bluebunnyears-08 · 2 years
Hi, I really enjoyed your writing about Nine he is one of my favorite characters from sonic prime, Is it ok to request in any writings, What will happen before meeting Sonic, Nine meets and save Cosmo the seedrian from sonic x who is unconscious from the rough crash landing in her small ship and became his first person he bond to?
Just in case you don't know or watch the show, She is Tails love interest from the show but she is not the from sonic original universe but she still has the same personality but doesn't know who Sonic is like in the show.
I think Nine saves her instead of leaving her to be found by Chaos council's robot since she is not from this world and her unique appearance of being part plant makes him curious about her.
Also thumbs up for being a Madoka magical fan, I love that anime!👍
Hello @floette777! Thank you for reading my stories! It's absolutely ok to request any writing prompts <3
And I like the idea! I'll try my best with this, mainly because I've never really liked romance stories, and because I don't want to butcher Cosmo's character so it's going to be kinda short. Also, there is going to be a big friendzone considering Nine's bad social interactions and lack of social skills. That and I feel not every Tails has to be attracted to Cosmo. I love what I've seen of Cosmo so far, but I feel Nine would deem her as a friend for reasons obvious and recently stated.
So in other words, this story is basically a cute alien girl meets a socially awkward loner boi.
And yes, I LOVE Madoka Magica! Such a good anime, still waiting for the fourth movie to come out.
Nine didn't know how he got into this mess. First of all, it was just an ordinary day, he was minding his own business when a ship suddenly crashed into an area near him. He at first was shocked, until curiosity took over and he walked towards the crash site.
Imagine his surprise when he found an actual spaceship with some weird-looking girl. He tried to wake her up and ask her if she was ok, but she was out cold. With how hard the machine crashed, he wouldn't be surprised if she had a concussion.
He originally planned to leave her there, it wasn't his problem, but his conscience got to him and he ended up carefully carrying her to his lab. Besides, he was curious about what she was exactly because she definitely wasn't a mobian.
He'd need to run some tests.
He just let her rest in his bed while he worked on other things. He was alerted to her being up and about when his ears perked up to her climbing the ladder. He glanced over at her looking around curiously. Without turning around, Nine spoke, breaking the silence.
"How's your head?"
The girl, startled, whipped her head to him, surprise taking her face for a second before wariness took over.
"Oh...um...it-it's ok."
"Yeah? I wouldn't be surprised if it felt like hell. If you need an ice pack the fridge is over there."
The girl stood in place, not moving to receive the offered pack. Instead, she stood, keeping her distance, and merely stared at the unknown fox in front of her. Hearing this, Nine spun around and looked back at her.
"The name's Nine if that's what you're waiting for, I found you in some kind of ship and brought you back to my home to rest."
"O-oh, thank you, my name's Cosmo, it's very nice to meet you Nine.", the girl, Cosmo, responded giving a shy but polite smile. Nine merely gave a simple smirk and returned to his work.
"If you don't mind me asking, where am I?", her soft voice piped up.
Nine responded, too focused on his work to turn around.
"You're in the trashy land of New Yolk, home of oppression and misery. If I were you, I would've chosen somewhere else to crash."
"Oh, I actually don't know how I crashed. Everything's just blank in my head."
"Hmm. Interesting."
There was a more awkward silence.
"Thank you for helping me"
Nine merely hummed in response.
"What?", Nine turned.
"I really like your tails."
Nine's eyes widened, before regaining the usual neutral expression, his blue eyes gazing into the aliens'.
"Uh...yeah sure. You should probably get some rest, you might have a concussion."
"No! no, I-I really mean it. I think they're amazing."
Nine paused, studying her face for any insincerity, but he found none. He turned around, saying nothing but resuming his work. Cosmo continued to speak to him, asking him questions, answering questions he asked, and keeping the kit company.
Nine found he enjoyed her company, she was very kind and soft-spoken, unlike the loud and aggressive brutes he knew in New Yolk. He found he liked having a friend.
Although after days of her staying there, he found she acted more cautious than usual, and she seemed to stumble over her words, so he tried to remain non-threatening. He found her face would flush and get warmer, so he treated it as a cold, making sure she ate and rested, despite her gentle protests that she wasn't, only to stop and admit defeat when Nine asked what that reaction could be.
Nonetheless, he had a friend now, even if she did act quite weird sometimes. He acquired an ally, one he could call a companion. He had a bond with her thanks to the power of friendship!
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husbandograveyard · 4 years
Hi, thank you for being such a kind person in message!😊 May I get a headcanon with Luffy with a female Kuudere s/o? It's funny he be with someone who silent, rarely show any emotions and who seems like a cold person but she actually a sweet person by her actions. People who knows Luffy be very surprised that she is his s/o!🌸
Hiya!This was not an easy one to write, but an enjoyable one still! I hope I did your idea some justice~ I mixed the relationship headcanons in with some general headcanons about kuudere reader and the rest of the crew! I hope you like this!
Luffy with Kuudere s/o 
Female reader. Second  person. 
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Luffy attracts all personality types, it’s his superpower, more powerful than any attack he could ever come up with. 
Even you, who wasn’t necessarily interested in finding someone to spend your life with, were immediately interested and attracted to his carefree goofy attitude, mixed with his pure heart and strength. 
The crew was a little bit cynical about it: having someone on that didn’t really seem to care? Someone who is dry, sometimes even outright mean? But the captain is the one who decides, and Luffy saw right through all the tricks you used to keep people at a distance. 
Whenever Luffy introduces you to people as his girlfriend, he gets mixed reactions at best. How can someone so open, happy-go-lucky, and upbeat as him be dating someone as cold and silent as you?
What they don’t know is how you make sure that whenever Sanji isn’t around, Luffy still gets a steady supply of his favorite meat. 
That you help clean his clothes, explain things that he might not really get the first time, so he doesn’t have to be embarrassed about asking twice. 
Oh, and that you give the best hugs whenever it’s just the two of you. 
Slowly but surely, the crew notices all the little things you do, and although you don’t really warm up to them as you did to Luffy, your kinder gestures come out here and there. Like surprising Sanji with some prepped veggies so he can take some more time for himself, a new book you found on herbs for Chopper, some water on the bench when Zoro is training. 
The whole crew gets fiercely protective of you. Anyone who dares comment on how your ‘cold and bad attitude’ doesn’t fit in with the crew, can expect some backlash. 
Of course, there will still be people who are just not buying it and will plain out ask what you are doing with a crew like that, and on top of that, why a guy like Luffy is dating you of all people! Why would he want someone so emotionless by his side as he aims to become pirate king? 
“That’s cause you don’t get y/n like I do shishishi~”  Luffy will always loudly proclaim, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you closer to him (no matter how far you stand, hope you don’t mind flying a few meters) before placing a kiss on your cheek. 
Your expression doesn’t change. But you turn to him to return the gesture. Needless to say, many an enemy (and future nakama) gets confused by the dynamic. But that doesn’t matter. What is most important is that Luffy loves you for who you are, cold stares and all.
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tv-writes-ff · 5 years
Hi! I really enjoy your Hiei request you made for me! May I have B for Hiei with a female human s/o?. His s/o determine to get Hiei to sleep on her bed because she can't stand seeing him sleeping out of the cold raining night. Also it be funny and really cute if the flaming tsundere is secretly a big cuddler in his sleep! Hiei will kill anyone if they discover he a cuddle because of severe touch staves!😆
I won't lie, I squealed just a little when I read the cuteness of this ask. Writing the softer side of Hiei is always fun for me, so thank you for the ask! (Also, I clearly can't write a drabble so I'm sorry that this got a little long.)
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You tossed and turned in bed, sheets and blanket getting tangled around your legs, and then huffed out a sigh at the darkened ceiling. After laying on your back for a moment, you groaned and rolled over so that you were curled up on your side. No position felt comfortable. You couldn't get settled. It didn't matter how soft your bed was or how warm you were in your blanketed cocoon. Sleep was eluding you, constantly slipping away, and you let out another sound of frustration as you turned your head into your pillow.
"You should be sleeping." The sudden voice caused you to jump, but your body relaxed just as quickly as soon as your wide-awake mind registered who the voice belonged to.
"I can't." Your voice was muffled by your pillow, and you turned so that just your cheek was pressed against the edge of the pillow. Your eyes had adjusted slightly to the darkness of your room, so you could see the silhouette in your window. The shining moonlight helped to highlight him as well, and you felt yourself smiling despite your current agitation with your present visitor. When he remained silent, you flopped over onto your back and then kicked the sheets down so that you could feel the cool air. "It's your fault that I can't sleep, Hiei."
"I have done nothing to interrupt your inferior sleep schedule," Hiei was quick to disagree. The urge to defend your perfectly normal sleep schedule was right on the tip of your tongue, but you bit it back. Hiei would probably never understand why humans required sleep every single night, just like you would never truly understand how demons could go days and even weeks without sleeping.
"I can't sleep while thinking about you sleeping outside in a tree. It's going to rain tonight too. How can I sleep comfortably when I know that you'll be getting rained on while laying on a branch? What if you fall off? What if you get a cold? What if you get struck by lightning?" Words and questions tripped from your lips as your mind started to race, and you realized that at some point you had sat straight up and started to nervously twist your hands together.
"You worry too much." When you looked away from your knotted hands and over at the window, you saw Hiei preparing to leave. Body turned outwards, one hand on the window, and eyes forward. So you said the first thing that came to mind.
"I worry because I care about you." Your words were quiet but effective; Hiei held his position but turned to look at you, and you followed your instinct and extended your arm out towards him. "Stay? Just for tonight? So that I know you're safe?"
What you had with Hiei was still new. It'd taken a year before you became friends and then several tension filled months before becoming something more, so speaking to him like this was new. Just like the subtle softening of his face as he slipped off of the windowsill and walked towards you. The hand that held onto yours was becoming familiar though, and you smiled as Hiei let you pull him towards the bed. He stopped before touching the mattress and lowered your hand to the mattress after briefly squeezing your fingers, and you looked up at him with curious eyes. When he started to remove his sword and then his large black cloak, you looked away and scooted to the far edge of the bed. Your hands were steady despite your rapid heartbeat as you pulled the sheets up and straightened them out, and you were sure that you were blushing as you looked over at Hiei again. He was pulling off his boot, the second one, and you listened to the quiet thud of leather and steel hitting your floor.
"Only tonight," Hiei told you as he sat on the edge of the bed. You watched as Hiei's back and shoulders moved under his thin shirt as he took in a full breath, and then he was lying down next to your upright form. He was on his back, one arm behind his head and the other over his stomach, and he was looking up at you expectantly. Right! You slowly inched down until you were lying down on your side next to him, and you pulled the sheets up around you.
"Blanket?" you asked around a yawn. Hiei shook his head, which didn't surprise you. It wasn't cold in your room, even with the window still open, and you wrapped your sheets around your body as you curled up next to Hiei.
The relationship was still new, and you had both decided to take things slow. Hiei sharing your bed tonight was only about comfort, and to ease your worried mind. So you didn't ask to cuddle or even for a goodnight kiss. The two of you would get there, in time. Just lying next to Hiei and feeling the heat he put off was enough for you, mostly because you knew he wasn't sleeping outside in the open. Before long, you could feel your mind starting to quiet as your body began to melt into the mattress. It wouldn't be long before you were asleep, and you managed to whisper out a goodnight before finally giving in.
The next morning came way too early, and you were woken up by the incessant chirping of the birds that were nested in the tree next to your window. You normally couldn't hear them so loudly, which meant that your window had to be open. As your mind slowly began to regain more consciousness, you could feel the weight of humid air and smell rain. It had rained the night before, leaving your room smelling like wet grass and fresh flowers. It wasn't a bad way to wake up, and you started to raise your arms to stretch but was immediately stopped by-oh.
Your eyes blinked open as you remembered Hiei coming into your room and then you asking him to stay, and all you could see was soft light blue. Hiei's shirt. Your face was practically buried in his chest, and you couldn't move your arms because Hiei was holding onto you. You thought you were still on your side of the bed, so Hiei must have moved over in the night and gathered you into his arms. He was warm and solid against you, and you tucked your smile against his shoulder as you felt his hands flexing against your back. You were sure he'd be embarrassed after waking up to realize that he had sought out cuddles in his sleep and would possibly disappear, so you closed your eyes and enjoyed the closeness while it lasted.
An hour later, after Hiei had woken up and blushed a bright red before disappearing, you stretched out on your bed and started thinking of ways to get Hiei to cuddle you again.
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ohmykhr · 4 years
Sorry about that didn't know the oc rule.😅 May I have Bel with dating a s/o who a Waitress for Takesushi and to beg him to meet her brother so her big brother stop worrying about her. Only reveal her big brother is Gokudera.
Thanks for asking and sorry for the wait! I hope you like these headcanons.
It would take a while before Bel would be ready to meet the members of her family despite her probably having met Varia already. After his s/o asks him several times to at least meet her brother, Bel finally agrees but only for a brief meeting. He knows he is a good boyfriend and she is safe with him and if it makes his s/o happy to prove that to her brother, he will do so.
Gokudera would not be delighted when he finds out who his sister is dating and would probably be slightly against the whole relationship for a while and who can blame him? He only knows Bel from work and knows him as a member of Varia, the independent assassination squad, he hasn’t seen the more private side of Bel which he doesn’t show to everyone. He’s not an asshole though and sees how happy his sister is dating Bel, so he would silently observe whether or not Bel is treating his sister right.
Bel would find the whole situation amusing if anything and would do his best to get under Gokudera’s skin and tease him about it. He probably would’ve had a hunch they were related because Bel most likely would do a background check on his s/o - one can never be too safe when you are a prince and part of mafia. 
It will take Gokudera some time to get used to the fact that it’s highly possible for Bel to become a part of his family in the future in case they never break up. Eventually he will begin to see the different sides of Bel too and realizes that he isn’t as bad as he initially thought he would be. 
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thetitandiaries · 5 years
Hi, May I please have a Levi meeting his future s/o who is wild and inhumanity strong. They heard from others that there a girl wearing leaf like clothing kill a titan without 3d gears by strength. She also had no human contact when she a child so she try to snap at them like a wild animal with her sharp teeth and claws. It be funny how much a pain she is for Levi and the others for trying to capture and trolling by throw a mud at Levi. I hope its not too much.
I’m gonna do these as headcanons. Hope that’s all right. :) 
* No one believed what they were seeing, least of all Levi. Some crazy human-like female took down a titan bare-handed like it was the most normal thing in the world. It was hard to tell what she looked like, all caked with filth and snarling at them all like they were enemies. Levi wasn’t gonna get anywhere near her, he sent Hange to subdue her and try to communicate with her.
* She may not have spoken the language, but she was smart enough to figure out that Levi was in charge. Every time he got anywhere near her, she threw filth at him. To his horror she was very accurate. 
* Levi knew that she had no place being dragged along with the Survey Corps. He arranged to have her sent to be cared for by some of Hange’s colleagues. There, she was taught to talk. After years of slowly acclimating to being around other humans, she decided to enter the military to put her titan killing skills to good use.
* It was nearly ten years before Levi ever saw her again. When he did, he had no idea who she was. To him, she was just another recruit fresh out of training and in need of his guidance to fit in with the rest of his squad. He didn’t fail to notice how beautiful she was though.
* When she told him who she was, he was shocked. So shocked that he physically flinched – a leftover reaction from her feral days of flinging shit at him. But, they got to know each other through conversations and just being in close proximity. Killing titans together made them even closer. Falling in love wasn’t part of the plan for either of them, but it was a welcome thing in the end. 
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anonymousthe1st · 5 years
I really like your random headcanon with Bel. I can never get enough of our favorite prince!😁 I wish we know more about Bel in his childhood and what his parents like. I feel like his parents are not good parents that neglected him in favor Rasiel more since he say he better of him in everything and going to be the next king. Some Royalty does do that to there other child treating them like there not worth their love for not be better then their sibling in stories. I feel sad for Bel.😞
Thank you! 3
Hahaha I was actually talking about Bel’s parents recently. I really want to know how they raised Bel and Jill, too. How did these two end up with such bloodlust, you know what i mean? Normally, if you take a normal child and let them have everything they want (because they’re royalty), but neglect them otherwise, they’ll end up as a super spoiled brat with many many issues. Where did Bel’s (and probably Jill’s) insanity come from, is what I’m asking. I’m thinking they (the parents) were probably absent from Bel’s life most of the time. I mean, they let their children play with knives, and Bel doesn’t seem to regret killing them one bit, so they probably weren’t very close. I wouldn’t feel so sad for Bel, he probably didn’t care for their presence :P
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khrscenarios · 5 years
Happy fanfic writer appreciation day!🎉💖💗💐💝💖🎊
Awww thank you so much!! I always appreciate your support
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terrablaze514 · 5 years
Discord Inspired Post ²
Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine. This is made for fun... And release.
*****Gundam Wing fandom. Secret Magic spinoff. Contains bits of angst and yaoi, including strong hints of trauma. Mature audiences only.*****
"Yo Wufei, do me a favour."
"What is it?"
The American dropped his pants to the floor. Wufei's jaw dropped. "How'd you wear nothing underneath?"
Duo had an incentive of his own.
"Shave me, and while you're at it, I want it shaped like a scythe!"
"You've made me sketch you naked last time. Pleeeeeeease?"
Wufei rolled his eyes. "Do we have to do this?"
"Do you love me?"
"Of course I do! I'm just afraid of hurting you."
"Y'know what? I know something that'll help." Duo pulled his pants up and buckled while Wufei cocked an eyebrow. This loquacious imp is onto something; he silently prayed it wasn't the outrageous kind.
His thoughts vanished when his lover grabbed his hand. "We're off to the library. C'mon!"
"This is what you're referencing?"
"Uh-huh! They've got skills. You should try it sometime."
"I don't know."
Wufei placed the book back on its shelf.
"It's not that I'm afraid of nicking you by accident, Duo. Blades have this... Effect on me."
His lover's cheerful gaze faltered. "What? What exactly do you mean?" Duo wasn't sure where Wufei was going with this, but his lack of enthusiasm for the library trip and mini striptease set off alarm bells. He seemed rather distant since finals came to an end, and his efforts to lighten things up were failing. He knelt down to Wufei's level and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
A tear fell from his eye. "S-sorry! I can't fulfill your wishes, Duo."
The Chinese man dashed- only to be captured in Duo's arms.
"It's okay if you don't feel comfortable."
"Don't say that!"
Now the tears fell as he hid his face. Sobs shook his frame as Duo held him tighter. "What's wrong, 'Fei?"
"He- he used to t-tell me the s-same thing. I couldn't stand it. Made me- made me- with that razor..."
Duo's eyes lit up as the puzzle pieces came together. "Hush babe. It's okay. You're safe with me, and I don't want you to forget that."
I don't know who's a fan of 2x5x2 and it's way past my bedtime...
@floette777 @negasonic-t-warhead @seitou @crazyvoicesinmyheadscreaming @cynfinnegan @craftssakura @arubees @spartangurl22 @offspringchick29 @vegalume @no-skiing-corncob @when-the-lights-are-down @strea-ultimea @universeof4gods @writewithlight @saviorsong @merylmaddy89 @fairyplisetsky @chemicalcrush @deejayers @downwarddnaspiral @disturbed02girl @shinigami-of-excellence @mikkymi @scrawlandspirits @fadedsepiascribbles @hillofwater @likemelodyandharmonyinlove @angryfemaledog13 @noctavale @janaverse @donghaesi @jester-knyght @kirinjaegeste @laser-space-cat @blacknekojess @deathscythehell @universal-ren-kin @tyasante @impurefunction @darkmaster07 @lessy86 @cooking-725 @doctormegalomania @lemontrash @mskirara @monochrome-pineapple
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imaginesnkdorks · 5 years
floette777  replied to your post “I really love writing. I do, it’s why I’m...”
Aww, you don't need to apologize for that. It's important to do it when you feel like it. It be worst if you force yourself to do it may ruin your fun to write stuff. Just take your time, we'll understand.☺
Thank you, this means a lot to me
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I got you captain *Transforms you back and ties Floette777 up tightly and takes them away* So Sorry about all this *Closed the door*
Thank the fucking lord, much appreciated anon.
*Now sitting in S' lap awkwardly*
Wait wha- ~Shewolf
Don't even question it dork.
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
I love the yandere gaara you did for me! May I have a one with Walker Yumasaki from Durarara with a S/o who voice one of the most popular anime girl in japan in secret. The reason she want to be kept secret is she worry about getting unwanted attention from others. Suck for her that Walker and Erika being a major Otaku easy recognize there favorite anime characters voice.🌸
I’m not really familiar with Walker, tbh, so I’m just gonna stick to what Wikipedia says about his personality. Also, I changed the prompt a little.
If you like my writing, please support me on ko-fi!
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Yandere! Walker Yumasaki x Voice Actor! Reader
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Depending on how hectic your schedule was you probably stumbled upon Walker on the street. Being a passionate otaku, he would instantly recognize your voice regardless of how soft – to the point of almost inaudible – it sounded, especially if you had done many interviews before. However, he understood and acknowledged your efforts to conceal yourself from the public’s eye. Your job might not gain you much fame as an idol or celebrity did, but it had its risks too. Besides, it gave him a certain pride in being able to meet you in person before anyone else could.
He would introduce you to Erika and both of them would gush about how talented you were, how convincing your voice was, how heart-wrenching your cries were, etc. The compliments, although flattering, overwhelmed you. Worry not, Walker would certainly notice it and try to diffuse the situation. Erika was somewhat surprised to see him being so concerned about your condition, but the change was more than welcomed. At least, he wouldn’t be very despondent the next time she went away.
Just because he joined the Blue Scarf gang, didn’t mean he was one hundred percent a nice guy. Keep in mind that this guy used to be a famous serial killer. He had instilled terror in the hearts of people and murdered them before Kadota ‘saved’ him. Walker was a dangerous yandere: sadistic, possessive, obsessive, and delusional. Sadistic because he wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone that dared to harm you, either by burning them or torturing them using the manga they had chosen beforehand. Possessive because he would text you at all times and wouldn’t let any guy get so close to you, except his friends. Nevertheless, he had warned them that you belonged to him and trusted they wouldn’t do anything ‘funny’. Obsessive because he liked to stalk you if Erika wasn’t around to accompany him, including watching every anime you were featured in regardless of the genre. And delusional because he liked to imagine himself as your boyfriend despite you considered him otherwise. He and Erika had stated it themselves that they could no longer differentiate between a fictional and real world, and that meant he wouldn’t care about your opinion in the slightest.
If you misbehaved, Walker would have no qualm to threaten you the same way he threatened those potential ‘suitors’. And if you remained stubborn, he would mercilessly and easily enact his threats. Rosy fantasies prevented him from seeing the fault of his actions, and there was no doubt he wouldn’t feel too guilty about it. In fact, I think he would justify it by saying he was simply being a ‘caring’ boyfriend. Walker already stained his hands before, what was the harm in spilling another drop of blood? Kadota wouldn’t approve his actions, but ever since that incident, you had become his priority. He still loved about his friends, though not as much as he was to you.
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tv-writes-ff · 5 years
Hi , I really enjoy reading your YYH headcanons it's fun to read! May I have E for Hiei with a female Human/Angel S/O? 🌸
I'm glad you like my headcanons! I usually get carried away with them, so I'm happy to hear that you still enjoy them! Thank you so much for the ask and I hope you like these rambling headcanons 😊
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The first time Hiei saw you, he barely registered your presence before shifting his focus. A group of demons had crossed into the Human World with the intent of harming humans, and it was his responsibility to hunt them down. The leader was to be taken back to Mukuro, but the others didn't have to be recovered. Hiei's focus was on that task, not on Botan and that oaf Kuwabara talking to someone that he could clearly sense was human.
During the ensuing fight, Hiei was completely stunned watching you fight. Not that fight was the right word for your skills. Hiei stood above the group of demons that surrounded you and prepared to jump in, but he was stopped by a brilliant white light. The demons that had been circling around you were purified in an instant, and it took Hiei a moment before he could move on. He spent that moment just looking down at you, at the way that light seemed to sink back into you and left a slight shine on your skin.
After that easily taken care of mission, Hiei started to notice you more and more during his visits to Human World. You were already friends with the other former Spirit Detectives, and he learned from Yukina that you frequently visited the temple. Along with Yukina, you used your wholly human abilities to heal and only used your purification power on evil souls.
It was months before Hiei ever said one word to you, even though you were always courteous to him when your paths crossed. It was after you had asked him how he was, something that you always asked when you saw him, and he actually answered instead of giving his usual grunted answer. Your answering smile was instant and caused him to quickly look away, but he didn't protest or leave when you started talking about your day helping Yukina around the temple.
Months passed as Hiei started to talk more, but he rarely looked directly at you when the two of you talked. He only looked at you from a distance, when your focus was on something or someone else. Hiei had always thought of humans as loud and graceless creatures, but you were an exception. Your voice was soft but easily captured his attention, and he sometimes lost track of time as he watched your hands move while preparing tea or the way your arms swayed as you used your whole body while explaining something.
The first time you reached out to hold Hiei's hand, he froze and then disappeared.
A week later, Hiei returned to the temple at night and appeared next to you as you sat outside on the temple steps. When you started to speak, Hiei shook his head to quieten you and then extended his arm out towards you. He didn't touch you, just waited for you to raise your arm as well. When your hands were nearly touching, palms so close that you could feel the warmth of each other, Hiei finally met your eyes. He didn't look away as your hands touched, palms sliding together as your fingers locked, and he soon became focused on the way your skin felt against his. Cool against his heat and soft, so much softer than hands that had been wielding a sword for so many years, and his other hand raised so that he could carefully touch the back of your hand. Callused fingers traced over faint veins and across the bumps of your knuckles, and Hiei realized then that he didn't want to leave you but kept the thoughts to himself.
When you confess your feelings to him, Hiei's first thought is disbelief. He's never entertained the idea of romance or of having a partner, and he doesn't understand why you would choose him. You are like silk against his rough edges, he is the darkened shadows next to your brilliant light, but he can't refuse you. Hiei spent so many years just surviving, and he doesn't want to deny himself this time. Doesn't want to deny himself of standing in your light and feeling your softness.
Years later, whenever Hiei reaches out to you and you fall softly against him, he closes his eyes and still sees the light that always makes his hands shake. Because he is the only one that is allowed to touch that light, and he lives for all of the moments where you chase away his darkness so that it's just the two of you.
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ohmykhr · 5 years
Hi it's me again, May I have Rasiel kidnap Bel's S/O and insult Bel for falling in love with a peasent? I also headcanon Rasiel bully Bel by taking things that Bel really likes to make it his own since the future king can get anything he want.⭐
Hello, thank you for requesting! This will be a bit of mismatch headcanons about this, since there are two topics to focus on. Hope you enjoy!
The kidnapping alone would make Bel’s blood boil, but when he finds out it’s Rasiel who is behind it, he is ready for homicide. At that point Bel wouldn’t care what Rasiel has to say to him or what insults sprout out of his mouth. All he knows is that his rotten twin kidnapped his partner and could’ve possibly put them in danger. It won’t be a pretty situation.
Rasiel’s words wouldn’t have a lot of impact in Bel anyway because he isn’t ashamed of being in love or choosing his s/o no matter what their background is. Bel would see it as a win that he has someone who loves him and cares about him and he feels the exact same way about them as well. He has someone to go home to, Rasiel has no one.
When they were kids, the twins rarely had items to call their own. All of their clothes were the same and on birthdays they got the same toys as gifts. They had nothing that truly belonged to only one of them, which was probably one of the reasons that lead them to hate each other - they weren’t seen as separate people or individuals, but were always lumped together.
Even though they didn’t have toys that were specifically for one of them, they did get into fights about toys, especially when one of them would ‘’accidentally’’ hide or break the other one’s things. They also refused to enjoy the same toys. If Rasiel liked the same toy that Bel did, Bel would suddenly claim it was the worst toy ever and refuse to play with it.
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ohmykhr · 5 years
Hi, May I have Bel with a super physically strong S/o who doesn't look musclely? Like she so strong she can easy punch a hold on a brick and iron walls, she also can easily lift Xanxus and the chair with one hand (With his lazy behind he might take advantage of that.) She also like to hold Belphegor like a bride playfully saying "Why not hold my prince like that, Why should it be only for princess?". 😂
Thank you for requesting, here are some headcanons for this! Hope you enjoy.
Though Bel is plenty strong himself, his partner’s strength does impress him, especially when it seems to come so effortlessly from her. He admires her a lot for it and is curious how she obtained such strength without showing muscle, but concludes she must have a boost from her flames to help her. 
His favorite thing is to dare people to arm wrestle with her because most people tend to underestimate her and her strength and when she defeats them, they are embarrassed and impressed at the same time. Definitely the type of guy to boast about his partner to others and be proud of her, saying ‘’that’s my s/o’’ with so much pride and affection when she is fighting with someone or showing off her strength.
Being the chaotic bunch they are, Varia has more than once tried to see how many people she could carry at once, which has lead to quite tall human towers that have eventually fallen down. 
Bel isn’t too fond of being carried around, especially if other people are around. However, sometimes when he is acting...difficult, his partner might lift him over her shoulder and carry him away. This doesn’t necessarily make the situation easier or better, though.
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ohmykhr · 5 years
I'm sorry I didn't ask any ship of canon characters , I'm not really a shipper type. But I can ask for a headcanon. How about a headcanon when the Varia have to tell Bel about the birds and bees?😖
That’s alright, I love writing friendship headcanons as well! Thanks for requesting.
Bel is around 10-12 years old when Varia decides it’s safe to tell him about the birds and bees. The only problem? No one volunteers to do it. They decide on the person by playing rock-paper-scissors and Squalo ends up losing the game.
What they didn’t think of was that Bel is a genius and always seeking answers to questions he may have - the resourceful storm guardian had learned about those things long before Varia thought about telling him. Academically, Bel is ahead of his age and learned about the birds and bees earlier than kids his age usually do, because he is a quick learner.
Naturally, Bel is in his room playing video games and snacking when Squalo approaches the boy, looking extremely uncomfortable and awkward. Bel, of course, is intrigued - there’s a chance he can make a fool out of Squalo.
It would take Squalo some time, but he finally tells Bel that they have to talk about the birds and the bees, to which Bel replies with ‘’Alright, what do you want to know?’’
That’s when Squalo realizes that Bel probably already knows everything he needs to know and is just messing with him. Squalo feels humiliated and Bel gets a good laugh about it for the rest of the day.
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tv-writes-ff · 5 years
Who would you kiss, marry , and kill? Mukuro , Touya, kuwabara? You think I will choose the main three popular YYH characters, Think again~😄 Even tho Kuwabara deserve more love , He's a cool dude.🐨
I love the more popular characters, of course, but I also absolutely love the smaller side characters. I mean, Koto is my favorite YYH character so that should tell you something about my character preferences. So this is really difficult! I think I've got it figured out though, and thank you so much for the ask! Since you're always so nice and supportive, I'm going to add little scenes to go with the answers 💙💙💙
Kill - Touya?
I see Touya standing there, away from the others, and I know the time has come. I charge at him, full speed ahead with a loud war cry, and slip on a patch of ice. I go down, head cracking against the ice, and wake up several minutes later to Touya looking down at me in concern. The murderous thoughts have been literally knocked from my head, because who would ever want to kill Touya? He's such a precious ice baby and should be protected at all costs. I pat his cheek and inform him that I would never kill him.
Kiss - Mukuro.
Everyone is enjoying the party, the celebration of another successful Demon World Tournament, and I can't look away from Mukuro. After sneaking a few drinks from Chu's jug of Ogre Killer, I approach the quietly laughing Mukuro and clear my throat to get her attention away from the others standing around her. Then, with the power of liquid courage backing me up, I dart forward and press a quick kiss to her cheek before running away to the sound of raucous laughter.
Marry - Kuwabara!
The day has finally arrived. I am standing in front of the partner of my dreams, surrounded by our friends and family, and I can't stop smiling. I cry as we say our vows and my hands shake as we exchange rings, and I literally jump into the air to seal the ceremony with a kiss. Kuwabara is everything I have ever wanted; strong and gentle, honest and kind, and so very tall. He is the person I want to spend the rest of my life with and no one else could ever compare.
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