#flase flags
The battle over the Speakership dreams of Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., was a cataclysmic event, in terms of the media's increasingly ineffective efforts to convey to news consumers what is actually going on. Most press coverage portrayed the struggle as one between a more moderate faction supporting McCarthy and a far-right splinter group who opposed him. In reality, however, the fight was merely showboating from a small group of trolls who wanted attention, with no real substance to any of the disagreements. Indeed, pro- and anti-McCarthy groups are in fierce agreement on nearly all major policy issues, including the question of whether democracy is a good thing worth protecting. (Both sides believe it is not!)
For proof there's no real daylight between the two factions, look no further than the fact that the biggest Republican troll in the House, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia, was on Kev's side from the get-go. Greene has become one of the most famous — and powerful — Republicans in Capitol Hill by sheer dint of her gleefully unapologetic fascism. She's one of the biggest apologists for Donald Trump's Big Lie and the violent insurrectionists who attempted to overthrow democracy on January 6, 2021. She's a grade-A conspiracy theorist who rode into Washington spouting QAnon nonsense. Once in office, she went straight for the third rail in American politics, showy antisemitism, downplaying the Holocaust and raving about how Jews were setting wildfires with space lasers. She hits all the major stations of the conspiracy theory cross, from dismissing mass shootings as "false flags" to vaccine denialism to, naturally, 9/11 trutherism. She, of course, has also gotten that sweet, sweet attention by calling for the execution of her political opponents.
But she's all for McCarthy, because he is fine with all this, despite his media image of moderation. Greene, who is a much savvier operator than the liberals constantly dunking on her would like to admit, clearly realizes that being on the always-Kevin side of this fight opened up a golden opportunity: She can now rebrand herself as a mainstream Republican. With her shiny new committee assignments — complete with access to some of the most highly classified information in government — and her role as McCarthy's golden girl, Greene is set to remake herself into a respected figure on Capitol Hill. She'll be just as much a conspiracy theory kook as she ever was, but her new status as an elder statesman in the GOP will put an ennobling gloss on her lies, helping push them through the ever-credulous Beltway press.
That Greene is consciously rebranding herself became undeniable on Sunday, when she distanced herself from QAnon during a Fox News interview.
"Well, like a lot of people today, I had easily gotten sucked into some things I'd seen on the internet," she said when host Howard Kurtz asked her about QAnon. "But that was dealt with quickly early on. I never campaigned on those things. That was not something I believed in."
In one sense, these are easily debunked lies. Her involvement with the QAnon cult was not cursory, as she implies. She literally released a video prior to her election in which she argued "now there's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to take this global cabal of Satan-worshipping pedophiles out, and I think we have the president to do it." Her social media endorsements of political violence were often rooted in the false accusations that Democrats are pedophiles who drink children's blood.
But it's also true that, like many far-right conspiracy theorists, Greene doesn't actually believe the vile things she says. Truth has no value to her. She just says whatever she thinks will benefit her politically. In the past, that was endorsing every cockamamie conspiracy theory she could, since doing so got attention and helped her fundraise, both of which helped make her very powerful within the GOP. Now that she's made a name for herself, she's shedding the QAnon association so she can access the next level of power, which is being treated like a respectable politician.
Sadly, there's every reason to think this will work in a media environment where mainstream journalists are always eager to minimize the radicalism of Republicans and present them as "normal" politicians to the public. We saw this process happen with the Tea Party movement. In 2010, a bevy of Republican politicians got elected during this racist right wing tantrum wave against President Barack Obama. At first, they got the "look at these weirdos" coverage that Greene enjoys now. But it didn't take long for most of the Tea Partiers to reform their media images into middle-of-the-road politicians.
Former Vice President Mike Pence. Former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. Rep. Steve Scalise of Louisiana. Former White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas. Sen. Tim Scott of South Carolina. These are just a sampling of politicians who rose to prominence aligned with the Tea Party movement, only to be converted in the media imagination to ordinary politicians — all without having to sacrifice their extremist views. In some cases, they obtained an unearned reputation as "reasonable" or "moderate" simply by flinching at how gross Donald Trump is, pretending they represented some check on his excesses or by criticizing him publicly.
McCarthy himself is a classic example of how much the mainstream press will conveniently forget when trying to dignify a Republican who initially broke into politics as a fire-breathing right wing extremist. McCarthy obtained his high status in the GOP by playing footsie with the Tea Partiers who took out one of his predecessors, John Boehner. He managed to win the Speakership through his slavish loyalty to Trump, including a willingness to vote to overturn the 2020 election. There is nothing moderate or normal about McCarthy. Still, due to a few opportunistic trolls on the Hill willing to paint him as a RINO, he gets to be treated not as the radical he is, but as a normal politician who is simply beset by fanatics.
Greene no doubt has seen this process of normalization and believes, correctly, that she can get in on it. She probably doesn't even have to give up some of her other bizarre "beliefs" regarding mass shootings or COVID-19. The press is so desperate for normal conservatives to cover that even the slightest nod towards rationality is read as permission to round up a Republican to the class of "responsible" politicians. Greene has hit the limit of what she can do while being known as the kookiest member of Congress. She's ready to graduate to a real power player who gets flattering press coverage. If past is predictor, she can expect to do so with a big assist from the mainstream media.
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milfygerard · 4 months
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@staff @support you sent me an email telling me that you removed a post from my blog, but I have no clue what post because the link you said is dead because you deleted the post before I could see it. I have no clue what was deleted or how it qualified as abuse or harassment. Not having a screenshot or aechive link to send me so I can actually see the post and, if the claim is not legitimate, appeal it, is massively unprofessional. Please either reinstate the post or tell me what it consisted of so we can move forward
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studsandswords · 1 year
i made this as a reply to a repost of one of my own posts but i think its important enough to be its own post
If you want to be punk, listen to the music first, its incredibly diverse with diferent sub genres like hardcore, crust, D beat, power violence, street punk, oi, queercore, Anarcho-punk and riot grrrl.
IMPORTANT- listen to local punk bands and support your local scene and community
band recomendations-
-Black flags -Bad brains -Minor threat -Capitalist casualties -Circle jerks -Crass -Dead kennedies - DIscharge - Doom -Dystopia- Electro hippies- GBH - Nausia - No consent -Operation ivy -Subhumans -Zulu
For the dress sense, there are a ton of DIY vidoes on the internet. Don't buy anything expensive like those £200 jackets on the internet, they're a rip off. If you want to make patches, Anarcho-stencilism has a subreddit and deviant art full with stencils and a guide on how to make patches. Thrift stores are where its at for clothes since they're cheep
If you want to be punk, having the ethos is very important too. Anarchist politics(like mutual aid, squating and general anti-state/capitalst action) are very linked to punk as well as anti-fascism.
Don't be afraid of doing things wrong, we're very accepting in the punk community, as long as you don't give in to consumerism, listen to the music and support left wing(actual left wing not like democrats) politics then your likely to get along with almost everyone.
And beware of TikTok, theres alot of flase info on there and people who give bad advice.
Be gay do crime
(Im not an authority on punk, take this all with a pinch of salt. if you disagree with me on anything thats valid, punk has been around for a while now which means its gonna contradict itself sometimes and different people are gonna have different opinions on it since it is a living and evolving subculture)
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cator99 · 9 months
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I very respectfully, tactfully, reasonably addressed the flag issue with my housemates, stated my perspective, was well-received by almost everyone, only for The ACAB Tattoo FTMs shut it down, citing how POC can't hide their marginalization so as a white person I have a responsibility to take on some of the burden & the risk of visibility. So of course with everyones white guilt activated they went Oh, Right! (Love when "minority issues" are nonsensically flattened onto the same plane) I even addressed prior to this that yes I do think it does make a positive impact when other people are able to feel welcome and supported in the neighbourhood by knowing there's other LGBT people but when I come home to a burnt flag vandalized with homophobia waiting for me on the welcome mat, knowing that if I had been home 2 minutes sooner I would have seen it happen, I feel neither welcome nor supported & I dont think that flags & sloganeering come close to being helpful for anyone in the long run especially when the people in the community being advocated for by said flags & slogans are being put at risk by what is supposed to serve as a signifier of solidarity. This isnt solidarity, its asking that we needlessly put ourselves in potential danger for the wellbeing of– who, exactly? They spewed out something about how my "trauma response" is "valid" (flase virtue moment! Reducing the issue to aesthetic representations of Freedom while depriving the people it represents of anything resembling such a thing!) but we have a "responsibility" to be "visibly queer". As if I have not primarily moved through the world as such. As if the times I have been stealth werent predicated upon a lifetime of ostracization harassment and outright abuse for being a gender nonconforming female & a homosexual one at that. I dont wallow in it but come on! What does any of this do for anyone! Good Feels dont pay the rent or provide legal protections. But of course people like these housemates of mine think legal protections = assimilationist & society needs to be burned to the ground & the average working class person is too problematic to be saved so lets just kill everyone but also we were put on this earth to love one another lol OK why dont you start first by showing you posess the capacity to be considerate about the people within your own household? This whole activist larp is such an obvious ego thing... Come on. Even thinking outside of my own desire for dignity how is anyone Im supposed to be useful to others in any way if they're busy dealing with being harassed? How could I ever hope to "help the LGBT community"– since that's apparently all that matters god forbid a female lead ones own life without being a martyr one way or a fucking other– in the long run, if in the short-term I cant just go home & not have to worry about my roommates doing something stupid like gluing shards of glass to the back of the new flag which will only serve to further anger people intent on harassing us, potentially escalating the situation?
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ancaporado · 11 months
Conspiracy theory pitch:
Mossad flase flag in the negev to slaughter a music festival just so the search term "dancing israelis" becomes useless.
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So I think @staff just banned me from their live I got booted and no matter how many times I reload I cannot rejoin. If they did the reason would probably be spam. And to a certain extent I understand I was spamming a question, but the cause was the fact that they were deliberately ignoring questions about site changes and policy. One person’s question about reblog chains (the “Staff got rid of prev tags” issue) was being ignored so he kept sending it... and it kept being ignored. So I copy pasted his question and others followed suit. Eventually it was anwered. The answer boiled down to “We’re experementing! uwu.” so basically they know people hate it and are goign to push forward anyways. That’s the gist of a lot of stuff from the live. LGBTQ+ Content being flasely flagged? Tell us about it so we can unban that one specific post instead of us making any changes on our end. Hate that nazis are out here with openly facist urls? Tell us and we’ll ban that specific nazi instead of making any changes to the way we moderate. Your blog got deleted for no just cause? Tell us and we’ll get to it.... we have a bit of a backlog though....  The aboslute lowlight however was an epileptic user bringing up that several tumblr ads trigger thier epilepsy and they were told “Buy ad free.” Accessibility should not be paywalled. Through the live, staff made several comments about how this site only exists becuse of it’s users. How it’s one of the queerest sites on the internet. How good of a place it is for disabled people but overall they didn’t show any of it in how they interacted with users or their legitimate concerns. To be Fair And Balanced ™ ©  ® there were questions that were adressed that cleared up confusion As of the most recent update image zooming has been fixed on mobile. Technically Tumblr Live is not banned in Europe for privacy and security reasons, it is simply that they have only rolled it out in the USA as of yet. (The questions “Would it be banned if it were launched in Europe in it’s currrent state?” and “Why are you hosting a Q&A using a service that only users form one country can see?” were both ignored) As of now unless a tumblr blog has been marked as private by the owner you can view it without being logged in. Granted you will have to take my word for it as there is no way to record tumblr lives and no one on staff had elected to record the session. Meaning that the 700ish people who were in the stream are the only people who will know what was actually said. At least until someone posts a screen recording, which, I should have recorded, but, I had assumed someone on staff would be recording something like this. I’ll try to blaze this. We’ll see how that goes. If it’s anything like how they answered questions, I’ll keep my expectaions low.
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rebel-gender · 2 years
RE: Newcastle Terf Rally
just going to put this here content warning for anti setmism and transphobia and other evils.
As some of you may know there was a planed terf rally in the city of newcastle upon tyne. it has now infamously got around the internet that a woman talking about the far right conspiracy theory of “the big lie” which i am going to put here is a flase hood to spread anti semtism and other kinds of hate. i felt like i needed some where to write this down as i was in the protest on the trans rights side. im the robot northerner in the red coat. the rally was attended by local far right groups on the terf side. which while that may sound scary there was not many of them as newcastle upon tyne it’s self has been some what resistante to the kinds of thinking that lead one tp have those views. the demographics of the group at the rally were the ussel suspects of the terf rallys middle aged (40-50), *concerned* perants and bio essentialist  femanists. as well as some uni students who should know better. though often alot of the memmbers of this rally were not local to newcastle and actually often came form places southern of newcastle. i feel like this is something worth noting as there was a little preable on twitter about the terf train. how they started asking people if woman can have penises which one confused gordie was seen to have said “yea sure, i guess” the groups on the counter protest were local left wing orgs and lgbt groups. the northumbian IWW, the north east anarchist Group, North east agenst racism and LGBT+ Northern Social Group. as well as myself and many other protestors however this is my personal account of the events as they unfolded. the numbers of protestors vs terfs was 3/1 maybe even higher 11am the counter protest avrives outside newcastle civic centre there is speches about the nature of the terfs and refusing the claim that all trans women are dangerous. 12pm-1pm terfs start gathering behind the world war 1 merrolal called “the response” after they have set up there area of rally they turn to us and give the trans protestors middle fingers and backward V signs to show their contpept towards us. I should note at this ponit the northumbia police set up a line to sperate terfs and counter protestors so form this ponit forward i am not able to give much info on the terfside.
a line of women then got out their phones by the looks of it they were gathering video and photos of us as if we were creatures to be mocked. we sang songs and danced to make sure any audio that was used in the youtube video and streams whould not be able to be used. some of our number went to otherside undercover to try and see what they were saying. a memmber of the IWW turned towards me and said “they just qrouted main kampf” this is when we started going form defending trans rights in our chants to more anti fascist langure. I was given a microphone and for my part i tried to make them as unwelcome as one could. phrases such as “terf gan hyem”/ “terfs go home” and “no racism here” were shouted if they made it to the otherside i hope they did. I also shouted the signs that were on ourside “no terfs in the toon” “ trans women are women, trans men are men, non binary people are vaild and Intersex is beautiful” and “there is many, many many more of us then you” alot of these blured into one other arching statement of “your hate is not welcome here got back home” i had this mic for 2 hours i also asked people what they wanted to say or wanted me to say. as well as genreally checking if people needed any help or just were in trouble. i was armed also with a frist aid kit incase the need came for it. i handed the mic back to the IWW i held a trans flag and waved it proudly thinking my job was done. i waved it i span it around and then i had an idea maybe i could make little prank a place a trans flag in the terf crowd sadly the police told me to step back so i did. 2-3pm the terfs started to leave they had places to be but some stayed behid some of them approched a lad who had been protesting with us acused them of being transphobic for agreing with safegaurding messarges. another terf a proffesor confessed to being a tommy robbison surporter one of our number called her out on this. post protest as video came out i heared something at frist posie parker called “the (transphobic slurs) of newcastle are illiterate” and i feel this was aimed at us who used local dialect. afterwards the Northumbia IWW posted the statement of hypno-terf said about the big lie. northumbia police did try to arrest one of the lads in our nummber but thankfully they were able to walk free. my thoughts on this are that i am not surpised about that this is the group who pal around with the far right. for them to say this i hope this shows those who maybe misgudied feminists that the gender critical movement is a dangerous movement and not safe for those who are not rich, not white or that dont fit into that normal gender criticals seem to love. remmber at home if your reading this it is not a mistake that they had someone say this it was on purpose. they share the same bed as the alt right and glad made it so. these comments have been made in the wake of gender reform bill  being rejected using section 35 of the scottland act by the Uk govement. it is a scary time for alot of us here maybe not as bad as other places but were already seeing MP’s talk about who the union is more inportedent then trans peoples rights. not on just right but on left of the house of commons as alot of people veiw the veto of this bill as “british democracy working as it is ment to” my final thoughts are we must overcome this anyway we can; a better world is possable and that we must always fight for it.
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inqilabi · 3 years
The way rest of the non-western world just knows US is a unilaterally destructive force whose hegemony needs to be abolished. And Americans just parrot ~um nunance~ ~but both sides~ and yet don’t think they’re completely brainwashed. If you think about that KONY 2012 campaign where everyone was like, Find Kony. No one knew why, what was happening, it was just a viral frenzy. That’s still how everyone in the west is on a daily basis but just with regular media & wherever they get their political info
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exoportail · 5 years
20 brevets déposés sur les coronavirus, remontant pour certains aux années 80, déposés AVANT «l'épidémie»
20 brevets déposés sur les coronavirus, remontant pour certains aux années 80, déposés AVANT «l’épidémie»
L’épidémie de coronavirus aurait fait 17 morts et est largement couverte par les principaux médias. Les spécialistes de la conspiration sont très actifs sur cette affaire, cherchant sur Internet tout ce qui est étrange, et ils n’ont pas été déçus. Il y avait 20 brevets différents sur les coronavirus qui ont été déposés bien avant le début de l’épidémie la semaine dernière – certains remontant à…
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crmindsallnight · 7 years
Well this is a new way to start.
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post/684902816084541440 people like these are the reason I'm terrified that if I send my sister a gift for returning to the site after a hiatus we'll get flase flagged for multi-accounting and I'll lose my account after putting three and a half years of work into it logging in every day
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Hi lovely person, thank you so much for warning us about the download links for photoshop! I've scanned them on Virustotal and both of them flagged as Malware by one of the security vendors "CMC Threat Intelligence", is that a flase positive? Did you download from the links too? // Big thanks by anxious anti piracy human
The ISO being flagged is 100% a false positive, there is no malware there. I’m decently sure the other one is as well, since it didn’t show up on my system, but I never ran it, just scanned it for viruses and made sure it was from a trusted source, which is a moderator on TPB. 
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Una reinterpretación del atentado de Christchurch en Nueva Zelanda – por Israel Shamir No hace falta ser un nacionalista blanco para cometer una masacre en un lugar de culto como el de Christchurch, Nueva Zelanda, aunque si sólo lees a los medios de comunicación oficiales, seguro asociarás a los supremacistas blancos con esta clase de depravaciones.
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mostcensored · 3 years
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The Bait and Switch methods used to keep us entangled in an ever growing lie to which we're held solely accountable for are mere parlour tricks.
The level of incentives thrown at the average person to give up their freedoms is becoming astronomical.
The thresholds of pain and suffering we allow to which we hold our moral compass has been relentlessly attacked.
Social engineers and our very own government have created these situations to weaken any attempts at real push back.
Free hamburgers and donut in exchange for your soul as long as you take the bait.
The deterioration of our Social structure and the willingness to accept and live in an inferior environment thats been purposely set to "self-destruct" has been passed by the authoritarian dictatorship we're living under.
Bidens bait and switch tactics used to sink our economy and program society into compliance has been working as planned in the shadow of multiple flase flags taking place daily.
It's plain to see from both sides of the aisle that we've been had, those that knew and those that are just finding out can see the same horizon now.
The billions of dollars wasted by these circus clowns are for their own ends and the lies plastered over their fake rhetoric is to sell false flags to the public while crashing the economy and cashing in.
Working with foreign enemy governments to create a socialist utopia is only a small part of the greater plan of global population reduction.
Take over seems imminent as our "leaders" are actively selling out the country to the highest bidder as we continue to burn.
Our demise has been planned and taking place since the Obama era and with a brife hiatus is back in full swing.
The meltdown in Afghanistan may be aglimpse of what to expect in the coming future as we're sunk further into chaos.
We'll give you some "stuff" in exchange for your common sense, freedom, and independent thought, JUST TAKE THE BAIT.
Stay frosty my frens we're deep in enemy territory.
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warsofasoiaf · 3 years
Different anon-- could you point me to the post outlining your concern about conspiracy theories? And which conspiracies in particular are you concerned about... imo a great number of "conspiracies" actually have significant evidence to at least warrant discussion... 9/11 being a flase flag, jfk, etc. ...they're just labeled conspiracies by the establishment...
If you ignore all the evidence that proves you wrong, you're always right.
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aberfaeth · 3 years
new emotion just dropped and its tara lewis in flase flag, screaming into an empty room, off screen
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