humming-fly · 1 year
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as expected the fma mobile game event side story that inexplicably features og greed and ling as high schoolers is just as wildly batshit as you'd expect - all these shitposts are all taken nearly Verbatim from the translation shit really was just that funny i still laugh when i think about it
(also in case ya'lld like to see it for yourself i saved all the screenshots and google translations to a zip file here though fair warning they may or may not be in order good luck o7)
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ndcgalitzine · 2 years
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favorite MileApo moments (2/∞) Apo gets transfixed by the tiddie, can't resist touching, and then immediately gets embarrassed about it 🤣
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piddlinpixie · 2 years
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Vintage Portable Sony AM/FM Radio Music 🎶 Boombox Player✨SALE✨ 👉SHOP LINK IN BIO👉 @piddlinpixie ✨ PiddlinPixie.Etsy.Com ✨ ✨FOLLOW FOR MORE 🤩 VINTAGE✨ #sonyradio #vintagesony #sony #retroradio #vintageradio #oldradio #coolradio #oldelectronics #boombox #portableradio #90smusic #80smemories #audioplay #antenna #90svintagestyle #vintagespeakers #fmam #etsygoodstore #retrocommunity #vintagesale #bestvintage #curatedfinds #funkyfinds #shopsmallbiz #etsysales #secondhandshopping #thriftblogger #90sforever #vintageads #shopvibes https://www.instagram.com/p/Clcgy_JuMqm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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winrie · 9 months
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OK how does this fmam guy look EXACTLY like my oc / dream creature / thing LIKE WHAT HE EVEN HAS AN OLDER SISTER??? Almost exactly the same. Wow. hes canon
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There was a storm gathering on the horizon. She could see it through the window, past her knight and the shattered sun that framed him as a halo. The distant thunder rang like bells in her head, even with the low murmur of her knight’s voice washing over it like waves lapping at the sand.
“A sign of coming danger, right?” asked one of the masked pair. He wore a frowning mask, though she was sure that they swapped masks whenever she wasn’t looking. Once, it had seemed very important that she keep track of which one was which, cataloguing all their differences to try and find any hint of danger. Now it was easier to just look away.
“It’s just rain,” she said.
He twirled a bone between his fingers, bleached the same off-white as the sky outside. “I went out in a storm as a child,” he said. “The winds were powerful enough to strip flesh from bone and the lightning reduced all it touched to ash, but far worse was the rain, which came down so hard that it was easier to just become one with the earth. It burned. I didn’t think water could do that.”
“I don’t think this storm is that powerful.”
“No?” He hummed thoughtfully. “Well. I suppose you’d know better than I.”
She cast a glance towards him to find the air beside her empty. The only other figures in the room were her knight and a figure wearing a mask with a smile wide as an open wound. They were discussing dissecting the earth with the same clinically off-putting detail as one would use for a corpse. She tuned out their words and let her gaze wander over the room.
This was the kind of room that invited curiosity, cluttered with objects up to its rafters. She peered closer and found that hidden amongst them was various bits of viscera, arranged on plates and sitting in bowls and displayed in jars. It almost looked like food in the dim lighting. She swallowed back her nausea and looked for any kind of exit, but the room was devoid of windows or doors, making it feel so much smaller than it actually was. Though she thought she saw shadowy paths snaking between the shelves, they revealed themselves to be simple tricks of the light when she peered closer. She went to one of the tables and glanced over the items that covered it without really seeing any of them.
“Searching for anything in particular?”
Across the table stood a masked man. A mirror hung behind him, and for a moment she thought that he stood within its reflection, but then he stepped forwards and broke the illusion, picking up a blade as wicked and red-stained as the grin of his mask.
She looked back at the window, but her knight was alone now. He asked empty air how best to cauterise the wound, and didn’t seem to notice that he didn’t get a response.
“Where’s the other one?” she asked.
“What other one?”
“The other you.” She gestured towards the other half of the room, a mirror image of where they stood, though the two sides had not a single thing in common. Despite standing still, she was starting to feel disoriented, so she fixed her gaze on the mirror and watched with a dull fascination as her reflection drowned. “There are two, right?”
The man gave a hollow laugh. “Ah, he got washed away in the storm.”
“No he didn’t. I’ve met him.”
“Did you?” His reflection peered over his shoulder, its face all twisted up in a frown.
“I wanted to see if he could help me.” Her gaze drifted to a tray of knives. As an afterthought, she asked, “Do you ever get that feeling that there’s something rotten in you that needs to be cut out?”
“Your problem is honey, not rot.” He held a lantern aloft, candlelight dividing his face into light and shadow. “Can’t cut honey out, not without cutting yourself into messes, but fire will probably do the trick.”
“But I already know fire doesn’t work.”
“Then it’s poison, and you need to hollow yourself out.” He held a vial now, labelled with skull and crossbones.
She looked down at the loaf of bread that sat between them, still warm from the oven. “It’s not poisoned.”
“Everything’s poisoned.”
Her gaze cut to the still-beating heart on a nearby plate, knife and fork neatly framing it. “If it’s not meant to be eaten in the first place, I don’t know if that really counts.”
“Everything’s meant to be eaten.” He laughed, the sound at odds with the frown on his mask, and added, “How else are you meant to understand anything?”
“I think you’re poisoned,” she said. “You’re rotten to the core, whatever’s wrong with you can’t just be cut out.”
“Not for lack of trying,” he said, the words smothered by a crash of thunder. She heard them nonetheless. Louder, he said, “Takes one to know one.”
“You said my problem was honey, not rot.”
He ran a thumb over the label on the jar of honey he held, twin grins of mask and skull. “What’s the difference, really?”
“Is there a point to this?” she asked.
He was silent for a long time – the entire room was, except for the low murmur of rain hitting the roof. The mirror behind him rippled with every raindrop, distorting the smile on his reflection’s face. The only feature she could make out clearly was its eyes, sharp and ever-curious – the only thing the pair had in common, and the only genuine trait of either. She had to look away, ignoring the familiar prickling of their gazes.
When at last he spoke, he spoke with a million voices, all of them far older than he’d ever sounded before. “The honey’s in your veins,” he said, “all mixed up with your blood – to try and take it out would mean death.”
“Is there really no other way?” she asked, meeting her own gaze in the mirror.
“It’s a part of you now. It is you.”
“It’s not me.” Her reflection burned in golden light.
He said nothing, and she hated him in that moment – hated them both, for thinking they knew better just because they weren’t beholden to someone else in the way she was, as though hiding their shackles was enough to stop them from existing. She wore her heart on her sleeve and that meant she posed a threat, watching them to see whether their loyalties matched up with her own.
But they were past that point now, weren’t they? She’d stopped looking back at them. She just let their gazes slice her open from head to toe, her guts spilling out over the floor.
Framed within the window’s reflection, she watched a child cry on a park bench.
“I’ll figure something else out,” she said, turning away. “But I refuse to be anything other than what I am.”
“And what are you?” asked her knight from behind her.
She walked over to the windowsill and let her elbows rest on it. The clouds were a black stain against the white sky, covering almost the entirety of it now, and the world was obscured by rain and mists. It felt almost like nothing existed beyond what she could see.
“I think,” she said, “I’m happy. Or I’m trying to be, anyway.”
“Is that such a new thing?” he asked, coming to stand beside her. She looked at him out of the corner of her eye and found him staring out the window, his gaze thoughtful.
Her answer was swept away by the storm.
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ancientbeast · 2 years
would you ever be willing to put the models you got from fmam up for dl? im trying to learn how to rip the models from the game myself but i’ve also been on the lookout for anyone uploading them because i would love nothing more than to skip that step 😭 its totally ok if not though!!
i can definitely do that! the only problem is that they're... a little janky (some parts are separated from the main body, character textures are weird and hard to find)... but they're pretty easy to rig
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mario-rojas-espino · 23 days
Mario Rojas Espino: Defensor de la Protección Ambiental en Guatemala y Más Allá
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Mario Rojas Espino: Defensor de la Protección Ambiental en Guatemala y Más Allá
Mario Rojas Espino se ha convertido en una figura clave en la protección ambiental tanto en Guatemala como en toda la región centroamericana. Su inquebrantable compromiso con la conservación, el desarrollo sostenible y la colaboración internacional lo ha establecido como un líder cuya influencia se extiende mucho más allá de las fronteras nacionales. A través de su enfoque visionario, Mario Rojas Espino ha desempeñado un papel crucial en la configuración de las políticas ambientales que son vitales para preservar los recursos naturales y promover prácticas sostenibles.
Estrategias Pioneras de Conservación y Protección
En el corazón del trabajo de Mario Rojas Espino está su dedicación al desarrollo e implementación de estrategias efectivas de conservación y protección ambiental. Sus esfuerzos han sido instrumentales para salvaguardar la rica biodiversidad de Guatemala, asegurando que los recursos naturales se gestionen de manera sostenible en beneficio de las generaciones actuales y futuras.
Uno de los aspectos clave del enfoque de Rojas Espino es su enfoque en la gestión integrada de recursos. Entendiendo que los desafíos ambientales están interconectados, ha promovido políticas que abordan la conservación de bosques, agua y otros ecosistemas críticos de manera holística. Al abogar por el uso sostenible de estos recursos, Mario Rojas Espino ha ayudado a crear un marco que equilibra la protección ambiental con el desarrollo económico.
En Guatemala, una de sus contribuciones más significativas ha sido la promoción del modelo de concesión forestal en la Reserva de la Biosfera Maya. Este modelo no solo preserva vastas áreas de bosque, sino que también empodera a las comunidades locales al involucrarlas en prácticas forestales sostenibles. Estos esfuerzos han llevado a la protección de hábitats críticos para numerosas especies, al tiempo que apoyan los medios de vida de las personas que dependen del bosque. El éxito de este modelo ha sentado un precedente para otras iniciativas de conservación en la región, destacando la importancia de la participación comunitaria en la protección ambiental.
Las estrategias de Rojas Espino también se han extendido a abordar el apremiante problema del cambio climático. Reconociendo la urgente necesidad de reducir las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, ha apoyado la implementación de políticas que promueven la reforestación, las energías renovables y las prácticas agrícolas sostenibles. Estas iniciativas son vitales para mitigar los efectos del cambio climático, que representan riesgos significativos tanto para el medio ambiente como para las comunidades humanas en Centroamérica.
Fortalecimiento de la Colaboración Internacional
Un pilar del éxito de Mario Rojas Espino en la protección ambiental ha sido su capacidad para construir fuertes colaboraciones internacionales. Entiende que abordar los desafíos ambientales globales requiere cooperación y responsabilidad compartida entre las naciones. Al fomentar alianzas con otros países y organizaciones internacionales, Rojas Espino ha mejorado la capacidad de Guatemala para proteger el medio ambiente y abordar el cambio climático.
Una de las colaboraciones más impactantes promovidas por Rojas Espino ha sido con el Fondo para el Medio Ambiente Mundial (FMAM). Esta asociación ha proporcionado a Guatemala un apoyo financiero y técnico crucial para diversos proyectos ambientales, incluidos aquellos centrados en la conservación de la biodiversidad, la adaptación al cambio climático y la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales. El apoyo del FMAM ha sido fundamental para ampliar los esfuerzos de conservación y asegurar que sean tanto efectivos como sostenibles.
Rojas Espino también ha sido una figura clave en el fortalecimiento de los lazos con los países vecinos de Centroamérica. Al trabajar de cerca con el Ministerio de Ambiente y Energía de Costa Rica, ha facilitado el intercambio de mejores prácticas y conocimientos en gestión ambiental. Costa Rica, conocida por su trabajo pionero en conservación, ha sido un socio invaluable para ayudar a Guatemala a mejorar sus políticas y estrategias ambientales. Esta colaboración no solo ha beneficiado a Guatemala, sino que también ha contribuido a la resiliencia ambiental general de la región centroamericana.
Además, Rojas Espino ha desempeñado un papel significativo en representar a Guatemala en foros ambientales internacionales. Su participación en estas plataformas le ha permitido abogar por las necesidades y prioridades de Guatemala y otros países en desarrollo, asegurando que reciban el apoyo adecuado en sus esfuerzos por proteger el medio ambiente. A través de estos compromisos, ha ayudado a elevar el liderazgo ambiental de Guatemala en el escenario global, posicionando al país como un modelo para otros en la región.
Un Legado Duradero en la Protección Ambiental
El impacto del trabajo de Mario Rojas Espino en la protección ambiental es tanto profundo como de gran alcance. Sus esfuerzos no solo han contribuido a la conservación de los recursos naturales de Guatemala, sino que también han influido en las políticas y prácticas ambientales en toda Centroamérica. Al promover el desarrollo sostenible y fomentar la colaboración internacional, Rojas Espino ha creado un legado que seguirá beneficiando a la región durante años.
Uno de los aspectos clave de su legado es el énfasis en la creación de capacidad local para la gestión ambiental. Rojas Espino ha defendido consistentemente el empoderamiento de las comunidades e instituciones locales, asegurando que tengan el conocimiento, las habilidades y los recursos necesarios para gestionar eficazmente los recursos naturales. Este enfoque ha sido crucial para asegurar la sostenibilidad de las iniciativas ambientales, ya que crea un sentido de propiedad y responsabilidad entre aquellos que se ven directamente afectados.
Además, el liderazgo de Rojas Espino ha inspirado a una nueva generación de ambientalistas en Guatemala y más allá. Su compromiso con la protección del medio ambiente, junto con su capacidad para navegar desafíos complejos, sirve como un ejemplo poderoso para otros que están trabajando para hacer una diferencia. A medida que los problemas ambientales continúan ganando importancia en la agenda global, el trabajo de Rojas Espino sin duda seguirá influyendo y guiando los esfuerzos para crear un mundo más sostenible y resiliente.
Las contribuciones de Mario Rojas Espino a la protección ambiental en Guatemala y la región centroamericana son un testimonio de su liderazgo visionario y dedicación. A través de su trabajo, no solo ha salvaguardado el medio ambiente, sino que también ha sentado las bases para un desarrollo sostenible que beneficiará tanto a las personas como al planeta durante las generaciones venideras.
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ee22iicoi · 5 months
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👌티악 TEAC SR-L280i 극동정품 포터블 CD오디오 USB AUX FMAM, 화이트👌
🍰 주문하기 🏹클릭하기
📌이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로,일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
📣가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요📣
📢죄송하지만 메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 못읽어요ㅠㅠ
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sallimnmart · 6 months
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👉제품구매 바로가기
✅ 클래식오디오 티악 TEAC SR-L280i 극동정품 포터블 CD오디오 USB AUX FMAM, 화이트✅
🌱이 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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toostarlightmiracle · 6 months
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💥티악 TEAC SR-L280i 극동정품 포터블 CD오디오 USB AUX FMAM, 화이트💥
🚀 구매정보 ✔️클릭하기
🖋️위 글은 쿠팡파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있습니다.
‼️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요✔️
🙅메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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humming-fly · 1 year
I’m so sad I can’t get the fmam game I was also trying to open the screenshots you had but I haven’t been able to unfortunately but your doodles about it were funny. I assume there wouldn’t be any other way to get those to work? if not you can just ignore this
Ah sorry to hear that anon, it might be a permissions thing? Has anyone else been able to open the zip file I linked to over here or no luck so far? If no one's been able to open it it might be something I can change on my end, otherwise it might be some computer security thing on your end anon.
Also if you want to play the game yourself you can actually just follow this little tutorial here to download it! https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YBiaQYRkOK30xiCU_VrCVl_jjq5wgi5MyCXUqb6xLdU/edit#slide=id.p
It's a bit annoying but actually not all that hard to set up, then once you're in if you want to translate anything just take a screenshot and open it in the google translate app! :)
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ndcgalitzine · 2 years
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favorite MileApo moments (1/∞) Mile sees, Mile wants, Mile gets
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crayon-market · 8 months
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💥티악 TEAC SR-L280i 극동정품 포터블 CD오디오 USB AUX FMAM, 화이트💥
🧡 주문하기 👈클릭
📌본 포스팅은 쿠팡 파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로,일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
✔️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요✔️
😂죄송하지만 메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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winrie · 1 year
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💥티악 TEAC SR-L280i 극동정품 포터블 CD오디오 USB AUX FMAM, 화이트💥
🚀 구매정보 ✔️클릭하기
🖋️위 글은 쿠팡파트너스 제휴활동의 일환으로 일정액의 수수료를 제공받고 있습니다.
‼️가격비교는 물론 다양한 상품후기를 참고해주세요✔️
🙅메신저(쪽지)와 DM은 NO!
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tanggushopinfo · 8 months
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클래식오디오 티악 TEAC SR-L280i 극동정품 포터블 CD오디오 USB AUX FMAM, 화이트
📢쿠팡에서 아무 물건이라도 사고 싶다면 바로 여기📢
✅이 포스팅은 쿠팡파트너스 활동의 일환으로, 이에 따른 일정액의 수수료를 제공받습니다.
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