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librarycomic · 3 years ago
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Squid Happens (The Adventures of Team Pom) by Isabel Roxas. Flying Eye Books, 2021. 9781912497256. 96pp. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781912497256?partnerid=34778&p_bt
In the opening pages, a giant squid takes refuge in a New York City storm drain pursued by two mice in a submarine. Elsewhere Ruby, Agnes, and Roberta rush to an interborough synchronized swimming conference. The story has bunnies, glitter, pigeons, and a tragically misunderstood swim routine that sets up what happens later in the book, which defied my expectations for a kids graphic novel in the best way while fulfilling exactly what it had set up.
Roxas's illustrations are great. I haven't seen colors I loved this much in a long time. Buy this book for your library's children's collection or your favorite kid, and check out the sequel, The Last Dodo, when it coms out in October 2022.
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thebookwormbaby · 5 years ago
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I’m a big fan of Ella Bailey’s series, One Day on our Blue Planet and this is another beautiful addition - One Day on our Blue Planet in the Ocean By @ellastration Published by @flyingeyebooks Aoife and I have already read In the Antarctic and In the Savannah. In the Ocean follows a similar format with lovely illustrations that have a textured feel. I love her distinctive style! The end papers feature illustrated animals found in the Ocean Shallows and Deep. Aoife enjoyed pointing out the ones she knew. The story follows a little Bottlenose Dolphin in the Pacific Ocean who finds a lost baby whale and with the help of her pod, they protect the whale until they find it’s mum. Young children are introduced to simple facts, such as dolphins live in pods, they make squeaks and clicks and have their own unique whistle, and that dolphins sleep with one eye closed! I have been teaching Aoife all about mammals and fish, and this book arrived just in time to open up discussion about sea mammals. It also offers up reference to what wildlife can be found around the coast of Australia and the Great Barrier Reef. I love this little series and it would make a great gift for young children who love animals. Another lovely addition! #flyingeyebooks #ellastration #childrenspicturebook #onedayonourplanet #onedayonourplanetintheocean #childrensbooks #bottlenosedolphin https://www.instagram.com/p/CDGjyS5nwuD/?igshid=1jttyy24rffng
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ben-newman-illustration · 5 years ago
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Greetings, my little Astro Kittens! Are you ready to take off on your first space adventure?
Join Professor Astro Cat as we head Into the Unknown! What would life be like on another planet? It might be difficult to imagine, but scientific exploration and development is evolving so fast that it might not be an impossibility. From holidays on the moon to discovering aliens, this beautifully illustrated board book explore some of the research that is taking us one step closer to discovering what life might be like in the unknown. BUY HERE Board book for 0-3 year olds.
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mabgravesart · 6 years ago
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Book share time! @flyingeyebooks just released their newest book by @sangmiao0307 - The Immortal Jellyfish is a beautiful, positive book about dealing with death and the loss of a loved one and how they can visit us through symbolism in our dreams. It’s told from through the story of a little boy who loses his grandfather. It could NOT be a more perfect book for our lives right now. I read it to Ransom and we talked for a long time about our dreams and all the animals in the forest and which ones we think might be my dad, coming to check on us or tell us he loves us. I recommend this book for anyone who has a child dealing with loss. It’s exquisitely illustrated, gentle, and uplifting. #mabrecommends #shelfie #kidsbooks #dealingwithloss #flyingeyebooks https://www.instagram.com/p/B1wTAYgnbJ7/?igshid=yh6fxy787zs5
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victoriakeyillustration · 6 years ago
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I’ve got the new Hilda book today!!... Good thing i pre-ordered as I've got it before the actual release day can’t wait to look at the amazing illustrations and find out the outcomes from the cliff hanger from Hilda and the stone forest!!!!
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booksiseeloveandread · 6 years ago
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Water-themed #booksquare of children’s fiction and non-fiction! Which one is begging you to read it? . Another ‘middle-of-the-night’ post from me! My last exam is on Friday, so I’m really on the home stretch now. 💪🏻 I’m so done with reading academic papers - I’m ready for a well-deserved break with some great picture books 🌻 . I was gifted a number of the books in this picture and a few I bought myself . . . #booksquare #mermaids #fish #boats #bigpicturepress #quartokids #templarpublishing #flyingeyebooks #minalima #thelittlemermaid #exams #examstress #allnighter #kidsbooks #kidsbookstagram #childrensbookstagram #bookphotography #reading #childrensbooks #kidlit #raisingareader #momstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/BxJJst0naRI/?igshid=1ct49cu196r9x
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elisacunningham · 6 years ago
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I’m so proud of my friend @jessehodgsonillustration for writing and illustrating such a beautiful picture book! You make such stunning compositions and such soft, squishy characters. And thank you to @flyingeyebooks for sending me an advanced copy. 🎋🏔✨
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jaromvogel · 7 years ago
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My new ⛵️ book with @flyingeyebooks is out in 🇺🇸 and 🇨🇦 today! This is the title page, but there are even MORE pages inside if you buy it! . . . #illustration #boats #procreate #ipadart #flyingeyebooks #drawing #childrensbook #color #style #texture #sketch #art #design #book #process #video
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sandradieckmann · 7 years ago
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So proud of this brave, little polar bear to have made it onto @theaoi World Illustration Awards - Children's Books shortlist. Here is Leaf letting the crows help him after another failed attempt to fly home. Good luck to all the wonderful picture books on the list! 🌿 . . . #Leaf #Leafthebook #illustration #childrensbook #kinderbuch #kidlit #kidlitart #polarbear #crows #help #story #kindness #aoi #flyingeyebooks #sandradieckmann #award #shortlist #art #ursusmaritimus
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simplesimoncreative · 4 years ago
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Excited to dig in to some #homeschooling! @willterryart #whattheydontteachinartschool @thatlukeperson #hildanetflix #flyingeyebooks @chatterton1 @saoirselouscribbles #howtobeachildrensbookillustrator #buildtheskills #reading #learning #learningeveryday #learningisfun #keepgrowing #keepgrinding (at Astoria) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKzAh9tDlDI/?igshid=11o0v0f31fb3w
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digitalportfolioinspo · 5 years ago
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(via GIPHY)
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terismyth-illustration · 8 years ago
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We're big fans of Flying Eye books in my house, but this book is such a corker, I have to share. The Amazing Animal Atlas by Dr Nick Crumpton and Gaia Bordicchia. It's not just beautiful, it's clever and fun, and full of brilliant information. My kid has already fallen in love with it. Go find a copy and fall in love too! #fb #twitter #illustration #animals #FlyingEyeBooks #KidsBooks #BookBlogger #BeautifulBooks #AmazingAnimalAtlas
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reniametallinou · 8 years ago
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I bought some new eye candies 😻😍😻#childrensbooks #childrensillustration #kidsbooks #fotinitikkou #patakisbooks #flyingeyebooks #ellabailey #joestanton #katieharnett #yiandekinder #beatricealemagna #kaleidoscopio
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dieterbraunillustration · 8 years ago
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Victoria crowned pigeon #blue #series #blueseries #victoria #australia #victoriacrownedpigeon #pigeon #birdsofinstagram #illustrationart #illustration #animalsofinstagram #dieterbraun #book #childrensbooks #wildanimalsofthesouth #flyingeyebooks
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booksiseeloveandread · 6 years ago
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The Dog that ate the World by Sandra Dieckmann . What is everyone’s last read of 2018? I finished Sawkill Girls today by Claire Legrand, and I have to say I really liked it, even though I wasn’t expecting to because it’s not a genre I usually read! I’ll be uploading a review of it soon, but before I do that I’m going to start reading The Binding by Bridget Collins, which will be released in January! . . . #thedogthatatetheworld #sandradieckmann #flyingeyebooks #sawkillgirls #thebinding #kidlit #childrensbooks #picturebook #raisingareader #momlife #bookcover #amreading #currentread #currentlyreading #bookphotography #bookphoto #bookstagram https://www.instagram.com/p/Br_zSfMH8Qm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=vas0kb6e9pc
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sukasastyle · 8 years ago
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Imagine a vault so cavernous it could contain the world's greatest treasures. How could someone come into possession of such a #collection? 💤 reads #arthurandthegoldenrope by Joe Todd Stanton . . #childrensbook #kidsbook #kids #kidlit #bookstagram #bookstagrammer #flyingeyebooks #sukasareads #sukasastyle #blogger #bookblogger #bookreview #books #booklover #booklove #illustrations #monsters #ancient #legendary #warriors #storytime #stories #fairytale
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