#first time you call him that in bed he nuts instantly (his pride will never recover)
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satorusluver · 3 months ago
Minors DNI
Mihael "praise kink" Keehl who scoffs and rolls his eyes when you teasingly call him a good boy. But then you see him leave and come back a few minutes later having inexplicably put on one of his dramatically long coats indoors because he most definitely popped a boner from it and those leather pants do nothing to hide it.
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mushroomates · 4 months ago
the fellowship as roommates:
frodo: probably one of the best roommates out there. keeps to himself, tidy, does his laundry quickly and doesn’t leave it in the wash for a week. the company he keeps inviting over are weird though and you wish he’d stop obsessing over his jewelry. there’s a ring dish by the sink he’s always being funny about.
sam: he has to stop bringing plants home. the amount of dirt where there shouldn’t be is getting ridiculous. will make bread for the household though, and that makes up for it. does his dishes and all the dishes in the sink frequently and genuinely enjoys the task. took over the decoration and homemaking instantly.
merry: has a massive candle collection that would be fire safety issue. it not, however, a fire safety issue because merry never lights them. he has discontinued yankee candles and various limited edition scents. it’s his pride and joy and he doesn’t ever want to burn them because he wants to keep them forever. once pippin lit his maple-bacon soy wax triwick 1998 and merry went nuts. aside from that, pleasant company.
pippin: his parents pay for his rent because he couldn’t be bothered to pay it on time, and the tooks really, really wanted their son out of the house. do NOT go in his room. has not done laundry ever and does not plan to. keeps dirty dishes in his hamper and under his bed. keeps buying new forks thinking you won’t notice.
boromir: pays his rent a day early. handles the bills and finances and just tell you how much you owe. very respectful about your space in the fridge. does his best to be quiet past 9pm. he does, however, carve wood over the carpet and splinters have become an issue. he vacuum’s but it’s seriously becoming a problem. also keeps inviting these weirdos over who try and eat all your food.
aragorn: keeps tanning hides in the living room. is never home because he’s always at his girlfriends place. brought a dehydrator into the mix and the house always smells like meat because he’s making jerky. he will share it though, which is nice:
legolas: is mildly afraid of the bathroom. keeps clogging the drains with copious amounts of shed hair. uses your shampoo when he thinks your not looking. eats all of the good food, and small bites out of pretty much everything. tracks dirt all over the carpet and has a thing for fairy lights.
gimli: historic weaponry is NOT home decor and why the hell would you keep it over your bed. he has to have his own bathroom which he keeps very specifically (the amount of products he uses for his beard is unreasonable). generally tidy, gets weird about organizing things by color and type and would rather you let him do it.
gandalf: hardly a roommate. sometimes you wonder if he still is living with you and then he’ll show up after months of ghosting you with a random horse and a new-differently colored hat. and he will explain more about the hat than the horse. no, gandalf, we can’t keep a horse in the bathroom. our landlord will find out. please shut up about your new hat.
gollum: fresh fish keep being left on your counter on the first of each month. they’re very much someone’s goldfish that keep going missing. once, a parakeet was left in your sink. your lost socks keep reappearing on your couch. sometimes shiny rocks and coins are placed next to your phone at night. four months in there’s a scratching in your walls and this fucker pops out. he’s been living off of your scraps for nearly a year and thinks you two are best friendsies! <3 he tries to plea that he’s being paying rent. someone call the cops. (sam comes over and shoo’s him out with a broom. it’s frodos weird friend from college.)
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johnkrrasinski · 4 years ago
𝙞𝙣𝙫𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙗𝙡𝙚 𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜
Chapter 2: bad was the blood
full masterlist // series masterlist // commission open // support my work
Pairings: bucky barnes x reader
Word Count: 4,376
Summary: blessed with telepathic abilities since birth, you were captured by HYDRA and turned into one of their weapons to kill. after the blip, you were pardoned by the government and you were obliged to check up with dr. raynor everyday which you had no clue would lead you to the one soul you’d been waiting for.
Warnings: SMUT!! (18+) angst, mentions of anxiety, nightmares, murders.
A/N: this series is dedicated to the lovely @ohmickeyhenry who commissioned this story and developed the concept. thank you for trusting me with your story. i sincerely hope you like it.
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It had been a week since you and Bucky reunited and ever since that night, you and him were practically inseparable. Your bedroom was next to his and each night, he always came to yours to catch up on things and some nights, your conversation would go so deep that he would find himself waking up in your bed when the sun rises. He’d always leave your bed slowly to go into his room so that he wouldn’t wake you.
Each night he sleeps next to you, his nightmare became less intense. They still haunted him but they were vague, it was as if the faces of his victims become blurry and the echoes become whispers. One night, Bucky came back home from a small mission late and by the time he arrived at the compound, you were already asleep. Bucky knew the passcode to your door so he could let himself in anytime. He typed in those numbers and slowly opened the door and he smiled at the view of you sleeping peacefully. He would watch you sleep all night if he could, but he was exhausted and so were you, so he left you alone to rest.
Beads of sweat rolled down your skin as the cold air sent shivers down your spine. You watched the emotions in Natasha’s eyes vanished, as if her soul left her body and that’s left was the vessel. Sam, Tony and Bruce stood there like statues, waiting for your order. They had one thing in common with Natasha and that was the void of emotion. You felt a sense of pride in turning the Avengers into lifeless soldiers. They were at your mercy, you could command them to destroy the entire world with only a whisper.
Then you felt a cold grip on your arm, “Y/N… Why are you doing this?” Those steel blue eyes held so much pain in them as if he had just been betrayed by the person he trusted the most. “Stop this now! This isn’t you.” Bucky pleaded.
“Stand back soldier, or you are next.”
“No, I won’t let you do this to our friends.”
“Stand back. I will not ask you once again,” you warned him without a hint of uncertainty.
“Stop this, now or I will.” Bucky opposed.
“Very well,” with merely a glare, you activated the soldier you once knew. Years ago in the cold bunker of Hydra, ready to murder with a single order.
“готов подчиниться.”
You watched his blue eyes turned to ice, imitating his infamous name. You smirked and leaned close to his ear, “welcome back, soldier.”
You thrashed your body in your sheets and woke up with a loud scream. You thought you were doing well but the nightmare returned. You were doing what you dreaded again to your friends, the people you considered your family now. You sat up in your bed and sobbed until you heard Bucky opened your door with a concerned gaze. “Y/N, are you okay…?” He didn’t hesitate in running to you and sat next to you on your bed.
“I didn’t mean to, I- I never meant to hurt anyone…” You sobbed against Bucky’s chest as he wrapped his arm around you. His flesh arm held your head close to where his heart was beating and he tried to calm you down by stroking your hair and shushed you. He didn't know what you meant by that and he had many questions to ask but he understood better than anyone that in this state, integrating you would only cause more damage, so he let you cry it all out and comfort you in every way he could.
“It’s okay, y/n. I’m here, it’s going to be okay.”
You cried as you laid on Bucky’s chest until exhaustion took you over. You didn’t remember when you both began to drift away but as Bucky was sleeping, he saw visions of you doing heinous things to people, innocent souls who were held against their wills. He heard their screams and their pleas, but they weren’t looking at him, they were looking at… Her. Bucky had never seen her gaze so cold. Then he was transported into another scene… The place where HYDRA used to store him. It was one of the Russian Armed Forces, Vasily Karpov who was in charge of him during his Winter Soldier years.
Bucky remembered every second he spent trapped in the chair as he was given his orders. But this time, it was her strapped on that chair, screaming in agony. He watched him spelling out the activation words, they were different than his but just as effective. Bucky tried to reach her out, wanting to punch all those men and get her out of there but somehow his feet were stuck in place.
As the last word was uttered, he watched the woman he had slowly fallen in love with disappeared, replaced by a soulless soldier who was ready to kill anything that stood in her way. Bucky woke up to faint echoes of his name being called, “Bucky…” And slowly, he began to come back to life, and he saw her face, still the woman he knew, not the soldier in his dream, looming over him. “Did you see it?”
Bucky instantly sat up as he stared at her, “you were one of the winter soldiers. You were there.”
You nodded, “I was… They never referred to me as the winter soldier, however, I was treated just the same as you were. I had the same purpose as you.”
“How come you never told me?” His gaze was soft, he didn’t sound disappointed or betrayed, he just sounded… Worried.
“I couldn’t… I just didn’t know where to begin. I didn’t want to ruin what we had so I figured, if I left you first, I wouldn’t have to hurt you too and I was afraid that if you found out, you’d never look at me the same.”
“Sweetheart, we are both haunted by the same things. I’d never hate you for what you did. Don’t you think I didn’t have the same fears before? We’ll get through this together, I promise.” He held your face in his hands, the contrast of temperature in both of his hands was somehow soothing you, reminding you that he was once just as peccable as you were.
“But I don’t trust myself, Bucky. Someone could find the book and if they say the words, I could hurt people again… I could hurt you too. And I don’t know if I would ever come back.”
“I won’t let that happen, I promise you. I couldn’t trust my own mind too until I went to Wakanda and they fixed me. They removed the winter soldier program and now I’m free.”
“Is that… Possible?”
“Yes, I’ll explain everything in the morning but, right now, we need to rest.”
“Okay…” you were feeling rather drowsy, not only physically but emotionally too. It was never easy to unravel such shame and remorse.
Bucky laid back and opened his arm for you to sneak under it. You placed your head on his chest, feeling safe and sound being so close to him. Bucky’s fingers tangled with your hair as he kissed your forehead. “Promise you’ll be here when I wake up?”
“I promise,” he whispered.
The sound of his steady heartbeat lulled you to sleep.
The next morning, Bucky and you had breakfast together. It was early, the dawn had just begun, and some of the Avengers were out for a run or still asleep. You and Bucky had some alone time in the kitchen and you were thankful for the brief moment of solitude.
“So, what I said last night…” Bucky initiated the conversation as he put his coffee mug on the table. “I really think our best option is to go to Wakanda, y/n. They’ve got the best medical equipment, the people are extremely smart, they’ll take care of you. Just like they took care of me.”
“What makes you think they want to treat me, Buck? I mean, they took you in because the king and Steve made an agreement, but they have no idea who I am and even if they do, they don’t owe me anything.”
“The Wakandans may be resourceful and independent, but they are generous people too. I’ll call Ayo and sort everything out. They can spare me a few more favours.”
“If they agree to treat me, I only wanna go if you go too. I don’t wanna be alone in a country I’ve never been to before, Buck. I’m not familiar with their culture, I don’t speak their language, I don’t wanna fuck it up, you know?”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be there with you every step of the way. I promise.”
“Why are you so good to me?”
“Because you’re the only good thing that happened to me in the past seventy years.”
You never believed in butterflies, but you swore in that moment, the whole damn zoo went nuts. Bucky had a way to make you feel loved and cherished, and you were falling fast. You just hoped that he’d be there to catch you.
The sincerity in his eyes made you smile like you never had before. Looking back, the only times you had ever genuinely smiled was because of Bucky. His texts, his face, his touches, they were your newfound grace. Bucky told you that you were the only good thing that happened to him in the past seventy years, but so was he to you. Was it possible for two fucked up people who had done heinous things to find such love? You could only hope that nothing would come in the way of that.
Wakanda was a breath of fresh air. Figuratively and literally. You loved New York, no matter what, it would always be your home. However, Wakanda could definitely give New York a run for its money. The air was free out of pollutions from vehicles, everywhere you look, the landscape was filled with scenic greenery and not to mention the futuristic architectures yet deeply rooted in their culture. The people were welcoming and kind, yet they were not to be crossed over.
When you and Bucky first landed, the king himself, T’Challa with Okoye and Ayo by his sides welcomed you. It was intimidating to be in their presence, yet you were fascinated by how graceful they were. You were hoping that your anxiety wouldn’t make you do something dumb or stupid in front of them so as soon as you were out of the quinjet that Sam was flying, you bowed in front of the king. “We don’t do that here…” T’Challa declared.
You swore you could pass out from embarrassment. Bucky chuckled when you straightened your pose. T’Challa shook hands with Bucky like they were old friends, so did he with Sam. Bucky had been communicating with Ayo regarding your visit today so he didn’t have to explain why you were there anymore. They led you to Shuri’s lab where the miracle occurs.
When she saw you, she was nothing like you expected. She was younger than you but she seemed so ahead of you. She seemed so ahead of everyone in the room. She was bright and had an effervescent personality. The lab was unlike anything you’d ever seen, even Tony’s lab in the compound wasn’t as swanky as this one. Shuri’s lab had equipment you didn't even know existed.
She greeted you both, “welcome back Sergeant Barnes, and who’s your girlfriend?” her bluntness caught you off guard.
“Princess, this is y/n and y/n this is Princess Shuri. King T’challa’s younger sister. She was the one who fixed me eight years ago.”
“Hi Princess, it’s an honour.” You shook her hands.
“Welcome. Now let’s get you comfortable so we can take a look inside your brain, yeah?”
Now here you were, sitting in front of a burning yule log, the fire illuminated your face in the dead of the night. Ayo was standing across you, watching you with her spear ready but she trusted you, regardless. Bucky sat next to you, close enough to reassure you that he wasn’t going to let anything happen to you or anyone.
“It’s gonna work, y/n. I promise.”
“What if it doesn’t? How will you bring me back?”
“Shuri would know what to do. I was sceptical of my own mind too at first, but I turned out fine. Better, even. You’re in good hands.”
“If she comes back, and you can’t stop her, promise me you’ll put her out, even if it kills me.”
“Y/N…” He looked wounded, how could he possibly do such a thing to the woman he loved?
“James! I can’t hurt anyone else anymore, and worse, if I hurt you, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”
He nodded, though his heart was saying otherwise. “Okay, I promise.”
The tears in your eyes crawled down your cheeks and he held you close in the hut you’d been sharing with him. He kissed your hair like he would when he comforted you. The hut was simple and far away from the modern life you were used to in the compound or in New York, but you loved the tranquillity and simplicity of it. Some nights where Bucky and you would lie together, warming each other up, wearing nothing but customary clothes, you’d quietly think, you could get used to this. The simple life, with Bucky. Just you and him, and the rest of the world fade into the background. You wondered, could you still have it? That life? Or was it just wishful thinking? Right now, you could only hope that you’d be released from the demons of your past, that still lived in your head.
“I’ll be here, doll.” Bucky whispered and held your hand until the very last second.
“I won’t let you hurt anyone, Y/N. We successfully removed the winter soldier programs from James’ mind like rotten fur, you have nothing to worry.”
You nodded, “okay Ayo… I’m ready.”
You inhaled and stared at your own feet. The soil seemed like a great distraction at that moment. You wished you could hold Bucky’s hand but you didn’t want to look like a scared little baby. Then you heard it, Ayo’s assured voice spelling out the first codeword and the tension in your body rose. You trembled from the cold air, preparing yourself for the worst to happen as she uttered the next one. With each word, the fear in your veins amplified, thinking that any second now you were going to be a passenger in your own body and the demon that lived within you was going to take over.
But as Ayo uttered the last word, you were still there. You remembered your name, you remember where you were, you remembered the people around you and why you were there. You didn’t feel paralyzed, but rather alive. Freed from chains. You couldn’t believe it, you were never one to believe in miracles but that night, you did.
“You’re free, y/n.” Ayo smile like a proud mother.
“I’m free…” You repeated her words as if you were trying to convince yourself that it’s true.
She nodded, and you looked at Bucky who couldn’t hold himself back from wrapping his arms around you as he kissed your temple. “Oh, baby….” You could hear the genuine happiness in his voice and the shape of his lips forming a smile against you.
“You are both free,” Ayo declared.
You looked into his blue eyes that were gleaming with joy and love for only you. In that moment, you wished you had your phone with you so you could capture the priceless look on his face. You knew he was happy for you, however, you felt like you were celebrating his happiness instead. Maybe that’s what true love really is, celebrating each other’s happiness.
He grabbed your face and kissed you so deeply, taking your breath away. You could taste the saltiness of your tears cascaded down to your lips, but it was okay because you could feel Bucky’s soft lips against yours too and it was all you needed.
You held hands with Bucky, walking down to your shared hut, never wanting to untangle yourself from each other. Each night in Wakanda was an entire voyage itself. The scintillating stars in the sky and the quietness was paradise. You could see why Bucky adored Wakanda so much, everything about this country is perfect.
You laid on Bucky’s chest, playing with his dog tag. Even while sleeping, he never took it off. “I can’t believe I’m finally free…” you whispered.
Bucky looked down at you, “believe it doll, you deserve it.”
You sat up and leaned on your elbow, looking at him, “Thank you for getting me here and for being with me through it all. You’re amazing, Bucky.”
“No, doll, that is you. You’re one of the strongest people I know and I admire that.” Bucky sat up and he stared into your eyes as he strokes your cheek with his thumb.
In that moment, there was a sudden urge to have him in a way you hadn’t had. You didn’t care about anything else, you just needed to feel every inch of him, and you needed him to feel every inch of you. You slammed your lips onto his, taking Bucky by surprise yet he leaned into it. Bucky grabbed your arse, pushing your body closer to him, despite the nonexistent gap between you. Bucky licked your bottom lip, and you took his cue as parting them, allowing his tongue to take over your mouth.
You stopped for a second to gasp for air, and you closed your eyes, letting Bucky take the wheel. Bucky moved his flesh hand to your hair, holding a fistful of it to your face in place. Then when he felt like he needed more, Bucky moved his hands to your thighs, lifting you onto his thighs, then he shifted his body around so that he was on top of you and you were lying on the pillow.
Bucky was still kissing you until he started moving his kisses down to your chin, then to your jaw then to your neck, the spot that he knew would elicit a sound of you. Bucky might’ve been over a hundred years old and he hadn’t been intimate with anyone since 1945 but he still remembered how he used to make a woman scream for his name and he wasn’t going to waste that talent.
Bucky lifted the hem of the tank top you were sleeping in and you raised your hands to make it easier for him to get rid of it. This was the first time Bucky had seen you naked, you were always sleeping in clothes next to him, whether it’s a tank top and super short shorts, you were always covered. But now, you were all bare and you were slightly nervous because you hadn’t let anyone see you like this since you were captured by HYDRA.
Chills ran down your spine from the crisp air, but it was also because of the way Bucky was ogling you. You could see how dilated his pupils are, overshadowing the blue. “You’re fucking gorgeous,” he breathed.
Bucky continued his lecherous act, kissing down your chest then to your right nipple, swirling his tongue around like a lollipop while his other hand toyed with your left breast. You arched your back as you shut your eyes, letting him do whatever he wanted to you. You whimpered, needing more of him. “Bucky…”
He wanted to taste more of you so he trailed kisses down your stomach, waking up the butterflies inside until he was breathing to your core. Even in the darkness, he could see how your wetness glistens. He wrapped his arms in each of your thighs and spread them apart for him to dive in. He could tell you were feeling a little shy but he made sure to make you feel otherwise by kissing the insides of your thighs, telling you, “I bet you taste real sweet, darling…”
His words made you open your eyes and looked down at him, between your things. He smirked mischievously at your reaction. Then he dipped into your core, licking a stripe up to your clit, making you moan out his name. The way his stubble burnt your delicate flesh made you want to close your thighs however, Bucky held them firmly in place. He savoured every drop, devouring you like a famished man. Your thighs trembled around him and you bit your lip trying to surpass the moans. The slurping sounds that he made were sinful.
Then he shoved two of his fingers inside you, scissoring you open for him. You gasped, the intrusion shocked you, causing you to open your eyes and look down at his act. “Oh God, Buck, I’m fucking close…”
He dipped down again, savouring more juices flowing out of you. “Shh, I know doll, let go. I got you.” He continued his assault on your cunt until you felt the bubble in your belly exploded, making you see stars. You had forgotten the pleasure of chasing your orgasm until Bucky reminded you. Bucky swallowed every drop you released, not wanting to waste anything. He stayed there until you had nothing more to give.
Bucky rose from between your thighs, kissing you passionately and you could taste yourself on his tongue. It was so fucking debauched yet you fucking loved it. You wrap your arms around his neck and run your hands through his hair, messing it up and he looked so fucking sexy.
“I want you Bucky, please fill me up,” you pleaded in between makeout.
“You want this doll? You want me?” He knew what you desired, he just wanted to make sure one last time before you go all the way so you wouldn’t regret it in the morning.“
“Yes Bucky, I want all of you… Only you.”
“I got you, sweetheart.” Bucky grabbed your hands and put them above your head. He pulled back to take off his pants, freeing his cock out of his boxer. To say Bucky was packing light would be a massive lie. He was long and thick, not to mention he was painfully hard. You really didn’t expect it. You had thought about it and you guessed he was more on the lengthy side yet, he seemed to surprise you more and more every time.
Bucky saw the way you stared at it and he smirked at your reaction. “Like what you see, doll?” He stroked the shaft, getting it ready to plunge into you.
You bit your lip as your chest heaved at the licentious scene, “can I taste it?”
Bucky scoffed and shook his head while still stroking himself, “not tonight, doll. But I’ll hold your word.” He crawled back up to your body and you spread your legs apart to make room for him, you maintained eye contact as he held both of your hands that were still above your head. You could feel the nudge of the tip of his cock on your bud, making your toes curl, “are you ready?” he asked.
“Yes…” you practically whined. “Please, take me.”
Without a second thought, Bucky pushed himself inside you, slowly yet you could feel every inch of him stretching your walls open and you threw your head back, the friction caused your head to spin. You cried out his name as you tightened your grip on his hands, needing to hold onto something.
Bucky grunted when he was fully inside and he took a moment to hide his face in your neck, “ah, fucking hell, doll. You feel amazing.”
“Move Bucky, please…” you pleaded after you adjusted to him being inside you.
Bucky began to move slowly, started with shallow thrusts, pulling back a bit then pushed it back inside. When you didn’t show any signs of resistance, he began to pick up the pace and it made your moans grow louder. “Oh, fuck…” you cursed due to the sensation. “Faster, Buck…”
Your wish is Bucky’s command, he did as you asked and he was enjoying more and more of it. You lifted your legs higher on his waist, locking them there for dear life. You wailed as his cock impaled you, forgetting that there were probably kids sleeping around your hut but you were too clouded with pleasure to worry about that. The onslaught caused you to clench around him and your coil tightened. Knowing you won’t last much longer, Bucky detached his flesh hand from yours and moved it down to your clit, rubbing it in circles over and over again and you plummeted into bliss, electricity ran through your veins as you hit your peak, releasing yourself all over him.
Bucky kept thrusting, seeing the way your face contorted in satisfaction because of him and how your walls tightened around him threw him off the edge, causing him to reach his own orgasm. He spilt himself inside you, finishing with shallow thrusts until every drop was stored. “Ah, fuck…” He groaned.
Bucky laid on top of you while still staying inside you. You loved the intimacy of being this close to him, honestly, you wouldn’t mind staying in this position until dawn. Both of you tried to gain control over your breathing as you were completely spent. Once he regained composure, he pulled himself out of you and laid next to you.
“That was…”
“Fucking amazing? Yeah…” Bucky completed that sentence as he held you in his arms and kissed your forehead.
“You were amazing, doll.” He continued.
“I haven’t had sex since… Well, since as long as I can remember.”
“Me too, doll. You are my first since everything that happened.”
“You are mine, too.”
For a few seconds, you just stared at each other lovingly with satisfaction plastered all over your faces. You relished in each others’ warmth, despite the hut reeking of sweat and smell of sex, you found comfort in each other, putting both of you to sleep.
tags; @ohmickeyhenry @suitofvibraniumarmor @themaddies-obx @beminetokeep @bluemoon-icecream-blog @bluemoon-icecream @harprs @thefridgeismybestie @abitofeverythingg @wolfonthemoonwatchestvshows @julimelodi @bookscoffeandotherstuff @tanyaherondale @artisancowbells @ferxaniti @intothesoul @hallecarey1 @buckybarnesplumwhore @thefallenbibliophilequote @andiyholly @emizla @capxwinter @jevans2 @alwaysreadingimagineschick @swtltlmrvlgrl @extremelyblackandwhite
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dini73 · 4 years ago
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What can I say, when I had a convo about AO3 having over 700 tags for Ikea and then someone mentions their shark plushie and I remember to have read at least 2 Viking fics where Ivar had this, I was so tempted and had to get his one out.
Thanks again for the inspiration @sneakend , @niishiki and for beta reading @whatsmyline-pb
Can't believe my first Viking one is toddler Ivar but the one we talked about @pieces-by-me will be next.
The sun was still playing with the little dust particles in the air and Ivar just couldn’t grasp how he was expected to sleep, as if it wasn’t still way too bright. Not to mention way too silent since his father and brothers had gone on a camping trip that weekend. With their absence an eerie quietness had settled on the big country house of the Lothbroks; a quietness that his mother wasn’t able to fill.
Looking over to his brother’s empty bed, little Ivar frowned. Right now, he even missed Sigurd who was often so mean to him, even if Ivar didn’t do anything. At least nothing he was aware of. Ivar realised how his lip started to tremble and he felt like a baby. No wonder everyone was allowed to go on that trip except him. Ivar turned to his back to gaze at their room’s dark ceiling, which his big brother Ubbe had plastered with glow in the dark stars.
Oh, how he wished to be like Ubbe; strong and tall and handsome, the pride of both his father and mother, and yet humble and friendly, always happy to play and spend some time with his younger siblings.
Or Hvitserk, who drove their mother nuts by always needing to eat something yet being so slender, excelling in all kinds of sports at school and already having a reputation for his soccer skills.
Small Ivar sighed. Maybe they would even see Hvitserk on TV one day, playing for a famous soccer club.
Something cold slipped down his cheek, and he reached out for his plushie.
Burying his face in the often-washed fabric, Sharky instantly put a smile on Ivar’s face.
There was nothing more comforting than pressing your face to something that smelled so much like home and safety. It was the plushie’s size and the fact that Ivar could still hide his face behind it that made him feel safe, beautifully cut off from the world around him.
Remembering that this was what he had instantly used Sharky for when he got him, made Ivar cling even harder to the soft fur. His breathing got faster, thinking how embarrassed he had been that day when his father shoved him through IKEA in his wheelchair. Although his brothers had put in all their effort to shield him from the curious looks of the other kids at the children’s section by constantly fooling around the dreaded chair, Ivar was still aware of the pity in their parent’s eyes.
And then he saw him. Blåhaj.
This fierce and somehow still friendly looking shark plushie; huge and calmingly blue, which had always been Ivar’s favourite colour. Maybe because it reminded him of his father’s and brother’s eyes. They were also fierce. Fierce and reckless and Ivar adored them so much and wanted to be like them so much. And whenever he got frustrated and sad, Ubbe would bow down to him and say, “But Ivar, your eyes are just as blue as daddy’s or mine. You are just like us.” Then he would ruffle Ivar’s hair and though they both knew it was a lie, that Ivar would never be like them, he couldn’t help but feel a bit better.
Sharky and Ivar became inseparable and one day Aslaugh, in her wisdom, made Ragnar go buy another one because sometimes, well sometimes even fierce sharks needed a ride in the washing machine.
It was Sigurd, of course, who had to ask him how stupid he was to not realise that the brand new plushie he pressed to his chest after a horrible stomach bug was not Sharky No1. And then Sigurd had stayed near, although Ivar had wished to be alone with their mother to cuddle into her in his misery and make her sing the beautiful song that always calmed him down. Whenever he heard that melody, Ivar was able to sleep peacefully and dream wonderful things. He could feel himself running, playing football, climbing trees, and sailing on a huge ship with his dad. Ivar loved to dream about being a famous Viking, ever since his mom had read to him from the Edda, mentioning that she had fallen for his dad because he had always reminded her of a fearless Viking.
Most nights, though, Ivar’s dreams were dark.
Which was still better than the pain.
The pain in his useless legs made Ivar angry. And anger never led to something good, his mom said, and then a fight between her and his dad would inevitably ensue. His dad always telling him to concentrate on the pain and anger and use it. But Ivar didn’t understand what that was supposed to mean. And then his parents got frustrated and snappy, which made Sigurd be mean and Hvitserk and Ubbe disappear, making sure they had somewhere to be or playing outside, pretending not to hear anything. It was hurting all of them. His stupid legs hurt them all, not just him. He was hurting everyone. He was no good.
“No, no.” Ivar whimpered, not having realised he had gotten lost in his thoughts and fallen asleep.
“Hey, brother, no what?” he was asked by Ubbe, who had just returned with the rest of the bunch and didn’t miss a beat to look for their little brother.
“You won’t believe what happened!” an excited Hvitserk shouted, also storming into the room.
“Shhh, he’s asleep.” Ubbe smiled.
“Oh. But he is trembling.”
“Well, tuck him up, stupid,” Sigurd mumbled and let himself fell down on his own bed.
“Hey, who you calling stupid, baby brother? Better come over and make yourself useful,” Hvitserk mocked, and Sigurd rolled his eyes but came over and sat down on the ground next to Ivar’s bed, knowing very well what Hvitserk planned. After Ubbe had gotten another blanket and tucked Sharky and Ivar in up to their noses, Hvitserk carefully reached out under the warm fabric and tenderly massaged Ivar’s tiny, crippled legs.
It only took a few moments for the frown on Ivar’s forehead to vanish, the grip on his beloved Sharky loosening a bit. And then Ivar heard it. In his dream he heard the beautiful song his mother always sang for him.
Ubbe proudly looked at his two younger brothers, helping their baby brother in their own, unique ways.
And in the hallway, Ragnar leaned at his wife’s back, cupped her hips with his strong hands and lovingly whispered in her ear: “Now look at our little tribe, how they take care of each other, just like brothers are supposed to.”
“Yeah, you can thank me later for raising them this well,” Aslaugh answered with a smug smile.
And who knew, maybe one day Sharky would tell Ivar this wasn’t the first time Sigurd had sung for him.
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icollectyoursins · 4 years ago
NSFW Prosciutto headcanons
Pseudo_Possom on AO3 said: “This is beautiful... I’m not on tumblr, but may I request some Prosciutto NSFW headcanons that are also kinda wholesome? I need more slightly wholesome ham in my life.”
I have been looking forward to writing this since I got the request. I love me some juicy ham! It started wholesome, then slowly went down to the nastier things, then back to wholesome.
Have a character, but no idea? Prompt list here!
Looking for more? Master post here!
WARNINGS: Breeding, lingerie, cock warming, riding, fingering, oral, handjobs, sounding, pegging, panty sniffing, jerking off, mentions of porn, vouyerism/glory holes (Receiving oral as well as watching S/O do that with someone else), cuckolding (I guess), threesome, sloppy seconds, cuddles as after care, also baths.
Word Count: 2,110
Alrighty, where do I start? This man loves to breed to S/O. Just adores seeing his seed leaking out of them in a slow stream. Now, unlike other characters I have done headcanons for, he is not one to go for too many rounds, so expect lots of sweet, warm, littered-with-kisses cuddles. If he’s pent up, he’ll usually go for more, but he tends to last long enough to make up for multiple rounds so he doesn’t see the need.
If you two are able and are trying to have a child, he is so tender. Pulling you into his arms, making a nest of pillows around you (this man has 10 on his bed, convince me otherwise) and just massaging your stomach whispering about how he can’t wait to see you grow. 
I dunno, I just think this man is soft for his S/O which only becomes more apparent when he’s filled them with his seed. 
Kissing Prosciutto would be fucking ascending. Equal parts passionate and sweet. His lips are so soft against yours and the smell of his cologne seems to just envelope you. He buys only the best for both himself and you, so of course he’s soft. He tastes the tiniest bit like mint. Not overwhelming or strong, just subtle. And a sweet mint. 
Your first time with him can either go one of two ways: it’s either a rough, quick but still hot and heavy fuck in the back of his car before he drops you off at home, or it’s desperate, deep and gentle thrusts into you that rock the entire bed. Just the image of him crawling back into the front seat, adjusting his shirt and pants has me fucking drooling
Oh. Surprise him with lingerie. Casually walking out of the bathroom in a revealing body suit or stockings and garter belt. Prosciutto is weak. If you’ve been together for a while, he’s more vulnerable with his arousal and adoration, mouth dropping open and just staring. If it’s a new relationship, he’ll try to hide it by either giving you a chaste compliment that sounds a little derogatory if you read into it too much or getting suave with it, trying to flip the table so you’re the one being seduced. 
     You ran your fingers over the delicate fabric clinging to your body, admiring your form in the mirror. Lace and straps wrapped around you, sitting in all the right places, complimenting your figure. 
     “Piccola/Piccolino, are you here?” Prosciutto called out to you as he entered your shared bedroom, immediately noticing your missing presence. You grinned to yourself in the en-suit bathroom. He called out your name, taking off his jacket and tossing it on the bed. While he adjusted his clothes, making himself more comfortable, you slowly made your way out. 
     “I’m here,” you said smoothly, leaning against the door frame. He quickly glanced at you in the mirror, expecting you to be in pajamas and ready for bed. A double take was made when he saw what you were wearing. 
     Prosciutto’s mouth had dropped open slightly as he turned around to look at you. He muttered something under his breath that you didn’t quite hear. All you did was chuckle at his amazement as he slowly made his way to you, hands creeping up your sides once before sliding back down to grope your behind.
     “What is this?” He mused. “For me, piccola /piccolino? You spoil me, you know.” You smiled at him sweetly, gently cupping his face with your hand before leaning in to kiss him. Hungrily, he pulled you closer, quickly getting more aggressive, biting your lower lip and roughly exploring your mouth with his tongue.
     Prosciutto pulled away, staring at you with a sinful glare.
     “Look at you,” he growled, breathing heavily. Suddenly, he pulled your arm, then pinned you against the wall. His voice rumbled in your ear as his lips grazed your neck. “You’re not going to be able to walk out of his room.”
If he’s feeling lazy and you’re feeling randy, he is 100% down to let you just ride him into the sofa while he’s watching TV or just cock warm him. I think he just enjoys the intimacy, you know? Like, he’s finally able to let some of his barriers go that he just completely relaxes. Not to say he can’t be rough, he absolutely can, but he enjoys the soft moments just as much as he loves the rough sessions.
Alright, oral. He’s... okay at giving, sitting in between being good and bad. I don’t see him being super into giving oral (ie. eating someone out or blowjobs) unless he’s bottoming that night which, of course, rarely happens because of his pride. Receiving, however! Loves it. Give him a quick blow before he goes into a meeting and he’ll probably have your mouth on his mind for the rest of the day. Tease him with your tongue and you might have him begging. He would do anything to get those lips around him. 
For the more relaxed moments of sex I can picture him being tender and soft with his praise, running his hands through your hair, calling you beautiful or moaning out “belissima” when you take his entire length. Pros cums instantly if you make eye contact while slowly swallowing him whole, then pull back to the tip. He’s practically drooling when you clean the cum off of him. After, he’ll cup your face pulling you into a sweet kiss before returning the favor and getting you off with his hand/fingers.
With more rougher sessions, he’s fucking your face. You head is pinned against the wall and he’s just destroying your throat in the best way. When he gets close, he’ll cum on your face or chest, calling you every dirty word he could possibly think of. Needless to say, you’ll both be left a wreck after that.
Now, while he may not be a master of oral, he absolutely has fingering down to an art form! On S/O’s with a vagina especially (not that he isn’t good at hand jobs, as well, I think he just has a slight preference). *blurb below is fem!reader*
     Long fingers curled up into your sweet spot making you cry out, arching your back. Prosciutto pushed you back down onto the bed again, picking up the pace as punishment. His thumb came to you clit, rubbing back and forth with a force that seemed to blind you. His name fell from your lips an endless amount of times as you lost control, legs kicking out against the sheets. You begged him to let you cum.
     “No.” He said sternly. You whined in protest. “You can take it.” 
Well, now that that’s out of the way! Hand jobs. I can’t get the picture of you being tied down to a chair, naked while he’s completely dressed (save for his jacket which was tossed somewhere else). He’s rubbing your length as softly as he could to keep you from cumming too soon. When you get close, he casually pulls away, adjusting his clothes. Dude just likes denial, what can I say?
I have that this written in my notes forever: sounding. Mmm. Tying him down on the bed or even just ordering him not to move while you liberally apply lube to the tip of his cock and then slowly spreading the opening with a thin rod. Oh! The way he would writhe. Delicious.
Pegging this man would be heavenly. The first time he would be so shocked, almost kind of offended you brought it up, but then he would start looking at porn of it because you peaked his curiosity (not that he’d ever admit it) and then... he just wants to do it all of the sudden. You’re gentle, of course, but even just the smallest buck of your hips has him melting. Nothing but putty in your hands, freely and wildly moaning.
Now you’ve got him hooked. Wanna play a more dominant role? Order him to do something. Don’t just say “get on your knees.” Order him. Drag a crop along his cheek. You will absolutely make him weak so he’ll either drop to his knees and do whatever you say, or (more commonly) he’ll be a tough nut to crack and make you work for his submission. 
Alright, this one... this is a gross one that he will probably never admit to anyone, but I read somewhere that he’d sniff his S/O panties while jerking off and my mind fucking exploded. Even just inhaling the scene from your shirts or pillow case gets him going. Come home early to moans coming from the bedroom and getting just the tiniest peek of your clothing pressed to his face while he furiously rubs his cock. *Chef’s fucking kiss*
He would never EVER admit to it though because it’s something Melone or Illuso would do and he has more class than that. Or looks like he does.
Prosciutto probably watches a lot of porn, lets be real. Not as much as the two previously mentioned or Formaggio, but still a lot. He does it to research more than actually get off, looking at some of the weirder things that Melone is into (which mostly feet, but there are a few gems in there) like dominatrix things, swings, glory holes, that kind of thing. He tends to favour the glory holes, if he’s being completely honest. 
If you’re into roleplaying being strangers and meeting up at a glory hole he will probably cum more than he ever has in his life. After the “hook up” he’ll give you nothing but praise and kisses for the rest of the night.
Or, if you’re okay with actually doing it with strangers, he’ll watch (or film it for later) then fuck whatever part of your body was used just to boost his pride by saying shit like “they were good, but you like this more” or “time for a real man to fuck you. You really only feel good with me, right?” Just nasty stuff like that.
     Prosciutto’s eyes grew wide as he watched your lips wrap around the unfamiliar cock in front of you, eagerly sucking in more of it. You looked at him out the corner of your eye, just to make sure he was still looking. He moans quietly, palming himself through his pants while still trying to keep steady, hoping the video would turn out okay. He wasn’t really paying attention to camera angles. 
     You got more bold, wrapping your hand around the cock that was now lubed up with your spit. Now, you bobbed on it in sync with your strokes. The man on the other side of the wall quickly came into your mouth. You showed the camera the load, mouth open wide, then you swallowed it, showing your empty mouth again. 
     Your partner practically scrambled to turn the video off, pulling his pants down as fast as he could. He turned you around, wasting no time thrusting himself into you. “Fuck. You really know how to make a man jealous, don’t you?” You cry out as he starts fucking into you relentlessly.
Would be more into threesomes if he wasn’t surrounded by La Squadra. Although, the idea of putting Melone in his place does sound rather nice and watching you do it? Even more so. What? No, he doesn’t actually want to fuck Melone, he just thinks he’d look good forced to cum on his cock over and over again... okay, maybe he wants to fuck him, but it’s not like that-
Alright, I wrote about this in the Demon!Risotto x Reader x Demon!Prosciutto thing but sloppy seconds are so good. Doesn’t really care who’s cum it is (save for Pesci and Illuso because he would never let Illuso do that to you, just rubs him the wrong way), he just loves the look, the feel; everything that comes with sliding his cock into your already full hole and watching it leak out over the sides of his length.
Not the king of after care, but good. Prosciutto loves to take long lavish baths with you or going to the spa just to make yourselves feel nice and pretty after doing something raunchy and “gross.” Grabs you two water if you need it, massages any sore spots on your body, just general stuff. 
More reluctant to receive after care because of his pride, but will eventually cave and let you rub his sides or whatever, then he just melts. You’re just so warm against him and he’s so tired. He falls asleep quicker than he usually does and wakes up feeling a little more chipper than usual.
Translations: piccola /piccolino -baby girl/baby boy belissima-beautiful
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babieleeknow · 5 years ago
Suck of a Lifetime | (m)
Han Jisung x Reader
Smut, fluff, crack?? Friends to almost lovers
2.4k words
You’ve never sucked dick before. You want to try. And Jisung is right there, with a perfectly good dick.
This is a bit of a doozy. It’s pretty long and I haven’t edited it yet, so excuse any errors. Also, this idea has been in my mind for ages and ages now, so here I present to you my love child. Warning: this might be extremely shit because I don’t really write smut too often. I’ll edit and revise it eventually, I just wanted to finally get it out there :))
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You and Jisung were laid back on your bed. You staring at your ceiling, mind whirling, while he scrolled through TikTok on his phone, occasionally laughing and showing you a video.
Should you do it? Nahh... but? No, no, that would be crazy. Unless...?
“Jisung,” you didn’t turn to face him, your furrowed brow pointing up.
“Yeah?” He didn’t face you either, scrolling through the comments of a lilhuddy video.
“Can I ask you something?”
You paused, hesitating for a second before deciding to throw caution to the wind, “Can I suck your dick?”
“WHAT?” He said, instantly sitting up and facing you. You didn’t move from your horizontal position across the bed, only shifting your eyes to meet his, “I’m sorry, can you repeat that real quick, because it sorta sounded like you asked if you could put my penis in your mouth.”
You raised a brow in thought, “Huh, that would be weird if that wasn’t what I said, but it actually was what I said, so it’s actually not that weird that that’s what you heard me say.”
He continued to stare blankly at you, blinking harshly, “Are you okay? Are you high? Drunk? Like bro are you good?” He placed the back of his palm against your forehead, “Damn, maybe you have a fever, you feel a little hot.”
You slapped his palm away, frowning at him as you sat up. “Bro, just say no if you don’t want me to,” you ran your fingers through your hair, “I was just sitting here thinking ‘who do I know well enough to ask if I can suck their cock?’ because, you know, a bitch needs practice. And then suddenly, it hit me; bro I have a perfectly existent dick right next to me, attached to my closest homie. So then I was like ‘swag’. But if you don’t want me to, just say no, I get it.” You resisted the urge to shoot finger guns at him, because he looked like he was about to combust and you weren’t sure if finger guns screamed put your dick in my mouth!
“I- I didn’t say I didn’t want you to…” He muttered, looking down at his fingers in his lap.
“Great!” You breamed, instantly dropping to your knees in between his spread legs and setting your fingers on a trajectory to his belt.
He grabbed your wrist before you could make it there, “Woah, woah, woah!” He nearly yelled, “Cool the jets, lady! Shit, shouldn’t we discuss this for a second? Do you have mouth herpes, because I don’t want you to give that shit to me. Are you a spitter or a swallower? What’s your average blowjob pace? These are important questions here!” He ignored how the view of you kneeling between his legs made his cock plump up in interest, and instead tried to focus on the way you sat back on your heels and groaned dramatically.
You were a little embarrassed. You and Jisung didn’t really talk about this type of stuff. I mean… he was a boy and you were a girl. Can it get anymore obvious? Sexy talk is a no-no, but desperate times call for desperate measures. “C’mon ‘Sung, does that really matter? Why are you putting off a blowjob from a perfectly willing hot girl who’s right here? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.”
But Jisung held firm, only shaking his head with a raised brow and pinning you with an unamused look. Normally he would have fired back some sort of ugly joke, but he respected the tension of the moment and appropriately restrained himself. You groaned again, muttering something under your breath. “What was that?” Jisung asked, leaning down a bit, “Speak up, damn.”
“I’m a virg, okay? Never sucked a dick, never fucked a dick. Shit bro we don’t need to talk about this stuff just whip your dick out and let me get to work.” You tried not to let the humiliation get to you, but the burning blush on your cheeks told another story. You knew Jisung was experienced, if the amount of girls that had come up to you and either told you to a) ‘back off their mans’, b) begged you to get Jisung to contact them again, or c) all of the above was anything to go by.
Jisung was taken aback. You’d been on dates before, you’d even had a boyfriend in the past, he had been certain you must have done something with him. But he knew when he was meant to pry and when he wasn’t, so he kept his inquiries to himself. “You know you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone, right Y/N?” He spoke uncharacteristically softly, “You’re not any more or less cool because you’re a virgin.”
You rolled your eyes, “Trust me, pal, I’m well aware,” you patted his thigh, causing him to jerk, “It’s not about trying to be cool, I just wanna suck a dick so bad you don’t even know. It’s like there's a little penis goblin inside of me.” 
Jisung sighed, “I don’t know…” He felt bad stealing your first blowjob from you. Sure, he’d had his fair share of fantasies about this exact moment regarding you, as is only natural when you’re a straight guy and your best friend is a hot girl, but he didn’t want to be some sort of creep, stealing your first dick sucking experience because he wanted a good nut in a warm place.
You sighed, wrapping your arm around his thigh and leaning your head on it. Jisung gulped. “Please, Sungie? I really wanna.” You pouted.
The combination of your pleading tone, your innocent eyes, and your compromising position between his legs made Jisung’s resolve snap in two. Fuck... “Okay… yes. You can do it.” He breathed, hoping you didn’t notice how shaky his voice was.
You beamed up at him, instantly fumbling with his belt, trying to disregard your nerves. You pulled down his jeans a little, and he raised his hips to help you. You were a somewhat surprised to find that he was already half hard in his boxers, but you were so preoccupied with thinking of your next step that you didn’t notice the way he flushed when you made eye contact with his bulge. You swallowed, deciding it was best to get him as hard as possible before you actually took his dick out, and began tracing your finger alone the outline of his cock.
Jisung’s breath caught in his throat, and he resisted the urge to groan when you looked up at him unsurely as you began to palm him fully, “You need to tell me what to do, I’m not really sure what I’m doing here.” You admitted bashfully, and he nodded.
“Just- just keep doing what you’re doing for now.” He gulped, clenching his fingers in your comforter.
You nodded, continuing to run your hand up and down his length, practically jacking him off through his boxers. You were mesmerized by the way his cock grew more and more stiff under your fingers, and tried to ignore the funny feeling in your chest when you thought about how you were touching Han Jisung - your best friend since childhood - ’s dick.
Once you decided he was hard enough, you looked up at Jisung again, “Can I-” you gestured towards his crotch, and he took a breath before nodding, running his fingers nervously through his hair. He was suddenly overcome with thoughts. What if you thought he was too small? What if you thought his dick tasted gross? When was the last time he shaved his pubes? All these thoughts raced through his head and by the time you actually took him out, he was a nervous wreck.
You pulled down his boxers and his cock sprung out, slapping against his stomach. There was a pause, it was only a fraction of a second, but to Jisung it felt like a year, “Fuck…” you breathed, wetting your lips as your mouth watered at the sight of him. He wasn’t huge, but he was a good size. Just the right amount of girth that wouldn’t make your jaw hurt, but would be a nice mouthful. You instantly reached out and began pumping him slowly, spreading his precum from his tip down to his shaft.
Jisung swallowed heavily, his breathing beginning to get laboured. Your hand felt so much better than his. Your hands were softer and smaller, and he was certain he could get off just from this, but you had other ideas. You slowly leaned closer to his hard cock, licking your lips carefully. You tried to ignore your nerves, but they began to get the best of you. What if you sucked at this (no pun intended)? What if you accidentally scratched him with your teeth? What if you hurt him somehow?
You looked up at Jisung uncertainly, and the look in your eyes sent even more blood rushing to his already rock solid member. “You’re good,” he mumbled, brushing your hair from your face, “Go ahead when you’re ready.” The soft look in his eyes soothed you, and you nodded slightly before looking back at your objective with newfound resolve.
Jisung wasn’t sure what to expect, but what he definitely wasn’t expecting was for you to lean forward and press a soft kiss to the tip of his penis. He accidentally let a small moan fall from his lips at the contact, which quickly morphed into a drawn out groan when you flicked your tongue around his head. His sounds spurring you on, you wrapped your lips around his tip and suckled gently. He let his head fall back, one of his hands subconsciously tangling in your hair as he tried to control his breathing.
You were a little taken aback at the taste. While it wasn’t what you’d call tasty, it was a flavour that somehow left your mouth watering and had you wanting to sample it even more. With that thought in mind, you pulled off of his tip for a moment, but wrapped your fingers around him and continued to pump him carefully as you gauged his reaction. While he wasn’t entirely wrecked, Jisung was certainly affected, and this caused pride to bubble in your chest.
You took a deep breath, covering your teeth with your tongue, and began to slowly slide down his length, allowing your throat to adjust carefully. Squeezing your left thumb in order to subdue your gag reflex (a tip you’d seen on TikTok), your right hand stoked what you couldn’t fit into your mouth.
Jisung was in ecstasy. Your throat was warm, tight, and perfectly suited to fit his cock. He was more than a little impressed at how you didn’t choke, and he suddenly found himself suspicious of if this really was your first blowjob or not. But when you began to find a rhythm and pick up your pace, all coherent thoughts flew from his mind, “That’s it,” he gasped, “You’re so good, you’re doing so good.”
You swore you had never been wetter in your life, your panties sticking uncomfortably to your core. You keened under the praise, swirling your tongue along the underside of his shaft and speeding up a little, taking him even deeper, causing you to choke a little bit, but you ignored it in return for the way Jisung’s hand tightened in your hair a fraction. Just enough for you to manage your own pace, but still know who was really in control here.
“Shit, Y/N,” he panted heavily, trying to restrain himself from bucking into your mouth, “I-I’m not going to last.” Sweat was dripping down his temples, and when you looked up at him through your lashes, his cock deep in your throat and your lipgloss smeared across your chin, he felt himself swell impossibly more and it was all he could do to choke out a warning before he was cumming down your throat.
You weren’t quite expecting the feeling of liquid hitting the back of your throat, and you choked a tiny bit, causing a dribble of cum to slip past your lips. Still, you did your best to work him through his orgasm, making sure to swallow every last drop until he was pulling you off of him.
The sight of you with his cum dripping from your lips would have been enough for Jisung to pop a semi right then and there if he hadn’t just cum so hard he saw Jesus. Without thinking, he swiped his thumb over the line of dribble, and pushed his thumb into your mouth, eyes nearly rolling into the back of his head when you sucked it clean, swirling your tongue around his digit. 
With a pop, you released his thumb from your mouth, “So? How was it?” You grinned from your place between his spread legs as Jisung began to cover himself back up, tucking his softening dick back into his underwear and doing up his belt.
He ran a hand down his face, “Are you sure that was your first time?” He asked disbelievingly.
You groaned, climbing up on the bed next to him and flopping on your front, “Dude, trust me. He's going to kill me for saying this, but Alex literally has a micropenis bro. Like, less than two-incher. And he never let me touch him!” You turned on your back and slammed a pillow into your face, “Like damn, I felt bad for the dude because, yeah, that sucks, but he was so insecure that he would never take his pants off in front of me! We grinded and he fingered me but he never let me actually touch the goods. I didn’t know about... his little problem, so I thought it was a me thing, and that he was worried to fuck me because I’m a virgin. Turns out no, he broke down one day and cried about it and then literally broke up with me. Like, bro, you’re the one with the micropenis and I’m the one who gets dumped? I can’t believe it.” You scoffed, shoving the pillow further into your eyes.
“Well,” Jisung started, a plan brewing in his mind, “I promise that was the best blowjob I’ve ever had…” He trailed off, pulling the pillow from your face, a greasy smirk adorning his face.
“Stop smiling like that, creep.” You sneered, smacking him with the aforementioned pillow, wiping the simper right off his face. He then decided to pout, sitting back on his heels on the bed.
He suddenly grabbed your thighs, pulling you towards him so that he was kneeling between your spread legs, “As I was saying, since you gave me the suck of a lifetime, why don’t I return the favour?” And with the way his hands were squeezing your waist, how could you say no?
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 5 years ago
Can you write the whole RFA of its not to difficult please. If that is to hard can you do Jumin, Zen, and Jaehee please. For an S/O who flinches at quick movement around them like they will get hit. No one had ever hit on purpose it’s just an instinct from having high anxiety. I do that personally and it drives my family nuts. If I could control it I would.
Hello! Thank you for your request, lovely anon. I understand how you feel, I’m the same with loud noises. Honestly I bug could fly past my ear and I’ll jump three feet in the air no joke hahaha. I decided to write these as scenarios as it just seemed more appropriate, I hope they’re okay!
RFA with an MC who flinches easily
“Yoosung, I did it! I passed!”
You came bursting through the door and Yoosung sprung out of his chair, almost tripping over it in his haste to get to you. Your eyes were beaming as you held the exam paper that you were convinced you had failed, and Yoosung’s heart melted and relief washed over him.
You had studied day and night for that exam, and Yoosung had to tell you to go to take it easy on more than one occasion. He understood how important this exam was for you, of course he did. He was also a college student, after all. But you had been losing your spark and it tore him apart from the inside out to see your light dim.
But boy the spark was back, and it was roaring. You both sat at his dining table as he scanned over the document, his mouth dropping over one particular section.
You had got an A.
You didn’t just pass, you got the highest grade and he thought he was going to combust with pride. That’s his girl.
“MC! This is absolutely amazing! You’re incredible,” he cried, raising his arm up swiftly for a high five.
The arm dropped just as quickly when he saw you flinch away from him.
His mind instantly started racing, his blood boiling. Who the fuck had hit you? Who made you so afraid of an innocent high five?  He was going to kill-
“Yoosung, it’s okay! I’m sorry, I didn't mean to do that, it’s just an instinct. You know how I’m always getting spooked by stupid things, it’s like that. Please don't worry, I’m fine.”
You continued to explain and he eventually he understood, and also made a note to try and find more calm ways of expressing his excitement with you. He couldn't bare the thought of you being afraid around him.
You and Jaehee were cleaning up the dishes after breakfast whilst discussing your plans for the day. It had been the first nice day in weeks, and you both knew you had to do something, go out somewhere. But the problem was, you had been at home for so long that you couldn't decide on where to go.
The weather didn't look great for the following weeks either, so you wanted to do something special, but nothing sprung to mind. A crease formed between Jaehee’s eyebrows as she considered the options intently. Cinema, park, shopping-
Then she had a light-bulb moment.
She was so overcome with excitement that she span around to face you quickly enough that she almost missed how you jumped and turned your face away from her.
But she didn't miss it.
Jaehee’s eyes instantly widened as she started to apologise, but you were very quick to turn it down and explained that you were just always on edge due to your anxiety. It was nothing she or anyone else had done, it was just the way you were.
New plan: spa day.
Jaehee felt that you probably needed a relaxing day, and tried to make it a regular thing for you both in the hopes it would ease your nerves.
You and Zen were walking hand-in-hand through the local park, arms swaying slightly as you observed the scenes around you. It was a gorgeous day, and it was strangely nice to see the usually desolate park brimming with energy.
A young boy coyly approached you two, a notebook and pen in hand. He had scuffed up knees and a bandaid on his elbow, and he couldn't bring himself to make eye contact as you both smiled kindly at him, encouraging him to continue.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, Mr Zen…sir, but um…if you wouldn't mind please could sign my notebook? But if you’re too busy I completely understand-!”
Zen chuckled fondly at him, “Don’t be silly, of course I can! What’s your name, buddy?”
You and Zen exchanged looks, a silent conversation that only the two of you could understand. You gave him some space to have a proper conversation with the boy, whilst you went to pet a dog you had spotted moments before.
After the boy had ran back to his mother, a note from Zen in his hand and a grin on his face, Zen noticed a tennis ball on the floor. Picking it up he scanned the park, but couldn't find a notable owner. However, he did see you approaching, waving excitedly.
He couldn't help but smile at you, and a little idea popped into his mind.
“Hey, MC, catch!”
Before you had time to process what he said, Zen threw the ball in your direction. Instinctively, you coiled away and hid your face, a gasp escaping your lips. Luckily, the ball fell just in front of you.
To some, you may have just seemed dramatic or pathetic, but Zen knew you better than that. He was by your side in a flash, “Oh my God, MC I’m so sorry. I wasn’t thinking I just-“
“No, Zen it’s okay! You don't need to apologise, you haven't done anything wrong. I've always been like that, it’s just a weird response I’ve developed. You really don't need to worry.”
He listened carefully whilst you told him more, but still felt bad so he bought you ice cream and promised to give you a heads up next time.
Sitting opposite each other on his balcony, you and and Jumin enjoyed a quiet breakfast in the sun. It was his day off, so you both decided to have a slow, easy-going morning. You both had lie-in and cuddled before eventually dragging yourselves out of bed, both your rumbling stomachs indicating that it was probably time to start the day.
Jumin made pancakes, of course, whilst you cut fruit and made tea for the both of you. The quietness between the both of you was comfortable and pleasant, setting the perfect mood for Jumin’s well needed day off.
Jumin felt perfectly tranquil as he watched your face as you looked over the city, eyes darting from building to building. He found you truly fascinating, and always wondered how you found beauty and wonder in everything you saw.
As he watched you he noticed a fly buzzing around your head, which you hadn't seemed to have acknowledged yet. He didn't want it to break you out of your trance, so he took matters into his own and went to swat the bug away. However, you snapped out of it as he went to do so and instantly covered your face with a small yelp.
Jumin halted, his arm still in the air. The only thing that was racing through his head was confusion, mixed with concern, “My love? What is it?”
You let out a small sigh, the tips of your ears turning a subtle rose colour, “Oh, it’s nothing…Sorry, I couldn't help it. I just panicked for a moment-“
Now it was time for Jumin’s heart rate to pick up, “My God, MC I would never-“
“No no Jumin I know you wouldn’t, you've never done anything to make me believe you would either. It was just instinct, it’s because of my anxiety…”
Whilst he understood, Jumin was still concerned. Was your anxiety really so extreme that you were even on edge when he was there?
You continued your quiet day in, but Jumin also suggested that you talk to a professional about your anxiety. There was a limit to how safe he could make you feel on his own, and he hated thinking that you felt the need to be prepared for the worst at any given moment.
“Saeyoung, I’m home.”
Saeyoung heard you toss your keys on the kitchen table and the front door click shut. He knew your routine now: you would then hang your coat up, kick your shoes off, go to the bedroom, find a hoodie or sweatshirt of his, put it on and then find him to kiss him hello.
Once you had put on your hoodie of choice, you called out to him but he was nowhere to be seen. You assumed he had gone out to the store down the road, so you decided to sit in the living room and wait for him to get back.
Except, Saeyoung was in the house. He was just hiding.
He had tucked himself behind the door of the living room, preparing to pounce at you the moment you walked in. He had an incredibly boring and frustrating day without you, so he wanted to have a little fun when he finally had you to himself.
He heard your soft footsteps grow louder as you padded towards where he was. As soon as he caught a glimpse of your form, he lunged towards you with a loud “RAR”. He aimed to wrap his arms round you and laugh with you, but he was in for a surprise when he found you on the floor. Your face was buried in the crook of your elbow, your other arm held up in the air defensively.
Saeyoung dropped to floor beside you, carefully reaching his arm out for you, “MC, it’s me! It’s Saeyoung, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you this much. Are you okay?”
You slowly recovered from the ordeal, letting out a chuckle as Saeyoung apologised profusely in a panic. You gently shushed him, “Saeyoung, Saeyoung, it’s fine. Sae-SAEYOUNG,” you finally caught his attention, laughing again at the worry written all over his face. You knew he meant no harm.
“I’m absolutely fine, I promise. I’m just constantly on high-alert, I’ve been like that since I was little. I know you were just having fun, and I know you would never hurt me, so don't look so concerned you silly tomato,” you said with a small smile and a wink.
Jumpscaring then became a Saeran-only-prank.
You and V often enjoyed to paint together when you had a free afternoon. You both had your own set ups in the living room, two easels stood proudly next to the large window that overlooked your well-kept garden.
Today, V finished his painting before you, and glanced over to find you lost in concentration, your eyebrows knitting together and your teeth gnawing on your bottom lip.
V’s chest bubbled with adoration as he studied your features, noting every small quirk and mannerism of yours. He quickly decided he wanted to sketch you like this, even if it was quick and rough, he just wanted to capture this moment in the hopes that one day you would see it and see yourself through his eyes.
He was about halfway through his sketch when he glanced up again, noticing that you had picked up the pace and were painting more rapidly, more expressively than before. The way you moved so swiftly and gracefully left him in awe, but he also saw how you misjudged one movement in your concentration, knocking the glass of paint-water with your elbow.
V clocked it before it started to tilt off the side of the table, moving to catch it easily before it could hit the floor. However, his movement was so rapid that you couldn't control the way you flinched away from him or the yelp that escaped your lips.
Before you even had time to explain, V was spurting out apology after apology, and you even noticed the glisten of unshed tears that started to fill his eyes.
“Oh my God, MC, if I’ve ever done anything to make you think I would…I’m so sorry, please, I would never even think about-“
“Oh Jihyun, of course you haven't done anything, and of course I know that you wouldn’t. You’ve been nothing but kind and gentle towards me. This is just something that I picked up when I was young, nobody knows why, it’s absolutely not your fault. In fact, it’s happened so much less since I’ve been with you, so if anything you've helped me.”
The poor man was still pretty shaken up after that, but he could see where you were coming from. He was pretty jumpy himself, to be honest, so he made an effort to make your shared home as tranquil as he could after that day,
He also suggested meditation, which actually ended up helping you both a little bit.
Arguments weren't uncommon for the two of you, and you actually knew to expect that before you became a couple. He’d spent most of his life not having his own voice, so it was natural that he wasn't practised in expressing his wants and needs in the best way all the time. You helped him with this, and he improved very quickly.
Today’s argument was a tad more heated though.
You both had a rough day, so your tolerance for each other was particularly low. He was angry because you had spent the day with Zen, and you were angry because the reason you were with Zen was because he had hit a rough patch in his career and needed support. Basically, he was upset because he couldn't see you, and you were upset because he was upset. You were also upset because you seeing your friends struggle and hurt had its toll on you, and all you needed right now was your boyfriend’s affection and support. But instead, he was yelling at you which only raised your anxiety-level.
Your own anxiety was not something you had discussed with him, since Saeran had only recently recovered and you didn’t want him to have something else to worry about. You knew he needed to know, Saeyoung told you so too, but you just never found a good time to bring it up.
But now it was coming back to bite you in the ass.
Saeran still found it hard to control his emotions, and sometimes said things he didn’t mean when he got especially worked up, like today. His voice rose higher and higher, until something in him snapped.
“If you care about him so much why don’t you just go be his girlfriend instead,” he growled, throwing his arm to point at the door behind you.
The scream ripped through apartment as you crouched on the floor, hugging yourself with one arm and shielding yourself with the other.
Saeran was frozen in place as he looked down at your crumpled form, completely paralysed by your reaction. Saeyoung rushed into the room and was by your side in an instant, having clearly been listening to your argument and readying himself to intervene should things escalate. Which, apparently they did.
Finally understanding the situation, Saeran forcefully tried to swallow the lump forming in his throat, “Jesus Christ, MC. I didn’t…I wouldn’t…I’m sorry I-“
“Saeran, it’s okay. I know you weren't going to hit me. I just…it’s hard to explain.”
“Please — if you don't mind —please explain. I…I want to understand, I want to help…”
You agreed and all three of you sat together on the couch, though Saeran was suddenly aware of his every movement.
You reassured him, he apologised. You both explained properly why you were upset in the first place. You both understood each other.
It was a horrible situation for you both, but you were both stronger for it.
I’m sorry if these are all a bit similar, but I hope they were what you were looking for! Take care anon and thank you again for the request! <33
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myhockeyworld87 · 5 years ago
Nervous Regrets - Tyler Seguin - Part 36
Word Count: 2,529
POV: Readed
Warnings: Language, Smut, NSFW
Notes: So I didn’t get a chance to work on NSDL but I did get to finish this one, so I hope you guys enjoy it. I know it’s been a minute since I’ve put out a chapter on this, but I haven’t forgot about this little family. Happy Reading!!!
Nervous Regrets Masterlist
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It seemed like everyday Jace grew a little bit more though you never admitted that to Tyler, for he thought he was missing out when he was on the road. Jace was Tyler's pride and joy, not that he wasn't yours but there was just this visible change in your husband when he was around your son. Tyler had always been this carefree and loving guy, and he was still that, but now there was this fierce protectiveness for both you and Jace; especially since the Instagram incident. He was extremely careful of anything he posted, even though you told him it wasn't necessary and really only put up one other picture of Jace when he turned a month old.
 What surprised you most was how helpful he was, getting up at all hours of the night with you, even though you told him not too. He needed his rest especially with playoffs coming up, but Tyler would say he wanted to change his diaper and who were you to argue with that. You were grateful for the help and you knew that he wanted those extra minutes with Jace. You'd caught him more than once having a private chat with your son and your heart just melted.
 It was six weeks after Jace's birth and you were finally ready to take him to a game. Tyler had another road trip coming up the last long one of the season that was seven days and you knew that taking Jace to one of the home games would make him happy. True to his word, Ty got you a private box, it was one of the smaller ones which was fine and you called Jenna and Andrea, as well as a few of the other women, to see if they wanted to join you. Tyler rode with Jamie so that he could take both you and Jace home afterward.
 You picked Jenna up and she rode in the back with Jace. "Oh my god (Y/N), he looks freaking adorable." Jace had on his Seguin Daddy jersey, though you knew Jenna couldn't see the daddy part at the moment. In the couple weeks since you took him to practice, he'd gained a little weight and while the jersey was still a little big it fit much better.
 "I think Tyler would kill me if he didn't have that on. I just hope he doesn't spit up on it before the game is over."
 "You could always take it off for a bit after everyone sees it of course. Then put it back on before we go down to see the guys."
 "Perfect, though I hope he'll be warm enough." You tried to pack everything that you thought you'd need, but you never know.
 "Well from the look at his baby bag, you've got more than enough." Jenna was right, of course.
 You pulled into the reserved parking for family and entered the arena in the private entrance, avoiding all the crowds. Once you were safely ensconced in the box, you pulled the blanket off of Jace's car carrier. You'd shielded him from prying eyes just in case anyone would recognize the two of you. The three of you were the first ones there but it didn't take long for the other ladies to arrive. Andrea brought Ben Jr. with her and there was a cute photo session of the two little boys in their jerseys. Ben kept grabbing at Jace, who had no idea what to do when Ben's little hands would touch his. It was all so adorable.
 As the guys came out for warmups you saw Tyler's head immediately look up to your box and search the two of you out. You had been standing back a bit, but walked down to the front seats of the box, so Tyler could see his son. His face instantly lit up and you moved Jace to your shoulder so that Tyler could see the ninety-one and daddy on the back of Jace's Jersey. The smile on Ty's face grew even wider and you saw him nudge Jamie and point up to the box. As if on cue, the jumbotron switched to you and Jace, as well as Andrea and Ben, and you heard a collective 'Aww' from the crowd that was gathered there. You felt a modicum of comfort in the fact that Ben's little boy was up there with yours and you weren't in this by yourself. It stayed on the two of you for a minute, well really it was more about the babies then you or Andrea, but you breathed a sigh of relief when the shot finally went back to the players on the ice.
 Jenna came down then with Jace's headphones as the music got louder and you wanted to protect his little ears. He absolutely hated them on and started crying loudly, which had you taking him back to the interior of the box. "Aww, he really hates those doesn't he?" Alandra asked.
 "Yeah, he's not a happy camper at the moment." You tried bouncing him and rocking him back and forth in your arms but nothing was really working. "Could you hand me his pacifier?" Alandra searched your bag; it took a bit and you almost had a panic attack thinking you forgot it when she finally found it. He quieted after a few minutes, his lids growing heavy the longer he sucked on it and you silently chuckled thinking he was kind of like his dad; temperamental until at times until his mouth was on your breasts.
 The game started and Jace slept through most of the first and second periods, which meant that he was sleeping through two of Tyler's assists and his delay of game penalty.  At intermission time all the girls grabbed pictures with Jace and Ben, and you took one big group picture, which Alandra posted and tagged is as #babesandbabies. It was so incredibly adorable and you clicked the like button immediately. Jace did wake up for the third, where Tyler was able to rack up two more assists both on Radulov's goals. As the period neared the end, you put Jace in the car carrier so you could go down and see Ty after the game.
 Jace was wide awake when all the guys came out and of course, they made a fuss over both the kids. "There's daddy's boy," Tyler said as he kissed you then grabbed the carrier, so he could coo over the baby. "Did you have fun, buddy? Were you good for mommy?"
 "Well, he wasn't nuts about the headphones at first. We're going to have to start wearing them a little bit at home, just to get used to them." You told Tyler as the two of you started to head out to the car. "Why don't you sit back with him this time and I'll drive. He's pretty awake right now, doubt he'll fall asleep before we get home." Tyler sat in the back and your two boys chatted the whole way home.
 "Did you see Uncle Rads' goals that daddy assisted with?" Jace would coo at the sound of Tyler's voice. "I know buddy, daddy got the third star tonight all because you were there to cheer him on." You swear Tyler put in that part so that you and Jace would come to the games more often, which you already decided you'd be at every home game of the playoffs. If Jace would go, you weren't entirely sure just yet, but he would be there at some of them.
 Traffic wasn't that bad and you made it home in no time, Jace still awake though, you knew it was only because he needed to be fed soon. You all piled into the house, Tyler taking Jace so that you could play with the dogs a few minutes before feeding Jace. "Sorry about the jumbotron babe, I'll try and remember to tell them next time to not put you guys on."
 "It wasn't so bad with Andrea being there. Though I will say I'm a bit nervous about sitting in the family section, but the girls said they'll help out with him if he gets fussy."
 "Does this mean you're going to come to the game on Thursday?" There were still two more home games before the Stars roadie happened and you were sure your husband would try his damnedest to get you both there.
 "Maybe, we'll see how he does with the headphones tomorrow around the house and then go from there."
 Tyler came over to where you were burping Jace and bent down to the baby. "You're going to do great with them tomorrow, right bud?" Jace's little head bobbed on your shoulder and Tyler took that for a good sign.
  It wasn't long after that and Jace was sound asleep as you and Tyler crawled into bed, Jace now sleeping in the nursery for the last week, with the dogs guarding him. Even Gerry had taken up a spot under the crib; leaving you and Tyler alone in the master bedroom. Tyler pulled you close to him, his hands sliding up and down your back as he kissed you. Just as it started to get heated, he pulled away. "Don't stop Ty."
 "But babe," he mumbled looking at you with a pained expression on his face.
 "It's ok Ty. I had my checkup today and we're cleared for everything."
 He looked you in the eye as if to make sure you were telling the truth. "I knew you had an appointment but didn't realize it was for that. Like you're sure it's ok? I don't want to hurt you."
 "Just go slow."
 "I will babe, just say the word and I'll stop." You nodded then went back to kissing Tyler. Your body felt slightly different as Tyler's hands roamed up and down it, and you chalked it up to the fact that the last time you had sex you also had an almost seven-pound human growing inside you. Now you could feel Tyler growing hard against you, where you hadn't felt that in months. His hands tweaked your nipples which were sensitive to his touch and you were a bit freaked out when you let yourself think about the fact that you just fed Jace, but then Tyler's hand stole down to cup your core and those thoughts evaporated. His fingers circled your clit outside your panties and you moaned into his mouth. It wasn't long before you felt yourself grow wet with anticipation of what was to come. You reached between your bodies to fondle Ty's cock through his boxers, letting your hand sneak inside so that you could feel his hard length. He hissed out his pleasure as you pumped him with your hand. The last couple of days when he'd been home you'd given him blow jobs now that Jace wasn't sleeping in your room, but you were excited to have him inside you.
 He pulled your panties off you and threw them somewhere in the bedroom, fingers running between your folds as your moans grew louder and louder. Tyler always knew how to get your body excited, something he didn't forget during this six-week hiatus. His lips ghosted down your stomach, which was almost back to normal before they settled on your clit. He flicked and sucked it with his tongue as your body thrashed around on the bed. Carefully he slid one finger inside your wet pussy. "You ok baby?"
 "Yes…Ty…keep doing that." You said breathily and he started to pump that finger in and out of your body while sucking on your clit. It didn't take long for your climax to hit. You'd been so keyed up for this moment that just a few strokes from him and your toes were curling as you screamed out his name. "Fuck Tyler that felt so good."
 "I missed that so much." He told you as he crawled up the bed to hover over you. You spread your legs a little wider, as he settled between them. "Tell me if it hurts." You nodded and tensed slightly as he lined himself up with your center. He must have sensed your hesitation for his mouth was on yours in seconds, kissing away any tension that you held in your body. The head of his cock nudged your folds and it felt a bit foreign as he entered you. Almost as if it was your first time together instead of what was probably your millionth. He went slow, letting you adjust to every inch until he was fully engulfed in your warmth. There was this familiar stretch once he was inside you and it felt wonderful. His brown eyes looked into yours and all you could see was love in them but yet you knew he was holding back, wanting this to be good for you. "You ok?"
 "Yeah…but Ty…" you breathed out and he looked at you all concerned. "Please move." He chuckled, the vibrations going through your body before he carefully slid out just leaving the head inside you. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you pulled him back inside you and the two of you started to build a rhythm. His mouth was on yours kissing and swallow each of your moans.
 When your nails bit into his flesh, he groaned at the feeling. "Fuck baby, I'm so close." You were too, and you clutched at him holding him close as he thrust inside you.
 "Yes…Ty…yes," you moaned out as your legs started to tremble, the orgasm crashing over you. Your back arched as the euphoric pleasure of your climax took control of you and you spasmed around Ty's cock as he spilled deep inside of you, calling out your name. His arms shook with the force of his climax and even with all his upper body strength, you saw it took everything in him not to collapse on top of you. Instead, he rolled you both onto your sides; his cock still inside you.
 "Damn (Y/N), that was amazing." He pecked your lips quickly before pulling back to look at you.
 "Well, maybe we should wait six weeks before we do it again."
 "Why? Did I hurt you?" A giggle escaped your lips as you were only teasing him, but the look of concern on his face had you sobering quickly.
 "Ty, I swear I'm fine. I was just teasing you. There's no reason to wait another six weeks." You took your hand and cupped his cheek. "In fact, we should probably do that again." The fact that you both yawn at that exact moment wasn't lost on either of you.
 "Round two, in the morning?" He asked, swinging your leg over the top of his hip as he drew you closer to him. "I love you baby; now, let's get some sleep before Jace wakes up."
 "I love you too, Ty." It wasn't long after that, that you fell blissfully asleep unaware of the comment left on Alandra's Instagram post or the direct message that had just been sent to you.
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hoseoksactualass · 6 years ago
Could we pls get a smutty IE!jk and oc drabble?
hello and YES
this is also @taespired‘s idea she be my queen since we were 16 we want the same things we dream the same dreams alright take it away zayn
where jk is in a (boring) meeting, and a homebound oc sends him v important photos during 
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Jungkook has a habit of drawing T-minus doodles on torpid meetings like this. For now, he does it with a phony smile on his face and makes it look like he actually cares. The interns’ eyes are glazed. More because he looks just as young as them and dashingly handsome than how overbearingly loud the internship coordinator is being right now. 
This was supposed to be over five minutes ago. He’s in the middle of drawing cat ears when his phone buzzes in his pocket. He makes it look calculated—the way he perks his head up, draws eye contact with an intern who couldn’t take her spec’d eyes off him, and purses his lips slightly. 
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Secretary sent a message:
If you need me, I can still be over.
Sent 10:19 a.m.
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He doesn’t stop the way the first thing he thinks of is what you might be wearing. The coordinator makes a joke everyone fake chuckles to. 
And like everything else, you will not have his head for it. You know he thinks of you at wee hours like this, and you take advantage of it, already hiking your booty shorts up your ass like you know how it’ll feel when he does it. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
if you call in sick you call in sick. dw about it 
Sent 10:20 a.m.
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You can hear his voice through the message, and it’s instantly something you smirk to.  
Meanwhile, Jungkook already has a mental chant about you being the perfect distraction playing like a ruined record in his head. He nods at something that went in one ear and exited the other, humming in false agreement. He lowers his phone’s brightness simultaneously. 
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Secretary sent a message:
Do the interns have life in their eyes?
Sent 10:21 a.m. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
an amusing amount i feel sick 
Sent 10:21 a.m.
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You chuckle to it, roll on your back, but before your thumbs type away, the pending screen dings again. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
show me what you’re wearing 
Sent 10:22 a.m.
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Then you’re off your shorts like you knew nothing of them, praying to lighting and an old thong to give you something you can nod to. For now, it’s a dim snap of your stomach down, shirt lazily tossed over the skin before a perceiver’s gaze will catch the strap of your thong hugging tight atop the curve of your hip. Not Pinterest-esque, but it’s honest work; it’s like you instantly know what Jungkook sounds like groaning to the sight. 
He smiles at the coordinator before dropping his gaze to his phone again, tucked under his table and the weight of the company, but now he couldn’t care less. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
woa shit im never used to it 
Sent 10:24 a.m.
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The reminder to relax your body now that a camera isn’t pointing you doesn’t cross your mind. 
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Secretary sent a message:
Sent 10:24 a.m.
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Jungkook finds himself giving advice he’s given millions of interns before, and it’s to keep a peeled eye. This goes for his board. His peers. It’s the emergency CEO talk he pulls out of his ass, but he knows everyone fawns over it, lowering his voice like he’s building an intimate rapport with the listeners. He’s still thinking about your skin. Keeps it brief, ends his attractive ment with something the coordinator can pick up on. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
that was my futile attempt to ask for more while i got called for advice 
be back later, i look suspicious 
Sent 10:26 a.m.
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And it’s childish, but you always have a craving to divert his attention towards you. That’s the thrill, the sparkles in champagne, and when you down it and still walk in a straight line, you’re prideful. You’re an ace. And if you can juggle work and posing in front of a mirror with your teeth biting your shirt up, so be it. He’ll receive it and do something about it. That, you know. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
you minx
save that for later
not noww
Sent 10:28 a.m.
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You smile at it. It only makes you take a photo with your leg propped up your desk and your free hand teasing your inner thigh, enough so he’ll see more of your curves and lines despite the dim lighting that makes you look short on hemoglobin. 
He receives it with a bite to his lip, an itch to his loins. He tugs at his dress shirt lest he wants his interns eyeing at his nipples. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
_____ behave 
are you gonna listen or not
Sent 10:30 a.m.
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You can hear him say it, let yourself feel his baritone ring at the seemings of your inner thighs. Then you take another photo, playful with your shirt draped all over your body enough that he has to make out your parts through the translucence of it, panties dangling by a teasing pointer. You don’t put text. Leave him with that raw photo, a prelude to complete nudity you’re sure he’ll hint at asking for.
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
gonna regret acting like that when i get to you baby 
if you wont let me sit through this meeting without a fucking hard on you have something coming to you 
Sent 10:32 a.m.
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In his challenged unease, all he receives is a video this time. He flicks his phone’s ringer silent, and it vibrates in his palms. He clicks on it, 5 seconds of shit quality and you placing an arm over your splayed tits, shifting in bed as you had just propped yourself there. 
It’s trial for Jungkook not to make a growl at the back of his throat. But he’ll never stop to admit he fucking loves it. While an innocent intern is all eyes for him, he only has his for a secretary with a kink for hanging how hot she is over her boss’s head and making him eat it. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
later baby
wait it out for me
Sent 10:34 a.m.
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And he’s sure you won’t obey. He stares until you reply. 
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Secretary sent a message:
Sent 10:34 a.m.
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Within the span of time you know he waits for what you have in store, you fish for a box under your bed, grabbing the familiar texture you know too well of your bullet vibrator. Hot pink and all sorts of taunting when you send a clip of you ghosting the toy over your thighs and across. 
Jungkook waits a second before clicking on it, a breath held taught in his chest. 
He replays the video directly, eyes on for that second he gets a good look at your pussy. Replays it again with his thumb adjusting the player position so he could slow it himself. It’s his dick or his soul that jumps in his pants. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
Sent 10:35 a.m.
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He’s typing, but you send a message before he can even proceed. 
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Secretary sent a message:
If you’re hard, show me. 
Sent 10:35 a.m.
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What you receive is a video. Rowdy with the intern coordinator’s voice and the rustle of the audio. His phone stills, and you see the strain of his thighs under navy blue dress pants, ascending enough so you see a prominent shadow bulging at his crotch. He has the audacity to squeeze at it, too, watch blinding at the sight. Your breath hitches. 
It’s nearly involuntary—how you press the vib harder, making your nerves frolic before you allow it to hover lightly over your skin again
Jungkook still has a gnawing fright for adjourning meetings he’s invited to sit through, so he sighs through the agony and makes sure no one hears. Thinking about what you must be doing to yourself. What you’re thinking. 
You have a lousy grip on your phone, a stupid front cam angle to show what you’re doing from the neck down. You huff a heavy breath and kick your hips like it’s script. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
i have to leave here
Sent 10:37 a.m.
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You’re quick to play, corner him. 
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Secretary sent a message:
If you don’t stay put, I’m not sending any more. 
Sent 10:37 a.m.
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It’s like he hears your voice against his neck, telling him to sit his ass down and live with the shear in his Brionis. 
If Jungkook was the type of guy who would bust a nut over just about anything as much as Victorian men sexualized ankles, he’d lie to you and crawl to the bathroom of his office just to jerk it off. But he isn’t like that. Not close. He likes the tease, the tickle in his guts, the sound of your voice he conjures in his head with every text. 
Before he can get himself together, sit in a way his dick doesn’t poke at his zipper, his phone vibrates again. Another short clip. Back cam, sheets like a painting under your body, you rolling your hips against the toy. God, he wants to hear you; he feels his ears go red. 
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Secretary sent a message:
You’re still in the meeting.,
Sent 10:39 a.m.
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You get a selfie. It’s not proof, but he looks serious. And he looks hot. Exactly how you want him to look. Hair swept over crimson ears. Faking unfazed eyes. Then a video pops in. Same angle, but his eyes are directed somewhere in the room, scanning, reading, pretending to listen. Then a message. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
am i good at pretending i dont wanna fuck you so bad 
Sent 10:40 a.m.
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You hum to that like a toast to the soft hum of the vibrator against you. You shut your eyes for a bit, sigh to the feeling boiling in your loins before your toes start to feel tickly and you’re kicking. 
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Secretary sent a message:
So good, 
Sent 10:41 a.m.
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You send a video too long. Front cam again this time. A stretch of you squirming and being unable to stay still, camera panning up for a few seconds to taunt him with the moans he won’t be able to hear, down again and showing how your hand ever so languidly motions the toy against where you’re pulsating for it. Your limbs are sweating, and it’s hotter where the sheets meet it. 
When Jungkook watches it, he presses down on his dick a bit, more unbothered than he could be about the fact probably everyone in the room has figured out his attention span is stretching nowhere towards them. He replays the part he sees your tits move with the heaving of your chest. Replays it again before replaying the part he sees how evidently wet you are. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
fuck holy shit
how good does that feel
describe it
Sent 10:42 a.m.
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Secretary sent a message:
So tingly
Sent 10:42 a.m.
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
god yes
stay with me 
tell me more
show more
Sent 10:42 a.m.
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There’s a vivid visual in your head, of his tight fist around his cock, too listless to take off his watch, a mess. Biting the hem of his dress shirt up lest he wants cum all over it, biting to keep quiet and another tight fist around his phone, flashing a playlist of all the media you’re sending in at this blessed hour. Your insides jump, tumble, then the sparkle on the surface of your skin follows. You make sure to film this bit, show him how your head’s restless, shaking from one side to another as if pushing an orgasm away. Then a separate clip for where he craves you. Your hips rolling against the toy, coaxing. 
Jungkook tries to look for a sign this meeting’s fucking ending in the coordinator’s eyes but to no avail. He replays the shit out of that second clip, wondering how wet that’d feel against him. His dick aches. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
so wet 
do you enjoy this
making me harder than anyone could ever
in the middle of a meeting
Sent 10:44 a.m.
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He knows what he’s doing, feeding your kinks like that, making your eyes roll into your head. You want to lose yourself in it, but it’s never as much as how much you want to stretch out the anguish of being nothing but witness to your bliss for him. 
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Secretary sent a message:
Want to cum. 
Sent 10:46 a.m.
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
do it
show me
gonna stroke my cock to it later
Sent 10:46 a.m.
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At this point, he’s not even looking up, in heated anticipation for that One Thing he knows is coming. He feels himself throbbing, wishes he could make you feel it, but for now, he’ll let you bathe in it. 
2 minutes and nothing, leaving him with a clean slate and your previous ministrations to imagine what your body looks like. How you sound. How you roll your hips, cry his name or something along the lines of Sir and throw his last name in, how you veer the vib away from your cunt unless you want your body spasming into nothing. Laboured breathing. A smile. 
He gets the video, obsesses over it until the interns are rustling into a stand, ready to mark their thanks and congratulations before he could even take his eyes off you. 
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Mr. Jeon — Jeon Corp. sent a message:
motherfuck _____
fuckmeetings over 
Sent 10:48 a.m.
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Along with the boring connotation of a brb, you get two clips ten minutes succeeding your orgasm. First video is a lazy front cam, exactly how you pictured, bringing the hem of his shirt to his teeth, hair falling over his eyes, all the other lights but one switched off. The screen flips, and he’s undoing his belt, a palpable bulge where you know it is. 
The second video is unstable; his belt almost rattling to how hard he pumps himself, and you hear him straining. Then it’s cum and tattered breaths. 
You have a second orgasm that morning. 
269 notes · View notes
edxwin-elric · 5 years ago
Darkest Roads - Ch.2
Chapter 2: Just Business
Rating: T
Pairing: Edwin/Edward Elric x Winry Rockbell
Disclaimer: I don’t own Fullmetal Alchemist.
Total Work Count: 15k
Chapter Word Count: 4.5k
Description: Edwin Street Race AU – A meeting is set for the part and new players are introduced in the Central City underground.
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He never texted.
I didn’t really start hoping for him to until the fourth day, since it was supposed to be a business deal. Though, I’m not sure, but…I’m pretty sure he was flirting with me. Maybe not flirting but he seemed interested… Unless I made that up.
I rise from my seat at my workbench and walk toward my dresser.
But it doesn’t even matter if he was flirting or interested or whatever because it was supposed to be business. I paid that Donovan guy a hundred thousand cens, and Edward agreed to text me when my part came in.
That was a week ago. A week.
As in seven whole days.
And still nothing!
I’m starting to think he and Donovan played me.
I turn around and walk in the other direction.
I mean, I don’t know… He seemed really sincere at the time. He was definitely serious about me never going back to Sinners’ Lane again. That’s for sure. Could he really have conned me out of seventy thousand cens?
I spin around to pace back the other way.
But then why would he have helped me pay Donovan in the first place?
He probably forgot my number. God, that is so like a guy, to say “I’ll remember it,” like a douchebag and then immediately forget it. And, of course, he wouldn’t give me his number, for whatever reason, so now I’m just—
“Winry, are you even listening to me?”
“Huh? What?” I stop walking and turn to look at Paninya, who is sitting on my workbench frowning at me.
“I was talking to you about the upgrade, but I’m pretty sure you’re on another planet.”
“Sorry,” I mutter, moving to sit down on the edge of my bed. “I… What were you saying?”
“I was asking how much longer you think it’ll be. I mean, I don’t mind waiting, but I was kind of looking forward to my knees not hurting every time it rains.”
I sigh and flop onto my back.
“I don’t know,” I admit. “The guy said–”
“The hot one?”
Wow do I regret mentioning he was hot.
“More like the hotheaded one,” I correct, shifting my eyes to look at her. “But yeah, Edward. He said he’d text me when he had it, and so far…”
I cross my arms in the air as a big X meaning I have received nothing from him.
“That sucks.”
I was really hoping this upgrade would work out. I still haven’t told her I only asked for one double-hinged auto retractor and not two, so even if it did come in, only one of her knees would be fully upgraded. But I just can’t afford a second one right now. Not when they cost two hundred thousand cens each.
“It’s probably better this way,” she says quieter, and I lift my head to look at her. “I still haven’t told Dominic about it.”
“What?” I jerk into a sitting position.
Dominic is her primary automail mechanic, but more importantly, he’s her adoptive father.
“Paninya, he–”
“I know,” she cuts me off, rubbing her hands over her face. “He deserves to know. I just… I know what he’ll say. That it isn’t worth the risk and pain of changing out both joints when I’m not completely done growing yet especially for such expensive pieces, but… I haven’t gotten any taller in the last year! And it’s not like you’re going to build completely new legs, just knee joints!”
“I know.”
And I’m hoping to make them so they can be transferred to any new automail legs she might need in the future.
She exhales loudly and jumps down from my workbench to pace in the same place I just was.
“And it’s not that I don’t appreciate what he’s done for me,” she goes on. “I love my automail. I just…”
“You are still planning on having me reinstall your weapons when I do the upgrade, right?”
She stops and turns to look at me.
“I mean…if you’re still willing to do it.”
I nod, and pull my legs up, twisting so that I’m facing her fully, sitting cross-legged on my mattress.
Last year, when Dominic fitted her with new legs to accommodate her last growth spurt, he added a concealed blade in her right shin and a 1.5-inch tear gas cannon to her left for self-defense. Six months ago, new restrictions were passed on automail as part of a government combat automail control bill. All weapons are required to be licensed and registered, and no one under the age of twenty-one is allowed to have any at all. Dominic disagreed with the new rules as much as we did, but he removed the weapons anyway since Pan is only seventeen. By putting them back, I’ll be breaking the law, but considering the kinds of activities she gets up to in her spare time, it’s worth it to me for her to be safe. In truth, I’m more concerned about Dominic’s reaction to me helping her than I am about the legality of it.
“Can we just worry about it when the parts finally come in?” she asks finally.
“Sure.” I nod again. “But I really think you should tell Dominic. At least about getting your joints upgraded.”
She sighs loudly and falls onto the stool at my workbench.
“I know you don’t want to, but he should at least be sort of understanding when you explain how your stumps and joints bother you when it rains, right?”
“Maybe. But then he’ll question why I’m having you do it and not him, since he’s designed all my automail before.”
“You can tell him it’s for my thesis project,” I volunteer quickly. “That Mr. Garfiel is having me design, build, and install a completely original design as part of my apprenticeship, and before I do a full arm or leg he’s having me start with some joints.”
She blinks and her face brightens.
“That might actually work.”
“Thanks.” I feel a glow of pride in my chest.
Though, maybe I shouldn’t, considering how deceptive this whole thing is. Am I really proud of lying? Gah. My brain can’t handle a moral dilemma on top of everything else.
“Can we talk about something else?”
“Sure. How about…”
My phone pings, and I blink, whipping my head around to look at it.
Paninya stands and grabs it off the workbench where I left it, scanning the screen.
“Princess, I have it,” she reads slowly before looking up at me. “What the hell?”
I groan and slide off the bed.
“It’s him,” I mutter, crossing to take the phone from her. “The guy with the part.”
“Really?” She raises her eyebrows. “He calls you ‘princess?’”
“Yeah. I can’t get him to stop.”
“Kinky.” She grins, and I smack her in the arm.
“Shut up.”
I text him back quickly, resisting the urge to tell him off for not messaging me sooner. And for calling me “princess” again.
“What is he saying?” Pan leans over my shoulder, and I hit send before turning off the screen. The last thing I need is her eavesdropping.
“We’re setting up a time and place to meet so he can give me the stuff, and I can pay him.”
“You should meet in City Park,” she announces. “Late, though, when there aren’t as many people around. Like nine pm. If you go too late cops start patrolling.”
I nod and send Edward her suggestion. I don’t have to ask her how she knows so much about secret rendezvous spots for underground trades. Before Dominic adopted her when she was twelve, Paninya grew up on Sinner’s Lane. She hasn’t shared all of the details with me, and I haven’t pushed, but from what she’s said I know she ran product for some of the local dealers on top of becoming a highly skilled pickpocket. (I have a feeling the accident that took her legs is related, but I can’t be sure.) It took six months to break her habit at school where I kept finding stolen items in her locker. Luckily, those items all found their way to the lost-and-found, and she never got caught.
Edward texts me back, confirming the meet, and I take a minute to add his number to my contacts.
“Tomorrow night,” I announce, sliding the phone in my pocket.
“Do you want me to go with you?”
“Like I told you last time, it’s too risky for you. Dominic will catch you for sure if you sneak out, and I don’t want you to get in trouble.”
Or raise his suspicions.
“Besides,” I continue before she can argue, “City Park is much safer than where I went before.”
“That’s true I guess.”
“It is. So, if that’s settled, wanna go find something to eat?”
I instantly start for the door.
“Hold on,” she calls after me. “You’re not going solo just so you can be alone with the hot guy again, are you? I mean, you know he’s bad news, right?”
“No,” I answer her calmly. “I’m going alone because it makes more sense. And just because he’s hot doesn’t mean I lose all sense of reason when he’s around. It isn’t a date; it’s just business.”
She gives me a knowing look, and I want to slap her. I mean, I’m telling the truth.
I think.
“What?” I frown when her eyes widen and shift to the side.
“Nothing, just…is that not exactly what you said about that guy you met online, Neil or whatever, when he was talking to you about cold weather automail?”
“No,” I sputter. “I mean, maybe, but only because it’s true.”
“Yes, seriously! Neil is just a friend. I was interested in his work. That was it!”
“You told me he almost kissed you.”
Oh my God. Why does she remember that? It was one time!
“Uh, yeah.” I roll my eyes. “The keyword being ‘almost.’”
He and I met up in Rush Valley for an automail convention and he asked me to lunch, and at the end, he leaned in, and…I leaned down to grab my purse.
“And if the hot guy almost kisses you?” Paninya continues.
“His name is Edward,” I snap.
“Fine, if Edward almost kisses you?”
“Why would he do that?” I cross my arms, still attempting to deflect her question. “We barely know each other.”
“You told me he was flirting with you,” she points out. “And I know guys from the Lane. Barely knowing a girl isn’t a deterrent to kissing her.”
Really? That’s… I don’t know what to do with that. I mean, what if he does try to kiss me? Do I want him to? Do I not?
Oh my God! This is nuts!
“He’s not going to try to kiss me,” I say with conviction. “We are literally only meeting to exchange money for automail parts.”
“Yeah. Sure. Okay.” She nods, sarcasm lacing every word she says. “Let me know how that goes.”
She walks past me out the door, and I glare after her, my mind spinning with her insinuation.
I mean, Edward wouldn’t actually try to kiss me, right? If he were interested in me as more than a…girl he met one time at a street race, wouldn’t he have texted me before today?
“Winry, are you coming?”
“Yeah. Yes!”
God. I can’t worry about this now. If he tries to kiss me when we meet…I’ll worry about it then.
Damn, she tastes like heaven.
“Ed…” she moans against my mouth. “Oh God.”
I kiss her harder, my fingers sliding under the hem of her top. She gasps at my touch, and I curse my automail for denying me the feel of her soft skin. Her knees go weak, and I lower her to the ground, covering her with my body. I tilt my head to kiss her better, her lips parting in surprise, allowing me just enough room to taste her tongue with mine.
“Ed,” she pleads this time, her fingers digging into my hair.
My palms slide over her sides—damn, her body fits perfectly in my hands.
“Oh!” She arches her neck, and I drop my lips to kiss the vein there.
And then lower to her shoulder where her top is slipping. It’s like kissing satin.
“Princess,” I whisper, kissing her again.
She moans my name, and I grab a handful of grass beside her head.
“Someone will see,” she chokes, her eyes opening wide. “We can’t!”
I kiss her cheek. Her jaw.
“No one is around,” I remind her, my thumb making tiny circles on the skin over her ribs. “City Park is abandoned at this hour.”
“But…but…” Her eyes flutter closed. “This was just business.”
I grin against her ear. “Says who?”
Her fingers tighten in my hair, and her knees open allowing my hips to fall through.
Holy shit. I could fucking howl.
I jerk awake and nearly fall out of my bed.
“Whada fuck?” I slur, squinting.
“Brother, what the heck are you doing in there!”
Shit! I was sleeping? I groan, rubbing my hand over my face. It takes a second for my body to wake up.
I grimace and throw my head back against my pillow. One part of me is definitely already awake.
“It was just a dream, Al!” I shout back at him, trying to keep just how frustrated I am out of my voice.
“It’s almost noon,” he calls back. “Don’t you have to be places today?”
Shit. Shit. Shit!
Throwing the sheets off, I stumble out of bed and swing open the door, forcing Al to jump back as I move past him.
“I needa shower,” I mumble.
I’m supposed to be at work at one, and I was planning to go to the garage first to check on my baby. Now, I’ll barely be there on time.
“Don’t you have school?” I yell back to him.
“It’s Saturday.”
I hear his amused answer but don’t have time to flip him off because it takes at least five minutes to heat up the shower, so the sooner I get the water on the better. While I’m waiting for it to heat up, I grab my automail maintenance stuff, and wince at the bottle of antioxidant oil. I’m supposed to apply it any time I get my automail wet, but with an entire arm and leg of automail, it goes down really fast. And since it costs almost an arm and a leg to buy a new bottle, I’m stuck.
I bet there’s a dealer I can negotiate with on the Lane, but I don’t have time today, and funds have been tight since I helped Winry out with Donovan.
Saying her name sends a rush of intense dream images flashing through my head, which I immediately try to forget as I strip off my shorts and step into the shower. It’s no use though, because I can’t get her out of my brain.
Her adorable smile. Her deep blue eyes. All that pretty blonde hair. It’s probably as long as mine, and hell if I don’t want to run my fingers through it. Not to mention her perfect curves and those legs that go on forever…
What I wouldn’t give to see her in a skirt.
“Fuck,” I hiss as I squeeze the bar of soap in my hand.
I tilt my head back under the steaming spray and grind my teeth. Soap is not the thing I want to have my fist wrapped around.
On the other hand, I shouldn’t entertain any kind of dirty thoughts about Winry. All my business with her is literally just business. I’ll see her tonight for the meeting and never again.
I turn and reach for the faucet. If I take a cold shower, maybe I can kill this stupid bodily reaction. Of course, then I would just be a different kind of uncomfortable.
“Bullshit,” I mutter, grabbing the shampoo.
All I have to do is not think about her, and I’ll be fine. No need to torture myself. She’s just some girl I met one time. It can’t be that difficult.
“You’re late, Elric.”
I wince at the deep voice from behind the meat counter as I rush to the back.
A cold shower did not help with my…problem, but it did make me late to get dressed, which made me late to catch the bus, which of course, got stuck in traffic somehow, so I had to run the last three miles, and ultimately, I  was still five minutes late.
I think I might be cursed.
“Sorry,” I mutter pathetically as I grab an apron and hurry to the sink to scrub my hands before putting on gloves.
I steal a look at my giant of a boss, and quickly look away when I see the intense stare he has me pinned with.
“How much trouble am I in this time?” I ask through gritted teeth.
“You’re in luck,” he rumbles, crossing his arms. “She hasn’t come out front yet, so you’re in the clear.”
“Really?” I look up in surprise.
Maybe I’m not cursed after all.
“Just don’t tell her, and I won’t say anything either.”
“Got it.”
Mr. Curtis might be as big as a house with a voice of booming thunder, but it’s his wife who’s the scary one. She says she’s just a housewife, but I saw her fight off a mugger once, and… I’d bet my two good limbs she could take on the entire Devil’s Nest and walk away without a scratch. Not that she’s mean or anything, she can be really nice and sort of motherly when she wants to be. She’s just also really tough. And she’s strict about her rules for employees. Being on time is nonnegotiable.
“You two aren’t talking about me, are you?”
I flinch and try to hide it when Izumi comes out from the side room with her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised.
“Of course not, dear,” Sig says smoothly before his features crease with a frown. “Are you feeling all right?”
“I’m fine.”
She waves away his concern, but now that I’m looking, her face looks paler than normal.
“Edward,” she calls my name, and I straighten like a member of the military.
“Yes, ma’am?”
“I have some delivery orders I want you to run today.”
“Oh.” I nod and shift my weight. “But you know I don’t have my car back yet,” I remind her.
“Right.” She frowns. “Well, I guess for now you can borrow the bike, but!” she says quickly when my jaw drops open, “if you scratch it…”
Her eyes narrow on me, and I swallow.
“I won’t scratch it,” I promise.
“Good.” She nods, her look softening. “The orders are in the fridge.”
“Great. Got it.”
Grabbing the insulated bag from under the counter, I go to the back room and start checking the orders against the form posted on the door to the refrigerator and packing the meat.
“Weird,” I mutter as I slide in the last one and zip up my carrier.
All but two of them are for regular customers. The other ones don’t have labels.
“Hey, Izumi,” I call as I walk out, looping the strap over my shoulder. “Where are these two going?”
I show her the blank orders listed on the official report.
“Ah.” She nods. “Those are for our friends in the Xingese District. You can stop by there last.”
“Right.” I turn and head for the alley.
She doesn’t have to elaborate any further than that. The only “friends” she could be referring to in the Xingese District are members of the Yao clan, a large and wealthy family that owns the Imperial, the fanciest hotel in Central City. Rumors of underground gambling and illicit drugs have surrounded it for years, but no one has ever been able to prove anything. Other, wilder rumors about the patriarch of the family being terminally ill with an extremely rare disease and obsessed with a search for a cure have also been floating around, along with some of the wild and untested methods he’s considered.
But I’m not really worried about that. I’m just trying to deliver some meat.
Strapping the carrier to the bike, I swing my leg over and adjust my helmet before flipping the kickstand and revving the engine.
“Fuuuuck,” I hiss.
After an initial roar, the engine quiets to a low rumble. Not as sweet as when my baby purrs, but the feel of the raw power between my legs is intense.
“What did I say about scratching it?” Izumi’s yell catches me by surprise, and I lurch forward before stopping.
“I won’t,” I call back as I whip my head around.
“That’s right. You won’t.” She gives me a final parting look and disappears back into the building.
With the threat of imminent doom hanging over my head, should I fail to keep her bike safe, I pull out of the alley into the road.
It only takes me forty-five minutes to get the regular orders delivered, and then I head for the Xingese District, being careful to avoid back alleys and side streets because, while I know these streets like the back of my hand, I also know main roads are safer during daylight hours, especially when I’m on a borrowed motorcycle.
When I reach the Imperial, I pull up to the front door, only to be immediately waved forward by a glaring attendant. His sunglasses hide his eyes, but his frown is impossible to miss.
“Where do I go then?” I ask, the rude edge clearly audible in my tone.
“This way,” a small girl with braids calls to me as she steps up to the curb and starts walking around the side of the building. “Deliveries are always taken in the alley, directly to the kitchen or storage rooms,” she explains when I stop in a loading dock.
“Sorry, but do you work here?” I frown at her.
“Essentially.” She shrugs. “I’m Mei Chang, and the head of the Imperial is my father,” she explains, “but he has a lot of kids so the only way for any of his children to inherit is to remain close to him, so I’m here to maintain that connection.”
“Aha.” I nod, totally not understanding how this family functions at all, not that my own is a great model anyway. “Well, where do I go now?”
“This way.” She leads me through a side entrance and into a kitchen. “Normally, you would leave the food in the fridge and sign here that you left it.” She points to a form by the counter. “However, since you’ve never delivered before, you’ll have to take the food to a senior staff member to inspect it first.”
Internally, I roll my eyes as I follow her out into the dining area with the packages of cold meat in my hands.
“Mei,” a male voice calls out as soon as we enter the room.
“Ling.” She starts walking faster, and I rush to keep up.
She stops at a table full of food where a lean guy about my age is dressed in all black from head to toe, except his arms which are completely bare due to his sleeveless shirt.
“And who is this?”
“New delivery person,” she announces. “You should check his meat. I’ve got to go back to the front.”
“Edward,” I introduce myself as the small girl walks off. “Call me Ed.”
“Ling,” he mumbles through a fresh bite of food. “Hungry?”
“No, thanks.” I shake my head. “I’m good.”
“That’s okay. Lan Fan can have some.”
He jerks his head back which is when I suddenly notice the stony-faced girl standing behind him, knives glinting in holsters on both of her hips, and despite her casual stance, I get the feeling she’s ready to spring into action at any moment.
“No thank you, my lord,” she says softly, and one of my eyebrows quirks.
“‘My lord?’” I echo.
“Is that a problem for you?” Ling squints at me, and I shake my head.
“No problem. I just have your meat.”
“Let me see it.”
Shoving some of his many plates aside, Ling clears some space and I set the meat packages in front of him. He opens one and looks at it for half a second before declaring them both good and reaching for another plate of food.
“Is this really all for you?” I murmur, still not sure what I’m seeing.
“I like food.” He shrugs. “And I have jet lag, so my stomach hasn’t caught up to what time of day is supposed to be mealtime.”
“Jet lag?”
“I just arrived from Xing last night. Don’t tell anyone, but I’ve made a pretty significant discovery that could affect my father’s diagnosis.”
I blink at him.
“Master Ling, please tell me you aren’t sharing our family business with random strangers again,” an old man suddenly comes out of the shadows and steps between us, causing me to take a step back.
“Hardly, Fu,” Ling waves his hand. “I was telling my new friend, Edward.”
“Friend? Hold on, I barely even–”
“Well, he’s working,” Fu says over me, “so it’s probably time he got going, right Edward?”
He gives me a look that leaves no room for argument, and I nod.
“Yeah, uh, I’ve got meat to…do.”
“Well, at least leave your number,” Ling calls as I back away. “Give it to Mei. That way we can talk more sometime.”
What the heck?
Fu leads me back through the kitchens, and I sigh with relief as I quickly scan the bike for scratches and come up empty. Climbing back on, I hear footsteps behind me.
“Ed!” Mei says suddenly, “before you go, could you give this to your brother for me?”
“What?” I feel my eyes narrow at her as I frown. “How do you know my brother?”
“From school,” she answers jerking back, as if it should’ve been obvious, and…maybe it should’ve. “It’s his chemistry notes,” she explains holding a notebook out to me. “I borrowed them to compare them with some old texts I have here. We’re working on a project and–”
“I really don’t need details,” I murmur. “But I’ll make sure he gets them.”
“Okay, thanks!”
She beams, and I reach up to clasp the helmet strap under my chin before tucking the notebook into the carrier behind me.
“See you later then.”
She waves as I start the bike and pull out down the alley and head back to the butcher shop where people and things make sense.
5 notes · View notes
tagsecretsanta · 5 years ago
From Vegetacide
to Emma on Facebook
As always, secret santa doesn’t own this, full credit to the author above!
The Night before Christmas - TaG Style
Virgil leaned back against a storm felled palm tree and strummed his fingers across an acoustic guitar, lazily working his way through various cords and stringing together little random ditties as the fire snapped and hissed away merrily in front of him. 
Just a little warm up and something to do with his hands while he waited for Scott to make his way back down to the beach. The light played off the fine blonde wood of the guitar, warmed the smooth contours and reflected back off the mother of pearl inlaid fingerboards and chrome frets on the expertly crafted neck.  
This was one of Scott’s pride and joys and it didn’t see the light of day often.  Usually tuck away in its satin line case in his room but for nights like tonight. Special nights where the family came together to celebrate one of the only holidays that they could together.   
Yes, the world at large was still going around and there would always be some disaster or another for them to get involved with.  For tonight though this family ritual was one that they were determined to do everything within their power to make happen. To enjoy and participate in. They deserved it for all they did for everyone else.  One night out of the year to be a family without the pressures of the legacy their father had left with them.  
Besides, the GDF could pick up the slack for a change. 
Now if the rest of his family, mainly Scott who had up and puffed to deal with a call that apparently needed to be dealt with now… on Christmas Eve..could unplug themselves and get their butts back down here so they could actually start the relaxing part of the evening. 
A soft chuckle beside him drew Virgil’s attention away from his frustrations and he turned to look down at the crown of rich, ebony hair resting against his arm.  
“What?”  He asked, nudging Kayo with his elbow.
She turned her face,  the glow of the burning wood dancing around in her smiling expression. “You.”  She answered simply and leaned up to place a kiss on the tip of his nose.  
“Yes, you.”  She turned back to the blaze and resumed her nestled position at his side. Her head tipped on his broad shoulders and one hand draped over his raised knee,  fingers idle playing with the sand between his thighs.
Virgil humphed and she chuckled again giving his leg a squeeze. “It just drives me nuts sometimes.  Like seriously, it’s one night a year.”
“Patience, hun.  Everyone is on the island and before you know it, you will be sipping hot chocolate and choking down Grandma’s burnt offerings.”
Virgil just grunted in response and continued to sturm away. Idly playing a tune that he had composed just for Kayo the year previously, though he had to make adjustments as the piece had been intended for his  baby grand Bösendorfer up on the second floor of the villa.
They sat companionably, enjoying the crackle of the dried wood and breathing in the heady scent of burning pine and eucalyptus boughs that had been brought in from the mainland for just this occasion.  An indulgence and an expense that they took great care in every year. 
Virgil would fly out in Two with an empty pod when time allowed between call outs and fill it up with a couple cords of wood from a local arborist they were familiar with.   
Ted Mccaffrey was on old family acquaintance  who had helped selectively clear sections of the island where the villa and facilities now stood. 
He was a stout, old codger but he knew his stuff and he was always delighted to help the boys out each year with their little family tradition.  Stockpiling the wood over the course of twelve months just for them to use where he would otherwise have just tossed it on in the chipper for the local farmers to purchase for livestock bedding.  
The Tracy’s; ever the generous lot,  always offered to pay him handsomely for the trouble but the old coot refused every year.  Always waving the offered bill fold of money away and saying in his gruff way that the wood was a small price to pay for all the good they did the world. 
And every year Virgil would come home,  Two full of the piny sweet scent of mint and camphor and the local news would report about some charity or organization having received an ample donation of funds from an anonymous source.
The act of offering the money had turned into a sort of annual tradition in itself.   Virgil knew that Mr Mccaffrey would refuse the money just like Mr Mccaffrey knew that Virgil would offer it.   Some years,  the old, grey haired man would even recommend a place or two that required a bit of a financial boost but the exchange of offering and refusal always took place. 
“You should play more often.” Kayo comment softly interrupting his train of thought and the cadence of it made Virgil wonder if she was drifting off to sleep.  “I like listening to you.” 
He huffed out a snort and shook his head even though she couldn’t see it.  “I barely get enough time at my piano as it is. Besides, there are other things on the island I would rather pour my focus into.”  
He buried his nose into the crown of her hair, breathed in her rich scent and let it infuse his being with jasmine before brushing her with a kiss.  He could hear the sleepy smile in her voice as she sighed and snuggled in closer to him.  
“Love you too.” She whispered. 
“Yuck, get a room.”  Came a petulant remark from the dark followed by a cultured, femine laugh. 
“Gordon Tracy, be nice.”  Lady Penelope Crighton-Ward admonished as the pair stepped into the circle of light cast by the fire, her hand tucked into the crook of Gordon’s elbow.   
Gordon smile was wide, bright and teasing “I can’t help myself.  The way these two are if I don’t say anything we are liable to get front row seats to one heck of a show.”
“Oh, hush now.”  Her head shaking Penny picked her way around the fire and took a seat on a plaid picnic blanket.  “You act as if you weren’t just doing the same thing by the tide pool.”
Virgil could see Gordon’s face going red despite the limited lighting and he laughed. “Little Brother,  you will never learn.”   
“Learn what?” Came another comment as Alan materialized out of nowhere which resulted in making Gordon nearly jump out of his skin.   
“Oh, nothing,  Just Gordon being..well, Gordon.”  Virgil answered with a shrug. 
“So brain dead?  Gotcha.”  Alan dodged the swatting hand aimed at the back of his head sending popcorn flying. 
Gordon snagged the bowl before too much more of the salty snack could be lost and skipped out of the reach of the youngest Tracy with a laugh.   Jogging around to the other side of the fire and flopping himself down beside Penny,  sand flying everywhere in his exuberance.
Penny tutted at the display and bushed sand from her pressed slacks.   “Really, Gordon..” 
Gordon handed the bowl to her by way of apology and she plucked up a few fluffy kernels and dimuraly popped them between her kiss reddened lips. 
“Where’s the space case and our fearless leader?”  Alan asked, taking up his own seat by the fire and pulling a bag of M&M’s out of his pocket.  The rustling of which roused Kayo from her snooze with eager eyes tracking the sound.  
Virgil nodded his head towards the house. “Call to the board, should be down in a minute.  The Bagel is…” 
“Right here.”  John said and ruffled Alan’s hair is passing before stealing an M&M.  “Venus just set and I didnt want to miss it. It’s so clear tonight.” 
“Can take the astro-nut out of the space station..”  Alan mumbled as he waved away John’s thieving fingers.   
And so they gathered, one by one taking up seats around the roaring blaze and laughing at stupid things, chatting and reminising about old times and new.  Pausing occasionally lost in thought,  gazes distant at somber moments of remembrance.  
Eventually Scott managed to join them followed by Grandma and Brains bearing mugs, a large thermos and snacks.  He took up his guitar as the elder patriarch passed out cups brimming with  hot chocolate and they all grew quiet, the sparking of sap and the lull of the ocean waves filling the void.  Quiet, content and together.  
One spot was left vacant and as they all sat in quiet repose, their eyes would glance over only to skitter away.  A stump of a tree that had been relegated for only one person, sat baren of its occupant.  Too strong was the emotion to linger on it for long, the wound of it still too fresh even after all this time. 
Shaking his head, Virgil turned from his own introspection and pulled his gaze back to those that were here.  His brothers,  Grandmother, friends and Kayo at his side, he really should be looking at all they still had not what they lacked.  
Kayo put a supportive hand on his arm and gave him a squeeze.  She always could read him like a book and she knew exactly where his mind had just come back from. 
Virgil cleared his throat instantly drawing the attention of all the others gathered.  
On the spot now he grew nervous but the admiration and love that beamed out of Kayo’s  supportive face edged him on and with a signal to his brother, he straightened his spine. 
The first few cords his brother played where soft. The sweet tone of the expertly played strings balanced and sustained as Scott’s fingers moved along the struts. Building an intro for Virgil with the dulcet presence of each plucked note.
 Gathering his breath, Virgil wet his lips and right on cue started to sing, the notes complimenting the guitar. Slow and melodious at first and as the lyrical complexity grew with each line so to did his strength and pitch. Climbing and reaching higher until a brother joined in and then another.  All of them adding their own unique voice and harmonizing with each other as the song unfolded.   
It was a song their mother had loved to hear. One that Virgil had leaned at the tender age of nine as a Christmas present to her and one that he had asked his brothers to help with. Another tradition born and every year, on this very night they sang it.  Virgil’s voice leading the way, crescendoing and interweaving with the voices of his siblings.  
Their combined voices had changed much over the years, deepening and maturing but the magic they created was still there non the less.  Grandma would shed a tear at the apex of it like she did every time and by the end of it as the last note faded away into the stillness, a relief would settle over them all.   
Like a pressure valve had been released, the emotional strain that had been building up would ease off and dissipate with a few captured moments.  A homage to the mother they had lost so long ago which now acted to commemorate another as well.  A gift from five orphans that was all that they were able to give. 
Quiet descended and encompassed the gathered group. In the not so far distance, waves washed up the shore line. The fire snapped and popped and somewhere on the island a night creature called out, a lonely sound.   Between one breath and the next,  the sorrow of loose suddenly lifted, Alan sneezed, John groaned and Gordon laughed and the two eldest siblings grinned while their Grandmother dabbed at her eyes.  
Pushing up to his feet,   Virgil walked the short distance over to his Grandmother,  leant over and with the strong arms earned with hard work and dedication to his family wrapped her in a hug.   “Merry Christmas, Grandma.”  
She smiled up at him,  tears wavering in the blue gaze that had experienced too much sorrow for one lifetime but she hid it well behind the usual steely determination and wiliness befitting her age.  “It sounds more beautiful every year.  Thank you, Virgil.”
She was thanking him for more than just the song, and the dewiness in her eyes and the tremble of her bottom lip spoke it loud and clear. 
 The lump in his throat prevented an answer so he hugged her a bit harder. His emotional quota for the night reached.  Any more and he was liable to get messy and that was something he would prefer to do behind closed doors.
A hand on his shoulder had him loosening up and he pulled away, only to be dragged into another hug. The distinct aftershave a give away to who it was.. And then there was another and another hug followed that.  Until the whole family had embraced ending with Kayo once more tucked into his side. 
“So we going to get this party started?”  He spoke up, eager to shift the mood on to lighter things.  
He looked down at Kayo’s beautiful face as she slipped an arm around his waist and his world brightened just a tad bit more.  
“Ya, at this rate it will be the new year and we will have to pack all this stuff away again.”  She commented flicking a glance towards the house and everything Gordon had spent the last week setting up.   “Would be a real shame to let it all go to waste.”
“Hey, not my fault Scott is as slow as a snail on land.”  Gordon piped up and popcorn went sailing as he tossed a handful at his big brother.   “I was ready hours ago.” 
“Okay, okay”  Scott groused and flicked a kernel out of his hair. “I get it, I get it. Blame the Board of Directors, they wouldn’t let me off the comms before the American Market came back up online.”
Virgil reached over Kayo, signalled Gordon for the popcorn bowl and grabbed a handful.  Turning to Scott he took aim and fired. 
He laughed at the scowl on Scott’s face but he knew there was no heat behind it as his brother fought back a smile of his own and tossed some popcorn back.  
Sally tutted from her spot and sipped her hot chocolate, shaking her head at the antics of her boys.  “Now boys..” She admonished in a bored tone. “Don’t waste the food.”  
And so started the food fight… popcorn went flying, marshmallows pinged off heads,  M&M’s got lost down shirts which lead to an interesting game of hide and seek. Laughter filled the beach and merriment abound as hands tickled and people fought for breathe.  
Panting and wiping tears from their eyes they flopped back down on the ground in a heap of limbs and a sea of food.  It was going to be fun cleaning up the beach in the morning that was for sure.  
 “Oh,”  Gordon jumped up and they all turned,  curiosity evident on their faces. Rooting around in his pocket, he pulled out a small remote and waved it at the others.  “I almost forgot the best part.”
Holding the little controller up,  he pointed it towards the villa and grinned like a loon. “Okay, I’ve been working hard on this so I need some fanfare.. A drum roll..a countdown. Something.”
He bobbed about on his feet like he was about to rocket off into space in his excitement. Well pleased with himself and wanted his family to join in on the energy that was vibrating out of him.
“Gordon…” An audible sigh came from Scott but the look of eagerness on the squid’s face made him cave.  “Fine… on the count of five.”
Alan started beating out a fast rat-a-tat on his lap,   Gordon burst into a really bad rendition of Joy to the World and the others counted down each taking a number in turn. 
“5…” John, looking a bit displeased with the whole excessively loud affair, parked himself in the safety of his Grandmother’s shadow.  Hoping that if anything else went flying he would be safe from any potential fallout. 
“4…” Gordon, pausing his ear splitting caterwauling long enough to bellow out his favoured numeral.
Alan covered his ears and bumped Gordon with his hip, nearly sending the aquanaut head first into the sand.  “3..” 
“2..” Virgil grinned at the lot of them and laughed as Scott dropped his face into his hand  
“God, give me strength..”  Scott bemoaned.  “1..”
The villa erupted into a crazy assortment of brightly coloured lights and inflatable paraphernalia from a massive twelve foot Santa to a three foot Frosty. There was even a mini yellow Stingray floating in the pool being ridden by an elf in iR blues
The palm trees were decked out from top to bottom all around the pool deck,  red and green flood lights, shining up at their towering fronds through the foliage of large, variegated dieffenbachia and the spikey strands of yuccas that dotted the well tended gardens.   
The pool deck itself was bracketed on all sides with twinkling white sprigs of lights that sprung up artfully from the flower beds.
Dangling, plastic icicles flashed in an array of RGB colours all along the roof line and balcony in a merry dance from one end to the other.
And in the center of it all, showcased behind the thick, shatterproof glass of the villa,  adorned and trimmed to within an inch of its life,  the family Christmas tree.   Gifts piled around its base and all topped off with bright, golden star. 
“Wow…” Someone whispered through the hush that had fallen over them all. A sentiment shared heartily by them all. 
“Last one in the lagoon gets to put this all away after New Years.”  Gordon shouted, dashing off into the darkness.  His snowman printed hawaiian shirt fluttering to the ground in his wake. 
“Heck no!”  Came a squeal from Alan as he raced up to his feet and tripping, dashed off after his sibling. “I am so not getting screwed with clean up again.” 
John stuck out a foot sending the young Astronaut face first into the sand as he got up with much more grace and civility before walking off after Gordon as if he his baby brother wasn’t spitting out a mouthful of beach.  
Scott just sighed and pushed up to his feet, kicking off his shoes as he looked over at Virgil through the fire light. “You coming, V? Or is it your turn this year.”
Virgil gave Kayo a squeeze and pulled his shirt over his head, not bothering with the buttons.  “Technically I think its mine turn, but..”  He grinned and approached his older brother.
Scott eyed Virgil suspiciously,  the bear had a certain look on his face that he didn’t altogether trust.  “Oh, don’t you dare.”  He warned,  hands coming up to ward off the family tank.  “I’m your older brother and I command you.. Don’t even think it..” 
Virgil just chuckled before bracing and launching himself at Scott, sending the pair of them crashing to the ground. 
“Boys”  Came the rather bored tone from their Grandmother as the scramble to get back to their feet ensued and like a bunch of giggling children they tore off into the night. 
Kayo just laughed and leaning over gave the older woman a hug.   “Merry Christmas, Grandma. “
“Merry Christmas, Tanusha. Go keep those boys out of trouble will you.  My tired old, bones can’t keep up with them.”
“Oh, I’m sure you could.” Kayo winked and motioning to Penny to join her as she headed off towards the laughter and splashes coming from down the beach. 
Grandma sat contentedly, a smile on her face, a warm drink in her hand and listened to the chaos.  Five brothers; so different and yet so alike in so many ways.  An adopted sister; accepted, loved and most likely soon to be added to the family in a different way and friends. One, a genus with a heart of gold and the other a British aristocrat with a fierce loyalty to a family that had welcomed her with open arms.   
Gathered together to celebrate family and togetherness for one solitary night under the big expanse of star filled sky on an island all their own.
                  /. \
                /.' .'.\
     "'""""/ '.' '.'. \""'"'"
The End.  
   Christmas Quote
Scott: Twas the night before Christmas
Alan: And Gordon was devouring celery tarts
Virgil: All his brothers’ were gasping..
Gordon: Because of my farts.
Scott: ((facepalm)) Why do I bother…?
27 notes · View notes
maree-ff · 5 years ago
Interlude: Late Night Fix
“Bro...what’s going on with you and your girl?” Tariq asked just as he passed me another shot.
I threw the shot back and juggled the glass in my hand just staring off into space. “We’re trying man. We agreed last month that we would work on us but idk if it’s working. It’s like nothing has changed. Not much anyway.” I shrugged.
“You still love her right?” He questioned just as two random broads came walking in, talking loudly to each other. Riq and I both looked over at them leaning on each other for support, clearly drunk as hell.
Throwing my head back against the cabinet I focused more so on the bottle of Jack in front of me. “There’s no question. I love that girl with all my heart. I just don’t know what more to do and neither does she. The thing is, out of nowhere she’ll call me to come over at the strangest fucking times. I feel like I’m ripping out a page from my old playbook or some shit.” I chuckled dryly.
“The hours of three to six in the morning is fucking hours.” He joked. The two women that walked in made their way over to where we were and the weird tension in the air made me uncomfortable. For some reason I’ve been feeling all types of vibes from women lately. Ever since the girls got in trouble last month, Camila and I said we would work on our relationship. She said she wanted me to move back in and I did for like two weeks. It didn’t feel the same and that hurt me. She didn’t treat me differently, our dynamic as a couple just felt off. So I’m still living by myself but I still get to see my kids everyday.
And it’s like ever since then, whenever I come into contact with other women, I get this feeling I can’t explain. I can’t explain it to Camila. Every time a woman looks at me I feel like she’s giving the eye. They’re all starting to give off that vibe like they want to throw themselves at me. I’m not sexually frustrated at all because Camila keeps me satisfied even with our struggles. But these broads out here are on some next level shit. Sometimes I do get more attention than I would like and sometimes I come in contact with chicks who make passes at me. And they’re bold too!
“What’s going on Tariq..” one of the girls asked leaning on the counter.
“Come on..I know y’all see us talking. Go back downstairs.” Riq said with an irritated look on his face.
“Ok..no need to be hostile. Everybody is just asking where the host of the party is that’s all. What about you?” The second chick spoke up boldly, making her way over to me. She hit with that look and stood next to me with her arm resting comfortably on my leg.
Cocking my eyebrow at how bold this girl became in just a matter of seconds, I pushed her arm off of me. “He ain’t interested. Kat, get ya girl before she gets her feelings hurt.” Tariq warned looking at the first girl who was still failing to win over my boy.
“Aw come on, I don’t mean any harm. I just want to talk to him. What do you say handsome? Wanna come dance with me?” She asked moving in between my legs.
On cue as if God was looking out, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pushed old girl back some so I could reach into my pocket. Seeing Camila’s face on my screen had me rushing to get out of this messy situation. “Hey baby..” I answered boldly, staring at the girl dead in her face.
Her happy, prideful, look faded in seconds after I said “baby”. I couldn’t help but laugh internally at how hurt she looks.
“Did I call you at a bad time?” Cam asked softly.
“Nah, you called at the perfect time. Hold on just one second.” I muttered hopping off the counter and maneuvering around these drunk bitches. “What’s going on? You okay?” I asked her going into an empty room and shutting the door so I can have some privacy.
“I miss you, can you come over when you’re done with whatever you’re doing? Unless you don’t want to then that’s ok..” the silence on her end made me instantly feel guilty that she thinks I wouldn’t want to see her. This is what I meant by I don’t know what else to do. She calls me like this knowing damn well I’m gonna come over no matter what time it is.
“Why you treating me like I’m one of your old fuck buddies?” I said going to stand next to the window. I looked out at Tariq’s backyard seeing people still enjoying themselves downstairs.
“I’m not. I just don’t want you to feel obligated to come and see me.” She sighed sounding defeated.
“Baby..” I began watching Tariq come into view. He was kicking some people out for trashing his yard. “You make it sound like coming to see you is like going to work. I actually enjoy seeing your face so don’t think just because it’s two in the morning that I won’t come by. What are you doing up this late?”
“I literally..just got Ali to go to sleep. How he managed to stay up this late, I really don’t know. He’s laying in your spot now with his little ball shorts on and he’s shirtless. He looks so cute baby you should see him.” She giggled quietly.
The fact that Jorden can only sleep through a night and peacefully at that dressed like me is such an honor. I’m his comfort just like his mother is mine. I need her like he needs me. Because as I have said a thousand times before, without Camila there is no family.
Shaking my head at my sneaky and adorable son, I walked over to the door and pulled it back. I left the spare bedroom seeing no one around. “I miss that kid. I tell you what..get him in his bed and make room for me in ours.” I bargained.
“I’ll do my best. One more question..do you miss me?” She asked seriously. I pulled my phone away from my ear and glared at it wishing I could show her my face for real.
The bitch who tried pushing up on me earlier reappeared and looked my way. As she made her way over to me I couldn’t help but fight the urge to curse her out. Why? Because this same broad has been on my ass all fucking night. From the moment I walked in the door, shorty has been close behind me like a shadow.
“Yeah I miss you. What kind of question is that?” I retorted.
“I just like to hear you say it. It makes me feel good.” She mumbled, shifting around. I heard a low groan which I know came from Jorden.
“I got something else that can make you feel good too..” I smirked watching the girl’s face fall again. I love messing with bitches that don’t have a chance with me. I do this whenever I can because explaining that I’m not interested never seems to resonate with women this day and age. So any chance I get to speak to Cam in front of other women makes my day so much better. “As a matter of fact, I’m on my way right now. Be naked when I get there.” I stated proudly.
“I’m halfway there..you just have to finish the job. I’m gonna put Jorden down. Drive safely papi I love you.” Camila blew me a kiss through the phone.
“Love you too baby. I’ll see you soon.” I said my bye and hung up. Sliding my phone back into my pocket I stuck around to see if this girl would explain why she’s been on me all night. “Do you have something to say? You’ve been shadowing me all fucking night and you will not leave me alone.” I said, annoyed that I’m even standing here.
“I’m not sure. I’ve been debating all night whether or not I wanted to make a move on you but I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She said, exhaling sharply.
“That sure didn’t stop you from invading my personal space not even ten fucking minutes ago. I get on the phone with my girl and look you dead in your face and you can’t seem to take a hint. Why did you even come back up here? Fuck all that, just stay away from me if you see me again.” Throwing my hands up I walked around her and downstairs to find Tariq. “Yo..” I called getting his attention.
“You out?” He asked walking closer.
“Yeah nigga I’m out. Holla at me tomorrow if you tryna get into something.” I gave him a brotherly hug and dipped. A good nut will help shake these weird feelings. I hope.
--------- --------- 
Closing the door behind me I took my shoes off and quietly headed to the back. I stopped by the girls’ room to check on them like I always do and gave them love. I left their room before going upstairs to see my little man. His soft snores invaded my ears the second I hit the last step.
“My fucking seed.” I chuckled quietly. Going over to the door I gripped the handle and quietly pushed my way in. Jorden was lying on his back with his hand tucked in his shorts. I leaned on the door frame just to watch him in his prime. I love this boy so dearly. I can’t believe he’ll be preschool this coming fall. It feels like just yesterday I was watching him come into the world. Now almost four years later and he’s grown so much. He looks like me, tries to talk like me, and he acts like me...Jorden is me in another life.
“He’s adorable isn’t he?” A soft voice spoke from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Camila on the last step in some of my old clothes.
“Very. How long did it take you to get him to go to sleep?” I asked feeling her hands touch my arms and slide down to my hands. Looking down to see her wrap her arms around my torso and tease like she was trying to take my shirt off. She didn’t but she damn sure made it seem as if that’s what she was getting ready to do.
“An hour. Well almost an hour. How was your day?” She quizzed, hugging me from the side.
I threw my arm around her shoulder to draw her closer to me. Being next to Mil after not really seeing much of her today has me missing her more than usual. We spoke on the phone earlier but I haven’t been by the house since early yesterday morning. “It was ok. How was yours? Anything new happen?” I asked.
Anytime we don’t get the time to sit down and have an extended talk about what’s been going on with our kids, she’ll give me a brief update. I’m at the house so much throughout the week but on days that I can’t be I still like to know if anything new is going on with my kids. Their health and well-being means everything to me.
“No. Jorden was helping me wash and fold clothes earlier. He sat on the dryer and separated a load with me. I got a little emotional because he never helps me with laundry. He’ll usually just hug my legs or sit on the floor and watch me. He’ll point out if I drop a sock or something and give it to me so I don’t have to stretch my back out so much. I’m so proud of the little boy he’s becoming Dre. He’s so helpful in so many ways and I die when he uses his manners. All I’ve ever wanted is for our kids to grow up well mannered and respectful to their family even if to no one else.” Camila explained, turning halfway around to look at our son turn over and cuddle up with his one of Zoe’s stuffed lions.
The left side of his face was squished by the toy but we knew not to touch him. Jorden is so much like me when he’s sleeping. So that means don’t touch us at all or you’re going to have hell to pay. We adjust ourselves when we’re ready.
“I love him so much. I love them all so much.” I said leaning into kiss the top of her head. I closed my eyes at the calming scent of her freshly washed hair.
“Go get comfortable, I have one last load I need to take care of.” Camila separated from me leaving me with a hard dick and a frustrated mind.
“She always does this shit.” I huffed, jogging down to the room. I peeled my shirt off the second I stepped into the bathroom heading to get the water going. I took a quick shower since she wasn’t joining me this time. When I got out I could smell some type of herb in the air that I didn’t recognize. “Always doing some weird shit Maree..” I chuckled to myself.
I stood at the sink and brushed through my hair, taking care of a few other things as well. Turning the light off and walking out into the room, I stopped in my tracks seeing Cam enter the room at the same time as me. Her body adorned this black long sleeve, part lace..part sheer, bodysuit. She eventually broke down the terminology of lingerie and what every piece is properly called. For her to be wearing something like this in black, gives off a whole new vibe that I’m picking up from her. She rarely and I mean rarely wears black lingerie, let alone a black bra. And I am living this look on her.
“That new?” I asked breaking the ice first. She nodded curtly and shut the door behind her. I heard the lock turn and that’s when I took note of everything that’s different in the room. She’s got three groups of big ass candles in various spots of the room, adding the perfect low light setting. The bedspread is red and the sheets are white. “What’s going on?” I asked again, meeting her halfway.
“I told I miss you. My dad is coming to get the kids in the morning. They’re gonna stay with him until Monday night. So..we have the house to ourselves for a couple of days.” She disrobed me of my towel and threw it behind me eagerly. Her hands hungrily pushed me to our sitting area. My back suddenly touched bases with the chair, Camila dropped to her knees and got to work immediately. Her mind is already made up about what it wants. She’s on a different level than I am and in order for us to be on the same page, she didn’t want to waste time on continuing on with her secret little plan.
Either way we both get what we want and there’s no harm done.
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a-and-mtrashpile · 6 years ago
Pride: Sebastian Danzig
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Requested on Wattpad
A/N: This is my first time doing a male reader story so I hope it's good!! Let me know what you think in the comments~ im sorry that I am a mere woomf
A huge smile spread across your face as Sebastian walked out of the bathroom in a rainbow suit, doing a little twirl and posing for you. "You look so good! I'm not saying you should wear this more, but you really should," you said as you stood up off the bed and walked over to him.
He pulled you close and placed a soft kiss on your face before stepping back. "Are you going in your pajamas? Cause you look stunning." You rolled your eyes and walked over to the closet. "No, I just haven't gotten dressed yet cause I wanted to see how you were gonna upstage me."
Sebastian chuckled as he walked over to the mirror, grabbing the flat iron he was letting warm up while he got changed.
You grabbed your outfit out of the closet then quickly changed, Sebastian whistling at you as you did.
The two of you continued to get ready, listening to whatever Sebastian played from his phone. By the time you finished getting ready, your best friend was pulling into the driveway. "Sebastian! They're here! Are you ready?" You yelled to your boyfriend as you grabbed your wallet and keys.
Sebastian appeared at the front door, ready with his wallet and phone in hand. He grabbed the keys from your hand before opening the door, motioning for you to walk out first.
He made sure the door was locked before the two of you walked to your friend's car, Sebastian getting the door for you. "Such a gentleman," you said as you slid further into the car, making room for your boyfriend.
"Are you guys excited for Pride?" Your friend asked, looking back as his boyfriend started the drive. You nodded, Sebastian wrapping an arm around your waist to hold you close.
"Honestly, I don't know what to expect but if I can make it through a Slipknot concert, I think I'll be okay." "I don't know, I'm pretty sure RuPaul is gonna be there and the gays are very serious about their RuPaul," your friend said, causing everyone to laugh.
"I remember at last Pride 2012 RuPaul was there and I almost got trampled because I didn't move out of this crowds way. It was honestly one of the scariest things ever," you added to the conversation, shuddering at the memory.
The entire car ride was filled with chatter and soft music, Sebastian keeping you close and placing soft kissed on your forehead.
By the time you guys got to the big park, you got excited. "Can we get a flag?" You asked as you and Sebastian walked through all the vendors. He nodded and you pulled him to the closest booth, pulling out your wallet once you figured out the price.
"I got it, save your money," Sebastian said, handing the lady a twenty before thanking her and telling her to keep the change. "Sebastian, I could have gotten it," you mumbled as he wrapped it around your shoulders, taking off his scarf to tie it in place.
He just shrugged and intertwined your hands, letting you drag him around wherever you wanted to go. "Don't forget, we have to be at the stage by 6," he whispered in your ear, causing you to nod. "Why don't we just head over there now? It's gonna take us a while to get around the crowd."
Sebastian took the lead as he maneuvered through the thick crowd, flashing his special pass at the security to get you guys backstage.
You got to stand side stage, watching the boys jump around as they performed to the huge crowd. "Honestly, I never thought we'd get to this point in our career. It means the world to all of us that you all let us come out here and perform for you guys. To close out our performance, we're gonna do a cover. Are you guys ready?!" Remington listened to the crowd scream, giving them a disapointed look.
"I know you can do better than that. Now, I said are you fUCKING READY?" The crowd went nuts and Remington smiled. "That's better. This is originally by a band called Leftover Crack. It's called Gay Rude Boys Unite!"
A huge smile spread across your face as you watched the boys give it their all while the crowd went nuts.
When the song ended, Sebastian motioned you over to him, Remington running over to drag you out. "Before we go, I just want to say something." The crowd screamed again as Sebastian started to talk into the mic, someone screaming about how they loved his suit.
"Thank you, but back to was I was saying. This beautiful man right here is the love of my life and I just want to tell him thank you. Thank you for putting up with my dumbass, thank you for putting up with everything my careers throws at you, thank you for putting up with the hate we got when we first told people we were dating, thank you for all the love and support you give all of us and the fans.
Most of all, thank you for loving me and being there for me when I need you the most." Sebastian finished his little speech, wiping away the tears that had rolled down your cheeks. He pulled you close, the crowd somehow screaming louder when he pulled you in for a kiss.
After they packed up all their stuff, Sebastian joined you and instantly pulled you into a hug. "How did I get so lucky to have you?" You questioned more to yourself than anyone. "I should be asking you that," he mumbled, pressing another kiss to your lips.
"Alright love birds, I know you're being all cute and lovey and shit but we have to load everything onto the bus so we can get on the road," Emerson said as him and Remington started carrying stuff to the trailer. "We'll be there in a minute," Sebastian said, waving his brothers off.
"You know, I think this years pride was a success." "And I'd agree," Sebastian said, placing one last kiss on your lips before the two of you started to help pack up the trailer.
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shesawriter39049 · 6 years ago
- (There is still a lil smut in this as well as smut and kinks are discussed, But this is also the backstory because the other installments just jump right into it.. )
Part 1..AKA the first “Private Session”  will pick up where this ends with Y/N X “___” see if you can guess which member it is by end of this. It’s 4k all of the instalments will be around 3K..pretty much straight to the point..smut with a a mini backstory/scenario...each member will get there own….
P.S - I wrote this intro a month or ago and forgot about it..if you guys want part 1 that will come early Feb!
“Oh my god…yes..” Your cry wasn’t even audible as you pressed your face into the glass, nails clawing at his clothed thighs, surprised you actually didn’t rip a hole straight through ..as pure pleasure rang through your ears feeling yourself drip down your thighs. The firm grip he held around your neck, almost knocking the wind out of you as he rolled his hips into you.. deeper..teeth grazing the skin beneath your neck “Louder..” The command coming out in the form of a growl coursed through your veins as his opposite hand connected to your clit almost making your knees buckle. You were already so swollen and beyond sensitive as the wind nipped against your skin..blowing your hair away from your neck..cooling over the heat that was streaming down your body..”I said..LOUDER..let everybody hear you..let everyone know how good I’m fucking you, and how wet, your pussy gets for me..fuck baby your so wet..”
 Let’s rewind a little shall we?
 If someone would’ve told you 6 months ago you’d be on a balcony in Tokyo… at 1am with “____”’s hand around your throat..while your face was pressed against a glass window,a good oh I don’t know…20 stories up….you’d think they were high as fuck. I mean for good reason, don’t get me wrong…you were attractive..clearly..that’s why the boys ended up with your number. But you weren’t an idol…some famous youtuber ..or an IG model..you were just Y/N a 24 year old Real estate agent from Chicago.That somehow fell down the black hole that is BTS..you told yourself you were too old to be a fangirl again…but clearly that didn’t last long. You won a contest through IHEARTRADIO to attend a private showcase with the boys. There was barley 100 fans there..an opportunity to attend a show THAT intimate with a band of this caliber was almost unheard of. There was also a separate drawing for 10 fans to get a 10 minute meet and greet, to talk and take pictures…well you went last and your meet and greet actually lasted almost a half hour. The boys clicked with you instantly. The main thing they loved was the fact that you able to just dick around with them like they were normal guys. On top of the fact that even though they didn’t admit it initially..they found you so inticising.The perfect combination of all the things they weren’t use to in the bubble they lived in and that sealed the deal! By the end of the meet and greet Namjoon had your number..not holding your breath he’d even ever use it…well little did you know that would open the door to a million possibilities. All thanks to a group chat that was created and used regularly “Bangtan X Y/N” the conversations were not typically long and sometimes they made no damn sense..sending random memes back and forth..Tae sending pics of clothes he wanted to buy…Kookie sending you weird ass shit he finds in tourist shops.. Hell sometimes you’d even ask them advice on guys or what to wear on a date. At times you may only talk once a week..and it may take each member more time than others to respond but they always did and you guys actually created a genuine friendship…Believe it or not…the conversations also NEVER turned sexual up until this point.
 You slowly but surely earned their trust, after talking to you for a while they realized you weren’t looking for anything from them. You never pried for personal information…asked for free tickets..sneak peeks of music, the rare occasions you’d meet them, they’d offer to pay and you’d be ready to damn near cut their balls off. You let them decided what they did or didn’t wanna share, weather that be what they ate for lunch, or how completely exhausted and stressed they were, the ball was always in there court.  More importantly you didn’t walk on eggshells with them nor did you ever hold your tongue because of who they were and they loved that. It just felt honest…due to their busy schedule and you just having your own damn life, within this 6 month period..you’d only seen them 2 times.The meet and greet in the summer..and about 2 months after that when they went to New York…the boys have been begging you to come back out but you just couldn’t find the time. This has probably been your busiest, but most successful year as an agent but due to you just getting to the point where you were making steady money and had some cushion in the bank..you didn’t have a assistant yet so you were doing it all yourself.
Financially it would kind of be a waste of money to travel overseas unless you could stay at least 2 weeks! Your pride wouldn’t let them cover your flight…lord knows they offered…instead you just settled for them smothering you in all the wine and sushi your heart desired. Finally deciding in January, you’d go see your Bangtan boys.. now here you are almost 4 months later in Tokyo..
The boys were about to start the last leg of the tour in about 10 days…just wanting a break..they rented out a pretty nice penthouse suite at the Ritz Carlton Tokyo for a couple days. Setting up a studio space so they could throw around some ideas for there new project..in a more laxed atmosphere. To be honest you were kind of playing the whole thing by ear, you had a couple friends that lived abroad. As far as the boys were concerned, besides just hanging out in their suite, they wanted you to at least attended one show before you left! They were also determined to find a way to get you backstage at a couple events they had coming up without Bighit busting a nut..but you weren’t holding your breath on that one. Honestly you weren’t too concerned though, you had other things to do outside of seeing the boys anyway. Already going into this with the understanding that for one they’re still pretty busy, so whatever time you got you wouldn’t complain..and two this wasn’t LA things had to be done hella low key over here. Which is why you were treating this as moreso a vacation which you desperately needed and they were just a bonus. Your plan was to stay at your hotel for 3 days..then crash with friends….you actually only bought your ticket to Tokyo…not really sure where you’d end up by the end of it! Perks to being an agent is you were your own boss, you made your own schedule. Actually just closing a deal before leaving so once that check cleared that covered next months bills.So in all honesty you weren’t sure when you’d be back in the states. I mean shit, you’ve been busting your ass for the past 2 years trying to get to this point you deserve a break too!
It was about 8 at night, you landed a couple hours prior but jetlag knocked you flat on your ass, you were staying in the same hotel just about 8 floors down.Your body was slowly starting to stir naturally, but the extra push came from the fact that you fell asleep with your headphones in ..and Taehyung was calling you.The sudden blast against your ear drums almost making you roll off the bed completely before you realized what was happening. Clicking the answer button not even waiting for you to say hello “We literally ordered you every piece of sushi on the menu, you should probably get your ass up here before Kookie eats it all, I can only hold him off for so long!” The base… in this man’s voice, holyshit…it was rare you guys talked on the phone, due to you being on completely opposite time schedules the majority of the time. To be honest..hearing him..remembering he was so close almost made you nervous. Which threw you off initially, because in all honesty by now you typically felt very comfortable when you talked to them. But, again let’s get real..this was still BTS regardless of how down to earth they are…that still doesn’t change the aura they have! I think because you guys were always texting from so far away it almost made you feel like this was all a fantasy..I mean it’s been months… now they were literally upstairs waiting for you.
 You couldn’t help but let out a snort as you rubbed your eyes,vision still foggy “Such a baby ..” your tone slightly groggy due to just waking up “Aww,I told you she was probably sleeping good job Tae!” You knew that was Jimin, his voice was a little softer..he just always sounds so…I don’t know..relaxed? You couldn’t help but smile always such a sweetheart! But before you could even say anything...“Well I mean in his defense it’s like 8 at night…sooo…” You also knew that sarcastic growl anywhere “Fuck you Yoongi…” the clap back came instant with zero hesitation or thought behind it. The two of you had a very love hate relationship. Of course it was playful but you two gave each other shit 24/7. You heard them all erupt in laughter almost in unison..and the smile on your face stretched even wider. “Okay but forreal, my tolerance for food is non existent..and this foods already been here about 5 minutes you got another 60 seconds before I start eating without you!” There he was..the world’s favorite brat..-”Ignore him babe, he’s not touching a damn thing until you get up here..” It was slightly muffled..I think he was kinda far away but you already knew who it was..too…Hoseok and Namjoon were the only ones who called you by a pet name, had since they met you.  You felt your face get hot, almost forgetting how good that sounds in person “Thank you Hobi..alright give me like 5 minutes..someone text me the room number..hey wait..where’s Jonnie and Jin!?” It almost felt like you could feel his laugh the rumble…sat so low…you already knew he was probably sitting there looking boyfriend as fuck with those deep ass dimples “I’m here princes..Jin’s asleep..he’s not feeling so good. I’ll text you the room number..take your time..” - “Don’t listen to him..I’m hungry!”- “Oh my god Kookie shut up! She just said she’s coming! Your not gonna die!” It was clear Namjoon was about done with Jungkook for the night, his tone was as dry as can be  “You don’t know that..then YOU’D have to explain to ARMY what happened” You couldn’t help but scoff at how dramatic this boy was..but also you were damn near in tears from listening to them bicker back in fourth. “God forbid you die of starvation..alright Kookie, I’ll be there in a minute..bye guys!”
 Sitting on the edge of the bed trying to contemplate what to do…not wanting to overdo it because they knew you just woke up but I mean come on…you couldn’t look like you just woke up either! Throwing on a pair of high waisted leggings, they were comfy and you know they made your ass look good, and a loose black cropped cut up band tee. Running some tinted brow gel though your brows, a orangey bronzer on your cheeks for blush, and some gloss,being oh so thankful for lash extensions. You looked wayyy more put together than you really were.. putting your hair in high ponytail, pulling out a couple pieces around your face. A couple spritz of perfume and you were out the door, taking in a couple slow breaths before knocking on there door. Shaking off any nerves that were suddenly moving up your throat. “You got this girl…you got this..” giving yourself a well needed pep talk before letting your knuckles meet the door. You instantly heard the commotion from there room and it didn’t take long for you to hear the door unlatch. Letting out one more deep exhale, before you faced whoever was behind it.  Once the door opened you knew you were done, Namjoon’s eyes met yours, you watched them crinkle as he smiled down at you..those dimples!! THOSE DIMPLES!! And he looked good, they all looked and smelled so good…no makeup..skin glowing..looking boyfriend as fuck. The jeans,sweatpants..backwards snapbacks..foreheads exposed there were foreheads…foreheads everywhere! This was just a lot for one person to take in, you low key were feelin kinda attacked and I don’t blame you! ! Feeling like you almost had to squeez your thighs together as you walked in the room..…Once you entered you were greeted by warm smiles and even warmer hugs, each of their individual scent hitting your nose as they pulled you into there frame. Each touch was different, the embrace..how long it lingered, to be honest you almost could predict how it would go. The way each member hugged you almost reflected the way they interacted with you via text.
 About a hour went by..you found yourself on the couch sandwiched between Hoseok and Jimin, legs rested on Jimin’s lap while you guys ate sushi and drunk wine. Jimin’s hand casually resting on your thigh as he ate, yes..Park Jimin….had his hand.. On. Your .Thigh. What is life right now?? Not to mention the boys not knowing what personal space is, and just being total sweethearts, there was certain foods that you obviously aren’t familiar with. Not only did they explain it but they fed it to you..like the way you see them feed each other in Vlives….yeah. I don’t think you’d ever get the visual of Kim Taehyung putting a piece of sushi in your mouth, then licking the left over eel sauce off his finger..out of your head..
All of the nervous energy you felt on your way up here was completely gone, it was crazy how comfortable you felt around them! The conversation was pretty random and all over the place, just like your group chat. The boys more so wanting to hear about how you’ve been, they were very fascinated in your line of work, especially Yoongi and Hoseok. Once you finished eating the room fell  silent..which you didn’t mind until you noticed the mischievous smirk on Jungkook’s face. While Namjoon passed out tiramisu for dessert. “Kookie..what the holy hell is that face!?” Kicking up your brow in curiously while Yoongi randomly erupted in laughter, the tone alone was suspect.. and at this point you had to know what was up. Your eyes shot to Taehyung’s, because you knew he’d cave! Letting out a slow huff before setting his plate down. You could tell he wanted to smile though so it couldn’t be that bad right? “Wellll…” purposely being an ass and dragging it out knowing damn well you were dying over there “WELL!?” your tone?…yeah..not so chill…smacking the pillow that was currently in your lap. At this point you guys were almost 2 bottles deep so your patience was nonexistent..“Well she’s not very patient..” Yoongi teased with a smirk, as he licked his lips and suddenly the pillow that was on your lap was flying halfway across the room “Alright,alright I’ll tell you just don’t throw anything at me next….So last night..Kook kinda sorta found your tumblr….” The words came out slow, as his tongue teased the corner of his lip, his eyes tracing yours carefully waiting to see how you’d respond. The room was dead silent at first, and well to be fair you didn’t see the big deal, it was a mix of makeup fashion, sex and BTS. Your eyes scanned the room with a slight shrug “Oohhkayyy..” You let your words drag out making it very clear that you were obviously missing the punchline…”Right..but like..we were bored… so we went…kindaaaaa far back…” Hoseok glanced down at you as he stuffed his face, and then my friend…there it was…your eyes went wide in pure terror once it clicked. “Oh fuckkkkk” I think you actually wheezed and curled into a ball..have you ever seen a rollie pollie curl up into a ball? Well yeah that was you!
 See…back in the day your BTS content had no chill, not only did you reblog smut but your tags..were on a whole nother level! Everything from Jimin’s thick neck,, to wanting Taehyung to tie you up with his Gucci headband,and do whatever the fuck he wanted, sitting on Jimin’s face, having Hoseok fuck you in front of a mirror, Yoongi’s tongue game, Namjoons daddy kink, Junkooks sub switch! Yeah girl you were ugh..mortified to say the least. “Oh fuck me!!”  This time It almost came out as a screech as your face fell into Hoseok’s lap, and they all cackled so loud it was unreal. You felt him massage your shoulder trying to put you at ease..but there was no way..no way… “Oh don’t worry I screenshot some of my favorites..serious question..please explain to me the sexual attraction to Jimin’s.. In your words “ Thick ass neck..daddy yassssssss” Yoongi breathed out, the emphies on the “Yasss” had you limp to say the least…at least the boys found this hilarious because all you could hear in the background was cackling while you felt like you were dying! “Wait one more time Yoongi?” Hoseok breathed out with a snort and you lightly nipped at his thigh with your teeth..causing him to make a noise that you damn sure weren’t ready for, because you felt that shit in more places than one. “Yassssssssssss” Yoongi breathed out one more time in a high pitched tone. All you could do was flick him off..not even able to raise our head at this point! You felt Jimin start to rub your thigh, his way of letting you know you were fine. It was clear the post from the past couple months, since you’ve met them..they haven’t been as..intense. Probably because now that you know them..it made it kinda weird..but at the end of the day you were a fangirl..that’s how you guys met and they were on YOUR tumblr! So once you got over the initial shock…meh it is what it is!
 Taehyung crawled over to you, taking your face in his hands, trying to make you look up at him . Pressing his forehead to yours..and now you really weren’t going to open your eyes. “I’m not moving until you look at me …hey..do I need to go get my Gucci headband ?” His tone was playful, it was clear he just wanted to make sure you were good….but to be honest the threat sounds more like a sinful tease. His voice barely above a whisper,breath hitting your skin, a mixture of white wine and coffee from the tiramisu.His hands felt so soft against your skin it was unreal, you fluttered your eyes open, and he smiled back at you…”There’s our girl!” Pulling back from you, rocking back on the floor. No matter how embarrassed you were..hearing him say that..”Our girl..”..had you feeling..of course at ease but also slightly turned on? Yet you couldn’t help but whine as you readjusted our ponytail your face felt like it was on fire…”Why does everyone think I have a mirror kink? I mean it’s true but what about me says that?” Hoseok’s brows furrowed, in confusion as he licked the whipped cream off his fork.. In which a scoff left your lips without even realizing “Ghee I don’t know maybe because your a dancer and spend a lot of time in a studio..and I mean as a dancer your a perfectionist..so in theory you like to watch yourself..hmm..I knew that was spot on!” Glancing over at him, voice playfully flirtatious,, but the look this man gave you in return..you just…no you weren’t ready for it. It was like he went from being Jhope to Jay, tongue slowly sliding against his plump bottom lip. As a smirk moved up his face, before causally returning his glance to the pastry on his plate. It was like he knew he knocked the wind outta you for a moment, and that alone was enough for him to be content just knowing he could if he wanted too. It just hit you how turned on you suddenly were…as sassy as you could be you loved a man that was dominant…and you already knew this man was dom AF I mean come on   “Well it didn’t take long for her sassy ass to shake off acting shy and embarrassed..Yo..Jimin..man are-are you taking pictures of your neck!? “Yoongi’s face was priceless as he leaned up from his chair, trying to get a better look and you could help but snort, whipping your head around to see for yourself . All he did was shrug nonchalant..no shame…”Actually I’m looking at it in my camera…ya know I never realized it but I actually do have a really nice neck” Nodding in approval at his own reflection, as he should because the boy was fine…. “Wooowww…Jin would be proud…” Namjoon just rolled his eyes as he let his glance meet yours “Where just giving you a hard time honestly..we’ve seen wayyy crazier, its normal and at the end of the day..it comes with the territory. Part of being a idol is being a fantasy. I mean shit it’s part of why they don’t like us to date..nothing’s changed on our end so I really hope your not like freaking out about this…” His whole delivery was warm, and even though the atmosphere made you feel at ease and you kinda already knew they were just giving you shit, but it still felt good to hear him say it!
 You smiled back at him, almost getting lost for a moment as he held your gaze in the palm of his hands…”Also I mean this all seems pretty spot on..especially you reblogging all these text post about Jungkook being a bratty sub..” Taehyung teased letting his eyes cut over to Kook’s but he did NOT seem amused, actually he was quiet this whole time. Kinda had you wondering if he was feeling uncomfortable..or upset..you weren’t sure you just knew something didn’t seem right with him. The boys seemed to just shoe it off but you didn’t like it..”So….I have a question…how do you go from I guess…having all those..”Fantasies”.. to just suddenly shutting those thoughts off? I mean granted were all friends now..so it would probably be hard for you to separate the two if the oppert-” The look on your face made Yoongi stop talking altogether “What do you mean it would be hard to seperate the two? Are you assuming women can’t just fuck for the sake of pleasure? Have you never heard of one and done…or What? Are you assuming your dicks so good that I’ll turn into a sasaeng tumblr and not be able to be your friend anymore?” Cocking your head to the side as you kicked your brow up..voice dripping in sass..and you heard all the other boys let out a snort. You personally weren’t able to catch all there reactions but let’s just say even though they didn’t expect you to say that they were impressed that you did. The fact that you didn’t seem like you were intimated by the sudden change of pace as far as the conversation was concerned, but hey..you’re all adults right? Clearly your statement caught Yoongi off guard as he as actually speechless. His eyes were challenging you though …that’s for damn sure,it  felt like his eyes were fucking you right there..head leaning to the side slightly, his gaze becoming more of a smolder..you started a fire with this one. Letting his tongue dance along his bottom lip as his finger..traced the rim of his glass. Clearing his throat before responding “Well I mean from these post it seems like your more curious as to what my tongue can do as opposed to my dick but hey..”  Leaning back slightly your face clearly reflecting that you were a little taken aback, but also impressed by his response..because again none of you ever had these types of conversations together before . I mean let’s get real they’re grown ass man but of course this isn’t a side of the boys the world got to see. IDOL world is completely different, more…tamed I guess you could say. They don’t talk about sex and girls the way some American artist can so freely, so this was brand new territory and you loved it.. ..His tone was so coy and laxed that all you could do was nod in agreeance the look on your face said “Touche”  Not sure if it was the liquid courage or if this was just the way they were behind closed doors but you had no complaints. There was something really sexy, knowing that it appears some of the fantsities you as fans think the boys are into might be true. The fact that they can be one way to world..and completely different behind closed doors had your skin on fire. I mean of course you see hints of it on stage and let your mind wander else were but fuck..it’s a whole other experience hearing it first hand, your panties were done for at this point.
 You watched the other boys go completely wide eyed at Yoongi’s comment…not surprised but surprised he took it there. Especially Namjoon as he glanced back at him “Oh please don’t even start bra master “ sticking out your tongue playfully as you successfully made him cringe at the reference .Out of habit,the conversation started breaking out in their native tongue briefly before they caught themselves. Switching back to English seamlessly  so you didn’t feel awkward… “Hyung I still Believe you just said that out loud! Damn I guess you’re officially the 8th member of BTS, because we don’t talk like this around anybody..but each other..” Jimin’s  eyes met yours smiling up at him, feeling pretty damn, good because one that means they were genuinely comfortable with you, and two, I mean fuck what girl wouldn’t love to talk kink fantasys  with the people there actually about. Especially because they kinda seem to be into it, I mean shit if that’s not something, to get yourself off to at night then I don’t know what is! Yet, through all this you couldn’t help but still glance back over at Jungkook . He was just so removed while the rest of you were having a ball, and that’s just not like him! “Hey I think I’m gonna go lay down..I just got really tired for some reason….” His eyes met Namjoons before he excused himself…”Night Kookie…” glancing over at him because it was clear he want going to speak..”Night…” Scrunching in your nose at how dry that response was ….
 You 10:30pm : Okay…what the fucks your deal????
BTW- I will also note this in part 1, as well as it’s kinda discussed at the end of part 1. These “Sessions” will not be rushed..in my mind this spans the last couple months of tour so Jan-April. Y/N gets to Tokyo Jan 1st btw, in all honesty in the two week period of her vacation I will probably only have her hook up with 2 of the guys and put a break in between for the others. It will be reference at the end of part 1 “If any other situations come up naturally in the future..and you choose to indulge, that’s completely up to you, but that dose NOT affect our dynamic”
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averagemarvelbitch · 6 years ago
The One Where Steve Proposes (Or Not)
Summary: Someone takes a picture of Steve and posts it on Instagram. The group chat goes nuts, Clint is way too emotional about all this and things are not exactly as they seem. Don’t trust what you see on the internet, that’s the first rule!
Tags: Stony, brief mention of Bruce/Thor
Chapters: 2/2
If you like it, leave a comment or send an ask!
Steve was sitting in his living room, staring at the black screen on his TV, his left hand covering his mouth and a part of his nose as he analyzed the entire evening yet again. Tony seemed fine before they went to the restaurant. He smiled when Steve complimented him and seemed very excited to go to Mario’s. He was fine at the restaurant too, but, now that Steve really thought about it, he seemed a bit anxious by the time dessert came. But, honestly? Tony was always anxious. From the moment Steve had met him, his mind never stopped working. So the fact that he was a bit fidgety wasn’t really too out of character for him.
And then, there was the watch. After he opened the little black box and saw the watch, everything seemed to change. Steve couldn’t understand. Tony loved that watch. And he knew his boyfriend had been really upset when the watch was destroyed in a fight with the Wrecking Crew. He really thought Tony would be happy to have one just like it. Of course, it wasn’t the exact same watch, but it was something, right? Steve had gone through a lot of trouble to get him that gift. Even paid a little fortune ― more than he was ever comfortable spending on anything, to be completely honest ― just to put a smile on his partner’s face. He couldn’t understand why Tony didn’t like it. Better yet, he couldn’t understand why Tony didn’t tell him why he didn’t like it.
Steve had to admit, that hurt a bit. They hadn’t started their relationship in the best way, but they had been together for two years now. He really thought they had reached a point in their relationship where they could be completely honest with each other. But apparently not, Steve thought, frustrated. He needed to talk to Tony. Find out what exactly had caused such a strong reaction, so they could work on it. Yes, that’s what I’m going to do. He was getting ready to get up and go straight to the workshop when the elevator doors opened and the rest of the Avengers stepped out, all smiling.
“Heeeeeeeeeey. Where’s Mr. Rogers?”
Steve looked at Clint, confused. “I’m… Right here?”
“Not you, American dream. The other Mr. Rogers”.
“We told him you two might want some privacy to celebrate, but he couldn’t be stopped”, Natasha explained, sitting down on the couch, “So, where’s your other half?”
“He’s at the workshop. I’m sorry, celebrate what exactly? What are you guys talking about?”
Natasha narrowed her eyes, looking at Steve like she disapproved of all of his life choices.
“You’re not kidding. Steve, what was in the little black box you had?”
“A watch”, he explained, still confused with the whole thing, “Remember, Tony was really upset over losing his watch on that fight with the Wrecking Crew, and the company didn’t make those anymore, so I pulled a few strings and I got him one. An exact replica. I thought he would be happy, but apparently not”, he finished in a bitter tone.
Everybody was silent. They looked at each other, unmistakable guilt in their eyes.
“Oh, this is bad”, Bruce broke the silence, shaking his head.
“I do not understand. I thought the Midgardian custom was to present your beloved with a ring, not a watch”.
“It is, Thor. Steve didn’t propose”.
This time, Steve looked absolutely horrified. “WHAT? You thought I was going to propose?”
“Well, yeah”, Clint replied, instantly defensive, “I mean, you’ve been together for two years, pretty much ever since you got defrosted like an overgrown chicken on steroids, and you always talk about how you’re going to spend the rest of your lives together. It was a safe assumption”.
“Why would I propose? It’s not like we can actually get married”.
“Why the hell not?”
“Because we’re both men, Clint”, Steve explained like he was talking to a five year old.
“Rogers, please tell me you don’t actually believe same sex marriage is illegal”.
Steve just stared at Natasha.
“ARE YOU KIDDING ME? You’ve been in this century for two years and a half and NO ONE told you that you can get married now?”
“We… We can get married?” Steve asked in a soft whisper.
“JARVIS, please show him”, Bruce asked with a small smile.
Suddenly, many windows appeared out of thin air, all around Steve. News about the LGBTQ+ pride parade, about the legalization of same sex marriage in many places, even pictures and videos of said marriages.
“We can get married. Holy shit, I can propose to Tony?”
“That’s what we thought was happening today. Actually, that’s what Tony thought was happening today”.
Steve’s smile disappeared, giving place to a horrified look.
“Tony thought I was proposing. He thought I was giving him a ring and it was just a stupid watch”.
“I’m sure it was a very mighty watch, nevertheless, my friend”, Thor spoke, slapping Steve in the back in solidarity.
The captain stood up, a determined look on his face, “I’m going to propose to Tony”.
“Yes, Clint, we heard, we’re right here”, Natasha replied, rolling her eyes. She turned to Steve, “How are you going to do it?”
He looked down for a moment, thinking. Then, he smiled. “I’m going to need your help”.
Tony had a terrible night. After not so subtly running away from Steve after their date, he locked himself in his workshop and stayed there for hours, just sitting on the couch, eating a bag of M&Ms while thinking of all the reasons why Steve wouldn’t want to marry him. Too old, too stubborn, too difficult, too narcissistic, workaholic; the words swirled inside his head, making his insides twist with grief. He knew the kind of man he was. And he was very much aware of how bad he was. And Steve, well, Steve was good. He was the best man Tony had ever met. He deserved better. And maybe he knew that too.
Sometimes, during his downward spiral, he had brief moments of lucidity when his brain would actually function properly. Steve loves me, he would think to himself, taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself, I wasn’t even thinking about getting married before Thor and the others told me about the proposal. We don’t have to get married right now. Maybe Steve does want to marry me, he’s just not ready for it right now. The words kept getting stronger and stronger inside his mind, shutting down the terrible thoughts that had threatened to engulf him before. By the time the bag of M&Ms was empty, Tony was already feeling better and decided to apologize to Steve the next day.
As it turned out, he didn’t quite have a chance to talk to Steve the next morning. He was woken up by a call from Pepper, telling him he was needed at the R&D department immediately and that Happy was already waiting outside for him. He quickly got dressed and sent a text to Steve from the car.
Emergency at SI. Lunch?
The answer came as soon as he sent it.
Can’t. I’ll see you tonight. Love you.
He smiled and sent Steve back a heart, drinking his coffee ― thank God Happy had been smart enough to stop at a coffee shop ― and thinking of how exactly he was going to explain himself to Steve later.
It was almost 7 PM when Tony finally got back home. He had spent the entire day putting out fires ― sometimes literally ― and, every time he thought he was done, Pepper would show up with something to sign or a problem to solve. He was tired. He was hungry. He wanted a hot shower, some food, and a bed ― preferably with 180 pounds of prime American beef right on top of him.
He was so tired he almost didn’t see the post-it stuck on the elevator doors. He frowned at the small, yellow piece of paper before taking it.
Penthouse. I’m waiting.
- SR
Curious, he got into the elevator and asked JARVIS to take him to the penthouse.
“Is Steve up to something, J?”
“I believe the Captain has prepared something special for you, sir. You’ll see”.
Soon, the elevator doors opened. Tony looked around, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. The entire floor was covered in flowers. White, red, pink roses. Everywhere he looked. And right in the center of the room was Steve, wearing a suit and looking more nervous than Tony had ever seen him look.
“What’s all this?”, he asked, walking towards his partner.
“I’m sorry for making you wait”.
Tony was confused. “Wait for what?”
“Tony. I came into this century with nothing. No home, no family, no hope. I was bitter, depressed, angry at everything and everyone. And I didn’t think I would ever fit in here, that this was my punishment: living in a world I fought so hard to save, but never truly being a part of it. I’d accepted my fate like a dying soldier accepts his defeat. Until you.”
Steve took a step closer and softly touched Tony’s face, a small smile on his lips.
“I’m not going to lie, it was not love at first sight”, he said, making Tony laugh, the tears in the corner of his eyes threatening to spill, “But now I see, sweetheart, it would’ve been impossible for me not to fall in love with you. You’re amazing, Tony. You gave me the chance to be the man I’ve always wanted to be. You showed me happiness like I had never felt before in my entire life. You accepted my past and made me look forward to the future. You made me feel like I belong in this world. I can’t imagine my life without you. So…”
In that moment, Steve went down on one knee, taking a small black box from his jacket and opening it to show a simple, silver ring. The brunette stood there, completely paralyzed, brown eyes staring into blue ones full of love and hope.
“Tony Stark, will you marry me?”
“Yes”, he whispered, with a smile so big it hurt his cheeks, “yes, I’ll marry you”.
Steve smiled as he put the ring on his boyfriend’s ― no, fiancé’s ― finger, quickly getting up and pulling Tony into a deep kiss.
“I’m sorry to interrupt, Captain, Mr. Stark. I would like to offer my congratulations and pass along a message from Mr. Barton. He would like to know if they can come in because he and the other Avengers are, and I quote, “dying out here”.
The newly engaged couple laughed and authorized Jarvis to open the elevator doors. Immediately, Clint jumped out.
“Congratulations, Tony, Steve”, said Bruce, hugging his ‘science bro’, as Tony had dubbed them.
“Congratulations, my friends! There is no happier occasion than when two mighty warriors decide to share not only the battlefield, but also their lives”, Thor offered, almost taking Steve off the ground with his hug.
“Thanks, you guys. For everything”.
“Okay, I just ordered a shit ton of food, Pepper is on her way with Happy and Rhodey and we are going to CELEBRATE”.
“I really think they would rather celebrate alone, Clint”, Natasha informed her friend while hugging and congratulating Tony.
“Don’t worry. We’ll have plenty of time to celebrate just the two of us later, right?” Tony said suggestively to his fiancé.
“So gross. I’m so happy for you guys. We’re just missing one tiny little thing”.
“Yeah?”, Steve asked, laughing, “What’s that?”
Tumblr media
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maree-ff · 6 years ago
“Bro...what’s going on with you and your girl?” Tariq asked just as he passed me another shot.
I threw the shot back and juggled the glass in my hand just staring off into space. “We’re trying man. We agreed last month that we would work on us but idk if it’s working. It’s like nothing has changed. Not much anyway.” I shrugged.
“You still love her right?” He questioned just as two random broads came walking in, talking loudly to each other. Riq and I both looked over at them leaning on each other for support, clearly drunk as hell.
Throwing my head back against the cabinet I focused more so on the bottle of Jack in front of me. “There’s no question. I love that girl with all my heart. I just don’t know what more to do and neither does she. The thing is, out of nowhere she’ll call me to come over at the strangest fucking times. I feel like I’m ripping out a page from my old playbook or some shit.” I chuckled dryly.
“The hours of three to six in the morning is fucking hours.” He joked. The two women that walked in made their way over to where we were and the weird tension in the air made me uncomfortable. For some reason I’ve been feeling all types of vibes from women lately. Ever since the girls got in trouble last month, Camila and I said we would work on our relationship. She said she wanted me to move back in and I did for like two weeks. It didn’t feel the same and that hurt me. She didn’t treat me differently, our dynamic as a couple just felt off. So I’m still living by myself but I still get to see my kids everyday.
And it’s like ever since then, whenever I come into contact with other women, I get this feeling I can’t explain. I can’t explain it to Camila. Every time a woman looks at me I feel like she’s giving the eye. They’re all starting to give off that vibe like they want to throw themselves at me. I’m not sexually frustrated at all because Camila keeps me satisfied even with our struggles. But these broads out here are on some next level shit. Sometimes I do get more attention than I would like and sometimes I come in contact with chicks who make passes at me. And they’re bold too!
“What’s going on Tariq..” one of the girls asked leaning on the counter.
“Come on..I know y’all see us talking. Go back downstairs.” Riq said with an irritated look on his face.
“Ok..no need to be hostile. Everybody is just asking where the host of the party is that’s all. What about you?” The second chick spoke up boldly, making her way over to me. She hit with that look and stood next to me with her arm resting comfortably on my leg.
Cocking my eyebrow at how bold this girl became in just a matter of seconds, I pushed her arm off of me. “He ain’t interested. Kat, get ya girl before she gets her feelings hurt.” Tariq warned looking at the first girl who was still failing to win over my boy.
“Aw come on, I don’t mean any harm. I just wanna talk to him. What do you say handsome? Wanna come dance with me?” She asked moving in between my legs.
On cue as if God was looking out, my phone started vibrating in my pocket. I pushed old girl back some so I could reach into my pocket. Seeing Camila’s face on my screen had me rushing to get out of this messy situation. “Hey baby..” I answered boldly, staring the girl dead in her face.
Her happy, prideful, look faded in seconds after I said “baby”. I couldn’t help but laugh internally at how hurt she looks.
“Did I call you at a bad time?” Cam asked softly.
“Nah, you called at the perfect time. Hold up..” I said hopping off the counter and maneuvering around these drunk bitches. “What’s going on? You ok?” I asked her going into an empty room and shutting the door so I can have some privacy.
“I miss you, can you come over when you’re done with whatever you’re doing? Unless you don’t want to then that’s ok..” the silence on her end made me instantly feel guilty that she thinks I wouldn’t want to see her. This is what I meant by I don’t know what else to do. She calls me like this knowing damn well I’m gonna come over no matter what time it is.
“Why you treating me like I’m one of your old fuck buddies?” I said going to stand next to the window. I looked out at Tariq’s backyard seeing people still enjoying themselves downstairs.
“I’m not. I just don’t want you to feel obligated to come and see me.” She sighed sounding defeated.
“Baby..” I began watching Tariq come into view. He was kicking some people out for trashing his yard. “You make it sound like coming to see you is like going to work. I actually enjoy seeing your face so don’t think just because it’s two in the morning that I won’t come by. What are you doing up this late?”
“I literally..just got Ali to go to sleep. How he managed to stay up this late, I really don’t know. He’s laying in your spot now with his little ball shorts on and he’s shirtless. He looks so cute baby you should see him.” She giggled quietly.
The fact that Jorden can only sleep through a night and peacefully at that dressed like me is such an honor. I’m his comfort just like his mother is mine. I need her like he needs me. Because as I have said a thousand times before, without Camila there is no family.
Shaking my head at my sneaky and adorable son, I walked over to the door and pulled it back. I left the spare bedroom seeing no one around. “I miss that kid. I tell you what..get him in his bed and make room for me in ours.” I bargained.
“I’ll do my best. One more question..do you miss me?” She asked seriously. I pulled my phone away from my ear and glared at it wishing I could show her my face for real.
The bitch who tried pushing up on me earlier reappeared and looked my way. As she made her way over to me I couldn’t help but fight the urge to cuss her out. Why? Because this same broad has been on my ass all fucking night. From the moment I walked in the door, shorty has been close behind me like a shadow.
“Yeah I miss you. What kind of question is that?” I retorted.
“I just like to hear you say it. It makes me feel good.” She mumbled, shifting around. I heard a low groan which I know came from Jorden.
“I got something else that can make you feel good too..” I smirked watching the girl’s face fall again. I love messing with bitches that don’t have a chance with me. I do this whenever I can because explaining that I’m not interested never seems to resonate with women this day and age. So any chance I get to speak to Cam in front of other women makes my day so much better. “As a matter of fact, I’m on my way right now. Be naked when I get there.” I stated proudly.
“I’m halfway there..you just have to finish the job. I’m gonna put Jorden down. Drive safely papi I love you.” Camila blew me a kiss through the phone.
“Love you too baby. I’ll see you soon.” I said my bye and hung up. Sliding my phone back into my pocket I stuck around to see if this girl would explain why she’s been on me all night. “Do you have something to say? You’ve been shadowing me all fucking night and you will not leave me alone.” I said, annoyed that I’m even standing here.
“I’m not sure. I’ve been debating all night whether or not I wanted to make a move on you but I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She said, exhaling sharply.
“That sure didn’t stop you from invading my personal space not even ten fucking minutes ago. I get on the phone with my girl and look you dead in your face and you can’t seem to take a hint. Why did you even come back up here? Fuck all that, just stay away from me if you see me again.” Throwing my hands up I walked around her and downstairs to find Tariq. “Yo..” I called getting his attention.
“You out?” He asked walking closer.
“Yeah nigga I’m out. Holla at me tomorrow if you tryna get into something.” I gave him a brotherly hug and dipped. A good nut will help shake these weird feelings. I hope.
Closing the door behind me I took my shoes off and quietly headed to the back. I stopped by the girls’ room to check on them like I always do and gave them love. I left their room before going upstairs to see my little man. His soft snores invaded my ears the second I hit the last step.
“My fucking seed.” I chuckled quietly. Going over to the door I gripped the handle and quietly pushed my way in. Jorden was lying on his back with his hand tucked in his shorts. I leaned on the door frame just to watch him in his prime. I love this boy so dearly. I can’t believe he’ll be preschool this coming fall. It feels like just yesterday I was watching him come into the world. Now almost four years later and he’s grown so much. He looks like me, tries to talk like me, and he acts like me sometimes. Jorden is me in another life.
“He’s adorable isn’t he?” A soft voice spoke from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Camila on the last step in some of my old clothes.
“Very. How long did it take you to get him to go to sleep?” I asked feeling her hands touch my arms and slide down to my hands. Looking down to see her wrap her arms around my torso and tease like she was trying to take my shirt off. She didn’t but she damn sure made it seem as if that’s what she was getting ready to do.
“An hour. Well almost an hour. How was your day?” She quizzed, hugging me from the side.
I threw my arm around her shoulder to draw her closer to me. Being next to Mil after not really seeing much of her today has me missing her more than usual. We spoke on the phone earlier but I haven’t been by the house since early yesterday morning. “It was ok. How was yours? Anything new happen?” I asked.
Anytime we don’t get the time to sit down and have an extended talk about what’s been going on with our kids, she’ll give me a brief update. I’m at the house so much throughout the week but on days that I can’t be I still like to know if anything new is going on with my kids. Their health and well-being means everything to me.
“No. Jorden was helping me wash and fold clothes earlier. He sat on the dryer and separated a load with me. I got a little emotional because he never helps me with laundry. He’ll usually just hug my legs or sit on the floor and watch me. He’ll point out if I drop a sock or something and give it to me so I don’t have to stretch my back out so much. I’m so proud of the little boy he’s becoming Dre. He’s so helpful in so many ways and I die when he uses his manners. All I’ve ever wanted is for our kids to grow up well mannered and respectful to their family even if to no one else.” Camila explained, turning halfway around to look at our son turn over and cuddle up with his one of Zoe’s stuffed lion.
The left side of his face was squished by the toy but we knew not to touch him. Jorden is so much like me when he’s sleeping. So that means don’t touch us at all or you’re gonna for a have hell to pay. We adjust ourselves when we’re ready.
“I love him so much. I love them all so much.” I said leaning into kiss the top of her head. I closed my eyes at the calming scent of her freshly washed hair.
“Go get comfortable, I have one last load I need to take care of.” Camila separated from me leaving me with a hard dick and a frustrated mind.
“She always does this shit.” I huffed, jogging down to the room. I peeled my shirt off the second I stepped into the bathroom heading to get the water going. I took a quick shower since she wasn’t joining me this time. When I got out I could smell some type of herb in the air that I didn’t recognize. “Always doing some weird shit Maree..” I chuckled to myself.
I stood at the sink and brushed through my hair, taking care of a few other things as well. Turning the light off and walking out into the room, I stopped in my tracks seeing Cam enter the room at the same time as me. Her body adorned this black long sleeve, part lace part sheer, bodysuit. She eventually broke down the terminology of lingerie and what every piece is properly called. For her to be wearing something like this in black, gives off a whole new vibe that I’m picking up from her. She rarely and I mean rarely wears black lingerie, let alone a black bra. And I am living this look on her.
“That new?” I asked breaking the ice first. She nodded curtly and shut the door behind her. I heard the lock turn and that’s when I took note of everything that’s different in the room. She’s got three groups of big ass candles in various spots of the room, adding the perfect low light setting. The bedspread is now red and the sheets are white. “What’s going on?” I asked again, meeting her halfway.
“I told I miss you. My dad is coming to get the kids in the morning. They’re gonna stay with him until Monday night. So we have the house to ourselves for a couple days.” She disrobed me of my towel and threw it behind me eagerly. Her hands hungrily pushed me to our sitting area. My back suddenly touched bases with the chair, Camila dropped to her knees and got to work immediately. Her mind is already made up about what it wants. She’s on a different level than I am and in order for us to be on the same page, she didn’t want to waste time on continuing on with her secret little plan.
Either way we both get what we want and there’s no harm done.
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