#flu shot too
New Covid Vaccine
I was able to make an appointment for next week for the new covid vaccine, so it's worth taking a look if you can make an appointment too.
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the-iron-shoulder · 17 days
getting a covid booster is kinda psychologically weird
it’s September 2024 so this is my, what, sixth covid shot or something like that? I forget how many I’ve had, but I get boosted regularly. Point is, I know the drill. I know it’s gonna make me feel like shit for 2-3 days and that’s just all there is to it. But I still voluntarily sign up for it (vaccinations are good! Get vaccinated! Get boosted!!), which means that basically I’m scheduling ahead of time when I’m going to be sick.
So that means I’m having Very Normal Thoughts like oh no, I won’t be able to go to that event in two weeks, I’ll be sick that day. I’m going to be sick later so I’d better make sure I’m stocked up on food and stuff before that happens. I’d better pick my time to be sick so it doesn’t interfere with stuff I’ve already planned.
just, y’know, most of the time that’s extremely not how being sick works. It’s like, the least schedulable thing! Hits you when you least expect it and you can’t just anticipate it happening on a specific day next week! But this is a Special Sick that happens when I say it happens (but I must, indeed, let it happen). Just a very different experience. I’m sure that there are some other medical procedures people go through that have a similar effect, but I don’t personally experience those right now, so it’s still just bizarre to me to schedule being sick.
still do it anyway, though! Vaccines are Good! I’ve never had a detectable case of covid (I can’t prove that I’ve never had an asymptomatic case, but I’ve for sure never had a symptomatic case because I test whenever I start feeling sick in any way and I test when I’m in contact with people who are sick, and I’ve never yet tested positive for it, so… boosting regularly and masking in public is seeming to work for me) and I think the boosters help with that! So I still regularly set myself up for the Special Sick… it’s just a strange thing overall.
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always-coffee · 9 months
I just got back from a routine doctor’s appointment, and I was the only person masked.
I’m not immunocompromised, but I’d like to stay safe—and keep other people safe. I have no way to know if I am an asymptomatic carrier, and I’d never forgive myself for being a plague rat.
So, I masked. And I was the only one. Not a single staff member or patient aside from myself masked.
I felt like I walked straight into the Twilight Zone. Cases are high right now. Transmission is no longer low.
And I was the only one masked. Masking in public spaces is such a simple thing. And yet, I was the only one. Granted, I’ve been weird my whole life. It’s prepared me for this. I have always done my own thing, damn other people’s opinions.
But this is more about collective safely than judgement. Please get your shots. Please stay as safe as you can. You matter. And I’d very much like you to be alright in the end.
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greyseals · 12 days
Got the updated Moderna COVID vaccine and my everything hurts. It's worth it, but owwww. Gonna curl up in a heating pad and with my cat on my lap.
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> Rose: Confess to Kanaya!
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Rose: I love you.
Kanaya: Y Yo Ati, Rose.
> Rose: Get swallowed by something that looks like Venom.
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> Rose: Get sent to super hell!
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> Kanaya: Have something very gay and homophobic happen to you.
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Kanaya: ...
What an absolute diversity loss. You find yourself thinking "love loses!"
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whumblr · 1 year
i got a flu shot today at the medical centre i work at (as a receptionist), and it all felt so whumpee hehe could we get any whump prompts for needles (especially hiwthi if you want!!)? unwanted needles, fear and all that good stuff
Oh I feel you.
The duality of wanting to look away but also wanting to see what's going on, when to expect the pain.
Even when watching they still wince.
Whumper hiding the needle behind his back so Whumpee doesn't know what hits them.
Those large ass needles, the ones with the large metal plunger, sometimes with two finger holes as if it's a freaking knuckle duster.
An assortment of syringes laid out on a tray, prettily blinking up at Whumpee, filled with various, bright neon coloured liquids :)
Whumper absolutely mocking them.
Or taking advantage, using needles to torture, like shoving them under the skin, or under fingernails.
Caretaker being exasperated: "You took a full beating (for me) but you're scared of a little prick?"
To that effect, Whumper also being totally confused; here's this defiant, feral Whumpee, daring him to 'do his worst!' and taking the worst tortures imaginable, but they fucking blanch as soon as he pulls out a needle.
Syringes with unknown content. Whumper threatening truth serums, pain, drugs, whatever, but it's just a saline solution.
Caretaker having to drug them for actually necessary reasons, but Whumpee fights tooth and nail. Also because ✨reasons✨
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astramachina · 9 days
just took my t shot and now i'm off to get my covid and flu shots and i'm sure my body is going to react to all of this extremely well. :)
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tazmiilly · 8 months
the vaccine knocked me OUT man. I've been faint all day... took so many naps (absolutely could take 4 more)
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whenfatecollides · 2 years
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Xena Warrior Princess 5x01 Fallen Angel
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seiya-starsniper · 11 months
Please send good vibes I'm having my first cold since 2020 and I am being an absolute baby about it
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confetti-critter · 8 months
This might be a bad idea, but I'm going to eat those greasy little appetizer things for dinnar. I'm gunna watch the blob too :^)
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snzluv3r · 7 months
plot twist update on my gf catching my cold: turns out i caught her cold, and it’s definitely something a little worse than a cold but maybe not quite as severe as the flu
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golden--doodler · 11 months
I'm posting about my OC, Alexis, and Gene twice in one day, but I was just so inspired by @drawthething and her drawing them burger muppets with color palettes that I had to slap a color palette on my babies. This is also inspired by her headcanon on Gene being afraid of scary movies (yes, I finally made a piece for that!)
Your guess is as good as mine on what they're watching.
This is also inspired by this adorable Gene fanart I found (thank you @drawthething for helping me find the link so the artist could be credited! It’s @tothebestofmyabilities):
Enjoy seeing my babies! :D
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bauresurrected · 5 days
where are my people
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My nurse today was a Swiftie and she was very nice!
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eleplay · 10 days
unofficial job title: last man standing
when once again the rest of the department falls to assorted ailments and illness, you remain
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