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#備孕中及孕媽媽最愛護膚品❤️ 來自芬蘭FLOW Cosmetics 有機玫瑰果全效喚膚精華油🌹,💯純天然有機🍀,深層滋潤及保濕💧,有助減淡皺紋、妊娠紋和疤痕,冬天❄️都可以keep住靚靚💖 https://pinkauracare.com/product-category/flowcosmetics/ #pinkauracare #flowcosmetics #flowcosmeticsasia #孕媽媽 #純天然有機 #孕婦護膚品 #FLOW有機玫瑰果全效喚膚精華油 #準媽媽護膚品 #準媽媽 #結婚紀念 #冬日護膚 #去紋 #keep住靚 #超保濕 https://www.instagram.com/p/B57k44cjjn0/?igshid=nwousf1vforg
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Deze Minerale Poederblush is zo mooi en zacht, wij zijn er echt verliefd op! 💖 Hij past goed bij elke feestlook of als je gewoon wat glamour in je leven wil brengen. 💫 Deze blush is ook vegan, dierproefvrij, ongeparfumeerd en geschikt voor gevoelige huid. 🌱💞🐇 Our kind of make-up! 🌿 🌿 #naturalyoubox #belgie #biologisch #blush #crueltyfree #dierproefvrij #diervriendelijk #ecofriendly #ecologisch #ecoluxe #ecomakeup #flowcosmetics #gecertificeerd #gevoeligehuid #girlboss #greenbusiness #koeleondertoon #makeup #mineralemakeup #mineralmakeup #natuurlijk #natuurlijkeschoonheid #natuurlijkewebshop #nomicroplastics #nonanoparticles #ongeparfumeerd #schoonheidsproducten #spf15 #vegan #veganmakeup (bij Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brp4-QTnZYF/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=60vyqtieuco9
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Love natural products but looking for something totally unique?? 👌 @koti.lifestyle is a green beauty retailer with a very special take - all of the products featured on their online shop are from Northern European organic brands! . "Nordic people have a special relationship with nature. Nature has provided the living for us for centuries, and we are taught not to forget that. Not that we would want to, either! For many people, the forest is still the place to escape when life gets too hectic. Nature heals, it recharges, it calms you down. Nature also provides such powerful ingredients, although we sometimes tend to forget them in our chemical-infused lives. Nordic nature is known for its purity and cleanliness - and as such, it's an excellent base for creating beautifully simple, yet effective skincare." 🌿 Currently there are five brands to choose from on Koti Lifestyle: @flowcosmetics @frantsilaherbfarm @hetkinencosmetics @kivvi_cosmetics and @senjacosmetics 💚 I love the focused approach here, and how easy it is to browse the products based on lifestyle requirements. You can search by vegan friendly formulations, type of product, or even by packaging if you are trying to go #plasticfree! . There really is something to suit all needs, and because there are so many amazing looking green goodies that are all new to me I found it tricky to narrow down what I was going to try. . But when I did choose I was so impressed! And guess what - one of my picks ended up being recognized in 2020's @beautyshortlist Awards 😍 . Have you tried either of these beauties yet?? . If not, you can find a full review over on the blog - link in bio 🙌 . . #ecoblogger #KotiLifestyle #greenbeautycommunity #greenbeauty #crueltyfreebeauty #cfbloggers #organicskincare #organicbeauty #awardwinner #ukblogger #skincarelineup #nordic #finnish #skincareblogger #skincarethread #beautylover #nontoxicskincare #allnaturalbeauty #handbalm #toner #birchwater #veganskincare #wednesday #beautyflatlay #nontoxicliving (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/B9UqwgKJWyF/?igshid=kyo1s883ej21
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#美肌要有機 🍀 #質量超好有機護膚品 💖 芬蘭🇫🇮直送❤️熱賣天然有機護膚品牌🌻,適合任何肌膚,敏感肌及孕媽媽最愛❤️,用得安心🍀。即到 https://bit.ly/32nPnMh 了解💖。 #pinkauracare #flowcosmetic #flowcosmeticasia #antiage #antiaging #有機護膚 #孕媽媽最愛 #有機美肌 #準媽媽推薦 #孕婦 #孕婦護膚 #妊娠紋 #妊娠したい #淡班去問 #結婚紀念 #婚紗 #結婚紀念 #結婚紀念日 #浪漫廚房 #簡單食譜 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3uMeAFh-5J/?igshid=1c4bcdd8qbye3
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💖⛄️聖誕節靚靚去Party👯♀️🎊🎊 健康美麗🌷嘅肌膚就係最佳的聖誕禮物🎄🎁~來自芬蘭FLOW🍀有機美肌系列,保濕➕抗氧化,延緩衰老,讓肌膚變得水嫩健康,柔嫩明亮💖。 #pinkauracare #flowcosmetics #flowcosmeticsasia #FLOW有機玫瑰果全效喚膚精華油 #FLOW有機黃金抗皺堅果油 #抗衰老 #撫平細紋 #肌膚恢復彈性 #美肌 #美 #抗皺 #聖誕禮物 #christmas #skincareoil #skin #healthy #護膚 #finland #骨膠原 #collagen #youngma #有機 #organic #xmasgift https://www.instagram.com/p/BrkSNUuhEv0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1s0qbryxdd5a8
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Noem ons Santa's Little Helpers 💝🎅🏻 want we hebben hier een aantal super leuke cadeaus gekregen die op jou wachten! 🎁🎄 Sta jij dit jaar op de nice list of was je maar een beetje naughty? 😇 Bezoek dan snel onze webshop en krijg 10% korting op alle artikelen met de code NY2019. 🎉 🎉 #naturalyoubox #belgie #biologisch #biocosmetica #charwhite #crueltyfree #dierproefvrij #diervriendelijk #duurzaam #duurzaamleven #ecobeauty #ecofriendly #ecologisch #ecoluxe #ecomakeup #flowcosmetics #greenbusiness #kerstcadeau #korting #kortingscode #makeup #natuurlijk #natuurlijkecosmetica #natuurlijkemakeup #natuurlijkeproducten #natuurlijkewebshop #nieuweproducten #perfectgift #schoonheidsproducten #vegan (bij Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrfpXBGnZVq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=18idol317g9t6
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Maak kennis met Flow Cosmetics 🌺 een Fins merk dat natuurlijke en dierproefvrije cosmetica maakt zonder schadelijke chemicaliën. 🌱🐇👏🏼 Vanaf volgende week zijn hun producten beschikbaar op onze webshop. Juist op tijd voor de feestdagen! 🎉🎄🎁 Yay! 🙌🏼 Breng dus zeker een bezoekje. 🌿 🌿 #naturalyoubox #beautyproducts #belgie #biologisch #biocosmetica #cosmetica #crueltyfree #dierproefvrij #diervriendelijk #duurzaam #duurzaamleven #ecocosmetica #ecofriendly #ecolifestyle #ecologisch #ecoluxe #flowcosmetics #greenbeauty #greenbusiness #groenleven #madeinfinland #makeup #natuurlijk #natuurlijkeproducten #natuurlijkeschoonheid #natuurlijkewebshop #schoonheidsproducten #sustainablebeauty #zerowaste #zonderchemicaliën (bij Belgium) https://www.instagram.com/p/BraqeONHimy/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9qvdjhjzynv6
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#唇部保養 冬天乾燥❄️🍂唇部保養💋尤其重要。每天睡前可厚敷🌻FLOW 沙棘滋潤修護膏,第二朝唇部變得水嫩潤澤🥰~🌻FLOW修護膏其實係 #深層修護萬用膏 ,含天然🍀沙棘籽油、堅果油、乳木果油、玫瑰果���精華等的高濃度配方💧,即時滋潤,深層修護,可用於身體任何部位包括手肘、指甲、髮尾、唇部等。 #pinkauracare #flowcosmetics #flowcosmeticsasia #FLOW沙棘滋潤修護膏 #修護嘴唇 #唇部水嫩 #滋潤 #深層修護 #lipstick #lip #lipcare #唇部護理 #修護 #萬用膏 #乳木果油 #堅果油 #沙棘籽油 #skincare #organic #有機 #organicskincare #乾紋 https://www.instagram.com/p/BqzX-Ggh4RW/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=z4p28gswviap
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🍀💖100% organic💖🍀 來自芬蘭 FLOW 天然有機護膚及洗頭皂系列,適合任何及敏感肌膚,#備孕 及 #孕媽媽 亦用得安心💯💖 #pinkauracare #flowcosmetics #flowcosmeticsasia #有機 #敏感肌膚適用 #孕媽媽適用 #改善脫髮 #organic #organicskincare #skincare #shampoo #hairhealth #備孕 #serum #保濕 #保養 #孕婦 #去紋 #妊娠 #妊娠紋 #去斑 #hairproduct #moisturizer #organicproducts https://www.instagram.com/p/BqFSXJ9hub6/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1tv76byt4kuqm
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【蛋白質✅健康秀髮】 頭髮是由蛋白質組成,身體有穩定的蛋白質,頭髮才能夠健康生長。均衡營養對頭髮健康也非常重要,如鐵質(紅肉、菠菜)、維他命C(紅莓、藍莓、🍊、🥝)、維他命🅰️(🥕、🥔、🎃)、維他命E(堅果類)、生物素Biotin(全穀類、蛋黃、黃豆、酵母)🤗 #pinkauracare #hairmuch #flowcosmetics #flowcosmeticsasia #HAIRMUCH養髮洗髮乳 #HAIRMUCH健髮素 #FLOW茶樹清爽抗菌洗髮皂 #FLOW石楠亮髮免沖洗濃縮護髮露 #FLOW活性泥炭大麻籽抗癢去屑洗髮皂 #FLOW杜松淨髮免沖洗濃縮護髮露 #FLOW啤酒雞蛋滋潤健髮洗髮皂 #蛋白質 #健康秀髮 #改善脫髮 #protein #proteinforhair #hairsoap #hairloss #hairlosssolution #hairlosstreatment #vitamins #改善頭皮問題
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【堅果油😗一定要摩洛哥堅果🌰?】 摩洛哥人用堅果油的歷史早於公元前1550,用作治療及護理皮膚💖,後來傳至歐洲只供富裕人士使用。堅果油來自堅果的果實🌰,含Omega-9的油酸及Omega-6亞麻油酸,可活躍皮膚細胞、鎖水💧及修復功能😍 #pinkauracare #flowcosmetic #flowcosmeticasia #FLOW有機黃金抗皺堅果油 #修復皮膚 #皮膚鎖水 #摩洛哥堅果油 #堅果油 #arganoil #argan #arganoilskincare #organic #organicskincare #preventaging #改善皮膚 #改善衰老 #肌を改善する #피부관리 Pic source: pinterest
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【求救‼️頭髮稀疏薄弱😣】 來自芬蘭🇫🇮️有機天然品牌🍀FLOW Cosmetic嘅洗頭皂~✅不含化學成分,有助改善頭皮,配方專為頭髮稀疏薄弱人士而設,可令頭髮變得濃密🤗、強韌💪。💌用家分享💌~用後髮質有明顯改善👍😍 #pinkauracare #flowcosmetic #flowcosmeticasia #頭髮稀疏薄弱 #有機天然洗頭皂 #改善頭皮 #頭髮濃密 #頭髮強韌 #髮質改善 #脫髮 #改善脫髮 #healthhair #losehair #hairsalon #hairmuch #beautyhair #hairsoap #organic #organicsoap #organicskincare #lovemyhair #strengthandconditioning #stronghair #soapforhair #finland #finlandskincare #organicfinland
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【脫髮危機🤨】正常情況下,人每日都會甩50-100條頭髮🤦♀️🤦♂️,而90%的頭髮仍會繼續生長🌳。但隨著年齡,頭髮的生長速度亦會續步減慢🐢🐢,當發現甩髮量明顯增多😣,可從👉洗髮/ 護髮產品入手,改善髮囊及髮質健康😉! #pinkauracare #hairmuch #flowcosmetics #flowcosmeticsasia #HAIRMUCH養髮洗髮乳 #HAIRMUCH健髮素 #FLOW活性泥炭大麻籽抗癢去屑洗髮皂 #FLOW啤酒雞蛋滋潤健髮洗髮皂 #FLOW茶樹清爽抗菌洗髮皂 #脫髮危機 #脫髮 #改善髮囊 #改善髮質 #hairloss #hairlosssolution #improvehairloss #healthyhair #scalp #healthyscalp #hairsoap #organic #hairshampoo #hairserum
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