he kept it a secret.
“what, friend? you know you only got us.” ethan teased and luke just rolled his eyes.
“don’t worry about it.” luke told the boy. “now i gotta go.” luke rounded the corner before he rushed down the stairs, his footsteps fainting by the second.
mark’s door opened. “yo,” he called out to ethan who had turned around to go back into his room, “who the fuck was that?”
“luke. said he was going to the beach with a friend.” ethan explained.
“what friend?”
“i don’t fucking know man.” ethan replied. “he just said a friend before he left.”
mark began to think before an idea came to mind. “ay, wake everyone else up and tell them to get showered and dressed.” mark told the boy who just stood there tiredly and confused. “oh and while you’re at it, call the boys and everyone else up. we’re going to the beach.” he announced before turning around and heading into his room, the door shutting behind him.
ethan just stood there for a second before going in his room and flopping back onto his bed.
he’d do it in a bit.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
y/n was up and out of bed, getting ready for her “date” with luke. she had showered an hour before as she picked out dark green bikini bottoms and a dark green bikini top that had a tropical design on it. she had put on shorts over and a navy sweatshirt that went off one shoulder, her bikini strap showing.
her hair was in a braid as she didn’t it want it going all over the place on the way there. she grabbed her tote bag and began to pack all the necessities. she slid on her shoes and grabbed an extra towel from her closet.
she grabbed her phone and keys before heading into the living room and settling onto the couch.
jess was still asleep as she was a heavy sleeper. y/n grabbed her phone and began scrolling through instagram. she had been in the app for a good 5 minutes before she got a message from luke.
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
what’s your apartment number??
what do you need that for
you’re outside huh??
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
now what’s your apartment number
i’ll just go outside
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
no fuckin way is that happening
tell me the number
it’s apartment number 28
my personal stalker 🥲 (luke)
thank you!!
y/n throw her phone next to her and just sighed before rolling her eyes at the conversation she had just had. she grabbed it and left jess a text message, knowing she’d take another hour to wake up.
she was in the middle of texting a girl from her class that had needed help with the course when she heard a knock at the door. y/n got up and walked towards the door. she looked through the peephole and saw luke standing there, his hands in his short’s pockets.
she grabbed the door knob before twisting it and opening the door. “hi.”
luke looked up at her and just smiled. “hi.” he stood there for a second, taking in her figure and beauty before he spoke again, “you ready to go?”
she nodded her head before stepping out and closing the door behind her. the two began walking towards the elevator. after a good 2 minute walk, they both made it to the elevator’s doors and got in, clicking on the ground floor.
the two stood in silence.
y/n watched as the floor number increased until it eventually got to the letter ‘G’, signaling they were at the bottom floor.
they doors slid open and both were about to walk out at the same time before they both realized that they wouldn’t be able to. luke stepped back and let y/n go first, “go ahead.” y/n just smiled at him before she waited for luke.
the pair walked out to the parking lot and began to head towards luke’s car. y/n adjusted her bag over her shoulder as she grabbed her sunglasses out of her bag, with the sun out and all. she placed them on her head just in case.
the two got to the vehicle and luke opened y/n’s door for her to climb into and she thanked him before getting in, luke shutting the door soon after. he walked over to the driver’s seat and got in, settling in his seat as he pulled his seatbelt on.
“you ready? got you seatbelt on” luke asked y/n who nodded. “alright let’s go.” he stated before he started up the car and began to back up.
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
the drive from her house to the beach was a good 25 minutes. the two made small talk but it wasn’t much that was said. just the occasional ‘how was your day’ and ‘that’s good to hear’. the two only talked about small things.
y/n was looking out the window, admiring the view that she didn’t notice luke had been staring at her.
gosh she’s so fucking pretty.
luke seemed to snap out of his gaze as he remember he was the one driving.
y/n just leaned her head against the window and closed her eyes, awaiting their arrival at the beach. she hoped it would be sunny and the perfect weather. but she knew better. it was michigan after all. the weather here is never nice.
the two pulled into the parking lot of the beach. y/n opened her eyes and just looked outside through the windshield. she could see the ocean waves and sand at the bottom of the hill.
luke had turned off the engine and unbuckled his seatbelt before reaching into the backseat, grabbing his belongings, which consisted of just his towel. he opened his door and got out before running towards y/n’s side of the car.
she had unbuckled her seatbelt and reached for the door handle but the door opened before she could even get her hand on it.
“oh. thank you.” y/n blushed. she got her bag and hoped out the car. she turned around and watched luke shut the car door.
he turned towards her. “c‘mon.” he told her and y/n just began to walk next to him.
to get down to the beach you had to climb down the stairs that were attached to the rock side. it was a simple task, yet luke seemed to make it look difficult as he has taken y/n’s hand and helped her down as if it were hard to go down herself.
they had gotten to the bottom half of the steps and luke refused to let her hand go. she just rolled her eyes before walking in front of him, their conjoined hands now over her shoulder, as she walked them both down the stairs.
the two reached the sand and at last they were at the bottom. “so you wanna walk around first or go straight into the water?” y/n asked luke as she held a hand over her eyes to block the sun out
“whichever is fine.” y/n hummed and just took his hand as she began to make her way against the shore. luke happily obliged and followed behind her.
the pair had begun to walk along the water, their shoes now off and in their hand, the weather hitting against their feet and ankles. it was silent for a few seconds before one spoke up.
“why’d you ask me to come with you?” y/n asked luke as she looked up at him. he just continued to look down at his feet.
“w-well i thought you seemed like a nice girl, you know? i’ve seen you in class before and have wanted to talk to you for a while but i just never seemed to have gotten the chance until now. i want to get to know you. just us two.” luke explained. he didn’t know wat else to say other then that. i mean it was slightly true. he had seen her in his classes but she would always sit a couple rows ahead of him so she never seemed to acknowledge him. on the other hand, it was all apart of the bet, so he had no choice.
“you’re in my class?” y/n wondered with a slight tilt of her head. she had never seen him before. sure she got there a little later than most people but she always noticed her peers. maybe luke just blended in.
“yeah, i am. econ. i sit a couple rows back.” he answered her question.
y/n just raised her eyebrows. “wow. i guess i’ve never seen you before then.”
“yeah maybe.”
the two continued their walk in silence.
luke was freaking out inside. was it going that bad? they aren’t even talking for gods sake! was this a good idea? would she still talk to him after? millions of thoughts raced through his heads. hopefully this would go well.
y/n was thinking. she had always noticed the kids in her classes. luke just never seemed to be there. although there was always this one kid who would sit in the far back but it couldn’t be him. or maybe it was? she didn’t know. y/n was just focused on the moment at hand.
“hey is this your first year at umich? i’ve never saw you around last year.” luke stated. sure he had known the answer already but he wanted to know more.
“yeah i am. i transferred over from csuf. fullerton.” y/n said.
“oh so you’re a california girl?” luke wondered.
y/n just laughed and shook her head. “i guess you could say that. yeah.” she never was a fan of the heat and humidity. “i just never really liked the heat over there. makes things a lot more difficult.”
luke just shrugged. “well you won’t have to worry about that over here. i’m sure you could tell already though.”
she nodded her head. “yeah, well michigan sure is something.”
“why’d you transfer? if you don’t mind me asking.” luke asked her as they had began to walk back.
“no, it’s fine.” y/n brushed off, “most of my family lives here in michigan so thought it’d be better to live closer to home.” y/n said. “but mainly because my grandpa lives here too. my mom called me one day and told me he had gotten sick. we didn’t know how much time we had left with him so i decided to apply for transfer here at umich for my sophomore year. when i got in, my dad flew over and started to help me pack immediately. i had bought my ticket and flew over here the next week. although my parents live like 10 minutes away from campus, i still found a place to live in. i met my roommate, jess, at some random store in the mall and she told me how she attended umich and that she was looking for a roommate. i took that position. so i’ve been here ever since.” y/n finished off.
“oh wow, i-i’m sorry. must be hard being at school most of time and not getting to see your grandpa. i’m sorry.” luke said as he turned towards y/n.
y/n just waved it off. “it’s fine really. i still get to see him on the weekends and breaks so that’s got to count for something right?” luke just nodded.
“but i’m sure i’ll be fine. i mean i got jess with me. she’s a nice girl.” y/n explained.
“she really is. jess will be there for anyone even if she says she hates them.” luke said and y/n just smiled.
“like you and your team?” y/n teased. “she’s always calling you guys these names and she’ll be telling me about it and i just find it so funny.”
luke grimaced. “yeah she can be like that sometimes.”
y/n just laughed. “that’s what i love about her. she’s never scared to say whats on her mind. she’s truly is amazing.”
luke smiled. “i’m glad you have someone like her.”
“thank you. i-”
she got interrupted.
the pair looked towards where the voice came from. at the top of the stairs stood mark and his teammates, some holding the hands of girls who y/n assumed were their girlfriends, and some friends. among those friends was jess and some sorority girls.
“what the fuck?” luke said only so y/n and him could hear. “how the hell did they know where i was?” he turned to y/n. “i am so sorry this happened.”
“no it’s okay.”
the two stood there spitting out apologies to each other. the team and their friends began to walk down the stairs, beach necessities in hand. as they walked down one by one, y/n noticed how many people there actually was. she never did well around many people. big crowds overwhelmed her and made her feel like she was trapped in a small room. they made her heart speed up.
the group began to place their stuff down but not before saying hi to luke and waving towards y/n with a smile. mark and a couple of the guys walked over to luke and y/n. mark put a hand on luke’s shoulder, going to stand next to him. luke stood annoyed at the boy before turning his head towards mark. “what?”
“how ya doing bud?” mark asked enthusiastically. luke couldn’t help but roll his eyes.
luke took a deep breath in, “fine before you all got here.” he snapped.
mark held his hands up in defense. “hey, we just wanted to spend some time at the beach. we didn’t even know you were here.”
“sure you didn’t.” luke told him before he grabbed y/n’s hand. “c’mon y/n, we’ll go somewhere else.”
the two started to walk towards the stairs. all luke wanted was a simple day out with y/n, his “date”. but of course, mark had to come and ruin it. it’s not that he didn’t like mark or anything. they were best friends. he just really wished he could have a day out without his teammates. luke just wanted to have time with y/n to get to know her better.
the two were almost at the stairs before they heard one of the boys call out, “luke c’mon man!” they turned around to see mackie who had his hands up. “we just wanna have some fun. you can still have your date with y/n here,” he explained, “we’ll stay out of your way.”
luke shut his eyes tightly before opening them and looking down at y/n. “is that okay with you? them being here?” he asked.
y/n nodded. “it’s fine, i promise. besides i need to talk to jess about something.”
“alright we’ll stay but just don’t go crazy or whatever, please?” luke told the group of boys. “i really don’t want to go home with a headache.”
“we promise.” dylan said as he held a hand up. “now get your ass over here.”
luke and y/n walked over to them before y/n let his hand go. “i’ll look for you in a bit.” she told him before she turned around to look for jess.
the sophomores all began to swarm luke as they started to talk and jump around enthusiastically.
y/n however began to walk towards where she saw jess and a couple of girls. she walked up behind her and placed a hand on her back. “jess.”
jess turned around and a smile spread across her face. “hey, y/n!” she took the girl into a hug. “i woke up and you were gone but turns out you were here with luke the whole time.” the pair pulled away as y/n began to sit down with jess on the extra beach chair they had.
“bitch i texted you that i was gonna be gone with like before you woke up, knowing you always check your phone.” y/n explained.
jess just shrugged. “i didn���t see it.” y/n rolled her eyes before jess sat up. “oh you have to meet some of the girls. you’ll like them i promise but first i’d like you to meet some friends of mine.” jess gestured to a girl with dirty blonde hair and blue eyes. “this is ellie.”
the blonde waved at y/n and smiled. “hi i’m ellie. it’s nice to meet you y/n.” y/n smiled back.
“she’s dating jacob truscott,” y/n looked confused. “luke’s teammate.”
y/n got introduced to three other girls, lauren, maggie, and valerie. y/n found out that lauren and maggie ran the teams social media account, while valerie was here as a friend. she also found out that she was apart of alpha phi, a top sorority on campus.
y/n began to get along with them very well as they had been laughing and giggling at whatever one said. luke watched from afar, as he was “keeping an eye” on y/n. he knew it was a lie. he had a red solo cup in hand as he talked with some of the guys but he’d get distracted often, looking over at y/n every 5 minutes or so.
“yo luke, keep staring at her and soon she’ll melt.”
nolan, the teams captain laughed. “you okay there hughesy?” nolan asked and be slung an arm over luke.
“yeah i’m fine.” luke looked away from her. “sorry i was just making sure she was alright.”
nolan nodded. “right.”
“what i was!” luke defended himself. “she’s having fun which is good.” luke looked down at the liquid stirring in his cup.
nolan just eyed him for a minute before he spoke. “you like her don’t you?”
luke’s head snapped up. “what? n-no! of course i don’t. i’m just acting the part for the bet. that’s all. really-”
nolan chuckled. “breathe. and i’m not judging. i mean sure we told you not to fall in love but it’s okay. just don’t break each other’s hearts.” with that nolan walked away and luke just stood there before looking towards y/n.
has he really fallen in love after two weeks?
☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
it had been a couple of hours since the supposedly kegger had started. y/n took notice of how more and more people showed up. why? she didn’t know. someone had brought a speaker which is how the lyrics to some pitbull song were being heard. some of the guys on the team and their friends had helped build a bonfire big enough to provide light through the evening as it got darker. people would throw in more logs of wood when they noticed it burning out.
y/n had spent time with jess and the girls before she went off to search for luke. she made her way through the crowd of people and headed towards where some of luke’s teammates were. “hey dylan,” she said and the boy turned around to look at her, “have you seen luke?” she asked.
“hold on.” dylan turned around. “aye has anyone seen hughesy?” he yelled over the music. there were murmurs of ‘no’ and ‘i don’t fucking know’. dylan turned towards y/n once again. “no, sorry. last i checked though, he said something about going on a walk. i don’t know. have fun looking for him.”
“thanks. i guess.” y/n told him before she turned around and began to walk towards where she hoped she would eventually find luke.
luke, however, had snuck off. he needed the space away from the large group of people. so he decided to take a walk, just like he and y/n has done earlier. he never wanted this happened. in fact, he didn’t even want any of them to know. yet they did. so how he was stuck here with a bunch of people while all he really wanted was to be with y/n. alone.
why couldn’t i just have one night? one night was all i asked for-
luke snapped out of his thoughts.
he turned his body and saw y/n walking towards him. he began to walk towards her. “hey. is everything okay?” he asked as he placed his hands on either side of her face.
she shouldn’t have been blushing but she was regardless. “yeah, everything’s fine. don’t worry.” y/n looked down at her feet. “it’s just when i went to look for you, you were gone. so i got worried and came looking for you.” she explained.
luke sighed. “i’m sorry. i didn’t mean to worry you. i just needed a break from the noise and the guys.” he said. “i really am sorry. i never wanted them to find out where i was cause i knew they’d question me. i don’t even know how they found out where i was. especially which beach.” he grabbed both her hands in his. “i’ll make it up to you with another date. i promise.”
y/n smiled and shook her head. “it’s okay, alright? it’s not what i expected but at least we’re having fun,” she looked up at him, “although that other date does sound nice.”
they both laughed. “i’ll make sure to keep that in mind.”
y/n let go of one of his hands. “c’mon let’s go back. you can introduce me to the rest of your teammates.”
“you’re fine with that?”
“of course.” y/n told him as they both began to walk back to the group. “i want to get to know you. and if you’re team is apart of you then i have to meet them.”
luke grinned. “maybe another day. i just wanna be with you for now.” he took in her appearance, “have you gone in the ocean yet?” she shook her head. “why not?”
“i’ve been busy talking with jess and some of the girls.” she explained.
“it’s nice that you’re getting along with them.” luke told her.
they both turned a small corner and were met with the light from the flames of the bonfire, the music blaring from the speaker, and of course, the large amount of people.
they began to walk to a space within the crowd of people before luke paused. “c’mon.”
before she could finish her sentence, luke had bent down and picked her up, bridal style. “where are we going?”
“to the water.” luke answered before he began to walk towards the waves.
“LUKE HUGHES PUT ME DOWN.” y/n shouted out with a laugh. “at least let me take my clothes off. which mind you, i don’t want to get wet!”
luke rolled his eyes before setting her down. y/n grabbed the bottom of her sweatshirt and pulled it over her body, dropping it nearby. she then began to work on taking off her shorts. she slid them down her legs before stepping out of them, revealing her bikini. “you’re really gonna wear you’re shirt into the water?”
luke just unbuttoned his shirt before tossing it where her clothes were. “there? now let’s go.” he picked her up bridal style before he began to run towards the water.
“i swear to god if you drop me luke, i will never forgive you.” y/n told him. he pretended to drop her and she let out a small scream. “you little asshole-”
she couldn’t finish as luke had dropped them both into the water. y/n rose to the surface. “you fucking bitch!” she swore as she swam over to him and grabbed his head before dunking him under water as she giggled.
the two stayed there for awhile, laughing and messing with each other, splashing the other. they blocked out the noise of the kegger and just focused at the moment at hand, enjoying each other’s presence.
mark looked towards the pair from where he stood on the sand, his jaw clenched. he knew luke had only been doing it for the money, but was it really that easy?
mark turned towards the group, “aye look.” he nodded towards the couple in the water.
“looks like hughesy already has her locked in.” johnny said as they all watched the pair for a second before turning back to each other.
“you just lost 100 dollars man.” adam told the boy who just stood there with a smug look on his face.
“oh i don’t care about the money anymore. i’m just doing this for fun.”
he would find a way to make this a lot harder for the defensemen. he promised himself that.
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did you miss mee?!! i know you didn’t! anyways here’s the next chapter. i am deeply sorry this took like 3 weeks to write. i had writers block for like 2 weeks and i barely got to writing this like on wednesday. just know that since the endings are always horrible, it’s bc i am writing this at midnight and i am always lacking energy at this ungodly hour. but it is here and hopefully you enjoy. ignore all writing errors. (ima go text him now 🤭🤭) goodnight beautiful angels 💗💗🫶
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mayleaorlaith · 1 year
His Favorite Tutoring Sessions
Pairing: James Potter x Reader
Description: James didn’t like the idea of a tutor but maybe you weren’t so bad as he thought.
Wordcount: 2400+ words
Warnings: bickering. fluff.
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Author’s note: This is my first request and I really loved this idea. The idea is based on the request of @ames1stuff. I hope you like it, love.
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“A tutor?” Sirius exclaimed, laughing. He was doubled over and holding tight to the couch. There were many things Sirius found funny in life, but James needing a tutor would make the top of his list.
“It’s not that bad.”
Remus tried to soothe the wound but James wasn’t having any of it. “Not that bad? I don’t want a tutor. I don’t need one.”
“Well if they appointed you one that means you do, buddy.”
Sirius always made the situation a little worse as he patted James on the back.
“Look at it on the bright side, she might be cute. Or he.”
“Shut up,” James grumbled and dropped himself on the couch next to Sirius. “Tomorrow is the first lesson or class?”
“You even need a tutor to tutor you about tutoring.” All his friend offered was laughter and jokes while to James it wasn’t a joke. He pushed Sirius off the couch and claimed it for himself. His arms are over his eyes.
“I am not going. I can get help from Remus, Right?”
From the look of his friend James should have known the answer was no, and it would stay no until James Potter was deemed hopeless to teach.
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You could turn to the clock as many times as you wanted but the truth was, James Potter was late. Not just a little late but over thirty minutes late. He had reached the maximum of time you would waste on people.
With a sigh, you grabbed all books and papers that were scattered on the table.
You might have already left if it weren’t for your name being mentioned.
“I am James Potter.”
It took a second for you to turn around. Swallowing the annoyance you feel when looking at him. You had known James Potter, the boy that always pulled pranks with his mates. “You are late.”
“I know I’m-”
“Thirty minutes late,” you snapped at him and dropped down in the chair. This would be the second time you would occupy it and you wanted to make it quick. It was never a good start to be late but when they were thirty minutes late you were left with the feeling of disdain.
James didn’t finish his sentence. He just sat down, grumbling under his breath in order for you to miss it and watched you. Even when you raised your eyebrows at him he still watched you.
You sighed again and pushed your own books to him. “Next time bring something. No, next time don’t waste my time.”
“You sound mad,” he said in response, leaning back in the chair.
He jumped slightly at your dry laugh. The book was no longer in front of him as you pulled it back. “If you want to fail why didn’t you just say so?”
All he could do was watch you gather your things and watch you walk away. The screeching of your chair bought the attention of other students to the two of you and he hated that they witnessed this fiasco.
He cursed under his breath and quickly hurried after you.“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to offend you.”
“You didn’t.”
“It feels like I did.”
“I’m not offended, I’m annoyed,” you stated and turned to him, “but that might not be something you usually pay attention to.”
James simply rolled his eyes and pulled the closest two chairs back. “Please?”
You weren’t sure if it was actually pity you felt for the boy or if you simply caved because of the shy smile he gave you but you sat down and opened your books again.
You really hoped the third time would be the charm.
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If there was one thing you had learned from time it was that James Potter had a tendency to arrive late.
You promised yourself to leave after thirty minutes and this time the shy smile wouldn’t help him. The first fifteen minutes you kept telling yourself it wouldn’t be like last time. That James Potter truly wanted to be tutored in order to pass, but as minutes pass you also told yourself how stupid that now looked.
When twenty-five minutes had passed you were grabbing your things.
It was official, James Potter wasn’t worthy of your time if all he did was waste it.
“I know that look, you gave it to me yesterday.”
You hadn’t expected him to show up. The little jump made that clear. You even dropped some of the papers that you had in your hands.
“So you decided to show up?” You snapped at him.
James still took his seat, like he wasn’t almost a half hour late again.
“Are you always late for tutoring?” You asked him when you looked down at him.
James watched you as you still stood before him. He noted how you didn’t take a seat, how you didn’t put your books down.
“Is there anything I can do to make the situation better?” He pulled a sweet smile this time and it would have made you cave the first time but not the second time.
You laughed at him, dropping your books and letting the sound carry through the library. James shrank into himself. He wanted to hide behind the stacks of paper but you were holding them all.
“Maybe come on time. That would be a start, but I am not tutoring you today. You can come back in two days when our next session is scheduled.”
“But I need help now,” James tried as he rushed out of the chair.
You didn’t give in this time. You just looked at him and picked up your books. “You should have thought of that before you wasted my time, again.”
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Sirius knew the moment James returned he had somehow made you angry at him. He already laughed before James had to explain everything.
“Yeah, keep on laughing. I am the laughing stock today,” James grumbled when he dropped onto the couch, “you laugh while I go get some new friends.”
“You are always so dramatic. Now, tell me, what did you do?”
He only groaned. James wanted to sink further into the couch, till nobody could find him again. “I was late.”
“That ain’t so bad. Just say you are sorry and really need this.”
James shook his head and turned to Sirius. “I was thirty minutes late. Twice.”
He waited for his friend’s reaction. he expected laughter and jokes, but nothing came from Sirius. Nothing but silence filled the room and came on James like a thick blanket waiting to suffocate him. he shouldn’t care that he made you mad at him, he barely knew you. He didn’t do it on purpose and that made him hate it.
You only tried to help him and he treated you and your help like something he can cast away and retrieve when he saw fit. Of course, you were mad at him, he should be mad at himself. He already was mad at himself without knowing what this felt like.
Disappointment, sadness, injustice. Everything James felt now was not something he liked and he had to agree with you. He should have given everything more thought.
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“I’m here, I’m on time.” You jumped in your seat when James Potter stood hunched over the table. “Please tell me I’m on time.”
He looked like he ran a mile, and had to escape some teacher but he was in fact on time. “Yes, you are.”
He dropped himself on the chair next to you and took a book out of his bag.
You couldn’t help but watch with confusion as he then proceeded to take out a feather.
“Who are you and what have you done to James Potter?” you asked him with a laugh.
“Has nobody ever told you that I am a master in being excellent in everything?”
“If we forget about our first two meetings, I still wouldn’t believe that,” you said with a smile and took out your books too. You had kept them in your bag just in case but he had surprised you in the end. “I think we should start on page 394.”
You were impressed by James. There wasn’t much comparison to previous encounters but still, he exceeded expectations. He wasn’t your best student and he lost concentration quickly but he did make it fun.
When you had everything in your hands James turned to you. He wore a kind smile this time when he grasped your attention, “thank you, for helping me. I know I haven’t said that before.”
“It’s no problem. I think you will be just fine for the next test, all you need is just a little more tutoring.”
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“Nobody needs this much tutoring,” Sirius said as he watched James sit on the wooden chair next to you.
He flipped the pages over while his attention wasn’t on them at all. Remus too could see he was doing things without a mind on it.
“That boy has been getting tutored by her for over two months now. He already passed. You can’t tell me he is doing this to learn. Yeah, learn how to actually get the girl.” Sirius laughed at his own words, still watching his friend
“You think he needs a little help, don’t you?” Remus turned to Sirius who watched the two with a devious smirk on his lips.
“Maybe just a little.”
They waited close to the library, all for James Potter to finish his tutoring session. The moment he was close to them Sirius spoke up, grasping his attention.
“She doesn’t do dates, James. Not once this year or any other year,” Sirius said as he pushed himself off the wall, “couldn’t you find someone easier?”
James jumped up. “No need to scare me, man.”
Sirius shook his head and watched you go, already rounding the corner out of everybody’s sight.
“James, you might want a great plan to agree on a date if you like her,” Remus said softly and placed his hand on his friend’s shoulder. He squeezed him softly for encouragement.
“What gave it away?”
“You. Nobody needs this much tutoring when they already passed. You look at her so long I’m surprised she didn’t notice it yet.”
James nodded. His friends were right, he knew that. He had told you he wanted more tutoring for other subjects, all to extend his time with you. He even had you agree to more sessions in a week. James was desperate to spend more time with you and it was only a matter of time for the boys to notice.
“I’m gonna make her go on a date with me, and if she doesn’t like me after that then that is fine. But I’d be damned if I didn’t try.”
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James Potter managed to come on time for his tutoring session. In fact, he was never late again. It truly was the third time a charm.
“You got it?”
He hummed at your question, his eyes focussed on you, not your explanation but just you.
“James?” You waved your hand in front of him until he snapped out of his trance. “You good?”
“Yes, sorry. I was on a different planet I think.”
He could already hit his own head at the answer. Another planet? How dumb could he sound? But your giggle made brightened his mood instantly. Like the sun was the only planet he was on and he didn’t mind if he burned on it.
He didn’t mind the burn. He didn’t mind the answer. he didn’t mind if you told him no and didn’t want to see him again. The only thing he minded is if he didn’t try.
“I got a proposition,” he told you and sat straight in his chair.
Your eyes scanned his face for a sliver of information but there was nothing on his face that gave you an answer. You had to hear it from him.
“I had a test last week and any day now I will receive my results. If I end up being the best of the class I want to take you on a date.”
He said it like a man that had nothing to lose. Like the smile you gave him was his reward, it even felt like it when you shook your head smiling like a mad woman.
You had to give it to James, you had never had this proposition before. The chances of James actually ending up highest were slim. He still made mistakes every time you tutored him, he always asked for more time. But a part of you did hope for a good result.
Maybe because of that, you agreed so easily. Because no matter what outcome you would like it either way. A date, or him needing to spend more time with you. There truly was no downside in his little proposition.
“Okay, but if you don’t have the highest, you have to bring me my favorite candy at every other tutoring session.”
James smiled, he wouldn’t mind that at all.
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You waited patiently for James to arrive. The courtyard was almost entirely empty except for some other students.
When he showed up he waved a piece of parchment in the air. A look of pure happiness on his face that instantly lit up your own. You knew what that piece of paper would tell you. James Potter was not so hopeless to teach as you first thought he was. He had surprised you in the way you liked it most.
“Look what I have,” he told you and held his score in front of you.
“I am so proud of you.”
When James pulled the paper away he could see the meaning the words held. You were proud of him, of his accomplishments. He almost felt sorry for making you think he still needed tutoring but he didn’t. He liked seeing you proud, especially when it was at him.
“I believe you owe me a date.”
“I do, but that also comes with a confession,” you told him with a smile. There was no need to fear what you would say next, he made all your past doubts vanish from the face of the earth. “I would have gone on a date with you even if you didn’t.”
James wrapped his arms around you and pulled you to him, beaming down at you.
“Then I will confess something too. I didn’t need those extra lessons. I just needed to spend some time with my favorite tutor.”
You couldn’t help but laugh at him. “I am your only tutor.”
James tightened his arm around you, pulling you in until there was barely any space between you two.
“Exactly, why do you think that is?” he asked with that stupid lovely smile.
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sturnioloshacker · 6 months
frat king meets pogue princess - a rafe cameron short
a/n: not requested; lowercase intended. first time writing for rafe cameron omgggg! hope you guys enjoy this one 🩷
summary: frat king rafe cameron meets the newest member of the pogues 
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rafe cameron strutted through the crowded beachside party, his confidence radiating like the summer sun. as a prominent member of the exclusive kappa alpha fraternity, he was always the centre of attention. tonight, however, was different. his spotlight was taken away from him by a girl. not just any girl, the newest member of the pogues. from her tousled hair kissed by the salty breeze, her eyes that sparkled in the moonlight and her untamed and wild spirit, you could tell she was a rogue at heart. despite this, the frat king himself couldn’t tear his gaze away from the pogue princess as she laughed with her friends, her carefree nature captivating him almost instantly.
ignoring all the warnings from his fraternity brothers about the forbidden allure of the pogues, rafe approached her, his charm turned up to the maximum. flashing his million dollar smirk, he introduces himself to his future girlfriend. 
“hey there, i'm rafe,” the smirk never fading as he spoke.
the girl raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by his cocky demeanor. with a laugh of amusement and slight annoyance, she decides to try and downgrade his player mannerisms. 
“well, well, well. If it isn’t rafe cameron. kappa alpha’s most infamous heartbreaker”.
“guilty as charged. and you are?”
“y/n maybank. jj’s younger sister and according to these lot, the next pogue princess”.
if he wasn’t so cocky before, rafe found himself turning the charm on even more. to have his biggest rival’s sister all to himself would give him the ultimate power. it would give him the chance to show off to his rivals over his kappa beta. he extended his hand to the girl, who hesitated before taking his hand in hers, a small shake that sent shivers down his spine. he knew in that instant that y/n was unlike anyone he had ever met before.
throughout the night, he found himself drawn to the girl, their conversations flowing effortlessly as they danced beneath the stars. he learned about her life as a pogue, her love for the ocean and her dreams of one day leaving her world behind to explore beyond her horizons. after making jokes about how he could help her do that and earning a smack on the chest for it, his feelings for the newest pogue became more prominent. he vowed to defy the expectations of his frat and pursue her with all his heart.
as the night drew to a close, rafe walked y/n home along the moonlit beach, their footsteps echoing in the sand. and as they said their goodbyes beneath the twinkling stars, he knew that he had found something worth fighting for—a love that transcended the boundaries of their divided island community.
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vigilanteshtagain · 10 months
- Uses Instagram the way Millennials do (the first and seconds year's get second hand embarrassment)
- Drives like a maniac. Yaga has explicitly forbidden him to drive students around
- NEVER washes his blindfold, and if anyone suggests he should wash it he will get offended
- Cooks very well but settles for takes outs and fancy dinners with his students because he HATES to eat alone and has no one to share his food with back home, makes him even lonelier
- HAS to smell good ALL the time, and has a collection of different colognes, each one for specific ocassions
- Enjoyed taking Megumi to the park and playing with him, and wishes he wouldn't have grown up so fast
- Made hand crafted albums of every single little thing Megumi and Tsumiki have done, bad portraits of him and all
- Kissed sucked Geto's toes at some point, I'm not sorry
- Nevers answers the phone, much to Yaga's annoyance
- His heart warms up whenever his students bring him little gifts, like sweet pastries
- Defends his students with his LIFE, but this is canon already
- Is an ugly crier, like really bad. He yells when he cries. Shoko just stays there giving him the foulest glare.
- Refuses to cut his hair, no matter how many times Mimiko and Nanako have complained about finding long hairs plastered on the shower walls
- Keeps photos of his time in Jujutsu High in a box, and looks at them on lonely nights (specially photos of Gojo and him SHUT UP THIS IS CANON TO ME)
- Is allergic to nuts
- Has considered getting Mimiko and Nanako a pet, maybe a dog or a cat (I see them more as cats people)
- Definitely drew Gojo's eyes in the middle of class, multiple times because he couldn't get the colors "right"
- Is a tea person
- Sleeps like a victorian child on their deathbed, he's way too dramatic
- Tax evader
- Shops EXCLUSIVELY in brand stores. Dior, Channel, Gucci, you name it.
- Owns an air frier, uses it to it's maximum capacity. As soon as he got one, pots, pans and stoves doesn't exist to him anymore (I don't even know why I included this)
- Is in desperate need of a pet, this man needs some love and comfort in his life but his job as a sorcerer makes it difficult to have one
- Doesn't actually hate Gojo, he just gets heavily annoyed by him. After all, Gojo and Shoko are the only "close" classmates he has left.
- Pets stray dogs and cats on the streets and feeds them whenever he has time
- Actually likes that horrendous tie
- Knows how to play an air instrument, not sure which one but definitely knows how to play at least one
- Follows every beauty and fashion influencer, her for you page is flooded with that
- She's a Tini fan no doubt, La Triple T on repeat for days
- Can't dance to save her life
- Shows her affection through quality time
- Certified Barb along with Yuji, Nicki Minaj's biggest fans. Megumi acts like he doesn't care but he is just as Barb as they are.
- Her cf on Instagram is basically her day to day with the idiots she calls classmates (She likes to document them to have memories for the future)
- Actually very good at math, despite her not liking numbers.
- Gets road rage even if she's not the one driving
- Got Megumi into skincare
- The first one to propose a movie night between the first and second year's, she likes when all of them hang out
- She's the type to create a group chat to plan a birthday party for her friends and organizes everything
- Has a free pass to everyone's dorm, like she sees the door open and enters just to hang out, SHE DOESN'T CARE
- She enjoys training with the second years, specially Maki (NOBAMAKI FOR THE WIN)
- She gives practical gifts
- Gets way too much into TikTok drama, it's the only thing she'll talk about for days and it's overwhelming
- Had a dog when he was little, probably named it something cheesy
- Likes reggaeton, in love with Karol G (a ver, quién no?), Jennifer Lawrence who
- Sunset pictures fill up his camera roll
- Doesn't like needles, still gets nervous when he get shots or vaccines
- He does this thing where he chews really fast whenever the food it's too hot to eat instead of letting it cool down. I don't know how to explain it but it's painful to watch, Megumi and Nobara smacks him on the head for that
- Definitely the type to bake a cake for his friend's birthdays, he bakes it with so much love I'm crying
- Gets his feelings hurt rather easily but he is quick to forgive
- Knows every single trending celebrity gossip and talks about it with Nobara and Megumi
- A KING at dancing, he can dance pretty much anything
- He gives very well thought gifts, like he really puts effort and pay attention to what his friends like
- He calls Nanami just to see how he is doing, needless to say Nanami is deeply touched by this
- Snores so bad Sukuna thought he was going to choke the first nights after Yuji ate the finger, now it's just background noise for him
- Cuddles with his shikigamis on cold nights, and takes his demon dogs on walks
- He's very reliable, the first one out of his friends to find solutions to a problem
- SMART, but this is already canon
- Taught his demon dogs to steal and hide Gojo's clothes just to mess with him, he's a MENACE
- CAN'T TAKE A JOKE, he doesn't understand TikTok references it's so annoying.
- He looks like he's mad all the time when he's out, so bad sometimes people glare at him unprovoked
- The type to say no whenever someone asks him to do something but ends up doing it anyway
- Has thought about getting a tattoo related to his shikigamis in the future, but he's not really sure if he's going to get it done (Probably his demon dogs mark or Mahoraga's wheel because God he thinks about summoning it first thing in the morning, "With this treasure I summon" in italics tattooed on his forearm)
- Neat freak, NEEDS to have his room clean and organized at all times (if he doesn't, that will be his last straw and will summon Mahoraga)
- Gives well thought gifts, but plays it off and says it's nothing
- Bad grammar makes him wince, needless to say he has perfect grammar. His essays are perfect.
- He was that annoying child that corrected everyone whenever they said something wrong, like "Um, actually you're wrong because-", UGH. He's still like that but now he just throws a nasty glare and corrects them.
- His love language is acts of service but quality time is also important to him (despite how he pretends to hate hanging out with Yuji and Nobara)
- A very decent driver, Gojo taught him despite how he drives like a beast
Sorry this was too long, but one thing led to another. Jjk brain rot is consuming me.
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ilycove · 1 month
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There's something about you that draws Nightowl in. You've only known each other for a few months, maybe half a year maximum, but he almost feels like he's known you before.
No, he knows it. Maybe in another life, with him being a prince and you being a knight, but he can tell. With every slip of the tongue- accidentally saying that he's known you forever, if forever can apply to six months.
He's staring at your icon on his screen, huffing out in annoyance when he can't bring himself to call you. You asked him to, and yet he feels nervous. Scared even.
A part of him thinks it's first date jitters. A louder part of him says that's not true because you've called one-on-one before, but you're also his best friend. Best friends don't go on dates. Right?
His stomach almost begins to hurt at that realization.
He brushes it off as him being up for so long and eating so little, of course his stomach will be a little upset. That's all it is. He bares a grin as his monitor rings. Once, twice, then he's greeted by your face. "Hellooooo cutie."
"Hi Owl," you hummed and Nightowl found himself almost melting at the sound of your voice, sleepy from the difference in timezones. "Okay, I wanted to call you because I have something so important to tell you. So serious. You're going to shit yourself."
You lean closer to your camera, and as if you were actually in front of him, he leans closer to you as well. His eyes crinkle slightly and you don't get why he's so happy just looking at your sleep tousled figure.
(It's as domestic as the two of you can get, for now.)
"So, I bought you something. Lego flowers. Roses."
"Why roses?" He laughs the slightest bit, trying and failing to keep the fondness out of his eyes. "Because they're so romantic and you're so in love with me?"
"Because they're your favorite." You roll your eyes the slightest bit, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Oh," Nightowl whispers, his eyes having the slightest sparkle to them, sparking up your mundane and dark night. "You remembered."
"Of course I did. You're my," A beat, shuffling from the other side of the monitor, then; "Best friend."
Nightowl can't lie, the thought of just being a best friend to you is almost disappointing, but at least the feelings mutual. You're his best friend and he's yours. In more ways than one.
A part of him thinks he's always been yours.
He beams at you and you let out a soft laugh. resting your cheek in the palm of your hand. "You're acting like a dog, tail wagging and shit, all because of some Legos?"
"Trust me, if I were your dog you would be covered in slobber by now." You laugh at him and you don't- you refuse to- pay attention to how he changes your words ever so slightly, a part of you likes it.
You're his. In more ways than one.
You sigh at the thought, knowing that thinking of your best friend like that is so weird. Friends don't act like this, they aren't so possessive and constantly yearning, ruining sleep schedules just to hear his voice at the break of dawn.
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artiststarme · 1 year
No Steves Allowed!
Okay guys, I decided to the DnD one first today but I'll probably end up posting the parent fic today too. I've never actually played DnD so if this doesn't make sense, let me know! I hope you guys like it and please leave your thoughts in the comments.
Eddie wasn’t a big fan of rules, or setting boundaries, or partaking in any form of mass conformity. When he made his DnD club, he wanted it to be a safe space for all the outsiders and outcasts to relax and enjoy their high school years. (And join his DnD campaigns so he could torture them but that was neither here nor there). However, there was one rule that was non-negotiable and grounds for immediate character damage and death. 
There was to be no mention of Steve Harrington. 
It didn’t matter if he was your partner in chemistry for a project or if you were complaining about his crony bumping into you in the hall, no one was allowed to mention him by name or otherwise as soon as Eddie stepped into the drama room. This confused the original Hellfire members as well as their successors but everyone conceded eventually. Especially when mentions of Steve brought about the painful and horrific deaths of their characters. 
Gareth, the little shit that he is, tempted the rule the most, even still. Even after all of the characters he’s lost (one named Stephen that was beheaded by a griffin carrying a blade from a fallen half-elf soldier and several others that tried to work the name ‘Steve’ into a background story), he still liked to poke the bear at least once a campaign. 
“Galahad, it’s your play. What course of action will you take to persuade the innkeeper into allowing you and your friends a place of slumber for the night?” Eddie asked him, his voice firm and powerful as he enveloped his Dungeon Master persona. 
He already regretted giving him the chance to speak after he saw a slow smirk spread across his face. “Well, dear Dungeon Master, I think I’m going to go back to the bar and collect my friend Stephen Nicehair. Then I’ll use his looks and luscious locks to seduce the innkeeper into giving us beds.”
Eddie could feel his left eye twitching in annoyance. ‘Stephen Nicehair’? That’s the best Gareth could do?
“As you turn around to go back to the bar, you hear the innkeeper release a battle cry. He drops the pillows in his hands to reveal a cursed dagger with an obsidian blade. The previously friendly man plunges the dagger into your chest without hesitation and twists it in your heart to deliver maximum pain. Roll damage.”
Gareth sighed but rolled his dice, “six.”
“As the life fades out of your eyes, the innkeeper leans in closer to your face and whispers, ‘no one tries to outsmart me in my inn’. You die just as you lived… Pathetically. Galahad the Bad is now dead, existing on the floor of the inn in a pool of blood with the dagger still protruding from his rib cage. Your party is now cursed by the Goddess of Death because your blood was spilled on the cursed obsidian blade. ‘Til next time, boys.”
The entire Party was silent for a moment in shock until Dustin loudly erupted. “What the hell was that?! The innkeeper? Eddie, he’s an NPC that was supposed to offer us shelter after saving the town, what the fuck?”
Jeff shook his head at him and patted Dustin’s shoulder, “hey man, Eddie really doesn’t like it when people break his rules. It’s better not to question the consequences.”
“What rules?” He turned to Eddie to point an accusing finger at him. “You said that you hated rules because they forced conformity onto people outside the mold. And all he did was say he was going to get his friend Stephen to help!”
Eddie’s eyes flashed dangerously as he leaned in closer to Dustin. “Roll for initiative and persuasion.”
“Roll Henderson!” He screamed. 
Dustin sighed brattily but rolled the dice as directed, “fourteen for initiative and ten for persuasion with my modifier.”
Eddie grinned at him maniacally. “Elric steps up to the innkeeper to try and appease him of his anger only for the man to pull another dagger from his cloak and slice it across Elric’s neck. You can feel the warmth of the blood spill down your front and feel some of the traitorous liquid bubble into your mouth and through your lips. You can’t breathe and can only gurgle a single question. What do you ask?”
“I ask him why he killed me!” Dustin said, a mixture of alarm, shock, and outrage in his voice. 
Eddie leaned in close to him, the evil glint in his eye still fully present and terrifying. He switches his cadence to match the hoarse voice of the innkeeper and says, “‘You can’t speak of Stephen or any of his aliases and stay in the world of the living.’ Elric falls to the ground and bleeds out all over the floor. The innkeeper steps over your useless body and says to your Party, ‘It’s a no to the shelter, take the bodies of your compatriots and leave or face the same fate.’”
Mike looks pissed and Lucas looks shocked at the turn this relatively happy session took. Meanwhile, Jeff and Grant were busy alternating their glares between Gareth and Eddie. Dustin just looked flabbergasted that his bard was murdered so callously by what he thought would be an innocent NPC.
“Alright, let’s pause there for now and we’ll pick it up next week. Some of you have new characters to make. Also, as a reminder to the senior members and a precaution for the new members, there will be absolutely no mention of Steve Harrington. Thank you, you’re adjourned.” Eddie spoke and waved them off. 
“What? But Steve-”
“I said adjourned, Henderson!” And from that moment on, Steve wasn’t mentioned at Hellfire. The kids slipped up here and there, especially given their hero worship of the guy but no one said his name aloud again in fear of losing another character. But then Eddie experienced the Spring Break from hell, found out that Steve Harrington was actually a pretty good guy, and started dating him.
The rule posed a problem once Eddie was finally able to talk Steve into joining a one-shot campaign. It took months of dating and illicit promises to get Steve to make a character, honorably named Steeb Munsington, and sit down with all of Hellfire to play. 
“So how’s this supposed to work? Are we just ignoring Steeb the entire campaign?” Lucas asked him.
“What why? Why are you ignoring me? Did I do something?” Steve looked adorably alarmed and glanced concernedly between Lucas and Eddie. 
Lucas patted his hand from his seat next to him. “Eddie has a rule about bringing you up during a session. If we mention you, our character gets serious hit points. No offense man, but I’m not taking that chance.”
Steve turned to Eddie with a hurt look. Oh shit, he had to fix this quick. 
“Obviously it’s void now! Obviously guys, shut up.” He turned to Steve. “Don’t worry Stevie, that was a joke.”
“Oh was it a joke when you murdered Elric the Bard for questioning Galahad’s unfair demise?!”
“Henderson, shut your mouth right now or you can kiss Kalston the Killer goodbye right now.” When he opened his mouth to argue, Eddie cut him off again. “The rule is clearly void now! I only had the rule in the first place so you guys wouldn’t be able to tease me about my crush on Steve. Now we’re dating so it’s fine. The rule has been discredited, no more capital punishment for mentioning his name.”
“You’re dating?!” Dustin screamed in shock. Eddie sent a panicked glance at Steve who was glaring at him with his arms crossed over his chest. He wouldn’t be getting any help from him. 
“You’re gay?” Mike muttered in bafflement. Wow, nothing got past that kid. 
“You murdered eleven of my characters because of a crush?” Gareth shrieked, his face turning red in anger.
Will stared at the two of them in shock while the rest of the Party raised their voices in uproar. He was completely frozen while insults and accusations were thrown, thankfully more due to the fact that Eddie had gone on a rampage as DM rather than them being gay. How were they not focusing on the gay comment?
“Not just a crush anymore, he’s been my boyfriend for months! And if you had stopped violating my rule, they wouldn’t have died! Anyways, let’s let bygones be bygones and move along with our campaign. We only have eight hours to get this done today before the sheep have curfew.” Eddie clapped his hands and grinned. 
Jeff shook his head at him and Grant muttered angrily under his breath. Gareth, though, exploded. “You murdered a shit ton of my characters for even saying words that sounded like Steve! And now you just want us to move along because you’re dating the guy now! Congratulations by the way, we all noticed you seemed happier lately. Steve, if you hurt him, I’ll kill you like he killed all of my characters for even saying your name. What the fuck, Eddie?!” 
“Jesus Christ, it was a long time ago! If you drop this, I’ll give everyone extra XP to start, okay? Double.” Gareth was still glaring at him. “Triple.”
“Fine but deep down, I’m still pissed off.” Gareth muttered. 
“Noted, now let’s start. Stevie, I can help you out if you need it. Steeb is going to do great, I’m sure. I’m not above torturing my friends when it comes to you, okay?”
“Eddie!” Everyone besides him and Steve yelled. Ah yes, this was going to be a good gameday indeed. 
Permanent tag list: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1
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a-casual-kpopfan · 1 year
Two Worlds. - Yves
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A fun idea Ghost and I came together about.
“Have you heard the new Loona comeback?”
“Heard? I attended a fan meeting! They were so cool!”
Amongst the excited chatters of the relatively small café, there is only one person who feels exactly the opposite from everyone.
That’s you, of course.
“Great, another wave of brain-dead fans spamming ‘Stan Loona’ to almost every account on social media.” You groan lightly, sipping on your coffee.
As if to mock you further, Loona’s latest comeback, ‘So What’ start playing on the speaker, to the excitement of everyone, and the disappointment of you.
Exasperated, you put in your earbuds to play your own favorite music than to listen to another single second of that god forsaken song.
Even with the music blasting in your earbuds, you can still hear the loud noises of the fans singing along with the song or doing fan chants, the combined voice of everyone overtaking the music in your earbuds. Fucking hell.
Before you manage to turn the volume to maximum, however, you feel a hand on shoulder, prompting you to look up and see your friend, the only reason why you’re sitting at this café instead of your usual place.
“Looks like you aren’t enjoying the atmosphere, huh?” She snickers at you, sitting down opposite you, as you are taking your earbuds off.
“Gee, I wonder why.” you roll your eyes at her, earning a small giggle from her.
“Come on, relax a bit, it’s just music you know.” Your friend snickers at you. “Yeah, but I don’t go onto every social media pages just to spam ‘Stan Loona’, Sooyoung.” You let out a groan. “Seriously, the fans need to chill a bit.”
“I take it that you still haven’t checked out the new song?” Your friend, Ha Sooyoung asks casually, ordering a cup of coffee from the waitress.
“Well, you already know how I feel about Loona.” You shrug, taking another sip of your coffee. “I-” Before you start your usual rant about Loona, Sooyoung interrupts your words.
“Yeah, yeah, you don’t hate the girls, but it’s the fans overhyping them, and your friends are those type of fans as well, so you purposefully avoid Loona, just to spite the fans, your friends included, correct?” Sooyoung rolls her eyes, even with her mask and hat on, you can see the annoyed expression on her face.
“Exactly, you know me so well, Sooyoung-ah~” You chuckle, teasing her a bit with a wink. “Please, how many times do you think I’ve heard you said that?” Sooyoung receives her order, only to pull her mask down to take a small sip before pulling her mask up again, acting very suspicious.
“You know, what’s with that getup?” You eye her curiously. “What do you mean?”
“Well, the bucket hat and the surgical mask, not mentioning those spectacles as well, it’s like you don’t want anyone to see you.” You squint your eyes, looking at her in contemplation, to which Sooyoung just groans in annoyance “I was busy, so I didn’t do my makeup, ok?”
“Well, in my opinion, you look good even without makeup, so be more confident, ok?” You offer her a small smile, causing her to blush slightly underneath her mask.
“Bah! You and your silver tongue!” Sooyoung turns away, her eyes looking at the people who is singing yet another Loona song on the speaker, her gaze softens slightly, to your utter confusion. But then again, you aren’t really curious about anything Loona-related.
So, in an effort to change the topic of conversation, you look at your friend’s appearance, before noticing something new.
“Did you cut your hair?” You ask, causing her to look back at you “Hmm?”
“Your hair.” You gesture towards her hair “You cut it?”
“Ah! Yeah, I did, I figured I want to renew my image.” Her eyes crinkles into a smile, starting to make a few poses to show off her hair. “How does it look? Good?”
You roll your eyes playfully “Duh, you always look good.” Sooyoung smiles back at him, although her mask is still on, you can somehow see the beautiful smile underneath it.
Without realizing, you chat with Sooyoung for a long while. Despite Loona’s songs blasting, along with the boisterous fans screaming their lungs out with the song. You surprising don’t mind them, too engrossed in your conversation with Sooyoung to care about your ‘hate’ for Loona.
If only you can meet her more frequently.
“Hmm, she is quite late….” You mutter to yourself, eyeing your watch for the 5th time today.
To say that you’re excited is an understatement, because today is quite special, for you at least.
You get to see Sooyoung again!
Given, it’s not like you don’t meet her often, but with how hectic your schedule is, with both college and your internship, and Sooyoung’s schedule, both of you rarely get to meet each other, often going for months between meetups.
Besides that, this is also their first meetup after her-
Before you continue your line of thought, your vision is suddenly covered by something soft and delicate as you hear a very familiar voice behind you.
“Guess who?~”
Chuckling softly, you reach for her hands, pulling them down gently while looking up at your girlfriend, Sooyoung, smiling down at you. “Hey Sooyoung” Unbeknownst to you, your lips automatically curl up into a smile at the sight of her, as she does the same to you with her bright smile.
“Hey honey~” Sooyoung takes a seat next to you on the bench, one of the usual spots for your meetups, seclude and quiet, just like how Sooyoung likes.
“This is the first time we’re meeting as a couple and you’re already calling me ‘honey’?” You raise an eyebrow at her, your tone full of teasing. “Oh, don’t act like you don’t like, Mr. Dense.” Sooyoung rolls her eyes playfully.
“Ouch, guilty as charged” You scratch your head sheepishly.
You really have nothing to say, given the fact that it took Sooyoung to kiss you for you to realize that she wasn’t just being nice to you for the past year, that she wanted something more, and that you were too oblivious to your own feelings to recognize that.
Suddenly, the atmosphere turn quiet as Sooyoung leans her head against your shoulder, her hand intertwined with yours as both of you sit in somewhat comfortable silence, just enjoying each other’s presences.
It’s rare how quiet Sooyoung is today, because for as long as you know her, she has been always full of energy, whether it was talking, or teasing you, or playing games. You can always feel her abundance of energy.
It’s like you’re seeing a whole new side of her today. But you like it. Well, to be more precise, you like her.
“Tired?” As much as you want to enjoy the silence, you can’t help but ask about her schedule, being worried that she may be overworking yourself.
“Mhmm…” You feel a nod on your shoulder and a hum instead of a verbal answer, but it’s enough for you.
“So, what do you want to do today? You did say you want to do something fun for our first official date.”
“Let’s just, stay here for the time being. I like it here, especially with you.” Her words cause you to lose control of your expression, and blush furiously, earning a giggle from her. “Cute” She leans up for a quick peck on your cheek, before resuming her previous position, this time both of her hands playing with yours.
After a few minutes of silence, you remember something that she told you to do a few days ago.
“I listened to the song.” You say suddenly, to the confusion of Sooyoung. “‘Not Friends’. The song that you recommended. I listened to it.” Let it be known that in all the times you know her, you’ve never seen her brighten up instantly like today.
“Finally! I specifically chose that song because I know you would like it.” She smiles proudly, her cheeks puffing up in a cute manner, causing an urge in you to pinch them.
“I only listened to it because of you. You know I avoid Loona-”
“Yeah, yeah, I know. But do you like it?” She cuts you off, staring you at you expectantly.
It doesn’t take you long to break under her gaze. “I like it, it’s very catchy.” Looking at her expression, you can see… Disappointment?
“What, that’s it?” She asks you, seemingly in disbelief. “What, I just listen to the song like you said, and I like it, isn’t that what you want?” You are confused at her reaction.
“What about the singers? What do you think about their voices?” Sooyoung decides to promote you for an answer. “Well, their voices are very nice, and one of them has a similar voice to you, so I like it?” To you utter confusion, you watch as Sooyoung grows more disappointed.
“Did you watch the video I sent?” She asks you in a serious tone with a glare, causing you to tremble slightly. “N-no, I didn’t have to the time to check it, so I just listened to it on Spotify while I work…”
Sooyoung lets out a sigh and shakes her head in an exaggerated manner, seemingly very disappointed. “I suppose I expected too much out of you.”
“… I’m sorry?” Is the only thing you can say, not even know why she is so upset.
“You’re lucky that I like you, and I’m very tired today, so we are heading back to your place, and we’re going to cuddle the whole day, got it?” She glares at you, seemingly not taking ‘no’ for an answer.
Despite being taken by surprise by her very much weird demand, who in their right mind refuse a cuddle session?
“Ok, let’s make a detour to the convenient store for some snacks, then we’re going to watch some Netflix while cuddling?” You know her too well at this point, that you can guess what she wants, and thank God you are correct, as her expression brightens up significantly.
“Now that’s more like it~” She giggles, grabbing your arm “Let’s go! There’s a new series on Netflix that I want to check out today!” and she pulls you off towards your apartment.
“It’s too bad that he hasn’t figured it out yet, I really wanted to see his reaction…” Sooyoung mumbles to herself.
“Hmm? You were saying something?”
“No, nothing at all.” She smiles softly before leaning against you, the both of you comfy on your couch as you start the Netflix show, knowing that inevitably it’s going to end with the both of you asleep at the halfway mark.
But you don’t really care about it, you only care about spending time with her.
“Oh my god Hyeju please you can step on me aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.”
“Please, for the love of God, shut the fuck up Zach, you’re giving me a headache here.”
Lunchtime, and currently you are sitting with your friends at the cafeteria, wanting to enjoy a rare breaktime that all of you share in your hectic schedules. However, a certain someone must spoil the peace and tranquility with his severe fanatic simping for someone.
One of your friends, Zack, is currently hyperventilating while holding his phone, watching some Loona performances on the phone that you can’t even care about.
“Bro, if you’re not going to eat your food, I will.” Your friend Kaylen who is sitting next to you points his chopsticks towards to Zack’s lunch, threatening him.
“Ok, ok, sheesh, don’t act you guys don’t fanboy them as well, except you of course, you Loona hater.” Zack reluctantly pipes down, not before poking you with a comment, clearly meant to tease you. However, you’re not one to take this lying down.
“Well at least I don’t annoy other people by constantly tell them to listen to Loona. I don’t go up to every comment section of every social media page available to spam ‘stan Loona’. And I especially don’t claim people that don’t even know I exist as ‘my wife’.”
Grasping the chance, you unleash a triple combo attack at Zack, shutting him up completely. However, your other 2 friends were also attacked by that last statement.
“Goddamn it Zack, why did you have to trigger him, now all 3 of us are attacked.” Mike, who is sitting opposite of you, grumbles, hitting Zack on the shoulder.
“How would I know he would retaliate like that?” Zack tries to defend himself. “Zack your dumbass, we’ve been friends with him for so long and you can still say that?” Kaylen lets out a sigh.
However, you’re not done yet.
“I still hate ‘So What’ and ‘Why Not’.” You decide add salt to injury, knowing all three of them used to dislike those songs, but warm up to it.
“IT’S AN ACQUIRED TASTE!” As expected, the other 3 glare at you instantly, though you don’t really give a damn about that, continuing with your lunch instead.
“Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.” You snicker, looking at your friends, lowkey satisfied that you manage to trigger them again.
“Ugh, it’s been a long time since they debut already, why don’t you give them a try?” Zack is still trying to rope you into being an Orbit. “Yeah, I did, and I hate the song.” You refer to the two songs that you mentioned previously.
“Dude, just give up already. The more you try, the more this guy resist.” Mike pats Zack on the shoulder, maybe a bit too harshly.
“Ow-, fine” Zack finally shuts up and eats his lunch, leaving the 4 of you eating in comfortable silence.
However, knowing your friends, silence can never last too long when you’re with them.
Soon enough, all 3 of them are watching the Loona performances that Zack was watching halfway through beforehand. Each of them silently fanboying to their idols.
Rolling your eyes, you decide not to trigger them for now, letting them enjoy their ‘simping’ time.
As you take out your earbuds, intending on enjoying your music, you accidentally catch glimpses of the video playing on Kaylen’s phone, and you freeze suddenly. Kaylen of course notices your weird gesture pretty quickly. “What’s wrong?” he looks at you weirdly.
“What are you watching?” You manage to find your voice despite the surprise, pointing at Kaylen’s phone. “Oh, It’s Loona’s Butterfly performance on Queendom 2, Why?” Kaylen raises an eyebrow at your question.
“Nothing, nothing, don’t mind me” You say quickly, causing Kaylen to give you a weird glance before resuming focus on his phone.
You, however, immediately search up the video, and watch it. Since you don’t know which part it was that you saw, you let the video play naturally.
Fortunate for you, you don’t have to watch for long to confirm your suspicion. One and a half minute into the video, and you see the face of your dear girlfriend, Ha Sooyoung, as one of the idols performing in the video.
“Holy shit!” unable to contain yourself, you exclaim loudly, garnering the attention of all your friends. “The hell? What’s gotten into you?” Kaylen exclaims, peering into the screen before letting out a huge “OHHHH” with a sly grin on his face.
“Mike, this guy is captured by Yves” Kaylen turns to Mike, and with a brief sentence, everyone at the table understands (or rather, misunderstand) the situation entirely.
“Really? This guy is fancying my wife?” Mike is rather surprised. “Although we are finally to pull him down the rabbit hole, I’m not sharing my wife with anyone.”
Hearing Mike say that you look down at the screen, then up at Mike. “Who are you calling ‘your wife’?” You ask, trying your best to suppress the spark of jealous that growing in your chest.
Oblivious to your feelings, Mike nonchalantly points to your phone screen. “Her, Yves, or rather, Ha Sooyoung, love of my life.”
Let it be known that you’ve rarely felt jealous about anything in your entire life. Nonetheless, seeing your friend professing his love towards your girlfriend with such love stricken eyes make you suddenly want to punch Mike. In the face.
It takes you a few deep breaths in order to suppress this stupid jealousy feeling in his heart. It’s so stupid, Mike doesn’t even know who’s your girlfriend, he’s just simping his idol. Stop being jealous.
Despite telling yourself that repeatedly in your head, you still find it hard to cool your head. “I’m heading to the restroom.” You abruptly stand up with your phone and bag, heading out of the cafeteria. Your mind filtering out any kind of sounds right now besides your own thoughts.
Zack was in the middle of his passionate speech about why you should stan Loona when you abruptly stand up and leave, causing him to stop midway. “Why is he leaving?” He scratches his head, confused at your action. Mike and Kaylen only roll their eyes at him.
At the restroom, you splash your face with cold water a few times until you regain your composure again. Afterwards, you just stand there, leaning against the sink, looking into your reflection in the mirror, your mind sorting through all the clues that you obliviously missed throughout your time with Sooyoung.
Her various combinations of masks, hats and shades to hide her face. Her favorite spots being secluded places like that small café and the small park to avoid her fans. Her hair constantly changing, from long to short, from black to brown and now, pink due to the comebacks. Her hectic schedule, of course being training and promotions and such. Her bruises, aches, and general exhaustion as well, thanks to the training for the performances in Queendom.
All the signs were there, yet you were too dense, too stubborn to figure it out. All because of your petty grudge.
“Aish, Sooyoung is right, I really am dense….” You let out a groan, leaning your forehead against the mirror.
Though, you can’t help but chuckle at the ridiculousness at it all. You, who vehemently avoid any and all Loona related contents, is currently dating one of its members.
Taking one last deep breath, you pull out your phone to dial a number. Her number to be exact.
The phone ring exactly one time before the call is connected, and you hear her voice on the other side.
“Hey honey~”
Only after hearing her voice that you realize you don’t know what to say about what you just discovered. You can only let out a small chuckle “I’m such a dense idiot, aren’t I?”
Soon enough, you hear her giggle on the other side of the line.
“Of course, you are, but you’re my dense idiot, and only I am allowed to say that to you!” You can’t help but smile softly, your mind already imagining her puffed up cheeks while saying that.
“Is anyone bullying you?! Just tell me, I’ll protect you!”
Biting your inner cheek, you feel like this need to be a proper conversation instead of a phone call, face to face, so you ask her out for a date instead.
“Actually, I want to meet you, when are you free?”
“Ok, ok, I get it honey, I was blinded back then, you don’t need to bring it up again.” You let out a sigh as all of a sudden, your girlfriend starts to reminisce about their past, more specifically, your dark past. And she is determined to make sure to remind you of it.
“Nah, I’ll never let you live it down as long as you’re alive~” Giggling, Sooyoung nuzzles her cheek against your chest as the both of you are laying down on the couch in your apartment, getting some much respite amidst the turmoil that is the bullshit stuffs BBC is putting Loona through.
“I still can’t believe it took you a whole year to figure out that I’m a part of Loona though” Sooyoung snickers. “And you even dared to say in front of my face that you dislike Loona. How ironic it is that you fell in love with me~” Sooyoung continues with the assault, not leaving you any leeway at all.
Knowing that Sooyoung has been very tensed for the past days, you decide to let her win this one, not saying anything else. Nonetheless, being quiet doesn’t mean you’re not doing anything, as your hands found their way around her back, gently circling around her back, earning a soft moan from her.
Thing stay quiet for a while, with just you and her, enjoying your quiet time together, in the confine if your apartment, well, with how much Sooyoung stay over ever since the whole shitstorm with BBC start, it’s more like your shared apartment with her.
“Honey, how long have we been together?” Sooyoung asks softly, looking up to you.
“Hmm, 2 years. Why?” you look down at her, raising an eyebrow.
Sooyoung just shakes her head, smiling softly. “Only 2 years? It feels like a lifetime already.”
“Well, we’ve been through quite a lot together, you know.” You can’t help but return that smile as well. Sooyoung then moves up a bit, until her face is hovering right above yours, with her nose barely touching the tip of yours.
Without saying anything, she just stares at you, her eyes seem to be searching something, as you can feel her gaze scanning every inch of your face.
“What are you doing?” “Admiring my handsome man~” Sooyoung wastes no time flirting with you, and she never fails to turn your face into a tomato. “Shut up.” You groan, avoiding her eyes in order to save what’s left of your pride and dignity. Heh, as if you have any from the start.
“Hey” Sooyoung whispers, pulling your attention back to her. You gaze back at her beautiful, near flawless face, your eyes locking sight with hers as the both of you momentarily forget what to say, both are just too enamored in each other’s presences right now. You seem to lose control of your body, as your hand almost automatically reaches up to her face, cupping her face gently with your thumb slowly stroking her cheek, and you can see and feel Sooyoung leans her head more into your touch, nuzzling against the palm of your hand like it’s the most natural thing ever for her.
“Hey” You respond back to her, despite it being a late response.
Looking at her expression, you can tell that there are million thoughts in her head right now, with her trying her best to sort her thoughts and trying to find her words. You patiently wait for her.
Eventually, she settles for something simple, yet incredibly meaningful.
“I love you.” She smiles softly, her lips curl up gently along with the crinkle of her eyes, her cheek exposing just a hint of a dimple, looking absolutely adorable right now. It was because of this smile of hers that pulled you down the rabbit hole that was “Ha Sooyoung”. But honestly? You never regretted it, not for a second, because….
“I love you too” You respond to her, your thumb moving across her cheek with slow and tender strokes. “Always have been, and always will be.”
Sooyoung giggles softly, her cheek blushing quite a bit. “You and your silver tongue.”
“Said you, Ms. Yves who flirts with girls she met.” You let out a chuckle. “Honestly, if I’m not already with you, I would have thought that you have like, a harem of your own.”
Sooyoung then leans down for a soft kiss, her body onto of yours as you feel her arms wrapping around your neck, your hands unconsciously holding her waist like it’s second nature for you.
“I don��t need a harem. I just need you.” Her head then buries into the crook of your neck, nuzzling further against you.
“I know honey, I know.”
Once again, silence fills the apartment, with the only audible sound being your rhythmic breathing.
And once again, it is Sooyoung who disrupts the silence. But this time with a loud yawn,
“Have anyone ever told you, your heartbeat is very soothing?” You manage to catch some of her words, before feeling her body loosening against you.
“This girl….” You can’t help but chuckle fondly, before leaning down and place a kiss on top of her head. “Get some rest, my love.”
It doesn’t take long for you to feel sleepy as well, with you being equally tired as her from all the recent lawsuits. But now isn’t the time to think about that. Now is the time to rest, and you intend to get a good night sleep, with your loved one by your side.
“Heh, I guess in the end I couldn’t avoid Loona for long.” You chuckle softly to yourself before joining Sooyoung in the dreamland shortly afterwards.
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