#fly quite literally around the world to get to an event
astrovian · 1 year
I think that the worst thing honestly is knowing that we could try our absolute hardest and shout the loudest we can and spend the most money and it still wouldn't change the availability of these things for well-wishers outside the UK
and the ABSOLUTE worst is that even on the list of 'maybe someday we might consider the idea of coming to your section of the earth' for these things is that Australasia is like... maybe 4th? and even then 100% guarantee it would happen in Australia, never New Zealand 🫠
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osleeplessflowero · 6 months
hi! If it's ok can you do a Reaper sans x reader with fluff and in it they are dating and Reaper can touch the reader and their soul trait would be kindness
hii! an opportunity to use reaper..this'll be fun! thank you for your request Anon! 🌸
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💚Flirting With Death🖤
Reaper comes to a stop once he re-enters the mortal realm once more, relieved that no one is aware that he's awake at the moment.. Although he may be the God of Death..he doesn't really feel like killing anybody. No, he'd much rather do literally anything else.
His eyes dart around until he perks up at the sight of a familiar face taking a walk down a path and letting a butterfly rest on their finger. He'd know them anywhere.
A strange figure that appeared in his world out of no where..an unexplained event. They don't know much of their origin themself, but..they're content, living in this world. And he's grown so very fascinated with them.. Someone who managed to slip their way into his guarded heart.
Floating over you, a sly cheshire-like grin stretches onto his face as he grabs your shoulders, spooking you. You jolt as you turn around, furrowing your brows as he lets out an amused chuckle.
"Not funny!" You cross your arms as more butterflies seem to make their way to you, resting on your head. "Quit doing that."
"i saw an opportunity, and i took it. anyway..movin' on from that, how are you today?" He leans down upside down. "haven't seen you in a while..guess we both got too busy."
"Come down here before I answer." You gesture, earning an amused chuckle. "alright then." He floats back upright, before landing on the ground.
The butterflies spread out, flying in varying directions, avoiding the God of Death so they wouldn't meet an early demise. He stands before you, using his magic to put away his scythe, leaving himself open.
"Much better..I like being on equal terms." You smile, holding a small basket in front of you. "I've mostly just been hanging out here..taking walks and stuff. Oh yeah, I've been making a bunch of paper crafts- y'know, like origami? It's pretty fun. ..When I'm not getting lectured for leaving a bunch of paper rabbits out." You mutter that last part, earning a chuckle from him.
"oh my stars, that's so..you." He grins, watching you as you begin walking and following without hesitation. "Creativity is both my blessing and my curse." You smile sheepishly, guiding him along a grass-covered path. He occasionally floats so he doesn't kill any flowers beneath him, listening carefully as you talk about this and that.
"What about you?" You turn to him, snapping him out of a trance of sorts. "oh, well..y'know. your typical scenarios. death, death, more death. this job's killing me." "How is it, up there?" "well..just do my job, talk to who i'm 'sposed to, and do daily tasks. pretty simple." "..You must be pretty lonely up there.."
He turns to you.
"I mean-" "it was pretty lonely, without you there. ..things don't feel the same up there, compared to when i'm with you. tends to happen, heh."
You gently hold out your hand, offering for him to take it. He looks between you and your hand for a moment, gently taking it and intertwining his fingers with yours. Wow, is that a strange sensation.. he's gotta learn to get used to all of this touching. Especially since you're so openly affectionate..
"Well..at least we're here together now, right? We've got plenty of time." You smile warmly at him. His cheekbones flush a light shade of blue..there you go again, tugging on his heartstrings. "..i guess you're right."
You continue leading him along like he's a lost puppy, taking a deep breath as the sun hits your face from above. It's always good to savor it while it lasts..and considering it's going to set soon, that time's limited.
"Now that you're back I wanna spend as much time with you as possible..don't get too sick of me, okay?" "that's what i'm supposed to say to you." "Yeah, right. I could never be sick of you."
He averts his eyes, hiding the bottom of his face within his hood as his face flushes even more.
You smile, stopping and turning to him as another breeze blows through, gently swaying your clothing to the side.
"i haven't..felt like this before, with anybody." He raises a hand, placing it on his warm cheekbone. "it's all so..new.."
"Can I touch your face?" You ask politely, and he nods, appreciating that. You lift a hand, gently touching his cheekbone and letting him lean into it. "..It's new for both of us, really. ..We've got each other, every step of the way, right?"
"yeah.." He smiles, putting his hand over yours. "i don't mind being touched by you. it's something i could get used to." "..You always have such..uncertainty, when you hold my hand. Why's that?" "i guess.. a part of me's scared that my...effect will work on you one day." His eyesockets narrow as he grimaces. "the idea of losing you is.."
You gently hold your hand up so he can see before you put it on his other cheek, turning him so he'll face you properly.
"Sans." You mutter his name, his true name, leaving him breathless. "I doubt that'd ever happen..I'm too stubborn to go anywhere. No matter what, I will always be with you somehow..even when you're up there with the fun police."
He snickers, moving his hand over to touch your hair before it slides to your cheek. Now it's your turn to lean..savoring his gentle touches. He treats you as if you're the most fragile thing in the world..one wrong move, and you could shatter into pieces. But at the same time, you're very sturdy.. you can handle yourself just fine. He knows that.
"You can touch me as much as you'd like to. I don't mind at all."
His face burns. "forward, much?" "Yeah. But I mean it." You smile. "If you'd like me to, I'll give you as much physical affection as you want." "..yeah?" "Yeah." "how so?"
"Well..may I?" You lean a little closer. "of course."
You then proceed to pepper his skull with kisses, getting a few laughs out of him since he's ticklish. Oh, would you use that to your advantage later-
"Mmmwah! There. There'll be plenty more where that came from." You smile smugly, watching as he slowly reopens his eyes, turning to you and..matching your expression? Oh. Oh no.
He gently grabs your wrists, pulling you just a liiittle closer.
"you're not getting away that easily. it's my turn."
Oh heavens.
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Barbie Girl 💄 | Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin Imagine
Takes place before, during, and after the events of Top Gun Maverick
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TGM Masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin x Barbie!reader (romantic), dagger squad (platonic)
Content warnings: light profanity, fluff | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 4.3k
Requested 📨 yes/no (for @kayla-swiftly)
Premise: They say the sky is the limit and anything you set you’re mind to will be achieved as long as you’re dedicated to it. For most people that testimony is nothing but a mere fantasy. But for one woman, with too many dreams to count on her fingers, she took that statement to heart. Proving you can be anyone you want to be and maybe even a few others give or take 😉
Note: Anyone else obsessed with Barbie lately?? Omg y’all I saw the movie last week and absolutely fell in love and i had this request from around the time the final trailer dropped and knew it was the perfect time to write this. I know I know I haven’t been living up to my promise of being consistent but man they having me working my ass off at my job. Also I’ve been traveling and I saw Big Time Rush last night (i felt like a teenager again and it was amazing 😭) anyway I hope you enjoyed this and let me know what you think!
“Hi, Barbie!” The familiar greeting fills Y/n’s ears as it does every morning she arrives at the hangar. With it comes an instant smile, hand raising to wave at the person responsible for it, “Hi, Phoenix!”
“Hey there, Barbie,” winks another friendly face.
“Hiiii, Hangman,” her tone is playful like his, turning energetic for Bob when he goes, “Hiya, Barbie!”
“Hi there, Bob!”
“Hey, Barbie.” “Good morning, Barbie.” “What’s up, Barbie Girl.”
“Hello, Rooster.” “Good morning to you too, Fanboy.” “Nothing much, Pay. And yourself?”
Unlike her fellow pilots, clad in their deep green flight suits, Y/n stood out in the crowd for hers was a little unorthodox when one thinks of a naval fighter pilot's uniform.
It was pink. Completely as in her combat boots were also the bright color and the patchers were white and pink tones rather than red, blues, black and any other color seen in the ones attached to her coworkers arms. ‘Barbie’ in pink cursive writing instead of traditional bold Times New Roman lettering.
And don’t forget the little flower dotting the ‘i’.
Growing up, Y/n took ‘you can be anyone and anything you want to be,’ quite literally. At no point was it a joke to her when she would tell her friends and family, “oh I’m gonna be a fashion designer and Olympic Gold medalist when I’m older,” “I wanna go to space, fly in planes, and see all the wonders of the world,” “I’ll be a doctor, a teacher, and movie star!” They’d smile and laugh, thinking it was adorable for a little girl to dream big. No way would it be possible to achieve all of those careers. Everyone only gets one life to live and time goes so fast one can only set their eyes on one path and hope for the best.
But Y/n was a dreamer. And if you’re going to dream, might as well dream big.
All through middle and high school people took Y/n’s intelligence for granted. Focusing more on her beauty rather than brains, it came as an under shock to everyone when Y/n had the credits to graduate at the ripe age of 15. Exceeding in her standardized test scores with a high school resume taking up three pages with extracurricular and academic achievements, she had colleges from all over the country begging for her to apply.
Stanford. Cornell. Pratt. Juilliard. NYU. John Hopkins. Harvard. UCLA. Duke. Top medical and law schools. Ivy League universities. Performing Arts schools calling for auditions after sending scouts to watch her perform in school plays and dance recitals. Coaches from high ranking NCAA gymnastics teams sending emails after emails.
So many to choose from….And so the story of Y/n L/n becoming a real life Barbie Doll begins.
Setting her eyes in New York, Y/n attended not one but two of the best schools in the country. While obtaining her bachelor’s in both astronautical and aeronautical engineering at NYU Y/n also completed a two year degree in Fashion Business Management at the Fashion Institute of Technology. During this time she continued training for the Olympics in hopes of making the 2008 Beijing team in gymnastics.
“How do you do it?” Her roommate at NYU constantly asked. “You go from here to FIT, working on two degrees that are completely on opposite sides of the spectrum and career paths,” she emphasized with hand expressions, “and still have enough to time to go to the gym to practice, eat three meals a day, have all your assignments done early, and sleep a reasonably about of hours each night.” Letting out an exhale, her roommate looks at Y/n as if she’s an alien from another world, “What’s your secret? Are you some kind of Barbie doll the government created as a test robot?”
Each time Y/n would pause, think for a moment before smiling, “I don’t know if I should find that as an insult or compliment, but I’m gonna chose it as a compliment and say it’s because I want to live a life where I can look back on and go, ‘I took a risk and tried something new even if it didn’t look possible but it was all worth it.’”
By the time Y/n turned 20 she had accumulated a vast list of credentials to her name. The list included getting her fashion business degree at 17, Bachelors in astronautical/aeronautical engineering at 19–receiving her Master’s for it at 20–An Olympic Gold and Silver medalist, dancing with the Radio City Rockettes, performing with the NYC Ballet Company in their rendition of Swan Lake, landing a role on Broadway, walking a runway at NY fashion week, and appearing on episodes of SVU, 30 Rock, All My Children, Sex and the City, and Ugly Betty.
So yeah, New York was a success in experiences for Y/n.
Following the high note, she packed her bags to leave the golden apple for the flashing lights of Hollywood, California. This time Y/n was working on her doctorates at USC, running her own business with her fashion degree called ‘Dream Closet’, and auditioning for film and tv shows.
Hollywood was a dream come true just like New York. Again she attended two different schools, this time flight school and USC. During the day she was occupied running from class to the hangar and then the observatory. Coaching dance and gymnastics on the side, designing clothes for her online shop which developed into a pop-up chain store in malls across America.
It wasn’t long until Y/n’s name grew into nationwide popularity. People started realizing the Y/n L/n who won the Gold and Silver medals in the 2008 Olympics was the same one responsible for the most recent fashion trends and guest starring on their favorite tv shows. What really set it in stone was when Y/n landed the role of an engineer officer in the 2009 reboot of Star Trek, going on to appear in both the 2013 and 2016 sequels.
Impressive was the only word her costars could use to describe her. What else was there?
Anytime there was a question involving, “who’s most likely to become president?” “Who’s most likely to try something new or create a new hobby?” “Who’s most likely to win a Nobel Prize?” Along those lines…the answer was obvious.
“Oh Y/n,” Zoe Saldana waves her hand, “Always.”
“Yeah,” Chris Pine agrees with a laugh, “That woman, I-I don’t know how one has the energy to do all that she does—a-and still want to do more.”
The Interviewer laughs with them, “didn’t she just race in the Daytona 500 last year?”
“Yes!! And she did a song with Lady Gaga when they were on American Horror Story,” Zoe’s tone is in absolute awe, “All while teaching at USC and creating new technology at NASA.” Chris lifts a finger.
“Don’t forget she had her own Mac Viva Glam line a couple years ago.” Zoe made a sound along the lines of ‘see what I mean,’.
“I’m telling you, she’s gonna be a name in the history books.”
What all has Y/n accomplished career wise? Let’s take a look.
Model, dancer, actor, singer, fashion designer, entrepreneur, athlete, engineer, race car driver, and professor.
And now she can add pilot to the list. Although she got her license to fly way back in 2009, Y/n didn’t put it to use full time until 2016, wanting to wait until after the release of Star Trek: Beyond to say goodbye to Hollywood for the time being and set forth on her next adventure.
Boy did it come as a surprise what she had planned.
The Manila folder containing her resume hit the desk of the Admiral, his eyes wide as saucers. “You wanna join the Navy?” Reading the front page for a fifth time, Cyclone glanced back at the woman in front of him. Doctor Y/n L/n. Or is it professor L/n? “And you wanna be one of my pilots?”
“Yes, Sir.”
”Ma’am, I apologize if this comes off as offending,” he really didn’t know any other way to put it. “But you are more qualified than any person on this base. Doctorates in aeronautical and astronautical engineering from the University of Southern California,” he counts off on his fingers, “you recently developed a groundbreaking advancement in space technology that’s going to help our astronauts—on the road to becoming a Nobel Prize nominee.” He raises his eyebrows, “And this is only what relates to this career field. I’m not even mentioning your acting, athletic, and fashion credentials. Why join the Navy?”
Y/n only offers a shrug, “I think the better question is, why not?” Cyclone lets out a sigh.
“What did you say your callsign was again?”
There was no stopping the small smile trying to break free, “I should’ve guessed.”
After completing OTS there was much debate on what Y/n’s rank would be coming into the Navy. Civilian lawyers and physicians often are Lieutenants (O-3) right away, but considering Y/n had two doctorate degrees and her pilot license they felt it was only fair for her to come in as Commander (O-5). From there Y/n was sent to North Island to attend Fighter Weapons School.
Better known to its flyers as Top Gun.
Y/n was used to the looks she received on a daily basis. From head to toe she was covered in variations of pink depending on what she was feeling. When teaching her briefcase and pantsuit were baby pink, in the labs her coat was hot pink, at auditions she wore pink leather jackets. Even her race car for the Daytona was pink.
Shoutout to Mac cosmetics for the sponsorship.
So it’s no surprise her flight suit would be the color she was known for—despite it being out of regulations.
Being more qualified than your superiors had its perks.
If she could have a pink F-18 she would but unfortunately that wasn’t possible. That was okay for Y/n. After all, she managed to get her own custom flight suit. One which had everyone having to do double takes whenever she walked into a room.
“Is she wearing…?”
“How the hell did they allow that?”
“Does that mean I can have mine in purple?”
Her first day at Top Gun Y/n met Natasha ‘Phoenix’ Trace. They were paired as roommates in the dorms and quickly became good friends. Phoenix was beyond amazed with Y/n’s accomplishments and experiences. Every conversation led to a new discovery. “Do you ever burn out?” Nat stag criss crossed on Y/n’s satin pink bed sheets, admiring her wall of photos from when she traveled to see all the wonders of both the ancient and modern world. “I feel I’d be a walking corpse from exhaustion. And you mentioned you’re still running and designing clothes for ‘Dream Closet’?”
Y/n removed her diamond studs, placing them on her desk she was using as a vanity. “I have a team dealing with the business side of things for the brand. I’m still CEO and creative director—usually I work on designs for a couple hours before bed to prepare for the next launch.”
Nat was in awe, “I have to ask….what’s been the best career you’ve done so far?” A common question Y/n heard, there was never a true answer. She loved every career. They all had their perks and their flaws, but at the end of the day it left her satisfied she achieved them.
“I don’t know yet,” she spoke truthfully, “I still have a few to check off on my list. When that happens I’ll let you know.”
Fast forwarding to 2019, Y/n answered the phone to Admiral Simpson’s voice with the news she needed to report back to North Island for a highly confidential mission. The details were unknown, but Y/n packed her bags, loaded her pink vintage corvette convertible and high tailed it to sunny San Diego.
The squeals initiated by Y/n and Nat the moment she stepped foot in the Hard Deck had heads whipping in their direction. “Hi, Barbie!” Nat’s arms opened for a hug.
“Hi, Phoenix!” Y/n accepted the embrace, still grinning ear to ear. The guys around them were looking at each other like, ‘what the…?’ Y/n wasn’t in her standard Khakis like they were—minus Rooster. She bore a pink denim number with matching boots with her hair curled and pink eyeliner surrounded by tiny rhinestones.
“You got selected too?” Nat complimented her outfit before cutting straight to the point.
“For the special detachment? Looks like it,” she winked.
“What happened to the Artemis program? Weren’t you up as a candidate?”
“Oh I still am,” Y/n affirmed proudly, “They’ll be announcing who’s to be selected in the coming months. So for now I’m still with the Bounty Hunters. Plus,” she leans in to whisper, “this will look good on my resume.” The two giggle before Y/n drifts her gaze to the boggling gazes in front of her. “Oh! I’m sorry for being so rude. I’m Y/n L/n,” extending her hand to the first person who’s name tag read Fitch, Y/n added, “But you can call me Barbie.”
“Barbie,” the blonde holding a pool cue repeated like a question, “like the toy Barbie?” Nat chuckled, throwing an arm around her friend after she was done shaking everyone’s hand as they introduced themselves.
“Fellas, if there is anyone who is a life sized version of Barbie, it’s this one right here.”
“Now, Phee…” Y/n’s tone was that of, ‘Don’t start.’
“It’s true,” the pilot defended. “Not only is she Commander Y/n ‘Barbie’ L/n,” jaws drop, “but she’s Professor and Doctor L/n.” The jaws hit the floor, “On top of founder, creative director and CEO of ‘Dream’s Closet,’” Javy makes a sound, familiar with the brand, “Emmy nominated actress,” Fanboy chokes on his water, “Olympic Gold Medalist and soon to be astronaut for the Artemis program.” By now all the guys are on the verge of losing their minds.
Bob rapidly blinks, “uh—.”
“Now I’m not an astronaut yet,” Y/n points out, “I’m a candidate for one.” Nat scoffs lightly.
“They’d be stupid not to pick you, Barb,” she then slaps her side, turning back to the guys, “Oh and how could I forget Broadway, Vogue, and the Daytona 500.”
“Daytona 500!?” Payback practically screeches.
“You were on Broadway?”
“—featured on Vogue—?!”
“Wait a minute I recognize you from Star Trek!”
“—How in the hell—.”
“Guys, guys!” Y/n laughs with her hands slightly raised, “Please, one at a time.” They were in for a long night of questions and story times. And just like Nat was years prior when she first roomed with Y/n at Top Gun, the officers were in complete amazement over the woman in front of them. Never had they met anyone like her.
“Wow,” Jake whistled once she finished bringing them up to date on her most recent careers. “You really are a real-life Barbie.”
“Shhhh,” a finger went to her lips, followed by a wink, “don’t tell Mattel.”
And thus the dagger squad was formed. Two and half weeks of hell bearing training preceding a face-with-death mission brings people closer. Every morning Y/n arrived at the hangar to a chorus of “Hi, Barbie.”
She waved at Reuben, “Hi Payback.”
“Hey there, Barbie Girl,” Javy threw her a peace sign.
“Hiya, Coyote!”
“Good morning, Barbie,” Rooster tipped his hat.
“Mornin’, Rooster.”
“Hi, Barbie!” “Hi, Barbie!” Her favorite duo harmonized.
“Hi, Bob! Hi, Phee!”
And for some closer than others….
“You know I was thinking,” Jake commented, taking Y/n’s hand before leading her to the pottery class he signed them up for. Every Friday night was reserved for date night. Dinner and a movie. Walk on the beach. Spending $20 worth of quarters at an arcade. Attending a comedy show. Paint and sip. Following the successful mission, Jake and Y/n hit it off and began seeing each other.
“Famous last words.”
“It’s not bad,” a chuckle left his lips, stopping at the door. “I just thought it was funny. You know how you’re basically Barbie?” His cheeky smile resulted in her mirroring it.
“This means I’m pretty much your Ken, right?” The question makes the woman visible ‘awe’. Jake ruffles a hand through his hair and gives his best blue steel, “we kinda look alike. Don’t you think?”
Laughing, Y/n kisses his cheek, “I mean…name a more iconic duo than Barbie and Ken.”
“Barbie and Hangman?”
“Exactly.” It was safe to assume what their Halloween costumes were going to be.
Time went on, missions were run. And after a year of anticipation—though it felt like forever, it was finally announced in 2020 Y/n would be one of the astronauts selected to be part of NASA’s Artemis program launching in 2024.
Making Y/n the first woman to go to the moon.
The call came in from a restricted number when they were in a meeting, and knowing she was to expect a call within the month everyone quickly shut up so the pilot could answer.
She excused herself to leave the room, staying in front of the window so the team could see her. Throughout the conversation Y/n’s expression remained neutral to the point none had a clue whether the news was good or bad. Only when she reentered the room did they get the answer.
“I’m going to the moon!!!”
“Ahhh!!!!” The team exploded in an array of cheers, Y/n jumping up and down, careful not to drop her phone that was in her hands when Jake lifted her in his arms.
“I’m so fucking proud of you!” Despite being unauthorized to show pda in uniform, Jake gave her a big kiss on the lips, not caring who saw. “You are the most exceptional human being on this planet.”
“Jake,” tears welled in her eyes, which he kissed away. Her heart filled with warmth and gratitude. Feeling on top of the world with her closest friends supporting her.
Once all calmed down and they finished the meeting, Mickey jumped from his seat, “Come on Barbie, let’s go party!” Everyone sped to the Hard Deck to celebrate the news. Mav bought the first round, followed by Payback.
“Guys you don’t have to do all that,” Y/n said once she realized they all agreed to buy her drinks for the night.
“We want to,” Nat tapped her beer with Y/n’s cocktail glass, the guys voicing agreements. “For years you’ve been dreaming about this and it’s finally happening. Your hard work is paying off and we want to celebrate—show you we love and appreciate you, Barbie.”
Y/n fought back tears, never afraid to show her emotions. Some may find it childish or thinned skin, but to Y/n that was what being human was all about. “I love you guys.”
“We love you!” The voices echoed together.
The night had been going well with the squad hanging out by the pool tables like they usually did when Y/n approached the bar to pick up the next round Mickey was paying for. Not paying attention to those beside her, she smiled at Penny and repeated the order before waiting patiently.
But what’s a night at a bar without someone who lacks boundaries.
“You must be the one they call Barbie,” a voice says, flirtation seeping through the words. Glancing to her right, Y/n recognizes a gentleman from the flight line whose name she could not recall. “You’re quite the talk around base. In fact, weren’t you in some Hollywood blockbuster?”
“Yes,” she politely responds, keeping the answer short. Though she was known to be a sweetheart and kindhearted to anyone she met, Y/n could tell where the interaction was heading toward and did not feel comfortable entertaining it any further. “A long time ago.”
“I’m Lieutenant Paul Billings,” he extended his hand, and she immediately clocked he was trying to show off his rank. ‘Boy he’s in for a treat.’
Not wanting to make a scene, she accepts the handshake. “Commander Y/n L/n,” there was emphasis on the Commander, displaying the woman was of higher rank and therefore a silent warning to Billings to not cross a line.
There was a flash of surprise on his face. Y/n held back an amused laugh, ‘guess you didn’t hear everything.’
“Something the matter, Lieutenant?”
“No,” he brushes it off, “Nothing. Say,” he nods to the bar, “can I buy you a drink.” Did he not just hear her order a round for the people she came with?
“That’s kind of you,” she starts just as Penny arrives with a try full of cold beers and her usual cocktail. “But I’m all set, thank you.” Hands moving to take the tray, she jumps slightly at the feeling of his own coming to her wrist.
“What about lunch this week?”
“I’m sorry but I am spoken for, Lieutenant,” removing his hold, Y/n takes a step away.
Now Paul had lost his reasonable composure. Scoffing, he says, “What? Am I not enough for you?” The question results in her raising a brow.
“I beg your pardon?”
He makes a face, “You think because you’ve done all these careers and occupations that you’re better than the average person? I’m not a pilot and an actor or researching the cure for cancer while creating a documentary series,” venom seeps through his tone, obviously depicting his jealousy, “Basic is not up to your standards, so you have to throw our failures in our face as if we don’t already know.”
By now a crowd has formed. Jake started moving the second he noticed Billings etching too close to his girl, followed by Nat and the others who were ready to back him up. Behind the bar, Penny was fixing to ring the bell until being stopped by Y/n’s wave of the hand.
“Are you done?”
Paul’s expression was that of, “what?” No audible response was voiced therefore Y/n continued.
“Okay, I’m gonna go ahead and say this, Paul,” Y/n drops her shoulder. The change in body language let Jake and her friends know she wasn’t taking anything that the man said personally. “I know I should be offended by your insults and insinuations, but the truth is I’m not.” A small smile forms on her lips, “I don’t view myself higher than anyone because of what I accomplished. The only person I do that to, is myself—because I don’t have to prove to no one but me that I am capable of achieving what I set my mind to. And yeah,” a light chuckle escapes, “I’ve set my mind to a lot of things—way more than the average person. But that doesn’t mean you or anyone else can’t do the same.”
Pausing Y/n takes a breath before exhaling, “You look at me, and hate the way it makes you view yourself. Makes you believe you’re a failure because you didn’t follow the path you hoped to make for yourself.” Paul’s expression shifts to one of solemnity, like he was thinking of his younger self who had dreams and aspirations. Mourning what could have been.
It made Y/n sad for him. Empathetic despite him attacking her. “One thing I’ve learned over the years…is time is what you make of it. Life is about taking risks. You can still set out to do whatever it is you wish, as long as you’re committing to taking the risk no matter how scary it is. Sure you’ll find obstacles and it’ll feel like the whole world is against you. But determination will guide you through the walls, and you will be successful so that you can look back and think, ‘it was worth it.’ As cliche as it sounds,” she couldn’t hold back a laugh, “Barbie isn’t a person or an object you can obtain. Barbie is a mindset. And you have to unlock it in your own way, Paul.”
It was so quiet in the building, a pin could drop and everyone would hear it. Their looks of awe, admiration, and even newfound motivation by Y/n’s speech. Impressed by how classy she handled what very well could have been a scream match between rival squadrons.
Behind Billings the Dagger squad stood with proud smirks at their friend. Especially Jake, who caught Y/n’s eyes and threw her a wink. Nat gave the woman a salute, a silent gesture to say, ‘you inspire me everyday.’
And Billings? Well he was at a loss for words.
Patting his shoulder, Y/n grabbed the tray of drinks, “I wish you luck, Paul.” Thanking Penny, who gave her a proud nod and replied, “this ones on the house,” Y/n returned to her friends where she was met with a sweet kiss from Jake, claps on the back and “You go girl!” “Tell them who’s boss.” “Damn, you made me wanna go out there and live life the way I should.”
“What’s stopping you, Javy?” she handed him a beer, “the world is your playground.”
A couple hours later it was time to call it a night. Hugs went around, promises to meet up the following night and tabs were closed.
On their way out, Jake dropped a kiss to Y/n forehead, pulling her close to him as he led her to the door of the parking lot, “So what’s next for you, doll? You’ve proved you can be anything and anyone you chose to be,” he grins at her, “What will you set your mind to now after space?”
“First, I want to write a book—I think that’s something a lot have been waiting for me to do. Afterwards, well, I’ll have to wait a couple more years, but,” The corner of Y/n’s lips lift up before flashing a dazzling smile, “I’m thinking….the Oval Office is in need of a makeover. Don’t you think?”
Then, before he could answer, Y/n turns her head in the opposite direction as if she’s trying to find a hidden camera. Makes eye contact with you, the reader, winking before turning back to Jake where she sets off on her next adventure.
TGM Tag List: @avaleineandafryingpan @caitsymichelle13 @poppyalice2001 @cutelittlepotatofry @luckyladycreator2 @americaarse @elenavampire21 @back-tooo-black @wildellaa @artemissunn @pinkpantheris
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literary-illuminati · 9 months
Book Review 70 – American Psycho by Brett Easton Ellis
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I’m honestly not sure I ever would have gotten around to reading this on my own, but ended up buying it through the ‘blind date with a book’ thing a bookstore in New York was doing when I was visiting (incredible gimmick, for the record). The fact that it then took me a solid three months to actually finish probably tells you something about how genuinely difficult a read I found it. Not in the sense of being bad, but just legitimately difficult to stomach at points. Overall I’d call it a real triumph of literature.
Not that anyone doesn’t already know, but; the book is spent inside the head of Patrick Bateman, high-flying wall street trader and Harvard blueblood at the close of the Reagan era. Also a serial killer. The story is told as a series of more or less disconnected vignettes, jumping from dinner conversations at one exclusive bar or club or another to the brutal torture and murder of a sex worker to several pages of incredibly vapid pontification on Nina Simone’s discography. The story vaguely tracks Bateman growing ever-more alienated and out of control as the year goes on, but there’s very much not any real single narrative or cathartic climax here. - most stuff just happens (stuff that’s either incredibly tedious or utterly nauseating by turns but still just, stuff).
So yeah this is an intensely literary work (obviously), a word I’m here using to mean one that is as much about the form and style of the writing as about the actual events portrayed. Bateman is a monster, but more than that he’s just an utterly boring and tedious husk of a man, traits which are exaggerated to the point of being fascinating– if you told this story in conventional third person narration without all the weird asides, it would be a) like half as long and b) totally worthless. The tonal whiplash of going from an incredibly visceral depiction of Bateman cutting out the eyes of a homeless man to six (utterly insipid) pages on the merits of The Doors is the selling point here (well actually I think Ellis goes back to that specific well probably one time too many, but in general I mean).
Bateman is a tedious, unstable monster, but as far as the book has an obvious thesis it’s that he differs from the rest of his social milieu only in degree. A symptom of a fundamentally rotten society, not a heroic devil among sheep. The book’s climax, such as it is, involved Bateman getting into a drug-fueled gunfight with the NYPD, shooting multiple people in the middle of the street, and then stumbling home and leaving a rambling confession to every crime on his lawyer’s answering machine – but despite very clearly wanting and trying to get caught and face some sort of consequence or justice, people just refuse to believe that someone like him is capable of anything like that. (It’s not, it must be said, an especially subtle book).
There is, as far as I can recall, not a single character who gets enough screentime to give an idea of their personality who I’d call likeable. Sympathetic, sure, but that’s mostly because it’s pretty much impossible not to sympathize with someone getting horrifically tortured and torn apart (at one point a starving rat is involved). The upper crust of New York yuppie-dom is portrayed as shallow and vapid, casually bigoted towards quite literally everyone who isn’t identical to them, status-obsessed to the point of only being able to understand the world as a collection of markers of class and coolness, and totally incapable of real human connection. Bateman is a monster not because of any freak abnormality, but just because he takes all of that a few steps further than his coworkers.
The book is totally serious and straight-faced in its presentation, and absolutely never acknowledges any of the running gags that are kept up through it. Which shows impressive restraint, and also means that none of them exactly have a payoff or a punchline – it’s just a feature of the world that all the expensive meals at trendy restaurants everyone competes for tables at sound disgusting when you think about them for a moment, or that the whole class of wall street trader guy are so entirely interchangeable that ostensible close friends and coworkers constantly mistake each other for other traders and no one particularly cares. Or – and I’m taking this on faith because fuck knows I’ve got no idea what any of the brands people are wearing are – that the ruinously expensive outfits everyone spends so very much time and money on for every engagement all clash comically if you actually looked up what the different pieces looked like. The book’s in no way really a comedy, so the jokes sit a bit oddly, but they’re still overall pretty funny, at least to me.
I like to think I have something of a strong stomach for unpleasant material in books, but this was the first work of fiction that I had genuine trouble reading for content reasons in I can’t even remember. I’m not sure it’s exactly right to call the violence pornographic in a general sense, but as far as American Psycho goes the register and tone Bateman uses to describe fucking a woman and torturing her to death are basically identical (and told in similarly explicit detail), and all of Bateman’s sexual fantasies are more or less explicitly just porn scenes he wants to recreate, so. Regardless, the result’s pretty alienating in both cases – his internal monologue never really feels anything but detached and almost bored as he relays what he does, sound exactly as vapid and alienated as when he is carefully listing the exact brands and designers every person he ever interacts with is wearing at all times, or arguing over dinner reservations for hours on end with his friends and lovers (though both those terms probably deserve heavy airquotes around them). He legitimately sounds considerably more engaged when talking about arguing over sartorial etiquette. It all adds up to a really strong alienating effect.
Anyways, speaking of sex and violence – perhaps because my main exposure to the story before this was tumblr making memes out of scenes from the movie, but I was pretty shocked by just how explicitly awful Patrick is ‘on screen’. The horrible murder, sure, but also just the casual and frequent use of racist and homophobic slurs, the pathological misogyny, the total breakdown he has at the idea of a gay man being attracted to him and thinking he might reciprocate – all of these are entirely in character for an asshole Wall Street ‘80s Guy even if he wasn’t a serial killer, but it’s still oddly shocking at first to see it so thoroughly represented on the page. It makes how comparatively soft-pedaled the bigotry and just, awfulness, of villains in a lot of more modern books stand out a lot more, I suppose? I have read a lot of books that are in some sense About queerness and/or racism in the last year, and no one in any of them holds a candle to good old Patrick Bateman.
Part of that is just the book being so intensely of its time, I suppose. The New York of this book is very much one of the late ‘80s, incredible wealth living side by side with social rot and decay, crippling poverty everywhere and a society that has to a great degree just stopped caring. Absolutely none of which Bateman or any of his peers care one bit about, of course – they’re too busy showing off the latest walkmans and record players, going to the newest clubs, and just generally enjoying all the fruits of Reagan’s America. Recent history has made the fact that Bateman’s personal idol is Donald Trump almost too on the nose to be interesting, but in 1991 I’m sure it was a bit more subtle in how telling it was.
Anyway, yeah, horrifying and exhausting read, triumph of literature, my god did Easton Ellis hate America (this is a compliment). Now time to go watch the movie!
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Hi can I request helion x reader mating ceremony
Hope you're doing well
I'm trying to be gentle with myself. Thank you for asking. 🤍
Mating ceremony
Oh, it would be so pretty. Like absolutely happening in one of the biggest gardens in the day court. The main arc will be placed in a position where you can kind of see the sky when it gets painted in orange and pinks and red and these fluffy clouds are floating around. I mean we don't have to talk about Cassian flying on a Pegasus throwing petals , but like we kinda have to talk about that. Tell me you haven't thought about it because I have.
But on a serious note, I think the real mating ceremony would be very small and very private. As much as a Helion is an open book, and as much as he loves to put himself out there and be very expressive. I think after losing his initial lover this would be such an emotional and special moment for him. Something that he never thought he would get to experience again. In my humble belief, his character is laced with a lot of sadness regarding how everything went with lady Autumn so in the initial ceremony it's just you him, Cassian, and the closest friends.
I feel like he would even want to make this super-private and for it to be just you and him. But if you were able to build a relationship with Lucien, I kind of see you wanting to have Lucien there and so alongside him would come Eris and then Rhys because it's Rhys and we all love Rhys and Helion loves Rhys, so like we have to have him there. But I don't think there will be any other high lords, or ladies because the celebration or the event that would follow up eventually would involve everyone, but this is just for the people closest to you both.
Do picture girls like Feyre, and Mor helping you get ready. Braiding your hair and helping you get into a dress. I feel like there would be quite a lot of happy crying even in the private rooms because everyone wants to see you both happy and this is just kind of one step closer to that.
I also think that Helion would write you a letter that he won't let you read right before the ceremony because you might cry too much and ruin your make-up and that's his own words. But I feel like he would do these little things like a little gift for each other of some sort. I do also think that besides the twin tattoo that would cover your body in some way, he would world do something like rings, or a piece of jewelry that would be significant in that manner, would show that you two are mated.
I kind of picture him making little sketches of the ring he wants to give to you and depending on what kind of court you're from or what's kind of background you have, I see him going for something like half circle of the sun and then if you're from a night court maybe on the bottom there would be a moon or there's something to represent you so like twin bands that kind of show your union.
The whole ceremony would just be surreal. Imagine walking through the lush greenery to get to your mate, and there's a light chirping of the birds that create the symphony of nature around you. I also think that Lucien would be walking you down the aisle. And now we all are going to take a moment to cry because I'm literally about to sob. After all, I think that Lucien would be so excited, especially if you two have a close bond. And he's there to reassure you, telling you "oh you better believe that Helion is out there crapping his pants just from how nervous he is", and you just giggle right before you walk down the aisle.
And of course, Helion would be crying. Let's all be very honest here I feel like he's not the one to show these kinds of emotions, so this even more explains why he wanted a private celebration because this is such a personal side of him. he hides a lot of his real emotions behind this almost clown-like exterior this very cocky, daring male, while the reality is completely different. He's a very soft soul, and all he ever wanted was to be loved and find someone with whom he could share his whole life, and now that he has found you it feels like an absolute dream.
You would leave him speechless. The way you just shine while walking down the aisle, smiling at him. Hands shaking as he reaches to take your hand into his. And he's shaking his head slightly in disbelief as he watches you, admiring the way you look because you are the best thing that ever happened to him. And he would have written the longest vow ever, declaring his love in all the ways possible. It would be a very beautiful moment that everyone would remember forever. Just watching two people in love, smiling fondly at each other. Both ready to enter the next chapter of your story.
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whumpster-fire · 2 months
Okay so I was just on a road trip and I decided to start listening to the Wings Of Fire series on audiobooks and after finishing the first sub-series I gotta say I'm loving it so far.
What I Expected: Warrior Cats but with dragons.
What I Got: Warrior Cats but with dragons meets Underland Chronicles (levels of Going This Hard with the dark themes and gore and fucked up stuff) meets A Series Of Unfortunate Events (general competence and trustworthiness of most of the adults in these poor kids' lives for most of the series). Like, not that Warrior Cats doesn't go hard with messed up stuff, but this series kind of gives me Underland Chronicles vibes in the way that it does it.
The setting and premise: In A World Ruled By Dragons... that apparently used to have a human civilization that was destroyed by dragons in an apocalyptic event long go but that's not important right now, (humans are still around but almost completely irrelevant to the plot with one notable exception), the seven tribes (species) of dragons have been dragged into an utter clusterfuck of a war because one of the tribes had a civil war due to a succession crisis and have managed to drag nearly everyone else into it. An ancient quite recent prophecy made by some guy who is still very much around states that this completely pointless waste of life will be ended by five children born under a specific celestial alignment, who will have the power to decide the victor of the civil war. A cross-species secret society known as the Talons Of Peace with the noble goal of getting everyone else to stop doing WWI With Dragons decides that the best way to make the prophecy go smoothly is to raise the destined hatchlings themselves in secret and keep them safe from any of the parties with a vested interest in the war's outcome, until they are ready...
In other words a pretty bog standard "Chosen Ones" children's fantasy plot, but what I love is that from the very beginning of the first book, Wings Of Fire pulls absolutely no punches with the fact that the main characters are child soldiers, and the supposed "good guys" organization is not only pretty sketchy for acquiring five eggs under circumstances of varying legitimacy (read: definitely kidnapped at least two, one more supposedly abandoned, one sold by deadbeat parents, one supposedly donated for the cause but it's unclear) but also is just as guilty of trying to use them as pawns for their own political goals as everyone else, and are not even actually neutral in the war.
What I also love is that the DoD (Dragonets of Destiny) are the worst fucking child soldiers ever and this is largely because the Talons Of Peace are completely fucking incompetent and massively fucked up every step of the "grooming kidnapped hatchlings into child soldiers" process.
Failed at kidnapping eggs. Literally in the very first chapter one of the eggs supposedly predestined to save the world is killed. One of the main characters is the last-minute replacement and literally not even the right species that's supposedly specified by the prophecy (and has psychological issues because no one has let her forget it)
Assigned the very important task of raising the Chosen Ones and teaching them the skills they will need to save the world to three dragons who were utterly horrible with kids and didn't want the job. Left them to it with no oversight for years and years.
Decided to raise them isolated from the organization they're supposed to be loyal to, in a fucking cave, giving them literally zero real world experience with so many essential skills like, say, navigation, or flying in actual weather. The main characters literally had a "Puppy Mill Animals Seeing Grass For the First Time" experience.
Did not research / pay attention to the basic biology and culture of the species the kids belong to. One of them, Clay, spent his whole life being told he tried to murder his adoptive siblings when he hatched because the surrogate parents had no idea that for his species the first in a clutch to hatch instinctively helps break their siblings' eggshells for them. Another is from the aquatic dragon species which has their own sign / bioluminescence language they use to communicate underwater. She was not taught any of this despite one of the surrogate parents being the SAME FUCKING SPECIES AS HER. And also, y'know, the negative amount of effort put into every single parenting decision related to Glory.
Literally the only thing the Talons Of Peace actually succeeded at was making the kids bond to each other, but managed to instill less than zero loyalty to the organization they were supposed to obey due to being left to be raised in isolation by emotionally and physically abusive parental figures. Later, the guy who made the prophecy, after checking back in and discovering that one of the children was the wrong species, thought fixing this mistake by having her murdered and replacing her with another kidnapped child would in any way work. As a result the Talons Of Peace now have five Chosen Ones who have ditched them and wanted absolutely nothing to do with them and their plans. As of three books into the series they are still doubling down on the "kill and replace the more annoying members of the group" plan and still seem to think that the surviving members would somehow accept this.
I also think it's noteworthy that, like, most of the remotely competent and trustworthy allies the DoD have are other child soldiers that they have run into along the way. Like, at this point we have Peril (Skywing Queen's attempt at making her very own Azula), Anemone (magical prodigy small child on a leash), Deathbringer (Nightwing secret agent who Glory accidentally flirted with while in disguise within the first five minutes of attempting her own unrelated spy mission), Fatespeaker (one of the Talons of Peace's backup plan dragonets who they somehow put even less effort into than the main five). And, like, Clay's siblings who are also a bunch of kids fighting a war.
Also I don't know if this was Tui T. Sutherland's intent all along or if it was audiobook reader Shannon McManus's artistic license, but. Whoever decided to give the Nightwings - a tribe from an inhospitable island who act like they're smarter and more cultured than everyone else but are mostly a bunch of pompous idiots, who have a decrepit and useless royal family, notoriously inedible "cuisine," and a plot to colonize and genocide one of the other tribes for land and natural resources - British accidents is a goddamn genius.
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anystalker707 · 1 year
Pairing: Killer x [gender neutral] Reader Words: ~ 1 300 Summary: It literally goes like “says he likes crazy girls, but hates when i act crazy" Tags: Fluffy and funny / Thank god for big men / lots of reader sitting on his lap
Requested by anon "Hey could you do a fluff/crack op killer x female reader who has a devil fruit (...)"
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• Killer found out you had eaten the Boom Boom Fruit the worst way possible—ended up scaring you in a way you almost blew everything up by accident and didn’t know how to react with part of his mask now black and part of his hair spiked up by the explosion
• Basically, you’re able to blow anything you touch, including air, and your humor/reactions are very much a lot like your ability, so he learned to be careful. About everything, for real, because he didn’t like the idea of you blowing up anyone that did something inconvenient, even more with Kid around
• Because you’re able to blow things up just when you touch them, it sparked your interest in making bombs and, with a limited workspace, you end up requesting Kid to use his workshop for a little. The answer is ‘no’, unnecessarily accompanied by a “you’re not even skilled enough to need it”, which is followed by... quite interesting events
• You are with Killer on the deck, sitting on his lap and mumbling about your day while you play with his hair when there’s a loud sound of an explosion—he tenses up and starts looking around, clicking his tongue when he notices you’re still calm. You can feel his glare, despite the mask, once you hear Kid shout your name, followed by countless curses and crashes
• “(Y/n)...” “It was an accident!” “No excuses!”
• Actually, there are excuses. While he will be willing to do anything so Kid will solve things peacefully, he just can’t do the same with you, even more when you’re pouting and pressing soft kisses to his neck, in a way he will always be trying not to get killed by Kid to protect you from him
• Difficult task, in reality, because you don’t do the littlest bit of effort not to get in fights and neither does Kid, and it’s even harder with things flying around or being blown up at random
• Sometimes, you’re watching someone you don’t like talk and just tell him very quietly “I’m going to blow them up at any moment, no joke.” He does think it was a joke, but then sees you next to them with your hands in stance for an attack, so he quickly runs over to throw you on his shoulder because the crew doesn’t need more enemies—it was already hard enough to get an alliance with Basil and Scratchmen with Kid picking up a fight with them before it’d even been set
• Then, having the annoying Scratchmen around causes a lot of problems, not just because it takes a while for Kid to control himself so the alliance can work, but because sometimes you seem annoyed by his sheer existence. Expect Killer to have you on his lap or at least hold you close the whole time
• He’s actually very protective <3
• Like. No one should mess with you. People will be angry and want to kill you after you pissed them off by blowing things up just because you seemed fit then end up needing to face Killer <3 Imagine big man standing in front of you protectively with those big arms crossed. Thank hell.
• Scratchmen decides he’s done with you and wants to at least teach you a lesson, but can’t do anything because you got Killer. You’re there sitting there on Killer’s lap like you own the world <3
          “Stop it at once!” Scratchmen clicked his tongue, still very defensive.
“No, yeah, of course!” You sighed as you threw your hands in the air sort of defensively. “We can’t be fighting the whole time if we’re gonna be hidden here and have an alliance, man!”
He raised an eyebrow, finally cracking a crooked smile as he scoffed with humor. “Finally you’re being reasonable!”
Yeah, of course. A grin took over your lips. “A hug to seal peace?”
Scratchmen raised an eyebrow but shrugged, stepping closer. The grin was still there when you walked away from him after a hug, though it had a different tone as you snickered; your slow walk turned into running, which he only understood when he felt something go off on his back with a deafening noise and the immense burning resulting from it.
“You little—”
Scratchmen couldn’t even finish it, more worried about chasing you, but you were faster and on Killer’s lap before he could do anything—certain embarrassment took over him at how loud his steps were in the silent room in which the three sat at the table quietly talking; Kid, Killer and Basil, and now, you were with them. You leaned against Killer as if nothing had happened, placing one of his hands over your lap and wrapping his arm around you. Besides the fact Scratchmen didn’t want to face Killer’s wrath, he also knew better than to also awaken Kid’s since you were the only one who could just walk in while he was busy without being murdered.
“You’re being bad...” Killer mumbled quietly enough just for you to hear.
“Shush.” You patted his chest, adjusting yourself on his lap.
• He will complain about you getting into problems, but he can’t !! He spoils you all the time, and once he even commented about loving it when you go crazy in fights, blowing everything up, how hot you look, there’s no reason to complain when you do it now !! Doesn’t he like the crazy ones ? Cool, now deal with it <3
          The crew had stopped at this island to finish business, but what you hadn’t predicted was that the Marine happened to be there at the same time, same moment. Were they following your steps? Was it a trap? Well, it didn’t matter now—you didn’t even know where the hell Killer, Kid or Heat were, each of you running to a different direction at the moment chaos ensued. You tried your best to outrun them at least a little, at least so you could lose them and return to the ship.
“Fuck,” you groaned already out of breath. The fact you barely knew the city didn’t help at all, having you run into a lot of dead-end alleys or blow a lot of stuff to give yourself some extra seconds to think. At some point, you thought you lost them. Not really. You took a turn, only to find a small group of Marines.
“Stop right there!” One of them said; along with his, other 5 guns were pointed at you. You threw your hands in the air, stopping on your tracks immediately. “You better surrender, things will be worse if you struggle!”
“No, fine, fine!” You dropped to your knees, moving slowly; grins already decorated their faces, not even faltering as they should when you smirked because all it took was a touch on the ground for their victorious faces to immediately turn into defeated ones before you could jump over the debris and run away giggling. “See you, losers—” You interrupted yourself when you bumped into something with force enough to fall to the ground, about to slam your hand against the ground when the weight on your chest made you weaker than you should. The familian effects of the sea prism made a string of curses escape your lips, all you could do was to fall limp to the floor. Worst part is that you didn’t see anyone else from the crew around.
“It’s over!” The Marine held their spear to your chest, grinning wide with a cigar hanging from their mouth. Motherfucker. “You—” They were sent flying against a wall, shattering it, by something you couldn’t see; there was just a blur. You didn’t even have time to question what was going on before you were lifted off the ground—Killer held you in his arms while running away from the Marines.
“Better be careful, love,” he said a little breathless. A lot of destruction covered the way he went, hence he had to jump over some debris more than a couple of times, but there weren’t a lot of Marines anymore.
“Nah,” you sighed, resting your head against his chest. “Not while you’re around.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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pain-is-too-tired · 3 months
Crush Culture
Valgrace(Leo Valdez/Jason Grace)
Mentions of neglect
Jason is the crown prince to Olympus and son of one,and the highest,of the many great Lords of the lands of Hellas
Leo is the son of another great Lord, a dragon who has hidden himself away from most of Olympus.
What happens when feelings start to form?
Confusion and emotional crisis of course!
Aka. My excuse to explore customs and courting in my own au fdgdf
Also aka. Jason's autism rizz gets a whole dragon guy falling in love with him
Ao3 Link:
Jason was a mess.
He been laying on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His thoughts seemed to be rushing around his head.
He been laying there for hours at this point,partly hiding from his father and stepmother,partly having a crisis.
“You're kidding, right?” Nico,Jason's younger cousin, was leaning against the door with his arms crossed. “A dragon? Seriously?”
“I know!” Jason groaned,covering his face with his wings.
“Wow.” Percy,Jason's older cousin, whistled. “How did no one notice you sneaking out for, what, 3 months?”
Jason sighed, “I didn't have any lessons or important events…” He said. “So,I don't think anyone really cared to notice.”
“You say that like people just not keeping tract of the literal crown prince just cause they don't need him is the most normal thing in the world.” Percy grumbled.
“...Jason, buddy-”
“Not getting into your obvious situation of neglect- Jason,again,a dragon? How you even meet him? Was that the one they wanted you to take care of?” Nico asked,raising a brow.
“Well no- their his son..?” Jason laughed nervously.
“His- Your telling me you were sent on a mission to push out a dragon from an nearby cave, but instead you befriended and now have fallen in love with his son?”
“Damn.” Percy said, “Talk about a wild way to enter teen rebellion.”
Nico groaned, “I'm no longer letting you guys make fun of me for Will.”
“Your crush turned out to be a fae prince,Neeks.”
“Not important right now.” Nico said quickly before looking back at Jason. “What are you gonna do about this now?”
“Ignore it and hopes it goes away…?” Jason laughed nervously.
“The Nico route of having a crush I see.”
“Jackson I swear,I will throw you out that window.”
Jason sighed, burrowing his face in his pillows
“Thanks for the help guys. So encouraging.” He groaned, muffled by his pillow.
“Look, just tell him man.” Percy said. “Can't be that hard.”
Jason sat up, “I'm still not even sure if it's a crush! What if it's not? I might just be getting closer to him and just- I don't know.” Jason sighed. “I've never really had a friend like this before, how am I supposed to know what feelings are platonic or not?”
Percy and Nico looked at each other before back at Jason.
“You're seriously not sure?”
“Seriously! I don't- I've never- I don't know. It's confusing!” Jason sighed, flopping back and curling up in his wings. “I don't want to ruin our friendship. He's just- he's so nice and funny. He doesn't look at me like I'm something else. It doesn't feel like he's pretending to enjoy my company. I feel like I can be myself around him.”Jason said softly, he felt like his mind was flying fifty miles a minute.
“Yeah. That sounds like a crush dude.”
“Does it..?” Jason frowned. He wasn't sure, he never was good knowing exactly what having a crush was supposed to be like. Even though he heard it time and time again from his cousins,it never sounded too far off from platonic feelings to him. Really, the idea of dating always just sounded like a premium version of being close friends. He never quite knew the difference.
Which made what he was going through right now even more confusing. He really didn't know what he was feeling, and it scared him.
“I mean, you've been having a freak out all day thinking about him. So yeah, I say so.” Nico snorted.
“Just tell him, man.” Percy said. “Just say how you're feeling. Better than letting it build up, right?”
“But I don't know how I'm feeling!” Jason complained.
“Just try,explain what you do know. Can't end that badly if he's how you describe!” Percy grinned.
“I guess…” Jason sighed. He still wasn't sure. “I'm still not sure.”
Jason really didn't want to ruin what they did have. Leo was so kind to him. He made things so much easier to deal with. Jason was one of the only fae in his family. Something he got from their grandmother. For some reason, his father didn't want others to know. Really, his father cared too much for his image. He liked to still seem in control of his kingdom and situation,so any sentient being other than human or sorcerer was banned from Olympus.
To find someone else not at all human or sorcerer,who he felt like he could talk to without feeling like he was pushing weight off his problems onto, felt great. To be with someone who'd see his wings and tail and not either scorn or pity him for it? It was a relief.
What if having and admitting to a crush changed that?
“Okay, but there's another problem.” Nico said, pulling Jason from his thoughts. “What if you get caught seeing him? Surely they'd get suspicious at some point.”
Jason stiffened up,anxiety hit him like a boulder.
“I-I don't know. I hope they won't..maybe it'll just be them catching me sneaking out and I can make enough of an excuse that won't expose Leo.”
“You’ll still get in trouble dude. And you know we’re not here enough to bail you out.” Percy said.
“I know. They'll probably just have me on quarters arrest or something, maybe clip my feathers. I'll be fine.” Jason said softly. “I'll just make sure that I can't be followed. That's what's important.”
“Your safety is important too, Grace.” Nico said, frowning.
“I know. I'll be fine. I just…yeah, maybe I should at least try to bring this up to him. I'm just not sure how…”
“Do what feels right, you'll know it.” Percy grinned.
The next time Jason went to see Leo, he was a nervous wreck.
Managing to sneak out of the castle grounds, wearing nothing but a simple blouse under shirt and slacks that allowed him to have his tail and wings out. Something that still felt odd to do when not on his own in his room.
He flew off in his small form, able to move without easily being spotted on the sky.
His flying was atrocious, even after three months of doing this regularly, but he managed to get to their usual spot without much issue. Turning back to his common form once he was there, landing messily on his feet.
“Okay.” He breathed, talking to himself. “Alright. Good. You got this.”
Jason had a few days to think about what he really wanted to say to Leo about what's been going through his head.
Despite that, the only thing he really could clearly think about was bringing a gift of some sort. A warm orange-brownish gem he found that reminded Jason of Leo's eyes. He wasn't sure why it called to him to bring it, it felt almost instinctive when he saw it, but he thought he wouldn't hurt.
He perked up when he heard movement in the trees. Looking up at the branches, before seeing a pair of familiar ember brown eyes. He felt a flutter in his chest, like he was still flying.
“And the feathered prince arrives! Sup, sparky!” Leo laughed as he jumped down from the tree he was hiding in, landing right in front of Jason. “Thought you might not been able to come tonight!”
Jason smiled, “I managed. Had to make sure I wasn't caught and all. Oh- and I-uh- got you this?”
Jason nervously handed him the gem,anxiety pricked at him. Scared Leo would find it weird.
Leo looked confused at first, the dragon tilting his head a bit.
“A gift-? Oh, man thanks- but I didn't get you anythi-”
“No. No need.” Jason said. “Just saw it and thought of you I guess.” He blurted out without thinking. “Well, I'm mean-’
Leo's blinked at him, seeming shocked, before chuckling.
“Aww~ You think of me!” Leo said playfully, his smirk was almost enough to make Jason melt.
“Oh- Yeah- I mean- you've been very kind to me, so- thought I get something.” Jason rubbed the back of his neck.
Leo smiled.
“Well thank you very much,Sparks.” He chuckled,pocketing the gem.”Sooo,how's castle life going?”
Jason smiled back, “Nothing new, really.” He shrugged. “Cousins’ been over, that's usually chaotic in itself…what about you?” He said quickly, not wanting to get into his home life too much.
“Eeh,same ole same ole. Dad and Aglaea are away finding scrap for another of dad's projects,so Jake's in charge.” He shrugged. “He can be pretty serious about it, we have to remind him not to push himself all the time.” Leo rolled his eyes.
Jason managed a soft chuckle, he always liked hearing about Leo's family. Leo had such a close bond with his siblings.
They sat and talked like they did every time, Jason mostly listening as he really wasn't use to actually telling others about himself to begin with. Leo seemed genuinely interested in learning about him though, which was new to Jason.
He was used to nobles who liked to up themselves up to him. Leo wasn't that.
“So, like, no offense dude- but how often you preen your wings?” Leo was now hanging off a branch, his tail curled around it to keep him from falling on his head.
“I'm sorry?” Jason frowned.
“Like, you know, clean out molts and such- that's what preening is right? Only a couple of my siblings have feathers.” Leo shrugged as he swung on the branch he hung from.
“I-uh-i don't know. Why?”
Leo stopped, “You don't know?” He frowned.
“I mean- I try to get it when I'm cleaning I guess? It ain't have my wings out during the day, so-”
“Dude, no wonder you always look in pain. You're just asking for cramps!”
Jason blinked, he did have cramps on his wings but he learned to ignore it. It wasn't like he had much of a choice.
“I guess. I just…kinda do what I can to keep them healthy,I don't really know for sure how often I should be doing so.”
“Wait,really?” Leo tilting his head. “No one taught you?”
Jason shook his head, “Not really…my family's mostly sorcerers.”
“Dam.” Leo got down from the branch. “Even dad taught us how to deal with the shedding season.” He shrugged, before plopping down next to Jason.
“Yeah, well, just never really was taught. Even my governess only was allowed to teach me the basics. I think she wanted to teach me more about fae but…well, father forbade it.” Jason sighed. Lupa really was the only one who actively taught him anything he felt was important.
“What a jerk- or uh, no offense- I know he's your father and all, but good lords.” Leo snorted. “I can help with preening at some point, if you want.” He said before suddenly stuttering. “I-Well-I mean if you need the help- just get you getting better at it and such and- uh-”
Jason felt his face flush, he didn't know why the offer made him so flustered.
“I- sure, yeah- that would be nice.” He breathed. “Thank you.”
“Right. Yeah. Cool.” Leo nodded. “Of course.”
— — — — — — —
By the time that reached the end of the night, and Jason was off again, Leo's head was racing.
Well, it was always racing, but even more than usual now.
He slipped back into the cave, flopping down into his part of the nest and groaning.
“Damn. That bad?” Leo's older brother, Jake, said as he sat down beside Leo.
Leo looked up at his brother and pouted.
“I offered to help with preening-”
“You what?”
“-And he said yes.” Leo groaned. “What was I thinking?”
“He said yes??” Jake scoffed. “Oh he definitely likes you.”
Leo sat up, “He might not know allopreening and such is usually seen for family and partners! Poor guy isn't even allowed to stretch his wings out most of the time! Lords,you should see him flying!” Leo sighed. “The offer just slipped out,I didn't even think about it, I definitely didn't think he'd agree to it!”
“Okay. Even without social views of allopreening,I think he'd at least have a personal feeling about it being for people you're comfortable with.” Jake said.
Leo sighed, “I guess- and, lords- he gave me a gem-”
“A gem??” Jake's mouth went agape.
Leo nodded, taking it out of his pocket and showing him. “He said he saw it and thought of me- what am I supposed to do with that??”
Gifting gems and such was often part of dragon flirting customs,surely Jason hadn't known though. Right?
“Oh he has it bad.” Jake said.
“He probably didn't think anything of it-”
“Leo, he picked up a gem because it reminded him of you and accepted an offer to allopreening.” Jake sighed. “He's like one step away from nesting at this point. I can't believe you managed to get a crown prince to fall for you, a storm fae at that, and yet your self esteem is still at rock bottom.” He shook his head. “Just ask him out.”
Leo fell back into the nest, “What if he says no? Then I've made it awkward. I'm still processing I find him hot!”
Leo covered his face with his hands. Jason was definitely out of his league anyway.
Jake rubbed his eyes, “You are more of a demisexual disaster then my own boyfriend,dear lords, is this how Lee and Charles felt?” He grumbled to himself.
“He obviously cares about you.” Jake went on, “Even if he really turns out to not like you back, I doubt he'd hate you for it. If anything he's more likely to think you hate him if you start avoiding the topic or thinking about it.”
Leo sighed, flopping his arms out beside him.
“Yeah, yeah guess you're right.”
“Of course I am, I'm your big brother.” Jake chuckled ruffling his hair.
“Come on!” He complained,”not the hair! It's already a mess to fix with nest head!”
Both chuckle, before Jake got up,offering a hand to Leo to help.
“Come on. Let's go hunting for everyone. Past dinner anyway, Harley might start chewing on Christopher if he's not fed soon.”
“Oh Lords, I could hear the fussing already!” Leo laughed, he was thankful for Jake tugging him out and on his feet. Why he wasn't great at hunting, he often did the cooking of everything. It helped him to do something active.
As much as he hated to admit, Jake was probably right. He just needed to yank the dagger out. Even if the thought scared him,at least it would be better than having a crisis everytime Jason Grace even smiled at him.
Lords, Leo really was a mess.
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nejigirl5 · 2 years
|Halloween! HCs | - Konoha Boys Edition
Since I couldn't finish the Kankuro piece (I severely underestimated the amount of time I would have today)... I figured I would write some headcanons about the holiday!
[]Neji Hyuga []Sai []Shino Aburame []Choji Akimichi [] x GN! (You) Reader
Prompt: You ask him to enter a couples costume contest with you.
(Alternates from Modern AU to Naruto Universe)
A/N: I was going to do something a lot more complex and long for this, but I really loved the plots so I will just save them for next year and write full length pieces.
Neji Hyuga:
You want HIM to enter a contest with you? Absolutely not.
Unless you really, really, really want him too... Maybe he'll make an exception. You never really know with this guy.
Of course he envisions something with some level of class, possibly inspired by European fashion in the 1700s or something.
But when you suggest your own idea... a feeling of regret already washes over him.
Two peas in a pod? Wearing full, head to toe green... He just can't.
"Apologies, Y/n... I just doubt that even we could pull it off." Truth be told, when you made him try the outfit, he really did want to pull it off. In the literal sense.
"Hyuga's should display class, Y/n. Really, I must insist we refrain from participating in this event. Unless... you want to get a different partner, that is." He smirked, knowing full well that you would never. He is your husband, after all.
You realize it really might be for the best, and why wear costumes when you could just sit at home and watch movies? A place where the world wouldn't be watching and he could be himself.
If it's something that you want to do, he's immediately in. No matter how stupid he looks in the costume.
Actually he's rather a fashion critique himself, and had many interesting comments to give to the other couples. "A fisherman and his catch of the day? Do you want to brutally murder her for profit? Nonsensical."
"You don't want to win first place?" He kind of goes overboard, almost forgetting about you with his preparations. "So I was thinking... we should do a dance. Something that symbolizes a bee flying around a flower and collecting its nectar?" You two might have to enroll in an interpretive dance class afterwards.
After being near you for so long, it was easy to tell if you were bothered by anything. "Y/n... you seem distant. Is there something wrong?" He asked, though usually quite emotionless in public, around others.
"I just thought this would be more of a fun activity for us... not a huge competition." He seemed to get the hint.
In the end you both enjoy it, regardless of if you win or lose.
Choji Akimichi:
When you brought it up over dinner one night, it seemed you both saw the same poster hanging up at Ichiraku. He was going to ask you as well.
His love of potato chips has never faded since he was a child, so it wasn't much of a surprise when he brought them up as a costume idea. And asked if you could pick some up from the store for 'research purposes'.
It turned out to be quite a cute costume, and with Choji's pure passion being shown for the design, you obviously won. Whether said passion was for you or for the chips, no one will really know. "I mean... why can't it be both?".
"I really didn't think we would win against Kiba and Akamaru... It must've been pretty good luck." He smiled greatly, looking at the trophy in your hand. "They were disqualified! Akamaru wasn't even wearing a costume." You frowned at him. "Well everyone loves dogs!" He chuckled, walking into the kitchen.
It was somewhat refreshing to see a new trophy after so many from food eating competitions. "It really is good to mix it up a little..." You muttered, setting it down on the mantle.
Shino Aburame:
"It's a contest?" He asked, shifting his gaze from the flyer to you. "Yes! Isn't it wonderful? All the other couples are going..." You added, trying to be convincing, though to no avail. "And... it will be a great way to spread the word about insect awareness, being filmed and shown on television." He breathed in loudly, contemplating his predicament. "Fine... for the insects."
The next week was spent painting the large shells that would go on your backs. He made a dark, monochromatic one, made to look like his own.
"Too bad we lost." He laughed, surprising you. Your husband never laughed. "Are you feeling alright, Shino?" You asked, resting your hand on his forehead to feel his temperature. "It was... more fun than I was expecting. It was nice to spend some time with you." You looked away with a slight blush covering your face. "I don't say this nearly enough, but I love you Y/n." You both smiled at the sentiment.
Little did he know, that little conversation was also broadcast live on TV. "I didn't know Shino had such a soft side..." Hinata mumbled, a mix of confusion and fear coating her face as she sat on the couch. She could almost hear the loud bursts of laughter that came from Kiba blocks away.
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destinyc1020 · 9 months
i will say something that frustrates me a bit, tom could dominate hollywood like Zendaya and timmy if he chooses too. he's got the skills, hes got the charisma, hes got the looks, and unlike Z who had to work her ass off for where she is today, he's got privilege. if he just go to the right events and make the right connections, and choose the right roles, he could dominate hollywood. of course with roles, there will be hits and misses. i love tom, huge fan of his. he did wonderful with spiderman and uncharted even though people were rooting against, but his charisma and talent won a lot of people over. kid's got potential he just doesnt use it. either because he doesnt want to or doesnt know how to. but it is frustrating as of right now because theres so much potential. the good thing about awards shows and these types of events is that he can meet and talk to some major players in hollywood, he just doesnt want to go, and i get why, he said why but doesnt change things. Timmy uses his star power, and though a bit pretentious and hungry for fame which i dislike, hes (for the most part/ he made poor decisions over the last month or 2) smart. he goes to events, he mingles with people, he chooses to work with powerful and big name directors and you've got to give him that at least. same with JE. and i hate JE literally. hes more pretentious and obnoxious, no charisma but him and his team are super smart. i will give them that at least.
Thanks for your honest thoughts and opinions Anon.
You know, I kind of hear this type of sentiment from many Tom stans quite a lot, and I'm wondering if possibly what's going on here is that SOME of Tom's stans sort of feel like he started off on such a great foot with his earlier indie career, and then with Spider-Man, but then now...Some may feel as though Tom is kind of lagging behind his peers, especially when they see other actors around his same age (even up-and-coming actors) seeming to be "eclipsing" Tom (Dom's favorite word lol 😅) in the Hollywood industry career department.
I can sort of see why SOME of Tom's stans who actually really do love him would like to see him having the same prestige, film roles, or perceived "hype" in Hollywood that they see other young actors getting in the industry.
With all of that said however... I think fans need to take a deep breath, take a step back, and keep in mind first and foremost that the level of fame that Tom has is NOT something that is easy for most people.
Tom was announced as being the next Spider-Man in 2015, and then he was first seen in "Captain America: Civil War" in 2016....then from there he went on to film his OWN solo Spidey film, "Spiderman: HOCO" in 2016....and then, a year later, he was thrust and catapulted into a level of fame that he had never experienced before after his film HOCO came out in 2017.
Tom's popularity and fame has only INCREASED since 2017. Most of that is due to Marvel and being in some of the most highest-grossing blockbuster films in the WORLD, and another part of that is due to Tom's general likability, friendliness, and charismatic nature that just seems to come naturally to him. 😊
I don't even think that fans can really compare Tom's fame level to lesser-known actors, or even to Timothee Chalamet, who JUST recently reached 19 Million followers on Instagram, whereas meanwhile, Tom has 66.3 Million followers on Instagram. I just don't think that's really fair.
Timothee has also had the added benefit of being able to sort of "fly under the radar" somewhat. While Timothee is yes, very popular, has a huge fanbase, and has critical acclaim with tons of award nominations and a few wins under his belt, he also has usually primarily stuck to mostly smaller, indie films throughout most of his career, so Timmy's fame has seen more of slightly gradual increase in fame level, as opposed to becoming WILDLY HUGE overnight, as was the case with Tom.
I've always said that if I were to ever become famous, I would rather be SEMI-famous, and still be able to live a somewhat normal life, do my work, go home, and have a pretty basic lifestyle, vs being MEGA-famous, barely being able to walk out of my front door without being papped or chased by fans, or always being asked for a picture (or sometimes not even asked), and having my life constantly up for discussion. And a "Private life"? What's that?? I would much prefer the former rather than the latter.
I don't think fans realize that fame (especially large amounts of it) can really mess with someone's head. While at the outset it might seem fun, exciting, addictive and even intoxicating at first, fans don't realize that later on down the line, this level of fame can make you feel suffocated after a while. 😔
Many actors (and celebrities just in general) have suffered from anxiety, loneliness, DEPRESSION, paranoia, and worthlessness just simply due to having to deal with massive amounts of fame, hate online, and the constant feeling of their lives being under a microscope. 😔
Based on what Tom (and his dad) has said, to me it almost seems as though he would rather try to live a more normal life, as opposed to getting even MORE increasingly famous. We have to remember that unlike some actors who may have always dreamed of acting or being famous, Tom was sort of thrown into acting due to being spotted by a talent scout. He ended up liking it and just stuck with it, but it's not like he was somebody who was dreaming of being an actor or being famous one day, like some others might.
Dom has even said recently on a podcast that he doesn't even worry about Tom's career in Hollywood... He worries MOST about whether or not his son will have the ability to live a somewhat normal LIFE. To me, that was very telling. 😔
Personally?? I think that overall Tom will be okay. But like you yourself even mentioned, we need to ask ourselves if continuing to be massively famous is something that Tom himself even wants?? 🤔 To me, it seems like Tom has other more important goals in his life that take more priority. Jmho.
While Tom I'm sure enjoys acting, and might even wish to direct films one day, I don't get the impression that he is particularly all that comfortable with the huge fame aspect of it. That can be somewhat daunting for anybody.
I think fans need to have some mercy and grace, and realize that Tom is doing just fine, and he will be okay. 😊 Like you mentioned, he has some privilege in Hollywood that not all people (especially woc) are afforded. I know fans only want Tom to be getting accolades because we all know and see his talent, his potential, and want certain roles for him, or for him to work with certain directors/actors, etc. But we have to ask ourselves: "What does TOM want?" 🤔
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saintmeghanmarkle · 11 months
The Yacht struts - TW's friends (Markus's party crowd)! by u/narcwatchkiwi
The Yacht struts - TW's friends (Markus's party crowd)! As we know Hollywood is a VERY competitive place. There are a lot of people jostling for a few roles. Sometimes even extremely talented people, unfortunately don't make a break.So let's say there is a bunch of low level, D - list actresses and influencers, not overly talented, kind of like TW and Instagram Influencer Jessica Mulroney want to stand out from the crowd and get some extra attention. Not especially talented as actresses, not particularly creative or interesting, but very fond of the lime light and materialistic - pushy and prepared to do all sorts to get ahead. How do such relatively low ranking celebrities get attention? In TW's and Mulroney's case - it seems to be using a variety of techniques, including networking meetings organized by Soho house 'Fixer' Markus Anderson, as well as travel to a variety of sailing locations and flying around the world and partying at Soho house openings in locations like Turkey and networking on yachts in the Caribbean. One of the techniques from MM's low ranking celebrity party crowd for getting noticed appears to be what I will call - 'The yacht strut'.MM and Jessica partying on a yachtMMMM's strut has been on display in a variety of places - King Charles' garden party, and even at a public memorial. At King Charles' garden party - TW's strut up the stairs - for comparison - please note that lady in a blue dress and orange shoes to the left - who also has high shoes on and is walking completely normally. Normal walk - versus strange, exaggerated strut in my opinionPriyanka ChopraOther contestants at the 2001 Miss World competition noted her entitled behavior - Priyanka literally dumping her bag on another competitor - and appeared to note that Priyanka seemed to have unearned influence over the outcome of the competition, with some claiming it was rigged. As a side note - an exaggerated walk seems to also be part of Priyanka's general approach - as per this (probably paid for) puff piece about her 'boss lady' walk(!?).Jessica 'I'll show you some Pippa!' MulroneyJessica Mulroney practised her yacht strut well before the TW's and Harold's wedding. She was apparently trying to get the attention that had previously been shown towards Pippa Middleton - who was apparently a quite embarrassed by the attention that was turned towards her athletic figure following her sister Princess Catherine's historic 2011 Wedding to Prince William. In contrast - Mulroney seems to have been deliberately asking startled photographers to take photographs of her backside and also practiced her walk in a tight blue dress, up the steps of the hallowed Saint George's Chapel."Jessica was reportedly asked for a pose by a prominent photographer at a gala event in Toronto, Canada, a month before the Royal Wedding.The New York Post reported a source saying: "She said archly, ‘I’m going to give you some Pippa,’ and turned her back to offer a rear shot.”...“I was kind of shocked, but that’s Jessica for you," Jess's friend reportedly said."On the steps of the sacred chapel Jessica studiously wiggled her butt as she walked up the stairs - the footage is carefully edited - so you only see the front view. You can still see the contrast between the way the others are walking normally, and Mulroney is strangely wiggling her hips.Jessica 'I'll show you some Pippa's' Mulroney's walk was in stark contrast to others who were walking normallyAnyway - what do you think? Is this attention seeking behaviour, or are they just walking completely normally - or naturally have a 'boss lady' walk - whatever that means! ;-) post link: https://ift.tt/FQje5lB author: narcwatchkiwi submitted: November 01, 2023 at 03:52AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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VERY long headcanon ask on the Kishigo X Twisted Wonderland isekai AU (feel free to ignore ajdfalksjd) because I have thought about this more than I should.
Ways to enroll at NRC: either you get that black carriage or you isekai. They were probably in the middle of a fight then boom vanquished. A very chaotic entrace during a regular peaceful day at NRC or an important school event like the entrance ceremony.
Crowley starts crying hysterically unable to understand why the universe keeps vomiting random ass teenagers from other worlds on his school. Guess he's gotta keep them until they go home 🙄. Cause he's so kind.
Ichigo stays at Ramshackle with Yuu and Grim. Grim is kind enough to offer Ichigo some of his canned tuna. She eats it.
Quiche either becomes a Ramshackle resident or gets sorted into Diasomnia (Solely because it fits his aesthetic. Can you imagine Quiche wearing the Diasomnia uniforms? The gloves, the little horn hat? Literally all their fits? That green was made for him. That midriff WILL be censored). Someone photoshop/draw this please bLEASE.
Everyone thinks Quiche is a fairy. He accepts this after a while.
Quiche with the Diasomnia PE outfit except it's the one with shorts Lilia wears.
Ichigo is just considered a beastperson and not human, I guess. She can have her ears and tail out nobody bats an eye. Freedom.
Quiche is literally the perfect NRC student. Mentally unstable, traumatized, villainous, selfish, scheming and has no problem using other people to obtain his goals. He would fit in perfectly in no time.
Quiche fucks around and finds out by picking fights with the bigger fish in NRC and promptly getting his ass handed to him in one way or another. He gets bullied because he's annoying (promoted by: Ace, Leona and Floyd).
People Quiche has picked a fight with: Ace, Sebek, Rook (for hunting Ichigo for sport), Leona, Jack, Floyd (insert spiderman pointing at another spiderman meme here), Riddle, Epel, Kalim, Cater. He gets humbled. Decides to learn magic (Can he even?? I believe in him honestly) to get revenge. Likes flying faster than everyone in PE class.
Quiche says it's not so bad at NRC. He gets to escape the mess back at his own world and his love rival stayed back too, which means he's the only guy Ichigo could possibly fall for. Lilia reminds him this is an all boys school. Ichigo is surrounded by guys.
Quiche is actually good at his classes lmao. Ichigo not so much. Her best subject is animal linguistics and she often talks to Trein's cat.
Considering Quiche is in Diasomnia, him and Sebek would piss each other off all the time. Quiche actively enjoys annoying Sebek.
Ichigo makes friends with Chen'ya because catgirl x catboy solidarity. No catgirl x catboy solidarity with Leona tho, she thinks he's scary. She also thinks the Octavinelle trio are scary. Besties with Kalim. Besties with the Yuu + Adeuce squad (Epel, Ortho, Sebek). Quiche sits with them at lunch. Nobody likes him.
Quiche is hanging out with Ichigo whenever he can. Like a shadow. He does not want competition. Stay away, NRC mob students.
Quiche actually ends up quite liking the NRC experience. Like the environment was made for him.
Rook looks at Ichigo and thinks "mon dieu, le chat! <3" and then hunts her for sport. Just for funsies he's not serious about it.
Holy shit anon you put THOUGHT into this
Publishing just so everyone can read this and also so everyone in my notes can peer pressure this anon into writing this as a fanfic
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mingos · 8 months
@raindinners ❤️'d for a thing.
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 the pink feather coatーbundled around the pirate like some sort of royal mantleーwas the loudest thing about him, if that was even possible.
 ❝ i'm telling you: the old era... it's done for! whatever was left of it died tonightーalong with roger, fufufu... ❞
louder than his voice, reigning dominant above the sea of other patrons anxiously chattering around the tavern about the day's events. with his monstrous height, one couldn't quite tell if he was a boy or a man at a glance, though he certainly spoke like a boy. his tone was animated & amazed, characteristic of a teenager who truly had never seen anything like that in his life before and therefore thought it was the pinnacle of world history. or, maybe he was just easily excitable. or both.
louder than his laugh, an ugly thing that punctuated the end of nearly every sentence. the kind of laugh that sounded less like a laugh the more you heard it. like a cough or a wheeze that rattled in his throat, splitting his mouth into something somehow hellish & heavenly at the same time. rows of perfect white teeth and a serpentine tongue that occasionally protruded past his lips.
louder than the sunglasses he woreーindoors, at nightーhorned, with bright red lenses and ornate detailing on the end pieces. in addition, aviator goggles (what, did he fly here?) sat atop messy blonde hair, still damp from the rain outside.
  ❝ this is a day of celebration! let's send off the old era with a toast! pour one out on its tombstone, and then have another drink for things to come! ❞
louder than the bell he rung at the bar's counter signaling an intent to buy a round of drinks for everyone, and louder than the cheers that followed. if he was insufferable before the praise hit his ears, his body seemed to literally swell with the ego of having essentially bought his way into being the most popular person in the room.
 yet, somehow, none of it was as loud as that stupid fucking coat.
  ❝ you get it, don't you? ❞ he leaned on the counter, dragging the first poor soul he saw into his conversation. ❝ the gravity of the occasion? the transition from one era to the next? isn't it exciting? ❞
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tnc-n3cl · 2 years
A Guide to Rito Village er... Torikirika
Torikirika (Toe-re-key-re-ka) is the Rito name for their settlement on Lake Totori known by non-Rito as "Rito Village." While it is the only Rito settlement accessible to non-Rito after the Great Calamity, it is far from the only Rito settlement in existence.
The term Torikirika most accurately translates into "Home of the Rito People," or more literally "Home of Our People." The word was poorly translated into "Rito Village" eons ago and the Rito themselves don't seem to bother correcting anyone, perhaps because their geographical isolation makes interaction with non-Rito so rare.
... Okay, that's enough in-universe stuff... So in my fanfic, "The Realm Walker," most Rito fled Hyrule after the Great Calamity and I put a world map that shows where their new settlements are at up on DA. (I will warn that it is a huge image though...) Also this is going to be a bit long and rambly, but there's visual aids using in game screen shots...
So, as "The Ballad of Kass" is moving towards events happening in Rito Village, I've decided to do a little expanding of the place because quite frankly Nintendo didn't give these poor birds enough space/didn't properly utilize the space that was given.
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This pillar is located at the end of a lone bridge to the left of the entrance (when approaching from Rito Stable). This is where the Village Archives are, all sorts of historical documents and artifacts are stored in there. Kass is the Loresinger so he's in charge of keeping this stuff secure and preserved and Amali takes over that while he's flying around Hyrule helping Link out. Super secret stuff is in there so it's probably one of only two places the Rito would have actual doors.
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This is one of those lone pillars on the lake, just south of the previous image. This is where the blacksmith shop is located, her name is Vertis (based on Harth's name in the German version) and her roost is on that pillar where the Archive entrance is. (Yes, there's a Korok there, so depending on how you get him, he's either hiding on top of the roost or moved somewhere else.)
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A map view, the red pin is Frita's workshop/roost, she's the town jeweler, though she lets Huck & Nekk sell her wares rather than run her own shop. The Blue pin is Misa & Fyson's roost (at least until he moves to Tarrey Town...) The Yellow pin is Guy's roost, where he lives with his wife and kid. (Yes, I know, he's got a kid that never shows up in game, very suspicious that...) The green pin is Kisli's house, she's an OC I made cause there's not enough guards and Gesane needs to sleep! She's a Bubo Tribe (Owl) Rito loosely based on the red morph of the eastern screech owl. And the pink pin is Gesane's roost.
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Gesane's roost is basically right under Kass and Amali's roost.
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This is more or less where Kisli's roost is, there's some stairs leading down to the area below that bridge cause that's where the Rito food storage area is (next to the three ore deposits in game.)
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And here's where the food stores are. Filled with preserved meat, grains, fruits, etc. I was thinking about a mine or catacombs... but it seems really dumb to be weakening the pillar with mining activity... So there's some caves along the rim of Lake Totori, though they really don't do much in the way of mining after the Great Calamity. Vertis probably gets most of her metal from melted down scrap.
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A couple screen shots of the lower area, the second one is right under the Slippery Falcon.
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So this map shows some spots on the lower area of the pillar with the shrine. Originally I was going to have Huck and Nekk (they're brothers), live and do their sewing on the lower level but... The yellow pin is right next to the back landing of their shop! So that's where they live. The blue pin is Harth's bow shop, cause I don't think his roost is big enough for him and his daughter to live in and make bows and sell bows.
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Right next to the armor shop, there's a new bridge that leads to Harth's shop. Just pretend it's there okay! :P
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This is by the entrance to the village, there's an armory here cause weapons aren't allowed in the village proper. (Except for Harth's bow shop, and all the catches of bows and bomb arrows Teba's hidden around the pillar, out of the reach of fledglings of course!)
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So if you go to the right when approaching the village, you see this pillar...
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...which I marked on the map. That's where Revali's roost used to be, huh, fun coincidence that the pin is blue isn't it? Anywhoo, this doesn't relate to "The Ballad of Kass" but in other stories I focus on Revali and this will be relevant then. Also back before the Great Calamity, there was an open market on the third island (counting from Rito Stable, or if you'd rather it's where the salmon pond is). It was called the Eagle's Bazaar and was something of a tourist trap with Rito merchants selling all sorts of goods to visitors. I had a map image showing Link standing there, but it didn't transfer, and you can see it here so, whateves...
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And so in these last couple images, I show the emblem for Torikirika. The little boxy G with the wings/E's. Every Rito settlement has a symbol like this, and it is usually found on the cloth "skirt" on Rito armor (or on the chest plate if you're a bigshot Warrior like Teba).
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zaph1337 · 1 year
Monster Hunter Rating 34: Great Thunderbug
It took a while, but we’ve reached the last Small Monster of the Second Generation! After this, we’ll be hitting the big time, but I doubt this monster will be nothing more than a stepping stone. Let’s take a look at the Great Thunderbug!
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(How it appears in the Second Generation)
Appearance: In the games, Great Thunderbugs just look like floating orbs of light, but in the render above, we can see that each ball of light is a cluster of bugs. This makes it questionable how Hunters can kill these things, considering they’re using weapons like swords and arrows on a bunch of really tiny targets, but realism in Monster Hunter is mostly dead anyway so who cares. These guys don’t really have much of a design; they’re just tiny specks inside balls of light. Still, that’s not something you see anywhere else in Monster Hunter, so at least I can say Great Thunderbugs are unique.
Behavior/Lore: Despite being living things, Thunderbugs are only ever seen as items used for crafting things like Shock Traps. Well, with one exception: they swarm around Great Thunderbugs, which have grown comparatively enormous thanks to...okay, this is gross, but apparently these things got so big and strong because they spent most of their life inside Elder Dragons. No idea how they leave their host--which honestly isn’t a bad thing--but when they do, they’ll typically stick around that Elder’s stomping grounds. Their bright glow attracts mundane Thunderbugs to them, eventually resulting in swarms like the kind in the render. Each swarm has only one Great Thunderbug, which acts as the leader, and the normal Thunderbugs will go their separate ways when it dies. Though the swarm is rather docile, if the leader feels threatened it will incite its minions to aid it in building up a powerful electric charge for defense,
Much like Remobra, Great Thunderbugs are interesting due to their connection to Elder Dragons, though the link doesn’t really last for the latter’s whole life. Sure, Elders are what make Great Thunderbugs, but once the zapper bugs leave their host, they don’t have much else to do with the living disasters. Still, I’d imagine that in-universe, coming across these suckers could make one uneasy, as there’s no telling if the Great Thunderbug’s former host is still in the area. It’s not as foreboding as the presence of a Remobra, but it’s something.
Abilities: While Great Thunderbugs normally glow blue, their red turns red when they’re about to attack. Said attack consists of the entire swarm generating electricity all at once, which is amplified by the leader, then flying into the object of their ire. The jolt they deliver is strong enough to paralyze Hunters, which can make Great Thunderbugs a nuisance when you’re fighting a Large Monster near them. They don’t do anything else, but that’s not exactly surprising.
Equipment: Unfortunately, Great Thunderbugs have no equipment directly based off of them, but there are weapons that specifically require their unique materials, so I’ll show those off. First are some Dual Blades which are, quite literally, Twin Chainsaws:
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Y’know, at first I felt that these were out of place with Monster Hunter’s level of technological development, but now that I think about it, we don’t know for sure that the MH world doesn’t use chainsaws for tree felling. Then again, the Twin Chainsaws’ description says they were “once used to cut metal in a workshop” and that they were “crafted with advanced techniques,” so I guess my argument was dead on arrival. Anyways, these are clearly meant to be silly, and they get even sillier when you learn that they make actual chainsaw noises when they’re swung. Cleaning blood and guts out of the chains must be a nightmare, though; one of many reasons why you shouldn’t use chainsaws as weapons in the event of a zombie apocalypse.
The other weapon I want to show off is a Lance called the Spark Plug, and don’t worry--it’s not nearly as lame as it sounds:
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According to its description, it’s “[a] new blade-based Lance with a Great Thunderbug's spirit,” which explains why it looks more like a sword. Speaking of its design, I really like the whole “open sword” thing it’s got going on, and the “core” near the hilt is presumably the source of its power, so it’s fashionable and functional! The shield’s pretty darn basic and honestly doesn’t feel like it matches the sword, but it doesn’t really take anything away from the weapon as a whole.
I know that these aren’t meant to be related to Great Thunderbugs, but I wanted to show them regardless because I think they’re neat--and in the case of one of them, silly.
Final Thoughts: I admittedly don’t have strong feelings about Great Thunderbugs; their two most notable qualities are that they have interesting lore and that they can be really annoying if you don’t take them out right away. I respect them for being different, but that’s all they really are.
We’re done with the appetizers, so I hope you’re ready for the main course next review!
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valleynix · 2 years
I finished the chapter, you're killing me with all the fluff. I almost turned into ashes because of the overwhelming amount of warmth this whole thing was.
This is so funny to me that Reader is so afraid Dimitrescus will be scared/won't love them because of the mutation like they ain't mutated themselves like the sisters ain't a bunch of flesh eating fly mutants with a mama that can turn into a freaking dragon and they think Dimis would be scared of some wings or few additional eyes 😭
“I’m… doing just fine on my own, handling everything on my own.”
Bestie you clearly don't, be for real 😭
“You were right. I’m not her(…)"
“You are quite similar…”
Bela is adorable indeed please, the transition from confident to shy blushing mess is killing me.
Daniela would have a free pass for terrorising me any time she wants.
"You think you see the flickering form of that lunatic walking in a circle around Daniela, almost watching her… curiously?"
"Before you know it, her hand smacks the side of your head hard"
I'm a mess because of the cuteness of the whole scene with Bela, Cass and Dani. How to use words???? I be just giggling.
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“A high concentration of virgin blood makes me a little feral, as you said, but everything else makes me drunk"
What does virgin blood mean in this tho and how is she able to tell the difference. This concept was alway so weird to me. Like is she really able to tell the difference in taste somehow? She just likes her food un-fucked by a man/in general? Why does it matter so much, what's the science behind it?😭
"These women are vile. They are nothing like the ones you know and have come to adore, and you think you’re beginning to understand why your copy doesn’t like spending much time with them"
Damn Lunatic and Reader really are living in such different environments, surrounded by much different people. And it really makes me sad for them :(
No one is giving Lunatic any love or even the simplest affection. Not without a price that is as Miranda may give them a head pat or sth but only if they earn it somehow.
The character is tragic to me, their case. Like, they probably could be so much different if only they were surrounded by people like from Reader's world :(
That's also why I want so bad for Lunatic to experience something nice and unconditional for once in their life with the fluff ball Reader's Dani is 😭
Lastly, I adore how this chapter and the whole work is so full of kisses and simple affection in general. Everyone is getting forehead kisses left and right and I live for that.
Despite the angst it's still so warm and fuzzy, please, might me my comfort fic even with all the bloody events.
I love how each pair goes their own way and has their own pace but all of them do those sweet little things and bond together and have nice intimate moments and it's not banging every five seconds.
Also the Dimitrescus and their bond honestly might be my fav part of it all😭 I adore how they'd protect each other at all cost, their little fights and all the soft moments. I love my platonic/family bonds too, I wish people would explore it more rather than write them doing all sorts of messed up stuff, can't they just let them cuddle or sth 😭
HEHEHEHE, i saw the notification pop up about this ask and just went !!!!!
*Reader: "but what if you don't love me the same if you saw my mutation? :(" // literally any of the Dimis: "...did you forget who we are-"
*Reader try not to lie challenge (impossible)
*Bela is literally the epitome of confidence and authority but loses it so quickly when someone is nice to her. pls i love her
*Daniela could "terrorize" me all she wants, i'd have 0 complaints
*sometimes you just need a hard lil smack to get some sense back in your head <3
*also i literally debated for a while if i should even add in Dani giving them kisses on the cheek 😭 like i know this fandom gets kind of weird sometimes and i was afraid someone would take that not platonically and i'd have to throw hands, BUT I COULDNT STOP SMILING WHEN I WAS WRITING IT PLS, I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
*i think virgin blood is just more "pure"? and since they feed on it often, they can tell the difference between virgin blood and non-virgin blood. i literally don't know the science behind it because virginity is like a social construct (i think?) but i assume it's something like that. i might have to go research it to be sure-
*it's been interesting to write Lunatic as this horrible, cruel person in the beginning who we assume is just Like That, only to eventually see all the little pieces that make them who they are. like, yeah, copies are horrible versions of the real ones, but it's obvious they're capable of change and only remain this way because of the environment(s) they're in
i mean, their Dimis obviously hold very little to no love for one another, and being around that dynamic alone is bound to make them a bit bitter and cruel to anyone else because they're not surrounded by any sort of love. and when they're not trapped in the megamycete, they're around Miranda, who only sees them as a tool or a pawn rather than someone who literally has thoughts and feelings
i will say that moment where they were watching Daniela + where they mentioned they'll go easy on her were changes we're starting to see in their character. they see the possibility of what they could have, what life they could live, but it'll take some time for them to understand they're allowed to have happiness
*listen i adore simple affection :'( i think it's way more interesting to write these women as people who are capable of kindness and love, but choose to be cruel and awful to anyone who isn't their family. i don't really like reading anything where they're just horrible all the time and are incapable of even being half-decent to each other
but yes, everyone gets a kiss! you get a kiss, and you get a kiss, and yes, you get a kiss!!
*i do like writing their dynamics a bit different rather than the same thing over and over- like Alcina is a bit reserved because she knows Reader is hiding something and doesn't want to get too close for the sake of her daughters, Daniela is a bit more fast-paced but still very respectful of boundaries etc., Cassandra is coming to terms with the fact she's actually falling in love for like the first time, and Bela is a bit of a mix with her being out of her depth and not knowing how to proceed sometimes but still trying her hardest to compromise <3
like, i feel it makes more sense that way? they're all different people with different personalities, so they wouldn't go about every situation the same way
(also i hate when people write them as horny 24/7- like i genuinely highly doubt sex is even on their list of priorities LMAO. Bela and Dani are probably the only ones to actively seek it out, but even then, i don't think it'd be a regular occurrence like some people think)
*i'm trying my best to not write them as super hostile with each other all the time 😭 like yeah, Bela and Cass have their moments, but it's so painfully obvious they still love each other and would do anything to keep each other safe. i wish we had more of, "yeah, these people are horrible and awful, but here's them in a cuddle pile because it's a cold night <3"
ANYWAYS AAAAA IM GLAD YOU LIKED THE CHAPTER, i have a plan for the next one i think you'll like (something with Red... hmm...) and i'll try to start working on it sometime this week after i get some other projects done <3333 thank you for sharing your thoughts, i literally love them so much 😭💞
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