#flowers for mega man au
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mintnrainbow · 3 months ago
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Kurai/Young Daini used to (with the help of Aki) braid his long hair (similar to Zeros) with flowers and ribbons.
Daini has few memories of a time before Night since Night didn't have the technology to erase Daini's memories. He remebers his long hair and how Night chopped most of it off, but long enough to tie it back. 001 tried to replicate Daini's past memories and put the flowers and ribbons into his hair once more. Daini is slightly embarrassed but more fearful that someone will see his hair looking all girly.
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flowersofstarlight · 2 years ago
Light & Darkness ⚔️🪶
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Inspired by “When the Darkness Comes by Shelby Merry.”
It’s a representation about Slate and Aiden having the courage to conquer fear, to stay true to themselves, to be brave for someone they want to protect no matter what they’ll face, and not letting others define who they are.
Their story still continues as they keep moving forward together, knowing that they’re not alone and their friends are with them till the end.
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leaffiii · 2 years ago
"Hi, this is Cursed Mega Man! this ask goes to Metal Man and Plant Man
How about we compare our skills? it's going to be super cool!(Metal Man)
One of my colleagues named Shadow Wood Man asked me to give you a flower, I hope you like it! (Plant Man)
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"....Compare? I'll humour that. The parts that aren't energy are removeable, they do not interchange. I remove and take only what I'll need, should my typical tools be insufficient...."
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"Aw, how sweet of him! I don't have many organic plants around base, make sure to thank him for me!... I know a Wood Man myself, y'know, I wonder how different he would be from your worlds uh... more shadowy one?"
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firedragon1321 · 5 months ago
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I think Boy Gender might have saved Sora Takenouchi (I'm projecting, this post was made by a man dot jpeg, etc).
So yeah- I'm rotating a trans Sora AU. And it's teaching me the difference between AU, meta, and headcanon. Like it seems obvious but the lines have blurred over the years. And it's so magical and freeing to say "this is an AU and it's my playground". That said, there are meta elements in this post. So I tagged it as such. But it's mostly AU.
I say this bullshit because Sora's entire arc in Adventure is about reconciling with her mother and her femininity. That's how her story was always intended to be written. Her job in the epilogue is the final culmination of that. I can see how all of that was intended to work. Even if I don't personally like it.
But there's like. Such fertile ground for this AU. How accepting that feminine role drove Sora further and further into the background, away from her friends. And into a state so depressingly finalized that her Digivice spawned a timer, separating her from Biyomon. And how she worked best with everyone else when in a "take charge" role- albeit as "team mom", but refusing to sit on the sidelines based on gender.
There's also how Biyomon's evolutions get progressively masculine, and Biyomon is part of Sora's soul. Like I don't know how Phoenixmon fits into that. But look at this-
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The instant Biyomon reaches her Champion form, she takes on a less traditionally feminine shape. And Garudamon is more masculine than feminine in build. Plus- and I only researched this for five seconds so I could be wrong- "Garuda," is also a male Hindu deity (and also a shape shifter and protector- just like a Digimon partner!). In tri, Birdramon has more pronounced eyelashes, the same way Minnie Mouse has eyelashes to denote her gender. But other than that...
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Also this gives me the opportunity to mess around with Crests and how they work. Like, even in this AU, Sora would have the Crest of Love. I feel like its nature as compassion and caring will always be relevant to the character. But like. Wouldn't it be cool if the Crests themselves evolved? Like if the design changed with new revelations as the characters aged? Still the same in color and concept, but representing a more mature person.
For most of the Adventure crew, this would be standard character development stuff. For Sora? Gender.
I'd plant the seeds in Adventure, going more into detail as to what Sora's mother represents- traditional femininity- and how that wouldn't be merely annoying, but wrong. Like puppet strings that wind around the neck. I don't think Sora would have the words for that sensation yet. But the wrongness would be there. Even through forgiveness. And meeting halfway.
But in 02, Sora would realize where those feelings come from. Why the soccer pitch feels like home, and the flower shop a cage. I need more details but it's 4 AM and this is a general outline. But basically...
The 02 gang would get in trouble (after the ability to Digivice to Ultimate/Mega is restored to the OG gang). Only Sora could save them, due to being the only one available to go on the field. The enemy? A fuckton of Blossomon. For the symbolism. But mainly, there's too many for the 02 characters to handle, and they're split in a configuration where Jogress to Imperialdramon is impossible. Basically, a situation engineered so only Sora can resolve it.
Garudamon fights her hardest. But the numbers are too intense even for her. A Blossomon wraps its vines around Garudamon, trapping her. And to Sora, that vine on her partner's neck just seems so familiar.
Blossomon spits generic villain taunts about knowing one's place. This prompts Sora to peel back the layers of her own life. She thought her place was at her mother's flower shop. That's what forgiveness meant, right? But reconciliation is a two way street. She gave and gave and received nothing.
Not for the ache in her heart.
Not for the wrongness in her body.
Not for the vines choking her life.
And digging into her own neglected heart, she'd discover the soul of a man. It would be frightening and confusing. But it would also hold the strength she needs to win this battle.
That he needs to protect everyone.
And the Crest of Love within him would glow. Its shape would become less feminine, but still represent the love that Sora possesses. Like hands holding, or a stylized stone- the rock the others can rely on.
And of course Garudamon would digivolve- into Phoenixmon or something else- and save the day. Leaving Sora confused and shaken. He might even try to deny what happened. But the Crests never lie, and their power does not come from nothing.
So by tri., he'd be more masc-presenting (excluding school uniforms) as his mother falters. But Sora would hold out hope. And continue to love. So by Kizuna, he's met halfway at last, and can openly live as who he was always meant to be.
I do like the idea of Crest evolution in general and might revisit it. But for now this is loose word-vomit and more of wish fulfillment than anything substantial.
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feddy-34 · 4 months ago
here’s my rpf ask wahooo!!!! what are your omega brock hcs? like how does his family react to him and fred, how did they first meet in your mind, what’s their home life like, how does it make being on the same team different, etc etc :D i love the au’s you write them in so i would love to hear!!
this is saur late im sorry but!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
answering ur questions first i think his family would LOVE fred, i think brock's family is a lot more on the traditional side and fred is def a more traditional alpha in some aspects like. fuckin look at him lmaoooooooo but yes brock's family is pushing for them to mate asap. i do like the way i wrote them meeting in my every thought is you but they prob just meet at training camp idk im boring. home life is so interestingggggg cuz i love me some housewife brock but i think they split everything up fairly evenly chores wise. fred is def the one that cooks tho dont ask me why but i feel like he's a really good cook. idk. brock is definitely the clean freak out of the two.
fred goes nuts in the garden that man loves him some dahlias. always has a fresh bunch of flowers for brock every week🥰he teaches the kids how to garden too (some of them hate it but forced outside time for multiple hours a week is good for you so brock just tells them to can it and get in the backyard with dad) theyre both fairly chill people except when fred is on the field then he's hyper as hell so i think their home life is p quiet. lots of at home dinner dates n movie nights. fred cannot watch horror movies that man is scared of ghostbusters😭
as for them being on the same team it's acc very interesting to me because they DON'T play together unlike joe'marr, diggs/allen (rip), travpat, etc. and theyre actively going against each other every single practice. very yummy indeed. theyre both def very competitive during practice and brock gets hellla mega pissed if fred manages to sack him or get a pick. fred just grins his ass off the entire time cuz it's a win win: either he gets to see brock up close and personal or he gets to watch his omega ball out lololol there are no downsides here. during games theyre both pretty checked out from each other by mutual agreement, like brock gives fred head taps when he's coming on the field and vice versa but thats about it. i think brock would def want space pregame too to get his mindset right but he's always willing to canoodle w fred really early during warmups lol. but after the game? disgusting nastiness from both of them, especially if it's a win and ESPECIALLY if the win is in primetime🤮
ok this got way too long of a yapfest but lmk if u wanna hear more😭
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misc-obeyme · 1 year ago
I loveloveLOVE the idea of a FarmSim! AU! Like yourself, I assume a lot of us weren’t raised as farmer’s children, and more or less grew up on Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon. (Altho I do know a bit about living in Indiana, land of the Corn and home of the Indy500, if that counts towards anything lmao). In any case, I hope you like mytake on the Sides!
In terms of Farm Sim tropes, I’d be willing to say that The Royals (Dia, Barb, and ‘Phisto) are a part of some sort of local govt. bc I cannot see them as knees-in-the-mud farmer types lol. Maybe the farm is the “ROYAL FARM OF DIAVOLO” or something to try and convince Dia’s (not-in-a-self-induced-slumber) Mega-Corp father that farms are important, and corpo factories are bad. Diavolo has no idea how farming works but he likes to watch and play with the baby animals. Barb does not appreciate the farm visits bc Dia gets super excited and cannot be told “NO” if he wants to walk across a muddy field and up to a bull like “You are a fine specimen! A complete winner!” Luckily he is blessed with “Animals Love Me” kind of luck. Barb makes sure to get the Young Master dressed appropriately for next time. You need to talk to Barbatos about ordering tools, supplies, and contractors to build/repair things like stables, wells, and greenhouses. Mephistopheles takes care of the buying and selling of animals, and you gotta “prove to him” that you can be responsible enough to handle a horse (he does inspections of the farm and makes EVERYONE take riding/horse care tests).
The angels run the local cafe/store where you can get food and seeds, among other things. They buy your products and sometimes make presents (like sweaters made from your sheep's wool). Simeon and Luke run the Cafe side of things, while Raphael runs the store. Since Luke is a bit young to be running a business, he’s more like an assistant baker and he runs the morning collection at your farm. When he has time, he’ll sing to some of the animals.
Thirteen would probably the the Farm Sim Mine Spelunking Monster Trapper or smth like that? She’ll toss some coin your way if you bring her monster parts or rare ore, and maybe she’ll give you some “recipes” to make mining tools/weapons/traps.
And like... How funny would it be if Solomon just... didn’t change? Like at all? He already fits the “supernatural element” of other farming sims. An interesting and mysterious figure that lives just on the edge of the village. If you come to him with the monster parts/ore instead of Thirteen, he could help artifice some of your farming equipment with special traits, or craft potions that help you talk to animals or w/e.
IDK what do you think?
Okay okay so I totally agree about Diavolo, everything about that is spot on. He's fascinated by farm life, but knows nothing about it just like he is with humans in the game. Totally gets himself dirty because he just wants to experience things! Come on, Barbatos it'll be fun!!
And the corporation dad, that is perfection, too. Of course Dia's trying to convince his dad that farms are good!
Barb is forever suffering lol. While he does have a garden, I can't see Barbatos doing any kind of hard farm work either. He's definitely more suited to getting permits and such, but I could see him frequenting the angels' bakery because he likes to cook. They swap recipes a lot. Maybe he hosts the cooking competition, mostly because I think that'd be so funny.
Mephisto as the animal guy is perfect, you better believe he's gonna make sure your horse area is up to par before he'll even consider letting you have one.
Love the angels running a cafe and store, that's something I could easily see them doing. And oh my heart Luke singing to the animals!! My precious baby son. I kinda see him also being partial to flowers in general, since that's the only thing he's grown in the actual game lol. Maybe he starts making bouquets or perfumes...
Oh man Thirteen as the miner/monster hunter type! She's got a forge and spends untold amounts of time wandering the woods.
Solomon is such a menace and honestly I can't see him doing anything other than being the supernatural being. I keep thinking of Witchie from Story of Seasons/Harvest Moon. Like it'd be funny if he was more like Dessie and lived in a pond, but let's be real, he's definitely the one making weird potions and magic tools and such.
And of course all the characters are also marriage candidates, so if you marry Solomon, he's gonna come live with you on your farm. Spends all day in his wizard tower on the edge of town, but at night he comes home to his lil farmer spouse lsadlkjdfjkfdkjl.
Wow my worlds are colliding so hard right now I can't even deal with it. What I wouldn't give to have all these characters in a game where I could deliberately pursue and marry one of them!
Anyway, I totally love this and your ideas! I'm pretty sure I would do some unspeakable acts to have an Obey Me farm sim game like this.
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blackholesun321 · 1 year ago
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Merry Christler @mega-ringsandthings-world your Loguetown au once again has rotted my brain and made me black out to create this! Was it a bought of mania brought on by my love for your blorbos? Maybe. Is it art fueled by my love for this au and your worldbuilding! Definitely. So here’s some of the new (maybe not improved) red haired pirates in this au.
Seriously those of you who haven’t checked out this au it’s amazing and I physically vibrate every time they post something about it!
Below close up of the art and explanations—
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Benn my darling. ❤️
I love him so much; he's my angry traumatized dad blorbo, and he gets absolutely sent through the shredder in this AU. How'd he lose an eye and half his face? Well, I'm sure we'll find out, but it certainly did make him look striking. Did y’all know he wears pearl earrings in canon? Because I didn’t. And I think that’s neat and should be commented on more—something something this very masculine character wearing pearl earrings. He wears a lot more perals in this au. This man would kill me, and I’d say thank you.
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Look at him and his fancy shirt; man's colors are definitely red and gold, and he looks so fine. You know Mihawk picked out this fit, and those flowers—king loves his embroidered flowers, also done by Mihawk! And those dragon earrings, I wonder where he got those and what they allude to? Also, man is a ball of trauma wrapped in fancy clothes and jewelry to make others see him as a human being. Whoever he's talking to, he doesn't want to be there. The Haki scars are still vibrant and have yet to fade with time, and he's probably less secure about them, so the layers.
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Shanks, honey, you still gotta work on your diplomacy face; you don’t look enthused to be wherever you are. Look at all those scars; he gets pretty beat up in this AU. I mean, really beat up. I hope I got the Haki burns up his arms right? But one of my favorite things about this AU is the absolute fashion renaissance that happens later in the fic because of these pirates having a pretty spectacular self-experimenting and exploration phase. Shanks gets a lot of piercings, and Mihawk makes sure that they don’t go to waste.
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New Red-Haired Pirate flag. Scary! Wouldn’t want to be on these guys' bad side. They are a lot less the party pirates in this AU, and the flag reflects that. The skull is still laughing but with devil horns and bloody teeth, as well as the red wings to represent someone (Mihawk). Instead of two griffins crossed behind the skull, Shanks' sword is in gold and piercing through its mouth. It was a lot of fun to design. Will be doing Mihawk's flag in the future.
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somewhere-in-a-microwave · 10 months ago
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These are meant to be sketches of my Naria Girls redesign for an AU thingy, as you can see, this isn't in pure swag HD quality. (I apologise if my fingers look weird)
They have casual forms too but it's only doodles.
I included Usagi/Naria Winter...? (the pseudo fourth member) as well for some reason, she's gonna be a very important character in my au.
I emphasised more of Urara/Naria Spring's flower motif and made the edges of her hair more rounder to look like petals plus flower skirt. I also turned the ponytail into somewhat of a bluebell (yeah pink bluebells actually exist). made the ribbon longer and sleeves into bulbs or strawberries.
I attempted to get inspirations from Luna Platz of the Mega Man Star Force series for the appearance of Hanabi/Naria Summer. Tried to add more star imagery but sorta failed?
For Inaho/Naria Autumn I was going for moon/crescent theming but I didn't exactly do much with it (I'm rather embarassed, I was making her more witchy T-T).
Left Usagi/Naria Winter...? as herself because of lore. She isn't exactly a real Naria unlike the trio which is the reason she has a default-ish look to her magical girl form but I'm thinking about butterfly symbolism because of her bows.
Maybe I'll do a pure swag HD quality of the image and add more lore to my epik kool Naria Girls rewrite AU.
This is all relating to a reddit post I did
*P.S, I also did a few redesigns of the monsters but I'm gatekeeping them for now*
EDIT: The REAL Naria Winter also exists but I don't exactly know where to put her in my (wacky) retelling of the story. To tell them apart I decided to call Usagi "NotWinter" and Naria Winter "REALWinter".
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em-dualism · 2 years ago
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Pinned Post Link Hub 🌱
The Shocking Twins of Dream Island
semi-selective RP/ask blog for Pat and Rey Sprigs from Mega Man Star Force - tended to by Grammar
10+ years RP experience
Crossovers and OCs welcomed and encouraged! No prior knowledge of this series is needed to interact. Stop by and smell the flowers!
Rules - Muse Info - Side Muses - AUs
Bonus Star Force info for anyone that'd like to at least know the basics!
I've also got a Battle Network multimuse RP sideblog over at @augmentedmuse !
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ayashitetsuko · 2 years ago
Introducing my ongoing long fic: Flower Garden aka the Firefighter AU fic!
Reasons why you should give this a try:
1. Librarian!Stede and Firefighter!Izzy
2. Small town romance with a fun world-building, e.g Stede’s address is 40 Oranges Avenue
3. Enemies to Lovers, the most delicious #bitch4bitch flavour there is
4. Dogs! We have Princess Sugarplum Bonnet the pom and Rodrigo Hands the Doberman
5. Excellent cameo set that includes Magic Man, Elder Tribe, and even Mama Bonnet
6. An authentic portrayal of autistic and demisexual lead
7. I also structured the plot in such a way that the explicit scenes are contained within a chapter. Readers can easily skip them without missing a plot point
8. This fic is very collaborative in nature! It features illustrations from mega-talented artists such as @ohmymartyn98 @DicenDelirio @sweveris and more! 🤩 They are more than just decorations. They play crucial roles in the story
9. It’s also the result of brainstorming within the #Stizzy Discord server! Very collaborative
10. And finally, it is written in Anisa-style fluff and wholesomeness with a touch of spice and drama here and there
Enjoy! Let me know what you think of it
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fecha11 · 2 years ago
Mo, 27. März & Di, 28.März
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Die zwei Tage waren entspannt und intensiv zugleich. Erstmal finde ich es mega, einfach 5 Schritte nach draußen zu laufen und frische Feigen und Tomaten essen zu können. Super lecker aber Opa im Vertrauen, Deine Tomaten sind natürlich nicht zu übertreffen, auch nicht am andern Ende der Welt ( ;
Montags hat J. keine KiTa. Am Morgen kam eine Kiwi-Freundin von meiner Patentante B. um etwas abzuholen und ihr Sohn hat mit den beiden Kids gespielt. Sie hat weder eine Frucht, noch einen Vogel zur Freundin, die Neuseeländer sind nur sehr stolz auf ihre einzigartigen Naturschätze und nennen sich selber Kiwi. Später kam eine deutschsprachige Freundin zu Besuch. Das war richtig entspannt, denn die beiden haben Thermomixrezepte ausprobiert (soo lecker!) während ihr Sohn und J. richtig toll gespielt haben. Ich habe mich viel mit M. beschäftigt. Eigentlich will sie immer viel zu ihrem großen Bruder und das machen was er macht. Aber glücklicherweise haben die Jungs uns Geschenke gemacht. Sie fanden das eher spaßig, M. fand die Kuscheltiere, Schuhe, bunten Tücher und co höchst interessant und wir erwachsenen waren glücklich, weil alle Kinder ganz von alleine glücklich waren. Schuhe sind übringens generell groß im Rennen. Es ist so spannend, alle möglichen Schuhe an- und auszuziehen. Das kanm man stundenlang machen! Ist im Übrigen nicht viel übertrieben. Sie schafft locker 20 Minuten am Stück Schuh an, Schuh aus, und das ganz alleine. Mein persönlicher Favorit ist von heute (Mittwoch) die dicken Socken mit rechts dem rosanen Feen-Crog und links dem FlipFlop. Nur aus irgendeinem Grund wollte der nicht so richtig und so war es einfach praktischer mit einem Schuh an den Füßen den Garten zu erkunden und den FlipFlop im Mund zu tragen, denn freie Hände sind wichtig zum erkunden, im Fall abfangen und v.a. klettern! Das ist sowieso das aller Beste! Abgesehen von den Schuhen und Mamas/Papas/Omas/Opas Armen natürlich.
Abgesehen vom Sandkasten und den Pflanzensprenklern war mein Highlight des Tages auf jeden Fall der Chor von Riverside, einem Ort in der Nähe. Dahin hat B. Schwiegervater mich mitgenommen. Ich wohne ja bei meiner Patentante B. plus Partner M. und Kinder J. (4), M. (1,5) im Haus. Auf dem gleichen Grundstück leben seine Eltern, also B.s Schwiegerpapa M. und Schwiegermama K. Sie kommen ursprünglich aus der Schweiz, aber schon ihre Söhne sind hier in NZ aufgewachsen. Ihre Schwester ist momentan plus Ehemann aus Frankreich zu Besuch, aber nicht mehr lange.
Naja jedenfalls in dem Chor war es wundervoll. Solch poitive Atmosphäre. Ich bin zwar sicher mit Noten hätten wir die Strukturen der zu singenden Passagen alle besser und v.a. schneller verstanden, aber wer will schon einfach und schnell? ( ; Witzigerweise waren von den ca. 25 Menschen 10 deutsch und eines der Kanone (oder wie auch immer die Mehrzahl heißt) war "I like the Flowers, I like the ..., I like the Mountains, I like the rolling Hills. I like the (an der Stelle hatte die Dirigierende ne ganz interessante Vorstellung von Melodie und Text), dumdidadel dumdidadel dumdidadel dumdidadel...". Witzigerweise kannten fast alle deutschsprachigen dieses englische Lied, den Kiwis währenddessen war es ziemlich unbekannt.
Nach einem wundervollen Abschluss und einem fantastischen Sternenhimmel ging dieser Tag zu Ende.
Am nächsten Morgen brachten wir den Älteren zur KiTa. Dort machten sie einen Ausflug zur Mahana School und bastelten Osternester. Wir 3 weiblichen Wesen tankten gerade kurz nachdem das rote Lämpchen sich meldete das Auto und schauten uns in Mapua um. Überschaulicher kleiner Ort am Meer, super schön dort. Wir beobachteten Möwen, einen Austernfischer und M. konnte in den großen Steinen (für sie wahrscheinlich eher kleine Felsen) umherklettern.
Da Auto fahren ja gar nicht super ist, weil da könnte man ja was verpassen, ging ich mot der kleinen Forscherin im Baggi zur Bäckerei und traf mich dort mit B. Wir holten uns was Leckeres was wir zu Hause genossen ebenso wie die Zeit mal in Ruhe zu plaudern.
Die Kinder hatten später noch ein "Playdate" wofür ich CheesePuffs backte, purer Eigennutz ( ; Als der Große von der KiTa abgeholt werden musste schlief die Kleine, wobei sie natürlich aufwachte just war Mama vom Hof gefahren. Aber wir zwei haben das zusammen gut gemeistert und neben den Schuhen auch Trampolin und Windspiel erkundet. Im Übrigen zeigt sie uns auch jede Spinne indem sie drauf zeigt und laut "Maamaaa" ruft. Kommt mir bekannt vor, haha ( : (Mama, ich hab Dich lieb!)
Zum Playdate bin ich nicht mit sondern nutzte die Zeit meine Wäsche abzuhängen, meinen Koffer weiter auszupacken, meine Ukulele zu stimmen (was echt Arbeit war, denn zum Fliegen soll man die Seiten dolle lockern damit sie nicht reißen durch Druck-/Temperaturunterschiede, klang grausig), mit ihr zu singen, zu lesen, Vögel zu beobachten und Feigen vom Baum zu essen.
Abends aßen wir den größtenteils von mir gemachten Rote Beete Salat (dieser Thermomix ist wirklich für Kochlegasteniker) und hatten einen langen aber ruhigen Abend mit den Kids.
Achja, ein Mini-Kinderbuch auf Māori habe ich mir dank Google auch übersetzt. Hoch offiziell heißt die Sprache der Ureinwohner Neuseelands Te Reo Māori. Sie wurde lange Zeit verboten. Inzwischen wird das Wiederaufleben der Sprache von der Regierung gefördert. Es gibt Bilderbücher, Übersetzungen bei Durchsagen und z.B. an Flughäfen wird man mit "Kia Ora" begrüßt. Grüße gehen an der Stelle raus an Chrirex, welcher jetzt fleißig Maori lernt.
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musicalravencreates · 7 years ago
There's this tattoo of Kirby and around it, it says, "I want you inside me" and fuck I can't NOT see Arin getting that tattoo
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flowersofstarlight · 3 years ago
🍓Strawberry Dresses🍓
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I haven’t drawn characters with pretty dresses for a while. So I thought my two OCs (Aiden and Slate) would look beautiful wearing strawberry dresses. Hope you like it. 😊💖❤️💕💝🌟✨🍓🌸🌼💐
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kessielrg · 3 years ago
[Kingdom Hearts] Apologize Quickly and Sincerely
Summary: By far, Ven’s got the most boring job at the flower shop; the cashier. Sitting day in and day out for someone to browse along the rows of flowers and gardening tools, then probably walk right out again. Sometimes an interesting thing would happen- but they were few and far between. [flower shop AU focused on UX kids, with a bonus cameo of Mega Man X][Part 14 in a series of oneshots][VenxOC][EphemerxOC/F!Player]
Rating: K
Word count: 1,862 words
If you liked this story, please reblog!
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Ven was still reeling over the fact that he gave Sabrina his number. She sent him that first, historical text sometime the next day. From here, he saved her in his phone as Wabi-Sabi (it was a good nickname; he needed to ask Brain how he came up with it) and the rest was history. The hardest part was knowing when to stop.
A part of him didn't realize how much free time he had at the flower shop until now. He and Sabrina had been texting for long enough that his battery was already half dead. And yet, they kept going.
‘Are you doing anything fun tonight?’ he sent to her.
‘I have a dance class, so don’t try it.’
‘What kind?’
Ven nearly doubled over himself at the counter. Definitely accidentally whacked his leg. He wondered for a fearful moment if Skuld would come out and ask what he was doing- then tell him to do inventory. But she didn’t. Instead his phone gave him another ping, indicating that Sabrina had decided to give him ample time to freak out.
‘It’s lyrical. I do lyrical. As if I have the upper body strength to pull working on a pole convincingly.’
‘Are there any studios around here that support… that?’
‘No. The closest specialized studio around here is for aerial silk, and THAT’S two cities over. What makes you think there’s a space for that kind of dancing anywhere around here? You’re hopeless.’
As Ven would come to realize, many years down the line, that last phrase was a sign of endearment. For now, it felt like a genuine insult.
As he prepared his counter defense, the bell above the front door twinkled. In came a man about as tall as Brain, but probably closer in age to Lauriam. He seemed rather lost as he looked around the shop with his dark green eyes. The man ran a hand through his shaggy brown hair before spotting Ventus at the counter. A small sigh of relief escaped his lips.
“Excuse me? Are you able to help me?”
Ven was midword when he heard the man speak up. Despite the warm, rather skittish voice, it still succeeded in making him jump a good foot.
“U-uh? Yeah. I can.” he quickly agreed. “How can I help you?”
The man gave Ven a smile that rather mirrored Sora’s when he was being bashful.
“My name is Xavier, and I wanted to get a gift for my girlfriend.” the man explained, as if it were something to be embarrassed over. “Something small, but nice. It’s kinda an apology for having her move in with me and my kids. They can be a handful, and loud. Definitely not what she was expecting.”
“We have some basic arrangements in this book.” Ven absently said, not looking away from his phone as he pulled out a random binder from under the counter. “You can pick one out if you don’t want to look around the shop.”
“Thank you.” Xavier nodded. He carefully opened the binder cover and made an odd face at the first arrangement he saw. It was a rather tall one, boasting bright pink peonies and yellow carnations. Ven wasn’t noticing. He had a girl to text.
‘In any case, Brain’s never mentioned that you liked dancing. Do you do recitals? You should invite us next time.’
‘Brain isn’t Ephemer.’ came the lightning fast reply. ‘Second, who said I wanted you to attend any? Maybe I just do my own thing in the studio then flake before recital practice starts so we don’t waste money on one-use costumes. That shit’s expensive.’ There was a small pause before the addition of; ‘Aren’t you supposed to be working?’
‘It’s just some guy who wants to apologize to his girlfriend. He’ll be in and out in no time.’ He put on a rather proud smirk before adding, ‘Aren’t YOU supposed to be working?’
‘I don’t start until next Wednesday. Nice try.’
Xavier let out an unintentional gasp when he saw a certain vase arrangement. Purple and green and blue and red were all carefully placed in the same glass vase. It was perfect.
“Um…” he carefully said to the boy at the counter, “I think I found what I’m looking for. Sir?”
‘Still at the mall, right? We’ll be neighbors.’
‘You sound like Brain. Stop.’
“Sir?” Xavier tried again, placing a feather-like touch on the boy’s elbow.
Ven was terribly glad that no one else was around to hear his terrified screech. A second after, his face was red hot from embarrassment. He couldn’t even look Xavier in the eye after that. Never minding that it was just now dawning on him that he had been ignoring a customer. At least he seemed to be pretty relaxed?
“I’m just texting a friend.” the boy sheepishly apologized. He probably shouldn’t have told the truth, but he had already made a fool of himself at this point. “I’m sorry. I should be paying more attention to you.”
Xavier smiled. “Don’t worry. I know how it is.” he gently said. “It’s always kinda nerve racking when you start dating.”
Ven immediately looked up- his face flaring a different shade of red now. “N-no! We’re not dating!” he quickly insisted. “We’re just friends! I gave her my number recently and it’s just been… nice talking to her more often. But we’re not dating!”
The funny look Xavier gave him illustrated he did not believe such a thing. You see, Xavier was a good 5 years older than he looked. In his 30 years of life so far, he had gotten married shortly after high school, had four children (the oldest was about 10 now, and the youngest was 7), got divorced, and was now dating again with a woman he loved even more than his first wife. There was even a time in his life where he and his oldest friend tried dating, but it didn’t work out. Suffice to say, he wasn’t a stranger to a lot of ‘firsts’ that happen in relationships. Whether or not he felt confident with them was still a matter of debate.
This kid didn’t seem like a bad one; the kind that purposely slacked off at work for one reason or another. It kinda reminded Xavier of himself. Then again, Xavier was constantly told that he had more empathy than the entire human race put together. He might have been self projecting instead.
“How old are you?” he asked as he and the boy went over options for the vase.
“So you’re a senior this year?”
The boy nodded his head.
“Any plans for after?”
This time he got a half shrug. “Probably going to stay here.” the boy told him. “I don’t need to get a car or house or anything yet, so I guess I could still save.”
“Sounds like a plan.” Xavier nodded. “A lot more defined than what I had.”
The boy nodded, more as a gesture to illustrate that he really didn’t want Xavier’s life story. Xavier got it. They weren’t here to be friends.
Over the next few minutes, Xavier and Ventus worked together on just how the former wanted his arrangement to look. There wasn’t much that Xavier wanted to change from the picture. It was more of a matter that they couldn’t get the flowers in a week’s time, so they had to switch some out. Ven made sure to assure Xavier that they wouldn’t charge him more for it- the price in the book was one they stuck with because it got updated every quarter. Skuld made sure of that.
“Would you like to add a personal message?” Ven asked as they were finishing up the other details. “Only a hundred munny more. It would round up your current order to 3,000 munny.”
Xavier hummed a little as he thought it over.
“Is there a word limit?” he asked, even giving his head a curious tilt.
“Not that I can easily think of.” Ven said with a shake of his head. “I’d have to type it in first to know. Might be a hundred words.”
Xavier then gave a sage-like nod. “I think I can work with that,” he admitted. “Sure, let’s add a message.”
“Right.” Ven agreed. He dug around one of the drawers next to him for the personal message form. If Xavier had done this online, he could have just typed it in himself. But in person there was paperwork.
As he was pulling the form out, Sabrina sent Ven another text. The phone let out its little ping and a vibration to get his attention. Xavier looked at it, then at Ven with almost expectancy. But, as Xavier had decided earlier, Ven was a good worker when his head was in the right space. The boy went over how Xavier should go about writing the message -make sure each letter is in its own box, please- and with that the man started to write.
Instead of checking to see what witty message Sabrina had sent Ven this time, the boy watched as Xavier very carefully wrote out a message of his own. He was taking a lot of consideration into it. Ven’s phone pinged again- either as a second reminder for Sabrina’s last text, or she had sent a new one. When Xavier was finished, he looked over the form once and twice. He pushed the form to Ventus with a grin on his face.
“There.” he decided. “That should do it.”
Ven nodded. As he picked the form up, he couldn’t help but read the message itself.
‘Aero, I believe in six impossible things; A quiet household, Harpuia disobeying a rule, Fefnir refraining from cursing, Leviathan staying away from water, Phantom making it obvious he’s entered the room, and falling out of love with you. -X’
“What do you think?” Xavier asked. His face had fallen a bit. It made Ven wonder if he had made a weird face while reading it.
The boy was silent as he genuinely thought it over. The message wasn’t more than 40 words long, and he could tell that it held a lot of personal weight. He assumed those weird names were X’s kids. Just as he wondered who would name their kid Phantom or Leviathan, Ven remembered Brain and kept his thoughts to himself.
“She’ll love it.” he said. His voice coming out a lot more quiet than he meant to.
Xavier let out a relieved sigh. “Good. Very good.”
A few minutes more of confirming the payment, Xavier’s gift to his girlfriend was set to arrive a few days from then. The man seemed rather grateful for it all. He waved at Ven as he left. Ventus himself gave a few minutes before going to check his phone. Apparently Sabrina was trying to decide if he was ghosting her now. The corners of his lips teased into a smirk as he replied.
‘Imagine listing six impossible things as a love language. This guy was such a sap.’
‘Well, I hope you had fun with your kettle, pot.’
And with that, Ven laughed.
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p-ogman · 6 years ago
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I haven't posted on here in like a month
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I just realized I could ask a bunch of dadler questions
What's his fav colour? Does he have a hard time with purple things once the virus is gone? (I read a fic where Moon had problems with purple 'cause of the virus, so I'm curious if dadler would have a similar situation)
Does he have a favourite flower?
What kind of music does he like?
How old is he? (I'd assume in his 30s at least but I figured I may as well ask)
What was he like pre virus? Was he happier and more energetic or was he just kinda always grumpy and tired?
What kind of clothes does he like wearing?
Does he have a favourite memory? Does he even remember much from before the virus?
That's about all I can think of tbh other than favourite food
"i just realized I could ask a bunch of Dadler questions"
Oh . AAAA.. wow. Hfhdhd that's a lot of questions. I'm not used to people liking my ocs that much 🥺💕
I'll do my best.
One of Dadler's favorite color has either been light purple or blues. But he's always been a fan of brown and cream beige.
He has little reservations about Purple. If anything, he would argue (and probably has with Glitchtrap) that Afton always used shitty shades of purple. He likes lavender and the lighter colors. Which seems practically like a different color entirely to Afton's purple. So he isn't perturbed by it.
Favorite flower... Again, probably Lavender
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As far as music goes. He likes a lot of eighties rock. A lot of classic rock and a few grunge hits too. It's rare he really listens to anything pop. Even something that came out ten years ago. He tried to give death metal a chance, but too loud for his tastes. He has a soft spot for a good rock ballad.
As of the Lives AU he is 34.
Before the virus, he wasn't necessarily "happy" but he was definitely energetic. Strangely hyper fixated on whatever animatronic he was working on. He was a very bright student at the university. And although he was anti social and kept to himself, he was the kind of guy who could energetically ramble for hours over something that caught his interest.
Although, he did have a pension for having a smart mouth and sometimes correcting or butting in when he wasn't needed. He didn't have a lot of friends.
Probably known as the quiet loner. But once you get him talking he'd never shut up.
Dadler is a fan of wearing button down shirts and jeans typically. The man should diversify his wardrobe.
A favorite memory? Hmmm.
Seeing Foxy preform at the Mega Pizzaplex as he was falling apart is definitely one of his core memories.
But another one high up there...
I'm guessing it's not anything specific. But he loved the time, sitting on the carpet as a child, playing with toy trains, while his grandmother knitted in her rocking chair. Just those quiet moments. Also his grandmother showing him how to bake a pie is also pretty high up there. He really loves his grandma.
He remembers a lot before the virus... But also not a lot. He already had gaps in his memory in his childhood due to traumatic events he blocks out.
But while under Afton's control, he was taking a lot of weed and alcohol. So it's not like he remembers the details..... Even if he did have some control.... His posession wasn't a complete takeover like Vannys was. So his memory fares about as well as someone trying to recall a dream.
Like he remembers things more as a third party experience. A lot of Dadler lives is him going though his notes and realizing just how bad things actually were.
Favorite Food?
He likes apple and cinnamon pie.
Also is a huge fan of sushi.
Other than those few things it's hard to get him that excited about food.
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