#flatback syndrome
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crippled-peeper · 7 months ago
neurosurgeon says they cant do any other surgery that isnt another spinal fusion. nothing else can be done except for injections and intensive physical therapy. i am stuck with this pain for now
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neurospinethane · 1 month ago
Spinal Deformities: Causes, Treatments, and Prevention Uncovered
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The spinal cord, also known as the "backbone," supports the body, makes it easier to move, and keeps the brain and spinal cord safe. But spinal deformities can happen when the spine's natural alignment is thrown off. These can affect both physical health and general well-being. These conditions range in how bad they are from minor problems with curvature to major spine deformities that make it hard to do daily tasks. This article goes into detail about spinal deformities, including their causes and symptoms, as well as the available treatments and ways to avoid getting them. It's a complete guide to understanding and managing these conditions well.
1. What are spine deformities?
Spinal deformities are problems with the structure of the spine that make it not curve or line naturally. A healthy spine has moderate bends in the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar regions to balance, absorb shock, and support movement. Scoliosis, kyphosis, and lordosis can result from these curves misaligning. These deformities can result from congenital disabilities, progressive diseases, accidents, or lifestyle choices. They can affect anyone; however, the type and cause vary with age. Spinal deformities can cause persistent pain or difficulty moving or appear externally as bent shoulders or back.
2. Causes and Risk Factors of Spinal Deformities
Genetics, environment, and lifestyle can cause spinal deformities. When vertebrae don't develop properly during fetal growth, congenital spine deformities result in abnormal curvatures after birth. In cases like scoliosis, genetic predisposition is essential.
Breaking a vertebra in an accident or while playing sports can distort the spine over time. Older people's degenerative disorders like arthritis and osteoporosis weaken the spine, making kyphosis more likely. Poor posture, inactivity, and lack of exercise can worsen spinal disorders, especially for persons who work long hours in unergonomic environments.
Risk factors include age (since the spine breaks down with age) and gender (hormonal changes make women more likely to have osteoporosis deformities). These explanations and risk factors are essential for prevention and early intervention.
3. What spinal deformities are common?
Many types of spinal deformities have various issues and qualities. The most prevalent types:
Scoliosis: This condition causes the spine to bend toward the side. It is Idiopathic, starts in youth, and has no known aetiology.
Skull pain: Many older persons with kyphosis have back degeneration or osteoporosis. Their upper backs curve too far forward. It might seem like a hunchback and hurt in the worst cases.
Lordosis: Lordosis, a severe inward curvature of the lower spine, causes back arching in some persons. It can result from obesity, poor balance, or weak abdominal muscles.
The flatback syndrome: A lost lower back curve makes the back look flat and makes it hard to remain straight for lengthy periods.
Different spine deformities affect people's appearance, comfort, and mobility. Correct evaluation is essential for choosing the appropriate treatment plan.
4. Signs and repercussions of spinal deformities
Different types and severity of spinal deformities manifest differently. Common indications include uneven shoulders, hips, and ribs. People living with Scoliosis have these symptoms the most. Pain is natural in deformities that strain muscles, ligaments, or nerves. Decreased movement and range of motion may make regular tasks difficult.
At worst, spinal disorders can harm internal organs. A severe scoliosis or kyphosis can strain the lungs, making breathing difficult. Deformed people can also struggle with mental health and self-esteem.
If left untreated, these disorders can cause chronic pain, spinal instability, and neurological issues by pressing on nerves. Early detection and treatment are essential for preventing and improving issues.
5. Treatment options for spinal deformities
Treatment for spinal deformities depends on the kind, severity, and aetiology. Treatments range from non-invasive to surgery:
Monitoring and observing: Growing kids and teens need regular checkups for modest deformities to monitor their progress.
Body therapy: Specific stretches and motions can strengthen your back and core, straighten your back, and relieve pain.
Pulling: A brace can prevent younger scoliosis patients from growing more curved. Modern braces are more comfortable and less restricting.
Medicines: Painkillers, anti-inflammatories, and muscle relaxants treat symptoms but not causes.
Surgical intervention: Very severe cases, especially those that impair mobility or quality of life, may require spine fusion. This therapy joins vertebrae to align and stabilize the spine.
Rehabilitation and follow-up care assist patients in recovering and preventing disability recurrence.
6. Preventing spinal deformities and improving spinal health
Lifestyle adjustments and preventative measures can reduce spinal deformities and maintain a healthy spine. Keep your spine straight when sitting, standing, or moving to relieve stress. Supportive chairs, desks, and ergonomic furniture can also aid with posture.
Regular outside activities are essential. Exercises that strengthen your core, increase flexibility, and enhance fitness can help stabilize your spine. Swimming, yoga, and Pilates are good for spine health.
Spine-health also depends on diet. Calcium, vitamin D, and other minerals strengthen bones and reduce the risk of osteoporosis, a significant cause of spine deformities.
Parents and instructors should monitor their children and teens' growth for improper posture or curvature. Routine screenings can detect issues early, improving results and reducing intrusive therapy.
Early detection, treatment, and prevention can control spinal deformities thane effectively. Understanding causes, symptoms, and treatments can help people manage their spinal health. Lifestyle adjustments, healing activities, and medical treatment can also help people feel better. Living a busy life requires a healthy spine. Put spinal health first and immediately fix problems to enhance posture, mobility, and wellness. Remember that your spine supports you—now support it. NeuroSpine Thane is your trusted partner in advanced spine care and health. Get your strength back and stand tall.
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manhattanspineconsultants3 · 3 months ago
Flatback Syndrome
Flatback Syndrome is a relatively common condition that is characterized by the lower region of the spinelosing its normal curvature and creating an imbalance in the spine. Flatback Syndrome is a relatively common condition that is characterized by the lower region of the spinelosing its normal curvature and creating an imbalance in the spine. When the lumbar lordosis is lost, and the center of gravity is pushed too far forward, this is known flat back syndrome.
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crippled-peeper · 2 years ago
I started out with a 65° curve on the top and a 45° on the bottom. After my spinal fusion and 10 years of combined physical therapy I still have a 15° curve on the top and a 20° on the bottom as well as flatback syndrome and 2 herniated discs. (A 3rd disc has been replaced with metal)
Finding a doctor who is willing to be “the bad guy” and say to my face that my spine is permanently fucked for the rest of my life at the age of 24, is more valuable than finding a doctor willing to say anything to make me a happy customer. We deserve realistic expectations, not empty promises from our treatment teams
I sometimes think about the time I was looking at an x-ray of my spine in a clinic and asked my specialist if this would fix me and make my body straight again and he had to look me in the eye and tell me that nothing would ever make my spine completely straight and I would be like this for the rest of my life. And the silence that followed. I knew I had scoliosis for over 6-months and not one doctor ever told me that nothing would fix it completely.
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elvinfihser · 3 years ago
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The spine, or backbone, contains intervertebral disc and vertebral bodies. These intervertebral disks are the soft tissue cushion between adjacent vertebrae of the vertebral column. Intervertebral disks work as a shock absorbers of the spine that allow for mobility. 
These IV discs are found in the lumbar spine and contribute to normal lumbar Lordosis. As people age, the intervertebral disks begin to wear down (degenerates). As the disc degenerates, the upper spine start to tilt forward and lumbar lordosis will reduce. This can lead to a deformity known as flatback syndrome.
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caffeinatedopossum · 3 years ago
Clothing sizes are so fucking stupid wtf
Apparently my measurements are extremely abnormal too. my waist is large but only in ratio to my hips which are apparently impossibly small? It's not that I don't have fat there. I actually think it might be because of my abnormal spine curvature (which i didn't even know i had until just recently) but ahhh it's annoying. Clothes are literally so uncomfortable that they *hurt* unless they fit perfectly. It doesn't help that I've had almost exclusively hand me down clothes before too- I'm not used to having to shop for clothes or even being able to. A lot of the clothes I have don't even have readable sizes because the tags have been worn right off.
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soup0ftheseus · 5 years ago
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All titties, no ass. Flatback syndrome from spinal fusion lol.
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one-tusked-claymation · 7 months ago
... That's Flatback Syndrome, and it's definitely not normal
Are you straight?
straight? What's that?
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khanfarooq-blog · 5 years ago
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drsabryragab1 · 2 years ago
ما هي أعراض و تشخيص تشوهات العمود الفقري أستاذ دكتور صبري رجب
ما هي أعراض و تشخيص تشوهات العمود الفقري أستاذ دكتور صبري رجب
تشوهات العمود الفقري (Spinal Deformities) :
• ما هي إلا انحناءات غير طبيعية تحدث للعمود الفقري العظمي.
• من أهم الحالات التي تندرج تحت هذا النوع من التشوهات الجنف (Scoliosis) والحدب (Kyphosis) التي قد يعاني منها عادة أغلب البالغين نتيجة التآكل والتمزق المرتبط بالعمر على الظهر أو نتيجة مضاعفات لعمليات جراحية سابقة.
ما هي تشوهات العمود الفقري :
• كما تم الذكر سابقا فإن تشوهات العمود الفقري هي انحناءات أو محاذاة العمود الفقري بصورة غير طبيعية ومن الممكن أن تحدث هذه الانحناءات بطرق عديدة.
• من أبرز هذه الطرق أو الأسباب نتيجة عيب خلقي أو الشيخوخة أو نتيجة التعرض لإصابة معينة أو حتى الخضوع لعملية جراحية سابقة في العمود الفقري أدى لحدوث هذا التشوه ولا بد من الإشارة إلى أكثر أنواع تشوهات العمود الفقري شيوعا ألا وهو الجنف التنكسي خاصة عند البالغين.
ما هي علامات تشوهات العمود الفقري :
• ظهور اختلاف واضح في ارتفاع كل من الورك والكتف.
• ظهور الرأس خارج المركز مع الجسم.
• ظهور العمود الفقري خارج المركز.
عدم التوازن السهمي (Sagittal imbalance) والذي قد يتضمن كل من :
1. الوضعية المنحنية للأمام.
2. حدوث وظهور بعض التحدب في منطقة الظهر.
3. عدم قدرة الفرد المصاب على الوقوف بشكل مستقيم في بعض الحالات.
4. الجدير بالذكر أن هناك العديد من الأعراض المختلفة لتشوهات العمود الفقري التي من الممكن أن يعاني منها المصاب ففي حال كان المصاب يعاني من الجنف التنكسي قد يشعر ببعض الآلام كما أن أعراض عدم التوازن السهمي قد تتراوح ما بين الخفيفة أي الشعور بعدم الراحة إلى الشعور ببعض الآلام الشديدة.
5. من المحتمل حدوث بعض التداخلات ما بين هذه التشوهات والحبل الشوكي وجذور الأعصاب أيضا في بعض الأحيان وقد ينتج عن تمدد أو ضغط جذور الأعصاب أو الحبل الشوكي بعض الأعراض مثل التنميل أو الوخز الذي من الممكن أن ينتقل عبر الذراع أو الساق أو الشعور ببعض الآلام والضعف في بعض الحالات الأخرى.
ما هي أنواع تشوهات العمود الفقري :
• حداب العمود الفقري يعد الحداب من إحدى اضطرابات العمود الفقري الناتجة عن انحناء شديد ومفرط للعمود الفقري أدى إلى حدوث دوران غير طبيعي في الجزء العلوي من منطقة الظهر كما أن هذا النوع من التشوه قد يحدث في أي عمر ولكن مرحلة المراهقة هي الأكثر ��رضة للإصابة به ومن الأخبار السارة أن الحداب عادة لا ينتج عنه أي مشاكل خطيرة فقد لا يتطلب علاجه بأي نوع من العلاجات في بعض الأحيان ولكن في حال كان هذا الحداب شديد فمن الممكن عندها أن يسبب بعض الآلام الشديدة بالإضافة إلى إحداث تشوه كبير في العمود الفقري في هذه الحالة قد يحتاج الفرد لإجراء الجراحة.
• متلازمة الظهر المسطح (Flatback Syndrome) إن متلازمة الظهر المسطح تعد من الحالات الصحية التي تؤدي إلى فقدان الجزء السفلي من العمود الفقري انحنائه الطبيعي كما أنه يعد أيضًا نوعا من أنواع عدم التوازن السهمي أو عدم التوازن من الأمام إلى الخلف في العمود الفقري.
• الجنف إن الجنف ما هو إلا انحراف أو انحناء يحدث في العمود الفقري جانبيا وعادة ما يكون السبب وراء حدوثه هو حدوث طفرة خلال فترة النمو أي قبل الدخول لمرحلة المراهقة بشكل مباشر أو من الممكن أن يحدث نتيجة تعرض الفرد لبعض الحالات الصحية مثل الشلل الدماغي والحثل العضلي ولكن لا بد من التنويه إلى أن السبب الإصابة بهذا النوع من تشوهات العمود الفقري قد يكون غير معروفًا في أغلب الحالات المصابة.
أستاذ دكتور صبري رجب :
• إستشاري جراحة العظام والعمود الفقري.
• دكتوراه جراحة العظام والعمود الفقري القصر العيني جامعة القاهرة.
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crippled-peeper · 7 months ago
I can’t even find any other people who have 2 spinal fusions let alone any articles about it 😩 am I just bad at googling things
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manhattanspineconsultants3 · 7 months ago
Flatback Syndrome Manhattan, NY
Flatback Syndrome is a relatively common condition that is characterized by the lower region of the spinelosing its normal curvature and creating an imbalance in the spine.  Normally our lower, lumbar spine has a front to back, lordotic curve. While the thoracic spine has an outward facing, kyphotic curve, and the cervical spine also has a lordotic curve. These curves work in conjunction to keep the body’s center of gravity aligned over the hips and pelvis.  When the lumbar lordosis is lost, and the center of gravity is pushed too far forward, this is known flat back syndrome.
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elvinfihser · 3 years ago
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Flatback syndrome is a condition that affects the natural curvature of the spine. The human spine has four natural curves. These curves allow the individual to stand straight and be well balanced. They also make it easier to move or walk with minimal effort.
There are two lordotic and two kyphotic curves. They alternate to form an "S" shape when viewed from the lateral side. The lordotic curve refers to the spine that curves inward, while the kyphotic curve represents the spine that curves outward.
In the lumbar spine (lower back) and cervical spine (neck) - There is an inward curve (lordosis).
In the sacral spine and thoracic spine - There is an outward curve (kyphosis).
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jobs-in-dubai-uae · 7 years ago
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UAE: An Abu Dhabi-based girl who suffered from flatback syndrome and a Sharjah-based visually-impaired girl were among the several students in the UAE who scored 90 per cent and above in the Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) Grade 10 examination. The board announced the results of the exam on Tuesday. Despite missing an entire month of school due to her condition, Sathya Subramoniam Iyer of St Joseph's School is believed to have topped the board exam results among girls in Abu Dhabi with a score of 97.6 per cent. "I never expected this result," an elated Sathya told Khaleej Times. "If we listen to our teachers in class, then tuitions are not needed to get good marks." Asma Abbas from Delhi Private School Sharjah, who suffers from glaucoma, aced the exam and scored 94.4 per cent. "I am thrilled with the results. I was expecting something over 90 per cent, but I am delighted today," said Asma, who wrote the exam with the help of a scribe. Kevin Thomas Palmootil from the same school is believed to have topped the exam results in the UAE with a score of 98.8 per cent. © Khaleej Times via Edarabia.com
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edarabia · 7 years ago
UAE: An Abu Dhabi-based girl who suffered from flatback syndrome and a Sharjah-based visually-impaired girl were among the several students in the UAE who scored 90 per cent and above in the Central Board of Secondary Examination (CBSE) Grade 10 examination. The board announced the results of the exam on Tuesday. Despite missing an entire month of school due to her condition, Sathya Subramoniam Iyer of St Joseph's School is believed to have topped the board exam results among girls in Abu Dhabi with a score of 97.6 per cent. "I never expected this result," an elated Sathya told Khaleej Times. "If we listen to our teachers in class, then tuitions are not needed to get good marks." Asma Abbas from Delhi Private School Sharjah, who suffers from glaucoma, aced the exam and scored 94.4 per cent. "I am thrilled with the results. I was expecting something over 90 per cent, but I am delighted today," said Asma, who wrote the exam with the help of a scribe. Kevin Thomas Palmootil from the same school is believed to have topped the exam results in the UAE with a score of 98.8 per cent. © Khaleej Times via https://www.edarabia.com/cbse-results-disability-no-constraint-class-x-girls/
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sbobetlover · 7 years ago
Flatback syndrome is a cause of back pain
A healthy human character has three lines that ensure proper balance and shock absorption. The lumbar spine in the lower back naturally goes inwards; This type of career is called lordosis. The lumbar spine in the middle of the back is connected to the ribs and the outward sides, called kyphosis. Finally, the cervical cervix is ​​naturally lordotic.
Some people with pulmonary disease may…
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