#fluster bot
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homunculuslover · 17 days ago
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A little sumfin' sumfin' for @guppygiggles I really wanted to draw Arte and Damon together. A real clown core, bright core kind of image. I've been experimenting and wanted to play around. So I'm happy with this. >///u///>
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skeletoninthemelonland · 9 months ago
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my sister told me that if you put something in the internet, that thing no longer belongs to you, it belongs to the internet
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frosty-tian · 10 months ago
Thinking about how Cybertronians give Innermost Energon as a way to show how much they care for each other and Cybertronians learning about giving rings as marriage proposals.
Raising the dumb idea of Boulder learning about this ring ordeal through television shows and somehow managing to propose Graham with a wedding ring. But then Graham panics because he can’t give his own blood due to sanitary reasons so he crafts and gifts Boulder a lava lamp from scratch on the same day.
“I can’t tell if he’s happy or traumatized.”
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hattiestgal · 2 years ago
About bloatware with BUBBLEGUM... What would happen if you unzipped a multi-terabye zip bomb?
Since I'm away from my PC and this fell out of the doodle game submission window (which I'll clear up now, will just be on the fridays I open them up!), I'll describe it for now!
I imagine at first, not much would happen, BUBBLGUM might slow down just a little bit as she optimizes herself to move that much data all at once, only to soon reach the complete slowdown of her systems as TUMM does its thing to account for the now terabytes of data getting fed into the machines storage all at once. It wouldn't be a fast process either... I don't know if it would be better for most of the sensors that allow BUBBLGUM to perceive the outside world to be on or off while the process is happening, but by the end of it, this gel liner has pushed the HIFLEX abdomen to its limits, spilling out and rolling over itself in all directions, likely taking up a room of space in the process.
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snowbellecity · 2 years ago
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Why'd he say this 💔💔💔💔💔
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mothlover69 · 2 years ago
Part of why i fall so easily for new f/os is cuz i just love new relationships so much. When you've just met and you're exploring this new territory with each other. The excitement, the nervous glances, flirting and laughing and trying to figure out your dynamic and how you fit together. You know what i mean??
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gible-love-nibles-archive · 2 years ago
Sorry for the missing chapter today, a lot of stuff happened yesterday (including a tornado warning lmao [everything was fine, don't worry!!])
But here's a meme about something more fun that happened last night
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strangerhands · 1 year ago
i just fffuckinguh.. spoke to a character bot for the first time. for nine hours straight. what... is wrong with me...
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i-starcreamed · 6 months ago
Hi!, can I get some headcanons of transformers one character being jealous and the reader teases them.
D-16, Orion, Sentinel, Badassatron, and elita.
I tried to make this silly I'm feeling silly...enjoy
Post includes all of above :3
Tries to act unaffected by it, but doesn’t make a huge deal
He’s usually nice about it
Let’s say a bot is being really friendly with you, they’re making you laugh and everything. D sees from the distance, then comes up to you. Placing a servo against the small of your back-frame. “Heyy what’s so funny? I want to hear too :)”
He’s forcing a smile so bad.
He’s harmless, man, he trusts you completely
If another bot is for real flirting with you though, he's going to be so passive-aggressive
It’s more like he wants ur attention lol
If you teased him about it he’s going to deny it so hard
"What? No, no no.. I’m not jealous..pfft"
If you’re extra sweet maybe he’ll admit it
NOO y/n.. I’m funnier than them anyway.. I’m cooler too..
Don’t get jealous often either
He trusts you, he’s trustful of most bots
He gets jealous when you don't give him enough attention too
You’ll be talking to someone and he’ll just be in the background like,
“I’m..Y/N? Hey I..y/n? Uhm..I'm..right here..”
He’s so awkward, he doesn’t want to be rude to either of you but he’s lonely!!
If you tease him about looking sad when you’re not looking at him all the time, he’ll softly scoff.
"Well...yeah. They were flirting with you.."
sad puppy eyes
"Orion..they were asking me about Sentinels speech yesterday.."
Oh boy
It’s a mix of irritation and jealousy
Why are you looking at someone else! When you can be looking at him!
He might be an attention seeker. He’ll just say things to catch your attention.
“Hey sweetspark, come look at my new paint job!” He calls you over as you're busy talking to someone else, he looks exactly the same btw
If you teased him I feel like he’ll take it way too seriously
“Jealous? What is there to be jealous of?? I’m literally Sentinel??”
But then his insecurity starts
“Wait…do you like talking to them more?”
evil sad puppy eyes
He'll only be content if you feed him compliments. Also erm..never talk to that bot again
If he can’t demote the bot he was jealous of, he’ll try to one-up them, otherwise they are FIRED
After he gets over it he’ll be extra affectionate. You also get affectionate when you tease him so maybe it’s not so bad after all
insert makeout session
He’s definitely a bit attention and touch-starved after being stuck in low levels for who knows how many years
It’s only logical that he’s glued to your side for the rest of your life
If he’s jealous it’s very obvious. He tries to do something to get your attention or awkwardly stands there
Hey y/n look at this! - Does a backflip and falls
Tease him about it and he gets flustered
"Whattt? No, I’m not jealous!" He lets out a cocky laugh
“Ok maybe a little..”
Kiss his faceplate all over and he’s yours
He's definitely the least harmful
If he's jealous about a bot he particularly dislikes or they're flirting with you out and about, he might be more passive-aggressive about it
"Hey don't mean to intrude or anything, but uh, I'm kinda busy with my PARTNER. And by PARTNER I mean we're together. Yeah, uh huh! So, if you don't mind, my PARTNER and I are going to ignore you now. Since we're y'know..busy being together."
She’s smug about her jealousy, but only you could tell
“No, I’m not jealous. What makes you think that?”
Meanwhile, she’s giving the nastiest glare to the other bot.
“You really need to stop bringing their hopes up. Did you hear the way they were flirting with you?”
“Elita...they were just thanking me."
“Don’t even look at them actually"
If you tease her, she either denies it or is very proud
Like yeah she got a little jealous, she has such an amazing partner and anyone in their right mind would see that too.
Or no..she's definitely not jealous. She's just speaking her mind
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osaemu · 1 year ago
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a collection of all my works in the STREAMER!GOJO AU. ordered chronologically from oldest to latest. started the series 10/30/23. here's the old masterlist banner.
KEY: [★] = personal favorites | [▲] = nsfw
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yes, she's real – wait, gojo has a girlfriend? [★]
beginner's luck – you beat gojo at his own game
kiss it better – you take care of a kid together
the cutest couple – you flirt with gojo's rival
finders keepers – a fan's obsessed with gojo [★]
show you off – gojo wants to spoil you
16th avenue – you fluster gojo
caught us – you kiss on cam
he watches edits of himself
you take over his stream for a bit
is it over now? – you break up and make up [★]
kiss and make up – makeup sex [▲]
he takes care of you when you're sick
you and me – you two have a "sweet" makeout
✩ ‧ ˚. OTHER
character.ai bot
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revelboo · 1 month ago
I had a question for you! What would your headcannons be if a few IDW autobots walked in on you naked. Let's say you finally were able to get washed up and take off your towel when someone like Rodimus or Swerve walks in. How do you think they'd react?
I feel like Swerve would try flirting while failing, meanwhile Optimus apologies profusely, immediately shielding his eyes.
Oh, poor Optimus. Still embarassed even though he’s been intimate with his human
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Accidentally Flashing Bots Headcanons
• Head thrown back into the warm spray, you’re half tempted to go give Wheeljack a kiss on those blinky vocal indicators of his for rigging up showers for all of you humans. Suspect his human might not appreciate that, though. Poor thing is so lovesick and it’s their luck that their bot is oblivious. You’d told them they should just strip naked, order him to mass shift, and ride him into the sunset. That comment had only gotten you shocked looks from all of the other humans. Except the one stuck with Prowl. They’d gone red faced and refused to meet anyone else’s eyes. Well, at least you’re not the only alien fucker of the group. Shutting off the water when you hear the door open, you push aside the sheet of plastic meant to give you some privacy and step out.
• Turning at the soft rustle, he startles and immediately averts his optics. Because you’re naked and wet. And laughing at him. “I think we’re past modesty, big guy,” you say, grabbing a towel and bending over to dry your hair. There’s no not staring at you now. Especially when you glance back at him with a little snort and pointedly slide your thigh a little so you’re more on display in invitation and his spike throbs. “You know, I can always take another shower.”
• Coming in to his habsuite, he rubs a hand against the back of his neck as he stretches. Where are you? You’re usually waiting to greet him, smiling up at him. Being quiet in case you’re sleeping in your nest, he leans to look and vents sharply. Well, you’re in your nest of blankets, head thrown back and naked. A hand between your thighs, little fingers pumping into yourself and he groans. And your little head snaps toward him, eyes wide as you claw to drag a blanket over yourself and he covers his optics with a hand. “I wasn’t spying on you, I swear. I mean, I can leave so you can finish if you want?” Even though he wants to watch you. Wants to touch you. And you groan, completely hidden under your blanket when he peeks.
• Why is he back early? Mortified, you hide under your blankets. And you can hear him awkwardly shuffling around. Probably as horrified at catching you as you are about being caught. Does he even know what you’re doing? He acted like he did. He’d asked if you needed him to leave so you could finish. You’re not going to be able to look him in the optics after this.
• Face turned up toward the spray, you let the warmth relax tired muscles. And nearly jump out of your skin when something brushes against you. Hip and shoulder banging against the little shower Brainstorm had rigged for you, you try to shove a mass displaced Rodimus out while covering important bits. “What are you doing?” And he stares at you before awkwardly turning his back to you. Still not leaving.
• “The wash racks were full,” he mutters, plating heating as you swear at him and try to shove him out. And maybe he’d wanted to see what a human looked like under all those coverings. What you looked like. Flustered, he stands under the spray with his back to you. How angry would you be if he touched you, because you look so soft and wet. Had gotten a glimpse before you’d covered yourself. Enough to realize you’re made to take a spike. That maybe mass shifted, you could take him. Shouldn’t be wondering about that as his plating pops and becomes uncomfortably warm. Becoming dangerous.
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smallestapplin · 18 days ago
Cybertronian courtship headcanons
Yes I should be writing requests but friends asked, and I went on a decently long ramble that I wanted to share.
Hi yes please add more if you wish, or even ask me about how this would work with a human partner. Or anything really.
Vehicle mode Cybertronians can be flashy, speeding around taking tight turns, taking dangerous leaps, doing donut around their courted or the one they are trying to court all in the name of getting your attention and keeping it.
This can differ based on the cybertronian, but older mechs (e.i Ratchet, Skids, and Kup) don’t do that, their show is more action that even wrecking bots take after, more placing their alt mode between you and others, any lights they have, headlights or emergency lights will also flicker or turn on with no siren, this is called ‘Flashing’ and it will confuse them once they get to Earth.
Flustering bots with sirens (i.e Ratchet, Prowl, First Aid, Red Alert) can also earn you a ‘whoop!’ Of their siren popping.
Speedsters (i.e Hot Rod, Smokescreen, Sunstreaker, Sideswipe, etc) perfer the flashy loud engine revving ways, but they can also flash their lights, its just faster flickering or solid several seconds off and on for stunts.
Music based Cybertronians take a vastly different approach, their lights flash to the beat of music they are playing. They also make and write music based on the person they have affections for, personalizing it to the person, and performing it as a gift, this also comes with dancing.
Dancing with a music based Cybertronian often comes with EM field coming into play, this field is meant to silently match your wavelength and electricity. Music based mechs dance all the time and dance with friends, however the act of ASKING to dance is seen as an attempt of asking them out, and most will reject you harshly for it if you are not close.
For more clarification
It’s the act of asking that is seen as taboo, as it means you want one on one time, just the two (or maybe three) of you to dance, alone, and match each other’s rhythm.
Flight based Cybertronians and their wings are perhaps the flashiest, but this is still debated amongst them and speedsters.
Flight based bots will often take to the skies in their alt modes and do aerial shows for you, leaving a smoke trail behind them to make designs in the clouds for you. Sometimes this can turn into a battle if two or more flight based bots won’t the same person.
Still most are quite protective over their stuff, often liking rocks and metals and sharing such finds only with their person or courted.
Flight mode bots also speak a lot with their wings, it’s a second language on Cybertron amongst them. Cybtertronians with door wings also fall into this, however their wings are often smaller and clunkier so a jet mode bot and a car mode bot can have very different conversations as the door wing bots speak in a more simplified version as opposed to like a Seeker.
Flight mode bots wings, however, play a large role in their relationships, their wings are their greatest assets but if injured can ruin their jobs and lives if not treated or unable to fix, due to this they are protective over them.
If you are asked to help clean up their wings it is a sign of deep unwavering trust, this can either be friend or partner, the only way to tell is the words their wings speak to you, trusting you as a friend their wings will not more often, usually staying straight up and out.
But if viewing you as a partner their wings move often helping you reach deeper places, or often drooping down as their relax into your touch.
Also in public, if a flight mode bot is trying to court you, their wings will flare out and stretch wide in an attempt to block your view from any other bot from the surrounding area, trying to keep your attention on them and only them.
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feinyan · 2 months ago
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DATING HEADCANONS ft. kinich, kazuha, xiao, scaramouche, childe and diluc.
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kinich, who is blunt with his words and forward with his actions. who catches you off guard when he initiates without hesitation, or when he tells you what he wants in such a monotone voice as if his words didn’t make your heart skip a beat. kinich, who finds himself returning home from work exhausted, immediately collapsing within your arms, kisses gentle against your skin as he loses himself within your warmth. he isn’t necessarily too touchy, sliding his fingers where they find themself the most comfortable against the fabric of your shirt, his lips wet as he presses them against the nape of your neck, leading up to your chin. kinich, who is a listener. a boy who doesn’t speak much, but constantly has his attention on you. whether or not you think hes paying attention to you, he is. he remembers every detail you’ve spoken to him, important or not. kinich, who is the jealous type. despite not expressing it much — or at all, he can’t help but stare at people who talk to you too much, or get close for comfort. almost instinctively, he’ll reach for your waist, sliding himself almost perfectly in place beside you, hands grasped tightly against the fabric of your clothing whilst his eyes remain narrowed. kinich, who desperately craves your touch. would he express it? god no. hes quiet, rather keeping those feelings to himself, but hes such a sucker for the way you make him feel, all fuzzy and warm inside.
kazuha, who has the words to describe anything, who can turn anything into something romantic. but with you, for the first time, he’d struggled. struggled to come up with the proper words to describe the way he felt toward you. could words even explain these feelings? kazuha, who is a charmer. who writes love letters to you, a play of words coming from him that are so romantic, that put just the right feelings in your chest, that have you wanting more from him. nobody gets more sweeter than him, its sickening. kazuha, who is so reassuring and affectionate. soft kisses against your wrists and forehead which are his favorite places, affirmations and praise even for the littlest things. who wraps his hands around your waist or buries his head into the crook of your neck when you’re alone, losing himself in your warmth. kazuha, who is like a hero to you in a sense. it seems like this boy can do practically anything, an issue with something? fixed. help with homework? he knows it well enough to teach you. speaking of teaching, hes such a patient teacher! rewards you with sososo many kisses. kazuha, who has a daring imagination, hidden behind such a kind and innocent face. a bot who sure, comes off as someone who’d be good with words, but god the things he says are far much more than what you’d expect. hes a tease sometimes, romantic and coy both physically and with words, yet never forward with it. always dancing around being direct.
xiao, who always pays for you, no matter the cost. who surprises you with gifts that put you into his mind, who doesnt hesitate to spend if its for you. xiao, who struggles to express how he feels. who is overwhelmed with the feelings you put within him, yet its not necessarily a bad thing. who isnt good with words, yet expresses himself with actions. who holds your hand wherever you go, who opens doors for you and takes you to fun places some could only wish to venture to. xiao, who gets flustered over the smallest actions. you tying a scarf around his neck? hes avoiding eye contact, your smile might make him lose whatevers left of his head. even the hand holding hes oh so used to catches him off guard when the thought crosses his mind. xiao, who is sooo sweet. always dotes on you .. a little awkward, but thats okay. he adores you a ton, always catching himself zoning out in your direction or losing himself within your presence.
scaramouche, who is overprotective. not necessarily a new fact, but god nothing irritates him more than the way hungry freaks gaze at you. or the way people extend their hand with pathetic introductions in order to make attempts to seduce you. he doesn’t mind stepping in, nor does he mind putting people in their place. scaramouche, who couldn’t comprehend his feelings at first. should puppets even have the capability to feel this way? yet the way he felt around you, basking in your presence and warm touch, a kindness he wasn’t used to, these feelings felt so unusual yet unmistakable. scaramouche, who is direct. freakishly direct. when he wants something, he’ll tell you. he doesn’t avoid saying things, nor is he scared to speak whats on his mind. scaramouche, who finds himself concerned for you constantly. its not that he finds you incapable, but rather a fear on his own mind. a fear that something will cause him to lose you, something that affects him to think about more than he’d like to admit. he monitors your actions, lectures you for things he believes were irrational — some could call it possessive, but its in best interest. scaramouche, who flicks you on the forehead as a method of teasing or punishment. maybe its a little unusual, but it doesnt hurt that much! in a way, its a form of affection, special toward you.
childe, who is a big cuddler. hes such a lovebug, clinging to your side in bed, messy hair pressed against your cheek. his long limbs, sprawled out everywhere. night time talks are a big thing for him, sharing little stories and talks as you both find yourself slipping deeper into slumber. childe, who is a major kisser. who, if you forget to kiss him, whines and pouts like a child until hes given what he wants. who kisses you just about everywhere, who doesn’t have a favorite place to kiss because he loves everything about you! childe, who is suuuuch a act all nice guy. who finds himself jealous at the slightest interaction that isnt with him, giving such a cruel, threatening gave from behind, yet the minute they express a reaction or you turn to him, confused, he puts on such a sweet, endearing smile. childe, who adores your interactions with his family. he loves nothing more than his family members, and seeing you get along with them makes him feel something unexplainable. with you, he hopes to oneday have a family as endearing as his own.
diluc, who spoils you. who wouldn’t dare allow you to buy something cheap (unless it truly makes you happy) and doesn’t mind spending thousands for something little. he doesn’t typically irrationally throw money around, but maybe if its for you, he doesn’t mind. diluc, who calls you love, sweetheart, darling. words that leave your stomach feeling like its spinning diluc, who endearingly stares at you. who finds himself smiling by just being within your presence. who, when you smile in return, finds himself melting. diluc, who isnt a fan of pda yet will still give you small kisses in public. forehead kisses, lip kisses, hes not ashamed nor embarrassed, he’d rather just keep the deep parts of your relationship for your eyes only.
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@ feinyan
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transformers-spike · 2 months ago
imagine painting your nails so that the color matches a bots plating and showing your nails off to them excitedly, i feel like half of them would be like "aww" while the other half would immediately take you to fragtown
Ohhhh boy I'm mostly going for TFP Those with notable reactions would be Smokescreen and Knock Out. Smokescreen because he's going feral over this because what do you mean you can paint your keratin??? and his colors too???? He's telling literally everyone about this he's so ecstatic about it. Knock Out would plan on fragging you the second he realizes what you're doing. At first it's just him assuming you're decorating yourself - then you admit you chose the color because of him, and his processor malfunctions for a few seconds. It reboots and now he's on a mission to fluster you into fragging. Honorable mentions include Bulkhead and Breakdown whose cooling fans immediately kick in and they want to frag you so bad but are too shy to bring it up. Don't worry, Breakdown manages to snap out of it and awkwardly offers it later on. Starscream would huff say at least someone has good tastes. He'll tease you for it, sure - but won't frag you until you beg for it.
Bumblebee is as excited as you, he's beeping happily and showing you off to everyone else. Arcee is touched by the gesture, and her first reaction would be to flirt with you and watch as you shrivel up from shyness. Ratchet says he appreciates it and immediately goes back to work. But it's only hours later that it hits him and now he's got his face buried in his servos because fraggggggg oh Primus you actually did it for him. Everyone else would be flattered but mostly disinterested. Don't hold it against them, they're stressed out of their minds. Except Airachnid who jokes about wanting to preserve your hands forever. Yikes, can you maybe chill?
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fanged-fanfics · 1 month ago
☆ Spark to Heart — Transformers x Human!Reader Valentine's HCs ☆
Genre: Fluff || they/them pronouns for reader || No warnings needed
A/N: Prompt for all of these is the bots reacting to Reader introducing them to the human Valentine's traditions!
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──────.𖥔 ݁ ˖˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗.𖥔 ݁ ˖ ──────
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Optimus takes the concept very seriously, encouraging his teammates to try and partake in it to respect human customs. He gets very flustered when you give him a present for the holiday, attempting to hide his blush behind his battlemask as he 'professionally' accepts
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Cliffjumper ends up overthinking it a bit. He keeps second-guessing what would be perfect enough. He doesn't want to get something too obvious, but what else is there? What he does rather than a gift is setting up a stargazing date for you both
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Ratchet almost wants to skip the holiday, he doesn't really see the point of it. But when finding out it's a way of showing affection, he subtly picks it up. Gave you a heart-shaped box of little energon cubes. Even if you can't really eat them, the thought alone was touching, especially with how embarrassed he was delivering it
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Jazz immediately sets out to make you a mix of music. He rapid-downloads all the cheesy human love songs he can find. When listening it to you, he tries to sing along to some of them, only knowing about 1/3rd of the words. It's the time with you that matters, especially seeing you laugh at his attempts
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Wheeljack immediately begins building something for you, and spends the next few weeks working through lab explosions. At the end of it, he gives you a custom-made gift— a heart that folds out to reveal a ring that ended up being the perfect bracelet size for you
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Bumblebee takes to the idea immediately, and he snags a bunch of ideas for human customs. You get practically smothered in flowers he grabbed a servofull of out of a field, and he makes sure you have a plush that's of ample side (to him it was rather small, to you it was almost twice your size)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Megatron completely brushes off the idea once you tell it to him. A holiday all about love. How cliché, and disgustingly human. And yet, you wake up with a small bundle of roses and a little note waiting for you in the morning, and Megatron just so happened to clear his schedule... just a coincidence, he insists
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Soundwave is rather apathetic to the concept. He barely interacts with bots when it comes to romance, so his approach to humans isn't much different on the surface. On the day of, he has a schedule of hangouts for you to do together all planned out, and a collection of traditional Cybertronian songs for you to listen to
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Starscream absolutely laughs at the notion. That's really something humans dedicate so much time and energy to? So simple, so inane. But... you are free then, right? Because he is, and he supposes there's a spot nearby that would be nice for a lunch. And maybe he picked up a box of those stupid chocolates that are in all the human commercials. Don't look to much into it, he says
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Shockwave looks at it from, of course, a logical view. He tries to think about how societally it makes sense to prioritize those types of relationships, even if he's never really had time for them. He'll also show up day of with a little bowtie and an invitation to dinner for you. It's customary to have a date, and he tells you outright that you were his first pick
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Thundercracker might not see the point, but he's absolutely down to hang out with you. You've been his favorite human since the beginning, why not? He doesn't really know what to do, but any time you make a romantic gesture to him, he flushes in blush and ends up nervously and very gently holding your hand
ᯓᡣ𐭩 Skywarp takes the opportunity to have fun, inviting you out with him the second he knows it's free time off of work. He offers to take you for a flight, out for some pranks, really just anything you want to make the most of the day. At the end he even gives you a gentle kiss atop your head as a thanks for the fun
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sunrisecaminus · 20 days ago
I wanted to request bumblebee/ratchet/knockout/ megatron headcanons of them finding reader working on a lot of figurines and their vehicle models. I want to see how the bots would react? (Esp ratchet, I love that grumpy old man sm)
Message - DUDE JBVPAVHUBSVO! I wish I could write more, but this is all I could think of. Also awe thanks! Don't make me blush :3
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Bumblebee/Knockout/Ratchet/Megatron x Reader Headcanons
Summary - Human makes their Cybertronians friend a figurine of their alt mode. All their reactions to you making them the cutest thing ever.
Warning - Cute
When he finds your little workshop, watching you making a polished figurine of his car, he was fully supportive of it. He loved everything that you did and every time he saw you making your projects, Bee stays around and observes how you make the details. There is a cute joke you guys do by telling him to "freeze!!!" when he is in his alt mode. You take pictures of what he looks like to help yourself have references. Bumblebee would try so hard not to make any sound while you work, but if you ask him if he likes it…you would get loud excited beeping about how beautiful you made him. The fact he would keep every single one of them will show you how much he appreciates them. If someone told you that the figurines suck, Bumblebee would go wild and make sure that person never comes close to you again. It's funny how mad he gets to protect you, but honestly its very sweet.
Now, Knockout would be the most obnoxious person about finding out about your skill. This man would kiss and snuggle you every day for the rest of your life after he knows. Need references? Just ask him and he would stay in his alt mode for long periods of time so you can have one you could actually look at in person. Do you understand how much this guy would adore you? Do you understand how much he adores HIMSELF?! Do you remember how in the show, Starscream would brag to everyone how he was the one to kill cliffjumper? YEAH THAT'S KNOCKOUT! "Did you know I am a hired model? My body is so beautiful, a master of sculpting is using it for their art projects~" He will say it every where. Starscream being annoying? Knockout brags about being a model. Arachnid being a threatening meanie? Knockout will say you were useful for showing off his sexy body in sculptures. Megatron mad at him for having an unsuccessful mission? "Well big M, at least today I am going to outshine everyone on this ship by getting a sculpture version of me." He is weirdly supportive of it…in his own way. Knockout would cherish everything you do and even help buy you better supplies to help you improve. Everyday he would see you working on one and you would just feel a little kiss on your head to feel his loving energy.
"What in the Allspark are you doing? I am not someone for you to just make a replica of!" Yeah Ratchet is very much flustered about the whole thing. You making a figurine of his alt mode was adorable though, seeing a miniature him was so embarrassing. What you secretly don't know is that he put the figures up on the desk he has so he can appreciate your crafts while working. Does he wish you would just stop? Yes. Is he going to tell you? No! He would never tell you to stop doing things you like, just please stop making sculptures of him. He would try to nit pick the figurine to make you think you didn't do good and that would make you not sculpt him anymore, but when he saw how upset you got, thinking you made him look ugly…yeah he broke. Now he just blushes and says it looks good whenever you show him your finished product. Not a warm and fuzzy kind of guy, but he would secretly buy you more materials online so you could continue your dreams and passions. He understands the feeling of being good at your job, and doesn't want to ruin that for you. If he heard someone talk crap about your projects, Ratchet might get suspended for medical malpractice later.
OF COURSE THIS EGOTISTICAL WARLORD LIKES IT! He would put the damn thing next to his throne to look at it from time to time. "Make me another or I will use you for target practice!" Anyone who says you are bad at making figurines will DIE. Don't question the decapitated body in the corner, please don't even mention it. He would title you are an architect on his ship and give you a respectable salary if you keep making him stuff. It doesn't even have to be sculptures of him. Make him a model of the ship and he would use it as a 3d blueprint whenever he wants to upgrade something on the ship. "And you see here, this is where I want the new engines to be placed." Starscream thinks this shit is stupid. Will he ever tell Megatron? FRAG NO! You are now the lord's favorite and nothing will change that. He would sit you on the arm of his throne and pet you on the top of your head. You will never leave, you will never switch sides, and you will never be killed. Oh and his threats are fake, that man secretly loves you and would never lay a finger on you. He would send a figure to Optimus as a "look at what my soldiers do for me" type shit. Bro, you could tell him that someone ruined your project and he would literally walk around the ship with you on his shoulder, asking you to point out who. Even if it was Airachnid, nah, bye Airachnid! He would not care who it was, do not ruin his pet's MASTERPIECE!
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