#fnaf vr hw jeremy
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stripeixii · 1 year ago
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I am sobbing so horrifically
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metamatronic · 2 months ago
Favorite modern lore character?
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I’ve talked about the VR crew before, but I still think they’re great. Having Tape Girl (Amy), Jeremy, and Vanessa be FNaF true-crime enthusiasts and be constantly misdirected by their good friend Not Michael Afton™ —only to actually end up involved in it all…peak content for me, lol.
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d1knsblls · 1 year ago
Collect the memories
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nightmaretherabbitsideblog1 · 10 months ago
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My favorite nonbinary lesbian couple<3
Glitchtrap was being so homophobic when he killed Jeremy smh
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paigelts05 · 3 months ago
Jeremy B [FNAF, Renegade AU]
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Published: Dec 1, 2024
Fazbear Entertainment had had a terrible impact on Jeremy B's life before he was even a twinkle in his parents eyes. It's no wonder that when presented with the opportunity to find out why from the source, he took it.
Jeremy B has an older brother named Roy, but Jeremy never got to see his brother alive, as in 1987, Roy was killed as a part of Location C's MCI. Jeremy was born nine years later, and was unaware that he'd ever had a brother until he was a teenager, when a journalist managed to contact him and inform him of said brother's existence, leaving a business card for if Jeremy wanted to find out more.
Jeremy B asked his parents about his brother, and they told him very little, but enough to verify that he did in fact have a dead 'older' brother, and that said brother did in fact die in Freddy's Location C back in 1987.
When Jeremy was in college, he and some of his friends formed a small games company called "Silver Parasol". The company consisted of himself, Cassey, Sylvia Blake, and Vanessa Diego. The four worked on several arcade style mobile games together before they were contacted by Faz Ent.
Work on their VR game; get a hefty paycheque.
Jeremy remembered the journalist and was all in on the VR game deal: he'd been considering contacting the journalist for a few years, but he'd been putting it off.
Maybe he'd see what he could find on his own first.
Jeremy volunteered as the first playtester.
As he tested the game, he looked into every little thing that he could, and he wound up happening across something strange. After scanning in a chip that correponded to a 'Spring Bonnie', something that appeared to be a yellow rabbit, green with wireframe, boasting piercing purple eyes, started to appear and seemed to be trying to communicate with him. It started to rearrange the code, but it was far from clean: it wasn't clear if this was an AI or a ghost, as both had been known to be able to bend code to their will from the inside.
Jeremy was initially wary around the rabbit, but it seemed to know things. Things about Freddy's, things about his past. It seemed to struggle to find a voice of its own - both AIs and ghosts tended to share this issue, so there was still no way of knowing who or what it was, but Jeremy B tentatively listened, trying to figure out this creatures story, and just how much of what it was telling him was the truth.
One thing was clear, however: this entity was a threat. One Jeremy wasn't sure how to deal with. It seemed as if during their conversations, this entity had been getting into Jeremy's head, not just metaphorically, but literally. It seemed to be trying to posess him.
The team had to get this thing out of the game somehow: who knows what it could do if the game was allowed to release. If it was an AI that could posess people, it could replicate. If it was a ghost, then the game could create a network that would let it posess anyone at any time. This was a bug that had to be patched out before it made it to production at all costs.
Cassey logged what was found in some audio files whilst she, Ness, and Sylvia tried their best to eliminate this entity, meanwhile Jeremy's job was to hunt it down wherever it hid and report back its newest hiding spot.
The game of cat and mouse could only last so long, as there were only so many levels for it to hide in, and Jeremy eventually cornered it at a new stage that popped up. A stage called 'Pizza Party'. He hunter down the rabbit through the maze of halls, and eventually, they hit what Jeremy thought was a dead end: a chance to catch it.
It was hiding behind a curtain, but gesturing for Jeremy to follow it.
Jeremy thought he'd caught the glitchy rabbit, but as soon as he got too close to the curtains, the headset went dark, and Jeremy found himself unable to move. Not just in game, but his actual body eas frozen. In the game, he was on a stage, overlooking a dining hall, and he saw the rabbit dancing, and he heard a man's voice singing.
Jeremy B begun to have vivid visions of events he never saw:
In a desolate CEOs office a man fought against the ghost of a man who called himself William. William smashed the man's dead into a broken broken guillotine paper cutter on the desk, but the man whose memories he was witnessing survived. The man then went on to win the fight.
In a crumbling warehouse, he saw a woman rally an army of animatronics against an animatronic rabbit that held the bones of a long dead killer, and seemed to be posessed by that killer too. The woman called the rabbit 'Afton'. One of the woman's friends called the rabbit 'William'.
The visions flicker by faster and faster, as as the in-game handunit echoed out that there was nothing more to find, the visions abruptly stopped, and Jeremy collapsed, seemingly having been let go of whatever was holding him still. But he knew a lot more now. This entity was the ghost of William Afton.
Jeremy spent a lot more time in the testing room after this, constantly trying to hunt down William again, but always being frozen by visions. He doesn't remember much of this time, but he remembers one thing: when William tried to take full control over his body, he remebered the man who fought William in the dilapidated CEOs office. He used the office's own guillotine paper cutter to slice the VR headset off of his own face.
He came to in the hospital some days later. In that time, Sylvia had been posessed, Cassey fragmented William and drove him back into the game, Cassey hired a PI who shared Jeremy's forename and the PI helped her eradicate William from the game, and Cassey had lost and eye in the process.
Jeremy B had woken up just in time for Ness to go through the game to make sure that William was no longer in the game.
Nobody had suspected that he would have hid himself in the hardware.
William was able to posess Ness easily, and nothing the team tried could get him out of her mind.
All they could do now was contain William in order to prevent Faz Ent from getting their hands on their CEO's ghost. The game was no longer an attack vector, so Jeremy helped Cassey and Sylvia polish the game up to try and share their story and cover up the fact that William had latched onto someone already.
It was a pyrrhic victory though: Jeremy had lost his face, Sylvia had lost her mind, Cassey had lost and eye, and Ness now had William stuck in her brain.
But they all had a means of coping: Jeremy started to wear a visor to cover the scar, Cassey had a glass eye, and Sylvia found a specialised therapist. Ness, however, left the team: she was worried that William would hurt them if given the chance. Jeremy and the others understood completely.
After all of that chaos, Silver Parasol disbanded, but it was on paper only. The troupe became a ska band under the same name in order to keep their team's identity whilst Faz Ent effectively tried to fight air. In the meantime, Jeremy and Cassey also joined Sylvia as paranormal responders so they could help Ness from the sidelines.
But that wasn't the only help they offered. The game developing ska band created a mobile game called Princes Quest in order to subtly share Ness's story and hopefully create a new way to get William out of Ness's head. Three games were made in total, and Cassey made a mobile port of each of them, because arcade cabinets have a history of being a favoured method for ghosts and technology to effect one another: from the 'Maiden's tale' game that was a ghost-run puppet show performed in order to help a security guard withstand Gerald Taylor's influence, to the arcades that Theren played that helped many MCI kids find their happiest day. It was clear that if Princess Quest was to help Ness, an arcade port was their best shot.
During this time, Jeremy also decided to contact the journalist and arranged to meet him. Jeremy recognised the journalist from his visions, and the two discussed what they knew about Freddy's. The journalist then offered to let Jeremy B see his 'older' brother; this was a huge act of trust, as Jeremy B already knew how dangerous Freddy's was, now having some first hand experience in the matter, and that his brother would probably kill him, but Jeremy B just wanted to see his brother at least once in his life.
The visit went better than expected. Roy seemed happy to see his 'little' brother, and Jeremy felt as if he'd finally found what had been missing. Roy did, however, bestow a small parting gift, unknown to either Jeremy or the Journalist: the ability to sense death.
A few years later, Silver Parasol caught wind that William was planning on spiriting Ness away to the megaplex, which at the time was still under construction. Cassey had a plan, and simply told Jeremy to wait and see.
The opening day of the megaplex arrived, help wanted ads flooded the papers, and Cassey came to Jeremy with some computer chips and some official looking documents: she had secured Jeremy a position as part of the megaplex's day security team - the legitimacy of which Jeremy left unquestioned - and needed him to install the Princess Quest ROM chips into any three arcade machines in order to set up the trilogy of games as a series of arcades; if William's plans hinged on the megaplex, then setting up the arcades in that place should help free Ness from William, whether Ness was at the megaplex or not.
Whrn Ness went missing later that year, Jeremy noticed that both Princess Quest 1 and Princess Quest 3 had been moved.
He searched for them, but with no leads and his clearance being so low that he was forced to take vents to so much as get to his post, he couldn't find them.
To make matters more interesting, Sylvia had taken up the position of head of security recently too. He figured that the arcades were moved just so she wouldn't find them.
Things seemed dire. But also interesting.
The first time he was actually able to talk to Sylvia was on the day of what would become known as The Riot. Jeremy was at the first meeting during the day, and had worked with Gaz to ensure that enough chaos had spread amongst staff to keep them alive. During this first incident of the day, he found Sylvia and Luis in the changing rooms, with Sylvia having just had a panic attack over the fact that she was the only guard who had not been sacked. Whilst Jeremy had saved everyone at the meeting at the staff cafeteria, he also knew that at 11 AM, prior to the meeting that Jeremy thwarted, the construction crew had been killed. He didn't tell Sylvia, lest the fact that people had already died today freak her out, as Sylvia was already in a mentally fragile state. Instead, he helped her pull herself together, and they unscrewed a bunch of doors, clearing out most of the maintenance tunnels before they went to the 11:30 PM All Staff Meeting that was also held at the staff cafeteria, which Jeremy and Sylvia already knew would be used to not just sack the rest of the staff, but would be used by management to attempt to kill any living being in the building.
Arriving slightly late was a good call, as it gave Sylvia the jump on an exec who had held the head technician at gunpoint, and from there, Jeremy incited the rest of the staff to rally and fight against the staffbots and endos, as with most staff having access to at least one or more of a FazCam, Fazerblaster, or a flash beacon, rendering the animatronics immobile in order to pick them off was a cinch. Jeremy stayed at the staff cafeteria to protect the rest of the staff, whilst Sylvia went off to the daycare, as there were some staff who had been unable to leave their posts who would now be trapped there.
When the morning arrived, Jeremy already knew that nobody had died during the buildings nightly lockdown before everyone was counted.
A few days later, Jeremy learned that during an incident known as the Breach, Sylvia and a kid had used the Princess Quest arcades in order to free Ness. Jeremy was quite proud of both Sylvia and the kid for getting the arcades to work, and of himself for setting the arcades up, and of Cassey for being the brains behind the Princess Quest operation that orchestrated getting the games into the arcade machines of the megaplex in the first place.
Jeremy B did take part in the Raid on the Megaplex, and he helped Cassey go through the information that she gathered after. Then when the Ruins incident occured and revealed that Faz Ent had plans to not just kidnap Ness, but had plans to grab Sylvia and a small girl named Cassie as well in order to create a whole unit of Vannys, Jeremy realised that Silver Parasol would need to get back together as game developers in order to throw a spanner into the works of Faz Ent's new plans.
Jeremy helped with the development of PQ4: as William was still able to posess Ness normally and had been doing so, with Ness and her dad's ghost keeping William contained for now, PQ4 would allow Ness to seal William away in her mind, preventing him from jumping from her to anything or anyone else for as long as she lived. It was a plan that would require constant maintenance, but it would be a massive advantage in regards to keeping Faz Ent's plans at bay.
On the day where the containment was due to take place, Jeremy wasn't made aware of all of the details: he knew that Cassey and Ness would tell him after the fact. His objective was to protect the two until the process had been completed. He knew that the lack of upfront knowledge was on purpose; if someone did come to attack, Faz Ent wouldn't be able to get any information out of Jeremy. Though fortunately, no such incidents occurred, and the whole process went off without a hitch.
William was contained. Cassie and her dad were now under the protection of Silver Parasol: Cassie and her father both under Sylvia's physical protection and Cassie now a part of those who were linked to Princess Quest.
Whatever plans Faz Ent had, Silver Parasol would be right there to throw a spanner in the works.
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vomitpukey · 8 months ago
Edited that one sloppy style makeout image to be my hastag favs (if that isn't the original artist, please tell me! I tried to find them for so long but istg with how many reposts their art, I can't be sure this is the op😭)
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purrpletiger · 1 year ago
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Help Wanted 2 is LITERALLY ABOUT TO RELEASE!!! So I thought I'd make a drawing based on Help Wanted 1 to get ready for that big drop!
The theory of the final tape being recorded by Glitchtrap rather than tape girl was always so cool to me! Like... being handed a method to kill the entity once and for all, but it was all a trick! Ever since sister location, FNAF sure loves to have those tricky plot twists
Side note, I have Help Wanted but haven't played it yet! Maybe I'll stream both games on my twitch sometime soon :] https://www.twitch.tv/purrpletiggy
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stripeixii-rp · 1 year ago
Looking for some lit fnaf roleplayexrs
I have an assortment really feeling
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☆Ballora (SL, Room For One More, Cleithrophobia)
☆Jereny (HW)
☆Luis (HW)
☆Michael Afton
☆Gregory (SB, GGY)
☆Vanessa (SB)
☆Vanny (SB, scv au)
☆Stanley (Room For One More)
☆Hudson (What We Found)
☆Jessica (Frailty)
▪︎Extremely open to just about any character interacting!
▪︎Willing to move over to a different platform
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zebracorn-chan · 1 year ago
Especially after FNaF VR Help Wanted 2!!! 😭😭
Am I going insane ???
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matrix-pawz · 9 months ago
Trynna make an au combination of the movie, games, and books William afton be like-
-william gets springlocked sometimes during Fredbear's (that'd be how he knows how dangerous it was)
-his son dies (game/Fnaf 4)
-he kills kids (game/Fnaf 1)
-arrested but found not guilty (game/Fnaf 1)
-he kills kids again (game/SL)
-his daughter dies (game/SL)
-he kills more kids (game/SL)
-he kills kids again (movie)
-he stabs his robot daughter (movie)
- he gets springlocked again (movie)
-he gets stuck in rubble (movie)
-he gets springlocked again (Books)
- he's hospitalized (books)
-he starts healing (books)
-he kills kids again (books)
-he gets burnt (books)
-he's hospitalized again (books)
-he's stuck to a kid he killed (books)
-he's kicked out of JR's (game/Fnaf 2)
-he kills kids again (game/Fnaf 2)
-he gets springlocked again (game/FNAF 2)
-he gets burnt again (game/Fnaf 3)
-he gets burnt again (game/Fnaf 6)
-he goes to literal hell (game/UCN)
-he's put into a vr game (game/Fnaf HW)
-he kills a guy/Jeremy :c (game/Fnaf HW)
-he kills kids again (books)
-he kills kids again (game/Fnaf SB)
-he gets burnt again (game/Fnaf SB)
-he's in vr again (game/Fnaf HW 2)
-he kills a kid (game/ruin)
─────────ೋღ ⭐ ღೋ─────────
Total: 31
Kid deaths: 3
Tormented by souls: 2
Springlocked: 4
VR: 2
Burnt: 4
Healed + hospitalized: 3
Rubble: 1
Kicked out: 1
Arrested: 1
Killed: 10
Dad of the year fr fr
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stripeixii · 1 year ago
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How about we stop talking for a little while??
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insomgl · 3 years ago
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Day 27 - Remember, Jeremy.
— Aftermath —
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leroyzboots · 5 years ago
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what the fuck is vr lol
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purplemang0z · 10 months ago
^ Prev rb
Best term of all time, will be using that irl
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My favorite nonbinary lesbian couple<3
Glitchtrap was being so homophobic when he killed Jeremy smh
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paigelts05 · 16 days ago
[GORE] The video game [FNAF HW, Renegade AU]
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Published: Feb 16, 2025
As I usually do with month long prompt events, I picked eight of the prompts to complete over a span of time that goes far over the actual event's timeframe. My first pick for Derin's Vanuary event (an event on Tumblr dedicated to FNAF's Vanny and Vanessa) is Video Game.
My brain instantly turned to Help Wanted 1 and Silver Parasol.
Four game developers against the ghost of a man who spent his life seeking immortality only to find a path of bloody death.
Whilst William Afton managed to persist as a ghost after the destruction of his physical form, Scraptrap, one cannot consider themselves among the living without a body, and William aimed to use the developers bodies to bring himself back to the world of the living.
But the four game developers did fight back. One by one, he tried to take over their minds, and one by one they fought back as they ripped back control and tried to flush him from the program he possessed. But each wound up losing a part of themselves in each of their fights against William.
The first lost his face, the second lost her mind, the third lost her eye, and the fourth lost herself.
All because of the development of a video game.
A video game that was a part of a cover up operation to hide the crimes of Fazbear Entertainment's founder, William Afton.
A gig the developers only took in order to get the inside scoop and make the game reveal the truth instead of hide it, and they wound up uncovering a plot to allow William to possess anyone anywhere in the process.
Whilst the developers had been able to flush William from the game, preventing him from using the game as a possession vector, the fourth developer - Ness - had lost her fight against William, and he had taken up residence in her mind, making victory feel hollow.
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vomitpukey · 9 months ago
Drew my babygirls since it's their anniversary.
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gore below the cut, lol.
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