#flora exam
reibre4dtwst · 7 months
F2P Basic Flora Exam Team
Categories: F2P (R card alternatives for SSR and SR cards provided!), EN friendly Note: By "F2P" I mean there is no usage of event banner exclusive cards and very minimal SSR cards as well; I will also be showing the spells at both levels 5 and 10 (if there is a lvl. 10 difference)
Riddle Dorm Uniform
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Level 80: 6,340 HP 6,064 ATK Level 100: 7,357 HP 7,142 ATK Level 110: 8,250 HP 7,979 ATK
Spell 1: (5) Flame Blast / (10) Flame Blast II Spell 2: (5) Fire Shot II / (10) Flame Blast II Duo with Azul
Buddy Bonuses: Minor Power Boost - Cater Modest HP Boost - Trey Minor HP Boost - Azul
Max stats with bonuses: Level 80: 9,510 HP 7,277 ATK Level 100: 11,036 HP 8,570 ATK Level 110: 12,376 HP 9,575 ATK
Cater Ceremonial Robes
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Level 60: 4,948 HP 4,635 ATK Level 80: 5,923 HP 5,660 ATK Level 90: 6,713 HP 6,396 ATK
Spell 1: Flame Blast Minor damage boost (3 turns) Spell 2: Leaf Shot II
Buddy Bonuses: Modest HP Boost - Riddle Minor Power Boost - Jamil
Max stats with bonuses: Level 60: 6,432 HP 5,562 ATK Level 80: 7,700 HP 6,792 ATK Level 90: 8,727 HP 7,675 ATK
Trey School Uniform
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Level 40: 4,823 HP 2,950 ATK Level 60: 6,215 HP 3,839 ATK Level 70: 7,251 HP 4,478 ATK
Spell 1: Leaf Shot Modest damage boost (1 turn) Spell 2: Fire Shot
Buddy Bonuses: Modest HP Boost - Cater
Max stats with bonuses: Level 40: 6,270 HP 2,950 ATK Level 60: 8,080 HP 3,839 ATK Level 70: 9,426 HP 4,478 ATK
Jamil Labwear
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Level 60: 7,940 HP 3,161 ATK Level 80: 9,640 HP 3,813 ATK Level 90: 10,903 HP 4,317 ATK
Spell 1: Flame Blast Modest HP restoration Spell 2: Forest Strike II
Buddy Bonuses: Minor HP Boost - Azul
Max stats with bonuses: Level 60: 9,528 HP 3,161 ATK Level 80: 11,568 HP 3,813 ATK Level 90: 13,084 HP 4,317 ATK
Azul Labwear
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Level 60: 7,713 HP 3,252 ATK Level 80: 9,365 HP 3,923 ATK Level 90: 10,592 HP 4,441 ATK
Spell 1: Forest Strike Modest HP restoration Spell 2: Fire Shot II Minor power boost (1 turn)
Buddy Bonuses: None
Total Buddy Bonuses: 7 Team HP (with bonuses):
39,453 HP
47,749 HP
54,205 HP
SSR/SR Alternatives
Riddle School Uniform - Less HP, less ATK - No duo spell - One less fire spell - Two less buddies
Cater School Uniform - Less ATK - More HP - No damage boost - Modest damage cut - One less buddy
Jamil Halloween - Less HP, less ATK - No Heal - Minor power drain, tiny power boost
Azul PE Uniform - Less HP - More ATK (lvl. 60+) - No heal, no power boost - Modest damage cut
Higher quality Trey School Uniform alternative:
Trey Club Wear - More HP, more ATK - Modest power boost at spell lvl. 10 - Freeze immunity (s1/s3), minor power boost (s3) (also duos with rook but that doesn't really have an effect on this team setup)
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thejoyfulfairy · 4 months
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ventique18 · 6 months
Want to SSS your defense exams? You don't need multiple lvl 100 charas. Just Malleus is enough. 💯
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platypu · 2 years
you think you know suffering? can you look me in the eyes and tell me you have experienced a pain worse than trying to learn how to identify grass? do you know what an awn is? have you heard of a lemna? you want me to get my little microscope out and be able to know what the achene is supposed to be? what the fuck. what the fuck are these words. You want me to pull apart this miniscule piece of shit with my hungry hungry hands? what am I? a fucking surgeon? no, no don't point out what the glumes are. I don't want to know anymore. get me out. get me out. get me out of here-
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darklight-owl · 10 months
Wtf did Dimitri mean "molecular instability". Was Claire's body dipping in and out of the blast? Did warm breezes feel like fire on her skin? Did the cold night air smell like smoke? Did the sunrise look like the flash of an explosion? Did she feel her body turning to ash, only to realize she was still alive?
I... I need to lie down.
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s-aint-elmo · 1 year
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dug up this handy dandy graphic i made last year to explain my kukugumi hcs on a sliding scale of touch-starved to touchy
(reasoning under the cut:)
hikari & maya: self-explanatory. you don’t look at either of these two and think “well-adjusted.” i wholeheartedly believe that the closest thing hikari had to a hug before seisho was a mr. white pillow and the closest thing maya had to a friend was her idol saijou claudine, of whom she has all the bonus dvd content
junna: she’s a normal person. neither touch-starved nor touchy but she gets points for dipping karen out of nowhere, though i maintain that that was mostly for The Drama and not an indicator of her usual physicality
banana: she gives hugs which bumps her above junna but i feel like she’s more of an acts of service kind of person, ya know? also she probably rarely is on the receiving end of a comforting hug bc of her insistence to take care of everybody else, all the time. hop to it, junna!
futakao: literally always in contact with one another. the only reason they’re not higher is that they mostly just cling to each other (and banana, once, notably)
mahiru: she has four siblings and two children in the form of her roommates (one of whom she glomps on-screen), she has more physical affection than she knows what to do with. she’s bumped down in rankings because she’s a little more reserved than the next two menaces
claudine: she will whisper bonjour into your ear with no prompting, drape her arm over your seat while she slides next to you, make you believe she’s gonna kiss you with a hand on your cheek and a sudden closing of distance, spring a surprise waltz on you, hug you after battling through the school basement bogeymen on your first day of class to introduce herself etc. etc. and she will do it all with no shame whatsoever. i don’t think we acknowledge just how much of a cassanova kuro is just because she’s too often nerfed by maya but goddamn the effect she had on asami in overture, amemiya, lalafin and the frontier girls in the lovers’ bond story, even yachiyo in twenty faces--saijou claudine is canonically bitchless but if she knew what a work-life balance was she’d pull. that’s my manifesto
karen: she beats claudine by a slim margin because of the torpedo-like quality of her enthusiasm and the inescapable strength of her grip. if kaoruko had the lower body strength to drag karen across the floor in episode 6, karen would have held fast and let her do the dragging. 
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llondonfog · 2 months
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finally broke 100,000 aaaaaa !!
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twstgameplay · 1 year
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Hello mods! So I’ve been reading a lot of your posts and this blog has been extremely useful to me. With the announcement that the English server is getting the 6th joint exam at the end of the month I thought I should probably ask if you all have any advice on how I can break into the SSS rank? I’ve been stuck at SS rank for the past two joint exams and while I am capable of getting SS-SSS rank on almost all the types of regular exams, but I usually only barely make it into the SSS range. I know to get SSS on the joint exams you often need to exceed the 20,000k mark by a fair bit on at least a few exams.
From looking at the 6th unified exam on JP server it seems like we will probably get: Fire and Cosmic Basic, and Water, Flora, Omni Defense.
For my usual exam scores for these types, I’ve gotten: S (16000) for Cosmic Basic, SS (19500 range) for Fire Basic and Flora Defense, and SSS (20100 range) for Water and Omni Defense. 
I average 5/5/5(if applicable) for spells across all my SSRs, everyone is duo capable, and most buddies are at least level 5 as well. 
Dorm Azul, Dorm Riddle, Dorm Leona, Halloween Jade, and Beans Floyd have both their M1 and M2 maxed, Camp Ruggie and Club Cater have their M1s maxed, and Dorm Vil has his M2 maxed.
For Buddy Levels, these cards are all either fully maxed on buddy levels or they at least have their main power boost (attack/balanced) or HP boost (defense/balanced) maxed. All others card buddies can be assumed closer to level 5.
Dorm: Azul, Riddle, Leona, Vil, Trey, Idia, Ortho, Rook, Jack, and Jade.
Event: Halloween Jade, Halloween Silver, Camp Ruggie, Club Cater, Silk Jamil, Union Azul, and Boa Epel.
I unfortunately have not put in a lot of work on SR cards so beyond Robes Malleus, Lab Azul, and Silk Cater all being maxed to level 80, none of the others are currently well built.
I know this is a lot to ask for and I totally understand if you don’t have time to help with all these teams, just thought I’d give it a shot to ask about! Thank you all so much again for your amazing blog!!
(P.S. Azul is my absolute favorite and Dorm Azul is my all star card and it makes me extremely happy when he is on one of my teams, if at all possible, but I’ll take team recs for higher scores very seriously even if he isn’t on them.)
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Hello! First of all, same here, Dorm Azul is my ultimate card and I absolutely love using him in all my teams!! You’re very based for it actually. 
For 6th unified exams, the exams are actually: Fire, Water, and Cosmic Basic, and Flora and Omni Defense. So it’s just your Water team that needs more adjustment. Since Cosmic Basic is harder to score high than all the other tests, I highly suggest working on your defense tests (which you have excellent cards for). Those will really raise your score. 
Here’s the teams that I’d suggest. Remember that this is unified exams, so you can borrow supports! 
Fire Basic
Dorm Azul
Dorm Riddle
Dorm Ortho
Dorm Idia
Support GM Ace [Lv.100+, preferred Lv.110]
Water Basic
Dorm Leona
Dorm Vil
Dorm Ruggie
Dorm Jack
Support Dorm Leona [Lv.100+, preferred Lv.110]
Flora Defense
Halloween Silver
Lab/Birthday Kalim (recommend Lab though for double Fire)
Beans Floyd
Beans Jade OR Tsum Leona
Support Halloween Silver [Lv.100+]
Beans Floyd
Dorm Idia
Dorm Trey
Dorm Cater
Support Halloween Silver [Lv.100+]
Cosmic Basic
Dorm Trey
Dorm Cater
Halloween Jade
Dorm Azul 
Support Dorm Riddle [Lv.110 highly preferred]
Dorm Leona
Dorm Vil
Birthday Lilia
Dorm Epel
Support Dorm Rook [Lv.110 highly preferred]
Omni Defense
Dorm Trey
Dorm Cater
Dorm Azul
Dorm Idia
Support Dorm Trey [Lv.110 highly preferred]
~ 🐙
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no-white-dress · 1 year
So what I'm getting is I need to draw the whole winx+trix gang in '20s fashion
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reibre4dtwst · 7 months
do you have a team set up to somewhat easily get SSS rank on flora exam as i want to get the minimum amount of high cards to get it.
if you could that would help a lot.
also have a good day
The best way to get high scores in exams is definitely to have well-built cards (including high level buddies) on top of the actual team build! For the best results, I'd recommend leveling your cards to least at lvl.60 with buddies at a minimum of lvl.5 (which can be easily reached in a set of 10 lessons if you have lucky cupcakes and friendship popcorn!) Sometimes getting high scores on exams can really just be the luck of your spell order as well.
I can't tell if you want a team build with mostly SSRs or the least amount so I'll provide options for both!
EN Friendly (mostly) SSRs
Riddle Dorm Uni - high attack, all fire spells, power boost from Cater and HP boost from Trey
Cater Ceremonial Robes - high attack, damage boost spell, HP boost from Riddle
Trey Club Wear - balanced stats, freeze immunity and power boost spells, power boosts from Malleus and Riddle
Malleus Birthday Jacket - balanced stats, power boost spell, duo with Riddle, power boost from Riddle, HP boost from Lilia
Lilia Broomquet - high attack, damage boost spell, power boost from Trey
Total of 8 buddies and 6 fire spells with 41,355 HP at base max level with lvl.5 buddies
JP Only SSR/SR Comp.
Riddle Dorm Uni - HP boost from Trey
Trey Club Wear - Duo with Rook, power boost from Riddle and HP boost from Rook
Rook Club Wear - S3 curse spell, duo with Trey, HP boost from Trey and power boost from Jamil
Jamil Applepom - freeze immunity and power boost spell, HP boost from Riddle and Rook
Malleus Halloween - damage boost spells, all fire spells, power boost from Jamil
Total of 8 buddies and 7 fire spells with 47,370 HP at (mostly) base max level with lvl.5 buddies (I had to use level 110 Jamil and Rook for this because the wiki doesn't have their level 80 I'm sorry!)
for an EN friendly SR team, I'd recommend the F2P Flora Exam team, as it has a base game SR composition! The only SSR on this team is Dorm Riddle. If you wanted to replace Trey with an SR/SSR the best options would be Broomquet Trey (currently JP only), Fairy Gala Ortho, or Ceremonial Robes Epel. a Flora team comp that I have that doesn't use Riddle is the Def Flora Exam Team (which centers around Halloween Silver), but I don't believe it'd work quite as well for the Regular Flora Exam, though I thought I'd mention it! I'm sorry this post is in a different format than my usual teams; I had a few different ideas of compositions and the post would just be exhaustingly long if I wrote it out in my normal format...
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slytherinslut0 · 10 months
Lorenzo Berkshire- Through Rain or Shine
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Info: you’d had a tough couple of weeks, and needed to find a way to relieve the numbness in your chest. when your forever friend unsurprisingly joins you, the two of you finally admit your feelings for eachother, after all those years.
Word Count: 3.8k
Tags: 18+, smut, fingering, kissing, themes of mild depression, praise kink, fluff, so much angst, childhood best friends to lovers trope.
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In the quiet solitude of your dorm room, the weight of exhaustion pressed upon you like an invisible force, each day's relentless grind etched into the lines of weariness on your face. The past weeks had been an unyielding onslaught of books and notes, every waking moment dedicated to the pursuit of academic excellence, driven by the burning desire to excel in the impending owls exam.
The recent breakup with your boyfriend had cast a shadow over your world, pushing you deeper into the solace of your studies. Nights blurred into early mornings as you immersed yourself in the expanse of your textbooks, seeking refuge from the echoing emptiness left by the now-fractured relationship. Distractions became your lifeline, a shield against the lingering pain that clung to your chest like an unwelcome weight.
As the culmination of your efforts approached with the passing of your owls exam, a bitter relief settled in upon the conclusion. Yet, despite the temporary reprieve, the ache in your chest persisted, an unyielding rock crushing against your lungs. Caffeine and sleep proved futile against the overwhelming exhaustion that permeated your mind and soul.
And on yet another seemingly mundane night, a symphony of raindrops assaulted your window with an angry rhythm, a stormy punctuation to the warm spring night. Beneath the cocoon of your sheets, you lay motionless, your gaze fixated on the rivulets tracing their path down the glass. Restlessness plagued your every toss and turn, a sleep-deprived mind refusing the solace of slumber.
And as hour after hour passed in the hushed corridors of Gryffindor Tower, you succumbed to a rebellious impulse, heedless of any potential consequences. Clad in only a pair of sleep shorts and a light long-sleeved shirt, you navigated the dimly lit common room, driven by a compulsion to escape, to just fucking break free for once. Troublesome thoughts of repercussions faded in the face of your overwhelming apathy, truly not giving one single fuck about what could, or would happen to you if you were to get caught.
The damp corridor led you to the entrance of the courtyard, where the angry rain battered against the aged stones. A deep breath filled your lungs with the crisp scent of the tempestuous storm, and as you stepped into the downpour, an electric warmth surged through your drenched body. The hard curtain of water enveloped you, washing away the numbness and invigorating your senses, a desperate attempt to feel something--anything--other than the weight of your weary existence.
In another brief stretch of madness, you descended, lowering yourself against the soaked, weathered stones beneath your feet. As your back connected, you felt the tension instantly leave your bones, a shiver dancing along your spine, a stark contrast to the warmth pulsating within. The rain continued its unrestrained assault, a cacophony of droplets drumming against your body and soaking you to the bone.
With each breath, the scent of petrichor mingled with the raw, earthy aroma of the surrounding flora. Your clothes clung to your body, a second skin saturated by the unrelenting downpour. The waterlogged fabric, though chilling, brought a visceral reminder of your exhilarated presence in this moment--a stark departure from the numbness that had gripped you for the last few weeks.
In the embrace of the storm, time lost its linear structure, and the weight of your weary existence momentarily dissolved. The courtyard became a sanctuary, a refuge where the boundary between self and nature blurred, and for a fleeting moment, you existed in a space beyond the confines of your troubles, surrendering to the elemental dance of rain and stone.
Until, suddenly, the ephemeral sanctuary of rain-soaked contemplation shattered abruptly as someone leaned over you, disrupting the elemental dance against your skin. Startled, you opened your eyes, squinting against the mingling rain and the sudden intrusion of the night. There, peering down at you with a mixture of concern and confusion, was Lorenzo Berkshire, your damn-near lifelong bestfriend.
His worried expression cut through the remnants of your momentary escape, and reality crashed back with a jolt. The rhythmic percussion of rain against stone now seemed distant, replaced by the urgency in Lorenzo's eyes.
"What in Merlin's name are you doing out here?" His voice pierced through the storm, the concern in his tone palpable. "You're going to catch a bloody cold."
You groaned, squeezing your eyes shut as annoyance rolled through you. The boundary between self and the outside world reasserted itself, and the refuge you'd found in the solitude had now entirely slipped away, all thanks to the presence of your wonderful, but admittedly infuriating bestfriend.
"Enz, for the love of all things magical..." you grumbled, stubbornly keeping your eyes shut against both rain and scrutiny. "Can't I just have a moment alone? Please, just let me be."
"I can't just leave you out here, especially when you're practically bathing in the bloody storm." Lorenzo's concern lingered in the air as he shook his head, raindrops scattering from the movement. "Come on...let's get you inside before you turn into a drowned owl."
You stubbornly shook your own head, now--your rain-soaked hair clinging to your face as a testament to your unwillingness to yield.
"Enzo, I need this..." you muttered, not ready to abandon the calm you had just found, only moments earlier. "Just-just give me a bit longer, please?"
Ignoring Lorenzo's outstretched hand, you clung to the puddled, uneven stones beneath you, a silent plea for solitude amidst the storm. At your denial, your best friends frown deepened, lines of worry etching across his forehead as he observed your silent resistance. The genuine concern in his eyes betrayed an understanding that surpassed mere words.
He knew you--knew the intricacies of your soul since the days when stumbling was a more common occurrence than walking. He knew this was not like you.
He crouched down beside you, raindrops creating a haphazard pattern on his shoulders. The bond between you two transcended the need for spoken explanations. As he rested a hand on your shoulder, a comforting weight that spoke of shared history, he sighed.
"You've weathered storms before, but this...it's different. You're different." His voice was soft, gentle, barely audible over the sound of rain slamming the stone next to your head. "I'm worried about you."
"I know, Enz," you admitted, almost reluctantly. Opening your eyes, you met his gaze, and in that moment, vulnerability hung in the air. "It's just...everything--the exams, the breakup...I needed a moment to drown it all out, but it seems the storm found me first."
Enzo's hand on your shoulder tightened slightly, a wordless reassurance that spoke volumes. Together, in that shared silence, you both acknowledged the profound truth--you weren't facing the storm alone. He'd simply never allow it. And then, without uttering a single word, Enzo lowered himself to the rain-soaked stones, settling beside you with a quiet understanding. The haphazard patterns of raindrops now painted both of your figures entirely, a shared canvas in the midst of the storm.
In the hushed ambiance of the stormy courtyard, shielded behind bushes and flowers, you shifted your gaze toward Enzo, silently appreciating the allure of his rain-soaked features. Long lashes, adorned with raindrops, sparkled like morning dew, tracing a delicate path along his rosy cheeks. There was a captivating ease in the way he simply basked in the warm rain, his handsome features unburdened as though he was simply reclining in the luxury of his bed.
Enzo had always embodied an enduring quality, a trait that defied life's intricate twists and turns--an attribute you had always found yourself inexplicably envious of. His carefree demeanor wasn't a recklessness that jeopardized education or safety; instead, it mirrored the carelessness of a child navigating their first steps or the unburdened joy of someone soaking up the sun after a harsh winter. He moved through life with a rare freedom, an effortless lightness that resonated deep within you.
For that, you couldn't help but love him--a sentiment woven into the fabric of your bond. No matter the trials life presented or the stretches of silence between you, you unfailingly found yourselves back together. Side by side, navigating this crazy thing you called life.
"I'm here," Enzo's voice shattered the silence, a gentle reassurance that jolted you out of your contemplative trance. It dawned on you that you'd been lost in the steady gaze of his rain-kissed features. "You don't have to talk to me...but I'm here."
Your response came as a slow nod, a silent acknowledgment of his unwavering presence. The weight of his words wrapped around you like a comforting embrace, a reassurance that soothed every inch of ache in your bones. It was right then, that you realized, since he'd laid down beside you, the numbness in your chest had completely fucking vanished.
Turning your attention back to the sky, you shut your eyes, embracing the rain that pelted your face. Basking in the comforting silence, you whisper, "Do you ever think about the day we met?"
Enzo's fingers brushed against yours, a tender touch that spoke volumes as he replied, "All the time."
His response stirred a warmth in your chest, a gentle flutter that resonated with the shared nostalgia. "The day at the lake?"
His low chuckle, like a melody in the rain, accompanied his words, "When you stole my toy shovel and then pushed me into the water when I tried getting it back?"
“Oh, please!” An uncontrolled giggle bubbled from your lips as you countered, "that's not at all how it went."
Enzo's eyes sparkled with amusement as he awaited your correction. "Okay, then, enlighten me. How did it really go?"
"Okay, okay, maybe it did go a bit like that..." amidst laughter, you playfully explained, "but you were the one who stole my bucket first, Enz. I had to get you back for it!"
"Fair enough, angel, I might have started it." Enzo's laughter blended with the raindrops as he conceded, "I guess I had it coming.”
Smirking, you retorted, "You've been a pain in my butt since the day we met, Enz…some things never change, do they?"
Enzo's grin widened, and he retorted, "Guilty as charged. But you love me for it, don't you?"
His eyes, filled with a mixture of mischief and affection, reflected the depth of a connection that had weathered the mischievous escapades and grown stronger with each passing storm.
"How couldn't I?" you responded with a fond smile, your gaze locking with his. "With a smirk that irresistibly charming, you make it impossible not to."
"Can't argue with that, angel," he quipped, flashing his teeth playfully. "Charm has always been my secret weapon."
As your laughter faded, a pause settled between you two. Staring at him, a flood of memories cascaded through your mind--years of friendship, shared laughter, and the occasional drunken kiss that had always lingered like a quiet undercurrent. In that moment, you couldn't deny the feelings that had grown, evolving beyond the boundaries of friendship.
The courtyard, still bathed in the rain's embrace, became a silent witness to the realization that the line you'd hesitated to cross might have finally blurred beyond recognition.
"Enz...have you ever...felt, lost?" As you blinked, you glimpsed his lips, your voice a soft murmur as it left your throat. "Like everything you thought was solid, just…crumbled away?"
"Absolutely," he confessed, a soft sigh escaping him as raindrops adorned his lashes like jewels. "It's like the ground beneath you turns into quicksand, and-"
"You're unsure of what to cling to, because it feels like..." you interrupted, your eyes locking onto his.
"....it’s all collapsing alongside you," he finished, completing your thought with a shared understanding. "Absolutely, angel...absolutely."
As you paused, eyes fixed on his features, a rush of emotions surged within you. The realization of your profound affection for this boy, the depth of his unwavering presence, and the shared history you both carried became palpable.
The weeks of self-imposed hibernation in your dorm had isolated you from the world, but here, in the midst of the storm, Enzo stood by your side. His willingness to weather the rain with you, to share the weight of your troubles, became a testament to a friendship that had transcended time and circumstance. The unspoken understanding, the shared glances, all hinted at a connection that had weathered storms of both the heart and the skies.
"Enz," you murmured, the endearment slipping from your lips like a secret shared between kindred spirits. "Thank you, for being here...it means more than you'll ever know."
"You don't have to thank me, angel," he replied, a warm smile tugging at the corners of his rain-kissed lips. "We've always been in this together...through rain or shine--it's what best friends do."
In the quietude of the rain-soaked courtyard, a charged silence hung between you and Enzo. Your heart, like a captive creature, pounded in your chest as you found solace in the shared gaze. His brown eyes, an intimate dance of vulnerability and unspoken sentiments, darted between your eyes and lips.
And then, in an unexpected surge of emotion, the two of you moved as if drawn by an invisible force--his hands found your face, a gentle reassurance, while your own hands mirrored the sentiment, delicately grasping the back of his neck as you pulled him close. Lips collided in a shared moment of exasperation, a kiss that seemed to carry the potential to mend wounds. Enzo's soft, warm lips moved with a careful precision, as though he feared shattering the fragile connection by moving too quickly or being too rough.
A sigh mingled within your shared breaths, and the emotional tide of the kiss swept over you. In the midst of the courtyard's relentless downpour, the intimacy of the moment became a sanctuary. Emotions, sought when you ventured into the rain-soaked space, surged to the surface, rendering you more alive than you had felt in fucking weeks.
Enzo, breaking the kiss with a soft, lingering reluctance, allowed his lips to trail along your jawline. A whisper of breath brushed against your skin as he confessed, his words carrying the weight of years of unspoken desire.
"I've wanted to do that for years," he admitted, the revelation settling in the damp air around you. "...for so many fucking years..."
Your response came as an instinct, your hands finding their way into his hair, pulling him close with a magnetic urgency.
"Me fucking too," you whispered, a fusion of emotions flooding your voice, "why did we wait so long?"
Enzo's gaze, now intensified by the admission and the proximity between you two, held a mixture of regret and longing. He nestled closer, his lips brushing against your ear as he spoke with a sincerity that echoed through the courtyard.
"I don't know, angel," he murmured, the words carrying the weight of missed chances and unspoken confessions. "Maybe we were both waiting for the right storm to finally let it all pour out."
"Mm--pour it out for me, Enz," you whispered, your voice a gentle plea. "Tell me where you've been...tell me where your heart is..."
With a shared understanding, Enzo gently urged you to lay back, guiding you back against the cool, rain-drenched stones. He positioned himself alongside you, his head resting on your chest, the closeness of his body providing a comforting warmth against the coolness of the courtyard. One hand cradled your head while his other traced a delicate path down your stomach, igniting your skin into flames. Inhaling a sharp breath, he confessed,
"Someone once told me that it all comes down to the last person you think of at night." His fingers teasingly traced the line of your shorts as he continued, "That's where your heart is."
As his words lingered in the air, a tender smile played on your lips. Your eyes squeezed shut, encapsulating the vulnerability of the moment. Your hands found solace in his hair, fingers gently petting as you embraced the emotional tide that swept over you.
"Mm-yeah?" you murmured, finding it challenging to stay fully focused on his words as his soft teasing fingers traced along your inner thigh. "And who do you think of?"
Enzo pulled his head from your chest, meeting your eyes with an intensity that cut through the rain-soaked ambiance. His gaze held nothing but pure seriousness as he uttered, "Can I touch you, angel? Please?"
A near mewl escaped your lips, your entire body buzzing with anticipation. "Please do, Enz," you whispered, the plea carrying a mixture of desire and vulnerability. "Gods, please-"
Enzo leaned in, pressing his lips to yours in a soft kiss as he inched his fingers closer and closer to the edge of your shorts. As he slipped his tongue past your teeth, gentle yet urgent, you found yourself practically holding your breath in anticipation, shifting your legs wider slightly to give him better access.
Without wanting to keep you waiting for much longer, his long fingers slipped past the edge of the soaked fabric, connecting directly with your heat as you weren't wearing any panties. You moaned into his mouth and he swallowed it eagerly, his fingers wasting no time at all before beginning to rub tight circles against your clit.
Your grip on his hair tightened, your entire body quivering and squirming against his touch. You lost yourself in sensation, moaning into his mouth as he manipulated you expertly, sucking in air through his nose as he kissed you like he could devour you. The cool raindrops on your skin contrasted with the heat building in your body, and you felt as if you were about to burst with pleasure, explode with emotion.
Breaking the kiss, he pressed his forehead against yours, both of you breathing heavily as he slipped a finger inside you while his thumb continued to rub against your clit. You arched your back against him, feeling every inch of his finger stretching you out as he drove you to the brink of ecstasy, whimpering as quietly as you could as the two of you blended into the darkness, curtains of rain acting as your shield.
"I think of you, angel," His lips found your neck, kissing and biting gently as he continued to work you with his fingers, building your orgasm dangerously fast. "I think of you before I sleep...I wake up and I think about you..."
Your hands shifted, fisting his shirt as you cried out in pleasure, raindrops falling around you in a steady rhythm. You could feel his lips on your neck, leaving wet kisses as he continued, "I think about kissing you good morning...I fall asleep while thinking about kissing you goodnight..."
"Oh...Enz..." the words sent a fresh surge of desire through you, and you arched your back involuntarily, trying to get closer to him. "Oh my Gods..."
"You're so beautiful like this," he murmured against your skin, his breath hot against your ear. "You know I'm helplessly fucking in love with you, right?"
"Oh-fuck-" you moaned, louder than you'd expected as he increased his pace on your clit, his finger pumping in and out of you with increased intensity, sending your vision spinning. "Enzo-"
"Mhm...pretty girl..." he cooed as you tilted your head back, giving him better access to your neck, and he obliged by nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. "I fell in love with you back before knowing what love even was..." he placed sloppy kisses on your collarbone, nipping softly. "And I've stayed in love with you because no one...fucking no one has ever made me feel the way you do."
Moaning softly, you squirmed beneath him, unable to contain the growing intensity coursing through your body. Tears welled in your eyes, each word that escaped his lips resonating with a tidal wave of emotion, threatening to engulf you under the weight of your own heart. This overwhelming surge of happiness felt surreal, like a dream you never dared to believe could be real.
Suddenly, he slipped another finger inside you, stretching you out wider as his thumb continued twirling over your clit. You cried out in pleasure, the intensity of the sensation making your toes curl, your chest reaching for oxygen as though you’d been starved of it for years.
"Fuck, you're so wet," Enzo murmured against your skin, his lips trailing kisses back up to your jawline. "Does this feel good, angel?"
All you could manage was a nod; your breath was coming in short gasps as the pleasure built and built inside of you. The rain continued to fall down around you, a cooling contrast to the heat in your body, bucking your hips against his hand, becoming increasingly desperate for release.
"Good girl...so, so good..." he purred, kissing his way back up your jawline until he veered back and met your lips, pressing the plush entirety of his mouth to yours. "I continue to fall in love with you every fucking day because there's no one I could ever picture my future with, other than you..."
"Oh Gods, Enzo..." you could feel the tension building in your body, coiling tighter and tighter until you were practically vibrating with need. "I'm so fucking in love with you..."
"Mm," he purred, grazing his lips against yours. "Music to my ears, angel..."
As if sensing how close you were, he slipped a third finger inside you, his movements becoming almost frantic as he continued to rub your clit in tight, harsh circles with his thumb. Your body shook with pleasure, every nerve ending sparking with sensation as Enzo's deep brown pools drilled into yours, watching every slight ministration of your face as you teetered on the edge of pure fucking ecstasy.
"Fuck-Enz..." you moaned, grasping the soaked fabric of his shirt for dear life, squeezing it within your trembling fists. "I'm going to-"
He kissed you again, smiling against your lips. "Cum for me."
That was all you needed to hear; and with a sharp cry, you came hard, spasms of pleasure wracking your body, your vision blurring as pleasure washed over you in waves. Enzo continued to move his fingers inside of you, riding out your orgasm until you collapsed, panting and spent. In the aftermath, as you both caught your breath, the rain persisted, its cool touch soothing your heated skin. A comfortable silence enveloped you, a serene pause in the midst of the rain-soaked courtyard.
After a lingering moment, Enzo gently pulled you up to your feet. Gripping your face with a tenderness that echoed the shared vulnerability, he kissed you again.
"I'll be here for you," he murmured, his words a gentle reassurance. "When you're down, I'll hold you; when you feel like you can't get up, I'll support you. We'll navigate this at your pace, angel. There's no need to rush."
"We've been friends since we were toddlers--how much less rushing can we do?" Giggling against his mouth, you playfully teased, "I just want you, Enz. You've made all the pain in the last few weeks completely irrelevant in a span of an hour...it’s always been you.”
"Then have me, love," he cooed, his fingers entwining with yours. "Whatever you desire, it's yours."
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mindfulstudyquest · 5 months
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❥﹒♡﹒☕﹒ 𝗯𝗲 𝘀𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗲𝗿 ( 𝗮𝗰𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝘆 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗻𝗼𝘁 𝗼𝗻𝗹𝘆 !! )
𝟭. improve your writing skills ( ✒️ )
i feel that not everyone has the perception of how important it is to know how to write. you don't have to be a poet, nor the new emily brontë, but fluid, conscious, rich writing makes the difference. really. you could write a page without saying anything at all, but if that damn page is written good and smoothly, then you can be sure that you will get extra points. take the time to improve your writing skills, the best advice i have for doing so is reading. read as much as you can. read novels (non-fiction in this case doesn't help because the content is preferred rather than the form), read contemporary authors – you don't necessarily have to read sophocles' tragedies, but read quality stuff. expand your vocabulary, your knowledge of syntax, learn to use punctuation! and then write, tell stories, write love letters, write reviews of films, books, cultural festivals, open a blog on tumblr and write to practice, reread what you write ad nauseam, until it is perfect, until the form of your essay is pulitzer prize worthy.
bonus some of my favourite authors (tell me in the comments about yours!): ian mcewan, banana yoshimoto, haruki murakami, george orwell, josé saramago, albert camus, khaled hosseini, hanya yanagihara
𝟮. develop critical thinking ( 💭 )
if you have always studied passively by absorbing information and vomiting it onto a test sheet then you have wasted your time. taking on information is not enough, you need to know how to rework it and develop your own idea about it. especially in the arts and literature one may disagree with certain information provided by a textbook. developing critical thinking is not easy, especially due to the school system that teaches us to standardize thinking. always consult all available sources on a given topic, compare them, analyze contradictions. it might be difficult and tiring – our brain spends more energy processing two conflicting pieces of information than processing two pieces of information that agree – but it will be worth it. by practicing critical thinking and improving your argumentation skills, you will not only be able to improve in your studies, becoming able to present complex topics and make interdisciplinary connections, but also in daily life, you will become much less influenced and manipulated by external information.
𝟯. find yourself an interest ( 🌷 )
it could be anything, but find an interest that excites you and you enjoy and do research about it. watch videos, documentaries, read articles. it doesn't have to be school-related, it must be an external topic that you are passionate about and that allows you to rediscover the joy of studying and learning every time school seems to suffocate it. sometimes i'm not in the mood to study for exams, so i dedicate myself to my personal research and finally find my spark, my seek for knowledge. for example, my interest is true crime, it has always fascinated me since i was little, but yours could be wild animals, makeup, comics, ships, planes, ocean flora, literally anything. there is no constraint.
𝟰. analyze your mistakes and recognize your wrongs ( 🫒 )
there is no shame in making mistakes. everyone makes mistakes, we are human, but the real sin is getting bogged down in mistakes, refusing to acknowledge them, and continuing to make them again and again. we should be continually growing, continually discovering ourselves, both intellectually and emotionally. how many of you were the "gifted kid" when you were little and then grew up into burned out high school / uni students desperately seeking academic validation? there comes a time when talent isn't enough, you have to put in the effort, and this doesn't make you less intelligent or gifted, in fact, quite the opposite. dedicating time and attention to your personal and intellectual growth also means having to ruminate on your mistakes. it's scary, but it's the most effective way if you really want to improve. take a notebook and at the end of the day reflect on the highlights and the wrongs, what you could have done better, where you would like to push forward tomorrow, what you achieved today. did you make a mistake? first ask yourself why and then look for a way to solve the problem, make every bad moment a lesson, a brick on which to build the version of you you wanto to become tomorrow.
𝟱. don't be afraid of doing researches ( 🧃 )
the amount of fake news and misinformation online is appalling. opening any app like tiktok or instagram we are inundated with information that is often (not always, but not so rarely) inaccurate. don't be afraid to conduct your own research, if you have time to mindlessly scroll through tiktok you will also have five minutes to read an article regarding that information provided. don't know the meaning of a word? look it up before using it. not sure about a piece of information? check it before using it in your argumentation. in the age of immediate access to data we have no excuse to be superficial.
𝟲. master communication ( ♟️ )
mastering communication is essential in both personal and professional realms. it's the cornerstone of building meaningful relationships, whether it's conveying ideas effectively in academia or fostering connections in the workplace. developing strong communication skills not only enhances your ability to articulate thoughts but also empowers you to listen actively, empathize with others, and resolve conflicts constructively. ultimately, honing these skills cultivates confidence, credibility, and success in all aspects of life.
𝟳. push yourself out of your comfort zone ( 🧸 )
build your confidence. confidence is uncomfortable. don't be afraid of it. you are young, this is the right time to experiment, take risks, discover who you really are. this is the best time for you to do those things that you would otherwise never do, you don't want to regret later in life that you didn't accept that scholarship, that trip abroad, that job opportunity, because you didn't feel comfortable enough. do things that take you out of your comfort zone until everything becomes your comfort zone. go on solo dates, be a social butterfly, tell the girl at the bookstore you love her t-shirt, go to the theater alone, eat at a restaurant alone, take that trip. if it goes badly, you'll only have one funny story to tell.
𝟴. stay informed about the news (but not too much!) ( 🌍 )
this might be controversial, but: stay informed about the news, just don't overdo it. personally, i am an easily influenced person and i realized that being constantly exposed to the bad things happening in the world had drained me and made me terribly depressed. don't get me wrong, you need to be informed about what's happening in the world and in your country, just being constantly surrounded by horrible news repeated ad nauseam on TV programs is of no use. be aware.
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platypu · 2 years
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some snaps from my semester of plant ID
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darklight-owl · 10 months
Guys what if I made the Sunflowers girls toxic yuri. What then guys.
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cursedcola · 2 years
Dorm leaders react to finding reader/yuu crying and overhear them say "I want to go home"?
A/N: Ah. Angst. My specialty lol. I am assuming you want imagine format? Hope so because that's what I am going with. Thank you for the request :)
Note: Idia's is so long. I went so overboard omg. I am sorry. I just think that he's neat.
Riddle Rosehearts
Riddle has seen many people cry, and unfortunately been the instigator for no small number of occurrences. Prior to turning over a new leaf, he was heinously blunt with his criticisms. Everyone knows this.
At the time he thought those people to be sensitive and naïve to the cruel ways of the world. They needed to toughen up!
That opinion lies in the past now. He was a prick. Riddle won't verbally acknowledge it but he knows. There is no need to bring it up because he is trying to change his ways
Key word: trying
You can't uproot years of bad habits and trauma overnight. He has his moments. From freaking out over students not studying, dress coding half the school, lecturing his friends on their diet....nothing too harsh, and no permanent harm done.
"This is not your world MC; 70% is unacceptable for a prefect to score on an exam. Slacking will not be tolerated! What kind of example are you setting for the other students?! Your grades reflect on the school!"
Perhaps he could have taken a moment to think and not let his emotions overcome him. Riddle knew how hard you studied; after all, you came to him for help many times. Each occasion he happily obliged and saw you progress using his study guides
It is why he wanted you to succeed. To show up with a perfect 100 that would be celebrated over sweets
Instead you arrived apprehensive and hiding your test behind your back. Already fragile and he-...goodness.
He sent you off running
Likely to go cower in the library and beat yourself up for disappointing him. Just like he used to do. Great Sevens he is an asshole. Ace is definetly going to rip him to shreds or at least throw his tea collection into the pond
After a brief rest to wash his face in the restroom, Riddle goes to the library and his heart shatters at the sound of sniffles from behind a particularly large stack of books.
"I can't do this anymore...this is too hard...he's right...he's right...he's right...I want to go home"
Sweat pools at his chin and his hands clench into tight, clammy fists. After hearing that, Riddle can't bring himself to interrupt and stands on the other side of the books, silent, and with his head down
He always felt regret and frustration after having an outburst - but all pale in comparison to the absolute shame and heartbreak hurting you has wrought
Leona Kingscholar
"Go home. It's past curfew"
And...no response. You are very lucky that Leona tolerates you, because ignoring him so flat-out would get you two nights in the slammer back where he comes from.
A goody-two-shoes like you never bends the rules, which is why Leona is curious to see you roaming the botanical garden so late. Not going to answer him? Now it's personal and he is your problem.
At first he opts to follow you around. Not for any particular reason, and merely because he wanted to find out if you stashed any secrets in the area
His patience runs thin as you walk up to every plaque and study each plant. You can't seriously be out here at this hour for a botany lesson, can you? Why not do this during the day
Each time you study a plant your mood seems to sour further. For absolutely no reason, at least from Leona's perspective. Not unless you have beef with the flora and fauna - which is impossible. Maybe. He really doesn't know what to expect from you anymore.
Eventually curiosity grows to concern. He's kept himself entertained, following you and leaving commentary once in a while. Yet he can't help but be creeped out with how you move around like a zombie.
With one plant left, he observes as you once again ignore him to examine it...only to let it go and sit on the floor in disappointment.
"So...You're out of plants, what now?"
He doesn't expect an answer after an entire night of nothing.
"I guess I'll go 'home'...wherever that is"
"Finally talking to me, huh? The hell is wrong with you? Do you think it's safe to be out here this late?,"
"Safe? It's just as safe right now as it is during the day"
A part of him screams to shut up and end the conversation there. It's not his buisness and he can just pretend this night never happened.
"What's that supposed to mean?" He can't help it.
"It means that nothing here is like home. Not the buildings, or the people, or the food, not even the plants. You know, where I come from roses grow on bushes not trees. And I don't have to worry about the broom I sweep the kitchen with suddenly taking flight! I want to go home where shit is normal"
Okay. You got him. He definetly wasn't prepared for that level of a stress dump.
What's worse is that he can't comfort you. He wants to. Truth be told, watching you wander through the garden listlessly upset him more than he is willing to admit. Yet he can't do anything, because that level of homesickness is something no one can understand.
"...NRC doesn't store every kind of plant in this garden. We can check other areas tomorrow"
Azul Ashengrotto
"Ah! At last, my food critique is here," Azul glows, clapping his hands when you walk into the room, "The Headmaster has given the Monstro Lounge a great opportunity to market our buisness at the upcoming cultural fair. Our stall's menu must be perfect!"
Azul ushers you inside with a hand on the small of your back and leads you to a prepared table. Truth be told, he could easily taste the new menu items himself or have one of the tweels do it on his behalf. So long as it tastes good, it will sell, right?
Wrong. In exchange for a vendor's slot and location that will actually yield profits - Azul had to make this contract worth the Headmaster's time.
In short, he promised something "never seen before," that would fit the festival's theme. Naturally, he did not do this without a plan. He had one made long before approaching Crowley with the idea.
You. You are the plan. Azul was going to theme his stall off of your world. Neat, right? All he needs is for you to monitor his project for accuracy, which he has already half-succeeded in doing by luring you here to taste test a new menu
"Jade! Bring out the first item," Sweat drips from the side of Azul's head, his inner anxiousness getting the better of him. Perhaps he should have told you instead of making it a surprise? He only had a few dish ideas to build off of from the rare times you spoke of your childhood. Sourcing similar ingredients without any idea of how things should taste was a task in itself. What if he butchers it? Would you hate him?
Jade sets the first dish on the table, and you visibly straighten up in surprise. You eye him in confusion, as if to say 'where the heck did you learn to make this? How?' and he softly smiles, "Go on. Take a bite,"
And you do. You lift a piece of the dish to your face and smell the aroma before taking a bite. A moment of silence passes, and Azul thinks he may have just killed two birds with one stone. Literally. Death to any chance he had with you or with the festival.
"It...it's not quite the same," you stare at the dish in thought, suddenly solemn, "yet still similar. Nostalgic, even. Thank you for making this for me. Truly, thank you"
A mixture of emotions fill him as he signals for Jade to prepare the next plate. Should he take that as a good response? He failed in recreating the dish perfectly, yet you appear content. Sitting there, slowly finishing the meal bit by bit and cherishing every bite.
"You’re welcome. If it suits your taste, we can add this to our permanent VIP menu," he hovers near your side before laying a gloved hand on your shoulder, "just for you"
You reach to lay your hand on top of his, "I'd like that. Sometimes I want to go home, but this? It helps,"
At that, Azul steels himself. Not only would this dish be added to his menu, but he will personally learn how to make anything you every mention from your home. He would make you talk more, and hopefully find a way to carve a place for you in Twisted Wonderland where you will never have to want for somewhere else.
Kalim Al' Asim
"Is that really necessary?"
Kalim pauses - well, to be fair, everything pauses with a flick of his wrist. Dust rags mid-air, sponges amidst cleaning dishes, the broom sweeping the floor, and so the books that were rearranging themselves in alphabetical order.
He hadn't expected you home for hours. Did Ruggie lie to him about you watching spelldrive practice?
Kalim rubs the back of his neck bashfully, and flicks his wrist for everything else to resume motion.
"Oh, prefect! You're home early. I wanted to help you fix up this dorm in return for everything you have done for me! Do you like it?"
A wet mop flies over your head, " I..uhm..yes? Yes, it's very sweet of you to offer but do we really need magic for this? I could have helped," and nearly drenches you in dirty mop water, earning a grimace of disgust.
Kalim chuckles, waving you off and out of the kitchen. He felt bad for sneaking in to your home while you were away, but he wanted o surprise you! Which...also did not happen, but you said he was sweet for it and that is exactly when he decided to stop listening.
A mantra of 'they think I'm sweet!' plays in his head as he sends more tools to clean the house as you both talk.
He makes a joke about how cleaning is easy with magic, and that you can call on him whenever you need help around the dorms. He will happily do it on your behalf
Which...may not have been the best thing to say to a magicless prefect that has been busting their ass trying to survive and be independent in a world where they do not fit in.
Just a little bit insensitive.
Miniscule enough for Kalim not to understand why you're suddenly frustrated with him.
His brow furrows when you plop on the couch an bury your face in your hands with a frustrated sigh.
"Ugh...you just- you don't get it. I swear, all you magic folk wouldn't last a day where I come from...ugh, I want to go home already"
You say the last bit under your breath but he still heard it. Kalim is aware that sometimes he does get ahead of himself, and that he has clearly overstepped a boundary. Normally he is not so hasty, but with you? All he wanted was to do something nice, and his mind was clouded.
He knows better than to flaunt what he has in front of other people. Not everyone has magic or the free will himself and many other students here are lucky enough to have. You've been working hard to be seen for your efforts, and that's something he admires greatly.
One by one the tools fly back to storage for safe keeping. All aside from the broom, which flies into Kalim's open hand. He steps in front of you, and holds the other out to help you up.
"Sorry, hehe. That was rude of me. I still want to help, so can we try again? Your way this time?"
Vil Schoenheit
"What is that thing?"
He had not intended to sound so repulsed. Disgusted? Yes. Just a tad, but there is a fine line.
You quirk an eyebrow at his comment, and follow his line of vision to the make-shift bracelet on your wrist. It was nothing fancy. Just your old shoe-laces put into an adjustable braid.
You tell him as such, and Vil cannot fathom what compelled you to make such an eyesore. He catches himself this time and doesn't voice it as bluntly
But my dear, it completely throws off your uniform. Goodness it's worse than Ruggie's oversized vest that he refuses to tailor.
"They're sentimental and from the sneakers I had on before someone put me in the ceremonial coffin. I still don't know who changed my clothes; and frankly? Don't want to, but at least they left my stuff in there,"
Okay, he understands. A piece from your past is hard to let go of but do you seriously need to wear it around campus? It completely throws off your charm.
Vil has always had a nasty habit of imposing his standards onto others, and so for the rest of the week you find him constantly eying your bracelet whenever he is nearby.
He merely wants to snip it with some scissors, he thinks, ever so tempted one evening when painting your nails.
You are his soon to be lover. Well, once you ask him to be so. Then he will turn you down and ask you himself because (1) he is not one who seeks, but is one who is sought after and (2) he must always have the upper hand despite this mindset
Anyway. You cannot walk around with those dirty laces on your wrist. He cannot accept it despite trying to on multiple occasions.
His compulsion overtakes reasoning, and as your nails are drying he "accidentally" cuts the thin cord holding the laces together with cuticle scissors
Needless to say that you are upset. Much more so than Vil ever could have predicted, and he watches in guilt as you try to salvage the laces with various knots
"I am sorry, my potato. Allow me to get you a new bracelet - "
"There is no new bracelet, Vil. This is from my home. I...I want to go home. This is all I have left and I need to fix it!"
It is not every day that Vil feels regret for his actions. He convinced himself that he was doing you a favor by getting rid of the old thing, but really? He was being selfish and ignored your feelings for what he wanted
He pushes that down, choosing not to acknowledge his fault and silently takes the broken bracelet. With a few strategic knots he has it stable, but it'll take some extra loving to fix properly.
"We can go out tomorrow to get some supplies. With a few beads, I am certain that these pieces could bind a lovely necklace together!"
He will have to be honest about breaking it on purpose, but for now Vil is happy that you have calmed down and are satisfied with his solution. Part of him wants to decipher what you said; however, he'll set that aside and take heed from his previous mistake. Something is keeping you tied to your home, and if he wants you to stay then he'll have to create a stronger bond for himself and this world first.
Idia Shroud
What does he always tell you?
No, not that there is always a catch with 'f2p' games. Well - yes, he does say that but right now we are talking about the other thing
That the outside world sucks??? Hello??? He is essentially a broken record, repeating this every time Ortho or yourself try to get him to leave his room
Everything you need for survival can be acquired from one space. Need money? Work remote. Food? Delivery. Entertainment? Does he need to even -
Look. The point is made. Back on topic, Idia has enforced this time and time again. Yet you always insist on dragging him somewhere or going out on your own if he refuses. More often the latter, because you need to find him in a very special mood for him to go out anywhere physically. When you weren't as close, he would let you go off easily. It isn't his job to babysit you? Now though? He is a bit more 'tricky' on the topic.
Idia thrives on your attention. Absolutely adores it. When the CCTV picks you up as you bypass the Ignihyde security, his heart throbs because he knows that you have no other buisness here other than coming to see him or Ortho. Yet...he has issues being honest about this. Normally he'll be freaking out like a normie in his room until you knock, and then he speedily throws on his headset and pretends that he was in the middle of programming something important
Then you do your thing and "annoy," him with your "normie" talk. Tell him all about your day, joke around, play some games, maybe sneak out and get him stuff from the vending machine so he doesn't have to
And then it ends. Either it's late and you have to go home, or you have other plans to attend. Either way, you always extend an invitation for him to join. Just to get some fresh night air or go have some quality people time
As stated prior, at first he did not care. He'd let you go without a peep. Now? He has...ugh, emotional attachments *barf*. He hates knowing that you're leaving him to go have fun with other people, and he also is extremely uncomfortable with you walking alone at night. Did you not learn from what happened to him? Are you asking for a ghost to kidnap and take you as their bride/groom? He won't save you, y'know. He won't!
Needless to say, he is hella paranoid. More so about the second scenario than the first, because at least with other people you're just doing boring things like shopping.
So, Idia does what any sane person in his situation would do...and stalks you by hacking into NRC's security cameras. Just until you're in you’re home, safe, and he can relax. His intentions are pure and you haven't noticed yet. Why stop?
It's odd that on the night Idia begins to think his protective tendencies are unnecessary, that his anxiousness is justified
"What the f*ck?" He nearly growls, seeing three figures lurking outside his dorm, just beyond the entrance. Obviously not any of his students and seemingly waiting for someone.
His suspicions are proven right when you walk out the front door and one of them steps in your way. Idia thanks his past self for investing in high resolution cameras for his dorm, because he's easily able to get a clear picture of their face.
Unfortunately, audio recording is unethical (curse you Crowley) and he can't hear a word that they're saying - but it doesn't look good. Not from how you shrink backwards towards the front door, looking frantically for a way out. Sweat dribbles down Idia's neck as he debates what to do. He's not built for confrontation? But he's dorm leader, so isn't stopping this kind of stuff his job? Okay, but you're not a student of Ignihyde. Shit, you're his "friend" though. If he leaves you alone then why did he bother with all this in the first -
One of the figures grabs you by the collar, and Idia is out the door faster than Grimm when there's a can of tuna on the line. His desk chair left spinning in his wake as he bolts down the halls of his dorm
"Now listen here you little shit-"
"How about you listen ya filthy noob. I will give you three seconds,"
Idia throws open the front door an immediately pries the newly noted Savanaclaw student off you. His hair blazing double it's normal height and dark red, fueled by rage akin to what only Kingdom Hearts can evict from people. His eye begins to twitch just from looking at their false confidence fall apart. Of course, normies are all talk and no act when shit gets rough. What else did he expect?
"We have no buisness with you, shut-in. Butt out,"
"Three seconds. Leave or I will activate our military grade security systems,"
"Dude, you think we care?"
"Fine! Whatever! Don't think you're off the hook, prefect"
The title is spit out like a curse, and Idia nearly calls his newest project to chase after them ('Cerberus' Robotic doggos meant to deliver mail, but have an attack function. Why not?)
By the time they’re gone, Idia's thoughts begin to settle and his sense of self returns. He's outside, in his casual clothes with no shoes, there's a slight chill, and he's gripping something - or rather someone - tightly.
"Ah! I'msorryIdidn'tmeantotouchyou," he jumps back, his hair turning bright pink and hands shaking from what he did
You cough into your fist, "No prob. You didn't have to do that...I know you hate confrontation," your voice comes out shaky, and Idia's brain halts, "You're crying," he whispers in disbelief.
"What? No. Pssh. You seriously think that could shake me up? Have you seen the stuff I deal with daily?"
He is not convinced. If it were anyone else, he would have left. He can't handle this kind of stressful situation...then again, he normally can't handle confrontation either, but he just did so…
He sighs, inching closer "What...what did they say to you?" he can try. He might regret it, but he hasn't been rational all night.
Your eyes glaze over, likely reliving whatever conversation just took place before your eyes well up, "I know it's not true. I know. I know I can fit in somehow but I just want to go home. It would be so much easier if I could just go home,"
The last of your words are muffled by your hands as you frantically try to compose yourself. Idia doesn't need to hear more. He's intuitive. From what you've said and the way that student spoke your title...he gets it. Which is why he leads you back inside, lets you sleep in his bed, and prepares a special little surprise for those students with the camera footage from earlier. He was planning to stay awake playing video games, why not use his time more ‘productively’?
Idia stands by his words - the outside world sucks. Yet you know what sucks more? Pissing him off, and making one of the only people he has *barf* emotional attachments to, feel the need to leave him and go to another world to feel safe. There is a reason he was placed in Ignihyde, and it wasn't his smarts or reclusiveness.
No. It was his temper.
Malleus Draconia
“Prefect. Does this belong to you?”
Malleus holds out a phone unlike any sold in Twisted Wonderland. At first he thought his technological illiteracy was why he couldn’t pin point the design, so he brought the phone to Ignihyde’s dorm leader. Not even Idia recognized the brand, but with a bit of tinkering he was able to get the phone charged and working (through methods Malleus could not begin to fathom).
The home screen brightened up and soon they found your name in the settings. Malleus was surprised, to say the least. He did not expect you to be the owner of such foreign technology, or for Idia to throw the phone as if it burned him. Something about being a ‘red flag’ and invading your privacy? Eh. Surely there is nothing too concerning inside an old phone.
To be safe, he withholds his curiosity in favor of returning the phone to you. He could not navigate it even if he wanted to, honestly.
He made the right call. The way your eyes sparkle with recognition at the device and take it gingerly from his hands. You twirl it around a few times in disbelief, earning a bemused chuckle from him.
“I found it near the ceremonial hall. Be careful with your belongings or else they may one day end up in the wrong hands,”
You smile brightly at him when the screen lights up, and throw your arms over his shoulders in a hug, “Thankyouthankyouthankyou! I can’t believe you found this for me! I was so worried I lost all my pictures and data,”
You startle him with the physical contact. He definitely did not picture your first hug to go this way. Although he quickly composes himself, returning the gesture albeit with less strength.
He grows curious, “Pictures? Data?” wondering if there really was something worth while in the phone. You pull him at arms length and giddily start tapping away at the screen, “yeah! Having this means I can should you all what my world looks like! Food, people, scenery - oh, I think I have some memes saved too,”
He refrains from asking what a ‘meme’ is, too caught up in trying to understand you. Sure, he expected you to be happy that he found your phone but to see this level of cuteness? Are you missing anything else that he can find?
You hastily show him your phone and begin to swipe through the “camera roll,” as you call it. Once in a while you stop to laugh, explain who a person is or what’s going in in a picture. He soaks it all in like a sponge, committing each face to memory since they’re important to you.
Time passes, and you begin to slow down. Occasionally you’ll stare at a photo longingly, or revisit others to zoom in on faces or pieces of the scenery.
“I wonder if they miss me,” you whisper, and he understands where your heart is. Painfully so.
He stares at your reflection in the phone, wondering how such joy can be turned to sorrow so quickly, “They would be fools not to. You are…unforgettable…to say the least,”
You nod, wiping away a stray tear, “I hope so. I want to go home, but the thought of them forgetting me? Or the people here doing the same…I wish that I didn’t have to choose,”
You will never be forgotten. Malleus can assure you that much. The nickname “Tsunotaro,” will forever haunt him (affectionately) for the rest of his life - and you? He will always care for you, no matter where you go.
He cannot make that choice for you or take away your suffering. Neither does he regret retuning the phone and digging up these old memories. It pains him to see you so heartbroken, but he knows you love that world just as much as this one.
You won’t have to choose. He will find a way to bridge both worlds if it means that you can be happy. Then you can take him to all the places in those pictures, introduce him to the people and things you love - and then? He isn’t quite sure, but it’s a start to a long road of ensuring that you never leave his side.
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twstgameplay · 2 years
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So for the NRC joint exams I wnated to ask if you could help me with my teams.Spells of SSRs are Lv.5 and Spells of Srs ans Rs are lv.1 except the healers and groom lilia 10/10,Silk Cater 5/10,Beans Vil10/10.Buddies of SSRs are lv 6-7 and buddies of Srs and Rs that are lv 40 or above are lv.6.I can always get an A in my exams and in the last NTC joint exam i got an A
Fire Basic
Dorm Epel (Healer, S ATK buddy with Vil, S HP Buddy with Vil and Rook) HW Vil (S ATK Buddy with Lilia) Lab Lilia (For HW Vil Duo) Halloween Silver (Healer) Dorm Rook Support (M HP Buddy with Epel, S ATK Buddy with Lilia)
3 duos on the team. Vil is your finisher
Water Defense
GM Idia (M HP Buddy with Lilia) GM Lilia (M ATK Buddy with Idia) Burst Gear Ortho (Healer, M HP buddy with Idia) Dorm Cater (M HP Buddy with Trey) Dorm Trey Support (M HP Buddy with Cater, S HP Buddy with GM Idia)
Use GM Idia M1 before his duo and use GM Lilia M1 to activate Idia’s duo
Flora Defense
HW Silver (Healer, M HP Buddy with Kalim) Birthday Boy Kalim (M HP Buddy with Vil, S ATK Buddy with Vil) Beans Floyd (Healer, ATK Buddy with Vil) Beans Vil (S HP Buddy with Floyd) HW Silver Support (Healer, M HP Buddy with Kalim)
Try to get Beans Floyd Heal on turn 1 or 2 and not use him until after he finishes healing
If you are not doing enough damage, use the both spells of the same HW Silver in one turn to boost the damage of both spells..
Try to end on Turn 5-1 with Bday Kalim M2 or Beans Vil M2.
Cosmic Basic
Robes Epel Dorm Leona (S ATK Buddy with Vil) Dorm Vil (M ATK Buddy with Epel) HW Silver (S ATK Buddy with Leona) Dorm Leona Support (S ATK Buddy with Vil)
4 duo team where every duo has their ATK buddy present
Omni Defense
GM idia (M HP Buddy with Lilia) GM Lilia (M ATK Buddy with Idia) HW Silver (Healer) Dorm Cater (M HP Buddy with Trey) Dorm Trey Support (Healer, M HP Buddy with Cater, S HP Buddy with GM Idia)
HW Silver is there as a healer and to balance out the elements on the team.
~ 👑
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