#flashbangs myself with white
arsenicxarcana · 2 months
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not totally in the letter of the meme but lets be real he respects his own opinion the most
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drunkcleric · 1 year
Turns out they flashback you during a laser eye test
Fml I looked like my icon while muttering "where am I?!"
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floralovebot · 2 years
-i go into the winx tag to look at my beloveds
-i see whitewashed fanart
-get mad and tell myself it's not worth it to go in the tag
-rinse and repeat
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aria0fgold · 4 months
Alec and his homophobic (/j) red hair giving me eyestrain. I hate him (affectionately).
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tizzypizza · 6 months
Top 7 idol list?
I was saving this so I could draw it at some point but oh my god I am SWAMPED and can't see myself with time to do it so top list umm.
1- Shiver. I think this is self-explanatory. I love Asian women so much (I'm Asian before anyone starts raising any eyebrows) and her personality is so funny. She's incredibly theatrical and dramatic and has this big persona that she puts on that falls apart SO quickly when it comes to her friends but otherwise she is fierce!! A force to be reckoned with!! But also a sopping wet little guy.
2- Marina. I love women in STEM I LOVE women in STEM so much. My two immediate draws are like... Traditional-looking Asian woman and Smart Woman so. Marina is such a fascinating character and it's always a shame to see her so heavily uwu-ified, she's super smart and she has a lot going on besides just her attachment to Pearl!! But TBH her attachment to Pearl is part of what endeared her to me. Girl who has experienced The Horrors and is kind of a living supercomputer becomes sappy mush when Girlfriend Flashbang. She was also the one who lowkey got me into Splatoon simply by being the prettiest Nintendo character I'd ever seen as a kid.
3- Pearl. I hesitate to put Pearl above Frye because really they're super tight in my head but the only thing that knocks her up a peg is that her dialogue is a lot more fun for me to write in English (Frye talks really interestingly too! She genuinely speaks like an old man in the Japanese but that's just not reflected in the English). I love her so much because at so many moments where she could choose to be snarky or witty with Marina or anyone else, she always chooses kindness and she's always so supportive in her own spunky little way. She's so genuine and fun and silly and self assured and confident and she's so COOL. I hate drawing her hair though. I actually used to kinda hate Pearl as a kid because I fell for the forehead propaganda but I know better now.
4- Frye. LIKE I SAID in my head Frye and Pearl are tied. I love Frye she's such a sweetheart and she has such a fun fierceness about her. She cares deeply for her friends and she keeps her cool the best out of all of her friends in Deep Cut and she DANCES!! Her character design is one of the most interesting designs I've had the pleasure of drawing a shit ton of times and despite being team Shiver nearly every time I get really sad whenever she doesn't win Splatfests :( She deserves it (and tbh I think she deserved to be the leader of Deep Cut but don't @ me on that)
5- Marie. I wish I had more opinions on Marie but given that my earliest hands-on exposure to Splatoon was Sp2 when my friend used to let me walk around as her Octoling and play a little bit of Salmon Run (lost outpost my beloved wherefore art thou) and I've never played Sp1 or 2's campaign I can't really say anything about her other than I think she's really pretty. I think she's often characterized as the more flippant and low-energy one which is a cool thing to see in an idol (who are typically meant to be all smiles) but she's also really silly! She cracks a lot of jokes in the Sp3 campaign!! She's also just really cool and really pretty and white is one of my favorite colors
6- Big Man. LISTEN!!!! I LOVE HIM I REALLY DO BUT Frye-Pearl are soooo close together in my head and I feel only a little less strongly about him than Pearl but I really really love him. He's a blast to draw and honestly he's a lot more fun in the Japanese since Frye and Shiver have extremely thick accents and he's the only one who talks like Just Some Guy. He helps reign them in but he can rarely control them. He's such a lovable little dude.
7- Callie. Love the girl but I've never once resonated with her. I don't do well in the way of happy-go-lucky fun types but I don't hate her! I think she's got a lot of room to be interesting. My friend characterizes her with some flaws relating to like. Octarian prejudice which I think is pretty dope. And I'm not a huge pink fan... But I WILL say she is one of the most fun to draw.
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springfallendeer · 6 months
Lethal Culinary Note: The Forest Keeper
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@xnanosilverx Alright. I'll give this a go.
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Ayala's culinary notes:
The "Forest Keeper", or "The Giant" as myself and my crew members generally call them, is a terrifying creature indeed.
It is best to avoid these creatures, as our weapons fail to do any observable damage to it. Shovels (unsurprisingly) have no effect on its tough outer skin, which I would compare to the thick bark of an ancient tree.
Stun grenades work in a pinch, but only as a means of buying a few extra seconds of escape. If timed correctly, one of these flashbangs can be used to rescue a captured crewmate from what would otherwise be certain death.
Without a stun grenade, anyone unfortunate enough to be caught by one of these creatures is beyond means of saving. All that awaits will be a quick, but undoubtedly excruciating death; at least if the massive cloud of blood and the agonized wails are anything to go off of.
One would have to be not only incredibly desperate, but insanely foolish to try and make a meal of one of these creatures. But suffice to say, after having found myself stranded on hostile alien moons so many times... I have found myself in the exact right situation to try and take the risk.
I was fortunate enough to find one of these creatures either dead, or near dead. I was also fortunate enough to not be found by whatever it was that had brought this behemoth to its end. No doubt, whatever it was that had the might to bring one of these creatures down would have had no trouble using me as an appetizer, or as an after dinner mint.
When I found the Giant, it appeared to be critically wounded. I am unsure if it was legitimately dead, or if I merely acted as a scavenger which crept in to opportunistically devour the near dead creature.
Its thick hide had been cracked and splintered. There were multiple spots along its body where the thick outer skin had been completely split open, seemingly by some sort of crushing force.
Thick, viscous blood better comparable to drying tree sap pooled from these many open wounds. It had the look and feel of molasses, and was equally as bitter and sweet when I gave it a tentative taste.
The flesh inside those open wounds was pale and off-white. Considering the overall look and texture of the outside of the creature, I expected it to behave much like the inner pulp that hides behind the bark of a tree. But as I scraped the meat with the edge of a sharp rock, I found that it was nothing like that at all.
The inner flesh of a Giant is surprisingly soft. At least when compared to the hard bark that makes up its outer shell. I would compare it to the flesh of a peach; firm and juicy, but capable of being crushed by hand.
I gathered as much of the strange flesh as I could manage.
Unlike the other scavengers of that hostile world, I was not prepared for what might happen if some other predator happened by to lay claim to the body. With my limited supplies, I only managed to collect a couple pounds "meat", though I question if the substance I went on to consume could even be classified as such.
With my spoils in hand, I hastily made my way back to my makeshift shelter in the nearest facility. It was there that my experiments began.
I tried the meat raw first.
The bitter-sweetness of the blood carried over into the meat, but only until it was cleaned and soaked in water to do away with the unpleasant taste.
Once cleaned, the flesh of the Giant was... Surprisingly bland. There was a slight nuttiness to it, but outside of that my first impression of the meat was incredibly underwhelming.
The raw meat had more going for it in terms of texture than it did anything else. It reminded me of dried apple slices, in a way. Soft on the very outside with a firmer, more crisp center that had a faint chew to it.
I boiled, grilled, and smoked what remained, and I did so in equal portions. All of which I went on to consume over the following few days as I anxiously awaited the return of my crew.
The meat proved equally as bland when boiled, but took on a much softer texture. I'd compare the texture of the boiled Giant meat to that of a soft-boiled egg. It was almost gelatinous. If I had just had some salt or some other means of adding flavor, it would have made for a pleasant meal.
When grilled, the meat somehow firmed up and became even more chewy. Any hint of "crunch" or crispness that it might have had completely disappeared once cooked over a flame. I cannot even compare the texture to that of any other food that I have consumed, it changed so drastically.
The closest that I could possibly compare it to is what I know of more exotic meats like Octopus or Squid, but due to my low status aboard the colony, I cannot even verify how accurate of a comparison this might be.
Outside of the baffling (but not all that unpleasant) texture, the meat actually developed a flavor! There was a faint smokiness from being cooked over a fire, and the previously established nutty notes of the flesh became far more pronounced.
If I had to compare to a specific type of nut, I would say that grilled Giant meat tastes very similar to cashews. Even without the luxury of seasoning, it made for a surprisingly pleasant meal!
As for the smoked meat... Well. It would strongly advise that anyone else who happens to acquire Giant meat avoids repeating my mistake. When smoked, the meat takes on a texture best compared to aged shoe leather. Not only was it incredibly difficult to chew, but it sucked all moisture from my mouth with each small bite that I managed to take.
The smoky taste of the smoked meat was also overwhelming, to the point that I suspect that the taste of my cooking ashes might have been more appealing by comparison.
Had I the supplies and the means... Maybe the smoked giant flesh might have made for a better ingredient in a soup or a stew. But alas, that was my first, and thus far my only opportunity to experiment with such an unusual source of food.
In the even that I am given a second or even a third opportunity, I will happily update my notes and develop better recipes for my comrades to make use of. In the meantime... Well. The recipes can be found below.
Raw: Raw Giant flesh appears to be perfectly safe to eat if consumed fresh.
Soak for at least an hour in cold, clean water first to remove the bitterness of the blood The pat dry and chop into bite sized pieces. Can be eaten as is, but if available, add a sprinkle of salt and pepper to vastly improve the otherwise bland flavor.
Do not eat raw if the flesh has darkened, or if it has taken on a strange smell. This is most likely a sign of the meat having become infested with bacteria, and will undoubtedly lead to food poisoning. Which may lead to death.
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Boiled (or as a soup): First soak the acquired meat in cold water for at least an hour to remove the bitterness of the blood. Throw out and replace the tainted water, then remove the meat and cut it into bite size cubes.
Return the cubes of meat to the cooking vessel and bring to a heavy boil. Cook until the water takes on a milky hue and the meat develops a gelatinous texture. Consume as is, or eat alongside the milky broth for a very bland soup.
If the luxury is available, enhance the flavor of the meat (or soup) with salt. Adding any available wild grain, herb, or vegetable will not only make for a more filling meal, but it will greatly improve the overall flavor.
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Grilled: First soak the meat in cold water for at least an hour. Then remove and pat dry, before cutting into thin strips. Skewer the strips or wrap them around the cooking implement of choice.
Arrange the prepped meat over an open flame, preferably away from any drifting smoke to prevent the smoky flavor from getting too intense. Bring the meat close enough to feel the intensity of the heat without risking direct contact with the flames.
Cook for around 7 minutes, or until the flesh has visibly firmed up (it will shrink) and developed a slight char. Perfectly palatable as is, but could likely be improved with salt if such a luxury is available.
(I personally consider this the best means of preparation. Both in terms of texture and flavor.)
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Smoked: Ill-advised, but suitable as a means of preserving the meat in the event of an emergency....
First soak the meat in cold water for at least an hour. Then remove and pat dry, before cutting into thin strips. The thinner the better, as the final product will be incredibly tough and difficult to chew.
Hang the strips of meat over a prepared stick over a low flame. Allow the heat of the flame and the smoke of the wood to slowly cook and dry the meat over the course of a few hours; at least 6, and as many as 12. The resulting meat will be very tough and very dry, but will keep for weeks without refrigeration.
Eating these strips of smoked meat is not advised. Instead, mix into water to rehydrate the meat and boil to make for a weak but very smoky soup.
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rvbkinfessions · 9 days
yoyoyo!!! a noncanon RvB kin here comin atcha live from the vast nullity!!! >..D
'names Agent Indiana, Indie for short, i didn't talk much, and was a TANK compared to most other freelancers.
white armor and purple highlights. also had black-tinted out visor to myself from flashbangs.
t'was an innerestin' "storyline."
the main reason i wanted to share this is. uh. well, i died...then came back from the impossible.
my uh. head got blown off by a sniper.
i couldn't take cover in time. think my oversheild upgrade malfunctioned or somethin'.
the last thing i yelled, accordin to someone who remembers me, was, “I'M FUCKIN INVINCIBLE!!!”
that was ironic as hell.
...paraphrasing here, but some essentially said;
no one's ever seen an AI scream in rage and send that many robotic soldiers in one direction at once.
after a bit, i came back somehow, don't remember how of what happened. but i remember that i came back...
anyways, thats how i got my irrational fear of sniper weapons / snipers!
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mothnoir · 6 months
Was anyone gonna tell me that 'front flash' is just the screen going as brightly all-white as possible for a few seconds or was I just supposed to get flashbanged in total darkness and find out myself
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fragglez · 4 months
tanning is nice until I accidentally look at myself and get flashbanged by my whiteness
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little-shiny-sharpies · 10 months
Oh that was a HORRID fucking nightmare
It’s currently an hour before my alarm goes off and i just woke up from a dream where I was playing a horror game akin to something like slender where you find 3 items while avoiding a monster and id gone through a few levels of it but I’ve forgot what they were, the mechanics this last level monster was it was blind but it could hear and it was like a long gangly looking thing with claws and it was a pretty scary in my dream it was all white and it’s ribs were protruding and it had a black hole for a face where some teeth were jutting out and it was voice acted too so you could hear It at all times and I was in the longest hallway’d house ever there were closets and desks I could hide in it was like a house with the anatomy of a hotel my only light was a half dead flashlight and a flashbang from a previous level that triggered the monster to kill me instantly and the death animation was it fnaf 2 foxy jumping at me but it looked like something out of resident evil man it fuckin DCARED me and it always whispered something before the game over screen like “I’ll string you by your guts.” With a bone snapping SFX before I could hit restart
So the whole reason I was PLAYING the game to begin with was because there was a Wrathion statue giveaway and the items in the game you had to find. Were 3 Wrathion plushies. Very good bait dream, I took that shit like a worm on a hook you prick. Anyways my subconscious really latched into all my game development research bc the menu was surprisingly clear, it let me select all the previous monster and read about them and their mechanics but the new one had just vague brief descriptions like “If it hears you you’re dead. Hide when it draws near.” And it’s title was just YOURE FVCKED which is funny censoring honestly but there was also a clip of the jumpscare in that menu itself so fuck you again dream for your clever jumpscare tactic of getting me while I’m in the menu.
Anyways so since I could barley see with my shit flashlight and the monster was legitimately scaring the shit out of me and the Wrathion plushies made me realize I was asleep and I wasn’t getting that statue for real I started playing the game badly so I could wake myself up (because doing anything direct would’ve made my subconscious change the game to something I wasn’t familiar with) but turned OFF my flashlight so my mind wouldn’t show me that fucked up creature when I died but I could still hear it but thank god I couldn’t feel it killing me because it randomly generated different deaths that I couldn’t see thank god again and before I woke up I closed the game and my me camera pulled back to out of the game me and I was holding my dog grounding myself and also trying to wake up and the exit game animation thing was like “oh well you lost game character doesn’t get to save their kid” like lorebait was gonna get me back in there like I’m Matpat or some shit then the animation “cracked” my screen as one last scare and I woke up and decided to write this down bc I could make that game and then use the money to buy the statue so nightmares offer solutions sometimes I guess
Anyways good morning everybody
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commanderfreddy · 1 year
im so fuckin white i flashbanged myself with my own face
[misericorde part 7 vod now on youtube]
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justices-blade · 1 year
[ Fireflies ] - Also known as lightning bugs. Get it? ... Maybe you wish to catch the show, or maybe you want to catch the bugs - just remember that they’re not so small anymore.
First Ares was blindsided by the land transforming beneath his feet, and now he was literally being blinded.
No sooner had he made it out of that hedge maze did he walk right into another set of walls -- these being made out of eye-searing flashes of light.
"Tch..." Ares mumbled something sharp through his grit teeth as he brought an Earth-branded hand over his face. It was meant to give his eyes a chance to adjust, but his sight was still awash with faded colors mixed into a blinding white. Distance was the only cure he could think of now, carefully trying to inch his way through the cloud of fireflies without any collisions.
Naturally, he bumped into something almost immediately, and from the sensation of soft cloth and magic surging between them, he guessed it to be another person.
"Apologies," Ares said, having stopped the minute he felt them. "I can't see through these fireflies' lights."
"Whoa!" Edward stumbles a bit at the collision, but he's been doing that a fair number of times in the past few minutes — As cool as the oversized fireflies are, looking at one's already a bit like looking at an oversized lantern for too long, and the amount swarming around them right now is closer to a miniature sunrise.
Maybe it's for the better that the light's making it so hard for people to, y'know, actually see them in all their crawly, buzzy glory up close — Leonardo would have a full-on freakout if not for all the light, for sure. At any rate, consider him sufficiently flashbanged.
While Ares stays stock-still, though, Edward reaches out for purchase, the gloved hand not shielding his eyes gingerly feeling its way up to the other's head — Or, rather the hand shielding it. Earth and water meet, briefly, adding flashes of orange and blue into their peripheries as the flowers light up and bloom. The boy lets out a little 'oh!', and shifts his hand down to a more appropriate shoulder touch, just to anchor them both.
"Hey there," he chortles. "Sorry, me too. They're real bright, huh?"
The shoulder hand pats once, twice. "Don't think a blind man can lead another all that good, but you wanna try and pick our way out of this? I'd rather admire these guys from a little further off, myself."
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swampgallows · 2 years
the usual
im mad because im trying to read books again, specifically trying to pick up toxic parents and body keeps the score again so i can try and Help Myself basically now that im back in the limbo of having no therapist. but trying to concentrate on shit and hunker down and learn things when i know it’s good for me i swear it’s like a flashbang goes off in my brain and everything just whites out. ‘concentrate’ isnt even the right word for it because it’s like i cant even begin to get started. it’s like staring into the sun to even begin to think about stuff i guess, it’s all so overwhelming. i want so much about my life to change, so much, so badly, so drastically, but so much of it just doesnt feel feasible that it’s like ive implanted this mental block in my brain to even dream of change because it’s too caustic. 
that ‘autistic masking’ article about the boy who would build and paint his models at night then clean everything up so he left no trace of himself... i think about how much ive whittled myself down and have tried to take up very little space. how i dont play my music on speakers, dont draw anymore, basically only took up writing more because it was something that was between me and a notepad document and didnt take time the same way as drawing, and wasnt possible to immediately consume like a drawing (people grabbing my sketchbook and just flippantly turning the pages, skimming past drawings that took me hours in favor of minute long sketches, glancing at drawings that were supposed to express my deep feelings and having immediate reactions of disgust or ridicule)
i make kandi put it on a chain then put it away. it cant really go anywhere anyway, not like i’ll be attending raves again any time soon. i have no reason or place to wear my ‘fun clothes’ anymore. i wore what i thought was a cute outfit at christmas and even my immediate family had some shit to say about it. i wore a pair of stockings that ive had (and worn) since i was 14  years old. i wore them to my very first raver day at disneyland. and theyre surprised when i wear them now? like they havent seen them before????
even here i was about to say “i tire of myself” and close this window or hit post and stop here, but literally my blog is one of the only places i can actually express myself somewhere and send it out to a place where it’s seen. yeah i can write things down in my journal and ‘express myself’ there so that “personal stuff” isnt online but... i already do that. set up my models and paint them late at night, then put them away before anyone sees in the morning. djing only in my headphones at 4am, pulling them off periodically to make sure they arent too loud even through the headphones. lighting candles but opening the window so there isn’t “too much” scent. 
if im autistic or have adhd or some combination of the two, then my whole family is too and all undiagnosed (save for maybe my dad. i think he’s the closest one of us to being ‘normal’). i took that blorbo quiz and it asked “How would they describe themselves?” 
how would -i- describe myself? i dont know. people tell me im smart and funny. i think it’s because they cant think of anything nicer to say.
Part of me is still chasing the approval of all the world’s English teachers. Getting compliments on my writing makes me feel like my life matters. And I still struggle to ask for love and affection when a real, flesh and blood human is looking me in the face. It’s difficult for me to believe someone might care for me as an equal, and like things about me other than my intellect. I frequently have to remind myself I’m no longer a child, and don’t need approval of the “adults” anymore.
as long as im stuck living with my parents im going to perpetually be the child. it’s also really fucking frustrating knowing how ill prepared i am to live as an adult. even when i had a job i had to quit it so i didnt kill myself. i dont think just getting a job is the answer, though i know it’s a mandatory piece of the puzzle. ugh god
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applebortongenes · 2 years
Act Like You’ve Never Seen A Moggie
Chapter 2 Scars Kept Unattended 
Everything was extremely hazy… I remember the shouting of soldiers both on my side and against me. I remember hearing Viper over the radio, screaming for a medic for Sips. Who previously had been shot in the upper arm and was losing blood extremely quickly. Then quiet as the helicopter started to ascend to my rendezvous location, as quick as it went into the air the piercing light took over my scope and eyes like a flashbang then the sound around my ruptured. When I came to and looked through my scope though I saw it… The bright flames scorching the helicopter flipping in the air as it falls cascading down in a spiral. It hits the ground as the sound finally fills my ears a deafening crackle then BOOM follows in tandem. I called out on my radio but everything stayed silent. I panicked and rushed to the crash site only to find 4 corpses- I say corpses but in actuality they were only skeletons burned and charred skin attached to them. It was horrifying, borderline traumatic.. To see the group that I had been with since joining the military be murdered. In their own evacuation helicopter, then it hit me as I walked around the burning pile of ash flame metal and human remains I gathered the shark teeth from my teammates and their dog tags- though barely recognizable and sat there watching their bodies burn. My body had gone numb by the time I reached the site, all emotion was dragged out on the way down till now just a numb feeling overwhelmed my sense to where I couldn’t even see or hear the swarm of soldiers zeroing in on my location. Till I was knocked out. I remember waking up to sharp pains everywhere from my scalp to my toes. When I came to, I could feel and taste the irony liquid filling my mouth, Blood. I started to hack and cough to get the dreadful taste out of my mouth to no avail my mouth was clamped open with 4 rusted metal hooks while my hands and feet where no different my right leg having a hook driven straight through my ankle while my left going through the palm of my foot and the hooks on my hands one going through the wrist and one through the hand. ‘Show No Weakness’ a fellow who served once told me, but how do I show I am not afraid when I am being hooked like a boar they had just caught. A man in a white suit came over- I say it was white in reality it was stained. Stained with blood, I am assuming none is his own. I remember the words he said to me “You serve a pig, you shall look like one when we are through” as he flipped the rusted knife in his pocket out and tightened the grip he has on it he brought the blade to the corners of my lips slowly applying pressure. There is a camera directed at me and in the lens reflection I can see it, the hideous face I was given a giant smile coming from my lips to the middle of my ear, my nose broken, the blood pooling into my mouth. As he turned my face I could see my teeth as my cheek was fully open and exposed. I blacked out after that, not waking up till I was chained in a cage. As the man walked up to the cage he smiled wickedly “I hope you enjoy becoming food for the creatures that crawl in this desert they hunger just as we of course” and left. The sun bore into my back for days till I broke my hands to free myself, learning that I was not going to be saved was the easy part, not giving in to the willing arms of death was the hard part. I eventually got out by using the shark teeth as lock picking devices. I walked for days using cactus as a water and food source growing numb to the ache of needles being in my skin as I continue to grog my way through this wasteland. I obtained a friend on my way. A small Magpie had been left out by its family so I decided to help it, if anything it could eat me after I died for a long while. I couldn't talk anymore due to the fact of my mouth throat and lungs growing raw from the constants of sand being blown into it my tongue being split and my uvula basically dissipated since the sands brutal attacks, as I began coming up on a large wall I realized this could be my ticket out of this hell hole. I buckled down and continued to walk, though now making a much faster haste than the previous. An officer saw me and rounded me up, I don’t remember much after that though.
-- Present--
I can hear the helicopter buzz as it jerks to a soft landing as I stand and collect my things, Soldiers filing past me as I haul my Tac-50 over my shoulder and grab my duffle bag swinging it almost hitting one of the soldiers walking past me with my free hand I readjust my goggles and Mask making sure the voice modifier is on so I will be audible enough to be legible… still breathing. I walk out to be met with the face of the captain himself Captain John Price the one who had made the call to Laswell for my arrival. I noticed no other soldier walked to him all going to a variety of different areas seemingly having already been given orders. ‘Fuckin’ Robots if ya ask me’ I mumble under my breath as I walk over to Price looking up at his eyes I spot in the distance about 6 to 7 men walking towards us. “Lynx reporting Captain Price,Sir.” I let out in the best ‘I swear I am focused on this task voice I can muster. How could I pay attention though when I saw people wearing masks just like me on this team. “ Got yourself a team of mismatched bandits and roughians I see Captain.” I let out a huff as he chuckles “You yourself added now, hope it was a good flight soldier.” He starts to walk off to the group now seeing them closer as I follow Price. Two people wore masks like me though one full faced with a skull sewn on ‘wonder if its real...’, while the other having his hair out still, another sat with a ballcap on looking down at a tablet seemingly looking over notes for their next mission. Then the one with the mohawk who has been watching me like a hawk gitty to pounce on its prey or a dog with a new toy. He was the first to greet himself, his name was Soap, kind of stupid if you ask me but hey who am I to judge. Next was the second masked guy, his hair bouncing slightly as he got up from his seat to shake hands with me introducing himself as KillSwitch, K.S. for short, next was the ballcap guy who is called Gaz and 2 mexican special force operatives named Alejandro and Rudolpho otherwise called Rudy, and finally the big masked man. All he said was Ghost as he stared down at me with an intensity that screamed ‘you don't belong here’ borderline territorial, but I had gotten it enough from my brother growing up so I was fine with the look after chatting a small bit my voice and throat started to burn and I signed to Price asking if I can be brought to my room. Seeing the puzzled look on his face made me realize Laswell forgot to mention my voice. Till KS chimed in before I could get a word out “ She wants to go to her room sir, says…. Her voice hurts?” He looks puzzled as I explain it through ASL “She has a severely damaged throat that makes it difficult to talk for long periods of time, I can show her to the rooms sir I know you need to inform Laswell of her arrival.” Price nods with a sigh and hands the keys to KS as they both begin walking. They talk through sign L:‘Didn’t think anyone would know sign in this place’ K:‘yea I was taught by my neighbors, lucky you hmm’ Lynx just nods and continues walking till they reach the door. 
Log 728 ‘.141.’
New beginnings....
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thatoneluckybee · 9 months
huh? Your them changed!
I DID I LOVED the white and pink theme but my dash is set to Goth Rave and I kept flashbanging myself with it in the car so I changed it after ch singing the pfp on an impulse decision
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monochromaticpaint · 1 year
time for my first team LNSR post
eventually ill post story for each of them.
This Takes Place in a world where team RWBY never happened. dont worry i forget that myself lol.
When this team first started the core themes were a music based team, but also being relatives of team wtch. (Watts, Tyrian, Cinder, Hazel) Aka, Salems court.
the latter kind of remains? but only in my headcanons. i have to be lenient in rps. the former isnt really a thing but it still shows through Lens full name. Lennin. (The Name was based on john lennon, one of the beatles i could randomly think of. the beatles were really instrumental for Modern Electronic Music. ITS NOT A COMMUNISM THING. IVE GOTTEN THAT. ITS NOT TRUE)
with that out of the way. a first look at team LNSR
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Len(nin) Celldweller: Trans Female, Lesbian. Arthur Watt's neice. Her Parents are Jordan B Celldweller and Lucy Celldweller. Her (First) Weapon is a sniper hoverboard. Hailing From Mantle, an Atlas Academy student.
Nevel Tinteshi: Female, Lesbian, Tyrian Callows neice (Only by adoption however) Her weapons are flashbang microphones (another thing showing the music theme) Raised In Vacuo, Born in Mistral, Lives in Mistral with Slumber until recruitment. (He and Her were part of the old white fang)
Slumber Ire. Male, Straight (this doesnt last) Cinder Falls Nephew, Anteres Roseman And Dawn Persephone are his parents. A Lost member of the Persephone Tribe (A tribe much like the branwens, but id say worse and more unknown) Only thing he remembers is being abandoned as a child in Mistral and Seeing Cinders face before she fled. His weapons is a double sided kasurigama the opens in the middle becoming 2 mini scythes.
Remedy Goldeye. Female AroAce. Hazel Reinharts Cousin, Her Mother is Amber Goldeye. Her weapon is a trident scythe. (im not sure how i was picturing that one worked either but thats what i wrote down) Born and Raised in Vale.
Now onto the semblances
Len: Magnetism (Allows her to connect to metal like a magnet using static electricity)
Nevel: Two Places (can spawn a second clone as an illusion to fool opponents)
Slumber: Fire Ball (can shoot fire out of his hands)
Remedy: Gold Bands (can spawn gold bands to ensnare opponents, create platforms or grab things)
these are my oc team and i love them sm.
the development/story post will have the timeskip picrews.
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