#foggy starlight
lovenikkiclothes · 2 years
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Based around the top ‘Foggy Starlight’.
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avoyagetoarcturus · 1 year
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I relate to Pearl because I also love steam engines ⚙️💦💨 
Congrats British people for getting more Starlight Express 🚂🙌😩 I'm happy for you 🎵🛼
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Bonus - this one had Pearl in it's name
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thoughtartistry · 25 days
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A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world. ✨️ 🌙
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feuilletourne-sir20 · 2 years
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Tournefeuille, lumière des étoiles
Tournefeuille, starlight
by sir20 for feuilletourne-sir20
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the--artist · 3 months
Rolling Sky June 14th and June 28th Updates
Well, I've been gone for some time on this, but here are my thoughts on the new rolling sky levels and the 2 new co-creation levels released..This is a heavily opinioned review!
"Enchanted Lamp and Masked Ball, a Fantastical Journey under the Night Sky" - June 14th update
Starting with the June 14th update, we have two new levels: Enchanted Lamp and Masked Ball
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Enchanted Lamp!
This five-star level looks really cool! I was pleasantly surprised at this concept. While I haven't played this level due to it being too hard for me (The hardest I currently go up to is 4 stars), I really enjoy the new underground mechanic. It's interesting to control the ball from below a glass shield. Rolling Sky always surprises me on what new mechanics are added every time and somehow there are always new ones possible to add. The music is also pleasant to listen to, which makes the starting screen pleasant. While this level is nice, it's not outstanding.
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Masked Ball
I was soo excited for Masked Ball - but just disappointed...The music theme was very random and felt like a bunch of random music put together. On the flip side, I felt that Parade Pagentery perfectly encapsulated their theme while Masked Ball falls flat on the music department. The gameplay is alright as well - mediocre at best. The upside of this level is the theme. The beautiful evening theme is beautiful! It's breathtaking.
"Mysterious Journey Continues, Explore Foggy City and Starlight Desert"
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Foggy City
I didn't come into Foggy City with much expectation, but I was blown away by how fun this level is! The grey parts of the gameplay is so entertaining, and I love how the music picks up around 60%. Avoiding the spotlights was a nice surprise and some of the intense side-to-side moving is fun! The music has grown on me, and this level now holds a special place in my heart. I love it.
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Starlight Desert
I love how this level combines Eternal/Chronus and Matrix/Cube with some sun/moon elements. The music is also beautiful. It wasn't what I came in expecting, but I was pleasantly surprised. The level is also very very beautiful, and I can't wait to play it! I love the sun decal mixed with the sci-fi elements is pretty cool.
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rhysazriel · 2 months
When the Sun Rose [Azriel]
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SUMMARY: After a drunken night of gentle kisses and truths spilled, when morning arrives, Azriel has no recollection of his earlier admittances. (1.4k)
WARNINGS: it’s pretty angsty, but nothing major!!
A/N: this is a rewrite of an old piece. It’s unlikely I’ll write a second part but I might be open to the possibility in the future. Sometimes I just love an angsty ending hehe
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You’d seen him drunk plenty of times before. Been the one to race shots down your throat with him and later help him sober up before morning. You’d seen him in a lot of states before, you supposed that was just what came with being his best friend.
Best friend.
The thought caused a silent sad laugh to rumble in your stomach. You realised the sad truth that you were in love with him almost a year ago. Realised that the butterflies in your stomach and blush on your cheeks were more than just shyness when you gained his full attention.
But in the years you’d known of your feelings, you’d watched him have fling after fling, fuck after fuck, and come back to you in the mornings to gush about what position he had them in and how many times he made them cum with his fingers and mouth.
Tonight was a little different, though. Azriel had his hands all over you, his lips pressed against every spot of your neck and his hands gripping every inch of your waist. It had never been you beneath him in his bed, but tonight it was and you couldn’t believe it was finally happening.
He palmed at your chest beneath your shirt and tweaked your nipples deliciously. Your head rolled back into the pillow, fingers tangled in his dark hair and you tugged generously at the locks.
Azriel grunted into your neck, nosing up your jaw and smearing his lips against yours. “I‘m in love with you... love you, so fucking much,” he admitted breathlessly.
You could feel your heart leap in your heaving chest. Could feel your veins burst starlight into your bloodstream. You pulled his face back with both palms cupping his cheeks and scanned his eyes.
His skittish shadows wrapped around you both, gentle whispers that you couldn’t decipher but they only made him grin wider. Azriel nudged your nose with his, that floating feeling returning to your mind in full force. There was no way this was happening.
“You are? Please tell me you’re being serious… I’ve been in love with you for years,” you confessed back, ignoring the way the admission lifted a huge weight off your chest and Azriel was kissing you again, hard and tender.
And as quickly as it started, it ended. You fell asleep in each other's arms��you wearing your underwear and Az’s shirt and him in just his boxers. It was when the sun rose and he stirred from his slumber that his foggy mind tried to put the puzzle pieces together.
It wasn’t his room and there was the weight of a small female on his side. Azriel thought he’d just had another one night stand that clearly wasn’t worth remembering. But he noticed the hair colour and style and when he craned his neck, he realised who was half naked in his arms.
Azriel leapt from the bed in shock, eyes wide and his sudden movement startled you awake. His shadows skittered around him, alert and confused by their master's actions. It was when you stretched beneath the covers that he realised your outfit—or lack thereof and he thought the worst.
“Oh, shit,” he cursed blindly, hands dragging down his tired face and he couldn’t deal with a headache this big. You blinked away the slew and stared at him with furrowed brows, stuttering out a laugh. “Morning to you, too,” you rasped.
Azriel’s eyes were still blown wide and he didn’t understand how you were being so nonchalant. You’d never cuddled half naked before, never even shared a bed. Yes, you’d been best friends and extremely close, but a situation had never arisen where you’d had to share a damn bed.
“What are you... oh Gods, please tell me we didn’t... you know...” he gestured between you both and some sort of realisation began to well in your eyes. He didn’t remember.
You shook your head with a nervous laugh. “No, I mean we kissed a bit but that’s it... we just slept cuddling,” you explained, a faint smile on your face and Azriel took a deep breath.
You supposed it was him coming to terms with the fact that you finally kissed and you knew how he felt. At least, that was what you thought.
There was still panic on his face and he squeezed his eyes shut, taking another deep breath. “Did I like... say anything to you that I normally wouldn’t have said? Like I normally wouldn’t have kissed you,” he stared at your worry stricken face as a blush rose to your cheeks.
You stifled a laugh. “I mean, you did tell me that you’re in love with me,” you reminded him, a teasing smile on your lips and you expected him to grow bashful and throw himself on the bed, begging that he didn’t mean to admit it and that it was okay if you didn’t feel the same way.
You thought he just forgot how you both expressed your requited love.
But Azriel didn’t grow bashful and nervous. Instead, his marred hands were in his raven hair and he was groaning at himself. “I’m sorry. I say stupid shit when I’m drunk like that and I’m sorry, that must’ve been awkward for you.” He apologised, rubbing at his face.
His shadows cooed around his neck and face, seemingly attempting to console their master and coax him into a calmer state. You wondered if they were whispering reassurance that you loved him too.
You crawled across the bed, gentle smile on your lips and you were about to tell him to stop worrying, that you were in love with him too, but you stopped in the middle of the bed when he looked at you with a careful look in his eyes that you couldn’t quite place.
“Why would it be awkward?” You asked with a slight tilt of your head. You thought Az was going to tell you he was certain you didn’t love him back, but he frowned you instead, like his reasoning was the most obvious thing and let out a soft laugh.
“‘Cause I’m obviously not in love with you. Can’t imagine how awkward I’d feel if you told me you were in love with me but I didn’t know you were just shit-talking while you’re drunk,” he laughed comically but from his words, you felt your heart sink to your stomach and you thought you might be sick.
Your chest was tight and your head was spinning. You could physically feel the heartache in your fingertips and your entire body was buzzing in a numbing rage. You wanted to cry, could feel your throat swelling but you didn’t trust yourself to say anything without breaking down.
You cleared your throat and let off an awkward laugh. This couldn’t be happening. This couldn’t be happening. You thought he meant it, thought your life was coming together, thought you’d finally feel loved. But it was all a lie.
He didn’t love you.
“Oh, yeah,” you mumbled, a frown on your lips. Azriel didn’t see it, though. He was too busy throwing another shirt on and shoving his legs in a pair of trousers from the night before.
Everything felt numb when he looked back at you with the normal cheeky glimmer in his eyes. His shadows had split in half. Some with him, swirling in agitation, and the others with you as they coiled around your cool skin in some offering of comfort.
And as you stared at his lips, you could feel them back on yours again, how they caressed your pout and offered you a sense of home and warmth.
You let yourself bask in the memory for as long as you could, because you knew you’d never get it again. You let the reality of the situation sink in. Let it sink in that not only did he not love you last night when he said he did, that not only did he not love you now, but that he never would.
And you let yourself hurt. Hurt because the love of your life would never feel the same, and you’d learned that in the most impossibly painful way. Because for a fleeting moment, you thought you knew what it felt like to be loved by him. But then the sun rose and so did the truth.
Now you prayed to the Mother that he didn’t one day remember what really happened that night. Prayed that his shadows would hold some loyalty to you and keep it your secret.
But when Azriel left your bedroom, they slithered out the door too.
Like nothing had happened.
Like they didn’t take your heart with them.
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Thank you for reading!! If you enjoyed it, please give it a like and reblog!! <3
Azriel Tags
@serxndipity-ipity-blog / @erencvlt / @azswife / @lili-of-the-wildfire / @dreaming-unafraid / @dr4g0ngirl / @coconut-dreamz / @lilah-asteria / @a-frog-with-a-laptop / @whevegvekage / @weasleyreidstyles / @hayrunnwr / @fhgsvnh / @smitty-werbenjagermenjenson / @backstagepaige / @ntimacy / @whatsupb18 / @moonfawnx / @mybigboimork / @cherryjain17 / @isabella-bby / @i-love-your-shadows-baby / @louvmars / @katiebethx / @blitz-fall / @thot4ellie / @thezoddfather / @tequilya / @azrielsshadows42 / @pruvii / @wolfbc97 / @hpforever / @amanduh20
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Datura Pt 7
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Summary: The fallout of your confrontation with Amarantha comes to a head, and just might push you that much closer to a certain High Lord.
Content Warnings: Torture, blood, mentions of SA
Author’s Note: Cauldron Boil me this chapter took forever to write on mobile 🫠 My laptop is down for the foreseeable future, but I’m doing my best to keep up on the updates, even if they will be a little slower for a bit. Thank you all for your patience! ❤️ As always, if you want to be added to the tag list, let me know! 😁
Master list
It feels like a dream; a dream would explain the shimmering auroras of blue, violet and pink overhead; explain the music that floats around your as if it’s on the wind; explain the creature of darkness and starlight that drags gentle fingers through your hair. It would be a lovely dream, the kind you cling to desperately as waking beckons at the edge of your consciousness.
A dream would explain why a voice made for the gentle darkness of a bedroom speaks from everywhere at once: “I’ve got you. Don’t worry. You’re safe with me.” It might come from the creature who holds your head in its lap but you can’t be sure. Not when the clicking of heels on stone drags you further away from the music and the starlight. Not when the dream shifts and spins and feels a little too like your training exercises for you to be convinced this isn’t actually happening inside the confines of your own head.
It’s hard to be certain of anything through the fog that clings to you. The only thing that’s real and true is the pain shooting through your right arm. It’s so intense you try to curl in on yourself but that only makes it worse. Any movement makes nausea roll in your gut and your head spin. The loud booming of heels on stone doesn’t help.
“Oh poor little thing,” a voice croons.
And then pain flares in your spine, the air crushed from your lungs as something sharp and heavy presses down into the center of your back. You’re blind with pain, barely conscious enough to see what’s happening, let alone fight. The half wheeze half scream that tears out of you sounds like it belongs to a trampled animal.
“Where’s all that fight you showed last night?”
The pressure increases and the blurring in your already terrible vision is now more from tears than your own mental fog.
Something brushes against your mind, like phantom fingers brushing against your mental shields. “Get up! Fight her!”
More pressure on your spine. It’s an effort just to get a breath in. You’re going to be crushed like this.
“I can’t! Please. Please help me!”
There is no one else to help you, no one there to make any of it make sense. You can’t figure out where you are, why this is happening, everything feels so foggy.
The pressure on your spine finally lets up, let’s you breathe, just for something to hit you in the back of the head. Not hit. Kicked. The tip of one of those ridiculously pointed heels has kicked you in the back of the head. They’re starting to come into view, even as your temple clacks against the rough stone floor, the same awful shade of red as the hair flowing from her pale head.
“You’re going to be ok. I’ve got you. Breathe.”
The tip of her heel slides under your chin as Amarantha comes around to face you and the world finally comes into focus as she uses her shoe to lift your chin.
You’ve never felt so small and helpless in your life; you’re a bug and she’s a giant.
“Don’t let her see you cry.” Urges the voice. Now that you’re head is clearing, the fog rolling out slowly, you realize it’s Rhys, has been this entire time. “Stand up.”
You try, you really, really try, but getting your palms against the floor, moving the mottled mess of flesh that’s your right arm at all makes the world spin. If you’d eaten anything at all you would have thrown up all over the Queen’s expensive shoes.
Would have been worth it.
“Nothing to say to me now?” She coos.
“Rhys I can’t get up,” you whimper in your head. She’s going to crush you like this. Put your head under her heel and stomp down until your skull cracks like a watermelon.
You feel him tugging at things in your head, not throwing open doors to your memories, but rooting through the bookshelves, looking for something, anything he can reach to move you himself.
“You know, I’m feeling a lot better this morning. Turns out mated sex does wonders for the psyche.”
Your stomach rolls.
“Mother’s tits! Tamlin!” Rhys swears and as if his horror is your own, a shiver trembles down your spine. You get a flash of something like nails running across your skin, drawing blood, a scent of mirthroot and incense, and then it’s thrown out of your head in a rush.
“Rhys-” horror and the dawning realization rolls through you at once and that chasm in your chest that had snapped shut last night, the yawning, bottomless darkness rises up to meet you, calling your name. There’s a roaring in your ears, as if a strong wind had burst through the mountain. You can only see red.
“So I’ll offer you a bargain,” Amarantha is still speaking, her voice droning and lifeless in your ears.
You grit your teeth and put your palms flat on the floor, trying to get up again, fighting every slash of pain, the horrible tearing feeling in your gaping flesh. You get an inch, maybe two, your whole body shaking. The roaring in your ears won’t stop, it’s getting worse. Pain explodes in your jaw, fangs ripping through your lip. Your eyes are changing again, things suddenly sharper and clearer in your vision.
“You drink this,” she’s pulled a vial from some pocket realm, holding the black glass between the tips of her pointed nails. Nails you can now see still tipped in blood. There’s more of it splattered across her pale arms, a hint of it around her lips. You don’t know if it’s Tamlin’s or Rhys’s.
You manage to get a knee up under your body, then a second. Blood drips from the lacerations across your shoulder and back, cascading into the horrifyingly large puddle beneath where you’d been laying.
“Tie your powers to me and I’ll heal you right up.”
“NO!!! Don’t do it!!!” Rhys screams; it’s a strange sensation to have his voice so clear in your head, even as the mountain shakes beneath you, rattled by a dark power you somehow know in bones is him. It’s not a darkness like yours, nothing that lives in the deep recesses of his being, it is something natural and good that has been honed and sharped and when he unleashes it, you feel it skitter across your skin. You can almost taste jasmine and citrus.
Amarantha pauses her little victory speech to stare at the roof as it rattles and cracks, raining dust and debris down on your heads. She frowns, then cocks her head like she’s listening to something. Her eyes glaze over a bit, like she’s no longer here in the room with you.
If Rhys can reach you from wherever he’s being held, can he reach her too?
It’s that thought that gets you off your knees. Not standing, not really because you’re so dizzy that would be impossible, but you have enough in you to throw yourself forward and tackle her. It’s her head that slams into the stone floor this time. Her that’s helpless beneath you as your claws rip through your nail beds and you slash a hand across her face. The pain in your arm is blinding, makes your stomach roll and the room spin, your next swipe at her face sheer instinct, but you know it hits something soft, by the splatter or warm blood across your fingers.
She still has the advantage, her years as General of Hybern’s armies and the sheer amount of time she has trained to fight means you got this far because she was surprised, and she won’t stay that way. A claw tipped hand wreathed in flame latches onto your wrist, halting your next blow, the flames licking and crackling up your arm so hot you feel it in your teeth. It would be a surprise if smoke didn’t come out your mouth as you scream, feeling like you’re being cooked from the inside out.
Sheer desperation has you swinging with your other arm, but she’s already shifting her weight and your hand hits stone, talons breaking against the rock. It’s all too easy for her to get another flame wreathed hand around your throat and shift her weight so she’s now atop you.
The mountain still shakes around you. Her eyes are still glassy like Rhys is still trying to reason with her, even as she closes off your air way, nails tearing through your skin.
“You know,” she says as she leans down, lips next to your ear. “I like the struggle. It makes the surrender all the sweater.”
You’re on fire, skin blistering beneath her grip. Spots dance across your vision. But that cavern in your chest cracks, the darkness that lives inside swirling like a tornado as it flares to life, flares in response to your plight. It’s not like last time where you can take hold of it, it takes hold of you, filling you until there is only empty darkness and the sound of Amarantha screaming.
Her weight is off you, her hand no longer crushing your windpipe. You scramble onto your knees, coughing, gasping for breath. When the spots clear from your eyes you can finally see your hands, skin no longer but made entirely of an empty darkness, as if you’re made up by some sort of void. Stranger still, the fire that she had summoned now dances around your wrists and hands, twirling like it belonges to you.
Amarantha’s on the floor, groaning, a huge dent in the wall from where you’d, apparently, thrown her body.
Her dark eyes narrow to the fire wreathing your shifted form. It no longer answers to her, but you, as if you’d stolen in from her.
“GUARDS!” She screams and the door comes flying open, six of her personal guard running in with their weapons drawn. The Attor flanks them, a grin spread across its leathery face.
“Take her to the dungeons! She attacked me!!” Amarantha wails. Blood trickles down her face, your talons having ripped open her cheek, just missing her eye. Good. You’ll splatter more of it before this is over.
Your body feels different. The pain so dull now you start to wonder if it was even real in the first place. None of this feels entirely real as you manage to get on your feet, flames still dancing across your changed body.
They aim spears at your head as one of them approaches with chains. Not normal iron chains, either, the shackles a strange bluish color. You can smell something on them, something decaying and rotten that makes your nose crinkle. All your senses are sharpened when you’re like this, every smell sharp and clear.
“You attacked me!” You say, even though you know it’s useless; your voice raw from how hard she’d held you by the throat. Strangely, the burns that should be blistering across your skin don’t feel like burns anymore. The flames you stole lick over the affected areas, winding back and forth like they’re capable of healing the damage.
The guards move closer, each step calculated. Their grey eyes are narrowed to your hands, eyeing them like snakes poised to strike. You can fight them, the power thrumming in your veins tells you it’ll be easy, as if it’s an entity entirely separate from your own consciousness, but the disastrous effects of yesterday are still heavy on your mind, as muddled as the end of it still is. You were in this predicament because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut; Rhys was in this predicament because you couldn’t keep your mouth shut.
You raise your hands, palms up in a move that you hoped would be compliant, but the way they raise their spears, the way the Attor spreads it’s wings and hisses, makes you think better about it. You lower your hands to your sides and look at Amarantha. The grin on her face makes you want to lunge for her throat and claw out her eyes. Your power roars in your ears again, she’s hurt your—
The power balks, retreats as if it had just realized something it didn’t want to touch. The fire vanishes from your hands along with the inky darkness, the power seeping back under your skin until there is no longer a glimpse of it. Your teeth ache as your fangs retract; fingers feel like they’re breaking as your battered talons disappear. Even if you had planned to fight, it would have been useless, you don’t attempt to fight to hold it.
“Good, little mouse,” she purrs.
You grit your aching teeth as the guard hurriedly snaps the cuffs on your wrist. Any lingering hint of power leeches from your body, leaving only the cold press of iron.
Amarantha stalks over once she’s sure they’re secure, sure you’re as helpless as she wishes you to be.
The mountain still shakes around you, but you can’t hear Rhys anymore. Can’t reach into your own shields to search for him, any hint of magic is far beyond your reach.
“Looks like my offer is of no use to you now,” she drags a finger over what should be your ruined shoulder, but the mottled flesh is now pink, your gaping wounds stitched back together. It’ll scar, but that’ll be the end of it.
“So maybe I can change your mind another way, hmm?”
It’s an effort not to tremble.
“Take her to Rhys,” she orders as she snatches a handkerchief from one of them and dabs her bleeding face with it. Her wounds are already healing. “Since he seems alive enough to try and bargain with me.”
Cold dread seeps through you as they drag you down the halls. Heads peak out of doors to watch as your led past, some of the faces you have a vague memory of seeing watch you in the pit. No one comes to your aid; no one will even give you a pitying glance. A couple of them smile. Better you than them, their faces seem to say.
Your whole body feels cold and empty, strained beyond belief. Still, you try and keep your head up best you can as you go deeper and deeper into the mountain.
You can see your breath around your head by the time they finally stop in front of a worn, time scarred door. There’s a heap of rubble in front of it, the walkways half caved in with heaps of rock and debris. The iron is oddly shaped, lumpy almost, like something had been bashed into it over and over from inside.
It’s not until the door is dragged open, with the help of four guards because of all the damage, that your realize that something had been Rhys’s fists. Someone had clamped a collar around his neck and chained him to the wall, or at least, they had initially. The chain had been ripped out of the wall, the rusted medal dangling uselessly behind the male. Even though he was on his knees now, bare chest heaving to catch his breath, knuckles dripping blood into the floor, it was clear he had been doing his damndest to break through the iron door by any means necessary.
The first two guards raise their spears again, as Amarantha says, “Well isn’t this quite the temper tantrum.”
Your chest aches when you see him, the bruising over his face and chest, the blood splattered across the floor.
It looks like it’s an effort for him to raise his chin and look at her. The bruises around his eyes are dark as shadows. “Thought it would get your attention,” he rasps, voice practically gone.
The urge to press your lips to his throat is suddenly overwhelming, your whole body itches to hold him, soothe the aches you mark across his toned body. A thought you try to shove away, a realization you don’t want to think about in a place like this. It would be a tremendous weakness for you to want anything other than friendship.
Amarantha reaches around one of the guards to grab you by the hair, your chains rattling as she drags you over to her.
Rhys is on his feet, snarling, teeth bared at the sight. It takes four of the guards to restrain him.
He’d done that last night too, when they’d shoved you, though you’re not sure why. Doesn’t he hate you? He called you a monster, yet a monster he risked his life for.
“You seem to care a lot about this little thing, Rhysand.”
His eyes darken, narrowing in on the hand gripping your hair like he was debating the best way to rip it off her body. It’s the same murderous rage he’d had when he’d found the Attor had taken you from your room without him.
“So let’s give a little test if the feeling is mutual, hm?”
Your stomach does flips as she waves to the guards and they kick Rhys back down onto his knees on the filthy cell of the floor.
To you, Amarantha says, “You drink the vial,” that black glass is back in her hand again, dangling in front of your face. “And I won’t kill him.”
“You won’t kill me,” Rhys snarls. “Who’d keep your bed warm? Your mate that hates you? Your drugged up slaves?”
It might be the only leverage he has, but it’s like someone dumped ice water on your head. All thought leaves you, save for one singular thing that repeats like a mantra over and over: Save him. Save him. Save him.
You cannot undo what she has already done to him, but you can find a way to stop it, find a way to ensure she never hurts anyone ever again. You’ll kill her, you’ll tear her apart one piece at a time—even if you have to use your powerless hands to do it. What are you unruly powers anyway? They only seem to save you when it suits them. You will find a way without them.
Because, with a sinking feeling in your gut, you know you won’t find a way without Rhys. If he dies here, in this godsdamned cell, on his knees in the muck you will not recover. You’re not entirely sure why, but you know it to be true.
“I’ll take it,” you say.
Rhys flinches, “Don’t you fucking dare!” He snarls.
But you look away from him, to those soulless eyes instead. “I’ll take the vial and you’ll leave him alone.”
She waves the glass back and forth, lips pursed, thinking. “You take the vial and you both get to live as my pretty little pets. I think I’ll make a show out of you in my fighting pits again. You’re amusing to my court.”
You’ll both be alive. And maybe you won’t recognize yourself at the end of it, maybe you’ll hate everything that happens from here on out, but Rhys will be alive.
He’d said you’d need to be an opportunist, to find any way you could to get out, but getting out would mean nothing if you lost your ability to care about anybody in here. If you let him die, the heart your uncle had tried so hard to protect from Hybern would die, and you can’t live with that.
“I’ll do it.”
She drops the vial into your hands.
Rhys starts thrashing again, trying to stand, cursing at everyone.
It takes a second with the shackles in the way, but you manage to get the cork off the top. The scent that hits you is awful, like sulfur and smoke. You don’t give yourself time to think about it as you bring it to your lips and tip it back.
It burns worse than any alcohol you’ve ever tried, tastes like you licked a tar pit, the contents sticky in the back of your throat. It fills you, slithering through your insides like some kind of beast beneath your skin.
Amarantha breathes in deep, savoring whatever transfer she gets from this. Savoring your terrible powers as they get transferred to her.
Rhys has gone still as death on the floor.
“Guess these won’t do you any good,” she sneers. Flickering her wrists, the chains drop from your wrists.
The sensation you feel now that magic can touch you again makes you clutch at your chest, makes your body ache. It feels as if there had been a fire in your belly and the flames had been dragged out your mouth, your nose, your ears.
The guards release Rhys on her order, and then she puts her hand on your back and shoves you directly into his chest. And despite all reason, he wraps his arms around you, keeping you from sprawling face first into the floor.
“I think a few nights down here will teach you a good lesson.”
You bury your face in his neck, the scent of jasmine and citrus and sweat overwhelming. His heart beat is rapid against your cheek, but beating, he’s alive and so are you.
The door slams shut behind you, the old iron groaning and shrieking as it goes. It’s a surprise that they trust it to still hold, but, you suppose they don’t think you’ll try anything now either.
“I’m sorry,” you whimper into his skin once they’re gone. “I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
He grips you a little tighter, his body shaking. He has so little access to his powers and yet he’d still gone to you where he could, had still tried to bring down the mountain, he has to be exhausted, yet that grip on you is firm.
“Idiot,” he hisses, but there’s not much venom behind it. “What were you thinking?”
You shouldn’t, gods know you shouldn’t, but you let yourself lean into him, let him hold you. He’s safe and alive and it doesn’t matter what you have to do to ensure it, because this, him… It’s right. Just as it had been on Calanmai, as it was in your headspace when it was just the two of you, it’s right.
“You’re an ass,” you say into his skin, “but I’m not going to let you die for me.”
“Y/N,” he begins to reprimand, even as his hand strokes down your back, fingers catching in the tattered remains of the dress he had sent you yesterday. Gods the Pit and the chimeras had felt like a lifetime ago already.
“Yell all you want,” you whisper. “Push me away all you want. It’s not going to stop me from caring about you.”
He lowers his chin onto your shoulder, body sagging in surrender. It’s hard to tell if he’s holding you up or you’re holding him up. Doesn’t really matter in the end, you’re both too exhausted for it to matter.
“The closer you are,” he whispers and his voice is so damaged from either the collar or from screaming that it cracks. “The more danger you are in.”
“I killed three chimeras yesterday, I think I’ll live.”
“Yesterday you had full access to your powers.”
You reach for the chasm, expecting it to feel cold and empty, to confirm that it was gone and you had truly signed all of it away to that horrible bitch, and though a part of you hoped, like Rhys you’d maintain a fraction of it still sleeping there, you were not prepared to feel it so fully.
You pull away from Rhys at last, hands poking at your chest like you could somehow feel that well beneath your skin.
The darkness laughs from within you, from wherever the bottom of that ceaseless chasm may be, as if it’s wholly untouched. It doesn’t feel any smaller, it is still something wild and untamed, but it has not shrunk in the slightest.
“Y/N are you ok?”
You’d felt the burn, felt something tear out of you, how was this possible?
You dip into it, let your consciousness free fall, willing it to show you everything, whatever limit and chain Amarantha has slapped on you. But there isn’t one, the bottom still will not rise to meet you, it remains an empty, ceaseless void out of reach.
Rhys takes your face in his blood stained hands. “Y/N?!”
You finally drag your gaze up to his, the violet a striking contrast to the damage over his handsome face. “I want to make a bargain with you.”
He raises a brow, confused. You know you’re not making any sense right now, but the walls were sure to have ears this deep in the dungeons, and you have to be smarter from here on out. If Amarantha learns that you merely gave her back the fire you stole from her and not your own gifts, there will be hell to pay. And until you’re ready to pay it, you have to be careful, you need allies and confidants.
You reach up and tap a finger against your temple and he opens the door in your mind with a groan. You feel his headache in your own head.
“I want you to help me kill Amarantha.”
Tag List: @mariahoedt , @lovelydove , @twsssmlmaa , @sleepylunarwolf , @judig92 , @willowpains , @daughterofthemoons-stuff , @annnaaaaaa88 , @myheartfollower , @uniquecolorwizard , @eternallyelvish , @waytoomanyteenagefeels , @lovemesomevesey , @localfangirl09 , @isa1b2h3 , @starswholistenanddreamsanswered , @slytherintaco
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falling-star-cygnus · 2 months
Can you do a Billy Kid story where he catches a computer virus that causes him to simulate the symptoms of the common cold?
YES I CAN <333
@purplewillowsofthemist had a similar request, so I hope this is to both your tastes!!
Why do my limbs feel so heavy...?
The waking world came like a flashbang to his senses, with all the colors stabbing through his video processors like needles. Did someone mess with his settings again..? Turn them up too high?
It hurt to think.
And yet... it seemed to be the only thing that Billy was capable of at the moment. The effort it was taking to come back online scared him a little- a lot, actually. Was his battery dying? Was he dying!?
What happened? Where am I..? Wasn't I.. on a mission?
The mission!
Bits and pieces of his last waking hours begin to filter through, each snapshot sending painful waves through his circuits like one of Nicole's scolding hits.
Entering the Hollow with their client..
The Ethereals being easier to fight off for some reason.
Celebrating... suspicion..
Anby's swords fizzling out..
P a i n.
"...e.. omin- line?" …they sounded familiar. Worried, though, they shouldn't sound worried. None of his friends should sound like that ever.
"...ot su..."
Small, cold hands gently touched his face. Familiar hands, with chewed fingernails and callouses.
"Ther- ..aw.. low!"
This time, Billy could vaguely feel clawed fingertips clutching onto his jacket. It still hurt to even consider fighting through the static that seemed intent on blanketing him..
But if his friends were worried...
"Bi-..y!" "...-ly!" "Billy?"
The final nail in his coffin of awareness comes in the form of a manicured hand threading through synthetic hair and guiding his aching head up on something soft, "Billy ...-ake up, right now!"
He finally manages to crack his eyes open, and keep them open, as he takes in the blurry forms around him.
Nekomata was clutching at his arm, probably causing little tears in the leather of his jacket- not that he minded too much, it could be fixed- Anby was practically nose to nose with him, her amber eyes tracking... something.. and Nicole was...
Letting him rest on her lap?
Oh Starlight Knights, he really was dying, wasn't he?
The manicured hand in his hair smacks him- but, gently. More like a tap, if anything.
"Don't even joke about that! You're not dying, Billy."
Oh! That was nice to know. Boss wouldn't lie to him.
"...he's really out of it, huh? Meow.."
Those calloused hands on his face pat his forehead consolingly and Billy's foggy brain finally connects them to Anby. It was sort of nice to be touched like this, actually, even if he was in pain. It'd been a while since he'd had a hug.
The hands on him twitch slightly, like a flinch, before pressing closer. More solidly establishing their presence.
Was he talking out loud?
"Oh... yeah, yeah you are, Billy." Oh. Wait- Manager!?
The static in his head spikes suddenly, and it makes it impossible to catch any of the following conversation. He can barely even question when Phaethon had shown up. Or- the siblings went by a different name now, didn't they?
"-r... t's- ourse."
It was getting harder to catch words, again..
"...recover.. f- ..ays."
Something cold presses against his forehead, the too bright too hazy surroundings dim. Was he powering off again..? He didn't want to be alone...
"It's ok... " It was?
"We'll be- ..ere.. wh- ..wake up."
ok... Billy's eyes slip shut.
The Boss wouldn't lie to him, after all.
lmk if you liked it!! and what should i do next :D
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ensemblesongs · 10 months
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⟟ TRIP album directory.
🐝 NA NA NA SUMMER NIGHT BeeAT | -Corner- | Noisy:Beep | Crazy Roulette | RISKY VENUS | Honeycomb Summer | Ariadne At My Fingertips | PARANOIA STREET | Helter-spider | Crazy Anthem | Be the Party Bee! | -Exit- | Thrill Addict | Eyes on me, Hold me tight | Petal's Resolution | Yummy・Tummy・LOVE!!
🐇 *Dream Opening* | Light Spectrum | うさぎの森の音楽会 | Parallel Maze | Love it Love it | FALLIN' LOVE=IT'S WONDERLAND | Sunny Day Sugar Wave | *Happy Closing* | Centre of the theatre | Hopping on the music notes! | SUPER SPACE STAR☆ | Sketch of Me
🎭 Nebula | Foggy Night | Sleeper Mystery Train | =EYE= | Stippling | Secret of Metropolis | Bye-Bye Buddy | No Name Yet | Handcraft | HELLO, NEW YEAR! | CROSS SHINE
🕊 Angelic Grace | Sunlight | Never-ending Stage!!! | Love is Primavera! | The Tempest Night | Ghostic Treat House | Dreaming Ocean | Gloaming | Dawning Angels | Feathers of Ark | Crystal Heart | Wandering Clown | Treasure Memories | Welcome back, dear moment
🌹 -Open the cover- | Library of Blessings | Eternal Weaving | Turn a page | Acanthe | Electronic Labyrinth | Le temps des fleurs | Beautiful Nightingale | -Close the book- | Amor Vincit Omnia | Dreaming Architecture
🃏 DiZZineSs | Black Out See Saw | Kiss of Life | Living on the edge | Distorted Heart | You're speculation | VERMILION | Hysteric Humanoid | Believe 4 leaves | UNDYING HOLY LOVE | Tsubasa Moratorium | SOLID SOUL | I LOVE "LOVE" ♡ | Raise the Velvet | Starlight of Faith
🎧 J△MMinG☆ | Twinkle Aerial Battle | Fighting Dreamer | Love×me⇄monsteR | Turbulent Storm | POLYPHONIC WORLD | Swee2wink Love Letter | ∞AB+DUCT+I→ON∞ | GO-AHEAD SIGNAL | A WAY OF LIGHT
🦇 Tsumi no Soko | Resurrection of Soul | Nightless World | Savage Love Affair | No one knows... | FORBIDDEN RAIN | Sustain Memories | Fiery Scream | SURF ON SMILE | ENGRAVE LIVES | BURNING BODY
🍁 (Yet to release) Fuuga | Ito | Akatsuki Iroha Uta | Natsudori no Uta -Summer Bird- | Gekkou Kitan | Konjiki Senya Yumebutai | Yozora, Saritote Kasasagi wa | ROCK ROAR | Unpredictable Reincarnation | Kurenai Henrei | Uta Seishin Keppuroku
Post will actively be updated...🖋 low quality of certain older uploads to be fixed in due time!
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clangenrising · 5 months
Month 15 - Newleaf
Battle With Razor Pt 6
 When Goldenstar opened her eyes, she was standing alone in the forest. Her mind felt foggy, like she’d been woken up from the deep of sleep. She glanced around, unsure where she was or why she was there, and her eyes caught on something sitting beside her among the roots and leaves. 
She flinched at the sight of it. It was a ghost of a cat, not a bold and lively spirit like the cats of StarClan but a barely visible outline of a tortoiseshell made from gossamer thin rays of starlight. Most disturbingly, it was weeping silently. Starry tears pooled along the bridge of its nose and it regarded her with a forlorn, defeated expression. She realized with a start that it was her. 
“Goldenstar,” said a gentle voice. She turned to see a different, starry tortoiseshell sitting patiently in front of her. She recognized Emberbloom immediately.
“Mom.” She melted in relief and threw herself into the cat’s embrace. 
“It’s alright,” whispered her mother, rubbing her cold, starry cheeks over Goldenstar’s head. “It’s gonna be alright.” 
“What happened?” asked Goldenstar, peeling herself reluctantly away. More StarClan cats had started to appear among the trees, all faces she recognized. 
“You lost a life,” said Sunstar. 
“Oh,” Goldenstar looked over at the crying ghost and understood. The cat’s visage flickered for a moment, briefly marred by an open, bloody throat and a torn belly. Goldenstar swallowed and tore her eyes away, skin crawling uncomfortably. 
“Well,” she said, starting to remember what was going on, “send me back then! I have to kill Razor.” 
“We would,” said Sunstar, “but there’s an issue. When a leader loses a life, there’s a brief time where their body recovers enough for them to continue on during which StarClan gives them whatever guidance they can. But it seems Razor is making more wounds faster than your body can heal them.”
“What?” Goldenstar stood abruptly. “But I’m dead, why would he do that? It’s not like he knows about my nine lives.” 
“We can’t know why,” Sunstar said grimly. “But whatever his reason, until your body can recover, you won’t be able to return to it. It’s possible you might lose all of your lives if it goes on long enough.”
Goldenstar felt like she’d been smacked in the face. “W- But that’s impossible!” 
“No, it’s not,” said Clearwater, the old silver queen who had given Goldenstar her eighth life. “Ancient legends tell of a rogue with a soul drenched in blood who took all nine of a leader’s lives with one strike.” Goldenstar looked around the group, searched the faces of the nine StarClan cats for any sign that this was a ridiculous fairy story. Each one sat stoically quiet and somber. 
“Oh, Stars,” Goldenstar swallowed, “this is bad.” 
“It will be alright,” her mother said again. Her strained smile was not convincing. 
“Will it?” Goldenstar asked. “Isn’t there something you all can do? Send a sign, strike him with lightning, something!” 
“We’ve already sent a sign,” said Clearwater. “We can only trust that help will arrive in time.” 
“That’s it?” Goldenstar felt anger burning in her chest. “I’m just supposed to sit and wait?” 
Clearwater shook her head. “The life I gave you was for Faith, Goldenstar. You have to-”
“Faith isn’t enough right now!” Goldenstar shouted. “Enough sitting around, somebody do someth-AH!” Sudden pain lanced through her body, icy cold and tingling. She bent over double, shaking and trembling under the strain as a second ghostly double tore itself from her body to stand before them all, leaving her feeling numb when it was gone. She stared at the spirit in horror, at the dull eyed expression and gaping throat, gore dripping and dangling from the ragged, open wound. 
“Do something!” she pleaded, starting to sob. 
“I’m so sorry,” Emberbloom wept with her, curling around her and holding her close. Sunstar frowned, looked around the clearing, and then started off into the trees. 
“Sunstar!” shouted another cat, a brown tabby named Galebranch who had given Goldenstar her second life. “Where are you going?” 
“To do something!” snapped the leader, her ginger tail disappearing into the wood. Goldenstar pressed her face into her mother’s starry fur and cried. Silently, she begged the universe to let Sunstar succeed, for her mentor to save her from her own foolishness. 
The cats of StarClan stood by and watched.
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 2 years
(An idea I had late last night when I should have been sleeping)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas
Lost Children Saved by the Lost
After being rejected by his parents and almost captured for experimentation, Danny escapes into the Ghost Zone. He wanders listlessly for nobody knows how long. It could have been days, months, years, but he wouldn't know how much time had actually passed.
He missed his friends, his sister, hell even his bully. However, the longer he wandered, the more he began to forget their voices, their facial features. Everything. He couldn't even remember what his obsession was. He wandered so long that the only thing he remembered was the aching and devastating feeling of his parents rejection of half of himself.
Eventually growing bored of the neverending expanse of the Ghost Zone, he takes a random portal and winds up in the DC Universe. Although, not in modern times. He finds himself hundreds of years in the past but couldn't find it in himself to care.
At least until he hears the cries of a child in distress. He goes searching and finds a little boy, weeping while curled up on the filthy ground, begging for his parents. The boy was emaciated, clearly not having had food in a very long time. His core jolted and ached at the pitiful cries. Was this his obsession? What was he supposed to do?
He only hesitates for a moment before he approaches the crying boy.(1) The boy flinches at the movement of shadows before looking up to meet the aurora green eyes of a man made of starlight.
"Hello, little one." He greets softly, automatically speaking the boy's language he heard only moments before. (2) "What's wrong?"
The boy is quiet as he wearily examines the man before him. Long hair the color of snow illuminated by moonlight. Olive skin that seemed to have a blue tint to it. The pointed ears and the loose, black clothes that seemed to have the cosmos playing across them. The most striking of all the man's features, however, were the rays of blue-green light flowing from his back like the tails of comets racing across the night sky. Despite the light they exuded, the wings seemed to absorb the heat from the air, letting off a cool but pleasant temperature. (3) The boy gazed cautiously into the man’s eyes, looking past his odd features, and found only kindness as well as a strange, deep-seated sadness. No matter how his mind said no one can be trusted, his gut said the man meant no harm. He decided to respond to the strange man's question.
"My parents," he began, stopping to wet his painfully dry lips. "They don't have money for food. They left me here because I am too much of a burden to keep."
The boy looked down, avoiding the man's eyes as if ashamed. His words made the man's core ache even more than before, vague and foggy memories flashing briefly behind his eyes. His core pulsed in his chest, urging him to do something. He didn't know what exactly, so he simply said the first thing that came to mind.
"Now that won't do. How about we look for others who would take care of you instead?" He said as he gently picked up the small boy and carried him cradled in his arms. The boy stares up at him as the man walked with his head held high and looking forward.
"Who are you, mister?"
The man's eyes became clouded as he mulled over the question before answering, carefully measuring his words.
"I've long forgotten what my name was. It's been so long since anyone's called me by it." He said, with sadness coloring his tone. They walked in silence for a couple of seconds before the man seemed to brightened a little. He looked at the little boy with soft, green eyes and a smile. "Why don't you choose a name for me, little one?"
The boy gained a look of concentration as he took the request seriously. The man continued walking in silence as he let the boy think, eyes forward as he searched for a family to take the boy in. His core was tugging him towards one particular house, practically singing as he came to a stop in front of the door. (4) He leaned down to gently set the boy on his feet before he himself kneeled to the boy's level.
Hands on either side of the boy's face, he kissed the child's forehead. Silently, he placed a blessing on the boy, a faint glow that went unseen to mortal eyes. He wished for the boy to know true love and happiness. For his parent's abandonment to leave no scars on his mind or in his heart. With that, he stood up once again and knocked on the door.
"Goodbye, little one. I've done what I can." He said as he turned to walk away.
"Wait!" The boy called out. The man stopped and looked back with a curious light in his eyes, the stars on his clothes seeming to briefly brighten as well. Once the boy saw he had his attention again, he continued.
"I thought of a name for you. If you'd like to hear it?" He askes hopefully.
The starlit man smiled, before nodding. "I'd be happy to hear what you've come up with."
The boy brightened up before opening his mouth to speak once more, hurrying as he heard footsteps approaching from the other side of the door.
"What do you think of..." (5)
Whelp. That was interesting.
(1) Should the boy be an actual character that's established in the DC Universe or just a random child?
(2) When I thought of this, I was thinking Danny wound up somewhere in Ancient Rome. So, I think he'd be speaking Latin here.
(3) Comets are made of stardust and ice, which means they are also cold instead of hot. At least until they're warmed by the sun. I thought it was quite fitting, honestly. They also are often seen to give off a blue-green color! How cool it that? Ha!
(4) Danny's obsession is so ragged and starved after wandering for so long that it latches onto the first thing it could to give it a jumpstart. Protecting lost children (lost in one way or another) and leading them to families who would actually care for them. He is the one who urged Martha and Johnathan Kent to adopt Clark. He helps Billy Batson eventually find a forever home. This even plays a role in how Bruce meets each of the Robins. Jason will be the first and only child Danny ever fails to give a permanent home to because of Jason's feelings towards Bruce over his death. Danny adopt Jason?
(5) When I was thinking of what the boy would name him, I immediately gravitated to the names of stars, which seems pretty obvious considering how I described Danny here. Anyway, what I chose was Regulus because it's a blue-white star and the brightest one in the constellation Leo, also called the Lion's Heart. Not only that, but the Latin meaning of Regulus translates to "little king" or "prince". Not to mention it's also a common name among Saints. You don't have to use the name Regulus tho! Come up with anything you want to call him!
(*) Should Danny just be an immortal patron saint of orphans and lost children, or should he be upgraded to a patron God?
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staardustkisses · 1 year
i watched revue starlight for the umpteenth time and decided to collect some of my favourite moments because they’re just so silly (this is in no particular order btw)
1. when futaba knew kaoruko was about to do some bullshit
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2. i like how this part made a small appearance in the movie during the revue of souls
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3. any close-up angle of the giraffe is so funny for some reason
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4. one of my favourite things in anime is when there’s a wide shot of a scene and the characters are drawn tiny with minimal details. like look at them, there’s not a single thought in any of their heads.
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5. karen mimicking kaoruko’s eyebrows being ripped off
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6. when karen and mahiru crashed their revue
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7. as a fellow glasses-wearer, i understand the pain of the lenses getting foggy from steaming food
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8. claudine when kaoruko says she's going back to kyoto because she's petty
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10. everyone's reactions to futaba moving in with claudine
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11. this whole scene was so funny, but i will never not laugh at the way futaba and kaoruko sneak to the door
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12. i have never wanted to be karen more than in this moment
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okay that's all of them for now, if i find more then i’ll add them later lol
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theplottdump · 3 months
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Poppy: If you must know, I'm out here… volunteering, with some of my coworkers- Orange: 𝘍𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘪- Poppy: From the Airline. 𝗖𝗼𝗺𝗺𝘂𝗻𝗶𝘁𝘆 𝘀𝗲𝗿𝘃𝗶𝗰𝗲. Hinoki: How uncharacteristically charitable of you darling.
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Hinoki: And these airline friends of yours- do they come with names? Poppy: Oh uh, well there's Kat- Hinoki: The other one please. Poppy: 𝘐 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵- Hinoki: The athletic lesbian.
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Orange: Vera.
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And there it was. For an almost imperceptible moment a curtain fell over a face lined with her own past mistakes. Yesterday a strange familiarity maybe, but today a brutal time worn confirmation. A distant summer by the sea- her foggy mistake had come running right back to her. 𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗻 𝗰𝘂𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝘁𝗲𝗱- 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘀𝗵𝗼𝘄 𝘄𝗮𝘀 𝗯𝗮𝗰𝗸 𝗼𝗻.
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Poppy: Uh- Mom? Hinoki: 𝘔𝘮𝘮? Poppy: Are you- 𝘰𝘬?
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Hinoki: Oh yes, just a hot flash. I get them from time to time.
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Hinoki: Weather must be getting to me. I think I'll go lie down for a while. Poppy: 𝘜𝘩- ok. Do you want me to bring you anything? Is there like high poly water somewhere or something?
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Hinoki: You're sweet. I'll be fine! Thank you for lunch darling. Enjoy your day!
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Orange: Was it something I said? Poppy: I don't know… Billie? Apple: Yeah, don't care. Bye.
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Poppy: That could have gone- much worse. 𝗧𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗸 𝘆𝗼𝘂. You know, you're much more devious than you look.
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Orange: For you? 𝗔𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲. And I'll be expecting my Starlight Accolade in the mail next week. Poppy: I'll make sure to have it engraved to 'has suddenly decided to take it in the ass' Orange: It's nice to have you behind me, that's all. Poppy: Shut upppp. You're not allowed to make me laugh right now.
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Orange: So - uh, what now?
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sapphic--kiwi · 2 years
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a little gustholomule comic collab I did with @emsprovisions (art- me, dialogue + drabble under the cut- her) ✨💙🤎
mattholomule- 15 1/2
augustus- 15
starlight, a drabble by @emsprovisions
word count: 463
"Look at that constellation! It's as ugly as your face!" Gus nudged his boyfriend in the ribs while pointing up at the stars.
Mattholomule sighed and rolled his eyes. “I think it’s as ugly as your face, dumbass.”
“Well that one’s pretty cute, don’t you think?” Gus was looking at him, giving Matt a cheeky, lopsided grin.
Matt turned to glare at Gus, “which one?”
Matty’s cheeks burned, his face turning tomato red. Gus leaned in and pressed a kiss to his cheek and Mattholomule smiled. His boyfriend was such a mushy dork.
Secretly, he liked it though. He squeezed Gus’s hand, their fingers interlaced together.
“Hey that one’s kinda pretty, don’t you think?” Matt pointed up at the stars, tracing a blue circle in the air to cast an illusion of Gus’s face in the sky. He was still learning how to do illusions, and not as good as Gus, so Gus’s face came out a little wonky. He wanted Gus’s constellation face to be winking, but instead it looked like a cluster of stars had smashed into his eye. His normally cute grin looked more like a grimace.
“Dammit!” Mattholomule sighed in frustration, quickly lowering his hand, and glaring at his feet, face burning with embarrassment.
“Hey, you’re improving! That was really sweet, Matty.” Gus pulled his hand loose from Matt’s and wrapped his arms around his shoulders, pulling him in to kiss his cheek again.
“I took out your eyeball and ruined your dumb smile. It sucked.” Though he was complaining, Matt still leaned into Gus’s warm embrace, tucking his head sadly against Gus’s shoulder.
Gus could feel Matt’s pout against his collarbone and Titan did it only make him cuter. “But you’re trying, aren’t you? I’m so proud of you! You’re doing a really good job.”
“Can you show me how to improve it?” Matt drew back, still pouting, and looked Gus in the eyes.
“Yeah! Of course. Here, give me your hand.” Gus drew a circle in the air with Matty’s hand, his pointer finger over top like a guide. “You gotta clearly envision what you want, no foggy details. You have to be sure about your intentions.” This time Gus’s face leapt into the air in sharp focus, cute smile and perfect wink. It was the dumb flirty look Mattholomule loved so much. Matt’s own face appeared next to Gus’s in the sky, Gus’s twist to the illusion. Constellation Matty gave Constellation Gus a kiss.
Matt rolled his eyes, “You’re such a hopeless romantic, Porter.”
Gus shrugged, “Only for my boyfriend.”
Matt wrapped an arm around Gus’s waist and pulled him in close. “I think the stars are telling me something.” So he closed the distance and kissed Gus while their constellation forms kissed overhead too.
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ofsinnersandsaints · 22 days
Whiskey and Starlight
Karen sees someone at Foggy and Marci's combined bachelor/bachelorette party and insists Foggy introduce them for @kastlenetwork kastle week: rom-com au/fluff Rating: G Word count: 1859 One shot AO3
Karen wound her way through the party guests to find the man of the hour, and was unsurprised to find Marci and Foggy at the bar together. This was why the normally separate bachelor and bachelorette nights had been combined, neither of them wanted to be apart from the other.
It was adorable.
“Karen!” Marci greeted, completely drowning out Foggy’s own greeting. “I’m so happy to see you!”
She hugged Marci, and looked over at Foggy who shook his head with a smile, “She’s already pretty deep in the sauce. Right now, she loves everyone.”
Marci released the hug ten seconds after she should have and turned to Foggy, “Of course I love Karen! She helped you pick out my ring, and she threw that lovely bridal party when my bitch of a sister-in-law fell through.”
Karen had never been more stressed out, but the look on Marci’s face had more than made up for it. “It was a good time, but I think this party is going to beat it.”
“I know! It’s amazing!”
When another guest came up to say hi, Karen used the distraction to turn to the bartender and order. “When did she start drinking?”
Foggy laughed, “As soon as we got here. It’s the red wine, it gets her drunk quicker than any shot.”
Karen looked at Foggy to see him staring with undiluted adoration at his fiance. “You love her.”
“This whole thing would be a little weird if I didn’t,” he reminded her dryly.
“I know,” Karen smiled. “It’s just so nice to see it.”
After she got her drink she turned around to look at the rest of the guests. There were high-end dresses and off the rack suits, voices layering over the music, empty glasses on tables and -
Her eyes stumbled over a lone figure sitting at one of the booths and she couldn’t loo away.
He was rough hewn, like Michelangelo had realized David was too soft, and he needed to make something better. There were at least two days worth of scruff on his face and the suit looked like it barely contained all the muscle covering his body.
She tapped her friend’s shoulder and nodded towards the man, “What’s the deal with him?”
Foggy looked in the general direction she’d indicated and smiled with a shake of his head. “Leave it you.”
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“You always go for the complicated ones.”
She tried to act offended but was also aware Foggy knew her well enough, and long enough, to know she had a type. “What’s his name?”
“Frank Castle.”
The name immediately rung a bell with her as someone who been accused of treason, but thanks to Foggy he’d been protected as a whistle blower. Karen had followed the case because her closest friend was heavily involved, but cameras hadn’t been allowed inside the courtroom and Frank had infamously avoided the camera so she hadn’t recognized him.
He looked uncomfortable, like someone who didn’t know what to do with his hands or the people around him. “Does he know anyone else here?”
“Besides me? No.”
Karen leaned over to the bartender and ordered another drink before turning to Foggy, glasses in hand. “Introduce me.”
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
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the umbrella academy drabbles -> link
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chuckle sandwich drabbles -> link
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dsmp/mcyt drabbles -> link
(requests: closed: see list of people i write for in pinned post)
daredevil drabbles -> link
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potc drabbles -> link
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better call saul drabbles -> link
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what we do in the shadows drabbles -> link
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★ > ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ < ★
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