#flirts com reviews
reviewflirt · 2 months
Flirt.com Reviews – Deleting a profile – Bots
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flirtcom · 3 months
#1 Flirt.com scam 
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flirtreview · 1 month
Flirts com reviews – Remove Profitl – Bots
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shstarthighgateway · 1 month
Flirts com reviews 2024 – Is It Legit Website
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flirtscomscam · 3 months
Flirts.com reviews: Is It Worth the Hype
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agentnico · 4 months
Hit Man (2024) review
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Is it too late to start a campaign for Glen Powell to be cast in Knives Out 3? Think he’d fit right into Rian Johnson’s world of suspects. Also I’d just love to see Powell riff off Daniel Craig’s Benoit Blanc. Then again I’d watch anyone riff off Benoit Blanc. Gosh I love those Knives Out films - can’t wait for the next one.
Plot: Gary Johnson is the most sought-after professional killer in New Orleans. To his clients, he is like something out of a movie: the mysterious gun for hire. But if you pay him to rub out a cheating spouse or an abusive boss, you'd better watch out, he works for the cops. When he breaks protocol to help a desperate woman trying to flee an abusive husband, he finds himself becoming one of his false personas, falling for the woman and flirting with becoming a criminal.
The ever so reliable Richard Linklater has up-kept such a varied filmography, but one of which all the films have a certain vibe to them. They are all ��chill” movies. Even his more daring out-there projects like the sci-fi thriller adaptation of Philip K. Dick’s novel A Scanner Darkly in the hands of another director would have been this sprawling cyberpunk noir epic on the scale of Blade Runner, however Linklater’s take holds this passive coolness about it, that only a Linklater such as himself can do. With his new film Hit Man, he’s following up his interest in picking out random crazy true stories from newspaper articles (as he previously did with Bernie, the 2011 Jack Black dark comedy that is a fine watch, but features arguably the worst movie poster in film history), and this movie has had one hell of a ride through the film festival circuit last year. Rave review after rave review painting this to be the best rom-com of the last century. Of course the last thing I’d expect is for something to be overrated, cause I mean that never happens, so naturally I prepared for the second coming of Christ as this film released on Netflix this week.
Hit Man is a perfectly fun Richard Linklater film, with a simple yet quirky story that is filled with enough twists and turns on the way, fantastic chemistry from its two main stars and yet again that signature chill hang-out feel the director is known for. Naturally going to give this movie credit where credit is due, it has already begun an online trend amongst folks on Letterboxd leaving one-liner reviews saying “it’s a hit, man!”, so now just wondering how long it will take for that joke to get old. Clue: it already was. However as for it being the best romantic comedy ever, it is far from it. Again, it’s a good time, but the movie relies most sorely on its superstar central performance.
Glen Powell truly exemplifies as Gary Johnson. To be fair, this role is a dream for any actor, allowing them to stretch their skills to take on multiple different personas, such like James McAvoy in Split or on a smaller scale Tom Hardy in Legend. And so a major entertainment factor throughout the first half of the movie was seeing Powell take on the different eccentric disguises, whether it be a stone cold generic hit man with a focus on attitude and professionalism (I’m assuming this was inspired somewhat by Alain Delon’s steely-eyed loner in 1967’s Le Samouraï); to a soft spoken Englishman dressed in 70s yellow, holding them oh-so eloquently as if he’s just walked off the set of a Wes Anderson production; to wading through the New Orleans heat while wrapped in black leather, the stub of a cigar poking through his stringy black hair, adopting a strong Eastern European accent to growl out his responses, very reminiscent of the stoic Russian stereotype from action flicks. It’s all fun and games and Glen Powell truly steps up to the task. To be fair to him the guy has been solid since I’ve first seen him back in Linklater’s other movie Everybody Wants Some!!, and since then it’s hard to overlook the guy’s natural charm and charisma. Even if he does look a little like a capybara - once again thank you to the lovely world of the internet for enlightening me with that comparison that now I can’t take out of my head. As for Powell’s counterpart, Adria Arjona is perfectly fine as the love interest, however he chemistry with Powell is off the charts. The two seem so natural riffing off one another that I found them much more believable to whatever Powell and Sydney Sweeney were up to last year (off or on camera that is).
The film does suffer from some pacing issues, especially to the middle when it lingers a little too long on the rom-com cliches, so much so that it slows down the film to a halt and I’m like I get it, you love each other, you’ve consummated this point a gazillion times already, so get on with it! But then it does get going again, and I really enjoyed Austin Amelio (Dwight from The Walking Dead) playing, essentially, the dick of the rom-com genre. You know the guy who always gets in the way of the couple and tries to screw things over. It helps that Amelio has a really punchable face, so he fit the bill. I also appreciated the infusion of philosophical insights during Gary’s teaching classes that provided an unexpected layer of intellect, elevating the overall experience. And this movie features some truly laugh out loud moments. Like it’s been a while where I’ve seen a modern comedy that had me laugh out loud. Usually I just politely chuckle. So yep, it’s a solid good time, and the two leads are delightful to watch, but this isn’t Linklater’s best work. Again, don’t let that sway you away, this is an entertaining little film for what it is. All pie is good pie.
Overall score: 7/10
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fanficfanattic · 1 year
Summary: When a blind item about Rebecca and one of her employees turns the public’s eye on her, the team decide to take things into their own hands. Kind of.
Review: I am unironically saying that this might be one of the best versions of Jamie in a fanfic. He is dumb as a rock and also incredibly strategic and also genuinely trying to help someone he cares about.
ALSO the fact that everyone is trying to help the situation but also keeps gently interjecting why her and Sam getting together was An Issue.
"All right?" he said, looking around the room, closing the door behind him. "I wanted to say – ah – well, you all saw the gossip site, yeah?"
"That's what we were just talking about," Keeley said, in a calmly indulgent tone.
"Right. Well." Jamie rubbed his forehead with a hand that had the cuff of his jacket pulled down over it. "I wanted to say – we should say it was me."
The other three people in the room all stared silently back at him. Finally Rebecca said, very slowly, ". . . what?"
Jamie shrugged. "Looks better, don't it?"
"Better . . . than . . . what?" Rebecca said.
Jamie either missed or wasn't bothered by the edge of danger in her tone. "Better than Sam, right? I mean – I'm a bit older, yeah, more established, I get paid more, and everybody knows it was Ted I went to, to get back on the team. No favoritism from you, like. But mostly – I didn't lose us our sponsor? And like – that'll be the first thing people say, won't it."
Second Quote:
"The team have been taking turns . . . walking me to my car, buying me drinks . . . flirting with me from the pitch," she said, directing her words and her gaze to the paving stones. "Out of some belief that it would help to obscure the truth if I looked like I might be dating all of them. You know. We didn't draft any of them for their brains."
"They're good boys," Ted said. "If somewhat naive and perhaps overly addicted to nineties teen rom coms."
"Jamie offered to snog me."
"The little prick even managed not to make it feel like workplace harassment." Rebecca wrapped her arms around her knees.
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tentacledwizard · 8 months
tumblr user tentacledwizard reviews: Employee of the Month
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  So recently [read: a few hours ago], @cgtg hosted a sort of movie night. The movie was Employee of the Month, starring Dane Cook. I joined it because I am always willing to expand my cinematic repertoire and also cgtg’s Davekat stuff is really good. Like I don’t even ship Davekat that much but their content is excellent. And the Sandler rap perfectly encapsulates my opinions on Adam Sandler as an actor, because ever since my dad played Billy Madison my life has been ok I’ll just do the review now.
So okay, I was prepared to have an ironically good time. I was convinced the movie would be 100% shit tier, just like Dave Strider said. But I should have known that Dave is not a reliable source. Because this movie was fun. I had a great time. When it comes to official reviews, I’ve seen mainly lukewarm/frosty attitudes towards Employee of the Month but *clears throat* Whatever. 
Now, those who know me know of my passionate love for Home Depot. And if you didn’t know about this, now you do. I wrote a Home Depot/necromancy story in like 7th grade. Home Depot is paradise on earth. You could survive a zombie apocalypse in there. It has everything you need for survival- shelter, crops, energy drinks, etc. This movie basically takes place inside a Home Depot. I forget what the store was actually called. It doesn’t matter. You just need to understand that I love Home Depot so I will generally enjoy movies set inside Home Depots. That was a pretty big factor in my enjoyment. Never mind the fact that this was filmed inside a Costco.
Now onto the actual movie. By rom-com standards, is this a good rom-com? Ehhh. No. The main romance between Dane Cook and “Blond Tart” was half-baked. I saw nothing that distinguished the fair-haired love interest from the other rom-com love interests before/after her, except maybe her big ears. The pair had like nothing in common, mainly because I don’t really know about their interests? Gotta say that Dane Cook had far more chemistry with the other blond tart (aka the antagonist). I wasn’t rooting for the main couple. This is also partly because of the movie’s intense homosexuality. I am not even kidding. Their date was cute though, I just wish they actually had some things in common and we learned more about the love interest.
So basically the plot is that this guy Zack (Dane Cook) works at Fictional!Home Depot and he seems like kind of a “slacker.” He is rivals with a smarmy blond Eminem cousin named Vince (Dax Shepard), who seems like a “stand up guy.” Obviously he is a douche bag who flirts with everyone in a very unprofessional way. There’s some kind of subplot about the store trying to beat another retail place. Then this new employee (Jessica Simpson) waltzes into the place. (I could say she “breasted boobily,” but nah.) Her name is Amy and she allegedly has a thing for employees of the month. So Zack falls in love, but obviously Vince starts making some moves on her. Now Zack has to win Employee of the Month to get the girl, or else Vince will. (There was nothing to worry about though, he dates Amy without even getting the position yet. Also Vince is super awkward/gay.) 
So let me just bullet point this. I’ll cover the characters/plot points/romance plots.
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Zack: The main character, Dane Cook. For everyone watching, there was this process of thinking oh no he’s cute and then falling in love with him. Look, he is actually pretty cute. I don’t make the rules. That dorky smile of his is great. He does have his flaws, like being focused only on his own problems. Dude just apologize. But they do get addressed. He’s a pretty good main character, and he really knows how to treat a girl. Home Depot date? SIGN ME UP. That’s going to be me some day, ok? I will meet some dude who shares my love for Home Depot and together we will wander the dusky aisles filled with all manner of appliances. Welp I kind of lost the plot. Anyway he has great date ideas. His little yellow car thing is a complete travesty but I will let it slide. Jorge has the better yellow vehicle but of course he does. Jorge is gangsta. 
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(guy has that Kubrick stare)
Vince: The main antagonist besides the nebulous “corporate.” At first he seems like a blond flashlight that draws in the ladies like moths. He truly seems like a suave douchebag. As the movie goes on, you learn that this is untrue (the “suave” part). He is really awkward. Probably the only person in love with him is my main guy Jorge (Efren Ramirez). More on that at ten. Anyway, Vince is really good at cashiering. He does an unprofessional little circus act with the products that makes the ladies allegedly swoon. He gets Employee of the Month many, many times. Can Zack possibly usurp him?? Who knows! So yeah, Vince is a sopping and pathetic fellow. At some points you want him to shut up, but at other points you feel this deep well of pity for his plight. Negative points for using the r-word once >:( but also hey this is 2006. 
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Amy: Uh. Ummm. Well she seems very friendly and… like a love interest. Uh… I’m sure there has to be more to her. Right? Oh well. Her big ears are pretty cute. Sadly, she doesn’t exactly have a personality or agency over the plot. I don’t really like plots that are just two guys fighting over a girl, except that turned out to not really be part of the movie so it’s fine. At least she called out Zack when he was being stupid, but that was mainly just to milk some drama. I think she and Lily should date.
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Jorge: Jorge, the man that you are. Look, he is amazing and I cannot lie. What even is a salmon churro? The entire chat was yelling every time he was on screen. He first appears as Vince’s lackey, and he mainly helps out Vince with his various sabotage attempts. But he turns out to have more depth than that. He is like a short bug. He is willing to stab an old lady. Jorge is what we call “gangsta.” Everything he does is cool in a Jorge sort of way. He really made the movie. You can fight me on this. 
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Lily: The Human Resources manager. Okay, so she doesn’t have dialogue (I think) but I wanted to include her here because she is cool and really pretty and I had a minor sexuality crisis once she arrived on screen (it happens every other day. Don’t worry about it). I like the lily in her hair. She was so real for accepting a bribe and eating that Butterfinger. <3
Grandma: She could be referred to as feisty. You could also say she’s bisexual. Kudos to her for keeping it real with Zack. The “seed of love” speech was…really dubious!
Boss man: Whatever is going on with him, it’s very gay. He outright says that he thinks/has thought about kissing guys. Maybe there’s something between him and the policeman? Anyway, I feel pretty bad that his older brother emasculated him. Not much else to say. He’s not exactly a paragon of professionalism, which is what makes this movie fun. He totally wants to be the fatherly boss but he fails. His lackey’s name is Dirk. Strider reference? You know it. (This was made 3 years before homestuck started).
BOSS Boss Man, aka Corporate Incarnate: Boss Man’s big brother, in the age sense. Okay, this guy kind of scares me. He is way less relaxed than Boss Man, and he certainly can drub people with canes. He runs a tight ship, so obviously he won’t stand for the main character mayhem going on. 
Iqbal: I don’t remember a ton of stuff about him, but he is like a lot of my family friends. He deserves good stuff because he had to put up with Zack’s crap for longer than necessary. Do I have to cover every single character? How about we move onto the main thing: shipping. It’s not really the main thing, but I'm going insane over it so for me it is.
  Oh man okay, here we go. I already covered my very few thoughts on Zack/Amy so here are some ships that I find interesting.
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Zack/Vince: Basically, the plot of the movie revolves around these two and their rivalry. I kind of doubt their hate is platonic. At one point Vince compares them to a pair of “old gay sailors.” Zack’s face really says it all, honestly:
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Their scenes together had a ton of sexual chemistry. Intense Kubrick stares. Toreador-ish mop fights. Breaking into the other person’s house to make them late for work. You know. Like that. We all agreed that they are best summarized as “toxic yaoi.” Essentially, they are kismeses. Also, Vince is a complete mess around Amy but seems way more comfortable antagonizing Zack. I don’t think Zack is really into Vince, but it’s an interesting thought.
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Vince/Jorge: Now this. THIS is the true romance of the story. You think I’m kidding? This is pretty much canon (or at least heavily implied). Where Zack and Vince had some sexual tension, these two have a Home Depot’s worth of romantic tension. They have so many little moments, like when they just kind of solemnly listen to music in a car (which turns out to be a bookend). They’re constantly around each other, and their relationship actually has an arc. Vince starts out kind of using Jorge as a henchman, but then Jorge goes against that. There’s a temporary breakup, and Vince kind of loses it. He has no one to talk to now. But he’s willing to pull himself together and give Jorge the space he needs to think things through. And THEN they have this big moment where they get back together as equals and it’s beautiful and okay it’s easier to just show you. 
(Previous image) Here we have Jorge helping Vince with his dorky-ass heelies because Vince is trying to be a coolkid like Zack.
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And then we have that whole moment over there. They’re holding hands! (Hurt/comfort moment tbh)
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THEIR VICTORY DANCES?? HELLO?? This is adorable i can’t
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Okay, this is blatantly romantic. The words “please, come home” imply that they share a home. Perhaps they are even… roommates? But look, the normally rude Vince is actually being considerate. And he calls Jorge “homes.” Jorge normally calls him that!
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Full access to the cashier’s lounge? Jorge you mad lad. 
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Okay I gasped aloud at this part. They are married. Or like they will be at some point in time. “It just feels right” yeah they are SO married. Look at the height difference. They are everything, as of four hours ago. This is cinema.
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I can’t do this man why did I start reviewing this. They use each other’s pet names. Shit. Fuck you, Dane Cook movies. I hate feeling emotion like this.
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yes, Jorge and Vince were the real romance subplot all along. They’re literally the last scene of the movie.
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Look at the smile on Jorge’s face. Jegus. This ship is everything. These two were the real emotional core of the movie. Without them, I’d just be like “eh whatever at least it was fun.” But damn, they really delivered on the romance subplot.
Uh… Yeah I can’t really think of any other ships that I like. Vince/Amy sucks and they had nothing to say to each other. I like the idea of Amy/Lily, though! I think either of them could make employee of the month. I guess Amy/Zack is good for now though.
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That clubhouse is awesome. Probably a big hazard considering it’s on top of that big shelf. But hey I want a Home Depot buddy lair too!
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Vince saying he can get a little anal…. >:? Sir what.
Amy’s really out there auspiticizing for Zack and Vince huh? She deserves good things for having to put up with that
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Why did it suddenly turn into a sports movie for a few minutes? Why were they playing softball against another hardware store? We may never know.
Banger soundtrack. 10/10.
And that’s a wrap everyone, catch me crying over the hug or making “ironic” fanart of Dane Cook and co. I really enjoyed this and I will hopefully be there for the next flick. Wow I wrote a lot about this movie. Uh. Consider it ironic, I suppose.
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topgunreacts · 1 year
Here's a hilariously self-centered comment for everyone to enjoy
I got this at the end of a chapter where I remind people that launching their amateur Kirkus Reviews career in the comments of a fanfiction without being asked is rude as fuck. (Not Top Gun. I made the author's note after a person reacted with utter scandal and dismay to ONE sentence referencing a protag sleeping with someone outside the pairing before they even met)
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"Ffn encourages criticism so writers can improve" Girl WHAT. ~*~fanfiction dot com has a culture of criticism~*~ WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT. ITS CULTURE IS YAOI, BAD SEX, AND WORSE FORMATTING
The assumption that everyone is writing fanfiction "to improve" [in a way this person approves of, naturally]. Sorry, some people post things that are full of mistakes because they don't give a shit, and neither should you! Click that back button, babe!
"Maybe the people over at ffn are more the university grad type?" LASKDJFLASK girl PLEASE for the love of god give me some of what you're smoking. This is my favorite line. It is shirt-worthy
Big Cringe[tm] all around
"Your talk of hurt feelings strikes me as kinda immature" is this flirting
"It could be a difference in educational background and/or age" oh my goooood the Cringe. The condescension. The possibility that this wasn't even MEANT to be mean, but EARNEST, which is even more Cringe.
I'M the one being immature. The 20+ year fandom veteran informing people that critiquing fanworks without solicitation is and always has been rude as fuck. Not you, the oblivious, self-important grad student condescending to me because you think I ought to expect and desire [yours, naturally] criticism.
The implication that I am less educated than they are. I'm willing to bet the possibility I could be more educated did not even cross their mind.
The absolutely unsubtle classism dripping from every word
And while we're critiquing without asking, (and treating judgment of people's writing as the Default Reading Experience) I will point out the spelling of "caveat" as "creveate" despite the fact that this comment was edited at least once. Come onnnnnnn.
They didn't even criticize anything! Their single comment on this story before I replied, froze the thread as a monument to their sins, blocked them, and nailed their corpse to the wall, was THIS. They spent time saying THIS instead of literally anything else. An undesired opinion, responding to my post about not wanting undesired opinions.
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Literary critique is a skill. It is not a selection of negative observations written using big words. It is not a list of likes or dislikes. It is not suggestion itself. It is a skill, and a difficult one to develop at that. The fact that your English teachers always made you "peer edit" other students' essays does not make you a real critic. Go to the bars and calm the fuck down. Talk to a single human being who isn't also in your ENG 680 class.
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just-an-enby-lemon · 1 year
Batgirl: *working in a case with Montoya and trying to convince her to also quit the police and join her pal Barbara Gordon in her PI agency*
Montoya: I understand you can't revel your secret identity but I would like to know a bit more about my partner. Like why did you became a hero?
Batgirl: Because the other option was a cop and being a cop we want to believe that if we are good enough we can fix the system but it's not reality we will either end up a passive member that ignores the violence and corruption even if they don' t practice it, the naive person that thinks enough complaint notes will change anything, or corrupt yourself or be driven away via either being fired or physical violence and sometimes murder. We have to fight against it. To defund the police, to abolish it althogether and create something new.
Renee: You sound like you speak from experience.
Batgirl: *realizing she is waay to close into reviewing her secret identity AND having to explain to her best friend that the reason Batgirl flirts so much with her is because Babs wants to and she needs more time also is just dangerous* Uh. I know people. Nothing more and nothing less.
Montoya: I guess. Anyway that was not a good answer it still doesn't why explain you risk your own life to save people.
Batgirl: Well.. when I was a young girl my father *realizes she already told the same story as Barbara and actually needs to lie* *flasbacks from being in a car with Bruce listeing his top 5 songs on loop for hours* ...uh... my father took me into the city to see a marching band.
Montoya: Keep going.
[Bruce on the coms: *Oh no, she won't"]
Batgirl: He said: "kid, when you grow up would you be the savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned?" [Bruce: she did!]
Montoya: Wow that's a huge pressure to put on a kid.
Batgirl: Mayhaps, but it was a question. I was the one who accepted it and it made me who I am today.
[Later that day at Babs]
*Bruce calls Barbara, her ringtone for him is waay to familiar*
Montoya: WAIT A SECOND!!
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🦇 Hook, Line, & Sinker Book Review 🦇
❓ #QOTD What song is stuck in your head right now? 🦇 King crab fisherman Fox Thornton has a reputation as a sexy, carefree flirt. Everyone knows he's a guaranteed good time--in bed and out--and that's exactly how he prefers it. Until he meets Hannah Bellinger. She's immune to his charm and looks, but she seems to enjoy his... personality? And wants to be friends? While Hannah's in town for work, she stays in Fox's guest bedroom, and the line between friendship and flirtation begins to blur. Will they fall, hook, line, and sinker, or are they only destined to remain friends?
💜 The best part of this romance, by far, is the complete LACK of miscommunication trope. Instead, Hannah refers to what she's learned through therapy to coax Fox to confront his demons. On the surface, Fox comes off as a lady's man with little interest in love or commitment, but for once, there's a reasoning behind what otherwise feels like cliched behavior. The concept of family and friends defining who we are before we get the chance to decide it for ourselves DIRECTING Fox toward the reputation he's earned, creating a pressure that he could never amount to more, truly gave this book the depth it needed to beyond a typical friends-to-lovers rom-com. Meanwhile Hannah learns how to become more than a supporting character in her own story, eventually taking the reigns to become a leading lady. This story also doesn't entirely depend on smut to push the story forward (thought the lust is strong with this one), as so many do. Instead, Hannah and Fox TALK (I know, right?) and work through their issues together.
💙 I have never read a friends-to-lovers book that relied on the word "friends" nearly so much. There are a few questionable word choices throughout the entire story that create a level of cringe, unfortunately. There's a sudden, rushed moment of self-doubt for Fox that tears apart his growth, returning Fox to his imposture syndrome mindset. Instead of that, we really could have had a better discussion about hypersexualization and toxic masculinity. Somewhere around the 50% mark, everything from the romance to the prose starts faltering (I may be wrong, but I think her husband was in the ICU while she was working on this book?). So, while cute, this didn't quite meet the level I expected.
🦇 Recommended for fans of Icebreaker and Practice Makes Perfect.
✨ The Vibes ✨ 🎧 Forbidden Romance 🎧 Slow Burn 🎧 Friends to Lovers 🎧 Small Town Romance 🎧 Dual POV 🎧 2nd in a Duology
💬 Quotes ❝ I just kind of stand around waiting for things to happen, while other people seem to make them happen so easily. I can help others—I like doing that—but I’m a supporting actress, not a leading lady. ❞ ❝ “You’re enough when you’re not touching me,” she whispered, not even sure she said it out loud until Fox’s expression went from lusting to dumbstruck, his chest starting to heave. “You’re enough on your own.” ❞ ❝ “I’m jealous as fuck.” He seemed to be having a hard time getting breath into his lungs. “You’re … my Hannah, you know?” ❞ ❝ “You make me feel like I’m in the exact right place.” ❞ ❝ “I didn’t know what right felt like until you.” ❞
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reviewflirt · 1 month
Review of Flirt.com (2024): Everything You Need to Know
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flirtreview · 1 month
Flirts com reviews – Real user experience
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shstarthighgateway · 1 month
Flirts com reviews 2024 – Is It Legit Website
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Is onlyflings.com a legit dating site or a scam?
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ash-and-books · 4 months
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Rating: 3.5/5
Book Blurb:
A jaded bartender is wooed by a charmingly quirky couple in this fresh and sizzling polyamorous rom-com, set in the glamorous world of high-end cocktail bars—from the acclaimed author of the “tender, decadent, and sparklingly funny” (Lana Harper, New York Times bestselling author) Chef’s Choice.
As a bartender at Terror & Virtue, a swanky New York City cocktail lounge known for its romantic atmosphere and Insta-worthy drinks, Mel has witnessed plenty of disastrous dates. That, coupled with her own romantic life being in shambles, has Mel convinced love doesn’t exist.
Everything changes when Bebe walks into the bar. She’s beautiful, funny, knows her whiskeys—and is happily married to her partner, Kade. Mel’s resigned to forget the whole thing, but Bebe makes her a unique offer: since she and Kade have an open marriage, she’s interested in taking Mel on a date.
What starts as a fun romp turns into a burgeoning relationship, and soon Mel is trying all sorts of things she’d been avoiding, from grand romantic gestures to steamy exploits. Mel even gets the self-confidence to enter a cocktail competition that would make her dream of opening her own bar a reality. In the chaotic whirl of all these new experiences, Mel realizes there might be a spark between her and Kade, too. As Bebe, Kade, and Mel explore their connections, Mel begins to think that real love might be more expansive than she ever thought possible.
With TJ Alexander’s signature “witty and insightful voice, complex characters, and full-throated celebration of the joy of queer community” (Ava Wilder, author of How to Fake It in Hollywood), Triple Sec is a passionate, thirst-quenching love story that will have you asking for another round…or three.
A poly romance between a bartender, a lawyer, and an artist? In this sweet NB/F/F Romance, see how three people navigate a new relationship dynamic and find a sweet romance. The story follows Mel, a bartender at a fancy NYC lounge. She's seen so many relationships and having just gotten out of a divorce herself, she isn't convinced love actually exists.. until she meets Bebe, a stunning and funny lawyer who flirts with her... and then introduces her to her partner Kade, a nonbinary artist. Bebe and Kade are married, but invite Mel to a party... and then to lunch to ask her to be Bebe's new partner, as Bebe and Kade are in a open polyamorous relationship. Mel has never done anything like this and begins to discover more of herself as she gets into this relationship and begins to fall for Kade as well. The three of them will explore their connections and what it means to be in a polyamorous relationship. This was a overall fluffy and sweet read, it was easy to get through and the conflicts were minor. The story itself is a cute one for anyone who is starting to read poly relationship books and wants to learn more. The book itself spends a majority of time educating both Mel and the readers about being in a poly relationship. While it was a cute and easy read, I was hoping for a bit more when it came to Mel and the overall story. I guess I was expecting something more or the characters having a bit more depth or even giving Bebe and Kade POVS would have been great. It's a fine story overall but I was just hoping for a bit more. I would definitely recommend it though!
Release Date: June 4,2024
Publication/Blog: Ash and Books (ash-and-books.tumblr.com)
*Thanks Netgalley and Atria Books | Atria/Emily Bestler Books for sending me an arc in exchange for an honest review*
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