#fleas speaks
fleabuki · 2 months
guys i started my first dose of testosterone today i feel so sigma 🤟😈
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deadboyfriendd · 5 months
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bonefall · 6 months
it is healing to come onto this blog and see basic respect for diasbility after being in other corners of the fandom and reading the words “snowkit could never be a warrior because he wouldnt know what anything is. he wouldnt even know what a clan is because nobody could explain it to him” said in full seriousness
Im..... That statement is so ableist I cannot even imagine the worldview you'd need to have in order to come up with that.
They really think the only way anyone learns anything is through verbal-speaking-words-noises? No one has ever observed something before? Not even once?
This is beyond touching grass, this person just fell out of the fucking Jurassic Period when all they had was ferns and stegosaurs.
I just...
OH YES. I remember my first day of Society Lessons as a hearing person, where the everything was explained to me. Via Audiobook. FIRST they spoke and said, "you are standing on the ground." It was a life changing revelation, and the world began to spin.
But it did not stop.
THEN they said, "there are fingers on your hands." The sensation of flesh and bone crackling into existence is indescribable, but I did not yet know pain, until they told me, "that hurts." I began screaming immediately.
And yet... it continued.
They explained so much. Chairs. Tables. Walls. The sky. Frogs. Ionizing radiation. Breathing. I was told all of it, in one sitting, and only then did I understand. Only when my ears were bursting with normal hearing knowledges, did they begin... my final test.
A strange wall-chair-finger emerged from the sky-of-the-wall, stood on the ground several times, until it was in front of me. A second one came behind it, this one slimmer. The audiobook gave these things names;
Human. Father. Mother. Door. Walking. It was completely impossible to know what these things were until that very moment.
I watch a human dip a hook into water and produce a fish, and I recall my Society Lessons where they called that "fishing." I am decked in the face by a nefarious hooligan, and I have only the audiobook to thank when I know I have been "punched" by a "bad guy." It was only the magic of verbal-speaking-words-noise that made me understand that there are "other people" and that they "do stuff."
Sometimes, even, in "groups."
Before the Society Lessons Audiobook, I knew nothing. I was pure, innocent, uncorrupted by concepts such as "parents" and "door." I am grateful every day that there is no such concept as "being shown things" or "simple logical reasoning" or "looking."
Blessed be those amongst us who escape the horrors of the Society Lessons Audiobook. I pray that you never learn what anything is. Be free! Free as a bird, which also knows nothing and famously cannot learn. 🤗
DEAF/HOH FOLLOWERS I'm losing my mind do you want me to bump a 'Hearing Disabilities Herb Guide' to the top of my priorities? Something you can use to bludgeon whackadoodles like that. This is ridiculous
Obviously not a MEDICINE guide but like; common causes of hearing disability in clan cats. Accommodations for hearing loss vs congenital deafness. Actual difficulties of not having that sense Clan-by-Clan. Debunking of misconceptions like... not being able to learn APPARENTLY.
#bone babble#Fennelposting#Obviously the answer is 'theyre incapable of THINKING' but like... they do know snow has a line right#In the book. He figured out. A word. Through observation.#He says 's'all right' because he knows it calms ppl down#He did not need to hear the magic words 'You can make noises at others to influence them'#Like a fucking tutorial tip#Im going to start keeping a JOURNAL of ''times people have been weird about snowkit specifically''#Ableism#cw ableism#I could also link to the pawspeak thing so it's all in one place#I wrote this last night and put it in the queue and I laid awake thinking of this...#What do they think happens when someone goes to another country where things aren't written/spoken in a language they know?#Do they think they wouldn't be able to figure out anything? Do they think the tourist would just perish#Would they collapse in the streets of Berlin sobbing?#Happened to me. Went to England and they called it a Car Boot Sale instead of a Flea Market and I died to death#AND if I did make that guide please tell me if there's any other weird misconceptions you need to see in it#I know that ONE of them is going to have to be that. like. deaf people make noise.#theyre actually quite loud because they don't know they're making noise#and people with hearing loss do not suddenly forget how to speak.#and people born deaf dont talk like cavemen#cw body horror#tw body horror#EDIT: OOPS sorry I have such an astonishingly tolerance for body horror I did not realize that counted as body horror
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fle4floves · 2 years
Thinking about your f/o having a big fat crush on you is so cool actually, no it’s really awesome you should draw it out and everything maybe even write some stuff about it
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styllwaters · 22 days
2k milestone coming up!!
(There would be multiple winners/runner ups for the DTIYS!)
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spinchs-field · 3 months
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fleeaaguutz · 1 year
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File got fucked up
gonna keep playing with the Fullbody I was doing in my spare time but to make up for it here’s my new icon :)
Slight difference but not really that big🤟
Throwing the body Vers here anyways even if it flattened my layers I’m still decently proud of it :3
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Feel free to use <3
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cappurrccino · 1 month
i wish my cat understood english so i could explain why i put yucky medicine on the back of her head and how it is necessary for preventing fleas so she would be less mad at me and would not look at me like i have completely and irrevocably betrayed her every time i move
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ullevikk · 3 months
I think the area of giant bug monsters is underexplored. Yeah giant spiders are a fantasy staple, but. Imagine how freaky it would be to encounter a giant mosquito. Or leech. Or tick. Not only are they actually blood-thirsty, but their parasitic existence implies the presence of actual gigantesque creatures. Which furthers their scare impact. How fucked is that.
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fleabuki · 3 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY @evignonita ‼️‼️it's the 28th in my timezone rn so i wanted to wish you a happy birthday 🙏 i drew this picture for you a few hours ago
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it's a redraw of the scene where pascal is holding baby tycho in his arms. that photo was one of the only refs i had for him so i was just like "fuck it let's draw this" and im actually really surprised at how well pascal came out since this was my first time ever drawing him
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nervous has been dormant for a week now but i want to wish you a happy birthday on his behalf, me and him are very fond of your art, it always has this awesome vintage feel to it and we dig it 🫶🫶🫶 (he especially likes your pasnerv art, he eats it all up)
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deadboyfriendd · 2 years
There’s been a thought that’s been making me go full smooth-brain lately:
Imagine being Eddie’s ✨passenger princess✨
In the name of comfort you take your shoes off every time you get into the van no matter how close by you are. He always insists on getting out, opening the door for you, unbuckling your seatbelt, and putting your shoes back on for you.
If the van has AC (which I’m assuming it probably doesn’t) but if it DOES, he never complains when you are constantly messing with it, letting you adjust it to the right temperature and blow setting one matter how hot or cold it is.
No one is allowed to control the music in the van. No one except for you 🤍
He always keeps a pillow and a blanket shoved in the back for you when you go on longer car rides. Navigator who? You only know comfort.
Also, there are usually snacks stashed somewhere for you.
Even if you can drive, he insists on taking you to all of the errands you have to run, even if it means he has to sit in the car for hours and wait for you throughout the day.
He always lets you put your feet on the dash when he would yell at anyone else who tries.
I can’t remember if his van has the bitch seat or a console in the middle but if it’s a singular seat instead of the bench he wouldn’t dare adjust your seating adjustments and about cries when Dustin hops in and leans it all the way back.
If there’s a bitch seat, your spot is under his arm, leaning into his side when he drives and he will immediately assume something is wrong if you’re not there.
He always holds your hand when he drives. No exceptions.
Or your thigh if your hands are occupied.
“Of course we can stop for coffee/snacks/food.”
You have your designated cup holder. Even when you’re not there he’s not using it.
He will 100% pull on to the side of the road to pick you wildflowers.
He won’t even care if your shit is strung all over his cab. Purse on the center console? Cool with him. Lipgloss in the cup holder? Just fine. Glove box full of all of your cassettes? Absolute. Clips on the “oh shit” bar (I honestly don’t know another name for these)? Perfect.
Loves when you keep your scrunchies on his shifter.
He also grabs your purse for you when you get out of the car.
Will never EVER let you pay for gas no matter how much you insist.
If you absolutely have to drive (which is nearly never) he will get out to pump your gas for you. He’ll even go out of his way to meet you at the gas station so you don’t have to do it.
I’m sure there’s a ton more but this was incredibly self indulgent and in a more realistic setting I headcanon that this man CANNOT drive and I would end up driving for my own safety but let me have this. Thanks.
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fromevertonow · 2 years
Daemon is so petty that he’d rather risk dying than accept his older brother’s help and I respect that about him
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fagtainsparklez · 6 months
tears in my eyes me and the roommates are playing lethal and i’ve yet to survive a full round 😭 the fuckign snare fleas keep pouncing on my ass
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so last night pa came home from a day and night of drinking with a stray kitten
I am hoping he decides to hand it off but in the event he does not I am putting my foot down on taking care of it appropriately
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fle4floves · 9 months
YOOOOO I love supernoobs !! :DD
You’re right abt not meeting many fans though, you’d be the second only fan of the show I’ve met in the wild 😭
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Heres a Free Doodle™️ from a couple months back :)) the sillies
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TIL that reptiles can have fleas because Httyd canonically has dragonfleas, which made me look up if reptiles could have fleas. Which they can, apparently.
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