jiru-chan · 2 months
Love me some shadowgast!
Especially with the new lore popping up which makes me so happy!
Guess it’s time to commence with my newest cross-stitch project!
When it’s complete, it’ll be approximately:
9x16.6 inches on 18 count
50,500 stitches
Pattern created by me~
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sldlovescartoons · 4 months
I have decided to try and circulate the Ao3 link to this because why not?
Just a Drabble about Essek turning into fish. Little fluff. Some giggles.
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nooling · 4 months
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I'm not caught up with Critical Role but I heard something something Essek turns into a fish something something and my two braincells collided like the damn Hadron Collider to create something stupid as hell
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triaelf9 · 4 months
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Aeor date-sploration memories XD
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alliekitaguchi · 4 months
shadowgast in aeor fanon: anguish, turmoil, love confessions, horrors beyond comparison, fighting for survival at every turn
shadowgast in aeor canon: essek gets turned into a fish and caleb has to carry him around
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rainbowcaleb · 4 months
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Essek is not allowed any dignity.
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housesalad · 4 months
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well this is excellent news
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mieletthe · 4 months
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There's no way Jester won't find out, which means there's no way every single person in his life won't find out. Humiliating, honestly.
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livingmoth · 4 months
Caleb with fish!Essek posing like a dad on tinder
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anewgayeveryday · 3 months
Today's LGBT+ Character is;
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Caleb Widogast and Essek Thelyss from Critical Role-Bisexual and Demisexual MLM Respectively
Art by @kayfullcolor
Requested by @cinnamonzor
Status: Alive and Dating
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deramin2 · 4 months
This is pretty much my feed since Thursday.
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ID: Three Alaskan grizzley bears at the top of a cascade lunging to catch a jumping salmon in their toothy maws. The bears are labeled "Critical Role Fandom" in white. The salmon is labeled "Salmon Essek" in purple. End ID.
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Okay but imagine THE Shadowgast confession happens with Caleb venting about his feelings to fish Essek, figuring that he’s a fish with an intelligence of 3 and doesn’t even look like he’s paying attention, so he might as well say it now in case he doesn’t get a chance later.
Then of course Essek comes back and he REMEMBERS
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sldlovescartoons · 4 months
Cold Fish
Caleb did not think it possible for a fish to express any emotion. ‘Cold fish’ was a descriptor/insult for a reason. Yet here he was was, in the middle of a wild magic zone, on what he considers his first really free Aeror expedition, looking at the most visually upset fish he’d seen in his life.
Essek, his darling, his partner, decided to upcast detect magic on this ruin they found. He announced that it had magic elements and then promptly turned into a fish.
Flopping on the ground was a salmon. Reaching into his mind it might have been a small sort from the east? Roughly seventeen inches long, scales gradating from a light, silverish purple to a darker, more blue purple at the top towards the spin. A more vibrant purple striped along his side and at the tips of his fins and had silvery speckles along his spine near his head. A pretty gorgeous fish, all things told, breathing heavily as it suffocated and flopping in a light dusting of fresh snow. Looking more embarrassed than any fish had a right to.
“Well… we should probably get you somewhere safer.” He glanced around. They were in a fairly open area. The destroyed building they were standing on had most of the thicker snow blown off it, but that didn’t change the fact it was missing a ceiling and most of its walls and his boyfriend was now a small-ish prey animal. He reached down to pick up Exandria’s Most Miserable Salmonid, at which point he started flopping wildly away- goddamnit.
“Essek, darling, my partner, Schatz, I know that this is embarrassing-“ Flopping intensifies. “But you are a prey animal now. I should at least carry you so nothing snatches you away. Ideal try to find some cover until you turn back. I promise I’ll only make fun of you when we are having whiskey and cocoa later.”
The flopping stops, thank heavens. Really, the drow was so silly sometimes. No matter how much time passed and now matter how much shit happened or how many times Caleb himself cried or embarrassed himself in a vulnerable way, anything Essek considered vulnerable (which was A LOT) could be like pulling teeth. He always gave in, because he’s a sappy sap deep deep down, but he’s like this EVERYTIME. Like that time with the bear trap, it took two hours to get him to see- he was getting distracted.
“Thank you, darling.” The wizard said, patting the salmon (did he just ROLL HIS EYES? That sassy, scaley bitch) and picked him up. Even on the lighter side for a fish of this sort and maturity, maybe twelve pounds? He was a lot to handle but eventually he got a good grip and got to walking for shelter.
Looking down again at his gasping, fishy lover, with all his pretty purple scales and air of mortification, he just couldn’t help himself-
“You know, you really are a very handsome fish.”
Essek flopped wildly and violently out of his hands and Caleb started to laugh.
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ruvi-muffin · 4 months
Matt: he's going to attempt to cast teleport one last time
Travis: HE LIED !!!!
Robbie: but he's ouw Fwiend qwq </3
Everyone: Oh sweet summer child.
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elemmacil · 3 months
the fair wizard and the salmon of praesidis
Critical Role | Caleb/Essek | 4.3k | Rated G
On their second trip into Aeor, Caleb and Essek just wanted to end a long, tiring day by curling up in bed together. Maybe in another reality.
“Herr Shadowhand,” he intones as flat and long-sufferingly as possible while the curl of his mouth trembles traitorously, “I thought we agreed, no more arcane bullshit today.” If Essek were currently capable of speech he’d have something endearingly bitchy to say about that, no doubt.
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biscuityskies · 4 months
I’m not even caught up on critical role (I’m still so hung up on tm9 I couldn’t even get past like c3 ep 33) but recent events have me about to write fic again. And also maybe binge the campaign so far
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