#fnaf visions au
sleepyjuniper · 2 years
Y'all want a fun fact? Gregory is 11 in Visions. When he first came to the Plex, he was 10, but over the time between his first visit and his second, he turned 11. He probably doesn't know how old he is
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spikeplate · 4 months
pov : sun found the photograph
@spadillelicious hehehe i think ur sun would be a mighty big fan of the Disco Inferno
(song is “more more more” by Andrea True Connection)
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bones-of-a-rabbit · 7 months
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y/n: is a bee
Sun n Moon: 😳💕💕✨✨💘💘💘💕💘✨💘✨💘💕
y/n: minding their own business, having a cry, bothering absolutely no one
Two random guys they've never met: 👁👄👁
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cookieruma29 · 6 months
Showing of how golden vision works on Gregory’s eyes (warning : some loud sounds and lil glitching)
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zishu-arts · 2 months
henlo! Do you have any moar ideas/crumbs about your fnaf stickman au? Any interactions between Victim and Chosen— or TSC?
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hey anon sorry i took so long to reply i baked you a cake
first part
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skizabaa · 2 years
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PART 2 OF DCA x Minecraft Crossover: Warden Moon!
Part one is here: Blaze King Sun. Both Warden Moon and Blaze King Sun are inspired/based on this post! by @bamsara
Transferring Warden Moon in game went a lot smoother! (although there was a major initial texture error, but after a few tutorials it was an easy fix!) I did reuse Suns model as a base for Moons so whenever I can get Sun in game they should be about the same height!
Bonus gif of Warden Moon:
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teastarfall · 7 months
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sometimes i forget TSON is canon LN media and isn’t just a thing we as a fandom collectively made up overnight 💀💀 anyway TSON am i right haha
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primary-visions · 6 months
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I am your DCASS I really hope that you like the art! I tried to draw them in a tarot/stained glass sort of way! I loved reading about your Deorum Reliquiae! AU! It is so cool! I love the style of your Sun and Moon!
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goops-art · 6 months
Due to shenanigans and hijacks im gonna retell @primary-visions story:
Primary colors
Click the link is a really good story!!! 10/10 would recomend
Part i:
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Part ii:
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And yesss thats the audio for flapjack (x)
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lynaferns · 5 months
I have been thinking.
For a long time, before the Ruin DLC came out and showed that DCA can move their eyes, I had the theory that they had fisheye vision to compensate for the lack of eye movement and that was the reason they were a little strabismic too. Turns out they just didn't animate their eye movement in Security Breach -_-
I still want to use my idea for an AU tbh.
(if you don't know what fisheye is here is an example)
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sleepyjuniper · 2 years
Visions (Or Lack Thereof) - Chapter 7
Chapter 7: Nightmares
Gregory has a nightmare while Moon is watching over him, and the two end up going to the showers. Those two events are not correlated in any way whatsoever.
Chapter Wordcount: 8066
Chapters: 7/?
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necrobratz · 5 months
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hii ok super quick concept doodle… ignore baby’s design its rough asf she is not designed yet USHDIHSJD
ive been thinking abt ennard bc i think the concept of something malicious pretending to be ur completely normal little sister(even if it technically is her) is scary ASF!!!! if anyone wants to know more abt ennard in my au feel free to ask :P
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theidiotomelette · 13 days
No.....why am i had a vision like this suddenly..?
New AU?..
(i think i need a therapy for a moment.lol)
Btw do you guys had an idea for the new AU that my brain suddenly had or should i Said...THE MAN BEHIND THE SLAUGHTE- **cough** **cough** i mean FNAF AU do you guys had a story' for it? Probably full of angst for peso,dashi,pearl, shellington, captain barnacle,and Bianca.. for losing the children...🥲🥲🥲 Reblog if you want to answer it!:)
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hikkokoro · 9 months
The [ASKERS] has chosen
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Have a fun journey dear [ASKERS]
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(PAST) Ruin Eclipse is open for 5 asks
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bluerasbunny · 4 months
hey so. what if i start canon eclipse posting.
in other words;
this is canon eclipse core. i think. like the lyrics, the voice, the songs vibe. its so them
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monty-glasses-roxy · 1 year
What’s cool about Rebuild AU is that you can introduce Spike the Wet Floor Bot as an emotional support bot that becomes a little guy with feelings over time. Like, think about it! (Under a read more because I got carried away and yes this is relevant to the Roxy tag I promise)
Roxy has been unable to search the rubble due to a fault in her battery giving her massive power fluctuations that are fucking up all her other systems. Sunny finds a severely damaged Wet Floor Bot and brings it back for her to have something to entertain herself with instead of just organising stuff. She did always say she’d love to try and repair one of the little guys! Sunny hopes it will keep her distracted since they still haven’t found the Minis yet and she can’t search for them herself, and he promises to find anything and everything she needs for it.
So she fixes it. Slowly but surely. She puts her every waking hour into this, trying to ignore the hundreds of problems going on with her and the world around her. Monty gets repaired, promising to double down on the search for what she needs to be able to get out there too but she tells them not to bother. Just find the Minis, that’s the most important thing.
A few days later and the little Caution Bot powers back on, repaired to the best of Roxy’s current abilities. It remembers what happened. It watched as it’s whole world burned and caught glimpses of everyone else struggling to find a way out not cut off by the flames. It could understand then. That was an emergency programmed into it’s AI. It knows what a fire looks like...
But now one of the animatronics it’s seen almost every day of it’s life is talking to it, gently, softly, only to moderately chastise herself for it afterwards. It’s curious. It doesn’t understand as other animatronics come and go but she stays beside it. The animatronic is having difficulties but it can’t report them to the main office. There is no connection available. It will be fixed soon. It always is.
As days go on, it watches, unsure of what it should do with itself. There are no spills to warn people of here. There is no designated area to wait for one in. The charging station is turned off for the majority of the day. What else is it supposed to do but observe?
The animatronic never leaves. It never found that weird before. Maybe there is something wrong. It tries to report it to the main office. There is still no connection. Will it ever be fixed?
She seems so tired. She tinkers with machinery and spends so much time on the floor, asleep or not quite there yet. Her paws shake sometimes when she reaches to pat it on the head. Why does she do that? What does it mean?
She talks to it. She claws the walls and growls, snapping sharp words to the others or often just herself, but those claws never touch it and she always stops to talk to it. Sometimes she will talk for hours whilst sometimes she will just sit and stare into nothingness. It wonders whether it should approach her when she does that. Does she need help? Why doesn’t this happen when the others are here?
It receives what the animatronic – Roxanne Wolf – called an upgrade. She worked slowly on it, having to stop and rest her head against the wall for a while several times in the process. It wonders if this is how it was for the entirety of her time repairing it. She certainly wasn’t like this before the fire. The main office is still unreachable. When she’s done, it’s given a new range of motion. It’s neck feels much stronger than before and it’s head can now tilt and turn separate from it’s body. It liked this new upgrade. It had never seen the ceiling before. For the first time, it looks up into green eyes that used to be a deep gold. There’s something else different though. Emotions it can’t yet understand but it knows they aren’t negative. It wants to know what those emotions are. Maybe watching will help?
Roxanne Wolf shows the others the upgrades, tail swaying seemingly on its own. They pat it on the head. They tell it how wonderful it is. They tell Roxanne Wolf how amazing she is for her work. They tell it how cute it is. Montgomery Gator asks if she has given it a name yet. She tells them no. It doesn’t understand. It is Caution Sign No. 26675. Is that not it’s name? Why does the number feel wrong? Like it doesn’t belong? The words don’t sound like theirs. But why is that a problem? Why is there so much it doesn’t understand now?
They stop their compliments as Roxanne Wolf asks them for news about names it doesn’t recognise. It listens in closely, trying to work out why her voice always sounds so different when she says those words. The animatronics and the night guard shake their heads and tell her there is nothing. There is a difference again. Her mood has changed. They apologise to her. They tell her they’ll find them soon, or find what she needs so she can get out there with them too. It doesn’t want her to leave.
That thought stuck out in its mind. It doesn’t want her to leave. Please stay. Please don’t go.
Why would it feel this way? When did it start to feel anything on this level? The emotion is so strong it doesn’t know what to do. It has seen the others speak to each other, heard Roxanne Wolf talk about and cry through her troubles. But how does she do it? How can it do the same? How can it tell her?
It rolls up to her side as everyone settles down. She had instructed it to make sure to charge as she turned the charging station on, but it didn’t move away from her. She sits down in her usual spot in the corner, very close to the charging station. It stares at her, unsure what to do. She gazes right back with a tilt of her head and a raised brow. It bumps gently against her and searches every inch of it’s programming for something, anything that will help it tell her what it needs to say. A buzzing noise emanates from it. Small, stuttery, but with as much of this feeling it can possibly push into it. Roxanne’s ears perk up and her eyes go wide. She doesn’t speak, listening intently to the buzzing and the beeps as if it were all as clear as an empty glass to her.
Please don’t leave. It wants to say so desperately and it’s then it recognises something. An emotion in her eyes they’d never been able to read before.
It’s worry.
It realises with a start that this is the only time that she’s ever looked at it with worry. She watches the door sometimes, the worry growing on her face until she’s blinking back tears. She’s spoken to the others with her voice laced with worry about those four names she’s always asking for news on. She always seemed to worry about the Night Guard in particular when she swayed or when she spoke with her hands in her hair and her eyes to the floor. It must be a common emotion for her to feel, but why could she feel that towards it?
She patted it’s head again before holding the side of it’s face with a gentleness that didn’t match what it had seen her do with her claws before. She spoke softly, apologising that she wasn’t entirely sure what it was upset about but it must be important. Whatever it is it’s feeling, Roxanne says it’s okay. She’s here and she’s not leaving any time soon. She wraps an arm around it. A warmth floods it’s insides and the reassurance soothes it’s fears. Is this what she feels when Daycare Attendant Moon and Glamrock Chica The Chicken hugs her? Is that what this is? A hug? What does all of this mean?
It doesn’t want to leave. It stays in the embrace as long as it can before Roxanne smiles and nudges it to go and charge. For once, it wanted nothing more than to ignore the low battery alerts and to stay where it was. But she insisted, carefully guiding it with a paw back to it’s charging station before settling back down. This time, she’s right beside it, close enough for her tail to brush against its side. It’s not safe for her to do that while it charges. It doesn’t care. It has a feeling she doesn’t either.
The days go on and on. They’re different now. Roxanne – Roxy – has changed her routine. She curls up against it now when she sleeps during the day. She pats it on the head and praises it when it pushes things it thinks she needs towards her. When she cries, it bumps against her and she hugs it with her snout between it’s ears. She tells it she can’t wait to introduce her to the four who’s names she speaks so solemnly. The more it learns about them, the more it wants to meet them too. She cares so much about them, it wants to care about them too. It wonders if she will ever care about it as much as she does them.
They sit outside together one day. It has never been able to see the sky before. Everything is so bright and the breeze is an assault on it’s sensors. Roxy lays beside it and it wants to as well. It finds the nearest object on the ground, a rock it presumes, and runs over it at an angle. It doesn’t work the first or the second time but on the third, it’s on the floor. Barely a second passes before it’s view of the sky is eclipsed with Roxy’s face. The worry is back again, her voice full of alarm and concern. Her paws cradle the back of it’s head and she guides it back up onto it’s wheels. It gives a flat, irritated buzz and she seems confused. The moment she lets go, it tries again to tip itself. She catches it as it falls and it buzzes loudly, urging her to let it lay beside her. When she lays it down, resting it’s head on her arm, it buzzes happily and a small laugh escapes her. It’s an achievement to hear her laugh. It seems so hard for her to do, yet so easy for others from before the fire. She lays beside it and they watch the clouds go by for a while until it finds itself trapped in a hug. She’s asleep again before much longer. It tries to send a report to the main office that she is still in need of repairs. It doubts there even is a main office now.
Another week goes by. It buzzes so excitedly as Daycare Attendant Sunny and Montgomery Gator burst through the door with a large box held high above their heads. They’re finally going to repair Roxy! Now, maybe she won’t be so worried anymore! Maybe she won’t be so sad! Maybe she won’t be so frustrated! She seems just as eager for these repairs, but she still asks for news on those four names again. There is still no news. Maybe this will help her get the news she wants!
She is powered down as Daycare Attendant Moon replaces her battery with Night Guard Vanessa’s supervision. Tampering with animatronics is against the rules. It ignores the alerts to report it to the main office. It has seen the Mega Pizzaplex. There truly is no main office anymore. Instead of sending a report, it stays pressed against her side. It will always be by her side. She’s too important to leave.
When they’re done, she doesn’t wake. It’s told it will take a few hours before she does. So it waits. By her side. Never moving, never even thinking about leaving. It begins to buzz. A tune she had mournfully sang to herself a few times before. It had always been her favourite. When she wakes up, it’s to that same song. It sees her tail wag when her eyes land on it, a smile creeping across her face. She feels better she says. She feels awake and alive again. It buzzes in joy and relief, even as it struggles to keep up with her now. The others are just as happy for her, wrapping her in hugs and telling her how great it is to see her smile again. They tell her that now they’re all together, they’ll find those four names in no time. It hopes they’re right.
Exploring the ruins of their former home is difficult for it. Roxy flies over crumbling walls and mountains of debris with an ease it could never hope to replicate. She still stumbles, she still falls, and her body still trembles when she does too much but she has yet to power down out of the blue again. This is the longest it’s seen her awake since before the fire. She searches, digging through charred plushies and broken glass, desperation growing with each passing minute. She calls those names over and over, again and again and again. She still diligently clears a path for it to follow her. Despite the growing worry on her face, she never forgets it’s following her. It wonders if this is what it means to be cared for. It wonders, as it watches her weave around the many, many other Caution Bots just like it, if she sees it as any different to them at all.
It wonders what makes it different to the others of its kind. Does it look as damaged as they do? It’s noticed several patches of colourful metal it has isn’t shared with the others. Is that because Roxy repaired it? Is that because it’s different? Is this all that’s different? ... Does it want to be like the others? It was connected to them all once. They all thought in much the same way, all of their minds linked via a network that no longer exists. It didn’t remember any of the others feeling like this. It doesn’t want to ever lose these feelings. They’re too important now. It wants to be just like the animatronics that called it cute and pat it on the head.
Roxy grows tired much quicker than the others. Perhaps she still needs repairs. They have reached where Roxy Raceway once was. There was barely anything left. So much of it had sank below the ground they stood on. She was quiet, staring at what remained in silence. Was this place as important to her as the four she was searching for? It starts to buzz her favourite song, pressed against her leg in it’s best attempt at comforting her. She doesn’t react to it at first, and when it looks up, it sees she’s crying to herself again. It bleeps louder to gain her attention and she slowly looks down at it. It spins in a circle before pressing against her leg again, buzzing all the while. She kneels beside it and holds it tight to her chest. It feels the pain making her body quake with sobs and though she tries to stay quiet, it’s only a matter of time before DJ Music Man arrives to help it comfort her. When she finally calms, she doesn’t let go of it for a while longer. It hopes that means she knows how much it’s trying to care.
Roxy is quiet for a while after that. It bumps against her more and more, buzzing a little louder in the hopes it helps her through this. She pats its head with another weak smile. But then she calls it Bumblebee. It doesn’t understand. It buzzes in confusion but her attention is elsewhere. Her eyes light up with hope at something behind it and she nearly bowls it over by how fast she runs past to see whatever it is. She calls those names again, digging through a pile of melted childrens toys with an incredible burst of energy. It buzzes curiously as it catches something moving within the heap, Roxy quickly spotting it soon after. She pounces on it and after a few seconds, it sees her tail start to wag. She pulls a spider-like robot from the mess, followed by another, and another. A fourth soon follows, clearly on it’s last dredges of battery life. The tears are flowing so fast down her face and yet she’s smiling wider than it’s ever seen her smile before. She howls an alert to the others before bundling them up in her arms and rushing them back to the shed.
She’s fretting over them constantly. She works and works and works on them, pouring as much of her energy as she possibly can into them. It watches in fascination, curious as to what she’s doing but not understanding a word of what she says about it. She says their names, explaining the small, visual differences between each of them to everyone with such care and such detail that it wonders if she could do the same for it one day. If it was completely yellow like all the others of its kind, would she be able to tell which one it was? Maybe she would...
She had left them to charge now. There was nothing more she could do for them but wait. Roxy returned to her corner and offered an arm out to it for a hug. It accepted without any hesitation, having quickly become reliant on the comfort that washed over it every time they did this. She chuckled and once again called it Bumblebee. Her Bumblebee. Was that a name? Was it like her name? It craved that individuality. It wanted so badly to be seen as someone rather than just another Caution Bot. Would the four friends of Roxy’s see it like that? Would they see it as someone worth the time Roxy gave it? Did anyone else see it as someone worth all the attention at all? It buzzed and bleeped, trying to convey how it felt in a way that was similar to Roxy’s growls and barks, the language she rarely used around anyone but DJ Music Man. Did it even count as a language?
She listened, as she always did. She watched it nervously roll the length of the room a few times and hugged it close when it buzzed and bumped against her side. She didn’t always understand, but maybe this was one of the times she would. Roxy asked if it was nervous about her little friends. It buzzed in affirmation. She reassured that they were friendly, if a little shy and that they were sure to love it. She didn’t seem to understand this time. It’s attention fell to the door. But maybe it could show her what it meant.
Whilst clearly hesitant to leave her sleeping friends, she reluctantly followed it into the ruins of their former residence. It buzzed and beeped, pushing around a deactivated Caution Bot. She asked question after question, steadily getting closer and closer to the right answer until finally she seemed to understand. Roxy smirked and crossed her arms. There was nothing but confidence when she told it that no one could ever mistake it for anyone else. It was her little Bumblebee and everyone knows it! It learns then that Bumblebee is not a name. It wants a name. It wants an identity. It wants something other than Caution Bot No. 26675. Bumblebee felt so right, so perfect in ways it could never hope to describe but it knew it was only one piece of the puzzle. There had to be more!
Roxy hummed and it worried she hadn’t understood again. She was quiet, her head tilted thoughtfully to the left. After a while, she shifted her stance and her head tilted over to the right. Her eyes suddenly lit up in that telltale sign that inspiration had struck. She clapped her paws and bounced on her feet before rushing past and urging it to follow her. They picked through the remains of Rockstar Row where she forced the metal door to her former room open, pretending to hold it open for it as she waved it to go on in ahead of her with a smirk. It was a mess, just like everywhere else, but there was still some semblance of what it used to be. She warned it before lifting it up onto the ruined chair in front of the desk. The mirror was cracked and broken but still reflected perfectly fine. It stopped paying attention to what she was saying as it stared at the bot in the mirror.
It looked broken. It looked damaged. It looked... hurt. It looked like it once was but worse. Like all the others the fire touched that fateful night so long ago. It wasn’t sure what to think. Was that really what it looked like now? Beaten and broken, patched back up with mismatched scrap metal and peeling yellow paint? It... wasn’t what it had expected. But then, what had it expected to see? Roxy nuzzled the side of it’s head affectionately. Perfect she’d called it. Beautiful and unique. She was nothing but proud of it. That familiar warmth, the mix of comfort and something else flooded through it again at every kind word she spoke. In her eyes, it was nothing short of brilliance.
But maybe they could make it better. She was digging through charred draws, tail swishing gently as she pulled out what little had remained unscathed. She held a few items up to it, humming and ha’ing about what would be the best and holding random objects up in the mirror so it could see for itself what it would look like. A few of the things she found made it buzz with delight while others made it buzz so low it sounded like Roxy’s mean growls. It seemed to amuse her to no end before she gasped and pulled something new out of the draw. A spare, she’d said it was as she fastened a black, silver spiked bracelet around it’s neck. She still had one after the fire but she’d lost the other one. Maybe instead of her having it, it would look better on it?
It stayed quiet for a long moment. It sat like a huge collar around it’s neck, falling loosely around it, until Roxy found a way to shorten it more than it was supposed to be shortened. It saw the two of them, side by side, matching spiked collars and both looking a little worse for wear, and decided she was right. This was perfect. Roxy gave a toothy smile as its excitement grew. This is what it wanted! Something that set it apart from the other Caution Bots! Something that linked it to the one that had changed everything for it!
Spike she offered then. Spike the Bumblebee.
With a few tiny magnets on its ears and a few more suggestions, Spike the Bumblebee stared at herself in the mirror, right beside Roxy’s prideful smile and knew for certain, what all of those warm and fuzzy feelings were called.
What else could they be, but love.
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