mansaenterprises · 1 year
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Get an Instant Personal Loan Up to 💸₹ 25 Lakhs💥 For Salaried Professionals and Employees within 48 Hours. . 𝗪𝗵𝘆 𝗖𝗵𝗼𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗨𝘀 . ✅Free application⛱️ ✅Smarter and lower rates ✅Easy, transparent process ✅Fast and Secure ✅Pay off bad debts ✅Guaranteed savings , 💱🟥🤝🟥💲🟥💳🟥💯🟥 ❤️Stay Connected 📱 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝗼𝗿 𝗪𝗵𝗮𝘁𝘀𝗔𝗽𝗽: 🚜🌾 📱 𝗵𝘁𝘁𝗽𝘀://𝘄𝗮.𝗺𝗲/𝟵𝟯𝟴𝟭𝟬𝟬𝟬𝟬𝟬𝟴 𝗖𝗮𝗹𝗹 📞 𝟵𝟯𝟴𝟭𝟬𝟬𝟬𝟬𝟬𝟴 🌐: 𝘄𝘄𝘄.𝗺𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗮𝗲𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀.𝗰𝗼.𝗶𝗻 🏛 𝗠𝗮𝗻𝘀𝗮 𝗘𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗽𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 🚶 ♀️ 𝗦𝗖𝗢 𝗡𝗼-𝟮𝟲, 𝗧𝗼𝗽 𝗙𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗿, 𝗠𝗗𝗖, 𝗦𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿 𝟱 𝗣𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗸𝘂𝗹𝗮 𝟭𝟯𝟰𝟭𝟭𝟰, ,
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nerdwelt · 1 year
Ab sofort bietet NORMA Connect mehr Datenvolumen zum gleichen Preis! Nutzerinnen und Nutzer können nun mit Vollgas auf der Datenautobahn unterwegs sein und profitieren von bis zu 66 Prozent zusätzlichem Datenvolumen.
Neue Tarife bei NORMA Connect: Mehr Datenvolumen zum gleichen Preis! Nürnberg (ots) – NORMA Connect hat gute Neuigkeiten für alle Smartphone-Nutzerinnen und -Nutzer: Ab sofort gibt es noch mehr Datenvolumen zum gleichen Preis! Der beliebte Prepaid-Tarif “Smart S” wird von 3 GB auf 5 GB aufgestockt, der “Smart M”-Tarif von 6 GB auf 10 GB und der “Smart L”-Tarif von 12 GB auf unglaubliche 20 GB.…
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digitalesleben · 1 year
Schritt 3 der Connectivity Strategie: Umzug in neue Wohnung
Wertvolle Erfahrungen, die wir beim Umzug mit Vodafone gemacht haben. Wir haben 50% Einsparungen in den Kommunikationskosten realisieren können.
Vor knapp zwei Jahren bin ich von Telekom auf Vodafone gewechselt und habe damit Schritt 2 meiner Connectivity Strategie abgeschlossen. In diesem Jahr stand der Umzug in eine neue Wohnung an. Ich möchte über meine Erfahrungen mit meiner Vodafone Connectivity Strategie und Vodafones unterschiedlichen Angeboten in den Sparten Mobilfunk, DSL und Kabel berichten. Und meine Freundin und ich haben…
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possessedpasm · 1 year
Hello I don't want to bother you if you get this question a lot I just wanted to check what the progress is on the weed wolf poster. I really love that piece and I keep looking back to see if there's been updates 😭
Hey, no worries!
I've been posting updates on my Twitter, the latest being a popup sale on June 1st at 4:20 pm EST!
I'll be bringing more with me to a furry convention in late October as well!
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thepipsqueakery · 2 years
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Enjoy some mister Nic whisker pics! Visually, the whiskers are one of my favorite things about rats. They're so massive and animate. Rex rats with curly whiskers are great too. Which part of the ratnatomy is cutest to you? #rat #ratty #ratto #whiskers #UnsolicitedNicPic #flatrat https://www.instagram.com/p/Codwth5MgaM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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diekunstdesbackens · 2 years
Türchen Nr. 5: Die etwas anderen Weihnachtsgeschenke
*Werbung* Herzlich Willkommen bei meinem 5. Adventskalendertürchen! So schön, dass du da bist. Im 5. Türchen lautet das Motto “Mit Liebe schenken“. Seit ihr noch auf der Suche nach einem Weihnachtsgeschenk für eure Liebsten? Aber ihr wollt nicht irgendeinen Gutschein oder irgendwelchen Krims Krams schenken, wo gefühlt jeder schon 5000x mal Zuhause stehen hat. Na dann, hab ich euch hier ein…
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pastadoughie · 4 months
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(etsy link here ;3) hai everynyan!! ouer pride month collection haz droppd!!
we have both keychains & sticker sheets of the following identities!!
if u liek my art!! rlly considr buying 1!! youll b supporting not just 1 but TWOO trans kitties!! (me n my co-owner) (+ emily gwen! thea creator of the lesbian pride flag, who we r gonna give 20% of the lesbian kitties profits 2 each month!) F A KewwWWWW :
keychainz r normaley 10 USD ~ but 4 pride month they r on sale 4 only 8 USD !!
stickrs r normalley 8 USD ~ but 4 pride monf theyr on sale 4 just 6 USD !!
we round the pricez hear up!! the actrual price wil prolly b a lil bit lower cuz convershins n stuff
WE SHIP INTERNATSHINAL!! ash handlez the shipping n he is in the UK, so if ur in the UK shipping is free!! for other places we charge a flatrate of 3 USD shipping, if u have a valid post adress we will try our best 2 get ur little guys 2 you!!!
sticker sheets r made 2 order but the keychains r a limited stock!! if the stock gets low we will re-order but it may take a bit!
if you have the money please please order!! if not, reblogging alwasyz helps!!
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„flatrate brothels“ (exactly what it sounds like, pay once, put your dick in as many women and for as long as you like) are illegal now but were a huge hit right after prostitution was liberalised in germany. do you really think the demand vanished with the illegalisation? certainly not.
„gang bang parties“ are still very much a thing and i guarantee you thats not multiple women on one or two men but always the other way around. on germany‘s biggest prostitution website kaufmich.com (buyme.com), you can still regularly see ads for such „events“.
this to me also emphasises the gendered inequality in prostitution: men cant get hard („perform“) as often as they want, but women (and men) can be penetrated as often and as long as the sex buyer wants, if they dont care about the health and comfort of their sexual „partner“ (which is already an issue in general society but enhanced in prostitution for obvious reasons).
the women in brothels need to endure penetration by a certain amount of men (i have seen 5 - 10 A DAY) before they break even, meaning covering the rent for the room, and then their personal rent (this is why many women live in the brothel, especially when they are immigrated and dont have a permanent address, and also because they have to be mobile to be transferred from city to city so the greedy and entitled sex buyers have a constant stream of „fresh meat“). the rent for a room in the brothel is usually around 1/3 of the hourly price.
men will complain about womens vaginas being „used“ and „stretched out“ and even worse things when we have had many sexual partners, but take no issue with buying sex or watching porn and supporting the industrialised and systematic penetration of women, nor care about the health risks of this.
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beybuniki · 4 months
i raised the flatrate from $15 to $20 to justify the time i spend on these, sorry!
i also raised the price for add-ons from $7 to $10
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viperfishy · 6 months
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hi I'm doing (primarily) pet paintings right now based on a photo you send. Any manner of beast. I'll mail the physical painting to you and everything. DM me for more details! Prices start at $30 for a funny little 2x2 inch painting, $100 for a 5x7 inch painting, and $160 for a 9x12, and up to $250 for a 16x20. These prices all INCLUDE domestic flatrate shipping but will increase with size or international/speedier shipping. If you don't want a painting but would like to help me out consider clicking here and dropping a few bucks into my ko/fi!
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ifririt · 5 months
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leolaroot · 1 month
torrid having flatrate shipping of $50 into canada feels hateful.
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techniktagebuch · 8 months
10. Februar 2024
Telefonieren ist fast kostenlos. Meistens. Aber man sollte trotzdem aufpassen
Meine Mutter ruft mich an. Jemand ist im Krankenhaus, man macht sich Sorgen, sie hat lange mit der Tochter telefoniert. Die Tochter wohnt aber in Schweden. Sie hat also ein schwedisches Handy angerufen, mit ihrem Handy. Mehrfach und lange. “Kommt da jetzt eine ganz hohe Telefonrechnung auf mich zu?”
Eigentlich ist das doch ganz einfach mit dem Telefonieren, denke ich, wenn man auf ein paar Kleinigkeiten achtet. Aber während wir das besprechen, merke ich, wie kompliziert es eigentlich doch ist.
An ihrem Festnetztelefon hat meine Mutter eine Flatrate für den Anruf anderer Festnetztelefone innerhalb Deutschlands. Das ist sicher der mit großem Abstand allerhäufigste Fall der Telefonate, kein Problem. An ihrem Handy hat sie eine Flatrate für den Anruf aller Festnetz- und Mobilfunk-Telefone innerhalb Deutschlands. Das kommt auch manchmal vor. Ein Anruf auf ein Handy ins Ausland nach Schweden wäre recht teuer (ich glaube, so ungefähr 1 Euro pro Minute).
Aber ab hier wird es dann doch im Detail überraschend kompliziert. Denn das gilt ja nur, wenn sie die Telefoniefunktion des Handys benutzt. Ich habe ihr aber mal gesagt, dass sie ins Ausland über WhatsApp telefonieren soll. Den Unterschied verständlich zu machen, was es bedeutet, über die Telefoniefunktion des Handys oder über WhatsApp zu telefonieren, ist gar nicht so einfach, aber es gibt ja unterschiedliche Bildchen dafür auf dem Handy, man kann sich das also einfach merken. Nun muss man aber noch darauf achten, dass ein WhatsApp-Handytelefonat zwar kostenlos ist, aber Daten verbraucht. Also nur funktioniert, solange das mobile Datenvolumen nicht aufgebraucht ist. Also sollte sie das lieber nur dann benutzen, wenn sie im WLAN ist. Oder, außerhalb des WLANs, nicht so lange telefonieren (“Fasse dich kurz!”). Und das gilt auch, wenn sie außerhalb des WLANs über WhatsApp angerufen wird. Wohingegen ja angerufen werden über die Telefoniefunktion immer kostenlos ist - solange sie sich in Deutschland befindet. Auch, wenn sie aus dem Ausland angerufen wird.
Wir fassen also zusammen: Festnetznummer innerhalb Deutschlands anrufen: Festnetztelefon oder Handy benutzen, egal. Wenn Handy, dann lieber mit der Telefonfunktion. Wenn unterwegs, dann nicht über WhatsApp. Handynummer innerhalb Deutschlands anrufen: Handy benutzen. Lieber mit der Telefonfunktion. Wenn unterwegs, dann nicht über WhatsApp. Telefonnummer im Ausland anrufen: Handy benutzen und unbedingt über WhatsApp anrufen. Lieber nur von zu Hause aus telefonieren, aber wenn unterwegs, dann kurz fassen und nicht festquatschen (auch nicht, wenn man angerufen wird).
Ich merke, dass es doch eine gute Idee war, für meine Mutter eine Prepaid-Karte zu kaufen und ihre Handykosten nicht automatisch von meinem Girokonto abbuchen zu lassen. So könnte sie schlimmstenfalls nach Schweden die vielleicht 50 Euro Prepaidguthaben wegtelefonieren, wenn sie beim Telefonat nach Schweden doch versehentlich das falsche Bildchen antippt.
(Nachtrag: Dem Bekannten im Krankenhaus geht es langsam besser. Und der Sohn hat noch mehr Fragen zum Telefonieren.)
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unfug-bilder · 26 days
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Einfach meiden, diese Schuppen.
Wobei: In Potsdam gibt es einen mit bezahlbarer Monats-Flatrate.
DAS kann man dann schon mal machen.
(C) Ralph Ruthe
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strumpfhosenfee · 2 years
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Bezugnehmend auf das letzte Posting. Ich weiß, war nicht lustig. Aber mal eine ernste Frage! 1 Monat Flatrate = Alle Filme, Fotos, Nachrichten all incl. für um die 50 - 60 Euro. Wäre das ein faires Angebot?
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meesefr · 1 year
do you have any advice on how to price comms in flight rising? I think i'm underpricing a lot right now
Oh boy, long post incoming. I obviously don't know your art/where you live/current prices so I'll try to apprach this based on how I price my work, and touching a bit on what to expect. Gonna make this a more generalised commission pricing post because I've seen this come up a lot.
Tl;dr version = Hourly rate (always above national minimum) + time it takes you on average + extra time calculated outside of pure drawing time + taxes
I personally price commissions on FR the same way I price coms/work anywhere else. For commissions I use flatrates which are in turn based on my hourly. Imo if you're doing FRC coms I'd ALWAYS price higher for gems/tr than for IRLC since their usage is confined to on-site. (I do cheapo FRC coms here and there for stuff like foddart too but it's with the explicit understanding that this is NOT a regular transaction. I would not recommend this for a long-term commission shop.) So for FRC coms I'd convert my standard IRLC price + FRC "tax". How much do I value gems/tr over actual IRL goods etc.
My studio hourly usually ranges from 25$ to 30$ but since most commissions are non-commercial work I stick to a 20$/h range for them. I like doing them and I still want my coms to be accessible to people, so I don't mind a small cut (drawing dragons is fun). So if say... a bust on average takes me about an hour and a half the strictest estimate would be 30$ + taxes. But you want to incorporate the possibility of complicated designs, taking longer for polish/make sure the work is up to your standards, reference gathering, small changes and client communication (transaction fees as well when applicable), so it's always good to leave breathing room. (I usually estimate at least another 40 minutes. It honestly ends up taking much longer most of the time. I've had coms take me 10+ hours longer than my priced estimate because I got too ambitious/excited with the illustration, don't be me.)
Now of course all of this stuff depends on your hourly rate too which is honestly a big debate in and on itself. I think the general commissioner audience is used to significantly lower rates than the industry side might. My main income comes from freelancing, where my rate is considered low end. Outside of Illustration, which is vastly underpayed, most designers and creative freelancers will usually have an hourly rate that ranges from 40-100$/h. 20-25$ is considered entry level. My personal recommendation would be to not go lower than 15-20/h if you're doing commissions professionally, even if you live in a place where that is considered a fairly high hourly wage. If you're still a student or your art doesn't really sell yet at those price ranges because of inexperience I think it'd be better to invest in practicing your fundamentals instead and do other work in the meantime. (Or find another platform! Might be an audience issue and not a skill one!)
Unfortunately most people doing coms (including myself) ARE underpricing. I've seen people that would be senior artists in a company if they were doing concept art instead have similar prices to mine, which is ridiculous. (The average mid level concept artist in-house makes 65k/y. People doing coms at the same skillrange often make >20k/y) But to some degree that is kind of inescapable because of how many other people you are competing with. So I don't doubt one bit that you are underpricing already. Illustrators and commission artists are vastly underpayed which means the average audience is conditioned to significantly lower prices.
Thankfully, specifically on FR from my experience the quality of commissioners you'll get is really high. I'm still not sure if you could get away with strictly fairly priced coms, unless you're very popular/your art is super in demand. But other than that, I do payment upon art delivery and have never had issues with a client except once. Communication/references/respect etc are also really good and folks tend to be very understanding and patient.
Be aware that the audience does get smaller the more fairly you price your stuff. I've kinda noticed that the folks commissioning me tend to be from a smaller pool of people that are also the ones commissioning the other artists with a similar skill level on FR that do IRLC coms. So a small pool of regular commissioners + other really skilled or better than you folks that are also fairly accessible/cheap by industry standards. You start seeing a lot of the same artist names pop up when you scroll down in the dragon's bio for references. You will probably not consistently fill all your slots but your clients will most likely end up being trustworthy/reliable and occasionally repeat customers. (Not surprisingly a lot of them are fellow artists/creatives too, y'all know the pain of the grind lol)
I wish you the best, anon. Sorry for kinda hijacking your question to go in-depth with this lol. I upped my prices a few months ago too and thankfully didn't see a decline in clients even if unfortunately I'm still underpricing. Commissions are just a tough game in general. I hope you'll be compensated fairly! If art is your main gig or you're planning on making it your full-time job, definitely look into freelancing instead long term. It's still tough but at least your rates will be much more acceptable. Take care and good luck!
(P.S. In case you're not paying taxes from commissions yet, check with an accountant if you're over the declare threshold. Different countries have different rules for this. If art is your main source of income you almost definitely have to essentially open a business in most places.)
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