#he’s less concerned bout the clear threat and more horrified at just how big this family is
fallen-grxce · 3 months
"You knoooooow, one of my best friends is actually dating my boyfriend's other brother, if you'd like to meet him," Gigi hummed with a mischievous smile.
That wasn't an offer. That was a threat.
((from @stories-of-the-multiverse ))
“….how many siblings do these IMBECILES HAVE? All these children yet not a clear parent in sight. I’m disgusted but unsurprised. This is clear fatherless and motherless behavior.”
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yamithediaperdork · 3 years
Just in for my tune up (Bleach)
Just in for my tune up
Ichigo yawned loudly as he woke up in his crib. one would think that sense being labeled a helpless diaper fag slave that would mean Ichigo would get to sleep in once and awhile but one would be wrong.
Instead as the head slave he was his 'honor' to go and wake the other slaves up so he could then crawl in bed with master Renji before the new captain would have to get up for work.
Knowing that if they dragged their feet they'd cost Ichigo his much desired cuddles, some of the slaves like Toshiro tried to take their time.
A trip head first into a diaper pail did wonders to motivate the troops though and while all of the slaves where young men and boys, and they were all clad in nothing but bunny slippers and diapers, it was clear who reported to who.
As such Ichigo trusted the rest of the morning over to his lackeys and with a stern look on his face waddled back to masters bedroom, his stalking off ruined somewhat as just before he left the room a loud bubbly fart rang out from his bottom and Ichigo was heard cursing and swearing, and if one was brave enough to peek, cow boy waddling up the stairs as the back of his white diaper deformed and turned brown.
One diaper change latter (One did NOT just cuddle with the Master while smelling like sewage unless he requested it as such!)
And Ichigo was cuddling into Master Renji and mewing happily, wishing the stupid clock would break so he could enjoy this for just a bit longer.
Sadly the wants of a cock caged and hollow tube plugged diaper fag doesn't mean much in the living world, and even less here in the spirit realm.
For most diaper fags like himself the state that they were treated like would of horrified them. Ichigo on the flip side had shed tears of joy and had gotten himself outed so fast some barely recall the brief hour of adulthood he'd had before finding out how he'd be treated.
Renji smirked as he opened his eyes, the alarm hadn't gone off yet but he'd been faking his sleep so that Ichigo could get in lots of cuddles with him before he'd have to give the cute little slave the bad news.
Despite promising Ichigo that if he went for the permanent plug and cage treatment that he'd be there at every adjustment, as twice a year the cage was made smaller and the plug bigger, He'd been there for all of them but today when he was due for his last one..
"Morning cutie pie. I take it the boys are all hard at work?" Renji asked, pulling Ichigo in for a kiss and patting the slave's padded bottom. "Oh, still clean?"
Renji of course knew the boy had changed, but loved to semi torment poor Ichigo so he had made sure to add a note of disappointment to his tone.
"Ah! No! wait sir! I was good and woke up soaked and TOTALLY loaded my diapers after getting everyone ta work! I just didn't wanna stink up your bed! Please don't be upset with me!" Ichigo whimpered.
'dear god, like sandblasting a soup cracker.' Renji chuckled mentally.
"I suppose I'll let it go this time, but only because I have some bad news for you." Renji said, laying on his side now in his black silk PJ's.
Ichigo had turned on his side to face Renji, but copied his pose.
"W-what is it? do we have to get rid of one of the slaves again sir? they're getting along so well together!" Ichigo whined.
"Oh No, I don't need to give more slaves to anther captain. it's just..you know that I care for you a far deal more then I should since your just a diaper fag slave right?" Renji started.
"And don't think I don't love every second of it." Ichigo coo'ed.
"But..well..There was a last second meeting called for today at 10 am." Renji said slowly.
"But..At 955 i got in for my final adjustment..how can you be in two places at the same...time..Oh." Ichigo said, trailing off then glaring at Renji. "But you promised!"
"Ichigo.." Renji sighed, moving to pull him in for a hug.
"I HATE YOU I HATE YOU!" the slave yelled and pushed away at Renji.
Ichigo got up and huffed, grabbing a pillow and about to hit Renji with it but a look from him had Ichigo dropping the pillow and wetting himself.
"Little man, need I remind you I literally own you, so if I can't keep a promise from time to time, I'm sorry, but your just a stupid diaper fag anyways!" Renji snapped.
As soon as he said it Renji regretted it, if he had slapped Ichigo across the face he doubted the boy could of looked so stunned or hurt. he went to say something else but Ichigo slid out of bed and bowed.
"Of course Master. I'm sorry Master. I'll leave you to get dressed..Master." he said and walked out.
"..I think it would of been easier to pay the 10,000 dollar fine for missing the meeting. this isn't going away anytime soon." Renji groaned and flopped back into bed.
"Somebody should of warned me about this side of being a master."
Getting dressed Renji made his way downstairs and was greeted by each of his slaves except two.
Ichigo who was trying to finish his morning meal as fast as possible and clearly still sore at Renji, and Toshiro.
the former captain had been forced into diaper fag slavery when he was discovered dressed like a darling baby girl in the public square. he maintained that he had been drinking and didn't know what had happened but of course no one believed him.
the irony was they really should of because it was Renji himself who's set the captain up for his great downfall and had taken delight in making sure Toshiro was the prissiest of the prissy sissies he had.
Toshiro had figured it out within days but since he had no legal standing anymore there was nothing he could do about it and thus while making sure to clean and cook well enough to be allowed to stay (Bad slaves being sent to auction) he kept to himself for the most part and ignored Renji as much as possible.
'Great, this goes on with Ichigo for too much longer and I'll have a pair of ice queens.' Renji glumly thought, sipping his coffee.
"Alright everyone listen up." Renji said after he finished breakfast. "I'm going to be at a meeting till at least 2pm. Ichigo will be out getting his final adjustment done but that's no excuse for you all to slack off. Toshiro, I'm putting you in charge till Ichigo gets back. Questions, comments, concerns?" Renji asked.
"Wait, you're putting little miss frost in charge?" whined a long haired red head.
"That is what I just said. Oh and before you go to argue, keep in mind the stables need to be mucked out today. what you say next could make the difference between getting to use a shovel and wheelbarrow and a sand shovel and bucket."
"..Have a good day sir."
"Smart boy!"
With Ichigo still in just his diapers and some sneakers, he was in his car seat as Renji drove the sulking boy to the adjusters office, even though Ichigo had fussed and whined he wanted to just walk.
Looking in the rear view mirror, Renji could see Ichigo was sulking big time and after taping his figures on the steering wheel for a few minutes, spoke up.
"Ichigo about this morning.." He started to say, but Ichigo cut him off.
"oh, there's nothing to say sorry about Master. You made it clear what you really thought about me Master. I'm sorry for being a inconvenience Master." Ichigo said in a respectful voice and tone, but there was venom in it.
"Look I'm trying to say sorry here, can you cut back on the brat mode for 5 freaking minutes?" Renji asked.
"Of course ..Master." Ichigo said and smirked and despite himself, Renji smirked too.
"Look you know I care about you more then a master is suppose to for his diaper fag, right?" Renji asked.
"I mean..Yeah i know..I've seen you get teased 'bout it." Ichigo said, looking down and kicking his legs softly.
"But I keep doing it, because I do care about you. even if there wasn't the diaper fag slave law I'd of likely still kept you around in thick diapers and waiting on me, and I know you'd of enjoyed every last second of it." Renji chuckled.
"ehehehe really? so so..you like my stinky diapers?" Ichigo asked, peaking up.
"well I like you so I suppose I'll put up with your stinky bum too~" Renji said and looked back and winked.
"ehehehee yayyy!" Ichigo coo'ed and cheered and clapped his hands.
"So, are we good?" Renji asked, pulling in front of the adjustment office.
"Uh-huh! Sorry for being a butt before." Ichigo said as Renji let him out of his car seat.
one big hug to daddy later and being told he'd have to walk home, and Ichigo waved bye bye and headed inside as Renji scrambled to get to the meeting on time.
Ichigo was well know and so breezed though the reception area and was in a office, waiting on his adjuster of the day while face down, ass up on a exam table, reading a comic book he'd snagged from the reception area while he waited.
"huh, and hear I thought you didn't know HOW to read..or do you just enjoy all the pretty pictures?" asked a voice that Ichigo instantly recognized.
a look over his shoulder confirmed, the ex captain of Master daddy's squad after being involved in some sort of disgrace, Byakuya.
He wasn't in his normal fancy robes or the like, and instead wore a light green nurses suit and cap and had a cart in front of him loaded with everything he would need.
"Oh great, when did this place start hiring asshole." Ichigo said.
"Careful now, you're just a slave, I can-"
"Get yourself in shit if Renji finds out you tried to send me to a detention center. you got zero threats to make so let's get this over with." Ichigo said, having never been the guys biggest fan.
"..Cocky brat." Byakuya huffed and pushed the cart in the rest of the way and closed the door.
"At least when i fell from grace it wasn't something as shameful as this.. does your family even-" Byakuya started to ask and Ichigo cut him off.
"Master took me last Christmas to see them, they got me lots of baby toys." he said looking almost bored.
"Well..I bet your old fr-" The brunette started, determined to get Ichigo blushing and ashamed.
"All know, and those who can't handle it I don't bother to try and see. Oh and my ex girlfriend knows, rumors of it are around my old school.. Yes i bounce in my shitty diapers and suck lots of dick.. Oh, what other questions did you have to try and torment me with?" Ichigo asked, listing things off on his fingers then giving a impish grin to Byakuya.
"...I really hate you." Byakuya growled and pulled on some rubber gloves.
"Awwww, me too sweetie, me too." Ichigo chuckled and blew a kiss at Byakuya.
Byakuya was fuming as he went to work, yanking down Ichigo's slightly wet diaper and examining the lock on the fag's 2 inch wonder and the size of the tubing in him, then smirked.
'Somebody fucked up~ this is the third biggest size in and on him, not second..So when I put him in first..Ohhh hehehe, you're gonna regret pissing me off..' Byakuya thought with a evil mental chuckle.
"So, Ichigo, I've heard you bragging up how despite being a lowly diaper fag slave.. you're still rather strong and can handle pain." Byakuya said, starting to put on the solvent for the special glue that was used to hold the tube in place even when Ichigo wasn't diapered.
"heh, you know it. Ain't an ass whupping I can't take and then just say 'please daddy, may I have more?'" Ichigo said with a note of pride in his voice.
"Bullshit. I bet you just sob and whine the whole time and Renji just goes easy on your because your such a disgrace." The Ex captain taunted.
"Fuck and You." Ichigo huffed. "I can take anything without crying, unless tears are what Master daddy wants to see so NYAH!" with with that the orange haired big baby blew a raspberry at Byakuya.
"heh, you sure about that? how about a friendly little wager?"
"I'd Hardly call you a friend..but what ya got in mind?" Ichigo asked.
"I won't use the numbing meds so you'll feel everything as I do the final adjustment. if you end up crying from the pain of it, I get a blowjob from your legendarily talented mouth." Byakuya said.
the solvent had worked it's magic and Byakuya was gently tugging the large hollow plug out of the boys gaping ass.
"A-Ahhh.. And..and what if I win?" Ichigo challenged back. "I can't exactly get head from you when I'm gonna be locked up forever."
"heh, if you can hold your tears in, I'll let you spank me silly." Byakuya said, confident in the fact Ichigo would be bawling soon.
"heh, not good enough. I get to spank you THEN diaper you." Ichigo said, giggling like crazy even as his once tight hole now a massive cave of a asshole twitched and throbbed.
"I uh.." Byakuya hesitated at that. it wasn't again, like he thought Ichigo had a snow ball's chance in hell of actually beating him, but the mental image of him sobbing and sucking his thumb while this diaper fag slave pampered him brought a big blush to his cheeks, and a tent to his pants,.
"If your too chicken that's ok, you can add the numbing cream." Ichigo chuckled and made a few clucking noises before going to go back to his comic book.
"nggg deal!" Byakuya said, huffing and angry.
between the why boner and his honor being insulted he wasn't going to stand for it anymore.
"heh Ok, but no take backies~" Ichigo purred and looked over his shoulder winking.
for a second, Byakuya had the sinking feeling that rather then Ichigo walking into his trap..he'd just walked into Ichigo's.
Ichigo smirked, it was just SO easy with some guys to turn their ego against them. even daddy could be played like that if Ichigo wanted to keep it up all the time. but the big baby found it was easier and more fun to wear down on a daddy over the long term and get them wrapped around your little finger then going with short term trickery.
Buttt every now and there there was a guy who just needed to be tricked into pampers and clearly this was the case here.
Ichigo felt kinda, funny without his plug in him. while with the first one it had been horribly invasive now it was a soothing comfort though out the day and he was missing it big time.
It was also weird as he sat up and spread his legs, having the cock cage removed, without it on the air in the room seemed almost chilly to Ichigo's once might cock.
when he'd started all of this he'd had a 8 inch rod of fuck meat but now with careful training he had all of two inches, and it couldn't even get hard anymore though he could still cum.
"Ready for your final cage? the locking WILL be permanent so if you wanted to tug on your little worm a few times before it goes on, I'll let you." Byakuya said smirking.
Ichigo raised a eyebrow at that, such kindness wasn't like Byakuya, so they had to be a trick here. Still, it wasn't like he was ever gonna get a shot at this again and he nodded, reach down with a finger and thumb.
and then wince and drew his hand away FAST as the sensations were way too much for Ichigo and he was gasping and panting.
"H-Holy shit.. that was..was.."
"Yeah, normally your weenie is coated in numbing cream, but not this time and it hasn't felt your touch in QUITE some time~" Byakuya laughed then went on. "Even if I did give you permission to jerk off, you wouldn't be able to enjoy it, you'd over load."
"So..so by taking your bet.." Ichigo whimpered and glared.
"You lost out on your ONE right as a diaper fag, one last wank before permanent chastity. I know, ain't I a stinker?"
"...I'm gonna enjoy making you waddle around in massive diapers." Ichigo huffed.
"Huh? hey the deal was-" Byakuya started to say but got cut off.
"that i could diaper you. not put one diaper on, or two, just i diaper you, which implies as I see fit." Ichigo said and smirked even as his dicklet bounced and throbbed.
"..Oh shit." Byakuya whimpered, for the first time super worried.
being in massive diapers and around this place? if he was seen he'd be on the slave block before supper.
Threat made Ichigo made use of a ice cube to get his dickie to shrink down and relax, though he was rocking back and forth and blowing air out in hisses as he did so. Still, he kept from crying which was the important thing.
the cage looked WAY smaller then Ichigo would of expected but he laid on his back and covered his face with a pillow as Byakuya went to put it on, so he wouldn't have to watch.
"ah ah ah, no cheating and hiding your tears." Byakuya scolded and tugged the pillow away. "If you don't wanna watch just close your eyes."
Ichigo huffed but shut his eyes tight and whimpered as Byakuya started to force the 1/4 a inch cage onto Ichigo's soft member, Making Ichigo yelp and cry out but his eyes stayed dry the whole time and then with a click the lock was sealed, and Ichigo's cock would NEVER be freed again.
Of course while all the other cages had had a cleaning Kido inside of them to make sure he didn't get crotch rot, this one had a much stronger version since the only way to remove it now would be to well, castrate Ichigo.
"I'm Impressed, dry eyes still!" Byakuya chuckled and gave a mock clap. "Of course I didn't expect you to really break down sobbing just from having your useless nub that was once fuck meat caged. it'll be when THIS goes in." and he paused and held up the LARGE hollow plug for Ichigo to get a good look at it.
The shear size of it would put Renji to shame and Ichigo almost wondered if Renji's cock might of fit in the tubing as he reached out and ran a hand over it.
"Jesus titty fucking Christ! That's the last size?! what happened to a gradual build up!?" He whimpered, gulping hard.
"heh, Yup, and you're gonna look SO cute trying to adjust to it with my cock down your throat. now assume the position and get ready to bawl." Byakuya chuckled, taking the plug back and lubing it up.
"U-Uh Byakuya.. Let's say I go ahead and concede defeat now..and Promise to still blow you..can..can you give me the numbing med before putting that in?" Ichigo mewed, slowly moving back to face down ass up.
the fear and worry in his voice is what did it, and Byakuya while he wanted to make the brat suffer, was just too damn nice in his old age.
"Finnne. but this better be one HELL of a fucking blow job!" Byakuya grumbled, making it sound like he had all the problems in the world.
"Oh that's one thing that was never in doubt. I'm the best cock sucker there is." Ichigo said with a note of pride in his voice. "Master daddy Has entered me in competitions and everything! I-"
"Blew them all away, to pardon the pun?" Byakuya asked and snorted at his own bad pun.
"Man, and I thought my diapers stunk.."
with the numbing gel applied and a injection to further dull Ichigo's ass (they weren't worried about destroying any bowel control for well, obvious reasons) Byakuya placed a firm had on Ichigo's lower back to help keep his still and then gently pressed the tip of the monster sized anal invader to Ichigo's boi cunt.
"Fast and hard or slow an easy?" Byakuya asked, planning on doing the reverse of what ever the big baby fag wanted.
"ah..ah..fuckkkk~" Ichigo mewed, just the tip was in him and despite the drugs he could feel it and he was starting to leak cock drool despite the cage. "S-Slow and easy please." he moaned, wanting to draw this out and enjoy it.
Byakuya smirked, and like he had planed, went with fast and hard and rammed the plug in all at once, making Ichigo cried out 'GOO GOO GAGA!' as he shot out a load from his caged dicklet then collapsed on the examination bed, eyes glazed over and tongue hanging out.. Little chibi sissy baby Toshiro's dancing around his head from his POV.
"..I think I broke him." Byakuya said with a sweat drop, then shrugged and started to get to work making sure the plug would stay in for the rest of Ichigo's life, with how long one's soul could last in the soul society was going to be a long, long, time.
The process of making it permanent was done in steps that Ichigo likely hadn't of even noticed, the very same lube that had helped the beast slid in had also doubled as a adhesive once some Kido was channeled though it. adding onto that Byakuya was squirting in extra adhesive around the edges after tugging the beast back out a little, then pushed the monster back in and activated his Kido.
With the orange haired faggot locked and plugged for life, Byakuya rolling him over on his back and while Ichigo was still recovering from his orgasm, got him thickly diapered in 6 terrycloth diapers and a pair of plastic pants that Renji had dropped off at the center when he'd made this appointment.
"ah..ah ba what?" Ichigo coo'ed, blinking rapid and sitting up, wiggling his fat diapered bottom.
"welcome back to the land of the living. I was worried I was gonna have to send you home by taxi and drop by for my BJ later." Byakuya said with a sneer.
"ah shit..I did agree to that didn't I?" Ichigo whined.
"Yup yup~ so get down on your knees and make it snappy, I got anther diaper fag to seal in like 10 minutes." Byakuya said and then fished out his 6 inch dong and stroked it a few times.
"heh, If I'm right about you, that's 8 minutes and 40 seconds more then I'll need. You like like a quick shot." Ichigo said, but he was a fag of his word and got on his knees, shuddering softly as the plug shifting and pressed on him.
the feeling made Ichigo let out a soft moan and lean into Byakuya's crotch and then eagerly take the semi impressive member into his mouth.
Of course Ichigo was used to Renji and others thick and longer cocks but considering just how worked up he was still this was just what the doctor ordered and if he shut his eyes and blocked it out, he could pretend it was someone he didn't think was a total fucktard.
"Oh F-Fuck!" Byakuya gasped, ruining the illusion and griping onto Ichigo's head. "Y-Your mouth..it's fucking amazing!" The ex Captain squealed, little stars in his eyes.
'heh, yup, and your never getting anther BJ from me again unless Renji approves it..and he hates you more then I do.' Ichigo chuckled mentally, knowing he was forever ruining head for the fucktard.
using his triple swirl touage lashing move, Ichigo brought Byakuya to a orgasm in under a minute and swallowed the brunettes rather weak load with ease and pulled off.
"Man, don't jerk off so often if your gonna be feeding cock suckers, we prefer a thick and creamy load." Ichigo scolded.
"I...I'll keep that in mind.." Byakuya moaned softly, falling onto his ass, pants still down and his now soft 4 inch cock still leaking out left over jizz as Ichigo got up and smirked.
"Thanks for the snack, and try and get yourself together, you don't wanna be caught like this and end up pampered right?" Ichigo asked and then laughed as Byakuya's cock twitched and shot out a second weak and small load. "Then again.." was all he said and then left.
Feeling super happy with himself even if he was walking a little funny, trying to get used the the plug, Ichigo started to make his way home whistling softly and waving at people.
he was of course well know as Captain Renji's diaper fag slave and as such people should of known that messing with him was a bad idea but even in a well run place like the soul society there was a couple of bad egg's.
Case and point two hoods were currently in a Ally and scanning the crowd looking for a good target to kidnap and ransom.
they were both in blue jeans and dirty beat up stained white top, and had shoulder length black hair and were almost identical save for the fact one had a beard while the other was clean shaven.
"So, what cha think, any good targets?" beard asked.
"Nah, Just a bunch of normal folk..the rich ain't out shopping t'day..Waittt..Hold the phone.." non beard said, and took out a specialized mini scope and focused it on Ichigo, who had stopped and was talking to a street vendor selling fruits. "This one has promise.. according to the scans he belongs to a high ranking captain."
"Wait, Ichigo? man, even I know who he belongs too..you sure you wanna risk getting on the bad side of Renji?"
"he's a well known softy, he always favors paying ransom's and not hurting the kidnappers because it encourages them not to hurt the hostage.All we'll have to worry about is changing diapers." non beard said and handed over the scope to beard.
"Ngggh.. not reading much for a spirit energy..I suppose this cou-" beard was cut off as while he was scanning Ichigo, he turned and looked right at them despite the crowd being in the way and then seemed to vanish.
Suddenly there was a force on the back of both of the would be kidnappers heads and they found themselves on the ground and being kept there by one hand each.
"You know, it's rude to stare AND talk about people behind their backs right?" Ichigo asked, smirking.
"H-How did you?" Beard asked, struggling.
"You didn't have a reading even close to suggesting you can do this!" non beard yelped.
"Oh that.. Master daddy got me a special device that let's me hid my spirit energy so I can take out would be kidnappers like you. Plus it helps me not only be the bestest cock sucking diaper fag slave ever, but a damn good body guard." Ichigo chuckled, Placing a knee on each of their back's after turning around, facing their butts. "Now, I'm not gonna turn you in to the cops because they'll just beat you or worse, but you gotta understand I can't just let you two off without some form of punishment right?"
"W-What are you gonna do to use?" No beard asked, twisting his head and seeing the massive diaper butt closer then he'd like by his head.
"Please don't sit on our heads!" Beard pleaded.
"..Oh I didn't even think of That! I'm just gonna yank your undies up so hard you're gonna be tasting them for a month."
"..That's..better?" No beard said.
"I'm glad you agree, but your consent isn't really a deciding factor here." Ichigo said and then grabbed a waist band in either hand.
the screams that came out of the ally were only matched by the site second later as the two would be kidnappers ran out with the back of their undies over their foreheads.
The rest of the walk home after that was uneventful, though Ichigo had to laugh when he got back home.
Toshiro had apparently let his minor role of power in the absence of Renji or Ichigo go to his head as he was lounging on a sofa and sipping from a glass of ice cold grape juice that was being held by a slave while anther one was fanning him with a big leaf and a third was holding up a book for him and turning the pages for him as he gave the signal.
"Are we having fun?" Ichigo asked, snicking slightly.
the effect was instant with Toshiro sitting up and blushing and looking at the other slave's and glaring.
"I told you baka's to warn me when Ichigo was coming back!" he growled.
"And YOU know better then to lord your position like this. " Ichigo said. "They're not the ones who are in deep doo doo Toshiro, you are."
"I..I am?" Toshiro squeaked, the back of his pretty pink diapers balloon out and drooping as he paled.
"...Nah I'm just fucking with ya. everyone let's it go to their head the first time. Do it again though and I WILL tell Renji. and don't even THINK about trying to punish the others. Now finish up your pooping, then go and help finish mucking out the stables."
"..Yes sir." Toshiro grumbled.
The rest of the afternoon passed without incident, and while Ichigo was worried when Master wasn't home by dusk,he knew how long these things could take.
Stepping up he made sure al the slaves got their daily baths in and were in clean clothes, and got a belly full of food before sending them to their quarters for the night to just relax and have fun while he waited on Master daddy.
as the hours went by Ichigo got the feeling Renji had been roped into going out to the bar after with the other captain's and knew Renji couldn't turn down the offer without getting more teasing about how he preferred the company of cute boys who crapped their pants over adults, so he didn't fault Renji for going, but he vowed to himself he'd stay up as late as needed to make sure to greet his loving master daddy when he got home.
So naturally he was conked out and asleep on the couch by 10 pm.
Renji yawned as he made his way into his house. it was 1 in the morning and he had to admit, once he'd gotten the others to shut the fuck up about his boi's he'd actually had some fun with them. He hadn't had as much to drink as the others since these days he tended to get hung over rather easy and he hated how scared and worried his slaves got when he was sick.
Making his way into the living room he was greeted by a familiar smell and looked over to see Ichigo asleep on the couch with his thumb in his mouth and a small blanket covering his chest and a shit swelled diaper around his hips.
'Heh, must of tried to stay up for me..Maybe I should of called home.' Renji thought with a smile.
Despite what Ichigo might think, Renji didn't actually mind the smell of a stinky diaper (he'd hardly of filled his mansion with a bunch of diaper pooping fag's if he had) and so he came over and gently scooped up Ichigo in his arms, cradling the little stinker to his chest and headed for the bedroom.
"Ngggh..Hiii daddy.." Ichigo said, half waking up and coo'ing softly.
"Hey stinker. having a good sleep?"
"Uh-huh." Ichigo said and nodded his head.
"well thats good. you can just go back to sleep sweetie. Daddies gonna tuck us into his bed."
"Oh..Otay." Ichigo coo'ed and just snuggled into Renji's chest, closing his cute eyes and drifting back off.
Yeah, being a captain and owning so many slaves could be a head ache at times, but there wasn't one thing about any of this that Renji would ever change.
The end
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