#Friday Night Funkin AU
shed-the-god · 2 days
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Darnell appreciation + Blushing Pico 🥴
Might redraw Pico later 👀
Enjoy~ 💜
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asahyyy-627 · 3 months
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Watch me naenae
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orbis2d · 3 months
Do we see the vision? DO WE SEE THE VISION-
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nortsauce · 5 months
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does anyone remember the outertale au?
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fxckingdvmbass · 5 months
my silly bbs
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pixel man and rap guy <3
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idioticnobody101 · 4 months
Hello people of the tumblr welcome home community, I have cooked up something quite silly!!
I'm an AU creator now so I'd like to introduce my AU which is....
(And if someone already made this I'm so sorry-)
First off we have BF!Wally:
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(Small note: he does eat with both his eyes and mouth, though he only eats with his eyes around those he trust!)
Like you! Yes, Y/N is GF in this!
(And a shirt option for those who do not wish to wear a dress 😉)
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The others may still be in the works as I haven't thought to far yet-
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tairyolo · 7 months
Been awhile since I've posted on tumblr, so I might as well show my lil fnf fanchild named Oliver :D
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bagel-real · 10 days
Also this silly toon Pico design i made hehehehh
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okay ONE official post from here that isnt a reblog zamn, info doodles!! Pretty simple guhh (bf's design has a high probability of change... bro looks so young 💀)
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More fnf executed souls au /hj
(Did you move on from fnf or something???)
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have a lil doodle :)
and nah i just dont draw it as often, bf is still a big comfort character for me but tbh the fanbase HATED me because of my polyshipping antics- and its not like i care but the unalive threats werent great for my mental health.
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living-lucid-dream · 2 months
Blind Pico AU, anyone?
Fun fact: the first time I played FNF, I thought Pico was supposed to be blind. After all, he was the only character in the original release of the game who had blank eyes. Of course it didn't take long before I learned why his eyes were drawn that way and I felt like a doofus over the misunderstanding...but the idea stubbornly lingered in my head, growing into a real monster of an AU. And now that AU refuses to stay caged up in the confines of my head like a good little (bad) idea, so allow me to present to you:
The Blind Pico AU
Set after the events of Weekend 1, the AU primarily focuses on Pico as he heals and attempts to uncover the culprits behind a brutal assault that left him blind. Also featuring:
Boyfriend's meteoric rise to fame!
The RGB polycule!
Lots of HURT (with plenty of COMFORT!)
Red herrings galore!
If any of this sounds like your cuppa, take a peek under the "Read More" because this post is going to be LONG
The action starts at the kickoff concert for Mommy Mearest's new tour. Girlfriend has sneaked Boyfriend backstage and the two are milling around, enjoying the excitement when Pico (who is working security with Nene and Darnell) finds them. He tells them that Daddy Dearest sent him to tell Boyfriend to scram. Boyfriend asks if Pico is going to kick him out and Pico says, "No. He just sent me to tell you to leave, so as far as I'm concerned, my job is done."
Boyfriend says he and Girlfriend have something important they need to tell Pico--but before he is able to say anything more, the event manager walks by and he is IRATE. As it turns out, the opening act for Mearest has just backed out, and Mearest is refusing to perform without an opener.
Girlfriend pipes up, saying Boyfriend can be the opening act. The event manager is skeptical at first, but one of his assistants recognizes Boyfriend as "that dude who ROASTED Dearest a couple of months ago" and insists that "this guy is legit!" With no other options, the manager reluctantly agrees to have Boyfriend fill in.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend are totally ecstatic and are about to rush off to prepare when Pico reminds them that they were going to tell him "something important." Girlfriend says it's something that shouldn't be rushed and that they'll tell him at the after-party. Boyfriend ends up being a smash hit and the event goes without a hitch.
After the concert, Pico reports to Dearest to get the pay for himself, Darnell, and Nene...but Dearest refuses to pay up. When Pico demands to know why, Dearest responds that his wife is utterly PISSED that Boyfriend was her opening act and that that would never have happened if Pico had done his job properly. Pico tries to argue that Mearest wouldn't have had an opening act at all if Boyfriend hadn't been there, but Dearest isn't having it. He sends Pico on his way with a threat that he will report Pico & friends' more unsavory services to the police is Pico keeps hassling him.
Pico returns to Darnell and Nene to find them talking about how Cyril (Cyclops from Pico's School) has just been released from prison. They are debating whether they should "pay him a little visit" or leave him be when they realize that Pico has returned empty-handed.
Predictably, they are furious with Pico when he admits that his refusal to kick Boyfriend out is the reason they won't be getting paid. After a brief shouting match, they storm off, leaving Pico alone backstage with a few straggling stage hands who are passing around beers and packing away equipment.
One of the stagehands, having seen the argument, offers Pico a beer, which Pico accepts.
At the after-party, the atmosphere is wild. The Dearests have bought out a super-exclusive club for the remainder of the night and the music is loud, the dance floor is packed, and drinks (and other, less-legal indulgences) are flowing free. Boyfriend and Girlfriend spend most of the evening trying to find Pico--to no avail. After several hours, they finally conclude that he must have gone home, as clubbing isn't really his thing.
Around 3 am, the party is beginning to wind down. Since it's so late, Girlfriend insists that Dearest let Boyfriend ride home with them and spend the night ("On the couch, of course, Daddy!") Dearest Does Not Like this suggestion, but ultimately relents, as he is exhausted and doesn't feel like having BOTH of the women in his life angry with him.
The next morning, Dearest gets a call from the studio that manages Mearest. They want Boyfriend to open for Mearest on ALL of her Philidelphia concerts and are interested in having him record a single (and possibly a full album)--but they don't know how to reach him. Dearest is horrified by this turn of events, but thinking quickly, he tells them that he is acting as Boyfriend's agent and that he'll work something out.
As he's ending the call, he catches Boyfriend and Girlfriend trying to sneak past him to go out for the day together. He stops them to tell Boyfriend the good news and tells Boyfriend he's willing to be his agent (for a cut of Boyfriend's earnings, of course). Dearest makes this sound like quite the favor, insisting that he "knows all the ins and outs" of the music industry and that he knows how to make sure nobody takes advantage of Boyfriend's talent. Boyfriend and Girlfriend are both insanely excited by this turn of events and Boyfriend agrees to Dearest's terms on the spot.
As they are about to leave the house, Boyfriend's phone rings. The screen says the call is from Pico--but the person on the other end of the line is not Pico. It's a medical physician's assistant (PA) from the hospital.
The PA explains that they have a John Doe who was brought in the previous night with this cell phone on his person. Seeing Boyfriend in the contact list, they assumed he was the patient's significant other. Boyfriend doesn't bother to correct them--he's too shocked. He asks the PA what happened and if Pico is alright. The PA asks if he can come to the hospital to make a positive identification before they divulge any more information.
Boyfriend and Girlfriend rush to the hospital and are greeted by the same PA who called Boyfriend. She takes them to Pico's room in the ICU and they are shocked by how horrible he looks: he is unconscious, with one arm in a cast, a tube in his chest, ANOTHER tube down his throat, and his eyes covered with bandages.
They tell the PA who Pico is and demand to know what happened to him. The PA asks if Pico has any family they need to contact. Boyfriend tells her no (Pico's mom is dead and he and his dad are estranged). The PA asks if Boyfriend will be Pico's contact person, at least until Pico is able make his own decisions again. Boyfriend agrees and the PA tells him everything they know:
Pico was found unconscious early in the morning. He'd been drugged, restrained, and beaten, ending up with a laundry list of serious injuries including broken ribs, a partially collapsed lung, a broken arm, and severe internal bleeding. He'd also had something (they aren't sure what, but they think it was drain cleaner) poured into his eyes, resulting in serious chemical burns.
Girlfriend and Boyfriend are aghast and ask the PA if Pico is going to be OK. The PA tells him that Pico is stable at the moment, but that he's not out of the woods yet and that he will have a long recovery ahead of him.
Then Girlfriend asks the question Boyfriend can't stand to think about: "Is Pico going to be able to see again?" The PA tells them that with the extent of the damage to his eyes, Pico will likely be blind for the rest of his life...
Next part
Whew. And that is just the setup/background. I'll post the rest if anyone is interested in hearing more (or even if you're not!) Feel free to ask questions--though be advised I might not answer if it spoils the rest of the AU.
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(First starter for the new blog!)
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Heck yeah! It’s good to be back!
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Couldn’t agree more! It’ll be nice to have a fresh start here!
(& anyone else)
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selev-shirogane · 4 months
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I'm...I'm back????????????
Updated Cass design from my au a lil bit.......
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xkriskrossx · 11 months
Halloween party in FOAAN!
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(Bendy ain’t havin any of this)
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fxckingdvmbass · 4 months
“Order up!”
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originally i wanted to give up on this but I didn't so yah
hes my silly lil guy frfr
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fridaynightaus · 3 months
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White Rabbit Senpai! Now redesigned and with a cute little rabbit form!
Kenji here is the one who leads Jacob (Boyfriend) into Wonderland. He always seems to be in a hurry, claiming he's late for a "very important date". What date? He never says.
Though that date may be his duties as the messenger and herald for the Red Queen (Donna/Mommy Mearest) and Red King (Maurice/Daddy Dearest.)
Or perhaps it's something regarding his actual date, The Cheshire Cat, who never passes up an opportunity to be with her "Honey Bunny".
Regardless, did he just fail to notice that Jacob was following him down the rabbit hole? Or...did he intend for Jacob to follow him?
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