#fluff and idiocy
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finally ... finally maru and me dont have to draw that sling anymore :')
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A King's Admission (Imprisoning War)
The Festival of Colors was coming to an end.
A strange, ominous and somber energy filled Ganondorf’s mind. Perhaps it was because he was always sad when the beauty of the festival gave way to the dullness of what followed. He enjoyed pageantry, after all, and more than that, he loved the eventfulness of it – he was not one for monotonous things.
But perhaps this year, it was simply because he knew what was coming next.
The strike on Hyrule shouldn’t make him somber, though. He should be excited. He was excited, eager to finally obtain a sacred relic he’d dedicated his life to claiming.
But it meant this was coming to an end.
The Gerudo king watched Orik as the boy slept. After a little over a week in the desert with Hemisi, after being sick for several days, he looked a little different from the quiet, sweet, shy guard at the castle. The red face paint he wore was gone for now, mildly tanned face unblemished and browning with the exposure to the sun, placid in slumber. His light blonde hair, usually kept in a neat top knot, was spilling all over his face and the pillow. Ganondorf could faintly make out some stubble trying desperately to grow on innocent skin, a patchy effort fueled by raging hormones that only emphasized how young he was.
Honestly, Ganondorf was a little surprised he hadn’t seen it before. Orik had been dating Hemisi for well over a year now, and the entire time he’d thought the boy was at least sixteen, which was the Gerudo age of adulthood. After all, he’d been an independent soldier. Having just celebrated his twins’ fifteenth birthday yesterday, Ganondorf truly saw how old and young such an age was. It was unnerving.
And this one was fourteen.
There was a strange confliction of feelings in his heart. He himself had held a blade since adolescence, looked up to by his people, expected to rule and know what to do simply because he was a man. He’d stepped up and led them, of course – it was both his right and responsibility, and he’d wanted better for himself anyway. He’d planned on making the situation better for himself – why shouldn’t he claim what the world had to offer, when he was born with such privilege anyway? Why shouldn’t he deserve to have all the power when it was expected of him? Age had meant little to him back then, as a result. If one could fight, one could fight. Little children were obviously harmless, he’d assumed, until that one brat clad in green had proven otherwise.
But as a father, Ganondorf had found that his definition of children had evolved. He’d stepped up into the role an adult when he’d hit puberty, truly coming into his own when he was roughly sixteen. Now that he had two fifteen-year-olds, that prospect seemed insane. Perhaps it simply was a matter of circumstance – this desert was far different than the one he originated from (he refused to call that barren wasteland his own—this was his desert, his home). Perhaps it was that Ganondorf and Nabooru had ensured there was no reason for their children to have to step up as he had. He saw little reason in coddling them, teaching Merovar the art of manipulation for the last year, sending Hemisi on scouting missions since their first visit to Hyrule Castle so she could find weak points in their security… but even now, thinking of them getting involved in major fighting that might break out in the attempt to steal the Triforce made his stomach churn.
And this boy was no different in his musings.
Ganondorf had to admire him, honestly. He’d said he’d taken care of himself since he was twelve. It was an impressive feat… and explained why the boy was terrible at taking care of himself. It showed a fierce determination that he could appreciate, and it showed a frightening lack of development that he knew was supposed to be happening based on his twins.
It was no wonder he’d spent the first few months wondering if the kid even had feelings most days. He hadn’t trusted the docile, obedient façade until he’d realized that was simply how the boy actually was, and then discovered it was just what was expected of him when he had so much more fire to his heart and soul than that. This boy matched Hemisi’s chaotic energy in exploring and causing trouble, could fight her and even defeat her sometimes when no one else remotely close to their ages could, and had far more intelligence hidden behind those quiet eyes than he ever let on.
Blasted Sheikah. He could admire their dedication to their craft, their ability to fight, but goddesses they were asinine in their idiotic loyalty and dutybound culture. They were ruining this child. He wished he had more time before the strike, but they couldn’t just sit on the information they had – anything could change.
At the end of it all, Orik—Link—would have to choose. Ganondorf had a dark suspicion he knew what the boy would do, entrenched in his blind faith. But he still held out hope that once the dust settled, Hemisi would try to seek him out and perhaps he’d reciprocate once more. Only time would tell.
The thought of it made him want to distance himself from the child, honestly. But here he stood, watching as Orik stirred, scrunching his eyes and nose, sniffling and rubbing his face into the pillow a little in some kind of effort to wake up. Ganondorf didn’t bother moving, simply remaining in the shadows cast by the late morning light. He didn’t want to leave, didn’t want this chapter of his life to close quiet yet. The anticipation of everything coming together was starting to eat him alive, but just in this one, last quiet morning, he basked in the moment.
Orik stretched, rubbing his face sleepily, hand brushing against the stubble that had been trying to grow in his lack of grooming from the last few days. Ganondorf held back a chuckle at the boy’s disapproving grimace at the sensation, but his mirth faded into mild alarm when the teenager reached for a blade he’d placed on the nightstand. Sleepily, Orik ran his thumb across his cheek to trace the hair once more before getting ready to scrape a blade across his skin.
“What are you doing?” Ganondorf asked, both bewildered and concerned.
Link nearly jumped out of his skin, and the Gerudo hastily stepped forward to grab the boy’s wrist so he didn’t cut himself by accident. “L-Lord Ganondorf!”
Ganondorf yanked the knife out of the child’s hand, repeating his question. “What are you doing?”
Orik blinked, trying to center himself, eyes wide and innocent and startled. “I—I… sh-shaving?”
For Din’s sake. “Who taught you to shave like that?”
Orik shriveled a hair under his scrutiny, uncertainty etched in every fiber of his being. “…Me…?”
Ganondorf sighed heavily, dropping the boy’s wrist. He considered the teenager for a moment, exasperated, pointedly ignoring the thought in the back of his mind that whispered, I should just adopt this idiot already.
“Come on, child,” he ordered, walking for the door. Link obeyed silently, and Ganondorf guided him to the washroom, grabbing some supplies. He posted himself at a basin beside the one where he’d placed Link, and started to guide him through the process. As he instructed the boy to actually wash his face first, he asked, “You never explained why you lied to me.”
Orik froze, nearly inhaling the water in his hands as he hovered over it. “Sir?”
“Your name,” Ganondorf hummed, before smirking and slapping Link’s hands into his face, splashing the boy.
The teenager spluttered and coughed, and for a moment his red eyes twinkled with mischief and cheer as he was about to retaliate before he remembered who he was addressing. He sobered quickly, explaining, “I didn’t mean any deceit. I have two names.”
“Why didn’t you tell me about both, then?”
“I…” the boy shifted his weight uncertainly, looking anywhere but at Ganondorf. Distracting himself, he dipped his hands in the water basin once more, readying to wash his face again.
“Orik.” Ganondorf cut in sternly.
Orik bit his lip. “It was… suggested that I simply forego my Hylian name.”
“Who suggested it?”
His silence answered the question just fine. Ganondorf sighed. That girl… He backed down a little, asking calmly, “Is it custom for your people to have two names?”
“Not really,” Orik answered. “My parents wanted two different names for me.”
“But you go by Orik?”
“Yes, my lord. My mother wanted…” he paused, seeming to catch himself, and Ganondorf wondered why. He didn’t push initially, showing the boy some lotions to put on his face, lathering it up to help him shave.
As he watched Link carefuly and precisely move the blade, Ganondorf gently prompted, “What did your mother want?”
Orik halted his motions, eyes watching Ganondorf in the reflection of the mirror, and then he capitulated, saying, “She wanted me to be named Link. It’s… a special name. Sheikah respect it and find it… wrong to name a child that. It’s said to be imbued with the blessing of the goddesses, and many Hylians name their sons Link because of it. But the Sheikah consider it sacred. So my father named me Orik.”
Ganondorf watched him in silence, pondering the matter. He wondered if that was why that child from the forest was named Link as well. It gave him a strange feeling of relief, knowing that it was a common Hylian name, as if it further confirmed his reassurances that there was nothing wrong with this teenager. There would be no divine meddling – just bad breeding from the Sheikah.
“You introduced yourself as Link when you were sick and confused,” he noted. “I feel as if that would not be something automatic if you never use that name.”
The Sheikah boy sighed a little, glancing questioningly at Ganondorf as he had finished shaving. The Gerudo nodded towards the basin, indicating it was fine to rinse off. When he’d finished, Orik explained, “I like that name. I just can’t use it all that much. But I… prefer it over Orik. I have very little from my mother, even less connection to anything Hylian. I was raised in Kakariko, I was…”
When he trailed off, Ganondorf bit his tongue to give the boy time. Ganondorf was a man of action and saw little point in hesitation, but he knew some coaxing was needed for this boy sometimes. It was mildly frustrating, but he put up with it. His patience paid off when Link muttered, “I was raised entirely to be Sheikah. And I tried to be nothing but… and to be the best one so that…”
The silence became too stretched, and Ganondorf prompted, “So that what?”
Link jumped, started out of his musings and seeming to realize he’d said too much. “I—forgive me, I finished shaving, I don’t mean to waste your time.”
“You’re not remotely finished,” Ganondorf noted dully. “You still have to clean and moisturize your face.”
Link stared at him, baffled. “There’s more steps?”
The boy caught himself as soon as the words spilled out, and he bit his lips closed, making the Gerudo chuckle. Honestly. This boy needed to learn that it was okay to have an opinion. Nevertheless, the way the teenager watched his every move as if this were some life altering ritual was endearing. Ganondorf watched the boy massage some lotion in gently, even a little timidly over some tiny cuts, and the Gerudo rolled his eyes, stepping behind him and putting pressure over the boy’s hands, guiding them with his own to demonstrate how to properly do it.
“You’re not wasting my time,” he told him, letting his hands fall to the boy’s shoulders. “It’s… been a pleasure having you here, Link.”
The teenager was stiff under his palms, not seeming to know what to do with neither the gentle touch nor words. Instead of watching Ganondorf in the mirror, though, he glanced straight up to look at him, eyes sparkling with some sort of emotion, making him look so much smaller and younger than he was, and Ganondorf felt every fiber of his being scream to protect this child.
“You should stay,” he said abruptly, catching himself off guard. “Just a little while longer.”
Link’s eyes widened a little. “B-but—my lord, I only was granted leave to be here for the festival.”
“Hemisi and Merovar’s birthday celebrations extend such festivities,” Ganondorf lied. They did no such thing, honestly, but he’d already said the words and was kicking himself for it. Honestly, he just wanted the kid to stay here while they led their assault – it would spare Hemisi the pain of having to take him out of play (and consequently spare Ganondorf the headache and heartache of listening to her complain and be upset about it), and it would keep the boy out of the fighting altogether, perhaps even convince him to stay on Ganondorf’s side.
It wouldn’t matter either way – once he had the Triforce, the entire world would listen to him. Link would see reason soon enough. But if he could stay here, then it eliminated any possibility of a problem.
“Birthdays last multiple days?” Link asked, clearly completely confused.
“They… can.” This was just getting ridiculous. Redirecting, Ganondorf asked, “I never learned when yours was.”
“No one knows when mine is, my lord.”
Ganondorf blinked. Blinked again. “You… don’t know when your birthday is?”
“I do,” Link nodded, finally looking down again. “I mean no one else does.”
Wait a second. “When did you last celebrate your birthday?”
“When I came of age,” Link replied easily.
Oh. Well. That was ridiculous. Ganondorf didn’t care for all the traditions and silliness involved in birthdays, but recognizing one’s accomplishments over the past year was fairly important to him. Perhaps if the year had been an abysmal one there was no point in acknowledging it, but Link had plenty of reasons to look back on his last year alive on this world and be content with it.
Perhaps content wasn’t the right word. One shouldn’t simply be content with their life, they should always be seeking more. But Link had grown much in the last year. “When is your birthday, then?”
Link hesitated a moment before answering, “Tomorrow.”
“You’re staying here,” he immediately ordered, grip tightening on the boy’s shoulders.
“M-my lord—”
“Don’t argue. You’re staying.”
Link was supposed to leave tomorrow. The assault team would leave a day after. If Link stayed for his birthday, he’d depart at the same time as the warriors and it would be obvious.
He’d have to delay the attack if he did this.
He was too close for such delays over trifling matters. And the boy wouldn’t listen anyway.
Link was frozen in place, stiff and debating the matter. Ganondorf knew the automatic response that would come, the polite apology and inability to take orders from the Gerudo over his Sheikah mandated duties.
The boy let out a nervous sigh. “I… suppose I can wait a day, if you wish it so.”
Wait… what?
“D-do you… do you really want me to stay?” Link asked quietly. The words were held in a steady voice that tried to imply this was simply seeking confirmation from a king and not that this was a child desperately asking if he was wanted.
Damn it.
He almost said no. Because he shouldn’t have asked in the first place. Months of planning could be wasted if he delayed the assault too long.
One… one day wasn’t too long.
I can’t lose sight of my goal.
This wasn’t losing sight, though, it was simply modifying. Besides, what if he led the group out of the desert tomorrow night while Link slept safely in the capital? They could get the Triforce before the boy ever reached Castle Town.
He knew that wasn’t feasible, though. There was no way Nabooru would be prepared. He was rendezvousing with her en route, after all. He couldn’t change the timing of anything without doing so in a drastic manner.
So he either had to accept that his team would leave the same day as the boy, potentially compromising the mission, or he could tell Link he needed to leave.
Ganondorf swallowed. Bit his tongue. Cursed again.
Then he pat the boy on the back, heading towards the hallway. “I gave you an order, child. I expect you to obey. You’re going to be part of this family someday, aren’t you?”
Link blushed, hugging himself, and Ganondorf didn’t bother listening to his stammering reply. His heart thrummed in his chest, agitated and relieved, furious and terrified and hopeful.
He couldn’t let that happen again, though. That sweet, foolish boy would not be what prevented him from achieving everything he wanted.
But… he would make sure the boy’s birthday was the best one he’d had yet.
#writing#imprisoning war#hero of power#ganondorf#legend of zelda#Imprisoning War FLUFF y'all#a rare breed indeed#I usually just beat the snot out of these blorbos#but don't worry Ganondorf's IDIOCY will do that for us#Ganondorf gets to be a good dad for once here though <3#I love them
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Just some doodles I did of Crescent. Just been obsessed with him lately.
Him and Luna would be chaotic siblings hehe
Crescent belongs to @lunnar-chan
He is a lil dummy, lil dumb dumb. Teeny idiot, lil cry baby. He is my son, I love him
#utmv#crescent sans#undertale#undertale au#undertale oc#sans au#killermare ship child#nightmare sans#doodles#family fluff#sibling idiocy#oc#ship child#platonic
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posting this on friday, i believe :3
update: it’s out!!!! (click here)
#derek danforth#derek danforth x reader#derek danforth x gn!reader#derek danforth x you#the beekeeper#the beekeeper fanfic#josh hutcherson#derek danforth smut#guys its not really smut its just graphic descriptions of sex but thats all#its supposed to be this like silly platonic duo kinda thing#do not take this fic seriously#its just all fun#no smut no angst not even fluff just fun#and idiocy
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sunday snippet!!
i may be out and about traveling, but i’m still finding little bits of time to write! i’m hoping and praying I can finish this next chapter to post on friday. fingers crossed!
for now, enjoy (another) glimpse of chapter 5 of just if for a minute:
When they reach the end of the aisle, they stand in silence, overlooking the calm lake before them.
“This is fucking insane,” Simon breathes through an exasperated laugh. “It’s literally perfect.”
“It is,” Wille agrees.
It’s now, of course, that the truth hits Wille, and all the excitement and awe and joy drain out of him.
The light from the sun peaking through the clouds above them is real. The grass under their feet is real. The choking and overwhelming love Wille feels in his chest is real. But this, this marriage they’re getting ready for, is not real.
Wille drops Simon’s hand and walks off to the left, pretending to inspect the plants along the water’s edge. Over his shoulder, though it comes out a little strained, he jokes, “Maybe if you come back, they’ll give you a repeater’s discount.”
He can’t make himself look at Simon, not when he suddenly feels so sick, so he only turns halfway. “You know. When you get married for real.”
#sorry#wille’s an idiot we know this#it’s gonna be fine i promise#this fic was meant to be all fluff and idiocy#and it is that#but i keep accidentally adding pining and angst#yall don’t mind right?#yr fic#just if for a minute#sundays are my favorite days#wilmon#yr sunday snippet
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okok i really need to sleep but im being unnecessarily autistic thinking about
»crowley’s snake eyes can’t see the stars«
and what if aziraphale got them one of the nebula sensory lamps and miracled it more accessible so crowley could see them (and so that it showed their favourite nebulae)
#good omens#crowley#good omens 2#aziraphale#ineffable husbands#ineffable idiocy#unbearably autistic#but on a fr not i NEED a nasa image nebula projector#or make one into existence because deAR LORD#ineffable fluff#aziracrow#ARARARARJSHSGDHSGD#good omens hc#headcanon#it’s not headcanon it’s real#and im crying
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#AO3 Feed Link#FanFiction#AO3 Izuku#♠#Izuku Midoriya#Ochako Uraraka#Momo Yaoyorozu#Mina Ashido#R:G#A:Potent Idiocy#Mental Illness#Fluff#Angst
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#AO3 Feed Link#FanFiction#AO3 Bakugou#♤#Bakugou Katsuki#Izuku Midoriya#Denki Kaminari#💥#💣#R:M#A:Potent Idiocy#Quirkless AU#Dadzawa#Fluff
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#AO3 Feed Link#FanFiction#AO3 Ochako#♠#Ochako Uraraka#Izuku Midoriya#Momo Yaoyorozu#Mina Ashido#🎈#R:G#A:Potent Idiocy#Mental Illness#Fluff#Angst
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— The monster’s gone.

pairing: teen! gojo x fem!teen! reader
found family, fluff, little megumi! gojo basically adopted him. just big fluff!
To say you were surprised when your boyfriend, Satoru, came home with a kid was an understatement. You could only stare, your mouth agape as you heard your boyfriend rambling on and on with a smile on his face and introducing the 8 year-old boy that stood in front of you.
For the first few months, it was difficult having little Megumi open up to you both. He was rather closed off. Which, you were not surprised. He was staying with two teenagers. But still, it took plenty of time. Now, he barks lousy remarks at whatever idiocy Satoru does and says, and you can only laugh in return, earning a pout from the tall guy.
You and Satoru were in bed, ready to fall asleep any second now. You were snuggled up against his chest while his arm draped over your form tightly, rubbing small circles on your back soothingly. You both were slowly drifting off to sleep when a sudden knock on your bedroom door interrupted. You sat up on the bed, muttering a soft, “come in” before seeing Megumi’s tiny body appear slowly in the darkness.
At this, Satoru sat up on the bed as well. Eyeing Megumi with a tilt of his head.
Concern was etched on your face, your brows furrowed as you stared at the little boy trembling a few feet away. “What’s wrong, Megs?”
He tried to speak, his voice shaking.
"Nightmare?" You asked, a soft, knowing look plastered on your face. Little Megumi nodded, hugging his dog plush close to his chest tightly. Satoru patted his hand on the spot between the two of you, the other hand going through his hair tiredly. “Come here, bud.”
Little Gumi was reluctant at first, he felt like he was overstepping. However, it only took one soft smile from you and he was shuffling towards the bed. He climbed on, settling himself between you and Satoru comfortably.
You draped the fluffy blanket over his tiny body and ran your fingers through his dark raven hair, humming soothingly as his breathing slowed down and he fell into a sleep. Satoru could only watch with affection swirling in his stomach.
He felt so…lucky. So complete.
A few minutes went by and you, too, fell asleep. Satoru softly smiled, draping his arm over both of your figures, holding you both close as sleep consumed him.
© CHSVOK. please do not plagiarize, copy, or translate my work in any way, shape, or form.
reblogs are greatly appreciated!
#chsvok#jujutsu kaisen#gojo x you#gojo x reader#satoru fluff#jjk satoru#gojou satoru x reader#gojo satoru#jujutsu kaisen satoru#gojo fluff#jjk x you#jjk x reader#jujutsu kaisen fluff#jujutsu kaisen x reader#megumi fushiguro#jujutsu kaisen megumi#jjk comfort#jjk x reader comfort#jujutsu kaisen x reader fluff#found family#jjk fluff#jjk fanfic#gojo drabbles#gojo oneshot
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some things even a repair drone can't fix 🤷♀️
you can read the full story on webtoon or tapas^^
#cirileeart#isidor tichy#artificial idiocy#webcomic#oc#original character#alvin#cute#fluff#robot#robot human relationships
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PRECIOUS PRINCE | "lipstick mark" collection
Summary: You’ve given Mydei a mere “thank you” peck of your lips on his cheek, yet it ended up being a force strong enough to leave him in a shameful state and make him question his own ability to keep himself sane around you.
contents: yandere fluff / stalking / overprotectiveness / possessiveness / Mydei is feral for you / gender neutral / reader wears a lipstick / word count: 2.7k. inspired by “it will come back” by hozier.
Mydei tailing you across Okhema City at present, leaving you oblivious to his following shade, wasn’t something you should make a bold statement of describing his approach as stalking—no, it was him keeping you and your silly ideas safe, and he would have known that being a man forced to grow up into an experience. You had an almost unnatural proneness to run into trouble… at least that’s what he believed himself, deeming you as too clueless of what you can be forced to face one day. Nothing bad had happened so far, yet none of it was proving nothing will happen.
Make him a villain, but if anything, you should be grateful that he sacrificed his time he could have been spending on torturing his enemies—no matter you didn’t ask for it.
Besides supposed risk-taking, your life has been typically mundane, today’s day with you serenely strolling through the busy shopping streets in search of most ripe and juicy fruits, a dessert to clench your thirst from the mad heat of Okhema that’s been drying your mouth and sweating your body. None of it put him into illusion of being allowed to hang in ease and let you live freely.
But perhaps he should give himself break, if he’s going to be cursed with backgrounds as ugly as one he was currently witnessing. Mydei’s heart twisted when he saw you smile at the vendor, perhaps a little too widely—were you drawn and attracted to the seller? No, it couldn’t have been more than your gracious kindness you always served… the man appeared to be significantly older than you, and his racing thoughts looked for more excuses to soothe his paranoia. However, he still was unsatisfied with the prospect of you giving others too much of this kindness—not only did he want you to keep it reserved for more deserving people (him, hard working all for you), didn’t you know you’re luring dangerous people in? Many of them would take advantage of your humility.
He scoffed from the rooftop that was a watching tower for him to note your idiocy and ignorance, his arm crossed as he watched the unpleasant sight. The only thing that made him less irritated was your noticeable and sparkling good humor, your person enjoying socializing and uplifting those around you. He didn’t want to break that spark or lose a vision of something more breathtaking than a horizon of elegant city.
Maybe… he was too extreme with his worry sense of duty, as after hours of being following you haven’t proved any of his concerns to be valid yet. It’s not as if you were a little child to nanny, but a grown adult he assumed had some street smarts and knew where to find help in worst cases (please ask him or he’ll lose his mind). With a huff of approval, crowned prince turned around, his legs ready to land on the ground in the nearest alley, when his plans were disturbed by the anxious cry from the same street you were in. He would recognize your voice everywhere, could it be even a distant whisper, your call twisting his head around on instant.
His instincts were on rise to identify the danger and his body ready to strike forward—a risk being small or big was carrying no significance just due to its size, as it still drew out most of brutality typically served his enemies regardless of the volume, as long as it came to anything putting his object of affection to be threatened. Push comes to shove, a smallest of whimpers will be a bad manifestation of who he truly was.
A second looking at the scene and Mydei saw you locked in the conflict with who seemed to be a thief, where you were trying to yank your pouch from his nasty hands, one’s worth being cut off just in case you see him again, should be a chance in a million or not. The man so eagerly trying to sell you fruit a moment ago was now no less than a coward, pushing back behind the counter to not be the next victim… the distaste from being forced to see panicky you be dragged back and forth as you tried to retrieve your item filled Mydei’s mouth.
Like a lion deciding to act on its hunt, he deftly left the rooftop to walk few steps towards culprit’s back. There was no rush but there was vigor, with the prince having an ability to catch a runaway bastard in less than a blink of an eye if that thing tries to make its escape.
Right when you were ready to accept the fact you were going to be stripped of your belonging and left with no penny to your soul, your opponent was shoved away from you and lifted into the air in resemblance of a ragdoll for child to pick. The thief willing to exert dominance to steal from a defenseless person, was now flailing his legs in the air, mere kitten picked by a bigger cat. More hilarious when he flinched hearing Mydei’s booming voice behind him, “Have you got no shame, to be stealing in the light of the day?” Mydei, still gripping thief’s clothes, turned him around to judge the repulsive face of man daring to cross you. Oh, he better look guilty—any tinge of pride will be beaten out of him.
You yourself stood in surprise, now surrounded by passive crowds watching and gossiping around, never suspecting you’d be saved in general; yet your savior’s identity was even more shocking. Nonetheless, you carried gratefulness for your friend’s actions. You were snapped out of your thoughts when he asked you, “Are you hurt?” When he received a shake of the head, he immediately ordered the hanging thief, “Apologize for what you did before I drag you to nearest guards’ station… that is if I don’t enforce some justice myself first.”
Upon Mydei’s threat, not-so-brave offender was now quick to send apologies and look regretful. “I’m so sorry! I shouldn’t have tried to steal your possession! It was stupid of me to bother you!” his voice was scared, begging to be spared.
Mydei scoffed, disgusted by his hypocrisy, and turned to look at you. “Do you think it’s enough?” he asked you, tad less aggressive when talking to you. He’ll be satisfied only if you approve, not even a judge made of you, but gods’ right hand—that’s how crucial your opinion was to him.
And you, while you were still mad someone tried to rob you, knowing warrior’s spirit to be bloody you were left rather worried for the thief despite of his crimes. Yes, what he did was wrong, but you were too soft to handle a possible abuse of another person. “Yes… I can tell he’s truly regretful. Can you let him go?” your voice was less confident, cotton-soft, not daring to provoke Mydei’s further anger.
He clicked his tongue, thinking you’re too lenient, before letting man go regardless. You were cruel to use that tone with him and leave him doubting if you won’t become disappointed with him if he takes his revenge a step further, something enough to crack his heart and make it bleed and weep for centuries. “Scram before I change my mind.”
He couldn’t afford losing your respect, no matter how agitated he was by someone trying to hurt you. The prey he let go immediately left the scene, and crowds around, as if now bored and uninterested, melted away.
You sighed, realizing what tension you’ve been carrying for this intense moment. You might have liked Mydei, which didn’t mean you were not careful to not poke at his temper. “Thank you, Lord Mydei. I don’t know what I’d do unable to pay my ownings this month…”
Nonchalant as ever, he nodded and acted as if it was a small favor a righteous hand has granted you, ready to disappear as nonchalantly. “No need to thank me. I simply cannot stand fleas like him doing what they shouldn’t be doing.” You chuckled in return, feeling both endeared and amused by his modesty—and why did his heart flutter at your pretty laugh? There were plenty of attractive people everywhere, yet it was your person that was able to shake stable grounds of his heart…
“You’re downplaying your heroic actions, Lord Mydei. Is there a way I could thank you with?” you sounded honest, not afraid to reward him as what you’d have lost in result was much more valuable.
Mydei pawed air with his clawed hand, dismissing your offer. “Please. It was nothing, just me getting rid of the pest disturbing this city’s peace…” he trailed off, as he noticed the heavy bags of fruits in your hands you soon picked to carry home.
“Let me help you. It’s not a terrible idea to walk you home after the incident anyway.” Your sense of fairness was ready to reject his kindness, having received so much from him already.
“Don’t,” he said bluntly when he saw your lips part to protest, before laughing dryly at them shutting in a pout. “Fine. I know you won’t let me argue…” you gave in with resignation, making him smile more widely. He liked your willingness, acceptance of his protection—can’t you be like this more often? Oh, right, you don’t even know about his actions… would you hate him if you knew?
While you two travelled back to your house, you kept your friend busy with conversation. There was not much you heard in return of your dialogue, however he still listened eagerly and didn’t scold you for talking too much, going against the general idea of Mydei people had.
When you arrived, you turned to him to show your gratitude once again, flowing your words with genuine enthusiasm. His heart ricocheted against his rib cage once again, wondering why you still stuck with him.
“Yes, yes. I know you’re grateful. You’re not the one to be using others, so you can keep quiet now,” he said sternly, still letting you catch lack of actual bite behind his words. Was he bantering with you? How surprising.
With that pretty smile of yours, you lifted yourself off the ground, standing on your toes to reach his handsome face with that ridiculous height of his. You enjoyed the look of his eyes widening and breath hitching when you were approaching, becoming a prey himself for a few. And when you left a kiss on his cheek, a press so soft yet so burning against his pale skin, he questioned his own sanity.
“What are you…” he cut himself off in the middle of the question, shaken up by the romantic gesture… wait, no, it couldn’t have been romantic coming from you. A friendly kiss, one you’d (unfortunately) offer to other heroes of the day. In any case, a kiss too violent for his growing obsession. You were pushing yourself into his trap, and he was scared for both of you.
“If I don’t get to express my gratitude in any other form, I hope at least this one you can accept…” you teased, and teased him further when you entered your house and closed the door before he could scold you.
He stood firmly in same spot for a while, not moving even after your disappearance inside. He could have been intelligent, he could have been sharp minded, he could have been a logical person… yet this one, he did not understand. Processing the fact you kissed him, a cheek but still, was proving to be a tough nut to crack.
On his withdrawal to return to his other duties than you, he remained engrossed inside his mind. You kissed him, and you smiled, and you were proud of him, and you liked him like you’ve done every day so far—such a strong sense of elation was a new comer into his days.
Only growing looks of people passing by allowed him to force himself out of his dumbening. For some unknown reason, they were staring at his face intensely, confusing Mydei almost as much as your kiss has done. The urge to tell them off was strong.
He sped up his pace, at this point desperate to find anything that shone reflection to observe any anomalies on his face. Before he could, it was a familiar figure that interrupted his goal.
“Well would you look at that!” Phainon’s voice was cheeky and chirpy, almost raspy at his own humor.
“What do you want?” he demanded, stern-toned. “I have enough of people around, what could you possibly add?”
Phainon clamped his mouth, stifling a laughter to not tease poor and unsuspecting prince. “Do you really not know what’s going on?”
“I don’t. That’s why I asked!”
Blue haired man raised his hands in gesture of peace, still smiley. “Okay, okay. I’ll tell you. You, my dear friend, have a lipstick mark on your face, one in shape of someone’s lips!” Then he finally laughed, imagining this was your doing. He’s seen him watch you like a dog, both a guard and excited puppy.
Mydei’s eyes widened. “A lipstick mark? How—” His mouth shut as he realized why his face was stained. Your lipstick. You kissed his cheek and didn’t even bother to wipe off your lipstick, forcing him to walk around with your lips on his face. Did you do this on purpose or was it your forgetfulness? The latter felt unlikely… the color of it wouldn’t go unnoticed by you, and you were a teasing wanton just few minutes ago.
He could have handled that kiss. Really. But the additional pressure you’ve added with that naughty prank, there was no way for him to push down a rosy hue on his face anymore. “I… I won’t let this slide, they really are shameless…” his voice almost stuttered, driving his embarrassment harder.
Phainon raised his brow, taken aback by sudden vulnerability he expressed. He theorized, and theorized, coming to a tragic realization. “Oh, Mydei… are you in love or something?” Even he was now nervous, wondering how deep into trouble you have put Mydei in.
The utter shock and disarray of any other flustered emotion painted all over someone of rex leonum title was a real treat for Phainon to see, although he still sympathized. “You are in big danger, and I’m telling you this as your foe.”
Mydei shook his head, pathetically trying to go back to his usual state, before he turned around and marched away. “As if!”
Phainon, seeing his frenzy escape, shouted behind, “Catch them before someone else does! You’ve got this, Mydei!” Teased man didn’t like hearing that, not just for the irritating value of being poked at, but even more at the idea of you resting in arms other than his.
But seeing so many lovers in Okhema and their blushing, virgin giggles on his way home, surely startling their hearts to beat as fast as his own, he thought that Phainon might be right.
The lipstick mark can stay too, branding his skin with your lips until it’s his mouth that becomes the next victim to your rapturous burns.
Would he scare you, if he were to change his current path to the one leading to your house and kiss you like a starved man when you open the door for him? Would you let him inside your life the same way you’d let him enter your property?
You’ll find the answer soon, and with the indwelling of desperation in his run, it's estimated to be a few minutes from now.
#yandere mydei x reader#mydei x reader#mydei x you#mydei fluff#yandere hsr x reader#yandere mydei#hsr x reader#mydei x y/n#hsr fluff#haniaistic—works.
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Harry is a clever and competent wizard
A recurring theme in fandom I find endlessly tiresome and disappointing is the portrayal of Harry as an academically struggling student who’s lamentably hopeless at Potions and middling in all other subjects aside from DADA, and who, alongside Ron, is in constant need of Hermione’s guidance. It’s present almost everywhere. It’s reinvented canon. And it’s shoved down new readers and non-fans’ throats alike. Please, there’s an HP wiki available for your perusal. Don’t go about consulting popular fics and the Hermione-biased movie director’s visions to draw your ideas of Harry and Ron’s psyche!
It’s doubly aggravating when this depiction is used to highlight Hermione, Draco, or so-and-so classmate’s magical Einstein-levels of genius and reinforce the false narrative that Harry’s singular claim to brilliance lies in Quidditch, and that he’s got nothing more than fluff and snitches between his ears on top of being oblivious to the point of idiocy. That apart from excelling in Defence, he doesn’t have much upstairs... (And even then a minority of the fandom portray DADA as akin to gym class where it’s all honing muscles, muscle memory, and reflexes, with Harry framed as an archetypical gymbro on top being a himbo. What?!)
So we’re just going to overlook his devastatingly biting wit and clever asides? Or brush aside how he repeatedly demonstrates his ability to perform well under pressure? His keen intuition and how he carefully retains seemingly insignificant, misfit puzzle pieces until the eureka moment strikes and he seamlessly integrates them into the bigger picture?
Take these two examples from Philosopher’s Stone with an intrepid tiny Harry:
Harry was quite sure the unsettled feeling didn’t have anything to do with work, though. He watched an owl flutter toward the school across the bright blue sky, a note clamped in its mouth. Hagrid was the only one who ever sent him letters. Hagrid would never betray Dumbledore. Hagrid would never tell anyone how to get past Fluffy . . . never . . . but — Harry suddenly jumped to his feet. “Where’re you going?” said Ron sleepily. “I’ve just thought of something,” said Harry. He had turned white. “We’ve got to go and see Hagrid, now.” “Why?” panted Hermione, hurrying to keep up. “Don’t you think it’s a bit odd,” said Harry, scrambling up the grassy slope, “that what Hagrid wants more than anything else is a dragon, and a stranger turns up who just happens to have an egg in his pocket? How many people wander around with dragon eggs if it’s against wizard law? Lucky they found Hagrid, don’t you think? Why didn’t I see it before?”
Quirrell cursed under his breath. “I don’t understand . . . is the Stone inside the mirror? Should I break it?” Harry’s mind was racing. What I want more than anything else in the world at the moment, he thought, is to find the Stone before Quirrell does. So if I look in the mirror, I should see myself finding it — which means I’ll see where it’s hidden! But how can I look without Quirrell realizing what I’m up to? He tried to edge to the left, to get in front of the glass without Quirrell noticing, but the ropes around his ankles were too tight: he tripped and fell over. Quirrell ignored him. He was still talking to himself. “What does this mirror do? How does it work? Help me, Master!” And to Harry’s horror, a voice answered, and the voice seemed to come from Quirrell himself. “Use the boy . . . Use the boy . . .” Quirrell rounded on Harry. “Yes — Potter — come here.” He clapped his hands once, and the ropes binding Harry fell off. Harry got slowly to his feet. “Come here,” Quirrell repeated. “Look in the mirror and tell me what you see.” Harry walked toward him. I must lie, he thought desperately. I must look and lie about what I see, that’s all.
Bravery alone wasn’t enough to overcome his troubled upbringing with the Dursleys, or Quirrelmort, or Diary Tommy, or the final leg of the Horcrux hunt — it required a combination of mental agility, resourcefulness, and cunning to evaluate the situation, outsmart his opponents, and tip the odds in his favour. Harry needed to survive. To survive, he needed something other than mere guts. Harry’s ability to think on his feet and leverage his intelligence to gain the upper hand in challenging scenarios remains a testament to his brilliance and his remarkable presence of mind. He isn’t the foolhardy, impulsive Gryffindor who leaps into danger headlong without prior planning everytime.
(For that matter, Gryffindor are more than their “bravery” which has somehow been twisted into being synonymous with “reckless” — Sirius being a prime example of this, when in GOF he was urging Harry caution in their communications, despite the fandom conveniently only zeroing in on the depressed, cooped up version of him in OOTP, sigh. Bravery is fortitude, pluck, tenacity, strength of moral fibre, resilience, and heart as well.)
Some other less-mentioned examples of his quick mind: Harry wondering about Snape and Karkaroff being on a first-name basis; remembering Nicholas Flamel just from a long-ago glance, and again, Stan Shunpike despite their single encounter; Harry coaxing out Slughorn’s secret (no, it wasn’t all the Felix Felicis); Harry putting himself in Voldemort’s shoes, and Ron and Hermione deferring to his superior, albeit scary, knowledge; and Harry frightening Ollivander with his deductions about the wands. (It wasn’t solely Hermione’s brains that enabled their chances of survival in DH, let’s ditch that false narrative.)
The most laughably contrived bit in fanon is the unfounded notion that Hermione lets the boys cheat off her work to coast by in class. Fanon is wrong on both counts. Hermione would sooner report the boys for cheating than allow them to copy off her, and Harry isn’t anywhere close to scraping the bottom of the barrel in class, and neither is Ron. The handful of instances in canon where she looks over their assignments and helps correct mistakes isn’t cheating. Her input is akin to getting a second pair of eyes or a beta reader to ensure their work is up to snuff — heaven forbid a student help out a friend by suggesting some tips and tweaks. (Or attend tuition or retain a personal tutor or three.)
The ‘that’s why Harry isn’t a Ravenclaw’ jokes get pretty stale once you realise a large portion of the fandom genuinely think he isn’t a smart kid or has never read a book of his own volition/interest in his life. But Harry enjoyed reading his new books late into the night before starting Hogwarts (he found Hedwig’s name in A History of Magic, after all). Admittedly, studying is a feat in and of itself when you have zero access to books, but some cunning can turn around your luck!
Nevertheless, Sirius had been of some help to Harry, even if he couldn’t be with him. It was due to Sirius that Harry now had all his school things in his bedroom with him. The Dursleys had never allowed this before; their general wish of keeping Harry as miserable as possible, coupled with their fear of his powers, had led them to lock his school trunk in the cupboard under the stairs every summer prior to this. But their attitude had changed since they had found out that Harry had a dangerous murderer for a godfather — for Harry had conveniently forgotten to tell them that Sirius was innocent.
‘Oh, Potter can’t differentiate between a salamander and newt’s eyes.’
‘Asking him to skin shrivelfigs is a tall order since he can’t wield a dagger properly.’
‘He used shredded jobberknoll feathers when the recipe called for a fine powder. Poor Hermione will have to take over yet again to save his stupid arse.’
It’s these many variations and renditions of Harry’s alleged, often exaggerated, ineptitude in fandom content and making a monkey out of him, which I come across more often than not, that are an instant turn-off.
The widespread idea that Harry’s success in the subject can be attributed solely to the Prince’s book is misguided and further undermines his intelligence — and this jaundiced belief that’s crystallised itself as canon, of Harry and Ron putting on a double act as stupid slouches in class and therefore deserving of Snape’s derision and the Slytherin’s put-downs, is a far cry from the truth. Snape’s opinion of Harry’s intelligence or ability should be taken with a grain of salt, given that Harry has been described as a bright and talented child since his first year, by the Professors, Dumbledore, and the Sorting Hat. Even the resident megalomaniac described him as “not unintelligent”. You know what’s actually canon?
1) Snape’s biased approach towards Harry and Neville caused them to have an unwarranted fear of failure and reprimands. The Potions classroom was a hostile and unwelcoming learning environment for these two boys.
2) Harry is pretty confident when left to his own devices in class in OoTP before Snape flushed his effort down the gutter.
Exhibit 1:
Snape, meanwhile, seemed to have decided to act as though Harry were invisible. Harry was, of course, well used to this tactic, as it was one of Uncle Vernon’s favourites, and on the whole was grateful he had to suffer nothing worse. In fact, compared to what he usually had to endure from Snape in the way of taunts and snide remarks, he found the new approach something of an improvement and was pleased to find that when left well alone, he was able to concoct an Invigoration Draught quite easily. At the end of the lesson he scooped some of the potion into a flask, corked it, and took it up to Snape’s desk for marking, feeling that he might at last have scraped an E. He had just turned away when he heard a smashing noise; Malfoy gave a gleeful yell of laughter. Harry whipped around again. His potion sample lay in pieces on the floor, and Snape was watching him with a look of gloating pleasure. “Whoops,” he said softly. “Another zero, then, Potter . . .” Harry was too incensed to speak. He strode back to his cauldron, intending to fill another flask and force Snape to mark it, but saw to his horror that the rest of the contents had vanished. “I’m sorry!” said Hermione with her hands over her mouth. “I’m really sorry, Harry, I thought you’d finished, so I cleared up!”
Exhibit 2:
“After this year, of course, many of you will cease studying with me,” Snape went on. “I take only the very best into my N.E.W.T. Potions class, which means that some of us will certainly be saying good-bye.” His eyes rested on Harry and his lip curled. Harry glared back, feeling a grim pleasure at the idea that he would be able to give up Potions after fifth year.
Exhibit 3:
Ron found it quite easy to ignore as they spent most of Saturday and Sunday studying for Potions on Monday, the exam to which Harry was looking forward least and which he was sure would be the one that would be the downfall of his ambitions to become an Auror. Sure enough, he found the written exam difficult, though he thought he might have got full marks on the question about Polyjuice Potion: He could describe its effects extremely accurately, having taken it illegally in his second year. The afternoon practical was not as dreadful as he had expected it to be. With Snape absent from the proceedings he found that he was much more relaxed than he usually was while making potions. Neville, who was sitting very near Harry, also looked happier than Harry had ever seen him during a Potions class. When Professor Marchbanks said, “Step away from your cauldrons, please, the examination is over,” Harry corked his sample flask feeling that he might not have achieved a good grade but that he had, with luck, avoided a fail.
Whereas in Ch 15 of OoTP, Snape had marked Harry’s essay on moonstones as Dreadful and claimed it to be a realistic expectation of OWL grading:
“I have awarded you the grades you would have received if you presented this work in your O.W.L.,” said Snape with a smirk, as he swept among them, passing back their homework. “This should give you a realistic idea of what to expect in your examination.” Snape reached the front of the class and turned to face them. “The general standard of this homework was abysmal. Most of you would have failed had this been your examination. I expect to see a great deal more effort for this week’s essay on the various varieties of venom antidotes, or I shall have to start handing out detentions to those dunces who get D’s.” He smirked as Malfoy sniggered and said in a carrying whisper, “Some people got D’s? Ha!”
And yet, Harry did very well on his OWLs before he even got a whiff of the Prince’s book.
Astronomy A
Care of Magical Creatures EE
Charms EE
Defense Against the Dark Arts O
Divination P
Herbology EE
History of Magic D
Potions EE
Transfiguration EE
Harry and Ron studied (!) both days of the weekend before Potions OWLs (!) without Hermione (!), and still Harry wasn’t sure he’d secure a good grade yet ended up scoring an EE. Exceeds Expectations, which y’know translates to: Surpasses Expectations, So Much Better than Expected, Rather Brilliant.
Unless you believe that anything less than the top percentiles is rubbish, Harry is not a ‘certifiable dunce’. There’s no denying he’s a competent and clever wizard and easily punches above his weight when he’s properly motivated and applies himself. Intelligence is a genetic trait, and Harry comes from nerdstock.
If he could achieve those grades whilst serving 7-hour torture sessions with Umbridge, suffering from Voldemort and Snape tearing into his mind, and putting up with the government slandering him in his second most important school year, running on fumes and sheer will (constantly disruspted sleep routine? Ugh!), then yeah, remove all those crutches, and he’d be raking in straight Os for most of those subjects. (It sort of sounds like ‘excuse our mental health and and anxiety’ for us if we perform poorly in exams, but not for Harry ‘he’s an idiot throwing teen tantrums’. Someone give me a hammer.)
“You’d need top grades for that,” said Professor McGonagall, extracting a small, dark leaflet from under the mass on her desk and opening it. “They ask for a minimum of five N.E.W.T.s, and nothing under ‘Exceeds Expectations’ grade, I see. Then you would be required to undergo a stringent series of character and aptitude tests at the Auror office. It’s a difficult career path, Potter; they only take the best. In fact, I don’t think anybody has been taken on in the last three years.”
Did he earn the grades? Yes. The Auror program ran aptitude tests, too, and only took the best, yes? Not because he’s a hothead with a daredevil streak and impulse issues, yes? Not because his dream was to be an Auror since his third year, or that he was only exceptional at fighting, or some such nonsense. After all, Barty Crouch Jr, he of the impeccable OWLs record, saw something worthy of Auror material in Harry and planted the seed in his mind. (Reminder: Barty also said Hermione should consider joining the Aurors too because her “mind works the right way”.)
And Moody thought he, Harry, ought to be an Auror! Interesting idea . . . but somehow, Harry thought, as he got quietly into his four-poster ten minutes later, the egg and the Cloak now safely back in his trunk, he thought he’d like to check how scarred the rest of them were before he chose it as a career.
If Harry was incapable of telling up from down in Potions, the Prince’s annotations would have been like casting pearls before swine. Worse still, Harry’s supposed lack of know-how would have caused more harm than good. The book only helped to refine the skills and knowledge he had cultivated over five years of study. Having a comfortable learning environment, an encouraging teacher, and superior instructions allowed Harry to maximise his potential and excel in class. (This phenomenon of underachiever-to-star pupil can happen in real life and is not unique to Harry. It happens with neurodivergent students with slightly different needs, students who require a more personal teaching style, and students stunted by an unhealthy learning environment. When their needs are met and supported, they tend to thrive and reach their potential.)
To put it into perspective, imagine taking an average kid whose expertise in cooking extends to making beans on toast and putting them in a professional kitchen. Imagine asking this kid to fillet a salmon and very finely slice lemons for garnish, tasks that require careful hands, finesse, and patience. If the kid can’t distinguish between a paring knife and a boning knife, they don’t stand half a chance. They’re liable to mess up the fish from the get-go. They might use a petty knife for everything and present a terribly executed dish; or they might cleverly choose a smaller knife but misuse it, not knowing that the flexibility and sharpness of a blade vary depending on their purpose, and end up seriously hurting themselves. Either way, filleting a fish is best left to seasoned home cooks and the pros.
In contrast, Harry is identical to a proficient home cook who knows the ropes but lacks some finesse and the fancy carving and plating skills of a trained culinary student. He has a firm grasp of the necessary theory and techniques and knows how to prep ingredients correctly, but may fumble the ideal application of said techniques, lacks an inborn zeal for the craft that lends to creativity, and overlook the finer details, particularly when he’s weighed down by fear of censure and humiliation. His level of success hinges on variables such as his confidence, familiarity with a recipe or method, and the type of environment he’s in. Talent is like a little seed; when nurtured, it will flourish.
Slughorn’s NEWT class was small, admitting twelve students out of a fortyish-student batch. No Gryffindor apart from the Golden Trio made the cut, and they were joined by the lone Hufflepuff, four Ravenclaws, and four Slytherins. Essentially, only a dozen students achieved an EE or O to qualify for NEWT Potions. Fanon will tell you most of the Slytherins have been tinkering with cauldrons in their diapers, but canon shows that only two other Slytherins, besides Draco and Blaise, made the grade. So, how are we still perpetuating this incorrect interpretation that Ron and Harry were barely keeping up academically when they’re more adept than half their year?
Harry and Ron aren’t academically inclined or driven by an obsessive urge to pore over books most hours of the day for fun, so what? Let them joke around and play chess and cards and broom race in the rain without bringing their brains and academics into the equation. Let Harry be a proper child/teen when he’s not busy hunting clues and crushing evil plots. Stop making the sum of HJP be “Powerful Himbo” or “Saviour Complex and Running on Luck”, which is pretty disrespectful towards a character who has shown himself to be so, so competent and well-rounded.
It’s such a huge thorn in my side that both Harry and Sirius (of all people, when he’s twinning with James as the insultingly effortless mavens during their time at Hogwarts!) habitually have their intelligence questioned and maliciously devaluated, or blown off entirely. So I had to sit and get this chaotically demonstrative commentary off my chest. Thank you, if you’ve read till the end!
#harry potter#harry potter meta#character analysis#harry james potter#sirius black#ron weasley#hermione granger#golden trio#golden trio era#golden boy hjp#harry isn’t an idiot—he’s got brains brawns and brass#harry is perfectly fine at potions—he isn’t a prodigious talent but he’s more than capable#weasley is our king#good godfather sirius black#it must be said!
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On the Same Page ♡ Masterlist

Pairing: Haechan x reader Description: Knowing a change of scenery was what your mental health needed, you transferred to where your brother, Mark, goes to college. The good news is, he’s not too cool for his younger sister, so he lets you join his friend group immediately. The bad news is, Haechan is in that friend group, and a brief encounter four years ago was enough for you to understand he does NOT like you. Even worse news, he’s a lot hotter than he was four years ago…
Genre: smau (some written parts), college au, crack, some angst, some fluff, "enemies" but more so strangers to lovers, brother's best friend, so many (2) ups and downs, general idiocy when it comes to feelings Content Warnings: swearing, death jokes, mentions of depression and anxiety, mentions of bullying, a few punches thrown here and there (reader is not involved)
A/n: Please know I do not take the above subjects lightly and do not intend for it to come across that way at any point in this smau. As someone who struggles with this stuff, I guess I was kind of writing what I needed to hear sometimes (so forgive me for some self-indulgence)...and as a comm major who did an entire research paper around the impact of friends/social support on one's depression, I felt okay addressing those topics here - I promise I’m not uninformed and just trying to add plot points. As always, take care of yourself first. I love you.
Status: completed! Started: October 27, 2024 Ended: December 14, 2024 Taglist closed
[Intro: SM University Besties] [Intro: NCIT Crew] [Chapter One: Female intuition]
[Chapter Two: A SISTER?!?!]
[Chapter Three: why he kinda...]
[Chapter Four: It must be a sibling thing]
[Chapter Five: Chat, am I jealous?]
[Chapter Six: Normal person? No can do.]
[Chapter Seven: a pretty good guess]
[Chapter Eight: mono boy]
[Chapter Nine: He's a sleazebag]
[Chapter Ten: What is a star party?]
[Chapter Eleven: on the way]
[Chapter Twelve: my sister's favorite movie]
[Chapter Thirteen: You’re pretty cool, too]
[Chapter Fourteen: It’s a little bit funny]
[Chapter Fifteen: I'll just ask Mark] (partly written)
[Chapter Sixteen: smol bear] (partly written)
[Chapter Seventeen: doing a great job]
[Chapter Eighteen: locking in]
[Chapter Nineteen: scheiße]
[Chapter Twenty: not as cute as Mark]
[Chapter Twenty-One: Mr. Snippy]
[Chapter Twenty-Two: Take a break]
[Chapter Twenty-Three: couldn't keep my promise]
[Chapter Twenty-Four: The men in y/n's life]
[Chapter Twenty-Five: Halloween]
[Chapter Twenty-Six: A little birdie]
[Chapter Twenty-Seven: I don't need your protection]
[Chapter Twenty-Eight: butterflies in her stomach]
[Chapter Twenty-Nine: EMERGENCY]
[Chapter Thirty: We're so back] (partly written)
[Chapter Thirty-One: lunch dates]
[Chapter Thirty-Two: pretty girl] (partly written)
[Epilogue: three months later...]
#on the same page#haechan#nct haechan#lee haechan#donghyuck#lee donghyuck#haechan x reader#nct#nct dream#nct 127#haechan smau#haechan social media au#nct smau#nct dream smau#nct social media au
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umbrella || jjk

⤷ summary: when rain pours more into your life instead of washing things away
⟶ pairing: jungkook x reader
⟶ word count: 2k+
⟶ genre: fluff, strangers to lovers, established relationship au
⟶ content: boyfriend!jk, college au, kook is a flirty tease, mainly just a fluffy couple in love with a barely there argument because of a protective jk
⟶ warnings: explicit language
↬ a/n: so this is a very old piece I polished up a bit. it was inspired by a narration in a scene from the drama ‘goblin’, so that tells you how old it is haha. hope you enjoy & let me know what you think! angel xoxo
masterlist ˚.⋆˚.⋆˚.⋆ join my taglist

on this rainy night, what is your umbrella?
You stood under the awning outside the building, which you were supposed to be far from as of 2 o’clock. Your other classmates were long gone, having made their way off campus through the rain by running to their cars with the protection of a coat or umbrella. None of the things you have because you continue not to be an adult and watch the news, missing the weather report that everyone else was aware of. Watching the heavy raindrops smack against the pavement, you contemplate how you’re getting home.
Should you make a run for it? A run for 30 minutes? Yeah, that’s not happening. You could call a taxi. But you’re not going to pay for that so no.
“Fuck, I’m such an idiot,” you say quietly to yourself, or so you thought.
“Jeez, that’s a little harsh don’t you think,” a beautiful deep voice says.
Startled you turn your head quickly to be met with what you could have sworn was a literal angel in disguise as a twenty-something-year-old boy. The tall boy looks away from the rain and towards you. He gives you a quick look over and sees your empty hands and smiles.
“Ah! You don’t have an umbrella. You didn’t watch the news?” he asks. You shake your head to answer him.
He smirks and nods his head while looking back out at the downpour.
“Maybe you are an idiot,” he says all too casually while shrugging, clearly teasing you.
“Hey!” you scoff out with a laugh, finally speaking.
“I mean, today is one of the worst days we are supposed to get this year! How can you not have an umbrella or at least a hood?” he laughs out loud, gesturing his hand at you from head to toe.
His laugh and your current predicament both cause you to join in. Once you both settle down the dark-haired boy looks at you with round eyes still slightly crinkled from laughter although nothing but kindness is present in them.
“How far do you live from here?” he asks with a melodic voice and an endearing head tilt to match it.
Upon first look, he may seem like someone with an edge to them; dark-coloured clothes, piercings and some tattoos. But it is ever present that there is an apparent softness to him, one that accompanied by his calm demeanour is pouring a level of comfort over you that you can not explain.
“30 minutes that way,” you point out the way to your home, “Pretty close to Bam's House Cafe.”
“Hmm, I’m headed the same way, so it looks like you're a lucky idiot,” he says shooting you a wink while opening his umbrella held in his tattooed hand.
“Gee thanks, but I’d feel more lucky if you’d stop rubbing my idiocy in my face,” you chuckle.
“I would call you by name if you told me it,” he says with a slight, dare you say flirtatious smirk that causes your breath to get stuck in your throat.
“It’s Y/N.”
“Well Y/N, I’m Jungkook. The handsome, well-prepared gentleman escorting you through this storm today,” he sends you a beaming smile that almost sends you to your grave.
He holds out the clear vinyl plastic for you to stand under it. You do just that and as you step close to him, arms brushing you’re hit with his clean fresh scent.
“Thank you again, Jungkook," you reply looking down to hide your sudden blush.
"Shall we get going?” he asks flicking his head out to the direction you earlier pointed out, and with a nod of your head, you both step out starting on the journey to your home. And so much more.
the voice that responds when you call.
The ringing in your ears finally stops when you hear the voice on the other end of the phone say, “Hello?���
But it is no surprise to you, knowing he would answer because Jungkook always did. You knew once he saw your name flash across his screen he would not hesitate to slide to answer.
“Hey,” your voice is small when you reply.
“What’s wrong?” he asks immediately concerned, because just like how Jungkook always answers, he always knows. He knows you.
“I just miss you, I wanted to hear your voice.”
“I know I miss you too. But I’ll be back in two days.”
“Ugh! That’s going to feel like forever,” a whiny sadness to your tone.
“Hey, I told you you could come with me. My mom is still upset I didn’t bring you,” he chuckles.
“Yeah, I know but taking a trip to Busan is not an option with work right now,” you sigh.
You hear him sigh as well and there is a long pause between you two.
“Then quit your job,” he states in an all too serious tone.
“What? Jungkook have you lost your mind? You know I can’t qu-“
“Sure you can! I’ll quit my own too! Then we can move out here and buy a house. We can live by the water and have a bunch of kids, it will be perfect,” his tone gets more excited as he hears your giggles pleased with your happiness.
“So what do you say, babe? Sounds good right?” he asks still joking.
“Sounds perfect,” you reply with a content smile.
And just like that you were no longer sad because Jungkook knew how to make you happy. Jungkook always knew.
the memories of seeing the same thing at the same time.
It was Monday, and although you were not as fond of it as any other person towards that day of the week, you had one thing to look forward to on Mondays. That was the one day of the week Jungkook would meet you at work and you would walk home together.
So here the two of you are walking through the park, which was a shortcut to your shared home. Your hand in his, fingers interlocked this being the beckon of light at the end of your work day. You feel him rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand and you glance at him to see him just looking off into the distance. Your usually chatty boyfriend is now just quietly at your side. You use your free hand and pull him by the elbow holding him close to your side, gaining his attention eyebrows raised in question.
“Rough day?” you ask looking up at him.
He breathes out an airy laugh through his nose.
“Yeah you know, just one of those days,” he glances back at you with a small shrug then continues.
“It was one of those days I wished I was just with you at home, just had you beside me,” he squeezes your hand, “Only me and you, the rest of the world blocked out.”
He looks down at you and softly smiles that eye smile you could never fall out of love with.
“I wish for that every day,” you reply returning the squeeze to his hand while smiling up at him.
While you share this moment you notice small white flakes landing on his raven-coloured hair. He must have taken notice too as you both look up.
You are met with flurries quickly floating down all around you two making their way to the ground.
“The first snowfall,” he states almost in a whisper.
“It's so pretty,” you say fascinated and fully entranced with the beauty of Mother Nature.
You feel his gaze on your face and turn to make eye contact. He has the most delicate look, eyes filled with adoration.
“I may not have had you by my side all day, but I’m glad I have you here right now,” he says lovingly.
And at that moment, witnessing the beginning of a new season with your love and sharing this memory, you could have sworn the rest of the world was blocked out and it was just you two.
the first time you matched each other’s pace.
No, that’s not even the right word, enraged. Yes, enraged that is what you are feeling right now. And why were you so mad? Your boyfriend seemed to think that a guy having a friendly conversation with you, albeit a drunken one on his part but innocent, was the perfect reason to cause a huge scene in the middle of a party with all your friends and more to see.
So now here you are walking home furious with one another because you think he overreacted while he thinks you underreacted. Not only are you annoyed with him for how he acted but now you’re annoyed with yourself for wearing heels knowing you would have to walk home after a whole night in them.
Your pace starts to get slower because your feet start killing you and it suddenly feels like Jungkook is running a marathon instead of walking home. You glance up and see the distance between his back and you getting bigger and bigger. You focus on trying to ignore the pain soaring through your feet and as you continue walking with your head down staring at the shoes you have come to despise you suddenly bump into a shoulder.
You look up to your side and notice the man that was ahead of you seconds ago now right beside you.
“If you can’t keep up just say so,” he grumbles, the first words you hear from him since leaving the party.
You notice how he starts walking slower for you and does not move an inch further from your side. You continue your struggle to walk, feet pulsing more with every step.
“Ah fuck it,” you mumble to yourself as you take off your heels.
Jungkook halts and turns towards you once he notices you stopped walking. Once you start to continue you feel your heels being ripped out of your hands, as you’re about to ask what he’s doing he kneels in front of you, wordlessly telling me to get on his back.
“Kook, you don’t-“
“Get on,” he quietly demands.
You don’t argue because your feet yell at you not to. You get on his back, arms around his neck and he tucks his hands under your knees immediately standing up with ease and continues the journey home.
“I told you not to wear those damn shoes,” he says after a couple of minutes.
For some reason that comment brings a slight smile to you, as you realize that your anger has disappeared without you even being aware.
“Thank you,” you say into his neck as you tighten your arms and lock your ankles around his torso hugging him closer to you.
He adjusts his hands to your thighs as you pull your bodies closer together.
“For what?” he questions taking a peek at you.
“For trying to take care of me before and still taking care of me now,” you answer giving his neck a peck.
“You know I’ll always do that, it’s my job too. A little fight won’t stop that, taking care of you comes naturally to me now.”
“I mean it kind of has to look at our situation right now,” he continues with a breathy laugh as he squeezes your thighs to emphasize his statement.
You giggle at his response knowing the truth behind it. Jungkook has always taken care of you. You have always looked out for each other. You have always matched ourselves to each other.
did someone come to mind?
You hear the lock of the front door opening and the jingling of keys, followed by some rustling around, most likely the removal of outerwear. A few seconds later you see the handsome tattooed man you call your boyfriend walking into the living room. He smiles as he sits beside you on the couch wrapping his arms around you and kissing the top of your head. You look up at him head on his shoulder and begin to stare unconsciously as thoughts run around your mind.
“What?” he asks you with a confused chuckle.
You smile at him, “I love you.”
He gives you that butterfly-inducing eye smile and kisses you on the lips.
“I love you too.”
yes, that’s the person.
#jungkook fluff#jungkook x reader#jungkook x you#jungkook fanfic#jungkook fic#bts fluff#jungkook au#jungkook#jeon jungkook#bts x reader#bts x you#bts au#jeon jungkook x reader#jungkook scenarios#jungkook imagine#jeon jungkook scenarios#bts scenarios#bts#bts fanfic#bts fic#mine#letsbangts#jungkook oneshot#bts oneshot#jungkook x y/n#bts x y/n
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─── ﹙🎀﹚everyone—fans, idols, and tv hosts—always found you to be drop-dead gorgeous, their heads snapping at the mere presence of you, and your girlfriend, kim chaewon did, too. nonetheless, that didn't stop the animate, child-like pout on the korean girl's face that proved her jealousy.
pairing. kim chaewon x idol f!r (not in lsf) genre. fluff wc. 1k+ notes. jealous kcw my baefy i fear 💔 req here !! ( MASTERLIST )
now playing ⋆ my kind of woman by mac demarco
YOUR HAND CUPS CHAEWON'S JAW, your thumb tracing over her pouty lips, as a giggle escapes your breath, "you're pouting, chae." shortly, you press a kiss against the top of her head, nudging her shoulder playfully.
"i'm not even pouting," chaewon mumbles, not even caring to face your gaze, as she crosses her arms against her chest, sulking in a random corner of the dorms, away from the overbearing chatter of idols gushing over your new comeback with your respective group.
you sigh, "you don't need to be jealous, chae; it's only you, always has been," you try to reassure the girl, snorting as you do so. you lightly nudge her shoulder, a tender smile cracking through your lips, as you berate the girl for her sheer idiocy at thinking you would ever put anybody above her.
"jealous?" she huffs, her voice cracking a bit, jerking her hand away from you, as she almost stills. her eyes fixate on you, hurt displayed in them, your words obviously bruising her poor ego. facing you, that same child-like pout remains on her face, making your gaze soften.
god, no matter how silly the korean girl was, you couldn't help but feel pity for her, especially when she pouts.
"yes, jealous, chae," a sigh drifts from your lips, as your eyes glaze over her lips, more specifically her pout. your hand cups her jaw, simply shaking your head, "lighten up, baby." you press a tender kiss against chaewon's temples, your hand drawing circles on her shoulder unconsciously.
you knew why the korean girl was jealous; practically anybody focusing on her could tell. you always assured her that it would only ever be her in your heart, her name practically etched in it. you were her girl, and vice-versa.
nestled between one of your members and another idol who was your inkigayo host partner, you stood tall, your ring-clad hand firmly gripping onto a mic. it was just another music bank event, where you were the mc for the next few months.
your eyes stayed glued to the camera standing in front of you, waiting for it to start rolling. a faux smile plastered on your face, as you meekly conversed with your mc partner, muttering small, short answers.
afar stood a jealous chaewon, her eyes locked onto your figure. her jaw clenched in slight panic, tracing your every moves, too over-consumed by her envy to even notice your lack of comfort. the lack of you makes her heart cold, as she leans against the wall, impatiently waiting for the cameras to roll, too, hoping it'd abruptly interrupt the conversation between you and your partner.
her eyes narrowed slightly, an obvious hint of jealousy flickering in her gaze. without any thoughts, the korean girl strode over to you, a similar faux smile adorning her face, too. she tapped your shoulder, making you slightly shudder, your cheeks flushed.
"do you know when it'll start broadcasting?" chaewon meekly muttered, a grin tugging the corners of her lips, as she leaned closer to you. before you could reply, you watched the korean girl send a glare at your mc partner, making a quiet giggle escape your breath.
"you don't even know what you're saying; i'm not jealous," she deflects in mock offense, a grunt escaping her throat, as the korean girl's gaze wanders to everywhere but you, as though she had no interest in you. her lips unconsciously jut further in a pout, making a series of giggles escape you.
"okay- okay, fine, you're not jealous, then," you know chaewon was being dramatic—hell, the girl was usually dramatic when it comes to situations like this. your eyes flicker to her arms, noticing the way they're clenched at her sides, practically itching to wrap them around your shoulders and hold onto you for eternity.
"this is about musicbank, isn't it?" you murmur, pulling the korean girl even closer to you, as your hand entangles itself in her hair, your other hand cupping her jaw still. it traces over her cheeks, your eyes mesmerized with her makeup and features.
chaewon's eyes narrow at your face, irritation painting it. your words ring over and over again in her head, making her withdraw your hand off her jaw. nonetheless, you hold the girl gently, a stark contrast to the look in the korean girl's gaze.
"shut up," she murmurs under her breath, her eyes squinting further at your words, and she couldn't be more obvious with the still as prominent pout on her lips, "she was looking at you weirdly," referring to your host partner.
her words prompt a chuckle from you, "we're friends—that's all, pretty," as you bring your hand back to chaewon's chin, your hand snug and secure, "she's just a work friend—not somebody i hang out with on the regular."
the korean girl frowns at your words, meekly nodding, as she states bitterly, "still—everybody could tell she wanted you." her eyebrows furrow in irritation, though nonetheless, she eases into her touch, her weight against yours.
although you knew of the girl's tendency to get even a bit jealous by small things, nothing would've made you assume that at a small, uncomfortable conversation with your music bank partner would make the korean girl bitter and jealous. you didn't intend to make her jealous, but that didn't mean you didn't like relentlessly teasing her for her jealousy.
"no more talkin' to whatever her name is," chaewon mutters against your ear, her breath fanning over it. you could hear how bruised her pride was just by her voice. you meekly nod, holding the korean girl tenderly, as you brush your hands through her hair.
"she's not as cute as i am—right?" she grumbles, making a series of giggles escaping your breath. before you could humor her, chaewon captures your lips with hers, fervently pressing them against yours. her hands slip themselves around your waist, drawing patterns at your lower back.
"always, c'mon, y'know that," you humor her, "especially with your pouts." your lips surge against hers, pressing long, searing kisses against them. the korean girl's hands continue to draw circles on your lower back softly, a cheeky grin on her face.
"my kind of woman," chaewon drawls, pouring all her attention towards you.
and i'm down on my hands and knees
beggin' you please baby
taglist. ୨ৎ @lararajjj @kisshae @sed7ction @yeetaberry127 @vrtualstar
@jellaaa @artrizzler19 @falling-intoo-deep
#fics .#kpop imagines#kpop x reader#le sserafim x reader#le sserafim imagines#le sserafim chaewon#le sserafim kim chaewon#le sserafim chaewon x reader#le sserafim kim chaewon x reader#kim chaewon#chaewon x reader#kim chaewon x reader
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