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echidna-cosmos · 8 months ago
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the lilies, for moch
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fishiecomics · 8 months ago
Beastlife Skyfall Session 6 Spoilers
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"Some people make being here more bearable."
Fucking gay ass scene, they aren't even married anymore, smh.
Also biblically accurate version under cut:
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inkydiamonds · 6 months ago
Silly Beastlife doodles! I subbed in for @mcybree for the first session of the new season for Saturday League, and it was super fun!
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anthonyzoxide · 3 months ago
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art for a beastlife holiday gift exchange! character courtesy of @fishiecomics :D
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moch-ila · 9 months ago
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I was editing session 5
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pixlostinatos · 5 months ago
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sonicmike7044 · 7 months ago
More Beast Podcast! :D
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fishiecomics · 9 months ago
hello my beastie boy friends
i have a sketch of the aforementioned beastie and kiwi- it is the lovers card from the tarot deck. Sorry for the laziness... I got lazy. I hope those rats like this doodle 🖊 🐀 🐟
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mcybree · 11 months ago
is beast life like. uploaded anywhere? or is it just a silly thing with friends? it seems fun
just a silly thing with friends mostly… a very small handful have POVs uploaded to youtube. I will be one of those people as soon as I finish episode 3 (I have two episodes finished and unlisted but my alien conspiracy bullshit really kicks into gear in session 3, so that seems like it’d be a good signifier for how the remainder of the Bree POV watching experience will be like. hence why im uploading at that benchmark specifically)
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fishiecomics · 7 months ago
Beastlife Saturday League Session 7 spoilers
Me and my best friend Navigatobree :D
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fishiecomics · 9 months ago
wip :]
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fishie trickshot!
*heavily referenced blumineck for archery videos
also i guess at this stage it could technically be kiwi also. since he is also a rat. it's intended to be fishie but i'm open to interpretation i guess. it will be more obvious it's fishie when it's not. one in the morning and i have time to finish this
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onecentpie · 3 months ago
2025 Updates!
Heyyy people! It's been a busy few months and a while since I've given any public update on what I've been working on, so here's that now woohoo.
We're still working on storyboards, but I have a little jump on animation. We posted a preview of it on the channel back in November. We also wanna get started on a special side project for it too, and that'll be a surprise teehee. Here's a few more board previews oooh.
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Also shared a preview for this back in November. We've had this audio laying around for a while and we finally got to it boarded by the amazing Anselmo and staticbrain_tv. This will be a slightly longer short and have limited animation like the Christmas Spirits video last year.
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You can find it's own Tumblr blog here with comics and more updates galore yay.
So what's going on with WIPToon? Last year I got the first quarter of it all animated! 2 and a half minutes of animation are done. Before I got back to boards, I wanted to do re-write of the second half. I think it flows much better now thanks to the help of @commanderrcat.
Everything is thumbnailed and I'm working back on storyboards in-between my other freelance work. Here's some previews!
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A few months ago I had a cute little idea for a WIPToon Snow Day short. A few weeks ago, @commanderrcat, @fishiecomics and I finally got around to writing it. Without those two it'd probably stay just in my head haha. It still needs a board artist but hoping I can work on that on and off in-between the pilot.
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Here's it's own dedicated Tumblr blog too!
I've been working on a music video on and off for about a year or so- actively since about November (A lot of that time was just finding a visual style I liked for it). I'm like 60% animated with it and hoping to finish it soon :D
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I've been busy on a lot of projects last year. I was a cleanup artist for The Boys: Paranormal Paranoia, I've been doing a lot of animation for TheAmaazing, and I was even the lead animator for Eddsworld's latest episode, Pinheads. Aside from one post I didn't talk about it much because I took my break right after, but it was great to lead the team as a proper animation director and have an even more direct hand in designs and visual style. Maybe I'll post a few concept arts and layout drawings in a future post, who knows.
Been a busy few months working on stuff behind the curtain. I'm excited to share all these new things coming. Have a happy new year everyone!! xoxo -PB
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moontowerapologist · 7 months ago
Research - Exhibit One - Void
Transfer of The Child to its new Universe went off without a hitch
It has quickly accomodated to its new world once again
Current hypothesis: The Camoflage of its skin on the, what The Child perceives to be black, backdrop brings it comfort and a feeling of safety
The Child has formed a kinship with the inhabitants of its floating island
Confirming our suspicion that the first one to interact with The Child can easily embed itself onto it
Especially “NaviBree” has successfully embedded onto The Childs emotional center
The Child has finds “joy” watching Nature, it has become distressed by the vast blackness of the sky we’ve implemented for them. This is of special interest, please pay attention to The Child concering the Void
The Child has tripped and fallen to its first demise, it seems upset at its clumsiness, yet it is not questioning the nature of its death, or the following revival.
It feels embarassed by dying in such a silly way
The Child has tried to form a connection with “buntom”, despite “buntom”s disinterest and lack of reciprocation it is continuing to try. It does not question the difference in communication and language, though it does make an effort to understand The Child is failing deciphering the new language.
The Child is upset at not being met with kindness, it does not know why. This is upsetting to the Child.
The Child has found great enjoyment in Fishing
The Child is failing to understand the parameters of this universe. This distresses The Child.
“NaviBree” is leaving the original pack of The Child
This upsets The Child greatly. It does not understand why. This distresses It
The Child has learned what it’s like to lose someone temporarily
The Child has learned to be wary of “SonicMike7044” after an altercation
This altercation included “NaviBree”
The Child feels as if “SonicMike7044” is more important to “NaviBree” than it is.
This upsets The Child
The Child has found comfort in the rest of its Pack “ohnoitsoak” and “Moch_ila”
The Child has become curious of the last remaining pack “GoreClan”
The first meeting was inconclusive
The second meeting with “unidingo” left a very postitive impact on the child.
Please continue to monitor The Childs relationship with the members of “GoreClan”
The Child has been invited into “GoreClan” as a way to protect it from “SonicMike7044”
The Child is now considering both its original pack and “GoreClan” as its pack
The Child feels a murderous disdain for “NaviBree”
It seems this was caused by “NaviBree” leaving the original pack
The Child has once again falling to its death
It overestimated its abbilities and died during a “Flight” response against an otherwise harmless foe
This greatly upsets The Child. It wants to be more competent and dependable
After an unfortunate misunderstanding and lapse in judgement The Child has been killed by both “Sonicmike7044” and “FishieComics”
The Child does not understand the nature of these killings.
This upsets the Child
“NaviBree” has told The Child, that “NaviBree” does not want to leave the pack and is instead using “The Corvids” to the advantage of The Childs original pack
The Child does not believe “NaviBree”
This is the first time The Child has had doubts about the nature of the other inhabitants
The Child leaves its original pack to be closer to “GoreClan”
It does this because it feels that “GoreClan” has made more efforts towards The Child
The Child tried to steal the Lava of its original pack as a way to prove its loyalty to “GoreClan”
The Child has accepted the proposal of “NaviBree” to leave everything behind and live on a remote island
The Child believes this is a temporary endeavor, it is clearly not meant to be.
The Child helps “NaviBree” build the island out of view of the other inhabitants
The Child does not recognize “NaviBree” is not cooperating
The Child does not recognize “NaviBree” does not plan to let The Child leave this island
The Child does not understand the obsessive nature of “NaviBree”s approach
The Child is upset upon finding out “NaviBree” wanted to keep the child locked away on the island until the perceived end of time
The Child is running away from “Bree”
The Child has learned Gaslighting
The Child is afraid of the consequences
It perceives itself as having “failed” “GoreClan”
The Child returns to “GoreClan” shy and scared
It fears being thrown out of the pack or punished
The Child is upset at the idea of being dependant on others protection
We have sent The Child to a universe where it can see the Sun, Moon and Nature. This is to later view the effects that the lack of these sensations will have on The Childs psyche. It has not known these sensations beforehand. It has only heard of them.
After returning to the universe The Child is greatly upset at the lack of sun and it’s accompanying sensations
The Child has given itself to the Void twice in an attempt to reexperience the sensations.
The Child does not understand where it was
The Child is convinced it was a real event and not a dream
The Child has become Marked, two other members of “GoreClan” have also become Marked
The Child is handling the increased need for destruction very well.
The Child has to helplessly watch on as “GoreClan” kills members of its original pack
The Child does not understand. This upsets The Child
This causes The Child to desperately try and avoid conflict between “GoreClan” and its original pack
The Child has become obsessed with the idea of “Home”
Current Hypothesis: This is due to The Childs perceiving itself to fit into the black environment, and also due to its familiar bond with “Goreclan”
The Child is not questioning the disappearance of “Buntom” and the appearance of “sheeptom”
The Child has succesfully formed a minor bond with “Sheeptom”
The Child has become increasingly obsessed with the idea of killing “NaviBree”
The Child claims to have killed “NaviBree” by association as she had an unrelated accident near it
This pleases The Child greatly
The Childs psyche is showing signs of deterioration, it has become increasingly unstable. Monitor its development closely
The Child has started to try and comfort “NaviBree” as a strategy to get closer to Bree
The Child is doing this to later kill “NaviBree” in a more private setting as it is worried about the other inhabitants opinions
The Child has directly killed “NaviBree” by destroying the walkway “NaviBree” was stood upon
This excites The Child as no one seems to have noticed its act
The Child is scared of the consequences, it knows “SonicMike7044” might find out
The Child decides to pretend the Walkway whad been broken beforehand
The Child sucessfully lies
The Child has directly witnessed the death of “overlyechidna”
The Child does not seem to be bothered by it, might be due to pack mentality. Further monitoring needed.
We have kept The Child in stasis for a considerable amount of time. This is to test The Childs ability to grieve, as “unidingo” Leader of “GoreClan” will be “out of time”
The Child is overwhelmed
The Child is lost
The Child does not cry
The Child does not grieve
The Child does not understand
The Child does not know the meaning of this universe
The Child is losing its sense of self
The Child is losing its grip on reality
The Child is becoming manic
The Child is becoming violent
The Child is becoming reckless
The Child has undergone a significant change in personality
all of the members of “GoreClan” and The Childs original pack have run “out of time”
The Child does not process this
The Child has gone into one on one combat with “Greygery”
The Child is does not know the nature of combat.
Its first weapon breaks on impact
The Child has directly killed ”Greygery”
The Child has directly killed “Greygery”
The Child has become obsessed with the idea of a recursion
The Child is sure that the inhabitants will return in another life
The Child feels excitement at the thought of going through this over again
The Child has been killed by “Greygery”
The Child is upset at “joetagonist”s indecision
The Child is ridiculing “joetagonist” for this
The Child is fighting a losing battle against “FishieComics” and “Greygery”
The Child feels abandoned
The Child feels hepless
The Child is scared
The Child is trembling
The Child is crying
The Childs heart is beating fast
The Childs breath is ragged
The Child is beaming with joy
The Child is killed by “FishieComics”
The Child has run out of time.
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pixlostinatos · 5 months ago
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アマツキツネ is just. one of my fav vocaloid songs in general and ive redrawn stuff from its pmv before. but sand planet is just sooooooooo project cowboy coded to me. and i couldnt decide which to do so! a second prompt fill has hit the towers mr the president!
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fishiecomics · 8 months ago
Now this. This is art.
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Mochie wedding fan session
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oddballstudios · 1 year ago
OddBall Hotel Hell Concept Art
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Lots of concept art from Hotel Hell! Featuring art from from Ivy Vennard, Arivuple, DootDoote, and CommanderrCat (@commanderrcat), @fishiecomics, @obliviondowning, and @redrampager.
Watch the cartoon here!!
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