#floral design education
biologist4ever · 5 months
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valmepublishing · 2 years
The Art of Flowers
A Coloring Book of Floral Designs The Art of Flowers: A Coloring Book of Floral Designs is the latest addition to our collection of coloring books, and it’s a true gem for all colorists! Whether you’re an experienced colorist or just starting out, this book offers an excellent way to relax, relieve stress, and improve your fine motor skills. The pages are filled with beautiful illustrations of…
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naturelaughslast · 1 year
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platrom · 2 months
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JJK x READER (Kenjaku x Reader)
SUMMARY: In every universe, Ryomen Sukuna will find you, whether it is by chance or not. But only time can tell if you awake to discover your doomed fate.
WARNINGS: maids are treated poorly, mentions of bad healthcare, reader has no education, mentions of traditional society view on women, Kenjaku exists and seems kinda manipulative, reader isn’t listening to herself, Aguri kind of pressures reader, societal imbalance, kenjaku looks like someone we all know and love 🤭
TAGLIST (slashed means could not be tagged): @xhoneymoonx134 @ofcqdesi @sad-darksoul @qeabiiaa @moonierxh @twinklingbeautifulstars @skypperlegacy
—taglist is open! if you would like to be added, please comment. :)
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i. accismus
You’ve never been inside the infirmary of the castle. Low level maids like yourself were usually sent to the dungeon nurse to receive treatment if sick.
Yet, for the first time in your life, you lay in one of the nicest rooms you have ever stepped foot in. The floor is a sterile white, but in the center of each tile is an irregular sprinkling of glistening crystals that. The four walls around you appear to be covered in some kind of film— the lining is a deep burgundy with imprints of a rosier red slicing through the edges. Thick, ivory colored columns line each side of the room, each one carved in to retain a different design of florals and swirls.
The bed you currently lay on is the nicest of all. The size is of it is twice your height and length, and the softest sheets you have ever felt are beneath your feet. A warm and heavy blanket is placed on top of you, swaddling you like a baby.
And arguably, one of the most handsome men you have ever seen is in watching you from across the room.
He smiles, watching as your eyes flit across his face. His eyes are slender slits with irises of a deep, shady blue. His lips curve at the top into a gentle bow, and the corners align perfectly straight with each other. His nose is symmetrical and straight, and his hair is slicked back into a small bun, with a few strands sweeping over the side of his face.
Are those bangs? They look a little weird— but they add to his charm, I suppose.
“I haven’t seen you here before,” he steps forward, walking with his hands clasped behind his back. His attire is similar to Uraume’s— simple robes and a belt, but the color of it is black.
It brings out the specks of amethyst in his eyes.
You push yourself up, wincing as you lower your head into a polite bow. No matter the injury, you must maintain your behavior. “I work in the dungeons, sir.”
He falls into the chair beside you, cocking his head to the side. “I would have never guessed. You’re far too pretty to be a maid.”
You look up, and the handsome stranger simply grins wider.
He extends out his hand. “Kenjaku. That’s my name.”
You hesitate before allowing your hand to meet his. His fingers curl around your palm, bringing it to his face to leave a gentle kiss. You grip the sheets under the cover, trying to keep your hand from twitching in his grasp.
This is new.
“I’m (Name),” you slip your hand out of his, shoving them under the sheets. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”
He chuckles at your meekness. “The pleasure is all mine, (Name).” Kenjaku leans forward, resting his arm beside yours. The close proximity makes you shy in on yourself, shifting away.
You had never been close to a man— it was forbidden in the estate. All your duty has ever been was to serve Lord Sukuna and his estate— romance, intimacy, and pleasure had never been permitted.
The trainers of the castle always said such greedy thoughts spoiled a person, and no ignorant, selfish individual would survive a day here. Selflessness was policy.
It nearly feels taboo to even be near Kenjaku— especially of a man of caliber like him. He must be an important figure to be in the infirmary a lot.
“(Name)!” a worried Aguri bursts in, sprinting over to your side, nearly toppling over Kenjaku in the process. She jumps onto your torso, squeezing you to death. “I heard what happened in the garden and I had to beg Uraume to let me see you, and-”
You put your hand over her mouth, muffling her words. You grin at her concern, but fear that her words will get you both in trouble with Kenjaku.
Rules are not meant to be broken in the Sukuna estate. Neither of you should be here. Especially Aguri.
But if Uraume permitted it, where are they? They would not have left Aguri come here herself.
A silent figure walks to the front of your bed, and you are greeted by the blank eyes of Uraume. They nod their head. “I hope you are well, (Name). I heard what happened at the ceremony.”
They turn to Kenjaku, nodding. “Hello, Kenjaku.”
He tilts his head before wiggling his fingers at Uraume. “Hello, Frozen Star.”
Their eyes twitch. Aguri purses her lips against your hand to hide a snicker at the interaction. You fight a smile, too.
“Insufferable as always,” they scoff before turning to you. Their eyes are a dark pink— nearly the color of a wild orchid—with long eyelashes that curl in a way you’ve heard the maids gossip over in jealousy.
Their face is small and sharp— it’s fitting. Stern and quiet— those are the qualities that make Lord Sukuna’s most loyal subordinate, the Frozen Star themself.
“I would like to apologize on behalf of the Sukuna estate,” Uraume bows at your feet. “You have done nothing but service your king and were punished by a concubine by completing your duties. It was decided that you would be taken to the general infirmary to be properly treated and rewarded for you efforts. The two will be punished.”
You jaw drops and Aguri snaps her head in Uraume’s direction. Even Kenjaku straightens at the news.
The concubines were punished? Because of me?
You never expected justice in a world you lived in.
But you doubt that their behavior is the only reason for their punishment.
For women to be concubines, they must come from powerful and wealthy families. There must be some voice they hold in the castle. They would scream to their family before they would fall at the feet of the king.
Kenjaku laughs, leaning back in his seat. His eyes train on your face. “You don’t understand, do you? Sukuna is all powerful— he bows down to none. He is the strongest in the world and will forever be. Their families cannot protect them from our king, no matter how many jewels they throw at his feet.”
It’s like he read my mind, you stare at Kenjaku astonished. His eyes remain fixated on your eyes, not giving away anything. He is a solid as stone.
Uraume grimaces at Kenjaku, but says nothing to dismiss his words. Aguri stays silent, watching the ground.
It must be the truth, then. Lord Sukuna is unstoppable and has true reign on his people.
“How did you know what I was thinking?” the questions slips past your lips, before you can think to speak. Kenjaku is an enigma— a puzzle. You want to play, for once.
To think like a human being. To live. To do more than survive- you wish to thrive.
Maybe, you can do it through him.
“It’s my secret,” he winks, before standing up. Uraume makes no move to stop him as he passes them and nears the door. “I hope to see you more often, (Name).”
Then, he leaves.
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ii. burgeon
After the infirmary nurse had come in and determined you healthy to be released, Uraume sent you and Aguri back to your quarters to eat supper.
Nothing was said about the interaction between you and Kenjaku.
Aguri believes it is a steamy romance waiting to be unraveled— a low-level maid meets a mysterious stranger who is smitten with her at first sight will continue to meet her lover in the hours of dusk by chance— by the brushing of shoulders, the touching of hands, or the eventual meeting of lips.
You believe she is insane.
“Kenjaku doesn’t even know me,” you blow on the hot broth, stirring the bits of peas stuck on the bottom of your bowl. “And I’m not even sure what his duties are to the king. What if he’s another subordinate of he is? He would never take an interest in someone like me.”
Aguri throws her head back, sighing loudly. “You don’t know that, (Name)! He seems pretty interested in you from what you’ve told me. Staring at a woman, as she sleeps? And smiling at the sight of her awakening? That sounds like the stories of the princesses they tell children at bedtime.”
You scoff. “It’s rather unprofessional, and very unacceptable.”
“It’s fate,” Aguri declares, stuffing a bread roll into her mouth. Her feet swing under the table, knocking into yours. “You are destined to be together forever! Kenjaku is your soulmate.”
You lift the bowl to your lips, sipping the broth. A soulmate.
That sounds nice. A companion for life. But is Kenjaku that?
You’re not sure. You would describe him as a fairytale to remember for a lifetime— it would be a story you tell to younger maids the older you got— about a dashing man who spoke to you as if you were of his caliber and not a nobody. As if your presence truly mattered to him.
It was a tale to tell for the ages. A story to be passed on for centuries until history repeated for another girl luckier than you.
Maybe she will get married to a man who is her soulmate.
The thought makes you beam.
Aguri hops out of her chair, pointing an overjoyed finger at you. “See, even you like the idea!”
You know Aguri is wrong, but to disagree and wipe the smile off her face would be a criminal act. It isn’t everyday the two of you can sit, chat, and giggle like you used to.
You want to savor this moment, for as long as it lasts.
“Well,” you push your chair out, grabbing your bowl and napkin. You stick out your bowl for Aguri to place into yours. “I hope Kenjaku comes and sweeps me off my feet soon. I’ve been dying to be treated like a maiden, you know. These feet can’t carry all this weight.” You kick up your leg to your back for emphasis.
Aguri giggles, spinning around the room. The ends of her dress flutter up, dancing in circles with the turns of her body.
Even in the rags of her uniform, she is the prettiest person you have laid eyes on. Inside and out, she is unapologetically herself. And that is what makes her so beautiful.
A large part of you hopes that the interest Aguri believes Kenjaku showed to you will disappear. The attention is nice, but you don’t desire what he has to offer. No matter his status, you are content with what you have. Aguri, the ratty sheets of your bed, and the growing pile of loose beads and shiny thread is more than enough to keep you satisfied.
A small part of you refuses to believe that the intentions behind Kenjaku’s appearance as entirely pure. You’re just not sure why he choose to approach you. A night out of wedlock, perhaps?
Did Kenjaku hope to bed you, only hours ago?
The thought makes you frown. Whatever his reasons were, you hope to never cross paths with him again.
His soul is far from pure, that is sure. It is not clear in the way Aguri’s is, or even a pale yellow like Uraume’s is. His is an orb of black with streaks of blood red.
It reminds you of the souls of the concubines, but darker. They had souls of gray, with streaks of pink. Uraume refused to say what happened to them, but you fear the worst.
If Kenjaku was right, they may be dead at best. At worst, they would be fed to the tortured spirits outside the estate.
But Lord Sukuna would never care for a maid like you. Would he listen to Uraume?
You don’t think they would order a harsh punishment on the concubines, either. But you’ve never seen them with anyone of high status. Maybe the higher you were on the social status, the lighter the punishments were.
You wonder if any of them had ever been beaten and bruised in the way you had. If searing hot pikes had been slashed across the backs or whips had been lashed across their stomachs. Or if stones had been smashed into their faces.
For as horrible as they were with you, you wouldn’t wish a single punishment of yours upon them. You would only hope for mercy in the way you had desired during every beating.
A small tapping breaks you from your train of thought. Aguri stops moving, turning to look at you. You cock an eyebrow.
The room you two shared consisted of two mattresses, a tiny table with two stools, and a wooden door to exit. The walls around you were of pure stone, impossible to penetrate from any side. They were as thick as imaginable, meant to prevent maids from slipping messages and conspiring.
Too many rebellions had happened in the past from the inside. They were too messy to clean.
The tapping repeats, this time more rapid. The corners of the door rock.
Someone is trying to reach you.
No maid is permitted to leave their quarters at this time. Who could possibly be awake?
The person on the other side of the door answers for themself.
“You know, I was being serious when I said I wanted to see you again, (Name).”
Aguri squeals, slapping her hands over her mouth. Her eyes crinkle at the corners as she jumps for joy. He’s here for you! her look screams.
You cringe. I don’t want him to be here!
Aguri rolls her eyes.
Kenjaku hums. “I won’t leave until I see your face, my dear. I’ve only come to see you, love.”
Your stomach churns. Is this courtship?
Aguri giggles excitedly, grabbing your arm and tossing you to the door. “I’ll cover for you, just be safe!”
You stare at her bewildered. “You can’t expect me to leave in the night with a strange man? I’ll get punished!”
“Boo-hoo! No one will know,” Aguri dismisses, rushing to grab your coat. It’s a thin, black piece of cotton that you receive during the winter to keep yourselves warm as you work. There are no sleeves or buttons, simply two ends to tie the material around your shoulders.
Aguri wraps it around you, a twinkle of mischief in her eyes. “You only live once, (Name). Just live, will you?”
She doesn’t add it, but she wants you to live her dreams for her. A part of her must wish a man like Kenjaku had come crawling to her door, begging for her voice. So, she’s living her fantasy through you.
I’d only do this for you.
“Alright,” you nod your head. “But please, stay quiet. I’ll be back as soon as possible.”
Aguri lights up before wrapping you in a hug and then shoving you to the door.
“Stay safe!” is all she says before she pushes you into Kenjaku’s arms and shuts the door in your face.
His hands catch your waist, easing you to him. The front of your foot meets his, and you are met with the sight of his eyes peering into yours, faces millimeters apart.
He smells of vanilla and jasmine. Sweet, alluring, and welcoming.
The blue of his lowers, and his eyes flit to your lips. You inhale, your hands coming to his chest.
“You,” you stumble, “You said you wanted to speak with me?”
His eyes remain on your lips, studying the way your mouth remains parted as you await his answer. His hand slides to your neck and his lids lower.
The expression he holds is intimate, as if he were staring at his lover. At the woman of his dreams, the mother of his children, and his future bride.
You are none of those.
But it is nice to be treated like glass for once, isn’t it? To be adored and fawned over. To be loved.
You were not a righteous being. You were not perfect. You did wrong.
Is one mistake okay?
Kenjaku answers. “I wanted to see you, my dear. To hear your voice and your laugh. To watch your eyes light up at the sight of the sky.”
He’s romantic and poetic. His words seem so genuine and sincere.
Maybe it is okay to let go for once— to fall. It may not be forever, but it will be true; at least for you.
“But you can’t see the sky from down here,” you step back, tightening the cloth around your neck. The corners of Kenjaku’s lips rise.
“That’s why we’ll be going up, dear.”
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iii. nightlight
“I never knew the estate had a balcony this high up,” you step outside of Kenjaku’s room.
It was located on the second floor of the castle, above the king’s own floor. Apparently, the king’s closest subordinates rested here.
Each room was packed with plush velvet pillows, satin pillowcases, leather couches, and gold decor. A wooden bowl of fresh fruits are presented to each door every morning and subordinates can request any meal from the kitchen they so desire.
They have their own personal bathing quarters, with a large bath made out of silver and an assortment of fresh flowers and oils to spill into the newly warmed water they can order from their maids.
To live like this is to live like a king.
A hand slides down your back. “Look at the stars, (Name). Do you know any constellations?”
You shake your head. “I can hardly read.”
Kenjaku tuts. You tilt your head.
“We must change that, shouldn’t we?”
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#© platrom, plot / writing / banners & headers. do not repost, reblogs are appreciated! please consider leaving a comment and a heart! <3
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astrologged · 1 year
Flora (8) is associated with the concepts of beauty, growth, abundance, and nature. It represents the energies of growth and flourishing, and the ability to manifest beauty and abundance in your life. Flora is associated with the beauty and growth of nature, and indicates a strong connection to the natural world. It’s also associated with creativity, especially in fields related to art, music, and design. Flora can also represent fertility and the ability to nurture and care for others. Its placement in a birth chart indicates how someone expresses their creativity and how they approach matters related to beauty, abundance, and growth.
Flora in Aries/1st house: A love of new beginnings and a desire for independence. Creative expression can be related to sports or physical activities. They possess a natural beauty, are physically attractive, and have a green thumb, they’ll enjoy gardening.
Flora in Taurus/2nd house: A strong connection to nature and a love of beautiful things. Has artistic abilities related to floral design or gardening. May find abundance and growth through money, possessions, and material resources.
Flora in Gemini/3rd house: A need for mental stimulation and variety, with a love of learning and communication. Have a talent for writing or speaking about topics related to nature or beauty. Gifted in communication and have a natural talent for writing, speaking, or teaching about nature and the environment.
Flora in Cancer/4th house: A nurturing and compassionate nature, with a love of family and home. They’ll have artistic abilities related to cooking or creating a cozy and beautiful living space. Finds comfort and growth in their home environment and have a natural connection to the land they live on.
Flora in Leo/5th house: A love of attention and the spotlight, with a creative flair and a desire to express oneself artistically. They have a talent for performance or visual arts. Creative and artistic, with a love for creating and appreciating beauty in all forms.
Flora in Virgo/6th house: A desire for perfection and a love of organization, with a talent for detail-oriented tasks. Have a talent for floral arrangements or other forms of precise artistic expression. Finds growth and abundance through health and wellness practices, and have a natural talent for herbalism or alternative medicine.
Flora in Libra/7th house: A love of beauty and harmony, with a desire to create balance and peace in one's surroundings. They have a talent for interior design or other forms of visual arts. Has a natural ability to attract and foster positive relationships, and may find growth and abundance through partnerships.
Flora in Scorpio/8th house: A deep and intense connection to nature and the mysteries of life, with a desire to explore the darker side of beauty. They have a talent for creating art that expresses hidden emotions or taboo topics. They have a natural talent for cultivating abundance through shared resources, such as investments or joint ventures.
Flora in Sagittarius/9th house: A love of adventure and exploration, with a desire to seek out new and beautiful places. They might have a talent for photography or other forms of artistic expression that capture the essence of nature. Finds growth and abundance through travel, exploration, and education, particularly in environmental or natural sciences.
Flora in Capricorn/10th house: A practical and disciplined approach to artistic expression, with a desire to create lasting beauty. They have a talent for architecture or other forms of structural design. They might find success and growth in careers related to nature, such as farming, landscaping, or environmental activism.
Flora in Aquarius/11th house: A desire to express oneself in unique and unconventional ways, with a love of experimentation and originality. They have a talent for creating art that challenges traditional concepts of beauty. Has a natural ability to connect with others who share a passion for nature and they find growth and abundance through like-minded communities.
Flora in Pisces/12th house: A deep and intuitive connection to nature and the spiritual aspects of beauty. They have a talent for creating art that evokes emotions and transcends the physical realm. They have a deep spiritual connection to nature and they find growth and abundance through practices such as meditation, dream work, or shamanic journeying.
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mybeingthere · 2 months
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Kinga Földi is a Budapest-based textile sculptor from Hungary. She started her engagement with art by collecting objects, primarily fabric pieces, wherever she found them and experimented by assembling them to create a sculpture.
She loved creating and pursued a formal art education at the Moholy Nagy University. During her academic years, she learned bobbin lace-making, origami and surface manipulation which helped her understand what she wanted to do with her sculptures.
After graduating, Földi chose silk as her material, she loved the sense of joy, warmth and softness of silk.
She says: "My favourite material is silk; it is special because of its depth and texture.
I started making wearable sculptures for costume design centres, but I realised that it was not what I wanted to do so I became a full-time artist.
I began my journey by using the pin-tuck technique because I wanted to work with this material. Still, I had to figure out how to use it to create free-standing objects and it took me several years to develop my technique and that’s how I found my way back to art and started creating sculptures."
Kinga explores floral motifs to incorporate in her art and creates bigger works by glueing together several silk stripes to create a tactile effect. Her love for nature is reflected in her silk sculptures constructed from hundreds of pin-tucks. She aims for her creations to be “soul-resting objects, in an accelerated modern world."
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brian-in-finance · 3 months
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Forget Me Not is not just a gin…
It’s an opportunity to support the arts and acknowledge the positive contribution creative industries make to society.
Literature, visual and performance art touches our lives daily. Sadly, arts funding everywhere has been cut over the past decade, affecting many artists at the outset of their careers. We want to help plug the funding gap so that tomorrow’s important artists get the support they need to reach their full potential.
See our Projects section for more information on how we will use profits from Forget Me Not to support arts programmes around the world.
Caitríona Balfe x
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Our Projects
We will regularly update you with information on the arts projects we are funding from our profits. We are proud that our first project has been to sponsor the SWG3 Graduate Programme.
The SWG3 Graduate Programme is a 12-month sponsored studio residency and commissioning programme open to artists and designers each year. The programme has been running since 2005 when SWG3 and has become one of the most sought after opportunities in the UK for creatives to continue to develop their practice after higher education.
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SWG3’s accessible approach to the arts, and their focus on early stage support for creative talent has enabled over 60 graduates to date to benefit from their studio programme, and go on to become established, successful practitioners.
The application process opens every September, and is available to all current year graduates and leavers from arts and creative industry practical courses who can show a studio based approach to their work, and a real commitment to their practice.
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Amanda Seibæk
Amanda Seibæk is a Danish artist who works across painting and printmaking.
As a graduate of Glasgow School of Art, Seibæk works with autotheory – connecting multiple fields of knowledge, never deeming any irrelevant for her explorations. This she uses as a tool to describe turmoil in contemporary life though a more poetic lens. The subject rages from neuroscience through to mundane weekend tales told by her friends.
Materially, Seibæk connects the mediums of painting and printmaking. She sees colours in layers and with colours she shapes her figures. When connecting print and paint she tries to develop a language where print is not locked, but rather freed by the brush as a playful tool to make sense of something intuitive.
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An unforgettable taste
Forget Me Not is a smooth botanical gin exquisitely distilled and lovingly handcrafted in Scotland, with hints of citrus and delicate floral notes including Lavender and touches of Elderflower. Created with love by Caitríona Balfe.
Botanical ingredients:
Juniper / Coriander Seed / Liquorice Root / Angelica / Rosehip / Elderflower / Lavender / Orange Peel / Beetroot / Coconut
(Always) remember… Forget Me Not gin is best served over ice with classic tonic and garnished with a slice of orange & sprig of fresh mint. — Forget Me Not Gin
Who doesn’t love a built-in “Remember?” 😝
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thedarkcircuswritings · 7 months
Okay this request is a expansion of the Ancient cookies raising a alien baby post but they are a kid now.
Headcannons of how the ancients would react to their alien kid eating things that cookies cannot eat like the wall, armor, gold, etc.
A continuation of this concept!~
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Now that this child has grown up a bit more, Pure Vanilla makes sure to start to show the young child around the kingdom, showing him where certain places are, how to treat cookies with kindness, and all of the like! He probably has a designated "tour" day where he helps this alien kid up in the morning and they spend the whole day outside of the castle, even getting something to eat that isn't royally prepared food. Although, some of their eating habits do make him a bit concerned... He's never known a cookie who's eaten stone marble before! Yet again, this is no ordinary cookie... The least Pure Vanilla can do is to make sure they don't eat anything dangerous, like metals, sharp objects, weaponry, or anything that could possess dangerous magic. Pure Vanilla would also tear up just a small bit once the kid starts calling him "pop-pop" or "dad." Maybe this kid would be fit for the Vanilla Kingdom one day once they're older! He just has to make sure the kingdom stays intact until this kid reaches the right age for it. That means there is a lot of pressure on this poor ancient cookie; he doesn't want to fail this young one... He's going to make sure everything stays right as it should be! Pure Vanilla hopes that the other ancients will do the same. He knows full well that they are potentially a huge influence for this kiddo, after all. They have to protect their kingdoms and keep the ancient's legacy going!
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Fine foods, fine drinks, fine partying, Hollyberry is here to give this kid these experiences now that they're older! In return, she's going to help train this kid to be the best warrior they can be! She can just play off all of the odd behaviors this kid shows, like sometimes chewing on shields, it's totally a future warrior thing. She'd also start giving them an allowance too, since she wants this kid to enjoy themselves in her kingdom! She thinks she knows this kid like the back of her gloved hand, so she'll let them have their freedom, even if they get into a bit of mischief here and there. Hollyberry would definitely also teach them how to polish armor, swords, and shields. If they're going to become a warrior, they have to know how to take care of their belongings!
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Now this child is completely a part of Dark Cacao's kingdom. He teaches them their cultures, lifestyles, and routines, their room is full of memorabilia that shows what this kingdom is all about. It just gives him a bit more ease knowing that they're learning about the kingdom... But seeing this kid eat things they shouldn't send shivers down his spine. Dark Cacao will make sure that they adjust to cookie life. No matter what it takes...
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Golden Cheese is still spoiling the heck out of this little guy! So nothing much would've changed, really. Just stop eating her gold and treasures! Banned from the treasure room!
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White Lily will keep them close, making sure that they don't stray too dangerously far. Even though she knows the fairies will protect them, she just has to make sure. While they live in these glittery floral areas, she will make sure to be their teacher. She would educate them on all sorts of things, but she would keep her secrets. She's scared of the day they become too curious.
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respectthepetty · 6 months
*clears throat and shifts feet *
How much do you think the colors apply to people in real life? How far are someone's true colors (hah) identifiable through the colors and accessories they wear? And does your brain highlight those for you in real life too? (If yes please elaborate please)
Do people choose the colors they like consciously and then over time the qualities/traits get magnified/infused (?) or do the qualities make you subconsciously choose those colors as silent representation of the inner self?
Like if a red rascal consistently and consciously is trying to be a green guy or blue boy, will wearing those colors change his red rascal-ness over time?
Thank you in advance for taking the time to read through this
Anon, go look at your closet. What does it say about you? Is it an accurate representation of who you are as a person.
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Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't. But I KNOW colors apply to people in real life, and I've written about this in other posts:
Why the colors?
Color-coding groups
Cultural color coding
Real-life color coding
Real-life color coding Part 2
Visual Rhetoric
But I'm going to be more scientific in my answer here since you want specifics.
TLWR: The colors mean things in real life, but we cannot color code the same as in visual media.
Most of these research studies are hidden behind a paywall, but the links will show you the abstracts.
A 2013 study found that people who were ovulating wore more red and pink clothing. It was a subconscious decision to highlight they were fertile [x]. However, when the study was conducted again in 2021, the results were not significant. The researchers suggested this change was due to a shift in unwanted attention (e.g. MeToo Movement). [x]
But women who wear red in the service industry receive more tips from men. [x]
Sports psychologist have long noted that players who wear red are deemed more aggressive than those who wear blue. Players who wear green are judged more fairly. [x] [x]
Several studies have found that people who wear black are seen as more attractive, specifically men [x]. There is an entire book about the historical context of Men in Black. [x]
During times of global competitions (World Cup, Olympics, etc.) color association is the strongest for national identities. For example, this study showed that orange was consistently associated with The Netherlands regardless if the person wearing it was Dutch. [x]
Research in educational design, interior design, and architecture concludes that colors affect the space in terms of emotions and production. [x]
Plants react differently depending on the color of the lighting they receive [x]. Animals as well. [x]
Colors mean things.
However, when you ask how colors affect people in "real life" I always have to give a tiny lecture because the term "real life" is broad. I know what you are asking, but art is real life. What colors we see on our screens have a real-world connection; therefore, they have real life implications. Barbie being pink is real life because pink in Eurocentric ideals is a feminine color, and Barbie is the epitome of femininity. We see this carry over into other pieces of visual media like Power Rangers where for thirty years, the Pink Ranger has been a woman.
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The Japanese equivalent of Power Rangers finally had a male Pink Ranger in 2022, but culturally, Japan isn't tied to feminine pink the way the United States is. We use these colors in media because they mean something in real life.
But most people do not consciously go around choosing colors. People have favored colors, and they gravitate towards them more. People also have favored prints and styles such as florals or hoodies. So trying to categorize people based on the colors they wear in their everyday lives could quickly fall into dangerous territory, especially because a lot more goes into “real life” choices.
Neutral colors are more accessible in clothing – black and white. Blue can be found in nature; therefore, it has been easier to duplicate in dyes using natural resources. The red dye we typically use today comes from squishing a bug. When inventing new colors that weren’t seen in nature or that could not be duplicated through natural means, we used dangerous ingredients that could not and should not have been produced on a large scale.
All of this is to say that it is difficult for us to color code in real life because we do not have unlimited closets to pick items from like production teams. Most of us are not rich, so we must purchase what is available on the public market, and we must wear what we have available on the public market. Looking briefly at any clothing store, we can see how limiting those options can be:
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This man cannot be a Red Rascal nor a Pink Person because the options do not exist for him at this store, and this is true of most men’s clothing. Because we live in a binary society, we get binary options. Men can’t be colorful unless it's blue (standard boy color), but women can. Prime example - The Met Gala.
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And yet science tells me that we will find the man in the clothing ad more attractive in black. We will find him more approachable in white. We will deem him nonthreatening in blue-ish grey. We will see him as more of a worker in the tan/brown.
So, yes, I notice colors . . .  because we assign meaning to colors.
If I see someone in a red suit in a crowd of black, I’m going to think that person is bold and wants to stand out, but that might not be true of his everyday nature.
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People make subconscious decisions based on the society they live in, so if someone is feeling down or wants to appear more attractive, they might wear more black, but if someone wants to stand out or appear Dutch, they could wear orange.
But because it’s real life, we can’t always pick colors to match our emotions or personality. But we CAN do that in visual media, which is why we do. We can be more intentional about everything in visual media, so we are. Visual media is a more extravagant version of real life. So we can get the boy in the blue and the girl in the pink and when they come together, it makes purple.
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I could write about this all day, but I have to work for a living and actually get to teach about this ALL SEMESTER because there is a lot to unpack. This is art, biology, psychology, anthropology, sociology, marketing, and so much more because this is life.
Colors are real life.
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And they mean things.
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ratsoh-writes · 9 months
Say hello to hadaltale y’all!!
To explain the name: the hadal zone is areas of the ocean in deep trenches that lie between 6,000 to 11,000 meters.
The hadal monsters as you can expect, are all completely aquatic! After the barrier spell by the mages who tried to trap monsters during the Great War went wrong, the whole planet was flooded. The hadal monsters have only stone tablets as records of this, and they’re very vague. They believe at one point that their people may have been surface dwellers, but those days have long passed
Over time the monsters who survived on ships slowly evolved to better handle an ocean life, becoming stronger swimmers, being able to breathe water, and eventually abandoning ships all together to live in the ocean forever. Hadal monsters became master stone masons, carving into the rock of the ocean floor to make their homes, and taking advantage of deep trenches and cavern systems. To handle the harsh water pressure, these monsters became larger and stronger overtime at the expense of their magical output. Hadal monsters have incredible physical strength and durability, but lower magical output than the majority of surface monsters.
After the crash, the hadal monsters were first discovered by the sea AUs, then the sea monsters bridged the gap between the hadal and surface AUs. Hadal monsters cannot breathe air. But the royals were determined to unite all monsters and the hadal royals agreed easily with this goal. It took five years after the crash, but finally a spell was found that would allow a hadal monster to safely breathe and travel on land for up to three hours at a time. Work is still being done to increase this.
In turn, the second biggest city of ebott, jokingly named Atlantis by Asgore who has no imagination, lies slightly west of seashore. Atlantis is mostly underwater of course. But parts of it are on the surface and the surf on float in buildings. The city is built into the rocky cliffs of ebott, and the hadal monsters have drilled further into the ground for their own living spaces. There’s even a tunnel to waterfall that they created
And now, to introduce the siblings!
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Pearl (hadaltale sans)
Technically she was never named “sans”. Pearl was always named Pearl. She’s small for a hadal monster, only six feet long, and her lower half resembles that of an octopus. She’s a skeletal hadal monster aged 50 with a blue magic. She has the third eye characteristic of the royal family. She’s considered absolutely gorgeous by hadal standards because of her smooth tentacles and soft looking face and body.
Pearl is a gentle and affectionate soul. Pearl was raised as royalty and has a strong sense of duty from her upbringing. She has lovely manners. She’s a bit skittish at times though, and has a lot of anxiety over trying new things. She tends to cling to those she deems safe. She has very little experience with the surface
As one of the princes lined up to potentially take their place, pearls duties lie in management. She organizes events for Atlantis, manages finances, and spends a lot of time in the records hall. She has a reputation among the hadal princes for hosting the best meetings due to her budgeting skills
Hadal monsters didn’t summon weapons normally until it became part of ebotts curriculum. Pearl missed this part of her education and never learned to make one, nor does she care to
Pearls special ability is cloaking! She can change the color of her bones and tail to match the colors of whatever behind her. Unfortunately her eyes do not change with the rest of her
Things she loves: seashell accessories! Head wrappings, any sort of hat really, she has a collection. Fine jewelry, swing music, black and white movies, fancy chocolates, chicken nuggets, watching races and jousts, stargazing, floral and coral arrangements, interior design, the color coral pink, lily pad flowers
Silex (hadaltale papyrus)
Technically not a papyrus, as his name was always silex. Silex is a hadal monster aged 44 and 7’3 feet long. His lower half resembles a spiny eel with lovely sea green ecto to match his eyes. He has the third eye characteristic of the royal family.
Silex is a confident monster. He’s quite outgoing and friendly, making him a natural leader in any friend group. He has an eye for the shy weak ones in the group and tends to focus on them. He has a strong sense of duty being raised in the royal family. He can be overconfident at times though, believing he can achieve unrealistic goals, and his family often has to being him back down to earth.
As one of the princes lined up to potentially take his parents place, silex’s duties lie mostly in management. He has a good eye for people and is often in charge of hiring and managing the employees of Atlantis’ court as well as managing their work. He is also often taken to business deals.
Despite being aged out by the time magic weapons were made a requirement for graduates, silex still learned to make one. His weapon is a long rapier. It’s a sleek and simple weapon. He wants to add more to it someday though
Silex’s special ability is electricity! When grabbed, he can produce electric currents around his body injuring and scaring off would be foes! Thankfully the electricity doesn’t seem to travel far, shocking every one else around him. He has very good control of his magic
Things he loves: the color silver, interesting metal weapons, racing and jousts, surfing, exploring the surface, sushi, HARD LIQUOR, watching spars on TV, jasmines, not wearing clothes, electro swing
Side characters
Titanic: hadal Asgore, titanic is the father of Pearl and silex and the main royal of the hadal. Titanic was the driving force between uniting his monsters and the surface and encourages his people all the time to reach out and explore. He’s a very curious and passionate monster with a love for all things new
Olympia: hadal toriel, the mother of Pearl and silex and the monster who fathered them. Olympia is the second royal of the hadal monsters and is an affectionate but proud character. She agrees with titanics desire to combine their people with the surface dwellers but is more cautious than him. She will integrate as long as she’s convinced her people benefit from each deal.
Voyager: hadal gaster, the second father of Pearl and silex, voyager is the mate of titanic and Olympia, and first in line to replace one as a royal if anything had ever happens. Voyager was the parent to carry Pearl and silex of course, and has a very close relationship with the two as well as his other kids. Voyager is a reserved but highly intelligent monster, and was the one who discovered a way to safely bring power to the areas of Atlantis beneath the surface. He always jokingly laments that none of his kids enjoy science the way he does
And the siblings in order from oldest to youngest
Angler (goat): aged 140, angler is the oldest prince and the first child of the royal trio. She was carried by voyager and fathered by Olympia. Angler is a strong aggressive but loyal monster with a tail resembling that of an angler fish.
Pacific (skeleton): aged 122, pacific is the second child of the trio, carried by Olympia and fathered by voyager. Pacific is an elegant monster with a taste for drama. He’s clever and known for catching people in lies. His tail resembles that of an orca
Bermuda (goat) aged 80, Bermuda is the third child of the trio, carried by titanic and fathered by Olympia. Bermuda is… eccentric. He’s a wild card who can’t be predicted, but he loves his family so no one worries too hard. He works closely with the navy. His lower half resembles a blue finned shark
Pearl, fathered by Olympia, carried by voyager
Silax, fathered by Olympia, carried by voyager
Atlantis (goat), aged 2 and named after the city in ebott, Atlantis is the newest member of the royal family. She was fathered by titanic and carried by Olympia. She’s a bouncy and giggly toddler with a big fascination for hot wheels. Her tail resembles a spiny pufferfish
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third-world-punks · 3 months
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“Who are we? We are the global South, that large set of creations and creatures that has been sacrificed to the infinite voracity of capitalism, colonialism, patriarchy, and all their satellite-oppressions. We are present at every cardinal point because our geography is the geography of injustice and oppression. We are not everyone; we are those who do not resign themselves to sacrifice and therefore resist. We have dignity. We are all indigenous peoples because we are where we have always been, before we had owners, masters, or bosses, or because we are where we were taken against our will and where owners, masters, or bosses were imposed on us. They want to impose on us the fear of having a boss and the fear of not having a boss, so that we may not imagine ourselves without fear. We resist. We are widely diverse human beings united by the idea that the understanding of the world is much larger than the Western understanding of the world. We believe that the transformation of the world may also occur in ways not foreseen by the global North. We are animals and plants, biodiversity and water, earth and Pachamama, ancestors and future generations—whose suffering appears less in the news than the suffering of humans but is closely linked to theirs, even though they may be unaware of it.” — Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Epistemologies of the South: Justice Against Epistemicide.
We are THIRD-WORLD PUNKS, a blog devoted to cultivating a dark-academia aesthetic inspired by Latin America and the UK Punk Scene. I'm your host, PHILOSOPHIKA, a 33-year-old British and Colombian philosopher specialising in aesthetics (the branch of philosophy that studies concepts such as beauty and ugliness and investigates the nature of art and the senses) and anti-totalitarian ethics. Keep reading to learn more about the aesthetic's main goals, sources of inspiration, and suggested hashtags.
To create a Latin American take on the 'dark academia' aesthetic from the perspective of the region's actual inhabitants. The T.W.P. aesthetic actively avoids depicting the region as a holiday destination (fruity drinks, trendy hotels, sexy pool boys, designer sunglasses, etc.) or representing the culture through a tourist's eyes (for example, as exclusively consisting of festivals or big public events). This aesthetic should provide the viewer with an intimate portrait of what it's actually like to call this region home. Images of local food, daily customs, traditional clothing, distinctive architecture, weather patterns, etc., are encouraged.
To provide a modern fusion between Latin American (principally Colombian) and UK culture that does not reproduce the aesthetics of British colonialism. To this end, the T.W.P. aesthetic steers clear of antique botanical prints, colonial uniforms, overly beige colour palettes, floral chintz wallpapers or decorative accents, leather trunks, and/or anything even faintly reminiscent of a plantation. Emphasis is placed instead on UK Punk fashion and culture (think Camden Market and Vivienne Westwood), extravagant and eclectic UK (& European) architecture and interior design, and Oxbridge academia vibes.
To challenge what traditional academia looks and feels like, as well as its core tenets (eurocentrism, US-centrism, elitism, abelism, etc.). The T.W.P aesthetic celebrates and encourages out-of-the-box thinking, ethnic and racial diversity, neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ higher education experiences, as well as discussions of postcolonial, queer, and feminist theory, among others (think TWAIL: Third-World Approaches to International Law). Quotations, reading lists, book recommendations or reviews, and catchphrases along these lines are welcome.
— art deco/decopunk — art nouveau — solarpunk— steampunk — gutterpunk — latin american geography, flora & fauna — latin american culture — spanish colonial architecture — pre-columbian latin america — 70's & 80's uk punk scene — elements of cyberpunk — alternative fashion — maximalism — haute boheme aesthetic
Do you want to tag something with this aesthetic on your blog? Check out the suggestions below:
#TWP —   #TWPs —   #TWP Aesthetic —   #TWPs Aesthetic | #Third-World Punks —  #Third World Punks —  #Third-World Punks Aesthetic —
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h0neybane · 2 months
ZVA worldbuilding (part 2)
continuing my ghibli-twisted school nonsense!
so, the classes already present at NRC are also probably present at ZVA. this includes: history of magic, animal languages, alchemy, astrology, biology, magical potions, practical magic, enigmics/magical analysis, ancient curses/ancient incantations, conjuration, defense magic, physical education, flying, swimming, master chef, poison making, music, art, and... "Changes and Comparisons of Abbreviated Spells in Ancient and Modern Magic History" (long as hell wtf)
i think it would be cute to have a botany class! i thought it could be an elective at first but i thnk itd be interesting ift he students themselves were in charge of growing things (with supervision and guidance, of course!)
i feel like instead of masterchef/culinary crucible being a one time elective class it could be a continual elective? like, multiple courses building up on each other over the years. i live in texas, so we have this thing called 'pathways' where you take a series of courses over your years in high school. i personally take medical courses, but there are also culinary courses offered at my school! i think it'd be nice to have one of those here too!
im considerign there being a medical mage class since i take medical courses at my school but also? medical magic is probably really complicated so should that be reserved for graduate school?????????? idk maybe its a 3rd year class
offshoot of art classes involving floral arrangements (floral design; my own school offers it actually LOL)
adding onto the botany class, since the school is so connected to nature, maybe there's other classes like entymology and marine biology? but im worried we're getting into "this is way too specific" territory (though, my school again DOES offer a marine biology class)
so, the clubs already at NRC that are present at ZVA as well are: science club, equestrian club, track and field, board games club, gastronomy club, film studies
theres definitely an art club at ZVA
and probably some nature appreciation club similar to jade's mountain lover club
going to rattle off a few: archery club, book club, writing club
going to do campus locations tomorrow since i plan on sleeping earlier tonight (school starts soon for me </3)!
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uwmspeccoll · 2 years
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Publishers’ Binding Thursday
For this week’s Publishers’ Binding Thursday post we’ve got more Shakespeare! This is As You Like It: A Pleasant Comedy by William Shakespeare. This edition was published in 1900 by Dodd, Mead, & Company in New York and is “newly embellished with sundry decorations by Will H. Low.” 
Will Hicok Low (1853-1932) was an artist, muralist, and writer. He also did decorative murals and design work, providing large-scale work for places like New York’s Waldorf Astoria Hotel and the rotunda of the New York State Education Building. 
The binding is a green bookcloth with a gold stamped sweeping floral design. There is a flowery bit at the middle of the cover stamped in white and outlined in gold. The title is stamped in gold. 
View more Publishers’ Binding Thursdays.
View more posts about the works of Shakespeare.
-- Alice, Special Collections Department Manager
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Plates from The Dinner Party (1974-1979), with raised central motifs based on vulval, floral, and butterfly forms, and rendered in styles appropriate to the individual women being honoured, by American feminist artist, art educator, and writer, Judy Chicago, born in 1939.
Judy Chicago is known for her large collaborative art installation pieces focusing on images of birth and creation, which examine the role of women in history and culture.
Complete work (image in comments with a closeup) ceramic, porcelain, textile, 14.63 x 14.63 m, 47' 3" x 47' 3" approx
Collection of the Brooklyn Museum, New York
The Dinner Party, an important icon of 1970s feminist art and a milestone in twentieth-century art, comprises a massive ceremonial banquet, arranged on a triangular table, symbol of equality, with a total of thirty-nine place settings, each commemorating an important woman from history. The settings consist of embroidered runners, gold chalices and utensils, and china-painted porcelain plates with three-dimensional designs representing individual women, resembling flowers, butterflies, and female genitalia. The names of another 999 women are inscribed in gold on the white tile floor below the triangular table.
The individual plates pictured are:
Top, left to right:
Primordial Goddess plate Virginia Woolf plate Theodora plate
Bottom, left to right:
Saint Bridget plate Hatshepsut plate Boadaceia plate
China paint on porcelain, diameter 35 cm, 14 in approx
* * * *
“When, however, one reads of a witch being ducked, of a woman possessed by devils, of a wise woman selling herbs, or even of a very remarkable man who had a mother, then I think we are on the track of a lost novelist, a suppressed poet, of some mute and inglorious Jane Austen, some Emily Bronte who dashed her brains out on the moor or mopped and mowed about the highways crazed with the torture that her gift had put her to. Indeed, I would venture to guess that Anon, who wrote so many poems without signing them, was often a woman.” ― Virginia Woolf, A Room of One’s Own
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“Well,” says the woman at the foot of the bridge, sheepishly swiping a windblown lock of dark hair out of her mouth and tucking her hands into her sleeves, “I was told you have a library.”
Faralda’s expression does not change. “Many educational institutions do, yes.”
“Some of the collection dating back to the Second Era?” A nervous, crooked little smile. “Middle Third is the earliest I’ve handled. But—er—your archivist said—”
“You’ve spoken with Urag?”
“Yes!” She goes to dig through the bag over her shoulder, a flash of some delicate floral design sewn carefully into the inner lining. It matches the pattern twined around the ends of her sleeves. “Or, well, written. Letters.” The stranger offers a neatly folded sheet of familiar letterhead.
Faralda takes it. No doubt on closer inspection: it’s Urag’s distinctive, sparse handwriting. Halfway down the page—gentler on finer leather detailing. If you’re ever in the area (ha!) stop by and take a look, but the effect should be the same on a darker dye.
Then, on a fresh line: Tell Laghra the new frames are nice.
She folds it back. The woman gives her a wider smile, hopefully swaying back onto her heels and then forward onto her toes again, unbalanced. “I brought my own glue. Just in case, I mean. Not water-based, so I didn’t think I’d have as much trouble maintaining efficacy, but the first time it got dark coming up this way I did lose one of the littlest jars—is it always so cold at night or just this time of year?”
“Always, I’m afraid.” Glue. Not quite what she had been expecting to hear. “And what is it you do, exactly?”
“Oh, you know, this and that,” she takes half a dizzy step to the side (more stagger than step, really); “tried a matchmaking service for chickens, but that’s not much of a living. Hard to, uh, make hens meet.”
Something twitches across Faralda’s face and evulses an ungraceful sound out her nose before she can stop it. She flattens her mouth into a straight line.
The wind, suddenly, seems very loud.
“…no, you’re right,” the woman scratches awkwardly at her cheek with a pained grimace, “that one wasn’t ready yet I think. I’m—I do book repair and conservation. Down at sea level, mostly; do you mind if we sit somewhere?”
“I think Urag’s new assistant had more glue with her than she did food,” Mirabelle says, holding up a form and squinting at the looping penmanship.
“Perhaps it’s edible in a pinch.”
Amusement tugs at the corners of her mouth as she flips to the next page, eyes flicking up to meet hers for just a moment. An ink stain on the knuckle of her ring finger, half-faded, matches one on her other thumb, as though she’s been idly rubbing at it. “…her closest emergency contact is on the other side of the Druadachs. Remind me to check rush rates for couriers that way, would you?”
As though she’ll forget to do so herself. Unlikely. “Do you really keep track of those?” Faralda raises a brow from the other side of the desk, hands clasped behind her back.
“Of course. Yours is not especially nearby, either, you know,” she shuffles the forms and then taps the edge of the stack on the desk to straighten them, “but I have been meaning to have you update your file—”
“There’s nothing to update.”
“Hmm.” A lesser woman might be swayed into unnecessary protest by the well-practiced look of patient skepticism Mirabelle gives her. The stray dark lash on her cheek undercuts the overall effect, just a bit.
She holds her gaze, unswayed.
“You’ll still have to sign it again.” Mirabelle stands, going to add the new file to the drawer. “You spoke on the way in, yes? What did you make of her?”
“An interesting background.”
“Oh?” She turns expectantly.
Faralda, straight-faced, says, “You should ask about her chickens.”
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pnwnativeplants · 2 years
Corruption in PNW Conservation: Holly Farmer on Weed Control Board Prevents Board From Protecting Forests from Invasive Holly
Original article by Becky Chaney, WNPS Conservation Committee Chair (Full original article can be read here)
In November, the Washington State Noxious Weed Control Board (hereafter referred to as the Board) considered the Whatcom County Noxious Weed Board proposal to list English holly (Ilex aquifolium) as a Class C noxious weed, as requested by Thomas and Tricia Morrel, owners of a designated Stewardship Forest in Whatcom County. The effects of holly on western Washington public and private lands, documented by numerous studies and mapping from multiple agencies and scientists, was presented to the Board during the November 1 public hearing. The information included statements regarding the negative impacts of holly, including its detrimental crowding out of under-story vegetation and the increased forest fire risk resulting from this relatively recent addition of a non-native ladder fuel. The information presented was quantitative and backed by scientific research from numerous studies. Eleven speakers, included botanists and land managers from a wide variety of agencies and environmental groups, spoke in favor of the state listing. Two speakers, owner of Holly Hill Orchards and his son, spoke in opposition. Expressing concern that the listing would destroy their family business, a holly farm purchased in 2011. They are convinced the habitat risks are over-stated and find the dollars spent on control ($90,000 from 2007-2009 at just a SINGLE Seattle site) inconceivable.
The Board considered the potential impacts to the holly farms and the floral industry. To ensure no harm to these small family businesses, a concurrent addition, developed with input from Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson, was proposed and approved before taking a vote on listing holly. A new definition—feral—was added to Washington’s noxious weed laws. The definition reads: “Feral means where a plant species has escaped a managed landscape or is growing without human management or design. ‘Feral’ does not include any plants grown for agricultural or commercial purposes” (WAC 16-750-003). The proposed Class C listing of feral holly only applies to escaped holly—holly existing outside of gardens and cultivated lands such as holly farms. It would allow wildland managers to fund control of invasive holly where it is negatively impacting forestland and for educational programs addressing why and where feral holly is a problem. Nothing in the listing would restrict farming holly, or selling it, either live or cut, within or outside of the state. A class C listing as feral holly would not require its removal from ornamental gardens or farms, or restrict its commercial uses. This consideration wasn’t enough to ease the concerns of the Washington holly growers. The holly farmers argued that the image of holly would be tarnished, and that holly farming would no longer be economically feasible. No economic data was provided to back up their claim. Board Education Specialist Anne Schuster did provide information noting that Pacific Northwest holly growers supply 90% of English holly sold in the United States, export it to countries such as Japan, and that it has grown here for over 90 years.
Sadly (from my perspective), the listing of English holly as a Washington State class C noxious weed received only a 3-3 vote from the Board members present; passage of the listing needed a majority. There are nine voting positions on the Board, but the Northeast Tier is currently vacant. Two members, Randy Johnson and Brad White, did not attend the meeting, so only six members voted. The listing was supported by board members William (Bill) Agosta, Janet Spingath, and Allen Evanston. In opposition were members Jerry Hendrickson, Carey Caruso, and Ken Bajema. Bajema, in addition to being on the Board, is owner of Columbia Gorge Holly Farms, a multi-generational family farm growing holly since 1959. He is a long- term, vocal opponent of listing holly as a state noxious weed. Again, from my perspective, I can’t help wondering how conflict of interest (a thorny issue) may have affected the vote. At least one respondent to a 2022 survey provided to the Board ahead of the hearing expressed concern that the Board had a conflict-of-interest problem. As far as I know, this was not publicly addressed by the Board or staff ahead of the vote. After the vote, the question over conflict of interest was raised during public comment. The Chair responded “Obviously, there is a conflict of interest if you are talking about...a member of the Board being a holly grower, but there’s no law against that...he is a member of the Board and he is a holly grower and that’s perfectly legitimate. Yes, that creates at least one person with a conflict of interest but I’m afraid... there’s no law against that. We have no rules about recusal and so there’s no basis for requiring a person with a conflict of interest to recuse himself in this circumstance.” Staff indicated that it was important to have Board members who feel the impacts of these decisions and expressed the opinion that it is “rightfully so that Ken has a vote.” I agree that the boards are supposed to include representation from various affected interest groups and are mandated to consider and mitigate impacts on business. However, I believe elevating special interests above the Board’s legal mission is wrong. A Capital Press article written in 2010, then updated in 2018, states that “Dee and Ken Bajema scoff at claims that English holly is invasive.” It states that the Bajemas (say) it’s difficult to remain positive about the fate of the requested “noxious” listing. Ken Bajema says nothing to correct this public record. He does not acknowledge that holly is invasive, is environmentally detrimental, or that it is a multi-county problem. Survey comments verify that holly is a concern in at least ten Washington counties. More than half of the survey respondents who note that holly impacts their county also stated that holly’s unlisted status (negatively) impacts their ability to control it.
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