#flop wednesday
waitingforminjae · 1 year
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shdysders · 7 months
pairing: vada cavell & female reader
summary: in which vada makes an offensive comment about your appearance, knowing you already hated it.
word count: 2.7k
warnings: serious topics, body image, body shaming comment, alcohol poisoning.
author’s note: remember that words don’t define you, you’re beautiful just the way you are and do not need to change yourself.
the ending on this one is rushed, i’m sorry about that. also sorry if you guys don’t like this idea, it was just smth that popped into my mind.
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Shopping with Vada was absolutely pointless.
She would complain about everything and nothing. About her feet hurting, about how she didn't have enough money for new things, or how she found it completely unnecessary to buy clothes when she already had enough.
You had spent multiple times with Vada in countless malls, walking through different stores, listening to her complaining all the time, whining like a child and nag about it being boring.
This time you had suggested for Vada to bring Mia along, for company while you tried things on. You thought it would make things easier for you; not having to deal with your child like girlfriend.
However you were wrong.
You were at the local mall alongside Mia and Vada, shopping for dresses who would be appropriate for your birthday party. You were really excited; two people were there to help you pick.
Although they didn't help. They were too busy talking and gossiping about losers at school to even notice the dresses you were showing.
You could understand that this probably wasn't the most exciting thing to do, but you thought they would at least pay attention, considering Vada was your girlfriend, and Mia was one of your closest friends.
You had been gushing about this party for months, so you didn't understand why they were suddenly so uninterested.
"What about this one?" You spoke, trying to drown out their loud conversation with your own voice.
Vada didn't listen for one bit. She only turned her head when Mia did so, only because it ended their dialogue.
"That one's pretty." Mia said, adoring gaze scanning the dress.
The dress was black with floral design that covered the whole fabric. The fabric was lightweight and flowy. You felt pretty, it suited you very well.
"It's alright." Vada said not long after, her lips formed in a thin line, there was frustration in her voice, like she was mad at you for interrupting their talk.
This was the second dress you tried on and Vada was already bored and frustrated, you could tell. She wasn't exactly hiding it.
You decided it'd be for the better to just hurry up, even though that wasn't what you had planned. You didn't want to waste their time.
Nodding your head, taking their answers into consideration, before turning around to get into the next dress.
This one was your favorite.
Navy blue with an open back, glitter decorating the whole dress. It was tight, rather short as well, but you felt sophisticated in it. Pretty. Gorgeous in fact. Which was rare for you.
You smiled to yourself in the mirror, prepared for Vada and Mia to liking just as much as you.
However, when you pull the dressing room curtain to the side, they didn’t even bother to turn their heads to look at you. They were way too busy talking yet again.
They were laughing about something. And a strange feeling in you were saying that it was either about you or the dresses you were showing. 
You stood there dumbfounded for a minute, waiting for them to turn their attention to the clothing piece. But they didn't.
"Vada?" You called out, since her opinion was the one that really mattered. 
She still didn't turn her head, although you knew she heard you. You could tell by the way her head slightly turned, her eyes not leaving Mia as she talked. You couldn't even bother to listen to what they were saying.
Seconds later she put her hand up, signaling for you to wait for her to finish listening, and for Mia to stop talking. Which at this point, could take ages.
You were starting to grow tired of her ignorance. She always did this whenever Mia was around. Sometimes she would find subjects to talk about that you couldn't be included in on purpose, either that or you just couldn't relate.
Her name fell from your lips again, and this time her head snapped in your direction, nothing but exasperation painting her face. "What?"
The previous smile on your face fell once you heard the harsh tone in her voice. "Could you at least look at it?"
Vada's gaze was burning onto your skin, she was looking at you as if you just told her that she had to be quiet for the rest of the year.
You couldn't put a finger on the reason for why she had gotten this angry, she used to get like this, but when she did there would at least be some kind of motive for it. Now there wasn't.
It was like steam was coming out of her ears. All you did was ask her to look at the dress for like what? One second? And she looked furious.
Vada didn't know what had gotten into her either. She didn't like being interrupted, but when it was you, she didn't care. Now she did.
She cast a discerning gaze over the dress, her eyes revealing a clear hint of annoyance. "It makes you look big. I don't like it." She spat out before she could process her words.
The confidence in the dress was quickly drained away by Vada's comment. It was like a punch to the gut, a lump beginning to form in your throat.
You suddenly felt embarrassed, for even thinking she would like the dress in the first place. Of course she didn't like it. What did you except?
"Oh." You bit your lip, trying to the prevent the layer of tears from falling, which you felt was beginning to coat your irises. "Okay"
You didn't think twice before hurrying back to the dressing room, being quick to pull the curtain back so it covered you. Mumbles from Vada and Mia could be heard, but they were shut out as the ringing in your ears took over, quiet sobs falling from your mouth.
Checking the dress in the mirror one last time, you saw what Vada might've seen. Now all you could see was the body that you used to see back in sophomore year, back to when you used to stand in front of the mirror in tears and panic every day.
There was a few more dresses you had yet to try on, however, you had lost interest in pursuing that particular topic. All because of what Vada said.
You rushed yourself out of the dress, not standing the sight of it in the mirror.
And while you were about to get into your regular clothes, you heard Vada's voice right outside the changing room.
"Y/n, I'm sorry.. I didn't mean it." She sounded regretful. "You looked beautiful in it.. I don't know why I said that."
It was true. Vada had no clue why she said what she said and did what she did. She felt like she had absolute no control over what her mouth was doing. Like always. She always ended up saying something she didn't mean or stuff that was completely inappropriate.
She knew you'd had problems with confidence and self esteem before, which only made the guilt in her chest grow stronger and bigger.
You didn't care for Vada's attempt at solving the problem she caused. Instead you rapidly grabbed all of the dresses on their hangers and rushed out, not bothering to look at Vada's sad expression, filled with remorse and guilt.
You rushed past her, not even glancing at Mia who was standing further away, looking at you in the same way.
"Aren't you going to try the rest?" Vada rushed behind you, almost stepping on your heels for walking so closely behind.
"No." You answered harshly before the full question had time to exit her mouth.
She didn't ask why; because she knew the reason. The reason was her. And her too big of a mouth.
All of the dresses you were carrying were put onto the return racks before you walked out of the store.
You could feel Vada hot on your trails, Mia walking further away, surely not wanting to get into the middle of the situation.
"You should, they would all look pretty." She tried. But it was unclear if you heard her.
Vada's short legs couldn't keep up with your rapid speed, making her groan in frustration. You pushed through people, your only goal being to get out of the mall.
All you wanted to do was crawl into your bed and melt away.
Which was what you did.
The party was set two days later. Which felt sooner than expected.
You didn't want to have the party anymore.
That's why you had half a mind to just drink all of the punch and alcohol you had bought for the guests, and tell everyone the party was cancelled. Although it was too late for that.
You weren't sure if Vada was still coming, you hadn't contacted her ever since you left her a good night text the day of the mall 'accident'. She probably was coming though, she probably thought nothing of it.
However, it was everything Vada could think about. Her mind had been clouded by the look on your face when she told you that you looked big in that dress. Her words were echoing in her head.
She hadn't reached out to you because she thought it was for the best to give you space. Also because she didn't know what she would say. Of course she would pour out apologies and excuses, but she knew that wouldn't mean anything. But it hurt her to pieces knowing she had done something so incredibly wrong, to you of all people.
Which is why Vada was now placed on your living room couch, watching dozens of people dancing with drinks in their hands, scanning the people in case her eyes would get in contact with your figure.
She hadn't seen you all night, and it was starting to worry her. You used to run towards Vada the second you knew she arrived, now you hadn't.
The music was so loud the whole house was basically shaking of the vibrations from the speakers.
Vada was about to give up looking for you, when all of a sudden, she saw the top of your head not too far away from the dance floor.
She immediately forced herself up from her position on the couch, leaving her red solo cup in the living room table to approach you. Pushing through all the sweaty bodies on the dance floor to get to you.
You stood at the kitchen island with a beer in your hand, a big smile on your face as you spoke to one of your friends.
You hated beer. Vada knew that.
"Y/n?" Vada called out, almost screaming to be heard over the loud music and chattering.
Your head slowly turned to her, and just by looking at you for two seconds, she could tell you were drunk out of your mind.
Your eyes were almost bloodshot and glassy, your movements were unsteady and your face was flushed. "Hi Vada." And your breath reeked alcohol.
"Didn't think you were coming." You slurred, bringing the drink up to your mouth.
The girl who stood in front of you quickly slipped away from the two of you, joining the others on the dance floor.
As Vada's eyes scanned your figure, she could see you weren't wearing any of the dresses you tried on, the dress you were wearing was one of your old ones, it was loosely fitting so she couldn't see your figure that she admired. But it was her fault, she reminded herself.
"Don't you think you've had enough of those?" Vada asked, about to take the beer bottle out of your hand, but you moved it away so she was unable to.
"Probably" You laughed, putting your free hand on the table behind for support and prevent yourself from falling backwards. Taking another sip of the drink, your face scrunching up in disgust from the bitter taste.
This had been your plan for the whole night. Drinking more than you could handle, so you wouldn't feel like yourself.
You had spent the whole afternoon standing in front of the mirror, understanding what Vada had meant by the comment, understand that she was right. That's what you told yourself.
Vada hated seeing you like this. She was used to having to take care of you when you went to parties together, however she had never seen you this affected.
Hence to why she thought it was a good idea to bring you somewhere where you could be alone.
"Should we go outside?" Vada asked close to your ear, so she knew for certain that you heard.
You let out a scoff, "Why? So you could push me into the pool and tell me how big the big splash was?"
Vada flinched at your remark, and even though she knew the comeback was something you'd make without alcohol in your blood, she tried to tell herself it was just your fogged mind speaking.
She knew you wouldn't come with her just because she asked, you never did when drunk. Hence to why she grabbed your forearm with a firm grip, but not too hard for it to hurt you.
She pulled you through the dance floor, ignoring people cursing at her for pushing through them with her body. She walked you outside to the backyard, and luckily enough, nobody was there.
You didn't protest when she sat you down onto one of the pool chairs, mostly because you couldn't think straight and didn't know what was going on. Your head was spinning from all the punch and alcohol.
Vada sat down on the chair next to you, inspecting your features and how your lips were shaped like a frown.
She was completely aware that you probably wouldn't remember this tomorrow, but she felt like she had to apologize to you at that moment, even though she likely had to do it again when you were clear-headed.
"Y/n." Vada started, not knowing how to continue when your eyes met hers.
"Yes?" You replied quick, voice sounding even more slurry than before.
She let out a sigh, thinking how to form her apology without it sounding forced or sarcastic. "I-I'm so sorry for saying you looked big." She began, her voice feeling shaky; filled with regret from what she'd done.
You looked up at her, eyes sad and hollow with tears starting to form.
"I don't know why I said tha- I was so passionate about talking. I didn't even pay attention to you- You're the prettiest girl I know and I just-...I don't know why I said that." Vada rambled, her hands flying all over the place.
Normally you would smile at Vada's rambling, but now you didn't. And she noticed that.
She exhaled deeply before continuing, trying to think her words through even harder this time, since it clearly didn't work the first.
"I didn't mean what I said. And I'm sorry." Vada spoke up again, trying to sound calmer than she actually was.
You didn't answer, just staring back at her with your beautiful eyes. It was making Vada nervous, her hands starting to sweat. Were you about to break up with her? Oh god, if you did she would never forgive herself.
You licked your lips, looking like you were about to say something, and you did. "Why did you say it then?"
The question made Vada furrow her brows, didn't you listen to her rambling? Were you too drunk to even notice she had been talking this whole time?
"I don't know." Vada sighed, getting frustrated with herself for being such a blabbermouth.
She scooted herself to the edge of the beach bed, taking your hands in hers. Vada had never been great with the physical touch thing, she loved when you would take her hands or touch her face, but she felt like she did it awkward. She thought she made everything awkward.
"You looked great in that dress.. all of the other ones too.. I'll buy them all for you if you ever forgive me." Vada spoke softly, gently rubbing her thumb over your hand.
"Serious?" You grinned.
Vada nodded. "Promise." Putting up her pinky for you to link with.
"You're forgiven then." Your finger joined hers, solidifying the promise.
You knew you weren't sober or in the right mindset, but you did know that you did want those dresses.
Drunk or not.
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lachlanzeez · 2 years
being wednesdays sister and everybody falling for you pt1
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parts: [1] [2] [3] [4]
you and your sister wednesday had recently moved to a new school. A one for freaks
when you were being introduced to everybody in the courtyard you saw a lot of people looking at you instead of your sister, which weirded you out a lot.
bianca and xavier were still together in this and ajax and enid were just getting into a relationship. Rowan and kent were still single.
They couldn't stop looking at you, because you have long white hair and you looked so soft and gentle unlike wednesday.
so when xavier and bianca were walking around at night the came across you singing an old pirate song
hoist the colours
The king and his men stole the queen from her bed... and bound her in her bones
The seas be ours beyond the powers where we will we'll roam
Yo, ho, haul together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die
Some men have died And some are alive And others sail on the sea With the keys to the cage... And the Devil to pay We lay to Fiddler's Green!
The bell has been raised From it's watery grave... Do you hear it's sepulchral tone? We are a call to all Pay heed the squall And turn your sail toward home!
Yo, ho, all together Hoist the colours high Heave ho, thieves and beggars Never shall we die!
she sounded so angelic for a dark song. Her voice sounded like honey, and they way she danced while singing was magical. Thought xavier and bianca was staring at (name) like she and bianca were the only ones in the world, but xavier didn't mind, because (name) was an exception.
rowan saw xavier and bianca walking around so he was sneaking off to the nightshades library. Since he wasn't in them anymore he wasn't allowed in there. And if anybody caught him, he would be suspended and he doesn't want to spend his break with his unloving and uncaring mother and father. Until he heard singing, he went to investigate and saw (name) singing while dancing in the middle of the moonlight
she looked magnificent dancing in her white dress, her hair flowing with every jump.
you didn't know 3 people were watching you dance and sung last night.
you went out to jericho and went to weathervanes cafe. It sounded like a sweet place so you went in.
tyler was trying to work the coffee machine but the words were in latin so he didn't know what to do. Until a nevermores student came up to him asking if he wanted help.
he had never seen anybody with white hair but it was beautiful. He felt like he could stare into those y/e/c forever.
After the coffee machine was fixed by this beautiful looking girl, i gave her a hot chocolate on the house from helping me.
i hope to see her again thought tyler while he stared at her walking out and walking to a car.
enid and ajax were walking near the lake when they saw wednesday and her sister (name) shooting arrows on the target.
they watched (name) while she was getting her gloves on, she was wearing her beautiful white archery outfit with her arrows in the bag
she looked so magical, liked she came out of a fairytale and enid and ajax were head over heels, but what they didn't know was kent was swimming in the lake and was watching them stare at (name). He felt angry that they were trying to take her away, and how bianca and xavier were trying to take her away.
he was going to do something about it.
lachlan zeez
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disaster-top · 2 years
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look at this dramatic gayass
like dam you want wednesday to help you back up or smth?
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lgorstheme · 2 years
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cosmicalart · 5 months
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Welp, guess I'm posting it lol, Here is a sneak peek on the "Pub Scene" as I've been referring to it, for COARTREMIX. I'm hoping to have it done by Friday. Also the windows are supposed to look like stained glass and cross reeded so if anybody has any tips to make them look better then let me know cause I have no idea what I'm doing, though I still have a lot left to do so it might look vastly different when it's done.
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Tags under the cut
@valeffelees @cultofsappho @cutestkilla @hushed-chorus @c0nsumemy5oul
@thewholelemon @that-disabled-princess @coartremix @aristocratic-otter @artsyunderstudy
@kianlime @rimeswithpurple
edit: only half of these tags seem to be working so if you get a bunch of notifications while I try to figure out why I apologize.
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yangyangchuu · 2 years
a favorite tyler headcanon of mine:
- he's terrified to sit on any vehicle whenever wednesday is behind the driver's seat. (when he does get on the vehicle, the first things he does is secure his seatbelt, lock the door and grip the "oh shit" handle above said door before telling wednesday that he's good to go.)
tyler: [terrified] holY fUCK- SLOW DOWN—
wednesday: [raising an eyebrow] im barely stepping on the gas
tyler: how do you even reach the pedal— EYES ON THE ROAD WEDNESDAY OH MY GOD-
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frogisakai · 3 months
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father tell me, do we get what we deserve? - Chapter I: And I will be crying by the time you make it home (wip #1)
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wandasmaximofffs · 2 years
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TYLER GALPIN as PANTONE storm colors (insp)(template)
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riality-check · 1 year
Make me write!
Bringing this back because I'd love a lil bit of motivation, please and thanks!
Make a 24hr poll listing the titles of every WIP you want to work on. (It’s fine if you only have one, still make a poll for the vote count)
Tag anyone you think might also enjoy this game. (No pressure of course)
Whichever WIP title gets the most votes, write 1 sentence for every vote. If it gets more votes than your comfortable with, feel free to swap it to words.
If somehow that completes the fic or reaches the end of a chapter, move to the WIP with the second highest votes and continue where you left off on your sentence/word count. Repeat until you reach your goal.
(Optional) Share what you wrote in a new Tumblr post with a link to your original poll or attached it to a reblog.
No pressure tagging: @stevethehairington @thefreakandthehair @patchworkgargoyle @horsegirleddiemunson @fragilecapric0rnn @bayouteche @withacapitalp @strawberryspence @sidekick-hero @legitcookie and whoever else is looking for an excuse to make a post with a poll in it!
(obligatory "please reblog for sample size" request)
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waitingforminjae · 1 year
if i were to do a flop thursday then who should i listen to 🤔 *youtuber voice* let me know down in the comments below 😊👇
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lachlanzeez · 2 years
Instagram posts of the Wednesdays cast <33
Parts: [1] [2] [3]
Y/n is percy's s/o and is a little sister to hunter. Def in love with jenna, so with hunter it is all platonic because he has a husband!
girl in the photo of "y/n" is from pinterest, i do not own the picture
go follow their instgrams:
@jennaortega @percy @hunterdoohan @ememyers @joysunday @timburton @oliverdwatson @georgieebleu @riccigrams @calum___ross --------------------------------------------------
followers: 7.8 million
following: 367 hundred
posts: 34
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@y/nisjennaswife: My woman <33
liked by: 5.1 million
comments: 112k
@jennaortega: Love you xoxo
@y/nisjennaswife replied to @jennaortega: I love you too my woman xx
@percy: @jennaortega why you stealin my girlfriend?!
@jennaortega replied to @percy: shes mine now
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@y/nisjennaswife: My favourite people xox i love yous
liked by: 2.1 million
comments limited to friends only:
@jennaortega: love yous x
@ememyers: your my favourite too!!
@oliverdwatson: xoxo
@hunterdoohan: merry christmas everybody! and love you to y/n xxxx
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@y/nisjennaswife: NOOO HE STOLE MY WOMANN! HOW DARE YOU @hunterdoohan
liked by: 986k
comments: 354k
@jennaortega: i would never replace you my beautiful woman x
@hunterdoohan: Hahah i would never steal jenna from you, i love you more than her x
@jennaortega replied to @hunterdoohan: WHAT!
@percy: you still have me xoxo
@y/nisjennaswife replied to @percy: hmmm
@oliverdwatson: what the hell
@ememyers: Lovely picture
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@y/nisjennaswife: i love you @jennaortega but i definitely ship wenclair! @ememyers
liked by: 3.6 million
comments: 334k
@georgieebleu: YESSSS WENCLAIRR
@y/nisjennaswife replied to @georgieebleu: YESSSS
@Timburton: very wonderful actors, congrats on your emmy @y/nisjennaswife
@y/nisjennaswife replied to @timburton: Thanku tim!
@oliverdwatson: ship ship ship
@ememyers: haha thankyou y/n!
@jennaortega: xoxo
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@y/nisjennaswife: Good afternoon everybody!
likes by: 5.3 million
comments limited to only friends:
@jennaortega: afternoon my woman x
*liked by y/n*
@ememyers: pretty girll xx
@percy: my girlfriend is so bae
@y/nisjennaswife replied to @Percy: that's so cringey babe haha xoxo
@oliverdwatson: ima steal your girl @jennaortega and @percy
@georgieebleu: pretty and where did you get the shirt?
@joysunday: STUNNING
@hunterdoohan: go y/n, rocking that outfit!
@calum___ross: love the outfit y/n !
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@y/nisjennaswife: I had a wonderful year, meeting all these wonderful people and i wish we had more time in romania but it must have come to an end. I love all of you and thank you @timburton and @netflix !!
@georgieebleu @joysunday @jennaortega @percy @oliverdwatson @hunterdoohan @tim burton @ememyers @riccigrams
liked by: 7.4 million
comments: 2.1 million ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@jennaortega: love you y/n i really enjoyed our time together and hope to see eachother soon! xoxo
@georgieebleu: love you y/n!!!!
@oliverdwatson: had a great time with you too y/n i really hope we stay in touch with each other!
@joysunday: miss you already even though we called 10 mins ago !!
@percy: love you babe and really miss you guys even though we are going to see each other soon!
@riccigrams: awe y/n! i will miss you too! i hope you a great christmas holiday and stay in touch with me okay!
@y/nisjennaswife: replied to @riccigrams: will do ! xoxo
@hunterdoohan: love you y/n i have had a great year with you guys and will miss you a lot ! fielder said that he already missed you too!
@timburton: had a very lovely time working with all of you and had a great time, have a great christmas everybody!
hope you guys had a great christmas and got what ever you guys wanted! have a happy new years !!
-lachlan zeez
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As @realmermaid333 pointed out, AI art sucks, and we would much rather see stick figures made with love than AI generated art.
Which made me decide to introduce:
The Wyler stick figures challenge!!
Just make a Wyler fanart to the best of your abilities and post them on the #wylerstickfigures tag!
Btw, you can make the fanart as detailed as you would like! The point is not to make "bad art" the point is to make art regardless of the possible flaws of the outcome, because human made art is always intrinsically more valuable than computer generated one ❤️❤️❤️
Additionally: you would like to make art for another fandom/pairing but still want to join in on the fun? Tag your art #stickfigureschallenge
All Wyler and non-Wyler participants are welcome to tag @stickfigureschallenge to get their fanart reblogged!
If you intent to participate, please share this post to spread it around ❤️❤️
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kinuhanino · 2 years
Choose your wenclair
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stars-n-spice · 2 days
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Starburst + Chuseok/Hangawi!
Recently it was Korean Thanksgiving (추석/한가위) and so I thought it was the perfect excuse to draw the sillies in different hanboks because why not?
Next up we've got Wrecker and Khea (plus their adopted daughter, Itri)!
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All three are wearing traditional hanboks (한복). I should've drawn Itri with a gulle (굴레), a traditional hat worn by children 1-5, but I liked the idea of a little mariposa instead. Khea has a binyeo (비녀), a hairpin, in her hair and Itri's hair is tied with a daenggi (댕기), a ribbon.
Like with Hunter, Jung, and Omega's drawing, I think that this is also a photo that the Starburst family has up in their house. Khea is half Korean (like me!) and like with my family, she definitely has a photo of her and Wrecker in wedding hanboks (like my parents do) along with the one year photo of the kiddos in hanboks framed with messages from family and friends (like my siblings and I all do).
I have plans of possibly drawing the Nultez kiddos in hanboks for their one year old pictures, but we'll see-
Others to be posted throughout the week! Links shall be added once they're posted :)
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Hunter and Jung (plus Omega) // Echo and Viram // Tech and Phee // Crosshair and Tay'kaa
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If you're new to Khea; check out these links to learn more: 💫 Silly Squad Masterlist - more info on Khea and Wrecker 💫 Khea's Masterlist - more info on Khea
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