#fnf threat
darknebula85 · 11 months
I've been waiting for this for a year, and when I say waiting, I mean WAITING. I literally had Grosslicious' Twitter notifications on to follow absolutely everything he posted, and I can say it was totally worth it. Bro, it truly doesn't make sense how good this stuff is. It's the absolute pinnacle of FNF. I can't comprehend how this mod has songs of such a high caliber. I mean, in freeplay, it has what, in my opinion, are some of the best songs in the entire game and in the fandom. Legacy always seemed spectacular to me, Threat is my fav song in general, Rumor is the peak, and now I don't even know how to describe Alert, it's just that good. It's still my favorite mod overall; it generates so much excitement in me.
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fallen-grxce · 3 months
"You knoooooow, one of my best friends is actually dating my boyfriend's other brother, if you'd like to meet him," Gigi hummed with a mischievous smile.
That wasn't an offer. That was a threat.
((from @stories-of-the-multiverse ))
“….how many siblings do these IMBECILES HAVE? All these children yet not a clear parent in sight. I’m disgusted but unsurprised. This is clear fatherless and motherless behavior.”
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jellytina · 11 months
day 25!!!!!
america's last trust ‼️‼️‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️
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inkandpaintleopard · 5 months
Ooooo wait, to go back on an earlier idea: what if the D-Sides Hollow Sorrows equivalent has Susie trying to revive Pump in the graveyard?
Instead of being with Gregor for the ep, Susie and Pump are with Patty, putting it under the guise of Susie working on a school project
And somehow during that they raise the dead or something
Oh that would be interesting…
Might you develop it a bit more? I think I’m just at a loss for how the set up would work
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im-real-shinto · 2 years
Have you ever thought of not being yourself for 5 minutes?
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hazelle-mapelle · 2 years
cw: gore i guess? *playfully arguing* -me and NM *decides to get creative* -me *sends the most grotesque threat ever seen about gouging out her eyeballs and feeding them to her then flaying her alive and listening to her screams as i do it* -me O_O -NM "WTF" -NM "I'm practicing death threats, i think i'm getting better UwU" -me "comment? no comment." -NM
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oogaboogaspookyman · 3 months
Today: Cartoon Cat in...
{Oh folks, are you watching?}
{Two poor children, in my domain!}
{Are we playing a game? Just three rounds and the victor gets the spoils?}
*gotta love them high notes god damn*
{Let's play your game! You better hope i'm not the one winning!}
*booooo make better threats boooooo*
{Let's get this showbiz started, raise the curtains, cuz it's showtime everybody!}
*cartoon headass yeah no shit*
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{Golly, better stretch! Oh wait i don't 'cause i can bend!}
{Y'know what else is there to bend? Your bones as i get to peel your flesh right off every nook and cranny!}
*boooooo shitty threat booooooooo tomato tomato what the fUCK HAPPENED TO THE TONE*
{Oh i gotcha with the shift!}
{Don't know what to expect from me!}
*>:((((((( yo what the hell is up with Bf's voice in this one track woah*
{This isn't any ol' show, this play is made by yours truly!}
I'm finna kick your ass!
{Ditched the filter!}
Beat yo ego to a pulp!
{Meanin' business!}
This isn't a kid's cartoon so quit the shit-eatin' smile!
{Now this is a scene!}
Better walk off stage!
{I'm gonna rip you to shreds and feast on your flesh!}
Boutta crush that ego and push it under the rug!
{Just like ol' Trevor!}
{Oh the late creator!}
{Who met his maker!}
*why do i neglect the good shit like this*
{I'll be seein' you on the other side!}
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{Oh folks, are you watching?}
{Two poor children, in my domain!}
{You know the old saying: my house my own rules!}
{We got to the good part, it's a real show to behold now, i'm overjoyed!}
Hey! Hey!
{What a show, i'm overjoyed!}
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That's all folks!
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More fnf executed souls au /hj
(Did you move on from fnf or something???)
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have a lil doodle :)
and nah i just dont draw it as often, bf is still a big comfort character for me but tbh the fanbase HATED me because of my polyshipping antics- and its not like i care but the unalive threats werent great for my mental health.
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living-lucid-dream · 2 months
Blind Pico AU, anyone?
Fun fact: the first time I played FNF, I thought Pico was supposed to be blind. After all, he was the only character in the original release of the game who had blank eyes. Of course it didn't take long before I learned why his eyes were drawn that way and I felt like a doofus over the misunderstanding...but the idea stubbornly lingered in my head, growing into a real monster of an AU. And now that AU refuses to stay caged up in the confines of my head like a good little (bad) idea, so allow me to present to you:
The Blind Pico AU
Set after the events of Weekend 1, the AU primarily focuses on Pico as he heals and attempts to uncover the culprits behind a brutal assault that left him blind. Also featuring:
Boyfriend's meteoric rise to fame!
The RGB polycule!
Lots of HURT (with plenty of COMFORT!)
Red herrings galore!
If any of this sounds like your cuppa, take a peek under the "Read More" because this post is going to be LONG
The action starts at the kickoff concert for Mommy Mearest's new tour. Girlfriend has sneaked Boyfriend backstage and the two are milling around, enjoying the excitement when Pico (who is working security with Nene and Darnell) finds them. He tells them that Daddy Dearest sent him to tell Boyfriend to scram. Boyfriend asks if Pico is going to kick him out and Pico says, "No. He just sent me to tell you to leave, so as far as I'm concerned, my job is done."
Boyfriend says he and Girlfriend have something important they need to tell Pico--but before he is able to say anything more, the event manager walks by and he is IRATE. As it turns out, the opening act for Mearest has just backed out, and Mearest is refusing to perform without an opener.
Girlfriend pipes up, saying Boyfriend can be the opening act. The event manager is skeptical at first, but one of his assistants recognizes Boyfriend as "that dude who ROASTED Dearest a couple of months ago" and insists that "this guy is legit!" With no other options, the manager reluctantly agrees to have Boyfriend fill in.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend are totally ecstatic and are about to rush off to prepare when Pico reminds them that they were going to tell him "something important." Girlfriend says it's something that shouldn't be rushed and that they'll tell him at the after-party. Boyfriend ends up being a smash hit and the event goes without a hitch.
After the concert, Pico reports to Dearest to get the pay for himself, Darnell, and Nene...but Dearest refuses to pay up. When Pico demands to know why, Dearest responds that his wife is utterly PISSED that Boyfriend was her opening act and that that would never have happened if Pico had done his job properly. Pico tries to argue that Mearest wouldn't have had an opening act at all if Boyfriend hadn't been there, but Dearest isn't having it. He sends Pico on his way with a threat that he will report Pico & friends' more unsavory services to the police is Pico keeps hassling him.
Pico returns to Darnell and Nene to find them talking about how Cyril (Cyclops from Pico's School) has just been released from prison. They are debating whether they should "pay him a little visit" or leave him be when they realize that Pico has returned empty-handed.
Predictably, they are furious with Pico when he admits that his refusal to kick Boyfriend out is the reason they won't be getting paid. After a brief shouting match, they storm off, leaving Pico alone backstage with a few straggling stage hands who are passing around beers and packing away equipment.
One of the stagehands, having seen the argument, offers Pico a beer, which Pico accepts.
At the after-party, the atmosphere is wild. The Dearests have bought out a super-exclusive club for the remainder of the night and the music is loud, the dance floor is packed, and drinks (and other, less-legal indulgences) are flowing free. Boyfriend and Girlfriend spend most of the evening trying to find Pico--to no avail. After several hours, they finally conclude that he must have gone home, as clubbing isn't really his thing.
Around 3 am, the party is beginning to wind down. Since it's so late, Girlfriend insists that Dearest let Boyfriend ride home with them and spend the night ("On the couch, of course, Daddy!") Dearest Does Not Like this suggestion, but ultimately relents, as he is exhausted and doesn't feel like having BOTH of the women in his life angry with him.
The next morning, Dearest gets a call from the studio that manages Mearest. They want Boyfriend to open for Mearest on ALL of her Philidelphia concerts and are interested in having him record a single (and possibly a full album)--but they don't know how to reach him. Dearest is horrified by this turn of events, but thinking quickly, he tells them that he is acting as Boyfriend's agent and that he'll work something out.
As he's ending the call, he catches Boyfriend and Girlfriend trying to sneak past him to go out for the day together. He stops them to tell Boyfriend the good news and tells Boyfriend he's willing to be his agent (for a cut of Boyfriend's earnings, of course). Dearest makes this sound like quite the favor, insisting that he "knows all the ins and outs" of the music industry and that he knows how to make sure nobody takes advantage of Boyfriend's talent. Boyfriend and Girlfriend are both insanely excited by this turn of events and Boyfriend agrees to Dearest's terms on the spot.
As they are about to leave the house, Boyfriend's phone rings. The screen says the call is from Pico--but the person on the other end of the line is not Pico. It's a medical physician's assistant (PA) from the hospital.
The PA explains that they have a John Doe who was brought in the previous night with this cell phone on his person. Seeing Boyfriend in the contact list, they assumed he was the patient's significant other. Boyfriend doesn't bother to correct them--he's too shocked. He asks the PA what happened and if Pico is alright. The PA asks if he can come to the hospital to make a positive identification before they divulge any more information.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend rush to the hospital and are greeted by the same PA who called Boyfriend. She takes them to Pico's room in the ICU and they are shocked by how horrible he looks: he is unconscious, with one arm in a cast, a tube in his chest, ANOTHER tube down his throat, and his eyes covered with bandages.
They tell the PA who Pico is and demand to know what happened to him. The PA asks if Pico has any family they need to contact. Boyfriend tells her no (Pico's mom is dead and he and his dad are estranged). The PA asks if Boyfriend will be Pico's contact person, at least until Pico is able make his own decisions again. Boyfriend agrees and the PA tells him everything they know:
Pico was found unconscious early in the morning. He'd been drugged, restrained, and beaten, ending up with a laundry list of serious injuries including broken ribs, a partially collapsed lung, a broken arm, and severe internal bleeding. He'd also had something (they aren't sure what, but they think it was drain cleaner) poured into his eyes, resulting in serious chemical burns.
Girlfriend and Boyfriend are aghast and ask the PA if Pico is going to be OK. The PA tells him that Pico is stable at the moment, but that he's not out of the woods yet and that he will have a long recovery ahead of him.
Then Girlfriend asks the question Boyfriend can't stand to think about: "Is Pico going to be able to see again?" The PA tells them that with the extent of the damage to his eyes, Pico will likely be blind for the rest of his life...
Next part
Whew. And that is just the setup/background. I'll post the rest if anyone is interested in hearing more (or even if you're not!) Feel free to ask questions--though be advised I might not answer if it spoils the rest of the AU.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 1 year
Hey, It’s me, and here’s the request I made but with a bit more info.
ya know that crackfic where Lost Silver!Gold get flung into the ceiling by the reader? Well, I wanna see more of this reader and what their personality is like and how they’d interact with the other Poképasta trainers. I’d like think that the reader would be a bit crackhead-ish.
I’d also imagine that the reader mostly uses fighting types and knows and is friends with the mainline FNF cast.
their ace Pokémon would be an Annihilape that would be like “yep, same s**t as always” whenever the reader is up to their crazy shenanigans.
Oh I'm glad you liked that one! I imagine that in the pokeworld, these "creepypastas" existed as mere ghost stories (yes even the haunted bootleg/old pkmn games exist in this universe) but Reader finds out the people in them are real.
Soooo enjoy some crack hcs!
One day you approached Steven while he was waiting in the tower for the next poor soul to challenge him, demanding a fight while pointing to Miki.
You had plenty of guts, and zero fear.
"You, Legendary Pokémon Champion Steven, will fight me and Annihilape right now."
"....who are you?"
"Fight us."
"Wait, aren't you the one who threw Gold onto the ceiling-?"
That threat's enough to make him finally start the battle, but while you and your Pokémon gave it your all...Steven eventually won and was about to send your soul to the depths below as the loser's punishment-
But your Annihilape suddenly bounced back to life and you commanded it to use Seismic Toss on Miki.
"That's not going to work." He taunted. "She's untouchable-"
Somehow they could use the move on her, sending her crashing on top of Steven and instantly knocking both of them out.
You smiled proudly and fistbumped Annihilape, before you both got the hell out of that creepy tower.
Somewhere in the afterlife, Mike's laughing his ass off.
Glitchy Red
You somehow got into his game, meeting him in Glitch City just because you wanted to see him face-to-face. Steven told you he was a nice guy so you figured you'll pay him a visit.
"Yo, are you the infamous Glitchy Red?"
"...Red is fine. And how the hell did you get in here? And why does your Primeape look like that?"
"No time for that. Can we have your autograph?"
"Wait...if you were able to get in here, that means you can get out, too." He suddenly realizes, grinning sinisterly. "You can help me get out, right?"
"....fuck do you mean, "nuh-uh"?!"
"Not without an autograph first."
At this point he's 101% fed-up and tries to attack you, but you tell Annihilape to use Seismic Toss on him.
You watch him fly up to the "sky" before he just glitches into whatever invisible barrier's up there.
He doesn't come back, so you two just leave.
Your ghost/fighting type just shakes their head as you huff about never getting that autograph you wanted.
"Hilape, ape."
"Wdym I "overreacted"??"
Grey (+ Shinto)
You were just sparring with your fighting type team during one sunny afternoon....when you heard a boy's screaming off in the distance, slowly growing closer and closer.
Then you see him running towards you, looking back at whatever was chasing him and ignoring the fact he would've crashed right into you--
If not for your Hitmonlee sticking out their leg to trip him, sending him faceplanting into the dirt.
Immediately you recognized him as the guy from that bootleg Pokémon game everybody's been talking about and helped him up.
"What the hell are you running from, Grey? Is Shinto up to her usual shit?"
"Y-Yeah! She's....wait, how do you know who I am??" He stares at you, petrified.
"Who doesn't?" You rolled your eyes. "You're famous, kid."
Grey would've been more flattered if not for Shitno scurrying over to you on all fours.
He screamed again and hid behind your back, blubbering about not knowing why she was angry this time.
However, Annihilape already knows the drill by now---and Seismic Tosses her as far away as possible.
Grey's in disbelief.
"Thanks, but..i-isn't Seismic Toss supposed to throw your opponent towards the ground???"
"Well, we're not in a battle so Annihilape can do whatever the hell they want." You shrugged with a smile.
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proship-golfball · 29 days
Hello world! It's me, call me Frost. I go by he/they/xe/it. My account is ageless until I decide it isn't going to be. I'm a pro/com/darkshipper, and I'm objectum. I like many things, such as BFDI, the OSC in general, FNF, Pico's School, etc. You can ask me about anything in my ask box, and I'll answer. And antis, you can send hate, but do it with anons off, cowards >:3. '
QUICK DNI LIST: Pro-Contact Pro-Paras NOMAPS AND MAPS IN GENERAL. I MEAN YOU CAN I GUESS BUT I'D PREFER YOU DON'T MESSAGE ME, BUT YOU CAN FOLLOW AND STUFF. NO HATE TO Y'ALL, JUST FOR MY OWN REASONS I'D LIKE TO NOT DISCUSS DISRESPECTFUL ANTIS BIGOTS LGBTQ+ EXCLUSIONISTS RADQUEERS If you don't like me sharing an f/o you have, feel free to block me Besides those, I just block whoever I don't like. If your a respectful anti, you can interact with me, but if you support sending death threats to proshippers and harassing them and stuff, fuck off
TAGS LIST: !lilguystartsyapping !lilguystartsventing !lilguyreblogz>_< !lilguyanswersurquestion !lilguyshowsoffship !lilguystartsyapping/srs !lilguydrawz
That's all for now! Take care everyone!
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lullabyes22-blog · 8 months
I guess this is in regards to Forward but Never Forget but maybe also Mal de Mer: Does Silco ever regret meeting Mel or does he realize she serves a purpose in his life maybe one that no one has filled before? Does he recognize how she affects him and does he appreciate it?
His feelings for Mel are, and will always be, deeply ambivalent.
Chiefly because, as we will learn in FnF, the end of their affair triggers a chain of events that must be managed, mitigated and otherwise manhandled, to get the outcome he desires - for Zaun, and for the future.
He wouldn't say she serves a purpose 'no one' has filled before - in his mind that is, and will always be Jinx, and everything she embodies as Zaun's next generation, and in his private life.
He will, however, admit that she's a challenge - an intellectual rival, a sparring partner, a kindred spirit who understands his vision. He's never had anyone like her before (re: purity of purpose rather than pedigree) and the fact that he enjoys her company and finds her intolerably attractive is just the icing on the cake. The two of them do not see eye to eye on everything, but it's a point of pride that he is, for the first time, compelled to re-evaluate his positions and beliefs, and in turn, the direction he intends to steer Zaun.
At the outset, he'd say their affair served a purpose. Down the line, as his relationship with her develops, he'd say his sentiments are an inconvenient side-effect, but that he can navigate his way around them, and make the necessary choices (spoilers: he's full of shit).  By the time he 'finalizes' the relationship in the 'Mal de Mer' AU, he rationalizes it by saying that she makes his life more interesting than he'd expected: more exciting, more unpredictable, and in many ways more dangerous.
Silco in FnF is a high-stakes roller at his core - high risk, high reward. But while he knows the odds, and can play them well, the house will always have an edge.
Mel, in all her wealth, beauty and privilege, will always have an edge.
It's not a fact he enjoys thinking about, and which he buries, for the most part, under the weight of his ambitions and the demands of the moment. But it eats away at him, as his feelings for her grow and become less easy to manage. He wants to believe that her affection is real, but there's a voice in his head that won't shut up, telling him that it's too good to be true, and that she'll never be able to commit to his plans for Zaun, or be loyal to him in the way that he needs.
After all, she's a Topsider, and a Medarda, and a woman whose purview and priorities center purely on her own city's enrichment.
.............Also, she's still in love with Jayce.
The result is that he's always either holding back, or setting traps for her, or making contingency plans. His trust for her, and his faith in her, waxes and wanes like the tides. Sometimes he feels as if she awakens a part of him that's been sleeping for so long he's forgotten what it's like to live without its presence. Other times he feels as if he's looking into a mirror, and seeing only his own hungriest, shallowest and basest impulses reflected back at him.
Mel's own traumas and trust issues complicate the equation. She always feels that she has to find her footing in a world where everything she does, says and believes is under threat, and her sense of self is in constant flux. In her mind, Silco is is a dark echo of her mother: someone whose devotion is conditional, who keeps score of every choice she makes, and who will jettison her the moment he stops seeing value in her.
The result is that they're always gaming each other, and it's an exhausting dance to a well-worn tune:
"I can't trust you. Prove that I can."
"How can I trust you when you never tell me the whole story?"
"What if I told you the whole story, and you left me anyway?"
And round and round they go.
Sex is one of the few means they can count on to cut through the noise, and bring them closer together. The physicality and vulnerability of the act tends to drop their guards. The games here, rather than tests of trust, are an actual bridge towards intimacy: he's one of the few men who can evoke an honest, unfiltered response from her, and she's one of the few women who can break open his crooked shell and evoke a peculiar tenderness in him.
It's the closest he comes to being his boyhood self.
 It's the closest she comes to being her girlhood self.
Naturally, the aftermath leaves them susceptible to all the doubts and insecurities they're trying to keep at bay. They're most likely to have open and honest conversations in bed, just when they're drifting off to sleep. But they're also the most likely to have full-on screaming matches, when they wake up, because they're struggling to return to their familiar, more easily navigable roles, until the next time their desires overwhelm them.
As Silco puts it, in FnF, the price for Mel's company, and its pleasures, is 'exorbitant.'
He'd pay it a hundred times over, though. Even if he never got a single decent night's sleep again.
They're not soulmates; nor will they ever be. But there are all these threads of their pasts that keep pulling them to one another, so even when they're on opposing sides, they can't help but orbit one another, because their minds are too much alike, and their passions are too entwined, and their mutual influence has altered them both too profoundly for them to ever be indifferent towards each other.
So, to answer your question: no, he does not regret meeting her.
There is very little Silco regrets, period.
As to whether he realizes how she affects him, and does he appreciate it - in his own way, yes. It's why he keeps her close. It's also why he holds her at arm's length, and will not give her his heart, no matter how much she cajoles or demands it from him.
And when he does give it, it will come at the heels of total, absolute surrender from her.
It's a tall order.
But then, as Mel's observed, he's a very demanding man.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hi!! Can i pls have some senpai from fnf? Hes my boy
Sure, first FNF thing I wrote.
Yandere! Senpai Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Possessive behavior, Threats, Forced into a role, Self aware game/Possessed game, Kidnapping, Manipulation, Forced relationship.
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Senpai is a program who is initially very polite and calm to those he likes.
He has a short temper but you probably won’t be affected by it unless you get him angry.
Based on how fast Senpai falls for Girlfriend in the game, he probably would act similar to a darling.
This is because he is a dating sim character, his main goal is to be perfect and win over the player’s heart.
Perhaps you knew Girlfriend and asked to borrow a game from her.
Sadly, you’re passed the very much haunted dating sim and have no idea what you’re in for. 
Senpai is self-aware, that much is known due to being a spirit in a game.
He’d sense a new player playing the game and find some interest.
He remembers when Girlfriend used to play his game all the time.
Which means he’s surprised when he finds you, a fresh new face playing the game.
An attractive new face, too….
Senpai’s obsession would silently brew as you play his game.
You look for every route, every little option, you must be really focused on finishing this game if you’re going to comb through everything.
He admires your dedication.
He just wishes you’d spend ALL of your attention on him….
Senpai is meant to be a generic pretty boy with a nasty personality.
Jealousy and possessive behavior pools within him easily when he sees you.
You even see him start altering the game to gain more attention from you.
He does all the classic self-aware possessed game stuff, changing dialogue and seems to be talking directly to you.
Glitches appear out of nowhere and it's all just… eerie.
He’d wait a while before dragging you into the game forcefully.
Usually he’ll deal with just watching you play over and over again.
The feeling of you winning his heart is almost euphoric each time you do it.
Even if you’re literally playing with his emotions, he doesn’t mind.
Any kind of attention from you works as of now.
Then he overhears you calling Girlfriend, the original owner of the game.
“Yeah, I’m almost done with it. I was hoping to bring it back sometime this week.”
‘Bring it back’?
You can’t possibly mean…
Oh you do mean him…
… How dare you.
Is he not GOOD enough for you?
He’s meant to be PERFECT for you!
You’re being ungrateful, did you really think he’s just let you leave like that?
No… no he won’t.
This is what causes Senpai to drag you into the game, into a role he picked out for you.
You’ll be the main character!
While he’ll be the love interest… the ONLY love interest.
He seems like, based on what his week is based on, to be the generic yandere trope.
You know, the classic.
The scholar who obsesses over another student and stalks them, takes pictures, kills people?
That one. He's like that one.
Unlike most of the other yanderes I write, who differ from the usual yandere persona.
Senpai is exactly like it.
Despite his name, he acts more like a yandere than your typical senpai/darling trope in this.
It’s funny, honestly.
Once Senpai pulls you into the game, you’re forced into your role and play your part.
He doesn’t care if you fight it.
It’s where you’re meant to be if you were planning on giving his game away.
He blames you for the situation all the time.
He’s the classic toxic individual who acts all nice but is actually vile.
He doesn’t mind staying in the game as long as there is company. 
As long as you’re here with him, he’s happy.
Soon you’ll stop complaining and listen to him.
He knows you’ll enjoy the role, it’ll be just like it was when you were outside the game.
Just a bit more… real.
He can touch you now, you can FEEL his love.
Aren’t you happy?
You found your one true love!
So stop crying and embrace him, damn you!
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phantomgamer77 · 5 months
Hello I am phantom!, I make some creepy TADC art, I make some characters in my own style. I hope you all will enjoy what I do^^
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Feel free to ask me anything!, I’m free to ask all kinds of questions, and perhaps maybe draw something here and there if I’m interested ;)
So if you like what you see then [follow]
I’m always up to doing random things with this, so feel free check it out!
Fan art is always cool with me^^, just remember to put me in when you do it
You can ask my scary characters!, anything is possible!
—Table of contents—
Ask us here!^^
The creepy crew..
—Lore {the origins}—
Transmission 1 [the beginning]
Transmission 2 [Exe’s prison]
Transmission 3 [new world]
-Random stuff-
Kassie scaring the goth au part 1 and 2
Kassie meeting jevni part 1 and 2
CP and rewrite seeing fan art of themselves
Dubble new friend
An fnf idea ;) the start
Vs pomni. Exe songs 1 2 3
Kassie meeting fizzni and ragamous
ARV making friends:) 1 2 3
ARV created the comedy arc
Me and the creepy crew meeting the new au!
ARV voice acting!!
Meet Sour loo
A new “threat”
New toys! “Dolly and night jester”
Pomni vs pomni?
Meet evea
Meet the duo buttons and mazel
-the creepy crew rooms-
ARV room
Coffee shop
- other worlds-
- The story/ arc -
The influence saga
Phantom out!👍
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mean-bf777 · 1 year
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The crewpostor trio (all versions "bean & human")
And Account intro
Name: MaroonGold (Valencia)
Country: Indonesia
Birthday: 14 11 2011
Gender: Female
Occupation: JHS Student
My AUs:
Reunited AU
Reunited AU & Human Uni
R.AU & Human Uni: Monochromic Possession
RAU: Terrifying breakdown
RAU: Alternate
Community: Among Us, Fnf, Mech Arena
Another Account: Carambus Carane (MaroonGold) Indonesia (Twitter / X) & (Youtube)
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pico-digital-studios · 7 months
Into, Across and Beyond!: Shared Universe Mentions
So just yesterday, I got praise from @robovoidfrog for the inclusion of their character in IAB!, and I'm honestly chuffed to get this feedback! So through this post, I just wanted to talk about the prospect of the shared universe idea between this project, Funkinverse and the original Spider-Verse trilogy.
NOTE: None of the mentioned points are canon to either of the projects outside of IAB! unless stated otherwise.
So first off, as you saw through the aforementioned post, The X not only had a run-in with this project's Quill Society, but he also seems to be the most remotely aware of the nature of film fics based around Spider-Verse. A lot of these indeed kick off with that world's iconic hero dying and someone else having to take their mantle for them, which leads them into quite the whacky crossover situation.
In this continuity, some things are different for the Funkinverse storyline due to what goes on with the base FNF universe here. For instance:
Boyfriend died long before through the events of Mario's Madness, and a universal reboot is what gave way to Benjamin.
Though, like in canon, BF's WI and Twinsomnia incarnations are generation counterparts in the base FNF universe, they're also separate counterparts in Funkinverse (Twinsomnia's BF being Brooke's little son).
Softie/Benjamin Fairest's counterpart in Funkinverse is separate to the one who's linked to IAB!'s FNF universe.
As Benjamin had befriended several of the other BFs and GFs (those from B-Sides, D-Sides, Neo, Minus, B3 and Arrow Funk specifically), any of those that are linked to the Funkin' Society are quick to understand after Cam's hostilities that Salty's in the right for aiming to save his legal guardians from The X and quickly switch sides against Agent Blueballs' ideals for canon events.
The Sky counterpart encountered by the Funkin' Gang is a more hostile variant compared to ErrorSky, who changed her ways after enough time.
As mentioned above, The X was successfully detained and neutralised by the Quill Society post-Funkinverse, but the fact that it took FOUR of its members to detain him, compared to just two (Pana and SS!Amy) detaining Speedy in his Chaos Emerl guise, speaks volumes of how he is indeed a threat on par with The Spot and Crimtake.
As Beyond the Spider-Verse isn't out yet, we still don't know whether or not The Spot was successfully beaten.
Sunday ending up with protanopia after their encounter with The X didn't sail well with Carol, Benjamin OR Grace, hence why Benjamin calls him out on it. To think it was all because of a little disagreement about breakfast foods.
The Childhood Memories universe canonically NEVER encountered the Corruption (which is apparently a canon thing, according to Agent Blueballs), and even if it did show up, it'd never effect any of the children's shows. Yeah, get lost, Pibby kids.
In the IAB! continuity, Lexi Robin ended up defecting from the Funkin' Society after seeing just how wrong everything is, and she was rooting for the Funkin' Gang and Benjamin's crew from the sidelines.
After Cam's clash with Benjamin, Soft Pico and Neo GF (their original counterparts) sided with Benjamin in a bid to get their boyfriends back out of the Funkin' Society and back to doing the right thing in general.
Identically to Funkinverse, there's a lone repeat customer that the therapist of the bunch dislikes. For Funkinverse, it's the Boyfriend/Keith from Earth-666 (I Can't Sleep) who Softie dislikes, whereas in IAB!, CD Alt Ending Sonic's disliked repeat customer is Charlie (the Sonic from the god-awful "Sonic 2 Lost Prototype" fangame). That said, he does try to bear with the guy's emotional turmoil, though the other major therapist of the Quill Society, Sara, seems to have caught on as well.
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In terms of the Gangs' members having possible canon interactions:
Miles, Salty and OMT!Tails would definitely help learn from each other on how to better protect their respective worlds, and also find solace in the fact that they were all treated as anomalies at different points.
Peter B., Brooke and CR!Sonic would be the doting dads after their first outings and talk quite a bit about their sons/daughters.
Gwen, SNS GF and OMT!Mina would be a sort of comfort group to each other, considering their rough pasts and how broken each one is deep down. Gwen, having been most successful thus far, would definitely be the beacon of light girl the other two clearly need.
Noir, Toon BF and Mini Sonic would interact quite a bit about the Rubik's Cubes that they were given as souvenirs, and their different reasons for admiring the cubes.
Spider-Ham, Mobian BF and Mr. Needlemouse are definitely the kind to goof around with their cartoon antics. That said, with the lattermost being the biggest prick, he is prone to being called out for it by the other two, though barely giving a care about it.
Peni, Aloe and EX!Alice are the tech geeks of their respective dimensions and would love sharing their robot-building (maintaining, in Aloe's case) knowledge with each other.
Hobie and the D-Sides versions of BF and Mighty would find common ground in their ideals of screwing over intended consistencies and going their own way in life.
Pavitr, Golden BF and Black Knight Amy would have a way with each other being the naïve newcomers of their respective teams, and BK!Amy, harbouring the most experience, can share some tips for her companions.
The Sonias and CR!Manik would be happy to look after Mayday and Twinsomnia BF, due to them both being toddlers. Them being children sporting superpowers makes it click more.
Margo, Boom, Nicole and Nine could bond from their computer-based knowledge, and the majority could also aim to lift Nine's spirits if he's feeling a bit down.
So that's pretty much the basic gist of things. Another few tidbits:
Of those instigating the canon events, between four candidates: - Melanie / MP (the kid pictured below), despite having tried this himself, didn't do it willingly, and was forced into it by so-called "superiors" who got the short end of the stick big time from Nitro, even after their passing made it look like they could get away with it. - Miguel and Agent Blueballs, despite their cruel methods, at least have good intentions in mind for their approach, but go about it the wrong ways that alienate those around them. - Lost Memory Sonic is the only one of these four to stoop lower than the others would've done, and actually tries DESTROYING universes to maintain the status quo.
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(Art will be updated when @mcgamejolter finishes it)
Of the major protagonists between the three universes, OMT!Tails is the only one that's rarely had to use his nanomachine gear to disguise his identity with. That said, he has used it when he visited the dimension of the Hues of Metal (Dimension HoM-2023), and the suit's robotic sheen actually FOOLED the robots. At least, until LM!Sonic was driven away from their base (apparently for, as Rocket Metal put it, being a stereotypical Australian tourist).
In the above point's case, Metallix is the one to catch out OMT!Tails when they're alone, though is ultimately overpowered... from OMT!Tails mentioning that a certain web series isn't officially canon, causing Metallix to go poof from existence. Again.
Despite being a supposed "canon event", Sonic.EXEs are surprisingly quite rare to see in universes that aren't meant to have them, like with the Corruption, Darkness and Venom Symbiotes. That said, the first documented case of one showing up in a Sonic universe in the Quill Society logs is in the Sonic Robo Blast 2 dimension (Dimension SRB-1998), a universe that doesn't even have a canon appearance of the demonic entity.
After "Rivals' Madness" (my unofficial expansion/sequel to Mario's Madness/Vs. Sonic.exe (RERUN)), several of the worlds encountered are their own universes, so the characters within are not solely bound as digital slaves to Ultra M, Xenophanes OR 2011!X.
Related to the above, pretty much all the major cast of FNF ended up dealing with the mess of Ultra M and Xeno in that one adventure, most of which put up with one enemy each; Sophie from Left Behind for Tankman, Mr. L, X.nes and Requital for Pico (the lattermost he fights again later), Stranger for Skid and Pump, OMT for Mommy/Martha Mearest, Awe's Chromophobiac for Senpai, and NMI (No More Innocence) for Daddy/Daniel Dearest.
There are alternate versions of Heaven AND Hell in the IAB! multiverse that aren't solely bound by the Christian bible's depictions. For instance, there's a genuinely friendly community in my version of Hell, which an alternate version of Benjamin dubbed "Keith" discovers after his passing.
Akin to @thestrongestjewel's Eepytale, the Frisk, Chara and Asriel of the IAB! continuity have been living together for some time, albeit independently from adoptive parents like Toriel. Kris also spends some time with them as the biggest sibling of the group, akin to their role in @akanemnon's Twin Runes series.
The full list of those lives lost to the "canon event" theory are as follows:
OMT!Sonic, OMT!Vanilla and OMT!Sally (OMT!Tails)
Uncle Chuck (Crossover Realm Sonic and Extraterrestrial Encounter Sonic)
Sonic and Tails (OMT!Mina)
Caffrin (EX!Alice)
Marc Smith (Nitro; he couldn't even avert this in the Rewritten universe)
Sonic (Antho and Mobiverse Tails)
Amy (ChaosIIUniverse Sonic and Sonia)
ALL of his friends (Hog)
Silver (Lost Memory Sonic)
Tails and Amy (CD Alt Ending Sonic)
The original Boyfriend and Girlfriend (via the original FNF universe's events that led to its rewrite)
Cassandra (both from a tactic Pico pulled to end his school's terrorism early in the new timeline, and for good following the Corruption's events)
Proto Man/Blues (alongside Wily, Bass and Treble) (Mega Man/Rock; these four lost their lives to a rogue Zero build who remains shut down to this day)
For now, that's all I can really discuss. Took me some time to think about all the stuff I could mention here. Until the next post, have a great day/night!
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