#dr saverina
reydoll · 2 months
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some slugterra related sketches with @ariaterramoon's Saverina
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ariaterramoon · 5 months
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Dr. Saverina | Character Interaction Page
Ref Sheet
Hehe, more Dr. Saverina uwu I much like this new design of her (I say that and all I did was give her a new haircut and adjusted her colours lol)
Anyhow, let's break down her interactions below the cut uwu
Sarai — "Silly Shane Girl"
Dr. Saverina is actually aware that Sarai is a Shane. How did she figure it out? Good question. Instead of ratting her out, Dr. Saverina instead helps her out, gives her advice, and scolds her when she does something dumb. She is Sarai's safe space during her time at Blakk Industries.
She wasn't all too happy when Sarai and Twist became a thing tho, she knew that Twist would find out eventually and knew it was not going to be pretty. She never said anything, tho, she just prayed it would all turn out ok...
Twist — "Like my own son"
Despite looking eerily alike (not on purpose, I swear), Dr. Saverina is not Twist's biological mother. She is, however, his mother figure, and she, in turn, treats him like a son. She's not sure when it happened, but she wouldn't change it for the world.
She gets really worried whenever he comes back to her injured and pampers him until he feels better. She can't help it.
Sometimes, Twist slips up and calls her "Mom" without realizing it, but Dr. Saverina has never once corrected him, and she never will.
Medic | Boon Doc — "The real healer"
The mythical Boon Doc, one of the most rare slugs with only a handful known to exist, is a part of Dr. Saverina's medical arsenal. She was blessed to obtain him after going under rigorous mentorship under a healer in Bonnie Springs Cavern. He passed his slug onto her, knowing she'd be a suitable successor, and she and Medic have been together ever since.
Dr. Saverina holds a deep respect for her slug, not only for its status but also for being her companion.
Dr. Saverina's Arsenal
Medic | Boon Doc
Unnamed | Slyren
Unnamed | Fandango
Unnamed | Hypnogrif
Unnamed | Arachnet
Unnamed | Aquabeek
Unnamed | Flaringo
Unnamed | Flopper
Unnamed | Gazzer
Unnamed | Slicksilver
Unnamed | Thresher
Unnamed | Vinedrill
Despite being forced for work for Dr. Blakk, Dr. Saverina did have one condition: her slugs were not to be ghouled, and surprisingly, Dr. Blakk gave and kept his word.
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ariaterramoon · 2 months
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Dr. Saverina Doodle Dump ft. Desmond
I've drawn this woman so much oml I'm catching up on all the years I've neglected her, cuz I always had her lore and her story just never... did anything with it lmao
Thanks @reydoll for pulling her out of the shadows for me ehehehe
Anyhow, enjoy Saverina and Desmond interactions hehehe
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reydoll · 4 months
The Surgeon & The Engineer
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Sketches of @ariaterramoon's Dr. Saverina and a different-looking Desmond. A change in hair is meant to imply at what point in time the art is supposed to be. In this case, during the events of Slugterra/before my fanfic would take place.
I wanted to draw them together since they look awful similar on paper (though, purposefully made to look different when I drew them). The green eyes, the hair gradient, and the fact they have similar haircuts (in the Dez's main version). I draw his hair softer and wavier and hers straighter and spikier though. Scary lady and nice man. it works, ok
I think it would be funny to draw her with his actual main design though. He'd be looking a little less baby
Thank you for letting me steal your OC, Moon. I will steal her again
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reydoll · 5 months
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just some art of @ariaterramoon's OC. Namely, Sarai and Dr. Saverina. Plus cameo from Twist and my guy Dez
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ariaterramoon · 3 months
Dr. Saverina | Seeing Him Again
Saverina hasn't seen Desmond (@reydoll) in quite a few years. She has changed quite a lot in that time. Would he still want her nonetheless?
She thought she'd never see him again, and yet there he is, walking towards her...
Dr. Saverina really did kick Sarai off her pedestal lmao
I have countless wips of Sarai animations yet this is the one I actually finish and colour. Crazy haha
Anyhow, enjoy uwu
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reydoll · 2 months
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Undercover Shane meets the Dark Water Specialist
Going back to my niche of comic-sketchpages. This one of Sarai and Desmond (with a cameo from Dr. Saverina). I've been meaning to draw this interaction for a long while; pretty much since I got back into Slugterra. Not sure why it took me so long. Sarai and Saverina belong to @ariaterramoon
Got more info underneath cut. btw i do commissions bc im really cool
She found it a little off-putting how chipper he seemed. When you're undercover in the Bad Guy Faction and you meet a guy who feels a little too friendly, you're going to think he's got some screws loose. (I'm not sure if she'd be aware of him being the Dark Water guy here, but that'd only be more evidence something's just not quite right. )
Well, everything is screwed on just fine. He's trying to be nice, albeit, maybe a little too much. I imagine he's only this way with younger recruits, since I don't think his older coworkers would appreciate him treating them like this. lol
Also, I'm heavily into the idea he keeps trying to convince the younger recruits to go into a different career path besides being a slugslinger. Obviously he'd be biased and recommend a career in the sciences, but I think he'd be happy with anything that wouldn't lead them becoming a mercenary or bounty hunter. If there's anything Slugterra is in short supply of, it's not slugslingers.
No successes for the time being. Maybe one day.
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ariaterramoon · 3 months
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Dr. Saverina and Sarai | Unable to Help
Haven't explored this idea in y e a r s, Sarai gets captured by Dr. Blakk and he is going to study her powers, and try to corrupt her.
Dr. Saverina is in charge of making sure she is kept alive and well. Unfortunately, the surgeon's hands are tied, she won't be able to help Sarai this time around
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ariaterramoon · 3 months
all emojis - saverina (for the red emoji oc ask challenge)
have fun lol 🤠
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| Red Ask OC List HERE | Asks OPEN
Jesus christ BET AHAHAHA
ok all answers below the cut uwu this is gonna be a long one
oml this took me a while HAHA, i hope you read all this yapping Al
its all for you ehehe UwU
❤️ (heart) - Who is the most important person to your character? To what lengths would they go to protect this person?
For Dr. Saverina, it isn't a person but a people: the people of Nightmare Ridge Cavern. It's her home, her neighbours and family, she loves them all dearly and they're very important to her. After all, she left to work for Dr. Blakk in order to keep her cavern safe, so he entire town wouldn't be torn down to make way for the Slugterran Express.
She would do anything if it meant her cavern were to stay untouched.
💔 (broken heart) - Who has your character hurt most? Physically or emotionally? How did it feel? Do they regret it?
She hasn't hurt anyone thus far. If anything, likely herself. She made a choice to give up her own well being and happiness for the sake of her Cavern. She felt scared about leaving everything behind, after all, her employment at Blakk Industries seemed indefinite, but she stayed strong and found some joy in her new situation.
Does she regret it? No, of course not. She kept her people safe, met a boy that's like a son, and met someone kind who caught her eye.
🌹 (rose) - What does your oc find attractive in other people? Are these traits found in their friends and/or romantic partners? Are they found in themselves?
I think she likes intellectual people, people who have a strong passion and drive to accomplish something; strong, not simply physically strong but have an inner strength that she can rely on if her own strength were to ever fail. They must be witty, charming and kind.
She has a strong character herself, very confident in herself, after all she as top of her class and quickly rose to be one of the most praised doctors in Slugterra. She is kind as she has chosen to help others since she was but a child. She isn't afraid to stand up to others and do what is right.
She wants someone who complements her, not completes her, she isn't looking for her other half as she isn't missing any part of herself. She wants a partner she can walk side by side, a partner to rely on.
🎈 (balloon) - What does your character do at parties? Are they a wallflower or a party animal? Do they go with friends or alone?
She's not a wallflower but unless she has a date, she's a chaperone for a friend or a child. She enjoys watching others, enjoys the music and would dance alone or with her friends if she wanted to join the dancefloor.
But if she has a date, let's just say she'd just want to dance the night away with them.
🍷 (wine) - Does your oc drink? What kind of alcohol do they enjoy? What are their drinking habits? What kind of drunk are they?
Dr. Saverina enjoys a drink every now and then. She will never say no to a glass of wine, which she enjoys plenty.
Unfortunately, all she has been drinking is beer. She has been unable to secure a nice bottle of wine as she can't exactly leave the citadel without a cleared chaperone and there isn't anyone who meets those qualifications at the Citadel. And if she asks for some to be delivered, she is given the cheap kind and that won't do.
Saverina is a sentimental drunk, she cries at the smallest of thing that squeeze at her heart. Her always serious face melts into one of joy and is often smiling, finding joy and wonder at everything she sees. It's actually quite adorable but so out of character for her, but not really because that's how she is inside, behind her serious face.
❗️(exclamation point) - What was the scariest moment of your character’s life? Does it still affect them?
Pretty much when she was threatened with a Greneater to sign her life away to Blakk Industries. Everyone knew who Dr. Blakk was, what he had done and most terrifyingly, what could happen if he were to visit you personally.
Everything she had worked for, the prestige she had worked so hard to earn, her entire life, signed away to work for the most feared man in the 99 Caverns. Of course she was terrified, yet despite this, she was strong enough to fight back and ask conditions of her own, and because of her bravery, she was granted them.
She sometimes still dreams of that particular day, she wakes up every time thinking it was all a nightmare, only to be reminded seconds after that she is in fact living that reality.
🥩 (steak) - Does your oc have any coping mechanisms? Healthy or unhealthy?
She is a revenge bedtime procrastinator, she often has eyebags due to this. Dr. Saverina is a busy person and is often very stressed and overworked, so yes, she sacrifices some of her sleep time in order to have a moment of peace. It usually means an hour or two of tea and reading Shadow Clan research essays she has collected.
She also dyes her hair because all the stress has actually given her gray hairs she prefers to hide and is quite ashamed of. She hates the idea that this new life of hers is literally sucking the life out of her.
So that 1-2 hours of peace is much needed for her.
🥀 (wilted flower) - How does your character deal with stressful situations? Is their fear response fight, flight, freeze or fawn?
Fight. Saverina fights despite being afraid. She is witty enough to get herself out of situations.
🍓 (strawberry) - Does your oc believe in anything? Are they superstitious? Religious? Atheistic? Has anything in their past made them this way?
No, she doesn't believe in a deity of any sorts but I wouldn't call her atheistic.
What she believes in is in her team, when they're in surgery, especially a risky one, she has faith every single one of her teammates will prevail and do their job. She has faith in herself and that is all she needs.
💋 (kiss) - Is your oc a good kisser? Have they kissed anyone before? Do they even enjoy kissing? What was their first kiss like in comparison to their most recent?
Dr. Saverina is an amazing kisser hehe. She had a relationship in high school and in med school, she has experimented with her previous partners so she gained experience that way.
Her first kiss was extremely awkward, it was... quite messy and gross but she simply laughed it off and the second wasn't as bad lol They got better at kissing quickly after that hehe.
Her latest kiss was slow and much sweeter because it was her first kiss in a long time. She quite enjoyed it and her heart melted a little inside. The doctor loves her kisses. yes it was desmond, i like to imagine their first kiss together was literally perfect and sweet
🍒 (cherries) - Does your character have a best friend? How long have they known each other? What do they like most about each other? How did they meet?
She does not have a best friend, she had close friends while working at the hospital but never a special someone who she could call her best friend.
Her Boon Doc, Medic, is probably the closest thing she has to a best friend, but he is more her partner, the one she can rely on if her abilities fail her.
HC: Boon Doc's are the most sought out healer slugs because they can heal even the worst of injuries, capable of even bringing someone back from the brink of death. But, they have only a finite amount of times they can heal serious injuries, the more severe the injury, the more energy it requires. This means Boon Doc have to recharge and recover their energy before being able to be used again.
Therefore, Saverina doesn't use Medic unless absolutely necessary.
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
She's a doctor and is thus equal to enforcers of the law in a way. She sees them as teammates if anything, has a respect for them.
That has since changed after Dr. Blakk forced her to work for him, she wonders why nothing could protect her, if maybe... Power is stronger than the law itself.
She resents that Will Shane wasn't there to protect her and yet... she has a hope that maybe the new Shane will end up rescuing her by defeating Dr. Blakk. Maybe that's why she put in jeopardy the fate of her Cavern by helping out that stupid and reckless Shane girl when she infiltrated the Citadel.
💄 (lipstick) - What does your oc think of their face? Do they have a positive or negative opinion? Do they wear makeup? Do they have a skincare routine? What traits do they like most about their face?
She quite likes her face, its why she adorns it with lipstick and eyeliner, it accentuates her features. Her only skincare routine would be a facemask and a mister before moisturizer.
She likes her lips and nose the most.
🍎 (apple) - Does your oc go to school or take classes? Did they go to college? What was/is their favorite subject? Did/do they get good grades? Did/do they enjoy school?
All the sciences, that her favourite subject. But she took most interest in biology and anatomy because she wanted to be a doctor. She studied hard since the start and was always the top of her class in most subjects.
She went med school, completed her residency at a neighbouring cavern, completed her specialty residency and did an internship at the Slugterran Institute of Technology for a period of over 6 months.
🐞 (ladybug) - What does a perfect day look like for your oc? What do they do? Who do they see?
A perfect day for the doctor is when she has no patients for the day and instead gets gifts all the workers drop off at her office. She calls it a perfect day when Twist brings her a coffee uwu
It's the simple things that make her day perfect, they have to be...
☎️ (telephone) - Does your character know anyone’s phone number by heart? Do they prefer calling or texting? Who’s their favorite person to call/text? Do they have any typing quirks?
Funnily enough she doesn't, she had people put their phone numbers on her phone and never wrote them down anywhere else, she took it for granted so when her phone was taken away, she lost everything.
She currently has a pager with the all the Blakk Industries user contacts but no phone numbers. She enjoys texting and likes to format her texts a lot. When she texts her special someone, she always ends her first and last message with a heart.
🥊 (boxing glove) - Has your character ever been in a fight? Did they win? Do they fight often? Are they professionally trained or self taught? Do they enjoy fighting or only do so when necessary?
Saverina is not a fighter as in combat whatsoever. She does have a blaster but rarely if ever uses it, she carries it outside with her just in case but mostly leaves it attached to her mecha instead of herself. Her slugs aren't meant for combat anyways, she has them for medical purposes, each one has a role.
She does know how to give quite a HELL of a slap tho, this woman puts her whole shoulder into it and strikes with the palm, not the fingers. She may have had to use it, once. Whoever was bothering was knocked out by the sheer force of it and her elbow was sore for a few days after that hehe
🧣(scarf) - What comforts your oc? Is it an item? An action? A person? Whatever it is, how any why does it comfort them?
Medic and the rest of her slugs a comfort to her, they're her lil pets and buddies. They're very fond of her and since she takes such good care of them, they make sure she's taken care of as well :3
A great comfort to her is also Desmond (@reydoll), he is the breath of fresh air she needs and always finds herself relaxed when he's around. What a good charming friend he is >wo
👠 (heels) - How does your oc dress? Are they stylish or casual? Do they keep up with trends or do their own thing? Do they prefer designer clothes or going to the thrift store? Do they have a signature item of clothing?
You will find Dr. Saverina in her lab coat like 90% of the time. It's not often that she takes it off, but sometimes you will find her without it when she's in her office, its usually neatly placed on a coat rack, ready to be grabbed when needed.
Outside of her lab coat though, Saverina likes to dress quite nicely and enjoys wearing jewelry, you could definitely call her stylish. She actually buys her clothes from an affordable outfit, and individually, the clothes are quite simple, but she knows how to style it.
She quite likes turtlenecks.
🍄 (mushroom) - Does your character like being in nature or do they prefer the indoors? Do they have any outdoor hobbies like camping or fishing? If they prefer the indoors, why?
Saverina enjoys the indoors, she has to because as a surgeon, she is inside quite a lot. Work takes so much of her time and rarely does it ever lead her outside, that's not to say she doesn't enjoy the outdoors. She'd be one to keep a flower garden and keep a tidy yard.
But ever since she became an unwilling Blakk Industries employee, she longs to go outside and would absolutely want to camp out in the fresh air because she is so fed up with being cooped up in the Citadel.
Someone qualified please chaperon her and take her for a nice walk among nature, she'd be forever thankful.
🩸 (blood) - Is your oc squeamish? Are they disturbed by the sight of blood? Have they ever been in a situation where they had to overcome being squeamish?
Saverina is a surgeon, she LIVES to see blood spill out of her patients. She's not at all squeamish and not phased whatsoever.
What she doesn't like is snot, that grosses her out but deals with it when need be. She simply makes a face, flicks her hand and continues on.
✂️ (scissors) - Has your character ever cut their own hair? What about someone else’s? How did it turn out?
Saverina's current short hair was cut by herself actually. She cut it short when she arrived to Blakk Industries, to leave her previous life behind and start over, to go in with a specific mentality: "Survive and Endure." Her short hair reflects that.
She occasionally cuts Twist's hair when he needs a trim.
🎸 (electric guitar) - What’s your character’s music taste like? Do they have one or two artists they play on repeat or do they have a varied and eclectic collection of music? Do they like mainstream artists or prefer underground musicians? What genres do they enjoy?
Dr. Saverina puts music on during surgery, mostly classical music but also electronic music as well, it helps her focus.
She quite enjoys underground musicians, she would enjoy searching for these not well known artists as she respects their individuality and wishes them the most success in their endeavors.
The genres she enjoys are: Classical | Electronic | Opera | Trad. Folk
🎒 (backpack) - What items does your oc usually carry? Do they have a bag or just keep everything in their pockets? Do they carry a lot or a little?
She doesn't carry much but her slug Medic, her pager, a pen and notepad, and some candies to much on throughout the day, Everything she needs is in her infirmary.
Her slugs are kept in her office as they have their own play area where they can nap, eat and drink whenever they want. She doesn't carry them with her because it's too much bulk. So she simply goes to retrieve them when they are needed.
🪓 (axe) - Does your oc have survival skills? Have they ever had to use them? What would they do in an apocalypse? Could they survive?
Saverina could very well survive on her own. She has basic knowledge of survival but has books on the subject. In the event of an apocaypse, she'd take those books with her and use them as reference as she nagivates her new world.
As a medic, she is quite invaluable and an incredible asset to any team.
Dr. Saverina Amelie Kallas absolutely survives the apocalypse.
ty sm for this challange, ive never done a complete ask for one single oc so this took a lot of brain power hehehe
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ariaterramoon · 5 months
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Dr. Saverina | Character Sheet
After 12 long years, I bring back my doctor lady uwu A doodle and more info beneath the cut.
Saverina is the in-house doctor for Blakk Industries. She is originally from Nightmare Ridge Cavern where she quickly rose to fame, becoming one of the best and well known surgeons in the 99 Caverns.
Because of this, Dr. Blakk gave her office a personal visit and offered her a deal. She'd work for him, and he'd leave her cavern intact. Without another choice, Dr. Saverina accepted and began working for Blakk Industries. She hates being there but she can tolerate it thanks to her patients. Most if not all the henchmen are young people and she cannot help but stand up for them.
She cares for them all though there is one that she cares for most: Twist. He sees her as a mother figure and she in turn treats him like a son. She gets especially distressed when he comes back battered in bruises and pampers him until he feels better.
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Dr. Saverina is aware of Sarai being a Shane, but instead of ratting her out to Dr. Blakk, she instead helps her out instead. This usually means scolding Sarai when she makes risky decisions as well as being the girl's shoulder to cry on.
Sarai actually quite trusts Saverina and is able to take a breather from her undercover persona.
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ariaterramoon · 4 years
My Slugterra OC’s!
Hello! I wanted to introduced my main OCs to you guys on Tumblr! (Side note, my fanon timeline is that everything that happened in canon happened in at least 2 years, The Unbeatable Master being the end of year 1)
99 Caverns
Sarai Elinor Shane - 17
She dropped to Slugterra about 6 months after Eli, and was met by the Unbeatable Master who took care of her until her final days. Afterwards, she reunited with Eli and met the Shane Gang. Soon after, she offered to help them and became a spy for them, infiltrating Blakk Industries though she had other motives; find information about her father. 
Sarai’s dream is to be an amazing Shane like her father, but all her life, she’s been told that she can’t and won’t become Shane because the role has already given to Eli. Unless Eli was to perish of course. 
Sarai is not only a Shane but she was blessed by Slugterra and given the role of The Guardian, a humanoid who protects the Slugs and the Spirit of Slugterra. Although to Sarai, it’s more of a curse than a blessing...
Dawn Elizabeth Cavernette - 19
A very shy elf from a clan of warriors of the deep western caverns. She was mentored to be a healer, but eventually decided to go to vet school to become a Slug Healer instead. She moved to the central caverns and lives alone while going to school as she is too shy to have a roommate. 
One day when coming back from school, she ran into Sarai. Literally. Sarai was nearly run over by Dawn on her mecha and jumped out of the way. She tripped and hit her head as she fell so Dawn took her home and fixed her up. After that they became friends and now are as close as peas in a pod! Sarai helped Dawn get past her shyness and frankly slight fright of new slugs, Sarai translated for Dawn and helped her identify specific chirps and squeaks so she knew which slugs were friendly and which were not. Dawn is forever grateful for that help. She actually offered a room to Sarai once they became best friends and they become roommates! 
Dawn will eventually become the Shane Gang’s go-to-Slug Healer and actual healer when Doc is away. She is close after all!
Dr. Saverina - 36
A renowned doctor who was forcibly recruited by Dr. Blakk to become the doctor to his henchmen after being blackmailed and left no choice but to go. Though constantly annoyed by Dr. Blakk and his henchmen, she deeply cares for whoever walks into her office. One of her favourite patients, is Twist; a young troubled boy who is being manipulated by a bad man. She just wants to save him and if all she can do for now is heal him, she is satisfied by that.
Dr. Saverina was the first to realize that Sarai was a Shane and that she was infiltrating the Citadel, but she could care less. She was Sarai’s only comfort during her infiltration and, helped her get information and sneak into missions to relay information to the Shane Gang.  
Saverina is from Nightmare Ridge Cavern, so although a very caring person, she carries an eerie aura around her and she blames her cavern of birth. 
Eastern Caverns
Cheng Xia Li - 28
A Slug Fu prodigy who comes from a noble family. She spent a lot of time in Peach Blossom Spring Caverns under the mentorship of Master Lian and soon-to-be Eastern Champion. At only 8, she had already surpassed many Slug Fu Masters and was to be given the title of master in a few months when The Emperor made his return. She ran away and was separated from her family for 20 years. 
During this time, she made friends who began to survive together. As she and her friends grew older, they began to steal Imperial Convoys and Slug Convoys and get into the Emperor’s way. Soon, they began to get a following. They became a rebel group that eventually grew into The Lotus Warriors, an army that was a pain in the butt for The Emperor. Xia Li led an attack on The Emperor’s palace and was inches away from ending The Emperor but was unsuccessful.
After Eli Shane and Junjie got rid of the Emperor, General Xia Li and her army helped stabilize and distribute resources to every corner of the Eastern Caverns.
Satoshi Hiro - 31
Second in Command to his General Cheng Xia Li. He was a commoner who’s family serves several nobles, he hates it and nobles in general due to past experiences. When The Emperor took over, he couldn’t go back to his family so he had to hide and survive on his own. Eventually, he met Xia Li and banded together. Though once he found out she was a noble, they began to be at odds but stuck together for survival. Once they met new friends, things changed; they began to get along and learned that they made and excellent team together. 
This eventually lead to him being named second in command to back then, Commander Cheng Xia Li. He was deeply honoured. Not only did he earn her trust, but they became lovers, he cared so much for her and was loyal to her until the end. During the mission to attack The Emperor’s Palace, he was captured by enemy forces and interrogated for information. He passed away a few years later...
(He miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight be alive because I am indecisive lol blame my bestie she doesn’t want him dead)
Liu Minzhe - 21
Successor to Satoshi Hiro and new to-be-Second in Command to his General Cheng Xia Li. He is a humble noble who has a strong belief in what is just and righteous. He met Xia Li when he was 15 and he admired her right from the start. He begged her to let him join but Xia Li said it was best for him to stay home and that when he was older and ready, she’ll let him join. But Minzhe didn’t want to wait. So he trained for 2 years and eventually told his parents what he wanted and after a lot of convincing, he set out to find the Lotus Warriors and when he did, he told Xia Li confidently that he was ready to join and fight The Emperor. Seeing he had built more muscle, how confident he was, ready with blaster and bandoleer in hand. She let him join and he was overjoyed. 
Minzhe became a very important asset to the Lotus Warriors, not only did he became a powerful slinger and strategist, he became the best cook the Lotus could ask for and he became the Lotus’s shield. He took care of the children who came in and protected them with all his heart. That earned him the nickname of “The Gentle Giant”. He is one of the most generous and kind soldiers in the Lotus. 
He is currently under training from Shun to become Xia Li’s second in command and he can’t wait to take his post, even if that comes with tremendous expectations left from his predecessor...
Shun - 53
He met Xia Li when she was 10, and alongside her friends, they took him down as they were fighting over stolen supplies. He was incredible embarrassed and once he was let go, he couldn’t let random small kids run around with a coup going on. So he took them under his wing and made sure they were safe, even when he knew these kids could very well kill him in his sleep. He watched them grow up and passed on his military knowledge and training to them once he noticed they were taking their mini missions seriously. 
Shun is the true backbone of The Lotus Warriors. He is the final pillar that keeps the Lotus Warriors stable and strong. He is a fatherly figure to Xia Li and her advisor. If she goes down, he is there to support him and bring her back up. Without Shun, there is no Lotus Warriors. 
He has a young daughter, whome he has kept her safe all these years. He takes care of her ever since his wife passed away. Shun considers Xia Li as family and that is why she has been the only one to have seen Shun’s young daughter. 
And these are my main OC’s! The most important ones to my story so far x3
I developed them so much in 3 years with @jackiewinters and it’s time to finally share my babies uwu
What do you guys think of them? :D
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