cynicallyneutral · 9 months
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sasuke wants his new year's kiss :kissing_heart:
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deimcs · 1 year
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You don't unsettle me, you know that. (x,x)
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motteteto · 3 days
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𝔊𝔬𝔬𝔡 𝔏𝔲𝔠𝔨, 𝔅𝔞𝔟𝔢!
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localceilingdevil · 10 months
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did i just impulse make a bunch of iterator refs? yeahhh...
it's almost four in the morning and I'm up fawning over these lads HSHJE
here's them all together for height comparison ig
love flare. love that guy.
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onlyrainbowshipstbh · 8 months
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Babe and Billy via their Instas!
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skoulsons · 8 months
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vomiting and crying over them every second of every day
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Could you do a demon F/C x reader pls
Demon!Fo x Reader Headcanons!
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🖤 Nobody will ever mess with you again.
🖤 Giving you your "big scary dog privileges".
🖤 Depending on the kind of demon your f/o is they have different ways they love to show and receive affection.
🖤 Demon f/os with tails love to coil them around you all the time.
🖤 Demon f/os with fur love to be scratched, although they will ADAMANTLY deney it to everyone else!!!
🖤 Demon F/os with multiple eyes love to have you kiss their eyelids <3.
🖤 On their list of priorities, you're at the top, everything else is like six feet below you.
🖤 You're 98% of their impulse control.
🖤 If anything, and I mean anything, bad happened to you the person responsible better be saying their prayers.
🖤 Their prayers won't save them from your f/os wrath.
🖤 But maybe at least their god will have mercy on them???
🖤 When you get mad you might gently but firmly pull on their horns like a mom would their child's ear lobe.
🖤 Only you're allowed to do this.
🖤 RIP to the stupid soul, who wasn't you, who tried it.
🖤 They still haven't been found.
🖤 Your f/o though...they kinda...like when you pull on their horns though...
🖤 Do with that information what you will. Lol
🖤 You actually have a necklace, bracelet, or brotch made of one of their shed horns. That way you can keep a part of them with you all the time.
🖤 It reminds you of their love for you, and makes you feel safe, and protected.
🖤 Youre the only one that can make them smile. Like really smile! Not a little half smile, or a smirk, no I'm talking mouth open wide smile, smile lines across their eyes, fangs completely showing, until their cheeks begin to hurt smile!
🖤 If your f/o has a "dark form," or if they have their normal demon self outside of a human disguise or something, your f/o was really nervous to show you at first.
🖤 Afterall, they're a big scary monster, and you're their gentle little sweetheart. They'd never want to scare you, or make you feel uncomfortable or unsafe around them...
🖤 So imagine their surprise when they show you their true form for the first time, and watch as your look of surprise quickly melts to one of pure admiration and love.
🖤 Imagine their reaction as you cup their face in your hands, and leave a gentle kiss on their nose, or forehead, before you pull away with a little warm laugh.
🖤 Every god, every deity, every demon, every angel, and every celestial being knows how deep and everlasting their love for you is-
🖤 -only an idiot would dare challenge it.
🖤 Your F/o is completely hopeless for you!!
🖤 Their cool demeanor quickly retreating at the sight of you. Their cheeks flushing and their heart racing. You make them feel in ways they never believed they could.
🖤 Their love for you burns brighter than the flames of hell, my dear~
🖤 Sometimes their buddies will make fun of them because of how quickly they go from merciless cold hearted demon, to a happy little puppy the second you walk through the door!
🖤 Its all in good fun though, and your f/o's fam and friends adore you!
🖤 You're so heavily protected it is ridiculous. Like I said, nobody will ever fuck with you again!
🖤 Your f/o does their hardest to control their temper with you, because they love you, and would never want you to feel frightened around them or afraid to disagree with them!
🖤 Please, if you don't like what they're doing, please tell them! They promise they'll listen, and be patient with you as you both work out a compromise, or maybe after a day or two they'll realize "fuck...they were right..." and promise to make some changes.
🖤 Before you, your f/o was very jaded and couldn't care less about people.
🖤 People are horrible. They destroy their planet, they hurt their fellow person, they judge on things unable to be changed, they strip away the safety of others.
🖤 Humanity was a mistake, they say.
🖤 Until they met you. You made them realize that there are still good people on earth. That there are still people like you who are trying their hardest to be the best version of themselves...
🖤 You inspired them to be the best version of themself too!
🖤 You made them want to be better!
🖤 You made them enjoy the domestic and mundane joys of having a loving, supportive partner, when they had long believed that life was not suited for a demon.
🖤 You changed their being for the better simply by existing.
🖤 They admire your softness, your love, just as much as they love your drive and your fire!
🖤 They love you, period.
🖤 You're their sunshine.
🖤 You're their guiding light home.
🖤 You're their ethereal angel.
🖤 They love and cherish you more than you will ever know, dear.
🖤 Even the heavens cannot reach the heights of their love for you!
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canongf · 8 months
How often does Eddie brag about having a girlfriend that’s a model? I feel like he’d be really proud of you for it and talk about it a lot —Nic
@me-myself-and-my-fos - it is constant
doesn't matter that i'm not signed, doesn't matter that i'm not on billboards or magazines yet. he could not care less. to him i am his very own kate moss. he introduces me as his 'model girlfriend.' he carries photos from my shoots in his wallet and looks for any excuse to pull them out and show them off. even in the most inappropriate of circumstances. it's so cute.
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shiryawashere · 19 days
I'm just gonna come clean and reveal that I have in fact reached the level of whipped where I've been listening to an audiobook just because My Special GirlTM is narrating parts of it and I will wear my whippedness like a medal of dishonor and prostrate myself in this house empty of god for one reason and one reason only
To inform everyone that halfway through the book her character says a single sentence in Japanese perfectly and I'll be real with you I think I ascended
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this-is-krikkit · 5 months
sure i'll ~~do you~~ babe 😏😏
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mutuals, send me a 💖 to get bingo-ed as well!
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freakystrashdump · 2 years
Listen listen listen to me
I will eat up every belos/oc(self insert) I see out there in the wild, for breakfast lunch and dinner because every single one of them is ✨🤌scrumdillyumptious🤌✨
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skelekins · 1 year
This may be a weird question,but could I give motti a hug,she's just so cool and I wanted a hug!
٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶ you good - but Motti doesn’t belong to me! Motti is @mothiepixie’s!
I can definitely understand the sentiment tho haha
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canongf-archive · 2 years
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Megastorm froze when Lias' head leaned on his shoulder. He could soon feel the little human's heart beat against his arm as they turned in their sleep and grabbed onto it, wrapping both of their arms around it. His cheeks glowed red and he frowned.
Stupid Galvatron... He wouldn't be stuck with this dumb little creature if his older brother hadn't gotten the wrong idea and designated the human his partner.
He doesn't like this human! He doesn't! Why would he ever think this creature was fit to be by his side? Humans are weak! And as the future Emperor of Destruction he can't tolerate such weakness! It should be crushed! Surely his big brother should agree? And yet when Galvatron captured this creature he instantly gave them to Megastorm and told him to be a good partner to them and take good care of them...
Megastorm pouted. Stupid Galvatron. he didn't blast the little human in his tank mode that one time because it would be a waste of energy! Not because he has a crush on them or anything! Yeah there were times where he could have just crushed the human, but he was just saving his strength for a real threat! He doesn't spare them because he thinks they're cute!
And they're especially not being cute right now curled up next to him asleep!
He huffs and moves one of his digits to lightly stroke the sleeping human's hair. But only because it's relaxing! Not because he wants to touch them or anything!
They lightly squeeze themself against his arm in their sleep and his cheeks flush a deeper red than before.
"S-stupid human." He mumbles, continuing to stroke their hair as they cuddle closer to him.
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snallavanta · 2 years
listening to fo&o and their music is... questionable
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kingofscoops · 5 months
Sometimes I see the comments and tags put on my gifsets by other people and just stand there gobsmacked by them, because they're either incredibly brilliant or incredibly stupid...
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