#fom oneshot
itsabea · 13 days
Drunk!March x Reader who doesn't drink
Description: When you get given some beer from your favourite Blacksmith on a Friday night, who are you to say no? Well, part of you does, since you've never really had alcohol before.
Warnings: slight angst at the end(i didn't mean to- i swear!!), alcohol, swearing, slight social pressure to drink(inflicted by reader),
thank @xxoomiii for getting my brain in a writing mood from her writing. the piece is here for those interested :))
this ended up changing so much from my original idea of "two people getting drunk" to "social anxiety about not drinking alcohol" because i just dont like alcohol- imsorryyyy- i didn't mean to turn it into angst..!!
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You were so ready to have a night at the Inn today. That day was filled with farming, foraging, and fishing, and you were so ready to put down your 'Town Helper' hat and put on your oh, so lovely 'Tired, Rest Needing Citizen' hat.
When you entered the Inn, everyone was doing their own group activities or mingling already. Instead of going to the first group you saw after entering like usual, you decided to take in the whole room for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh. This is exactly what you needed; the cosy atmosphere, the sound of lively chatter, and the tight-knit community of people that were all so welcoming- Well, almost everyone.. But that exception would no doubt be drunk off his chair and have the most joyous grin in the room plastered on his face.
And without a second of delay, you heard March call out to you like clockwork. "Heeyyyy..!! C'mere, c'mere- Haave a drink!" March slurred out after somehow both whining and singing your name.
March's words worked like a charm anyway, having you head to him with a slight eye roll and humoured smile as you went. The thing is, you were quite fond of March- Exceedingly more so when he was drunk, which was a fact you didn't like very much. But either way, something about him had you intrigued and interested in him.
At first it was simply platonic curiosity, like how a scientist would want to test their theory. Only, it didn't stay that way for long, and now you had a much stronger emotion tailing you; having you think about him on a near daily basis.
And now it was a sad routine you'd partake in on a weekly basis: talk to March and get insulted, talk to March and get a huff as reply, talk to March and get told to get out of his way, talk to March and get insulted once again.. And then there was the one day of the week that when you talked to him, he wasn't a complete ass.
It made Friday's so much nicer, even though you still knew it was likely fake.. But at this point you would take whatever you could get.
Scooting in next to March, you smiled at him and pushed back your previous thoughts. "Hey, March. How many drinks are you on now?" You asked with a cheeky grin, only for March to grin back and hold his head up high. "Ten." He said confidently, which only made you burst out laughing at his blatant lie.
"He's on his second beer now." Hemlock clarified by half whispering to you from over bar. After you smiled and nodded at Hemlock as a small thanks, you turned your attention back to March, hoping to have a non insult filled conversation- But you froze, smile dropping when March spoke up.
"Oh, hey! We should get you a drink..! Hey Hemlock, can you get us another beer??" March said, smiling away like an idiot as Hemlock denied him the drink. "Finish the one you've got and if you're still standing we'll talk, March." He said, frowning slightly as March clarified. "No, no..! Not for me." March smile out, pointing to you as Hemlock agreed and set out a beer in front of you.
You didn't quite know what to do.. You've never really drunken alcohol before - apart from the time that you first tried it alone and thought it was disgusting. Should you decline and apologise? Or should you just get it over with and try the dreaded beverage again? After all, it might taste different, and it was March that was paying..
You took an experimental sip, and it defintiely tasted just as bad as when you had first tried alcohol. It was just so.. Yeugh that it made you wonder why people even drink the stuff. So much so that you took another, much smaller, sip to make sure it didn't have a hidden taste to it..
Nope! The before taste, during taste, and after taste were all bad. And after having made he face of slight disgust, you heard March laugh slightly from beside you.
"Hahaha..!! Do you like wine or somethin'??" He asked, making you pout slightly and shift in your seat uncomfortably. "No.. I haven't tried it.." You said, looking down at the beer in your hands with a frown. Maybe if you drank some more, you'd end up liking- "But if you don't like beer and haven't tried wine.." March said, trailing off as he gave himself a moment for his thoughts to catch up to his words.
You decided to give the guy a break and answer for him, not prepared for the reaction you were about to get. "I don't drink.." You mumbled out as March's brain cogs seeming to stop, only to start up again to take in your words. "You don't.. Drink.." He repeated, making you slouch in on yourself in embarrassment. "Oh...." March exclaimed, frowning deeply as you sighed.
This wasn't how your night was supposed to go.. You were supposed to be enjoying yourself, not getting all nervous over some stupid, horrid tasting drink. Part of you wanted to leave.. But the next thing March said kept you in your seat.
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open ended?? part 2????
idk but thats it for now cause i'm tired and can't deal with much angst in my word diet(i really didn't mean for this to take that kind of turn.. it was supposed to be fun....!)
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inc0gnitoo · 14 days
fields of mistria.
post requests rn. i love this man so much.
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Under the Stars ~ Eiland x Reader
a Fields of Mistria oneshot about stargazing at the Western Ruins! <3 // [ao3]
“We’re almost there!” Eiland’s hair shone in the moonlight as he waved you on, his eyes sparkling as he scrambled over the rocks. His excitement was contagious, and you found yourself echoing his breathless laughter as the two of you drew closer to the Western Ruins. “You’ve never seen anything like this, I promise,” he called over his shoulder, sliding down the dirt walls of the digsite. You followed much less gracefully, tumbling down after him in a puff of dusty earth. 
“Ah, perfect!” Eiland sprawled out next to you, heedless of his fine clothes, and folded his arms behind his head. “One step ahead of me as always.” He grinned. “Look up.” 
You let your gaze follow where he was pointing, straight into the night sky above you. “Oh wow…” 
“Yeah,” he breathed. “Wow.” You lay side by side in the sand under an inky veil dotted with countless stars. It felt as if the town had vanished, leaving no one on Earth but you and Eiland to witness the spectacle of the Mistrian sky.
“This is my favorite place in the world.” He stared up as he spoke, a gentle vulnerability in his tone. “It makes me feel so small, in the best way. I need that sometimes.” He turned to face you and tucked his hand under his chin like a little kid. “Do you feel it?”
“Feel what?”
“Shh. Close your eyes for a second.” He reached for your hand and pressed your palm flat into the earth. With your eyes closed, the sounds of the summer night multiplied, Eiland’s soft breaths a top note to the symphony of cicadas and rustling grass. A thrill ran through you that had nothing to do with the cool breeze. His hand rested heavily on yours, as warm and soft as the sand itself. His touch grounded you, and as you cast your senses outward you felt something deep and peaceful settle on your shoulders. 
“Underneath us lies hundreds, thousands of years of history. People were born here, built homes here, had their own children here, died and were mourned and buried here. There are whole lifetimes scattered across this sand, this earth.” His voice was reverent, and you kept your eyes closed almost unthinkingly, letting him sweep you into his story. 
“All of that history beneath us, and the whole universe above us, so close you could reach out and brush the stars.” He gently curled his fingers into your palm, intertwining your hands. “It makes me feel so insignificant, but at the same time so connected to everything…like everything that matters is right here.” 
You loved the way that Eiland got so excited when he talked about his passions. You could listen to him wax poetic about ancient art and lost civilizations forever. But when you opened your eyes, he was looking right at you, his cheeks turned the same shade as his hair by a soft blush.
You couldn’t do anything but stare back at him for a moment, entranced by the way he looked at you, hopeful and vulnerable and gentle all at once. “I do feel it, Eiland,” you whispered, and he squeezed your hand. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
“There’s no one else I’d rather share this place with than you.” He reached out and brushed his thumb along your cheek. “There are stars in your eyes.”
It was your turn to blush, and you stammered an answer. “You…look really pretty right now, okay?”
Eiland laughed. “No I mean literally, the stars are reflected in your eyes!”
You threw your arm over your face, embarrassed, and he kept laughing as he pulled it back down. He smirked at you, raising one perfect eyebrow. “You think I’m really pretty?”
“Shut up, Eiland!” You laughed too, both of you giddy and blushing at each other. You moved closer, your shoulders touching as the two of you quieted and turned back to the sky. “But yes, I do.” 
You could hear the smile in his voice. “I think you’re really pretty too. As stunning and delicate and mesmerizing as an Alda Gem Bracelet!” There was the Eiland you knew, ever the archaeologist.
Hand in hand, you watched the stars wheel over your heads. Eiland named every constellation he could see and eagerly explained the meanings they had held for Mistria’s past civilizations.
He tore his eyes away from the heavens to look at you every so often, his eyes sparkling like you were one of his precious artifacts. 
Somewhere between retellings of long-lost legends you had drawn closer and closer together until you were snuggled into Eiland’s chest. He wrapped one arm around you while he gestured into the sky with the other, and you could feel the steady beat of his heart against your cheek.
A shooting star fell just above you in a sudden streak of silver-green light. You both jumped, twin cries of “Did you see that?!” that dissolved into laughter. 
“Make a wish!”
He hummed thoughtfully. “I can hardly think of anything to wish for. I wouldn’t change anything about this moment.” His voice dropped, almost shy. “Would you?” 
“Maybe one thing.” You leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. Eiland sucked in a breath as you smiled against his skin.
“Oh…” He traced the spot where your lips had been with shaky fingers, wide-eyed and star-struck. A pale golden light spilled over the horizon, the first hint of daybreak. The stone ruins around you were backlit, and Eiland’s pink waves were haloed with the sunrise. You stayed curled together until the last star winked out. He never let go of your hand.
an: if you made it this far, I would love to make more FOM moots!! I'm so in love with this game rn whew <3 hoping to write with Balor and March soon!
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finniestoncrane · 11 months
I just wanna kiss Arkham Riddler all over his stupid body. His lips, his cheeks, his jaw, neck, chest, stomach, thighs, cock! I just wanna smother him with affection and show him how much I love him. Can you please write something with reader smooching Arkham Eddie all over? Idk I’d it’s a oneshot or headcanons, anything works for me.😊
So Many Kisses
Arkham!Riddler Headcanons hi hello omg yes i am obsessed with the idea of peppering his entire body with kisses, like pushing through his copious body hair and get covered in stains from all the dirt on him u-u request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: kisses and cock, deliscious
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he's not exactly the biggest fan of physical affection, because it kind of gets in the way of him working
there's nothing stopping him from tinkering with his robots while you stand behind him telling him he's amazing and intelligent
but something physical, a hug, a pat, holding hands, it takes more attention that he usually cares to give to something that isn't himself or his work
but if you're in an established relationship with him, then there's a bit of a difference there
there's room for adoration and affection
because by all means he definitely believes he deserves as much of it as possible
and look, he's not going to argue with getting plenty of kisses from someone he's decided he tolerates enoughto keep around for that long
eddie sees it as a fom of worship, really
if you start from the top of his head, planting a little kiss on his messy hair or his sweating forehead
making your way down to his gaunt and stubbled cheeks
kissing through the grease stains and over his little bandaids
down his slender neck, over his collarbones and down his muscular arms
a kiss on his hands, either the palm or the back, and one on his knuckles, to gratitude to his most important tools, besides his brain
if you're lucky, you might get to kiss his chest, slim, but sturdy, covered in dark hair
and look, if you've got that far, there's not going to be anything stopping you from letting those kisses trail down his stomach
following the line of hair that goes from his navel and disappears under the top of his pants
sliding them down, your kisses pressed on the warm skin, through body hair, his cock twitching up in anticipation as you reach it
kisses, worship, the comfort in knowing how wonderful you think he is only serving to arouse him further
the final kiss, placed on the flushed and glistening head of his cock sending him past the point of no return
when he finally grabs you and kisses you back
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frodothefair · 5 months
Unwritten fics game!
@meluiloth tagged me, thank you! In fact, I now have several fic ideas that are probably not going to be written any time soon, because I just outlined FoM, and at the pace I'm going, I'll probably be at it until the fall. And I am not particularly good at juggling multiple WIPs; I never have been.
Rivendell - Currently, it is a published oneshot, but I plan to make it into a longfic. Frodo and Marigold Gamgee get together before the quest, and they flee to Rivendell together when disaster with the Ring strikes. Afterwards, they are forced to part, but Marigold soon finds she is expecting a child. The story will feature their psychic connection during the quest, a healer-elf named Nisilë who is a living ultrasound machine, a reunion in Minas Tirith, and the reckoning with Frodo's illness after the war.
Genderbent!Frodo (in a way, Frodo is also socially trans-masc here, as far as this can be understood in the world of Middle-earth). Another post-quest story, where Sam confesses to Frodo in Minas Tirith, and they become intimate, resulting in Frodo conceiving. Now poor Frodo has a pregnancy to deal with on top of her illness and the events of the Scouring, and she and Sam get married. Frodo then struggles with whether to leave Middle-earth when she is offered that option.
Expats - I wrote the first chapter, and this story can work either as a fanfic about Elijah Wood, or an original story about a character who was a child actor and transitioned to a successful adult Hollywood career. In either case, a fan strikes up an unlikely relationship with her idol, and they get married and settle down. However, the actor's statement during an interview reveals that he knows a bit too much about the seedy underbelly of Hollywood, and he begins getting threats, as well as demands from journalists and other interested parties to reveal more. The couple flee and lay low in Ukraine, where the woman is originally from, and then the actor starts getting local roles and gets involved in the community, which gives him the courage to do a tell-all interview and name the powerful players who have abused others and have gotten away with it for years. (Fun fact: this one was inspired by a dream I had, and the fact that "returning emigrant" roles in certain countries are given to actors who are, in fact, native speakers of English, and it just... hilariously doesn't work, but it's funny anyway. Also, yes, reading between the lines you can probably guess what kind of abuse I am talking about above).
Flowers of Chernobyl - Again, a story that can work either a modern AU of Flowers of Mordor, or an original work. A CIA veteran who was part of a highly specialized and dangerous mission in Chernobyl, Ukraine returns home to LA. His close friend who is also the family gardener overheard something he should not have, and was forced to either join a witness protection program, or be drafted into the CIA as well. This friend ended up going with the main character on the mission, and after it is all over, the friend/gardener's sweet younger sister, who is an aspiring doctor, comes to stay at the luxurious LA mansion for the summer, and she and the tragic CIA veteran get romantically involved.
In general, I am not sure if I want to try to get into the publishing industry. Part of me does want the recognition, but part of me feels like I will invariably have to sacrifice artistic license, and with the two stories that could work either as fanfics or original stories as above, I would have to navigate making sure that there is no whiff of an allusion to Elijah or LOTR, for instance. There is, I have to say, a certain freedom in fanfiction and publishing online. You can write whatever the heck you want, within reason.
Tags: @konartiste, @ceemafanfic if you have not been tagged already, and anyone else who wants to do this.
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sweetmoonstorm · 1 year
Ehem hello. So. I have come to make another post on request updates, as by the title. Yes I take requests. Stuff I will do :
Matchmaking(you send me bio of either yourself or an oc, and I pair them with a canon character from somewhere)
One shot
More new, I'll do letters from characters, though they may be short.
And as for categories ; Light/Moderate Angst(I don't do death that hits me HARD-), Fluff, Romance, Violence, etc. I'll let u know if something violates my rules.
More below.
My rules w headcanons and one shots.
DNI if you are a or support pedophilia, hebephilia, zoophilia, incest, are uncomfortable w/ yandere themes, bigot/s, homophobes, anything along those lines.
Also, please don't interact if ur one of those Vivziepop fans who will get mad at others for talking about her stories and stuff a certain way. I've heard a lot about her, and it isn't really that good. While I'm not gonna really talk ab her as I don't have enough info to confirm or deny if she's a bad person, I am uncomfortable trying to dig into the situation and unwilling to say much on her due to what I've seen her fans do. (This doesn't apply to ALL of her fans. Just the ones that will hatebomb an artist or creator for saying they don't like her stuff. Let a person hate and like stuff, will you??)
Yes I am comfy with NSFW I am 18, but, I dont write it.
*I've decided to do canon x canon, but will more likely get reader x canon done quicker-
Yes I will do yandere, keep in mind I do not however condone yandere behaviors irl to the point where it gets abusive. There's a line between fantasy and real life, and I only write yanderes for my and your own fantasies. If an irl s/o shows certain behaviors to the point it gets abusive/horribly yandere like, please seek help.
polyamory is doable.
Now, onto the matchmaking part. Do keep in mind that matchmaking will take longer than one shots and headcanons.
Here is a template.
Name *
Love Language *
Personality *
Sexuality/Gender Preferences? *
Aesthetic *
Appearance(optional) *
Fandom of Choice *
Anything sought out in general? *
Likes *
Hates *
Any particular characters in general?(ex. Someone fom the LMK brotherhood? Someone from the dekusquad?) *
Thats about it in general, only thing left is what fandoms I'll do for these thingies and how many requests I'll take at a time!!
So, for general requests(matchmaking, hcs, oneshots), I'll take 5 at a time, and close ask box once limit has been reached.
For rps, those r unlimited, but pls state who u are for them. If you use ur acc to ask there's no prob there, but if you plan to to as an anon, please ask to be on an anon list that'll make things manageable.(Ex."Can I be dragon anon?" "I'd like to be headphones anon please.") Oh and also state what fandom and character you're going for, unless poly?? 🤔
And note; I'm not exactly always the most motivated, so please just know that I will be working on your request, I'll just be doing it a bit slowly at times.
Now for fandoms!!
More focused on :
LMK(Lego Monkey Kid)
The amazing digital circus
Others that I'll also do :
Cookie run kingdom
Lego Dreamzzz
And maybe another fandom if I know enough abt it.
Also, note that I will never do a romantic thing with children. Platonic stuff is allowed. Asking characters things is also allowed .
Anon List -
'Lovely' Anon
🫧 Anon
(Most recent update was 2/23/24)
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sketchyorsomething · 1 year
Heyy does anyone out there beta read a oneshot (about 1,3 k words) of mine? It is abt Thesan and his lover fom acotar
English isn't my mother tongue so I'm kinda nervous of it containing grammar errors or some other language related stuff
Update: I already posted it a while ago and made a post about it, you can find the post by clicking here
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shepard-ram · 4 years
Rules & Info
Ask Box: Open!
Requests: Closed.
This post is updated often
This blog is pretty much an outlet for my block men brain rot.
Specifically this is a reader-insert/x reader blog for mcyts, (Dream smp/Hermitcraft) Please I love the hermits so much This is a branch off of @sallysoot where I was 🐏 anon please check her out because she's amazing.
I won't do anything nsfw, I'm a minor (and ace lmao)
Only in game aus! I'm just not the most comfortable with writing for real people
Will try to write for anyone! Since I'm naturally not familiar with everyone's content, if some things are ooc please understand
Please keep drama/discourse out of here, politely asking me to tw. tag a sensitive topic is always Ok but this is suppose a safe space. Be good people
I will be tagging specific Tw.s so this blog will contain sensitive topics (ex. Tw. Yandere)
Anon List:
💐 🎃 🦤 🍯 👑 🏀 🐊 ✨ 💕 🦝 🌺 🌙 🤏 🦚 📺 🍧 🌷 👁 💡 🎿 🦎 🌻 🧶 🦷 🃏 🦄 🧠 🐛 🐸 ⚔️ 🦜 🏆 🎮 🍁 🎠
[Fox] [Fom] [Nymph] [Pyro] [Echo] [Quill] [Chibi] [Ender] [Loyal] [Key] [Glass] [Turtle] [Noodle] [Mori] [Mushroom] [Axe] [Bonk] [Font]
[🦎🐍] [❄🐉] [🍓🥛] [V❤] [⚫️🐑]
Tag List:
C: (insert character here) [for the content creators or characters mentioned]
Tw. (Insert trigger here) [for any sensitive topics]
Shepard Ram talks [for posts that aren't writing or ask responses]
Shepard Ram writes [for full length oneshots, headcanons, and any requests]
Rams reblogs [for rebloging]
Rams reherding [for my anon asks to be here too]
Ram draws [for what little art I post, usually just my sona]
Dream Smp
Discord Server!
Shepards Pasture: My own private server! The place to be for all my followers and anons to meet, talk, share ideas and just vibe! Very friendly and cozy
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emeraldbabygirl · 3 years
Omg I can't. For me, Jinwoo is my babie babie and I don't really think about him that way but Dojin, my ult... 👀 I want to dom him so bad. Imagining him begging me to let him cum and the blush on his cheeks is something else. I know a lot of RAYS think he's such a dom but seriously. He's so easliy flustered, you'd end up domming him a lot before he doms you and even then he'd be so careful at first. (totally unrelated but his tongue is so hot I literally wrote a oneshot about him. I need help.)
MR MOTHERFUCKIN YONGTAE IS THE ALPHA MALE ANDNDDND HES HES HES THAT DOM OMGGGG GNBDBDB. I CANT PLEASE MY NOSE IS GONNA GO RUNNING AGAIN OMGGG. I wrote I smut with Dojin and I’m hella proud of it omgg. Ok but like, for me as far as Enoi, (fuck I love that we’re talking about them I miss them so much) I want to dom Hamin and Jinwoo and be dommed by Gun, Laon and Dojin obvi. I do believe Kyuhyun is the sweet and gentle bof type but I have such a feeling that he would have ways of domming you skskksk. And Yanghyuk I mean my size kink obvi ugh. I want to dom my baby Jinwoo so much and Hamin ugh, that man had me creaming oceans for him it was crazy he seems like such a shy sweetie I wanna get him all flustered ugh. I just want to hear men whine and whimper and squirm as you dom them and make them beg to cum ya’know? That’s my shit right there and fuck. My lil Jinwoo would whine so much omgg.
AHEM IS THAT ONESHOT AVAILABLE TO GAZE MY SIGHT MELONS UPON? And yes you are absolutely correct that tongue of his. HES SUCH A FUCKING FOM ALPHA MALE THO I MEAN COIN. That’s my proof/evidence/argument. Just Coin made me so feral slsksksk ugh
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bella-monoxide · 5 years
I was tagged by @saveyoua-seat ! Let‘s see if I can get this right.
1. Slowburn or Love at First Sight
2. Fake Dating or Secretly Dating (this one was a toss-up, though)
3. Enemies to Lovers or Best Friends to Lovers
4. “Oh no, there’s Only One Bed,” or Long Distance Correspondence
5. Hurt/Comfort or Amnesia (I freaking HATE amnesia! My dad had early onset Alzheimer‘s.)
6. Fantasy AU or Modern AU
7. Mutual Pining or Domestic Bliss
8. Smut or Fluff (I love smut, but at the end of the day, I gotta say Fluff)
9. Canon-Compliant/Missing Scenes or Fix-It (I can‘t decide)
10. Alternate Universe or Future Story
11. Oneshot or Multi-chapter (I have cursed quite a bit at oneshots with ten thousand words, so.)
12. Kid - or Road Trip story (Hellooooo SPN fandom!)
13. Reincarnation or Character Death Neither.
14. Arranged Marriage or Accidental Marriage (Though arranged marriage has its perks; I feel like this is all very fandom dependend...) @diminuel
15. High School Romance or Middle-Aged Romance (Again, fandom factors in here!)
16. Time Travel or Isolated Together
17. Neigbours or Roommates
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18. Sci Fi AU or Magic AU (Sci Fi would be Mass Effect 🥰)
19. Body-Swap or Genderbend
20. Angst or Crack
21. Apocalyptic or Mundane (This one cracked me up - my first ever fandom was The Walking Dead, and I‘ve written 37 stories that are TWD or at least feature characters fom that show.)
Maybe @mansikkaomenabanaani and @daffietjuh would like to give this a try as well..?)
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onebookcharacter · 7 years
a christmas gift exchange with my friend @meilstroms. he made me a naruto oneshot and made him one too since we`ve been binging watching it together! (i’ll upload mine to ao3 once i get an account there)
   It had been a while since Sasuke had come back to report on his mission. Really, it had been a long time since she'd heard from him at all, but for once Naruto thought to tell her Sasuke was coming, and invited her along.
   Currently, they walked along a path between the the trees, marked by faded footsteps that scarred the dirt and made the grass know better than to grow. They did so calmly, though her mind raced and her heart jumped in her chest, and she could barely keep a grin off her face. Naruto chatted away about his week, and Sakura nodded, replying every once in a while. For some reason, her attitude didn't match Naruto's chatterbox one, as it usually did. She was nervous, yes, but mostly it was because she had a plan.
   “And then, Hinata and I started competing! Out of nowhere!” he spoke, gesticulating widly as usual. “It was like nothing I've ever seen her do! She ate seven bowls of ramen!” he laughed, a hand on his head while the other was thrown in a wide gesture. “I can`t do that!”
   She shot him an incredulous look from the corner of her eye.
   “Okay, maybe I can, but not in such a short amount of time. Ya know?”
   Sakura chuckled. “Yes, Naruto, I know.”
   “Ah– We should be getting there soon.” his demeanor visibly changed, then. More concentrated, less agitated.
   The treetops in their surroundings provided cool shadows, from which underneath little sun made its way to her eyes, and the breeze whistled in her ears. Sakura placed her bag down behind a tree and looked around, not identifying any markings in the wood or earth. It crossed her mind that perhaps their meeting place changed from time to time, or maybe, she worried, they didn`t want to reveal to her their actual–
   Her thoughts were interrupted by rustling, ever so quiet to non-trained ears. Feet lightly flattening the grass underneath it. She spotted black moving behind the shadows of the trees. Naruto went in first, only a few steps forward, and along with him Sasuke took form under the dim light under canopy.
   “Hey.” greeted Naruto, to which Sasuke only replied with a short hum of acknowledgement. Sakura took the few steps that separated her from her team, and Sasuke's expression changed drastically – well, as drastically as his expressions could, so his eyes widened half a centimeter, perhaps. So maybe their meeting place changed from time to time, seeing as it wasn't Sasuke's idea to change it, and Naruto would likely not think of it.
   “What are you doing here?” he didn't mean it sound that rude, as usual. Fom him, it sounded like a genuine question.
   “Ouch. So I can't say hi to a old teammate?” she teased anyway, a hand on her heart.
   “That's not what I meant.”
   “I know.” she grinned, which made him sulk, which in turn gave her a sense of accomplishment, clear in her broadening smile. “But I did want to say hi and check how your mission's going. Plus I am a medic, so if you got any injuries, I can take a look at them.” at that, he rose a brow. Did she really think he couldn't take care of himself at this point? That there were that many people that would be able to injure him badly enough that he'd need a medic? His expression seemed to ask. The questions, however silent, made her roll her eyes.
   “Anyway,” Naruto, sensing that that conversation could go on for an unecessary amount of time – which, coming from Naruto, was an offense to both of them –, decided to speak up. “Some of our ANBU gathered this information and I thought it should be given in person.” and he handed him a slip of paper, which was tucked under his cloak.
   “I have leads on the Land of Earth, and I`ll be going there next.” Sasuke replied, simply. Naruto nodded, and so did Sakura.
   “Okay.” she replied, granting her his attention, and went back to the tree and picked up her bag. “That`s great! You're going my way!”
   “I... I`m what now?” in his astonishment, his  voice cracked, granting him a look of utmost glee from his teammates. He decided to never speak again.
   “Well,” Sakura continued once she had managed to contain her giggles. “you see, I'm going that way, because some people in the Hidden Grass need some tips on medical justus, and you know me, always willing to help and all.” she shrugged nonchalantly. “So that's what I'll be doing there, and I was hoping we could accompany each other.”
   “Hm.” he made a sour expression and glared at Naruto, who looked away, lips pressed in a thin line, like he had nothing to do with this. He decided to break his vow to never speak again. “And you're going to keep up with me?”
   “Psh, please.” she waved a hand dismissevely. “I can do it on my tiptoes.”
   “Okay. No.”
   She blinked.
   “Wha– No?!”
   “So yes. It's a no.”
   “Wow, Sasuke. Wow.”
   “Tsk, a real ladies' man.” commented Naruto, arms crossed, head shaking.
   “Shut up, idiot.” it was Sasuke`s turn to roll his eyes. “You're not coming with me.”
   “Because you think I can't keep up?”
   “No, because it'll be dangerous.”
   “And I, of all people, can't take care of myself.” the sarcasm was clear, as was her impantience.
   “That`s not what I meant.” he let out in a sigh.
   “Listen, it won't even be for a long time! Besides, I can heal myself and you on the way.” she felt she was almost begging, but on this matter she might have to.
   “I don't want you to get hurt in the first place.” he looked away, frowning. She sighed. That`s what she was afraid of.
   “I`m not thirteen anymore, Sasuke. I can take care of myself.” he was about to reply, but she cut him off. “I am not weak.” she said, assertive, determined. He knew that, she was sure, but it always seemed hard for him to let the fact seep into his mind.
   “That's not it.” She knew. She knew it wasn`t that he thought was weak, per se, but rather that he has to protect the people he cares about, otherwise it`s his fault they got hurt in the first place. But that wasn`t what she thought.
   “You don't have to protect me.” she took a step forward. “It may have been a while, I know, but you can't have forgotten that I can hold my own on the battlefield. I'm not a little girl, and you don't have to protect me. I'm grateful that you do it anyway, but I have gone on many missions where you weren't there to be my shield,” he shifted his weight at that. “and here I still am. Besides, who told I don't want to protect you either?”
   He seemed to think at that, eyes locked with hers. He was seriously considering her words.
   “But I can't do that if you won't let me.”
   Again he shifted his weight, uncertain. On one hand, she was right. On the other, he still didn't want her to be hurt. It wasn't that he thought she was weak, or that she still saw her as the lovestruck thirteen year old. No, that vision of hers had faded long ago. But as he'd said over and over again, he didn't want to watch the people he cares about die ever again. Them being hurt only reminded him of his fears. He was still overprotective.
   And yet, looking at her hopeful expression, he really considered it for a second. Was he going to regret this? Was she going to be a distraction? Was he going to hurt with guilt in front of her, for taking her away from her own loved ones for his selfish purposes? As much as he wanted a normal life alongside his friends...
   “... Alright.” he replied in a sigh, before he could overthink and regret his own decision.
   Sakura beamed, barely containing her glee in one smile.
   “But if you get hurt I'll send you straight back to the village.” he completed quickly.
   “... Young lady!” Naruto added, in a lower tone than his own, one finger raised in the air. Sakura laughed, and even Sasuke let his lips be pulled upwards, even if he still rolled his eyes.
   “I don't sound like that.”
   “You kinda did, though.” Sakura replied.
   “Hm... I'm starting to change my mind.”
   “You wouldn't.”
   He let out a long hum in reply.
   She let out a light scoff. “Well, sorry, Master Uchiha, I didn't mean to be, you know, annoying.” she looked away, pouting, a hand brought to her cheek dramatically. She had thought of using it as her trump card, but now that he'd already accepted it, she might as well use it gratuitously. And as she felt a glare to her cheek and Naruto holding in a breath, she could tell it worked.
   It felt like an eternity where she had to hold back a shit-eating grin, as he scowled and Naruto tried not to laugh. She looked from the corner of her eye, sad expression maintained, and Sasuke immediately turned back, starting to walk. She kinda hoped he'd blushed, even if it wasn't very like him.
   The fact that he was just walking, too, meant he wasn't going to ditch her there at the first opportunity, which just made her beam more, like a weight was being lifted off her chest. He was letting her in.
   Still walking, Sasuke put a hand up, saying goodbye, and Sakura was quick to catch up with him.
    “Oh– Bye, Naruto!” she waved.
   “Bye, guys!” Naruto waved back, now laughing openly. He'd have a good story to tell Hinata back in the Leaf.
   It had been a minute or so that they had been walking, Sakura`s glee clear as the sun in her broad smile. The silence between them was comfortable. Amazingly, Sasuke was the one to break it first.
   “I hate you sometimes.”
   “Hm.” she hummed as if thinking, a finger tapped her chin. “Nah. You don`t.”
   “I do.”
   The corner of his lips were pulled up, and though she bet he was still considering just disappearing at the first opportunity, she judged he was happy to have her along. Hopefully he`d wait for her once they were at the Hidden Grass, though she wouldn`t be surprised if he didn`t. She didn`t actually need to come back so soon, and could just... Keep going. With him. She`d go back later. He did have to report to Naruto eventually, right? Yeah, that would be fine by her.
   “Try to keep up.” he said suddenly, pulling her away from her thoughts. She heard the familiar woosh of his jump as he took to the branches on the trees.
   “Ah– Hey!” she jumped too, laughing, taken aback by his sudden playfulness.
   She wouldn`t mind accompanying him some more.
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itsabea · 21 days
March x sad Reader
Description: March tries his best to comfort you after you have a particularly busy day and end up exhausted
Warnings: not proof read, hinting at depression(reader), slight angst, swearing,
this is purely self indulgent- but then again, almost all of my is-
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You had been so busy today, exceedingly more so than usual. First of all, it was raining, which you didn't mind because it meant your crops were already watered - but things only got more hectic and busy from there on on out..
You collected, put away, sold, and replanted your crops, then went to go fishing for a salmon for Jo's Request that you had accepted about a month ago.. Only to realise about an hour an a half in that it was currently Summer. Now with much less of your energy, you went to the general store to buy some more seeds and a few fruit trees, which left you with a total of 5 Tesserae as a result.
After going back to your farm and planting the saplings and seeds, you realised that it was only two more days until the end of the season. And so, you went back to fishing to try and catch the rest of the Summer fish you need for the Museum. Admittedly, most of that time was spent walking to and from the ponds to the beach, as that's where the rest of the fish you needed were found.
Once it hit 5:30, you realised that it wasn't just the third to last day of the season.. It was also a Friday. Sighing and slumping your head back, you defeatedly headed home to get ready for your weekly visit to the Inn. Hauling the bag full fish with you on your back, you got back to your farm and placed the not so important ones in your shipping bin, only to realise that you needed one more pond fish to finish that collection.... And it only showed up in the rain..
You were tired. It wasn't that you didn't enjoy your new life in Mistria; helping out the town and it's people. Or that today was bad; you had many content and joy filled moments between it all. But you were tired. So, so, tired..
Right now, nothing was more appealing than curling up in your bed, and crying.
So that's what you did. You put away your items, got showered and dressed into your pyjamas, and you laid down in your bed and cried out the remainder of what little was left of your energy.
You didn't even end up falling asleep afterwards like you usually did when crying in your bed.. Which upset you much more than you realised it would.
I mean.. Why get up just to do it all again tomorrow? The next day would likely end up being longer than today as well.. Not that today wasn't enjoyable- But it wasn't as enjoyable as others... People need you around town though, they always tell you that- You're not that important - the townsfolk don't rely on you to live....
You curled up in on yourself more, lying on your side as the tears began to flow down your cheeks again. It felt hopeless. Everything felt like it wasn't worth it anymore. And you continued to cry in your home until a knock sounded on your door.
At first, you thought you had misheard and simply sighed out a sob. But after a much firmer knock, you realised that it wasn't just you hearing things. Tiredly getting up, you assumed it was Adaline or Eiland, popping by to inform you about a new job that needed to be done around town. Or maybe Celine or Hayden needing some sugar or something?
Either way, you knew all four options were kind enough to excuse your tired, red eyes and pyjama clad form, so you didn't bother trying to make yourself the slightest bit presentable before opening the door. Which was a big mistake on your part, because March was the one that stood in your doorframe, looking down at you with a frown you could barley see through your slightly blurred vision.
"Why are you here?" March said suddenly, looking too the side as you rubbed at your eyes to try and clear them up. "Uhm- I live here?" You responded, no energy left to think up or question his presence on your farm.
After a huff and an exaggerated eyeroll, March rephrased went on to rephrase his question. "No- Why aren't you-" But he cut his words short when he watched your head bob forward like a sleepy child. "What, did you get tired from playing in the dirt all day? I can't believe you-" "Fuck you." You said back, one last tear rolling down your cheek as whatever energy you had that was keeping you standing left you.
In that same instant, you felt a falling sensation as your vision went black. You were tired.
Every so often you'd end up seeing glimpses of your home, but it was somehow moving? Your doorframe.. Black.. Your ceiling... Black... Your ceiling light.... Black.... More ceiling..... Black.....
Every time you saw black, you felt relieved and slightly less tired, especially compared to when you could see your home. And then, a warm sensation surrounded you, like you were being wrapped in a big hug that left you yearning for more.
When you reopened your eyes, you found yourself tucked into bed. The blankets were up to your ears as you laid on your side, about to roll over when you finally noticed the red head of hair resting on top of the blankets in front of you. Humming out, with a slight groaned mumbled, you went to speak up but were promptly cut off.
"Shup up and go back to sleep." March said, lifting his head from its resting position to look at you with stern, yet soft eyes. Feeling your tiredness envelope you, you closed your eyes but felt the cogs in your brain ticking. Why was March here? What was he doing? And why were you in your bed- You suddenly remembered falling into March in your doorway, and him carrying you to your bed before tucking you in.
You felt bad for cursing at him now, but you were also much more confused about why he was even at your farm in the first place. "March-" You started, only for said male to cut you off. "Shoosh. I said, 'go back to sleep'." He retorted, and if your eyes weren't still closed, you had a feeling that he'd glare at you again.
You didn't end up going back to sleep, but you did have a very calm conversation with March as you continued to rest with your eyes closed.
"I'm sorry." March said, being the first to speak after he told you to sleep for the second time. "Why-" "Shut up, you're supposed to be asleep." March said, cutting you off as moment of silence followed before he ended up answering your question. "I know I can be.. A rude asshole - a lot of the time.." March admitted as you felt him start to play with the top of the blanket slightly.
You didn't dare make a single sound as he continued to talk, telling you about how everyone at the Inn was starting to wonder where you were, and how Reina came to the conclusion that you might be over worked.. "-Then Olric offered to check up on you and-" March paused before continuing, having now moved his arm back down from the hem of the blanket as he ceased his delicate fiddling. "And.. And I told him I'd go instead."
The fact you were now frowning didn't go unnoticed by March, who must've been watching you to make sure you didn't open your eyes again. "I know, I know.. I don't why either.... You just-.... You made everyone worried.." March said, trailing off as he went silent again.
After feeling the blankets shift slightly beside you, you peaked your eye open to see March was doing, only to get told off again after seeing March's head resting on his arm directly in front of you. "Sleep." He said, but you had already closed your eye when you saw his eyes intently watching yours.
Your face ran hot with heat from the proximity, which was apparently very visible to March. "Fuck- Please don't tell me you have a damn fever.." He grumbled out, using the back of his free hand to touch your forehead as he continued to complain. "If you went diving and didn't fucking keep warm I'm taking you to Valen." March half threatened, prompting you to frown as he retracted his hand from your forehead.
"Your shipping bin smells like fish." He clarified before you felt him move against the blankets again. This time you felt weight remove itself from beside you, which had you shooting your eyes open with a desperation for company. March looked at you blankly from where he still sat on the floor beside your bed, leaning back on his arms as you watched him open his mouth to tell you off again.
"I'm sleeping..!" You said quickly, hearing a huff emit from the red head in front of your once more closed eyes.
"So.." March started after seconds more of silence. "Why weren't you at the Inn?" He asked, making an exhausted sigh leave you before you spoke. "Tired." You said, waiting for a moment before elaborating on your day. "Tended to crops.. Fed animals... Fished for a stupid non-existent Summer salmon.... Spent all my money on crops.... Planted them.... Went fishing again, but for the Museum.... Died inside.... No energy.... Cried in bed.." You said, starting to tear up again when March spoke up.
"I know it goes against what I always say to you.. But you do a lot around here- Too fucking much to be honest.. And I-" March paused for the umpteenth time that night as you pried your eyes open and looked at him.
He was sitting in the exact same position as when you last opened your eyes, only now he had his head turned from you. Yet, his eyes keep their sights on you, and this time he didn't have the heart to tell you off. March ended up breaking contact with your eyes, his face reddening slightly as he spoke.
"You're enough- More than enough.. You're honestly too much but- Sigh...." March quickly darted his eyes to, and away from you before he continued. "You're a lot. You're so much.. You mean so much- To literally everyone." He said, making another, single tear fall down your face. But this time you had just enough energy.
"Thank you.. March." You managed out, smiling as a few more tears fell down and onto the pillow beneath you.
March wasn't sure what had you crying this time, unsure on whether he did good or bad with his words. But he was by your side once more the moment he watched those tears form into droplets in the corners of your eyes. With a sigh of relief, March relaxed after seeing the slight smile on your face, only to watch it fall the next second as a soft snore left you.
Finally.. You were asleep.
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itsabea · 26 days
March x Reader - Oneshot: Secret Whispers
Description: You and March haven't been dating for long, and lately he seems a bit withdrawn. You don't know what's going on or what to think at first, and no one else seems to know either. While you aren't suspicious of him cheating or anything, you are sure that he's hiding something..
Warnings: slight angst, swearing, March is a softie, a bit long,
i was out of ideas and did a prompt generator when 'secret whispers' came up and i had this idea and i just couldn't not-
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Your boyfriend was the only person you knew who could zone in on things so expertly. Whether it be a work request for anything but nails, you, or even when he's curious or interested in something. He would zone in like there was no tomorrow.
And while you found that fact amazing, and so dang cute to witness, right now March was fully zoned in on something - but you had no idea what it was. You had asked Olric and Ryis about what he seemed so busy with lately, but neither were aware of what he was doing.
It wasn't that March was ignoring you either, since he'd always give you a kiss on the cheek when passing each other, and would still spend time with you. But the fact still stood that you felt March was.. Brushing you off. Like he was doing something that he felt was very important. It had you feeling left out is all.
Of course, the thought of March cheating had never stayed long, or had even been humoured in your mind. He just wasn't the type to be able to: one, socialise with other people easily, and two: be able to make a bond with other people easily. March really just wasn't built that way.
One thing you did entertain was that he might simply be doing some work for out of town buyers. It was probable enough, but still left you confused about the state it had put March in. I mean- He was in the zone. So zoned in and focused on.. Whatever he was doing, that he even missed joining the latest Friday night get-together at the Inn.
You hadn't yet confronted March about what he was doing, but figured it was about time you got an answer- Or at least a hint at what he was up to. Which lead to this very moment of you approaching March as he worked away at the Forge.
"Hey, March?" You asked, stretching your head up and out on a slight angle as you spoke, hoping to catch a glimpse of what he was working away at. "Yeah? I'm a bit busy with this stupid nail order.. But what's up?" March said back, ceasing his clanging for a moment as he turned his head to the side and gave you more of his attention.
"Oh, I've just been wondering if you got a commission lately. You've been really.." You paused for a moment, not wanting to mention that he was 'in the zone'. "You've just seemed really busy lately." You finished, smiling as he looked back at you with questioningly.
"What are you-" His slight squinting and frown disappeared when March cut himself off. It was a mere beat of silence before he spoke up again, prompting you to notice the slight tinge of colour on his ears when he turned his head from you and focused back on the nails he was making.
"Don't worry, it's nothing." March said, although a bit too quickly, before elaborating slightly. "I won't be busy for much longer.. Don't worry- Oh, and make sure you're not busy this Wednesday, okay?" March said before hammering away at the soon to be nails again. Thankfully, you weren't busy Wednesday, but you still didn't know much about what March had been doing lately, let alone the new mystery of why he wanted you free that Wednesday.
While on your way home, you ended up passing Olric and Errol in the Town Square, and caught part of their conversation before leaving earshot. "I swear I saw March doing some kind of.. Jumping dance a few nights ago in the Narrows. It was such a strange sight." Errol said as Olric spoke up after. "Hmm.. I'll have to ask him. But that reminds me that I noticed him using a new temperature at the Forge last week.."
The conversation they had kept with you all throughout the days leading up to Wednesday, where you now sat at your spot by Caldarus. He wasn't the biggest fan of March, but Caldarus was still willing to listen to your ramblings about said boyfriend, and today was no different.
"So, do you know when he'll get here?" Caldarus asked you, prompting you to sigh out with a very visible pout. "No.... I forgot to ask.. And I've been so busy trying to figure out what he's up to that it slipped my mind.." You admitted, slumping into your now propped up hand as you waited next to Caldarus for most of the late morning.
You had quickly fed your animals before you started waiting, but now you had watered your crops, pat your animals, and fished a bit in the river by your farm. And March still hadn't shown up.
The sun was starting to set now, and a pool of sadness began to sit in your stomach. Just as you started your walk back to Caldarus, wanting to confide in him about March not showing up today, you heard the familiar tune of March calling your name.
"Hey, you ready? Sorry I'm a bit late, I-" "Wha- I've been waiting all day!" You said in exasperation as you made your way towards him in a huff. "What do you mean? I mailed you the time of our date." March said with a frown as he looked over at your mailbox. "No you-" Turning, you found a letter half sticking out of said box, prompting your face to go beat red in shame.
How could you have missed that all day? To be fair, you had gotten a bit excited about what March might have wanted you free on Wednesday for.. Only to get mad when he didn't show up.... The slight chuckle that escaped your boyfriend didn't go unnoticed by you, having you look up at him with tired, watery eyes.
"Hey- Wh-" March started after receiving the look you sent him, full of exhaustion that combined with sadness. "I-" You took a moment to gather your words. "I'm tired.. I'm upset with you.. And I need a shower." You said, still slightly muddy and sweaty from your work, despite having not done too much due to the nice clothes you had put on for today.
"Ah.... I guess that's partially my fault.." March admitted, turning to look away from you for a moment, only to look back and swiftly pick you up. "March! What-" "Let's get you cleaned up, and then I'm carrying you to our date. Unless you don't feel like it, then.. I guess I'll try to reschedule somehow." March said, taking you straight to your house and helping with what he could of getting you cleaned up.
You started feeling better as March helped take care of you. He was showing you so much care and attention that the past while of him being busy seemed to melt away. Of course, you hadn't forgotten your curiosity of what he's been up to, but you only decided to raise the question once your energy had mostly returned, and once you agreed and were being carried off to the date he had planned.
"So.. Why have you been so busy lately?" You asked while cradled in his arms, on your way to the Eastern area across from you and Celine's. "You'll find out." March replied with, a slight smiled attempting it's way onto his face as you frowned at him. But when you turned back forward as you entered the Eastern Road side of Town, you were at a loss for words.
Jars filled with fireflies were littered about the area around the ponds, lighting up the ground in a magical way that had you astounded. March was slowly putting you down, allowing you to walk before taking your hand and slowly leading you across the bridge and towards spot with the lone bench and pear tree.
You continued looking around breathlessly, watching the jars you'd get closer to with great interest as the fireflies would twinkled about inside. Before you knew it, you were already at the bench by the larger pond, still staring in awe as March finally spoke up beside you. "I take it you like my surprise? Just so you know, those fuckers were real hard to catch." He said, knowing pride already set in his voice as you had to ask for solid confirmation.
"You did this?" You asked, turning from the breath taking scene before you to look at March beside you, who was still holding your hand. His eyes softened as he looked from you to your hand and back, slowly bringing you hand up towards him as he bowed his head and softly kissed the top of it with a smirk. "You answer me first; do you like it?"
You could only breathe out your reply as you tore your gaze away from March and back out at the display he had done for you. "Yes.." You said, barely above a whisper as you felt March straighten up slightly, only to lean in next to your ear.
"Good." He whispered back, the satisfied smile showing through his words. "I love you." March added after a second of silence, leaning down to kiss your hand again as your face erupted with a deep hue.
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frodothefair · 5 months
Thinking about Frodo and Mari's family life and I'm just like awww... Most of this will probably not end up in FoM except in a cursory way toward the end... But then again... maybe a sequel or a series of spinoff oneshots?
Their childrens' different looks and personalities. Galadriel is the social director and loves playing active games and exploring, organizing the neighborhood kids to go foraging in the woods and reenacting battles. Samwise Jr., on the other hand, prefers helped his parents with hands-on household tasks, and learning about herbs and cooking, and likes it quiet, and has 1-2 close friends. (Gala eventually realizes she's trans, or however one would understand trans in that society without having the vocabulary or social context for it; Sam Jr becomes a doctor)
Gala looks like Frodo; Samwise Jr. looks like Marigold and behaves like Frodo, down to the way he hooks his fingers into his suspenders. Neighbors gossiping about Samwise Jr's parentage, and Samwise Sr threatening to stove their heads in.
Both kids love reading with their Da. To the point of "we are not reading tonight" is actually a punishment.
Mari yelling loudly enough to be heard at Bagshot Row when she realizes she's pregnant a second time, when her first child is barely a year old. She does not enjoy being pregnant, even if Frodo is a very supportive partner. After this point, she never recommends breastfeeding alone as a birth control method to anyone.
Gamgees are way too fertile, which is one way to explain the above circumstance. The other is Frodo being a breast guy, and Mari breastfeeding and, you, know, one thing leading to another. ;)
Frodo hardly putting little Gala down for a moment the first few weeks of her life because OMG HE HAS A BABY. He didn't think he would live to 60 and NOW HE HAS A BABY.
Frodo being preternaturally good at soothing babies. This is first discovered when Samwise and Rosie's Elanor is born. Rosie insists that this means Frodo should have a child as soon as possible, and Sam tries to shush her and play it off as her being "addled on poppy" because she just gave birth (this one probably will be in FoM).
Frodo being even better at parenting than Marigold. Marigold having mixed feelings about this.
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