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sacrifesse · 5 months ago
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┣▇▇▇═─ FLOWER iD PACK 〰️
🌹 ︵︵ TAGGiNG @id-pack-archive ᶻ 𝗓
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✙ ︵︵ SYSTEM NAMES : the flower system/collective/etc. , the blossom system/collective/etc. , the bloom system/collective/etc. , the petal system/collective/etc. , the garden system/collective/etc. , the nature system/collective/etc. , the stem system , the wildflower system/collective/etc. , the leaf system/collective/etc. , the florists , the gardeners
✙ ︵︵ NAMES : rose , lily , daisy , jasmine , poppy , marigold , dahlia , petunia , fern , clover , flora , iris , camellia , azalea , violet , holly , ivy , lavender , briar , daphne , rosemary , rhodes , rosalia , buttercup , fleur , heather , lilac , magnolia , petal , rosie , rue , susan , tigerlily , wisteria
✙ ︵︵ PRONOUNS : flower flowers , blossom blossoms , bloom blooms , petal petals , garden gardens , nature natures , stem stems , leaf leafs , rose roses , daisy daisys , fern ferns , floral florals , tulip tulips , 💐 💐s , 🌷 🌷s , 🌹 🌹s , 🥀 🥀s , 🪻 🪻s , 🪷 🪷s , 🌺 🌺s , 🌸 🌸s , 🌼 🌼s , 🌻 🌻s
✙ ︵︵ USERNAMES : fl-ra , bloodyflorist , bloodygardener , fl-ral , gardenofcorpses , frillyflorist , gentlegardener , flowerluvr , gardenluvr
✙ ︵︵ TiTLES : the florist , the gardener , the frilly florist , the gentle gardener , prn who blooms during prns darkest hour , the one of great beauty
✙ ︵︵ GENDER SYSTEMS : genderflower
✙ ︵︵ GENDERS : flowergender , flowergender , floraic , anglifleuric , invililyvalleyfleuric , lumiblueflowic , driedfloweric , doloflorcrescien , bluesunflowergender , exhausfloric , floretconic , honeybloomgender , orchidgender , flowerbitch , flowerpondmulviboard , mouanipre , bloomthing , flowieeamic , lotusflowic , florengender , lavenderiae , fleurcute , flowerthing , pickedwildfleuri , goreyfleur
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[PT: flower id pack. requested by anon. tagging id-pack-archive. system names. names. pronouns. usernames. titles. gender systems. genders. /END PT]
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headmateelevator · 1 month ago
stares at you.. moon . . moonflower . . . . .
pleas . . .
beggign on my knees n knawing at my cage
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order up!
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name(s) - Dandy , Dandicus , Marigold , Fern , Clover , Flora , Iris , Camellia , Azalea , Violet , Ivy , Lavender , Briar , Fleur , Magnolia , Petal , Rosie , Rue , Wisteria.
pronouns - he / him / hy / hym / hymn / hi / him / it / its / flower / flowers / bloom / blooms / petal / petals / garden / gardens / stem / stems / leaf / leafs / rose / roses / daisy / daisys / fern / ferns / floral / florals / tulip / tulips / pop / pops / bright / brights / toon / toons / tv / tvs / sticker / stickers / smile / smiles / silly / sillies / fun / funs.
gender(s) - male , flowergender , flowergender2 , floraic , driedfloweric , exhausfloric , floretconic , orchidgender , flowerbitch , bloomthing , flowieeamic , florengender , flowerthing , pickedwildfleuri , goreyfleur , hapifriendix , happygender , joyeuphoriac , smilegender , sillymaxxing , 📼emojic , vhsgender , vhshoarder , happihoarder , sillycollector.
orientations - panromantic.
role(s) - companion , battery , mood booster.
species - Flower Toon.
source(s) - Dandy - Dandy's World
emoji(s) - 💐 , 🏵️ , 🌺 , 🌻 , 🌼 , 🌷 , 🖍️, 🌈.
likes - drawing , music listening , going on walks , caring for plants , stargazing , co-fronting with Astro , social situations , bright colors , the smell of crayons.
dislikes - fronting alone , being ignored , feeling lonely in general , being unable to front with hys partner , overstimulating situations.
front triggers - the body feeling tired in situations where energy is needed , current fronter(s) being in a bad mood , current fronter(s) needing a friend , Astro fronting.
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name(s) - Astro , Nova , Apollo , Aries , Atlas , Ash , Altair , Altais , Taurus , Cyrus , Cosmo , Castor , Cepheus , Celestio , Draco , Eros , Fafnir , Felis , Galileo , Kiran , Kepler , Leo , Luca , Mars , Nox , Neptune , Oberon , Perseus , Pollux , Sterling , Sirius , Sol , Stellan , Titan , Theo , Zenith , Veritate.
pronouns - he / him / they / them / thy / thym / hx / hxm / star / stars / gal / galaxy / cos / cosmic / moon / moons / lune / lunar / hy / hym / h☆ / h☆m / li / light / lune / lunar / mo / moon / shi / shine / ze / zem / drift / drifts.
gender(s) - transmasculine , starbeing , vastspaceic , rainsleepy , rainynightgender , roctoraindropgender , nightgender , nightaesic , darkgender , spaceial , astrogender , floatgender , moongender , galasterios , staric , nasagender , stargalactic , destria.
orientations - biromantic asexual, masc pref.
role(s) - companion , sleeper , emotional regulator.
species - Moon Toon.
source(s) - Astro- Dandy's world.
emoji(s) - 💤 , 🌙 , 🌗 , 🌠 , ⭐ , 🛏️ , 💭.
likes - sleeping , taking naps , stargazing , co-fronting with Dandy , drawing stars on any paper h☆ gets moons hands on , holding hands with light's friends or partner.
dislikes - feeling lonely , not getting proper sleep , super bright lights , loud sounds , being cold , being unable to front with stars partner.
front triggers - bedtime , the body feeling tired , current fronter(s) needing a friend , Dandy fronting.
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i hope you love them!!! they were so fun!!!
i feel like im giving a horse an apple - 🍨🐈
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tanoraqui · 1 year ago
thinking again about how Titania’s illusory world fails because of how very much she cannot control. She can’t stop Simon from loving and trying to do his best by both his daughters and she can’t stop Etienne from going to frankly unhinged rule-breaking lengths for Chelsea; she can’t stop January from being the cleverest damn technomancer in Faerie and she can’t stop Toby from being brave and kind and self-sacrificing for those in need; and she can’t even stop the king and queen of Golden Shore from trying to do right by all the less “perfect” fae they can… Tldr suck it, flowerbitch! Get rekt! You have no power here!
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3999isdead · 1 year ago
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Flowerbitch! A xenogender relating to flowers and being s bitch.
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queenkandi · 7 years ago
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Hey spring 🏵️ #notstudying #dragqueen #drag #nyxcosmetics #makeup #katvondbeauty #elfcosmetics #sephora #kikocosmetics #flowerbitches #dontwantexams (at Dublin, Ireland)
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whisperinyourdream · 5 years ago
hi bettylou!
10.) what’s something you’re excited for?
honestly going back to school in the fall i miss being on campus so much
soft asks!
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princesssputa · 7 years ago
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morkify · 2 years ago
Out of curiosity. Where are his lungs.
………are they in the petals.
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,,, i never posted this did i
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tatuur · 6 years ago
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flowerbitch energy yeehaw🌺
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bigdyke · 3 years ago
i did it
i said i was never gonna have a fandom url again but am i gonna do it.... am i gonna change to an atla url.......
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bigdyke · 3 years ago
truly gotta stop changing to fandom urls lmao flowerbitch is back
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bigdyke · 5 years ago
abumbleybee ➡️ flowerbitch
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