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slugterra-twisted-ends · 5 months ago
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Updated Mira reference sheet
I REALLY love how it ended up looking! Her healer's marks are updated again, but this time HOPEFULLY they stay in this setup.
Mira's slug arsenal has been upgraded to include some more slugs in comparison to her old sheet. Luna the Mythin, Nana the Boon Doc, Seasong the Slyren, Hex the Hexlet, Perma the Forstcrawler, Solar the Flaringo, Addison the Arachnet, Nightshade the Dartibranch and Diva the Coramed
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masked-kitsune · 2 years ago
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Slugterra ocs
We have Conner also known as Trickshot. He's around 15-16 years old and is known to cause a bit of trouble for Dr. Blakk, he has refused to join the Shane gang saying that he's fine on his own. Also manages to get himself out of whatever trouble he gets into. He talks to and names his slugs
Main Arsenal
Blaze- Flaringo
Shox- Tazerling
Dewy- Aquabeek
Thicket- Vinedrill
Weaver- Archanet
Casper- Frightgeist
Back up Arsenal
Spike- dirt urchin
Glimmer- phosphoro
Pulse- Xmitter
Rook- Rammstone
Digger- Sand angler
Diamond- Geoshard
Bomber- flatulorhinkus
Buzz- Thresher
Cliff- Rock hop
Otto- Armashelt
Shard- Slicksilver
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ariaterramoon · 10 months ago
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Dr. Saverina | Character Interaction Page
Ref Sheet
Hehe, more Dr. Saverina uwu I much like this new design of her (I say that and all I did was give her a new haircut and adjusted her colours lol)
Anyhow, let's break down her interactions below the cut uwu
Sarai — "Silly Shane Girl"
Dr. Saverina is actually aware that Sarai is a Shane. How did she figure it out? Good question. Instead of ratting her out, Dr. Saverina instead helps her out, gives her advice, and scolds her when she does something dumb. She is Sarai's safe space during her time at Blakk Industries.
She wasn't all too happy when Sarai and Twist became a thing tho, she knew that Twist would find out eventually and knew it was not going to be pretty. She never said anything, tho, she just prayed it would all turn out ok...
Twist — "Like my own son"
Despite looking eerily alike (not on purpose, I swear), Dr. Saverina is not Twist's biological mother. She is, however, his mother figure, and she, in turn, treats him like a son. She's not sure when it happened, but she wouldn't change it for the world.
She gets really worried whenever he comes back to her injured and pampers him until he feels better. She can't help it.
Sometimes, Twist slips up and calls her "Mom" without realizing it, but Dr. Saverina has never once corrected him, and she never will.
Medic | Boon Doc — "The real healer"
The mythical Boon Doc, one of the most rare slugs with only a handful known to exist, is a part of Dr. Saverina's medical arsenal. She was blessed to obtain him after going under rigorous mentorship under a healer in Bonnie Springs Cavern. He passed his slug onto her, knowing she'd be a suitable successor, and she and Medic have been together ever since.
Dr. Saverina holds a deep respect for her slug, not only for its status but also for being her companion.
Dr. Saverina's Arsenal
Medic | Boon Doc
Unnamed | Slyren
Unnamed | Fandango
Unnamed | Hypnogrif
Unnamed | Arachnet
Unnamed | Aquabeek
Unnamed | Flaringo
Unnamed | Flopper
Unnamed | Gazzer
Unnamed | Slicksilver
Unnamed | Thresher
Unnamed | Vinedrill
Despite being forced for work for Dr. Blakk, Dr. Saverina did have one condition: her slugs were not to be ghouled, and surprisingly, Dr. Blakk gave and kept his word.
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elena-of-avalor-polls · 27 days ago
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 5 months ago
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Week 2 of The Blakk Gala | Slugterra Community Event by @ariaterramoon — Walking the Red Carpet | Of Slugs and Ghouls
In the Slag Rock Cavern, outside of Blakk Industries HQ/Blakk Industries Citadel, Daiyu is charming her way to one of the Elite Guards, standing side by side between the pillars to keep watch to buy time and that she is an attendee with a plus one. Explanation, Agrippa have her ticket (and bribe emergency money). Agrippa and his Flaringo are distracted by the dancing Flaringo. For extra informations, the Flaringo named is Lighter, Lighter appeared in Camp Synonymous - July 4th: Summer Barbecue and the Tazerling inside one of Daiyu’s Wrist Blasters is Zappy, whose appeared in one of my Week 1 posts. Lighter is awe by the dancing Flaringos that he wants to become a dancing slug.
Now back to Daiyu, so her patience is tested now and is planning to shun the elite guard, until Agrippa finally came after he and Lighter and they finally got the chance to have their tickets scanned, and proceed to enter inside the citadel’s main hall. Starting their infiltration, or is it investigation?
By the way, Daiyu and Agrippa since they left Slugterra for a year because they were in the surface on their secret mission (to bring slugs back to Slugterra), no one know what happened to them, other than The Shane Gang, Junjie, Drucilla, and The Shadow Clan, and they keep it confidential.
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I hope that I did it accurately & I hope you all like it.
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nknightfanfics · 9 months ago
Amphibia x Slugterra Status
What if the Calamity trios used to lived in Slugterra and then got sent to Amphibia.
 The girls grew up in the slum in Antimony Cavern. Both Anne and Marcy lost their parents and Sasha was left behind by the Watiton, (she changed her last name to Waybright). They had to work on delivery, taking odd jobs, scavenge a few places and stopping poachers. They hate poachers, especially slugs poachers.
Their slugs act like their good conscience and are considered family.
The people known the girls as calamity trios due to their reputation of using collateral damage to win the duels and stopping slug poachers. 
The girls are 15/16 years old.
Anne is dress in blue shirt, twin gray arm guards, gray gloves and gray trouser, armor holder at hip
Sasha is dress in pink shirt, a reddish cuirass from arm to  right shoulder, gray gloves and gray trouser, armor holder at hip
Marcy is dressed in green shirt, green goggles, gray gloves and gray trousers, armor holder wrap around the chest.
The media, fictions and food style are similar as Earth culture.
The Mecha beasts are programmed to be loyal to their riders, sometimes act a bit like animals. 
Slingshot were made first then blasters for slugs.
Marcy likes to create makeshift bombs and tools to help their journey, such as stink bombs, flashbang and grapinghook. She has hi-tech glasses that allow to record, take pictures and connect to Daredevil’s goggles to see what he sees.
Anne makes the homemade slug food, Marcy asks the slugs to help with her experiments and Sasha helps the slugs remain in top shape.
The girls will have their supplies as well as maintenance tools in Amphibia but no mecha beast.
Slug energy can make plants grow faster than one usually in Amphibia. 
Anne’s blaster is light blue with the barrel decorated in web style similar to X-duty takedown
Sasha’s blaster is pink, acts like a revolver fire mechanism and the barrel shape as a sharp edge.
Marcy’s blaster is light green, the barrel has small fins at top and side of the barrel, acting like a crossbow.
The girls know a few people, such as the Tracker molenoid Pronto; the mechanist slugslinger Kord Zane; the two robotics geniuses Jess and Ally; the historian and explorer Dr. Jan; scientist Terri; and best trickshot and pizza restaurant worker Mario Bravado.
Slugs used:
Anne: Arachnet (Web), AquaBeek (Splash), Diggrix (Digger), Fandango (NRG), Flaringo (Torch), Frost crawler (Frost), Gazzer (Gaz) (season 2), Hoverbug (Aero), Phosphoro (Aurora), Polero (Duo), Slyren (Singer), 
Sasha: Armashelt (Hardshell), Dirt Urchin (Spike), Geoshard (Shard), Grenuke (Bombshell), Hop rock (Rocker), Lavalynx (Magma), (MakoBreaker (Chomper) season 2), Rammstone (Smasher), Sand angler (Sandy),Thresher (Sawbite), Tormato (Storm),  
Marcy: Bubbaleone (Bubble), Crystalyd (Driller), Flatulorhinkus (Funk), Frightgeist (Phantom), Hexlet (Hex) (season 2), Hypnogrif (Psi), Jellyish (Goo), Lariat (Slime), Neotox (Tox), Vinedrill (Vine), Speedstinger (Daredevil), Tazerling (Shocker)
Current Status: Active, Creating a timeline
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inkypaws15 · 8 months ago
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Lizzie's finally here!
Basic Info
Name: Lizzie
Real Name: Hazal Vadi
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Occupation: Beastforge worker (formerly), Travelling mechanic. Reporter.
Slugs: Felis (Flopper), Parla (Phosphoro), Swoop (Hoverbug), Flare (Flaringo), and Char (Forgesmelter).
Lizzie grew up in Grime City and lived there until she turned 16 and left. She later began to work at Beastforge, but she only wanted to enhance her mechanic skills further before going solo and becoming a traveling mechanic.
But that's just a cover story she tells to Slugterran residents, tricking them into believing she is also a resident of Slugterra as well.
In reality, she's from the Middle Eastern cavern. She grew up in a village valley where she was taught the basic mechanic stuff by her dad.
Around age 18, The Bright clan leader (Alamafruz) chose Hazal to send over to Slugterra and report on what's been going on there, what has changed, etc.
When she traveled to Slugterra, the only slugs she had with her were Felis (Flopper) and Parla (Phosphoro).
After a year passed living in Slugterra, during which Hazal changed her name to Lizzie to fit among the residents.
She collected three more slugs, Swoop (Hoverbug), Flare (Flaringo), and Char (Forgesmelter).
She worked at the Beastforge for a few months before becoming a traveling mechanic. And that's it for her backstory, not much.
-She uses different goggle lens colors for different situations, environments, and visibility.
- She uses a wagon pulled by her Mechabeast to travel around.
- I'm not sure which kind of Mechabeast would fit. I doodled a Terrorbird, a Cat, and an Ostrich. But I still don't know which I should go with.
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That's all folks!
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lemurzsquad · 1 year ago
I did end up talking to a friend and discussing what slug teams we would have if we were in Slugterra, and we both picked 6 slugs for ourselves (Pokemon style lol), so here's my selection (in alphabetical order)
Armashelt - one of my favorite slugs, would serve as great defense and general physical attacks; and also, who can resist a little guy with a hard hat?
Boon Doc - easy choice, it's another one of my favorite slugs and Doc is one of my favorite characters; it would also serve as a general healer for the team (I can't remember if it can do energy restoration similar to Fandangos, which would be very useful, but it'll be good for healing regardless)
Frightgeist - great for getting out of fights and nasty situations in case things get out of hand; would be really handy up against an opponent I wouldn't be able to beat otherwise, would just need to have a clear shot
Grenuke - another favorite of mine, it would be the actual firepower of the team, similar to the Armashelt; just blow everything up at that point
Speedstinger - trick shots and sharpshooting are just so appealing to me, idk why, so I'd love to get really good at complicated, intricate shots, and it lets me do just that (and even if it wasn't already experienced on its own, it would be great bonding to work on the skill together)
Tormato - great for both offense and recovery, in the event I need to save myself from falling off a cliff for something; plus, it's one of the few that I think can really fly and redirect themselves in the air in their Megamorph forms, so shots wouldn't have to be super precise
Given I could add more (not that I can't, just outside of having 6), I would also get a Lavalynx, Flaringo, Thresher, and maybe Arachnet or Bubbleone for extra recovery or defense, and a Phosphoro or Tazerling would also be cool
Knowing me, tho, I would be collecting so many of them given the chance
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 5 months ago
No! Don’t have Enya have take the fire elemental slug!!!! She can have an Infernus and a Flaringo and Hop Rock and Blastipede and Firenzar and Forgesmelter and Grenuke, but never the fire elemental! The fire elemental slug is sealing the entrance of the Dark Cavern so that the evil villain, The Emperor won’t return to take over the Eastern Empire!!! 😱
If Enya or Twinkly or Stella Junior were to be in Slugterra, what would their arsenal slugs that they are bond to would be?
Enya- any fire elemental slugs
Stella jr- midas and glowbyss
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disneytva · 8 years ago
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Elena Of Avalor To Get Shorts Focusing On The Realm Of The Jaquins Creatures 
Craig Gerber has confirmed via twitter that  Peabunnies, Flaringos, Velociervos, who appeared on the Realm Of The Jaquins will get shorts debuting this fall!
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sidhebeingbrand · 8 years ago
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Two Fakemon! 
Minco [Fairy] : The Soft Down Pokemon. 
Dex: Minco’s body is mostly soft, fluffy feathers. Since Minco hatches from nests of volcanic ash, it was once believed that it was a living ball of soot. It can walk across hot surfaces with its tough webbed feet. 
Abilities: Cute Charm , Run Away (Hidden) 
Height: .4m 
Weight: 1kg 
Flaringo [Fairy] [Fire] : The Dancing Flame Pokemon 
Dex: Flaringo can easily withstand water that is boiling or full of harsh chemicals. It strains minerals from hot springs and chemical lakes with its beak. The flame on its back may change colors depending on the minerals it eats. 
Abilities: Serene Grace, Queenly Majesty, Immune (Hidden) 
Height: 1.2m
Weight: 20kg
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slugterra-twisted-ends · 2 years ago
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Crystal Signs for Slugterra!
Aries - Flaringo (Flarus)
Taurus - Rammstone (Rammies)
Gemini - Polero (Polini)
Cancer - Fandango (Fangcer)
Leo - Blastipede (Bla)
Virgo - Flopper (Flogo)
Libra - Enigmo (Enbra)
Scorpio - Sand Angler (Anglio)
Sagittarius - Dirt Urchin (Urchittarius)
Capricorn - Thugglet (Capilet)
Aquarius - Tormato (Tormius)
Pisces - Aquabeek (Aquisces)
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wingsxofxaxfighter · 8 years ago
Slug count and other stuffz. (Lil)
Squeeks- Tazerling. Rover- Infurnus. Amiro- Midus. Lacey- White Boon Doc. Machico- Hoprock. Kaz- Flaringo Ritz- Phosphoro. Hiro- Hoverbug.
LK-E unit she called Akira.
Times she almost died and how.
There was one time in the first fan fic that I did that she was almost trapped in the cave with the Shadowclan after one carelessly shot a slug and brought the whole place down. Luckily, Squeeks saw a hole over their heads just as the others where going to leave without her.
She had also gone to live with Junjie for a few months and almost died when left to patrol on her own, Hence when she found Lacey... or rather, when Lacey found her.
There is another one coming up in my rendition of Return of the Elementals so keep an eye out for that.
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ariaterramoon · 2 years ago
Eli Headcanon - Rain
He just loves the rain and he misses it so much when he's in Slugterra.
But then, a few days after the whole Twist incident happens, Eli suddenly remembers Pronto packing an umbrella for the mission.
An umbrella? But it doesn't rain in Slugterra.
So he asks Pronto about it.
"Why do you have an umbrella?"
"Pronto always carries one in case of unexpected waterfalls and slug migrations."
"Oh... Wait, slug migrations?"
"Oh yes, Tazerlings, Aquabeaks, Flaringos, and Tormatos migrate together every few years. If there's enough of them, they make this weird puffy... cotton ball, and then water falls!! Pronto has gotten wet too many times because of them! That is why Pronto carries an umbrella."
"But it's nothing compared to Downpour Cavern! Water falls from the Caverns ceiling ALL the time!! Pronto doesn't know how its residents just live there as if nothing happens!!"
"How does the rain—water fall??"
"Some is from the stalagmites, but it's mostly the annoying amount of fire and water slugs that live there! Pronto hates the humidity!"
And so Eli going to Downpour Cavern and just absolutely loving the fact that in one way or another, it rains in Slugterra...
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elena-of-avalor-polls · 15 days ago
The winner is bolded.
Matchup 1 - Elena's perfectionism anxiety (Elena's Day Off) VS Alacazar's death (Spirit of a Wizard)
Matchup 2 - Elena and the family find out about Esteban's betrayal (The Magic Within) VS Elena and Isabel's conversation about death (A Day to Remember
Matchup 3 - Elena and her parents' conversation in the temple (The Jewel of Maru) VS Elena reunites with her family after 41 years (Elena and the Secret of Avalor)
Matchup 4 - A conversation about following the Grand Council decisions (All Heated Up) VS Ash turns Victor to stone (The Magic Within)
Matchup 5 - Elena and Chloe's conversation about being yourself (The Birthday Cruise) VS Elena's coronation as Queen (Coronation Day)
Matchup 6 - Elena's self-doubt meltdown (Shooting Stars) VS Gabe comes back for Rico (The Curse of El Guapo)
Matchup 7 - Francisco's surprise for Luisa (Sweetheart's Day) VS Naomi takes charge of rescuing Elena (Naomi Knows Best)
Matchup 8 - Blanca comforts Gabe after his conflict with Roberto (Olaball) VS Mateo and Fiero's first battle (Spellbound)
Matchup 9 - Gabe's apology to Mateo (Crash Course) VS Elena sees Shuriki at the Sunflower Festival (Rise of the Sorceress)
Matchup 10 - Gabe saves Isabel and Caterina (Olaball) VS Elena and Gabe's fencing training (The Princess Knight)
Matchup 11 - Elena is freed from the amulet (Elena and the Secret of Avalor) VS Elena falls into the crystal well of Takaína (The Magic Within)
Matchup 12 - Esteban and Doña Paloma's conversation about Julio (All Kingdoms Fair) VS Gabe and Rico's duel (The Curse of El Guapo)
Matchup 13 - Esteban falls into the crystal well of Takaina (Captain Mateo) VS Elena defeats Shuriki (Song of the Sirenas)
Matchup 14 - Naomi takes charge of defeating duendes (Finders Leapers) VS Elena and Esteban defeat Cahu (Coronation Day)
Matchup 15 - Elena and Gabe's olaball training (Olaball) VS Gabe and Mateo defeat Vuli and Yolo (Coronation Day)
Matchup 16 - Mateo and Fiero's last battle (Song of the Sirenas) VS Charoca creates a crystal wall for Charica (A Lava Story)
Matchup 17 - Elena and her parents' conversation about making mistakes (Coronation Day) VS Elena comforts Gabe after Mateo is put in charge of the mission (Captain Mateo)
Matchup 18 - The battle for the Scepter of Night staff (The Scepter of Night) VS Elena and Naomi say goodbye (Captain Turner Returns)
Matchup 19 - Gabe accepts Antonia's admission to join the guard (Changing of the Guard) VS Naomi decides to stay in Avalor (Giant Steps)
Matchup 20 - El Guapo wins the first round of the competition (The Curse of El Guapo) VS Skylar stands up to his father (King Skylar)
Matchup 21 - Rico eats the palace (Crash Course) VS Elena and Naomi say goodbye (The Last Laugh)
Matchup 22 - Isabel defeats Hetz (Coronation Day) VS Elena confronts and disowns Esteban (Dreamcatcher)
Matchup 23 - Elena reunites with her parents (Flower of Light) VS Mateo and Olivia defeat the water spirit (Wizard-in-Training)
Matchup 24 - Naomi apologizes to Elena during the Jaquin Festival (A Spy in the Palace) VS Francisco saves Elena from drowning (The Return of El Capitán)
Matchup 25 - Elena and Esteban's conversation about the past (King of the Carnaval) VS Rico says Gabe should become a new captain (The Curse of El Guapo)
Matchup 26 - Elena's flashbacks of Shuriki murdering her parents (Race for the Realm) VS Gabe cheers up his squad when they're stuck in the cave (Snow Place Like Home)
Matchup 27 - Naomi apologizes to her friends during her birthday party (My Fair Naomi) VS Naomi reminds Elena of what flaringos told her (Race for the Realm)
Matchup 28 - The Four Shades of Awesome get released (Coronation Day) VS Antonia joins the Royal Guard (Changing of the Guard)
Matchup 29 - Gabe opens up to Roberto about loving being a royal guard (Olaball) VS Elena promotes her friends (Coronation Day)
Matchup 30 - Elena's coronation as Crown Princess (First Day of Rule) VS Shuriki makes her move during the Sunflower Festival (Rise of the Sorceress
Matchup 31 - Elena and Skylar snuggle after Elena defeats Shuriki (Song of the Sirenas) VS A float chase after the Delgados during the carnival (King of the Carnaval)
Matchup 32 - Elena forgives Esteban after he sacrifices himself for her (Coronation Day) VS Isabel plays a clapping game with baby jaquins (Three Jaquins and a Princess)
The list of matchups for the round 2 will be posted some time later today.
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froppy-butterflyfan2000 · 5 months ago
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The Blakk Gala | Slugterra Community Event by @ariaterramoon | Week 3 | The Dinner and Special Guests
Agrippa and his slugs, Lighter (Flaringo) and Shark (Makobreaker) enjoying Apple and Brie Stuffed Chickens with steamed broccolis & green beans, and roasted potatoes & carrots on the side. They never tasted such good chicken before, except at the surface.
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