#flicky bird
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heilos · 1 year ago
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Sometimes all you wanna do is visit an island and chill with your four bird friends on top of a cliff. Sonic 3D Blast Flicky Redesigns
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Side B - Round 1 - Match Up 4
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Now, Flicky is a character from a game called Flicky that was released in 1984, but it was popularised by also appearing as one of the small animals in Sonic the Hedgehog. In Sonic, there are a few kinds of Flickies - most notably blue, green, pink and red - each with slightly different designs. But the blue one is the most iconic and based on the bird from Flicky. Now, I totally respect if Flicky gets added to the Sonic elimination bracket, but I think it deserves a shout-out for being a bird who is the title character of a game where you play as a bird
I love when a character from an old game gets resused into a more well known franchise. Props to this one Flicky Bird!
funny birb
I love LOVE knights and the fact that its combined with a Bird using his Leek as both a shield and sword, absolutely superb you funky bird. Also his Handsome Eyebrows makes me fall in love swoon.
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jamieandgeorgedashigz · 10 months ago
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I now know what the flicky bird's scientific name is - Turdus mobianus. It's a thrush, like the robin. SEGA, take notes.
Also, I know Knuckles's island is almost entirely void of human inhabitation and seemingly well protected against industrialisation, but if I were to go and ask him about anyone trying to help his island become as protected as I wish for Sauria, I know he'd say something like,
'I can take care of the island all by myself no problem, I don't need anyone else's help'
He just would. I know he's that kind of 'direct'.
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nervouspiratedragon · 2 months ago
I just notice something. Is that a Flicky bird flying away in terror from extra life? (Another bird appears to be tied up )🤣🤣🤣
Not even cute lil animals are safe from extra Life's wrath. Yet another Sonic doppelganger that likes tormenting animals . (metal sonic is another example)
Also like the familiar looking two tails on the bag.
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I requested this for Christmas lol
It's extra Life
I love it. The look on extra Life's face is priceless.
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dizzyisdizzy · 1 year ago
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Miku and her highly trained management team 😎
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spiritofrainbursts · 1 month ago
You should infodump abt your ocs....tell me as much as possible.... (⁠ʘ⁠ᴗ⁠ʘ⁠✿⁠)
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Aww why thank you 😊💕🌈
Unfortunately I don't really have any in depth information as I either haven't developed or updated any of my babies yet but I suppose I can go ahead and represent the concepts I made for the future crew so I can dump some fun facts and random ideas that have been running around in the back of my mind about them as of late.
Info Dump and Concepts can be found below the cut!
Silver the Hedgehog
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Starting with everyone's favorite psychedelic cowboy from the future -
- Is a young adult in the concept art. - In my current primary headcanon for the franchise Silver is the biological grandson of Sonic and Shadow cause canon be damed and I swear their fanonical son is the living embodiment of Silver's Daddy. (Sorry Shadilver/Sonilver fans but in this house we roll with the concept of Sil having an existential crisis after nearly erasing himself from the timeline by unknowingly attempting to kill his grandfather.) - His Dad is a Hedgehog who goes by the name of Castor. (Will be delving more into him again at a later date so I can answer all the questions over at the @sonic-fankid-showdown I missed out on once I've whipped up his ref sheet.)
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- Is a certified Bi Trans Man with a preference for Men 😎👌🏳️‍🌈 (Currently single cause I don't really ship him with anyone these days on account of the guy being a living paradox who more than likely is related to at least one of 3 other main hedgehogs of the franchise although not confirmed. Can totally get behind Espilver and Silvaze even though I headcanon Blaze as a hardcore Lesbian now and days.)
- Though unintentional this particular iteration of Silver can telepathically communicate with someone through his mind if he has a close enough bond with that person to subconsciously form a psychic link. This often results in the recipient randomly being suddenly bombarded by his innermost thoughts and dreams which in turn can cause some scare and confusion until they realize what’s going on. Said ability also allows for Silver to read said recipients mind if given permission to do so. (It should be noted that this ability is the genetic result of his father’s ability to enter one’s dream.)
- Highly considering giving him a pink aura over his canonical blue/turquoise one for the sake of aesthetics but we’ll see which I like better once I get around to updating his design. May even give him a few stars that light up when using his powers as well. 😉
- Would LOVE to craft him his very own companion such as a Chao or a Flicky! Currently stumped on what kind of companion to give him though. 😔
Rayne the Husky
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Next up we have the gal behind the blog in Sonic form herself -
- As per the case with all my current sonas, Rayne's name originates from the word Rainbow because Rainbows are a natural phenomena I've loved since I was a kid for reasons I'll save for anyone who may be interested in hearing them at a later date. Despite her names origins however the name Rayne primarily serves as a representation of her water based abilities and reflection of her radiant personality. (Fun fact! This iteration of the name Rain means Counsel/Friend! Additionally her friends call her Ray for short. This is not to be confused with Ray the Flying Squirrel.) - Her Black Knight counterpart goes by the name of Bowyn as a nod to one of the main protagonists from one of favorite childhood films, Dragonheart. (I'm not joking when I say I've adored the name Bowen since the day I first watched the movie.)
- Why a Husky? Cause they're my favorite dog breed and my good old friend @faecaptainofdreams once pointed out how I strike her as a puppy on account of my eccentrically sweet and loving nature so you can pretty much thank her for that. (Psst! You should totally drop the Captain a follow and commission her if you can! I promise it will totally be worth your while. 😉)
- If it weren't already obvious Rayne posses the power of Hydrokinesis as a result of my Zodiac Sign, the Scorpio, being heavily associated with the element of water although I'm considering expanding her abilities to be more stormy in nature once I get around to finalizing her design. Regardless of what I decide, what I can say with certainty at the very least is that she has the miraculous ability to heal others though it only really works on physical injuries and even then it's not exactly full proof but it has been known to be quite the life savor none the less. (Because of this I can easily imagine Rayne becoming Blaze's rival if they were to ever meet. I have been looking into giving her an IDW counterpart for people to use in more canon material if they so wish so perhaps I'll explore the concept more for that universe if and when I decide to do so? Should probably catch up on the comics first though as it's been a hot minute since I've last read them.)
- Not only is she taller than Silver as a result of Dogs naturally being bigger than Hedgehogs but they're also older than him by a few months which realistically checks out as I was born 6 years before 06 came out. (It should be noted that regardless of the context the two will forever be close in age to serve as a reflection of how much I've grown up alongside the Sonic franchise and call back upon some fond childhood memories of mine that just happen to be closely tied with Silver's character.)
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- Identifies as a Bi Demisexual with a preference for Woman/Enbies thus making her and Silver Bi Buddies 😎💖💜💙🤘 (Is also a single pringle at this time to reflect my current relationship status but I'm always open to giving her a partner in the future should I ever stumble upon the Shadow to my Sonic to ship my sona with theirs otherwise this canine ain't need nobody to be happy!)
- The initial name for her Super form is Harbinger, a title I was inspired to take on after a dream I had a couple years ago where I had to save the embodiment of death itself from being erased from existence, but this name may be retooled to use for a potential powered up form caused by the chaos energy her companion, Rook, emits due to their association with death. (Stay tuned as I will be covering them here shortly!)
- Although I have yet to learn how to play myself, jamming out to her favorite rock songs on the guitar is one of Rayne's favorite past times! (Speaking of rock songs I like to think that she has merch from Sonic and Shadow's days as rockstars! Considering they're his grandfathers Silver can't help but raise an eyebrow whenever she parades around the base in Sonadow attire.)
- Enjoys taking a good photoshoot of/with her loved ones so that she'll always have physical memento of her memories with them to hold onto even long after they're gone.
- Often refers to Silver as a Cowboy because he sounds just like one to them. (No really! I swear Pete Capella Silver sounds like a Cowboy especially in the Adventure Tours storyline from Mario & Sonic at the Vancouver Olympic games for the DS which just so happens to by my initial introduction to the character as opposed to 06 as I wouldn't be introduced to the game til 7th Grade.)
Rook the Reaping
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And last but not least the spook birb with quite the dapper plumage -
- Thanks to my previously fore mentioned friend, I was inspired to create Rook after she suggested I take the symbolism behind the Robin for myself upon coming across a striking species hailing all the way from Australia simply known as the Scarlet Robin. That and I was pretty obsessed with Flickies at the time and figured it'd be fun if my sona had a Flicky companion considering how underrated they are. (Did you know? Robins share a lot of symbolism with the Scorpio as both entities are often associated with Death, Transformation, and New Beginnings.)
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- Rook was chosen as a namesake as I felt the name's meaning, being one with the dark hair and raucous voice, suited what I had in mind for their personality pretty well. (Funnily enough Rook just so happens to be the name of a type of Corvid. It's also well known as a Chess piece lol)
- In Black Knight Rook is a Dragon of the Wyvern variety whom I've yet to come up with a proper name for although considering Bowyn's name is a nod to Bowen perhaps their Black Knight counterpart should serve as a nod to Draco? That would make the most sense.🤔
- Their species is referred to as the Reaping because they were initially a sub species of the Flicky with enough built in Chaos Energy to transform into living weapons thus giving them an association with death although I’m considering going ahead and making them their own thing both within and possibly outside of the Sonic universe.
- That’s right baby!! Rook can low key go Soul Eater mode and transform into a literal Bident which I chose due to the weapons association with the planet Pluto which just so happens to be one of Scorpios ruling planets next too Mars. (Pluto is the planet I align with more personally if it weren’t already obvious and YES I CONSIDER PLUTO TO BE A PLANET NOW BITE ME!! 😤)
- Coming back to my earlier point on making them their own thing but I’m looking at giving Rook’s species more Corvid like anatomy and an elongated tail not too unlike a lions but with feathers on the end of it to further differentiate them from the Flickies who are more tropical like with Parakeet/Parot traits in my mind.
- Rook doesn’t really have a defined gender so I typically use They/Them pronouns for Them. Because of this I’m looking at making the Reapings more androgynous in nature. Furthermore Rook may be getting a Winter Coat based off of the Female Scarlet Robin which would really supplement my previous idea.
- Sadly as a result of their uncanny abilities, Reapings are often poached and smuggled across the planet to be used as mere objects in war and criminal activity often leading to a life of abuse for these poor magnificent creatures that has caused a sharp decline in numbers of the species throughout the years. Unfortunately Rook was one of many who fell victim to such illegal trades and would be put through the worst hell imaginable up until the night they were miraculously rescued by Rayne who just happened to be in close enough proximity to hear their mangled cries thus causing a chain of events that would lead them to Silver and in turn ignite the beginning of a beautiful friendship between the three of them.
- This traumatic experience will understandably cause them to act pretty hostile towards the two Gaian’s at first, often leaving behind some nasty scars, but after enough time, care, and patience Rook will slowly warm up to the pair and grow close enough with Rayne in particularly to allow her to call upon their weapon form when needed however out of respect and just being more pacifistic leaning in nature she only ever calls upon them as a last resort.
- Has a hauntingly beautiful voice and can often be found singing alongside Rayne during one of her jam sessions, creating a harmony that really walks a fine line between radiant and eerie.
- Is pretty mischievous in nature and is known for giving folks quite the jump scare especially on Halloween, one holiday they LOVE to celebrate alongside Rayne. (Would like to get around to dressing them up as Vash and the Punisher from Trigun respectively.)
- Probably has a skull & bones collection sitting around somewhere that never fails to creep Ray out. Not to worry though! The pile usually consists of fragments from other animals of a relatively small stature as well as the occasional knick knack or two.
- Their particular species was used during the creation of Project Shadow in my primary headcannon.
Ok this turned out to be a whole lot longer than I originally anticipated so hopefully this will suffice otherwise feel free too shoot any additional questions my way and I'll be sure to answer them to the best of my ability after Valentine's Day! Btw I've yet to come up with a good team name for the three so if anyone has any suggestions for a good teammate as well as the perfect species to use for an additional please feel free to send them my way! Oh and should any of ya'll decide to draw the crew on your own time please be sure to let me know as I plan to update their designs at some point this year and would like to have a variation of any work I receive of their conceptual designs in near future featuring their finalized designs. Thank You.
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scrunglepaws · 3 months ago
We need more Sails and Catfish!!!!!! MORE MORE MORE MORE!!, pretty please? 😿👉👈
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Anon you deserve so much more for being a sweetie pop and directly asking, but this is all I've got for now: A sketch I made for my Sails' Tales (pre-Aquarius Someplace AU) playlist on spottedfly. Even though it's not finished yet, I think it looks super cute and I hope you like it, too. <3 Speaking of music, perhaps you'll appreciate some songs that make me think of them? :3
Michelle Branch - Drop in the Ocean ~ The song I named the Sails+Catfish origin story after because... Sails was a smol, leedol baby. Who literally fell in the ocean. Just a lil guy that got fished up by a big guy. <3 The lyrics make me think of them looking each others' eyes for the first time and becoming bonded as brothers. <3
Owl City - The Bird and The Worm ~ Quintessential Sails+Catfish song! References to fishing, the ocean, and just overall a cheery cute bop? Yeah! <3 There's a few lines that make me think of Sails/Black Rose, too (about twirling around under the stars and making each other blush). I can see this whole song as an animatic with the three of them in my head. :>
MIKA - Big Girl (You Are Beautiful) ~ SILLY, but it makes me think of Sails hyping up his man as a hottie because he thinks he's too shy to meet people (romantically). Maybe because Sails finally won Black Rose's affection and is drunk on love, so he wants his homie to find someone, too. But Catfish, whether he's aroace, unsure, or just not interested at the time, is like "bro, cut that out oAo" (but in a more Catfish way xD) and Sails is like "Oh, my bad. Lemme know if you change your mind. :D"
Dan Crow - Walk Outside ~ This song is corny as shit. I first heard it in a movie I watched all the time as a wee kiddo called "Milo and Otis." It makes me think of an au where Sails, Catfish, and Rosie get turned into animals (or ferals or whatever you want to call it) and are poofed to a scenic farm setting. They live out the rest of their lives in bliss and nothing bad ever happens EVER and it's wholesome af.
... Alright, that's enough peeling back the curtain on my dumb brain's thoughts. Here are some other songs that make me think of Sails, Catfish, and Rosie (because they're kind of a trio~):
Steam Powered Giraffe - Steamboat Shenanigans
Clara C - Offbeat
The Beach Boys - Good Vibrations
Sugar Ray - Under the Sun
Gregory and the Hawk - Boats & Birds
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lunapegasus · 2 years ago
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Joining the bandwagon of prime shadow redraws to fight my art block
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disabled-battlekukku · 7 months ago
I wasn't really satisfied by my first mobian Flicky design, so I designed to give the first protagonist of the Sonic franchise some justice
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f-o-and-selfship-club · 18 days ago
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It has started to rain heavily outside of the dark streets.
To there the dear woman; Comet was heading off home. She was completely tired after from quite a lot of work of writing her stories. The young woman has been a writer for about a year at the Victorian era. It has appeared that she has learnt these skills of to become a professional writer from her own adopted father, who was a really professional and amazing writer, just like her.
While walking through the pouring rain, Comet was carrying an ivory white umbrella to protect her white braided hair and her own clothes from getting all soaked by the pouring rain.
But then... she approaches a familiar figure from the shadows. Of by Comet's navy blue eyes studying it very—closely, she definitely knows who it is... The woman can see by his large black top hat he wears onto his short ginger hair, and the monocle covering up his left eye.
"...Penguin..." she responds.
"Comet... Comet~" Oswald now reveals himself from out of the darkness, with a sharp grin. He too, is carrying a dark grey umbrella above his large hat.
"Dear dove~ Waiting for me? How... nice of you," he gets closer to her, which then grabbing her chin down to face him down, that is due to their differences by height.
Whenever the woman feels shy or rather—nervous, she fidgets with her fingers in order to think of what to answer dear old Cobblepot.
"Honestly—Oz... I have now been given a late writing shift from 1 to 5 in the afternoon. And then, once that time came, they just... let me go off in the—"
She stopped when Oswald hushed her, simply by pressing his finger to her lips.
"You worry too much, dove~ Almost worried... for our pets needed their feeding," he strokes her chin gently with his fingers.
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(dividers, F/Obruary prompts and header all owned by @strawbeaniie and one divider owned by @candyheartedchy)
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eloaholiveira · 2 years ago
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Hey buddy 🤲🐦
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heilos · 1 year ago
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Finally finished redesigning my headcanon line up of Sonic Flickies using the old Sonic 3D Blast designs as the foundation.
Each one is partially based off a real bird:
Blue flicky: parakeet Pink flicky: hummingbird Green flicky: kakapo Red flicky: woodpecker
I plan to have another post with more information in the style of a nature journal going into detail about each species of flicky and some other fun world building bits related to other sonic characters. Hope you enjoy! :)
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dlineates · 10 months ago
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Working on my AU's.
Welcome Kitsune Tails from my Folklore AU.
He's adorable and loves his flicky friends. He can't control his Super form yet, but Knuckles is working on that.
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comfort-clubhouse · 2 years ago
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Comfort Characters (Waves 14-16)
Maleficent (Sleeping Beauty)
Karen (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Ralsei (Deltarune)
Paimon (Helluva Boss)
Tweety Pie (Looney Tunes)
Bugs Bunny (Looney Tunes)
Claude Frollo (Hunchback Of Notre Dame(Disney Version)
Nigel (Wild Thornberrys)
Tails (Sonic Movie)
Demencia (Villainous)
Bjorn (Peggle)
Splork (Peggle)
Mettaton (Undertale)
Hugo, Victor & Laverne (Hunchback Of Notre Dame)
Peach (Mario)
Daisy (Mario)
NOS-4-A2 (Buzz Lightyear Of Star Command)
Dr Eggman (Sonic)
Lumiere (Beauty & The Beast)
Klaus (American Dad)
Panda (We Bare Bears)
Panda (We Baby Bears)
Chloe (We Bare Bears)
Gideon (Pinocchio)
Tigger (Winnie The Pooh)
Daisy Duck
Meg, Mog & Mog (Meg & Mog)
Eda (Owl House)
Kronk (Emperor's New Groove)
Mr Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Dr Doofenshmirtz (Phineas & Ferb)
Rayman (Rayman The Animated Series)
Piplup (Pokémon)
Charlie (Smiling Friends)
Capt Cuddlepuss & Trixie (Creature Comforts)
Peep, Chirp & Quack (Peep & The Big Wide World)
Timmy (Shaun The Sheep)
Yuri (DDLC)
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hunniegl4zed · 7 months ago
Both Shadow and Sonic have a very reasonable dislike for Seagull Flickies specifically
The reason is because they have both been victims of these thieving little bastards, and Sonic has personally watched one of these little monsters put one of it's own kind into the past tense over a chicken nugget on a weekly basis.
These creatures, unlike other Flickies, are generally regarded as menaces to society that are only outranked by actual villains like Eggman.
omdwkqomdoq They will HAUNT you if you have some food with you. They will destroy your car or house with their behavior and make SO MUCH NOISE, it feels like an earthquake when they are close. Eggman once tried to make them into robots, but lets just say that his base needed rebuilding and cleaning 💀💀💀
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flickynightdarkness · 1 year ago
Cyan The Peacock (Courage The Cowardly Dog Writing)
[Characters: Courage, Muriel Bagge, Eustace Bagge and Cyan(OC)]
[When Courage and the Bagges head to a French library, they meet someone who appears to be quite shy and they speak in a French, soft spoken accent]
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Courage was trying to reach out a book that is higher on the shelf but his small height doesn't seem enough to reach it. He looks down with his ears dropped. Then a blue and white peacock who happens to be working at this library, he came by and took the book the pink dog was getting from the shelf and looked at it.
"Ooh, magnifique! I think that can be good to read." The peacock made a small "Hm?" That when he looks down, he sees poor Courage. "Oh... Are you looking for this book that I got?" He suddenly feels bad for him. Courage nods his head, he notices a book being plopped onto his head. "Here, I... apologise for grabbing it before you."
"No no, it's alright but thanks anyways." Courage gives the bird a warm smile with the book in his two paws. "You too chien."
The blue and white peacock is now rolling down a trolley full of books to be placed onto shelves. He goes over to each shelf on there. Then an another member of the library staff who is a fox came to him. "Your doing ok there Cyan?" "Oh yes, oui oui Monsieur" The peacock now known as Cyan replied to his co worker in his soft, French accent.
"Your doing good there pal. Now that I'm here, you go over and rest for now." The fox employee pats him on the shoulder. "Are you sure sir? But, who will place the books on le shelves?"
"Don't worry Cyan, I will do that for you."
"Oh, ok Monsieur sir." Cyan said in relief.
Cyan walks off to the break room. While his colleague does his storing book and trolley work. During his break, Muriel Bagge finds the peacock and walks over to him. "Oh, hello dear." "Oh uh—Bonjour Madame hehe. Can I help you with... anything? Even though I'm on my break." The peacock asked her. "Not really dear. I just want to check up on you and see how you are." "Oh, okay Madame." Cyan smiles warmly by the elderly woman's kind demeanour as she now pats his head "That's alright dear."
Courage comes over to the two with the book he has. He shows it to his owner and the peacock. "Oh Courage, what book do you have here? Let's see what it is about." When Courage is about to give his book to Muriel, her grouchy husband Eustace walks by and snatches his book right off of his paws "Gimme that, Stupid dog!" This hurts Courage, which that makes his ears droop down.
"Eustace!? That's not really nice of you to our dear Courage." Muriel went in an angered tone from him snatching their dog's new book. Eustace responds in a cranky manner "Bah! Whatever..."
"S-Sir, I may have to save this, but I don't tolerate this type of behaviour in our library." Cyan tells the old man, but he barks off the poor peacock with his attitude "Then I don't tolerate you following behind me. So beat it you freakish... whatever you are!" "...Sir, your behaviour is gonna get worse sir—" Cyan tries to have Eustace behave in the library, especially to the staff.
"Oh Sir, your behaviour is gonna get worse. Bleh bleh bleh... Blah! Your really annoying me a lot you blue freak and even your voice is so annoying to me!" Eustace continued insulting Cyan, while walking slowly towards him backing away with tears dripping from his sapphire blue eyes.
Many people, including Muriel and Courage and the staff all watch Eustace verbally abusing the blue peacock, right before two librarians each grab both of his arms. "That's it Mr Bagge! Because of you verbally abusing our trained employee, we're gonna have to kick you out of this library... Come on... you old grump!"
As the two staff members drag a grumbling Eustace out of the library, they threw him out on the streets of Paris and close the doors when they leave him. "We apologise that we got your husband out of here for being rude to our employee Mrs Bagge." One of the librarians came to Muriel and Courage, while his co-worker is comforting Cyan.
"Oh don't worry dear, Eustace does tend to get a bit... crabby with others but I still love him as his wife." Muriel responded to them. Though he went silent a bit from what she said and he replies her back "Okay...!"
"Hang on a minute, how is someone who is very kind married to someone who said that I'm... a freak— Huh?" Cyan notices the kind woman he met before during his break. "I'm sorry about me husband dear." "It's ok miss. Apology accepted." The peacock patted her head.
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(Dividers owned by @aquazero)
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